Dear Mambo. This woman is lying, why is she reading notes who wrote those notes for her. If she is telling the truth it must come from her head I'm very disappointed. Lomfazi yisifebe mnxaa
Mutasa, I have lost respect for you. You hurt my feelings, and I am in great pain. You are one of the leaders that we thought we still have in Zimbabwe with integrity. How wrong I was! It's typical of Zanu Pf senators. You have now joined the corrupt club of Zanu Pf thugs. You have no feelings for the people at all. Can't you feel the energy of the people around? I am disappointed
Mambo matorasika zve mhando yepamusorosoro nyaya iyi handizvo mufundisi uyo namai avo matovapa mukana dzimba dzichaputsika zvemhando yepamusorosoro hazvina maka regai mai avo nekungwara kwavo vaende nemufundisi vawo mai mufundisi murume atoenda
Haunyare here we mbo kutonga mhosva isimo mudare tongai irimudare bamboo ko kuzoti pane anechekutaira here tisati tatanga dare makazvitanga raining izvozvo mare mare mare mare ndoyashanda apa
This man went through a lot nehure iri shuwa , kuzosvika pakuita mwana anaye but vanotonga still vanonge vari kuvhiringidzwa nemishonga yebhishu iri . 😢
Mambo ava is very smart. Ehe pane nyaya but new evidence has come to light and can't be ignored. Mukadzi uyu akangwarawo futi, ndizvo zvinoitwa nemalawyer mucourt izvi unovharirwa iwe wareporter.
Which evidence did the produce ? What did she prove that she was really raped for the so called Mambo to illegitimately throw out the man's case against the Pastor ? Again,did her parents report,how did they accept the man to marry knowing the rape case ?
@@jabulanitakawira1506 it's only dates the guy wasn't Smart enough, he pretended to love the woman despite she was cheating on him, he only had one proof but after Gupuro of which the lady was ahead of him
Unoraper 15 year old. Wozoti ihure impossible. Arikukohwa zvaakarima I'm a parent ndirini Mai vemusikana uyu I would serve him a cold dish heeee. Mrume uyu haana kugona kufunga he is an idiot very foolish. Mkadzi uyu anomukonesa.
@@arthurtonderaigatsi6794 You are right but unless if it was reported in time and the man obva ashaikwa panzvimbo achitsvagwa. Iyo ndeyekuumbiridza kuti iite valid otherwise back pocket yashanda zvayo
Mambo ndinokufarirai zvekuti but apa mabhaiza, how come vanhu vanoita mwana ane 23yrs ,apa hamusikubvunza kuti second born ine how many years, hapana munhu ano rapiwa 3 vana and above, watengwa mdra iwe dako rako
Mambo morara you lost it , pedzai nyaya yekutanga , RAPE ALLEGATION IS A DEFENCE STRATERGY , IF SHE WAS RAPED WHY DID HER PARENTS ACCEPT ROORA KNOWING THEIR DAUGHTER WAS RAPED , secondly she was already in love with another guy . IF this guy has to be arrested so should the girl’s parents for marrying out an under aged child .
Mai ava is HURE full time. Mambo vanga vapiwa mari kare. You see this chief, nekachirungu kake kekuda kuita semunhu anoziva chaizvo. I have no respect of such fake individual masquerading as a chief.
Correct judgment should be like, mambo vaifanira kutonga nhau ye boyfriend first yopera then mukadzi wonosimudza nyaya yake kupolice. Mambo it's clear vadya mari ...ko vabereki vemukadzi why vakatambira mari yemu under age? Mambo you have disappointed me,,mukadz uyu akangwarisa ...chakatanga chii kuhura nekubvisa gupuro ?Mambo please😢😢. Zimbabwe yafa nenyaya ye corruption ...
I can see bottom power at play Mambo vakatopiwawo bhinzi ava, sei vazosiya nyaya yechihure chamai ava. ko report yema investigations avakaita iripi. something is not adding up.
Mambo did not find anything pama investigations avakaita. If he had proof, he could have revealed it. People are expecting him to say guilty, but he needs to have V11. Mambo is not biased. He is neutral, which is fair. He is not using emotions to judge which is commendable i think.
Chief makatadza kutonga apa...murume uyu haana kumhan'arira mukadzi wake....uye akamhan'arira murume uyu bcoz he is responsible for breaking imba yake. Makapihwa mari mambo
Varume ngatingwarei...unogona kutogara nemukadzi asingakude iwe uchitoti ndine mukadzi... Mai ava vakabvira kare nekagame kavo @Mambo..muvangwarire mai avo
Mukadzi uyo akawana ma points kubva kuwakuru . She got advices and loop holes chitupa chemukadzi hachina kybuda there ege defrence was just a year . Mufundisi wakapomba mari kulodge nemidare the man is inocent uyooo hama hadximude nekuti aigara nehure iro ndarwadziwa kuti such a goodman anogara nepfambi iyooo sherm wana 2 awo hapana wake
Udzai mambo uyo nedare rake averenge comment section, he has failed. He was suppose to deal nenyaya sekubva pakutanga as for rape he was just suppose tell the lady to report it not to dig into it
Tomboti ndiwe muridzi we imba pamba pako popindwa nematsotsi musi wa 29 July wobirwa property, musi wa 1 August wobva watengesa imba musi wa 3 August wobva wano reporter ku police , mbava dzirikuzivikanwa kuti ndivana Baba Clever .Unokwanisa kunovasungisa here kuti vakakubira ma doorframe ako or ?
Pakatongwan zvekunyepa apa. Mutasa is smart and usually level headed. Either akapihwa chikiti or cash. Goporo rakaenda after munhu abatwa, muchinda uyu is clear panyaya yake. Something is not make sure here.
I've just read the comments and I'm not even going to waste my time and energy anymore. I'm skipping the video right away! Lol. Thank you comment section for saving my precious time. Lol😂
Mambo Mutasa apa marasika apa big tyme,masiya nyaya chaiyo dza nezvisinabasa.mukadzi uyo was very humble pakutanga now she's fully charged pane zvakaitika apa.
This man has a right to seek compensation from this Pastor. Even though he is divorced but lest we not forget that the reason for divorce is because the Pastor was having an affair with with his wife. Basically Pastor. Divorce vakaputsa imba yemurume uyu. So why is the chief not seeing this
Mambo ndambovabigger ndichiti vanogona kutonga until vatwister nyaya iyi, I suspect he is now compromised, nyaya yakagarirwa apa inyaya yechipfambi, mambo vanofanira kutonga voipedza if there are other issues out of his jurisdiction vozo refer. How can this woman bring in an allegation of over two decades ago, chakaita kuti arege kureporter during the material time chii? I was expecting this question kubva kuna chief but he chose to suspend the business of the day. Behind the scenes Pastor nemukadzi uyo could have done something with the chief to compromise him.
Mambo makonewa,mutemo wezvechild marriage wakaiswa when.kana zvakadaro varume vakawanda shld go kujere over vakadzi vavakaroora vari under age.this issue made a 360 turn which is suspicious. Saka nana tezvara ngavasungweka cz vakaroodza mucheche. Kudhara kana ngozi yairipwa nemunhu but nekuchinja kwemutemo hazvichaitwa asi tingateverera dzakaitika here before mutemo
Mambo apa marasika. Who will protect people. Musha wakaparara because of this notorious Pastor and he will continue as long as Mambo continues protecting the notorious Pastor.
Evidence is resolute, however, it appears that the situation has now shifted. The new data suggests a different perspective, one that challenges previous assumptions. This shift in the situation requires a thorough reevaluation of our current strategies. It is essential to adapt quickly and effectively in order to navigate this changing landscape😅
16 years The age of consent in Zimbabwe is 16 years. However, that age was not always 16 years as once upon a time, Zimbabwe's age of consent was 12 years. The age was raised from 12 to 16 years through an amendment to the Page 9 2 Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. This was the age of consent before, it was only changed around 2022, and according to the lady she was born in 1985 which makes her 17 years old when she met the guy in 2002 and well within the permissable legal age of consent at that time
Mambo really showed his corrupt side and its very disappointing,,they planned to turn the tables around for the guy very selfish..Mambo you have lost the respect of so many people
Where is the unfair decision apa. Ini ndaona senge nyaya yangonzi ndichazokusheedzai tozoipedzisa later. That makes it very fair everyone part needs to be aforded a chance to present whatever they think can help their case then tozopa conclusion after judgemwnt yaitwa.
Guys, let's learn to follow arguments. The pastor is a rascal, but mumhangari has some issues to answer, too. These are issues that are dismissed in courts on technicalities. Mambo variright.
Honestly speaking, this guy akambunyikidzwa, kuhura kwemukadzi naPastor ndiko kwakakonzeresa kuti mukadzi apihwe gupuro, so chihure ndicho chakatanga, ndokuzoteera kubhadharwa kwegupuro. This is not fair at all.
Haaaaa mambo matadza kutonga. Pamwe pese tokupai sando dzenyu asi Apa pashanda Mari. Mambo musadaro. Dzimwe dzekurepwa dzapinda papi? Ndagumbuka. Hamuoni kuti ihure here mukadzi uyo? Apa matadza kutonga💔
Chief Mutasa your judgement was very wrong. Makatengwa. I am very disappointed. Zvekurara nemufundisi nekurepewa zvinopindirana papi. Chief thats very bad
VZ VZ anga azviona paakat muraini muno muchasara mava Sabhukuless. Vanhu vave mamboless ava. I can't believe Mambo's line of thinking on this one so l take all he said with a pinch of salt. I can't swallow his rsasoning at all, so maybe he wants to passify Mfundis ne hure rake.
Mambo Mutasa. It means Half the men of Manyikaland are going to Prison nokuti vazhinji vakaroora ma 15/16 years. Zvakabvumwa nevabereki vemukadzi vakabara vana 2 plus 2 vezvikomba. Ishe dai matonga nyaya ye divorce. This lady was 19 years old not 15/16 yrs as the woman alleges. The husband has her birth Certificate showing 1983
Haaaaa iyi nyaya mambo mutasa matadza kutonga, haaaa ndashungurudzika. Paita sepafamba mari Apa maonero angu. Coz dai aine rukaho aizorara sei nevamwe varume? Mambo ndokufarirai zvokuti asi nhasi Apa ummmmmm💔
Yeah mutemo uri trick dia Kumaraini kwedu kwa mutasa ikko baba Vaka raper mwana wavo ane 15 yrs then nyaya yakaenda Kuma purisa so amai ve mwana was 30 vakatonzi rape Waka raper Mai ne mwana so arikutoripa x2 plus makore ekuti akapa amai hiv
Rape ndoyamunoti chero yakaitika 20years ago i rape but chihure chaitwa within some hours mavakuti wakamupa gururo.haasi kumhan'arira huhure chakaitwa after gupuro but before ,saka nyangwe dai akazouya after a year iyi chaya yaingova nevalue yayo , jurisdiction dzamurikutaura apa ndedzekumama tongai nyaya kwete vanhu.
That is why ndifarira chief chigodora harambe achingotaura ari one sezvamurikuita apa kusadakuti vamwe venyu vataure plus kusatonga nyaya chief chigodora for the pple drama iri hariko
Part 1-Pastor nemukadzi wemunhu mu-Lodge 👇видео.htmlsi=mp-w3q40ffuRLi5p
Please let mambo know that as citizens we are not happy with this Court
Dear Mambo.
This woman is lying, why is she reading notes who wrote those notes for her. If she is telling the truth it must come from her head I'm very disappointed. Lomfazi yisifebe mnxaa
Chimambo chenhema nhema ichi
haiwa vakapiwa mari
Vakadzi mahwani kudenga kure
Mutasa, I have lost respect for you. You hurt my feelings, and I am in great pain. You are one of the leaders that we thought we still have in Zimbabwe with integrity. How wrong I was! It's typical of Zanu Pf senators. You have now joined the corrupt club of Zanu Pf thugs. You have no feelings for the people at all. Can't you feel the energy of the people around?
I am disappointed
Obvious pakapombwa bag apa
Mambo matorasika zve mhando yepamusorosoro nyaya iyi handizvo mufundisi uyo namai avo matovapa mukana dzimba dzichaputsika zvemhando yepamusorosoro hazvina maka regai mai avo nekungwara kwavo vaende nemufundisi vawo mai mufundisi murume atoenda
Pamberi nekutonyora mari hoiti munhu apihwa gupuro asi achiri mumaoko emurume uyu zvinobvumidzwa here achiri pamba pemunhu here ndosaka varume vawekuponda vakadzi kuuraya nekuti kuenda kudare hapana chinobuda mufundisi makorokoto mwari vamunonamata mupenyu
Haunyare here we mbo kutonga mhosva isimo mudare tongai irimudare bamboo ko kuzoti pane anechekutaira here tisati tatanga dare makazvitanga raining izvozvo mare mare mare mare ndoyashanda apa
Vanhu Ava vakatonogara Pasi .uyezve ummmm mambo with all due respect ...makapiwei na mufundisi.mai avo varara I njapisi 15yrs mkomana aimudii..
I went straight for the comments ndabva ndatorega kuteerera nyaya yacho😢
Same here
Neniwo nxaa ndabva ndatosiya
This man went through a lot nehure iri shuwa , kuzosvika pakuita mwana anaye but vanotonga still vanonge vari kuvhiringidzwa nemishonga yebhishu iri . 😢
I know these people it’s sad mufunge mukadzi uyu achaita denga rekudongorera
Is true
Mambo ava is very smart. Ehe pane nyaya but new evidence has come to light and can't be ignored. Mukadzi uyu akangwarawo futi, ndizvo zvinoitwa nemalawyer mucourt izvi unovharirwa iwe wareporter.
Which evidence did the produce ? What did she prove that she was really raped for the so called Mambo to illegitimately throw out the man's case against the Pastor ? Again,did her parents report,how did they accept the man to marry knowing the rape case ?
@@jabulanitakawira1506I'm too lazy to type so for now will give you one reason. There's a child who was conceived when the lady was 15 years old.
Book mukadzi airidii panyaya iyi kureva kuti ndezvekunyorera. Mukadzi akanganwi zvekumhanya zvinenge zvirimo muhwendefa. Zvekuzoita kuverenga ndezvekuudzirwa kuti uzoti zvakati uuuu marwadzo
Kurowha ne techinical kkkkk
@@jabulanitakawira1506 it's only dates the guy wasn't Smart enough, he pretended to love the woman despite she was cheating on him, he only had one proof but after Gupuro of which the lady was ahead of him
This is well planned move na Mambo na Pastor nehure
Akapihwa bribe because first part mambo did well.
@@tinashezhou5504 Not fair
Technically mambo is correct ...though yes the lady was advised on the loophole
Unoraper 15 year old. Wozoti ihure impossible. Arikukohwa zvaakarima I'm a parent ndirini Mai vemusikana uyu I would serve him a cold dish heeee. Mrume uyu haana kugona kufunga he is an idiot very foolish. Mkadzi uyu anomukonesa.
@@arthurtonderaigatsi6794 You are right but unless if it was reported in time and the man obva ashaikwa panzvimbo achitsvagwa. Iyo ndeyekuumbiridza kuti iite valid otherwise back pocket yashanda zvayo
Mambo ndinokufarirai zvekuti but apa mabhaiza, how come vanhu vanoita mwana ane 23yrs ,apa hamusikubvunza kuti second born ine how many years, hapana munhu ano rapiwa 3 vana and above, watengwa mdra iwe dako rako
Mambo wangu ndokudai chaiko asi apa mabuda musaga chaiko kana uyo mkadzi paanoty akarebwa why asina kuenda kupolice
Murume akabarirwa mwana asiri wake apa oda kusungwiswa futi mambo havachagone kana kuve sabhuku , mfundisi garai pasi makatadza
Mambo morara you lost it , pedzai nyaya yekutanga , RAPE ALLEGATION IS A DEFENCE STRATERGY , IF SHE WAS RAPED WHY DID HER PARENTS ACCEPT ROORA KNOWING THEIR DAUGHTER WAS RAPED , secondly she was already in love with another guy . IF this guy has to be arrested so should the girl’s parents for marrying out an under aged child .
Mai ava is HURE full time. Mambo vanga vapiwa mari kare. You see this chief, nekachirungu kake kekuda kuita semunhu anoziva chaizvo. I have no respect of such fake individual masquerading as a chief.
Give me a handshake
Ishe matadza kutonga apa mukadzi haana kurepwa mu
Dai pakangonzi takuda vanhu vakaroodza under age mainzwa achinja kuti takawirirana
You are 100% right
Correct judgment should be like, mambo vaifanira kutonga
nhau ye boyfriend first yopera then mukadzi wonosimudza nyaya yake kupolice. Mambo it's clear vadya mari ...ko vabereki vemukadzi why vakatambira mari yemu under age? Mambo you have disappointed me,,mukadz uyu akangwarisa ...chakatanga chii kuhura nekubvisa gupuro ?Mambo please😢😢. Zimbabwe yafa nenyaya ye corruption ...
Ngavabateka nevabereki vemkadzi vakaroodza mwana ari underage. Mmmmm very unfair
I can see bottom power at play Mambo vakatopiwawo bhinzi ava, sei vazosiya nyaya yechihure chamai ava. ko report yema investigations avakaita iripi. something is not adding up.
Mambo did not find anything pama investigations avakaita. If he had proof, he could have revealed it.
People are expecting him to say guilty, but he needs to have V11.
Mambo is not biased. He is neutral, which is fair.
He is not using emotions to judge which is commendable i think.
Chief makatadza kutonga apa...murume uyu haana kumhan'arira mukadzi wake....uye akamhan'arira murume uyu bcoz he is responsible for breaking imba yake. Makapihwa mari mambo
Chokwadi vanenge vatengwa ava
Varume ngatingwarei...unogona kutogara nemukadzi asingakude iwe uchitoti ndine mukadzi...
Mai ava vakabvira kare nekagame kavo @Mambo..muvangwarire mai avo
Akaiswa 20 muhomwe
Mambo ndinosivatemba apa vakoniwa
Vambo vatadza kutonga apa
Murume uyo haana kukwirira dare mukadzi uyo waainge apa gupuro asi kuti akakwirira dare mufundisi kuti vakamuputsira imba yake. Mambo apa mazoresva, wisdom mudondo uye makurukota enyu vanenge hapanawo zvoziikanwa kkkkk
Mambo vakasviriswa ne joki
Matongero enyu Mutasa akaoma.
Haa maakurasa nyaya imi mambo
Very complicated for this junior court 😢
mambo Mutasa is very clear kuti makatengwa ingosvodaii sooo hamutanyari here
Mukadzi uyo akawana ma points kubva kuwakuru . She got advices and loop holes chitupa chemukadzi hachina kybuda there ege defrence was just a year . Mufundisi wakapomba mari kulodge nemidare the man is inocent uyooo hama hadximude nekuti aigara nehure iro ndarwadziwa kuti such a goodman anogara nepfambi iyooo sherm wana 2 awo hapana wake
My brother just leave mkadzi uyu ne vanhu vake especially Mambo ndakuvengai truly speaking
Udzai mambo uyo nedare rake averenge comment section, he has failed. He was suppose to deal nenyaya sekubva pakutanga as for rape he was just suppose tell the lady to report it not to dig into it
Mambo mamboless
He did not dig anything kana ndisinga kanganise ATI nyaya yerape ndeyekupolice muno mudare Tiri kudealer negupuro neyesamoni
Tomboti ndiwe muridzi we imba pamba pako popindwa nematsotsi musi wa 29 July wobirwa property, musi wa 1 August wobva watengesa imba musi wa 3 August wobva wano reporter ku police , mbava dzirikuzivikanwa kuti ndivana Baba Clever .Unokwanisa kunovasungisa here kuti vakakubira ma doorframe ako or ?
Apa magona
Mambo vati hakuna izvozvo imagine
Mambo maifanirwa kupedzisa nyaya yakatanga kuuya kudare mozoponza dzimwe nyaya kana pastor vazobatwa nemhosva ndipo pamaizopinza nyaya iyi kt azvichaita kt mufundisi varipe nekuti haasisiri mkadzi wemunhu
Pakatongwan zvekunyepa apa. Mutasa is smart and usually level headed. Either akapihwa chikiti or cash. Goporo rakaenda after munhu abatwa, muchinda uyu is clear panyaya yake. Something is not make sure here.
Was looking forward to this second episode. Completely went off topic.
It's because of the facts, facts are stubborn
Mambo mava kuita zveuori
That's why Jesus is coming to judge the dead and the living
Nokuti kutonga kwevanhu kuri biased towards money
I've just read the comments and I'm not even going to waste my time and energy anymore. I'm skipping the video right away! Lol. Thank you comment section for saving my precious time. Lol😂
Mambo Mutasa apa marasika apa big tyme,masiya nyaya chaiyo dza nezvisinabasa.mukadzi uyo was very humble pakutanga now she's fully charged pane zvakaitika apa.
Ane back up
This man has a right to seek compensation from this Pastor. Even though he is divorced but lest we not forget that the reason for divorce is because the Pastor was having an affair with with his wife. Basically Pastor. Divorce vakaputsa imba yemurume uyu. So why is the chief not seeing this
Mambo , nyaya dzedu dziri clear.
1. Pastor vakaputsa imba yemunhu , eveen uyo akaisa gupuro but pastor trouble couser. Murume uyo haana ku reportera mukadzi aka repotera uyo akaputsa imba yake.
*Ndimi mune garden yenyu mbavha yopinda yoba ma vegtables ndoibata, asi ndisati repoter mombe dzodya garden yose saka mbavha handichauyi nayo kudare here*
2 iyo ye rape hapana nyaya kutsvaga defense , ko vakaroodza mwana wavo vaitambira mari vachiti ndeyeyi.
3. Dai aka lokewa azombo ita chihure here, uye munhu anga lokewa vachimboita nyaya here.
Mambo ndambovabigger ndichiti vanogona kutonga until vatwister nyaya iyi, I suspect he is now compromised, nyaya yakagarirwa apa inyaya yechipfambi, mambo vanofanira kutonga voipedza if there are other issues out of his jurisdiction vozo refer. How can this woman bring in an allegation of over two decades ago, chakaita kuti arege kureporter during the material time chii? I was expecting this question kubva kuna chief but he chose to suspend the business of the day. Behind the scenes Pastor nemukadzi uyo could have done something with the chief to compromise him.
Was really looking forward to part 2 but the sudden turning of tables yoooo,
Kutonga kudzvanyirira chokwad kkkkkkk
Mambo matengwa
Akapa mambo mari ndomuziva , icousin bro yamai avo, haina kubvira yabudikira padare
Confused at the end, the devil is cunning
Handiti mhosva yakaparwa uyu achiri muwanano here. Haa kutonga kwamambo apa hapana kujeka
Murume adyiwa on technicalities, mambo is fair
@@Macbeth105 thanks ndiwoo maonero angu and it's very simple maDates akakosha iwe mface akanonoka kutora action
Mambo ityai Mwari
Confidence hamuna nhasi
Nyaya nhasi maenda off topic
Waiting for Part 3
Praying for Justice
Mambo makonewa,mutemo wezvechild marriage wakaiswa when.kana zvakadaro varume vakawanda shld go kujere over vakadzi vavakaroora vari under age.this issue made a 360 turn which is suspicious.
Saka nana tezvara ngavasungweka cz vakaroodza mucheche.
Kudhara kana ngozi yairipwa nemunhu but nekuchinja kwemutemo hazvichaitwa asi tingateverera dzakaitika here before mutemo
Kutengwa chaiko madzimambo musazodaro pamberi pevanhu munofumuka hatidi kukuonai futi paplatform apo
Mambo apa marasika. Who will protect people. Musha wakaparara because of this notorious Pastor and he will continue as long as Mambo continues protecting the notorious Pastor.
Mambo makazoshanyirwa mukapiwa something kwete zvetsvina zvamava kuita izvo
It's true
Mambo vakabhadharwa namufundisi
True and it’s pathetic
Mambo vatonga sezvazviri vagona kutonga
Evidence is resolute, however, it appears that the situation has now shifted. The new data suggests a different perspective, one that challenges previous assumptions. This shift in the situation requires a thorough reevaluation of our current strategies. It is essential to adapt quickly and effectively in order to navigate this changing landscape😅
Kudzikama kwamai avo vachitaura uye ku prober kwa mambo kunongoratidza kut paitwa ma rehearsals. Hanz ndambozvitaura kut mhosva hairovi haamambo maive matora mukombe ku part 1 izvi zvamazoita part 2 madzima mbiri yese yamaive mapiwa. Musadero
16 years
The age of consent in Zimbabwe is 16 years. However, that age was not always 16 years as once upon a time, Zimbabwe's age of consent was 12 years. The age was raised from 12 to 16 years through an amendment to the Page 9 2 Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23].
This was the age of consent before, it was only changed around 2022, and according to the lady she was born in 1985 which makes her 17 years old when she met the guy in 2002 and well within the permissable legal age of consent at that time
Well said
Thank you, I hope chief will see this comment
Izvi zvinoshoresa madzimambo.
Mambo vakati vaizouya neevidence kubva kuEconet pidigu vaakutaura zvekudhakwa.
I m a woman but haa I have lost respect with u mambo I m so disappointed in u
Mambo vakarasika apo
Wakanga akanyararira chii makore ese aya?
Nhaimi 🙌
Vatora bribe mambo Mutasa
Mambo apa hamuna henyu kushandisa wisdom. Haasiriwo matongero enyu makabhadharwa mambo
He did.
Wabaya dede nomkanwa apa vakabhadharwa ava
Vakapihwa chegumi namufundisi
Technical mambo is right and also the guy is also right apagarike nehure bottom line gupuro or no gupuro mfundisi akakwira mkadzi wemunhu
Munhu akabatwa achiri mukadzi vemunhu,hongu vakaramba after the incident,Saka inotongwa kubatwa kwake,mhosva imhosva apa,urive hama yangu inotongwa sei,ngationesayi apa pari trick
Don't worry My brother God is with you like mightily terrible one it's well.
Saka kusaziwa kwakuwadzisa murume uyu nhaika haa maone
At the end of 1st episode Chief asked for pastors contact details?😊
Reading from the comment section handichatorereri....why is it seems like mambo na Mai ava knew what so say , the court was rehearsed ...
Even Mambo mukatonga zvisirizvo, God will arise and fight for the guy.
Chimambo ichi ndechekumama😅😅 Chinenge chatovimbiswawo galitos yehure iri
@@InfinityBatteryPhoenix kkkkkk finish
Kkkkkkk taura hako
Mambo vanenge vavekudawo mukadzi uyu wy mangotanga dare muri against murume but last court maive pakati nepakati
God doesn’t respect rapists
Mambo is very very correct,pekutanga ndopavakatotadza kutonga nekuti murume uyo haana kubuditsa evidence inobatika,makamboona munhu anonzi abuda nepahwindo muLodge,mufesi uyo haana evidence fullstop
I second u
Zvako mambo is correct here,magona mambo mutasa
Nemiwo anaChibanda tsvagai nyaya dzine musoro uyu Chief haachina respect even nevadare vake . Akungotaura ega even vanhu vake vacomplainer, he is arrogant akatopiwa beans nemukadzi uyu
Mambo really showed his corrupt side and its very disappointing,,they planned to turn the tables around for the guy very selfish..Mambo you have lost the respect of so many people
Where is the unfair decision apa. Ini ndaona senge nyaya yangonzi ndichazokusheedzai tozoipedzisa later. That makes it very fair everyone part needs to be aforded a chance to present whatever they think can help their case then tozopa conclusion after judgemwnt yaitwa.
Mambo you have disappointed us 😢😢
Vanasoro Jena batsirai mambo wenyu uyo nemazano
Very very much
Guys, let's learn to follow arguments. The pastor is a rascal, but mumhangari has some issues to answer, too. These are issues that are dismissed in courts on technicalities. Mambo variright.
No mambo is correct..
He knows the law..
sure apa vatadza kutonga
Mambo ndaikuonai semune Njere but haaaa muri disappointed
All the respect I had for you, chief, is all gone. Corrupted by two fornicating parties. Shame on you Mutasa!!
@@namboko kkkkkkkkk do you ppl understand what's Gupuro?mufundisi akaenda kuLodge ehe kqsi aive Asiana nemurume ,paya makagara semurume nemukadzi munonyepera kuregererana moziva here ?murume haana kuregerera mukadzi pamwana payaa ,uyuwoo haana kuregerera paRape achiri mudiki ,"murume ane udyire without knowing kuti mukadzi ari kumberi, mface akamhanya kuda kuripwa.tererai nyaya iyi futi musingamhanye
Honestly speaking, this guy akambunyikidzwa, kuhura kwemukadzi naPastor ndiko kwakakonzeresa kuti mukadzi apihwe gupuro, so chihure ndicho chakatanga, ndokuzoteera kubhadharwa kwegupuro. This is not fair at all.
Teererai nyaya, mambo akagona kutonga nyaya apa thanx Mambomutasa
Sei zvabuda nhasi zvegupuro pavakambotonga vaisaziva here pane zvaitwa
Haaaaa mambo matadza kutonga. Pamwe pese tokupai sando dzenyu asi Apa pashanda Mari. Mambo musadaro. Dzimwe dzekurepwa dzapinda papi? Ndagumbuka. Hamuoni kuti ihure here mukadzi uyo? Apa matadza kutonga💔
Kana neni ndatadza kushanda chaiko.ndarwadzirwa baba avo vachazowana Mufaro riinhi....Pastor avo ngavasungwe va pandutsa Mambo vaive nehungwaru
Makaidyira nyaya iyi mambo, iko kuzoti pane anechekutaura here kureva kuti vakatozvironga kuseri kut utaura kuti ndakarepwa Matishatira mambo
Akanyare kamdhara aka ka stupid
Ehe nhai mataura chokwadi
Nhai zvenyu ko adii kungotangira pawakasiira nyaya and havana kana evidence yawakazonotsvaga kueconet this is bullshit mhani
Mambo murikutonga nyaya nganiko nguva imwe chete where is the evidence yenyaya yekutanga yamufundisi
NDANYARA kutoratidza masahwira
Chief Mutasa your judgement was very wrong. Makatengwa. I am very disappointed. Zvekurara nemufundisi nekurepewa zvinopindirana papi. Chief thats very bad
Mambo respect yese ndatora mandibhowa ndakanga ndakubhigai bt vakaidyira nyaya iyo kubva kunatsano namufundisi mambo makundikana apa murume uyo akauya nenyaya yamufundisi kwete mukadzi kt mufundisi varipe kupunza imba yake nezvidhara zvese makadya mari evidence ndoyamanga muchifanira kungounza kudare kuti vanhu vazive so rinoreva kt mukadzi akarambirwa chihure mabvumaka
VZ VZ anga azviona paakat muraini muno muchasara mava Sabhukuless. Vanhu vave mamboless ava. I can't believe Mambo's line of thinking on this one so l take all he said with a pinch of salt. I can't swallow his rsasoning at all, so maybe he wants to passify Mfundis ne hure rake.
Mambo mazwambarara pamusoro penyaya.
1, murume aka mhangarira mfundisi kwete mukadzi.
2, chakatanga kubata mukadzi nechikomba koza tevera gupuro.
3, Mfundisi ndiye akaputsa imba iyi,
4, makti muchaenda ku econet zvakazo perara kupi
Mambo variryt kungoti vanhu hamusi kunyatsotevera nyaya.Law is stubborn. Mambo varikutevedza mutemo chaizvo chaizvo
@@LivingstoneMandizha-dc5pc unonyepa iwe iyi yani hnt inyaya yapatsor hre kana akakrepwa akadii kuyenda kumapurisa mambo vanoita zve rape ??
Murume took the law into his own hands..He was supposed to report the issue first omuramba aripwa.
Mambo maibata zvemutemo chaiwo.
Ini wangu takaenda pa separa tion takamirira kuenda kumusha sekutaura kwakanga kwaita vabereki ,kuti hapana chamungagadzirisane mega mega ikoko sezvo tai shandira kure,ipapo tiri pa separation mukadzi akanga akutodanana neumwe murume ,isu tisati tasangana nevakuru ,kurambana Tanga tisati tichimirira kusangana ne vakuru ,so ini murume uyu akaputsa imba yangu nokuti akapindira pakati pedu achizova zvake kuti ini nemudzimai tinekakusanzwisisana ,so nyaya dzekunogadziriswa dzakanetsa nekuti mukadzi akanga atova neshanwari kare,so takangozotaura pamafoni asi nyaya yechikomba chake aiiramba pavabereki vake zvekuti vaitopa inini mhosva nokuti zvechikomba vaisa ziva asi ini ndaiziva nokuti taigara tose ,dayaspora ,so kwandiri zvakaitwa kunge vabereki vakatora mwana wavo kwandiri vakapa chikomba ,nokuti vaimurambira ,asi Tanga tave nemakore 15 pamwechete ,so ini ndoda kubatsigwa kuti separation I divorce here,
U have the right to appeal to another court ...go to headman chigodora...
Lower court
Mambo Mutasa nhasi maitasei, mukadzi akarambwa nyaya yanga yatoitika. Musadaro Mambo
Gupuro manje ndopakafira nyaya yese
Haiwa apa mambo,hapana zvavaita 😢😢😢
Mambo Mutasa. It means Half the men of Manyikaland are going to Prison nokuti vazhinji vakaroora ma 15/16 years. Zvakabvumwa nevabereki vemukadzi vakabara vana 2 plus 2 vezvikomba. Ishe dai matonga nyaya ye divorce. This lady was 19 years old not 15/16 yrs as the woman alleges. The husband has her birth Certificate showing 1983
sando dzenyu Chief especially on divorce dates and report of kuti ndakatorerwa mukadzi maoko 👏
Mambo Mthasa to day you have disappointed all viewers. Ngize ngadumala today Mambo Mutasa just change his colours like a chameleon
ndoona sekuti mambo vari right ini
@@paulnyarugwe7118 nop on this one he was not fair on this gentleman giving the pastor all the powers.
Mambo akabhadharwa uyu. Mambo vaifanira kutangira pavakasiira napastor nezvavakanzwa kueconet zvipe humbovo kuti pastor vakahura.
It was a scam , for chief to say b4 I proceed is there anyone to say anything and the lady had all her case ready , it's very pre arranged drama
@@freebornmagodoro2960 that's why I said he just changed colours like chameleon it's for the first time to hear him do this I am disappointed
Muchiri kutonga here kana kuti makatopiwa bota makungohumana nhai mambo
Taura hako
Kkkkkkk ndaseka zvangu
Mambo vakutodya bota avo
Mambo vakaona kuti riripamuti vakurirovera kusasikwa kwaro
Mambo nyika yese had respect for u but apa marasika.
Sorry bro, chikumbira ruregerero kumukadzi uyo chero uriwe vakatadzirwa nyaya yerape ivharike. Life goes on
Mambo apo maratidza kuchemberawo apooo.
Makuita busy nenyaya yauya masure here, uye makutoviga mufundisi ko chiii ichochi?kana akanga akaiswa rukaho angadai akanamatidza vakawanda. Iyo ipfambi nemufundisi wacho
Mambo vanenge vakazo enda kuLodge kuye 😂😂😂😂
Mambo hamuna kuchiva mukadzi here imi😅
Taurai henyu
Apa pashanda mari apa Mambo Mtasa maitadza
Haaaaa iyi nyaya mambo mutasa matadza kutonga, haaaa ndashungurudzika. Paita sepafamba mari Apa maonero angu. Coz dai aine rukaho aizorara sei nevamwe varume? Mambo ndokufarirai zvokuti asi nhasi Apa ummmmmm💔
Pastor paid
Yeah mutemo uri trick dia
Kumaraini kwedu kwa mutasa ikko baba Vaka raper mwana wavo ane 15 yrs then nyaya yakaenda Kuma purisa so amai ve mwana was 30 vakatonzi rape
Waka raper Mai ne mwana so arikutoripa x2 plus makore ekuti akapa amai hiv
Mambo makatengwa to hell nechidare chenyu
Pastor ziii zvavo semunhu akabhadhara chioko muhomwe....pastor akabatwa period .he must stand up and defend himself
Vabereki vakatambira Mari yepfuma sei mwana wavo Ari under age aona Kuti arambwa akuda kutaura zvese izvi akahura munhu uyu yoo
Haaa mambo makadya Mari hre nkt Makati mukuuya nehumbowo kubva kuEconet wani haaaa APA hamuna zvamaita APA so disappointed.
Mambo tongai nyaya zvichikukomborerai veduwe apa hapafadzi apa
Nyaya iripo ndeye kunyengerwa kuLodge KwaRusape,uye kunhumburiswa ne.mumwe murume (chihure)
Mambo Mutasa ,makonewa nyaya apa!
Mambo tongai nyaya imwe at a time
Haaaaa mambo masiyana nenyaya yamakaudzwa
Thank you ndabva ndatosvotwa kuiterera yese nyaya yacho
Inga pa part 1 vakabvunza asahwira veku lodge kuti ndikauya mondipa here pekurara😂😂😂 vakaenda ava vave kudivi ra Pastor Lodge
Mambo makapiwa mari yeoffering namufundisi haa ini ndarwadziwa hangu
Ndarwadziwa zvangu kuchema misodzi chaiwo hongu mukadzi hongu akapihwa gupuro ko murume vekutora mukadzi ndinaye haana mhosva here ko iyo nhau yerukawo iyo makuda kutoitonga futy here imi mati hamusati manyatso kuona kuti muchafunga zvimwe
Maita hudyire apa bcz hapana repa iripo vakavirirana vanhu ndohunonzi hudzwanyiriri ivoyu kana mashaya zvekutaura tsvagai zvimwe 😊
Kana mukadzi akazvarwa 1985 ndokuita mwana wa 2003 it means mukadzi anga ane 18 years.ko apa chitupa chemukadzi chaonekwa here kuti vanyatsoona age.
Ende vandibhowa I used to be your fan of Mutasa vakutondibhowa.
Mambo dofo tupeti😢
Mambo mkosho weko uyo iduvhu remunhu
Mambo vari correct chiripo mukuru vakanonoka kufunga then ndobva vazofunga kuripwa apa gupuro raenda makadzisunganidza mega blaz
Pastor,mukadzi uyo natsano vakenda kumba after the visit kwaMambo.Vaenda kumba vakanoruka nyaya dzekuroverera bambo avo.Mambomutasa vaifanira kupaongorora ipapo.Why usina kumusungisa nguva iyoyo apo vabereki vake mukadzi vakatambira Mari yekuroora.All these stories ndedzekuruka .Dai vakagadzirwa mai avo vangadai vasina hunhu hwavo hwavakarambirwa.
Chief Ka APA ndarwadziva muri kuchengeta mahuri ummmm
Hule hule hule hule huuuuuuuleee eeezvapera tazvinzwa ngavadanane namufundisi wacho ndasvotwa fani
The chief is correct. People are not listening to the facts. Technically haachisiri mukadzi wake.
Akahura achiri mukadzi wake
Rape ndoyamunoti chero yakaitika 20years ago i rape but chihure chaitwa within some hours mavakuti wakamupa gururo.haasi kumhan'arira huhure chakaitwa after gupuro but before ,saka nyangwe dai akazouya after a year iyi chaya yaingova nevalue yayo , jurisdiction dzamurikutaura apa ndedzekumama tongai nyaya kwete vanhu.
That is why ndifarira chief chigodora harambe achingotaura ari one sezvamurikuita apa kusadakuti vamwe venyu vataure plus kusatonga nyaya chief chigodora for the pple drama iri hariko
Mamboo maakutanga kugashira chioko muhomwe handi
Dofo says that.
Mambo is educated
Yakuvanakira mari iyoyo 😂😂😂
Mambo komakurasika kwekupedzisira sei makapihwa mari chete tongsi nyaya ykatanga kuuya
Kkkkkkkkk mari yakanaka boys kkkkkk....nyaya yachinja faster faster
Pane mbinga yakabvisa mari not Pastor, cousin bro yamai avo mazita atichataure hedu.
Sometimes ukahurirwa unopedzisira wotoita sekuti ndiwe usina kukwana. Pain inotowedzera instead yekuti upore.
Mambo murikukoniwa, imagine kuti akarepwa and papera 100 years maizodii. Mufundisi akarara nemukadzi wemhunu?
Mambo was paid
You can say that again, sudden turn yenyaya 😮
abvunza kuti unorhepa musikana asiri virgin here😂😂
Rape is rape
Uori wazara kwese shuwa mambo ava vadya mari yemufundis
Mambo matonga ne favour aya
Mambo hapana zviripo ,sei muri kusanganisa nyaya .Ende from the first place mambo Magara matengwa namufundisi vekudanana nemakwaya