OnlyMorris123 you can't compare the Soviet low quality aid which barely arrived,to the planes and tanks and soldiers that Germans,Italians and Portuguese gave
Im Filipino and I remember reading somewhere on the web that back in the years of the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish in the Philippines, especially in Manila (before Manila was destroyed in WW2 by the Japanese) were gripping their chairs on what was happening in Spain. Some were for the Nationalists while some were for the Republicans. And yes, in case you are wondering, even after Spain lost the Philippines in 1898 to the US, some Spanish people stayed in the PH to continue their business or maintain their haciendas, and they were badly affected by the Japanese in WW2.
Cuando los japoneses asesinaron españoles en Filipinas. (Los confundieron con americanos) Franco propuso mandar un batallón de voluntarios españoles. Para vengarlos. Pero EEUU lo desestimó, alegando razones logísticas. (La verdad es que muchos filipinos añoraban los tiempos de España) Y temían alguna estratagema. Pues Franco era amigo de Hitler y Mussolini. Estoy felizmente casado con una mujer filipinas. Un saludo desde España.
Ptaku93 All you have to know, is that Madrid was besieged by the Nationalists. The Republicans were like "MADRID WILL NEVER BE INVADED BY THE FASCISTS! IT WILL REMAIN UNDER THE REPUBLICANS!"
+Emil Larsson People isn't supposed to know all the important cities of Spain, only today i have seen videos of civil wars of Spain, Russia, Italy, Yugoslavia, etc... and im not going to see a map each second. Moreover adding a few x where important cities are is easy, and in cases like this the cities were very important as sometimes the coup failed in the cities but not in the surrounding villages.
Hey everyone. The reason why the Nationalists are painted in red and the Republicans in blue is because, in mapping, red represents the attacking country/territory/etc, while blue represents the country/territory/etc that is being attacked. (and sometimes defender) And no, April 1st isn't Fools day in Spain. It's December 28th here :) Nice video btw
It would be better the colours reversed, for the meaning that has the red with the republicans and the blue with the nationalists in Spain, but great map!
I dug VERY hard into the records of the spanish civil war and found out spanish equatorial guinea was taken october 6th by nationalist forces, the nationalists occupied spanish sahara main city (Rio De Orio) the occupied its coast and then sent an spanish infantry division and secured the whole spanish sahara colony. The colonial campaign took roughly 3 weeks
@@highqualitygrunt8195 when I wrote this comment 2 years ago there was a complete lack of information about the spanish civil war in the colonies, it was extremely unclear so I tried to put information together in order to figure it out.
@@elprofesormorenoceiplaseno293 By the end of the war Soviet aid had expanded the popularity and influence for communist, so much so that they were able to take over the popular front. The Republic didn't lose because of foreign intervention. they lost because they failed to centralize their factions, as they began to lose the war the republic fell apart internally.
@@tekmogm5979 soy español. Ya habrás visto ayer y hoy medio twitter izquierdista insultado a toda Murcia, son los mismos que si atacas la ideología separatista te dicen que atacas a (toda) cataluña, son muy coherentes ellos. La izquierda actual es lo más quintacolumnista de su propio país y su población que te puedas echar a la cara, yo fuí comunista y hoy día las izquierdas españolas me producen asco, lastima que aquí tengamos a los liberastas conservadores de VOX y no un partido cómo el FN francés, con un partido republicano, obrerista, centralista y que asumiera el problema migratorio lo que quedara de las izquierdas en el Congreso cabría en un taxi.
To my knowledge, Francisco France was not the leader of the Nationalists until mid-way through the war. And neither were the Nationalists a Falangist group, it was only once all factions were fused into a single party could the Nationalists be considered even remotely Falangist. Even then, it isn't technically accurate because the Falangists were in power in name only, since Franco himself was a conservative who wanted to restore the monarchy, whilst the Falangist movement advocated for a Republic of Workers' Syndicates and were anti-Capitalists.
Yes, there was General Mola, who coined the phrase 'La quinta columna' 'the fifth column' when asked which of his four columns would take Madrid first. He was killed during the war and Franco rose in prominence after that.
They may have claimed anti-Capitalism but in many ways so did the Nazis. When you go back in time to that era, there is a very big difference between different groups that claimed words like "socialism" and "anti-Capitalism". Meanwhile, the actual groups on the left, like the Republicans in Spain, or the Socialists (The Sozis) and Social Democrats in Germany, were what we typically view as the left, anti-nationalist and anti-fascist. The Falangists and Nationalists may have claimed to be pro-worker, just like the Nazis, but when they came to power they instituted a Nationalist, fascist agenda. They jailed any actual leftists, supported the Nazis (minus military support), and still many volunteered to fight for the German military.
Rbnc They were liberals, social democrats, Anarchists, Stalinists, Marxists. That was their downfall. Franco had such brutal control over his politics that he could screw over the more moderate conservatives without fear of betrayal. The Republicans had to appease everyone, lest they became the very thing that they were fighting against.
@@ashenone3050 han pasado 80 años, dudo que aún quede alguien del conflicto que lo haya vivido en el frente y de forma activa en cualquiera de los dos bandos
They actually send troops to help Nationalists. Remember they had a non-democratic system since 1925, and a government very similar to Mussolini's. To sum up, more fascism...
I have family who was on both sides of the conflict. On my father side, my greatgranparents were communist leaders of the party in their hometown, as they were factory workers, and on my mother side, my greatgranparents were with franco because he had businesses and it was best for its interests.
@@anselmo4952 plenty of people at the time would have judged them just as harshly as I do now. In fact, perhaps you’ve heard, they felt so strongly they fought a civil war over it? Fascism was despicable then and it’s just the same now.
Many Spanish Republicans were Communists who usually use red as their color. By the way, the Spanish Nationalists formed a voluntary division to help Nazis in WWII whose name is "the Blue Division".
楊立強 he Puts Blue for the defender and Red for the attacker , if there's other he puts a random color , usually a color of the flag of the forces that attack
OtroMás A quick goolge search yields that the popular front consists of both communist and democratic parties, the communists only gained greater influence later in the civil war, but by then they lost anyway.
@@liamclarkpiano4559 a commie trying to be edgy. Pathetic. I'd like to provide examples of how commies got killed by the opposition in the past, but nothing tops the amount of commies killed by their own dictators.
@@jorgeserna8411 when did I ever say I supported communists? You’re too stupid to realize anti nazi doesn’t equal pro commie, but you’re too full of shitty propaganda points to realize normal people can hate fascists.
Tursiops truncatus yeah, the republic tried to create a government in exile in Guinea somehow (but no one wanted to go there so it just fell easily to the nationalists )
@Frederick Kellett noo, one side is spr (pretty sure the side you pick) and the other is d01(d01 are for newly formed nations that don't have a tag) I'm pretty sure i haven't played Spain in a while But hey, op still works
The "Nationalists" (they are called "Nationals" in Spain, by the way) were not "a falangist group led by General Francisco Franco", as the description says. In fact, Falangist were only a small portion of all the combined social forces of the Nationals: carlists, monarchists, liberal-conservatives, falangists, etc.
En su mayoría eran falangistas y se les conocen en España como el bando sublevado además después de la guerra los falangistas se consolidaron el poder con la dictadura de Franco
@@lolimalvarcodeseira5779 Lo de que la mayoría eran falangistas lo dice usted. La Falange no dejaba de ser una fuerza política residual en la República, y por mucho que el Régimen luego hiciera suya mucha de la simbología falangista, e hiciese la extraña e imposible unificación con los carlistas como partido único, lo cierto es que la ideología falangista apenas está presente en el Régimen pasados pocos años desde la guerra. El alzamiento, además de falangistas, lo protagonizan muchos militares sin una gran significación política más allá de comprender que el sino irremediable de la República ya sólo podía ser el bolchevismo y que era alzarse o morir. Queipo de Llano, López Ochoa, Sanjurjo, Mola... habían conspirado 6 años antes de un modo u otro para acabar con la monarquía y traer la República, y de falangistas no tenían nada. Otros militares eran de tendencia más carlista, monárquica, cedista, liberal, etc. Lo de "bando sublevado" es una opción más, de toda la vida fue el bando nacional, y el otro el bando republicano.
Liberal-conservatives would come to power much later (1957-1975) after the failure of the previous economical reforms the regime saw the need to change and adapt to improve it's economy and relations with foreing powers. By this time the only two legal parties were "Falange Española y de las JONS" (falangist) and "Comunión Tradidicionalista" (carlist) . This would go on from 1936 to 1942 when Franco inspired by fascist Italy and nazi Germany unified both parties creating a single party regime which he would lead. This party would adopt the blue jacket uniform from Falange, the fascist salute, and the carlist red hat this symbols were adopted by Franco himself.
Creo que se ha entendido perfectamente bien lo que digo en mi comentario: es evidente que en el momento del alzamiento en el bando nacional había una parte de políticos y militares de tendencia liberal-conservadora, antiguos simpatizantes del Partido Republicano Radical, del partido de Melquiades o de la misma CEDA, sin ir más lejos. Más que nada porque en el 36 la alternativa a la que lleva el Frente Popular es bolchevismo o alzamiento. Por eso gentes de lo más heterogéneas confluyen en el alzamiento. No he dicho en ningún momento que la primera política del régimen de Franco fuera liberal-conservadora. Es evidente que durante 4 o 5 años la tendencia es más bien a los fascismos, pero dura poco, sobre todo porque en la España católica no había un caldo de cultivo para que se pudiera implantar un verdadero fascismo, que es una ideología moderna por antonomasia. A partir de ahí la tendencia, lentamente y aún bajo simbologías falangistas o tradicionalistas (unión imposible en sus principios filosóficos, por cierto), es hacia una proto-democracia cristiana, es decir, un liberal conservatismo, que en los 60 y 70 se hace evidente.
@@kikamen Creo que estaremos de acuerdo en que simpatizar parcialmente con un movimiento e influenciar en él son dos cosas muy distintas, considero que es correcto decir que los nacionales eran un grupo falangista-carlista porque estaban liderados de forma autoritaria por falangistas y carlistas y eso se mantendría así hasta que los conservadores más moderados ganasen influencia a los falangistas y carlistas gracias en parte a Franco al cual le interesaba moderar su política y era conocedor de que como has dicho el falangismo en España no era viable ni económicamente ni socialmente. Que el fascismo y el tradicionalismo son incompatibles ya lo sé es obvio para cualquiera que conozca ambas ideologías pero eso no evito que Franco las obligase a coexistir y "colaborar" hasta que pudo minimizar su influencia, solo hace falta ver hasta que punto Franco consolido su poder durante la dictadura que fue capaz de colocar al candidato alfonsino en el trono en vez de al carlista, el cinismo y oportunismo de Franco fue lo que permitió la supervivencia del régimen. Yo no calificaría el régimen franquista como una proto-democracia cristiana, porque el régimen buscaba perpetuarse, no cumplía los valores cristianos y democráticos y no era democrático, además "proto-democracia cristiana" es un tanto ambiguo ya que se podría argumentar que sin secularización no hay democracia y que por tanto no existe tal cosa como una democracia cristiana ya que los valores de ambas ideas se contradecirían, aunque si tal cosa existiese pienso que sería algo más similar al Estados Unidos del siglo XIX.
@@yuzuha3909 Ok easy to all of u, Portugal supported Franco yes, but not totally military and took no part in the conflict. Heather way, this guy just wanted to do a joke, so easy to mates, easy go
It really helps to understand the war better. My grandad fought on both sides. Initially for the republicans where he was injured by mortar fire and then he had to switch sides. Now I understand how he made the jump from Asturias to Bilbao to Valencia.
Most of the international volunteers would have rather died as they tended to not be taken prisoner. Unless you an ideologue however (and most were instead conscripts) then changing sides was more than sensible so long as the other side was winning (and guess what the nationalists spent the entire war doing). Also the terrible management and constant political bickering disillusioned many to the Republican side, later on it was probably wiser to be an ex-communist in a fascist unit on the nationalist side than a Trotskyist on the republician side at all. Desertion was a massive issue for the republicans though the latter part of the conflict and without the international volunteers the war likely would have been a lot shorter.
i will recomind you to organize the colours in the opposite way. During the spanish civil war, the Bando Nacional wore blue shirts, and were always represennted with the blue colour by propaganda, and the Bando Republicano with the red one
and there are 3 commanders, republicans, anarchists, communists and then the nationals apollo by the Nazis, the Italians and the Portuguese, among those who fought against the Franquista were also met by simple differences, Republicans against comunsitas in Barcelona a thousand dead.
Recuerdo la historia que contaba mi abuela de como su madre tubo que arrastrar en un viejo carro de madera el cuerpo aun caliente de mi bisabuelo por toda la ciudad, ya que ninguna iglesia quería ayudar a enterrarlo, la causa, vivir en Barcelona y por lo tanto haber luchado por la república. Por lo visto mi bisabuelo era cristiano y nunca lucho contra el catolicismo, nunca quemo una iglesia ademas tenia amigos curas y amigos que defendían la monarquía. Era un hombre honrado y trabajador que se preocupaba principalmente por su familia. Siempre que hay guerra se realizan actos horribles, yo creo que es porque la guerra es la excusa perfecta para que personas furiosas y malévolas realicen esa clase de actos atroces pudiendo salir indemnes, ya que la culpa de sus actos se diluye a todos los de el bando que representa, esto se aplica siempre, independientemente del bando que luches. Pensar que los "fachas" eran elitistas, crueles y racistas o que los "rojos" unos quemadores de iglesias comunistas, solo demuestra lo simple que es tu manera de pensar, la poca cultura que tienes y lo sugestionable que eres... y esa clase de mentalidad es la causa real de los actos de terrorismo.
ser fascista es tener una ideologia criminal y dogmatica. Ahora bien, la gran mayoria que lucho en ese bando apenas tenia ideologia simplemente eran forzados a luchar y no se les puede culpar.
Terry Hintz Mi abuelo era republicano pero tuvo que luchar con los nacionales porque sino le mataban. Y eso seguro paso a muchiiiiiisima gente en ambos bandos.
Mi bisabuelo fue fusliado por 3 niñatos comunistas por ser un hombre de misa y trabajador. Mi padre me conto como lo fusilaron en el patio de detrás de casa, justo después de haber ayudado a parir a una de sus vacas, aún estaba cubierto de la sangre del parto. Y a mi abuelo le obligaron los mismos a servir en la Leva del Biberón. Con lo que el régimen, después, lo considero ex-republicano y lo envio a servir en el norte de África (el más duro de los destinos). Así que palos para todos y de parte de todos. Por dar un ejemplo. Así són las guerras.
The Nationalists weren't Falangists. They only were one of the groups led by Franco, and they were: -Conservative right monarchists -Carlists -All the right-wing political parties. -Falangists -African military officers
@Cacatua Joe vamos a ver jefe, una cosa es lo que haga el Gobierno y otra cosa es lo hablar del país, la República tenía una Constitución que actualmente muchos países desearian tener, el problema fueron sus gobernantes ineptos, no se puede criticar a la República sino a los ineptos que la gobernaron
@@vivaelbetis2086 oh yes anything you dont support must be far right. in reality, with the laws that came after. you could probably sum up the war better by saying marxists (varying degrees depending on which republican group) vs royalists and anti communists (of varying degrees depending on faction)
En España había dos guerras civiles en 1936 por un lado luchaban los republicanos contra los nacionalistas y en la zona republicana había otra guerra civil entre los comunistas y los anarquistas. En la zona nacionalista había un solo jefe y en la zona republicana, había muchos jefes.
el gobierno de azaña , era una amalgama de chorizos y separatistas analfabetos q la liaron parda, pero, incluso q la basura del gobierno de sánchez con psoe podemos eta separatas etc etc ... cuando oficialmente estalló la guerra españa estaba en estado de excepción y el gobierno de azaña, "gobierno" se dedicaba a ir matando y asesinando a sus anchas por españa adelante. me dan asco los paletos de izquierda analfabetos q solo saben crear violencia y odio.
Un jefe? Si, primero Mola...fallecido en accidente de avión. Luego Serrano Suñer... Fallecido en accidente de avión. Franco fue el tercero, que por casualidad, tenía muchos hilos en la aviación española, su hermano fue un hito en la historia de la aviación española, por ejemplo. Casualidad, no creo
El contenido, a parte de que no es demasiado detallado, dista bastante de estar bien. Por ejemplo Zaragoza estuvo durante toda la contienda en manos rebeldes y su zona en el mapa está pintada de azul. La zona de Aragón tiene toda la linea demasiado hacia el oeste y no refleja situaciones como la Bolsa de Bielsa.
Correcto en la provincia de Zaragoza hubo zonas que siempre fueron del bando Nacional, lo sé porque mi abuelo estuvo en ese frente, y estuvo en Zaragoza, luego el Ebro
Had a professor in college who had escaped the war as a child with either his father or an older brother (I don't recall exactly). He never found out what happened to the rest of his family members.
This war made me. My grandfather lived in Spain during the Franco period. He beat up a national police man so he was forced to leave the country or he would be sentenced to dead. After hard working in divergent Western European countries he arrived in the Netherlands where he met my grandmother
@@lafsp9652 Oh shut up, and don't give us BS about your grandfather needing to leave Spain because he attacked a policeman. There were incredibly few executions in Spain in the decades after the war ended. Your grandfather was in no danger of execution.
Muy bien hecho! Saludos desde España! Very well did it! Greetings from Spain! PD/PS: Puedes hacerlo pero con las Guerras Carlistas? You can did it but with the Carlists Wars?
@@TripleZetta las guerras carlistas fueron tres guerras, si mal no me acuerdo, que se libraron en España en el siglo XXI, a mediados más o menos, no voy a ponerte la fecha exacta coño de :v. La causa fue la muerte del rey Fernando VI, que solo tenía una hija, Isabel II. Se esconde los huevos una ley para que fuera reina cuando iba a morir. Ascendió al trono Isabel II la gorda, llamada en mi familia xd. Carlos, el hermano del difunto rey, no le gustaba nada no reinar España y al igual que muchos otros en esa época, mucho menos que ocupará un trono una mujer. Entonces comenzaron las guerras carlistas (ya sabrás pues de donde viene el nombre), entre los liberales (no t lo voy a explicar tb, el s.XIX en España es un truño licuado de ideas) que apoyaban al gobierno e Isabel II, y los conservadores o monárquicos que apoyaban a Carlos de Borbón. Este se fue a Navarra, donde el estaba el epicentro carlista (vamos Navarra!!!, Es mi tierra xd), aunque tb habia otras zonas especialmente rurales y en el norte de España, como gran parte de los Pirineos, País Vasco (menos Bilbao, que fue después conquistada por los carlistas, VAMOS!!!) parte de la cornisa cantábrica, Galicia, y otras zonas aisladas porque yolo. Bueno en resumen, eran otras guerras civiles más en España, pero yo personalmente me siento muy orgulloso de mis antepasados, aunqe claro, una guerra es una guerra :(
Alvaro De Grandes Mine was fighting with the Republicans at the Siege of Madrid and after the war he was sent to prison by the Nationalists for 6 years. My grandfather told me the terrible conditions he was living in.
It's sad that there's an association in Hispanic or Latin regions with democracy and communism. I met a guy from Spain whose grandpa fought in this war with the nationalists (very old, like 99-yrs-old) and his grandpa to this day kept telling him that democracy is a communist plot and for the weak. My Brazilian friend's grandpa was a soldier in the 1964 coup and said the same thing. "One day, you'll learn the facts." I was shocked at this, "wait, there were people who LIKED the horrible people the CIA propped up?" Apparently so. Some of the elderly in these countries (and, thanks to the new rise in nationalism, some of the younger people, especially in Brazil) really don't like democracy. In Spain they don't have a Bolsonaro figure (yet...), so it's more common for the younger people to just not know what the hell's going on in their own government or even care about what's going on. They're used to the concept of the government being 'taken care of' by others...
I am very happy to see how other countries apart from Spain remember this war because we feel a little forgotten by the history, thank you very much everyone!
I'm pretty much sure everybody remembers Spanish Civil ar, especially in moments when there is a internal tensions in one's country, there are also voices "Oh no, let's not end up like Spain in the 1930's" 😞
Free peoples Communist yep initially Franco was sympathetic to the axis because they were fellow fascists, but couldn’t join because at that point Spain is still a smoldering wreck. Around 1940-41 Hitler did ask Franco to give military access so the former can get to Gibraltar, but Franco’s demands in return was so high and lofty that it infuriated Hitler, and he even threatened to give Catalonia to Vichy France if Franco keeps demanding too high. In the end, no one could agree on anything so nothing happened. After this, Spain held passive support for the allies, and that is one of the reasons why the allies kept Franco around after the war and even into the Cold War.
@@radopon Franco said with his own word I hope I never ever will meet this hitler ever again he is awful But in my opinion Germany should just have attacked Spain They had like max 10-20 divisions with no good generals and unorganised
@@leo13246 10 divisions... nope only the nationalist army (we could add republicain soldiers to defend the country) had more than 1.000.000 of soldiers when finished the civil war, thats like 55 divisons poor equiped yes but with experience in a country with full of mountains and without infrastructure maybe it was a pain for hitler to conquer it and if he does guerrilla
@@radopon Franco's demands were indeed high, Grain, weapons, planes and a ton of land, demandas were so high that some historians say that they were purposely so, that way he didn't have to enter anhother bloodbath and, despite common belief Franco wasn't really a facist/national socialist, he was closer to your typical hispanic dictator, in other circumstances instead of a "dear leader" Franco, there would have been a military junta.
Alfonso XIII (Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio de Borbón y Habsburgo-Lorena; 17 May 1886 - 28 February 1941) was King of Spain from 1886 until 1931. Alfonso was monarch from birth, as his father Alfonso XII had died the previous year. Until his 16th birthday in 1902, his mother, Maria Christina of Austria, served as his regent, in a period which saw Spain lose its Caribbean and Pacific colonies during the Spanish-American War. Due to family ties to both sides, Alfonso kept his kingdom neutral in World War I (1914-1918). From 1923 to 1930, Alfonso supported the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera. In 1931, in the face of overwhelming popular rejection, Alfonso fled the country as the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed. In exile, he retained his claim to the defunct throne until 1941, when he abdicated in favour of his third son Juan. He died six weeks later.
@@cesarpro2363 Spain was one of the best and most advanced countries of its time. He was the first to complete the world tour with Magellan and he discovered most of the American continent. Spain resisted and defeated Napoleon's army when it invaded us. Furthermore, the Spanish Army was even older than Napoleon's army.
Hi! I'm Spaniard and I think it should be better if you marked with blue the Nationalist and with red the replicans. It have an important mean to us because Franco hated the "Rojos" (Red in English), which were the republicans from left
Look fine gentleman, I'm sorry if I appear mean, or dangerous, I'm currently in a bad mood after seeing these comments, and I shouldn't really care because your comment is 5 years old... BUT OH MY GOD IN THE MAPPING COMMUNITY RED MEANS AGGRESSORS AND BLUE MEANS DEFENDERS, THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IDEOLOGY.
@@CalvinNoire So what you're telling us, is that the whole mapping community got it wrong! You can still make it correctly! Sorry to be pushing your buttons, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist (although I was one, once) to tell you that the red army of China and the CCCP use red as their color, as apparently did the Republicans of Spain, and the Khmer Rouge (Red Army).
Thanks for the map video anyways. It would have been nice if there were some historical write-up about it also, since at least here in the US, and probably many other readers learn a lot about other countries like England and Germany and our history is somewhat biased against Spain as the enemy of England, so we don't hear much about it.
@@tomgreene7942 you can use any color you want, but, mapping guys use the red and blue color to make the aggressor/defender, why? Because it's commonly used. The colors in mapping do not in fact correlate to the ideology of the country. The mapping videos I've seen that doesn't use the red and blue color scheme generally use a color from their flag, or a color that looks good, heck they could even copy colors from strategy games. NP : )
You can find it as Loki - Victory Couldn't find neither answers nor questions in the comments so I'll post this here, even if you don't want it anymore :D
"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death." Leonardo da Vinci
Probably one of the most important and interesting preludes to WW2. Albeit not directly related. Even when studied independently, it is very interesting read.
@@JuanJose-fw2uq Se refiere a que los Republicanos eran comunistas (lo cual es de hecho falso) por eso deberian tener el rojo, y los "Nacionalistas" (fachos) el azul.
In all truth if the Republicans won they would have turned Spain into a soviet puppet state. All of the romantic propaganda around the war in the west has led people to believe it was the people defending democracy and resisting dictatorship. In reality the war was a conglomeration of many factions in a culture war that had all written off democracy as a failure. Extremism was fueled by the belief on both sides that their opposition would show no mercy.
@@glennmartin802 Considering that Franco literally tried to launch a military coup against a democratically-elected government, it's only natural the Republicans are regarded as the legitimate defenders of Spanish democracy. And the pro-Soviet socialists were only one faction out of many in the war, and it's questionable whether would the Republicans have turned into a puppet state had they managed to nip the fascists in the bud before they could properly mobilize.
@@glennmartin802 You're right. The Republic was literally ruled by the Popular Front which was a coalition of all the leftist groups led by the socialists of PSOE (who began to grow sympathies towards the USSR), alongside the anarquists of the CNT FAI, communists of the PCE (the communists were at that point a secondary party but they would eventually grow more halfway during the war to the point of leading the government after the events of May 1937) and the catalonian separatists. After the supporters of these groups won a manipulated election in February of 1936, violence began to be unstoppable: they began making arrests, murders and persecutions of anyone who was either catholic or right wing (or even suspicious of being one). The brother of my grandfather was killed at the gates of their town by militia men. Some people also ignore that the military coup was organized and planned by General Mola (a Republican who was dissapointed on how caotic the situation was), who at the same time was following instructions of General Sanjurjo, a monarchist who was exiled in Portugal. Franco only joined the coup at the very last minute when he received the news of the murder of the conservative politicians Calvo Sotelo in the 13th of July at hands of assault guards without any repercution from the government.
@@glennmartin802 you have not studied the history of the Spanish republic right? From 1931 to 1933 we had a left wing government, who made reforms such as secularization, public education, rights for women (vote, study...), agrarian reform to distribute the land for peasants... From 1933 to 1936 we had a right wing government, when the war started in July 1936 it was because a left wing coalition called Frente popular won the elections, and the monarchists, right wing Republicans, the church, the big landowners did not like it because it meant continuing with reforms. So a coup started in Melilla and several generals in other parts of Spain joined the coup; they were not able to take Madrid and the war started. During the war we had different governments presided by socialists like Quiroga, Giral, Largo Caballero or Juan Negrín but we never became a marxists-leninist state like the USSR and though the communist party gradually grew in members and influence, never got the power. Did Stalin help the republic? Yes, but far less than Hitler and Mussolini helped Franco, and at one point he abandoned Spain. When Franco took power Spain became a catholic, totalitarian, fascist state and all the progress of the republic was lost until the arrival of democracy in the late 1970s. And now we are a US puppet state as all NATO members.
"Spain is the strongest country in the world, it has been trying to destroy itself for centuries and has never succeeded." - Otto Von Bismarck
esa cita es apócrifa
Wasn’t a phrase like that made for the Ottoman Empire by it’s sultan?
it has been trying to destroy itself*
@@Al-zd8ou AHAH True
He actually said that?
Don't be silly - every HOI player knows the truth: that the nation suddenly split into two equal halves on one day.
haha yea
Not so equivalent since Franco has the colonies and two nations help
Commie monarchist Mapper USSR supported the Republicans
OnlyMorris123 you can't compare the Soviet low quality aid which barely arrived,to the planes and tanks and soldiers that Germans,Italians and Portuguese gave
dgo mxwll well,the nationalists were mainly regular army and the Republicans were militias so makes sense
Nationalists: 160 000
Republicans: 305 000
@Jake Beaudry
I know. I'm fellow Hoi4 player too.
Is this including executions and reprisals?
Republicans were indisciplined and then nationalists won.
Ehhhh,yours numbera are wrong
Your movement is dead
Im Filipino and I remember reading somewhere on the web that back in the years of the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish in the Philippines, especially in Manila (before Manila was destroyed in WW2 by the Japanese) were gripping their chairs on what was happening in Spain. Some were for the Nationalists while some were for the Republicans.
And yes, in case you are wondering, even after Spain lost the Philippines in 1898 to the US, some Spanish people stayed in the PH to continue their business or maintain their haciendas, and they were badly affected by the Japanese in WW2.
Interesting I had not heard of this before.
Wow, that kind of sounds like supporting a sports team
Cuando los japoneses asesinaron españoles en Filipinas. (Los confundieron con americanos) Franco propuso mandar un batallón de voluntarios españoles. Para vengarlos. Pero EEUU lo desestimó, alegando razones logísticas. (La verdad es que muchos filipinos añoraban los tiempos de España) Y temían alguna estratagema. Pues Franco era amigo de Hitler y Mussolini. Estoy felizmente casado con una mujer filipinas. Un saludo desde España.
un kebab boh como entra ahora con una cocacola y to
ToFlex1 Barcelona has a port and good infrastructure so troops still have supplies
And took out the port before killing the divisons
yes but shoulden't catalonia have an anarchist uprising?
if map had cities shown, it would be insanely better
Ptaku93 All you have to know, is that Madrid was besieged by the Nationalists. The Republicans were like "MADRID WILL NEVER BE INVADED BY THE FASCISTS! IT WILL REMAIN UNDER THE REPUBLICANS!"
Julos S Under the famous Republican quote NO PASARÁN (they won't pass)
Juan Díaz Casado Yes, true
@Heer Kommando Sta Celia Gámez 😂
@Heer Kommando y estarás orgulloso
Should have marked important cities.
Suyash Shreekant should have known important cities.
I agree, it would be very informative to give the exact location of at least Madrid and Barcelona
+Emil Larsson People isn't supposed to know all the important cities of Spain, only today i have seen videos of civil wars of Spain, Russia, Italy, Yugoslavia, etc... and im not going to see a map each second.
Moreover adding a few x where important cities are is easy, and in cases like this the cities were very important as sometimes the coup failed in the cities but not in the surrounding villages.
you can tell when they take madrid because the war end and the rest of the country goes red.
Thomas Bodifee, and Valencia (it was the de facto capital of the republic since November 6th of 1936)
I love Spain and the Spanish people! Greetings from Greece!
Thanks partner ;)
Greetings Brother!
Whats up bro
Hi descendant of Alexander the Great, do you know about the War of the Stray Dog?
hello sir im spanish and i m happy about you love spanish ty! ^^
Spain: *loses to Spain*
Spain:Did I won?
More better=
-Hey spain
-Are you winning or lossing?
Spain: i see this as an absolute win
@Sirius Stark Al Ghul we won
@Sirius Stark Al GhulBien dicho, hermano español. Saludos desde Italia
@Sirius Stark Al Ghul hubiera sido peor con los comunistas en el gobierno, España ganó, dentro de las posibilidades nefastas que había.
Every hoi4 player
Wow did basque even survive till ‘37?
That’s Asturias
The Basques have stayed in their homeland since time immemorial. They're not gonna budge anytime soon.
because of the mountains
Thats the Principado de Asturias
Thats Asturias, one of the most leftist regions in Spain, they have a lot of minery.
Hey everyone. The reason why the Nationalists are painted in red and the Republicans in blue is because, in mapping, red represents the attacking country/territory/etc, while blue represents the country/territory/etc that is being attacked. (and sometimes defender)
And no, April 1st isn't Fools day in Spain. It's December 28th here :)
Nice video btw
In Menorca they celebrate on April 1st a kind of April fools 'Dia d'enganyar' and in galicia too but yeah
It would be better the colours reversed, for the meaning that has the red with the republicans and the blue with the nationalists in Spain, but great map!
i not understand is not a problem when the natioanlists painted red because the nationalists was bad peoples
Soviet Russia has left the chat
Max Fariña Aquí en Galicia no, donde vives?
I dug VERY hard into the records of the spanish civil war and found out spanish equatorial guinea was taken october 6th by nationalist forces, the nationalists occupied spanish sahara main city (Rio De Orio) the occupied its coast and then sent an spanish infantry division and secured the whole spanish sahara colony. The colonial campaign took roughly 3 weeks
If you don't mind me asking how do I find war records?
@@przezyc1890 "my source is that i made it the fuck up"
@@co_rusut”How about you actually do the research to see if he’s legit instead of assuming immediately like a brain-dead know-it-all”
Wdym you dug very hard? The spanish sahara campaign is literally on wikipedia's spanish civil war maps
@@highqualitygrunt8195 when I wrote this comment 2 years ago there was a complete lack of information about the spanish civil war in the colonies, it was extremely unclear so I tried to put information together in order to figure it out.
Today is the 80th anniversary of the end of the war
@BlackFuckingMamba Stop using the N-word as an insult.
@BlackFuckingMamba Stop using that N-word.
@@yurisakazaki7334 nigga
@@yurisakazaki7334 nigguuh
What if they just said "April Fools, let's keep this government" because the war ended on April 1
+Dominic Bennett On Spain "April Fools" celebrates on December!
O, goddamnit
+miguelastico93 No...
+Fox DaGamer ?
Dominic Bennett
3:25 Spanish Civil War
3:33 Spanish Civil War when Hitler sends Heavy volunteers for the XP
@@GenossePaul Not really, the republic got plenty of help from Stalin.
I.P Freely What are you talking about?
@@elprofesormorenoceiplaseno293 By the end of the war Soviet aid had expanded the popularity and influence for communist, so much so that they were able to take over the popular front. The Republic didn't lose because of foreign intervention. they lost because they failed to centralize their factions, as they began to lose the war the republic fell apart internally.
I.P Freely The republic was socialist not communist
For anyone who search for the back music its called
A Hero Theme - MK2
Loki Victory
Thanks so much man
"Republican Spain has capitulated"
You had one job republican, just hold out until my 100 division volunteers that would probably break your supply line come
Ah yes, fellow HOI4 player.
Thst was nice, republican planned to give Mussolini the Baleares islands.
@@zamirroa Viva, Il Duce!!!
Other people: "oo they encircled Catalonia!"
Me, an HOI4 Player: "DAMN PORT!"
@@helixx4678 ALL you had to do is follow the train CJ
Yeah lol
I'm from catalonia😔
3:33 "Mr. Stalin i don't feel so good"
My region Murcia (not Murica) was republican until the last day. Now everybody votes right parties ironically.
@@tekmogm5979 soy español. Ya habrás visto ayer y hoy medio twitter izquierdista insultado a toda Murcia, son los mismos que si atacas la ideología separatista te dicen que atacas a (toda) cataluña, son muy coherentes ellos. La izquierda actual es lo más quintacolumnista de su propio país y su población que te puedas echar a la cara, yo fuí comunista y hoy día las izquierdas españolas me producen asco, lastima que aquí tengamos a los liberastas conservadores de VOX y no un partido cómo el FN francés, con un partido republicano, obrerista, centralista y que asumiera el problema migratorio lo que quedara de las izquierdas en el Congreso cabría en un taxi.
Tiempo al tiempo. De todos modos, esperemos a ver cómo sale de ésta Sánchez.
To my knowledge, Francisco France was not the leader of the Nationalists until mid-way through the war. And neither were the Nationalists a Falangist group, it was only once all factions were fused into a single party could the Nationalists be considered even remotely Falangist. Even then, it isn't technically accurate because the Falangists were in power in name only, since Franco himself was a conservative who wanted to restore the monarchy, whilst the Falangist movement advocated for a Republic of Workers' Syndicates and were anti-Capitalists.
Se dice Franco.
Quite accurate man
Yes, there was General Mola, who coined the phrase 'La quinta columna' 'the fifth column' when asked which of his four columns would take Madrid first. He was killed during the war and Franco rose in prominence after that.
They may have claimed anti-Capitalism but in many ways so did the Nazis. When you go back in time to that era, there is a very big difference between different groups that claimed words like "socialism" and "anti-Capitalism". Meanwhile, the actual groups on the left, like the Republicans in Spain, or the Socialists (The Sozis) and Social Democrats in Germany, were what we typically view as the left, anti-nationalist and anti-fascist. The Falangists and Nationalists may have claimed to be pro-worker, just like the Nazis, but when they came to power they instituted a Nationalist, fascist agenda. They jailed any actual leftists, supported the Nazis (minus military support), and still many volunteered to fight for the German military.
Just to correct the description, the nationalists weren't all falangists. There were also Carlists.
Mola ta errekete gelditu dira bertan.
And Africanist* (like Franco), Falangism was on the begining a civilian movement.
The falange absorbed the carlists, depending on when you look there were quite a few nationalist parties.
Fascists are Fascist no matter Franco, Hitler or Musolini or USA and UK!
Drdeki Petrovic Comedy? Or do you have no clue what fascism is?
It would be more logical to colour republicans Red, cause they were socialists/communists
Blue usually means defender, red aggressor. That is how things are mostly color coded for these videos.
wouldn't it have been more logical to have the republicans be purple and the fascists be red?
+MasterM34 no, we always called rojos (reds) to the republicans, and azules (blues) to Franco
Europe Mapping that's what they said
Rbnc They were liberals, social democrats, Anarchists, Stalinists, Marxists. That was their downfall. Franco had such brutal control over his politics that he could screw over the more moderate conservatives without fear of betrayal. The Republicans had to appease everyone, lest they became the very thing that they were fighting against.
You missed the canary islands, which were one of the first regions of the national side
What about Spanish Sahara
They're the first so there was no fighting it was just the mainland there would be fighting
@@hiiamnicehiiamnice5697 la palmas fue nacionalista y la demas islas republicanas al principio
Nationalists didn't even bother to conquer El Hierro until 1938
Music in the video?
HOI4 players: Wait, where´s the anarchist commune? That´s in every historical game!
And it existed, but, well... It collapsed in like two days
@@lepizuf883So just like every other Anarchist commune ever?
it would be better if
1. u showed the cities
2. it was slower
3. there was discription
4 if you would change the colors...
@@rubencerezo2677 5. If u understood the general meaning of red and blue in mapping
6. If you brought popcorn.
@@ChloekabanOfficial 7. If you put the songs name
@@crestita 8. If you thought of something that's trollproof.
Y yo q pensaba q los comentarios serian otra pequeña guerra civil pero la gente es bastante divilizada, se agradece
Porque hablan inglés xd
@@arnaufernandezdopico6601 es pq no son psrte del conflicto , no pq hablen ingles
@@ashenone3050 han pasado 80 años, dudo que aún quede alguien del conflicto que lo haya vivido en el frente y de forma activa en cualquiera de los dos bandos
@@arnaufernandezdopico6601 me referia mas bien a los "bandos políticos" , no a la gente que lucho en la guerra o vivió la posguerra
@@ashenone3050 los supuestos bandos políticos son un conjunto de charlatanes, tanto unos como otros
You can't spell Spain without *pain...*
Check it out: España 😜
@@bauti12 in English tho
@@bauti12 España 😎👌
Can't spell Spain without bread
You can't spell Spain without talk 😎
Spain: WAR!1!1!1!2
Portugal: *eating popcorn*
They actually send troops to help Nationalists. Remember they had a non-democratic system since 1925, and a government very similar to Mussolini's. To sum up, more fascism...
@@mario_banon Yup, Estado Novo
I have family who was on both sides of the conflict. On my father side, my greatgranparents were communist leaders of the party in their hometown, as they were factory workers, and on my mother side, my greatgranparents were with franco because he had businesses and it was best for its interests.
Anda como yo (lo de que mi familia estuvo en los 2 bandos)
My family too. And the brother of my father enlisted with 13 years in the Red band while my father was fighting with the nationals.
Your mother's grandparents were some nasty pieces of work then.
You don't judge the people of pass time according your set of values.
@@anselmo4952 plenty of people at the time would have judged them just as harshly as I do now. In fact, perhaps you’ve heard, they felt so strongly they fought a civil war over it? Fascism was despicable then and it’s just the same now.
You got wrong color. The Republicans should be red and the Nationalists should be blue.
楊立強 What makes you think that?
Many Spanish Republicans were Communists who usually use red as their color. By the way, the Spanish Nationalists formed a voluntary division to help Nazis in WWII whose name is "the Blue Division".
楊立強 he Puts Blue for the defender and Red for the attacker , if there's other he puts a random color , usually a color of the flag of the forces that attack
I am from Spain, and the Republicans were communists, even the 2 Republic of Spain was communist.
OtroMás A quick goolge search yields that the popular front consists of both communist and democratic parties, the communists only gained greater influence later in the civil war, but by then they lost anyway.
Would be helpful if you could see the cities
I mean, learn shit. So then you don't need labeling. Madrid is in the middle, Barcelona in the top right of Spain on the Ocean...
Max W Yeah but where is Seville, Murcia and more? I know where these are, but i think not everybody else knows where they are located at.
Why are there so many dickturds in the comments saying "Learn more about it" like bruh, get your shit together
Dots without names would be nice.
Learn shit? Well why are you watching this vid? Aren't you supposed to know this too
I love bringing my friends into HOI4 and making them play Spain immediately, seeing them lose and their faces is priceless.
Who doesnt start in HOI4 playing as Germany and trying to win? I know I did.
Meanwhile HOI4:
Civil War ends within 2 Months upon the German (or Soviet) Volunteers arriving.
Francisco Franco: Two spains, the nationalists who feared me and the Republicans who feared me a lot
Eso es del trap de Franco en el intermedio xD
Actually in the "Nationalist" part of Spain Franco was more loved or at least tolerated as a lesser evil, than feared.
@@CrazyLeiFeng He was not loved but supported. The socialist coup in remaining republican spain was way more supported
@Raine Cowles No, he is a hero, you dumb satanist pig
Actually Franco didn’t have relevance till the end of the war xD
Greek civil war please 1943-1949
Καλη ιδέα. Γιατί όχι ?
1946- 1949 εμφυλιος ελληνικος πολεμος
Greece vexam
Άντε ναι να δούμε και τους δικούς μας προδότες
+Bae, come over.
-I can’t, I am fighting commies!
+I am home alone.
- 3:33
The Republicans weren't communist but there was a communist faction within Republican Spain.
Every Republican/Libertarian/Cuckservative is a commie in closet. Monarchism/Fascism is the only way forward.
@@lordofhostsappreciator3075 then tell me why it didn't work so well?
@@liamclarkpiano4559 a commie trying to be edgy. Pathetic.
I'd like to provide examples of how commies got killed by the opposition in the past, but nothing tops the amount of commies killed by their own dictators.
@@jorgeserna8411 when did I ever say I supported communists? You’re too stupid to realize anti nazi doesn’t equal pro commie, but you’re too full of shitty propaganda points to realize normal people can hate fascists.
You should have also included the Canary Islands, the Spanish Sahara and Equatorial Guinea.
Tursiops truncatus yeah, the republic tried to create a government in exile in Guinea somehow (but no one wanted to go there so it just fell easily to the nationalists )
Tursiops truncatus dolphins helped in the civil war?
There was no Nationalist over there anyway
So it would be pointless
Little Late, but the colonies were taken in october 1937. it took 30 days for them to take them all.
"The day in which Spain stops self-destructing will be a great nation."
"spain is a superpower, it has tried to destroy itself for years and has not succeded"
Can yall say who quoted it?
@E ZA No, it’s Bismark.
@E ZA Sadly we have shitty politicians
@@ortherner Bismarck.
3:34 When you delete all the enemy's divisions in Hoi4 using commands.
delall SPR
Deleteallunits D01
Imagine doing that when you can just use the op and the annex console commands
@Frederick Kellett noo, one side is spr (pretty sure the side you pick) and the other is d01(d01 are for newly formed nations that don't have a tag)
I'm pretty sure
i haven't played Spain in a while
But hey, op still works
The "Nationalists" (they are called "Nationals" in Spain, by the way) were not "a falangist group led by General Francisco Franco", as the description says. In fact, Falangist were only a small portion of all the combined social forces of the Nationals: carlists, monarchists, liberal-conservatives, falangists, etc.
En su mayoría eran falangistas y se les conocen en España como el bando sublevado además después de la guerra los falangistas se consolidaron el poder con la dictadura de Franco
@@lolimalvarcodeseira5779 Lo de que la mayoría eran falangistas lo dice usted. La Falange no dejaba de ser una fuerza política residual en la República, y por mucho que el Régimen luego hiciera suya mucha de la simbología falangista, e hiciese la extraña e imposible unificación con los carlistas como partido único, lo cierto es que la ideología falangista apenas está presente en el Régimen pasados pocos años desde la guerra. El alzamiento, además de falangistas, lo protagonizan muchos militares sin una gran significación política más allá de comprender que el sino irremediable de la República ya sólo podía ser el bolchevismo y que era alzarse o morir. Queipo de Llano, López Ochoa, Sanjurjo, Mola... habían conspirado 6 años antes de un modo u otro para acabar con la monarquía y traer la República, y de falangistas no tenían nada. Otros militares eran de tendencia más carlista, monárquica, cedista, liberal, etc. Lo de "bando sublevado" es una opción más, de toda la vida fue el bando nacional, y el otro el bando republicano.
Liberal-conservatives would come to power much later (1957-1975) after the failure of the previous economical reforms the regime saw the need to change and adapt to improve it's economy and relations with foreing powers.
By this time the only two legal parties were "Falange Española y de las JONS" (falangist) and "Comunión Tradidicionalista" (carlist) . This would go on from 1936 to 1942 when Franco inspired by fascist Italy and nazi Germany unified both parties creating a single party regime which he would lead.
This party would adopt the blue jacket uniform from Falange, the fascist salute, and the carlist red hat this symbols were adopted by Franco himself.
Creo que se ha entendido perfectamente bien lo que digo en mi comentario: es evidente que en el momento del alzamiento en el bando nacional había una parte de políticos y militares de tendencia liberal-conservadora, antiguos simpatizantes del Partido Republicano Radical, del partido de Melquiades o de la misma CEDA, sin ir más lejos. Más que nada porque en el 36 la alternativa a la que lleva el Frente Popular es bolchevismo o alzamiento. Por eso gentes de lo más heterogéneas confluyen en el alzamiento. No he dicho en ningún momento que la primera política del régimen de Franco fuera liberal-conservadora. Es evidente que durante 4 o 5 años la tendencia es más bien a los fascismos, pero dura poco, sobre todo porque en la España católica no había un caldo de cultivo para que se pudiera implantar un verdadero fascismo, que es una ideología moderna por antonomasia. A partir de ahí la tendencia, lentamente y aún bajo simbologías falangistas o tradicionalistas (unión imposible en sus principios filosóficos, por cierto), es hacia una proto-democracia cristiana, es decir, un liberal conservatismo, que en los 60 y 70 se hace evidente.
@@kikamen Creo que estaremos de acuerdo en que simpatizar parcialmente con un movimiento e influenciar en él son dos cosas muy distintas, considero que es correcto decir que los nacionales eran un grupo falangista-carlista porque estaban liderados de forma autoritaria por falangistas y carlistas y eso se mantendría así hasta que los conservadores más moderados ganasen influencia a los falangistas y carlistas gracias en parte a Franco al cual le interesaba moderar su política y era conocedor de que como has dicho el falangismo en España no era viable ni económicamente ni socialmente.
Que el fascismo y el tradicionalismo son incompatibles ya lo sé es obvio para cualquiera que conozca ambas ideologías pero eso no evito que Franco las obligase a coexistir y "colaborar" hasta que pudo minimizar su influencia, solo hace falta ver hasta que punto Franco consolido su poder durante la dictadura que fue capaz de colocar al candidato alfonsino en el trono en vez de al carlista, el cinismo y oportunismo de Franco fue lo que permitió la supervivencia del régimen.
Yo no calificaría el régimen franquista como una proto-democracia cristiana, porque el régimen buscaba perpetuarse, no cumplía los valores cristianos y democráticos y no era democrático, además "proto-democracia cristiana" es un tanto ambiguo ya que se podría argumentar que sin secularización no hay democracia y que por tanto no existe tal cosa como una democracia cristiana ya que los valores de ambas ideas se contradecirían, aunque si tal cosa existiese pienso que sería algo más similar al Estados Unidos del siglo XIX.
Very nice :D
What is the first track?
. . . .
S&F Production What is the last track?
What's the last track?
i need last track name
Major HOI4 flashbacks
Portugal and Andorra: *grab popcorn*
Portugal supported to franco
Search viriatos up you ignorant
Portugal supported francl
@@yuzuha3909 Ok easy to all of u, Portugal supported Franco yes, but not totally military and took no part in the conflict. Heather way, this guy just wanted to do a joke, so easy to mates, easy go
Neather way sorry*
It really helps to understand the war better. My grandad fought on both sides. Initially for the republicans where he was injured by mortar fire and then he had to switch sides. Now I understand how he made the jump from Asturias to Bilbao to Valencia.
He had to switch? Most would rather die then switch.
@@asturiasceltic3183 He was 16. Anyway, everyone was a hero except that Franco won and ran the country with little opposition for over 30 years.
Most of the international volunteers would have rather died as they tended to not be taken prisoner. Unless you an ideologue however (and most were instead conscripts) then changing sides was more than sensible so long as the other side was winning (and guess what the nationalists spent the entire war doing). Also the terrible management and constant political bickering disillusioned many to the Republican side, later on it was probably wiser to be an ex-communist in a fascist unit on the nationalist side than a Trotskyist on the republician side at all. Desertion was a massive issue for the republicans though the latter part of the conflict and without the international volunteers the war likely would have been a lot shorter.
@@asturiasceltic3183bro i would rather switch sides. You get to prob live longer + spain will survive anyways
@@AverageNapoleonicDude Sis, neither side would want you.
I heard Catalonia DLC should be coming out soon.
I heard California DLC should be coming out soon.
indefinitely late
It's on an indefinite hiatus.
I heard my victory DLC should be coming out soon
i will recomind you to organize the colours in the opposite way. During the spanish civil war, the Bando Nacional wore blue shirts, and were always represennted with the blue colour by propaganda, and the Bando Republicano with the red one
Chill dude
Wow. It's not that big mistake.
and there are 3 commanders, republicans, anarchists, communists and then the nationals apollo by the Nazis, the Italians and the Portuguese, among those who fought against the Franquista were also met by simple differences, Republicans against comunsitas in Barcelona a thousand dead.
Well. But the people that is not from Spain, most likely don't know about it how the uniforms were.
look it up the uniform?
Recuerdo la historia que contaba mi abuela de como su madre tubo que arrastrar en un viejo carro de madera el cuerpo aun caliente de mi bisabuelo por toda la ciudad, ya que ninguna iglesia quería ayudar a enterrarlo, la causa, vivir en Barcelona y por lo tanto haber luchado por la república.
Por lo visto mi bisabuelo era cristiano y nunca lucho contra el catolicismo, nunca quemo una iglesia ademas tenia amigos curas y amigos que defendían la monarquía. Era un hombre honrado y trabajador que se preocupaba principalmente por su familia.
Siempre que hay guerra se realizan actos horribles, yo creo que es porque la guerra es la excusa perfecta para que personas furiosas y malévolas realicen esa clase de actos atroces pudiendo salir indemnes, ya que la culpa de sus actos se diluye a todos los de el bando que representa, esto se aplica siempre, independientemente del bando que luches.
Pensar que los "fachas" eran elitistas, crueles y racistas o que los "rojos" unos quemadores de iglesias comunistas, solo demuestra lo simple que es tu manera de pensar, la poca cultura que tienes y lo sugestionable que eres... y esa clase de mentalidad es la causa real de los actos de terrorismo.
ser fascista es tener una ideologia criminal y dogmatica. Ahora bien, la gran mayoria que lucho en ese bando apenas tenia ideologia simplemente eran forzados a luchar y no se les puede culpar.
Marcos Perez Más de acuerdo contigo no puedo estar, prejuicios o polarizaciones ideológicas, es, sinceramente, desaprovechar tu racionalidad
Terry Hintz de toda mi familia nadie fue forzada a luchar
lucharon voluntaria y orgullosamente como prácticamente todos
Terry Hintz Mi abuelo era republicano pero tuvo que luchar con los nacionales porque sino le mataban. Y eso seguro paso a muchiiiiiisima gente en ambos bandos.
Mi bisabuelo fue fusliado por 3 niñatos comunistas por ser un hombre de misa y trabajador. Mi padre me conto como lo fusilaron en el patio de detrás de casa, justo después de haber ayudado a parir a una de sus vacas, aún estaba cubierto de la sangre del parto. Y a mi abuelo le obligaron los mismos a servir en la Leva del Biberón. Con lo que el régimen, después, lo considero ex-republicano y lo envio a servir en el norte de África (el más duro de los destinos). Así que palos para todos y de parte de todos. Por dar un ejemplo. Así són las guerras.
The Nationalists weren't Falangists. They only were one of the groups led by Franco, and they were:
-Conservative right monarchists
-All the right-wing political parties.
-African military officers
Yeah but to make it clear all this groups were far right
@Cacatua Joe vamos a ver jefe, una cosa es lo que haga el Gobierno y otra cosa es lo hablar del país, la República tenía una Constitución que actualmente muchos países desearian tener, el problema fueron sus gobernantes ineptos, no se puede criticar a la República sino a los ineptos que la gobernaron
@@vivaelbetis2086 Tu eres tonto?
What think spanish people about falangism
@@vivaelbetis2086 oh yes anything you dont support must be far right. in reality, with the laws that came after. you could probably sum up the war better by saying marxists (varying degrees depending on which republican group) vs royalists and anti communists (of varying degrees depending on faction)
*Election presidentiel in usa:*
*election presidential in spanish:*
No, Franco Do a State Hit (I dunno how It Called un English, sorry mate)
@@JavierIvan-mb5pt a state hit jjjajajajaja
That will probably happen after 2020 Election, hopefully not though.
@@JavierIvan-mb5pt Coup. That’s how it is called.
Family fled the country during the war. My father, from what I was told, was born on the boat that left Barcelona.
I'm curious about the music.
En España había dos guerras civiles en 1936 por un lado luchaban los republicanos contra los nacionalistas y en la zona republicana había otra guerra civil entre los comunistas y los anarquistas.
En la zona nacionalista había un solo jefe y en la zona republicana, había muchos jefes.
por no decir que la republica de democratica tenia poco
el gobierno de azaña , era una amalgama de chorizos y separatistas analfabetos q la liaron parda, pero, incluso q la basura del gobierno de sánchez con psoe podemos eta separatas etc etc ... cuando oficialmente estalló la guerra españa estaba en estado de excepción y el gobierno de azaña, "gobierno" se dedicaba a ir matando y asesinando a sus anchas por españa adelante. me dan asco los paletos de izquierda analfabetos q solo saben crear violencia y odio.
@@jaimesoler5543 Ya ves, los comunistas ni siquiera tenian la intencion de crear una democracia
Un jefe? Si, primero Mola...fallecido en accidente de avión. Luego Serrano Suñer... Fallecido en accidente de avión.
Franco fue el tercero, que por casualidad, tenía muchos hilos en la aviación española, su hermano fue un hito en la historia de la aviación española, por ejemplo. Casualidad, no creo
El contenido, a parte de que no es demasiado detallado, dista bastante de estar bien. Por ejemplo Zaragoza estuvo durante toda la contienda en manos rebeldes y su zona en el mapa está pintada de azul. La zona de Aragón tiene toda la linea demasiado hacia el oeste y no refleja situaciones como la Bolsa de Bielsa.
Correcto en la provincia de Zaragoza hubo zonas que siempre fueron del bando Nacional, lo sé porque mi abuelo estuvo en ese frente, y estuvo en Zaragoza, luego el Ebro
In Hearts of Iron 4 I would've sent a few Mountain divisions and everything would've been finished before 1938.
@KMA 47 no shit sherlock
You forgot the anarchists in regions like Catalonia
Knowbrainer nah the CNT-FAI was defeated from outside forces
@Christian Jarvis no I think he was was replying to a different comment but then that person deleted that comment for some reason
I also wondered why CNT-FAI wasn't shown :(
hoi4 player moment
Collapsed in 2 days L
Had a professor in college who had escaped the war as a child with either his father or an older brother (I don't recall exactly). He never found out what happened to the rest of his family members.
Look like the people in the comments dont know nothing about Spain and the civil war.
German 17 anything*
German 17 YEP
Janoy Casanova It was.
Janoy Casanova Yes it was
can I use this video for a presentation?
@@jrelvas4676 eres muy tonto
This war made me. My grandfather lived in Spain during the Franco period. He beat up a national police man so he was forced to leave the country or he would be sentenced to dead. After hard working in divergent Western European countries he arrived in the Netherlands where he met my grandmother
viva Franco
@@fran282 say that to my face
@@lafsp9652 Oh shut up, and don't give us BS about your grandfather needing to leave Spain because he attacked a policeman. There were incredibly few executions in Spain in the decades after the war ended. Your grandfather was in no danger of execution.
@@fran282 No vive más
@@lafsp9652 OK, where do you live?
One of my favorite moments in balkan history
Que Slavoj Zizek's joke about Where is Balkan.
Muy bien hecho! Saludos desde España! Very well did it! Greetings from Spain!
PD/PS: Puedes hacerlo pero con las Guerras Carlistas? You can did it but with the Carlists Wars?
Que eran las guerras carlistas que no me acuerdo?
@@TripleZetta las guerras carlistas fueron tres guerras, si mal no me acuerdo, que se libraron en España en el siglo XXI, a mediados más o menos, no voy a ponerte la fecha exacta coño de :v. La causa fue la muerte del rey Fernando VI, que solo tenía una hija, Isabel II. Se esconde los huevos una ley para que fuera reina cuando iba a morir. Ascendió al trono Isabel II la gorda, llamada en mi familia xd. Carlos, el hermano del difunto rey, no le gustaba nada no reinar España y al igual que muchos otros en esa época, mucho menos que ocupará un trono una mujer. Entonces comenzaron las guerras carlistas (ya sabrás pues de donde viene el nombre), entre los liberales (no t lo voy a explicar tb, el s.XIX en España es un truño licuado de ideas) que apoyaban al gobierno e Isabel II, y los conservadores o monárquicos que apoyaban a Carlos de Borbón. Este se fue a Navarra, donde el estaba el epicentro carlista (vamos Navarra!!!, Es mi tierra xd), aunque tb habia otras zonas especialmente rurales y en el norte de España, como gran parte de los Pirineos, País Vasco (menos Bilbao, que fue después conquistada por los carlistas, VAMOS!!!) parte de la cornisa cantábrica, Galicia, y otras zonas aisladas porque yolo. Bueno en resumen, eran otras guerras civiles más en España, pero yo personalmente me siento muy orgulloso de mis antepasados, aunqe claro, una guerra es una guerra :(
Siglo XIX perdon, creo que ha sido él autocorrector xdd
Se saca de los huevos* otra vez el autocorrector
@@Chabier-mx2mzEres de Navarra xD? Sí soy de Tudela lol
So sad... My great grandfather suffered a lot during the spanish civil war. I admire him. 😢😢
Alvaro De Grandes Mine was fighting with the Republicans at the Siege of Madrid and after the war he was sent to prison by the Nationalists for 6 years. My grandfather told me the terrible conditions he was living in.
To the barricades my comrade.
My Grandfather fought for the Nationalists, suffered a lot, but it was all worth it because they defeated the commies, sorry about ur great granddad.
Lion Cub your grandfather was a fascist thug you should be ashamed.
Lord Hellas ...ashamed for saving Spain from Bolshevism? i don't think so, the shame is on you and all bolshevik terrorists.
04.01 what a great day to surrender.. Probably war was a joke.
Ha nice
Penmin _ No shit
A prank gone wrong I guess.
1000itar Polako 28*
It's sad that there's an association in Hispanic or Latin regions with democracy and communism. I met a guy from Spain whose grandpa fought in this war with the nationalists (very old, like 99-yrs-old) and his grandpa to this day kept telling him that democracy is a communist plot and for the weak. My Brazilian friend's grandpa was a soldier in the 1964 coup and said the same thing. "One day, you'll learn the facts." I was shocked at this, "wait, there were people who LIKED the horrible people the CIA propped up?" Apparently so. Some of the elderly in these countries (and, thanks to the new rise in nationalism, some of the younger people, especially in Brazil) really don't like democracy. In Spain they don't have a Bolsonaro figure (yet...), so it's more common for the younger people to just not know what the hell's going on in their own government or even care about what's going on. They're used to the concept of the government being 'taken care of' by others...
Some use the communists as an excuse to kill them and others (the US) use democracy to kill them anyway.
His Grandpa is a genius. ¡Viva Franco! ✋🏻
Grandpa sounds awesome
This doesent Look anything like hoi4 wich means its inacurate, redo
Jk hoi4 is a big turd when it comes to historical acuracy
This is great, i love it, keep up the good work
@@ceother1024 How tf is this r woosh
@@ceother1024 yeah what are whooshing?
3:38 FINISH HIM!!!
@@deathreaper206 Primo de Rivera*
@@salamedefinitivo939 Primo de Rivera?? It was Franco 😂
Primo de rivera was a falangist I think...
German Empire Ball he died
I am very happy to see how other countries apart from Spain remember this war because we feel a little forgotten by the history, thank you very much everyone!
@@foxtrottv2311 nel prro chinging tu madring pendejing
meperd0n as¿
I'm pretty much sure everybody remembers Spanish Civil ar, especially in moments when there is a internal tensions in one's country, there are also voices "Oh no, let's not end up like Spain in the 1930's" 😞
Please tell me the music I hate youtubers who don’t put the music
The Spanish civil war was the main reason Spain stayed out of World War Two
Free peoples Communist yep initially Franco was sympathetic to the axis because they were fellow fascists, but couldn’t join because at that point Spain is still a smoldering wreck. Around 1940-41 Hitler did ask Franco to give military access so the former can get to Gibraltar, but Franco’s demands in return was so high and lofty that it infuriated Hitler, and he even threatened to give Catalonia to Vichy France if Franco keeps demanding too high. In the end, no one could agree on anything so nothing happened. After this, Spain held passive support for the allies, and that is one of the reasons why the allies kept Franco around after the war and even into the Cold War.
@@radopon Franco said with his own word
I hope I never ever will meet this hitler ever again he is awful
But in my opinion Germany should just have attacked Spain They had like max 10-20 divisions with no good generals and unorganised
@@leo13246 10 divisions... nope only the nationalist army (we could add republicain soldiers to defend the country) had more than 1.000.000 of soldiers when finished the civil war, thats like 55 divisons poor equiped yes but with experience in a country with full of mountains and without infrastructure maybe it was a pain for hitler to conquer it and if he does guerrilla
@@radopon Franco's demands were indeed high, Grain, weapons, planes and a ton of land, demandas were so high that some historians say that they were purposely so, that way he didn't have to enter anhother bloodbath and, despite common belief Franco wasn't really a facist/national socialist, he was closer to your typical hispanic dictator, in other circumstances instead of a "dear leader" Franco, there would have been a military junta.
@@celeridad6972 and i believe Franco also wants the debt to Germany and Italy for their support for him in the Civil War to be forgiven too
Alfonso XIII (Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio de Borbón y Habsburgo-Lorena; 17 May 1886 - 28 February 1941) was King of Spain from 1886 until 1931.
Alfonso was monarch from birth, as his father Alfonso XII had died the previous year.
Until his 16th birthday in 1902, his mother, Maria Christina of Austria, served as his regent, in a period which saw Spain lose its Caribbean and Pacific colonies during the Spanish-American War.
Due to family ties to both sides, Alfonso kept his kingdom neutral in World War I (1914-1918).
From 1923 to 1930, Alfonso supported the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera.
In 1931, in the face of overwhelming popular rejection, Alfonso fled the country as the Second Spanish Republic was proclaimed.
In exile, he retained his claim to the defunct throne until 1941, when he abdicated in favour of his third son Juan.
He died six weeks later.
Let's be honest, Spain would be one of the world's leading powers if it didn't destroy itself
spain was bad since napoleon invaded it
@@cesarpro2363 Spain was one of the best and most advanced countries of its time. He was the first to complete the world tour with Magellan and he discovered most of the American continent. Spain resisted and defeated Napoleon's army when it invaded us. Furthermore, the Spanish Army was even older than Napoleon's army.
So true
@@isroigvibz7784 No it would not
Nationalist Spain: "Omae wa mou shindeiru"
Republican Spain: "Nani?!"
*Gets completely obliterated in a couple days*
cuz the republican surrended F
3:33 when you're fighting agaisnt commies but BAE says she is home alone
*home alone in Murcia
@@juancuevaares7732 and Alicante*
@@ColoringAHouse and Cuenca*
Hi! I'm Spaniard and I think it should be better if you marked with blue the Nationalist and with red the replicans. It have an important mean to us because Franco hated the "Rojos" (Red in English), which were the republicans from left
Look fine gentleman, I'm sorry if I appear mean, or dangerous, I'm currently in a bad mood after seeing these comments, and I shouldn't really care because your comment is 5 years old... BUT OH MY GOD IN THE MAPPING COMMUNITY RED MEANS AGGRESSORS AND BLUE MEANS DEFENDERS, THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IDEOLOGY.
@@CalvinNoire So what you're telling us, is that the whole mapping community got it wrong! You can still make it correctly! Sorry to be pushing your buttons, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist (although I was one, once) to tell you that the red army of China and the CCCP use red as their color, as apparently did the Republicans of Spain, and the Khmer Rouge (Red Army).
Thanks for the map video anyways. It would have been nice if there were some historical write-up about it also, since at least here in the US, and probably many other readers learn a lot about other countries like England and Germany and our history is somewhat biased against Spain as the enemy of England, so we don't hear much about it.
@@tomgreene7942 you can use any color you want, but, mapping guys use the red and blue color to make the aggressor/defender, why? Because it's commonly used. The colors in mapping do not in fact correlate to the ideology of the country. The mapping videos I've seen that doesn't use the red and blue color scheme generally use a color from their flag, or a color that looks good, heck they could even copy colors from strategy games. NP : )
1:21 whats this song
You can find it as Loki - Victory
Couldn't find neither answers nor questions in the comments so I'll post this here, even if you don't want it anymore :D
@@atomic0894 idk
Great animation and song choice!
Hi,what is the name of the first background music?the melody seems to be fascinating
"A hero theme" MK2
"I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from
distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little
minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience
approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death."
Leonardo da Vinci
Can you tell us what the Music in this video is? You have NOT put it in the description!
The first song is "A hero theme - MK2" and the second one is "Loki- Victory"
+MintChocoLuka Thank you.
Eric Johansson What's up with the immigrants in Sweden?
Great video ,Good music and animation, Subcribed...
"If you tolerate this, your children will be next"
What do u mean? I'm afraid xd
"Second Spanish Civil War" 2020-?
How do you accurately find out the geographical snd territorial standings for each day
Newspaper coverage
he makes it up
rep. spain:do you accept credit cards or cash?
nationalist spain:neither, only encirclements
People, what is the soundtrack at 0:00 seconds?
Can someone give me the name of the song that been used in this video?
I must confess the color combination made me laugh. Nice video, though :)
Any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls.
It tolls for thee.
Había republicanos en los dos bandos. Franco no era falangista. Los falangistas eran sólo una pequeña parte del bando nacionalista.
Probably one of the most important and interesting preludes to WW2. Albeit not directly related. Even when studied independently, it is very interesting read.
It was the Rogue One to Poland's A New Hope
what is that very cool music that starts on on 1:32 i wanna know
what the music in 0:02
First music: A Hero Theme - MK2
Second music: Loki Victory
1:26 what is the music
loki victory
Los colores andan un tanto cambiados no?
El color rojo representa los atacantes y los azules los defensores
@@JuanJose-fw2uq Se refiere a que los Republicanos eran comunistas (lo cual es de hecho falso) por eso deberian tener el rojo, y los "Nacionalistas" (fachos) el azul.
@@aaalexwzk wut? speak spanish or english if you want anybody to understand you.
My grandfather had to hide for 3 months inside of giant jar when his town of Sigüenza was under Republican occupation.
In all truth if the Republicans won they would have turned Spain into a soviet puppet state. All of the romantic propaganda around the war in the west has led people to believe it was the people defending democracy and resisting dictatorship. In reality the war was a conglomeration of many factions in a culture war that had all written off democracy as a failure. Extremism was fueled by the belief on both sides that their opposition would show no mercy.
@@glennmartin802 Right
@@glennmartin802 Considering that Franco literally tried to launch a military coup against a democratically-elected government, it's only natural the Republicans are regarded as the legitimate defenders of Spanish democracy. And the pro-Soviet socialists were only one faction out of many in the war, and it's questionable whether would the Republicans have turned into a puppet state had they managed to nip the fascists in the bud before they could properly mobilize.
@@glennmartin802 You're right. The Republic was literally ruled by the Popular Front which was a coalition of all the leftist groups led by the socialists of PSOE (who began to grow sympathies towards the USSR), alongside the anarquists of the CNT FAI, communists of the PCE (the communists were at that point a secondary party but they would eventually grow more halfway during the war to the point of leading the government after the events of May 1937) and the catalonian separatists. After the supporters of these groups won a manipulated election in February of 1936, violence began to be unstoppable: they began making arrests, murders and persecutions of anyone who was either catholic or right wing (or even suspicious of being one). The brother of my grandfather was killed at the gates of their town by militia men.
Some people also ignore that the military coup was organized and planned by General Mola (a Republican who was dissapointed on how caotic the situation was), who at the same time was following instructions of General Sanjurjo, a monarchist who was exiled in Portugal. Franco only joined the coup at the very last minute when he received the news of the murder of the conservative politicians Calvo Sotelo in the 13th of July at hands of assault guards without any repercution from the government.
@@glennmartin802 you have not studied the history of the Spanish republic right?
From 1931 to 1933 we had a left wing government, who made reforms such as secularization, public education, rights for women (vote, study...), agrarian reform to distribute the land for peasants... From 1933 to 1936 we had a right wing government, when the war started in July 1936 it was because a left wing coalition called Frente popular won the elections, and the monarchists, right wing Republicans, the church, the big landowners did not like it because it meant continuing with reforms. So a coup started in Melilla and several generals in other parts of Spain joined the coup; they were not able to take Madrid and the war started.
During the war we had different governments presided by socialists like Quiroga, Giral, Largo Caballero or Juan Negrín but we never became a marxists-leninist state like the USSR and though the communist party gradually grew in members and influence, never got the power. Did Stalin help the republic? Yes, but far less than Hitler and Mussolini helped Franco, and at one point he abandoned Spain.
When Franco took power Spain became a catholic, totalitarian, fascist state and all the progress of the republic was lost until the arrival of democracy in the late 1970s. And now we are a US puppet state as all NATO members.
Sugerencia: cambia los colores. El rojo para los republicanos y el azul para los nacionales. Son los que identifican tradicionalmente a ambas partes.
the name of this sountrack please 1:29-3:51
@mili baz thanks bro
Dont coment for the April fools because in spain we celebrate the saint innocents day on 28th
Same in Argentina
Franco succeeded in the what Napoleon failed to break back bone of Spanish people!
En España casi no lo celebramos. XD
@@drdekipetrovic7429 Franco and nationalists were a domestic force, not a foreign one.
Funny thing is that hardliners in almost every case are located away from the sea.
This would tell you a lot about each and every nation out there ;-)
Maybe that's why Switzerland is peaceful, they have no sea.
3:38 when the nationalists find the cheat codes
@@GamerKid64 xD 4x time Lol
Deleteallunits D01
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