"You see, bluemoon tanks have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and resigned." - Sensei
If, as Colin, you want to beat Sensei, your #1 priority, imo, is to have some positively ridiculous number of AA. Maybe 15. You can't rely on megatanks to clear Sensei's zerg rush tier flood. Having a few to control key points is all well and good, but Sensei spawns an average of like 8 infantry *per turn* from powers alone. You *need* to be able to clear at least that many per turn, and the only way to do that consistently is with AA. Your infantry can't hold a candle to his, and you can't be wasting money on higher-value units specifically for this purpose. It happens to be a bonus that AA is *also* the proper response to Sensei's Bopters, so spam those damn AAs! 15 of them will pretty much ensure you can wipe 8 from the board per turn, and you force Sensei to build more of the units he's weak with (tanks) in order to handle them. Also, perhaps a hot take, but Neotanks would've been better here than the megatank spam. The slowness of those megatanks was a big handicap for the Colin player. Neos are both good against the units you hopefully want to force Sensei to build (tanks) and do fairly well vs. infantry, *plus* the fact that Sensei suiciding endless infantry into them hurts less from continual luck damage compared to a megatank.
On the other hand, colin does need some megatanks too defeat sensei’s megatanks, aside from that I absolutely agree with you, anti-air is basically like a tank when fighting sensei: the primary combat vehicle that works against the majority of enemy targets
The thing is that you need something to counter Sensei's tactics. The factories' positions are not good for a Megatank to close the gap, a faster and cheaper Neo Tank not only is more spammable but also faster at reaching the combat zone and doesn't require as much refueling as the Megatank. Plus, in a defensive situation, Md Tanks often suffice, is not like Megatanks are good against air units either (niche as the tactic is, Sensei's bombers are just as strong as any bomber with no penalty, if he has the funds and sees fit he could build a bomber and take down the Megatank). Megatanks are almost entirely build for single chokepoints because otherwise they're not too practical under normal circumstances even in high funds situations. Neotanks are faster and more fuel ammo efficient, Md Tanks are cheaper and durable enough for most circumstances, Megatanks are glorified monsters that suffer from a terrible logistic weakness.
@@benedict6962 Copters on this map from Colin are a bad idea for a couple of reasons. 1. Sensei's bopters completely blow them up in general -- doubly so considering that basically every other turn Sensei has 175% power bopters. Yes, they deal well with infantry, but so do AA, and AA can repair on cities while copters cannot. 2. Due to the above, Sensei will always gain a numbers advantage over you because both players only have one airport. You can't out-produce Sensei even if you tried. 3. Colin's better off using said airport to make fighters (and bombers, of course), since they can't be attacked by copters to begin with and are cheaper for Colin, playing into his fast-tech playstyle anyway 4. By going for Fighters/Bombers, you can't even make the copters to begin with, and the ones you could make will get bitchslapped by Sensei's since he's obviously going to have the numbers advantage by the simple fact that you're not producing a copter every turn while he basically almost always will be. It's just not a good idea.
@@ogxh0018 Let's see, should be no problem surviving until his first power (remember Sensei doesn't really have an advantage until he gets 2 stars of power charge), at which point it's usual for a player to be able to save up ~40k of funds. ...which is only 10 anti-air. Might be enough? Certainly not as good as 20, granted.
No matter how strong your units, they can only clear one infantry at a time, so if you’re not keeping up with Sensei’s production you’ll never get through his wall of bodies.
right! colin needs to play down on properties, it doesn't matter when you can gold rush. more tight defensive lines with arty and rockets for max killage.
The Sensei unit count was basically triple there near the end, which is why Colin had no shot because he just walled megatank with infantry there and was capping the lab. When you have so many units it's weird, but unit value doesn't matter because what will the higher valued units do? It takes them turns to break through the wall of infantry and then there's more infantry where that came from.
Which is why you buildzsz juzszterdzsz a few infantrierdzszh every tunrdzszerdzsz alongzsz withderdzsz somesz Fighterdzszh andzsz / orerdzszh Bomberdzsz and thenerdzszh now suddenlyierdzszh theredzsztyhgiiyliyiliyigghyiyerdzszh thatzsz Senseierdzszhgvhghzsz gonna doerdzsz to stoprdrrzszh youerdzsz….
Counterpointerdzsz: Whatsz infantry spamderdzsz gonna do againszertrderdzsz Colindzszerdzsz AA and Bomberdzszh spamdzszerdzsz? Itrerdzsz Mangzszerdzszjoeverdfvcdfgtrerddrrzsz for Senseierdzszh GGzszerdzszkatlertiyuioeytruojkknbggvvaghszbcxfakqpsohfgfroqiuqrerayeirorprowutrryyuiiotyrrtyrezszh.
Yeah, even a high value unit can only shoot once per turn. So in that sense having 7 infantry would be more valuable than having a single tank because it'll take one enemy unit at least 7 turns to kill all the infantry while he could easily kill the tank in just one turn if he has the right unit to counter and maybe a bit of luck.
Damn, that was a lot of fun to watch. "engagements are being taken, units are moving forward" top tier commentary, 10/10 XD Great match and great video.
X1234 and miraculous are both Chinese players, so yeah I think they are friends / probably do know each other as old time players in that space. (They even have an unofficial league for fog). Sensei suiciding units into inf is a very common tactic in high level HF games. As you realized, it's to gain power to get a fast COP (which is when Sensei gets to party), but it's also just slowing down Colin's capture game cuz infantry are hard to come by in HF. So if he runs out of infs he can just never get new cities (of course, Colin doesn't care at a certain point if he banks enough + COP) As for suiciding a bunch of units, Sensei is trying to get charge cuz his units are worth more dead than alive (say if you suicide 5 inf to get COP, then your 5 dead inf become like 20 inf)
Yeahzszhgvzsz, all thatzszerdzszh Colindzszerdzsz neerdzszh to doerdzsz is to juzszterdzszh spamserdzszh AAs intoerdzszh earlyierdzszhvghgvzsz aggressionsz and thendzszerttrfrtrderdzsz juzszterdzszh doninayerdzszh the skyierdzszh with his ownserdzszh Bomberdzszkjklghvzsziyiliyierdzsz andzsz / orerdzszh Fighterdfzsz thx to his dishcountrerdzsz-prizszchzszezszherddzszhvghgvzszerdddrzszrdzszhzszrdrrerrdrrzszghvgvzsz.
I think Hachi still wins unless Sensei completely smothers him early. While Sensei puts out tons of infantry on power, Hachi mirrors that same output rate with neotanks on super. Sensei definitely gets the early output, but against Hachi specifically I'm not sure he can translate that into closing out against the only other CO in the game capable of city deploys.
@@engiopdf8745 Hachi is probably the only one who can force sensei to go for superpower. Throwing away infantry is not very effective against 20 anti-air constructed in one turn.
Yeah, this is a far more interesting idea because Colin had no chance because he was building on a few bases only, but Hachi is under no such limitation with his super he can go toe to toe in unit count, which is the most important thing in an unlimited units match. Sensei may have dozens of infantry, but Hachi will have dozens of things that will blow through infantry like paper.
@@engiopdf8745Sensei loseserdzszh to Colindzszerdzszh tooerdzszh, Colindzszerdzsz allzszhgvghgertrderdzsz thatzsz he needzszerdzszh to doerdzsz iszhd tozszerdzszh juzszterdzsz Sspamdzszerdzszh AAs and Bomberdzszhvghvgvzsz andzszerdzszh / or ownszzerdzszcghjkldzszhgvzszdfcxzzsddzzzzdzsz Fighterdzszhfghbvcfghgvzsz.
@@engiopdf8745Sensei loseserdzszh to Colindzszerdzszh tooerdzszh, Colindzszerdzsz allzszhgvghgertrderdzsz thatzsz he needzszerdzszh to doerdzsz iszhd tozszerdzszh juzszterdzsz Sspamdzszerdzszh AAs and Bomberdzszhvghvgvzsz andzszerdzszh / or ownszzerdzszcghjkldzszhgvzszdfcxzzsddzzzzdzsz Fighterdzszhfghbvcfghgvzsz.
At 6:30, he's not just getting charge, he's also disrupting next turns capture. If sensei isn't ahead on income before this entire game becomes a slog, he loses
@@TzizenorecYesdzszhgvfgggfdrerdrrdrdzszzzdzszghkjcdgfcvxdzszzzszdzzzzzszzzzzzzzszzzgzszhgvjdkzdzszdzzzszzzzzzzzxzcxdkdzszzzsz, im sorryidzszhgvdzsz to saydzszerdzszinglyihjkierdzszh thisdzsz, butrrdrrerrdrrdzsz the Colindzszghvdzsz playerdzszh didzsz reallyilyrdzszhierdzszrrdrrerrdrrrdrrdzszh playinglyierdzszhgvdzsz horriblyierdzszh, alldzszh thatdzsz he neededrghzszgvkjkkjdzczsz waszhdzsz juzsztdzszerdzszh a fewdzszh AAs of his ownsdzhdzszerdzsz to juzsztdzszerdzszh mow downerdzszh the (almostlyierdzszhgvdzsz) unendinglyierddzszhgvzszdzsz streamdzsz of the opponentrdrrerrrdrrrrrdrrdrzszdzszrrdrrrrrdrerrrdddddrrrrrrrrfghjkgzkjdzszderdiyuiopinglyiierghzszdgdzsz infantrydzszhierdzszhdfgrgeytrtyiiuerdzszh……. 😭
Before Video: I think Colin will get Bodied. Sure, Colin can Tech up Super quick, but the lack of Firepower will Bite Coling really hard, especially with Senseib easily picking off his infantry like flies with B-Copters. After Video: I guessed it. Even knowing it was HF, I suspected Sensei to Win. Miraculous did not block the cities quick enough, which definitely cost him the game. The Power of Money was definitely a fluke as well, as he could not Print money fast enough. Overall, a Wild match, but very fun to watch
Nothing about this is diffinitive. Cloin player didn't...quite...choke. To be nice. But other commenters have mentioned how better tactics would have won.
@@ravenstires1747Yezszdzszhgvzsz, all thatzszderdzszhgvzsz Colindzsz neededrdzszkghvcfghgvzsz to doerdzszhkjhgcvfghjkmnbnmmmnmkjhgvcfgfcvgbcgkjhgfczsz waszhgvzsz to juzszterdzszh massh-producerdzszhgvzsz AAs andzsz Bomberdzszh / andzsz / oredzsz hiszh ownsdzszerdzszzzzzsz Fighterdzszh to wardzsz offdzszh Senseierdzszhkjghvgvzszh aggressiondzsz, withoutzszerdzszh even mentioningzszerdzszghgvgvzsz thatdzszerdzszhjkleiyiliyiyyuierdzszh the mapsdzerdzsz is veryilierdzszh chokepoints-heavyierdzszh, meaningzszderdzsz thatrerddzsz it doeshnterdzsz matterdzsz how many infantrierdzszhgvzszhgvghgvvvgvzsz you produceszhderdzsz if they cantghvzsz erdzszh go thatdzszerdzszh muncherdzszhjkleiyierdzszhgvzsz anywhererrrdrrerrdrzszzszhgvzszzszghgvgvzsz……..
I LOVED this video and match! thanks mangs. I want to see more from the very unique COs since they made the game fun for me as a kid. its a shame they are all broken. please cover more of them in the future, I would laso love to see grit and hear from you why you hate him so much.
Sensei, how did you defeat Colin’s megatanks? Sensei: “you see, megatanks have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent in wave after wave of my own men until they reached their limit and shut down.”
Looks like Miraculous would've lost the next turn without the resignation anyway: check the labs. There's no HQ, and there was already a full health infantry capping his lab, with not enough units to punch through the infantry walls.
Im pretty sure Sensei takes this 7 times out of 10, no unit limit means that sensei can just swarm Colins defenses, I don’t see him holding up here, especially since x123456789 is arguably the better player here, on the other hand, in high funds the powers of sensei are less effective since the cities are worth 2x as much but still only spawn 1 infantry In retrospect (spoiler alert) Colin simply can’t hold on against the numbers, sure you might have a battleship and carrier, but they can only shoot one infantry at a time, the megatanks too can only kill one unit at a time, sensei could literally replace his losses faster then Colin can destroy them, and eventually Colin would have lost city after city too the swarm, even if Colin managed too go on the offensive, he would still have too make his way through a lot of units giving sensei time too recover and regroup, Colin stood no chance
Nah Colingdzszh easyilyierdzszh windzsz if he bothererdzszh to abuse his cheadzszperdzszhgdzsz-ass savingdzszh andzszh / orerdzszhdzsz unrelentingkzszdzszgdvcvfgfxdfcgfdfcxdfdxdzszgdzszzdzsz overwhelmingdzszhierdzszdzszhdlfkvertyudfgdzsz inesorable marcherdzszhdzsz of timerdzszhdzsz andzsz / oredzszhdzsz infiniterdzszhkgdzsxdzszgdcxzdzsz moneyrdzszhdzsz…. Soerdzszh in shortderdzszh TL,DR: Im shoreyerdzsz but the Collingdzszh playerdzszh heredzsz played horrifinglyierdzszhdzszgdcvkcdzsz horriblyierdzszhdzsz, alldzszerdzszh thatdzsz he neededrtdzszh was juzszdterdzszh quiterdzszh a coupledzszerdzszh moreszdzszh AAs and thendzszh win in the airdzszherdzsz by poppingdzsz downdzszh moreszhdzsz and even MORESDZSZHDZSZ of his Collindzszghdzszkldzsz incredibly cheapdzszgdzsz andzsz assdzszherdzszignghliyuierdzszhgvdzsz butrderdrrdrzszdzszh shtrillterdzszh strongdzszh teched-updzszh unitdzszerdzszh for the eashy windzszerdzszkjklkjkdgdzszh epiclyierdinglyierdzszh 💯 victoryidzszherdzszh royaledzszerdzszhkdgdzszh. 🗿 (Yeshdzszhgdzszh i haterdzszhdfgvcxdzszh abortnitedzszherdzszh tooerdzszhdzsz btwdzszh, how could you telldzszerdzszhdzszhdzsz. *Showsdzszhdzzzdzzzzszgdzszzz Gigachraderdzszgdzszh 3Disherdzszglyierdzszdgdhdzszh modeldzszh anderdzszhdzszhdzsz GIFDZSZH.*) 🗿🗿🗿
I was laughing the entire match, the entire concept was quite humorous and as was the result lol Especially since some high end players are the ones that set it up just for fun
I kind of want to see two grandmasters do the Colin vs Kanbei matchup again but with black bombs on and have it be hogh funds. AWBW just being as broken as possible.
Sensei sacs tanks into infantry at the start bc he needs to press his early infantry advantage. It also means Colin has to waste base spawns on it while Sensei's infantry will be free. Building triple transport allows everything Sensei will spawn in the future to be ferried to the front faster.
While high funds does benefit colin a lot, it also means sensei can charge his power that much faster and it allows him to afford sone high tech units to beat colins tech, and he'll have plenty of meat shields to keep them safe.
Unit count is the most important metric. You can block your opponent and Colin can only build a single unit from every base and port, Sensei will ultimately overwhelm in a match without unit cap.
This shows why Sensei has to be banned in HF global league in any map that has its unit count raised from 50. It was kind of unfortunate that this game ended in a lab cap because Colin didn't take a couple turns to secure an aditional lab. Fun game nonetheless.
man this feels like watching an astra militarum vs tyranids player battle in warhammer 40k. a sea of unit and both side just throwing shots. I love this XD
I wonder how much the lack of a unit cap factored in. Sensei only really went over in those last few turns, but it might've been his win without needing to go over the usual 50.
think about it like this Sensei produces 20 infantry a turn that are also tougher than regular infantry which make them very good at walling and capping while colin can at most produce 3 mega tanks a turn yes colin can kill infantry pretty easily with mega tanks but if there are 20 infantry and 3 tanks colin on his turn can only kill 3 of the infantry while sensei will sack his tanks for power so he can have more infantry those same infantry also don't take engagement but only focus on capping in order to increase how many infantry are spawned a turn, and while that is happening no matter what colin can only add 3 more tanks and maybe 1 bomber all of this only possible by the fact that the unit count is unlimited because sensei would get to a point where if he hits the cap (if the game had a cap), the high tech units will begin to catch up in unit count to his infantry and start overpowering with much higher quality units
I'd say no unit cap was the factor because Colin was winning value wise off his broken COP just spamming mega tanks and such by quite a lot, the issue is when you have 30 units to more than double that you can only take so many engagements a turn because Sensei can just not attack with infantry and can just move them forward and cap things or make walls all over to make it a nightmare to get through unless you were on Hachi and able to get one good SCOP off as Hachi before zerg rush happened, which could be doable in a high funds setup like this.
HF Colin : Hey old man, give le everything 🔪 HF Sensei : Aaahh... Call an ambulance, call an ambulance. BUT NOT FOR ME : 👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲👲
hey Mangs, on the off-chance you read this, I'd really like to see a little tournament or series of games with top-tier players pitting the most broken CO's against each other to see which ones come out on top. I'm talking Sensei with no unit cap, AW1 Max with access to his movement-boosting powers in the later games, high funds Colin, permafrost Olaf, AW2 Sturm, 4-tower Javier, and the like. obviously it'd be a janky mess not to be taken seriously, but I think it'd be interesting to watch and a lot of fun, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would enjoy seeing it.
It would have been fun to see sensei use his super power to also spawn mech's, but probably that would have given colin the advantage as sensei's main strenght in this battle was obviously his ability to flood the territory with infantry and be able to stop colin tanks and troops from expanding or protecting correctly his side of the map.
Only realistic way for Sensei to super is if it was completely charged when his turn started or off a few little engagements, but even then chaining multiple COP's sounds better to dominate in the unit count game that it came down to.
Sensei snowball Colin so fast by just spamming his COP and the game being high fund with no unit limit, it means he can afford to keep building tanks, Bcopter and whatever he wants. It doesnt help Colin that Sensei's capture game here is pretty solid and the more cities he owns, the more cities he can gets just by sheer number of infantry it generates. At some point, Sensei generate so many infantries that everything Colin can hit is just infantry walls which kinda happens at the end. It doesnt matter if your opponent has like 2-3 expensive unit if your own unit expensive unit are forced/trapped to attack nothing but infantry.
Remember how permasnow Olaf beat Hachi? I'm pretty sure Hachi with a unit cap beats Sensei with no unit cap, so... Granted there _could_ be a rock-paper-scissors thing there, but I'm putting odds on Olaf.
Honestly I think the high founds helped Sensei a lot more than it seems, sice he could keep up with the high tech units of Colin Sure Colin had double if not triple of any one high tech unit, but with something like a mega tank, Sensei only needs one and then can flood the three Colin mega tanks with infantry so his can chose when to attack
Nahdzszh Sensei losesdzszghrdrerdrrdzszdgfdzsz againdzszterdzszghjkliopiuerdzszkcdzszdzsz Colindzsz, and in HF even higherdzszh, okaydzszhiyerdzszh sodzszerdzsz pictuerdzsz thiszdzsz, Sensei buildzsz Bopterdzszh, Collindzszerdzszhgvdzszdzszgvhgvgvzszdzsz buildzsz AAs, which stilldzszherdzsz windzsz againdzszterdzszhgvzsz Senseishdzsz bcopterdzszh even with thatrerddrdrrrdzsz antierdzszh-firepowerdzszh reductiondzsz, so thendzszerdzszkjhgdzsz Sensheirdrrdzszdgkcvgfdzszvcdzsz andswerdzszdzsz with Tankdzszh, excepterdzsz that Colindzsz alreadydzszhdzsz havesdzsz a Bomberdzszh on fieldzsz lolldzszerdzszgdzszinglyierdzszh, which he can userdzszhgvdzsz to counterdzszghkcvgdzsz any and ALLdzsz of Senseierdzszh WEAKDZSZ and NONT-DISCOUNTEDRRDRDZSZH groundzsz unitdzszerdzsz, so Sensei needzszh Fighterdzszh outtrdrrerrdrrdzsz too, exceptrerddzsz thatdzsz Colindzszgdzszh couldzsz aldzszo, candzszkzszdzszcvdzszgzszdzsz andzsz WILLDZSZ havesdzsz hisgzszdzsz owndzsz outdzszerdzszh firstdzsz, because itsdzsz thxh to collindgdzszdxcghdfdxzszdzsz reduced priceshdzsz orf which he can usedzszh to counterdzsz anythingszh that Sensei will try to andzsz do. “But what aboutrdrerdrrdrrrdrzszdzszh” Senseishdzsz Infantryierdzszhdzsz spamdzszhkdgczszdzsz?”, welldzszerdzszgkcgkcgcvgdckdcdzsz im gladzszh you askderdzszh causedzsz theyre gonerdzszh alreadyierdzszh to Collindgdzszh owngdzszdzzrdrzszdzsz cheapdzszherdzsz-ass AA spamdzszh loldzszerdzszh.
TL,DR: Colindzsz opendzszh the matcherdzszh with his AAshdzsz, otherdzszh groundzsz unitrdzszerdzszhkdgvdcdzsz as supportdzszh, andzsz cheaperdzszhgdzszvbkzszdzszdgdfdrdzsz Fighterdzszh andzsz / orerdhdzszh Bomberdzszh to beingdzszhkdzsz and gettingdzszhkldzszerdzszh uncontesterdzszh on BOTHDERDHDZSZH landzsz / andzsz orerdzszh groundzsz air unitrdzszdrrerrdrrrdrzszdzszgdzszgjkliyierdzszhdzszvghgvdzsz.
Easy match for Sensei. Collin can only produce so many units per turn, and no matter how much you pay for a unit it can only shoot once a turn. If your opponent is swarming you with infantry you have to shoot to get to their good units, their good units are getting way more first strikes, destroying more of your good units than you are of theirs, and then eventually those infantry are going to flip more and more properties over to Sensei, giving him an even BIGGER unit lead and eventually allowing him to produce only high tier units himself on top of infinite infantry. Power of money doesn't change much if most of your units have to attack infantry and waste all that firepower, and gold rush doesn't change anything if the units you buy with it aren't getting good engagements.
Easy matcherdzszhvgvzsdzzzsz for Collindzszerdzszh. Senseidzszhgvzsz can only spamdzszghvgvzszhgvzsz so many infantrierdzszhgvzsz per turndzszrrdrrrdrrerrdrrrrrrdzszghvgdzszzszhgvzsz vsz.hvgvcdfxcdfgdfdxzszdzsz Collindzsz incrediblyierdzszhgvdfghjkliyuippoierdzszyh cheapzzzsdzszzzzh masshdzszzszhdzszzzz-producingdzszerdzszhgvzsz of AAsdxzsz. 💀
I wonder what if it's at all possible for a CO to have an ability that boosts their unit count and be neither useless nor OP. Eagle is the nearest I can think of, but being able to build twice a turn is a secondary effect and he's still very, very strong in large part due to that ability anyways.
Honestly you just up the cost from 2 stars to like 4 and then 7 or smt for their SCOP and suddenly Gold Rush and Copter Command are not as utterly broken Insanely powerfull still, but not "hahaha i can spam it every turn or 2"
Yeah the whole reason some CO powers are just broken is they have 2 bars only so they are trivial to charge very quickly. Like I can honestly see Grimm being pretty bonkers if his COP was 2 bars and not just in the hands of Grimm guy. When it comes to Sensei and Colin though both of their COP's are insane value because multiplying your funds by 1.5 is so snowbally and just feeds itself as you take engagements while Sensei just gets great value as well by having sheer unit advantage and infantry all over the map on repeat.
Another question for you, Mangs. You ever seen a map that had only one comm tower in the middle of the map, that was up for grabs for everyone? Would that be a good map design, or do we not ever seem to see that for a good reason?
I think even Hachi would have to resign. The real strength of Sensei comes twofold, the obvious one is the horde of infantry, shielding your expensive units. The second one, you seem to forget: to put up a defense against the horde, you need heavy equipment... while your boots on the ground get annihilated slowly and you can't rebuild infantry, cause you need heavy gear to stem the tide and in the end Sensei will cap the first of your cities and you are finished.
how good/balanced would sensei be WITHOUT his power? I love him just for his playstyle of infantry and helicopters.. I would love to play him more often..
Sensei with actual human wave tactics. You need to build a FUCK TON of anti air units to deal with infantry this much because high tech spam can only get you so far when youre surrounded by multiple layers of disposable infantry. His infantry already outclass collins so the answer has to be spend more on cost efficient units that the infantry cant kill within 2 turns rather than cashing out on high tech
The first mistake that I saw were early game MTs. That was a mistake, he needs to harass his capping game so he has an advantage. MTs have very very poor movement. And watching further colin clearly sacked the cap game. If you want to beat sensei, hachi, etc. they are good at capping so you need to stop them from doing so. It's not even a bad idea to sack your cap game to go after highly contested properties to hold on to them and get an income lead to deal with them later. The Sturm vs. Hachi game was a prime example of how to beat them, early aggression, stop them from getting income and resources.
the moment colin spend all his 100k is the moment he lost, he had to hold on that money for 2 more power, property doesn't matter when you have interest rate at 50%
"You see, bluemoon tanks have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and resigned." - Sensei
Hilarious reference.
Ah the soviet special.
The irony of this is that it's the Japanese using this tactic against the Soviets here!
Exactly my thought XD XD
man, that was stupid fun
"I have 20 megatanks"
"that's cute, can they cap?"
Unit limit is the only thing that keeps Colin and Sensei *SOMEWHAT* manageable.
Now this is just insanity.
Colin never reached unit cap in this game.
In fact he never even reached 40 units lol
'print money all you like, your megatanks are encased by 3 layers of infantry'
If, as Colin, you want to beat Sensei, your #1 priority, imo, is to have some positively ridiculous number of AA. Maybe 15. You can't rely on megatanks to clear Sensei's zerg rush tier flood. Having a few to control key points is all well and good, but Sensei spawns an average of like 8 infantry *per turn* from powers alone. You *need* to be able to clear at least that many per turn, and the only way to do that consistently is with AA. Your infantry can't hold a candle to his, and you can't be wasting money on higher-value units specifically for this purpose. It happens to be a bonus that AA is *also* the proper response to Sensei's Bopters, so spam those damn AAs! 15 of them will pretty much ensure you can wipe 8 from the board per turn, and you force Sensei to build more of the units he's weak with (tanks) in order to handle them.
Also, perhaps a hot take, but Neotanks would've been better here than the megatank spam. The slowness of those megatanks was a big handicap for the Colin player. Neos are both good against the units you hopefully want to force Sensei to build (tanks) and do fairly well vs. infantry, *plus* the fact that Sensei suiciding endless infantry into them hurts less from continual luck damage compared to a megatank.
On the other hand, colin does need some megatanks too defeat sensei’s megatanks, aside from that I absolutely agree with you, anti-air is basically like a tank when fighting sensei: the primary combat vehicle that works against the majority of enemy targets
The thing is that you need something to counter Sensei's tactics. The factories' positions are not good for a Megatank to close the gap, a faster and cheaper Neo Tank not only is more spammable but also faster at reaching the combat zone and doesn't require as much refueling as the Megatank.
Plus, in a defensive situation, Md Tanks often suffice, is not like Megatanks are good against air units either (niche as the tactic is, Sensei's bombers are just as strong as any bomber with no penalty, if he has the funds and sees fit he could build a bomber and take down the Megatank).
Megatanks are almost entirely build for single chokepoints because otherwise they're not too practical under normal circumstances even in high funds situations. Neotanks are faster and more fuel ammo efficient, Md Tanks are cheaper and durable enough for most circumstances, Megatanks are glorified monsters that suffer from a terrible logistic weakness.
@@clownplayer7265 Agreed, and in a target rich environment like this, copters do the same job as anti-air while still doing damage to megatanks.
@@benedict6962 Copters on this map from Colin are a bad idea for a couple of reasons.
1. Sensei's bopters completely blow them up in general -- doubly so considering that basically every other turn Sensei has 175% power bopters. Yes, they deal well with infantry, but so do AA, and AA can repair on cities while copters cannot.
2. Due to the above, Sensei will always gain a numbers advantage over you because both players only have one airport. You can't out-produce Sensei even if you tried.
3. Colin's better off using said airport to make fighters (and bombers, of course), since they can't be attacked by copters to begin with and are cheaper for Colin, playing into his fast-tech playstyle anyway
4. By going for Fighters/Bombers, you can't even make the copters to begin with, and the ones you could make will get bitchslapped by Sensei's since he's obviously going to have the numbers advantage by the simple fact that you're not producing a copter every turn while he basically almost always will be.
It's just not a good idea.
Colin AA don't one shot infantry though
You say that this isn't very informative, but I think this is THE demonstration of unit count being the most important stat most of the time
Actyuallyierdzszhdfghgvgvzsz tbhdzsz Colindzszdzszhjkerdzsz couldve juzsztdzszerdzszhjkltzszhkdzszvcbghfgvghgvbhghgvgvzszdzsz outtdzszrdrrerrdrrrdrrrdzsziglyshgvzsdzszierdzszrrdrrrtrrdrrtrfrtrdrrerrdrrrdzsz-producerdzszhdzszighjkliuyguiepdoytrerrdrfrtrgtrttttrfderrdrrfdrtrrdrrrdrdrrdfghvvjkldutiiyyieopriqoqwertttyterddzsz Senseierdzszhgvzsz withzszderdzszh juzszterdzszh a buncherdzsznhjkmvghfcvvggvbhgvzszzzdzszzzkjrerdzszhhhhzszdzszhjhkzlskdjkerdzsz ofzsz AAszhgvzsdzsz…….
Stalingrado be like.
Bakhmut 💀
@@DatBoi-sl1rwBraerdzszghmutrrdrrerdtrddrrrrrrtrfrtrrdrrerdrrrdrrzszmbhzsz? 🤔
We need this same ruleset, Sensei vs. Hachi. Let us settle once and for all who is the king of unit spam.
Sensei: Spawns 20 infantry. Twice.
Hachi: Builds 20 anti-air.
I think that's GG.
@@Tzizenorecreally depends on if hachi can survive until he gets enough money for his units
@@ogxh0018 Let's see, should be no problem surviving until his first power (remember Sensei doesn't really have an advantage until he gets 2 stars of power charge), at which point it's usual for a player to be able to save up ~40k of funds. ...which is only 10 anti-air. Might be enough? Certainly not as good as 20, granted.
When you have more troops than the enemy has bullets:
No matter how strong your units, they can only clear one infantry at a time, so if you’re not keeping up with Sensei’s production you’ll never get through his wall of bodies.
AAs: *am i a jokerdzszhvghgvzsz to youerdzszh???* 😭
right! colin needs to play down on properties, it doesn't matter when you can gold rush. more tight defensive lines with arty and rockets for max killage.
The Sensei unit count was basically triple there near the end, which is why Colin had no shot because he just walled megatank with infantry there and was capping the lab. When you have so many units it's weird, but unit value doesn't matter because what will the higher valued units do? It takes them turns to break through the wall of infantry and then there's more infantry where that came from.
dont forget artilery. 2-3 rockets and that zombie infantry could outlast anything
Which is why you buildzsz juzszterdzsz a few infantrierdzszh every tunrdzszerdzsz alongzsz withderdzsz somesz Fighterdzszh andzsz / orerdzszh Bomberdzsz and thenerdzszh now suddenlyierdzszh theredzsztyhgiiyliyiliyigghyiyerdzszh thatzsz Senseierdzszhgvhghzsz gonna doerdzsz to stoprdrrzszh youerdzsz….
Counterpointerdzsz: Whatsz infantry spamderdzsz gonna do againszertrderdzsz Colindzszerdzsz AA and Bomberdzszh spamdzszerdzsz? Itrerdzsz Mangzszerdzszjoeverdfvcdfgtrerddrrzsz for Senseierdzszh GGzszerdzszkatlertiyuioeytruojkknbggvvaghszbcxfakqpsohfgfroqiuqrerayeirorprowutrryyuiiotyrrtyrezszh.
Yeah, even a high value unit can only shoot once per turn. So in that sense having 7 infantry would be more valuable than having a single tank because it'll take one enemy unit at least 7 turns to kill all the infantry while he could easily kill the tank in just one turn if he has the right unit to counter and maybe a bit of luck.
Damn, that was a lot of fun to watch.
"engagements are being taken, units are moving forward" top tier commentary, 10/10 XD
Great match and great video.
X1234 and miraculous are both Chinese players, so yeah I think they are friends / probably do know each other as old time players in that space. (They even have an unofficial league for fog).
Sensei suiciding units into inf is a very common tactic in high level HF games. As you realized, it's to gain power to get a fast COP (which is when Sensei gets to party), but it's also just slowing down Colin's capture game cuz infantry are hard to come by in HF. So if he runs out of infs he can just never get new cities (of course, Colin doesn't care at a certain point if he banks enough + COP)
As for suiciding a bunch of units, Sensei is trying to get charge cuz his units are worth more dead than alive (say if you suicide 5 inf to get COP, then your 5 dead inf become like 20 inf)
Yeahzszhgvzsz, all thatzszerdzszh Colindzszerdzsz neerdzszh to doerdzsz is to juzszterdzszh spamserdzszh AAs intoerdzszh earlyierdzszhvghgvzsz aggressionsz and thendzszerttrfrtrderdzsz juzszterdzszh doninayerdzszh the skyierdzszh with his ownserdzszh Bomberdzszkjklghvzsziyiliyierdzsz andzsz / orerdzszh Fighterdfzsz thx to his dishcountrerdzsz-prizszchzszezszherddzszhvghgvzszerdddrzszrdzszhzszrdrrerrdrrzszghvgvzsz.
No-cap Sensei can produce enough units every turn to just walk past you and cap, and there's nothing you can do to stop it lol
Meanwhilerdzszhgvzsz Colindzszerdzsz massderdzszh outrerdzsz-producingzszerdzszh AA and Fighterdzszh / Bomberdzsz: 🗿
Black bombs would like to know your location
Early Sensei aggression to kill Colin’s infantry is such a strong move
Thanks for casting this match. Not every AW video needs to be super informative, and this hilarity was awesome to see. 😂
You just can't kill the swarm fast enough. You just drown in Infantry.
insane match aside, i love Colin's COP theme from re-boot camp. little kid's got a good taste in ska
love how Mangs doesn't notice the lab cap at all
If this had been streamed 100 percent there would have been at least a hundred infantry repellant memes
Now we need a Sensei and Hachi both with unlimited unit counts.
I think Hachi still wins unless Sensei completely smothers him early. While Sensei puts out tons of infantry on power, Hachi mirrors that same output rate with neotanks on super. Sensei definitely gets the early output, but against Hachi specifically I'm not sure he can translate that into closing out against the only other CO in the game capable of city deploys.
@@engiopdf8745 Hachi is probably the only one who can force sensei to go for superpower. Throwing away infantry is not very effective against 20 anti-air constructed in one turn.
Yeah, this is a far more interesting idea because Colin had no chance because he was building on a few bases only, but Hachi is under no such limitation with his super he can go toe to toe in unit count, which is the most important thing in an unlimited units match. Sensei may have dozens of infantry, but Hachi will have dozens of things that will blow through infantry like paper.
@@engiopdf8745Sensei loseserdzszh to Colindzszerdzszh tooerdzszh, Colindzszerdzsz allzszhgvghgertrderdzsz thatzsz he needzszerdzszh to doerdzsz iszhd tozszerdzszh juzszterdzsz Sspamdzszerdzszh AAs and Bomberdzszhvghvgvzsz andzszerdzszh / or ownszzerdzszcghjkldzszhgvzszdfcxzzsddzzzzdzsz Fighterdzszhfghbvcfghgvzsz.
@@engiopdf8745Sensei loseserdzszh to Colindzszerdzszh tooerdzszh, Colindzszerdzsz allzszhgvghgertrderdzsz thatzsz he needzszerdzszh to doerdzsz iszhd tozszerdzszh juzszterdzsz Sspamdzszerdzszh AAs and Bomberdzszhvghvgvzsz andzszerdzszh / or ownszzerdzszcghjkldzszhgvzszdfcxzzsddzzzzdzsz Fighterdzszhfghbvcfghgvzsz.
At 6:30, he's not just getting charge, he's also disrupting next turns capture. If sensei isn't ahead on income before this entire game becomes a slog, he loses
What do you mean "ahead on income"? Colin's income is basically infinite regardless of properties (once he has popped his power twice).
@@TzizenorecYesdzszhgvfgggfdrerdrrdrdzszzzdzszghkjcdgfcvxdzszzzszdzzzzzszzzzzzzzszzzgzszhgvjdkzdzszdzzzszzzzzzzzxzcxdkdzszzzsz, im sorryidzszhgvdzsz to saydzszerdzszinglyihjkierdzszh thisdzsz, butrrdrrerrdrrdzsz the Colindzszghvdzsz playerdzszh didzsz reallyilyrdzszhierdzszrrdrrerrdrrrdrrdzszh playinglyierdzszhgvdzsz horriblyierdzszh, alldzszh thatdzsz he neededrghzszgvkjkkjdzczsz waszhdzsz juzsztdzszerdzszh a fewdzszh AAs of his ownsdzhdzszerdzsz to juzsztdzszerdzszh mow downerdzszh the (almostlyierdzszhgvdzsz) unendinglyierddzszhgvzszdzsz streamdzsz of the opponentrdrrerrrdrrrrrdrrdrzszdzszrrdrrrrrdrerrrdddddrrrrrrrrfghjkgzkjdzszderdiyuiopinglyiierghzszdgdzsz infantrydzszhierdzszhdfgrgeytrtyiiuerdzszh……. 😭
@@TzizenorecTL,DR: Colindzszh plsdzszh juzsztdzszerdzszh startdzszrdrrrdrrrdrrerrrdrrrrrdrrrrrrrrkhgdzszfdzszgdzsz producingdzszkczszdzszerdzszinglyierdzszhgvzdzsz moredzszh AAs anddzszh intoerdzsz Collindzszerdzszghkjdzszvbhgfcvgvdfgdfdzszdxzszdcdzszdzzszzzzz Fighterdzszhgdfdzsz andzsz / orerdzszh owndzszerdzszh Bomberdzszh Copterdzszdzsz….
Before Video: I think Colin will get Bodied. Sure, Colin can Tech up Super quick, but the lack of Firepower will Bite Coling really hard, especially with Senseib easily picking off his infantry like flies with B-Copters.
After Video: I guessed it. Even knowing it was HF, I suspected Sensei to Win. Miraculous did not block the cities quick enough, which definitely cost him the game. The Power of Money was definitely a fluke as well, as he could not Print money fast enough. Overall, a Wild match, but very fun to watch
Senseib and coling? Is that some kind of original version name?
Nothing about this is diffinitive. Cloin player didn't...quite...choke. To be nice. But other commenters have mentioned how better tactics would have won.
@@ravenstires1747Yezszdzszhgvzsz, all thatzszderdzszhgvzsz Colindzsz neededrdzszkghvcfghgvzsz to doerdzszhkjhgcvfghjkmnbnmmmnmkjhgvcfgfcvgbcgkjhgfczsz waszhgvzsz to juzszterdzszh massh-producerdzszhgvzsz AAs andzsz Bomberdzszh / andzsz / oredzsz hiszh ownsdzszerdzszzzzzsz Fighterdzszh to wardzsz offdzszh Senseierdzszhkjghvgvzszh aggressiondzsz, withoutzszerdzszh even mentioningzszerdzszghgvgvzsz thatdzszerdzszhjkleiyiliyiyyuierdzszh the mapsdzerdzsz is veryilierdzszh chokepoints-heavyierdzszh, meaningzszderdzsz thatrerddzsz it doeshnterdzsz matterdzsz how many infantrierdzszhgvzszhgvghgvvvgvzsz you produceszhderdzsz if they cantghvzsz erdzszh go thatdzszerdzszh muncherdzszhjkleiyierdzszhgvzsz anywhererrrdrrerrdrzszzszhgvzszzszghgvgvzsz……..
This is such a brilliantly fun idea!
Sensei is just a skaven chieftain in disguise. Throw so much bodies at your opponent that they drown in them.
"Swarm them with infantry-rats now-now!"
Mangs: He who has the most infantry usually win.
Sensei: Hold my Asahi.
Colindzszerdzszhgvzsz: *Holdzsz my AAszh and Bomberdzszghgvgvzsz / Shtealtherdrrrdrrdzszhgvzszkjncdfjghkjhkjkkhgvcfgvghhvhggvghgvvgghkjhgvcghkzszh.*🗿
I believe it was Napoleon who said "Quantity has a quality all its own." Definitely see that on full display here.
I LOVED this video and match! thanks mangs. I want to see more from the very unique COs since they made the game fun for me as a kid. its a shame they are all broken. please cover more of them in the future, I would laso love to see grit and hear from you why you hate him so much.
Sensei, how did you defeat Colin’s megatanks?
Sensei: “you see, megatanks have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent in wave after wave of my own men until they reached their limit and shut down.”
I would surrender to if my lab was being capped and blocked by a dozen meat shields.
Looks like Miraculous would've lost the next turn without the resignation anyway: check the labs. There's no HQ, and there was already a full health infantry capping his lab, with not enough units to punch through the infantry walls.
Im pretty sure Sensei takes this 7 times out of 10, no unit limit means that sensei can just swarm Colins defenses, I don’t see him holding up here, especially since x123456789 is arguably the better player here, on the other hand, in high funds the powers of sensei are less effective since the cities are worth 2x as much but still only spawn 1 infantry
In retrospect (spoiler alert) Colin simply can’t hold on against the numbers, sure you might have a battleship and carrier, but they can only shoot one infantry at a time, the megatanks too can only kill one unit at a time, sensei could literally replace his losses faster then Colin can destroy them, and eventually Colin would have lost city after city too the swarm, even if Colin managed too go on the offensive, he would still have too make his way through a lot of units giving sensei time too recover and regroup, Colin stood no chance
Nah Colingdzszh easyilyierdzszh windzsz if he bothererdzszh to abuse his cheadzszperdzszhgdzsz-ass savingdzszh andzszh / orerdzszhdzsz unrelentingkzszdzszgdvcvfgfxdfcgfdfcxdfdxdzszgdzszzdzsz overwhelmingdzszhierdzszdzszhdlfkvertyudfgdzsz inesorable marcherdzszhdzsz of timerdzszhdzsz andzsz / oredzszhdzsz infiniterdzszhkgdzsxdzszgdcxzdzsz moneyrdzszhdzsz….
Soerdzszh in shortderdzszh TL,DR:
Im shoreyerdzsz but the Collingdzszh playerdzszh heredzsz played horrifinglyierdzszhdzszgdcvkcdzsz horriblyierdzszhdzsz, alldzszerdzszh thatdzsz he neededrtdzszh was juzszdterdzszh quiterdzszh a coupledzszerdzszh moreszdzszh AAs and thendzszh win in the airdzszherdzsz by poppingdzsz downdzszh moreszhdzsz and even MORESDZSZHDZSZ of his Collindzszghdzszkldzsz incredibly cheapdzszgdzsz andzsz assdzszherdzszignghliyuierdzszhgvdzsz butrderdrrdrzszdzszh shtrillterdzszh strongdzszh teched-updzszh unitdzszerdzszh for the eashy windzszerdzszkjklkjkdgdzszh epiclyierdinglyierdzszh 💯 victoryidzszherdzszh royaledzszerdzszhkdgdzszh. 🗿
(Yeshdzszhgdzszh i haterdzszhdfgvcxdzszh abortnitedzszherdzszh tooerdzszhdzsz btwdzszh, how could you telldzszerdzszhdzszhdzsz. *Showsdzszhdzzzdzzzzszgdzszzz Gigachraderdzszgdzszh 3Disherdzszglyierdzszdgdhdzszh modeldzszh anderdzszhdzszhdzsz GIFDZSZH.*) 🗿🗿🗿
I was laughing the entire match, the entire concept was quite humorous and as was the result lol
Especially since some high end players are the ones that set it up just for fun
This Stalingrad reimagined to be honest
I kind of want to see two grandmasters do the Colin vs Kanbei matchup again but with black bombs on and have it be hogh funds. AWBW just being as broken as possible.
Sensei's theme is fire
Really enjoyed this one Mangs, wild and whacky matchups are fun to watch. more!
Sensei showing Colin how the Chinese Civil War was fought.
"I think Sensei is winning?"
What do you mean think? He was capturing the HQ/Lab, with just a wall of Infantry preventing every possible incursion.
That's a lot of ants.
This was the Advance Wars equivalent of a Zerg Rush. This was dumb and I loved it
We need a Hachi vs Sensei no unit cap high funds match now Mangs!
Sensei sacs tanks into infantry at the start bc he needs to press his early infantry advantage. It also means Colin has to waste base spawns on it while Sensei's infantry will be free.
Building triple transport allows everything Sensei will spawn in the future to be ferried to the front faster.
Now I want to see a Hachi vs Hachi in high funds on a large map really badly
It was a dumb match.
But it was dumb fun.
While high funds does benefit colin a lot, it also means sensei can charge his power that much faster and it allows him to afford sone high tech units to beat colins tech, and he'll have plenty of meat shields to keep them safe.
Sensei: Look at me. I am the fodder spammer now.
Unit count is the most important metric. You can block your opponent and Colin can only build a single unit from every base and port, Sensei will ultimately overwhelm in a match without unit cap.
Colins needed to send more mega tanks to the south to protect the lab as that's the only reason colins resigned.
This is why Zombie matches restrict what kinds of units Sensei can build. XD
id kill for a something about esque animation of this match up
This shows why Sensei has to be banned in HF global league in any map that has its unit count raised from 50. It was kind of unfortunate that this game ended in a lab cap because Colin didn't take a couple turns to secure an aditional lab. Fun game nonetheless.
man this feels like watching an astra militarum vs tyranids player battle in warhammer 40k. a sea of unit and both side just throwing shots. I love this XD
The only thing I was thinking the entire time was,”FOR THE SWAAAAARM!!!!”
I wonder how much the lack of a unit cap factored in. Sensei only really went over in those last few turns, but it might've been his win without needing to go over the usual 50.
think about it like this
Sensei produces 20 infantry a turn that are also tougher than regular infantry which make them very good at walling and capping while colin can at most produce 3 mega tanks a turn
yes colin can kill infantry pretty easily with mega tanks but if there are 20 infantry and 3 tanks colin on his turn can only kill 3 of the infantry while sensei will sack his tanks for power so he can have more infantry
those same infantry also don't take engagement but only focus on capping in order to increase how many infantry are spawned a turn, and while that is happening no matter what colin can only add 3 more tanks and maybe 1 bomber
all of this only possible by the fact that the unit count is unlimited because sensei would get to a point where if he hits the cap (if the game had a cap), the high tech units will begin to catch up in unit count to his infantry and start overpowering with much higher quality units
I'd say no unit cap was the factor because Colin was winning value wise off his broken COP just spamming mega tanks and such by quite a lot, the issue is when you have 30 units to more than double that you can only take so many engagements a turn because Sensei can just not attack with infantry and can just move them forward and cap things or make walls all over to make it a nightmare to get through unless you were on Hachi and able to get one good SCOP off as Hachi before zerg rush happened, which could be doable in a high funds setup like this.
We need more silly matches like this
this was amazing, i wish they played for some more rounds
HF Colin : Hey old man, give le everything 🔪
HF Sensei : Aaahh... Call an ambulance, call an ambulance.
Ah yes, the Zapp Brannigan method. Just send rows upon rows of your men against them
hey Mangs, on the off-chance you read this, I'd really like to see a little tournament or series of games with top-tier players pitting the most broken CO's against each other to see which ones come out on top. I'm talking Sensei with no unit cap, AW1 Max with access to his movement-boosting powers in the later games, high funds Colin, permafrost Olaf, AW2 Sturm, 4-tower Javier, and the like.
obviously it'd be a janky mess not to be taken seriously, but I think it'd be interesting to watch and a lot of fun, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would enjoy seeing it.
"For everyone of us falls, ten more will take his place"
It would have been fun to see sensei use his super power to also spawn mech's, but probably that would have given colin the advantage as sensei's main strenght in this battle was obviously his ability to flood the territory with infantry and be able to stop colin tanks and troops from expanding or protecting correctly his side of the map.
Only realistic way for Sensei to super is if it was completely charged when his turn started or off a few little engagements, but even then chaining multiple COP's sounds better to dominate in the unit count game that it came down to.
I'm prepared to see the map flooded by units.
Colin is still limited by the amount of bases on the map. Sensei is not.
Hachi tho...
Hachi tho...
@@marcoasturias8520 This is not a video about Hachi.
But yes, Hachi would not be limited by bases either.
Yeah that join cap on the lab with no way to interrupt. That was "resign or die"
That's just plain...INSANE.
Sensei is actually absurd.... He can literally infantry match forward against basically anything
This raises a good question… why not try this again? I’d like to see it again in the same vein as the sturm vs hachi video
Sensei snowball Colin so fast by just spamming his COP and the game being high fund with no unit limit, it means he can afford to keep building tanks, Bcopter and whatever he wants. It doesnt help Colin that Sensei's capture game here is pretty solid and the more cities he owns, the more cities he can gets just by sheer number of infantry it generates. At some point, Sensei generate so many infantries that everything Colin can hit is just infantry walls which kinda happens at the end. It doesnt matter if your opponent has like 2-3 expensive unit if your own unit expensive unit are forced/trapped to attack nothing but infantry.
Colin: I have the power of money!
Sensei: Your money has no power in the face of sheer manpower, BOY!
Colin just couldn't kill all the units fast enough, maybe if he had an extra base or two he might have had a chance
Literally the lord of the rings meme playing out in an actual game, lol
Here's a question for you Mangs, who do you think would win a no unit cap game, Sensei, or Olaf in permanent snow?
Remember how permasnow Olaf beat Hachi? I'm pretty sure Hachi with a unit cap beats Sensei with no unit cap, so...
Granted there _could_ be a rock-paper-scissors thing there, but I'm putting odds on Olaf.
Today I learned there's a unit limit in Advance Wars.
Edit: I'm a bit sad this didn't play out until every square on the map had a yellow infantry. XD
Sensei turns always take forever with all the infantry
Sensei in this match: UNLEASH THE HORDE
I'd even say Hachi would have a hard time stopping this.
I think this proves unit count is the most important
Quantity has a quality all of its own.
Honestly I think the high founds helped Sensei a lot more than it seems, sice he could keep up with the high tech units of Colin
Sure Colin had double if not triple of any one high tech unit, but with something like a mega tank, Sensei only needs one and then can flood the three Colin mega tanks with infantry so his can chose when to attack
Nahdzszh Sensei losesdzszghrdrerdrrdzszdgfdzsz againdzszterdzszghjkliopiuerdzszkcdzszdzsz Colindzsz, and in HF even higherdzszh, okaydzszhiyerdzszh sodzszerdzsz pictuerdzsz thiszdzsz, Sensei buildzsz Bopterdzszh, Collindzszerdzszhgvdzszdzszgvhgvgvzszdzsz buildzsz AAs, which stilldzszherdzsz windzsz againdzszterdzszhgvzsz Senseishdzsz bcopterdzszh even with thatrerddrdrrrdzsz antierdzszh-firepowerdzszh reductiondzsz, so thendzszerdzszkjhgdzsz Sensheirdrrdzszdgkcvgfdzszvcdzsz andswerdzszdzsz with Tankdzszh, excepterdzsz that Colindzsz alreadydzszhdzsz havesdzsz a Bomberdzszh on fieldzsz lolldzszerdzszgdzszinglyierdzszh, which he can userdzszhgvdzsz to counterdzszghkcvgdzsz any and ALLdzsz of Senseierdzszh WEAKDZSZ and NONT-DISCOUNTEDRRDRDZSZH groundzsz unitdzszerdzsz, so Sensei needzszh Fighterdzszh outtrdrrerrdrrdzsz too, exceptrerddzsz thatdzsz Colindzszgdzszh couldzsz aldzszo, candzszkzszdzszcvdzszgzszdzsz andzsz WILLDZSZ havesdzsz hisgzszdzsz owndzsz outdzszerdzszh firstdzsz, because itsdzsz thxh to collindgdzszdxcghdfdxzszdzsz reduced priceshdzsz orf which he can usedzszh to counterdzsz anythingszh that Sensei will try to andzsz do.
“But what aboutrdrerdrrdrrrdrzszdzszh” Senseishdzsz Infantryierdzszhdzsz spamdzszhkdgczszdzsz?”, welldzszerdzszgkcgkcgcvgdckdcdzsz im gladzszh you askderdzszh causedzsz theyre gonerdzszh alreadyierdzszh to Collindgdzszh owngdzszdzzrdrzszdzsz cheapdzszherdzsz-ass AA spamdzszh loldzszerdzszh.
HFdzszkgdzsz even moredzszherdzszdzszodzszodrrrrdrrerrdrrgkdzsz*.
TL,DR: Colindzsz opendzszh the matcherdzszh with his AAshdzsz, otherdzszh groundzsz unitrdzszerdzszhkdgvdcdzsz as supportdzszh, andzsz cheaperdzszhgdzszvbkzszdzszdgdfdrdzsz Fighterdzszh andzsz / orerdhdzszh Bomberdzszh to beingdzszhkdzsz and gettingdzszhkldzszerdzszh uncontesterdzszh on BOTHDERDHDZSZH landzsz / andzsz orerdzszh groundzsz air unitrdzszdrrerrdrrrdrzszdzszgdzszgjkliyierdzszhdzszvghgvdzsz.
Easy match for Sensei. Collin can only produce so many units per turn, and no matter how much you pay for a unit it can only shoot once a turn. If your opponent is swarming you with infantry you have to shoot to get to their good units, their good units are getting way more first strikes, destroying more of your good units than you are of theirs, and then eventually those infantry are going to flip more and more properties over to Sensei, giving him an even BIGGER unit lead and eventually allowing him to produce only high tier units himself on top of infinite infantry. Power of money doesn't change much if most of your units have to attack infantry and waste all that firepower, and gold rush doesn't change anything if the units you buy with it aren't getting good engagements.
Easy matcherdzszhvgvzsdzzzsz for Collindzszerdzszh.
Senseidzszhgvzsz can only spamdzszghvgvzszhgvzsz so many infantrierdzszhgvzsz per turndzszrrdrrrdrrerrdrrrrrrdzszghvgdzszzszhgvzsz vsz.hvgvcdfxcdfgdfdxzszdzsz Collindzsz incrediblyierdzszhgvdfghjkliyuippoierdzszyh cheapzzzsdzszzzzh masshdzszzszhdzszzzz-producingdzszerdzszhgvzsz of AAsdxzsz. 💀
One of the most cartoonish fights I've ever seen. Also Mangs was on his Pangs arc at this time.
I didn't know Wall of Flesh was in Advanced Wars
I wonder what if it's at all possible for a CO to have an ability that boosts their unit count and be neither useless nor OP. Eagle is the nearest I can think of, but being able to build twice a turn is a secondary effect and he's still very, very strong in large part due to that ability anyways.
Honestly you just up the cost from 2 stars to like 4 and then 7 or smt for their SCOP and suddenly Gold Rush and Copter Command are not as utterly broken
Insanely powerfull still, but not "hahaha i can spam it every turn or 2"
Yeah the whole reason some CO powers are just broken is they have 2 bars only so they are trivial to charge very quickly. Like I can honestly see Grimm being pretty bonkers if his COP was 2 bars and not just in the hands of Grimm guy. When it comes to Sensei and Colin though both of their COP's are insane value because multiplying your funds by 1.5 is so snowbally and just feeds itself as you take engagements while Sensei just gets great value as well by having sheer unit advantage and infantry all over the map on repeat.
Basically the power of money against the power of men? That's really a mad match.
Another question for you, Mangs. You ever seen a map that had only one comm tower in the middle of the map, that was up for grabs for everyone? Would that be a good map design, or do we not ever seem to see that for a good reason?
The reason it doesn't work is that it will give a big advantage to either P1 or P2 depending on the map layout.
@@Mangs1337 Ah, I see. It'd make for a chaotic shitshow though lol
Send in the next wave! Fix Bayonetts! Charrrrrge!
I think even Hachi would have to resign. The real strength of Sensei comes twofold, the obvious one is the horde of infantry, shielding your expensive units. The second one, you seem to forget: to put up a defense against the horde, you need heavy equipment... while your boots on the ground get annihilated slowly and you can't rebuild infantry, cause you need heavy gear to stem the tide and in the end Sensei will cap the first of your cities and you are finished.
Has some China vs UN in Korea energy.
Colin got swarmed the lab was being captured and no way of dislogging that wall out to kill it.
how good/balanced would sensei be WITHOUT his power? I love him just for his playstyle of infantry and helicopters.. I would love to play him more often..
Could you possibly set up a Sensei vs Hachi no cap match. Just for the shear amount of fun.
Random question, is it possible to softlocked any Advance Wars games? If so how easy or difficult is it?
In theory if all Landers on a map were sunk
Sensei with actual human wave tactics. You need to build a FUCK TON of anti air units to deal with infantry this much because high tech spam can only get you so far when youre surrounded by multiple layers of disposable infantry. His infantry already outclass collins so the answer has to be spend more on cost efficient units that the infantry cant kill within 2 turns rather than cashing out on high tech
You could say that miraculous_xp had 123456789 megatanks
ok that one was terrible XD
Infantry infantry everywhere
Sensei out-produced Colin is a sight to see
Straight from the Deej Stream!
The first mistake that I saw were early game MTs. That was a mistake, he needs to harass his capping game so he has an advantage. MTs have very very poor movement.
And watching further colin clearly sacked the cap game. If you want to beat sensei, hachi, etc. they are good at capping so you need to stop them from doing so. It's not even a bad idea to sack your cap game to go after highly contested properties to hold on to them and get an income lead to deal with them later. The Sturm vs. Hachi game was a prime example of how to beat them, early aggression, stop them from getting income and resources.
How to break your processors in Advanced Wars
the moment colin spend all his 100k is the moment he lost, he had to hold on that money for 2 more power, property doesn't matter when you have interest rate at 50%