How to make & fit lead soakers. Lead soaker install on slate roof!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 61

  • @math3513
    @math3513 Год назад +2

    Thank you for taking the time to make these videos.
    Hope all is well. Take care

  • @kiranvic4288
    @kiranvic4288 4 года назад +3

    Not only did I learn loads but realise now what a total cowboy my roofer was!

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      Please bear in mind I'm not a roofer so I may do things differently but I did my research and tried to use the best solutions on my roof where possible. Lead soakers are only used on slate or flat tiles like rosemary tiles. If you have a grooved tile they aren't used, just covered over the top with lead so yours may be ok. However from speaking to many people who have experienced leaks on a slate roof, a lack of lead soakers seems to be a common problem!

  • @Z3n1tHL0rD
    @Z3n1tHL0rD 3 года назад +2

    Hi, great work mate, watched every one of this series, learned a lot, thanks very much :)

  • @johnregan3591
    @johnregan3591 4 года назад +4

    Brilliant thanks alot this video has helped me out, The old rag at 4:00 looks like best pair of boxer shorts 😁

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад +1

      It was my best pair of boxers of days gone buy....good spot!

  • @sharesgames9546
    @sharesgames9546 2 года назад +3

    Hello, how do we prevent water going sideways though? Isn't that the reason we use secret gutters?

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  2 года назад

      With slates, the soakers stop it going sideways into the dormer as they turn up and overlap. The arrangement of slates means water will always run down hill eventually.

  • @jblondon1327
    @jblondon1327 4 года назад +5

    New subscriber here, I've been following you for a while. Thanks for the detail explanation and yet I had a upvc contractor who did my porch roof with not soakers, just apron flashing running down the pitch slate roof.
    Why is it so difficult to find a proper builder who knows what they are doing?
    I wish I had you here, I need my roof done in a few months time

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      Thanks for the comment. I barely have time to finish my own jobs!

  • @wilfredwilde9559
    @wilfredwilde9559 2 года назад

    Great video.I think the tin ones look crap .Building control visit from council today .The guy said my 2m headroom “ in the loft room “ was ok .Just the stairs had to have the minimum 2.1m headroom .
    Scaffolding up in ten days can’t wait to start .

  • @CStyler1989
    @CStyler1989 4 года назад +8

    Wow. Good effort mate but you should always install your front lead apron first, then dress your first soaker round onto it. You shouldn't cut your soakers at all on corner details, thts what the lead beater is for 👍

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      If you watch my loft conversion videos I fit the lead apron after the soakers just because of the order I had to do things for one thing or another. However I slid it under my soaker and formed the upturn on the soaker over and around the apron hense why I left it poking out as mentioned in the video. It's easy enough to slide under after soakers are fitted. Thanks for watching!

    • @CStyler1989
      @CStyler1989 4 года назад

      @@POUSEaroundtheHOUSE Looking good for a DIY'er! It's great you have the balls to have a go at anything! I'm a roofer by trade and found your channel as I needed to wire up a new double socket in my house 🤣 I still havent attempted the job yet!

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      @@CStyler1989 thanks for the kind words. Hope you got your socket done!

  • @njb9192
    @njb9192 6 месяцев назад

    Great video

  • @Mike-yq6jg
    @Mike-yq6jg 9 месяцев назад

    do you use the same method on large clay tiles ?

  • @42pistol
    @42pistol 10 месяцев назад

    Hello what is the make of synthetic shingle is this please

  • @user-cn1em2qx6f
    @user-cn1em2qx6f Год назад

    could i use soakers on a felt lean to roof

  • @gingerjessy
    @gingerjessy 4 года назад +4

    Pouse. When you going to have this loft conversion done@? Come on. I want my man cave!🍺🍺🍺

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад +2

      It's almost finished. I'm over a year behind on the video uploads and took 6 months off but the end is in site! Thanks for watching.

  • @MrGlenfraser
    @MrGlenfraser 4 года назад +1

    I take it from watching the series did you buy your own scaffold?....good work as normal......I hope that its all finished now and not going through the current storm....

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад +4

      Outside was finished about 12 months ago so all good. I hired scaffold with one off fee, but ended up having it for over a year! I like to get my money's worth.

    • @MrGlenfraser
      @MrGlenfraser 4 года назад

      @@POUSEaroundtheHOUSE I'm surprised they remembered that you had done on your build!

  • @gabrielcampbell4657
    @gabrielcampbell4657 10 месяцев назад

    what width of lead is the roll you used?

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  10 месяцев назад

      You don't need to go as wide a mine but I think I used 210mm lead

  • @Barneybbop
    @Barneybbop 3 года назад +1

    Why can you not use one continuous piece of lead the full length??

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  3 года назад

      Slates are flat, so if water penetrates beneath them it can reach the the dormer cheek and drip onto the roof membrane below, especially in high winds. By doing each slate with a soaker if water penetrates underneath, it will run onto the lead and then onto the next slate and down the surface of the roof to the gutter. This isn't necessary with some tiles that have grooves or ridges as they will stop the horizontal moment of water and in that case, one strip of lead over the tiles top to bottom is sufficient. Unfortunately a lack of soakers is common hence why people get 'mystery' leaks around dormers and chimneys. Hope that helps.

  • @Ankushkumar-wn2df
    @Ankushkumar-wn2df 3 года назад +1

    Hello gafa
    Where are you from ?
    I want to learn from you.

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  3 года назад

      I am from Wales, just watch my other vids if you want to learn!! This is just DIY, not my day job. Thanks for watching.

  • @JuiceBanger1
    @JuiceBanger1 4 года назад

    Do nails through the lathe Into the tyvek not cause potential leaks?

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      No, that's how you fix slates to a roof. They have the batten beneath.

    • @JuiceBanger1
      @JuiceBanger1 4 года назад

      @@POUSEaroundtheHOUSE DO the nails holding the batten down go through, the Membrane?

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      Sorry, think I missed your point. I used 65mm roofing nails which go through the batten, and membrane down into the rafters to hold battens in place. Then your slates are fixed to battenwith 30mm copper nails so they don't penetrate the membrane. Even with the slates off the roof water doesn't get through as the membrane is pinched tight to the nails and the holes are beneath the battens so water never gets in. If slates are done right, water should never even touch the membrane. Hope that helps!

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад

      I used 30mm copper nails for the lead soakers as well.

    • @JuiceBanger1
      @JuiceBanger1 4 года назад

      @@POUSEaroundtheHOUSE yes it does, as long as it's done right is the important bit. I always see the Membrane gets nailed through, thus a potential leak, just thought it odd as I was wondering for when I built a shed. Thanks for taking the time to reply in detail.

  • @jorlanferreira3776
    @jorlanferreira3776 3 года назад

    what name of this tile?

  • @sikhrelaymarathon
    @sikhrelaymarathon 4 года назад +1

    What's migrane

  • @MrErnogoldfinger
    @MrErnogoldfinger 6 месяцев назад

    My man applied the oil using an underpant 😂

  • @nedzadridjic789
    @nedzadridjic789 13 дней назад

    Look at your slates at the left and your buttons at the front of you that you are measuring it's in the middle of the slats on your left it should be diagonal with front of you or you gauge it wrong forget about soakers or you need more professional training , come tomorrow to London and I can show you how to do it right way but I have to charge you double 😅 maybe I am working but I can see clearly but if you want me to send you my video you most you welcome 😊

  • @Guide504
    @Guide504 4 года назад

    My wife just looked over my shoulder and said 'why is that welsh bloke wakin the piece of metal with a banana!'
    Sorry pousey....women 🙄 but it make me laugh so I thought I'd pass it on!
    Still on the roof

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  4 года назад +1

      Outside was finished 18 months ago, a bit behind on the video editing! Thanks for watching.

  • @maxnavsa4470
    @maxnavsa4470 4 года назад +1

    That piece of ragg you used to apply the oil on the slate looked like someone's

  • @shaunlucas3810
    @shaunlucas3810 3 года назад +1


  • @ClairePhillips-o4v
    @ClairePhillips-o4v Год назад

    What ever your proper job is stick to it ! What you did at the bottom off the dormer is a joke !! How dare you make a video claiming too know what you're doing .. YOU SAID IT YOUR DIY! I will share your video to all the roofers i know for a laugh ! The only thing stopping the roof leaking is the felt ... instead off a hip runner the bits off batten instead is just unbelievable! 😂.just wow !!

    • @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE
      @POUSEaroundtheHOUSE  Год назад

      Please don't send it to all the roofers you know, they might laugh at me, how terrible 😂. Enjoy your apprenticeship, thanks for watching 👍