Get rid of Gear Fear in Tarkov with those 3 Tips! - Escape From Tarkov

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 75

  • @Jennacide.
    @Jennacide. 2 года назад +26

    After 4500 hours I've started counting gear price in Scav Runs instead of Roubles, My DVL and Sidearm costs me something like 1/2 a scav run, 1/2 a scav run is significantly less scary a number than 140,000

  • @Semmarv
    @Semmarv 2 года назад +10

    *glances at the pair of slicks and tagilla rig gathering dust.* this weekend is the one. Gonna give it a go! Wish me luck!

  • @Blind_Hawk
    @Blind_Hawk 2 года назад +8

    I never had really gear fear more a "try and fail fear". I was so nervous about making the right call and felt bad when I made the wrong one. That led up to gear (even basic stuff) lying in my stash and me, not login into Tarkov because I was afraid to once fail and not make the right call. Not surviving in short. But I am passed this phase and sadly didn't play this wipe as intended. Some projects were shoved behind thus me not playing much but constantly procrastinating.
    But when I played Tarkov, I always either ran or sold gear. It depended if it was a SCAR or any other cool weapon I didn't have due to no flea market access with mods I played it in maps with a lot of PVP. But when I didn't like them or were just so much value I instantly sold them. Kept my stash clean and my money stable. To those people who struggle with gear fear, SELL or USE it! It's literally the best you can do because you're winning nonetheless. You either get the money or make some kills and make experience because if you still die with the gear, you maybe realise that you don't like some gear loadouts.

  • @elitehaxxor8025
    @elitehaxxor8025 Год назад +4

    I feel like I have the opposite of gear fear, I just like seeing the millions of rubles and never buy gear because I'm obsessed with seeing how much I can get. I almost solely live off of scav gear.

  • @1bobharvey
    @1bobharvey Год назад +2

    I don't ever really get gear fear now days... I get a similar problem that no one talks about, its getting nervous/overly excited when I get down to the last member of a 3 man or larger. I can kill solo's or duos without changing heart rate usually, but the instant I get 2-4 players down my heart just falls to pieces and I get clutch fever LOL... Moral of the story is I made a second mouse profile I can swap to that cuts my dpi in half for when I realize this is happening so I can still aim and now I live more.

    • @1bobharvey
      @1bobharvey Год назад

      @Sigma Eastwood 800 dpi and .5 in game, so 400 normally. mouse wont got lower than 400, so with the .5 setting a 400 profile makes it 200.

  • @skasfaqhossain6076
    @skasfaqhossain6076 2 года назад +3

    seeing all gear sets as same also helps.....a slick has the same value to me as a paca, my playstyle does not change......just being in a raid and living off the land is the most relaxing way to play i think....and yes u always have mosin in ur hand, if chads bother you..XD

  • @4got2sleep7
    @4got2sleep7 Год назад

    One of the better gear fear guides so far :D
    I have 400h in the game of mostly siting naked in the corner with a pistol with milions of money.

  • @calvinp5358
    @calvinp5358 2 года назад +5

    For me I feel like its less gear fear and more feeling like im not in the right mindset to even go on a geared raid, examples being headaches, feeling tired, not firing on all cylinders, etc.,
    Does anyone else feel like this?
    maybe I'm just manifesting gear fear in that way.

    • @teslatoilet3853
      @teslatoilet3853 2 года назад +1

      yh ngl i feel like im not responsible enough to use that gearset lol

    • @evanbeck6670
      @evanbeck6670 Год назад

      I got the game yesterday and had that same feeling, but I am like actually sick, it wasn't like placebo for me

  • @ZeeroDubs
    @ZeeroDubs 2 года назад +1

    I have a few specific guns that I run no matter what. They are all budget friendly and the map/goal determines which i use. I sell everything else immediately. That is how I overcame gear fear. And I get to build my mastery of said weapons. It helps that ammo is far more important than the gun.

    • @cookiemontr1357
      @cookiemontr1357 2 года назад

      what budget build do you sugest? Asking for friend ofcourse

    • @ZeeroDubs
      @ZeeroDubs 2 года назад +1

      @@cookiemontr1357 It really does depend on preference and playstyle but I sort of c0ver the Gambit based on my moods lol. SKS is always good when you're planning on some long to medium range. Especially since you can top load it and lose very little ammo. My personal preference is DB Shotty and the Gornostay sniper with AP rounds. They're both super cheap but can use devastating ammo. I also get then back almost 100% of the time lol.

  • @dispatcher2243
    @dispatcher2243 2 года назад

    dang. after listening to our play or sell mindset...its awsome. i love it

  • @rekire___
    @rekire___ 2 года назад +2

    There is kind of curse you know, when I bring my best weapon, and the best ammo and armor money can buy I died in lest than 5 minutes. But when I bring Toz and an old Mosin I found in random dead scav body I always survive.

  • @RaceMaster79
    @RaceMaster79 2 года назад

    You missed in your math one important factor - scav raids which is only with profit which you can add later on to your pmc investment…

  • @Mustanggt505
    @Mustanggt505 2 года назад +1

    I use scav raids whenever I can to stave off the cost of me dying, that way I’m always in the net positive for the day

  • @wiglord
    @wiglord 2 года назад +5

    I follow this philosophy in my runs, I actually just sold my entire stash (yes, all of it) and started fresh to prove that I didn't have gear fear. But there is one factor that we've found that you don't cover here. When we get gucchi gear from a pmc one round, it's usually because we've fought well using poor equipment which is a feat in itself, but the fear of using it afterward is less about losing good gear but losing it to someone unworthy of it. For instance, you get into a game and get cheese killed by some auto-aim scav in 10 seconds, RIP, but also RIP because some lucky bastard is going to just happen across the gear and it's gone. It wasn't earnt, it makes you feel ripped off. Of course there are many more ways to be cheesed to death, and in some cases you can let go but others it's just so annoying because you know that the enemy doesn't deserve the gucchi loot you just lost xD They need to add in booby traps so you can severely degrade your equipment on death...

    • @thebulletkin8393
      @thebulletkin8393 Год назад

      I'm tempted to do this, but i'd like to learn more about what actually sells for money before diving into the deep end

  • @EXTRA300s
    @EXTRA300s Год назад

    Im very frustrated at the moment. Now I'm going to try your approach, thanks mate.
    I use to play Moha and Cod fairly good. Even played in a clan. Tarkov is for me like I'm the worst player on Earth. If I play as a SCAV it's not a problem at all, practice mode, I shoot 9 SCAVS into the head. Starting as PMC ..spawn..bang bang dead in 5 seconds, 28 times in a row now...I even mad now talking about it 😑

  • @Futurmark
    @Futurmark 2 года назад +2

    Making money in Tarkov is so easy that I don’t care about gear anymore. I can always make my money or gear back. I also happen to have highest SR so far (4th wipe, 64%) so I have solid economical basis to do tasks, PVP etc.
    Using Scav runs, safe loot runs and others to create cashflow is essential. I don’t rush PVP and surviving is the key in the end of the day. I don’t run meta gear because that burns money really really fast.

  • @Psychobob
    @Psychobob 2 года назад +2

    I don't mind losing gear. I just either never get to use it because I'm doing a task that makes me wear dumb shit or I don't want to lose it to a cheater.

  • @Ludovit110
    @Ludovit110 2 года назад +1

    Alternating your PMC runs with quick Factory Scav runs (extracting within the first minute or two) will help with the cash flow substantially.
    Also if you play on STANDARD edition, you'd be literally forced to either play with or sell the good gear, due to the lack of stash space (not much of an advice, just an observation).

    • @teslatoilet3853
      @teslatoilet3853 2 года назад

      no it wont

    • @vexrich
      @vexrich Год назад

      Standard is kind of rough but if you don't keep more than a couple setups at once, it's enough

  • @pityu2137
    @pityu2137 2 года назад +1

    Always have a few gearsets ready
    Me: let me make a juice cannon just for the fuck of it (I was scaving from a laptop for 3 days because my psu was dead and had nothing better to do) i shown this vid to my friend hope he learns from it personally i dont know how i lost my gear fear exactly but now i'm going with the best i can especially because well i have a really aggressive playstyle

  • @solitudeau8188
    @solitudeau8188 Год назад

    My biggest issue with Gear Fear isn't so much losing gear as it is not getting a chance to even use it.
    For example; i've been running some busted up rigs and an AKMSN with a PSO for shooter/stash runs. Yesterday, i outplayed a duo of chads with SR-25s and one of them even had a thermal.
    Now; Because i have gear fear (and i know certain gamers out there have "incredible game sense") I'm paranoid that i'm going to be tagged and cursed by DouYu-TV_PaiGowPoker or something and he's going to laser me with 9x19 Pst gzh from 400m away off of spawn. This is my personal driving factor in "gear fear".
    I'm not broke by any means (39M currently). Last wipe I ended at 40-ish Million roubles and the one previous to that almost 100M roubles; so i know how to make money/survive. But i still run around like a broke ass timmy. Why? I don't know.
    I've tried multiple different approaches to rationalize it. Hell FLIRs this wipe for barter (thats constantly out of stock) is a mere 300k. Thats like, 1 scav run. If you auto run out the extract, maybe its 3 (but you didn't loot anything).
    I've tried doing a scav, getting X amount of loot and making that my budget for the next kit and running that, then if i die, scav again to replace it.
    Neither of these seem to work.
    I WANT to run this thicc gear, but i can't bring myself to do it for reasons above. I found an AS VAL Day 1 this wipe, and a Zhuk (tier 6) on day 5.
    Do i still have them? Yes
    Took the val in, Zhuk has been buried for months.
    I just....i just can't bring myself to use the good shit

  • @lootjunior
    @lootjunior 2 года назад

    I have more problems with gear fatique. Right now I rotate 3-4 weapons ignoring all other options, mostly just selling gear from others. So much fun stuff but i always end up using the same loadouts.

  • @ZulacecekStarcraft
    @ZulacecekStarcraft 2 года назад +2

    Get rid of gear. No gear, no fear.

  • @marethyu4321
    @marethyu4321 2 года назад +1

    extra kits ready to go is a great idea let me just put them in the 2 slots of space i have left in my standart account stash 💀

    • @SirHansVaderEN
      @SirHansVaderEN  2 года назад +2

      i'm doing a playthrough on a second standard account and it works perfectly. Just sell everything.. you're not going for kappa? Then you don't need to hort anything. Just sell basically everything

  • @omarrp14
    @omarrp14 2 года назад

    I just create easily replaceable load outs. If it doesn’t conform to one of my load outs I sell it. I never really run with the best gear because of this but it makes getting ready easy, and getting used to the effects of the gear on the pmc. Like getting used to the turn speed of the armor and helmet I always use, and the recoil of the gun I always use

  • @dispatcher2243
    @dispatcher2243 2 года назад +1

    yea. i have major gear fear. so often when i bring my best stuff i get instantly killed. often by a cheater. i have over 3300 hours in rb6 ranked and am a quite experienced FPS player. so many times when i am with my friends we will all get one tapped in the head back to back within 2 seconds by one guy who is clearly cheating. like no missed shots at all. and it only happans pretty much when we bring best geaer. vs if we bring shitty gear we seeem to always encpunter normal players

  • @moribillo7670
    @moribillo7670 2 года назад +1

    i fear playing with starter kits lol logging in playing offline and leaving the game

  • @scholae8746
    @scholae8746 2 года назад

    Love it man, keep up the good work!

  • @nikolaiaramov4851
    @nikolaiaramov4851 2 года назад

    Love the helmet noise

  • @dugs2366
    @dugs2366 2 года назад +1

    I just got over it last wipe, now I have cheater fear instead!

  • @BECK_4D
    @BECK_4D 3 месяца назад

    I’m not afraid to lose anything cause I’ll lose everything anyways, I’m just scared 😂 this game will never stop making me jump..

  • @FaclanS
    @FaclanS 2 года назад +1

    Shame about all the pork comments Hans but I stand by the sell it method personally. I’m not good with automatic guns so I mainly still with sks’ or other dnd type weapons. So if I kill a pmc and get out with their meta ak or m4 I sell it right away. Really helps keep my stash clear.
    Their armor I tend to use right away as long as it’s not broken.

  • @___m16
    @___m16 2 года назад

    Brilliant video nicely done

  • @diederikveldhuizen4014
    @diederikveldhuizen4014 Год назад

    you really helped me off that gear fear haha, i was like a hamster. and i`ve got the biggest storage you can have and still i didnt had enough space. now i changed that with pain in my heart bc i really did my best to get that stuff but its not worth it if ya lose it anyways to a wipe if you havent even played with it. so thanks for the vid and keep up the content m8 freaking love it

  • @Chronic0420
    @Chronic0420 Год назад

    My gear fear doesn’t come from dying it comes from D sink every time I fully gear up I never even see the raid as I have connection issues getting in and so I try over and over until eventually it says I’m dead so what I do is I try to run bare minimum of cheap gear, hoping to come up on some good gear because I want to go and fully kidding but it’s scary When half my matches end with me never seeing the map.
    I am starting to think it’s a PC performance issue as a couple months ago when I first started playing I had no problem and since then I have obtained better Internet speeds and yet can’t play any map except for factory where it runs just fine so I don’t know

  • @chinobino7538
    @chinobino7538 Год назад

    theres gear fear and then theres fear to go into a raid because u dont wanna die to someone sitting in a bush or someone spin hacking. 3700 hours and this wipe is so terrible with all the bush wookies and the hackers. and half the time u kill people now they have shit on cause they are also scared to play the game because they dont wanna get fucked on by a cheater

  • @russkiydzhigit
    @russkiydzhigit 2 года назад

    Basically an advice on how to get rid of gear fear, that only makes the gear fear worse.

  • @Jennacide.
    @Jennacide. 2 года назад +1

    Yeh, I'm scared of gear!? It makes bad players better!

  • @tearstoneactual9773
    @tearstoneactual9773 2 года назад

    Can anybody gimme the specs on that AK? (grip, sight, etc)

  • @telkicelstascal8875
    @telkicelstascal8875 2 года назад +1

    theres only 1 thing you need to know to get rid of gear fear, #1: dont give a shit

  • @abrupt9842
    @abrupt9842 2 года назад

    I don’t have gear fear anymore. I use what I use when I raid and if I run out of gear I extract camp and wait for fresh gear to come to me

  • @SmallWader
    @SmallWader 2 года назад

    no gear no fear

  • @stormraven8898
    @stormraven8898 2 года назад +4

    For me its not the gear fear, i really enjoy scaving and talking to random other guys more then playing solo as pmc, with this quests of killing something in paca or with untar gear, when you get frustrated cause you could with the fight in decent armor or weapon, when my pals rush out first 2 weeks of the wipe and drop, i find myself scaving from time to time, playing scavbox casino, stashing roubles and gear, but not actually playing. Now im sitting on 40 mils cash and 110 mil total value, just running my hideout and making weekly quests to get some shit to vendor (even if rerolling takes a mill or 2). Playing solo is just not so enjoying for me, especially after i saw a cheater POV and almost every game there were another cheater Q-Eing to him through textures. May be just the age issue though, when something is only fun with friends.

  • @jepl11
    @jepl11 2 года назад +2

    Every game should have a cowbell sound when you headshot someone

  • @PhoenixFF4567
    @PhoenixFF4567 2 года назад

    Hey man why not start plage inc series again

    • @SirHansVaderEN
      @SirHansVaderEN  2 года назад

      I mean I did bascially everything there is to do in Plague, did I not? ^^

  • @mariomarques775
    @mariomarques775 2 года назад

    Is it gear fear if you don't want cheaters to target you for the 3 euros your kit is worth on the Internet?

  • @Vzaj-
    @Vzaj- 2 года назад

    dude speaking like people dont have anxiety, also im a control freak, so I try to profit profit profit, but now my stash is full (110 mil stash value), im lvl 40 with low survival rate and have 30 mil cash

  • @Brandon-tz2wh
    @Brandon-tz2wh 2 года назад

    simple play like this, run it lose it run it lose it. stop bein so scared. i got a full stash i got to run it.

  • @CeceliPS3
    @CeceliPS3 2 года назад

    Default gear set is garbage, mate.

    • @michealnelsonauthor
      @michealnelsonauthor Год назад +1

      Mosin with starter ammo can 1 or 2 shot a geared Chad, so…
      And if he’s using S-tier ammo in those, almost doesn’t matter what guns it is. As for the armor, class 4 is probably a good place to hang out if you are min/maxing it long term as he describes. It will stop rounds from most of the stuff you can kill, and the higher power stuff, chads and bosses, you probably should avoid &/or won’t survive even with a 400k armor on.
      If you Can, this video was never for you anyway, Chad.

    • @CeceliPS3
      @CeceliPS3 Год назад

      @@michealnelsonauthor you seem bitter. Choose someone else to bitch about life. byeee

  • @razorka1293
    @razorka1293 2 года назад

    cool you have a kappa box or whatever the big box is called, money and apparently storage space to store gear sets your opinion is kidna tainted by that. cool video for rich people

    • @michealnelsonauthor
      @michealnelsonauthor Год назад

      You get the Thicc case by running quests & leveling up traders. He’s saying without fear you are more free to run & make progress. Selling most stuff gives you stash space. Profiting even a little you can buy Scav junk boxes if nothing else. I have 4 right now, from mostly scavving Customs. My Scav surv rate is super high, vs my PMC *death* rate is super high, lol. Even so, I’ve made level 10 with several such standard kits ready to grind the early sniper quests & level traders.

  • @donoteatmikezila
    @donoteatmikezila 2 года назад +23

    I started doing the "run it or sell it" method on my first wipe a few years ago and the end result was that I just ended up with a pile of meta guns from players that I ended up selling anyway. Use that loot!

    • @ugandanknuckles3900
      @ugandanknuckles3900 2 года назад

      That's literally me right now.
      I have tons of 100% UMPS and a few 7.62x51 guns, tons of plate carriers etc. I just feel like it's not worth it though on woods etc. I'd rather use it on customs or factory...
      The missions are the only thing that make me use my gear basically...

    • @StayFractalesque
      @StayFractalesque 2 года назад

      so, youre saying you won almost every time you ran the good gear? so you ended up selling it anyways? i don't get it.. wouldn't you technically lose it all eventually anyways, or did you just keep replenishing as fast as you lost?

    • @donoteatmikezila
      @donoteatmikezila 2 года назад +1

      @@StayFractalesque I'm saying that when I ran good gear, I would usually get at least one or two more kills, and thus a couple more sets of gear, before I died. So the end result was that I kept piling up guns, armor, and rigs. I also don't always run big gear, I do stash and task runs where sometimes it makes more sense to go with a pistol or cheap shotgun. Not literally every run was I armed all the way up.

    • @TheGoatLocker
      @TheGoatLocker Год назад

      I'm level 15 current wipe. I have several M1 and M2 rigs, troopers, some level 5 rigs. Two meta SR-25s, 2 meta RFBs, AK101s,105s,209s,AKMs, m3 supers, and the list goes on. Stacks of BT, BS, M80, 6A1, AP-M, .300 AP, AP-20, flachette, .50BMG, SP6, and so on. My Scav Karam is pretty high and I have great routes lol I just really like building guns, equipping loadouts and taking screenshots of my PMC 🤣 I know the minute I take the shit into a raid and look for fights it's going to be charity for the chads. I'll get around to it though 😂

  • @theHaba99
    @theHaba99 2 года назад +1

    honestly i think, setting up kits ready is the big one, ive played this game so much that i dont really give a damn if i lose a kit that was over a 1m roubles but i still get annoyed if i have to make a new kit from scratch, even tho i can make them pretty quick and then there is the long loading times sometimes it can take almost 5 minutes in loading screen to the game.
    for me atleast fear of dying in this game mostly comes from the long loading screens. even tho i have 2500h in this game i still sometimes kinda froze up from the idea that it might take almost 10 minutes to get in to new raid if i die.
    but i would say there really is only one way to get rid of gear fear, which is just play with the expensive kits sometimes succeed and sometimes lose them. you just got to get used to the feeling of loosing them :D

  • @elite3x6g80
    @elite3x6g80 2 года назад +1

    Good points.
    Struggled with this for a year.
    Got over it eventually by selling the good stuff and sustaining my shit loadouts.

  • @hfamily2004
    @hfamily2004 2 года назад +1

    In my opinion, if your too afraid to use a peice of gear then just sell it. It's sorta of a win win, you get roubles and not have anything to fear about

  • @codymamo9239
    @codymamo9239 Год назад

    I'm afraid that I go in a raid and get disconnected 😠

  • @SkillBasedGamer
    @SkillBasedGamer 2 года назад +2

    Greatest video ever made! I have never known this. Played EFT for years and have never considered this OR seen a video about this. First of it's kind information. Can't wait to try this out and see if my survaio rate goes up. Survaio is the goal. I just need to survaio. And I know for a fact that the people that play EFT needed this video because they could have never, in their entire lives, developed their own way of playing because there is no other information source about this on youtube and you are the first one to talk about this original way of doing this. Thank you from the bottom!