In my first month of learning Magic, this became obvious to me. I had digested enuf Bible to recognize the pattern immediately. When I told my Teacher, he didn't argue or try to dissuade me. He was actually very moved. I wasn't trying to prove anyone right or wrong. I was just really encouraged by the fact that reality is much bigger and more complex than any single system tries to make it. I live in a bigger world now. But it's lonely... 😔
May your Teacher be qualified by the authority of majestic Truth. May your heart be filled with the joy of knowledge of consciousness. May you be awakened. And may you realize the presence of the countless Magicians who preceded, who dwell all around, and who shall come to be... in love and friendship. Don't be lonely unless it pleases you to do so!
@Truth Reaction yes it is quite complicated. The demonstration of magic or the teaching of magic knowledge does not make one a magician, as ‘magic’ comes from power.
I consider myself as a spiritual christian. I practice magic in my praise of god and Jesus. I think the real teachings of Christianity is something we must reach to the spirit for the true answers. I believe the bible is not a whole truth of what Christianity is supposed to be, meaning over time men in power have added, taken and limited it's true word be it for political, personal, or large scale control. Magic is neither good nor evil it is all how you use it. I just wanted share a different viewpoint. Not many people share these thoughts but we are here. Peace love and blessings
@@exiledhebrew1994 nonsense, he was simply trying to purify the Jewish religion that had been lead astray by the High priests that capitulated to the Pagan Roman government. The Miracles that he performed were done by the power of God. He was no more of a sorcerer than Moses.
@@exiledhebrew1994 if you read the scriptures carefully you will see that Jesus claim to be a son of God but he referred to all of mankind as Sons and Daughters of God. Using your logic the writer of Genesis should also be considered a false prophet because he referred to angels as the sons of God. You claim that he is a false prophet, in what way does he meet the definition of a false prophet?
I encountered readings of the bible in South Africa, where interpretations of the doings of characters such as Moses and Jesus gets them designated as sorcerers
This is an excellent exploration into the idea, therefore a superior presentation. Well sourced and supported as well. Thank you, I enjoyed this greatly.
@@drangelapuca thank you very much for the complexity of words , I no that they cannot be fitted into one Box like a crossword . It is the use of words at that particular time and place that can have a massive influence on actions.
This makes a lot of sense. On the theme of words in your presentation, The Magi (three wise men) is perhaps derived from the word Magician. Thanks so much, beautiful lady!
There are times when I just can't wait a week for you to post a new video and I would like to say that I love you Dr. Angela Puca and I would like to know if there's anyway I can contact you! I also like your Death Note shirt!
Great video, thank you! :) One problem I see is to what degree the documents that talk about Jesus are an accurate description of the man himself. Since they were written much later and, I believe, recount oral tradition about the figure of Jesus, they probably say more about those who told and wrote those stories that about Jesus.
Wow. You cited Geza Vermes and Morton Smith. Excellent. I'm not a great fan of Foucault but he explains that words have power - words are always a type of spell-casting. Jesus was a maharaj, which means that there are many attributes of his ministry but none of them are in conflict. It's not either/or. A great king will have mastery over matter, be a perfect teacher, be a perfect prophet, and be an exemplar of the heights human consciousness can reach.
I could watch you and listen to you all day Angela ! 😉 This was so informative and way more profound that I expected. Of course you are right, I just never thought about it ( the words' meaning and history) before. So relevant to what is going on in the world just now, people pulling down statues of Historical figures who did things of their epoch that have completely different meanings and values in todays society. That shows a level of ignorance that beggars belief. Thank you so much Angela. 🙏💗
Well, you may have forgotten that according to biblical texts Jesus spent much of his early years in Egypt as a child, before returning to Israel. Egypt in the Old Testament was known to practice magic 🪄 remember they turned a stick into a snake in the story of Moses so it’s possible he was influenced by the Egyptian culture
IF there was a "Jesus" yes he was definetly a mage . The jewish info for him he was Labelled a "Sorceror" , and he was not The Only One, in fact there was very jealous compitition between "Gurus and "Messiahs"
Well of course it's magic! The very best kind. So this brings to mind the instuctions of Sri Krsna in Bhagavad Gita when the Lord (for indeed he was a great prince among men!) explains the four purposes of an incarnation.... 1. To reestablish the principles of religion when they have been lost. 2. To deliver the surrendered souls from torments inflicted by the inimical (demons). 3. To set a perfect example of exemplary behavior before mankind. And finally, and this is what brought this to mind for me... 4. To perform superhuman activities in order to establish His incomparable might (His unassailable position of being the original Fountainhead of all existences, even in the apparently awkward context of being merely (and truly) human.) So in the case of Jesus, his raising a man from the dead was an exhibition of magical (miraculous) power, in two ways... I think. First of all it is an obvious presentiment of the magical (non-material) attainment of spiritual union, the rising of the spiritual body from the ashes of the material dissolution... the whole Phoenix thing... but more to my way of "being amazed" ... it is a testament to something even more incredible... which is the capacity of that which is Mighty to become weak... (to mourn the death of a friend) ... of the High to become lowly (to respond to sorrow by demanding what is unreasonable... even to the point of invoking "incompatible divinity" to achieve this ... (sorta like the way Mary insisted, for apparently material considerations, that he turn the water to wine despite his objections) ... so from a magical vantage point I would say that his miracles provide a symbolic context in which higher and lower "operations" interact in the alchemy of transformation. Nevertheless I defer to your superior scholarship! lol.... so much wonderful food for thought in your work. Love it.
To my mind he fits the bill of a shaman or magician as we would recognise in the modern vernacular. I suspect a man like Jesus may well have attended the mystery school in my opinion I'm certainly no scholar, just a witch. Just my own personal musings .
@Truth Reaction Islam has magic in it as well and is another derivation from ancient religions like the rest of the abrahamics. Quran verses mean nothing when you study the actual history.
Yay! Hey, have you made a vid on 'light' v 'dark' magic? Seems like a complicated subject you could sink teeth into (heehee). In the bible, it indicates that we could all do what Jesus did. I thought perhaps through clean living and prayer. But perhaps if He was working from knowledge from old magical texts (as I have also suspected- have you seen the show Messiah?), than it could be more complex learning 'His ways'.... Love!
Were the Jewish Temple Priests of Jesus’s era performing what would later come to be called magick? Was there already present esoteric practices and beliefs?
Making the distinction between a magician, and a Shaman, would be helpful to understand why they are different. Because Jesus practiced Enochian magic he learned from the Druids in the Indus Valley. So to say Jesus was a magician, makes sense to some people. However again, no Jesus was not performing tricks, he was using true power. Read The Lost Magic of Christianity by Michael Poynder.
That was wonderful Angela! Are there any studies into the idea that Jesus was a Magician and had connections to Sufisim, possibly through the Three Wise Men? A wider sense of tradition perhaps? One of healing. Thank you!🌅🌹🙏🏼
Sufism is a branch of the Islamic faith tradition, which came centuries after the gospel narratives. The 3 wisemen were believe to be from Persia, therefore maybe associated with Zoroastrianism.
Angela great video I have a question or two 1) is a # and a name of dead person; worshipping the dead (Supposedly powers is given and bonds are formed) 2) ever heard of papal magic? (The book and/or the idea) Your videos are very informative I hope will be able to answer at least one question.. Oh yeah and couldn't Jesus be an alchemist the philosophers stone or the sorcerers stone is known to do some of the stuff that Jesus did in his miracles ( when Satan told Jesus to turn a rock into bread and he didn't I think he just couldn't do it because it wasn't grass cuz he can transmute without using a sigil or chanting or weaving signs to what they call Transubstantiation; as long as he doesn't go beyond the laws of nature grass is like wheat you got bread)
@Truth Reaction Allah you say the religion that says the archangel Gabriel gave them their Quran described as an angel of light and the Bible says the devil or Satan can look like an angel of light...if Jesus was a "magician" why isn't he root cutting or mixing things in a compound and calling it salvation or protection like Solomon with his sigils or burning fish guts at asmodeus?? Jesus is God he bypasses ritual such as sigils or ingredients, and natural law and time and space without: using tetragrammaton El, e ,he, king of Kings or applying the law of equivalent exchange... Back to the Islamic part you know the documents that were recorded for the Quran got eaten. By a farm animal and Mohammed thought sperm came from your back or I can only take that belief seriously when it backs the Bible... Papal magic is a book by Simon... The book talks about the abilities that the clergy has which would we considered magic
I got my answer to my question modern day ifa African magic uses the hashtag with the person's name to worship the dead; black lives matter members like Patrice colors uses the hashtag in her ifa African voodoo magic, you say their names and #the name so you can use their Spirit... This is no joke I have the article if you want ever want it just hit me up anyone...
The question of a literal meaning over a figurative meaning….and was Jesus a Greek Jew? The bible has so many ways of considering and interpreting what’s there. Thank you 😎
The miracle v. magic dichotomy is subjectively important for the narrative. Especially regarding Elijah v. the prophets of Baal (whose throats he later cut - so when he came back as John the Baptist, he was beheaded). Jesus operated entirely on faith - not on power or workings. His knowledge of himself was even the result of study - probably with John at Yeshiva. John then went to Kumron while Jesus became a working rabbi in Caphernum. They likely were fans of their contemporary, Philo of Alexandria, who used the Greek translation. If John was Escene, he would have been exposed to the Hebrew. It is the Greek that was used by Jesus to explain his position in prophesy to his brothers James and Joses on the road to Emmaus.
Paul was more likely to be an Escene than John because they were both celibate. I wonder if they knew each other? Remember, Paul said he never saw the resurrected Jesus. That did not mean they were not known to each other. I can almost visualize John telling Paul to lighten up (although both were holy rollers). When Jesus turned the water for washing into wine (which is a deep concept given his attitude about ritual purification), he may have been the Rabbi, not the groom, but it would not have been John, son of Zebedee and Salome (Jesus' sister) since the reincarnation of John the Divine has no memory of it. This means that it was likely James' wedding (still a nephew). The Baptist was probably there too, as a family member. He put on real clothes for the occasion.
Foucault's episteme wouldn't rule out describing Jesus as a Magi would it? Magi, (sing: Magus) traditionally translated as 'wise men' was a contemporary term as far as I'm aware, at least the idea of someone possessing mystical knowledge of practises to interpret or affect the natural world. So what is the 1st century historical definition of Magus, and could that be applied to the description of Jesus? If I recall Magi is a Persian term from the time of Darius the Great thought to mean priests of the Zoroastrian faith?
Grazie mille per questa sintesi di tante idee complesse e sottile. I was wondering if you were thinking of doing something on the relationship between sacraments, sacramentals, prayer and magic in the Christian tradition. I am a former seminarian (and a DPhil in Roman History, so I suspect I share a few interests in common with you!), and I encountered what I considered to be the highly contrived position of the Catholic Church concerning the difference between sacrament and magical ritual. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this and what, if any, academic thought could be brought to bear on the matter. Also, in relation to this video, I wanted to ask about the Magi which Luke tells us visited the baby Jesus. I am aware that the word magic comes from Magos in Greek and that scholars tend to think that is when concepts of magic first began to appear historically. But that doesn't do justice to the complexities of the situation, since a lot of what was not previously called magic, but which were pre-existing practices among the Greeks, were ascribed in origin and nature to 'Magi-cal' practice. I wonder if that might be something to consider in regards to this. What was the ancient Palestinian awareness of the Magi and did it differ from the perception that was to develop among the Greeks? Presumably, the Greek speaking audience of the Gospels would have carried their cultural baggage into the story when they heard it, though I'm not aware that any of the Church Fathers thought it worth commenting on that the Magi used divinatory and astrological means drawn from a pagan religion to find Jesus. Sorry, these are fairly rambling points, but you've peaked my interest.
All of 'magic' is merely the power of belief in our true selves; from and part of The Body of Christ. Christ came to free us from the belief that we are merely physical and without 'powers'. He or she who has faith is healed from the curse of the belief in sin.
Mmmm yes maybe since He was visited by the Magi (Singular: Magus). Yes He is God and the Son of God but in HUMILITY He must grow in wisdom. Learning, Practice and Teaching these took place during His missing years. Years that are not recorded in the bible.
My Ritual, Symbol, and Myth class at Arizona State University online basically dealt with complexity and this video reminded me of that class and it is true that some people would consider Jesus a magician.
I would add Povinelli’s Geontologies to a discussion of Foucauldian principles to draw a parallel between the actions of Jesus and nature-based mystical healing practices of restoration and communion practiced by religious indigenous groups often labeled shamans. They are neither magicians
I would suggest that the lines were indistinct not least because Jewish thought was more than willing to appropriate other religion's "miracles" as being performed by their own God. I believe the distinction between "miracle" and "sorcery" in the New Testament refers 1) to the specific spirit by which the deed was done 2) Whether the deed, and therefore the heart which inspired it, was beneficial or malicious. Consider the pool of Bethesda( John 5). In fact, it seems likely this was an Asclepeion , a pagan site of healing dedicated to a Greek God. The Jews did not denounce the shrine as idolatrous nor did they seek to tear it down. On the contrary, they re-imagined it as a miracle caused by an "angel stirring the water" (John 5:4), rather than the god Asclepius, and queued up like fans at a Nightwish concert. Quite pragmatic, they were. If you come across an evil miracle performed by an idol, just baptize it and keep on going!
So "witchcraft" in the New Testament, condemned repeatedly in Revelation, was probably what the Romans called "Supersititio", and was condemned by Christian writers for the same reason it was condemned by pagan ones. The sort of thing found written on curse tablets -- invocations of the gods of the underworld to grant things the good gods of 'religio' would never grant -- to make another man's wife fall in love with you, to strike a person with disease, to blight someone's crops. I submit the prohibition of 'witchcraft' and 'sorcery' in the NT is a carryover from both Jewish and Pagan Roman laws against harmful magic, such as the prohibition in Roman law against blasting someone's crops with magic . It was not a uniquely Christian perspective but was common to the entire ancient Roman world, Pagan and Jewish alike, accepted by Christians precisely because it was a universal idea.
I apologize that I am unable to provide links to the sources for my assertions because youtube keeps deleting them. It took several tries before the comments were considered acceptable, and to do so I had to remove all links. If you desire citations, I will provide in another medium should you name it.
Thank you for the information on Jesus. But I think I even read that the called him a Magician in the gospels. I dont remember the place but it was one of the reasons they killed him. The concept and knowledge about Magicians must have been there in Israel, the magic from Egypt and Persia was known. I think in the original text is written that three Magicians came from the east and not three kings as it is written today. For me Jesus was a Magician. :)
She stated that Jesus would not be identified as a magician the same way we would identify a magician today. The context within the gospel narratives were not trying convey Jesus as an ancient magician. The "acts" of Jesus would have been labeled "something else" and not magic, within the story.
@@BrotherCecil the question than is how would we identify a magician today? If we see the power of a magician to be able through focused intent to manipulate matter and change that in here and now, I believe that our view would not be much different from what the old cultures thought of a magician. The word in itself is of no value but the meaning of it. Call is shaman, medicine man, healer whatever.... the point made is that in the Bible they called him a magician and wanted to kill him for it. He got shit done by sheer will and focused intent ....and they could not handle it....that's it...we don't need to overthink the matter.
@@eckhardtmilz1587 I'm pretty sure that's another source talking about him and his followers from the first century CE. If that is to be believed, he was tried for doing magic, among other things. (Doing magic itself was not a real offense in the Roman Empire anyway. Creating social unrest was.) I'm sorry I can't point you to the source right now, but it's one of those sources that are used to show the plausibility of a historical person Jesus. Anyway, pretty sure it's not in the bible itself.
@@Ssatkan Thank you for your thoughts. What do you think about Matthew 12:24? This could be seen as an accusation of witchcraft. When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man uses the power of Beelzebul [C another name for Satan], the ruler of demons, to ·force [drive; cast] demons out of people.” Here is another interesting piece of information I found on the internet: John 18:29-30 most significantly reports the verbal exchange between Pilate and the chief priests as they brought Jesus to the Praetorium: “Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man? They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee” (emphasis added). What did the chief priests mean by “malefactor”? Here lies the key to understanding the legal cause of action that they lodged against Jesus as they brought Him to Pilate. A bit of background becomes important here, for the English word malefactor is the translation of the Greek work kakopoios, which (like its closely related Latin word, maleficus) in legal contexts can mean “magician” or “sorcerer.” To understand how ancient people generally, and the leaders of the Jewish establishment in particular, would have reacted to Jesus and His miracles, modern readers must understand the positive and negative attitudes of ancient Jews and Romans toward magic. In certain cases, both Jews and Romans had strict laws that punished magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, diviners, those in contact with spirits, and miracle workers. Most relevant to the trial of Jesus is the biblical law that makes it a capital offense to use miracles (signs or wonders) to lead people into apostasy (to go after other gods): “If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, . . . that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death” (Deuteronomy 13:1-2, 5; compare also Leviticus 20:27). Of course, Jewish law recognized that there were good uses of supernatural powers as well as bad. Jewish attitudes toward magic were mixed. Witness the contest between Pharaoh’s magicians and Moses. King Saul visited the witch of Endor, but Exodus 22:18 commands, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch [either male or female] to live.” The Jews took magic seriously enough that one of the qualifications to be a member of the Sanhedrin was the ability to differentiate good miracle working from trafficking with evil spirits. [6] Equally interesting is the fact that Roman law also proscribed certain uses of magic and divination. Empirewide decrees adopted in AD 11 and 16, during Jesus’s own lifetime, elevated suspicions and sensitivities about rogues or irregular invocations of supernatural powers. Roman law and society at that time considered magicians, along with brigands, pirates, astrologers, philosophers, and prophets, as enemies of the Roman order. For these people, gods both good and evil were everywhere; thus, unseen spirits and demons were taken seriously as a constant potential threat. Especially when combined with maiestas (anything that insulted, suborned, or threatened the emperor), condoning any such use of supernatural powers would easily make a person an enemy of Caesar (see John 19:12). Here is a Roman concern that the chief priests could have waved before Pilate to try to capture his attention.
Interestingly, the way Jesus performs his miracles varies wildly. Some people are healed (as an example) by a word, some by sheer will, by their own actions or by acts looking rather like magic, like touching people with spit or creating mud or dough. I would think that whatever Jesus might or might not have done historically, witnesses and/or authors would filter that through their own perception and world view and maybe they might even ascribe a certain meaning to it. So it might be interesting to analyze WHOSE Jesus was a magician fitting the classical stereotype (using elaborate rituals that border on mundane medicine) and whose Jesus acts more in the way we expect from God himself (like making impossible stuff happen by ordering it to). Jesus may or may not have performed magic, but maybe spectators or the evangelists themselves could not envision miracles without a magical action.
Isn't it possible that Yashua knew CPR? Isn't it possible that he learned from the adepts? I was taught magic in swimming lesson class, called CPR and chest compressions. I brought a man back to life who was dead for ten minutes. Perhaps the timing (having been dead three days and body beginning to rot) is exaggerated in the records? Because when that dude sputtered mucous and sat up and opened his eyes, I pretty much thought it was a miracle, not my CPR skills, that did it.
Angela, are you familiar with the Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca? He claims to have practiced magic in the Americas and claimed to have resurrected a dead person.
@@drangelapuca Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalβaɾ ˈnũɲeθ kaˈβeθa ðe ˈβaka] (listen); Jerez de la Frontera, c. 1488/1490/1492[1] - Seville, c. 1557/1558/1559[1]/1560[2]) was a Spanish explorer of the New World, and one of four survivors of the 1527 Narváez expedition. During eight years of traveling across what is now the US Southwest, he became a trader and faith healer to various Native American tribes before reconnecting with Spanish civilization in Mexico in 1536. After returning to Spain in 1537, he wrote an account, first published in 1542 as La relación y comentarios ("The Account and Commentaries"[3]), which in later editions was retitled Naufragios y comentarios ("Shipwrecks and Commentaries"). Cabeza de Vaca is sometimes considered a proto-anthropologist for his detailed accounts of the many tribes of Native Americans that he encountered.[4]
Didn't he tell Judas that he was from the realm of Barbello, and that Judas was required to betray him, indicative of foresight, and interdimensional travel?
Crowley wrote somewhere that magick is a disease of language. He was, along with Humpty Dumpty in "Through the Looking Glass", one of the very first postmodernists. (Certainly a better writer than Foucault!)
The new video on the Foolish Fish channel is "Will I Go To Hell For Practicing Magick?". (TLDR spoiler: no) I'm glad I watched that video first, just saying. ;)
I found Jesus' "miracles" very unimpressive, as because of my studies I came to the conclusion that Jesus is just a literary character, perhaps based on a real person or many real persons, that did a lot of useless fireworks.
He'd have to have actually existed to be a magician and I don't know but I tend to think that he's a composite of various religious rebels of the time?Then you have the ideas of Gnostics like Marcion of Sinope where Jesus had no body and was a spirit sent by the true God so would never adopt the flesh of the realms of the Demiurge.
By the only document available on Jesus, him having 3 Magi (Wise Men') show up at his birth would point to him also being a Mage. But since even without the chest of gold, the frankincense and myrrh the size of a red brick (about the size of the churches caskets that hold the incense and myrrh) would have fetched Joesph a slight note of being SOMEONE in the whos who of the time as well to corroborate the biblical text. Magi (Mages) dont bring non-mages gold, frankincense and myrrh, 3 very important spell components from the way back way back. So we just have to take the bible for its word (not! sorry not sorry its been so bastardized and fiddled with that the obvious question of 'What laws did the Hebrews follow before Moses and the 10 Commandments?'). The concept that wandering in the arabian peninsula for the sole purpose of wiping out the generations that knew contrary to what Moses was getting ready to lay on them is just beyond them. It would mean everything they have faith in is pure con and theyre the marks. He was a better Vizier than anything Pharaoh had, which is a Wizard (follows a different way of prognostication than Magi). And why is there no other mention of a pillar of smoke by day and fire by night mentioned in any other records of that time? Forty years Smoke by day fire by night, some Bedouins of that time would have seen it from a great distance and could opt to investigate or avoid but at some time word of it being seen would have gotten to the ears of scholars/viziers/magi in plenty enough time for them to at least mention it as an oddity spoken by the nomads.
Hi Angela, I read a book called the Yoga of Jesus. Note there is no life story of him between the age of 12 to 30. But both the Buddhists and the Hindus have documented him as being in India, studying Buddhism for three years at the Himas Monastery, and he spent 12 years in Varanasi and Kashmir studying Nath Yoga, his teacher's name was Chetan-Nath, and they gave jesus the name of 'Isha-Nath,' he married Mary Magdalene and had three children with her, he survived the cross, and took his family to Kashmir. The three wise Kings, were his three Indian Uncles, and both of his parents were Hindu Essences. Having had a Hindu wedding, which the Jews did not at that time recognise, they called her a Virgin. In short Jesus was a Buddhist and a Hindu preacher, the Nath yogis taught him to heal, etc. Sai Baba about thirty years ago woke up a corpse of an American Walter Cowan, who had been in the ice box for three years, and two other people that we know of, he is known to produce food and medicine at will, specks every Languish, Sai Baba said, 'Take Jesus down and off of the cross for he did not die thereon, he died in his late eighties, and his tomb is in Kashmir. The Church made up the whole thing so that they could appear as the only ones who could save you, which is a total lie, as only you-can save you. Why do you think that Jesus said. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.' Take up meditation on the inner-self, and you'll know who and what you are, you will be amazed.
The Jesus character is an example of the human mind born tuned with creation, originally there was no name of Jesus & only the name Christ was needed but obviously the romans added a name to it. Prior to jewdaism in Mesopotamia it was noted on walls and monuments for all to see to be inspired & used but not lost over time as it made it's way in jewish culture, re-edited with different stories but of the same examples. The story of christ originally was in the Tora but King Makizadek removed it from Jewish history because people were taking it literally as a prophecy to come.
In india it is said that jesus visited kashmir and learn under a right hand tantric yaga teacher you can find about it in autobiography of a yogi by yogananda paramahansa
If you've studied the occult, then you understand what Jesus is. I don't even like hearing about this topic, due to so many people getting it wrong. I think if you wanna study religion one should study Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. It's so ridiculous that people don't study Kundalini. People make a huge story out of the mysterious daimon/spirit within. Even if Jesus was real and went by a different name, it's implied, even though Kundalini is not mentioned with Jesus, but instead calling it the holy spirit, that he practiced meditation and the use of his kundalini. People back in ancient times thought Kundalini could give you magical powers. You have any clue how many religious scholars don't mention this in debates when it comes to Jesus or the holy spirit? Tons. All these idiots do is study the history of Christianity and forget to study mysticism while studying Christianity. Then you got Christian morons that say Jesus didn't do meditation, yoga or Kundalini, due to waking up Satan. If one does kundalini, one knows Satan is just an aspect of kundalini on the shadow self. As I see it, if you haven't done any practical work with Kundalini and claim to be a scholar and have a PhD in religious studies and cultural anthropology and claim to know this stuff, in reality one doesn't. Gaining information and putting it into practical use, is 2 big different things.
But is it actually applying a later label of magician when the Bible itself talks about the Pharaoh's men performing the same magical acts that Moses was?
You threw out a number of authors' and books' names in this video, Dr. Angela, many of which I will have to follow up on in my research into Christian history and origins. I am wondering if you got too hung up on semantics here; to me it seems like magic, whatever you want to call it - sorcery, or whatever - has been around since the most ancient of times, and spans such a wide variety of cultures that at times it seems to be almost universal. I know that many Jewish critics of Jesus dismissed him as nothing more than a second rate magician, who picked up a few tricks in Egypt. Regarding miracles, there was also Apollonius of Tyana (you should also do a video on him), who was the Hellenistic counterpart or answer to Jesus.
This logic seems pretty strange. Would Foucalt also argue that Edison wasn't the inventor of the lightbulb because there was no concept of 💡 during Edison's time? Those of us who know magick know that Jesus definitely was one of us. So I'm lost as to the value of Foucalt's analysis here.
I can't answer properly in a few words but a lightbulb is a term denoting a physical object, not a conceptual overlay. Perhaps he would say you cannot call him an electrician.
Can't quite understand why you reckon Jesus was not a magician. There were plenty of magicians around at that time and a long time before that as well. Would you not call them magicians either ? Maybe you would like to clarify what you mean by a magician as opposed to what other people would call a magician. Cheers
Rabbi's believe he had knowledge of the name of God, and thus could call upon God, whom would always react, to his calling. There is the papyrus that tell of the Pharos mage whom parted the waters on a man made lake to retrieve a ring, lost by his favourite concubine. Moses book of magic. There are no records of incantations, recieting of text, etc while Jesues achieved these miricles, feats. Jesues had two Royal blood lines. Knowledge is alined to power, position, so I would assume he was really educated. Mt Carmel? From Sumer, babalon and Egypt, combined with Hebrew. My personal opinion is that he access to the matrix! 2019 Nobel Peace prize for physics.. Hologram reality Bless ya for ya vids👍 Top Job. Respect👍🙏
@@drangelapuca Our sages teach in the Talmud that Yshu Ben Pandira brought magic out of Egypt. He did magic; and claimed blasphemy against our G-d. I do not have the Talmud; because I am not yet at this level. Jews for Judaism has good references to Yshu in Talmudic literature
100%love and appreciate the videos! We wouldn't call an ancient philosopher a scientist even though they did things a scientist would do, such as contemplate and experiment with natural phenomena. Thus, Yeshua is not a magician even though he caused certain phenomena to occur that if done today would fall under the umbrella term "magick".
@Truth Reaction if god is evrything and anything is he not also in magic? In good and evil becaus he is in evrything? Who are we to mean what we know. This old books are to much black and white to be what we think they are...
I Will become a patron when I complete the journey I currently find myself on
Angela would you talk to us about Apollonius of Tyana?? thanks
In my first month of learning Magic, this became obvious to me. I had digested enuf Bible to recognize the pattern immediately. When I told my Teacher, he didn't argue or try to dissuade me. He was actually very moved. I wasn't trying to prove anyone right or wrong. I was just really encouraged by the fact that reality is much bigger and more complex than any single system tries to make it. I live in a bigger world now.
But it's lonely...
Sorry about that. It'll get better!
May your Teacher be qualified by the authority of majestic Truth. May your heart be filled with the joy of knowledge of consciousness. May you be awakened. And may you realize the presence of the countless Magicians who preceded, who dwell all around, and who shall come to be... in love and friendship. Don't be lonely unless it pleases you to do so!
sacrament, and burning frankincense for Christ helps me and Zarathustra prayer as well
LOVING the Death Note t-shirt, and of course, this brilliant, and well presented material.
thank you so much!
I love your analysis. It forces me to consider a viewpoint outside my own beliefs and preconceptions. Thank you for your perspective!
@Truth Reaction yes it is quite complicated. The demonstration of magic or the teaching of magic knowledge does not make one a magician, as ‘magic’ comes from power.
I consider myself as a spiritual christian. I practice magic in my praise of god and Jesus. I think the real teachings of Christianity is something we must reach to the spirit for the true answers. I believe the bible is not a whole truth of what Christianity is supposed to be, meaning over time men in power have added, taken and limited it's true word be it for political, personal, or large scale control. Magic is neither good nor evil it is all how you use it. I just wanted share a different viewpoint. Not many people share these thoughts but we are here. Peace love and blessings
thanks for sharing your beliefs
This was one of the most concise and well-articulated videos on a difficult subject that I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. Great job.
Glad you enjoyed it!
@Truth Reaction Yeshu was a sorcerer who led Yshrael astray. He practiced magic from Egypt; and he worshiped a brick
@@exiledhebrew1994 nonsense, he was simply trying to purify the Jewish religion that had been lead astray by the High priests that capitulated to the Pagan Roman government. The Miracles that he performed were done by the power of God. He was no more of a sorcerer than Moses.
@@patrickoneill7070 no; Yeshu of Nazareth is a false prophet who led Yisrael Astray. Yeshu practiced magic from Mizraim, and told people he is a god
@@exiledhebrew1994 if you read the scriptures carefully you will see that Jesus claim to be a son of God but he referred to all of mankind as Sons and Daughters of God. Using your logic the writer of Genesis should also be considered a false prophet because he referred to angels as the sons of God. You claim that he is a false prophet, in what way does he meet the definition of a false prophet?
I encountered readings of the bible in South Africa, where interpretations of the doings of characters such as Moses and Jesus gets them designated as sorcerers
This is an excellent exploration into the idea, therefore a superior presentation. Well sourced and supported as well. Thank you, I enjoyed this greatly.
Much appreciated!
@@drangelapuca Hi Angela can you do a video on secular witchcraft and what that entails
Hello- it's Teresa. Thank you for putting magic in a positive aspect and on the level of miracles and healing.
Hi Teresa! Glad you enjoyed it. See you next Sunday for our monthly chat. :-)
@Truth Reaction ave satanas
@@drangelapuca thank you very much for the complexity of words , I no that they cannot be fitted into one Box like a crossword . It is the use of words at that particular time and place that can have a massive influence on actions.
I bloody love this channel. So well done.
thank you so much
I just looked and I missed 3 of your video’s. Binge time. As always thanks Doc for your video’s and your time.
Glad you like them!
This makes a lot of sense. On the theme of words in your presentation, The Magi (three wise men) is perhaps derived from the word Magician. Thanks so much, beautiful lady!
it is! thanks Emma
There are times when I just can't wait a week for you to post a new video and I would like to say that I love you Dr. Angela Puca and I would like to know if there's anyway I can contact you! I also like your Death Note shirt!
I appreciate the enthusiasm
Hi....join her membership and's pinned in the chat 😁👍
Great video, thank you! :) One problem I see is to what degree the documents that talk about Jesus are an accurate description of the man himself. Since they were written much later and, I believe, recount oral tradition about the figure of Jesus, they probably say more about those who told and wrote those stories that about Jesus.
thanks for sharing
What I'm learning recently, I'm inclined to think you're right about that.
Awesome 😎 thanks 🙏 Angela!!
You're so welcome!
I love your Death Note shirt! Also, cool video!
Aw thank you, Justin!
Hello Dr.Angela Puca from the United States your videos very appreciated thank you
@@drangelapuca Dr.Puca have you ever connect with someone through cyber scrying
Wow. You cited Geza Vermes and Morton Smith. Excellent. I'm not a great fan of Foucault but he explains that words have power - words are always a type of spell-casting. Jesus was a maharaj, which means that there are many attributes of his ministry but none of them are in conflict. It's not either/or. A great king will have mastery over matter, be a perfect teacher, be a perfect prophet, and be an exemplar of the heights human consciousness can reach.
thanks for sharing, John
I could watch you and listen to you all day Angela ! 😉 This was so informative and way more profound that I expected. Of course you are right, I just never thought about it ( the words' meaning and history) before. So relevant to what is going on in the world just now, people pulling down statues of Historical figures who did things of their epoch that have completely different meanings and values in todays society. That shows a level of ignorance that beggars belief. Thank you so much Angela. 🙏💗
Glad it was helpful!
yes, Foucault
Well, you may have forgotten that according to biblical texts Jesus spent much of his early years in Egypt as a child, before returning to Israel. Egypt in the Old Testament was known to practice magic 🪄 remember they turned a stick into a snake in the story of Moses so it’s possible he was influenced by the Egyptian culture
This subject I’m not going to touch for obvious reasons but you’re brave for going there Angela. Love ya ❤️
thank you, Ryan!
IF there was a "Jesus" yes he was definetly a mage . The jewish info for him he was Labelled a "Sorceror" , and he was not The Only One, in fact there was very jealous compitition between "Gurus and "Messiahs"
Thanks for sharing
Well of course it's magic! The very best kind. So this brings to mind the instuctions of Sri Krsna in Bhagavad Gita when the Lord (for indeed he was a great prince among men!) explains the four purposes of an incarnation.... 1. To reestablish the principles of religion when they have been lost. 2. To deliver the surrendered souls from torments inflicted by the inimical (demons). 3. To set a perfect example of exemplary behavior before mankind. And finally, and this is what brought this to mind for me... 4. To perform superhuman activities in order to establish His incomparable might (His unassailable position of being the original Fountainhead of all existences, even in the apparently awkward context of being merely (and truly) human.) So in the case of Jesus, his raising a man from the dead was an exhibition of magical (miraculous) power, in two ways... I think. First of all it is an obvious presentiment of the magical (non-material) attainment of spiritual union, the rising of the spiritual body from the ashes of the material dissolution... the whole Phoenix thing... but more to my way of "being amazed" ... it is a testament to something even more incredible... which is the capacity of that which is Mighty to become weak... (to mourn the death of a friend) ... of the High to become lowly (to respond to sorrow by demanding what is unreasonable... even to the point of invoking "incompatible divinity" to achieve this ... (sorta like the way Mary insisted, for apparently material considerations, that he turn the water to wine despite his objections) ... so from a magical vantage point I would say that his miracles provide a symbolic context in which higher and lower "operations" interact in the alchemy of transformation. Nevertheless I defer to your superior scholarship! lol.... so much wonderful food for thought in your work. Love it.
Thanks. Great stuff.
Glad it was helpful!
To my mind he fits the bill of a shaman or magician as we would recognise in the modern vernacular. I suspect a man like Jesus may well have attended the mystery school in my opinion
I'm certainly no scholar, just a witch. Just my own personal musings .
glad you shared your view
@Truth Reaction ave satanas
@Truth Reaction Islam has magic in it as well and is another derivation from ancient religions like the rest of the abrahamics. Quran verses mean nothing when you study the actual history.
Yay! Hey, have you made a vid on 'light' v 'dark' magic? Seems like a complicated subject you could sink teeth into (heehee). In the bible, it indicates that we could all do what Jesus did. I thought perhaps through clean living and prayer. But perhaps if He was working from knowledge from old magical texts (as I have also suspected- have you seen the show Messiah?), than it could be more complex learning 'His ways'.... Love!
Great suggestion!
Were the Jewish Temple Priests of Jesus’s era performing what would later come to be called magick? Was there already present esoteric practices and beliefs?
Controversial questions. Depends on how terms are defined and analysed
Making the distinction between a magician, and a Shaman, would be helpful to understand why they are different. Because Jesus practiced Enochian magic he learned from the Druids in the Indus Valley. So to say Jesus was a magician, makes sense to some people. However again, no Jesus was not performing tricks, he was using true power.
Read The Lost Magic of Christianity by Michael Poynder.
That was wonderful Angela! Are there any studies into the idea that Jesus was a Magician and had connections to Sufisim, possibly through the Three Wise Men? A wider sense of tradition perhaps? One of healing. Thank you!🌅🌹🙏🏼
Sufism is a branch of the Islamic faith tradition, which came centuries after the gospel narratives. The 3 wisemen were believe to be from Persia, therefore maybe associated with Zoroastrianism.
thanks for sharing
As a Christian, this is a topic that has fascinated me for a long time.
glad to hear that :)
@Truth Reaction Jesus is God, cope
@Truth Reaction you’ve been conned, mate.
Brilliant !✨
Ade sapere? (Causes many worthy headaches) A rather fascinating talk...well done maam.
thanks, Sam
Angela great video I have a question or two
1) is a # and a name of dead person; worshipping the dead
(Supposedly powers is given and bonds are formed)
2) ever heard of papal magic? (The book and/or the idea)
Your videos are very informative I hope will be able to answer at least one question..
Oh yeah and couldn't Jesus be an alchemist the philosophers stone or the sorcerers stone is known to do some of the stuff that Jesus did in his miracles ( when Satan told Jesus to turn a rock into bread and he didn't I think he just couldn't do it because it wasn't grass cuz he can transmute without using a sigil or chanting or weaving signs to what they call Transubstantiation; as long as he doesn't go beyond the laws of nature grass is like wheat you got bread)
both questions are unclear
@Truth Reaction
Allah you say the religion that says the archangel Gabriel gave them their Quran described as an angel of light and the Bible says the devil or Satan can look like an angel of light...if Jesus was a "magician" why isn't he root cutting or mixing things in a compound and calling it salvation or protection like Solomon with his sigils or burning fish guts at asmodeus??
Jesus is God he bypasses ritual such as sigils or ingredients, and natural law and time and space without: using tetragrammaton El, e ,he, king of Kings or applying the law of equivalent exchange...
Back to the Islamic part you know the documents that were recorded for the Quran got eaten. By a farm animal and Mohammed thought sperm came from your back or I can only take that belief seriously when it backs the Bible...
Papal magic is a book by Simon... The book talks about the abilities that the clergy has which would we considered magic
I got my answer to my question modern day ifa African magic uses the hashtag with the person's name to worship the dead; black lives matter members like Patrice colors uses the hashtag in her ifa African voodoo magic, you say their names and #the name so you can use their Spirit... This is no joke I have the article if you want ever want it just hit me up anyone...
The question of a literal meaning over a figurative meaning….and was Jesus a Greek Jew? The bible has so many ways of considering and interpreting what’s there.
Thank you 😎
I had a debate once with a seven year old girl on the topic of if there is a difference between miracles and majick. No conclusiobn was reached.
This an excellent scholarly presentation which summarized diverse scholarly work and historical cultural interpretation of the sources for Jesus.
This has one of the clearer explanations of Foucault's perspective that I've encountered.
The miracle v. magic dichotomy is subjectively important for the narrative. Especially regarding Elijah v. the prophets of Baal (whose throats he later cut - so when he came back as John the Baptist, he was beheaded).
Jesus operated entirely on faith - not on power or workings. His knowledge of himself was even the result of study - probably with John at Yeshiva. John then went to Kumron while Jesus became a working rabbi in Caphernum. They likely were fans of their contemporary, Philo of Alexandria, who used the Greek translation. If John was Escene, he would have been exposed to the Hebrew. It is the Greek that was used by Jesus to explain his position in prophesy to his brothers James and Joses on the road to Emmaus.
Paul was more likely to be an Escene than John because they were both celibate. I wonder if they knew each other? Remember, Paul said he never saw the resurrected Jesus. That did not mean they were not known to each other.
I can almost visualize John telling Paul to lighten up (although both were holy rollers).
When Jesus turned the water for washing into wine (which is a deep concept given his attitude about ritual purification), he may have been the Rabbi, not the groom, but it would not have been John, son of Zebedee and Salome (Jesus' sister) since the reincarnation of John the Divine has no memory of it. This means that it was likely James' wedding (still a nephew). The Baptist was probably there too, as a family member. He put on real clothes for the occasion.
a complex subject
Foucault's episteme wouldn't rule out describing Jesus as a Magi would it? Magi, (sing: Magus) traditionally translated as 'wise men' was a contemporary term as far as I'm aware, at least the idea of someone possessing mystical knowledge of practises to interpret or affect the natural world. So what is the 1st century historical definition of Magus, and could that be applied to the description of Jesus? If I recall Magi is a Persian term from the time of Darius the Great thought to mean priests of the Zoroastrian faith?
Grazie mille per questa sintesi di tante idee complesse e sottile.
I was wondering if you were thinking of doing something on the relationship between sacraments, sacramentals, prayer and magic in the Christian tradition. I am a former seminarian (and a DPhil in Roman History, so I suspect I share a few interests in common with you!), and I encountered what I considered to be the highly contrived position of the Catholic Church concerning the difference between sacrament and magical ritual. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this and what, if any, academic thought could be brought to bear on the matter.
Also, in relation to this video, I wanted to ask about the Magi which Luke tells us visited the baby Jesus. I am aware that the word magic comes from Magos in Greek and that scholars tend to think that is when concepts of magic first began to appear historically. But that doesn't do justice to the complexities of the situation, since a lot of what was not previously called magic, but which were pre-existing practices among the Greeks, were ascribed in origin and nature to 'Magi-cal' practice. I wonder if that might be something to consider in regards to this. What was the ancient Palestinian awareness of the Magi and did it differ from the perception that was to develop among the Greeks? Presumably, the Greek speaking audience of the Gospels would have carried their cultural baggage into the story when they heard it, though I'm not aware that any of the Church Fathers thought it worth commenting on that the Magi used divinatory and astrological means drawn from a pagan religion to find Jesus. Sorry, these are fairly rambling points, but you've peaked my interest.
All of 'magic' is merely the power of belief in our true selves; from and part of The Body of Christ. Christ came to free us from the belief that we are merely physical and without 'powers'. He or she who has faith is healed from the curse of the belief in sin.
Well done
A lot of left-hand path followers are convinced that Jesus was a magician.
TY doc
Yes,, he was a magician. Fully authentic and of the best kind.
thanks for sharing
Jesus is the son of god not a magician, dont twist words
Mmmm yes maybe since He was visited by the Magi (Singular: Magus). Yes He is God and the Son of God but in HUMILITY He must grow in wisdom. Learning, Practice and Teaching these took place during His missing years. Years that are not recorded in the bible.
@Truth Reaction Ok u only need to say it once mate
@Truth Reaction funny how Moses, Muhammad, and Yeheshua all went to Egypt at one point. I wonder why ?
He was a holy man, and he was not called a magician. So an emic definition would not label him as such. I know it is more complicated
it is
My Ritual, Symbol, and Myth class at Arizona State University online basically dealt with complexity and this video reminded me of that class and it is true that some people would consider Jesus a magician.
thanks for sharing
I would add Povinelli’s Geontologies to a discussion of Foucauldian principles to draw a parallel between the actions of Jesus and nature-based mystical healing practices of restoration and communion practiced by religious indigenous groups often labeled shamans. They are neither magicians
interesting take
What's the manga on your shirt?
Death Note! I love it
I would suggest that the lines were indistinct not least because Jewish thought was more than willing to appropriate other religion's "miracles" as being performed by their own God. I believe the distinction between "miracle" and "sorcery" in the New Testament refers 1) to the specific spirit by which the deed was done 2) Whether the deed, and therefore the heart which inspired it, was beneficial or malicious.
Consider the pool of Bethesda( John 5). In fact, it seems likely this was an Asclepeion , a pagan site of healing dedicated to a Greek God.
The Jews did not denounce the shrine as idolatrous nor did they seek to tear it down. On the contrary, they re-imagined it as a miracle caused by an "angel stirring the water" (John 5:4), rather than the god Asclepius, and queued up like fans at a Nightwish concert. Quite pragmatic, they were. If you come across an evil miracle performed by an idol, just baptize it and keep on going!
So "witchcraft" in the New Testament, condemned repeatedly in Revelation, was probably what the Romans called "Supersititio", and was condemned by Christian writers for the same reason it was condemned by pagan ones. The sort of thing found written on curse tablets -- invocations of the gods of the underworld to grant things the good gods of 'religio' would never grant -- to make another man's wife fall in love with you, to strike a person with disease, to blight someone's crops.
I submit the prohibition of 'witchcraft' and 'sorcery' in the NT is a carryover from both Jewish and Pagan Roman laws against harmful magic, such as the prohibition in Roman law against blasting someone's crops with magic . It was not a uniquely Christian perspective but was common to the entire ancient Roman world, Pagan and Jewish alike, accepted by Christians precisely because it was a universal idea.
I apologize that I am unable to provide links to the sources for my assertions because youtube keeps deleting them. It took several tries before the comments were considered acceptable, and to do so I had to remove all links. If you desire citations, I will provide in another medium should you name it.
Comprehensive and fun
Jesus was a Shaman, Healer and Magician #Truth
I just want to know one thing. Is the Eucharist blood magic?
Thank you for the information on Jesus. But I think I even read that the called him a Magician in the gospels. I dont remember the place but it was one of the reasons they killed him. The concept and knowledge about Magicians must have been there in Israel, the magic from Egypt and Persia was known. I think in the original text is written that three Magicians came from the east and not three kings as it is written today. For me Jesus was a Magician. :)
thanks for sharing :-)
She stated that Jesus would not be identified as a magician the same way we would identify a magician today. The context within the gospel narratives were not trying convey Jesus as an ancient magician. The "acts" of Jesus would have been labeled "something else" and not magic, within the story.
@@BrotherCecil the question than is how would we identify a magician today? If we see the power of a magician to be able through focused intent to manipulate matter and change that in here and now, I believe that our view would not be much different from what the old cultures thought of a magician. The word in itself is of no value but the meaning of it. Call is shaman, medicine man, healer whatever.... the point made is that in the Bible they called him a magician and wanted to kill him for it. He got shit done by sheer will and focused intent ....and they could not handle it....that's it...we don't need to overthink the matter.
@@eckhardtmilz1587 I'm pretty sure that's another source talking about him and his followers from the first century CE. If that is to be believed, he was tried for doing magic, among other things. (Doing magic itself was not a real offense in the Roman Empire anyway. Creating social unrest was.) I'm sorry I can't point you to the source right now, but it's one of those sources that are used to show the plausibility of a historical person Jesus. Anyway, pretty sure it's not in the bible itself.
@@Ssatkan Thank you for your thoughts.
What do you think about Matthew 12:24? This could be seen as an accusation of witchcraft.
When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man uses the power of Beelzebul [C another name for Satan], the ruler of demons, to ·force [drive; cast] demons out of people.”
Here is another interesting piece of information I found on the internet:
John 18:29-30 most significantly reports the verbal exchange between Pilate and the chief priests as they brought Jesus to the Praetorium: “Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man? They answered and said unto him, If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee” (emphasis added). What did the chief priests mean by “malefactor”? Here lies the key to understanding the legal cause of action that they lodged against Jesus as they brought Him to Pilate.
A bit of background becomes important here, for the English word malefactor is the translation of the Greek work kakopoios, which (like its closely related Latin word, maleficus) in legal contexts can mean “magician” or “sorcerer.” To understand how ancient people generally, and the leaders of the Jewish establishment in particular, would have reacted to Jesus and His miracles, modern readers must understand the positive and negative attitudes of ancient Jews and Romans toward magic. In certain cases, both Jews and Romans had strict laws that punished magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, diviners, those in contact with spirits, and miracle workers.
Most relevant to the trial of Jesus is the biblical law that makes it a capital offense to use miracles (signs or wonders) to lead people into apostasy (to go after other gods): “If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, . . . that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death” (Deuteronomy 13:1-2, 5; compare also Leviticus 20:27). Of course, Jewish law recognized that there were good uses of supernatural powers as well as bad. Jewish attitudes toward magic were mixed. Witness the contest between Pharaoh’s magicians and Moses. King Saul visited the witch of Endor, but Exodus 22:18 commands, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch [either male or female] to live.” The Jews took magic seriously enough that one of the qualifications to be a member of the Sanhedrin was the ability to differentiate good miracle working from trafficking with evil spirits. [6]
Equally interesting is the fact that Roman law also proscribed certain uses of magic and divination. Empirewide decrees adopted in AD 11 and 16, during Jesus’s own lifetime, elevated suspicions and sensitivities about rogues or irregular invocations of supernatural powers. Roman law and society at that time considered magicians, along with brigands, pirates, astrologers, philosophers, and prophets, as enemies of the Roman order. For these people, gods both good and evil were everywhere; thus, unseen spirits and demons were taken seriously as a constant potential threat. Especially when combined with maiestas (anything that insulted, suborned, or threatened the emperor), condoning any such use of supernatural powers would easily make a person an enemy of Caesar (see John 19:12). Here is a Roman concern that the chief priests could have waved before Pilate to try to capture his attention.
Isn't reviving someone from the dead considered necromancy? or it depends on the magick? For example Jesus was revived thru theurgy magick by Yahweh.
yes, it would be normally classified as necromancy
@@drangelapuca is necromancy a type of magic then? If not then does it stand in its own separate class? Thanks and I love your videos!
@@fraterj3437 necromancy is magic!
Interestingly, the way Jesus performs his miracles varies wildly. Some people are healed (as an example) by a word, some by sheer will, by their own actions or by acts looking rather like magic, like touching people with spit or creating mud or dough.
I would think that whatever Jesus might or might not have done historically, witnesses and/or authors would filter that through their own perception and world view and maybe they might even ascribe a certain meaning to it. So it might be interesting to analyze WHOSE Jesus was a magician fitting the classical stereotype (using elaborate rituals that border on mundane medicine) and whose Jesus acts more in the way we expect from God himself (like making impossible stuff happen by ordering it to). Jesus may or may not have performed magic, but maybe spectators or the evangelists themselves could not envision miracles without a magical action.
thanks for sharing
Or an interdimensional being from a realm called "Barbelo."
thanks for sharing
I love your work 💕
Thanks 😘
Isn't it possible that Yashua knew CPR? Isn't it possible that he learned from the adepts? I was taught magic in swimming lesson class, called CPR and chest compressions. I brought a man back to life who was dead for ten minutes. Perhaps the timing (having been dead three days and body beginning to rot) is exaggerated in the records? Because when that dude sputtered mucous and sat up and opened his eyes, I pretty much thought it was a miracle, not my CPR skills, that did it.
Angela, are you familiar with the Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca? He claims to have practiced magic in the Americas and claimed to have resurrected a dead person.
no, I'll have to look him up
@@drangelapuca Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalβaɾ ˈnũɲeθ kaˈβeθa ðe ˈβaka] (listen); Jerez de la Frontera, c. 1488/1490/1492[1] - Seville, c. 1557/1558/1559[1]/1560[2]) was a Spanish explorer of the New World, and one of four survivors of the 1527 Narváez expedition. During eight years of traveling across what is now the US Southwest, he became a trader and faith healer to various Native American tribes before reconnecting with Spanish civilization in Mexico in 1536. After returning to Spain in 1537, he wrote an account, first published in 1542 as La relación y comentarios ("The Account and Commentaries"[3]), which in later editions was retitled Naufragios y comentarios ("Shipwrecks and Commentaries"). Cabeza de Vaca is sometimes considered a proto-anthropologist for his detailed accounts of the many tribes of Native Americans that he encountered.[4]
Didn't he tell Judas that he was from the realm of Barbello, and that Judas was required to betray him, indicative of foresight, and interdimensional travel?
Crowley wrote somewhere that magick is a disease of language. He was, along with Humpty Dumpty in "Through the Looking Glass", one of the very first postmodernists. (Certainly a better writer than Foucault!)
interesting take
The new video on the Foolish Fish channel is "Will I Go To Hell For Practicing Magick?". (TLDR spoiler: no) I'm glad I watched that video first, just saying. ;)
Glad you did :)
I found Jesus' "miracles" very unimpressive, as because of my studies I came to the conclusion that Jesus is just a literary character, perhaps based on a real person or many real persons, that did a lot of useless fireworks.
*Did Jesus practice magic? Well mirales are things of magic yet look more closely lets spell it again... Héwsōs. Goddess of the Dawn*
I clarified my methodology
the Lords Prayer is a has signature of Alchemy...on earth as it is in heaven-as above so below...Jesus presented that prayer...soooo :)
He'd have to have actually existed to be a magician and I don't know but I tend to think that he's a composite of various religious rebels of the time?Then you have the ideas of Gnostics like Marcion of Sinope where Jesus had no body and was a spirit sent by the true God so would never adopt the flesh of the realms of the Demiurge.
this is based on the narratives in the Bible
And again on gay and magic, was gay sex present in the dionisus and other ritual ancient greeks performed? If so, did it had any specific meaning?
I should do dedicated research to properly answer
Thought experiments. ❤
Hi Angela,you have my respect as a wise woman,a beautiful one and you also scare me a little lmao.keep up the good work cutie😉
why am I scary?
@@drangelapuca scary because of your vast knowledge and sexual orientation .but it's incredibly interesting I'm an empath and a casual warlock ♥️
@@drangelapuca you strike me as a very powerful woman ,I love that♥️👌 I dare not seek that wrath of your scorn
@@drangelapuca you are so incredibly beautiful I have trouble focusing on what you are saying sometimes.😊
Ohmygod thank you for this!!! I have been wondering whether one could consider Jesus a magician or a magical practitioner!
glad it was helpful!
@@je-freenorman7787 I was asking in a hypothetical sense of IF Jesus was real.
By the only document available on Jesus, him having 3 Magi (Wise Men') show up at his birth would point to him also being a Mage. But since even without the chest of gold, the frankincense and myrrh the size of a red brick (about the size of the churches caskets that hold the incense and myrrh) would have fetched Joesph a slight note of being SOMEONE in the whos who of the time as well to corroborate the biblical text. Magi (Mages) dont bring non-mages gold, frankincense and myrrh, 3 very important spell components from the way back way back. So we just have to take the bible for its word (not! sorry not sorry its been so bastardized and fiddled with that the obvious question of 'What laws did the Hebrews follow before Moses and the 10 Commandments?'). The concept that wandering in the arabian peninsula for the sole purpose of wiping out the generations that knew contrary to what Moses was getting ready to lay on them is just beyond them. It would mean everything they have faith in is pure con and theyre the marks. He was a better Vizier than anything Pharaoh had, which is a Wizard (follows a different way of prognostication than Magi). And why is there no other mention of a pillar of smoke by day and fire by night mentioned in any other records of that time? Forty years Smoke by day fire by night, some Bedouins of that time would have seen it from a great distance and could opt to investigate or avoid but at some time word of it being seen would have gotten to the ears of scholars/viziers/magi in plenty enough time for them to at least mention it as an oddity spoken by the nomads.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Angela, I read a book called the Yoga of Jesus. Note there is no life story of him between the age of 12 to 30. But both the Buddhists and the Hindus have documented him as being in India, studying Buddhism for three years at the Himas Monastery, and he spent 12 years in Varanasi and Kashmir studying Nath Yoga, his teacher's name was Chetan-Nath, and they gave jesus the name of 'Isha-Nath,' he married Mary Magdalene and had three children with her, he survived the cross, and took his family to Kashmir. The three wise Kings, were his three Indian Uncles, and both of his parents were Hindu Essences. Having had a Hindu wedding, which the Jews did not at that time recognise, they called her a Virgin. In short Jesus was a Buddhist and a Hindu preacher, the Nath yogis taught him to heal, etc. Sai Baba about thirty years ago woke up a corpse of an American Walter Cowan, who had been in the ice box for three years, and two other people that we know of, he is known to produce food and medicine at will, specks every Languish, Sai Baba said, 'Take Jesus down and off of the cross for he did not die thereon, he died in his late eighties, and his tomb is in Kashmir. The Church made up the whole thing so that they could appear as the only ones who could save you, which is a total lie, as only you-can save you. Why do you think that Jesus said. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.' Take up meditation on the inner-self, and you'll know who and what you are, you will be amazed.
thanks for sharing your thoughts
Your comment is interesting, I’ve not heard of this before✨ Thank You
You are a qadiani I think
I was literally just having this conversation with my sister.
glad to hear that!
The Jesus character is an example of the human mind born tuned with creation, originally there was no name of Jesus & only the name Christ was needed but obviously the romans added a name to it. Prior to jewdaism in Mesopotamia it was noted on walls and monuments for all to see to be inspired & used but not lost over time as it made it's way in jewish culture, re-edited with different stories but of the same examples. The story of christ originally was in the Tora but King Makizadek removed it from Jewish history because people were taking it literally as a prophecy to come.
In india it is said that jesus visited kashmir and learn under a right hand tantric yaga teacher you can find about it in autobiography of a yogi by yogananda paramahansa
so maybe that's why the zarathustra priests gifted him, they knew he was one of them?
Eleu, eseu, pozhetuu-tu nosuu 💃
If you've studied the occult, then you understand what Jesus is. I don't even like hearing about this topic, due to so many people getting it wrong. I think if you wanna study religion one should study Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. It's so ridiculous that people don't study Kundalini. People make a huge story out of the mysterious daimon/spirit within. Even if Jesus was real and went by a different name, it's implied, even though Kundalini is not mentioned with Jesus, but instead calling it the holy spirit, that he practiced meditation and the use of his kundalini. People back in ancient times thought Kundalini could give you magical powers. You have any clue how many religious scholars don't mention this in debates when it comes to Jesus or the holy spirit? Tons. All these idiots do is study the history of Christianity and forget to study mysticism while studying Christianity. Then you got Christian morons that say Jesus didn't do meditation, yoga or Kundalini, due to waking up Satan. If one does kundalini, one knows Satan is just an aspect of kundalini on the shadow self. As I see it, if you haven't done any practical work with Kundalini and claim to be a scholar and have a PhD in religious studies and cultural anthropology and claim to know this stuff, in reality one doesn't. Gaining information and putting it into practical use, is 2 big different things.
Feeding 5000 people with only a few fish and a few breads, at the Sea of Galillee sounds like magic to me.
Miracles of the Prophet of God not magic
But is it actually applying a later label of magician when the Bible itself talks about the Pharaoh's men performing the same magical acts that Moses was?
You threw out a number of authors' and books' names in this video, Dr. Angela, many of which I will have to follow up on in my research into Christian history and origins. I am wondering if you got too hung up on semantics here; to me it seems like magic, whatever you want to call it - sorcery, or whatever - has been around since the most ancient of times, and spans such a wide variety of cultures that at times it seems to be almost universal. I know that many Jewish critics of Jesus dismissed him as nothing more than a second rate magician, who picked up a few tricks in Egypt. Regarding miracles, there was also Apollonius of Tyana (you should also do a video on him), who was the Hellenistic counterpart or answer to Jesus.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing
Death Note, a woman of taste!
I can understand that Jesus is another Krishna. Horus and Akhenaten. Perhaps he was created by the Flavians.
that's a perennialist approach
This logic seems pretty strange. Would Foucalt also argue that Edison wasn't the inventor of the lightbulb because there was no concept of 💡 during Edison's time?
Those of us who know magick know that Jesus definitely was one of us. So I'm lost as to the value of Foucalt's analysis here.
I can't answer properly in a few words but a lightbulb is a term denoting a physical object, not a conceptual overlay. Perhaps he would say you cannot call him an electrician.
You can find Jesus Christ through the Theosis.
In books, you can find knowlege, not experience.
Theosis is an experience. Knowledge in a biblical sense means to become intimate with something to the point of communion.
@@BrotherCecil Yes.
My english is a Desaster.
thanks for sharing
Can't quite understand why you reckon Jesus was not a magician. There were plenty of magicians around at that time and a long time before that as well. Would you not call them magicians either ? Maybe you would like to clarify what you mean by a magician as opposed to what other people would call a magician. Cheers
Rabbi's believe he had knowledge of the name of God, and thus could call upon God, whom would always react, to his calling.
There is the papyrus that tell of the Pharos mage whom parted the waters on a man made lake to retrieve a ring, lost by his favourite concubine. Moses book of magic.
There are no records of incantations, recieting of text, etc while Jesues achieved these miricles, feats. Jesues had two Royal blood lines. Knowledge is alined to power, position, so I would assume he was really educated. Mt Carmel?
From Sumer, babalon and Egypt, combined with Hebrew.
My personal opinion is that he access to the matrix!
2019 Nobel Peace prize for physics.. Hologram reality
Bless ya for ya vids👍 Top Job. Respect👍🙏
thanks for sharing
Yeshu was a sorcerer who led Yshrael astray. He practice black magic from Egypt
any sources you recommend?
@@drangelapuca Our sages teach in the Talmud that Yshu Ben Pandira brought magic out of Egypt. He did magic; and claimed blasphemy against our G-d.
I do not have the Talmud; because I am not yet at this level.
Jews for Judaism has good references to Yshu in Talmudic literature
100%love and appreciate the videos! We wouldn't call an ancient philosopher a scientist even though they did things a scientist would do, such as contemplate and experiment with natural phenomena. Thus, Yeshua is not a magician even though he caused certain phenomena to occur that if done today would fall under the umbrella term "magick".
yes, interesting!
I think everything you said makes perfect sense, however to me, he was a practitioner of magick and so he was a magician.
Thanks for sharing
To be honest, I don't think so ...
Interesting video ❤️
Fair enough!
Fac! Instead of cogito. Ergo...
Lots of blue, violet, and purple about you :)
Jesus pbuh was not a magician. He was a prophet and servant of Almighty God.
Of course…”miracles” are Magick 🥰
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Greatest warlocks in literature, King Solomon, Jesus, and John Constantine
defining terms is key
healing and raising from the dead this is a druid ability , maybe jesus was a druid
I've read things over the years that said Jesus did spend time in the British Isles. Not sure how true it is though 🤔
that'd be another superimposition
@@TheFugitive2 i've read that he explore asian countries🤔
@Truth Reaction if god is evrything and anything is he not also in magic? In good and evil becaus he is in evrything? Who are we to mean what we know. This old books are to much black and white to be what we think they are...
Magicians are slight of hand
only one kind
@@drangelapuca the others have to do with forfeiting the soul.