I see you next time. It’s a great idea the solar panels. Yesterday, the last day of 2024 we lost the power energy on all Puerto Rico. But I have solar panels and go throw it.
Exactly!! The hurricanes last year brought me around to that way of thinking. After the storm passed the sun came out, I could charge my power station and life went on almost like normal. Hope power returns soon.
Welcome and thanks for joining. I think my subscribers are a very special bred who want interesting content but also encouragement to just try things and goodness knows I do "try" things!! 😅
I see you next time. It’s a great idea the solar panels. Yesterday, the last day of 2024 we lost the power energy on all Puerto Rico. But I have solar panels and go throw it.
Exactly!! The hurricanes last year brought me around to that way of thinking. After the storm passed the sun came out, I could charge my power station and life went on almost like normal. Hope power returns soon.
Good morning . New subscriber here.
Welcome and thanks for joining. I think my subscribers are a very special bred who want interesting content but also encouragement to just try things and goodness knows I do "try" things!! 😅
The power come in the night. But others don’t have power in 2 days
I hope things are better now