Can low IQ people be successful?

  • Опубликовано: 25 сен 2023

Комментарии • 125

  • @heisawesome4329
    @heisawesome4329 9 месяцев назад +55

    Hi Mark. I also have a low IQ of 70. You claim you also have the same IQ but the difference between you and me is that you have much better communication skills than me. I would like to know how you got better at it?

    • @iscreamfitness
      @iscreamfitness 7 месяцев назад +32

      That was very well communicated

    • @MrMountain707
      @MrMountain707 7 месяцев назад +9

      Practice. Chat with people online

    • @TheRyanHeffner
      @TheRyanHeffner 6 месяцев назад +4

      Like the mountain said… but I’d say go to a city and talk to people on the street. Start with homeless people if you’re scared. Practice talking in the real world

    • @thebusket
      @thebusket 6 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@TheRyanHeffnergo talk to homeless people on the street... Not the best advice bro.

    • @TheRyanHeffner
      @TheRyanHeffner 6 месяцев назад +2

      @thebusket eh, you’re probably right. New advice. Buy a cheap cup of coffee every day and chat up the person who sells it to you.

  • @abrupt.cr4sh
    @abrupt.cr4sh 7 месяцев назад +9

    Just found your channel and started binging. As someone who doesn't have low IQ but struggles with self-motivation and had a very late start in adult life, I'm loving your videos. You're really inspiring me to push myself and I appreciate you. God bless!

  • @rareray529
    @rareray529 10 месяцев назад +40

    Hi Mark. I've noticed that if I really neglect myself and spend my days doing nothing and feeling depressed I feel really dumb and unable to do basic tasks even.
    But then when I try and get in a routine of exercise, reading, improving on myself, etc..., I get really anxious when I start thinking about my situation in life and how behind I am.
    Now I'm looking for work again but I'm just really stuck so it's super hard.

    • @funwalkthroughs1285
      @funwalkthroughs1285 10 месяцев назад +3

      I feel u. Seeing everyone else
      So much further ahead of you rlly hurts. I’m proud of u for looking for work tho ❤️

    • @MarquisTD6
      @MarquisTD6 10 месяцев назад +7

      My best advice to you, and anybody else in this situation, is to recognize that you will never be anybody else. In turn, nobody else's success should be even a bit related to yours. It's good to have competition, admiration, and proven-to-be achieveable goals. But it's terrible to let the world-glorified top 0.01% stop you from letting yourself into the top 1%, so to speak, in any field. Whether it be in fitness, intellect, skill, finance, or another field.
      Emphasize that what you've done has already been done, and what you can do is for you to choose. And even if the choice of progression seems futile, let yourself take pride more in your efforts than your destination.
      God bless ❤

    • @blazednlovinit
      @blazednlovinit 8 месяцев назад

      If you live in the UK, search your local "IAPT" service or ask your doctor about them. They can provide therapy for depression and anxiety.

    • @stevenunyabidness
      @stevenunyabidness 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@MarquisTD6you beat me to it and said it better than i probably could. the only competition that matters is with yourself.

    • @katherineleflufy7693
      @katherineleflufy7693 7 месяцев назад +1

      I think the key is to find something that floats your boat. It might not be easy to stumble across lesser known or random things like old fashioned manual skills, but there is one big advantage these days - the internet - hunt around on it with an open mind and take and interest in loads of different things - even if you have to force yourself a bit, find something interesting or amazing in stuff - even if it is like 'woah, how the heck does anyone find this interesting?!...' (ok, don't bother with that one for too long, if I were you - but it is still collecting bits of information in your mind that squeezes out its edges - I'm not sure if broad-mindedness comes under the canopy of 'IQ' - but I don't think so - some of the 'cleverest' people are incredibly narrow-minded and ignorant about the world because they don't look out of their 'worlds' that they are very comfortable in - or if they do they only look down out of them; its a cliche but though they might have success they don't necessarily have fulfillment in life, which is the real goal to chase, as far as I can tell. One might say that it is the relationships one has in life that is more meaningful than success, but that can be easier said than done - although deeply important, they don't pay bills (connective ones, of course, not venal ones - although a rich spouse would be useful, it doesnt exactly ward off depression and anxiety unless it is just a lucky biproduct of connection; besides which, independance is safety as you never know what is round the corner) - thats a point - thats a useful saying as well - never knowing what is round the corner - you never know what might turn up in life, but only if you keep looking at stuff - I don't know if I believe in a 'universe' that can have any effect on us but it is useful to see it in terms of opening yourself up to opportunity from the universe by being curious and trying stuff - I have found in the past that when I have gone and done something I haven't had much enthusiasm for, other things have turned up, entirely unconnected - maybe the universe has responded to the effort, maybe it is just an excercise in making oneself more receptive to spotting things that might be lurking around as potential opportunities. Anyway - I find it impossible to write anything short and have as usual got far too longwinded - the main point was that there are some incredibly talented skilled craftsmen who are really not very bright in the academic sort of department. And sod the behind in life thing - oh my word I can tell you I know that one - and worse, getting up and slipping behind through a number of major bummers - so this might sound like I come from a place of roses and positivity, but trust me it comes from a place of having felt like my life is in a game of snakes and ladders, with a massive bias towards the snakes and not a shit load of ladders - and an extended special version of it where the snakes can slither you way way down back behind square one, through an abyss of infinite rock bottoms - hmmmm, that's enough selfpity I suppose but suffice to say this does not come from the rosy position of not being without the struggles you describe - currently sitting in a place in life of major desolation beyond what I ever thought I would get to, and struggling to keep going let alone get on my feet - but coming from such a place, I can tell you, the advice to keep looking for random ideas and keep trying things - even if it is finding something and playing around with it yourself for the heck of it. And take and interest in other people - you never know what ideas you might unearth as well as friendships, even fleeting ones - that said, knowing that you might struggle for all I know to maintain friendships for some reason or other so again do not want to sound like all the people meting out well-meaning advice to the struggling but to which the truly struggling might think something that starts with 'thats all very well if .....' (oh dear, I struggled to make that sentence, hope it makes sense) - as someone who's organisation is so piss-poor that I struggle to keep up all but a very few acquaintances and am neglectful at the moment of most of the ones that I do have even, for lack of time and energy - which is shit and I want to solve, but for now just keeping interacting with people one way or another keeps the doors open for such a day as I get my brain back together and start living properly again - hope that helps maybe a little!

  • @ulogy
    @ulogy 7 месяцев назад +9

    As someone with a fairly high IQ who hangs around a ton of folks on the ASD Spectrum (Not going to include self, as I'm not diagnosed, but I do have quite a few traits that raised eyebrows during an assessment for ADHD) I can say that you've mostly got it right; what some folks struggle with comes naturally to me.
    That doesn't mean I don't value my less gifted peers however, and I've certainly been a lazy bastard at times and let others overcome my abilities by sheer neglect.
    Unsure what else to say exactly, but I would note that you seem to be doing alright for yourself despite the struggles, and your content provides some useful insight into a question I'd asked myself before ("What happens to those at the other end of the IQ distribution curve?")
    As far as the consumption of water affecting your IQ, I'm uncertain how much that is accurate; you can improve IQ scores simply by familiarizing yourself with the style of questions commonly asked (Spatial reasoning, formal logic, etc.) - Stay healthy, and I hope this finds you well.

  • @enochbird3862
    @enochbird3862 7 месяцев назад +3

    I can tell from listening to you that you're humble, honest and kind. you have something not a lot of people have. you are a good man.

  • @michaeldelaney4121
    @michaeldelaney4121 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for making these videos. I have watched every single one and you have seriously made my life better. I look forward to your next video. Thank you for bringing some joy to my life

  • @silpheedTandy
    @silpheedTandy 10 месяцев назад +1

    i appreciate your explanations from your own personal experiences (such as what you learned when you used to do distance running). thank you for making these videos.

  • @borat1
    @borat1 10 месяцев назад +10

    Hey man, I applaud you for making these videos. This isnt a problem that pertains to me, but you being able to reframe this in a different perspective was really eye opening. The mind is like a muscle, many people don't believe this but if you don't use your brain you will lose your intellect. Keep working that mind and don't give up!

  • @Kane_Gates
    @Kane_Gates 10 месяцев назад +2

    It is inspiring to hear your story. You could definately motivate people.

  • @nicke2585
    @nicke2585 9 месяцев назад +15

    I don’t get how this guy has a 70IQ when he seems this intelligent. I’ve seen a lot of stupid people and he’s definitely not one of them

    • @jeremymaez5311
      @jeremymaez5311 9 месяцев назад +3

      I think there could have been a variety of factors that led to a low test score and I think it's possible he does truly have cognitive difficulties but that he's worked very hard to improve his brain and to gain wisdom to strengthen the ability to create logical insight. I've met people diagnosed with IQs in the 70s who had a similar level of articulation in some circumstances but they still had cognitive difficulties and trouble learning in other areas. This was only a couple people though, most people I've met who would be considered to have an intellectual disability were far less articulate so I do believe he is an outlier and may be much smarter than what you would expect from his IQ score. Basically, the IQ score you are given reflects a multitude of factors that create a fuzzy aggregate of different benchmarks for measuring your pattern recognition skills and propensity to learn that has some universality towards how it reflects one's intellect. It is "overdetermined" and there is no one specific factor that determines the causal nature of what one's IQ is quantitatively, two people with an IQ of 70 can arrive there in completely different ways and have a different nature to how their brain works. The stressful situation of being tested for intellectual disability can also lead one to do worse on a test than they hypothetically would at their peak cognitive ability with less factors interrupting the facilitation of normal thought processes. I don't know, that's just my two cents, most of what I'm saying is my own conjecture and speculation so it could be wrong but I thought I'd at least try to answer your question because I felt I had something to add.

    • @fahrenheigh
      @fahrenheigh 6 месяцев назад +3

      You can be unintelligent and self-aware at the same time

    • @PCAMY
      @PCAMY 2 дня назад

      I think this might be my problem. I can express myself fine, and a lot of teachers and even professors said they were impressed by my writing. Despite that, I am an idiot when it comes to anything related to problem solving and common sense. It takes me a very long amount of time to grasp simple concepts, and anything that I actually succeed in requires an insane amount of time compared to other people. An assignment that takes a normal person an hour or so will take me multiple days of sustained effort, just to understand the bare minimum. I also have extreme difficulties with socializing, and I couldn’t even succeed doing a fast food job. I can’t remember instructions and anything that I do learn has to be repeated over and over and over again until I finally understand it. So I guess it’s possible to be average in one area and far below average in another when it comes to IQ.

  • @edibaber5525
    @edibaber5525 4 месяца назад +3

    Found your channel and saw you weren't posting anymore, hope you are keeping at it and doing well because you are a genuine inspiration.

    • @freef0rlife
      @freef0rlife 2 месяца назад

      I agree.. If you knew how much you have helped!

  • @justinwr092
    @justinwr092 9 месяцев назад +18

    Your channel is just amazing. I'm somewhere in the low 130s, and I grew up in a blue collar family. I worked in the refineries for so many years before going back to school and ended up getting a master's and becoming a data scientist. Sometimes I feel like I worked hard to achieve what I did, but sometimes I feel like I just accepted an inheritance because so much of it came so easily to me once I sat down to do it. Maybe it's wrong to reward intelligence in society in the first place. Maybe once the AI's start taking care of more tasks for us, we'll put less of a premium on human intelligence. It really doesn't mean a person is worth more.

  • @kelseytyler5406
    @kelseytyler5406 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hi Mark, great content! You seem highly intelligent in certain areas (you're great at communicating, the metaphors and analogies you use are super helpful, your presentation skills are great). Keep at at- I think YOU could be successful!

    • @MegaSuperUltraThingy
      @MegaSuperUltraThingy 7 месяцев назад

      This is a great point, his presentation skills are clearly ridiculously high. IQ or whatever aside.

  • @OrthodoxHC
    @OrthodoxHC 10 месяцев назад +17

    I've seen that the best recognized person at a workplace isn't the most intelligent or the hardest working. It's the most charismatic ones

  • @ElaineTat
    @ElaineTat 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks, for sharing Mark. You help me realized my younger self trying to work my butt off trying to complete school. Your story kept me going instead of complaining about not getting anywhere in a job. I should keep looking thanks pal and yea having low IQ you can practice or self- taught teaching yourself to better yourself maybe it will help. I think you don't have low IQ it's just mental health is so weird at times if your symptoms gets better, it's brain frontal lobe will rewire itself then you will regain your IQ later on. There's a lot resources out there that can help you build up brain power and a lot better IQ.

  • @craigwynnphoto9559
    @craigwynnphoto9559 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hey Mark! Have watched a couple of your videos and am hitting the sub button. Crack on, man! As someone interested in IQ, I find your channel to be loaded with some good dialogue. Being a former distance-runner now in his 30s, I appreciate your running analogy, however I did want to offer another perspective: lean, heavy, neither matters more for the racer's experience than the love of running. Keep engaging your imagination, keep learning, and you'll keep growing! And don't stop! This isn't fictional Forrest Gump, this is real Mark Molloy, and dammit I'm invested in your story, sir!

    • @Robot1c
      @Robot1c 6 месяцев назад

      "This isn't fictional Forrest Gump, this is real Mark Molloy, and dammit I'm invested in your story, sir!" - Fucking wonderfully put xD

  • @AGKyran
    @AGKyran 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hi !
    I just discovered your channel, I saw the video where you talked about working at Mc Donald's.
    I do agree, there's limitations. You can train yourself to get a higher IQ but it takes time. So yes, some dreams may be crushed, like dreaming of being an astronaut or working in a very high qualification field. That's true. One can say "but you can work in another field that is related", yes but it isn't the same. It may be hard to accept it.
    Doesn't mean one can't live a productive and meaningful life. The thing is to not compare to others. I draw and when I compare myself to anyone, I'm really far from talented. Like you can ask me to draw a tiger I'm not sure people will look at it and say "it's a tiger".
    But it doesn't matter. Because, this tiger even though it's horribly drawn is my tiger. It's the one I've made, and it's a part of who I am.
    I'm gonna get sad if I compare it to the tigers other people can draw. But if I ignore them, and keep on drawing tigers, in one year I'll draw a new one and compare it to the previous one. And I'll surely be amazed at how good I got. I would feel successful, and my work would feel meaningful.
    Probably I could still look at other people's drawings of tigers, and still feel I'm doing poorly. But this is the best road to get frustrated and feel like you're not enough.
    Have goals that fit you. If you want to climb, start climbing a small wall instead of thinking about the Mount Everest. I mean you can have this as a final goal but it feels better to divide it into small goals.
    Anyway that's just my opinion.

  • @shonen_x_trash2488
    @shonen_x_trash2488 10 месяцев назад +1

    hard work is often more important than IQ in certain jobs (not intellectually intensive). You are charismatic, and that goes far if you train at specific tasks you need for your job enough to be competent.

  • @dan_iversaire
    @dan_iversaire 6 месяцев назад +2

    I don't know about your IQ score but I feel your EQ (Emotional Q) is very developed. People used to be different depending on culture so.. fair enough you are as strong as others with your skills. (or even stronger in some case, like some blind musicians or math genious). I believe it's all about what you want, why and how you do it 🦾💯
    Thanks for your inspiration !

  • @michaelb870
    @michaelb870 9 месяцев назад +2

    Mark, you seem more intelligent than the average citizen. In addition you have grit to keep posting. This grit is 100 times more important than a number

  • @leetopp98
    @leetopp98 8 месяцев назад

    Hi mate nice video it's insightful and entertaining. Youre iq might be low but you're wiser than alot of people. there are many ways to measure success, don't let one idea of success make you feel like you haven't/cant achieve anything really good. An lean person has a head start over and obese person in long distance running, but an obese person has a head start in sumo.

  • @luciav8595
    @luciav8595 8 месяцев назад +3

    High Mark please don’t restrict your fluid intake. Water is very important and you should be drinking whenever you’re thirsty. Please try eating more fiber to improve your digestion. This can include, veggies, leafy greens, roots, nuts and fruit. Please take care of yourself ❤

    • @daria2430
      @daria2430 5 месяцев назад

      It is very possible to drink too much water and can be dangerous.

    • @luciav8595
      @luciav8595 5 месяцев назад

      @@daria2430 did anyone say otherwise? What are you on?

  • @LifeOfCraig
    @LifeOfCraig 7 месяцев назад

    I understand what you mean. I am someone who's done well for himself and was considered smart but was diagnosed this year with ADHD and most likely am on the spectrum.
    I'm a web developer and have written stock systems for the largest school uniform retailer in the UK but for this second half 2023 I've barely been able to remember to clean my teeth.
    Of course, I cannot work myself into remembering better because my brain doesn't work that way. But there are ways to compensate and that's what using your smarts is good for.
    I would worry less about improving your general IQ and use your smarts to figure out how to compensate for what you lack in specific areas. For example if you're not good at remembering where things go at work then label them. If you can't label them then draw a diagram and keep it in view or in your pocket to reference. Then you can spend important resources hyper focussing on improving what you're really good at.

  • @DanBanan69
    @DanBanan69 9 месяцев назад +1

    Depends on what you mean by successful. We humans value things that are not truly valuable, like good looks, money, status, etc. What is truly valuable is having a pure soul, being kind and sympathetic to others, being honest and reliable, and an ability to meet life just the way it is. If people you meet like you for who you are, and not what you can do for them, you're pretty successful in my book.

  • @Bonapartist233
    @Bonapartist233 10 месяцев назад +8

    Great analogy! This is very relatable. I'm a slow runner too, so to speak. I'm autistic, with an IQ of 92, and I have a bunch of additional issues. Thankfully I live in a welfare state, so I'm able to live on disability benefits, and I get to work part-time in order to not go insane. It's mostly janitorial work. I highly doubt I will ever be successful, but there's no point in being a total doomer about it either. I do have a passion project, but it's mostly for my own enjoyment. Believe me, I tried to get a higher education and a "normal job", but it was really tough, and it made me miserable.

    • @brendarudman8806
      @brendarudman8806 8 месяцев назад

      92 is average
      I was told in school that 90- 110 is average
      You can achieve more than you think
      You're capable of more than janitorial work
      Start your own landscaping business
      You can do woodwork and sell it
      Get creative

    • @stevenunyabidness
      @stevenunyabidness 7 месяцев назад

      the world is never kind to anyone who doesn't fit the mold, that much is easy to relate to. never forget that the top surgeon in a hospital wouldn't be able to do a single thing for anyone if it weren't for the janitor keeping their space clean. menial jobs can be fulfilling and they're every bit as important as something skilled despite the pay being garbage. as long as you're not climbing the walls over it it sounds like you're doing pretty good, keep it up yo!

  • @venems24
    @venems24 7 месяцев назад

    what you described really reminded me of weight divisions in fighting sports.
    a fighter can be extremely technically skilled, but if they face an equally as skilled opponent that has 30 lbs on them then they're really going to struggle to win

  • @trenttim
    @trenttim 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for sharing. I'm curious what your fluid intake was before you started reducing it? It never occurred to me that fluid intake could be a problem, unless it is alcohol.

    • @jth_printed_designs
      @jth_printed_designs 6 месяцев назад

      I’m curious as to what he meant by fluid intake as well. It’s very rare that a person drinks too much water. Being properly hydrated makes the whole body work better, but that doesn’t mean drink sodas and juice to stay hydrated as they will have negative effects on the body.

  • @jillallen8278
    @jillallen8278 10 месяцев назад +1

    Mark. Do you read silently and outloud to groove learning in brain? Also, it is good to write information down to increase brain capacity.

    • @joiab11
      @joiab11 7 месяцев назад

      I agree with that - I need to write things down to learn

  • @texasgoddess323
    @texasgoddess323 6 месяцев назад

    Hi, everyone! Are you able to get a driver’s license? If so, would someone with issues, such as Mark, be able to do gig jobs, like Lift or Uber Eats?🌻

  • @joeadler5379
    @joeadler5379 10 месяцев назад +3

    People always think if you have High verbal IQ that you can get a high-paying job have to have performance IQ to get a high-paying job also no cognitive deficiency. Most people with borderline IQ work janitorial jobs or changing oil something that doesn't require any multitasking. Most people who have a low IQ especially borderline are going to be marginalized..😞

  • @KYLE-zo4bm
    @KYLE-zo4bm 10 месяцев назад

    uh is restricting fluid intake really good? i don't understand wouldn't you get dehydrated or were you just over hydrating before?

    • @markmolloy1381
      @markmolloy1381  10 месяцев назад +1

      I'm overhydrated from years of excessive drinking.

  • @robob221
    @robob221 6 месяцев назад

    Don’t worry about IQ worry about meeting good people and building a connection. That’s what gets you far in life and uncovers surprises you didn’t think were possible. Learn from other people because people want to help each other get better. At least the good ones do.

  • @doylejames3743
    @doylejames3743 10 месяцев назад +2

    mark would u become a manager or crew trainer at mcdonalds?

    • @markmolloy1381
      @markmolloy1381  10 месяцев назад +2

      Probably not. I hate doing the online courses. At the moment I can't even log into my online training.

  • @JacobCarline-hn1nh
    @JacobCarline-hn1nh 6 месяцев назад

    Increasing I.Q
    With help of Chat GBT.
    1. **Verbal Comprehension:**
    - *Read Daily:* Engage in complex materials, varied genres, and technical manuals.
    - *Discuss Topics:* Join discussion groups, analyze literature, and explore diverse subjects.
    - *Labor Practice:* Focus on comprehending and following written safety procedures in your work environment.
    2. **Working Memory:**
    - *Mental Exercises:* Practice recalling lists, sequences, and details daily.
    - *Memory Games:* Engage in activities like cross country running that demand sustained focus.
    - *Labor Practice:* Develop the ability to hold and manipulate information during manufacturing processes.
    3. **Perceptual Reasoning:**
    - *Visual Puzzles:* Solve visual puzzles, interpret diagrams, and analyze blueprints.
    - *Spatial Awareness:* Participate in spatial awareness activities, such as agility drills.
    - *Labor Practice:* Enhance your ability to identify defects in the production process.
    4. **Processing Speed:**
    - *Quick Tasks:* Incorporate tasks requiring quick decisions and sorting information.
    - *High-Intensity Training:* Practice high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for physical and mental speed.
    - *Labor Practice:* Increase efficiency in rapidly processing and assembling components on a production line.
    Consistent practice in these areas, both mentally and physically, can contribute to overall cognitive improvement and increased IQ levels.

  • @consumidorbrasileiro222
    @consumidorbrasileiro222 10 месяцев назад

    I understand. Actually very well said. It's a good analogy. Also I don't like obese people.

  • @RandoBox
    @RandoBox 10 месяцев назад +2

    Can you retake the IQ test? I am sure you crowdfund it if money is tight.

  • @christiancorriveau5069
    @christiancorriveau5069 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hey man, life is not about working. It's about finding joy and peace in your life. Find what makes you happy and brings you close with good people.

  • @a-bas-le-ciel
    @a-bas-le-ciel 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'd encourage you to make a separate video about _living a meaningful life_ as a person of limited intelligence: you mentioned this early in the video, but didn't return to it. Living a meaningful life and being successful in your job (in competition with more intelligent, people) are two very different things.

  • @theMOCmaster
    @theMOCmaster 9 месяцев назад +5

    it is an invisible disability

  • @LG-Musique
    @LG-Musique 10 месяцев назад

    If your IQ is low, then surround yourself with people or seek help from people who know more than you in whatever field you need help with. E.g. if you need help with finances, see a financial advisor, if you need help with fitness, get a coach. You don’t have to know everything. The most successful people tend to be those who have built up a good / trusted support team around them. You rarely come across a successful person who has done everything all by themselves

    • @youknowkbbaby
      @youknowkbbaby 9 месяцев назад

      That's probably why people with low intelligence get taken advantage of. All these experts are still susceptible to corruption. The low IQ people have limited ability to use good judgment.

  • @Cblizy
    @Cblizy 8 месяцев назад +1

    The bare minimum! I am the KING of the bare minimum. I used to calculate how many assignments I could miss and still get the grade I desired. If it was a class I didn't give af about, ( business classes) my goal was a C. However in my aerospace classes I just learned what was immediately applicable to my job interests and that was enough to ace most tests. I had a 3.5 GPA with calculated C's and even a D. You practically can do nothing and get a D.

    • @Cblizy
      @Cblizy 8 месяцев назад

      btw im a p.o.s and youre a better human than i am.

  • @amaldpdamald8874
    @amaldpdamald8874 8 месяцев назад +1

    I know I must have a low IQ, I was born premature 3, pounds, I just can’t figure out life. Everyone runs circles around me mentally, even children. I try to develop new skills but I can’t do it

  • @ATHFShakeZulah
    @ATHFShakeZulah 10 месяцев назад +1

    Do you ever get bored?

  • @bigr0075
    @bigr0075 7 месяцев назад

    Could you for example cut grass or do snow removal well? Could you gain more clients and business? My point is and I could be wrong, you're not limited to just retail or employee position if you can show up, get a job done and follow a schedule

  • @romanr.4821
    @romanr.4821 8 месяцев назад

    How much fluid to you consume a day?

  • @ry-uw8wf
    @ry-uw8wf 10 месяцев назад

    just my perspective but i think you are putting more value on iq than it deserves. sure some jobs like programming or a mathematician your iq score could be related to how much money you can make. but getting ahead in life is all about connections and knowing the right people, and iq score has nothing to with that. peoples value isnt related to how good they are on a logic test, even the person who invented iq has admitted its not black and white

  • @voidmatter896
    @voidmatter896 10 месяцев назад

    i love this video1!!!!!

  • @kevinbratton251
    @kevinbratton251 7 месяцев назад

    Hello Mark! Interesting videos. If you have any interest let me know if you would like some coaching on improvement opportunities...I think you may be underestimating your potential. I'm a Dean at a U.S. college and I'm always eager to assist someone whose willing to do the work.
    Kevin Bratton

  • @chiefpanda7040
    @chiefpanda7040 10 месяцев назад

    you do somewhat need an optimistic mindset looking toward your future or else you will fail

  • @sixstanger00
    @sixstanger00 8 месяцев назад +2

    Far be it for me to disagree, but I get the feeling you're conflating several different things into "IQ."
    First off, nutrition is not going to affect how intelligent you are (especially fluid intake). If someone is naturally adept at mathematics, they won't become less adept if they fast for a week or two. They might become _fatigued,_ but that's just their body lacking nutrients; their focus will regain it's sharpness as soon as they ingest some food/water. Again, nothing to do with their _intelligence._
    Secondly, there is a difference between "intelligence" and "education." For example, starting a new job at McDonald's and having trouble remembering which food goes in which basket, how to run the checkout, etc is not a sign of lacking *_intelligence._* It just means that you lack the *_education_* for that particular job - which is what training is for. It's not like people are born knowing how to do these things. Not everyone learns at the same pace, but nevertheless you ARE *_learning_* how to do the job, and THAT'S what makes you intelligent -- the capacity to learn new skills and apply them in your daily life.
    "Intelligence" refers to your ability to problem solve; to contemplate a problem and postulate solutions. CLEARLY, you have the capacity to do this or you wouldn't be actively working to better yourself. Not only do you recognize the problem(s), but you also determine possible solutions and then set about putting the solution(s) into practice. This is not the behavior of a low-IQ individual.
    Third, if you do any kind of exercise daily and "feel smarter" afterwards, this isn't your IQ being boosted, it's your brain producing dopamine from the exercise. It's not your IQ fluctuating, it's your MOOD; dopamine is a natural "feel-good" chemical so the more your brain produces, the better your mood.
    As I've said in other comments, you're far more intelligent than you give yourself credit for, and I'm curious as to why you have this obsession with IQ?
    IQ tests are not the end all, be all. It's pretty common knowledge that their accuracy is a bit dodgy.
    Bottom line: I'm 40 yrs old. High school grad, college drop out. I own/operate a small business and have done for the past 10 years. I had no prior business experience. IQ tests I've taken in the past have put me around the 120 - 135 mark, and that's honestly what I'd estimate yours to be.
    Don't confuse "I don't know how to do this yet" with "I'm not smart enough to do this."

  • @Sam-fp8zm
    @Sam-fp8zm 10 месяцев назад +1

    IQ tests were designed to diagnose learning problems in school children so they could get extra tutoring, and the inventor of it said it should not be used as a measure of general intelligence. For the brain eat beef or lamb meat, animal liver, and 100g of beef or lamb fat a day, and lambs brain once a week.

    • @rayc3103
      @rayc3103 6 месяцев назад

      No, they’re designed to assess pattern recognition.

    • @Sam-fp8zm
      @Sam-fp8zm 6 месяцев назад

      yeh can read the original study online (i cant remember the title or the guys name maybe it was binet) where he says it should not be used as a measure of general intelligence @@rayc3103

  • @JH-ty2cs
    @JH-ty2cs 8 месяцев назад +1

    Things like this make me wonder if people have a warped perception of what IQ is. I believe you (and others) when they say that basic tasks are difficult - but at the same time, you seem to show no difficulty making generalisations and analogies. At the very least, I don't think IQ lines up with the general perception of what 'smartness' is.

  • @vladsview194
    @vladsview194 10 месяцев назад +3

    yes we can, I have and IQ of 94 and I make 6000$ a year 💪

    • @bhamlin3
      @bhamlin3 Месяц назад

      Did you mean to say $6000 a 'Month' or maybe $60,000 a 'Year', because you cannot live off of $500 a month.

    • @vladsview194
      @vladsview194 Месяц назад

      @@bhamlin3 nope, 6000$ a year, it's kinda crazy right? And I have a college degree in pharmaceutical studies

  • @CarlosStudyMartins
    @CarlosStudyMartins 5 месяцев назад +1

    You should know that IQ is not a very accurate way to measure inteligence.
    Theres someting called neuroplasticity, this is a term used to describe the creation of new neurons and new conections in the brain. We used to belive that brains would only grow when we ware children and after that would only degrade.
    Today we know that people can grow neurons and in fact everyone does, everytime we learn someting new. you became better and smarter every time you learn someting new.
    Go out be happy and learn new stuff. love from Portugal.

  • @mmmusa2576
    @mmmusa2576 7 месяцев назад

    It’s funny reading people claiming to be high IQ in the comments. IQ measures are mostly nonsense. It’s simply a matter of different intelligences and clearly this guy is very intelligent

  • @iscreamfitness
    @iscreamfitness 7 месяцев назад

    You seem master than most

  • @alexhy9006
    @alexhy9006 6 месяцев назад

    I agree with your message. However you assume one thing that I dont agree with: That the world is fair and efficient. It isn't. People become successful for many things completely unrelated to their real capabilities. Very high iqs are even negatively correlated to success... People skills, strenght of will and luck often matter more for success than intelligence.

  • @PepperpigWorld
    @PepperpigWorld 10 месяцев назад

    Have you read Lolita?

  • @user-zn3zx6fk7u
    @user-zn3zx6fk7u 10 месяцев назад +1

    8 views 4 likes 1,54 K subs 6 minutes since upload

  • @user-xz1hu3vo1v
    @user-xz1hu3vo1v 6 месяцев назад

    I get your channel is focused on IQ but try not become obsessed about it. Yes, it's very important but you either have it or not. Modern times are about teamwork and motivation is always indepensible.

  • @deanperkins2091
    @deanperkins2091 8 месяцев назад +5

    Respectfully, I think people with a low IQ can absolutely become successful. Success is not about having a cool job or a lot of money. Success is about leading a happy and meaningful life.

    • @mattsmith78
      @mattsmith78 7 месяцев назад

      Success, purpose and meaning all come from the salary you earn
      It’s the only way to pay yourself on the back
      Without money, we all lost, and we are all just trying to be nice and justify a life worth living🤷🏻‍♂️
      Money is over God and Family in this life
      (That’s not the truth of all that is…Just in our human life)

  • @ranchdressing1037
    @ranchdressing1037 8 месяцев назад

    People get fixated on things, and then become pros at the things.
    Some people fixate on a piano, and play astounding creations.
    Some people fixate on saving their poop, and fill a house with jars of it.
    Somehow, you got fixated on peoples opinion about you. Enough people told you that you were not smart, to where you got fixated on it. The problem here is, you are not a pro at it, because you are actually high level smart, just your fixation is on what people say and say about you.
    I've known and still know "low IQ" people, and I can tell ya, they may not be smart enough to know to be fixated on not being smart, but they sure are pros!
    You... you're just on a wavelength people don't understand, and they fear what they don't understand. If they can beat you down and convince you have a "low IQ", then that's just them fighting their fears.

  • @sl2357
    @sl2357 2 месяца назад

    I have IQ as well

  • @pa3041
    @pa3041 8 месяцев назад +1

    I think you'd do quite well in sales, you're may be self professed IQ low iq but you have pretty solid vocabulary and with practice could learn about the products you're selling and let charisma do the rest. Your verbal IQ seems fine, using terms like menial and analogy along with high self awareness.

  • @Bigsativa
    @Bigsativa 10 месяцев назад +1

    Near the beginning of the video you said people with an iq of 80 can only do certain low paid jobs. In another video you said people with an iq of 80 can be electricians and make good money. So what’s the truth lol

  • @Brejamlyn
    @Brejamlyn 8 месяцев назад

    Hey dude, are you sure its just an IQ problem and not just a case of adult ADHD?? You seem articulate, self-aware and intelligent - could it be that you have some kind of executive dysfunction??

  • @aaronsinger469
    @aaronsinger469 7 месяцев назад

    Dude what’s really going on here?

  • @ryanrandolph7734
    @ryanrandolph7734 10 месяцев назад +7

    Mark, I know people with very high IQs that are total losers. I also know someone that has a low IQ that's fairly successful (6 figure income). Furthermore, I have no doubt that you can become popular on youtube with a low IQ. I think you put too much weight on IQ. Stop worrying about it and just live your life.

  • @marcome1953
    @marcome1953 6 месяцев назад

    You are paying too much attention to this IQ number. Is not a stupid test that can describe you as a person.

  • @EastCoastRageAllDay
    @EastCoastRageAllDay 6 месяцев назад


  • @gerryadams2212
    @gerryadams2212 10 месяцев назад +2

    Bro you work in McDonald’s, don’t talk on success until you have it. Just because you are rich, does not make you smart. With the right guidance most people can be successful

  • @MrDryfield
    @MrDryfield 5 месяцев назад

    Mark you need to move on from this fixation on IQ, everyone has a limit in what they can achieve, and if we didn't have that variation in skills we'd have no Shop Workers, Bakers, Farmers etc but because we have that variation we work together to form a society. You need to change your focus on to being happy and finding fulfilment not focussing on ones limitations that's not helping you in life. I'd love to be a Concert Pianist but I know I don't have that ability, but I have other skills, I don't let it get to me.

  • @TheDogsBox
    @TheDogsBox 10 месяцев назад +1

    Yes, the answer to your question is yes. Donald Trump was elected to be POTUS as an example.

  • @user-ss3ic4tf4g
    @user-ss3ic4tf4g 9 месяцев назад

    Yea bro