Why I've stopped reading

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @maxpower677
    @maxpower677 Год назад +14

    I believe you don't necessarily need to stop reading, just read with a greater purpose. It's really hard for anyone to retain knowledge that you don't see value, like that applied in school with the sole purpose of passing a test. Take advantage of your interest in plants to study botany, genetics, agronomy, preferably something you can immediately apply (agronomy will help you build a garden, for example, genetic will help you to choose better seeds, etc...)

  • @edyn2105
    @edyn2105 Год назад +7

    Just stumbled upon your channel. You're an absolute legend! Don't get too hung up on stuff, I feel like you're way more articulate and capable than most common people.

  • @timothyjudson9191
    @timothyjudson9191 2 месяца назад +1

    I recommend reading Flowers for Algernon.
    I think we may be on other ends of the IQ bell curve, but my reading speed is very bad.
    I read at 142 words per minute (worse than 90% of people) but I'm hoping to get better and you inspire me!
    But yeah, Flowers for Algernon seems like a book you would find very interesting.

  • @mbeaux5693
    @mbeaux5693 7 месяцев назад

    Keeping your mind busy is the best thing! I tested with a high IQ in high school, but as I've gotten older, I find that continuing to learn helps to keep those little gray cells working.

  • @Paul4Krista20
    @Paul4Krista20 8 месяцев назад +1

    They have books or you can Google a PDF titled “Edible Plants” ❤😊

  • @abdullahmertozdemir9437
    @abdullahmertozdemir9437 2 года назад +7

    That's actually a good idea. Agricultural books are not so complicated, yet they are not elementary school level either since they require some studying and actual interest in the topic. I personally like books regarding neuroscience, I recommend you read "Emotional intelligence, why it can matter more than IQ" by Daniel Goleman and "Incognito" by David Eagleman. Those do not go far too deep into the details and build logic and knowledge, this way they do a great job teaching their concepts to average mind who doesn't excel in neuroscience but is interested. Also, your drawings are great, even after some effort I still can't seem to draw anything more complicated than the basic shapes

    • @OmarAbdulMalikDHEdMPASPACPAPro
      @OmarAbdulMalikDHEdMPASPACPAPro Год назад

      Those were wonderful points. I felt better when I learned about EQ vs IQ. I don't think my IQ is very high.🤔

    • @nuclearcatbaby1131
      @nuclearcatbaby1131 11 месяцев назад +1

      So even people with a low IQ can make good artwork. As somebody with a 140+ IQ I felt insulted that my dad (his IQ was 160 but he was a huge failure in life) wanted me to go to art school.

    • @abdullahmertozdemir9437
      @abdullahmertozdemir9437 11 месяцев назад

      @@nuclearcatbaby1131 man, I am excellent at chemistry and physics but for the life of me I just can't even draw a simple flower that kids always spam on their drawings. Whenever I need to ask a question and it involved drawings I just cut it off from a book

    • @nuclearcatbaby1131
      @nuclearcatbaby1131 11 месяцев назад

      @@abdullahmertozdemir9437 I’m excellent at both. I’m only good at drawing from getting a lot of practice when I get done with my assignments early and I doodle on the paper out of boredom. I’m not even as good as the average person on deviantart so if my dad thinks that’s my best skill then he wants me to go into a career where I would be the worst in my profession. I doubt art school would improve my abilities as I learn very poorly in the in-person setting, I had to switch majors in community college just to get out and into a real college because I wasn’t able to take mathematics or physics as online classes or with permission to stay home and study instead of attending class apart from lab days. I studied their whole math and physics curriculum and then some at the library anyway. Now I’m desperately trying to convince the professors at my university to let me take upper division math. One said no just because I got a C plus in a differential geometry class that I got special permission to take even though that was only because I didn’t turn in the homework, I need disability accommodations to not enforce homework deadlines because that causes me to focus less on learning the material, and it’s really not fair when somebody who took all the math prerequisites at a community college yet failed the differential geometry class would have been allowed to enroll in the other upper division math class without question.

  • @randomuserame
    @randomuserame 9 месяцев назад +1

    You don't need to _read_ read. Most information that you'd ever want to know can be found in video form. I still to some reading here and there, like when I cracked open biology and virology text books a few years ago... but other than super dense topics I "watch" most of my learning. It's a good idea to get multiple/opposing views on a given topic so you can at least attempt to control for biases.

  • @benjenkx4941
    @benjenkx4941 2 года назад +6

    I had this idea a couple about a year ago. Buy a proper foraging book.

  • @davidryan0808
    @davidryan0808 10 месяцев назад +1

    I don't know where ya live or what is around you but every year, Dandelions(don't get me started on the history of gardens and what we done to them in the last 100years), Wild garlic,Dock Leaves,nettles,Wood Sorrell,Hawthorn and berries are a must :)

  • @teoteo3522
    @teoteo3522 2 года назад +2

    What does your routine with this exactly look like? How much do you do every day?

  • @helveticaneptune537
    @helveticaneptune537 Год назад +1

    Have you thought about studying Biophysics?

  • @Opalbird1
    @Opalbird1 Год назад +7

    Oh my dear Mark, you are breaking my heart. I’ve been a nurse for more than 40 years. I’ve worked in hospitals, jails, and youth jails. I have 5 kids, a husband and had many many pets. I’ve worked with brain surgeons, neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.I’ve studied my whole life, love to read and learn new things. Some things I’ve learned are hard to accept. You can’t teach a fish to climb a tree, you can’t make a rock float, you can’t make a dog talk, and you cant change what is true. IQ, is not changeable. It can be improved slightly by learning more thing or with more knowledge, but it cannot be raise more than a few points. Maybe from 70 to 75. But no more. You are born with the brain you have, just like you are born with the arms and legs you have and if they don’t work they can be improved a little, but not changed. Your brain was formed and made that way. It’s not an opinion, it is a fact. It is a medical fact. It is a psychological fact. Facts do not change. IQ is not just a number, it says also how fast you can learn, what you can learn and how you can learn. If you are finding that you are a slow learner, then that’s what you are. Just like a musician can read write and play music makes them a musician, but not an engineer. You can improve yourself no matter what, but you cannot change the way you are born. I cannot become a cat, or a dog or fly without mechanical help. That’s just the way it is. If you struggle to learn, then that’s the way it is. Doesn’t mean you can’t learn, it just takes more time. Accepting who we are and what we can do is part of growing up and being an adult about things, yes we do have limits. I cannot run because my heart doesn’t work properly, I can’t make it work properly with more exercise, reading or eating differently, I was born that way. I will never be able to be a runner. You will never be able to bring your IQ to 100. Both are facts, not ideas in someone’s head. I just do other things. I don’t worry about my running, my body shape, my eating like a runner, it won’t work. Fish will never climb trees either. Find what you like, what you can do and do it. Learn a little every day, better than no learning and no improved knowledge. You speak so well people can’t tell you are low IQ, and expect more. Maybe explain first and do a bit less, or a different job, try it and see.

    • @nameless7815
      @nameless7815 11 месяцев назад

      With the rise in technological advancements, brain chips (neruolink) will be the future, one’s ability to raise cognitive abilities & IQ will finally be possible.

    • @dmcook333
      @dmcook333 9 месяцев назад +4

      While you might be right, what you wrote is quite limiting.

    • @user-rp2ui8ro4r
      @user-rp2ui8ro4r 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @dmcook333
      @dmcook333 9 месяцев назад +7

      @user-rp2ui8ro4r it has the potential to be soul crushing, why would anyone feel the need to write a novel filled with a bunch of "YOU CAN'T". Sure it might be based in fact OR be based on our current understanding, thing is, we don't have it all figured out. Lots of science to be discovered and lots of science is currently wrong.
      Seriously, the person who posted that might have thought they were being kind and honest but that kind of post is the kind to make people stop from pursuing whatever journey they are on.
      Can't believe I'm going here but how about Forest Gump for an example. Telling Mr. Gump he couldn't do something NEVER HELPED him, and he continued to do what he wanted and succeed in ways everyone thought he couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't.

    • @grnatma1st740
      @grnatma1st740 8 месяцев назад

      Delusion is a tool for manifestation and doctors dont know Jack. Even the ones that specialize. Look at urology and peyronies disease. Look at psychiatrists giving 8 year olds ssris. You are correct in what you are preaching.