In this video I said "yesterday's upload" it was actually a few days ago. Also I recorded this a week and a half ago, I have a lot of recordings to come to RUclips lol! Enjoy the vid!!
Hey, I am doing a similar thing with spanish, as you mentioned. I go with forward vill while going into Feudal, building barracks and tower/s (using the tower for denying recources and militia for raiding) and trying to go castle age knights as quickly as possible, you can go for scouts and all-in Feudal. I have trained this for like 3 years so I can do it pretty fast by now (for my measurements).
Im hyped for most of the low elo legends or normal legends recordings or wacky strats that make the game as messy as possible and i respect the people that can find winning strat from chaos and mess of a game Thank you for constant day to day uploads too,man '*desperately tries to forget the farm placement from last video that reminded him of 3 archery ranges on neutral island and wonder wall*'
Hijacking this to say to anyone who wants to help t90s wrist could pass this on with dono or w/e. Had a rsi on my wrist for years, assumed i just gamed too much, did streatches every day yet it never improved. Finally traded for the lightest mouse i could find and i havent had an issue since. Seems obv but its his livelihood at the end of the day
@@bhrhsrhsrehsdg i luckily have never had a wrist issue or any kind of chronic pain and Im confused at how others do when gaming. I've worked many physical jobs that use the wrist quite a bit like pushing carts dishwashing at a buffet place landscaping never any pain. maybe its a lack of muscle issue im not sure. and Im the type that will play a game for 10 hours straight if i get a chance
this strategy seems perfect for me ^^ I'm a roughly 950 elo player and just found out how much I love goth spamm, I prefer having messy games because my macro awareness is pretty bad especialy when it comes to raids (I hate hussar raids in imp,... I have trouble dealing with those) etc. so I prefer trying to end the game before this comes into play too heavily even if it means that I need to go on a full on base trade. I surely will try it out in the next days.
I also prefer early-aggression messy strats because I hate long games and don't have the attention span and end up losing them because I can't be bothered with trash wars.
I see exactly three ways to counter it: Spot it early: Deny the Barack at all cost. Spot it late: Turtle in, go full archers, hit eco and deny castle. Don't spot it: Tip "advanced to the imperial age." and pry.
I don't know how T90 doesn't know this... I haven't played AoE II since the first month it came out on Steam and even I know this... They needed to be either side by side or more spaced to not get hit.
I was really tired, my wrist was hurting, he had the wrong civ, it was late at night, air moisture was too high and the Moon was in the wrong phase... which is why I produced 8 monks.
I've noticed that building arrow fire is very good at hitting groups, as in, not hitting the unit in front of a moving group, but still getting hits on the followers. It's definitely nothing new.
Really cool! I have had far more success with Goths than any other civ, but I usually FC and go for a large castle attack around 25 mins with 2 rams and a mangonel, plus 15 or so infantry (and more building to keep the pressure up). Then again, as a 1050 or so elo player, that works a lot better than it would at higher elo - well, I was 950 elo player a week ago, and this strategy has been working really well for me recently! 4 tries, 3 wins.
the bug with the villagers working, but not really working and being stuck is so annoying dude, mainly cause they don't even show up as idles, so you have to manually look for them..
I'm curious to think what the Bulgars could do with this sort of early aggression. They have the militia line upgrade free up to Two-handed Swordsman (with a pseudo champion unique upgrade in the castle) and the faster blacksmith. Those advantages of the "extra" food and time saved would snowball quickly.
It was removed because the Aztecs were too good. More efficient villagers + better drush and no loom research time was pretty bonkers. It's pretty balanced on Goths, imo
I've been using this kind of strategy with Franks Scouts, so immediatly started using it with Goths. My win/lose ratio was always 20 more lose than wins and it's coming close to 50/50 now. Really enjoy playing aggressive
I did this today as a flank 3v3 in Arabia and they quit basically right away. I also did the Persian TC drop. That one took a few tries but they quit too.
U did persian tc drop with goths? :D what a badass :D Tc drop is garbage. Rarely u can hit timing when it does stuff, but people are tilted about it so it works sometime :D
Would be a bit like playing Malay on a map without water. Your only bonuses would be free loom and vils killing hunt faster. On the bright side - they don't have the worst archery range or stable, especially in castle, so doable.
Their cavalry and siege are not too bad but that would be difficult to overwhelm an enemy with them. Though, since you would play as Goths and they would be expecting infantry, the surprise might be enough to GG them...
7:08 Notice that when you walk your militia by his tc and it hits you, you walk in two rows and it always hits the militia in the back row. Maybe he tells the tc to attack the ones in the front and the arrows end up hitting the back?
Yo man, this gameplay is impressive af :D Me and my friend played this game in our childhood and recently started playing again and just now i realize how nooby we actually are lol
I'd really like to see a game of 2v2 were one Civ is all Eco and the other all Military. The Eco Civ sents tributes to the Military Civ through the Market. I think it would make for a very interesting game. Please make it happen for us T90!!!!!!
I'm not a high ELO player so I don't need to worry about this... I ll just curl up in a corner when I see more than one Goth barrack on the map, thank you very much!
I would like to see a video step by step and slowly from start to finish for booming or fast imperial age, like where to put initial villages, what building to build and what techs to use and when.... If there is a vidfeo like this already can someone point to me ?
i think the best counter is champions. champions can handle huskarls, pikes and other champions. Paladins can die to a massive goth pike. the only counter is to do champion.
Entertaining game! I like watching infantry wars. For feedback, as a low elo, I cannot defeat goths. Their strength (free loom, cheap infantry, huskarl) is too much for me. However it is enjoyable to watch goth games at higher elos like this game. Balancing the game for all elo players is impossible, I do not expect from developers. I just try to enjoy from this game.
@ItsDexGaming okay but what if you did it, like, not in a weird void where all you're sending forward is rams, and instead had militia into maA along with it, and then did it good and won the video game
i tried the strat at 1400 elo and won pretty convincingly. Maybe because the enemy couldnt multitask as good with his console against me at the pc tho. But trying out the strat was fun!
I feel like if he stone walled and included celt scorps after you switched to militia line he would have done much better, though he would have still lost eventually once you got perfusion and kept swarming him with map control. Feels like if they let you pull ahead with this strat it's gg unless you throw.
@@the_rover1 haha that's for sure! i'm playing aoe the most out of my friends so to make things interesting i told them i would play against all of them (it was a 1v4) i was a bit too kind and let them live a bit too long sooo i lost. Need to get my revenge next time and this will be perfect! NO MERCY
I also mostly play Goths and haven't had much luck with early rushes. Goth archers get full upgrades through to castle, so they can counter it, but it really doesn't play into the civ's advantages.
@@ghaznavid i have success with a maa rush then straight into skirms. since u get 20% off militia and free loom, i can have 5 maa at enemy base instead of 3 at about 12 min
I feel like if this becomes a high-ELO meta strat, someone will get really angry about it and find a counter that shuts it down completely at that level.
In this video I said "yesterday's upload" it was actually a few days ago. Also I recorded this a week and a half ago, I have a lot of recordings to come to RUclips lol! Enjoy the vid!!
Hey, I am doing a similar thing with spanish, as you mentioned. I go with forward vill while going into Feudal, building barracks and tower/s (using the tower for denying recources and militia for raiding) and trying to go castle age knights as quickly as possible, you can go for scouts and all-in Feudal. I have trained this for like 3 years so I can do it pretty fast by now (for my measurements).
@@schnitzelhd3844 seems Nice to me. I Will check this out.
It was a super fun video! Make sure you take care of yourself though!
I live to see another LeL and the video about straggler trees
Im hyped for most of the low elo legends or normal legends recordings or wacky strats that make the game as messy as possible and i respect the people that can find winning strat from chaos and mess of a game
Thank you for constant day to day uploads too,man
'*desperately tries to forget the farm placement from last video that reminded him of 3 archery ranges on neutral island and wonder wall*'
25:36 "Thank you for helping me procrastinate just like I help you procrastinate" Hits way too hard.
this was too real
Yeah, I didn't expect to be called out like that
I want to like, but I see you are already on 69 likes, and that is too nice.
Yea, that one hurt
T90"s brain: I just want relics.
T90"s hand: Instructions unclear, made a monk rush.
How is that even in the ballpark of a rush? he made a dozen militia line into knights first! I think the word you're looking for is "spam"
@@fyrjefe3928 Yeah, probably ^^
“My wrist was hurting because I was playing too much”
Hijacking this to say to anyone who wants to help t90s wrist could pass this on with dono or w/e. Had a rsi on my wrist for years, assumed i just gamed too much, did streatches every day yet it never improved. Finally traded for the lightest mouse i could find and i havent had an issue since. Seems obv but its his livelihood at the end of the day
Guys, guys! Of course he has a gf. We just don’t know her, she goes to a different school
@@bhrhsrhsrehsdg +1, do not wait to address rsi
@@bhrhsrhsrehsdg i luckily have never had a wrist issue or any kind of chronic pain and Im confused at how others do when gaming. I've worked many physical jobs that use the wrist quite a bit like pushing carts dishwashing at a buffet place landscaping never any pain. maybe its a lack of muscle issue im not sure. and Im the type that will play a game for 10 hours straight if i get a chance
this strategy seems perfect for me ^^
I'm a roughly 950 elo player and just found out how much I love goth spamm, I prefer having messy games because my macro awareness is pretty bad especialy when it comes to raids (I hate hussar raids in imp,... I have trouble dealing with those) etc. so I prefer trying to end the game before this comes into play too heavily even if it means that I need to go on a full on base trade. I surely will try it out in the next days.
i'm on board with you friend, i'll try it on 1100 elo and see what happens
I also prefer early-aggression messy strats because I hate long games and don't have the attention span and end up losing them because I can't be bothered with trash wars.
@@PonceTheArg good luck!
Hopefully it'll Work for you, I just would hate playing against it
I see exactly three ways to counter it:
Spot it early: Deny the Barack at all cost.
Spot it late: Turtle in, go full archers, hit eco and deny castle.
Don't spot it: Tip "advanced to the imperial age." and pry.
Tried this last night as low elo legend (550) and won
T90official cast it?
The TC hits in Dark Age: Militia are marching in a coloumn. He aims for the front -> hits the ones in the back :)
He was hitting your back Militia because maybe he was aiming on first in group, but arrows impacted on back soldiers
That was exactly what I was thinking! If he'd had them in a line, the tc wouldn't have been able to land a single shot prob.
I don't know how T90 doesn't know this... I haven't played AoE II since the first month it came out on Steam and even I know this... They needed to be either side by side or more spaced to not get hit.
@@LilGamingYes because t90 is low elo legend
@@M0rdFustang True, sometimes I forget T90 is the highest rated LEL
lol whenever t90 plays he has like a billion excuses for every mistake lmao
Not really
yeah... but he still better than 99.9% of us viewers XD
I was really tired, my wrist was hurting, he had the wrong civ, it was late at night, air moisture was too high and the Moon was in the wrong phase... which is why I produced 8 monks.
@@Thetarget1 Its honestly so impressive that he still delivers, tho he makes those random misplays :D
He was obviously being sarcastic tho so not really
Goths don’t get arson because they get 1 attack against buildings each age starting in feudal
I've noticed that building arrow fire is very good at hitting groups, as in, not hitting the unit in front of a moving group, but still getting hits on the followers. It's definitely nothing new.
Really cool! I have had far more success with Goths than any other civ, but I usually FC and go for a large castle attack around 25 mins with 2 rams and a mangonel, plus 15 or so infantry (and more building to keep the pressure up). Then again, as a 1050 or so elo player, that works a lot better than it would at higher elo - well, I was 950 elo player a week ago, and this strategy has been working really well for me recently! 4 tries, 3 wins.
This strategy works If you dont suffer any attack until 25 mins, i think...
the bug with the villagers working, but not really working and being stuck is so annoying dude, mainly cause they don't even show up as idles, so you have to manually look for them..
You can try killing one of them. That way, the others will return to work in fear of your wrath :^)
@@Entenuk1 I've tried, in fact they've died in whole groups, they still don't care, they really like their lunch break
"You have very busy lives"
Villager: Ja
New Goths strat is make a forward barracks and harass them? I guess some things don't change cuz that's been Goths strat since the game came out.
15:24 Go back to work
villager: what's the work???
I'm curious to think what the Bulgars could do with this sort of early aggression. They have the militia line upgrade free up to Two-handed Swordsman (with a pseudo champion unique upgrade in the castle) and the faster blacksmith. Those advantages of the "extra" food and time saved would snowball quickly.
The extremely slow build speed might hurt the opening a bit though.
I love this format. You commentating and explaining your own game like behind the scenes
Remember when this bonus was removed from the aztecs for being to good?
It actually boosts Aztec fast castle in Arena.
Aztecs could abuse it better, but yeah it's a dangerous bonus
Titanic Icebergs disagree, Goths cheaper militia and faster build time in Dark age makes it more viable
It was removed because the Aztecs were too good. More efficient villagers + better drush and no loom research time was pretty bonkers. It's pretty balanced on Goths, imo
The difference is that Aztec are a top civ even without this bonus, and Goth are quite weak without it.
I've been using this kind of strategy with Franks Scouts, so immediatly started using it with Goths. My win/lose ratio was always 20 more lose than wins and it's coming close to 50/50 now. Really enjoy playing aggressive
How does that help with frank scouts?
You've been hit by,
You've struck by,
A man-at-arms!
"thank you for helping me procrastinate, just as i help you proctastinate" hit me hard
*Your talk about procrastinating just reminds me I should get back to work*
I want to see more of this strategy. I've always loved the Goths.
I did this today as a flank 3v3 in Arabia and they quit basically right away. I also did the Persian TC drop. That one took a few tries but they quit too.
Persian TC drop is OP lol
U did persian tc drop with goths? :D what a badass :D Tc drop is garbage. Rarely u can hit timing when it does stuff, but people are tilted about it so it works sometime :D
Instructions unclear, deleted my own TC as goths
Im writing my thesis on this moment. You don't help us procrastinate, you help us stay sane.
I've tried this yesterday with Goths and Bizantines, amazing results. love this strategy, thanks!!!
Targeting forward units in a slow formation will allow the arrows to hit trailing units.
Wow. You should do a low elo legends for the blue player. "Again, I forgot to set the gather point for my town center for over 2 minutes."
T90 playing an extremely religious Gothic tribe.
T90, here is a challenge for you: play as the Goths but you aren't allowed to make infantry.
Would be a bit like playing Malay on a map without water. Your only bonuses would be free loom and vils killing hunt faster. On the bright side - they don't have the worst archery range or stable, especially in castle, so doable.
Their cavalry and siege are not too bad but that would be difficult to overwhelm an enemy with them.
Though, since you would play as Goths and they would be expecting infantry, the surprise might be enough to GG them...
A Spiffing Brit recommended you.. and I wasn't disappointed, very entertaining
T90: I'm about to send a very clear message to resign
Also T90: Doesn't Outpost rush to send his message
"T90 tries new strat" Village scouting in late feudal? Next level strat for sure.
7:08 Notice that when you walk your militia by his tc and it hits you, you walk in two rows and it always hits the militia in the back row. Maybe he tells the tc to attack the ones in the front and the arrows end up hitting the back?
Imagine destroying someone with a strat, then the very next game they destroy you with your own strat.'s learning. Adapting. Predicting our moves and using our strategies against us.
T-90? Or T-9000?
i know this videos like a year and a half old, so im late to say this: but playing goths and not making a single huskarl is the biggest flex
Yo man, this gameplay is impressive af :D
Me and my friend played this game in our childhood and recently started playing again and just now i realize how nooby we actually are lol
"I want you guys to try this." Uh oh
He`s pushing us to give him some more Low ELO Legends material
I'd really like to see a game of 2v2 were one Civ is all Eco and the other all Military. The Eco Civ sents tributes to the Military Civ through the Market. I think it would make for a very interesting game. Please make it happen for us T90!!!!!!
I use this strategy always with the Goths! It's insane and most of my games I make my rival resing before castle
Also didn't knew teuton villagers go kamikaze for distraction
the town center is probably trying to shoot the militia at the front and hitting the one in the back
It did in fact take about 2 decades for proxy barracks become a thing in Age of Empires, impressive
I'm not a high ELO player so I don't need to worry about this...
I ll just curl up in a corner when I see more than one Goth barrack on the map, thank you very much!
Anybody else trying out this game as a Starcraft 2 player and googled "is proxy barracks a thing on Age of Empires 2" and then got this video?
Would this still work as its not 35% discount in dark anymore?
I love losing to something and then trying it myself the next match lol
Prieto: you _Dare_ use my _own_ spells against me!
I've been waiting for this video
Hi T90, I am wondering what if your opponent just send like 4 or 5 vils just wall in the barrack? You can not find them with one vil.
I would like to see a video step by step and slowly from start to finish for booming or fast imperial age, like where to put initial villages, what building to build and what techs to use and when.... If there is a vidfeo like this already can someone point to me ?
I do this often with Slavs due to getting barracks up so soon
just tried the strat at ~800 elo. ended up with 3 forward barracks, infantry absolutely melted my opponent, gg at 0:26. hectic
Spiffing brit just gave you a legendary shoutout. Your doing something right mate. Hope people sub.
i think the best counter is champions. champions can handle huskarls, pikes and other champions. Paladins can die to a massive goth pike. the only counter is to do champion.
Entertaining game! I like watching infantry wars. For feedback, as a low elo, I cannot defeat goths. Their strength (free loom, cheap infantry, huskarl) is too much for me. However it is enjoyable to watch goth games at higher elos like this game. Balancing the game for all elo players is impossible, I do not expect from developers. I just try to enjoy from this game.
Why would attack a house untill it's almost destroy, and then start attacking just another house?
T90 blacksmiths with T90 monks
wouldn't just buying loom from the start be the counter?
Yeah! I definitely hate being hit while I moonwalk
that lumbercamp..
What if you did this with Cumans and put a ram on the enemy's TC right after Feudal?
@ItsDexGaming Okay, but what if you did it , but like, did it good so you won the game?
@ItsDexGaming okay but what if you did it, like, not in a weird void where all you're sending forward is rams, and instead had militia into maA along with it, and then did it good and won the video game
@ItsDexGaming Yeah I didn't read all of it sorry bro
what is the twitch of puerto prieto?
The guess game about monks was worse than I thought, i gussed 0 wasting the mats for the monk creation thingy.
i tried the strat at 1400 elo and won pretty convincingly. Maybe because the enemy couldnt multitask as good with his console against me at the pc tho. But trying out the strat was fun!
I laughed so hard 5:20-5:30
T90's micro was full low elo legends on this game under the TCs... so I have one question did you go full LOL and researched supplies? XD
Goths don't get supplies
@@afz902k Oh.... too bad.
Lithuanian 3 militia rush as a counter? Push Goths super early onto the back foot.
Goths are the best civ to noobs learn early attack and grow economy at same time, in my opinion
Their discount really incentivises even players completely new to all RTS to make some military and use it
@@zachariastsampasidis8880 that's is my case. I'm Noob and when i started to use goths and early attack, my victories numbers grow considerable.
I feel like if he stone walled and included celt scorps after you switched to militia line he would have done much better, though he would have still lost eventually once you got perfusion and kept swarming him with map control. Feels like if they let you pull ahead with this strat it's gg unless you throw.
Great. I'm low elo and I just know I will face goths with this strat now :D
Does T90 have a discord?
New Goth Stratocaster? This seems interesting
Good job, you've just invented proxy barracks! (And aoe is like older than sc and there no one who used this strat yet?)
forward barracks is nothing new in AoE, but forward barracks + walling resources as goths? not common
I too often let my villagers be relatable
Does T90 have a new microphone? Sounds different somehow?
was against this strat twice and always beat it. kill the barracks and than go archer counter
"If you play standard with Goths you have problems"... How rude! :D
This happen to me in my 2nd ranked game.
Dude dropped a barracks on my face and walled in all my gold and stone. I got rekt
This man is me but on a higher elo, i do that strategy by celts and goths also, tried this in Nova low elo tournament
Do people play this game on Steam?
nice stratt can't wait to try this out! really want to bully my friends with this :D
they'll love you for that!
@@the_rover1 haha that's for sure! i'm playing aoe the most out of my friends so to make things interesting i told them i would play against all of them (it was a 1v4) i was a bit too kind and let them live a bit too long sooo i lost. Need to get my revenge next time and this will be perfect! NO MERCY
@@alwayswnbeme make them fear goths. Make them absolutely HATE THEM! :D
also a goth vill can 1v1 a boar if u kite it out
as a goth main, the problem i have with extended drushes is i always get quickwalled, then they go fast fuedal into archers and im screwed.
I also mostly play Goths and haven't had much luck with early rushes. Goth archers get full upgrades through to castle, so they can counter it, but it really doesn't play into the civ's advantages.
@@ghaznavid i have success with a maa rush then straight into skirms. since u get 20% off militia and free loom, i can have 5 maa at enemy base instead of 3 at about 12 min
@@streamofthought8662 or do some archers to protect maa in feudal, is another good ideia
Lucas B in extended drush, they always hit fuedal first! :(
@@streamofthought8662 that's why i've sttoped extended rushes and focus in feudal up first, its more complex but more secure
The legend of T90. 😂
I feel like if this becomes a high-ELO meta strat, someone will get really angry about it and find a counter that shuts it down completely at that level.
How about walling in the barracks
What!! DURING my time Aztecs used to get the free loom
Yeah but they loose it because it was too op XD
You know you can shift click the relic and the monastery and forget about the monks, right?
Next, spanish same strat! you kinda promis doing this !! :-)
As if Britons didn't already had problems against Goths, with this strat they stand no chance.
Rise of Empires ad in Age of Empires video. They have no shame
That TC definitely had ballistics wtf
The TC seemed to have ballistics because it targeted the first villager and after the vills moved the narrow hot the last vills
-7k people realizing you help them procrastinate.
you are crazy