THIS Rapture Verse Disproves The Typical View Of The “Rapture”

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 10 тыс.

  • @revenge52
    @revenge52 Год назад +1945

    I have to tell you, my brothers and sisters, I can see the day coming. It is just around the corner. When the Father tells the Son to "go take your bride." I am 71 years on this great creation of God created called Earth. And all during those 71 years, I have never witnessed the perfection of the warnings we are instructed to look for in the end days. They have never been so obvious. And I have never felt Him so close as He is today. The negativity in not only this country but the world has never been so cogent! So synonymous with the book written over TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO!! The wonderful ride is coming. Please, whatever you do, DON'T MISS IT! God bless you all...

    • @AldoSchmedack
      @AldoSchmedack Год назад +77

      AMEN! HE IS RIGHT HERE! Stay strong! God bless you!

    • @Beadledom2024
      @Beadledom2024 Год назад +42

      And blessings also to you.

    • @Beadledom2024
      @Beadledom2024 Год назад +107

      I agree! It is amazing to see the unfolding. It must be a lot harder for the young to discern the signs, but I, like you, am in my mature years and the change is drastic.
      Glory be to God!
      Many blessings to you, as well.

    • @revenge52
      @revenge52 Год назад +33

      @@Beadledom2024 God give you peace and bless you.

    • @KLECKFILESdotCOM4TrueJesus
      @KLECKFILESdotCOM4TrueJesus Год назад +2

      If you follow this ministry you will probably miss it. The Bible says LOOK UP because that is where we will meet him!

  • @jenimbusy6765
    @jenimbusy6765 Год назад +557

    Left or taken.....
    He will find me, as usual, praying, reading one of my many Bibles, getting joyfully loud for him, singing praises.... Just loving him, everyday of my life ❤

    • @paulbriggs3072
      @paulbriggs3072 11 месяцев назад

      Good, for you my friend but knowing when He comes and whether you are left or taken according to His words matters! We are all weak and Jesus tells us that unless we are ready for the worst treatment before that day, we will fall away. He said
      “All this I have told you so that you will not fall away." He tells of wicked people against us and says:
      "I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them. I did not tell you this from the beginning because I was with you, but now I am going to him who sent me."
      And in Matthew 24: 29-31 Jesus says:
      “Immediately after the tribulation of those days
      “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light;
      he stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
      “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."

    • @AliceSusanHarding
      @AliceSusanHarding 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @dbrinson1691
      @dbrinson1691 11 месяцев назад +19

      Nice to know it's all about you. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Sola Dio Gloria.

    • @AliceSusanHarding
      @AliceSusanHarding 11 месяцев назад


    • @AndeH7
      @AndeH7 11 месяцев назад +15

      @jenimbusy6765 We also need to be a mirror of His love for the lost and win them to Christ. Luke 14:23

  • @cometogetherlikevoltron1230
    @cometogetherlikevoltron1230 Год назад +677

    This is something that Christians shouldn’t be arguing over. We all should be ready to die for Christ if it came to it like he died for us. The fact that this issue is so divisive is really concerning. Just stay ready every day and be prepared to die for Jesus if that’s what’s called of you!

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад

      You are Not born again. The Pretribulation Rapture is the Very Clear Word of God. Those who oppose it are of their father the devil

    • @garryneidig2511
      @garryneidig2511 Год назад +28

      He's coming here so I don't understand why any Christian would want to leave.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад +25

      A Christian should always fight for the truth of the Bible. Jude's letter specifically commands Christians to fight for the faith that was preached by the apostles and delivered by Christ. That is not an option, a recommendation, or suggestion. I say this with no malice, but you don't want to do it because you don't love the truth.

    • @cometogetherlikevoltron1230
      @cometogetherlikevoltron1230 Год назад +5

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 don’t want to do what?

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад +25

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 Amen. God bless you greatly. The demons are raging. They are swarming into every channel with their Lying false doctrines and deceptions, like a pack of wolfs, lookinf for whom to devour. As this False Teacher, and thousands more.
      Keep sounding the alarm. Jesus is coming, there time is Very Short

  • @precisionshooters
    @precisionshooters 5 месяцев назад +76

    I have been saying this for years! I have lost "Christian Friends" over this. I have been told I'm being led astray by the Devil. I smile and tell them that in that day we shall see.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 5 месяцев назад +4

      The problems just seem to keep bubbling up. The problem is in the foundation that has been chosen. Not the one God started us with but with what man has done with it. Early on the formation of the New Testament Church (assembly) was based on Old Testament laws and New testament Grace. If the laws were done away with there would be no need for grace.The fact is the laws were not done away with but the path to a righteous existence with God being made plain had to come through Grace. If we never broke a law... but sin nature kind of made/makes sure we do break commandments. One major law and perhaps the most telling is once again the sabbath. Nowhere in scripture do God grant a different day to be observed or sanctified. God the Father does not play with the meaning of sanctified. But the minds of men do.
      In all four gospels where the resurrection of Jesus is spoken of (KJV) it says "first day of the week" the word day is not in the Greek text so translators italicize the word day to signify the word does not appear in the text. However common the more ancient Hebraisms is the term first of the weeks referring to the first of seven sabbaths that follow Passover. In Exodus 12 and in Leviticus 23 the instrictions for observing the Passover are coupled with obsevance of the first day of the feast of unleavened bread which is a "high sabbath" as noted in John 19:31. So we know they were observing both the high sabbath as it is always the day that follows the Passover. Passover being on the 14th day of the first month and the first day of unleavened bread is on the fifteenth day of the first month. Passover can fall on just about any day of the week but it always falls on the fourteenth day. In Mark 16:1 Mary and Mary M. and Salome purchased spices after the sabbath to anoint the body of Christ. If that sabbath had been the Saturday sabbath they would have had to buy the spices the morning Christ rose up from the grave because the stores were closed on the weekday sabbath. the pieces are pretty much self explanatory if you know about the two sabbaths the week of Passover are a constant based on the feast of unleavend bread following the Passover which varies to differing days of the week from year to year.
      I said all of that to bring out the fact that the tradition of Sunday observance as a day of worship is out of sync with the day God sanctified.
      In the millennium (when Christ returns the sabbath of the feast of tabenacles will be the law of the land (Zechariah 14:16-19) and in the New heaven and New earth God will create to replace the current ones will be based on the new moons and sabbaths and everyone will observe them.
      The early New testament church was full of power but faded after the persecution of that day. The in the fourth century the church seemed to gather strength but never to the full power it had.
      Revelation 11:15 will show the kingdoms of this world have been/will be reclaimed. Man does not inherit heaven we inherit earth as part of the kingdom of God. But just try getting people to abandon false theology for the truth. Whoosh! Pray first though!

    • @jameswells9749
      @jameswells9749 4 месяца назад +10

      @@dustinpotter8312the sabbath rest is Jesus. Colossians 2:16-23 . You should stop making the sabbath something we have to keep on a certain day. It doesn’t apply to the born again believers. I sabbath every day with Jesus because I have entered his sabbath rest already.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад

      ​@@jameswells9749 Colossians 2:16-23 “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17) which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. 18) Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19) and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God. 20) Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations- 21) “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” 22) which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of men? 23) These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. (KJV)
      In Colossians 2:16 the recipient of the letter is being warned not to let others judge (as per peer review) them of the food or drink or new moons or sabbaths that they are keeping via their traditions and which also happen to be ascribed by scripture and not giving license to anarchy. It is not an open license for an opinion to choose a set of days more preferential to their liking. It is not a letter for days that have been subsequently abandoned and replaced with other days. The recipient (Timothy) is being encouraged, that is, being reinforced in their observations of the new moons and feasts and sabbaths. Timothy was raised in “Jewish tradition” and the letters of the law by his grandmother and mother (2 Timothy 1:5).
      Wording of the text of Colossians 2:17 “which are a shadow of things to come” means the thing that casts the shadow has not yet happened and has not seen the full light of day where there is no shadow. Paul is speaking to Timothy not as one who is reminding someone of something that has already happened but reminding him of what will eventually happen. So as you have suggested finding Christ as the sabbath that we must (should have) enter/ed would make it a past tense application. Surely the essence or substance is in/of Christ but that “sabbath” of rest has not yet happened (been realized) but it is still promised (to happen). Paul is warning Timothy not to allow himself and those whom he has charge over to be robbed by false pretense and false worship (false humility). By and large Paul is instructing Timothy to keep the sabbaths/traditions he was taught.
      The festivals, new moons and sabbaths in Colossians 2:16-23 is a direct-line reference quotation of Isaiah 66:22-23 which the text says is for a future date that has not happened 22) “For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. 23) And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.” The prophecy here is that all flesh not just Israeli’s but all flesh as found in Revelation 7:9-17 being every nation, kindred and tongue of the earth. The promise of blessing in observation of the weekly sabbath and the other “set apart sabbaths/feasts of the Lord is also found in Isaiah 56:1-12 where those who before were denied access to the temple of worship are now included and promised blessing and a name better than sons and daughters (vs 5) in observing the sabbaths. But even also speaks of the latter days and Israels gathering those besides “Jews” (vs8) for as attested in verse 7 “for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people” a quote Jesus made as he purged the temple of the money changers or “den of thieves.”
      That world is not yet here but Christ prophesied in Matthew 5:17-18 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” meaning that even when Christ rules in his millennial kingdom the sabbaths will be enforced. Why would Christ enforce an “assumed defunct” sabbath observance even to the eventual point of death of an offender if the law of that sabbath has been fulfilled in the presence of Christ (Zechariah 14:16-19) when Jesus is King in Jerusalem?
      Be advised no one who is a willful law breaker or liar or a lover of lies will enter the kingdom of heaven. Revelation 12:17 “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ,” Revelation 14:12 “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus,” Revelation 22:14 “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city,” are all Revelation verses that attest to the authenticity of the saints faith as connected to the commandments. Scripture does not contradict itself but skewed interpretations will. Jesus said “if you love me keep my commandments” John 14:15... We keep his commandments because we love him and not to earn our salvation. We have been granted life through faith in the grace God also gave us. Paul asked wisely “should we continue in sin that grace can abound?” Then gave a firm NO. If the law were of no use why make the point? If we have it, it is grace that overpowers our failure of observing the law but those who do not believe they have broken the law will not ask for grace in the day when it can be found. In the final day of Judgment, the day of Yahweh, the Day of the LORD all will be judged [especially Christians> 2 Corinthians 5:10 and 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, Revelation 20:15/book of life]. Those without the testimony of grace will be judged by the commandments written in their hearts but even more those who claimed to love the Lord. For the first commandment is to Love God in all aspects of our lives and our neighbors as our selves. If we as Christians have failed in the first two we have failed them all rather miserably.
      Anyone who is convincing you we can disregard any of the commandments is a deceiver just as heinously as one who says we need to keep the commandments to become righteous. If we could keep all the commandments but did not love the Lord we have been deceived because we have not kept any of them. We have to love God to be able to keep them. God made the sabbath for man if we keep the sabbath in love, especially at the personal expense of peer review/pressure on our lives, contrary to peer pressure, we know it is an act of love toward the Lord.

    • @rustynails8756
      @rustynails8756 4 месяца назад +7

      ​@@jameswells9749 To observe the Shabbat you must do no work or cause others to. If you really Sabbath every day you probably do not follow the instructions we were given Christ and his disciples all observed Shabbat. Jesus never changed a dot or a tittle of the word of God. We can rest in the grace of Jesus knowing we have been redeemed always, but the Shabbat was not changed. Our God doesn't lie or change His mind, he instructed us that six days we are to labor and on the seventh day to do no labor to keep the Shabbat Holy and set apart forever. Since forever has no end I would surmise His instructions still apply. Peace to you.

    • @jameswells9749
      @jameswells9749 4 месяца назад +3

      @@rustynails8756 yes it’s good to rest our bodies since God did not make them to go 24-7 ‘but it’s not a salvation issue, plus their are almost countless people in the world who have no choice when it comes to taking care of their families. Read Colossians 2:16-23. The sabbath shouldn’t even be an issue. Let’s just preach the gospel. The other issues are a shadow of things to come.

  • @debbiehill1242
    @debbiehill1242 Год назад +356

    Thx for this Bible study. I'm old and a believer for 62 years but weeks ago I saw the word "first" in the following passage. Matt. 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned but gather the wheat into my barn.”’” It fits with your reading of Matt. Never stop learning, He constantly reveals truth to us. Weigh everything against His Word.

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 Год назад +10

      This is False Doctrine

    • @BuckJackson-kc8pb
      @BuckJackson-kc8pb 11 месяцев назад +32

      Please elaborate as to why you say this. If God has given you spiritual knowledge you should want to share it with your fellow brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Satan is intensely trying to deceive God's children (the elect) in these last days. We have to seek God's instructional Truths and this.

    • @Josephat-wq7mx
      @Josephat-wq7mx 11 месяцев назад +20

      Sir I agree with you 💯
      The day I saw it.... my eyes and heart were opened and I marvelled.
      Thank THE LORD for His WORD.
      Is very consistent with the study here in Mathew. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD. The WORD of is consistent. Is yea and AMEN!!!!!!

    • @ricardoluna1849
      @ricardoluna1849 11 месяцев назад +21

      True the wicked will soon be removed

    • @Batya-Grace
      @Batya-Grace 11 месяцев назад

      @@ricardoluna1849… The wicked will not be removed because what do you think the great tribulation is for?

  • @Fuzcapp
    @Fuzcapp 10 месяцев назад +152

    I absolutely LOVE this low tech, low fi presentation. Just the Word pure, without all the distracting trinkets and wizz bang editing or effects. Well done!

    • @seaneustace9838
      @seaneustace9838 9 месяцев назад +8

      Completely agree he has to be going through Bibles, though, as he likely has it written out on a separate Bible, and then marks up the pages on the video

    • @s.d.atkinson5986
      @s.d.atkinson5986 8 месяцев назад

      It may be a low tech and low fi presentation, but the message he is sending means the good people being left behind while the bad are removed. A slick trick of satan to deceive those who have never read a whole chapter let alone a whole book in the Bible. What a sad commentary on what you gleaned from this presentation.

    • @sheryl146
      @sheryl146 8 месяцев назад +3

      The Rapture is not the second coming. With the Rapture Christ will meet His People in the air

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 7 месяцев назад +1

      The statement about the universe was hyperbole about the certainty that the parable of the fig tree would be fulfilled. Jesus was saying only the Father knows when that sign will be fulfilled.

    • @genevawilkerson4245
      @genevawilkerson4245 24 дня назад

      I absolutely do as well

  • @nicolecassell3163
    @nicolecassell3163 Год назад +606

    Hello and good evening. And many blessings to you. I’ve noticed that you concluded this lesson by stating that those that are left in (Matthew 24:40-41) are those that are believers and that those taken are unbelievers. However , in the following Chapter, Chapter 25, the 5 WISE virgins WENT and the FOOLISH virgins were LEFT because they were not ready and in(1Thess.4:17) on that same day, those who are believers are taken (caught up). In (Rev.12:12) it says woe to the inhabitants of the earth. And who are those who are left on the earth in (Rev.6:16-17)? These were not taken but it seems they were left on the earth during the time God is pouring out His wrath on the earth. Please help me with this. Just trying to clarify.

    • @messisangeet3261
      @messisangeet3261 Год назад +161

      I agree with you...we believe that faithful servants are to be taken not to be left..

    • @nichill7474
      @nichill7474 Год назад +41

      Why is the parable of the virgins being equated with a pre tribulation rapture?

    • @shanli2693
      @shanli2693 Год назад +122

      2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now, brethren, *concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him*, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for *that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.*
      Then we have the words of Jesus himself in Matthew 24:29 *Immediately after the tribulation* of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And *He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.*
      Just like the Israelites were in Egypt during the plagues and kept safe while the Egyptians suffered; the elect will be in the world kept safe from the trumpets of judgements and woes by the seal of God. The world suffering them will persecute God's people not suffering from those same judgments.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 Год назад +90

      ​@@shanli2693The day of the Lord will not come unless there come a falling away or Departure and the man of sin is revealed.
      1)falling away / Departure
      2) manof sin is revealed
      3) Day of the Lord begins (Daniel's 70th week)
      2 Thessalonians 2:6 and now you know WHAT withholds that he (a/c) might be revealed in his time.
      How do they "NOW KNOW" what withholds??? He just told them: a falling away or Departure. That's the WHAT of verse 6.
      ...until HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY and then shall that wicked one be revealed.
      1) someone is taken out of the way
      2) that Wicked one is revealed
      3) then the day of the Lord begins.
      And the Day of the Lord is not for the Body of Christ Church. It's for unbelievers. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, Romans 2:8-9

    • @Zanzans000
      @Zanzans000 Год назад +102

      ​@@bugsocsollie1694 i was taught the falling away was to be ppl who fall away from the LORD. And that the Holy Spirit (the restrainer) was to depart along with the ppl who get raptured leaving every thing in chaos, giving rise to the antichrist for the 7 years of tribulations for those who fell short of Jesus coming for his church. At the end of the 7 years, Jesus comes back, the 2nd coming, To cast away the wicked. Just saying. I'm looking also for clarity. That's why I'm here, to learn. Blessings to you.

  • @kenlethborg7586
    @kenlethborg7586 4 месяца назад +24

    I love how you show that Noanh was walkimg in a state of preparednress, alert, awake, listening, building, and not listening to the taunts of the careless. Not taken by the flood of judgement, but preserved, left and protected.
    Perfectlt aligned with Psalm 91. He who dwells.. shall abide inder the shadow, - protection of the almighty. A tousand fall (taken) at your side and 10,000 (taken) at your right hand, BUT it shall not effect or come nigh those protected in the secret place, in the midst of the turmoil, but saved covered and preserved by our God.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 2 месяца назад

      Oddly the Church in Philadelphia is only one of 7 listed in Revelation chapters 1-3. That single congregation is numerically 14.28% of the simple total yet seemingly "most everybody" believes they are of the Philadelphian congregation and everybody else who is mentioned comes from the other six churches.
      At the top of Revelation 3 (vs1-6) is Sardis that receives a stern warning about some who have soiled their garments and they are warned to repent or the Lord himself will blot out their names from the book of life. Further, that warning is issued to all churches. (Revelati9on 20:15 says what that means).
      My point though is the other 85.72% (which is based on participation of the other churches) are not "hidden away" during that time. Meaning they don't have that cover and should not think it is automatically applied to them. I know there is talk (teaching really) that the church is not mentioned from Revelation 4 to the last third of Revelation 22 so they think the church has been removed from the scene.
      What seems overlooked then is a church in tribulation is not advertising socials or services. Not ignoring that the Lord warns his people to withdraw from the "world church" in Revelation 18:4 (a timing undesignated in the ebb and flow of the Revelation vision) which basically would result in the church scattering to small to small groups of 2 or 3 or a few more.. For consideration then is Revelation 7:9-17 which refers to an uncountable number who having gone through the tribulation and having washed their robes in the blood of the lamb. Their white robes showing righteousness.
      Each individual must start in the security of the ancient saints meaning God's word, prayer and the determination to endure for the goal set before us. Independent of all about them being secure in their knowledge of the Word and faith in Jesus (Yeshua). Paul who is often said to endorse PT rapture said no trial here is worthy to deter us from our potential destination and reward. Pray. Remain steadfast in the love of God.

    • @tomashernandez5640
      @tomashernandez5640 Месяц назад

      Ahh, the christian eschatology is so away from prophesy and so close to divination....they don't even know what "in that they" means Yom Hadin in hebrew. The Bible NT is based on the Jewish knowledge of the jews....the NT was written by jews ( to bring light to the world), so the Bible is a Jewish book. Hard to understand? ..I'd say no. Just take a look at the Jewish eschatology, and you might find something of end times prophesy value. Try Joseph Good a former Christian who teaches better...

  • @barbiluhnow416
    @barbiluhnow416 Год назад +370

    Another good sample of the difference between those left and those taken is the parable of the wheat and the tares. They are allowed grow side by side till time for harvest. The tares are then removed, bundled and cast into the fire, while the wheat remains to be harvested.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +34

      ??? The tares are the ones CAST...
      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

    • @hereiam2942
      @hereiam2942 Год назад +46

      @@onestoptechnologies7305 Wrong. The 'left behind' series has probably blindsided you. The wheat is left behind. The two women at the well, or two men in a field. Those taken are not the wheat. Read the bible, not popular church culture.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +38

      @@hereiam2942 LOL... I've NEVER seen or read your left behind series... The Bible makes it VERY clear... The Bride of Christ(aka.. church/believers/Christians) will be caught up(in the clouds) WITH Christ! You REALLY need to study the Word in its FULL context (including the original Greek and Hebrew text) and stop trying to cherry-pick/twist verses to fit your preconceived ideas!

    • @lindaisnew2017
      @lindaisnew2017 Год назад +22

      Yes!! That is the parable that paints a clear picture of what to expect. We need to make sure we are wheat, and leave the rest of the details to the Lord, when it is time to reap the harvest!

    • @c.m.303
      @c.m.303 Год назад +9

      LOL, I just typed the same thing! Stay strong and awake until the end...and do not let the naysayers like onestop...7305 steal your seat at the marriage festival with their twisting of the words.

  • @beansoup6056
    @beansoup6056 10 месяцев назад +197

    I believe that God is saying ( be prepared ) it tells me that no matter what way you think it is going to happen you need to be prepared.

    • @seaneustace9838
      @seaneustace9838 9 месяцев назад +9

      Yes, this is correct but it also parallels with the virgins. The whole point is that they become Christians by excepting Christ and receive the Holy Spirit many people think they are Christians, but do not have a spirit. If you have his spirit in you, those that are justified he also did sanctify this is in the scripture is works, created by him are in you from the foundation of the earth. They only get released when you were actually saved and have his spirit NU many people of themselves do the works of God ““ And cast out devils in his name he will say to them in the last days that he never knew them, and that they must depart and remain in their slavery to the devil and his angels, and go to hell with them, because they refused the redemption which came in Christ. You cannot work your way to heaven, if you misconstrue this passage to think that you have to pay attention or do some work , in order to obtain salvation, you’re completely missing the gospel.

    • @scottworley-kf2hf
      @scottworley-kf2hf 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@seaneustace9838 what the comment the comment before you is right we have to be ready, prepared

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 7 месяцев назад

      Don't try to steal our Blessed Hope! The pre-Trib is 100% biblical, true Christians are not appointed to the wrath of GOD, our LORD promised us so. Listen to real theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes, Dr. Mark Hitchcock and their guests

    • @kentracer4129
      @kentracer4129 7 месяцев назад +1

      Those that are caught up go with Christ, this is 100% biblical. Luke 17:37 where the eagles are gathered there will the body be. The eagle signifies eating the body. That word eagle can. Also be vulture. He didn't compare scripture with scripture cause Luke expounds on the passage. So does 1 these verse that one and it will be 100% clear to you.

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 7 месяцев назад

      @@kentracer4129 Hi, vultures operate on earth...The wicket will be left behind.

  • @natand4297
    @natand4297 Год назад +263

    The reason people believe in the “rapture “ is bc this is taught to them. We must read scripture for ourselves seeking the truth with all our heart, being, and might.

    • @Animalfarm4481
      @Animalfarm4481 Год назад

      Fear tactic used by church denominations for decades

    • @koririetveld4369
      @koririetveld4369 Год назад +3

      Yahuah must be found. His name is the key to knowledge. Mike shabbat scriptural studies.

    • @kimhamby7896
      @kimhamby7896 Год назад +17

      You're correct that each believer needs to study Scriptures to show ourselves approved. How can a soldier serve in a war if he/she doesn't know how to use their weapons? How can believers fight the spiritual war if the only weapon we have is the Word of God? One is unable to be effective in spiritual warfare if they don't know Scriptures.

    • @almann7885
      @almann7885 Год назад +14

      You really need to align what was written in their original context verses the English or any other translations. It's ok to read the language you learn it in, but it's extremely important to study the original languages and parsing of the actual writings. You learn many things that you were told or taught. Shalom to all.

    • @jack-of-all-trades1234
      @jack-of-all-trades1234 Год назад +18

      Unless I am mistaken the point of this video was not to refute the rapture.
      It was to debate the true meaning of being left behind and taken during the rapture.

  • @TLM2468
    @TLM2468 4 месяца назад +73

    You can't have a thousand years of peace if only bad people are left on earth so it makes sense that it is the good people that are left to inhabit the earth and multiply. Amen

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +10

      Well it really won't be complete peace. for some will not willingly exist in Christ's Zechariah 14:16-19, Isaiah 65:17-25. But the study of war and companies profiting over it will have stopped. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron and some will still choose to be wicked. Keep praying and let your light shine!

    • @larryconnon4898
      @larryconnon4898 3 месяца назад +15

      The thousand years of peace is after Jesus Christ's second coming and those who were raptured before the Great tribulation 1 Thessalonians 2

    • @marcuspotter8589
      @marcuspotter8589 3 месяца назад +8

      If you are left you wont be Taken by the Bride Groom to the Wedding feast in Heaven to return with Jesus to claim his Throne on Earth for the 1thousand years of Peace.

    • @larryconnon4898
      @larryconnon4898 3 месяца назад +6

      @marcuspotter8589 but you can find salvation during the tribulation but you will lose your life here for your faith!

    • @kimberlyguzan2613
      @kimberlyguzan2613 3 месяца назад +1

  • @natg_37
    @natg_37 Год назад +109

    What I understand is that true believers will be preserved, aware of the times, awake, even if they don't know what day this great even will take place. So, true believers will prepare. May God grant us the help to prepare for His coming in humility.

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 11 месяцев назад +4

      Those who are given the gift of God - eternal life - to know him and are born of the Spirit, born from above, born again are ready because the Holy Spirit dwells in them. They are sealed with Holy Spirit. They are a new creature in Christ. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 11 месяцев назад +2

      How do you get more prepared than being born again?

    • @natg_37
      @natg_37 11 месяцев назад

      @@sandragambrel9721 persecution

    • @paulgemme6056
      @paulgemme6056 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@sandragambrel9721 It is finished! Once a soul is saved and born of the Spirit, that's it. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 11 месяцев назад

      @@paulgemme6056I believe that, but, @natg_37 said that true believers prepare. I was asking her/him how we are to prepare. She's asking God to help us prepare for His coming in humility. I don't know what she means. She probably won't answer, but, I asked to better understand her comment. We are blessed, sister, and Heaven bound, amen!!!!To God be the glory!!!!

  • @Aniontedone
    @Aniontedone Год назад +61

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
    King James Version
    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    • @simonevanson3098
      @simonevanson3098 4 месяца назад +13

      This passage is the scripture that speaks of the 🌍 wide Rapture, and the passage under study reflects the Second Coming of the Lord Yeshua, and these two phenomena are separated by the 7 years of Tribulation.
      So many get this wrong.

    • @teodormishev2289
      @teodormishev2289 4 месяца назад +7

      From this passage i see that the one who are gonna be taken are the one of Christ. However this does not prove the Idea that the Rapture and the Coming of Christ are 2 separate events.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +1

      @@simonevanson3098 It is far different than that friend. The rapture proponents claim a partial resurrection prior to the tribulation and then the second half of the first resurrection 3 1/2 or 7 years later. In Revelation 20:4-6 it says the first resurrection is martyrs only and then the second death (resurrection) doesn't happen until the thousand year reign of Christ is ended. they don't even know.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +5

      @@teodormishev2289 Rapture "would be theology is trying to steal second coming scriptures to create a false return of Christ. It is far different than just that friend. The rapture proponents claim a partial resurrection prior to the tribulation and then the second half of the first resurrection 3 1/2 or 7 years later. In Revelation 20:4-6 it says the first resurrection is martyrs only and then the second death (resurrection) doesn't happen until the thousand year reign of Christ is ended. they don't even know. It's one thousand years later.
      Did you know God puts natural or common deaths of his saints in a different category from those who die because of their testimony for him? Psalm 116:15 and Revelation14:13.. In the Rev 14:13 text it follows with saying "their works follow them." the word follow means accompanies them. Everybody else has their works recorded in books for the day of judgment. Those who are raised in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 are in the "first resurrection" and are not subject to the second death. they were martyred. the Apostles (except for John) were martyred. Many of the prophets were martyred. If you follow suit with the second death you will find it is also called the white throne judgmen or last day resurrection (John 6:39-40, 44, 54, John 11:24 and John 12:48.) In John 11 is the story of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. he was not resurrected he was only returned to life and subsequently died again. If he was not a martyr he will be raised as Martha suggested to Jesus in the last day resurrection. Jesus told his Apostles that when he ruled in the "regeneration" (millennium) in Matthew 19:28 they would rule with him and have their own thrones. Revelation 20:4-6. Only martyrs will be raised in the first resurrection. It don't matter iif one thinks its the rapture or the second coming the first resurrection is the first resurrection when it happens.
      People just are not getting the facts and all the rapture scenarios (pre, mid, pre wrath and post) are getting it wrong. the resurrections have been listed the same for the last two thousand years. In it's two hundred year history rapture now has four different main legs. Pray.

    • @teodormishev2289
      @teodormishev2289 4 месяца назад +1

      ⁠​⁠@@dustinpotter8312 Brother we all are trying to understand scripture and Order of the the things that are going to happen. There are 2 resurrections the first one is the resurrection of the people of Christ who heard of him and obeyed his will not only for the rulers as you point out. In fact there will be people who wont even fall a sleep into the first dead but all will get new bodies. I think The second res will be for the people befor Christ. God bless you!

  • @victorythroughyahshua6031
    @victorythroughyahshua6031 Год назад +148

    Noah and family WENT to safety while still going through and observing God's wrath. Lot and his family WENT to safety while still going through and observing God's wrath. The Israelites WENT to safety while still going through and observing God's wrath (twice: first with the plagues, they were safe in their homes while the Egyptians went through the wrath and again when they WENT out of Egypt while still going through and observing God's wrath against Pharoah's army.) I'm going to simply say that when God's wrath comes, the true believers will GO SOMEWHERE for safety while still going through and observing God's wrath. Seems to the pattern.

    • @boldbeliever52
      @boldbeliever52 Год назад +22

      And Jesus decided to put his bride thru pure hell on earth for 7 years before he took her as his bride. How stupid is that thought? You tell me. I am going in a pretrib rapture Jesus can not lie

    • @nichill7474
      @nichill7474 Год назад +37

      Yes, and as believers we have already gone somewhere - into the Ark which is Christ, our ultimate protection, with the blood of Christ marked on our foreheads just like the blood on the doorposts in Egypt when the angel of death came. This mark, spoken of in Rev. 9, 14 and 22 is a sign to the angels who are the ones charged to pour out God’s wrath on the earth, aimed only at sin. There is no friendly fire in Gods wrath. The church will be here to see it but not touched by it. God’s wrath is not indiscriminate, like a bull in a china shop losing control. Just the opposite. God’s wrath is only targeted to those who reject Christ. The blood of Christ is sufficient. There is absolutely no need for a pretrib rapture.

    • @jinimurray4090
      @jinimurray4090 Год назад +5

      @@boldbeliever52scripture references please

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад +9

      @@jinimurray4090In Revelation 4 and 5 we see a door 🚪 open in Heaven (same door the wise virgins enter) we hear a Voice that sounds like a TRUMPET 🎺 saying, ‘Come up hither’ in a twinkling of an eye, we are in heaven. You NEVER hear mention of the church on earth again. John was given a Vision of the Rapture and things thereafter. Now we see the REDEEMED bride Around the throne, caught up out of EVERY tongue, kindred, tribe, nation, and people, singing a New Song (Only the REDEEMED know Rev.14:3) we are the FIRSTFRUITS (Rev.14:4 These are REDEEMED from among men, Firstfruits, unto God and to the Lamb.) Also James 1:18 We are a kind of Firstfruits. We are casting our crowns, waiting for Jesus to begin opening the First Seal BEFORE the tribulation begins. The tribulation is the time of Jacobs Trouble (Israel)

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад +13

      The church is Raptured, in heaven AROUND the throne Before the tribulation begins. The tribulation saints are UNDER the throne, Martyred, Beheaded, coming out of Great Tribulation

  • @lisawisniewski6937
    @lisawisniewski6937 6 месяцев назад +102

    This is an excellent post. I’m a long time rapture believer but this really gives a lot to think about. It’s interesting how clear it is-the scripture clearly says all the people going about their usual earthly pleasures are unsuspecting until the day Noah and his family get on the ark, and then everyone else-THEY are TAKEN by the flood, and who’s LEFT BEHIND? Noah and his family-the righteous are left. Just like Passover…they are TAKEN unless they mark their doors which leaves the first born behind.

    • @Thejoshrandall
      @Thejoshrandall 5 месяцев назад +18

      Your comparison is backwards, embarrassingly so. Noah +7 weren't left behind, they were rescued from God's wrath.

    • @lescaster2179
      @lescaster2179 5 месяцев назад +11

      @@Thejoshrandall how so... Noah was ushered into an Ark - protection provided by God - and the wicked all around him reaped a harvest. How is this being 'taken away' - it's the concept of creating an oasis in a desert. What happens to the Wheat and the Tares.
      Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”. Does he gather the wheat first, to protect them from the fire? No. He gathers the tares FIRST for burning and then the wheat for their reward.

    • @MrSalmisaari
      @MrSalmisaari 5 месяцев назад +4

      It says "he gathers together the tares for burning" but it does not say he burned them before gathering the wheat to the barn

    • @barbarawest584
      @barbarawest584 5 месяцев назад +1

      Noah and his family are not part of the return of the real Jesus Christ.

    • @RLS424
      @RLS424 5 месяцев назад

      @@jacqueline424 why not try reading the Word.

  • @jeremyjensen6832
    @jeremyjensen6832 Год назад +131

    So great to hear a young person with so much spiritual wisdom! God bless you, my brother in Jesus Christ!

    • @hannahrosa5485
      @hannahrosa5485 11 месяцев назад +11

      except that he's wrong.

    • @AliceSusanHarding
      @AliceSusanHarding 11 месяцев назад

      @@hannahrosa5485 No, he's not. The rapturists are wrong, he is right.

    • @davidshelton3982
      @davidshelton3982 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@hannahrosa5485would you pls explain

    • @kateorwell7203
      @kateorwell7203 11 месяцев назад +8

      Absolutely, he’s wrong. Misinterpreting the Bible is misrepresenting God.

    • @AliceSusanHarding
      @AliceSusanHarding 11 месяцев назад

      @@kateorwell7203 You will find out before too long and don't say you weren't warned!

  • @Jeanelle.Mishkina
    @Jeanelle.Mishkina Год назад +160

    I didn't grow up in Church and was radically born again and this is exactly how I read and understood the text. Through the word the Holy Spirit was preparing to endure, to persevere, to overcome through it all because our life is not our own and to win souls until our very last breath! I came to Christ with the decision to lay down my life as a response of deep thankfulness that He gave me eternal life. I believed in the reality that one day I could die for His sake like many prior saints. Then when I met people from church, Not all of them of course. They told me we would just be taken away, not suffer completely new concepts I was like where does it say that? Wouldn't a bride like a mother want to stay until the very end to help reach out to as many souls? The heart of a bride of Christ is willing to be persecuted not hope to just be scooped up and not care for everyone else.
    No matter how hard it gets to Live is Christ. I've since then met Spirit filled believers who think alike and there is a difference in their walk for sure. More on fire, more zealous, more loving towards the lost than those who think they will just be gone and not suffer anything. But I know that's just my observation and of course not all. I love you all brothers and sisters just stay close to Jesus, abide in the secret place.

    • @AmeeraG242
      @AmeeraG242 Год назад +4

      I agree another thing alot of Christians don't realize is we don't become the bride until all later and God has made everything new , we are not the bride right now but that day will come

    • @Jeanelle.Mishkina
      @Jeanelle.Mishkina Год назад +24

      @@AmeeraG242 the Holy Spirit given to us is the promise like the engagement ring ❤️that we are engaged to our bridegroom and in the Hebrew culture they were still referred to as being the bride because the wedding back then had many stages, but Yes, we are all still waiting for the final celebrations of the wedding ceremony to be completed.
      But on earth we are yet to be but in the Eyes of Christ whoever is His is still the Bride. So I rest on that identity now. My heart is set on Jesus and He is Our treasure.

    • @PennelopeWhitmore
      @PennelopeWhitmore Год назад

      You know how Bill Gates gives lots of money to media or the medical community? I did research and supposedly Rockefeller gave the church a ton of money and had influence on Christianity and it's teachings back in the day.I don't believe in the rapture,I think it's Americans excusing ourselves from suffering. It seems like every church studies specific verses and completely ignore others like Genesis 6;4. We've been lied to about so much. If God destroyed the world because all the humans and animals have been genetically modified then genetics and transhumanism will probably be involved with the apocalypse. There is nothing new under the sun. 15:11

    • @dawnmcknight3890
      @dawnmcknight3890 Год назад +24

      The Bible says over and over again we are not subject to Gods wrath
      Read Luke 21:36, Romans 8:32-34, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 as opposed to Matthew 24
      Clearly two different events
      Off all the million and trillions of people who have died why would God pick on one generation to endure His wrath?
      He would not because God is a God of fairness
      After Revelations 4 it never mentions the church again because the church is gone
      go reread Revelations 6:15-17
      Then the earths kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich, the and the mighty, indeed
      EVERYONE, slave and free hid himself in caves and among the rocks in the mountains
      16 and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of the One sitting on the Throne and from the fury of the Lamb!
      17 For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand?
      Also Matthew 25 the virgins the wise ones were taken the ones who were not ready not watching were left behind
      This is the thing in agreement to Luke 21;36
      we have to be watching and waiting believing God will rescue us or we will be left behind and I do not know about you but I dont want to be here for what is coming in the Day of Gods Anger

    • @purposemillworksanddesign2351
      @purposemillworksanddesign2351 Год назад +2

      Good job in listening to the Spirit of God.

  • @DianeNichols-u1b
    @DianeNichols-u1b 8 месяцев назад +78

    To be awake means to be aware of the lies coming

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +3

      The church's/virgins of Matthew 25:1-13 is a good example of that (being awake I mean). they all slept and slumbered. We might find there's a revival of sorts but few ever go beyond a couple of years. Paul was teaching 25-30 after Christ's crucifixion and miracles were still happening. What changed? Persecution against sabbath gatherings happened around 125 CE (AD) and then 180 or so years later church went to meeting on Sundays under guidance of Rome. Now it's church by the letter and little of the Spirit. By creation standards apple trees are still apple trees. All the 1st century churches were "Pentecostal" you know "day of Pentecost" type. Sounds like somebody has been counterfeiting the walk to heavens kingdom.

    • @larnel7469
      @larnel7469 3 месяца назад +5

      Like this backwards idea and not understanding the word, he is compleatly out of context with his understanding of the bible. Like his wedding example. Its the church's wedding during the tribulation period. The church is harpatzo taken to christ in the clouds , not the unbelievers taken up, his teaching is blasphamy and false. Totaly against the whole bible teaching from the begining.

    • @ILTSC43
      @ILTSC43 3 месяца назад +5

      To be awake means to know and have a healthy relationship with Christ

    • @tootsiea4064
      @tootsiea4064 3 месяца назад

      @@larnel7469 Yes! Satan is the biggest counterfeit and he will take God’s words in these last days and twist them to confuse someone sitting on the fence. Remember, we’re not fighting flesh and blood, but pricipalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. We know who the author of confusion is. It’s sad really but it’s what we were warned about in the last days. Folks don’t understand the Bible in a dispensational way. They confuse the tribulation saints and Jews with the church, which will be gone. Praise God! Just pray for these confused folks. 😢🙏🏻💕

    • @mikeigori2983
      @mikeigori2983 2 месяца назад

      ​@@larnel7469Everybody in christianity are living in false security.There is no common sense when it comes to finding the truth for oneself.So many lies flying out from pulpits are regarded as truth by congregants.Shame that christianity has enslaved people's minds,they can't see it's secret destroying power play going on.The bible was so corrupted you can't differenciate between falsehood and truth.This guy is talking sense here if you can step away from your current faith and take heed.GOD doesn't speak to us in fire,earthquake;BUT IN A STILL SMALL VOICE.HEARKEN UNTO HIS STILL SMALL VOICE and not to popular lying doctrines.

  • @meganbarbardo9609
    @meganbarbardo9609 22 дня назад +1

    This was such a great video! Thanks for taking the time to put it together for us!

    • @paulbrennan4163
      @paulbrennan4163 21 день назад

      Megan... it's rubbish! Please take a look at the rebuttal I posted today.

  • @ween659
    @ween659 Год назад +13

    Jesus said, "I will not drink of the vine again until I drink it new with you, in my Father's kingdom" Matt. 26:29, and "In my Father’s house are many places to live. If there weren’t, I would have told you; because I am going there to prepare a place for you. Since I am going and preparing a place for you, I will return to take you with me; so that where I am, you may be also." John 14:2-3
    Where? In my Father's kingdom; In my Father's house. Not here on earth. In Heaven for the marriage supper, during the 7 year tribulation.

    • @dirkvenezuela7387
      @dirkvenezuela7387 6 месяцев назад

      Exactly! He's presenting a specious at best argument that is setting people up to be deceived by the Antichrist.

  • @leeannpruitt3752
    @leeannpruitt3752 6 месяцев назад +26

    The first time I ever heard this interpretation was in the 1970’s. I was a teenager and it struck a chord. I am in my sixties now and believe it or not this passage and interpretation has been on my mind frequently in the last few weeks…. Such perfect timing as I wanted to show some relatives and friends. Perfect!

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад +2

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

    • @anneteller3128
      @anneteller3128 2 месяца назад

      According to the Revelation, most of the people are killed during the Tribulation. The eugenics mindset is already on the Earth and held by some very wealthy individuals and their paid for politicians. What we have experienced the past 4 years is only a prequel to what these evil ones have in mind when they are no longer held back by the Holy Spirit during the Tribulation. So, you can imagine when they are no longer held back during the Tribulation, what will take place. It says in the Revelation that if God had not shortened the days of the Tribulation, there would be no human left alive.
      Also, there are instances in the Bible where God removes the righteous before destroying the world by water (Noah and his family) and by fire and brimstone (Lot and his family). So, I think since we know destruction occurs in the Tribulation, those examples would be more apt that God will remove his Church before the destruction in the Tribulation. Many will come to Christ during the Tribulation because they understand what these Christians stood for who were raptured, that they were saved by their faith in Jesus as God's son. These Christians in the Tribulation will be largely killed during the Tribulation because of their faith, according to the Revelation. In the Revelation, they are called the Tribulation saints. The saints are coming back to the Earth with Jesus to reign with him in his Kingdom and there are a portion of humans who make it through the Tribulation, and the humans shall replenish the Earth during the 1000 years reign of Jesus. This is my understanding.

    • @mafia461
      @mafia461 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Bluemaze64I was about to say the same thing

  • @suzannekrauss9208
    @suzannekrauss9208 Год назад +20

    As I listened to you, I was reminded about the other scripture that say the wicked are cut off from the land but the righteous are established forever as an inheritance to the Lord.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +2

      He is wrong in this interpretation... Noah and Lot were uprooted because God was about to unleash His wrath upon the disobedient.
      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

    • @billbrasky12
      @billbrasky12 Год назад +2

      This young kid creates nothing but confusion..
      Drops enough lies into a solid 90% truthful .. talk.. the problem is rat poison is 99% health food.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +1

      @@billbrasky12 Absolutely Correct! He tries to use highlighting and underlining as religious sleight-of-hand. What's that old saying... "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull!"
      What I can't tell... Is he a "tare" who is intentionally misleading the Flock or is he just young and unwise?

    • @monekiaroque8151
      @monekiaroque8151 5 месяцев назад

      Look at whom it is talking to and about.

  • @cecirimi
    @cecirimi 4 месяца назад +2

    I was made aware of this many years ago in my church. I saw and heard a few that were visiting, storm out and yelled out “heresies” that day. I still have friends that are die hard rapture believers they will disappear when It’s so clearly explained scripturally. Thank you.

  • @IKnowHowItEnds
    @IKnowHowItEnds Год назад +8

    What you are missing is the Rapture and Second coming are two separate events. There are key differences to both events which without a doubt proves they are two events or.. The Bible has contradictions.. We believe it doesn't have contradictions therefor it has to be two separate events..
    Rapture, The church will meet Christ in the Air (1 Thes. 4:17)
    Second Coming, The church will return to the earth with Christ (Zech. 14:4)
    Rapture, The church will be taken to heaven (1 Thes. 4:17; John 14: 1-3)
    Second Coming, The church will return to the earth from heaven (Jude 14; Matt. 25:31)
    Rapture, Christ will come for His saints (2 Thes. 2:1, Thes. 4:13-18)
    Second Coming, Christ will come with His Saints (Rev. 19:14)
    Rapture, Believers will be caught up out from among unbelievers (1 Thes. 4:16-17)
    Second Coming, Unbelievers (tares) will be gathered out first (Matt. 14:41-43)
    Rapture, The righteous will be removed (1 Thes. 4:17)
    Second Coming, The wicked will be removed (Matt. 24:40-41)

  • @sumanhenehan7036
    @sumanhenehan7036 Год назад +91

    Thank you for teaching in such a way that even a young child can understand it. God has truly blessed you with a gift of teaching His Word.

    • @offutta
      @offutta 11 месяцев назад +6

      Careful... The people that were "taken away" in Matt. 24:39 (Noah's generation) were "take[en] up or away" (Strong's G142; αἴρω) and the people that are "taken" in v. 40 are specifically "receive[ed] near, i.e. associate[d] with oneself (in any familiar or intimate act or relation; Strong's G3880; παραλαμβάνω). It it more accurate to say that the "woman" and the "man" who are "taken" in Matt. 24:40 are "received or brought near to the gatherers (Angels? v.31; the Son of Man? v.30, 37) to be associated with them." NOT to be separated, while the people in the flood were "taken away/washed away/loosed" from their previous place.

    • @Timbo_tango
      @Timbo_tango 9 месяцев назад +3

      @sumanhenehan7036 I urge you to widen your bible teaching channels and don't just accept what was said in this video as gospel. Generally older Christians have more mature content and sound exegesis.

    • @krisk8410
      @krisk8410 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@tradersquarterAmen! We must watch out for false teaching in the last days. Praying for people to read the Bible themselves to have a better understanding of His truth, His Word.

    • @tradersquarter
      @tradersquarter 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@krisk8410 His main goal, besides trying to get views, is to try to disprove the pre-Tribulation Rapture, which is well-proven in many places in both Old and New Testaments.
      Noah and his family were taken up off the face of the earth.. During the Rapture, Born Again Believers will be caught up, snatched, taken, to meet Him in the air. Interesting it compares Believers to birds. They gather with the carcass. Who is the carcass? Jesus! The evil were left behind in the flood (Tribulation) and drowned. They weren't gathered anywhere. Noah and his family were in the ark 7 days Before it even began to rain. Before the Tribulation begins.
      Lot and his daughters escaped on foot and fled Sodom. They represent the remnant of the Jews who rejected their Messiah, but will be saved in the end. They are not raptured (taken), but are left behind to repopulate the earth, after the wicked are slain, during the Millennium. They will see the One whom they pierced coming in the clouds and will mourn.
      There are 2 flocks, which are distinctly different. John 10. The Jews are never referred to as the Bride of Christ.
      Jesus said these two stories are representative of the last days.
      People who deny the pre-Tribulation rapture are admitting their profound ignorance of the Bible. They're admitting they never read the Book of Revelation. You can't have a Marriage Supper of the Lamb in heaven, with no Bride present. It makes it very clear the Bride is present in heaven for the Marriage Supper, Before He returns. And Jude, quotes Enoch. She returns with Him. She is His army and She is dressed in fine linen which is the "righteousness of the Saints".

    • @justmyopinion7
      @justmyopinion7 8 месяцев назад

      There is NO WAY that people will have normal lives, eating, drinking and marrying before Jesus is coming when millions and millions of people have died from war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and the mark of the beast, thus this can definitely not refer to e second coming but the rapture! No one knows the day or the hour that the rapture will be, but we know EXACTLY when the second coming will be.... 1260 days AFTER the abomination of desolation!! The wicked is definitely not swept away and the righteous left behind because Jesus asks if He will find any faith on the world when He returns.... how can there be no faith if the righteous are left behind?? I think he has it all wrong here.

  • @963ste
    @963ste 11 месяцев назад +36

    I believe there is another key verse in Matthew 13:30 about the harvest that most people miss. In this parable the master tells the servants to gather the tares first to be burned. Thank you for covering this!

    • @lovefortruth3414
      @lovefortruth3414 11 месяцев назад +16

      Yes! And it is not Jesus who will come and gather the tares to prepare for the harvest. It's the angels. Jesus won't come to gather his sheep until he returns for the judgment. It's kind of like telling a friend who's helping you get ready for a party to take out the trash before you go get your kids for the main event. You get someone you trust to deal with the garbage, but you personally go pick up your children from wherever they are. I think people get so confused and so divided on this because some events, like the "one taken and one left, and the wheat and tares, are talking about the gathering of the tares before the harvest. And the events like the virgins and the door being shut and the foolish virgins being shut out (left behind), are talking about Jesus return after the the tribulation at the time of judgment and the wedding feast. So, if Jesus has not returned and people get taken and left, we'd better pray we get left and that God prepares us to endure. But when Jesus arrives, we'd better pray we're prepared to be gathered up to him. And, just because there will still be unbelievers during the tribulation does not automatically mean that the ones left behind are only unbelievers. The great tribulation is the final test of the faith of believers, and also the one last chance for any unbeliever to refuse the mark of the beast and everything it stands for and to repent. But many unbelievers will still take the mark, and many believers will have their faith shaken. This is how I've been able to decipher it in a nutshell, after many years of being confused, trying to fit the most popular interpretations into what I was reading. They just didn't fit, and this is the only conclusion that makes sense. Every other conclusion leaves holes.

    • @robin-figtree
      @robin-figtree 9 месяцев назад +4

      good point!

    • @MsLindyray
      @MsLindyray 9 месяцев назад +3

      Yes, this is the way of the harvest!

    • @justmyopinion7
      @justmyopinion7 8 месяцев назад

      There is NO WAY that people will have normal lives, eating, drinking and marrying before Jesus is coming when millions and millions of people have died from war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and the mark of the beast, thus this can definitely not refer to e second coming but the rapture! No one knows the day or the hour that the rapture will be, but we know EXACTLY when the second coming will be.... 1260 days AFTER the abomination of desolation!! The wicked is definitely not swept away and the righteous left behind because Jesus asks if He will find any faith on the world when He returns.... how can there be no faith if the righteous are left behind?? I think he has it all wrong here.
      Anyway, there is people in heaven from every tongue, tribe and nation in with God in heaven redeemed from the earth before opening of the first seal... if there is no rapture, who are they and how did they get there?

    • @Standinginthedayinthebattle
      @Standinginthedayinthebattle 8 месяцев назад +2

      The TARES get burned first. That's all the people that want to jump on the rapture wagon. Satan comes as an angel of light. Who is that CHRIST. He gets a cheap fabric imitation of Christs coming in Rev 6 he's given a bow a cheap fabric imitation. To imitate CHRISTS COMING. It grieves me at my heart to hear people say I wanna be the first one taken.
      Taken by antichrist?
      It's sad

  • @jukes243
    @jukes243 3 месяца назад +27

    I'm 72 yrs. young. I'm so ready for His return. In the meantime, I keep busy with His work. Thank you, brother.

    • @cmvr9138
      @cmvr9138 3 месяца назад

      Yes, you are ready because you have already lived your life.
      I wish the Rapture would NOT be in my lifetime because we have 4 teens and my husband and I would LOVE to see them get married and we want to play with our grandchildren and enjoy life with them. 😢
      We all are born-again Christians and we know we will get raptured if it happens soon, but I hope not!
      Candace Long seems to think that it will be around 2026. I really hope she is wrong!

    • @ILTSC43
      @ILTSC43 3 месяца назад

      The Bible says if you were alive in May 14 1948 your generation will be the last before the Tribulation period begins

    • @Over-for-now
      @Over-for-now 3 месяца назад

      @@cmvr9138 l remember back in the 50s as a teenager l thought the same things you mentioned. I wanted to experience marriage and children. They are grown in their 50s with children. When we know the Lord and HIS FINISHED work we want to see HIM after all these years. I will love seeing the apostle Paul and thank him for hearing the Lord's gospel given to him --- it was NOT known before the world BEGAN. Romans 16:25 My husband and I are in our 80s and want the rapture soon

    • @LilyHarvest
      @LilyHarvest 3 месяца назад

      i say something similar all the time:
      "Look up- and plant a tree." and then i explain:
      "always be aware for Him- but live your life, take care of things HERE - while you are here.
      we are to OCCUPY- keep His Victor that He gave us"

  • @joancapinia4178
    @joancapinia4178 6 месяцев назад +47

    I learned this teaching from my pastor in 1980 wen i got saved at 13 years young here in Hawai'i using those scriptures in Mathew 24. You are the first I've heard teach it like i learned it back then. And i still see that truth. My pastor taught about the end times & how in Christ (The Ark) we are as Noah & his family...the wicked were taken. We are made in the Fullness of Christ thru the new birth & the new creation. No greater time to be alive (awake, prepare) & to serve as the master stated. Amazing how the good Lord brought this video into my path. He's coming back soon... thank you Jesus

    • @diemaschine2287
      @diemaschine2287 5 месяцев назад +1

      Did he teach you (Matthew 15:21) when a Canaanite woman came to Him with a request to heal her demon-possessed daughter. For a while, Jesus did not respond to the woman’s entreaties, and she followed Him and continued to beg for mercy. Finally, the disciples, feeling that the woman was a nuisance, asked Jesus to send her away. Then Jesus said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). And in (Matthew 10:12)These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: 'Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans.. Later verses were added to include Gentiles

    • @heythere6983
      @heythere6983 5 месяцев назад +5

      The ones taken or raptured are saved , the others left is what the disciples meant when they said “where” , where where they left ?
      Then Jesus said where the bodies are the vultures will gather. The vultures represents those who afflict Gods people in the Old Testament. Jesus says the ones left are the ones to endure with the hypocrites . Then he goes to explain the 10 virgins,
      Half who weren’t ready. And that the bride had the ceremony with the ones who were ready . This is after he mentions some will be taken .
      In Hebrew culture the bridegroom has his men take the bride by surprise at night. He celebrates with her once she is brought to him for a week (7 years, Daniels 70th week). Then the bride returns to the rest and the bride gets shown to them.
      In this case on Mathew he says after the ones left get afflicted by the vultures , THEN he returns to earth for the day of the Lord.
      In revelation it says after the tribulation New Jerusalem comes down from Heaven as his bride. Meaning his Bride was in heaven at this point .

    • @gerttempel7365
      @gerttempel7365 5 месяцев назад +1

      Sorry sir /mam. Nowhere in Rev 21 it states that the new Jerusalem is the bride. Not according Rev 21: 9-10. Heythere6983

    • @msind1633
      @msind1633 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@diemaschine2287The good Samaritan and “the fullness of the Gentiles”. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @Steven-sp3zw
      @Steven-sp3zw 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@diemaschine2287 this was to fulfill God's promise to His chosen people. But just as Jesus said a prophet is not accepted in his own town, people or country. This is then when He allowed the salvation to be spread to the gentiles.

  • @chilidog73
    @chilidog73 Год назад +32

    I always go back to this when people say all God wants is for us to be healthy and happy. And I think it applies here. Jesus went thru tribulation and the deciples went thru tribulation. Why should it be any different for us?

    • @rp2099
      @rp2099 10 месяцев назад +3

      🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯

    • @380stroker
      @380stroker 9 месяцев назад +7

      People go through tribulation every day. People are persecuted everyday. But the final 7 years will be 'the time of Jacob's trouble" or tribulation.

    • @seaneustace9838
      @seaneustace9838 9 месяцев назад +4

      Jesus did not go through tribulation Jesus went to hell for your sins. His disciples did not go through the tribulation they were persecuted for his name sake. You are not going to get out of being persecuted for being a Christian. You might even give your life and martyrdom, just because the rapture gives you a way out of the great tribulation. No Christian went through the flood. Noah and his sons were saved but before they were saved, Enoch was translated in rapture to God, so if you are so held vent against the whole rapture scenario, which is scriptural , why do you think God built it into the Old Testament when he is comparing this to the flood itself.

    • @thetreasureinthefield
      @thetreasureinthefield 8 месяцев назад

      @@seaneustace9838as in the days if Noah.. He was speaking of the nephilim/giants being on the earth in those days.

    • @justmyopinion7
      @justmyopinion7 8 месяцев назад +1

      With all respect, did your great grandparents and grandparents suffer so that they can have everlasting life? Why do people believe we have to suffer to be granted eternity with God?

  • @williamjordan4619
    @williamjordan4619 9 месяцев назад +82

    And how can we return with Jesus to defeat, Satan and his demons if we have never left

    • @TruceForChrist
      @TruceForChrist 8 месяцев назад +17

      Amen I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught it 🙂

    • @susanjane2498
      @susanjane2498 8 месяцев назад +6

      Jesus does it all!

    • @TruceForChrist
      @TruceForChrist 8 месяцев назад

      @@susanjane2498 AMEN HE IS ALL AND IN ALL 💯❤️🙂

    • @greghanson-w3d
      @greghanson-w3d 8 месяцев назад +3

      You miss the whole point. Are you committed to premillennialism? If so, no true exegesis will ever make sense to you.

    • @QueenLadySummer329
      @QueenLadySummer329 8 месяцев назад

      You put on the whole armor of God and stand!
      ”Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.“
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭13‬-‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      ”Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.“
      ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭22‬-‭24‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @kaymarie2000
    @kaymarie2000 Месяц назад

    Thank you! I just signed up for the 40 day Bible study course!! Looking forward to starting it! This was soooo good ❤

  • @mcandler_the_unscottish
    @mcandler_the_unscottish 6 месяцев назад +11

    Mind blown...🤯 This is the 1st time I have understood it this way. I also have to admit that even 20mins into the video, I couldn't understand what you were working towards but when it hit me... it floored me. Well played sir. I have learnt something new today. God bless you my brother.

    • @monekiaroque8151
      @monekiaroque8151 5 месяцев назад +5

      That is meant for the return of the Lord. There will be those who are saved after the rapture that go through the tribulation. Since the Lord is here to end the tribulation and rule for 1000 years, He will remove the lost at His return. And they will wait in Hades/Sheol/Hell until judgement day...after the millennial reign and satan and his followers are dealt with one last time. So, do not be deceived my friend. Jesus is coming to get His bride, the church, just like He has always taught us! Be ready bc He does not pour out His wrath onto His people. The Lord took the punishment for our sins on the cross, why would He continue to punish us? It is always important to know the audience the scriptures you're reading are talking to. There's the lost, the church, Israel, etc. People often confuse themselves when reading if they aren't familiar with who the word is addressing...which is why there is so much confusion and strife on the subject of eschatology now. Go back and take a look at the apostles firstly. Then, look at what the early church fathers believed and taught. Lee Brainard explains this well and gives the references to us so that we can look into it for ourselves, bc we know that we are never to just follow anyone blindly. They taught the pre-trib rapture because it is what they were taught

    • @Gutslinger
      @Gutslinger 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, I was feeling impatient after a few minutes, waiting for him to get to the point.
      Thankfully I held onto having patience until he got to his main point about 5-10 minutes in, and I finished the video.

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад +1

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

    • @Gutslinger
      @Gutslinger 4 месяца назад +1

      @@Bluemaze64 There are 8.4 thousand comments on this video.
      What makes you think anyone will be able to find your post?

    • @Guknowit
      @Guknowit 2 месяца назад

      ​@@GutslingerTap on his icon and you will get a window showing you every comment he's posted on this video.
      Very easy to find his comment.

  • @kalhernandez5961
    @kalhernandez5961 Год назад +66

    I'm Blown away....this makes so much more sense. I sometimes lack understanding, thank you so much brother 🙏 ❤️

    • @Ace-n5h6t
      @Ace-n5h6t Год назад +3

      The book of Enoch points to this interpretation

    • @joycegreer9391
      @joycegreer9391 Год назад +11

      No, this confuses a few separate events. Read Revelation.

    • @janetwhite7786
      @janetwhite7786 Год назад +1

      ​​@@joycegreer9391How do u figure a continuous, complete (as far as i know😏) bible story/book is confusing events (in light of Revelations being at best prophecy, at worst a fever dream)?
      Serious question from a raised in the church, saved individual (ie not a gotcha).
      Second question - once the evil/unsaved are taken, is that when the millenia of peace on earth shall be upon us? Ive always wondered.

    • @joycegreer9391
      @joycegreer9391 Год назад

      @@janetwhite7786 Not the Bible confusing events, this video/interpretation is confusing events. Are you not believing that Revelation was Jesus giving John the unveiling of what will happen at the end, the actual real events?
      This 7 yr period is also in the book of Daniel. While there is controversy about the rapture, I believe it is biblical and necessary. It is biblical that this 7 yr period is about Israel, the Anti-Christ, God's wrath against rejecting sinners.
      Assuming the rapture, that would be all who are truly saved believers before the Tribulation. There will be many saved during the Tribulation as seen in Rev 8:9-14, perhaps more than throughout the entire church age. There is then the harvesting of the nations taking the wicked Rev 14:14. At Christ's return at the end of the Tribulation all those who have taken the mark of the beast will be in the lake of fire, leaving those who did not take the mark of the beast. That is when the millennial reign of Christ begins, the perfect peace and justice.
      To answer your question, there appears to be at least three times when the evil unsaved are left behind or destroyed before the millennia of peace on earth.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +3

      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

  • @Mjj-3k
    @Mjj-3k 8 месяцев назад +179

    The word says we shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. God is going to pour out his wrath without mixture upon the whole word. He says pray that you be found worthy to escape. People please study the word for yourself and ask The Creator for understanding, Peace🙏

    • @zellerized
      @zellerized 8 месяцев назад +28

      Exactly. This guy heard this from someone else and just parroting it. Noah was saved from the tribulation that fell on the earth just as those who are caught up with the Lord as His bride will be taken away loke a thief in the night.

    • @JesusIsLord777-lz7mg
      @JesusIsLord777-lz7mg 8 месяцев назад +4

      @@zellerized The day of the Lord. At the 7th trumpet.

    • @sharonboston9087
      @sharonboston9087 8 месяцев назад +20

      Exactly! He is going to pour out His wrath on all who are not worthy of His Kingdom. However, the TRIBULATION and WRATH are two totally different periods/events. That is why Yeshuah said in Matthew 24, "he that endures til the end (of the tribulation) will be saved." Then later on in vs. 29, He (Christ) is coming IMMEDIATELY AFTER the Tribulation.
      When I read the message in I Thes. 4:17 regarding "we which are alive & REMAIN shall meet the Lord", takes me back to His message in Matt. 24: 40 & 41 then regarding the men in the field & the women at the well, one will be taken & one will remain.

    • @DianeNichols-u1b
      @DianeNichols-u1b 8 месяцев назад +17

      To be caught up...when Jesus returns He will in the blink of an eye put us into our spiritual bodies, we will not taste the sting of death

    • @ronr3334
      @ronr3334 7 месяцев назад +3


  • @matthowland1770
    @matthowland1770 6 месяцев назад +10

    There are 2 other passages: the parable of the tears and wheat and a parable about a fishing net. In all of these examples, the good is kept, and the bad are taken out. The tears are burnt up, the bad fish are done away with, and in the people taking Yahshua says, you find the bodies where the buzzards are.

    • @logiciskey7
      @logiciskey7 6 месяцев назад +1

      Ive included in a post I've just done where to find those 3 scriptures you mentioned, so people can find them easily.

    • @7Sheepdog7
      @7Sheepdog7 2 месяца назад

      Revelation 19:17-18
      [17]And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
      [18]That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. Parallel that to Luke 17:34-37
      [34]I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
      [35]Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
      [36]Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
      [37]And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.
      I believe people who will be taken, will be food for the eagles.

    • @marcussaint8247
      @marcussaint8247 2 месяца назад +1

      I fully agree with your viewpoint.
      Those who are "Taken" are destroyed.

  • @Aniontedone
    @Aniontedone Год назад +13

    John 14:3
    “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

    • @morganashleywhite
      @morganashleywhite Год назад +8

      Yeah I still think we (believers) will be taken away and then the 7 year tribulation starts for the non believers or ones that had it wrong and they can be saved by not taking the mark and dying for Jesus. We won’t know till it happens though 😵‍💫

    • @infinityBBC
      @infinityBBC Год назад

      @@morganashleywhite suggestion: search and do some investigation into the "mark of God". most folks have been indoctrinated into believing satan's mark is a chip or something like that. discovering the "mark of God" greatly helps better understand the "mark of the beast". Godbless...

    • @denisestuermer3597
      @denisestuermer3597 Год назад +5

      Yep, relates to book of Daniel also.
      End times are here. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Was Jesus warning. Over and over again...

    • @donstevens8414
      @donstevens8414 6 месяцев назад +1

      If the elect are not present at the end of the tribulation why does Jesus say that the end will cut the tribulation short as no flesh will be saved but for the sake of the elect, the tribulation will be cut short. Prepare to suffer.

    • @Rebecca-bb6od
      @Rebecca-bb6od 5 месяцев назад

      The elect are the 144 ,000 who are Jews who have not yet accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Many will during the tribulation and most will be saved and die. There has to be some people left in the flesh, who remain in their flesh bodies because it says that during the millennial kingdom on earth, that people will still be taken in marriage and have children,many will live for the thousand years, at the end of the thousand years the satan and his demonics will be turned loose to tempt MAN kind. During the millennial kingdom, satan is chained bound. So there is peace on the earth and Jesus rules with an Iron rod. But at the end Satan will be turned loose and will tempt them too just as he did to all man kind and they too will have to choose to serve God or turn away from God. If they turn away from God, they will be part of the great white throne judgement. All who end up in that judgement are cast to the lake that burns with fire. Just the same as us now, if we don't repent of our sins before it's too late, If you die unsaved, it is too late once you die. For there is no salvation beyond the tomb.. what gets Jesus to return to the earth after the tribulation is when the remaining Jews cry up ba ruka a ba ba shem Adoni which means blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the Lord hears their cry for salvation, many still would not repent and died in the tribulation, some even shake their fist up at God. So those Jewish people will get a chance to prove themselves during the millennial kingdom and especially when Satan is turned loose for a bit to tempt. They can't serve two God's, they must choose. There are many Jews that are saved already at this time, they accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, but many many still have not, they will get a chance to in the tribulation, but many still will not. We pray that they will be saved, but we all must accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and that includes the Jews. They do not get a free pass or sneak in another way, Jesus said that He is the light, The truth, THE WAY and that no man goes to the Father except by Him.

  • @danielebbeling4056
    @danielebbeling4056 Год назад +9

    I am pleased that you taught this truth with great clarity!
    Those that remain to the end shall be saved !

    • @offutta
      @offutta 11 месяцев назад +1

      Careful... The people that were "taken away" in Matt. 24:39 (Noah's generation) were "take[en] up or away" (Strong's G142; αἴρω) and the people that are "taken" in v. 40 are specifically "receive[ed] near, i.e. associate[d] with oneself (in any familiar or intimate act or relation; Strong's G3880; παραλαμβάνω). It it more accurate to say that the "woman" and the "man" who are "taken" in Matt. 24:40 are "received or brought near to the gatherers (Angels? v.31; the Son of Man? v.30, 37) to be associated with them." NOT to be separated, while the people in the flood were "taken away/washed away/loosed" from their previous place.

    • @danielebbeling4056
      @danielebbeling4056 11 месяцев назад

      @@offutta or into captivity...

    • @monekiaroque8151
      @monekiaroque8151 5 месяцев назад

      You all are confusing yourselves! The rapture is pre-trib. We will return with the Lord at His second coming. Those that are left are saved at that time because Jesus is here to end the tribulation and establish His rule for the millennial kingdom, so the lost will be removed at that particular time in order for that to occur. But the church is NOT to endure the wrath of our GOD. We CANNOT be raptured and glorified at the second coming bc there will be no one to go into the millennial kingdom to repopulate the rejuvenated earth or to go up against Christ at the end when satan is loosed for a short time and gather's up the lost who will reject the Lord during that time. Nothing outside of the pre-tribulation rapture matches up completely to what the Bible teaches us.

  • @83KJack
    @83KJack Год назад +82

    The rules of Hermeneutics must always be considered to properly interpret scripture. Everything has to be taken in context, and ensure the definition of every word that every word is understood as it was intended to be. Reading the Bible is best done slowly and with great care, and with a good working knowledge of the history of the Bible, what languages the books were originally written in, etc etc. Always check, and test anything someone tells you that you might wanna take to heart. To walk in truth takes constant work and practice but it is so worth it, and God will bless you with a sensible mind. God bless yall

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 Год назад +12

      This is False Doctrine

    • @mrpush2532
      @mrpush2532 Год назад +7

      ​@@a.howardsmith3243i have to agree. Ghe early church didn't have what we have. Yet we are all confused on the interpretations? Something is not right.

    • @Thaddeus_Mac
      @Thaddeus_Mac 11 месяцев назад +12

      ​@mrpush2532 early church actually listened to and obeyed Holy Spirit, which most of today's "church" does not. Everyday all day in everything we do most important is to obey leading of Holy Spirit

    • @mrpush2532
      @mrpush2532 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Thaddeus_Mac how do you know?

    • @Needs_Tzel
      @Needs_Tzel 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@mrpush2532Literally written in the Bible. Uttered from Jesus’s lips… repeated in 4 books in the Bible…

  • @Keithphysics
    @Keithphysics 3 месяца назад

    Thank you Jason and Above Reproach Ministry. This is the best explanation of these scriptures we have heard in Christian teachings, and confirms what we have understood for many, many years. Time is short.

  • @TheWatchmansPost3929
    @TheWatchmansPost3929 Год назад +48

    This has nothing to do with the Rapture but the Second Coming!

    • @ritabrandow1318
      @ritabrandow1318 4 месяца назад +2

      I agree 💯 percent

    • @thisnthat7760
      @thisnthat7760 4 месяца назад +2

      You still don't get it

    • @zaney1956
      @zaney1956 3 месяца назад +3

      @@thisnthat7760 He got it alright! 68 years and waiting on the rapture then the second coming.

    • @julietheisen7015
      @julietheisen7015 3 месяца назад +12

      The second coming and the rapture are 2 separate events. Rapture first with the 7 year tribulation then the second coming.

    • @DavidJongibo
      @DavidJongibo 3 месяца назад +2

      The rapture is called the coming of the Lord 1 Thessalonians 4:15.

  • @ruthannabauer1022
    @ruthannabauer1022 Год назад +36

    AMEN! And the Word says that we don't know the EXACT moment of our Lord's return but it does say we will know the season, we are in that season! I pray that the Lord Jesus abundantly blesses you & this ministry to His Glory.🙌👑✝️🎁❤️📖🕊️

    • @davidm.965
      @davidm.965 11 месяцев назад +2

      I re-read that section. Interestingly, the same structure is present (Matthew 24)
      Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.

    • @ruthannabauer1022
      @ruthannabauer1022 11 месяцев назад +2

      AMEN, David, I agree with you 100%! If only the world weren't so willingly blinded by the devil. That's why we must LIVE OUT LOUD our relationship with Jesus & refuse to behave or respond in an UNHOLY manner. "Greater is He, Jesus, who's within me than he, Satan, who's within the world!" (1 John 4:4). My prayer for years has been to be what the Lord has called all of us to be to a lost world, Jesus w/ skin on. The Lord Jesus abundantly Bless you as you seek His Face, His Will & serve Him wherever He sends you, my brother. Use your "Armor" & "Sword"!🙌☝️🎁❤️👑✝️📖🕊️🙏🇺🇸🙏🇮🇱

    • @bruceolga3644
      @bruceolga3644 10 месяцев назад +1

      Amen is a reference to Ahriman/Amen Ra, many different versions...👁️

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@bruceolga3644 quote---men is a reference to Ahriman/Amen Ra, many different versions. unquote
      uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn, meaning ‘so be it.’.
      an utterance of “amen.”

    • @bruceolga3644
      @bruceolga3644 9 месяцев назад

      @@mitchellosmer1293 of course it's there in that context-"1984"👁️

  • @pounceonyou1958
    @pounceonyou1958 9 месяцев назад +15

    16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

    • @kimjungun9406
      @kimjungun9406 5 месяцев назад

      After the tribulation or before?

    • @barbaramalevitch1802
      @barbaramalevitch1802 4 месяца назад +1


    • @kimjungun9406
      @kimjungun9406 4 месяца назад +2

      @@barbaramalevitch1802 NOPE!!!

    • @avoiceinthewilderness2053
      @avoiceinthewilderness2053 4 месяца назад

      Mathew 24 29-31 Has full context of when this happens

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 4 месяца назад

      I don’t know why you’re presenting this verse as a ‘gotcha’ because this was sent to the Thessalonians of the first century, not to us 2000 years into the future. The bible is written to us but is not *for* us. These words were written to a church suffering intense persecution and was meant to comfort them.
      I firmly believe Christ came for them in the first century as it is written.
      God bless you in your quest for truth ❤

  • @38lenette
    @38lenette Месяц назад

    I enjoy your studies and the way you stay in the contex of the scriptures. This is super important. I think a lot of people miss this and get confused. I especially liked this topic because i have heard things one way my whole life but when I study it I see it different. This helped me so much. I feel like I am not alone in my belief on this anymore. Not that I need validation, but I saw the truth as you went over it! God Bless!

  • @jeremyandrewfoss4973
    @jeremyandrewfoss4973 Год назад +26

    I really appreciate this guy's expository method of examining the scriptures, even if there might be certain points sometimes that I don't completely agree with. It helps me want to examine the scriptures more for myself to see what I might be missing.

    • @galecannington76
      @galecannington76 11 месяцев назад

      You are exactly right! There were some points, where I 🤨 didn’t quite agree, as well as possibly leading new believers astray, however, I took time to ponder 🤔💭 and with the help of 🙏✝️🕊️ - I realized that those who are hungry for God’s fellowship & guidance, will be led 🕊️ to seek out truth. This seeking, will also guide us into a more rounded walk with Christ, as well as preparing us to answer questions, even if it’s to humbly say- “I don’t know the answer, but if you give me a few days, I’ll do my best to find the answer and/or point you to someone that does.”😅 I am confident that a another person’s conviction is no license for rudeness or anger, but an opportunity to discuss God’s Word, to dive deeper into His Word for the reasons something being said is wrong. With the demands of life and no conviction, it took me up to my 20’s to start challenging notions I held (in private), as well as asking questions on Bible Study groups, and oftentimes the answers I received still went against how I saw in my private study times. Even later on into my 40’s 50’s, I began to read and study more *if only to learn what was completely wrong😂. Through the years, I evolved into sitting down with a dictionary with archaic words, Bible dictionary, Legal dictionary, my Atlas, Translation for English and Biblical dialects, as well as other Bibles than my own KJV. This was before computers, as well as a slow development, because I had 5 children to raise, working as a nurse. I still study this way, except when illness confines me to my bed, then I use my iPhone. I hope this helps someone.

    • @justmyopinion7
      @justmyopinion7 8 месяцев назад

      There is NO WAY that people will have normal lives, eating, drinking and marrying before Jesus is coming when millions and millions of people have died from war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes and the mark of the beast, thus this can definitely not refer to e second coming but the rapture! No one knows the day or the hour that the rapture will be, but we know EXACTLY when the second coming will be.... 1260 days AFTER the abomination of desolation!! The wicked is definitely not swept away and the righteous left behind because Jesus asks if He will find any faith on the world when He returns.... how can there be no faith if the righteous are left behind?? I think he has it all wrong here.
      Anyway, there is people in heaven from every tongue, tribe and nation in with God in heaven redeemed from the earth before opening of the first seal... if there is no rapture, who are they and how did they get there?

    • @monekiaroque8151
      @monekiaroque8151 5 месяцев назад

      I'm sorry, but the rapture is very real and it is going to occur sooner than anyone thinks! The Lord Jesus is coming to get His bride, just like He's taught us for 2000 years!!! Hallelujah. It isn't smart to take one small section of scripture and base your WHOLE belief system on it. When God teaches us something, He backs up what He teaches us over and over and over again! He even gives us patterns, types, and examples of how He works. I am going to list the many points and scriptures that back up the fact that the Lord has taught us to be ready because He is coming to get us in a pre-tribulation rapture/harpazo! So here is a little something, with the scriptures to back my statements up, from GOD Himself... For I speak not on my own authority.
      Rapture 2nd Coming
      Translation of believers No translation involved
      The saints go to heaven The saints return to earth
      The earth is not judged The earth is judged
      Imminent Not imminent - Knows when He will return
      Affects believers only Affects all men on earth
      Before the Day of Wrath Concludes the Day of Wrath
      No reference to satan Satan is bound
      Jesus comes in the air Jesus comes to the earth
      Jesus comes FOR His bride He comes WITH His bride
      Only the saints see Him Every eye shall see Him
      The Tribulation begins The Millennium begins
      Rapture 2nd Coming
      John 14:1-3 Daniel 2:44-45
      1st Corinthians 15:1-53 Daniel 7:9-14
      1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Daniel 12:1-3
      Romans 8:19 Zechariah 14:1-15
      1 Corinthians 1:7-8, 15:21-23 Matthew 13:41, 24:15-31, 26:64
      Philippians 3:20-21 Mark 13:14-27
      Colossians 3:4 Mark 14:62
      1 Thessalonians 1:10, 2:19, 5:9-10, 23 Luke 21:25-28
      2 Thessalonians 2:1, 3 Acts 1:9-11
      1 Timothy 6:14 Acts 3:19-21
      Hebrews 9:28 1 Thessalonians 3:13
      James 5:7-9 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10, 2:8
      1 Peter 1:7, 13 2 Peter 3:1-14
      1 John 2:28-3:2 Jude 14-15
      Jude 21 Revelation 1:7
      Revelation 2:25 Revelation 19:11-20:6
      Revelation 3:10 Revelation 22:7, 12, 20
      Think: If the rapture were post trib, why are we supposed to always look up for our Savior draws near? If it were after the tribulation, we'd know EXACKLY when things will happen! God told us that the church will be taken up out of the earth to meet the Lord in the air (He never touches ground during this event, so it is not His 2nd coming), He's doing that to protect His people bc He has always taken His people out of an area to keep them safe before pouring out His wrath! That's why we should always be ready (the AC will be given authority over all Christians during the tribulation period, and he will kill every one he finds! There won't be much supernatural protection)! With Noah, He put them in the ark and shut the door. With Lot, He put them in the mountains and away from the cities. But where can we be safe during the tribulation period...since the Lord is pouring out His wrath upon the WHOLE WORLD and EVERY MAN will go through it that's left here. So, we will be removed completely and taken to the safety of heaven until we return with Him for His 2nd coming. Then, the Tribulation period will start when the antichrist signs the 7 year covenant with Israel, which he will break at the 3 1/2 year mark with the abomination of desolation.
      If the rapture were post-trib, who would be the people to go into the 1000 year millennial kingdom to repopulate the world? If we are all glorified at the Lord's return, there will be NO ONE to have babies or rule over during that period. We will not marry, be given in marriage, or procreate in our glorified bodies, for we will be like the angels in heaven! So, we will be glorified BEFORE the tribulation begins, and return with the Lord when it is done. He will take those who are saved after the rapture, and have survived the tribulation, and heal them. They will go into the millennial kingdom and repopulate the earth (that will also be healed and turned back to Eden-like conditions). We are to rule and reign beside Christ over these people. And those born during that time will also have to accept or reject the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior, just like everyone else had to do. Those who actually reject the Lord Jesus Christ during the millennium, who is literally ruling from the throne of David in Jerusalem, will be the ones that satan will convince to go up against the Lord one last time when he is loosed for a short season! They will surround the Lord and His saints in Jerusalem and God will rain down fire upon them to end their rebellion once and for all! That will then be the end!
      This world and universe will be destroyed in fervent heat. The Great White Throne Judgement of Jesus Christ will take place, where the lost will be judged and receive their part of the lake of fire. They will be casted there, where the antichrist and false prophet are STILL BURNING in the lake of fire 1000 years after the Lord threw them there, and sin will be no more! God will create a whole new Earth and heavens and He will take His home in heaven, the New Jerusalem, and bring it down from the third heaven to set it down upon the new Earth. He will live beside us finally and be our God, then we will be His people forevermore! Hallelujah! That is what our word of God teaches us! God is so good. So, do not allow satan to snatch your Blessed Hope from you!
      The apostles and first church members always looked forward to the return of the Lord every day of their lives! Paul always said "we" when addressing the issue of lifting up our eyes to wait on the Lord to return to get His church, which could happen at literally any moment! Satan had people along the way come in and change the doctrine and snatch our hope and knowledge of the truth. Just ask the Lord to guide you through reading the Bible, He will because He loves you and wants you to know the truth. Read the RIGHT Bible, not the catholic, mormon, jehovah's witness, or most other versions out there that have been changed beyond recognition from the truth. Stick with an old Open Word KJV, NKJV, or amplified versions. Use tools like,,, and to help you to study and get the truth. Listen to true men of God teach the truth straight from the Bible like: Allen Nolan, Charles Lawson, Jack Hibbs, John Barnett, David Wilkerson, Carter Conlon, Voddie Baucham (but be careful with his eschatology), Tom Horn, Prophesy Watchers, Ryan Pitterson, Derek Prince, Howard Pittman, and Justen Faull. Do the work! Ask the hard Questions. Be ready to change your mind to match the mind of the Lord Jesus. It doesn't matter what your church or pastor said. If they don't match the word of God, especially on important things like who is Jesus Christ (God incarnate), How are we saved (by our faith alone in Jesus Christ alone bc no works can help you), etc. then you are listening to the wrong people. Don't worry about traditions or religions, focus on the Lord Jesus. He will get you through it all. Maybe He sent me to get your attention today? Bless you!

  • @m.d.murphy3005
    @m.d.murphy3005 Год назад +17

    I am usually skeptical when I listen to Bible videos because quite often they interpret so differently than what I believe through my own studies. I just kept watching yours and I can say well done. You are thorough and made it easy to follow and gave me a new perspective based on Bible truth. Keep ‘‘em coming!

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 Год назад +1

      This is False Doctrine

    • @TheChgoMob
      @TheChgoMob 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@a.howardsmith3243- Okay... Back that up.

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @andytorres8896
    @andytorres8896 Год назад +9

    the important here is to live our life by the Bible and be ready for the time that GOD come for us!!GOD bless!!❤

  • @johnr4962
    @johnr4962 2 месяца назад +4

    This is often used as a rapture verse but it isn’t referring to the rapture at all. I believe the rapture was clearly in verse 31… just like Noah and his family were safely in the ark when the flood came and swept every one else away, so will those who are prepared and in Christ be gathered before the judgment falls

  • @kristy3380
    @kristy3380 Год назад +123

    I absolutely agree, I was raised in church being taught that we don't want to be left behind, but when I read it for myself I get the same interpretation as you did. Great video, keep fighting the good fight my brother.

    • @Animalfarm4481
      @Animalfarm4481 Год назад

      It’s disturbing how wrong bible college, educated pastors get this.
      I’ve heard that the Freemasons establish and pay for many of these schools-I wonder what their agenda is.

    • @erniegamboa5609
      @erniegamboa5609 Год назад +11

      That my sister in Christ is the difference between interpretations made by men in error of the truth.. and interpretations made by a Holy Spirit-filled soul like yourself... Grace, Mercy and Peace be to you...

    • @marriechrissievalley4650
      @marriechrissievalley4650 Год назад +9

      And I think Jesus says for a good reason, that those on the rooftop must not go down to collect belongings. (I guess it would be easier to be raptured up from the rooftop without luggage than from inside the house with belongings) And then after the rapture these people like the person who made the video are going to say to the ones left behind on earth that the Aliens took the people who are missing and they will tell the remnant to worship the antichrist, the false messias. But in reality the true believers will be raptured.

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i Год назад +2

      Raptured to WHERE??
      After you are caught up, what happens then??

    • @melquesedekcastro7480
      @melquesedekcastro7480 Год назад +34

      This brother is so wrong. His study looks more like a way to deviate people from the right track. One just needs to read Revelation 3: 10 to see how wrong he is. Let's see into it: Revelation 3: 10. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. The Lord promises to remove from earth the overcomer Christians that remained on His word. During the harvest, you take the fruit that is good and leave behind the bad ones.

  • @shanli2693
    @shanli2693 Год назад +39

    2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now, brethren, *concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him*, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for *that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.*
    Then we have the words of Jesus himself in Matthew 24:29 *Immediately after the tribulation* of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And *He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.*

    • @stephenvine5926
      @stephenvine5926 Год назад +3

      2 Thessalonians 2:6-8

    • @Triggerhawk
      @Triggerhawk Год назад +1

      @@stephenvine5926 Often used as a hard to understand passage quoted in direct contrast to what Paul clearly just said, instead of fitting with the context of what he was talking about, also clashing with other clear passages, but aligning itself with unclear 'metaphores' in order to make an unbiblical doctrine work. Take the clear over the unclear every time on a matter.

    • @Triggerhawk
      @Triggerhawk Год назад +1

      Also Rev 6-7 lines up with Mat 24. Rev 14:14-18 also

    • @makdk8
      @makdk8 Год назад +4

      Yes immediately AFTER, he gathers together his elect! We know that WE DO NOT PROCEED THOSE WHO SLEEP IN THE DIRT!

    • @Elvengem
      @Elvengem Год назад

      2 Thessalonians 2:1 The rapture comes when first the falling away happens and so we see the apostasy already at this present time, and then we see perhaps Trump is the man of sin revealed. Then Matthew 24:39 is the Second coming. In every dispensation or round of games or callings in Hebrew custom,a series of trumpets are called forth 100 times at least in the feast of trumpets. The last trumpet for the church age is soon to come.Then a new dispensation begins with a new series of 100 trumpets so to speak and ending with yet another final trumpet at the second coming, The fina trumpet symbolizes the end of the round or a series of time placements that God has layed out.

  • @kimmeyfitts9539
    @kimmeyfitts9539 Год назад +11

    I have been trying to explain this to people for so long. Thank you for laying it out like this young man. God bless you. 🙏😇

    • @offutta
      @offutta 11 месяцев назад

      Careful... The people that were "taken away" in Matt. 24:39 (Noah's generation) were "take[en] up or away" (Strong's G142; αἴρω) and the people that are "taken" in v. 40 are specifically "receive[ed] near, i.e. associate[d] with oneself (in any familiar or intimate act or relation; Strong's G3880; παραλαμβάνω). It it more accurate to say that the "woman" and the "man" who are "taken" in Matt. 24:40 are "received or brought near to the gatherers (Angels? v.31; the Son of Man? v.30, 37) to be associated with them." NOT to be separated, while the people in the flood were "taken away/washed away/loosed" from their previous place.

    • @rondalee136
      @rondalee136 9 месяцев назад +1

      Me too! Man preaches rapture bible doesn’t

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @rayssis2
    @rayssis2 Месяц назад

    Thank you so much for this enlightenment. A huge blessing to understand. More clear focus. Sanity. Thank you

  • @squishmellow3178
    @squishmellow3178 Год назад +33

    Listen people, this is a very deep and meaningful teaching, it has so much more meaning than what people have always thought.

    • @richardbrown9760
      @richardbrown9760 Год назад +7

      This is nonsense teaching.

    • @squishmellow3178
      @squishmellow3178 Год назад

      @@richardbrown9760 please explain.

    • @andrewo.9412
      @andrewo.9412 Год назад

      @@richardbrown9760what do you believe it to say?

    • @nicklasarthur
      @nicklasarthur 9 месяцев назад

    • @isaacbuluma
      @isaacbuluma 9 месяцев назад

      True he is just explaining his own things. He should have used more books and verses to explain his understanding. Even in old testament there is rapture and tribulation . Paul knew all this And he teaches it very well. Remember Jesus calls his Church abride and after The wedding he shall come down again. So the one Left after rapture us those who disbelieved. tribulation so they will go through yrs of weeping and wait for that great day of the Lord. I believe he needs to learn more on this topic

  • @reneehailey4462
    @reneehailey4462 Год назад +77

    On my second time listening! I have believed this for many years and have on my FB the scripture of leave the wheat and the tares together so you don't harm the harvest. When the harvest is ready then the tares will be removed!!! ❤

    • @nickpatterson2479
      @nickpatterson2479 Год назад +27

      2 Thessalonians chapter 2 specifically says the Holy Spirit is removed from the earth before the man of perdition is revealed unless you choose not to believe Paul. God wouldn't remove the Holy Spirit from us and leave us to face His wrath on our own. I'm not saying we won't see tribulations, but just not the great tribulation because that's what the gospel says. Not an opinion it's fact.

    • @loriainsworth6569
      @loriainsworth6569 Год назад +28

      Wait. Noah was "taken" to safety in the arc. The arc, in which Noah and his family were, was "taken" by the flood. The rest were left behind and swept away by the wrath of the flood. Taken indicates purposeful action. Swept away indicates a violent movement. As for The wheat and tares that one replier mentioned, The wheat is taken or harvested and the tares were reaped and thrown into the fire. Harpazo is a word used in 1 Thessalonians is Greek for caught up, violently yanked as to pull a child out of the path of an oncoming car. This is the meaning of taken. The rest are left behind to be "taken" or thrown into the lake of fire. So I am not convinced. Too many holes in your theory. Why does he leave us behind to face the judgment and wrath of God aka the Great Tribulation? It is after this that Jesus and his army set foot on the Mount of Olives to fight and win the war of all wars. Then all who have been gathered are brought back to reign. You see both are taken, one to eternal life and the other to eternal darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth. It is really important to translate verses in the Bible with other verses in the Bible. The WHOLE Bible must be taken in context. That is a very large task indeed. But a necessary task.✝️🕊️❤️

    • @jinimurray4090
      @jinimurray4090 Год назад

      @@nickpatterson2479scriptures please

    • @liontribe555
      @liontribe555 Год назад

      ​@@loriainsworth6569good point about the arc. I believe he's right on some scriptures relating to the millennial kingdom right at the very end of time where the final judgement has come... So technically post rapture theory.

    • @jeffstewart7439
      @jeffstewart7439 Год назад

      ​@@nickpatterson2479the Holy Spirit will be taken from those who chose not to believe/have faith in GOD. Not from those who have faith and are saved. Remember that Ephesians 4:30 says the Holy Spirit is what seals the saved, how then could He be taken from the saved if it is Him that seals the saved? The holy spirit it is "taken" or withdrawn from the lost and they no longer have an opportunity for salvation.
      This is also referenced in Matthew 25. The "foolish virgins" no longer had oil/light. What is light reminiscent of? See Psalm 119:105, John 8:12. These "foolish virgins" lost faith, and no longer had the Spirit of God. These are who Paul refers to in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 as the ones who "received not a love of the truth that they might be saved."

  • @jessestephens3577
    @jessestephens3577 Год назад +45

    You are truly a blessing and a gift from God. Did not my heart "burn" within me when I heard the voice of the Lord speaking by the Holy Spirit through you. You caused me to hunger and thirst more after the things of God....with an overwhelming desire to know Him more deeply and intimately as I read and study the Bible: His Word!
    God bless!

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад +2

      This is a lying false teacher.

    • @LalaKip
      @LalaKip Год назад +2

      THIS GUY IS NOT A BLESSING, he does not understand anything and he LEAVES OUT PAUL, the one JESUS TOLD ABOUT THE RATURE TO.

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i Год назад +1

      Perhaps YOU are mistaken..
      Why viciously attack another Christian with name calling?
      *You VIOLATE THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS, in the name of Jesus* by calling others names!! IT IS CONFUSION. Repent & DELETE
      Since you are evidently an AUTHORITY on the Bible:
      Can you answer *3 BIBLICAL RIDDLES?:*
      1. *How can the Messiah be the ancestor (in the flesh) and offspring (in the flesh) of David and The Root of Jesse?*
      Matthew 22:41-45
      Isaiah 11:1-4
      Isaiah 11:10
      Romans 15:12
      2. *How can some of the apostles be alive on earth in the flesh to see the Second coming of Christ?*
      Luke 9:26-27
      Matthew 16:28
      “Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, *which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”*
      *Jesus is stating that some of the apostles will be alive on earth to see the Second Coming of the Messiah with New Jerusalem.*
      *How can this be?* Didn’t all of the Apostles die? Crucified upside down, sawn in half, etc?
      3. *How are we necessary for ancient prophets perfection?*
      Hebrews 11:
      40 God having provided some better thing for us, that THEY (prophets of old) WITHOUT US should not be made perfect.
      *What does “that they without us should not be made perfect.” Mean??*
      If they lived before us, how could WE be NECESSARY for THEIR perfection?
      Declare if thou hast understanding..
      Want the answers?
      *Chapter & verse answers upon request*
      Wouldn’t the apostles living upon the earth be raptured before Jesus comes - according to your view??
      God Bless

    • @willyfoofoo6076
      @willyfoofoo6076 Год назад

      Why would we be caught up to meet our Lord in the air if we are the ones being left on the earth? This is a reference to Christ coming to get his bride "the church". He is taking us to the place he has prepared for us. He will shut the doors on our mansions for 7 years and the wrath of God will be poured out on those left here. That is the Great Tribulation. We will then return with Jesus and the saints when he comes back to destroy the antichrist and the kingdoms of the world and to set up His kingdom and rule and reign for 1000 years. I Highly Recommend you checking out Alan Nolan study on this topic. It will blow your hair back. He touches on old testament and new Testament scripture to back up everything he says and how it all fits with God's plan. It will eliminate your confusion on this topic. This guy is taking one piece of scripture and running with it. Alan uses practically the entire Bible to explain the why's of it all. God bless!

    • @melquesedekcastro7480
      @melquesedekcastro7480 Год назад +3

      This brother is so wrong. His study looks more like a way to deviate people from the right track. One just needs to read Revelation 3: 10 to see how wrong he is. Let's see into it: Revelation 3: 10. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. The Lord promises to remove from earth the overcomer Christians that remained on His word. During the harvest, you take the fruit that is good and leave behind the bad ones.

  • @dustin6828
    @dustin6828 5 месяцев назад +1

    It brings me joy to find y’all here.

  • @OklaBoondocks
    @OklaBoondocks Год назад +18

    You guys realize focusing on Matt 24 doesn’t get into the rapture much at all. Matt 24 is Jesus 2nd coming AFTER the great tribulation. The rapture occurs BEFORE the tribulation which includes 1 Thess 4:13-17, and 1 Cor 15:51-52.

    • @Triggerhawk
      @Triggerhawk Год назад +2

      Well it does actually. Matthew 24:29-31 specifically addresses it. 1 Thess 4 and 1 Cor 15 also contain the rapture, but they don't say WHEN it will take place, only that it will happen, as well as give a little extra detail into how it will happen. The other 2 passages that do reference the rapture and actually say when it will take place are 2 Thess 2:1-4 (context is that they thought they'd missed it, and he was explaining no it actually happens after the falling away and the man of sin is revealed and so on), and also Revelation 14:14 has the reaping of the harvest right before the grapes of wrath and after the beast was given power to make war with and overcome the saints. Its also hidden in between Revelation 6 and 7 if you line the events up with Matthew 24. You see that the rapture happens after the tribulation on the saints and there they are in heaven in Rev 7, right before the wrath of God starts. Same as in goshen, they were subject to pharoah, but exempt from Gods wrath on Egypt.
      This is clear Biblical teaching. When you put the passages together and line the events up it comes together like a jigsaw puzzle. Though no-one has it all together admittedly lol, but I can very confidently say that both pretribulation rapture, and amill/postmill are both quite unbiblical. Hope this helps mate, God bless

    • @felixcat648
      @felixcat648 Год назад +1

      You're talking about dividing by understanding dispensation.

    • @jamesmiller3098
      @jamesmiller3098 Год назад +1

      @@Triggerhawk Did you miss that the 7 Spirits of God are present before the seals are even opened? You do know all 7 being together means 100%.

    • @Dpm540
      @Dpm540 Год назад +1

      The second coming is after the great tribulation... We going up meet him in the air... And second coming is Zacharia 14:4 so tell me why why do we must go up to meet in him in the air in the second coming and the second coming he puts his feet on the mount of olives dont make sense... 2 different events

    • @Triggerhawk
      @Triggerhawk Год назад +1

      @@jamesmiller3098 no lol how could I have missed that? I just didn't find it relevant to what we're talking about. Its a huge topic so we only address one thing at a time.

  • @amandawilliams2349
    @amandawilliams2349 Год назад +28

    Thanks for this video! It is SO WELL DONE! We showed it in our life group today. This was a real blessing to watch this, as it makes sense of this passage in a way I’d never heard or thought of before.

    • @650gringo
      @650gringo Год назад

      Do yourself a favor, drop out of your "life group" and spend that time prayerfully reading the Word of God. Are you a Gentile? Then Paul's 13 letters are specifically written to you in this age of Grace. Romans through Philemon. God Bless You.

    • @amandawilliams2349
      @amandawilliams2349 11 месяцев назад

      @@650gringonot everyone believes the same way, even in my life group. Wise Christians understand there are different views and can respect them. You should try it.

    • @offutta
      @offutta 11 месяцев назад +2

      Careful... The people that were "taken away" in Matt. 24:39 (Noah's generation) were "take[en] up or away" (Strong's G142; αἴρω) and the people that are "taken" in v. 40 are specifically "receive[ed] near, i.e. associate[d] with oneself (in any familiar or intimate act or relation; Strong's G3880; παραλαμβάνω). It it more accurate to say that the "woman" and the "man" who are "taken" in Matt. 24:40 are "received or brought near to the gatherers (Angels? v.31; the Son of Man? v.30, 37) to be associated with them." NOT to be separated, while the people in the flood were "taken away/washed away/loosed" from their previous place.

    • @flymehome
      @flymehome 11 месяцев назад

      I have a life group too! Revolution

    • @susancassels5887
      @susancassels5887 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@650gringo A Gentile is an unbeliever. A born again believer has become a member of the Father's family, Israel, a true Hebrew ie. a person who is indwelt by the same spirit that raised the Son from the dead. They have been "called out" and "set-apart" for Abba Father's kingdom. Although they may be still in the world, they are not of the world. They are in the process of being transformed from glory to glory into the image of the firstborn Son. ❤ HalleluYAH!

  • @chipperawesomestuff306
    @chipperawesomestuff306 6 месяцев назад +6

    I appreciate how this young man breaks down the meanings in these verses. It has definitely caused me to desire studying more fervently. This is an eye-opener for me and how I was taught. Thank you & GOD bless this ministry 🙏

  • @Victoria-i7t5m
    @Victoria-i7t5m 3 месяца назад +1

    HE said " Learn the parable of the fig tree."
    Thank you for teaching the Word. Truth. First time listener. 🥀🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @DanielCruzTube
    @DanielCruzTube 6 месяцев назад +6

    Bro. Solid Bible study. Absolutely no one is doing this on RUclips.

  • @jpgolda1900
    @jpgolda1900 Год назад +10

    🙏🏻WARNING❗️I’VE BEEN ACCUSED OF HATE SPEECH: This is a sad day for those of us who post the plan of salvation on Utube comments section. I have been doing this for about 3 years. Over the years people told me that they filed complaints. But nothing was ever done, until today 😢
    I received a warning that I have been posting “HATE SPEECH “ In the comment section and I will be taken off Utube if I continue. WFS (we fly soon🙏🏻)

    • @rodimuspm
      @rodimuspm Год назад

      People hate the TRUTH! What I learn is if anyone talks about the Alphabet people or the Rev. 2:9 3:9 people, you get reported.

  • @SharkE747
    @SharkE747 Год назад +9

    "The meek shall inherit the earth" makes more sense as well. 🙏🙏 Thank you, young man. God bless you! 🙏🙏

    • @pamelamiller9519
      @pamelamiller9519 Год назад +1

      Which earth are the meek going to inherit? The new heaven and the new earth because I thought that God was going to destroy the earth.

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i Год назад

      The answer is YES. BOTH. The new heaven & earth aren’t upgraded until after the millennium & Armageddon after Satan is loosed again. After ALL of the evil is destroyed, the earth will be upgraded to a celestial status again.
      God Bless

  • @anitaweldon8533
    @anitaweldon8533 2 месяца назад

    A very well studied young man, God bless your diligence. I enjoy your studies so much. 😇

  • @ashleyy7106
    @ashleyy7106 Год назад +13

    Flood was god judgement just as the tribulation is gods judgement. What purpose would the tribulation serve if not to punish the unbelievers which include the Jewish people which is the whole focus of the tribulation in gods eyes… why would gods wrath be poured out on the believers and not the unbelievers? The church does not have a part in the tribulation god sends his two witnesses and an angels to preach the gospel to the earth dwellers…

  • @thecrew777
    @thecrew777 Год назад +22

    I've been reading it this way. But what I "hear" is the opposite. Thank you for going through it very carefully so I know I'm reading it right as it is written. Very important!

  • @lindadgarcia3
    @lindadgarcia3 4 месяца назад +2

    The sickle and Isaiah 63:1-19 helped me understand this scripture. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🤲❤️

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +1

      I find vs 7-10 as one of the less focused on passages revealing God the Creator, God the Savior and God the Holy Spirit (today known as the trinity). The overall passage you frame is speaking of the Lamb/Savior?Lord that returns to the world and takes the kingdoms of the earth into submission. Thank you for sharing.

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад +1

      ? is typo for /. Sorry.

  • @jimmieclark4638
    @jimmieclark4638 Год назад +53

    I believe this version I had a Rapture dream and I was left here and I was crying because I wasn't taken and I just couldn't get over being left behind and I prayed to Yahweh to explain and I was sent another dream and this time Yahshua had me still left on earth but I was beside the most beautiful living waters and I was happy I felt so lived and I think this was Yahshua way of telling me everything is going to be fine.

    • @jeffneub3578
      @jeffneub3578 10 месяцев назад

      Satanic forces gave you a dream, it was not a vision from God. Cessationism took place the instant God closed the canon. don't be foolish.

    • @Thats_all_she_wrote_Dear_John
      @Thats_all_she_wrote_Dear_John 9 месяцев назад

      JW's don't believe in the deity of Jesus Christ...and every one of you people who use the name Yahweh should know that God only revealed his name as "I AM." The scribes created the name Yahew when God never gave them this name. Of course, since they don't believe in the Holy Bible, having to create their own. NWT, which is Demonic.

    • @wrongfullyaccused7139
      @wrongfullyaccused7139 9 месяцев назад +6

      False dream.

    • @jackiepowell7513
      @jackiepowell7513 9 месяцев назад +1

      Hebrews 1 addresses the no dreams aspect

    • @williamgiordano7313
      @williamgiordano7313 9 месяцев назад +3

      Please don’t rely on a dream for your peace in Christ! Rely on His Word. Dreams, feelings and so called prophecies need to be well examined through Gods word. ❤

  • @mariabowman6227
    @mariabowman6227 11 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for this. I have actually been feeling the same thing. I appreciate you giving us another view point.

  • @cornfedinillinois
    @cornfedinillinois Год назад +15

    Wow, I can honestly say that I’ve never thought of it this way. Thanks for this, very informative lesson.

    • @billbrasky12
      @billbrasky12 Год назад +6

      Because it’s incorrect. No where is it supported in Bible.

    • @heknows5418
      @heknows5418 Год назад +2

      Only time sinners are taken is when they are in front of the Great White Throne. For judgement

    • @seaneustace9838
      @seaneustace9838 9 месяцев назад

      Now, let’s read it in Greek

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @FireWillow17-wf8rg
    @FireWillow17-wf8rg 5 месяцев назад +3

    I am so grateful that you have a free Bible study programs!!! That is truly awesome!!! I just signed up for the 27 day. I'm gonna do all of them. I went to Bible study 3 times a week as a child. I was raised catholic & it was so strict, I could never concentrate. I became a Christian as I got older. I have an incredible relationship with GOD. Always have 🙏 I do read the Bible but it is super difficult to understand. I won't lie. Thank you so much from my heart & soul. GOD BLESS 🙏💚✌️✨️

    • @dustinpotter8312
      @dustinpotter8312 4 месяца назад

      Pray daily before reading and ask for wisdom. It's his book and he knows it better than any I know> Keep praying and let your light shine!

  • @jeffstewart7439
    @jeffstewart7439 Год назад +27

    What is truly sad is that many are missing the more important message here, . . .BE READY! People are more inclined to defend a treasured tradition than simply follow the word of Christ! Christ said we reject His commandments to follow tradition (Mark 7:7-9).
    We just simply need to pray to be ever ready to serve Christ, and live for Him! We cannot be found doing either when we are more concerned over arguing whether a cherished tradition, something we heard in worship service from a beloved pastor should be our main focus.
    Who are we REALLY following?
    Thank you for this video brother! Keep going!

    • @ericbeltran7484
      @ericbeltran7484 Год назад +2

      Wow, this really made a lot of sense to me. Thank you

    • @seaneustace9838
      @seaneustace9838 9 месяцев назад

      That is the same message given to the five virgins with the oil in the five without when the Lord comes, he takes the five with Oil, representing the Holy Spirit, and the other driver left behind the warning is to be ready

    • @greghanson-w3d
      @greghanson-w3d 8 месяцев назад

      Sound doctrine is sound doctrine. Would you argue against the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter, the holy Spirit? Perhaps a beloved pastor in a pulpit is teaching just what the great creeds and pastors have taught beforehand. I am ready to argue for sound doctrine, and to mention men such as calvin, owen, spurgeon, and I am not alone in treasuring the faith once handed down, and guarded by many many men over the years. Too many people nowadays think and act as if Christianity began with themselves, and goes back maybe 20 years or so. Folks, find time to read classic Christian literature. The great creeds such as the Heidelberg catechism, the canons of Dort, the belgic confession, and others. Such writings were responses to heresy of those days, and we would do well to be familiar with them, and the men that were burned for the true gospel, and for what is despised as so-called Calvinism, which is merely the true gospel.

    • @kentracer4129
      @kentracer4129 7 месяцев назад

      Like 17 talks about the same thing and 37 is in complete disagreement with this video. Must compare scripture with scripture. There's also 1, these chapter 4 verse 17. 🙏🏼

    • @greghanson-w3d
      @greghanson-w3d 7 месяцев назад

      @@kentracer4129 the contradiction is due to your being committed to a certain presupposition. The video proves his point. You will never be convinced otherwise, because you are married to your doctrine

  • @TheEczemaChannel
    @TheEczemaChannel Год назад +15

    I love studying the Bible in this way. I like to refer to the original Hebrew or Greek text too as so much richness of meaning can be lost in translation. People will always have differences of opinion about interpretations, but im thanking God to see you loving God and studying His Word. Scripture says now we know in part, but then we will know fully so until then we must allow for those differences and stay united in loving Jesus and each other.

    • @jairoparra3682
      @jairoparra3682 Год назад

      Should be aion age lasting punishment, not everlasting. I have looked into this verse before.

  • @williammarshall-Christian
    @williammarshall-Christian 7 месяцев назад +5

    This is exactly how I interpreted it, but until I found your video, I couldn't find a single person who agreed with me. Thank you. This is a huge confirmation for my new found faith.

  • @AlexTheNoodle
    @AlexTheNoodle 2 месяца назад

    This is an amazing exegesis of the text!! I thoroughly enjoyed this and hope all people would truly understand God’s Word in this way. We are called to endure through tribulation. People eisegesis the text where they put their understanding into the text… rather than taking the intended understanding out of the text. Good work and God bless!

  • @jimmyreece759
    @jimmyreece759 Год назад +6

    Great job explaining this!!!! I've been looking in to this topic . I was taught the opposite, and been feeling that I'm missing something , dispinsationalist teaching has lead people astray. GOD BLESS BROTHER

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i Год назад +3

      You are likely missing a lot!
      *Genesis 1:1 is A CREATION*
      2 And the earth *WAS* (Hayah: BECAME)* without form, and void (destroyed and barren); and darkness *WAS (CAME)* upon the face of the deep.
      *Genesis 1:2 is a DESTRUCTION*
      *The earth was DESTROYED after the first creation.*
      And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
      3 And God (Elohim, PLURAL) said, Let there be light: and there was light.
      *Genesis 1:3 is a RE-CREATION*
      Hayah: The word is translated "became" or "become" 133 times in the Old Testament. (An example of hayah describing the transition from one state to another is Genesis 19:26 where Lot's wife became- hayah -a pillar of salt.)
      Word: DID
      Pronounce: haw-yaw
      Strong: H1961
      Orig: a primitive root (compare 1933); to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):--beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-)self, require, X use. H1933
      Use: TWOT-491 Verb
      1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
      1a) (Qal)
      1a1) -----
      1a1a) to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass 1a1b) to come about, come to pass
      1a2) to come into being, become
      1a2a) to arise, appear, come
      1a2b) to become
      1a2b1) to become
      1a2b2) to become like
      1a2b3) to be instituted, be established
      1a3) to be
      1a3a) to exist, be in existence
      1a3b) to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time)
      1a3c) to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality) 1a3d) to accompany, be with
      1b) (Niphal)
      1b1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about
      1b2) to be done, be finished, be gone
      *2 Peter & Jeremiah have described what happened at Genesis 1:2 when the earth BECAME an uninhabited wasteland - destroyed by water - IN THE DARK BEFORE Noah’s flood.*
      I believe this Gen 1:2 destruction took place before Noah’s flood, and that’s why YHWH said he wouldn’t flood the world again (a third time).
      Isaiah makes reference to this in
      Isaiah 24:1
      *Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof*
      *We are reminded that we are ignorant of antiquity and that everything occurs in cycles.*
      Ecclesiastes 1:9
      The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and *there is no new thing under the sun*
      *It’s all been done before.*
      Jeremiah 4:23
      “I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was (BECAME) *WITHOUT FORM, and VOID;* and the heavens, and they had no light.
      24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.
      25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
      26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and *all the cities thereof were broken down at the PRESENCE of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.*
      27 For thus hath the LORD said, *The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I NOT make a FULL END.*
      28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.
      This was a JUDGEMENT.
      There are remnants of prehistoric civilizations across the earth that were wiped out by a sudden cataclysm; a worldwide flood. A handful of survivors from each civilization left Legends of Giants arriving to help rebuild and teach domestication of animals, agriculture, architecture, masonry, etc.
      The giants built the monolithic structures. See the documentary series “Ancient Apocalypse” by Hancock on Netflix
      I believe that the Epic of Gilgamesh is an account of this “Without form & void” Prehistoric FLOOD.
      Is Noah’s flood ever referred to as “without form and void”?
      *The phrase “WITHOUT FORM, and VOID”* is only used twice in the Bible, (especially when the HEAVENS HAVE NO LIGHT) and I believe they are describing the same event - destruction of “the old world” mentioned in the Bible.
      2 Peter 3:5-6
      “For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and *the earth standing out of the water and in the water:*
      6: Whereby *the world that then was, being overflowed with water, PERISHED:*
      Genesis 1:2 is a Destruction, Genesis 1:3 is a RE-Creation performed by The Elohim family after the earth was destroyed (described in Jeremiah 4:23-27) in a previous epoch/eon and the earth was in the water & out of the water (2 Peter 3:5) describing Genesis 1:2

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @BryantHayward67
    @BryantHayward67 Год назад +5

    Truth! I found this truth years ago. You've got a much better way of explaining this than I do. Thanks for sharing!

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @joop912
    @joop912 Год назад +25

    Spot on!!! I was praying for The Holy Spirit to explain this. He used this video. Praise The Father!!!

    • @ambassadorkees
      @ambassadorkees Год назад +2

      I suppose you *did use search function* ?
      Be careful attributing yourcactions to the Holy Spirit. May be, maybe not.

    • @joop912
      @joop912 Год назад +1

      @@ambassadorkees Nope I just prayed about it and The Spirit answer how the Spirit decides.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +6

      Sometimes the enemy will come as an angel of light... This interpretation is WRONG! He doesn't know the original Greek text, so he's twisting the means to "fit" his idea!
      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

    • @lori3714
      @lori3714 Год назад

      The Bible wasn’t written to us but for us. The book of Matthew is written to the Jews not the Gentiles. God Bless! ✝️

    • @paulabeeler2402
      @paulabeeler2402 Год назад

      I think these scriptures speak specifically to the Jews, since vs 15 mentions those in Judea, instructions to flee to the mountains. Right now there are people walking, riding in carts, trucks, etc, leaving areas because of the war in Israel. In most places, you couldnt flee to the mountains on foot, etc. And, Luke21 must parallel Mt 24, and says when you see the abomination flee to the mtns. But these be the days of vengeance...this will certainly include the wrath (revenge) and the saints who are born again of His Spirit will not be assaulted by Gods wrath. Indeed, these scriptures seem to indicate that the Jews who are looking for the messiah (Anointed One) will be able to escape, since Lk 21:36 says pray that you will be accounted worthy to escape. It is certainly our responsibility to minister to Israel to show these scriptures to them, but also pray for them to find the many new testament bibles that will be in Israel when the rapture has taken place.

  • @dannpd1955
    @dannpd1955 4 месяца назад +1

    Jason, I really enjoyed listening to your teaching. Something I had not thought of in this light.

  • @Lorrifaithwalk5788
    @Lorrifaithwalk5788 Год назад +36

    Thank you Jason for explaining this in detail to help everyone to get a better understanding of God's word. May the Lord bless you & your family in all that you are doing to help us with understanding God's word!

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад +9

      Unfortunately, He's misunderstanding the scripture due to a lack of knowledge of the original Greek text...
      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

    • @timothynussbaum2688
      @timothynussbaum2688 Год назад +6

      So according to Jason theory the day of God's rath and destruction of the world and heavens includes His children still on earth not taken away from the destruction. He completely contradicted himself.

    • @dana44ism
      @dana44ism Год назад +3

      He is in-correct, read the bible.

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 Год назад +2

      This is False Doctrine

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад

      @@a.howardsmith3243 Yes, I have emailed him directly... It would seem he is intentionally leading people astray!!

  • @blackcatmom2996
    @blackcatmom2996 Год назад +7

    My goodness this is an excellent teaching. I came to this conclusion years ago but not by such an easy path as this teaching. Thank you… will definitely share far and wide. 😃

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 Год назад

      This is False Doctrine

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @needreamer6688
    @needreamer6688 Год назад +6

    Wow. Amazing!! You’re one of the best teachers I’ve seen at your young age!! I believe this too. Thank God young men are saying it in the truth!! No fear!!

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @ThyWillBeDone-SOON
    @ThyWillBeDone-SOON 3 месяца назад

    Finally, someone us making truthful interpretation of this "rapture" biz.
    Thahk you! ❤

  • @LadyBLiSS100
    @LadyBLiSS100 6 месяцев назад +7

    I Love the simplicity of this breakdown. And I just pray for The Holy Spirit to help people understand. Will be sharing!

    • @elizabethfermor344
      @elizabethfermor344 2 месяца назад

      Yes, I think those who are left will be taken up temporarily with Jesus while the others receive a judgement (maybe a total earthquake) or something which takes them away. Only my thoughts.

    • @LadyBLiSS100
      @LadyBLiSS100 2 месяца назад +1

      @@elizabethfermor344 We have to study to show ourselves approved to Almighty God. We cannot lean on our own understanding. We can't believe what we've been taught without the confirmation given by The Holy Spirit. God is The Most High and He is not the Father of lies. He never sends a spirit of confusion. We have to be very mindful of our personal thoughts and feelings and pray for God to show us HIS TRUTH. Not my truth or your truth Sis, but HIS TRUTH. I pray for God to Bless you with immeasurable faith, knowledge and wisdom. And may The Spirit of Holiness Bless you with all of The Fruits of the Spirit 🌸

  • @idapinkham1810
    @idapinkham1810 11 месяцев назад +38

    Hallelujah! I have been thinking about and praying about this for years and now that you have FINALLY come to the same conclusion I have, I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that I had indeed learned it the way IT IS WRITTEN! And I give all Thanks, Glory and Praise to the LORD Jesus, my LORD and SAVIOR!

    • @escher9622
      @escher9622 8 месяцев назад +2

      I'm happy you're so confident. I'm still looking for my answer to this. (God will guide me ) I'm split because I can see hints to both sides.

    • @greghanson-w3d
      @greghanson-w3d 8 месяцев назад

      Yes, there truly is only one more coming of Christ, and not two more times, as premillennialists teach. So, ditch the premillennialism and all that goes with it, and look at what the reformers taught. Men such as Owen, calvin, and many others. Look at the life and ministry of the great commentator Matthew Henry. Many young men think they are the first to discover a small piece of the truth, but they think so because they're ignorant of church history and all the study and understanding that has gone before. Please folks, stop despising the reformers

    • @justmyopinion7
      @justmyopinion7 8 месяцев назад +1

      Did Jesus not say we must watch and pray to be counted worthy to escape all these things which is to come?
      Did Jesus not say that no one knows the day or hour (rapture for me), yet we know that Jesus will return after the tribulation with the saints.... 1260 days AFTER the abomination of desolation (second coming)?
      Who is the people redeemed unto God from every nation, tribe and language in Rev 5 witnessing the opening of the seals if there is no rapture?
      Just asking......

    • @scottworley-kf2hf
      @scottworley-kf2hf 7 месяцев назад

      There is going to be a rapture

    • @greghanson-w3d
      @greghanson-w3d 7 месяцев назад

      @@scottworley-kf2hf not like the Tim lahaye books depict. That view actually teaches two more comings of Christ

  • @maryannemorgan5317
    @maryannemorgan5317 Год назад +11

    Thank you for your time and explaining the verses, you truly are gifted. ❤

    • @melquesedekcastro7480
      @melquesedekcastro7480 Год назад +9

      This brother is so wrong. His study looks more like a way to deviate people from the right track. One just needs to read Revelation 3: 10 to see how wrong he is. Let's see into it: Revelation 3: 10. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. The Lord promises to remove from earth the overcomer Christians that remained on His word. During the harvest, you take the fruit that is good and leave behind the bad ones.

    • @loripatterson7882
      @loripatterson7882 Год назад

      @@melquesedekcastro7480 He is spot on!! The cashless economy is coming in 2024. It will be LAW to have the MOTB to participate in any form of commerce! No work, buying, selling, etc..without it!! We have entered into the Tribulation!! And don't take the mark!!

    • @lori3714
      @lori3714 Год назад +1

      Thank you!! Agreed!! My heart was so twisted and a pit in my stomach listening to him. The wicked would be taken and we stay? How does that makes sense in the times of Jacob’s Trouble?

    • @melquesedekcastro7480
      @melquesedekcastro7480 Год назад +1

      @@lori3714 Our brother is a little bit confused. He got the Noah's history and trying to use the same principles to Revelation. In Noah's case it was necessary for him to go through the flood. But in Revelation 3:10 the promise is to remove us from the time of tribulation that is going to be come to test the world's inhabitants. But, if he intends to remain, this is just fine.

  • @roseolson2680
    @roseolson2680 4 месяца назад +1

    Nice to know, a bible study with a person unveiled like you, this is clearly correct as you reveal it, thanks for letting us know. By the way, I always pondered this specific passage.

    • @Bluemaze64
      @Bluemaze64 4 месяца назад

      His interpretation of the verses is incorrect, go read my post.

  • @jodiforrester7
    @jodiforrester7 7 месяцев назад +28

    I have done some reading and I believe you are incorrect. Jesus said himself in John 14 ”And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”“
    ‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬
    I will come back and take you. Taken

    • @marialennox6834
      @marialennox6834 5 месяцев назад +7

      I agree with you. This guy's interpretation is a mess. What's worse so many Christians believe him. It's horrific. My people perish for lack of knowledge.

    • @s.s12687
      @s.s12687 5 месяцев назад +3

      Do some more reading 😂 he comes back at end of tribulation not before and we ain’t rapchaaaad

    • @jodiforrester7
      @jodiforrester7 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@s.s12687 the rapture and the second coming are two different things. And I am reading right now. God is not a God of confusion. So with prayer and study all will be revealed. What is good about this platform is that so many people are seeking truth. God delights in His children seeking Him.

    • @jodiforrester7
      @jodiforrester7 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@s.s12687 and we are not appointed to wrath. The children of God. It says we are the restraints. The ones keeping the evil of evil at bay. So we children if God would have to be gone before the last three woes in revelation because we again are not appointed to wrath.

    • @jodiforrester7
      @jodiforrester7 5 месяцев назад +1

      Of* not if. Children Of* God

  • @azmenjohnson7669
    @azmenjohnson7669 11 месяцев назад +34

    I Thes that and KNOW that we will be caught up in the air with Jesus when He returns💜🙌🏾

    • @insiderevolverstudios
      @insiderevolverstudios 9 месяцев назад +4

      Caught up in the air thus not left standing in the field or left thoughts exactly...the one taken away is set aside and perserved during the earthly judgment that will catch the world off guard that will be left behind for judgment...

    • @candyo5364
      @candyo5364 9 месяцев назад +4

      Some of the left behind will turn to the Lord in the end.

    • @tsfurlan
      @tsfurlan 9 месяцев назад +4

      Really carefully. It says we will be taken at the last trump which is the last trumpet at the end of the great tribulation, cloves comes back at the in the clouds, we see him and we are automatically drawn to him

    • @JamesPreech
      @JamesPreech 9 месяцев назад +2

      Look at that text closer. Your argument of silence keeps you from seeing the truth. Paul is speaking to the Church about the Church. Paul says nothing about the world, nor is he speaking to the world. Paul says we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. We will meet him and then usser him back to earth. The triumphant entery is the perfect example what the rapture is about. We will meet him, not be removed from the earth. 1 Thess 4 never says we will be removed from the world.
      Matthew 13: 24- 30 and 36-43 refutes the rapture narrative.

    • @ken440
      @ken440 8 месяцев назад +4

      yep. that 1thes verses are rapture, but Mat24 in this teaching is not rapture, it is the ones left who are blessed, this is destruction of the ones taken. Swept away.

  • @jthomas7904
    @jthomas7904 Год назад +6

    Concerning the Rapture: 1) 1st Fruit, 2) Barley Harvest, 3) Wheat , separation of Wheat / Tares. & 4) Grapes of Wrath.

  • @timothygibson2330
    @timothygibson2330 3 месяца назад +4

    We're not talking about the second coming, raptured is being delivered from the second coming. We raine with jesus a thousand yrs then come back with Him in the second coming

    • @bubbleandsquid
      @bubbleandsquid Месяц назад

      All things in the Bible are alagory. The rapture is not a group event no one knows when it will come but you have to stand at the door and knock. Jacob saw the face of God and he called it pineal, jesus told us to take no thought (meditation) it works try it.

  • @emmahelton6306
    @emmahelton6306 Год назад +7

    This is not the gospel of Christ. These scriptures refer to the Church being taken/raptured at the 2nd coming of Christ! Your interpretation is wrong!

    • @Chussles
      @Chussles Год назад +1

      This doesn’t refer to Christians being taken. Pastor Jack Hibbs is a pre-trib pastor and he also says this doesn’t refer to Christian’s being taken. “Not the gospel of Christ.” You do know that believing in a pre-tribulation rapture isn’t necessary for salvation, right? It almost doesn’t matter what you believe about the rapture because it isn’t a salvation issue. Read Matthew 24, and ll Thessalonians 2.

    • @user-qq1xg6qn7i
      @user-qq1xg6qn7i Год назад

      The biblical verses which confirm the Post Tribulation return (rapture) are as follows; (i.e. not just Mathew 24, 29 - 31, but also Mark 13, 24 - 27 and 18 others below
Mathew 24, 29 - 31, & Mark 13, 24 - 27, & 2Thess 4, 13 - 14, & 1 Thess 4, 18, & Mathew 13, 21 - 29, & John 16, 1 - 4, & Acts 14,22, & Romans, 2 6 - 11 & Romans 5, 1- 3, & Romans 8, 35-36, & 2 Cor 7, 4, & Ephesians 3,15, & I Thess 1, 4 & 1, 5 - 10, & 2 Thess 1, 8, & 2Thess 1, 9 - 10, & Revelation 1, 9, & Rev 2, 9 - 10 (which mentions '10 days' i.e the ten days of awe inbetween the autumn feasts ) & Rev, 2, 22 - & 25, Rev 7, 9 - 14 & 2 Thessalonians 2, 6 - 8 says 'he' moved out of the way means the Man of Sin, not the Ruach Holy Spirit
      Revelation 12:6
      “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”
      Revelation 12:14
      “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.”
      Where do these verses showing the church ON EARTH being nourished & protected fit into your rapture??

  • @lamoncheri5823
    @lamoncheri5823 10 месяцев назад +10

    Thank you for reaffirming this for me. This has caused me turmoil because I was taught the opposite, but knew in my heart that this is the way things will happen for us. When I brought out this scripture to support my stance, I was made to feel ignorant because I was told that I was misunderstanding the Bible. And because the preacher's went to college and understand Greek and Hebrew, I doubted my own understanding of what I read. So thank you, it means a lot to me. God bless always

    • @chantallyshakur5689
      @chantallyshakur5689 8 месяцев назад

      So you think the rapture will happen before tribulations?

    • @lamoncheri5823
      @lamoncheri5823 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@chantallyshakur5689 please read Matthew 24. I do not have that answer for you. Jesus Christ tells you his self the answer that you are searching for. Pay close attention to verse 36. ~God bless
      Edit: Also 2 Peter Chapter 3 covers this subject. Apostle Peter is more straight forward in his writing and teaches the importance of understanding scripture and I point out verse 16 for you as I find it of great emphasis on guidance.

    • @chesterricherson3565
      @chesterricherson3565 8 месяцев назад

      AMEN! MANY PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE! I wasted to believe that the "rapture " was to gather the followers of the teachings of Jesus, THEY will go to Heaven, the sinners will be left behind to be destroyed, along with the earth, Thank you for clarification on this matter!!!

    • @fieryeyez6607
      @fieryeyez6607 6 месяцев назад

      Well said, the schooling & position a person has is not the measure of their Biblical accuracy. It's a bit of an indication we might consider respectfully hearing them out though.
      Never crack your Bible open to prove your point, always study it to learn what it says, it is so rich in nuances that, we can find new understanding in even well understood passage on the day that the Holy Spirit chooses to reveal them. First impressions can fall short or even be wrong. That's ok when we place truth over desire to be the one who's been correct all along.
      On your recommendation I read 2nd Peter chapter 3.... 3:10 says all of creation will be destroyed. Are you believing that The Church (Bride of Christ) will be here on the earth during the fiery destruction of the earth? I'm just trying to clarify because I'm not entirely sure why you choose this passage. 😉

    • @lamoncheri5823
      @lamoncheri5823 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@fieryeyez6607 Thank you for your reply. I recommend 2Peter 3 because it does tell of the firey destruction that will come upon the whole earth and will surely pass away. But in the 14th verse it emphasized the importance of being found spotless in the day of the Lord. The Bride of Christ, His Church, will be taken away and spared His wrath. So the importance of learning and allowing the Holy Spirit that dwells within all Christians to teach us through the scriptures is very important. So when we hear false teachings we will be brought into remembrance of the scriptures. Although I cannot say for certain that a believer will be on earth at the time Christ will destroy the earth, because I truly believe that even a truly wicked person can come to repentance. I pray in all hope that those left will confess their wickedness and repent. Christ died for all sinners who come to repentance and believe Jesus is the Christ and the Son of our Heavenly Father. That is my hope. That is my prayer. So in the presence of Jesus Christ as king on earth as he rules, I pray all mankind will fall upon their faces, repent and worship the Lamb of God and turn from all sin. I pray that no man suffers the wrath that is to come, for nothing will stop the will of the most holy God. Please forgive any typing errors because Im crying and praying for you and also for those who will be left to suffer under Satan. ~May God bless you always

  • @bettyeholt1696
    @bettyeholt1696 11 месяцев назад +5

    Father is showing this to people who will hear

  • @aliciab92989
    @aliciab92989 4 месяца назад

    Just came across your channel. Praise God for you brother and for your exegesis of the Word. Keep standing firm! ♡

  • @buscandolaverdad1963
    @buscandolaverdad1963 Год назад +14

    So in listening and studying along with you, I also think that we can use (Mat 13.24-30) to show and illustrate what (Mat 24.40) is actually telling us. By the way, thanks for the 40 day bible study program I love it and I have also learn a lot. May the Lord continue to fill you with His wisdom, and bless you and you family.

    • @melquesedekcastro7480
      @melquesedekcastro7480 Год назад +4

      This brother is so wrong. His study looks more like a way to deviate people from the right track. One just needs to read Revelation 3: 10 to see how wrong he is. Let's see into it: Revelation 3: 10. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. The Lord promises to remove from earth the overcomer Christians that remained on His word. During the harvest, you take the fruit that is good and leave behind the bad ones.

    • @markr.2233
      @markr.2233 Год назад +2

      No during the Harvest the Tares get rooted

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 Год назад

      "Let's be consistent" with the GREEK words!!
      In Matt 24, the word translated to "taken" is the Greek word " παραλαμβάνω " (paralambano) which means...
      1. to take with oneself
      2. to receive unto oneself
      Then the word translated to "put him" is the Greek word " μέρος " (meros) which means...
      1. portion
      2. share
      Then the word translated to "cast him" is the Greek word " ἐκβάλετε " (ekbalete) which means... (also used to describe what was done to the demons in Matt 9!!!)
      1. to drive out
      2. to cast out
      3. to expel
      The Greek word for "taken" means... to draw unto Himself(Jesus)... the Greek words for "put him" and cast him" mean... to expel and give a share with the hypocrites!
      Your own words said... (those ready)"He TAKES them into the marriage feast! " and "guess who's LEFT outside!"(those not ready)

  • @elainehorne188
    @elainehorne188 Год назад +5

    You are right on! The parable of the wheat and tares is another account of this! The "tares are pulled up" before the believers. They are left to "shine forth". (Paraphrased)

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas Год назад +2

      Such Ignorance. The church, born again believers are taken, caught up, Raptured into heaven. The Tares are put into bundles and Burned

    • @cezz1105
      @cezz1105 4 месяца назад +1

      2 Esdras 13:24
      “Know this therefore, that they which be left behind are more blessed than they that be dead.”

    • @cezz1105
      @cezz1105 4 месяца назад

      2 Esdras 13:24
      “Know this therefore, that they which be left behind are more blessed than they that be dead.”

    • @OneBodyInChristUK
      @OneBodyInChristUK 2 месяца назад

      @@KallyKafritsas Amen

  • @jdbforYHWH
    @jdbforYHWH Год назад +52

    What a blessing! This brother is anointed to teach... and God Is Glorified!!!

    • @sumanhenehan7036
      @sumanhenehan7036 Год назад

      I agree with you. There’s no doubt that the Holy Spirit is working through him.

    • @rhondamadrid4071
      @rhondamadrid4071 Год назад

      No, he is teaching that those left behind are the chosen. Those taken are the bad ones. This is reversed.

    • @lindathompson8339
      @lindathompson8339 Год назад

      @@rhondamadrid4071well all who have watched the entire presentation are aware of what he’s teaching. If you don’t agree, what is the exact scriptural reason???

  • @christopherpaluck737
    @christopherpaluck737 4 месяца назад +1

    Very good explanation! Too many times, Bible verses are taken out of context. You have shown that context is essential for true understanding! Well done!

  • @lovefromsidd9896
    @lovefromsidd9896 Год назад +22

    Finally, thank you brother for revealing the truth from the biblical scriptures. The wicked are taken away just like the parable of the tares. Praise Yah!

    • @heknows5418
      @heknows5418 Год назад

      The wicked are never taken until they are. In front of the great white throne for judgement . This guy is teaching dominion theology which is new age garbage . Please read the book of Revelation

    • @marknavarro7497
      @marknavarro7497 11 месяцев назад +2

      This is false doctrine, the ones who will be taken away will be the believers and the ones will be left is the unbelievers since the world will taste the wrath of God.

    • @darklight1611
      @darklight1611 10 месяцев назад

      @@marknavarro7497 God never made life easy for his people, why would he do it now?

    • @Timbo_tango
      @Timbo_tango 9 месяцев назад

      @@darklight1611 But he did brother, time and time again. Manor from heaven, animal skins for adam and eve, take away fish and break for 5000, Grace instead of law, an easy Yoke and a light burden. God has been make the way back to him easier and easier.

    • @davidschefter4160
      @davidschefter4160 6 месяцев назад

      Yes! Taken away in judgment.