Narcissist Who STOLE this Man's Soul (My Story)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • How was I fooled for 2 years to fall so hard for someone that would be so mean and discarded me like yesterday's garbage. #doctorramani

Комментарии • 142

  • @jorgecarrera5637
    @jorgecarrera5637 3 месяца назад +35

    Brother. The hardest thing about demon. Is accepting she’s a demon. Run run. Don’t look back. She doesn’t respect you. She can’t. She don’t respect herself. You respect yourself. Have a nice day.

  • @snookerb6777
    @snookerb6777 3 месяца назад +6

    We all fell in love with a LIE & ILLUSION.
    It’s one big mind f*ck that never ends. As they age their fantasies & illusions get more insane.
    I’m just divorcing after 39 year marriage. He spent/lost millions leaving me living on just Social Security.
    Someone wrote the best quote: ‘When the Devil can’t reach you he sends the Narcissist’

  • @dmoore0079
    @dmoore0079 3 месяца назад +36

    Narcissists like people with few needs (or people who would otherwise relinquish their needs). I had two narcissistic parents and went through absolute hell - Physical abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect, abandonment, trauma bonds, Stockholm name it, I lived it. These people are so broken that they completely cut off their connection to the mountain of shame they carry. They have no empathy, no accountability, no desire to change, and absolutely no ability to see beyond themselves. Avoid them like the plague - they will not change and they will hurt you over and over again with absolutely no guilt, remorse, or shame. I know the "lovebombing" is a powerful thing that makes you feel incredible...but it's all smoke and mirrors. It's just an insincere manipulation tool to keep you at their whim.

    • @nancycornell3413
      @nancycornell3413 3 месяца назад +2

      Ty best description I've heard. Sad How did u recover?

    • @NatzTalk
      @NatzTalk 3 месяца назад +2

      Well said💛 I think I'm his only victim who escaped.

    • @inappropriator
      @inappropriator 3 месяца назад +5

      Been on no contact with my 2 parents for 7 months at this point and I can see the healing starting to happen.

    • @SheldonBrown567
      @SheldonBrown567 3 месяца назад +5

      Me too! You summed them up very well. Avoid like the plague!

    • @nancycornell3413
      @nancycornell3413 Месяц назад

      @dmoore0079 what about when it's my daughter abusing my only grandchild child?

  • @nancycornell3413
    @nancycornell3413 3 месяца назад +22

    I get what ur feeling. It's the worst abuse along with any child who has a narc Mom.
    I'm trying to get thru this. I wake up depressed every day.
    It's been my whole life. I know now it us demonic spirits. My Mom was a narc mother, ai married a narc husband and my kids rarely feel less than selfish. But it's my daughter who has is damaging me now. She tells my grandson lies about me, won't let me see him, even put restraining order n put my grandson on it. Then took me thru court for 7 Mos laughing and getting my narc ex., here father show up to humiliate me more.
    I don't know how to live, worrying about how she's abusing my grandson.
    I'll pray for you. I'm relying on God.

    • @nancycornell3413
      @nancycornell3413 3 месяца назад +1

      Ty Yes Jesus is my only hope

    • @SheldonBrown567
      @SheldonBrown567 3 месяца назад +2

      Same here. Having a narcissistic mother is the absolute worst!! But loosing your kids to your narc mother and narc ex wife is even worse. I only trust Jesus now. Went no contact, moved out of state, and only allow my kids to abuse me now. But I’ll be putting an end to that too, pretty soon. It does get better my friend. Keep relying on God/Jesus!❤

    • @nancycornell3413
      @nancycornell3413 3 месяца назад +1

      @SheldonBrown567 I have suffered thru 40 years w my ex suddenly winning kids over with big parties and money. My heart is broken. They do not have a real relationship w Jesus any more. Life is not Life

    • @SheldonBrown567
      @SheldonBrown567 3 месяца назад

      @@nancycornell3413 Well I believe this is not our home. We are only sojourners, passing through. I also believe everything is exactly as it is supposed to be, because I trust in Jesus, and in His divine will for me. I’ll pray for you. Never give up, and try to spend 15 minutes a day giving thanks for what you do have, even if it is just not things like the breath in your lungs, or the warmth of the sun on your skin. 🌞 God bless.

  • @cosmiccat7651
    @cosmiccat7651 3 месяца назад +5

    I know exactly what you are going through. I'm still with mine, going through Hell right now. What really bothers me is he was never my type in the first place and I didn't want anything to do with him but he pursued me for a year. I decided to give it a shot, and fell head over heels in love from the get go. Its like I won the dating lottery. But that whole time, even before he started acting like a demon, I always felt like something was way off but couldn't figure out what it was. Its like I had this feeling that was saying "run!" Now I see that it was my gut picking up on his low vibe energy. I can't do anything right with this guy, he'll rage over the smallest of things and then I get the silent treatment for a few days. God forbid I stick up for myself. I should've realized how evil he is when he'd yell at me and I'd cry, and he wouldn't give a crap and just go on with whatever he was doing. And when he is angry, he gets this demonic look in his eyes and face, its like his whole face changes. I still love him and wish I could be with him but I know its impossible. I'm currently getting my ducks in a row, I have a place to go to, I'm moving a bunch of stuff back to that place slowly and I'm looking for a job. And then I'm out!

  • @FoolintheRainSDMF
    @FoolintheRainSDMF 3 месяца назад +6

    Dont take her back bro! Stay strong. Remember its an illusion!

  • @brucejohnston3162
    @brucejohnston3162 3 месяца назад +19

    Get to therapy fast with a therapist who understands Narcissistic abuse. Many don't have a clue about Narcissistic abuse, find one that does. And get that toxic women out of your life. It's nothing but an endless black hole.

    • @gangGreenthumb
      @gangGreenthumb 3 месяца назад +8

      Finding a therapist who understands even the most rudimentary aspects of narcissistic abuse is like finding a needle in the haystack. And if you do, they likely don't accept heal insurance. I was paying $1200/mo out of pocket. I changed therapist to one who was in network who presented herself to be "trauma informed therapist" I spent most of my time teaching her about narcissistic abuse. I should have been charging her $150/hr. for my consultations.

    • @SheldonBrown567
      @SheldonBrown567 3 месяца назад +3

      Almost impossible to find a therapist that understands narcissistic abuse.

    • @gangGreenthumb
      @gangGreenthumb 3 месяца назад

      @@SheldonBrown567 One of the best channels out there is NarcDaily. Andrew helped me more than any therapist. You need to hear it from people who've walked in your shoes, not read about it in a textbook for one semester in college.

    • @thirstonhowellthebird
      @thirstonhowellthebird 3 месяца назад +5

      I can promise you this person is dumping you and getting back with you and dumping you and getting back with you on purpose. It’s the cycle of addiction that she is creating intentionally so that you’ll be so desperate to get her back that eventually you’ll marry her then she’ll take out a life insurance policy on you and kill you by pushing you off a bridge on a hiking trip or drowning you in the ocean and saying you drowned yourself accidentally or poisoning you and making it look like a heart attack. This is what they do.

    • @Groundwater24
      @Groundwater24 3 месяца назад

      @@SheldonBrown567 many “therapists” are narcs themselves.

  • @jshelley4592
    @jshelley4592 3 месяца назад +9

    It's like we love what we thought we had. I'm sorry this happened to you. They always want to crush the light of our souls. Your better off without her.

  • @julianstier3821
    @julianstier3821 3 месяца назад +6

    I feel you. Met my „girl“ back in 2018 and had the best time of my entire life for a year. Absolutely incredible. It was like a dream come true and I was fully into it. For once I thought, I could just be happy.
    Then slowly the abuse started and by the end of 2020 she discarded me like trash. Never ever experienced such an amount of emotional pain in my life. Every fricking second of the day. Took me to last year to function like a normal human being again. Never really dated after that. They leave a war-ridden battlefield behind and you have to clean it. Couldn’t sleep properly for 2 years. Not without listing to „sleep in the trenches with heavy gunfire“ ASMR sounds. My personality changed drastically. Today I’m stoic. Completely cold from the outside. The person I met was the complete opposite of the person she was at the end. Sadly, that was the real „her“… cheating, lying, gaslighting, temper-tantrums. Playing foul. Silent treatment…I experienced it all. I call them „demons“, they are not real people because they lack what it means to be human and i have developed a sixth sense for these monsters. And believe me, I won’t hold back anymore. I started to fight them like no other. Exposing them every time I can. Even at work. At a party. No holds barred. They crippled my soul but I won’t go down without a fight. Good people (or better people who try to be better) get used and abused. Someone once said you have to become the monster to fight them. And if you think this is a bit harsh just think a about like this: while you were in Your bed, crying and hurting, feeling like your soul is rotting right in front of you, she is also in bed-but with another victim…the old saying of „if someone slaps you, hold the other cheek“ just gets you slapped more…

  • @Jav-in-G-likedandsubbed
    @Jav-in-G-likedandsubbed 3 месяца назад +8

    your a lucky man. did not lose your house, kids, money, or much time and got to ride the hobby horse and she is not getting younger. Clean break from a woman that's fake. Move on knowing you are not falling for those tricks again. It's over. Never again will you let someone disrespect you like that.

    • @SheldonBrown567
      @SheldonBrown567 3 месяца назад +4

      Absolutely! I married a wicked witch of a woman, had kids with her, and then she turned my kids against me and! Turned them into narcs as well! All I ever wanted to be was a family man, since I had no genuine relationship with my own narc parents. I was so devoted to my kids! Coached all of their baseball teams and soccer teams, took them camping and backpacking all the time, trips to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and water parks . I didn’t date anyone for over 12 years, even slept on the floor for 8 years so they could have the bed. And now they don’t show any genuine love or respect for me because they are narcissists. So yeah, this guy got off easy. Good point you made.

  • @onecent3
    @onecent3 3 месяца назад +9

    Don't call or answer her call (if she calls you). The next time around will be worse than this one. I went back 7 or 8 times and each time it was worse than the last. It's been 50 + years since I made my final walk away and got a divorce from him but not a day has gone by I don't remember all the cruel things he said and did..Don't let her destroy anymore of your life than what she already has..

    • @gangGreenthumb
      @gangGreenthumb 3 месяца назад

      Change your phone number. Delete your e-mail account and start a new one. Block her and everybody who remains in contact with her through social media, even those who remain in contact superficially. Make it impossible for her to find her way back to you. I sold my house and moved (I was going to do that anyway since the kids moved out). She has no idea where I live now.
      I had a narc girlfriend who reached out to me 26 years after she discarded me in the most brutal and cruel way. Twenty-six YEARS!! (I was over that one.. I just laughed and blocked her.). These people are parasites. Sadly, they are broken, but it's not our job to fix them.

  • @jshelley4592
    @jshelley4592 3 месяца назад +10


  • @NatzTalk
    @NatzTalk 3 месяца назад +7

    Thanks for sharing!💛 You literally explained/shared everything someone goes through in a Narcissistic relationship. The abuse, the gas lightning, the love bombing, the rage. Not only that, you explained why we, the victims, tolerate it. The best explanation/ experience I've seen/ heard so far. You're helping people through your pain. So again, thank you.💪🏾💛

    • @NatzTalk
      @NatzTalk 3 месяца назад

      Gas lighting***

  • @user-vj2sn7vv5s
    @user-vj2sn7vv5s 3 месяца назад +7

    We give them admiration while they are exploitation experts.

  • @gangGreenthumb
    @gangGreenthumb 3 месяца назад +15

    27:09 "I still love her". I've been in your shoes. 11 years of those love-hate cycles of abuse. You don't love her, you love the idea of what she represented to you. You don't love the manipulations, you don't love the gaslighter, you don't love the silent-trearments, disappearing on you, you don't love the triangulations... (this is the real her). What you love is the mask that she wore which was a manipulation intended to trick you into falling in love so that she would have power over you. That person never existed. Understand she is not capable of loving anyone or any thing- not even herself. She can only fake it. She is dead inside and she wants to bring you there with her, then she throws you away and moves onto the next victim, and that is how they feel powerful. Change your phone number, change your e-mail, remove any mutual friends in social media who might report back to her how miserable you might be feeling which makes her feel powerful. They need positive supply (your adoration) and they need negative supply (your anger and resentment). Both forms of supply make them feel superior. Cut all ties with her. If she ever reaches out to you do not respond. Don't respond positively and don't respond negatively. Either response is them drawing supply from you. Do not respond and you starve them of supply and causes a narcissistic injury when they lose control over you. Be good to yourself. This will pass. You're in grief over the loss of the future you thought you had together, but it was a lie. I can tell that you're well on your way to healing. Take care, bud. You'll be OK again. If she hoovers you (look that up if you don't know what it means) do not respond or she'll do the same. She'll never change, she'll never heal. She's like a white-walker in Game of Thrones, pulling you to that side. Do not ever entertain the hoover. Block her, block mutual friends who might feed information back. I've severed contact with cousins who remain connected to the narcissist. They say they don't talk to her, then why would they choose to remain in contact choosing a stranger over blood? Cut all ties... all of them.

    • @thirstonhowellthebird
      @thirstonhowellthebird 3 месяца назад +1

      Wow! So well said! They are evil! The Bible tells us so. Lots of stories in the Bible that mimic what they do. She will be back. You must know that she will be back.

    • @cosmiccat7651
      @cosmiccat7651 3 месяца назад +1

      I really needed to read that, thanks! Going through my own Hell right now with my narc and wishing so bad he'd just go back to how he was in the beginning. But that was not him and never will be :(

    • @gangGreenthumb
      @gangGreenthumb 3 месяца назад

      @@cosmiccat7651 That's exactly right... things can never go back to that love bomb stage. They can for short periods of time give you little breadcrumbs of hope.... this is how I got hooked for staying in 11 years clinging to hope of getting back to what it used to be. And that initial "golden period" where they idolized you is nothing short of magical. But tell them no (or question their delussion such as 🤔🤔 how did you know that astronaught that died when you were only six years old) and you are painted black. You go from adoration to devalued and eventually to the sustained devaluation, which is a process that eats you alive and leaves you feeling absolutely worthless. My heart goes out to you. Do not ever let them trick you into thinking they've changed. If they tell you they've been going to therapy, (don't respond to them at all) but simply think to yourself "good for you. I hope you fix yourself for your future relationship with somebody else." (Narcissist experts such as Andrew/NarcDaily, Paula/NarcCon, Ramani, Brannon, HG Tudor, and Vaknin all all agree narcissists CANNOT change- they don't want to change because they think there's nothing wrong with them.... it's all your fault. I believe the expert opinions 💯) I'm sorry you're going through this, but I'm glad you've found a space to help make sense of what you were put through. Don't ever, ever go back. It will be worse the next time.

  • @SteveJohnson-uu9ew
    @SteveJohnson-uu9ew 3 месяца назад +3

    Push and pull, constantly with these demonic entities.

  • @francesca3453
    @francesca3453 3 месяца назад +4

    My father is in one of these situations. She has created hell on earth for him and us his children. It’s too late for us now.

    • @m0thdm
      @m0thdm 3 месяца назад

      I hope you can recover! thoughts with you

    • @SteveJohnson-uu9ew
      @SteveJohnson-uu9ew 3 месяца назад +1

      Never too late, pray!, believe!

  • @Tokolos
    @Tokolos 3 месяца назад +4

    Yeah, I had to enforce some boundaries and was richly rewarded with being called toxic for doing so. When the mask finally slipped I realised that it was all fake. It is what it is. What it’s not 😆
    I felt like a fool for being all in.

  • @Bawkr
    @Bawkr 3 месяца назад +4

    Saved this vid to my playlist and watched it. Was right there with you on a lot of this in what I experienced. Very minor differences.

  • @Rigamaroo2
    @Rigamaroo2 3 месяца назад +5

    She knew what you were doing, you only thought you knew what she was doing.... focus on self improvement and forget about women until you grow back those testes

  • @Heart_Ov_Alion
    @Heart_Ov_Alion 3 месяца назад +5

    The main channel you need for healing is "narcissist chronicles" - thank coach later ❤

    • @scottoz7891
      @scottoz7891 3 месяца назад

      Absolutely. He was my last chance for closure AND answers. ❤❤.

  • @1MNUTZ
    @1MNUTZ 3 месяца назад +3

    Good testimony it's basically the devil playing the love of your life to try to kill you. The love you have gets weaponized against you. I had od'd on rx meds because of the confusion and almost self deleted

  • @miguelmontoya
    @miguelmontoya 3 месяца назад +2

    We repeat the trauma bond of our parents as love, it is NOT. Love is being free from Trauma Bond, set Boundaries and starting to achieve our TRUE GOALS and work with the fuel of the rage but NOT for revenge, but to reset our victim mentality as a MUSCLE.

  • @kinngemz
    @kinngemz 3 месяца назад +5

    You HAVE to let go bro. These people go through their lives leaving a trail of destruction. They don't face their karma's built into them. something they have to live with everyday. You will move on and be happy again man. Time is a great healer. peace

  • @toniacompton1091
    @toniacompton1091 3 месяца назад +10

    Praying for you.🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @NotDone-bt2hz
    @NotDone-bt2hz 3 месяца назад +2

    15 years ago I was with someone for a year. He also pretended that my wanting to understand him was too needy. For someone who doesn't know himself of course that was expecting too much. because he would have had to look innward which is the kiss of death to a narcissist. It tookme years afterwards to understand what happened. You're understanding immediately! Bravo! And sweet of you to share with us.

  • @Seanus32
    @Seanus32 3 месяца назад +6

    Love Hurts - Nazareth. However, you seem to be a 'real' bloke who was genuinely patient and dedicated. I've been through the same and I discovered she was a demonic phantom. I don't know what went wrong in her childhood but she was a warped individual. Be happy to be away, believe me! Stay strong and connect with your soul. It will guide you through.

  • @thelaziestbee
    @thelaziestbee 3 месяца назад +3

    Unconditional love in relationshps and dating is always a mistake. We have to keep the track of things at all tomes, be alert.

  • @toniacompton1091
    @toniacompton1091 3 месяца назад +5

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
    I KNOW!! I’ve been through this myself. They’re demons.

  • @terrimehring2137
    @terrimehring2137 3 месяца назад +4

    He lives across the street from me.

  • @terriblue68
    @terriblue68 3 месяца назад +4

    You are not alone, and thank you for being so vulnerable. How do we learn if we don't fall? The important part is that we get back up after it all.
    Dating today is the PITS. I have yet to meet a decent man who has it all together and actually WANTS a real relationship. Not just going through the motions. Just brutal if you want my honest opinion. As long as phones, social media and the internet are around, families, relationships and marriages will continue to be torn apart. In my humble opinion, it's just not worth it. I loved the companionship, making meals, having nice dinners, sleeping beside each other, waking up beside each other. But it's tough when the gig is up. Goes from 0 to 100 just like that. Then they leave you it's like 100 to 0.
    It's not fun going through this shit, but thankful I am not the only one! God bless!! ❤🙏

  • @bobandcarolehardy10
    @bobandcarolehardy10 3 месяца назад +2

    They only love the reflection or the image of themselves , they have no personal identity , they suck the life out of you always looking for new supply, don’t ever take them back , you can recover ❤

  • @alinaxoni2198
    @alinaxoni2198 3 месяца назад +2

    You seem to be a very nice guy. That woman WHO played you like that is trash . Don't hurt yourself with overeating. You deserve a new love.

  • @tempestous-i3k
    @tempestous-i3k 3 месяца назад +2

    Can hear the pain and conflict in your voice and choice of words. What always strikes me is how staggeringly similar the experiences of those of us who have been there are. I still have those conflicted feelings. Was it me? Was i wrong? Did i make a mistake. Thats when i go back over the long record of texts for validation. Hoping you find someone worthy of a loving heart and that you're in a good place to accept and run w that when it comes.

  • @JoshuaAnzalone-zk5ht
    @JoshuaAnzalone-zk5ht 3 месяца назад +3

    You gotta let her go brother. I have to hear my narc ex everyday through audio hacked phone. But its been 4 years and im good now.

  • @GeezerWheelClub
    @GeezerWheelClub 3 месяца назад +1

    I get what you’re going through. I am healing from the same. I am at 1.5 years since the divorce and am doing much better. I blocked her on all forms of communication and forbid her to contact me. Almost a year ago. Best decision I ever made.
    Yes it is frustrating to finally realize how you were walking on eggshells for years ( 27 for me), and how any positive emotions were just an act.
    Life is better once you realize you are free from the unappreciative person and all their mind games. It also helps when karma hits them.
    I also spent 6 days in the hospital fighting for my life and she wouldn’t visit me. Wife of 25 years at that time and I just couldn’t get why she just left me there alone? But she did send me pictures of herself at the beach while I was wondering if I was going to be alive the next day or not. For me that was the last straw. I knew my marriage was a sham.

  • @djchakir
    @djchakir 3 месяца назад +4

    Hang in there bro.
    The only solution is to move on.
    Being back together is not an option.
    You will slowly lose your sanity & precious time if you do...

    • @tempestous-i3k
      @tempestous-i3k 3 месяца назад +1

      Sanity, time and everything else you have up to and including your life. They will kill you one way or another. Or leave you a function less mess unable, in my case, to read, focus, speak without stammering when I'd never had speech issues in my life, emotionally disregulated, suicidal, physical pain, inexplicable aches, IBS, PTSD, unable to trust ANYONE, the list goes on and on. I wish I could say I'm healing but I'm healing like a broken arm that isn't set. I'm healing wrong. I'm mean, hard, cold, I can't cry, sudden outbursts even I don't see coming. No, it will get worse every time you take them back and they will take the best of you and when they're done it's gone. You don't have it, they can't use it. It's an insideous and cruel form of abuse.

    • @djchakir
      @djchakir 3 месяца назад +1

      @@tempestous-i3k You described it well.
      It's a slow burn to Doom.
      Just don't forget there are still normal people out there.
      The sooner you get over it and get back to social life, the better.
      It was just a bad relationship experience which will make you stronger in the end, if you can process it in your mind.
      You will not fall for the same trap twice 😉
      I really had to train myself mentally to get over bad relationships quickly.
      Meeting new people and socializing is the best thing to distract yourself.
      At least for me....
      In this distraction process one might find a new love as well ❤️😉

    • @tempestous-i3k
      @tempestous-i3k 2 месяца назад

      But it wasn't just a bad relationship experience. I've had bad relationship experiences, I've had trauma, I've had ptsd since age 5, 50 years, I've met my soulmate and watched them die less than a year together. There is nothing normal or simple about a relationship w a fragile narcassist. In fact grandiose narcassists haven't got a patch on what these monsters that walk like men do to person. A person who did nothing wrong but to love. And having your pure and valueless love used against you as a weapon to control twist and ultimately destroy you is beyond the most basic humanity is beyond pity, understanding, mercy, forgiveness. And getting back into a social life; even this far out it my judgment is poor, people are vile, proving themselves over and to be unworthy of trust, and everyone expects that things to be back to normal because you're away from them. But the damage is lasting. No, steel and concrete bunker, 6 ft walls w no windows or doors, trespassers shot on sight.

  • @TheChosenOne31
    @TheChosenOne31 3 месяца назад

    Man believe it or not your story helped me and it blessed me and help me not to ever go back to these people again they come in all forms family fake friends lovers church pastors etc. no contact is the best way to move foward and heal from these demonic people !!!

  • @Keith_Mikell
    @Keith_Mikell 3 месяца назад +3

    Hey man just wanted to wish you the best. I saw the trauma in you. Im like you an empath. So i know it's hard to fathom that these people exist. Ive been victimized by several in my life. It was only till i got educated on the disorder that i realized that im a magnet for them. Every new friend turns out to be one. Im sick of it lol. Even people i know for years i see traits, im not going to say full diagnosis but i do see traits. Keep your head up.

  • @LuckyToucan-xs6ru
    @LuckyToucan-xs6ru 3 месяца назад +3

    Try listening to the song just an illusion by the trio band imagination, you will get ur answer why this happened to you ok, ur ex narcissist was just all a lie that's the reality of ur situation, these narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are drawn to ur inner fears and weakness's to bring ur pain to the surface to heal ur inner child wounds,we are all spiritually one collective consciousness so we're all mirrors to each other to reflect back inner wounds so by them being narcissistic towards you they're showing you that you don't give urself enough self care and love for urself because once you truely love urself ur true soulmate will be drawn to you so take the experience to learn from it and let it harden yourself up so that it never happens again plus she did u a favour because now u have the tools to know what to look out for in future because we're now living in a narcissistic society... God bless u and everyone on here 🙏

  • @stardustdreams234
    @stardustdreams234 3 месяца назад

    What you said about the phone call you missed. It's like you described the scenarios I've been through with the narcissist I am currently dealing with. She literally gets mad and tells me that she needed me and I wasn't there. She's a true mess. But the more she acts uo with her crazy behavior she is turning me off and pushing me.away. I am just waiting to reach the point of no return to dismiss her. It's getting close. She does things that know will trigger me and provokes arguments and negative reactions. It's ridiculous and tiring to deal with. Also I have my dad sick with cancer and all she does is stress me out. I need to be in a good state of health and mind in order to take care of my dad. I for drama or crazy manipulative behavior.

  • @Groundwater24
    @Groundwater24 3 месяца назад

    Accept the hoover but don’t sleep with it. Arrange a lavish meal at a restaurant (that you conveniently forget to make reservations). Then just don’t turn up. Send a text saying “I apologise but😂 I was more interested in playing on the Xbox”. All the best bud, you’ll be ok.

  • @m0thdm
    @m0thdm 3 месяца назад +1

    Rooting for you brother

  • @barbiedoll3513
    @barbiedoll3513 3 месяца назад +2

    When I was running late for work and not want to have sex with my Ex Narcissist he would tell me “you don’t find me attractive” when all it was, was that I was just running late for work. But he’d go on and on how I didn’t find him attractive anymore and omg it just wouldn’t stop! The. When I was sick and wouldn’t want to be physically “OMG” he just went on and on how. No other women he dated was like me and that I didn’t find him attractive otherwise I’d want to cuddle! Then when he got Covid he demand that I sleep with him and get it with him and he “WAS NOT GONNA KEEP HIS DISTANCE FROM ME”. So of-course I got it! He was a horrible horrible person.. But no it was me he suggested that I go to counciling bc I was the toxic ones. He never too responsibility for his actions he always played the victim 😮!! So yeah you can’t win..

  • @stephanrocksyou
    @stephanrocksyou 3 месяца назад +2

    Hoover coming in shortly. Don’t fall for it if she comes back. Don’t write her. Keep strong!! Been down these roads before.

    • @tempestous-i3k
      @tempestous-i3k 3 месяца назад

      When mine hoovered me and hit me w beautiful texts that sounded like the early stages and less than 24 hrs after no reply the insults came followed by more florid statements of love. Again, less than a day of me not responding came the insults again, the kind that if I actually broken contact and admonished him for it would have been, that was a joke, or that was actually meant as a compliment. Really, you slyly call me a slut and that's a joke or compliment? Anyway he showed his true colors fast.

    • @miguelangeldominguez3207
      @miguelangeldominguez3207 3 месяца назад

      @@tempestous-i3k your narc is more polite than mine when she Hoovers she sends my a text or call me and then she says "sorry it wasn't for you I am calling my friend, my cousin etc " hahaha

    • @tempestous-i3k
      @tempestous-i3k 3 месяца назад

      @miguelangeldominguez3207 not sure if there's a gender disparity in tactics like that. I only have the perspective of abuse from a male narc. I only wonder cause that's a total mean girl thing to do. I'll be honest, I've been tempted to use what I've learned from him, what I know about him and about fragile narcs in general and send him a text or two followed by an "oops, sorry. That wasn't meant for you." text myself. I'm no mean girl but you learn this stuff as a woman. Narcs can be vulnerable to their own tactics, and he had always underestimated me. Never less than honest and open, kind, patient, loving, gentle.thats all I showed and thing about empaths is we can often see exactly where to jab someone for max damage. Being empathic few have ever even realized I have that in me cause I don't exercise it. He never saw my teeth but was gobsmacked when I went no contact without warning. I think I'll just opt for what peace I can get and amuse myself w the thoughts of how I could torment, confuse, and toy w him. I'm a fast learner and I know the names of his demons. It's not empathy. I have none for him. Just want peace.

    • @miguelangeldominguez3207
      @miguelangeldominguez3207 3 месяца назад

      @@tempestous-i3k they use the same tactics doesn't matter the gender; yes we get narcissistic fleas by dealing with them even we can get brain damage I recall my memory was so terrible when I was dealing with her I mirror her a lot of course she didn't like it and that's why she discarded me, she broke up with me on my birthday. I usually use the same tactic against her, oh sorry that message wasn't for u it was for the girl I was dating she got so mad I said to her you ignored me for a complete month I moved on, then bc of that she sex lovebomb me haha then my birthday came and she went silent again. I think empaths make the tactics even better harder bc we feel they don't like that. In mi case I say she was less polite bc she never said to me anything showing affection or love for me never. Her love bombing was like that "oh sorry it wasn't for u" then i said stop the bs u want to see me? - I have no problem, find me here, and we hook up then she discarded me again even in the same day and ghost me for days or if I reached out to her she said I was harassing her then she Hoovers again in few days like nothing happened

  • @Lynn-sq6lg9mc5e
    @Lynn-sq6lg9mc5e 3 месяца назад +1

    You are not alone.. in both of your journeys..

  • @athinea1975
    @athinea1975 3 месяца назад +1

    First if all be careful of lovebombing, the relationships that start like that with the obsessive highs you explain are the dangerous ones. You will chase those types of unhealthy types and the healthy ones will feel 'boring'.

  • @annberlin5811
    @annberlin5811 3 месяца назад

    When someone acts inconsistent im out

  • @Liedowngaming
    @Liedowngaming 3 месяца назад

    Hello mate. This video resonated with me. I'm sorry you experienced this. I have been through something similar recently but I'm dealing with it remarkably well considering but I'm not here to talk about me, I wanna lend my ear to you if you want to talk things over at all. The one thing I'll leave here is this. Don't undo all your previous work. Tomorrow or from whenever you read this. Get back to healthy eating and your healthy habits. The gym, endorphins and it also contributes to your weight loss journey. Use the negativity surrounding this whole thing as fuel. A fuel to a better you. Also as a fuck you. In months down the line.. you will thank you, you will feel better and even as another motivation. Wouldn't she just love to see you still struggling? That you've gone backwards. Fuck that. A month, 3, 6 months, a year down the line. Bet she didn't see that coming, on what's even better at those points, you've already moved on anyway and to a happier you. Let me know of you want to discord at some point

  • @terrimehring2137
    @terrimehring2137 3 месяца назад

    I shut if off a year ago . And I'm still going through the hurt. But I'm a lil bit better now he tried to destroy me. I prayed to God to help me I'd say I'm 70percent over it but it still hurts. I'm just glad that I have my kids and grandkids my daddy . because he wanted to destroy our relationships too.

    • @Liedowngaming
      @Liedowngaming 3 месяца назад

      Hello, what have you tried to do yo help yourself since no contact?

  • @athinea1975
    @athinea1975 3 месяца назад

    Dude just found your channel, get some therapy NOW. This can take years to undo! ❤

  • @Joshdifferent
    @Joshdifferent 3 месяца назад

    Been there 💯‼️ 5 years for me

  • @kay4725
    @kay4725 3 месяца назад +1

    I love your hat!!! 🤗

  • @ToxicFreeTV
    @ToxicFreeTV 3 месяца назад

    If you're anything like me the narcissist hopefully this time was a catalyst to opening your eyes and raising the veil that perhaps your vulnerability to such a person started at home with a narcissistic caretaker

  • @TheThejaketucker
    @TheThejaketucker 3 месяца назад

    This dude rules .

  • @heatherlynn3438
    @heatherlynn3438 3 месяца назад +1

    I’m so sorry

  • @FoolintheRainSDMF
    @FoolintheRainSDMF 3 месяца назад

    Its like Alan Jacksons Midnight in Montgomery... only not bout Hank its bout the illusion of your supposed ole lady.... was she ever really there..... nah. They're fucking illusions. The love we gave them we must give US! They're not anyone we made them all along!

  • @Maine-LyChris
    @Maine-LyChris 3 месяца назад

    Been there man ❤

  • @Mel-os3ld
    @Mel-os3ld 3 месяца назад

    Also one can give the energy u need to be saved

  • @aegisreflector1239
    @aegisreflector1239 3 месяца назад

    Yep just like my ex a complete demon.

  • @karldunne5595
    @karldunne5595 3 месяца назад

    Well stated 👍..........

  • @vesper8385
    @vesper8385 3 месяца назад

    All too familiar.

  • @ravanjanae
    @ravanjanae 3 месяца назад

    Aww sorry you been through this 😭

  • @terrimehring2137
    @terrimehring2137 3 месяца назад

    I feel you man😞

  • @AnnoyedMartialArts-gx5gg
    @AnnoyedMartialArts-gx5gg 3 месяца назад

    It mash me up am dieing inside

  • @user-hs9sw8ld8c
    @user-hs9sw8ld8c 2 месяца назад

    I feel my soul has ben stold also very scared

  • @SteveJohnson-uu9ew
    @SteveJohnson-uu9ew 3 месяца назад

    @13:00 exactly

  • @saadalahmari3555
    @saadalahmari3555 3 месяца назад

    You’re so handsome

  • @miguelangeldominguez3207
    @miguelangeldominguez3207 3 месяца назад

    One year without problems? She was not a narcisist

    • @m0thdm
      @m0thdm 3 месяца назад +2

      dont say things you know nothing about. Narcissists can work really hard to stay under cover for a long time.

    • @miguelangeldominguez3207
      @miguelangeldominguez3207 3 месяца назад +1

      @@m0thdm impossible, my ex gf is a covert narcissist, narcissist are inestable they jump from love bombing to devaluate u to discard u sometimes all in one day. They can not keep the mask on one full year she was maybe inmature. I wish my ex gf gave me that but no, impossible

    • @m0thdm
      @m0thdm 3 месяца назад +1

      @@miguelangeldominguez3207 your gonna confuse other people with your lack of understanding. Just because it was true for you, doesnt make it true for anyone. Im a therapist. Your personal perspective, though valid, is not the ultimate truth. A narcissist can and will hide their behavior for a long time. So can a psychopath. But a sociopath often cannot. Or those with some other anti-social disorder.

    • @miguelangeldominguez3207
      @miguelangeldominguez3207 3 месяца назад

      @@m0thdm so u r a therapist and u are 100 percent sure she is a narcissist without proper evaluation? There is no such thing as 1 year all good with a real narcissist impossible dude, she was a bad woman maybe but not narcissist

    • @m0thdm
      @m0thdm 3 месяца назад

      @@miguelangeldominguez3207 I didnt say I was 100% sure she was a narc, did I? Are you listening to yourself?

  • @annberlin5811
    @annberlin5811 3 месяца назад

    Get a dog or cat.

  • @AniyaLewis-gl1dw
    @AniyaLewis-gl1dw 3 месяца назад

    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the Lord dead thou shalt be saved. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

  • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
    @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

    Hello world terima kasih ya Allah
    Sebenarnya anda masih memikirkan kisah yang lalu apa yang berlaku kepada masa lalu anda masih teringat bagimana wanita itu cara layanan wanita itu terhadap anda

    • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
      @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

      Narsis hanya la sorang manusia, biasa Dan kita, tidak perlu pun takut kepada, narsis yang kita perlu takut adala sang pencipta,

    • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
      @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

      Jangan banding2kan antara keadaan anda dengan saya, 😊

    • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
      @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

      Cara percakapan anda sekarang sudah berputus asa tetapi saya tidak pernah berputus asa,

    • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
      @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

      Saya berhadapan bukan sorang narsis tetapi beberapa kumpulan narsis

    • @ConfusedPots-ir8ql
      @ConfusedPots-ir8ql 3 месяца назад

      Sudah Lima tahu kumpulan narsis, ini datang bukan sediri tetapi Di hantar oleh sesuatu pihak untuk Musnahkan saya tetap semangat tetap bangkit saya yakin kepada sang Pencipta, akan memberi keadilan ke saya ☝️☝️🤲

  • @ZuZu_Petals
    @ZuZu_Petals 3 месяца назад +1

    bruh get in the gym

    • @redridgemedia3771
      @redridgemedia3771 3 месяца назад

      Fucking right! Best advice ever...
      Trauma is the perfect fuel...
      I got divorced, and was full of all the anger, resentment, etc etc... I literally used it as fuel in the gym, and out running etc, and turned myself into an absolute beast haha..
      100% good advice bro!

    • @Liedowngaming
      @Liedowngaming 3 месяца назад

      Haha fucking love this. This 100% me atm and it feels gooooood!

    • @redridgemedia3771
      @redridgemedia3771 3 месяца назад

      @@Liedowngaming Top Man! 🤜