If I had a nickel for the amount of times I've seen that one skit copied by someone else, I'd have 2 nickels Which is not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice
It's very strange how you copied this skit down to the mannerisms of each player revealing their cards and throwing them onto their opponent's board. At the very least credit the original creator whose work you've ripped off
the game definitely is boring with this being some of the main interactions but my friend purrely doesnt really do much in this situation he can either get purrelyly which can search another non quickplay or he can purrely and HOPE to draw a quick play lol
@@camilomarchesi1793 it’s stops being fun when there is zero interaction with the opponent...at that point is really a card....it’s not like other card games I played were I can interact with the opponent in a game of skills now that’s fun....speed duel is how far I will go with yugioh.
If I had a nickel for the amount of times I've seen that one skit copied by someone else, I'd have 2 nickels
Which is not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice
It's very strange how you copied this skit down to the mannerisms of each player revealing their cards and throwing them onto their opponent's board. At the very least credit the original creator whose work you've ripped off
How can you say this was someone else’s work? This was this guys own creation lmao.
@@Fudgeboy_Chessthis is an exact copy of a tweet that went viral
@@thisismynew How so? What is exact about this video that is exact about that video?
@@Fudgeboy_Chess bro isnt that obvious 🤣 or you want it to looks exactly the same to say it is copied?
I'm rewatching and realizing that My Friend Purrely probably doesn't do anything on its own...so the Kashtira player is still in the winning position
the game definitely is boring with this being some of the main interactions but my friend purrely doesnt really do much in this situation he can either get purrelyly which can search another non quickplay or he can purrely and HOPE to draw a quick play lol
How boring and sad this card game became.
at least its better than if we had no hand traps
@@thatoneguy6318 the duality of man
This game is trash bro the worst part is if you have no hand traps the oponent plays a turn of 10 minutes
@@camilomarchesi1793 it’s stops being fun when there is zero interaction with the opponent...at that point is really a card....it’s not like other card games I played were I can interact with the opponent in a game of skills now that’s fun....speed duel is how far I will go with yugioh.
You copied this from teamsamuraix1 legit cant make nothing original?
Who copied it from a Japanese video.