The reality is that the fruit question has been solved, and we know. Richard Johnson has basically proven it. Fruit is designed to help us gain fat and change our metabolism to survive a famine. This is why fructose tastes so good. We evolved to eat in in the fall, and as much as we could get our hand on while it was available, and the extra fat and metabolic changes we went through, it allowed us to survive the annual winter famine our ancestors faced. Fruit is not going to help you become any healthier, but is good for helping to survive a famine.
Solved? Hmmm. Fruit actually ramps up my digestion and quite clearly speeds up my metabolism. I've noticed this time and again over the years. If I want to gain weight - which I do - I need to stop eating it 🤷♂
one of the best things I've found eating carnivore is the lack of food cravings and bloated entire mid section feels different, I've noticed if I do have occasional fruit like pineapple or mango it is highly addictive, cravings start, not a good feeling despite tasting great
full carnivore for a full year greatly improved my brain and gut health. However being 48 years old and training jiu jitsu which is very anaerobic, i found that my perfomance became a bit flat after the first 30 min or so.(even after fat adaptation) one cup of low glycemic fruit after my post training meal seems to help the gluconeogenisis. is there any validity to this or am i setting myself up for liver issues? thanks for all you do Judy.
Judy, we were mold toxicity. I found the best thing that helped me was high iodine, high boron (borax). I’m thinking about oxalates.. did you know that boron helps melt away oxalate crystals! My back pain went away. We had aspriguillis. We took out gluten which I have a huge theory in but investigate boron and oxalates. I think you will be so intrigued. Boron helped me stop using the bathroom at night. So many many many things. Boric should be in our pee and semen! Same with iodine. If we were sufficient in iodine and boron would we have less sexually transmitted diseases???
With boron (I use 20 Mules Borax), it is 1 tsp of powder to 1 quart of water, then take 1 tablespoon of that liquid with up to 2 meals. With the iodine, one can safely take 4 drops of iodine per day. I take 3 drops with a meal, added to water. With both boron and iodine, since we're generally deficient in these, it's a lifelong thing.
@@NCweatherniceWhat a strange coincidence!!! I thought i was the only crazy person in this world. I have been doing that for several years following advice from Dr. Jorge Flechas and Dr. Brownstein. I live un a mouldy house and can’t afford to move. This has helped me be strong and I haven’t gotten sick for years. In the beginning I was drinking about 2-4 ounce in the morning and in the evening. I never noticed any problems with taking it on an empty stomach. My liquid solution is the same as yours, 1 tsp in one litre. For the Iodine, I sometimes take more sometimes less. I usually take 5 drops but I have never taken less than 2 drops (12.5 mg). I use Lugols Iodine 5%. Blessings to all of you!
What about having a squeezed lemon in a tall glass of water once a day? Really love the flavor of lemon water but am wondering if this would also trigger further cravings for more fruits and sweets
Very good discussion. This goes to the heart of the matter in my 5 year battle with Carnivore/Keto. Fructose: We get it - understood. BUT Fruit perfectly fits my Reward System. "Solve" that - please! .... It's very helpful that you gamed it out as you did in this presentation.
I have never understood why cancer clinics always have jars and bowls of hard candies and treats laying around… I’m sure it’s to help with dry mouth etc. but it seems like there should be a much better offering when these patients are already battling something that’s spreading
It took me several months to be totally okay with a plate of food with no carbs on it. It just looked odd! 3 years on and I am healed and I don’t even fancy fruit and carbs. Last summer I tried an apple from a tree in my garden and it was okay but did nothing for me.
What about "free testosterone?" With zero carbs my SHBG went way up and free T went way below range. Low carb (fruit) and numbers are back in normal range.
@@geoffreylevens9045 Personally, I think it cones down to eating seasonally. Carnivore during the winter, fruit throughout the other seasons. Testosterone issues seem to be solved if not in Ketosis for more than a few months.
Lets talk about calcium on carnivore diet. Because one pound of beef has about 50-70 mg of calcium, daily intake should be around 1,200 mg so is this ok or not enough?
Your question is interesting, since all RDAs come from studying people eating plants, so it could be that more vitamins and minerals are required to counteract anti-nutriant effects of plants...
@@carmendevine7244 i get that, specially with vit C, but still if you don’t eat dairy on carnivore there is nothing you can get from , vit C you don’t need that much on carnivore, but i am not sure if this is the case on calcium too
If you’re concerned about getting calcium just eat sardines or canned salmon but must not be boneless. You can also take egg shells and dry them out in oven and grind into a powder and sprinkle it on your food. Or eat cheese if tolerated.
@@infinitespiritsongs9722 don’t like sardines, dairy inflammatory fir me so. I know all those foods but my question is its still not enough by rda measures or is it?:)
@@StoneAgePHDI’m not sure we need less vitamin C. After I incorporated some fruit, I stopped having asthma like symptoms like wheezing, coughing and congestion. Vitamin C is needed for histamine degradation.
I have really learned a lot from this. As someone who has high triglycerides and pre-diabetic this has taught me that fruit will not be a good idea for me. Not for a long while. But one thing I would love to hear you discuss is vegetables and these crystals and toithpick like little spears that destroy our cells and cause so many problems. This is something I am just hearing about and can't wrap my head around
I added fruit two years into carnivore. My sleep instantly worsened. Cortisol spikes and or histamine flares at night, neuropathy in feet. Had to quit a few weeks in. Before that I also tried adding white rice for satiety, which worked well for only one month and then just irritated me from then on. A while later I did a probiotic + apple pectin protocol and this solved my 1.5yr long carnivore satiety struggle. But I then also felt good enough to transition to keto. I'm now on keto, gut is good but other symptoms returned compared to carnivore. Strict carnivore is the best, especially for inflammation/pain, if it works for you
I think it's inevitable that you would become intolerant of just about everything if you stay on a mono diet for a long period of time. You'd have to reintroduce other foods gradually, one at a time, to give your body a chance to adapt. It doesn't at all mean that other foods are "bad" for you.
@@tanyasydney2235 it's hard for me to believe that some foods aren't "bad" for me specifically. I've been on mediterranean keto since the original comment. Whole body pain the whole time. All day everyday, hard to walk upstairs. Just one week back on carnivore right now, zero pain! I'm doing stretches now and don't feel sore. I literally noticed how much better I felt when adding in beef more, from 2x week to everyday. Keto foods that are supposed to be good, like olives/oil, antiinflammatory ect. can not counter the veggies.
Thank you! I added blueberries because everything got better on carnivore except my tremor which got worse. When I have a little fruit my tremors improve. Could it be electrolyte imbalance that aggravates my tremor? My mouth is always dry even with electrolytes.
IF I eat fruit, and not often, I eat an avocado (with breakfast) usually the week before my period. The only benefit I notice is that I stay satiated longer. But, I don’t feel fruit is necessary.
I think it is the fats in the avocado that are giving you satiety. When my ratio of protein to fat is lower in fat, I find my body is not as satiated. That is when I have to up the fats and all is well again.
Thank you Judy for not falling into the rabbit hole that seems to widen these days! Rob C (the carb addiction doc) is now condoning some carbs (!). Ever since R. Lustig sounded the alarm that fructose even from orange juice could give young kids NAFLD there should be no reason not to be careful with it, especially regarding modern, super sweet "franken fruits". For me personally, fruit and berries are perfect "carb creeps" that I really have to watch out for. So, thank's again Judy, we really need to make people aware of the risks with this. Love your work. Always up to date with your science. /Swedish 63yo carnivore/
I agree. I do believe that the super fruits we have now are basically candy. We are now seeing high rates of cancer, diabetes and dementia (type 3 diabetes) and that recent study just came out about how the brain is actually affected by high insulin and it also suffers from insulin resistance. Best to keep fruit as a once a year treat at best.
Over the last 4 months I've gradually moved to where I am now which is about 90-95% Carnivore; age 61, type 2 diabetic for 20 years with severe insulin resistance, pre-diabetic before that for another 15 years. My top weight in 2018 was 360. Current weight is 297. I eat primarily (and in this order from most to least); pastured and organic eggs, grass-fed, grass-finished beef, grass-fed butter, pastured and organic poultry/dark meat with the skin, raw cheese, Bulgarian yogurt, CoCoyo yogurt, raw A2 golden guernsey milk, on occasion a small amount of veg; (celery, romaine, red cabbage, green beans, fermented raw sauerkraut). 1-2 times per week I'll have 1/2 cup of wild Alaskan blueberries or locally grown strawberries (purchased in season and then frozen), and 1-2 times per week I might have a small apple. So not fruit every day and so far, it hasn't triggered anything. I also practice fasting variation including periodic prolonged water-only fasting, either alternate day or 3-5 day water-only fasting, which I love and I feel fantastic when I fast. After struggling with food addiction for decades and taking non-insulin injectable medications for close to 20 years; 1st was Bydureon, then Trulicity, and most recently a brief period on Ozempic, which I took myself off of 2 months ago, I am now managing the type 2 diabetes with dietary intake, fasting, and strength training (no cardio yet except for rebounding). All of the above is a huge shift for me as previously I ate according to the SAD diet, until 2018 when I went low-carb/keto but still struggled with resistant weight loss (took 18 months to lose 60 lbs. which I regained in 2020 and just lost it again only quicker this time as I've moved toward a Carnivore WOE). My liver enzymes and kidney function are both within normal range after decades of being way off. Cholesterol is good including the ratio. And vitamin D level is now at 80 after many years of it being 20-30. Feeling much better, getting rid of the processed food and harmful seed oils was huge, and I stopped eating conventionally raised meat about 10 years ago. I may get to the point of 100% strict carnivore but meanwhile, 3-4 servings per week of fruit seems reasonable in comparison to how I had been eating. I also wear a CGM so I know exactly how food affects my blood sugar.
Dealing with CIRS and ADH problems. Had to add back in fruit/starchy veggies as I could not get my electrolytes balanced. I was so miserable. Still in mold so can’t do much about it right now.
I just been reading the SALLY NORTON book on OXALATES.....Yeah ....but....just trying to go more carnivore (but can't) after 20yrs of chemical sensitivity (we were given the drug FLAGYL - while living in a very high agricultural/spraying area) what if you have a OXALATE problem like my daughter & I... AND can't do the HIGH FAT thing and just meat ... makes my daughter throw up & my feel sick....I have to ferment the fruit/vege (even organic) so we can eat them..... to get the pesticides/herbicides out of them ...
@Nutritioneithjudy. Hi Judy love your videos. Can u please make a video about kids health and carnivore kids is it's safe for kids. Thank you GOD BLESS 🙌
Hi Jerry, in your case if it's a means to an end, you may have to for a bit. Electrolytes and finding a good balance is key. With low ADH, you''ll need more salt and hydration than others.
Thanks for the response. I am due to have my labs rechecked in December, hopefully my ADH has improved. Eating fruit has not been easy as it triggers a ton of cravings.
For me it was the opposite, I started carnivore then after 1 week I ate some bannanas in a day and that night I had heart palpitations. The thing is that from hour to hour I was going to the bathroom to pee, that means low electrolites, I added a teaspoon of salt in water and the palpitations stopped.
I recently watched a video by thyroid expert Dr. Westin Childs that suggested some people (I would say I'm one of them) do better with some carbs added into a carnivore diet. Actually, I've never been strict carnivore, but when I went more animal-based in 2018, there were some undesirable consequences. The main one was disrupted sleep. Prior to this I was a fantastic sleeper. Suddenly, I found that although I could dose off easily, I was getting up later numerous times to pee, my mouth would be very dry, and I would get leg cramps. This was a problem that lasted on and off for almost 2 years. Then I stumbled into a health "expert" who said try solving the sleep problem by eating a small amount of carbs before bed. I certainly wasn't going to eat a starchy food like a bagel or bread, as I've been wheat-free for years. But I did try a small quantity (e.g. 1.5 oz.) of frozen blueberries about an hour or so before bedtime. That solved my problem. The health expert explained that without the carbs, it's possible your liver gets depleted of glycogen stores part-way through the night. This invokes a stress response (releasing cortisol and/or adrenaline). You are not going to sleep well when those hormones are active. Dr. Westin Childs says poor sleep is a common issue he encounters with his carnivore/keto patients. Dr. Childs also reported that carnivore/strict keto patients will often see their Free T3 level go down. He says some experts just write this off as a physiologic response, nothing to worry about. But he does worry about it and says your thyroid will not be performing optimally in this situation. Well, guess what, my Free T3 values did drop fairly noticeably when I went animal-based. Another issue he relates with the thyroid is sex hormones. He says you might see your SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) go up, which is not desirable (as well as testosterone going down). Sure enough, I have seen my SHBG rise, It's still in a normal range, but it's higher. I am a slim male, so I certainly don't have a weight problem. And I don't have addictive food tendencies, so I'm not worried about sliding down a slippery slope. I do like the "blueberry" idea and several years along it still works for me. I have no fatty liver based on ultrasounds I've had. My liver enzyme ALT is in an acceptable range, but it does vary from test to test (e.g. 22 U/L, which is darn good, to 38 U/L, which is fair). Trigs are 70-ish and holding steady, and HDL is 60-ish mg/dL. I have always had a pretty crazy GGT level, however. It should be about 20 U/L and mine has ranged from the 60s to the 90s. One of your presenters did say that if a patient benefits from better sleep after adding fruit, you don't want to take that away from them. I certainly agree.
I saw a yt short from Huberman (would like to re-find it or the full podcast) mentioning that low carb can mess up sleep because of the things you just mentioned. I'm 100 days into carnivore and my sleep has been very messed up. I don't feel super tired during the day, but getting 3 hours of sleep a day just didn't feel adequate. I have an electrolyte drink mix that contains 10g carbs in a full tube; I just have 1/4 of that in the evening to maybe help. I don't know if that's helping, but finally getting 5 hours of sleep... It could just be that I'm adapting in another way.
I'm confused. It was my understanding that meat protein could have the same negative effect as carbs if eaten in excess. On a carnivore diet it would seem that the "excess" is unavoidable.
Three apples in a day makes me emotionally unstable, bloated, achy... I know this because last year I thought I would test it during apple season. Bad bad idea
If you can tolerate salicylates and other antinutrients in it, I think it's fine. I always recommend strict carnivore first and then slowly add back in as you heal.
Oh goodness,, while I rarely purchase fruit at the market, I just ate a really delicious apple from our tree, so am mindful of seasonality. I've not been dx'd with any metabolic issues but being a 62 yof I'm aware of the dangers of giving in.! Even the sweetness from the apple can trigger cravings, honestly!
I love all the insights from carnivore proponents like yourself, and I know you're catering to the majority, but it infuriates me that we're all lumped into the metabolically challenged bucket. We haven't all come to carnivore because we're carb-addicted, obese sloths. As a 50yr old, I have the physique of someone half my age, but my gut had gotten progressively worse on carbs. Carnivore has been great for me for nearly 4 yrs, but the longer I've gone, the more necessary it's been to eat fruit and some salt, mainly for hydration. I required neither in the first year. And while I'm an LMHR, my bloodwork remains stellar, with or without fruit, and I certainly have no signs of fatty liver.
So why do you think you "need" fruit? Is it a mental need or a true physiological need? If your numbers are the same regardless of fruit consumption, what symptoms triggered you to that conclusion? Just curious by your statement.
@@catcan221 As I said, dehydration. I kept craving raw meat to get more moisture, and I still only sear my steak to this day. Water doesn't hydrate me for some reason, with or without electrolytes. Plus I do enjoy a few mouthfuls of fruit for the variety and my brain appreciates the glucose rush lol.
Seems like any carbs are a portal to more carbs. I started with a few berries to adding pineapple ending up eating a small tub of Hagaan Dazs several times a week. I will be removing all carbs.
117 days in on lion diet no sugars, carbohydrates, or processed foods. The only thing I miss, if you can call it miss is eating fruit. Orange juice used to be my equivalent to drinking coffee.
Curious, has any consideration for extra-environmental factors that could play a role in testing with numbers, like all health markers? (blue light, not enough negative ions, proper strength for skin receptors, too much time inside, a whole variety of factors that are outside of food - can they be quantified in all of these tests? Would that be included under nutrition research and testing?) I ask because everything we can "test" is only in the now. How can there be quantified markers from pre-industrial ages. Plenty of historical documentation to reference of course. I ask you, as doctors and researchers. Could we also be chasing the affects of other sources introduced into the body, in addition to SAD and processed lifestyles? I find it interesting about deterministic baselines (or near accepted facts) regarding data and research to support this diet as the optimal human diet of our ancestors (ya know, nobody was there or anything lol, and we know what we can come up for how "they" lived with our observations and guesstimates - everyone can take a crack and have plausible explanation) Or are we now faced with so much denatured living, that this is the one thing that is cutting thru in regards to results! Thanks, I'm trying out the carnivore diet :)
Well, not such easy and not for such extreme. If you do check a biochemistry of humans, you will see 80% fructose will be processed by the liver, 20% will go to the blood stream. Vast amount of 80% will be then converted slowly to glucose via gluconeogenesis. The issue with the NAFLD and fat accumulating is related to the high insulin that blocks the gluconeogenesis. So, if the person doesn't have hyperinsulinimia, then there is no prubl m with the fructose. It is silly to discuss the fructose separately from this condition.
I can’t eat vegetables. They cause inflammation. I didn’t know that was the cause until I went carnivore. The ketogenic diet per se did help me lose weight but it did not take care of my issues. I had asthma, stiff, painful joints, and chronic diarrhea. Not even a plant, I’m cutting back on the cheese has taken care of those issues. People can eat what they can eat. You can’t make it one size fits all.
I don’t understand how to take supplements on carnivore for healing or for elimination diet because the supplements all have vegetable or rice capsules and other things. It’s a huge deal to find something that not full of junk like soy too!
I think a point you missed is that promotors of fruit, like Saladino,, who lives in Costa Rica, full sun, surfs and exercises to build up his body ( and probably driven by taking his shirt off to impress others to follow his woe ) and also is 'young' is not your average health seeker with a background of issues. i just saw a recent video where he was being interviewed,,, and compared to one that is now just a couple months older,, his hair has less grey. Hmm, is he now dying his hair like other food and health promoters?
Saladino actually knows that sugar is not good... Because most of his believes are based on nothing... There are some hunter/gatherers tribes that consume no plants, ancient fruits were not as sweet as current fruits... So that is pretty much settled... Why does he believe sugar is good? Because he believes it improved (not resolved) some of his issues but he recently admitted that he is still experiencing the same issues to some degree... So it was a bandaid...
I'm getting a little tired of nutritionists talking about mental health topics like addiction. I cringe every time. You talk about root cause healing in one sentence then suggest certain foods are causing addiction. Get educated or stay in your lane.
Well, if you go to carnivore groups and listen more - that is one of the first things it helps, is calmness and rids depression and anxiety. If you don't believe it, do research or try it for yourself. Conventional "wisdom" is highly flawed. Meds are huge money makers.
Just one comment on my experience that vegetarians and vegans usually oppose the carnivore lifestyle: Fasting is the perfect possibility for vegetarians and vegans to do carnivore without killing animals. Why? Extended fasting switches on: a) fat-based metabolism b) autophagy a) we then live on our belly fat and visceral fat b) recycling old and damaged proteins into new and correctly folded proteins This argument does not make the vegetarians and vegans start eating steaks, but it shows them that animal based nutrition is healthy.
I think it's so awful how he's using people's addictions to profit under the name of carnivore/"animal based" I honestly wonder if he didn't use carnivore in the beginning to gain attention knowing he'd do this later....
I didn't appreciate the tone of arrogance in this podcast that 100% of people should not be eating fruit and that it is always a "bandaid ". I think that it's wonderful that so many people are experiencing healing with low carb and the carnivore diet, but it's too early to say with such certainty that they have all the answers.
I shared context with fruits and bandaid situations. I said that if fruit helps you to sleep, it may be a bandaid needed for a while because we should always weigh the good vs. bad when making decisions. But if you "need" fruit for any specific reason, then it is a bandaid. We worked with over 1500 carnivore clients and patients, all on on one. We never had to say. "you need fruit to sleep, or fruit to hold electrolytes." They may help but they "are" bandaids. While that may not be something you want to hear, it is the truth we've seen. We also run labs so it's not just guess work. Our intention is to help people get to root-cause healing and bandaids will never do that. And if you feel that me sharing that these "are" bandaids, I guess I'm arrogant. Truth is not always fun to hear but our goal is to help people find root-cause.
Nah... Ancient fruit was as sweet as a nowadays carrot... It is already settled that no animal is adapted to such high carb intake... But people just love too much the sugar because is addictive, it was designed to be addictive... We are like flies falling into the carnivore plant trap... Drunk by the sugar.
Paul Saladino’s recent videos are really confusing people on this topic. He isn’t seeing patients and doesn’t see what his fruit and honey eating advice is doing to people who don’t have his metabolism…which is like 99% of humans. 🫤 Thanks for bringing evidence to this topic.
You can read our fructose article here:
The reality is that the fruit question has been solved, and we know. Richard Johnson has basically proven it. Fruit is designed to help us gain fat and change our metabolism to survive a famine. This is why fructose tastes so good. We evolved to eat in in the fall, and as much as we could get our hand on while it was available, and the extra fat and metabolic changes we went through, it allowed us to survive the annual winter famine our ancestors faced.
Fruit is not going to help you become any healthier, but is good for helping to survive a famine.
Solved? Hmmm. Fruit actually ramps up my digestion and quite clearly speeds up my metabolism. I've noticed this time and again over the years. If I want to gain weight - which I do - I need to stop eating it 🤷♂
@@mrmattyd it works like Crystal meth for you lol
How do you explain the high fruit intake of peoples who evolved in the tropics?
I'm not sure what you mean.@@curtismatsune3147
@@ClassicJukeboxBand I mean that tropical H. sapiens consumed much fruit. Stop being obtuse.
one of the best things I've found eating carnivore is the lack of food cravings and bloated entire mid section feels different, I've noticed if I do have occasional fruit like pineapple or mango it is highly addictive, cravings start, not a good feeling despite tasting great
Yeah but those are typical tropical fruits with a higher GI, you could pick fruits with a low GI.
It’s quite novel to have clever women discussing what are current health problems and what’s a way to make us healthier. Very refreshing.
Love this format….
listening to smart, experienced, informed women, with open minds!! Thanks, very much!
full carnivore for a full year greatly improved my brain and gut health. However being 48 years old and training jiu jitsu which is very anaerobic, i found that my perfomance became a bit flat after the first 30 min or so.(even after fat adaptation) one cup of low glycemic fruit after my post training meal seems to help the gluconeogenisis. is there any validity to this or am i setting myself up for liver issues?
thanks for all you do Judy.
Maybe more electrolytes, Borax, fasting?
That's exactly why Paul Saladino has added some fruit to his diet. I think it really helps in many ways.
Judy, we were mold toxicity. I found the best thing that helped me was high iodine, high boron (borax). I’m thinking about oxalates.. did you know that boron helps melt away oxalate crystals! My back pain went away. We had aspriguillis. We took out gluten which I have a huge theory in but investigate boron and oxalates. I think you will be so intrigued. Boron helped me stop using the bathroom at night. So many many many things. Boric should be in our pee and semen! Same with iodine. If we were sufficient in iodine and boron would we have less sexually transmitted diseases???
What type of dosage and for how long with the boron and iodine?
Stopped peeing at night you mean?
@@Jayla-dj2gj yes please, +1 on this question?
With boron (I use 20 Mules Borax), it is 1 tsp of powder to 1 quart of water, then take 1 tablespoon of that liquid with up to 2 meals. With the iodine, one can safely take 4 drops of iodine per day. I take 3 drops with a meal, added to water. With both boron and iodine, since we're generally deficient in these, it's a lifelong thing.
@@NCweatherniceWhat a strange coincidence!!! I thought i was the only crazy person in this world. I have been doing that for several years following advice from Dr. Jorge Flechas and Dr. Brownstein. I live un a mouldy house and can’t afford to move. This has helped me be strong and I haven’t gotten sick for years. In the beginning I was drinking about 2-4 ounce in the morning and in the evening. I never noticed any problems with taking it on an empty stomach. My liquid solution is the same as yours, 1 tsp in one litre. For the Iodine, I sometimes take more sometimes less. I usually take 5 drops but I have never taken less than 2 drops (12.5 mg). I use Lugols Iodine 5%.
Blessings to all of you!
Thank you, perfect timing! It's really challenging to make sense of the facts with all the conflicting messages out there.
our message will always be to find what works for you. If fruit helps, that's totally okay but it's never the root cause for healing.
What about having a squeezed lemon in a tall glass of water once a day? Really love the flavor of lemon water but am wondering if this would also trigger further cravings for more fruits and sweets
The lemon is not sweet, no sugar and has almost zero carbs. I don’t see how this could cause any setbacks or be a trigger food
Very good discussion. This goes to the heart of the matter in my 5 year battle with Carnivore/Keto. Fructose: We get it - understood. BUT Fruit perfectly fits my Reward System. "Solve" that - please! .... It's very helpful that you gamed it out as you did in this presentation.
Here’s my idea: eat the fruit you forage or grow, without the use of the grocery store. Problem solved. 🙂
I have never understood why cancer clinics always have jars and bowls of hard candies and treats laying around… I’m sure it’s to help with dry mouth etc. but it seems like there should be a much better offering when these patients are already battling something that’s spreading
They want people sick, so they have to get more surgeries and medication.
Because they’re making “a killing” off of people. Keep em sick n coming in.
Probably because it’s cheep
It took me several months to be totally okay with a plate of food with no carbs on it. It just looked odd! 3 years on and I am healed and I don’t even fancy fruit and carbs. Last summer I tried an apple from a tree in my garden and it was okay but did nothing for me.
Are you full carnivore ????
What about "free testosterone?" With zero carbs my SHBG went way up and free T went way below range. Low carb (fruit) and numbers are back in normal range.
They'll have no answer for this.
@@SG-ji5ij I've asked this question many times and all I've ever gotten back was crickets...😠
@@geoffreylevens9045 Personally, I think it cones down to eating seasonally. Carnivore during the winter, fruit throughout the other seasons. Testosterone issues seem to be solved if not in Ketosis for more than a few months.
@@SG-ji5ij that is great...for you. Carnivore during winter was when my free T crashed.
@@geoffreylevens9045 Interesting. What ratio of fat to protein were you consuming daily?
Very helpful information, thank you ladies 💙💙
Watching this while eating steak 🥩 for lunch. 😋 Winning!🎉
Lets talk about calcium on carnivore diet. Because one pound of beef has about 50-70 mg of calcium, daily intake should be around 1,200 mg so is this ok or not enough?
Your question is interesting, since all RDAs come from studying people eating plants, so it could be that more vitamins and minerals are required to counteract anti-nutriant effects of plants...
@@carmendevine7244 i get that, specially with vit C, but still if you don’t eat dairy on carnivore there is nothing you can get from , vit C you don’t need that much on carnivore, but i am not sure if this is the case on calcium too
If you’re concerned about getting calcium just eat sardines or canned salmon but must not be boneless. You can also take egg shells and dry them out in oven and grind into a powder and sprinkle it on your food. Or eat cheese if tolerated.
@@infinitespiritsongs9722 don’t like sardines, dairy inflammatory fir me so. I know all those foods but my question is its still not enough by rda measures or is it?:)
@@StoneAgePHDI’m not sure we need less vitamin C. After I incorporated some fruit, I stopped having asthma like symptoms like wheezing, coughing and congestion. Vitamin C is needed for histamine degradation.
I have really learned a lot from this. As someone who has high triglycerides and pre-diabetic this has taught me that fruit will not be a good idea for me. Not for a long while. But one thing I would love to hear you discuss is vegetables and these crystals and toithpick like little spears that destroy our cells and cause so many problems. This is something I am just hearing about and can't wrap my head around
Yes, more discussion on oxalates would be great.
Excellent discussion. Thank you.
I added fruit two years into carnivore. My sleep instantly worsened. Cortisol spikes and or histamine flares at night, neuropathy in feet. Had to quit a few weeks in.
Before that I also tried adding white rice for satiety, which worked well for only one month and then just irritated me from then on.
A while later I did a probiotic + apple pectin protocol and this solved my 1.5yr long carnivore satiety struggle. But I then also felt good enough to transition to keto. I'm now on keto, gut is good but other symptoms returned compared to carnivore.
Strict carnivore is the best, especially for inflammation/pain, if it works for you
That's the case for many of our clients as well! I think meat-based keto long-term is ideal. It gives a bit more flexibility after healing.
I think it's inevitable that you would become intolerant of just about everything if you stay on a mono diet for a long period of time. You'd have to reintroduce other foods gradually, one at a time, to give your body a chance to adapt. It doesn't at all mean that other foods are "bad" for you.
@@tanyasydney2235 it's hard for me to believe that some foods aren't "bad" for me specifically. I've been on mediterranean keto since the original comment. Whole body pain the whole time. All day everyday, hard to walk upstairs.
Just one week back on carnivore right now, zero pain! I'm doing stretches now and don't feel sore. I literally noticed how much better I felt when adding in beef more, from 2x week to everyday.
Keto foods that are supposed to be good, like olives/oil, antiinflammatory ect. can not counter the veggies.
Thank you! I added blueberries because everything got better on carnivore except my tremor which got worse. When I have a little fruit my tremors improve.
Could it be electrolyte imbalance that aggravates my tremor? My mouth is always dry even with electrolytes.
Thank you! We needed to hear this!
It's funny how Saladino just uploaded a homemade ice cream recipe video 😁
It's Carnicream.
Fruit Salad With Carnicream = animal based
He's happy and thriving still thankfully.
IF I eat fruit, and not often, I eat an avocado (with breakfast) usually the week before my period. The only benefit I notice is that I stay satiated longer. But, I don’t feel fruit is necessary.
That sounds like a healthy balance with fruit and it sounds like you really know your body. I say that's a win. 🙌
I think it is the fats in the avocado that are giving you satiety.
When my ratio of protein to fat is lower in fat, I find my body is not as satiated. That is when I have to up the fats and all is well again.
Thank you Judy for not falling into the rabbit hole that seems to widen these days! Rob C (the carb addiction doc) is now condoning some carbs (!). Ever since R. Lustig sounded the alarm that fructose even from orange juice could give young kids NAFLD there should be no reason not to be careful with it, especially regarding modern, super sweet "franken fruits". For me personally, fruit and berries are perfect "carb creeps" that I really have to watch out for. So, thank's again Judy, we really need to make people aware of the risks with this. Love your work. Always up to date with your science. /Swedish 63yo carnivore/
I agree. I do believe that the super fruits we have now are basically candy.
We are now seeing high rates of cancer, diabetes and dementia (type 3 diabetes) and that recent study just came out about how the brain is actually affected by high insulin and it also suffers from insulin resistance.
Best to keep fruit as a once a year treat at best.
Over the last 4 months I've gradually moved to where I am now which is about 90-95% Carnivore; age 61, type 2 diabetic for 20 years with severe insulin resistance, pre-diabetic before that for another 15 years. My top weight in 2018 was 360. Current weight is 297. I eat primarily (and in this order from most to least); pastured and organic eggs, grass-fed, grass-finished beef, grass-fed butter, pastured and organic poultry/dark meat with the skin, raw cheese, Bulgarian yogurt, CoCoyo yogurt, raw A2 golden guernsey milk, on occasion a small amount of veg; (celery, romaine, red cabbage, green beans, fermented raw sauerkraut). 1-2 times per week I'll have 1/2 cup of wild Alaskan blueberries or locally grown strawberries (purchased in season and then frozen), and 1-2 times per week I might have a small apple. So not fruit every day and so far, it hasn't triggered anything. I also practice fasting variation including periodic prolonged water-only fasting, either alternate day or 3-5 day water-only fasting, which I love and I feel fantastic when I fast. After struggling with food addiction for decades and taking non-insulin injectable medications for close to 20 years; 1st was Bydureon, then Trulicity, and most recently a brief period on Ozempic, which I took myself off of 2 months ago, I am now managing the type 2 diabetes with dietary intake, fasting, and strength training (no cardio yet except for rebounding). All of the above is a huge shift for me as previously I ate according to the SAD diet, until 2018 when I went low-carb/keto but still struggled with resistant weight loss (took 18 months to lose 60 lbs. which I regained in 2020 and just lost it again only quicker this time as I've moved toward a Carnivore WOE). My liver enzymes and kidney function are both within normal range after decades of being way off. Cholesterol is good including the ratio. And vitamin D level is now at 80 after many years of it being 20-30. Feeling much better, getting rid of the processed food and harmful seed oils was huge, and I stopped eating conventionally raised meat about 10 years ago. I may get to the point of 100% strict carnivore but meanwhile, 3-4 servings per week of fruit seems reasonable in comparison to how I had been eating. I also wear a CGM so I know exactly how food affects my blood sugar.
Judy, I think you were trying to say that the Hb1ac test tests for glucose nit fructose.
Did I say it the other way around, oops! I sometimes do that when I'm rattling a bunch of facts! Thank you for clarifying.
Dealing with CIRS and ADH problems. Had to add back in fruit/starchy veggies as I could not get my electrolytes balanced. I was so miserable. Still in mold so can’t do much about it right now.
Such a great talk. Thanks so much for sharing this info. God bless.
I just been reading the SALLY NORTON book on OXALATES.....Yeah ....but....just trying to go more carnivore (but can't) after 20yrs of chemical sensitivity (we were given the drug FLAGYL - while living in a very high agricultural/spraying area) what if you have a OXALATE problem like my daughter & I... AND can't do the HIGH FAT thing and just meat ... makes my daughter throw up & my feel sick....I have to ferment the fruit/vege (even organic) so we can eat them..... to get the pesticides/herbicides out of them ...
I'm confused. Does high fat cause an oxalate issue?
@@tanyasydney2235 No
Hi Judy love your videos. Can u please make a video about kids health and carnivore kids is it's safe for kids. Thank you
We can do one for kids. In the meantime, we have a lot of content for children:
I had to add some fruit back to help with heart palpitations. I have CIRS and basically zero ADH. What else could I do to stop the palpitations??
Might need electrolytes
Hi Jerry, in your case if it's a means to an end, you may have to for a bit. Electrolytes and finding a good balance is key. With low ADH, you''ll need more salt and hydration than others.
Thanks for the response. I am due to have my labs rechecked in December, hopefully my ADH has improved. Eating fruit has not been easy as it triggers a ton of cravings.
For me it was the opposite, I started carnivore then after 1 week I ate some bannanas in a day and that night I had heart palpitations. The thing is that from hour to hour I was going to the bathroom to pee, that means low electrolites, I added a teaspoon of salt in water and the palpitations stopped.
I recently watched a video by thyroid expert Dr. Westin Childs that suggested some people (I would say I'm one of them) do better with some carbs added into a carnivore diet. Actually, I've never been strict carnivore, but when I went more animal-based in 2018, there were some undesirable consequences. The main one was disrupted sleep. Prior to this I was a fantastic sleeper. Suddenly, I found that although I could dose off easily, I was getting up later numerous times to pee, my mouth would be very dry, and I would get leg cramps. This was a problem that lasted on and off for almost 2 years. Then I stumbled into a health "expert" who said try solving the sleep problem by eating a small amount of carbs before bed. I certainly wasn't going to eat a starchy food like a bagel or bread, as I've been wheat-free for years. But I did try a small quantity (e.g. 1.5 oz.) of frozen blueberries about an hour or so before bedtime. That solved my problem. The health expert explained that without the carbs, it's possible your liver gets depleted of glycogen stores part-way through the night. This invokes a stress response (releasing cortisol and/or adrenaline). You are not going to sleep well when those hormones are active. Dr. Westin Childs says poor sleep is a common issue he encounters with his carnivore/keto patients. Dr. Childs also reported that carnivore/strict keto patients will often see their Free T3 level go down. He says some experts just write this off as a physiologic response, nothing to worry about. But he does worry about it and says your thyroid will not be performing optimally in this situation. Well, guess what, my Free T3 values did drop fairly noticeably when I went animal-based. Another issue he relates with the thyroid is sex hormones. He says you might see your SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) go up, which is not desirable (as well as testosterone going down). Sure enough, I have seen my SHBG rise, It's still in a normal range, but it's higher. I am a slim male, so I certainly don't have a weight problem. And I don't have addictive food tendencies, so I'm not worried about sliding down a slippery slope. I do like the "blueberry" idea and several years along it still works for me. I have no fatty liver based on ultrasounds I've had. My liver enzyme ALT is in an acceptable range, but it does vary from test to test (e.g. 22 U/L, which is darn good, to 38 U/L, which is fair). Trigs are 70-ish and holding steady, and HDL is 60-ish mg/dL. I have always had a pretty crazy GGT level, however. It should be about 20 U/L and mine has ranged from the 60s to the 90s. One of your presenters did say that if a patient benefits from better sleep after adding fruit, you don't want to take that away from them. I certainly agree.
I saw a yt short from Huberman (would like to re-find it or the full podcast) mentioning that low carb can mess up sleep because of the things you just mentioned. I'm 100 days into carnivore and my sleep has been very messed up. I don't feel super tired during the day, but getting 3 hours of sleep a day just didn't feel adequate. I have an electrolyte drink mix that contains 10g carbs in a full tube; I just have 1/4 of that in the evening to maybe help. I don't know if that's helping, but finally getting 5 hours of sleep... It could just be that I'm adapting in another way.
5 hours may be enough if you feel ok during the day and the afternoon! What electrolytes drink is that?@@mom2artists
I'm confused. It was my understanding that meat protein could have the same negative effect as carbs if eaten in excess. On a carnivore diet it would seem that the "excess" is unavoidable.
Is pretty much impossible to eat too much protein because of the satiety it causes...
Three apples in a day makes me emotionally unstable, bloated, achy... I know this because last year I thought I would test it during apple season. Bad bad idea
Bone broth sardines and fish
Can trigger histamine intolerance in some.
Thoughts about avocados?
If you can tolerate salicylates and other antinutrients in it, I think it's fine. I always recommend strict carnivore first and then slowly add back in as you heal.
Oh goodness,, while I rarely purchase fruit at the market, I just ate a really delicious apple from our tree, so am mindful of seasonality. I've not been dx'd with any metabolic issues but being a 62 yof I'm aware of the dangers of giving in.! Even the sweetness from the apple can trigger cravings, honestly!
The main Fructose receptor is GLUT-5 not GLUT-2.
Thank you Judy for sharing ❤ Great content as always!
Thank you 🥩
I love all the insights from carnivore proponents like yourself, and I know you're catering to the majority, but it infuriates me that we're all lumped into the metabolically challenged bucket. We haven't all come to carnivore because we're carb-addicted, obese sloths. As a 50yr old, I have the physique of someone half my age, but my gut had gotten progressively worse on carbs. Carnivore has been great for me for nearly 4 yrs, but the longer I've gone, the more necessary it's been to eat fruit and some salt, mainly for hydration. I required neither in the first year. And while I'm an LMHR, my bloodwork remains stellar, with or without fruit, and I certainly have no signs of fatty liver.
Agree. The tunnel vision of these carnivore proponents is scary sometimes.
So why do you think you "need" fruit? Is it a mental need or a true physiological need? If your numbers are the same regardless of fruit consumption, what symptoms triggered you to that conclusion?
Just curious by your statement.
@@catcan221 As I said, dehydration. I kept craving raw meat to get more moisture, and I still only sear my steak to this day. Water doesn't hydrate me for some reason, with or without electrolytes. Plus I do enjoy a few mouthfuls of fruit for the variety and my brain appreciates the glucose rush lol.
That is my experience exactly.
Seems like any carbs are a portal to more carbs. I started with a few berries to adding pineapple ending up eating a small tub of Hagaan Dazs several times a week. I will be removing all carbs.
117 days in on lion diet no sugars, carbohydrates, or processed foods. The only thing I miss, if you can call it miss is eating fruit. Orange juice used to be my equivalent to drinking coffee.
Curious, has any consideration for extra-environmental factors that could play a role in testing with numbers, like all health markers?
(blue light, not enough negative ions, proper strength for skin receptors, too much time inside, a whole variety of factors that are outside of food - can they be quantified in all of these tests? Would that be included under nutrition research and testing?)
I ask because everything we can "test" is only in the now. How can there be quantified markers from pre-industrial ages. Plenty of historical documentation to reference of course.
I ask you, as doctors and researchers. Could we also be chasing the affects of other sources introduced into the body, in addition to SAD and processed lifestyles?
I find it interesting about deterministic baselines (or near accepted facts) regarding data and research to support this diet as the optimal human diet of our ancestors (ya know, nobody was there or anything lol, and we know what we can come up for how "they" lived with our observations and guesstimates - everyone can take a crack and have plausible explanation) Or are we now faced with so much denatured living, that this is the one thing that is cutting thru in regards to results!
Thanks, I'm trying out the carnivore diet :)
Well, not such easy and not for such extreme. If you do check a biochemistry of humans, you will see 80% fructose will be processed by the liver, 20% will go to the blood stream. Vast amount of 80% will be then converted slowly to glucose via gluconeogenesis. The issue with the NAFLD and fat accumulating is related to the high insulin that blocks the gluconeogenesis. So, if the person doesn't have hyperinsulinimia, then there is no prubl m with the fructose. It is silly to discuss the fructose separately from this condition.
Spot on.
I know I ate some cantaloupe and my CGM I was wearing at the time( I’m not diabetic) went up to 230.
Gotta be wise about oxalates too. Sally K Norton
I can’t eat vegetables. They cause inflammation. I didn’t know that was the cause until I went carnivore. The ketogenic diet per se did help me lose weight but it did not take care of my issues. I had asthma, stiff, painful joints, and chronic diarrhea. Not even a plant, I’m cutting back on the cheese has taken care of those issues. People can eat what they can eat. You can’t make it one size fits all.
I don’t understand how to take supplements on carnivore for healing or for elimination diet because the supplements all have vegetable or rice capsules and other things. It’s a huge deal to find something that not full of junk like soy too!
Hello Judy🎉🎉🎉
Dr Richard Johnson has excellent lectures on why fructose can damage the mitochondria
Yes, I've interviewed him twice now and he's coming back on in January!
what about fructose or fruit for very active athletes? @NutritionwithJudy
I wake up with puffy eyelids if I have honey or fruit on carnivore diet.
OMG me too, but never thought it was the fruit 🤔 I eat one meal a day everyday and at the end of my meal I have one granny Smith apple
@@jessie9653 it’s the fructose, which sadly is the same in terms of molecular structure in both fruit and honey so inflammatory it seems
I added in blueberries and have puffy eyelids! That’s why! Thanks!
So no fruit at all? Or little bits in moderation?
Ok, so now don't eat fruit or juice fruit or mix it with veggies. I'm so CONFUSED!!!!😒😔
You're not supposed to eat anything, apparently!
This is a carnivore channel ;) @@chriswhitehouse8982
In this scenario avocado is not a fruit ?
You should have Paul Saladino on to offer a counter perspective
I think a point you missed is that promotors of fruit, like Saladino,, who lives in Costa Rica, full sun, surfs and exercises to build up his body ( and probably driven by taking his shirt off to impress others to follow his woe ) and also is 'young' is not your average health seeker with a background of issues. i just saw a recent video where he was being interviewed,,, and compared to one that is now just a couple months older,, his hair has less grey. Hmm, is he now dying his hair like other food and health promoters?
Saladino actually knows that sugar is not good... Because most of his believes are based on nothing...
There are some hunter/gatherers tribes that consume no plants, ancient fruits were not as sweet as current fruits... So that is pretty much settled... Why does he believe sugar is good? Because he believes it improved (not resolved) some of his issues but he recently admitted that he is still experiencing the same issues to some degree... So it was a bandaid...
How the hell does carbs help you sleep??
some people swear by it
Carbs spike your blood sugar so when you come down off of that it makes you tired.
Sucralose is pure fructose according to Dr Ken Barry MD 🤷🏼
I'm getting a little tired of nutritionists talking about mental health topics like addiction. I cringe every time. You talk about root cause healing in one sentence then suggest certain foods are causing addiction. Get educated or stay in your lane.
Well, if you go to carnivore groups and listen more - that is one of the first things it helps, is calmness and rids depression and anxiety. If you don't believe it, do research or try it for yourself. Conventional "wisdom" is highly flawed. Meds are huge money makers.
I can't stand fruits and vegetables. but I don’t have a pure carnivore, I eat animal food plus dark chocolate
Just one comment on my experience that vegetarians and vegans usually oppose the carnivore lifestyle:
Fasting is the perfect possibility for vegetarians and vegans to do carnivore without killing animals.
Extended fasting switches on:
a) fat-based metabolism
b) autophagy
a) we then live on our belly fat and visceral fat
b) recycling old and damaged proteins into new and correctly folded proteins
This argument does not make the vegetarians and vegans start eating steaks, but it shows them that animal based nutrition is healthy.
Is this person a doctor?
I think it's so awful how he's using people's addictions to profit under the name of carnivore/"animal based" I honestly wonder if he didn't use carnivore in the beginning to gain attention knowing he'd do this later....
I didn't appreciate the tone of arrogance in this podcast that 100% of people should not be eating fruit and that it is always a "bandaid ". I think that it's wonderful that so many people are experiencing healing with low carb and the carnivore diet, but it's too early to say with such certainty that they have all the answers.
I shared context with fruits and bandaid situations. I said that if fruit helps you to sleep, it may be a bandaid needed for a while because we should always weigh the good vs. bad when making decisions. But if you "need" fruit for any specific reason, then it is a bandaid. We worked with over 1500 carnivore clients and patients, all on on one. We never had to say. "you need fruit to sleep, or fruit to hold electrolytes." They may help but they "are" bandaids. While that may not be something you want to hear, it is the truth we've seen. We also run labs so it's not just guess work. Our intention is to help people get to root-cause healing and bandaids will never do that. And if you feel that me sharing that these "are" bandaids, I guess I'm arrogant. Truth is not always fun to hear but our goal is to help people find root-cause.
Nah... Ancient fruit was as sweet as a nowadays carrot... It is already settled that no animal is adapted to such high carb intake... But people just love too much the sugar because is addictive, it was designed to be addictive... We are like flies falling into the carnivore plant trap... Drunk by the sugar.
Isn't cancer caused by a high carb WOE? 😂😂 Someone should make a study on that...
NO!!! Most cancers are viral.
Paul Saladino’s recent videos are really confusing people on this topic. He isn’t seeing patients and doesn’t see what his fruit and honey eating advice is doing to people who don’t have his metabolism…which is like 99% of humans. 🫤 Thanks for bringing evidence to this topic.