5 Things I wish I knew before starting Deity Work

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @violetalar5387
    @violetalar5387 9 месяцев назад +39

    "Deity work is like tattoos, when you get one, you end up getting more". I love the way you put it, because it's totally true 🤣 It's a funny moment when you ask your only deity for help with something, and he/she answers something like "well, yes, I could do that, but let me introduce you to my dear (insert random deity name here) instead" and you somehow end up working with a whole pantheon.

  • @robgau2501
    @robgau2501 Год назад +112

    You look great with or without makeup. You're beautiful. Don't worry about it.

    • @johnduder7583
      @johnduder7583 Год назад +3

      Indeed , beautiful in body and spirit

  • @TheGalacticGrizzly
    @TheGalacticGrizzly Год назад +16

    No need to excuse not wearing makeup! Do what makes you feel comfortable 🤗

    • @TheGalacticGrizzly
      @TheGalacticGrizzly Год назад

      Also, I really resonate with coming in an atheist and ending up religious 😅 I'm still not sure where I stand on the gods (I guess that makes me an agnostic pagan?). I don't know if they're real in the sense that we know them from the stories. But I do know that I feel a presence sometimes that is very comforting. So why not lean into it, if it makes me feel heard, supported and good? 😊

  • @jjlg4567
    @jjlg4567 Год назад +25

    i definitely feel the point on questioning ur mental health - im someone who suffers with hallucinations and delusions (albeit very mild and relatively infrequent), so learning to distinguish these episodes with messages/communications of spiritual significance has been a battle for sure. Even with therapy, it can be a difficult task especially when the therapist has biases or a misunderstanding of spiritual/religious practice. Fortunately, I've been able to work towards feeling more confident and grounded in my experiences, but it is (and will continue to be) an ongoing journey. By ensuring my routines are in place and I'm looking after myself (eating enough in both quantity and nutritionally, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, moving/exercising frequently, and keeping my meds balanced, etc), I know I can better rely on myself to make these distinctions with more clarity. If anyone else has any similar experiences, I would love to hear about your experiences and any resources/tips you have!

  • @Dolly_the_Witch
    @Dolly_the_Witch Год назад +21

    I always thought I’d never do deity work, then after celebrating samhain and learning more about my heritage, I felt so drawn and called to norse pagan history and everything to Freyja. Still new to it all, but I think it one of those things you can’t really grasp until your into it.

  • @aeristhetics
    @aeristhetics 4 месяца назад +6

    its so comforting to hear someone talk about spiritual psychosis bc its literally my greatest fear and my biggest block with my deity work... im hoping to find a guide through this, as oxymoronic as that may seems LOL

  • @wildiris3720
    @wildiris3720 Год назад +12

    its so comforting to know that even after all this time you've worked with/worshipped deities, you still struggle with giving offerings! that's a huge hurdle for me as well so its nice to know I'm not alone

    • @TheNorseWitch
      @TheNorseWitch  Год назад +1

      That’s definitely my biggest struggle and I wonder whether I’ll ever get a regular schedule down 🤣

  • @aaronholder6294
    @aaronholder6294 5 месяцев назад +3

    Hey, just came across your video and I know this response may be a bit late…. Not even sure if you’ll get to see it lol but leaving it here in case you do or in case it helps someone.
    What I’ve learnt from working with my deities (worked with Hades and mother Nyx for quite a while) is that when it comes to offerings, it’s not really supposed to be a “routine” thing per-say, but think of your offerings like how humans have love languages. An offering is a sign of appreciation. Deities exchange their powers to us in exchange for appreciation of their gifts. Or, worship if you will. Let’s say you were in a relationship and you loved to give your partner cookies as your way of showing love. But you like to receive love by getting flowers. If your partner only ever takes your cookies but never gives you flowers you would start to feel a little unappreciated right? Same thing happens with our deities. Likewise, if your partner brought you flowers at 5pm every day, it kind of kills the magic of receiving flowers right? Again, same thing with our deities
    Also, you can show your deities appreciation with basically all the same ways humans do
    Quality time - time set aside for just you and your deities (e.g going to church/prayer)
    Acts of service- things we do for our deities that they like (e.g your RUclips channel)
    Gift giving- offerings that they find appealing (e.g 10% of your income)
    Words of affirmation- exclaiming your appreciation vocally out loud (e.g singing songs of their honor)
    Physical touch, while a bit harder than the others, can be represented by interacting with physical representations of them (e.g touching a statue of our deities or a maintaining their alters)
    P.s: this is not to say that some deity-human relationships can’t work with routine. (Some obviously do) but just like some human-human relationships might enjoy eating cookies together every day, each relationship is different.
    Remember deity work is just a relationship with a divine entity. Treat them like you would a human entity - with love respect and spontaneity

  • @djjohnson6195
    @djjohnson6195 Год назад +5

    I have had the same experience. I wasn’t expecting to begin deity work. Then boom Hecate showed up! So many things changed in my life and some very intense situations shortly after. I think she was testing me, and teaching me some tough ass lessons about myself. I do a lot of shadow work with her. She’s always brutally honest. 😅

  • @_tripalong
    @_tripalong 5 месяцев назад +4

    I'm only 6 months into my craft, I wasn't expecting anything to do with deities rn, since I'm still figuring out how it all works. But then Odin started contacting me, and now I'm feeling a strong pull to develop a relationship with him. Part of me is scared bc I'm still learning and my practice is still very simple. But another part of me is excited, it feels like he wants to guide me and teach me 🙂

    • @Jonathan-fy4en
      @Jonathan-fy4en 5 месяцев назад +1

      I've always felt drawn to the craft and I've been officially practicing for about the same amount of time and Hekate has started to reach out to me in the same way Odin has for you!! How cool 🥰

    • @_tripalong
      @_tripalong 5 месяцев назад

      @@Jonathan-fy4en Wow!!! I've been feeling like an outcast bc I felt called by a deity so early, it makes me doubt myself sometimes, like is it for real? Or am I just an excited newbie hallucinating stuff? But hearing that from you makes me feel less weird 😅 thank you. Blessed be!

  • @CoffeeDropping
    @CoffeeDropping Год назад +11

    Oof good question! And interesting video, thank you for sharing your experiences! For me the first things coming to mind is I never expected how other people approach deity work... That research into finding a deity to reach out to or to have proper protection and being so cautious about it.. I just never felt that necessary, because I came from an approach of these deities were put by my side from childhood and I address them whenever or however I feel like. You said that it was not feeling special anymore doing offerings on certain days... I think that is why I never bothered finding a set time. If it's not feeling special I don't think it's worth forcing? I think as long as not every offering comes with a request that works just fine. But I also get the worry of imposter syndrome and needing all the signs... In the end it's faith and not fully proven science, I think doubt and worry will always accompany us.. But working with deities (or living with as I like to say) gives enough benefits to make it worthwhile. I am at a point where I rarely ask for anything, because I feel the relationship has come to a point where I get what I need and give what I can and that works for me.

    • @tami.1111
      @tami.1111 10 месяцев назад +1

      Beautiful ❤

  • @snazzlepants
    @snazzlepants Год назад +2

    Imposter syndrome is such an interesting thing because when I hear you say, "I've had it and deal with it" my immediate reaction to that is "but it's *your* relationship with your deities. Not someone else's." But then I think that knowing full well I've hit those imposter syndrome moments myself. We always are our worst critics
    For myself, I've been an on/off again witch for a couple of decades. Pagan for a handful of those years. It''s really only been within those last handful of years that I've been drawn to making offerings to deities. I wouldn't say 'work with' them yet simply because I've established more of a relationship with them where I give them gifts and every once in a while they'll pull something out of a hat for me when I need them/want something.
    I tried to intuitively give when it feels right and it simply doesn't work for me. I flutter off into other interests so easily that it used to be a pattern of giving all the things and then nothing for months. It wasn't until one of your vlogs where you had said that you give things on certain days that I thought "ah HA" and have been on a fairly consistent "certain folks on certain days" schedule since. Does it feel less special for me? I suppose sometimes. But I'm just glad to be maintaining the relationships on a consistent basis compared to in the past. And I don't do anything too crazy. Just have a little moment of thoughts, give some incense. Every once in a while I'll fancy it up with dedicating outings or chores or holidays that work around their respective lores (or more recently dedicating my shifts at work to one of my deities because he asked me to) and it seems to work for us! They seem to like it and show up more in my life because of this change.
    But, again, it's *your* relationships with your deities, not someone else's. Whatever works for all of you is what matters! Who cares what random people online or in real-life think. Things like offerings are between you and your Gods; no one else

    • @tami.1111
      @tami.1111 10 месяцев назад

      Beautiful ❤

  • @MeanGreen1345
    @MeanGreen1345 9 месяцев назад +3

    I don't know I was never really closed to Deity work but I always thought of myself as agnostic really? Mostly? But one time my mom was really sick and nearly died so I started praying to "however heard me who was willing to help and who had good intentions" and shortly after she started getting better, which I don't fully link to my praying BUT it seemed to really Kickstart my witchcraft and my parents and I all had weird dreams about spirits and such around that time. My mom is okay now btw! That was when I was 10 ish? So I've been practicing witchcraft since I was about 11, and working with deities specifically at least for 5 if not 7 years? I've always had draws to mythology and all the legends and such so with witchcraft it was something I was drawn to for sure. I actually started through a guided meditation to meet my guides and in it I met my "matron"! (Tiamat) and since then I've started working with a lot of deities 😅 I'm still trying to work with them all better. And I relate to you on offerings... I never really know when or what to give unless I randomly feel a pull to but I'm trying to do better. What I didn't expect about Deity work is how quickly you can be thrown into challenges and teachings 😂 and how much you learn!! I also didn't expect to have so many draws to so many deities. It is totally like tattoos (I have one... want many more). I'm also frequently caught in a questioning state with it too. I need to fine tune that balance more of questioning and accepting. I genuinely didn't expect Deity work to become as central to my craft as it has honestly. Like you said it's brought so many other aspects of my practice into my life.

  • @msthornback7935
    @msthornback7935 Год назад +2

    Lots of content creators talk about deity work being the hardest part or heaviest lift but honestly that’s been the most comfortable aspect of my craft. Christianity prepped me pretty well to have relationships with deities lol.

  • @sakurashin6456
    @sakurashin6456 Год назад +2

    I think the struggle comes from having the courage to have a complete surrender into the practice and allowing Spirit work its way as it comes to you. Setting right intentions and commiting is key. ☺️

  • @peregrinepack9585
    @peregrinepack9585 7 месяцев назад +1

    I feel a strong kinship with Ares/Mars but I'm not sure where to start with him. I'm primarily a hindu and I worship Saraswati, but my hindu tradition has no problem with branching out. 🤗

  • @BeverleyButterfly
    @BeverleyButterfly Год назад +1

    All true I so agree it's like you let one in and they all start trying to get involved from ancestors to the tree outside lol! I'm so glad I was open to deity work it's enriched my life so much xx

  • @juliejay5436
    @juliejay5436 Год назад +5

    Brilliant video, as always! Thank you for addressing the doubt, I do struggle with it sometimes. Keeping a journal and writing about all your experiences and feelings does help a lot. It is a private thing, no one will ever read it, it's worth it.

  • @dlmiller7873
    @dlmiller7873 4 месяца назад

    I commune with Freya. It happened by accident, really. Your insights have seemed to be the most sensible imo.

  • @WitchcraftandPaganism
    @WitchcraftandPaganism Год назад +1

    I can relate to struggling with a schedule for offerings and deity work. So what I do these days, I simply follow my intuition and also see when I have the spoons for this. So I don't use any schedule anymore. I also simplified my offerings. I created an incense for every deity I work with (also using some herbs from your shop, which is so recommendable 😀) and I give these incense blends as offerings to them. I also sometimes buy a bunch of flowers for them and two of my deities really like coffee which I always have at home, so that is rather simple too.

  • @suzzi2678
    @suzzi2678 Год назад +2

    @TheNorseWitch I didn’t even notice that you were not wearing make up.
    Goes to show your a beautiful woman without it.
    I love your content and I’m excited that I found you 🌟💫

  • @daswitchling
    @daswitchling Год назад +2

    Love your necklace very prehistoric inspired I would say! I worked with deities before but back then I wasn’t ready. So, I took a step back for some years and while I miss one special goddess, I still know it was the right decision back then. I’m still very excited and happy to start honoring and working with deities again even though I do not know right now when that time will come.

  • @Glimmerlight90
    @Glimmerlight90 5 месяцев назад

    First of all, this is the first video that I've ever seen you. I am so upset you are not wearing makeup. 😡 Just kidding!! You're absolutely naturally gorgeous - why even make the disclaimer?? I noticed in your later videos you have seemed to embrace the no makeup look so good on you. 😊 Either way, you gorgeous.
    Anyway, it is so funny you mentioned spiritual psychosis because that term just came up for me for the first time today in another video. I'll have to watch your video about your experience with it. In my own experience, I found it's best to validate everything my intuition is telling me and NOT question myself, but also to stay grounded and mostly focus on the physical world. That's actually why I got into witchcraft because I want to incorporate working with nature with my practices. I believe anything and everything is real and possible in some dimension or other, so it's important to stay rooted in this one.
    Anyyyway I'm happy to have found you and to learn more about deities! I'm new to them.

  • @jukaiforest
    @jukaiforest Год назад +2

    I came in the opposite direction as you. I got into heathenry through wanting to practice ancestor and nature reverence, then I started diety work, and now I'm looking into doing spellwork haha

  • @sinsitysinderella790
    @sinsitysinderella790 2 месяца назад

    In my humble opinion, I think that the answer to your deity offering "schedule" is this - Make an offering when you Feel Moved. I would think that would be Much more meaningful than every 30 days, or somesuch. Your particular deities do have assigned days of the week, compared to other pantheons, ☺ but the way I see it, making an offering just because it's "Woden's Day" out of routine or a perceived obligation won't be as sincere or heartfelt as it would a time when you are filled with love or connection to them. Now maintaining the altar is a different story, obviously. But You Know when you feel that sense of connection, or come across something that reminds you of them or your connection to them, feeling the breeze on your cheek, hearing the song of a bird, whatever it is that moves you - and acting upon it Spontaneously would bring so much more to the offering than a rote weekly or monthly rite or offering.
    As far as receiving or perceiving signs, I think you should let your instincts be your guide. Overthinking plagues many of us. If it were me, I would perhaps meditate on a sign, and trust my gut as to whether it is a true sign and if so, its meaning. I think our instincts are our best guides, we just need to start trusting them, something I definitely struggle with.
    I have always felt a deep sense that animsm is extremely important concept, I first came across it years ago in a wonderful Anthroplogy class, with a brilliant, open-minded professor. I haven't done any real research yet, but I do feel that everything has spiritual ties, and everything we encounter, especially in the natural world should be venerated. Thank you for reminding us that there truly are spirits in everything, and they should always be acknowledged and thanked for their help.
    I'm very new, and haven't begun to try to connect with a deity, but the ones I feel very strongly drawn towards are Nyx, Persephone and Hel. From what I've been given to understand, she is the caretaker of the non-combatants - the young, the old, the sickly and the mentally ill. I have a lot of physical and mental problems that have kept me disabled and from living as my strong, confident personality should be able to.
    I'm unsure about venerating my ancestors. In America, we don't have ties that go back very far, other than what we know of our immigrant ancestry. I am certain that over the last several hundred years, at the least, my ancestors would have practiced Christianity, so I really don't know how to proceed.
    Thank you for such a lovely video, I am a new viewer, but you seem like an amazing person 🥰. Subbed and 🔔.

  • @johnduder7583
    @johnduder7583 Год назад +1

    Norse witch may I say , as a Jazz fan I love the background loungy Jazz ...here I am rum and coke in hand ...❤

  • @_beardedbeanie_
    @_beardedbeanie_ 15 дней назад

    I’ve been wanting to get into deity work. I just have no clue how to start. I’ve been watching videos trying to figure it out. I have a playlist on your deity work videos.

  • @Glam-Enchantress
    @Glam-Enchantress 15 дней назад

    This is a great video thank you for sharing this with the world 🌎

  • @dorissa5988
    @dorissa5988 Год назад +1

    Sehr interessant zu hören, wohin deine Arbeit mit den Göttern dich gebracht hat 😊
    Aktuell werde ich gezogen, die Bäume, ihre Energie, ihre Wesen kennenzulernen 💚 wenn ich Bäume finde, die sich mir öffnen wollen, offenbaren sie mir ihre wundervolle Energie 🥰
    Früher liebte ich "nur" Wälder als Gesamtpaket, nun fange ich an auch einzelne Bäume zu lieben und sie so richtig als lebende Wesen anzusehen 😊

  • @jenniferleftwich7
    @jenniferleftwich7 11 месяцев назад +1

    So I have been doing my practice for 7 years I am now in the part of my practice where I am learning and working with spirits Ivy the Occultist is where I first saw your videos, so now I'm following you and can resonate with a lot of what you are saying, back to the spirit 😂😂, I believe everything has my tarot cards and so on, I don't see them but I sence they are around

    • @tami.1111
      @tami.1111 10 месяцев назад

      I found this channel from Ivy as well ❤ Blessed Be

  • @donnaconnell
    @donnaconnell 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for not wearing makeup and for expressing that it is not always necessary😊. You look fabulous either way❤

    • @TheNorseWitch
      @TheNorseWitch  7 месяцев назад +1

      I had to really unlearn that. I used to always wear a full face of make up to work, I wasn’t even used to seeing my naked face anymore and that’s why I constantly felt ugly without it. But now the only thing I ever really wear is some brow and lash mascara and maybe a little bit of powder, and I feel so much better AND save so much time 🤣

  • @66she.wolf99
    @66she.wolf99 10 месяцев назад +1

    So I may or may not have an odd mixture but I have a wonderful connection with all 3. I only technically work with one deity and that is Hecate. But then there is Lucifer and Archangel Rafael. It was Hecate that lead me to ancestor veneration. And Lucifer and Rafael just always show up for me. I used to work a lot and I also have 6 rescue pups. From husky mix to Bullys to chihuahua mixes. It was just a lot. At that time in my life I thought I had to incorporate some form of offering or working with Hecate every single day. Kinda weird but not so much the same with Lucifer and Rafael. They always give me a nudge when it’s time. So one day Hecate communicated to me that this was just not necessary for our connection. So then my schedule stopped completely and now she also nudges me when it time. I think they all know we do better when I am feeling it. It seems to be a stronger more flowing connection for me anyway, when I stopped being so hard on myself. That opened up the door for her to check me in the ways I really needed it because I had let go of the feeling that I may not be doing enough which opened up the space for her to really work with me. And I can totally resonate with sometimes you just feel like your entire being is just like physically vibrating and ready to get into some deep usually loooong work with them. Then there are times it’s like just not it. And it’s awesome because that’s ok too. Thank you for this video.
    Shadow and light🖤🐺🌚🌝

    • @tami.1111
      @tami.1111 10 месяцев назад

      Shadow and Light.....I like that ❤ Blessed Be

    • @koya326
      @koya326 9 месяцев назад

      @@tami.1111 same, I’m stealing that

  • @syddlinden8966
    @syddlinden8966 11 месяцев назад

    In a similar way, I have never been drawn to deity work, yet recently I find myself called by Hermes/Loki as I've rekindled my practice and begun study again. And it's through and from several different facets of my practice that he/they are coming through in more and more ways.
    It all becomes interconnected and we find out way through the practices we need at that time of our life.

  • @nelliesfarm8473
    @nelliesfarm8473 4 месяца назад

    I find that some of my best ideas are unplanned.. Like your video content today...I'm thinking that perhaps , you were divinely inspired to share this with us!! I'm still new to this , so I appreciate it ❤

  • @marestellarum7894
    @marestellarum7894 Год назад

    I think you're always on your full glam mode 😊😊

  • @goreycat14
    @goreycat14 Год назад

    This video made my day! It's all so relatable--the schedule struggle, the imposter syndrome, the tattoo analogy (which made me laugh at how true it was). Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  • @nathaliebufferne
    @nathaliebufferne Год назад

    You look great without make-up. It's very interesting to see you like this. I really appreciate it. ❤

  • @WitchOfPoppies
    @WitchOfPoppies Год назад

    HOLD UP YOUR NOT WEARING MAKEUP?!? I thought you were wearing makeup and I was gonna comment “Tutorial?” 😭 your legit a natural beauty

  • @katalynford3169
    @katalynford3169 7 месяцев назад

    I actually did stop at one tattoo but definitely not one deity lmao. I've given up on the schedule thing almost entirely. My new strategy is that I do some kind of offering most days, however my intuition/mood takes me & keep track of what I've done so that if as I'm approaching the end of the month I haven't spent any time with someone I make sure to schedule it in. It's the best system I've found so far but I've only been doing it a month so we'll see lol.

  • @Evenstar9092
    @Evenstar9092 4 месяца назад

    I'm not sure if I would call it deity work exactly, but in the last six months or so, foxes have become very prevalent in my life. They're popping up everywhere in different ways. I've begun to focus my meditations on them. But I'm not sure if I'm being contacted by a deity or a spirit yet. It really could be either. It is changing things though, hard to explain how.

  • @hayleywegman6799
    @hayleywegman6799 Год назад

    Make up is definitely not a requirement and we don't need it to be beautiful. You look great. 😊
    Do you have suggestions on how to find you deities?

  • @user-vd3pf1yy7n
    @user-vd3pf1yy7n 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for all these videos they have been an amazing source of guidance.

  • @LI-Guru
    @LI-Guru 8 месяцев назад

    You look very beautiful without makeup, prefer your natural beauty.

  • @WitchWednesdays
    @WitchWednesdays Год назад

    The tattoo analogy made me laugh!!

  • @DeeLynn11
    @DeeLynn11 Год назад

    You look fabulous! As always

  • @moodymakeup8512
    @moodymakeup8512 Год назад

    Your so beautiful you Def don't need makeup loved this video thank you🎉❤

  • @shaungray7498
    @shaungray7498 Год назад +1

    I relate to this so much. Although I'm still quite new to Deity work, I've discovered that finding the right time to do offerings is almost impossible lol. At the start of my practice I gave offerings daily, but now I base giving offerings on what I feel intuitively, and it's helped me learn to trust my intuition a lot more. As always, great video! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

  • @LHAFF
    @LHAFF Год назад

    I love your videos so much, I always get happy when you upload. You are definitely my favorite youtuber

  • @flutenanyidk1806
    @flutenanyidk1806 3 месяца назад

    “If you start working with a nature goddess you could get more into plant spirits, elves, fairies…”
    Me wondering if working with Jord is going to lead to working with the fae on my Celtic ancestry line, “ahh shit.”
    😅😅😅😅😅 we shall see

  • @sarahallegra6239
    @sarahallegra6239 Год назад

    Very useful video, thank you!

  • @cristianwilliams5581
    @cristianwilliams5581 Год назад

    stunning human being

  • @stevenmclaughlin1834
    @stevenmclaughlin1834 7 месяцев назад +1

    You are beautiful 🤩

  • @PaulPence-r6p
    @PaulPence-r6p Месяц назад

    If you don't mind would you explain to me what you mean.by hell work ? Thank you for your help

    • @eric.1948
      @eric.1948 Месяц назад

      Hell is a goddess.

  • @dannylo5875
    @dannylo5875 Год назад

    How can you tell if an energy is positive and negative and what is a dud enchantation, and a real one that works or is an amalgamation of several to produce different outcomes and also how to tell if it works or not.

  • @haleyskinner4686
    @haleyskinner4686 10 месяцев назад

    Hi there, so i have watched several of your videos and was wondering if you be able to assist me with a question of mine... see, im not a pagan, however, I've been having some serious pulls or desire to learn more about paganism and the different paths. I have been agnostic for the majority of my life and now have been wondering about the "is there or isn't there questioning" in the back of my mind. My boyfriend (who has strong interests and ancesty tied to Norse and Scandinavian cultures) wonders himself too if I am being pulled towards something. We have known each other for 4 years and he swears up and down I have what he calls "balck magic" because of instances where I have anticipated his thoughts and wants (such as knowing when he wants to watch a certain movie or gifting him a leather journal to write in even though he never once mentioned anything about that to me.)
    So, my question, i have always been extremely creative and active. I love the arts such as music, writing, painting/drawing, and more. It wasn't until roughly 2-3 years ago ive had a huge urge and pull to do knitting, crochet, and cross-stitch as well as tarot and rune reading (although those last two i have not attempt at all) to the point it has almost consumed my other hobbies. I was wondering if this big urge and pull for these recent thread arts is a deity calling or a certain pagan path?
    If this seems way off, I understand. I am just trying to figure out if there is a new path trying to reveal (or unviel) itself to me.
    Thank you so much, and I love watching your videos. Sorry, for the long post😂.
    Haley Skinner

  • @xSaraxMxNeffx
    @xSaraxMxNeffx Месяц назад

    So, is it normal to not necessarily care if the deity is actually listening when you worship? I come from a lutheran upbringing (very lose and non practicing but i was in lutheran schools up till college) and its just kind of understood that you probably wont know if your prayers and worship are recieved but just the act of worship is uplifting on its own. My husband is norse pagan but his style of worship is just to live his life in the way that would make odin proud but i find i really need the ritual in my life to get that feedback. I don't want it to come off as irreverant, but a lot of my worship process is just going through the motions till i find the motions that feel right. I guess what im asking is does this sound fake? Am i just pretending this is worship and im just self soothing? Am i making up characters of the gods by doing this?

  • @joshuajohn6679
    @joshuajohn6679 Год назад

    How should one worship I know that we don't kneel before yet stand with strength. Just question takk Orkney decendent Gunn

  • @olympic-gradelurker
    @olympic-gradelurker 4 месяца назад

    I feel a little on the fence about working with deities. Why would these beings bother with us, let alone care about the directions of our lives? I just don't understand their motivations and agendas if it's anything but control and power.

    • @birgittnlilli9726
      @birgittnlilli9726 3 месяца назад

      Terry Pratchett might have an answer to that ;) Gods need our believe and prayers to live and grow

    • @olympic-gradelurker
      @olympic-gradelurker 3 месяца назад

      @@birgittnlilli9726 funny you should comment on this older post at this time. Hecate has been making herself known and I feel drawn to her. I'm seeing dogs and keys everywhere and I even found an old key pendant I completely forgot about. So here I am, about to work with a deity in spite of myself, lol.

  • @eddydejagere3411
    @eddydejagere3411 2 месяца назад

    You are fine without makeup.

  • @ukranger8680
    @ukranger8680 8 дней назад

    You do not need make up and anyone choosing not to watch this because you aren't wearing make up needs help.

  • @Klaymour28
    @Klaymour28 Год назад

    You dont need any makeup!