Neat job Fenris, I live in the UK and have just picked this kit up from my local LIDL supermarket at a bargain price, the marking are for a civil aircraft in red and silver.
Very nice!!! I'm seriously contemplating picking up one of those just for fun. I will say, be very mindful with the struts portion; it's a bit tricky and fiddly to get it to go in nicely.
Neat job Fenris, I live in the UK and have just picked this kit up from my local LIDL supermarket at a bargain price, the marking are for a civil aircraft in red and silver.
Very nice!!! I'm seriously contemplating picking up one of those just for fun. I will say, be very mindful with the struts portion; it's a bit tricky and fiddly to get it to go in nicely.
Love that final result with the green!
Thanks! I do too, I think that green complements it quite nicely! Was why I went with that option haha
Great build, that green looks fantastic!
Thank you! I quite love that shade of green, yeah, it works really well with the plane!
An excellent build of an excellent plane!
Can't believe it's taken me so long to get around to building one!
Looks awesomearino
Haha thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it!
Superb job, that looks so good!
Thanks! I'm really happy with it, and it was nice getting back to aircraft models.
Nice work