A very fair chief. He cannot overturn the judgement by the High court. Corruption iriko but ukatadza kunongedza with indisputable evidence paitika corruption pacho inofa yakadaro. However kuti Chipanga azogarisane nevamwe aifanirwa kungosiya munda wenhaka uyo woshanda nepadiki pasiri pemumhangari
I like Hosiah chip chipanga naturally, but apo mdara marasika nyaya dzakadai musavq involved just leave and walk away muri munhu anoremekedzwa zvikuru.kana muri baba vanoda runyararo siyai zvenyu musha uyo inga machembera zvakanaka wani.
I think nyaya yakakanyika pana mambo wekutanga akatonga nyaya iyi. Now thr new chief cannot delve into it because it's now is beyond his jurisdiction. I think chiri kudyisa saMatasva ndechekuti sekuru vanga vaine mwana and ndiye akazotengesera chipanga and court recognizes mwana iyeye as the true heir of this inheritance. But I think for the sake of kugara nevamwe zvakanaka saChipanga must resolve this issue amicably nevanhu awo. The effort being put by this family might not just end with court judgements. Pane achabatirwa mbinjiri chete apo.
I agree. Pfuma yenhaka inoparadza hukama. Hanti he only inherited because “vanga vasina mwana mukomana” so nyakutengesa may have had a different view saka vakatengesa musha wacho. Iwo SaMutasva must go and inherit pfuma ya baba vake ndozvisina mutauro nekushanda zvake.
Mambo ari right uyo as long nyaya iriko kumaCourts they don't overturn judgement rather you go and appeal in higher courts from high court to supreme court then from supreme court to con court
Mambo Mutasa you have sad that the traditional leaders act states that customary land should not be sold. How can you take people's Land .Saka how are people's property going to be safe .Will's can be express -written or Implied -by word of mouth .As a legal person l must say Mambo Mutasa you are a good Mambo however in this case you are setting a dangerous precedence for now and the future when it comes to sale of customary Land. This case was not dealt fairly by all the courts. Clerks of court often take bribes and type a judgements and then ask for the judge to sign .I have seen it .I can guarantee that if you ask that family whether they met the judge they will say no.
This court has no jurisdiction over this appeal despite what has been said on land previously, like Mutasa said, you appeal upwards.Gather all your evidence and take it to the Supreme Court.This is why it is important to understand how the law works
Mambo did nothing wrong. The law states you cant appeal downwards so high court's rule cannot be overturned by the court. These people sold land and there want it back. Only thing there doing is changing names. I know of a situation like that which happened in Buhera & the buyers like Chipanga were clever enough not to go the Sabhuku & Chief ruite they started with the magistrate court.
Vachipanga you're fighting with original people of that land. VanaMatasva vakagara panzvimbo iyi since muhondo. Chipanga came and overtook everything. Justice haina kuitwa apa?
Mambo Mutasa havana chavanokwanisa kuita panyaya yakasvika ku High Court. Asi pachokwadi Corruption Mumacourts yawanda. Chipanga wakashandisa muscle yemari.
Another issue Hoseah never gave his side of the story..pane weukama akatengesa munda and mapepa aripo to prove.Avawo vava kuti takasirwa munda but yava word of mouth its not documented..
mai mwana ndafunga zano kuti tivake musha wedu pamusoro soro pegomo kut kana wokwidxa mtengo vanokwidxira vari pasi 😄😄 ko mdar chipanga watodxika gomo asi mtengo ikukwira uri kumsoro kan
VaChipanga ndaikuremekedzai but ndawona kut ndaikupai nzvimbo isiri yenyu, Sabhuku deals,😂 apa mashandisa mari kutora nhaka yeVanhu, kumusha kwako akuna minda here iwe musoro bhangu
Vanhu munoda kudya mari dzevanhu but moda kuzovatorera futi minda yacho under the claim that inhaka yenyu. Musadaro so. Garai maregedza kutengesa minda iyi.
Why do civil courts have power or authority over lands that do not have title deeds...this ruling was not fair...the chief must stand up for this young man in the civil court or even refer this young man to legal aide....where there are free lawyers for the poor...communal lands are not for sale in our beautiful country
@@JaydenOcar read all comments on this comment section and then you'll get a better understanding on who has powers to govern or rule over rural or communal land...in all respect ...our chief has all the power to rule over this particular land....and those powers are given to him by the government of Zimbabwe
Hosaya andichakufariri ipa vana vana munda wavo zwahune mari wadi watenga kumwe unehutsinye
Mambo Mutasa hamuoniwo here kuti munda wakatengeswa nemuzukuru imbavhaka iyo ngaadzorere VaChipanga mari yavo
A very fair chief. He cannot overturn the judgement by the High court. Corruption iriko but ukatadza kunongedza with indisputable evidence paitika corruption pacho inofa yakadaro. However kuti Chipanga azogarisane nevamwe aifanirwa kungosiya munda wenhaka uyo woshanda nepadiki pasiri pemumhangari
True Chipanga anongoda kuroiwa chete.
VaChipanga kana muchizoona comment yangu ityai Mwari dzorerai vanhu munda wavo muchakokera dzinza zvarichazokonewa kugadzirisa kana Mwari atonga
I like Hosiah chip chipanga naturally, but apo mdara marasika nyaya dzakadai musavq involved just leave and walk away muri munhu anoremekedzwa zvikuru.kana muri baba vanoda runyararo siyai zvenyu musha uyo inga machembera zvakanaka wani.
Mambo mutasa musadaro tongai nyaya sezvairi.chipanga Haana munda
I think nyaya yakakanyika pana mambo wekutanga akatonga nyaya iyi. Now thr new chief cannot delve into it because it's now is beyond his jurisdiction.
I think chiri kudyisa saMatasva ndechekuti sekuru vanga vaine mwana and ndiye akazotengesera chipanga and court recognizes mwana iyeye as the true heir of this inheritance.
But I think for the sake of kugara nevamwe zvakanaka saChipanga must resolve this issue amicably nevanhu awo. The effort being put by this family might not just end with court judgements. Pane achabatirwa mbinjiri chete apo.
I agree. Pfuma yenhaka inoparadza hukama. Hanti he only inherited because “vanga vasina mwana mukomana” so nyakutengesa may have had a different view saka vakatengesa musha wacho. Iwo SaMutasva must go and inherit pfuma ya baba vake ndozvisina mutauro nekushanda zvake.
Ngaatumirwe nyuchi zvipere anojairira Chipanga uyo. There is no jail for witchcraft.
Ane mari ndiye mukuru so sad 😢
Nokuti Kwazoita Celebrate ka ,Mave kutadza kubuda pachena !!😮😮
Lots of rural folks do not have paperwork. Traditional chiefs must remain traditional for their people & actually protect them
Unohwina sei Iwo madhara ochoti ""Celebrity ""
Chipanga akapa chief mari ,,,,ngadzokere kwa Chigodora uko asiye vana vevafi
Hiweee vanhu avo mazungairwa vaitorerwa Munda nekuda twunonaka
Ko Hosiah wakazodzika rini pamusoro pegom pop
Kkkkkkkk akadzika nezuro😂
Iye hosia ngaadzokere kumusha kwake
Pakashanda mari - that Mataswa guy was not treated fairly
Very good judgment n very wise chief
Mambo matonga muchinyara chiso cha hosiah chipanga imi
Nyaya iyi inonzwisa tsitsi... Dai Chief vane imwe land vavapa. Pakaipa
Mambo you are right ,but samambo kindly advise vachipanga advice chaiyo sababa zvema pepa izvo munorasika.
Mambo akapa Chipanga munda,magistrate ikapa Chipanga munda,High court ikapa Chipanga munda...reoson umwe ane umbowo umwe ane nhoroondo dzemakoikoi...Vanhu vauya kudare ramambo Mutasa vasina umbowo zvekare only word of mouth.Chipanga wacho came prepared.This guy ane case but haana umbowo.
Yafa yaka loader ...Hosea wins
Pakarereka apa
Apoo chipanga akaziwa mekutsika chte bt azvikoo
Vhu harina muridzi .chipanga uri right
Nyaya dzeminda yemaruzevha hadzifanire kutongwa namambo hr
Chipanga kkk akarova counter apoo
Apa kushandisa zvemari bwaa dzevanhu mutasa
Uuuummm pakaipa yafakwako wangu
Vanhu vakambopiwa dzimba neZanu vanonetsa😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Some things happen in life zvinongodawo mwari.Hosia usadaro.
Chipanga wangawakatiza muZim uchitya kuurayiwa nhasi uno wadzoka wachembera wakubira vanhu minda yavo haunyare
Mambo mobhowa vanemari munovatonga ne fevar imi ahhhhh
Mambo ari right uyo as long nyaya iriko kumaCourts they don't overturn judgement rather you go and appeal in higher courts from high court to supreme court then from supreme court to con court
Hosiah uritsotsi,dzokera kumusha kwako
Hosea usatore minda yevanhu.
Chief mutasa vapedza maSports
Tiri mashona but vakunyora nechirungu sei guys
Mambo Mutasa you have sad that the traditional leaders act states that customary land should not be sold. How can you take people's Land .Saka how are people's property going to be safe .Will's can be express -written or Implied -by word of mouth .As a legal person l must say Mambo Mutasa you are a good Mambo however in this case you are setting a dangerous precedence for now and the future when it comes to sale of customary Land. This case was not dealt fairly by all the courts. Clerks of court often take bribes and type a judgements and then ask for the judge to sign .I have seen it .I can guarantee that if you ask that family whether they met the judge they will say no.
Bribery worked here, musha ndewe mhuri yekwaMatasva, hamurwisani ne vakafa ngwarirai???
This court has no jurisdiction over this appeal despite what has been said on land previously, like Mutasa said, you appeal upwards.Gather all your evidence and take it to the Supreme Court.This is why it is important to understand how the law works
Mambo did nothing wrong. The law states you cant appeal downwards so high court's rule cannot be overturned by the court. These people sold land and there want it back. Only thing there doing is changing names. I know of a situation like that which happened in Buhera & the buyers like Chipanga were clever enough not to go the Sabhuku & Chief ruite they started with the magistrate court.
I agree with you.chief Mutasa ruled in favor of Chipanga.
Injustice 😢
Injustice Mutasa akadya mari kare don't waste time let the dead fight achapatiza ega
Hosea ngaatomboimbe ka song zvake
Vachipanga you're fighting with original people of that land. VanaMatasva vakagara panzvimbo iyi since muhondo. Chipanga came and overtook everything. Justice haina kuitwa apa?
But Mambo musadaro tongai nyaya sezvairi
In zimbabwe that's hw the law works u appeal to a higher court
Chipanga was originally from Chigodora why is he challenging people in Mwoyoweshumba village?
Mambo chokwadi vari kuchiziva but since ine judgement yeku high court he can not deal with the case now
Iwe chipanga ungabira vnhu Munda vavo urimbwa hosiah unongoti kushata dhara rakadaro
Chipanqla tenga stand ku Town kwete kunetsa vanhu kumusha makore ese aya unongoita kwashu kwashu usina kana pekugara
Chief vataura zvandanzwisisa hangu
Mambo Mutasa havana chavanokwanisa kuita panyaya yakasvika ku High Court. Asi pachokwadi Corruption Mumacourts yawanda. Chipanga wakashandisa muscle yemari.
Kwachu kwachu minda yevamwe
Another issue Hoseah never gave his side of the story..pane weukama akatengesa munda and mapepa aripo to prove.Avawo vava kuti takasirwa munda but yava word of mouth its not documented..
Asiya zve music awe kunorwira minda anorima mvura ichanaya zvekudaro here 😂
Ndopatinoti zvakaoma chimupaiwo nzvimbo
Chikoro ndocharova Matasva
vaChipanga ndikutumirako masoja
Zvakaoma hachisi chimudhara hosia chàida kuitirwa go fund yekunzi charwara sugar hr chisadaro shuwa😢
mai mwana ndafunga zano kuti tivake musha wedu pamusoro soro pegomo kut kana wokwidxa mtengo vanokwidxira vari pasi 😄😄 ko mdar chipanga watodxika gomo asi mtengo ikukwira uri kumsoro kan
Documents from the high court fought for Mr Hosiah chipanga.
An intelligent chief
Hamadzangu woye mandinyadzisa
Wapinda muDare nevakuru wangu 😂
Aaah vamwe vanhu vanototengeserwa munda 1 vari 5 hamusi kuvaziva vanhu vari kunamisha uko
Appa mambo hamuna kutonga nenzira yechikaranga imi maifanirwa kutaura matongero enyu chaiwo kokana vachipanga vakashandisa ma lawyer kana ku diza mari
Well done chief mutasa. Im happy you are able to read interpret our constitutional law.
VaChipanga ndaikuremekedzai but ndawona kut ndaikupai nzvimbo isiri yenyu, Sabhuku deals,😂 apa mashandisa mari kutora nhaka yeVanhu, kumusha kwako akuna minda here iwe musoro bhangu
Sei muchidaro waChipanga
Messy case. No paperwork to support land ownership. He should not have built there but ask sabhuku to allocate him his own documented land.
Chief ava vanoziva and vanotoziva kana ane evidence he should have taken with them kuHigh court
aaaa matadza kutonga Hosiah wavakutanga huori manje
Mambo manyama.Vakomana Ava vakuda kubenefiter vachishandisa zita rehama yavo yakengeserana musha nevaChipanga
Sound please
Hoseya zvekuimba zvaramba wakunokanya vanhu
Chipanga ungwarire zvauri kuita unaona kupedzisa dzinza nekuda kwekamunda,munhu anopfuka weee,iwe chipanga regera zvauri kuita mangwana uchademba
Kana munhu atadzirwa ngaaende kumatare
Musatonga moga vomutemo varipo
Hosea haunyari here
Haaaa Chief avazive zvavanoita
Mufana uyo ndamudira respect i think mutengesi ari wrong chipanga hana mhosva masadunu mmmmmmm itayi mushe
Vanhu munoda kudya mari dzevanhu but moda kuzovatorera futi minda yacho under the claim that inhaka yenyu. Musadaro so. Garai maregedza kutengesa minda iyi.
Chipanga haana mhosva akatenga akatengesa ndiye muroyi coz kutenga kune umbowo mapepa aripo
Hosea wandigumbura..haungadaro vanhu vaigara mumusha
Apa Hosiah anobva kuBocha ende fty kaa, selfish chaiyo
@@miriammuluku3049ngaadzoke bocha kwake
Vapange chipanga munda ndewako
Vanhu vacharoyana chete apa
Mutemo wekwedu wakasangamara wakarerekera divi rimwe mhosva imwechete inosiyaniswa zvichienda nekuti wabuda mumba mani
Baba Chamu vakaimba
Hosiah ipa mwana Munda wake
Akaoma moyo mudhara uyu kutora advantage...
Chipanga ngavaende kwavakabva
Was nera Chipanga ne mheni
Babamukru vanofanira kumuka chipoko chipanga asa pagara
Gadzirisai sound please vakuru
i smell something. Chero Chief vazviona asi his hands akasungwa
ndiku tumirako masoja
Chipanga akashandisa simba remari, Chipanga is totally wrong
Ngaayendese nyaya yake kwachigodora uyu mutasa ane chioko muhomwe
why ivo varimudunhu raMutasa
Mufana uyo angaenda ku court nachipanga achifunga kuti anohwina, Madhara ayo
mutasa urikunyadzisira humambo whats that
fok mhani
Apo mambo matonga zita rekuti chipanga apo because maifanira kubvunza vachipanga kuti why vakatenga chinhu chavasina kuona
Why do civil courts have power or authority over lands that do not have title deeds...this ruling was not fair...the chief must stand up for this young man in the civil court or even refer this young man to legal aide....where there are free lawyers for the poor...communal lands are not for sale in our beautiful country
What do you know about title deeds the mambos are the owners of the land l mean they supposed to rule the country but no they have the land
@@JaydenOcar read all comments on this comment section and then you'll get a better understanding on who has powers to govern or rule over rural or communal land...in all respect ...our chief has all the power to rule over this particular land....and those powers are given to him by the government of Zimbabwe
Sound iyi yooo irikurwadza
Mambo akataura chokwadi kuti unokwira not kudzika kwamambo
Mambo Mtasa vanotonga zviri fair
Poor sound ma video ako ese
Chipanga zvaachembera zvakapata wani
Hanzi celebrity hayaa
ko harisi here ??? chipanga is a celebrity
Kkkk vapange chipanga 😂😂😂
Murovese ne mheni