Agreed, the first thing I do every morning is to set up a site bench. Two saw horses, a couple of planks and a sheet of ply. I can't understand why anyone would be crawling around on the ground like that. That said he knows his stuff when it comes to lead work, 👍🔨🇮🇪
Good work and simple explanation, subscribed
Thank you. Fantastic video and very easy to understand
A true craftsman who has mastered his trade. I salute you
Thank you
Very instructional Excellent And a great method
Looks well that nicely explained as well.
thank you for your feed back
You make that look so so easy.👍
plenty of practice. thank you for the kind comment
Nice be good to see old school without welding
Really helpful video. Iv been learning to weld as I’m a roof tiler/slater. Can you do a back gutter video?
yeah sure subscribe to the channel there is one on there
Buy yourself a couple of plastic Tressells from Aldi put 2 x 6ft scaffold planks on them and get up off the ground
Agreed, the first thing I do every morning is to set up a site bench. Two saw horses, a couple of planks and a sheet of ply. I can't understand why anyone would be crawling around on the ground like that. That said he knows his stuff when it comes to lead work, 👍🔨🇮🇪
Maybe he's got no legs below the knees in which case a bench would be to high.....just sayin
hi taffy, i normally would unfortunatley i forgot it that day
mooi werk man 💪
Can not find back gutter chimney lead video mate.?
Can you do a video of back gutter?
yeah sure subscribe to the channel there is one on there
Hey so you could just use that on the back to ?
hi dean. not sure wha you mean?
How you make the chimney front you could just use it as a chimney back
Different way of doing it to me but same result, I just weld mine in position.
What gauge metal is that?
code 5 thanks for the comment
Looks tidy but it's alot of messing about like . Be quicker to dress it round the corners
Some chimneys you can’t really boss the lead as it will thin out the lead too much and split.
Bossing lead as been carried out for centuries with absolutely no problems if done correctly.