GUE dive training

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • 3 min trailer of GUE DVD video

Комментарии • 21

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693: #1 Hey there, that's the episode from GUE promo, since we try to promote this DIR dive style there is no need for defensiveness, we rather try to explain what's the difference between GUE (in this case "GUE dive training") and other training agencies.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#4 My experience with DIR/GUE demonstrated that their "revolutionary training" is the most progressive,advanced on the market at the moment. Thus it's much more interesting for me than any other dive training system that I've been dealing with previously. I decided that it was right for me and made my fully conscious choice to become a DIR diver. I repeat I'm not a blind follower of a"religion" that makes no sense for me. I'm a concsious follower.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693:#2 You are right about the fins being designed "for kicking up", sadly the "designer" didn't think much how that "kicking"" would effect the underwater environment, and as a diver I reassure you that the effect is disastrous. If we continue "kicking"around like we üsed to"there soon will be nothing left to see underwater. GUE teaches divers to "master their kicking techniques" to avoid dmaging the reef, what makes you think that skill is related to a "cult"?

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    soccom8341576: You just need to be a certified Open Water diver(PADI or other agency,doesn't matter)the most important thing is that you should dive in their dive gear configuration. No BCDs. Single bladder wing, backplate, harness, main regulator and the long hose, back up regulator - short hose, bottom timer, a basic high pressure gauge, you need to have at least 2 lights (at least one primary canister light per team of 3 divers)1 smb and 1 spool.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693: #5 So my opinion is that's not hard to dive with your fit up, that's more natural thus comfortable for a diver it allows you to control your buoyancy in a precise manner that;s excellent both for divers and for aquatic ream

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693: #6 In one word this sort of training makes a better diver out of an ordinary dive. Divers with mastered skills are capable to perform an easy wreck and cavern penetrationon a recreational level. Once you try to adopt these skills/techniques you wil never weant to let them go, because it will be obvious that you benefit out of them a lot. Just give us a chance, try it once.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#8 But please give them at least a chance to teach you what they good at and then you clearly make a choice whether you want to "follow them" or want to go away, no matter what they or others are saying, you're the one who finally make a decission for yourself whether to accept it or deny it doing it consciously without any prejudice. I'm sure you will enjoy your experience with DIR divers, even in open water (lol!)

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693:#4.. i.e. you generally become a better diver than you used to be before. Here is the trick. Once you master any skill that you considered to be insignificant in the past and apply it in your normal diving.., you will see the great difference between simple kicking and modified kicking would definitely use the one already mastered up to the higherst level ...

  • @scubazmei
    @scubazmei 16 лет назад

    Soccom8341576, I recommend you to start diving in their gear from the very beginning so you wouldn't need to change it.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#1 Well, that's where I am getting confused, I heard many calling DIR divers "a cult",i.e. cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding population considers to be outside the mainstream with a notably positive or negative public perception. Defining DIR/GUE as a "cult" has both: positive and negative connotations in regards of public perception.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  14 лет назад

    @Odinlord1 Could you provide u with the nams of the deseased?

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#3 It's really hard for me to judge since I don't know whether what you're saying is your own opinion (i.e. you had your own negative personal experience with GUE) or you just heard someone calling them a cult (negative connotation) I'm not a person who would follow anything "blindly", neither DIR/GUE nor their opposition. I prefer to have my own experience first before I decide whether an idea deserves my devotion.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#5 The paradox is that I meet more blind DIR critics on my way then the blind DIR followers. Those who came to DIR system as a rule have already tried other dive training agencies. But those who deny DIR (as a rule) have never had tried DIR dive training thus they can't see any difference or they simply don't know what they are talking about.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    caesar3693: #3 If you master one of your skills (e.g. skiing) does it automatically make you become a cult member??And, no, no, that's not hard t all to dive like that in normal circumstances , as a matter of fact these skills make you feel much more comforatble u/w,more in control, it literally brings your diving cqapacity up to a next level,

  • @caesar3693
    @caesar3693 15 лет назад

    all the explanations/ defensiveness make it seem more like a cult. good video tho. seems like it would be hard to dive under normal circumstances with your feet up like that. makes sense for cave and wreck diving, but fins are design for kicking up and down to get the max propulsion.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#2 I mean there are those who support DIR/GUE's philosophy and those who deny it, i.e.they think this movement consists of just "blind followers" and compare them with "religious extremists". If you have a close look at both sides: the "blind followers" and the "fierce opposition" like I did, you will easily find out what's personally true for you and what's not.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  15 лет назад

    bobfre1 : I assume you have already figured out the mask was put "RIGHT",(not upside down) that's why you removed your comment?

  • @soccom8341576
    @soccom8341576 16 лет назад

    What qualification do you require before you can do a GUE fundamentals course?

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi: Really? Why does it look like a cult to you?

  • @Odinlord1
    @Odinlord1 14 лет назад

    sorry. every dead scuba diver i know was GUE. something just doesn't add up.

  • @elenakonstantinou8566
    @elenakonstantinou8566  16 лет назад

    12khmi:#7 Theý're just annoyed with the fact that GUE claims to be better than others. But the truth is that they are the best in regards of dive training. Arrogance is a bad thing for sure but ignorance as a reply to the "arrogance" is bad too. Try to define what's good for you personally and what's bad. Let them call you "a stroke", if it hurts you it's only because of the lack of the self-confidence. I find it rather funny than offending, but we are all human and we're different.