hey phreak i know you're a busy guy with leading live design team but i really miss the patch updates. I used to listen to these videos in the car on my commute and I really enjoy learning about the mathematical changes, as well as the rationales behind changes. I know you've said that the live patch notes are 'redundant' because changes are minor if any, and you end up repeating yourself a lot. However, in my opinion, you could just explain what PBE/live data shows and what minor changes were made (or not made); so previews are more like explaining the reasoning behind changes, while the patch updates would be shorter and moreso go over numerical changes and whether your assumptions/assessments (that you go over in patch previews) are correct or not based on PBE data. I don't expect much but I hope you'll consider this!
#Phreak -- We love your patch rundowns. LS lies, pretends and dramatizes his rundowns; we can't trust him. He's a showman, not a mathematician, and will probably run for president soon. --- Please bring your rundowns back. --
Time stamps: 0:35 Topics 1:10 Current state of the game 6:45 14.21 Expectations 10:32 ADC items 17:02 AP items 23:10 Rune changes 36:06 Champion nerfs 53:07 champion buffs
32:00 Tower durability update. They often feel like paper. Cut Demolish HP Scaling by 70% Cut the flat amount by 20% Make the CD 25sec This makes a-lot of random free tower damage go away. Also, whatever the AP Ratio for mages auto attacking towers is cut that current number by 80% (If Sion needs a buff just buff Sion)
Amazing breakdown of Riven, her current state and what happened to her during the years. I didn't knew about the powercreep she's been having on her damage, but to be fair I've much expected it. She is one of the very very few duelists who doesn't really have any real duelist tool (namely stuff like %hp damage, %armor pen, true damage, %damage reduction, healing). Overall her compensation for lacking these tools in the years came from the Items and her AD scalings, which makes it pretty logical how the powercreep came out of this situation. I still think giving these huge raw damage to this champ will just make her go towards the assassin role instead of the duelists she's supposed to be. She always liked assassin items due to the big amount of AD and just the overall oneshot potential that she gets out of them, which also makes her so much more frustrating to play against. Just shift some of those AD scalings from raw damage to something else, whatever other utility she can get out of the duelists toolset (besides damage red. because I think having subpar survivability is kinda her thing) so she can actually function without having to rely on item system being good for her (like every other duelist)
Hey this is just a random thing i hope you read phreak, i think you need to decide what you want midlane assassins to actually be in the game, i've heard from you guys so far that you don't want them to be able to 100-0 people in lane, they already can't roam without losing something from the wave changes, they aren't designed to be able to lane well and you've said you want them early game focused instead of scaling...So what exactly is supposed to be the role of assassins now? where are they meant to shine
Nowhere, lol. Phreak has been gaslighting us with lies for a year or more now. "Assassins this, assassins that, we'll do this, we'll do that" - yet they still suck and the meta is always in their disadvantage. Assassins will never be actually good, the balance team doesn't like them. It's obvious at this point. They throw us small crumbs every now and then just to keep us quiet for a while and that's it. Enjoy being barely mediocre as a class for the rest of your life.
Assassin players get to sit in Non-Meta Jail until they accept that the healthy version of an assassin only 90-0's enemy squishies and they need to play around their team's poke/engage or snowball a massive lead with the help of other lanes.
@@gaze2156 but what is point of this healthy version of an assassin? Because any tank or mage can 90-0 enemy squishies and they have infinitely better neutral game and utility. Assassins also lose their lane hard when you are above diamond, so they can't get any lead let alone snowball it.
@th3rm4l__ literally lmfao, i stopped playing a few months ago ,game got so boring and not only do they cater to children, but like u said, they lie and try to gaslight us as if they care or will change anything
@gaze2156 i would disprove everything u said and explain why it makes 0 sense but this is either ragebait or ure a lowbop with a dent in ur skull so there's no point. Consider 🪑🪢😄
Here's what I don't understand: Stormsurge - not overpowered. Riot - removes ranged/melee split on damage Stormsurge - now OP on ranged burst mages Riot - nerfs stormsurge for *everyone* I am confusion
Because the two changes were for different reasons. One was because the item was weak for some users and strong for others. The other was because they don't want too much proc damage in the game. If it's truly underpowered after this change they may put back some raw stats on the item.
Mages shouldn't build stormsurge to begin with. Riot rather make every AP item in the game being viable for mages than actually do a proper AP assassin item for the assassins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you considered giving AD or even AP Assassins team gold? Like if they get a kill, they share more gold with their team if they get an assist? Could work as a passive skill for the class, or a item. I think the goal this enforces is that Assassins need to get kills on the map, so how do they help their team win? or why pick an Assassin over another class? Well assassins can guarantee some kills and if you help them, you get some extra gold to help win you the game. This is snowbally, but Assassins HAVE to snowball. Just because snowballing is down doesn't mean another class shouldn't be able to use snowballing better than others.
I agree that IE isn't a great first item, it's more of a necessary evil when you have no other raw-AD item that fits your build. I'm always for there being as many viable options as possible though, so I hope IE will still be a possible greedy first buy which lets you spike on two items (with like PD) if you pull it off.
Also. Watching worlds. its funny how Yone is at the current point the most played champion,. with a 80%+ win rate with over 20 games that he is seen. yep. definitely need a buff. What Lube does the person who wants buffs for this champion use for that picture on their desk.
@@BRKirne Right, so the buffs are strictly for their crit scaling on Q and nothing else, literally not a buff until Yone finishes his current meta 2 item Bork Stride, unless he switches to crit first/2nd again which I agree would be healthier. The Yasuo pen buff is basically placebo. This is +0.5-1% win rate
I would love for someone as dedicated as Phreak is to fixing old tech in the live game to focus on the old tech that's in the client and slowly but surely improve it. It seems like a full client rework is unlikely, but small incremental improvements would be amazing.
why is full client rework unlikely? because of the resources it would take? genuinely curious because i absolutely hate the dogshit client and would love to get an actual working client like other games have
As someone that hit gm EUW playing mostly Aphelios and racks close to 2M points aggregated from my accounts I would be more than willing to give an input in what parts of Aphelios skills feels worse, I think changing his cast time on proccing calibrum marks ( long range aa mark) to scale with attack speed is a necessity because otherwise hitting a spell in close to mid range ends up being a bad thing rather than a good thing, and i also think his attack speed ratio should be buffed from 0.64 to say 0.66 more attacky would be nice, the other spell in dire need of buffs is the turret which is completely dependent on its interaction with calibrum or it is essentially useless.
@RemiBusseuil "OP champion" lmfaoooo. He is nowhere even close to release Aphelios. Dude's been lowest or bottom 3 winrate for ADCs for a long time now
@RemiBusseuil hes not op but riot definitely needs to be careful with how they buff or change him. Even being this "weak" his strength is still very glaring.
Phreak, you still dont understand the problem with Yun Tal Wildarrows. No one will buy it with current passive, only if you overbuff stats. If you want make this item is playable, just split his passive: Passive 1: you autoattacks apply DoT 1, which deals X damage over 2 seconds. Autoattacks reset duration. Passive 2: you critical strikes apply DoT 2, which deals Y damage over 2 seconds. Critical strikes reset duration. Then this item will work for both on-hit and crit builds. You can always adjust numbers.
Dom was right.. Riot would nerf all the abusers of an OP item (fated ashes) then turn around and nerf the OP item, leaving the previous abusers very weak
Udyr will be fine his damage is the same his tank items are still op He will stop being a 52% + win rate for 6 months and lose 1 % of power that's absolutely fine Now yes riot does duck us They don't understand how item's and champions work or more likely they don't care
@@Lucky-x4n I'm an AD udyr player, the E nerfs hit ad bruiser udyr way harder than they do Ap tank, which was not a deserved nerf. Clearspeed nerfs I understand altho weird to do it at the same time as Liandries nerfs, since thats a big part of his clearspeed.
I appreciate all the effort that goes into these, but man yun tal needs a bigger change. It’s the worst adc item in the game, and it needs more than a gentle nudge. It seems so odd to give it a double compensation nerf when even on the champs that can “abuse” it, the item still feels mediocre. On top of it, I dislike the direction of the change since the only thing that makes yun tal Interesting is the passive. Nerfing the passive makes me want to build it even less. You can’t rush it because you need crit, but building it after you have crit is troll. At least the old version that had scaling made some sense as a late game item. Current yun tal is always irrelevant. Maybe the bleed could scale with crit chance instead of ad? That way there’s a hard cap to it, and the passive gets to feel relevant throughout the game. Disclaimer: not a game designer.
Think the item just needs an overall change as it basically is a different version of IE with the "give lots of AD and do more damage on crit" theme. Maybe give it the Essence Reaver or Navori treatment where every auto procs the bleed (lower base damage of course). This would make it a strong first item for champs who want to build a lot of AD and crit later on.
I dont think they should apply the bleed just every aa cuz the item would then just be a great on hit item , not a crit auto attacker item . the idea of the item is great , a first crit item for auto attackers like jinx or zeri , that also synergize with runaans , on the paper it should be so op on jinx since its basically an on hit crit item , so crit user that attacks a lot should abuse it very well . I do think that the buffs and removing the bf sword will be enough to make it best item for jinx and zeri and it makes sense to have yuntal first , then runaans , then ie then dominik , every item has it place and role and precise order . If i had to change something to yuntal to make it feel better , it would be removing some ad to give it attack speed since it scales so well with attack speed and building ad as and crit on a first item will feel very good for crit auto attackers adcs.
@@Barook following that build path, You are taking armor pen too late, making the 3 ítems powerspike way weaker compared to IE+runaan+Dominik. And at 4 ítems, You would be better building something that could help You to survive a bit instead of more damage
@@ignacioperez5479 if they build armor you can still build dominik before ie , but sure ie runaan dominik is stronger as a 3 items build than yuntal runaan dominik but it doesnt mean its better to build it that way , just like technically luden death cap void staff would be better than luden stormsurge shadowflame for example , but in reality it depends on the gold you have and how much you want to snowball since having an item one or maybe 2 backs earlier can make you win one fight so then you can take that turret and so that drake etc etc classic snowballing so i dont think that thinking about it after you already have 3 items is the good way to go , or then statik would never be purchased since its quite trash as a 3th 4th 5th item and compared to any other 3 items builds it will suck , like zeri statik runaan ie sucks very hard compare to ie runaan dominik but in reality statik is still better for her as a rush item , so statik is still one of the best 1st item option even tho its always badder than other 3 items core builds , yet its the most meta first item adc . And an item like ie shouldnt be built early ideally , its supposed to be that big satisfying powerspike that makes your entire build makes sense , just like death cap . So I would be happy with changes going that way
Hey Phreak, I am honestly impressed how well you explained the current state of Tryndamere, good early, bad late. I am also looking forward to buffs, but what I don't understand is, we buff sustainability with armor per level and the AS ratio, aren't those meant for late game, where he doesn't have any agency to begin with? So what I understood was, you can't give him more CC without a rework and he doesn't have much you can buff on him. With sustained damage you buffed his attackspeed, but I feel the later the state of the game, the weaker he gets, sadly, a champion can just get 2 armor items and negate your damage entirely. I feel his sustained damage is fine as long as the enemy is not buying massive amounts of armor, so my idea would be to give his ultimate while active the ability to penetrate 5%/ 7.5%/ 10% Bonus armor. Right now I feel armor makes the champion way worse, even when having huge leads.
thank you so much for the runes tooltip changes, ive always wondered why they never showed exact numbers and hearing that story about fixing it was both hilarious and eye opening. also “smolder is a year old - both canonically and in game-“ KILLED me
Hey! Since a lot of your recent balance decisions is influenced by "wr after x games", are you aware of any third party site where one might check that (or something close to that) to see such stuff for oneselves? Alternatively would you be willing to share a snapshot of how each champs winrate is past x games?
The talking about past seasons made me think of a fun series where you showcase the difference from the past with your knowledge of the game on how it used to be compared to now. One to show how the game used to be and two lets players know that what they believe truly isn't what was reality.
Appreciate the insights as always. A point of feedback on Pantheon changes: 1% more on W is not especially helpful during lane phase and doesn't scale all that well. Additionally, buffing the base % like this is actually a neutral buff to all roles. A buff to the BONUS HP ratio on the ability would specifically support top lane builds that itemize HP if you're dead set on using W as the lever here. Additionally, please see if there is some space to help his mana. Presence of Mind nerf was a big issue and if we use Aegis Assault once in lane Panth exhausta an enormous portion of his mana pool.
Pantheon suffered a lot from losing a lot of AD in his items. I think, a reasonable compensation would be mana cost reductions on W and E even if they were small and maybe hp scaling on Q. Even if we have to compensate the on hit from his W, Pantheon gets poor scaling from bruiser items as he wants lots of AD.
how is that neutral to all roles. toplaners are on average more tanky than mid and bot champs. because toplaners build hp more often. sure, making the W deal %bonusHP will be an even more top-directed buff, but the current version is still clearly a top-focused buff
She is in desperate need of AS Ratio buff, hitting 1.5 AS such a pain in the ass now. Berserkers+Lvl. 17+Alacrity+Hurricane/Navori doesn't get you 1.5 AS anymore...
praying for yuntal buffs being good enough for her , she definitely need help with AS ratio if she rushs yuntal tho you should have 1.5 AS with hurricane alacrity berzerkers , lethal tempo helps but it sucks that you have to stack it to be able to play the champ with the as she should be played with .
For the Poppy support nerfs i'd suggest nerfing auto dmg. Supp poppy uses hail of blades and blood song so any auto dmg nerfs skews supp. Does hurt toppy's ability to build certain items like divine or iceborn. Jg can get q dmg like here to make it even. Passive skews top lane heavily. Poppy needs passive to farm in bad matchups.
Did you guys fix the rune stats panel? The text is all messed up Also some extra info on abilities when you hold shift is messed up too. Like showing variable names or something similar
The Udyr nerfs are really sad. The E nerf hits Ad bruiser udyr really really hard, where instead Ap tank udyr should be the target of nerfs, the liandries into tank build has been the problem for ages now. But AD udyr maxes E second and is completely reliant on MS, where AP Tank udyr maxes E third. Also why did you postpone Udyr nerfs for ages, only to nerf him on the same patch as Liandries? Weird.
Instead of top tower taking reduced damage to prevent lane swaps, top lane minions should give reduced shared experience at the beginning of the game, or some combination of the two. The only downside I see is when junglers help push the lane out, but think it is worth giving top laners back the ability to hit tower. Thoughts?
I assume it would be something along these lines. Top lane requires high xp intake. Imagine when ur jg lvl3 ganks and you get a kill, but ur jg pushes in wave and so you share that xp. Now you're behind after "winning" which feels really shitty
Hey Phreak, appreciate these as always. Are we worried that we're Riot Specialing Mordekaiser this patch? We're buffing his traditional counterpicks, we're nerfing him, and we're nerfing his items. Was this a discussion the balance team had and decided that "Yes, we're still going to do this"? Curious as to why Additionally, a few months ago when we changed Mordekaiser R to be uncleansable, you said that you had a desire to change Mordekaiser to be more high-elo skewed. This has clearly not happened yet, and I am curious if it will be happening anytime soon?
can we revert the new shop item queue? There has been too many times I'm spam clicking an item waiting for like 2 gold to fully purchase it, but instead it would just buy a duplicate component for that item , now obviously i can just wait till i have enough gold before i click on it but it just seems silly that im being punished for clicking too early on an item.
Thanks for the notes Phreak, I enjoy listening to these. I don't know where else to point this out, but your client has a memory leak somewhere. I killed the process leaking, and nothing on the client changed.
Hey phreak I feel like a lost of people including myself feel that yuntal is still a very underwhelming item. I did some math and as a rush item assuming you get it around lvl 9 including the lethality it only offers a bit more damage on average and by second item its already out-scaled and collector is already doing more damage not including the execute. Also lethality is just a better stat than on hit damage because of its better synergies with things like jhin 4th shot and Lucian q with its high base damage at max rank. So unless you have very good synergy Specifically with yuntal being a hybrid crit/onhit item the n collector is just a better item with a better build-path as a bonus. But who knows maybe i’m wrong and its busted on release. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
thank you phreak as always for talking about tooltip stuff, i find it an interesting research topic and speaking of, do you know why in game tooltips changed this patch to no longer have a transparent background and bullet points being more grouped together?
If you really want AD assassins to be good early game you have to revert durability patch or buff their dmg early game, buffing their items is not gonna change anything.
Okay, but factoring mobility creep into teamfight pacing, wouldn't that make teamfights play out faster? You know, like even if the damage is the same as it used to be if everyone moves faster that damage gets to be applied faster?
Yuntal is not a good item by design. If the bleed was on AA and on crit the damage is increased, it would be much better since the problem is consistency
then it would just be kraken but worse passive dmg will have to be nerfed, since it's more accessible, and the item will just become a phys dmg onhit item with less synergistic stats compared to current alternatives (bork, kraken)
@@bellowheaty1228 not really. The problem of the item is it lacks consistency when it should have impact and impact when it have consistency. I Will give You an example on a tank item that would have the same problem. An HP item that reduce AA damage recieved on a flat amount. Based on the passive, You would want it early, but if You build it early, then You are not buying armor, that would be as much effective as the passive. And if You don't Buy it early, the item loses most of the impact because AA damage would be much higher. Is the same with yuntal. Early, the damage of the proc is good, but You can't apply it consistenly enough for it to be a good choice, and late Game, when You can apply it consistenly, the damage is not good enough to be worth compared to almost every other item
@@ignacioperez5479 yea i understand the analogy, but that is the price you have to pay as a crit carry. if you want consistent early game dmg, you have to build kraken or bork. if you want to have 100% crit chance at 4 items, you have to sacrifice early game damage
Hey, Phreak! Thanks for the video! Out of curiosity, is the balancing team aware of the Veigar Fimbulwinter build? Any thoughts on it, if so? Building Fimbulwinter into Rabadons, with Sorcery+Precision (for maximum haste) makes him fairly safe (but much weaker) early, while also giving him a massive spike on Rabadons.
Why were Sivir and Xayah buffs removed? Why do you all hate them so much? Especially Sivir. I know you don't want her pick or ban in pro play but this patch wouldn't applied to worlds games.
hey phreak, don't know if you'll read this but I wonder if at some point do you guys consider making champion sets like in TCGs, so some champs rotate each split, some champs are evergreen (yi, garen). I think that would solve most of league's balance difficulties and new players entry
please keep an eye on Quinn don't forget about her, she both utilize ad assassin and crit items so she gets hits on both side and the result is she feels really bad to play
I remember back in early seasons I used to build Lich Bane on Veigar, so in a way it was "more lethal" as if I missed my spells, I did more damage, and if I hit my spells, I did more damage because of auto weaving xD
Any plans on making kraken slayer a crit item again? Give it some crit chance and give it like 55/60 AD but remove all the MS. Kraken slayer matches more as a crit item than an onhit item.
Hello, I am a Corki OTP. I think Corki should just have his 14.10 rework reverted. His gameplay is so so boring and he has to be kept even weaker for pro play than before. I miss the magic damage, I miss the package, I miss being able to choose between poke mage or aggro marksman, I miss having fun. He used to be so fun.
Are you guys keeping an eye on Rammus? the armor ratio of Thornmail was nerfed from 25% to 10% in just two patches, and this item is the core of his entire design. He hasnt been in a good spot for a while now, due to the meta and even in the most AD matchups he aint that strong anymore. And yet, he eats another passive nerf with thornmail.
Please add another Longsword to Voltaic Cycloswords recipe, the buildpath is horrible having to sit on components (Brutalizer Kappa, 2 Longswords) for 1k Gold for a rush item
I really loved when you revealed how tooltips work! Didn't know you code or at least have a very deep understanding of how the code works. Would love having you as a boss Phreak, so intensely competent and thoughtful. Keep it up man, don't mind the haters.
Wait you say crit adcs and ad assassins suck now and you re working on it, but then we keep nerfing some crit items, and we also do absolutely nothing about ad assassins?
I don’t think they could get ready a whole package of adequate improvements for the class, sounds like they’d rather do it a way more likely to be right next patch than throw AD back into every assassin item without thinking about consequences
yo phreak you were saying you are closely monitoring increasing ban rates. Did you see the increase in yone Ban rate? But you are buffing him? doesnt make sense then.
Wind bros were 48% for most of week 1 and still 49% for everyone under Dia, ban is skyrocketing because of people watching worlds not necessarily because he’s strong on live patch
Alright phreak, i know you probably won't read this wall of text but please do these are the type of scripting issues it seems like you like fixing .The way bone plating interacts with fizz q/w is extremely inconsistent compared to the rest of interactions with abilities that apply onhits. If gp uses q on somebody with bone plating level 1 it activates bone plating but doesn't consume any charges. If fizz uses q on someone with bone plating level 1 it activates bone plating and then doesn't consume 1, but it consumes TWO charges and blocks 2 charges worth of damage. If fizz is level 2 and has w leveled same thing. But if fizz is level 2 and presses w then presses q it activates bone plating, then consumes all 3 charges by itself. As far as i know this isn't intended as the ability that activates bone plating is NOT meant to have its damage blocked, whenever fizz presses w then presses q what you would expect is bone plating activates from fizz q, then the applying of w consumes one charge. But even there it consumes all 3 so whats going on here? gp q applies onhits just like fizz q.
Hey phreak, I’ve been playing for 4 years and the only botlaners that have come out in that time have either been pro-jailed or not a marksman. Is smolder being considered a failure? I thought the champion was designed specifically to be easy to play and low elo friendly, but it seems that he’s been kneecapped in all of soloq while still enjoying pro-play presence. Why hasn’t riot released a botlane marksman that hasn’t been projailed since Aphelios in 2019 (who is very obviously not low elo friendly.) I’m not counting Samira as a marksman by the way because let’s be real for a second.
I think most pantheon mains who like to play him bruiser would agree that pantheon needs q buffs and not w buffs. I understand that w buff is a lever for brusier oriented matchups, but panthoen's q does noodle damage and is suppose to be the skill expressive part of his kit (skillshot). I think reverting his q damage back to 10.21 would help pantheon espeically since he lost a lot of ad from brusier items nerf. Please revisit this w buff idea for panthoen Riot Phreak
Moving power away from items/gold and putting it into champion/ability base stats at higher levels could be a good way to give champions some power back without bringing back aggressive snowballing too much. Also Abyssal Mask feels insane, and I'm saying this as a Sejuani player. It's super exciting, but at the same time it's basically handing out free void staffs to characters who don't usually get it, and I'm wondering just how much this ends up inflating damage numbers and whether or not it ends up being an impactful amount for tanks too
as a Zac and Amumu main I agree. I think there is two good ways to balance it. The first way would be to make the effect stack over time like rift maker and conq. I like this style of item/rune because they ramp up. They can be very strong while giving the enemies a clear way to play around them. The other way would be to make the 30% for the user, and make it so the teammates only benefit from half of that amount.
@@jinnyplays in fairness i dont actually know if the item is overpowered. The effect just reads as super powerful to me, but maybe that's okay. It's a pretty cool tech piece for someone like Diana too.
I think that the thing why people dont build unending despite being that good is cause as a solo armor item it isnt that good in most cases. Unending is incredibly good as a second armor item but as a solo armor item what you want is armor and it doesnt give that much, is better to build thornmail that gives you more and also is cheaper. Im not saying the item is bad, the item is pretty dam good but it shines when you have another armor item and usually only pure tanks build that. Id unending had the stats of thornmail it would be builded every game even if it was more expensive
No one is ever going to build yuntal shitarrows if the dps is that low, might aswell delete the item. It was good on aphelios before now its nonexistent.
K'sante is probably at such a high win rate because he's quite easy right now. I am also EXTREMELY skeptical that you can say what a character's true winrate is for a champion like Smolder. I strongly suspect you just don't have the sample size to make a strong claim about newer or less popular champions, especially while accounting for any biases in the data.
Just last patch he was played in over 757k ranked matches. Multiply that by how many patches he's been out & average it (since he's been out 7 months) and you can easily find the several million matches played. That's a lot of data just in ranked alone. Not including norms or pro
@@egosumv3112 more than you think do, just as with every champion in the game. What would you say is a good mastery number to equate to games played? Because your comment suggest that it requires amount of games played to understand vs the actual skill of the player to understand the kit. So, what would you say is a high mastery number? 50k, 100k, 200k, 300k, etc
@@themuffinprincesa21 I'm saying that Riot probably can't estimate Smolder's "true" winrate at 300 games played with a high degree of accuracy when there are multiple confounding variables and probably less than a thousand people have played that many ranked games on Smolder this season. Iirc, it was maybe 5 people with 150 games or more played on Smolder last split in D2+, which is what opgg tracks. Not in this video, but in a previous video, he mentioned that Smolder was something like 2% OP, which is what he's referencing. I don't trust that at such a precise level.
You were out of balance with patch 14.20 Current AD Bruiser ADC champion, item situation is not good Every patch this year feels like it's getting worse. It's the worst.
@@yoshi596 cait/ezreal can jungle when they are op in lane, how are you gonna invade me when I can kite you with traps and e and a red buff, you can solo anyone, you can't run her anymore because adc items are nerfed tho
It couldn't be an instant refresh though. Instead make the burn process of w reduce e's CD in ticks. So a good use of w gives you more Es but a bad is still inting.
hey phreak, kindly look into kraken akshan&ad tf stats if possible. Thing with jinx etc. looking not bad with kraken (and as you said not big gap compared to other 1st items) is that she rarely makes use of it (she will average 500 dmg from kraken procs per game), meanwhile akshan&adtf used to proc at least 3-5k+ dmg per game (obviously i dont have riots stats on this, just speaking from experience).
Ak and ad tf are outliers for that item also jinx does more damage than that with kraken you just need to trade more to make use of it before late game when she kills in 4 hits anyway.
@@nfzeta128 not saying she CANT, but from my experience average kraken dmg outputs vary a lot between those champs, which is why jinx doesn't care when kraken is weak - her kit carries her up (unlike akshan, ad tf, kindred - who is stronger than others due to big compensate buffs, but how do you compensate akshan without overbuffing his lethality builds?)
@@improverlol why would you compensate buff them? The item is fine they just abuse it sometimes. If they pick up the item and then can't or don't abuse it they should be punished.
@@nfzeta128 generally speaking the item appears not to be fine on akshan nor ad tf, akshan went from kraken first item wr having 55% over last 4 years (if kraken is such an "abuse" issue why wasnt it an issue for 4+ years?) to 47-48%, which is why the main build for akshan is hubris > youmus right now.
@@improverlol are you seriously asking why soloq players didn't discover something was op faster? Sera bot was strong from like 3-4 months after her release and it took people almost two years to stop thinking it was troll and longer to start playing it. Also note that kraken had changes during that time where it may not have been OP but strong and unfound.
Honestly the game feels really good right now. I think the last two or so months have felt very balanced (high gold-mid plat elo player). TY for the vid!
items should be tuned in a way to be readable to the player and also distinctive from other items imo and i think that having an isolated/single target ratio on ludens is kinda hot garbage for that. to me looking at the splash damage of the item makes it feel like it has a really strong niche as a tool for poke mages to spalsh around damage/refresh spell effects/assist with waveclear. it's a long range non committal aoe splash that can be used to great effect to soften up an enemy team around objectives when both teams are dancing for positioning around them. stormsurge on the flipside requires you to go in a bit to get them down and gives some aoe once you've committed to taking a target down in a teamfight as well as providing an execute on the target. the damage to the target hit by ludens feels like it steps on the toes of stormsurge as just another piece of syndras one shot exodia when it should be for champs like (bad example) ap kaisa or xerath
Please just lower Aphelios ult cooldown, it is absurdly long for an ult that is very missable/dodgeable and it is not as strong of an ult as it used to be for one-shotting. It is also a buff that would help him in solo queue without buffing him too much in pro (like what you guys did with Zeri).
Phreak why not just get rid of the whole "shotgun burst" part of the ludens and give it back the 100 base damage (10% ap ratio) that the old ludens had. Then give it 5 mpen to make up for the burst lost (so its stll a burst oriented mana item) and the item is still good without gimping it.
I wonder what would need to change about Aphelios to make him be picked in pro (I miss it so much) without being OP in soloq... One thing definitely is that he always starts at red/green, maybe unlocking what guns he starts with (entirely or a selection of 2 setups) could be interesting...
Ok get me straight here, so adc currently is litterly more of a support role then dedicated support, we go Ashe Jhin or kaisa building ap item, but we nerf the scaling on ad item to fix this issue???????? So like we want adc to do less damage? What is the incentive for one to play jinx when you can play zig or hwei do the same dmg live longer better early game and more utility???
Playing veigar, syndra, sera feels like freelo rn. I really do prefer phreak at least telling us his intentions with changes rather than just having no idea behind balance, but I haven't seen them really address mages bot much in his tenure.
And early game is where adcs really suck right now, at 3 or 4 items they didn't change much. But of course OP sees minus stats and thinks nerf. @@themonkeys96
@@themonkeys96yun tal already does pathetic damage and they're nerfing the damage. Are you delulu or what? So what it costs 2950 if you are buying an item that functionally adds ~10 damage only on crits over time to every auto. Compared to things like IE that have a whopping crit damage modifier or shiv that allows you to safely farm waves. Disgusting.
No offense, but do you guys really think how these change affects complicated champions? especially katarina for example which is extremely dependent on items? In 14.16 you guys buff kat Q to fit her AP burst assassin fantasy and nerf ult on-hit which is a fair change and nerf E (for the wrong reasons), adjust nerf her Q in 14.17, buff shadowflame and stormsurge in 14.18 to have more flat mpen but also make stormsurge insanely good for mages when it was supposed to be an AP assassin item to begin with and it turned out to be a good item to all ap champions in general, 14.19 items nerf patch (also durability 2.0) and then proceeds to murder nashor's, atrocious lich bane build path with large rod + being 100g more expensive meanwhile her winrate goes under 50% which is problematic and a sign that kat is underperforming already. Now we're going into 14.20 with stormsurge being throwed into the bin AGAIN because of burst mages and kat gets fucked by this despite having more success than lich (which has higher pickrate) and especially nashor's which is not viable anymore. Now I ask you, how do you guys want to balance this champion? Or even better do you even care at all? Why is it so hard to remove on-hit effects? Why is it so hard to accept that Katarina NEEDS Gunblade or an new item that has AP/AD and not a garbage passive/active? I swear to god when it's about kat the balance team do the least amount of effort in order to make her feel decent to play, I sincerely lost hope.
Hey phreak why is mmr producing negative lp gains so quickly at the top of the ladder post reset? It’s really hard to enjoy games when the game quality is much lower than what players are used to
Glad to see that Riven is being flatted a bit per MMR, she's interesting to watch, but it is sad to see her be near useless in Bronze/Silver; I think Trynd could use an ASU or whatever happen to A.Sol whenever those guys get a chance (probably not until the new season), since his kit is one of the oldest and clunkiest out of those that still remain in League, and as you said, he has a rather binary state of usefulness. Also glad to see more work on AP items, that's an ecosystem that's been a bit shaky for a while, but it finally seems to be in a good place with what's good when.
Im glad Aurelion Sol didnt get nerfed. More time to see how the meta will adapt to the changes. Also Im pretty sure you guys are already cooking Smolder mini-rework. Im not going to lie it seems like he's even harder to balance than Azir in his prime.
hey phreak i know you're a busy guy with leading live design team but i really miss the patch updates. I used to listen to these videos in the car on my commute and I really enjoy learning about the mathematical changes, as well as the rationales behind changes. I know you've said that the live patch notes are 'redundant' because changes are minor if any, and you end up repeating yourself a lot. However, in my opinion, you could just explain what PBE/live data shows and what minor changes were made (or not made); so previews are more like explaining the reasoning behind changes, while the patch updates would be shorter and moreso go over numerical changes and whether your assumptions/assessments (that you go over in patch previews) are correct or not based on PBE data. I don't expect much but I hope you'll consider this!
#Phreak -- We love your patch rundowns. LS lies, pretends and dramatizes his rundowns; we can't trust him. He's a showman, not a mathematician, and will probably run for president soon. --- Please bring your rundowns back. --
@@j.a.velarde5901Politics and hate posting on a completely different channel is crazy work
Hard agree, not enough Phreak content currently.
@@j.a.velarde5901idk how you can like one but not the other...
0:34 - Topics
1:10 - Where We're At Now
6:44 - 14.21 Expectations
10:30 - ADC Items
17:01 - AP Itemization
23:10 - Misc. Systems
36:06 - Champion Nerfs
53:06 - Champion Buffs
i thought sivir was getting buffs in 14.20 sadge not happening anymore it seems
Time stamps:
0:35 Topics
1:10 Current state of the game
6:45 14.21 Expectations
10:32 ADC items
17:02 AP items
23:10 Rune changes
36:06 Champion nerfs
53:07 champion buffs
Tower durability update.
They often feel like paper.
Cut Demolish HP Scaling by 70%
Cut the flat amount by 20%
Make the CD 25sec
This makes a-lot of random free tower damage go away.
Also, whatever the AP Ratio for mages auto attacking towers is cut that current number by 80%
(If Sion needs a buff just buff Sion)
Long phreak videos are always great. I can fall asleep to patch notes for 3 days off of this puppy! Learning and getting good rest? Sign me up
4/5 on the cringe scale kind of comment.
@@graves55 brave of you to main graves, gg sir! i gave up on that champ a long time ago
Actual patch preview is that teemo asu comes out and everything else is a sidenote
Amazing breakdown of Riven, her current state and what happened to her during the years.
I didn't knew about the powercreep she's been having on her damage, but to be fair I've much expected it.
She is one of the very very few duelists who doesn't really have any real duelist tool (namely stuff like %hp damage, %armor pen, true damage, %damage reduction, healing).
Overall her compensation for lacking these tools in the years came from the Items and her AD scalings, which makes it pretty logical how the powercreep came out of this situation.
I still think giving these huge raw damage to this champ will just make her go towards the assassin role instead of the duelists she's supposed to be. She always liked assassin items due to the big amount of AD and just the overall oneshot potential that she gets out of them, which also makes her so much more frustrating to play against.
Just shift some of those AD scalings from raw damage to something else, whatever other utility she can get out of the duelists toolset (besides damage red. because I think having subpar survivability is kinda her thing) so she can actually function without having to rely on item system being good for her (like every other duelist)
just make her % hp, why all toplaners can be RaidBoss 1v5 material and riven can be a dashing shquishy, or just make her jungle and thats it.
Honestly, the rune math adjustment is the biggest win of the patch, been waiting for this for a while.
"AD assassins suck now" seems to be a common theme
Ad Champions in general.
I literally just spent like, 4 of my past 5 games getting actually oneshot by AD Shaco. This has to be a joke.
@@AWeakPrinny curious if it is. Some champs struggle rn but to see AD as a whole I really cant tell
@@AWeakPrinny one could even say.....
The jokes on you!
@@WeatherManToBe get out lmao
Hey this is just a random thing i hope you read phreak, i think you need to decide what you want midlane assassins to actually be in the game, i've heard from you guys so far that you don't want them to be able to 100-0 people in lane, they already can't roam without losing something from the wave changes, they aren't designed to be able to lane well and you've said you want them early game focused instead of scaling...So what exactly is supposed to be the role of assassins now? where are they meant to shine
Nowhere, lol. Phreak has been gaslighting us with lies for a year or more now. "Assassins this, assassins that, we'll do this, we'll do that" - yet they still suck and the meta is always in their disadvantage. Assassins will never be actually good, the balance team doesn't like them. It's obvious at this point. They throw us small crumbs every now and then just to keep us quiet for a while and that's it. Enjoy being barely mediocre as a class for the rest of your life.
Assassin players get to sit in Non-Meta Jail until they accept that the healthy version of an assassin only 90-0's enemy squishies and they need to play around their team's poke/engage or snowball a massive lead with the help of other lanes.
@@gaze2156 but what is point of this healthy version of an assassin? Because any tank or mage can 90-0 enemy squishies and they have infinitely better neutral game and utility. Assassins also lose their lane hard when you are above diamond, so they can't get any lead let alone snowball it.
@th3rm4l__ literally lmfao, i stopped playing a few months ago ,game got so boring and not only do they cater to children, but like u said, they lie and try to gaslight us as if they care or will change anything
@gaze2156 i would disprove everything u said and explain why it makes 0 sense but this is either ragebait or ure a lowbop with a dent in ur skull so there's no point. Consider 🪑🪢😄
Here's what I don't understand:
Stormsurge - not overpowered.
Riot - removes ranged/melee split on damage
Stormsurge - now OP on ranged burst mages
Riot - nerfs stormsurge for *everyone*
I am confusion
they always do this
Because the two changes were for different reasons. One was because the item was weak for some users and strong for others.
The other was because they don't want too much proc damage in the game. If it's truly underpowered after this change they may put back some raw stats on the item.
Mages shouldn't build stormsurge to begin with. Riot rather make every AP item in the game being viable for mages than actually do a proper AP assassin item for the assassins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Stormsurge is strong even on melees. Mpen increase and movement speed are factors that helped both
@@theny3631 yeah it's a good item on them, but Ekko, Elise and Evelynn aren't problematic right now. It's the ranged burst mages that are problematic.
Have you considered giving AD or even AP Assassins team gold? Like if they get a kill, they share more gold with their team if they get an assist? Could work as a passive skill for the class, or a item. I think the goal this enforces is that Assassins need to get kills on the map, so how do they help their team win? or why pick an Assassin over another class? Well assassins can guarantee some kills and if you help them, you get some extra gold to help win you the game.
This is snowbally, but Assassins HAVE to snowball. Just because snowballing is down doesn't mean another class shouldn't be able to use snowballing better than others.
I agree that IE isn't a great first item, it's more of a necessary evil when you have no other raw-AD item that fits your build. I'm always for there being as many viable options as possible though, so I hope IE will still be a possible greedy first buy which lets you spike on two items (with like PD) if you pull it off.
Also. Watching worlds. its funny how Yone is at the current point the most played champion,. with a 80%+ win rate with over 20 games that he is seen. yep. definitely need a buff. What Lube does the person who wants buffs for this champion use for that picture on their desk.
Wind bros looked very weak (sub 48%) for first week of this patch. Pros aren’t on this patch. If they overshoot they will adjust
Look at his build. Yone and Yasuo should never be building non-crit first item
@@BRKirne Right, so the buffs are strictly for their crit scaling on Q and nothing else, literally not a buff until Yone finishes his current meta 2 item Bork Stride, unless he switches to crit first/2nd again which I agree would be healthier. The Yasuo pen buff is basically placebo. This is +0.5-1% win rate
I would love for someone as dedicated as Phreak is to fixing old tech in the live game to focus on the old tech that's in the client and slowly but surely improve it. It seems like a full client rework is unlikely, but small incremental improvements would be amazing.
why is full client rework unlikely? because of the resources it would take? genuinely curious because i absolutely hate the dogshit client and would love to get an actual working client like other games have
Hi! Love your videos. One question, tho: are you not doing videos like "Patch Rundown" once the patch hits live with the definitive notes?
As someone that hit gm EUW playing mostly Aphelios and racks close to 2M points aggregated from my accounts I would be more than willing to give an input in what parts of Aphelios skills feels worse, I think changing his cast time on proccing calibrum marks ( long range aa mark) to scale with attack speed is a necessity because otherwise hitting a spell in close to mid range ends up being a bad thing rather than a good thing, and i also think his attack speed ratio should be buffed from 0.64 to say 0.66 more attacky would be nice, the other spell in dire need of buffs is the turret which is completely dependent on its interaction with calibrum or it is essentially useless.
So basically you are calling for an op champion to be more op? You can ask as this game is turning to garbage anyway
@@RemiBusseuil A 45% win rate champ that isnt even picked in pro play is an op champion?
@RemiBusseuil "OP champion" lmfaoooo. He is nowhere even close to release Aphelios. Dude's been lowest or bottom 3 winrate for ADCs for a long time now
@RemiBusseuil hes not op but riot definitely needs to be careful with how they buff or change him. Even being this "weak" his strength is still very glaring.
Phreak, you still dont understand the problem with Yun Tal Wildarrows. No one will buy it with current passive, only if you overbuff stats. If you want make this item is playable, just split his passive:
Passive 1: you autoattacks apply DoT 1, which deals X damage over 2 seconds. Autoattacks reset duration.
Passive 2: you critical strikes apply DoT 2, which deals Y damage over 2 seconds. Critical strikes reset duration.
Then this item will work for both on-hit and crit builds. You can always adjust numbers.
Dom was right.. Riot would nerf all the abusers of an OP item (fated ashes) then turn around and nerf the OP item, leaving the previous abusers very weak
And they even delay udyr nerfs for months untill finally nerfing him on THE SAME PATCH AS LIANDRIES/FATED ASHES. Big brain time
ıt happens every f*king time I swear, it's the same every season , yet they keep doing it. Absolute BS
Udyr will be fine his damage is the same his tank items are still op
He will stop being a 52% + win rate for 6 months
and lose 1 % of power that's absolutely fine
Now yes riot does duck us
They don't understand
how item's and champions work or more likely they don't care
Very weak lol
@@Lucky-x4n I'm an AD udyr player, the E nerfs hit ad bruiser udyr way harder than they do Ap tank, which was not a deserved nerf.
Clearspeed nerfs I understand altho weird to do it at the same time as Liandries nerfs, since thats a big part of his clearspeed.
I appreciate all the effort that goes into these, but man yun tal needs a bigger change. It’s the worst adc item in the game, and it needs more than a gentle nudge. It seems so odd to give it a double compensation nerf when even on the champs that can “abuse” it, the item still feels mediocre.
On top of it, I dislike the direction of the change since the only thing that makes yun tal Interesting is the passive. Nerfing the passive makes me want to build it even less. You can’t rush it because you need crit, but building it after you have crit is troll. At least the old version that had scaling made some sense as a late game item. Current yun tal is always irrelevant.
Maybe the bleed could scale with crit chance instead of ad? That way there’s a hard cap to it, and the passive gets to feel relevant throughout the game. Disclaimer: not a game designer.
Think the item just needs an overall change as it basically is a different version of IE with the "give lots of AD and do more damage on crit" theme.
Maybe give it the Essence Reaver or Navori treatment where every auto procs the bleed (lower base damage of course). This would make it a strong first item for champs who want to build a lot of AD and crit later on.
I dont think they should apply the bleed just every aa cuz the item would then just be a great on hit item , not a crit auto attacker item . the idea of the item is great , a first crit item for auto attackers like jinx or zeri , that also synergize with runaans , on the paper it should be so op on jinx since its basically an on hit crit item , so crit user that attacks a lot should abuse it very well . I do think that the buffs and removing the bf sword will be enough to make it best item for jinx and zeri and it makes sense to have yuntal first , then runaans , then ie then dominik , every item has it place and role and precise order . If i had to change something to yuntal to make it feel better , it would be removing some ad to give it attack speed since it scales so well with attack speed and building ad as and crit on a first item will feel very good for crit auto attackers adcs.
@@Barook following that build path, You are taking armor pen too late, making the 3 ítems powerspike way weaker compared to IE+runaan+Dominik. And at 4 ítems, You would be better building something that could help You to survive a bit instead of more damage
@@ignacioperez5479 if they build armor you can still build dominik before ie , but sure ie runaan dominik is stronger as a 3 items build than yuntal runaan dominik but it doesnt mean its better to build it that way , just like technically luden death cap void staff would be better than luden stormsurge shadowflame for example , but in reality it depends on the gold you have and how much you want to snowball since having an item one or maybe 2 backs earlier can make you win one fight so then you can take that turret and so that drake etc etc classic snowballing so i dont think that thinking about it after you already have 3 items is the good way to go , or then statik would never be purchased since its quite trash as a 3th 4th 5th item and compared to any other 3 items builds it will suck , like zeri statik runaan ie sucks very hard compare to ie runaan dominik but in reality statik is still better for her as a rush item , so statik is still one of the best 1st item option even tho its always badder than other 3 items core builds , yet its the most meta first item adc . And an item like ie shouldnt be built early ideally , its supposed to be that big satisfying powerspike that makes your entire build makes sense , just like death cap . So I would be happy with changes going that way
Wait, so the Aurelion Sol nerf is scrapped or?
Hey Phreak, I am honestly impressed how well you explained the current state of Tryndamere, good early, bad late. I am also looking forward to buffs, but what I don't understand is, we buff sustainability with armor per level and the AS ratio, aren't those meant for late game, where he doesn't have any agency to begin with? So what I understood was, you can't give him more CC without a rework and he doesn't have much you can buff on him. With sustained damage you buffed his attackspeed, but I feel the later the state of the game, the weaker he gets, sadly, a champion can just get 2 armor items and negate your damage entirely. I feel his sustained damage is fine as long as the enemy is not buying massive amounts of armor, so my idea would be to give his ultimate while active the ability to penetrate 5%/ 7.5%/ 10% Bonus armor. Right now I feel armor makes the champion way worse, even when having huge leads.
Durability patch roll back go down hp and armor
thank you so much for the runes tooltip changes, ive always wondered why they never showed exact numbers and hearing that story about fixing it was both hilarious and eye opening.
also “smolder is a year old - both canonically and in game-“ KILLED me
So why are we prioritizing champs such as yone instead of champs like azir when yone doesnt even need a buff while champs like azir is 46-45% winrate
Air is harder to balance and requires more time, or he ends up low wr but OP.
Also they just copied yasuo buffs on yone lmao
I dont mind the Yasuo buff, but the fact that they also buffed Yone when that champion DONT NEED ANY BUFFS
Yone is 47% wr bro. He was strong on 14.18, the worlds patch. Also they are nerfing Grasp which is his best rune
@@leonardokrambeck798 he has lethal tempo, and fleet.
Hey! Since a lot of your recent balance decisions is influenced by "wr after x games", are you aware of any third party site where one might check that (or something close to that) to see such stuff for oneselves? Alternatively would you be willing to share a snapshot of how each champs winrate is past x games?
Just go to league of graphs. They show win rate by game play, time length of match, gold income, what side picked even.
The talking about past seasons made me think of a fun series where you showcase the difference from the past with your knowledge of the game on how it used to be compared to now. One to show how the game used to be and two lets players know that what they believe truly isn't what was reality.
Appreciate the insights as always.
A point of feedback on Pantheon changes: 1% more on W is not especially helpful during lane phase and doesn't scale all that well. Additionally, buffing the base % like this is actually a neutral buff to all roles. A buff to the BONUS HP ratio on the ability would specifically support top lane builds that itemize HP if you're dead set on using W as the lever here.
Additionally, please see if there is some space to help his mana. Presence of Mind nerf was a big issue and if we use Aegis Assault once in lane Panth exhausta an enormous portion of his mana pool.
Pantheon suffered a lot from losing a lot of AD in his items. I think, a reasonable compensation would be mana cost reductions on W and E even if they were small and maybe hp scaling on Q. Even if we have to compensate the on hit from his W, Pantheon gets poor scaling from bruiser items as he wants lots of AD.
how is that neutral to all roles. toplaners are on average more tanky than mid and bot champs. because toplaners build hp more often. sure, making the W deal %bonusHP will be an even more top-directed buff, but the current version is still clearly a top-focused buff
Praying for Zeri changes next time.
She is in desperate need of AS Ratio buff, hitting 1.5 AS such a pain in the ass now. Berserkers+Lvl. 17+Alacrity+Hurricane/Navori doesn't get you 1.5 AS anymore...
The Yun tal change is a buff on her.
praying for yuntal buffs being good enough for her , she definitely need help with AS ratio if she rushs yuntal tho you should have 1.5 AS with hurricane alacrity berzerkers , lethal tempo helps but it sucks that you have to stack it to be able to play the champ with the as she should be played with .
42:10 singed details
For the Poppy support nerfs i'd suggest nerfing auto dmg. Supp poppy uses hail of blades and blood song so any auto dmg nerfs skews supp. Does hurt toppy's ability to build certain items like divine or iceborn. Jg can get q dmg like here to make it even.
Passive skews top lane heavily. Poppy needs passive to farm in bad matchups.
Did you guys fix the rune stats panel? The text is all messed up
Also some extra info on abilities when you hold shift is messed up too. Like showing variable names or something similar
can we make rylais slow conditional for ranged champs?
Exactly, they barely nerfed this item
Then only morde will build this item
What condition could you put that wouldn't make the item useless?
If anything you could have two tiers of slows but even then the same problem.
@@Lucky-x4nshould be renamed mordes crystal scepter he's so hardbound to the item
@@Lucky-x4n i don't see a problem with it being THE AP bruiser item.
Thank you again for doing patch previews! The community really appreciates it 💙
Love these videos. Thanks for them always!
The Udyr nerfs are really sad.
The E nerf hits Ad bruiser udyr really really hard, where instead Ap tank udyr should be the target of nerfs, the liandries into tank build has been the problem for ages now. But AD udyr maxes E second and is completely reliant on MS, where AP Tank udyr maxes E third.
Also why did you postpone Udyr nerfs for ages, only to nerf him on the same patch as Liandries? Weird.
Instead of top tower taking reduced damage to prevent lane swaps, top lane minions should give reduced shared experience at the beginning of the game, or some combination of the two. The only downside I see is when junglers help push the lane out, but think it is worth giving top laners back the ability to hit tower. Thoughts?
I assume it would be something along these lines.
Top lane requires high xp intake. Imagine when ur jg lvl3 ganks and you get a kill, but ur jg pushes in wave and so you share that xp. Now you're behind after "winning" which feels really shitty
Hey Phreak, appreciate these as always.
Are we worried that we're Riot Specialing Mordekaiser this patch? We're buffing his traditional counterpicks, we're nerfing him, and we're nerfing his items. Was this a discussion the balance team had and decided that "Yes, we're still going to do this"? Curious as to why
Additionally, a few months ago when we changed Mordekaiser R to be uncleansable, you said that you had a desire to change Mordekaiser to be more high-elo skewed. This has clearly not happened yet, and I am curious if it will be happening anytime soon?
can we revert the new shop item queue? There has been too many times I'm spam clicking an item waiting for like 2 gold to fully purchase it, but instead it would just buy a duplicate component for that item , now obviously i can just wait till i have enough gold before i click on it but it just seems silly that im being punished for clicking too early on an item.
Grasp is the last saving for many champs stop that its a tank rune
Its healthier for champs going this rather than old lethal tempo
Thanks for the notes Phreak, I enjoy listening to these.
I don't know where else to point this out, but your client has a memory leak somewhere. I killed the process leaking, and nothing on the client changed.
Hey phreak I feel like a lost of people including myself feel that yuntal is still a very underwhelming item. I did some math and as a rush item assuming you get it around lvl 9 including the lethality it only offers a bit more damage on average and by second item its already out-scaled and collector is already doing more damage not including the execute. Also lethality is just a better stat than on hit damage because of its better synergies with things like jhin 4th shot and Lucian q with its high base damage at max rank. So unless you have very good synergy Specifically with yuntal being a hybrid crit/onhit item the n collector is just a better item with a better build-path as a bonus. But who knows maybe i’m wrong and its busted on release. Thanks for listening to my ted talk.
Just add a 1s slow on Corki Q. He has zero CC after package removal.
real question....
why does BoRK not cost the same as IE?
it's a different item with different stats, why would it cost the same?
Can only speak for myself but having the Demolish damage tracker is something I value a lot and I hope you guys can reinstate it
thank you phreak as always for talking about tooltip stuff, i find it an interesting research topic
and speaking of, do you know why in game tooltips changed this patch to no longer have a transparent background and bullet points being more grouped together?
If you really want AD assassins to be good early game you have to revert durability patch or buff their dmg early game, buffing their items is not gonna change anything.
I prefer to read "TC" not as "The Collector" but as "Tax Collector"
Okay, but factoring mobility creep into teamfight pacing, wouldn't that make teamfights play out faster? You know, like even if the damage is the same as it used to be if everyone moves faster that damage gets to be applied faster?
So why did Xayah and Sivir get their buffs pulled?
Cuz they need to prioritize windshitters first, they dont have a clear bias kappa
Whenever something is pulled it's usually because they didn't have enough time to implement
Yuntal is not a good item by design. If the bleed was on AA and on crit the damage is increased, it would be much better since the problem is consistency
then it would just be kraken but worse
passive dmg will have to be nerfed, since it's more accessible, and the item will just become a phys dmg onhit item with less synergistic stats compared to current alternatives (bork, kraken)
@@bellowheaty1228 not really. The problem of the item is it lacks consistency when it should have impact and impact when it have consistency. I Will give You an example on a tank item that would have the same problem. An HP item that reduce AA damage recieved on a flat amount. Based on the passive, You would want it early, but if You build it early, then You are not buying armor, that would be as much effective as the passive. And if You don't Buy it early, the item loses most of the impact because AA damage would be much higher. Is the same with yuntal. Early, the damage of the proc is good, but You can't apply it consistenly enough for it to be a good choice, and late Game, when You can apply it consistenly, the damage is not good enough to be worth compared to almost every other item
@@ignacioperez5479 yea i understand the analogy, but that is the price you have to pay as a crit carry. if you want consistent early game dmg, you have to build kraken or bork. if you want to have 100% crit chance at 4 items, you have to sacrifice early game damage
@@bellowheaty1228 thats the problem of yuntal
Hey, Phreak! Thanks for the video! Out of curiosity, is the balancing team aware of the Veigar Fimbulwinter build? Any thoughts on it, if so? Building Fimbulwinter into Rabadons, with Sorcery+Precision (for maximum haste) makes him fairly safe (but much weaker) early, while also giving him a massive spike on Rabadons.
I don't think making the bleed on Yun Tal weaker is going to be part of the solution. The item feels bad for reasons other than cost
Qiyana sends greetings
qiyana cant send greetings
@@tabletennisstars1227 yup shes here in the coffin with my love for this game
Why was Yorick left off the table all out of a sudden?
Why were Sivir and Xayah buffs removed? Why do you all hate them so much? Especially Sivir. I know you don't want her pick or ban in pro play but this patch wouldn't applied to worlds games.
hey phreak, don't know if you'll read this but I wonder if at some point do you guys consider making champion sets like in TCGs, so some champs rotate each split, some champs are evergreen (yi, garen). I think that would solve most of league's balance difficulties and new players entry
please keep an eye on Quinn don't forget about her, she both utilize ad assassin and crit items so she gets hits on both side and the result is she feels really bad to play
I remember back in early seasons I used to build Lich Bane on Veigar, so in a way it was "more lethal" as if I missed my spells, I did more damage, and if I hit my spells, I did more damage because of auto weaving xD
Rek'sai fun is so far and between it's depressing.
Any plans on making kraken slayer a crit item again? Give it some crit chance and give it like 55/60 AD but remove all the MS. Kraken slayer matches more as a crit item than an onhit item.
Hello, I am a Corki OTP. I think Corki should just have his 14.10 rework reverted. His gameplay is so so boring and he has to be kept even weaker for pro play than before. I miss the magic damage, I miss the package, I miss being able to choose between poke mage or aggro marksman, I miss having fun. He used to be so fun.
Are you guys keeping an eye on Rammus? the armor ratio of Thornmail was nerfed from 25% to 10% in just two patches, and this item is the core of his entire design. He hasnt been in a good spot for a while now, due to the meta and even in the most AD matchups he aint that strong anymore. And yet, he eats another passive nerf with thornmail.
Just stopping by to say how awesome it is, to have devs who communicate ❤
Hoping for a spiritual sequel to patch 4.20 with some crazy Warwick buffs
Hey Phreak can you please add a setting that allows you to invert the mouse button drag scroll setting?
Please add another Longsword to Voltaic Cycloswords recipe, the buildpath is horrible having to sit on components (Brutalizer Kappa, 2 Longswords) for 1k Gold for a rush item
I really loved when you revealed how tooltips work! Didn't know you code or at least have a very deep understanding of how the code works. Would love having you as a boss Phreak, so intensely competent and thoughtful. Keep it up man, don't mind the haters.
Does he talk about anivia?
I see her on every nerf list for this patch but she's not on his slides and I cant find what they're doing to her anywhere.
Think they pulled some buffs/nerfs because of time limits
Wait you say crit adcs and ad assassins suck now and you re working on it, but then we keep nerfing some crit items, and we also do absolutely nothing about ad assassins?
I don’t think they could get ready a whole package of adequate improvements for the class, sounds like they’d rather do it a way more likely to be right next patch than throw AD back into every assassin item without thinking about consequences
yo phreak you were saying you are closely monitoring increasing ban rates. Did you see the increase in yone Ban rate? But you are buffing him? doesnt make sense then.
Wind bros were 48% for most of week 1 and still 49% for everyone under Dia, ban is skyrocketing because of people watching worlds not necessarily because he’s strong on live patch
Phreak’s videos are by far the most informative thing you can watch about the game.
Alright phreak, i know you probably won't read this wall of text but please do these are the type of scripting issues it seems like you like fixing .The way bone plating interacts with fizz q/w is extremely inconsistent compared to the rest of interactions with abilities that apply onhits. If gp uses q on somebody with bone plating level 1 it activates bone plating but doesn't consume any charges. If fizz uses q on someone with bone plating level 1 it activates bone plating and then doesn't consume 1, but it consumes TWO charges and blocks 2 charges worth of damage. If fizz is level 2 and has w leveled same thing. But if fizz is level 2 and presses w then presses q it activates bone plating, then consumes all 3 charges by itself. As far as i know this isn't intended as the ability that activates bone plating is NOT meant to have its damage blocked, whenever fizz presses w then presses q what you would expect is bone plating activates from fizz q, then the applying of w consumes one charge. But even there it consumes all 3 so whats going on here? gp q applies onhits just like fizz q.
Hey phreak, I’ve been playing for 4 years and the only botlaners that have come out in that time have either been pro-jailed or not a marksman. Is smolder being considered a failure? I thought the champion was designed specifically to be easy to play and low elo friendly, but it seems that he’s been kneecapped in all of soloq while still enjoying pro-play presence. Why hasn’t riot released a botlane marksman that hasn’t been projailed since Aphelios in 2019 (who is very obviously not low elo friendly.) I’m not counting Samira as a marksman by the way because let’s be real for a second.
I think most pantheon mains who like to play him bruiser would agree that pantheon needs q buffs and not w buffs. I understand that w buff is a lever for brusier oriented matchups, but panthoen's q does noodle damage and is suppose to be the skill expressive part of his kit (skillshot). I think reverting his q damage back to 10.21 would help pantheon espeically since he lost a lot of ad from brusier items nerf. Please revisit this w buff idea for panthoen Riot Phreak
Moving power away from items/gold and putting it into champion/ability base stats at higher levels could be a good way to give champions some power back without bringing back aggressive snowballing too much.
Also Abyssal Mask feels insane, and I'm saying this as a Sejuani player. It's super exciting, but at the same time it's basically handing out free void staffs to characters who don't usually get it, and I'm wondering just how much this ends up inflating damage numbers and whether or not it ends up being an impactful amount for tanks too
as a Zac and Amumu main I agree. I think there is two good ways to balance it. The first way would be to make the effect stack over time like rift maker and conq. I like this style of item/rune because they ramp up. They can be very strong while giving the enemies a clear way to play around them. The other way would be to make the 30% for the user, and make it so the teammates only benefit from half of that amount.
@@jinnyplays in fairness i dont actually know if the item is overpowered. The effect just reads as super powerful to me, but maybe that's okay. It's a pretty cool tech piece for someone like Diana too.
I think that the thing why people dont build unending despite being that good is cause as a solo armor item it isnt that good in most cases. Unending is incredibly good as a second armor item but as a solo armor item what you want is armor and it doesnt give that much, is better to build thornmail that gives you more and also is cheaper. Im not saying the item is bad, the item is pretty dam good but it shines when you have another armor item and usually only pure tanks build that. Id unending had the stats of thornmail it would be builded every game even if it was more expensive
No one is ever going to build yuntal shitarrows if the dps is that low, might aswell delete the item. It was good on aphelios before now its nonexistent.
The item is a Bad design. It Will be either the most broken shit in the Game or not build by anyone
K'sante is probably at such a high win rate because he's quite easy right now.
I am also EXTREMELY skeptical that you can say what a character's true winrate is for a champion like Smolder. I strongly suspect you just don't have the sample size to make a strong claim about newer or less popular champions, especially while accounting for any biases in the data.
Just last patch he was played in over 757k ranked matches. Multiply that by how many patches he's been out & average it (since he's been out 7 months) and you can easily find the several million matches played. That's a lot of data just in ranked alone. Not including norms or pro
@@themuffinprincesa21 And very few of them have hundreds of games played
@@egosumv3112 more than you think do, just as with every champion in the game. What would you say is a good mastery number to equate to games played? Because your comment suggest that it requires amount of games played to understand vs the actual skill of the player to understand the kit. So, what would you say is a high mastery number? 50k, 100k, 200k, 300k, etc
@@themuffinprincesa21 I'm saying that Riot probably can't estimate Smolder's "true" winrate at 300 games played with a high degree of accuracy when there are multiple confounding variables and probably less than a thousand people have played that many ranked games on Smolder this season. Iirc, it was maybe 5 people with 150 games or more played on Smolder last split in D2+, which is what opgg tracks.
Not in this video, but in a previous video, he mentioned that Smolder was something like 2% OP, which is what he's referencing. I don't trust that at such a precise level.
You were out of balance with patch 14.20
Current AD Bruiser ADC champion, item situation is not good
Every patch this year feels like it's getting worse. It's the worst.
ADCs were meta all the time, many AD bruisers had over 52% winrate and it didnt go down, what the hell are you saying XD?
@@mysteriousxeno224adc were meta in solo lanes but in the adc role they were weak which they are till today
@@정태훈-n9b adc's were strong all split 2, i even ran caityln jungle with a lot of success
@@glacier_10_years_ago if you are loosing to caitlyn jungle, balance is the least issues you have
@@yoshi596 cait/ezreal can jungle when they are op in lane, how are you gonna invade me when I can kite you with traps and e and a red buff, you can solo anyone, you can't run her anymore because adc items are nerfed tho
Corki suggestion for making W offensive: W refreshes E duration. So you want to fight with E, then use W to chase and refresh E duration.
It couldn't be an instant refresh though. Instead make the burn process of w reduce e's CD in ticks. So a good use of w gives you more Es but a bad is still inting.
hey phreak, kindly look into kraken akshan&ad tf stats if possible.
Thing with jinx etc. looking not bad with kraken (and as you said not big gap compared to other 1st items) is that she rarely makes use of it (she will average 500 dmg from kraken procs per game), meanwhile akshan&adtf used to proc at least 3-5k+ dmg per game (obviously i dont have riots stats on this, just speaking from experience).
Ak and ad tf are outliers for that item also jinx does more damage than that with kraken you just need to trade more to make use of it before late game when she kills in 4 hits anyway.
@@nfzeta128 not saying she CANT, but from my experience average kraken dmg outputs vary a lot between those champs, which is why jinx doesn't care when kraken is weak - her kit carries her up (unlike akshan, ad tf, kindred - who is stronger than others due to big compensate buffs, but how do you compensate akshan without overbuffing his lethality builds?)
@@improverlol why would you compensate buff them? The item is fine they just abuse it sometimes.
If they pick up the item and then can't or don't abuse it they should be punished.
@@nfzeta128 generally speaking the item appears not to be fine on akshan nor ad tf, akshan went from kraken first item wr having 55% over last 4 years (if kraken is such an "abuse" issue why wasnt it an issue for 4+ years?) to 47-48%, which is why the main build for akshan is hubris > youmus right now.
@@improverlol are you seriously asking why soloq players didn't discover something was op faster?
Sera bot was strong from like 3-4 months after her release and it took people almost two years to stop thinking it was troll and longer to start playing it.
Also note that kraken had changes during that time where it may not have been OP but strong and unfound.
My biggest hope for the bounties is that I won't auto-lose games for giving away a bounty after going 5/0 as Elise in the early game.
Honestly the game feels really good right now. I think the last two or so months have felt very balanced (high gold-mid plat elo player). TY for the vid!
I was wondering when Phreak preview was coming. Right on time before Worlds ^^ Have a good one and keep it up x)
Thanks for the vids, very helpful
items should be tuned in a way to be readable to the player and also distinctive from other items imo and i think that having an isolated/single target ratio on ludens is kinda hot garbage for that. to me looking at the splash damage of the item makes it feel like it has a really strong niche as a tool for poke mages to spalsh around damage/refresh spell effects/assist with waveclear. it's a long range non committal aoe splash that can be used to great effect to soften up an enemy team around objectives when both teams are dancing for positioning around them. stormsurge on the flipside requires you to go in a bit to get them down and gives some aoe once you've committed to taking a target down in a teamfight as well as providing an execute on the target. the damage to the target hit by ludens feels like it steps on the toes of stormsurge as just another piece of syndras one shot exodia when it should be for champs like (bad example) ap kaisa or xerath
Please just lower Aphelios ult cooldown, it is absurdly long for an ult that is very missable/dodgeable and it is not as strong of an ult as it used to be for one-shotting. It is also a buff that would help him in solo queue without buffing him too much in pro (like what you guys did with Zeri).
Phreak why not just get rid of the whole "shotgun burst" part of the ludens and give it back the 100 base damage (10% ap ratio) that the old ludens had.
Then give it 5 mpen to make up for the burst lost (so its stll a burst oriented mana item) and the item is still good without gimping it.
I wonder what would need to change about Aphelios to make him be picked in pro (I miss it so much) without being OP in soloq... One thing definitely is that he always starts at red/green, maybe unlocking what guns he starts with (entirely or a selection of 2 setups) could be interesting...
Ok get me straight here, so adc currently is litterly more of a support role then dedicated support, we go Ashe Jhin or kaisa building ap item, but we nerf the scaling on ad item to fix this issue????????
So like we want adc to do less damage? What is the incentive for one to play jinx when you can play zig or hwei do the same dmg live longer better early game and more utility???
Playing veigar, syndra, sera feels like freelo rn.
I really do prefer phreak at least telling us his intentions with changes rather than just having no idea behind balance, but I haven't seen them really address mages bot much in his tenure.
Just play full ability haste Jinx if you wanna have utility.
@@kogmawmain8872 lmao, there are better utility ADCs. Alphies, Varus, Ashe
Phreak : Assassins and ADC sucks right now and we’re aware.
Patch 14.20 : Proceeds to nerf collector and yun tail
If you had listened, you'd be aware that they netted up in gold efficiency. Meaning the passive comes online sooner. A.k.a. a quicker 1 item spike.
And early game is where adcs really suck right now, at 3 or 4 items they didn't change much.
But of course OP sees minus stats and thinks nerf. @@themonkeys96
@@themonkeys96yun tal already does pathetic damage and they're nerfing the damage. Are you delulu or what? So what it costs 2950 if you are buying an item that functionally adds ~10 damage only on crits over time to every auto. Compared to things like IE that have a whopping crit damage modifier or shiv that allows you to safely farm waves. Disgusting.
@@window9213he clearly also says that Yun tal is getting a rework
@@yeah-yeah2249 Ok, and im talking about now. Im not talking about when it gets a rework.
No offense, but do you guys really think how these change affects complicated champions? especially katarina for example which is extremely dependent on items? In 14.16 you guys buff kat Q to fit her AP burst assassin fantasy and nerf ult on-hit which is a fair change and nerf E (for the wrong reasons), adjust nerf her Q in 14.17, buff shadowflame and stormsurge in 14.18 to have more flat mpen but also make stormsurge insanely good for mages when it was supposed to be an AP assassin item to begin with and it turned out to be a good item to all ap champions in general, 14.19 items nerf patch (also durability 2.0) and then proceeds to murder nashor's, atrocious lich bane build path with large rod + being 100g more expensive meanwhile her winrate goes under 50% which is problematic and a sign that kat is underperforming already. Now we're going into 14.20 with stormsurge being throwed into the bin AGAIN because of burst mages and kat gets fucked by this despite having more success than lich (which has higher pickrate) and especially nashor's which is not viable anymore. Now I ask you, how do you guys want to balance this champion? Or even better do you even care at all? Why is it so hard to remove on-hit effects? Why is it so hard to accept that Katarina NEEDS Gunblade or an new item that has AP/AD and not a garbage passive/active? I swear to god when it's about kat the balance team do the least amount of effort in order to make her feel decent to play, I sincerely lost hope.
They’ll figure it out. Have patience
@@billybobr2e2 Been waiting for 3 years already.
@@SilEightyX not like they haven’t been trying
Hey phreak why is mmr producing negative lp gains so quickly at the top of the ladder post reset? It’s really hard to enjoy games when the game quality is much lower than what players are used to
Glad to see that Riven is being flatted a bit per MMR, she's interesting to watch, but it is sad to see her be near useless in Bronze/Silver; I think Trynd could use an ASU or whatever happen to A.Sol whenever those guys get a chance (probably not until the new season), since his kit is one of the oldest and clunkiest out of those that still remain in League, and as you said, he has a rather binary state of usefulness. Also glad to see more work on AP items, that's an ecosystem that's been a bit shaky for a while, but it finally seems to be in a good place with what's good when.
Azir is in a terrible state rigor now, another Mage champion with a simple amp tome in level 7 can clear better than Azir. And this late game is worst
The game feels terrible, sorry but where is Camille nerf?
Im glad Aurelion Sol didnt get nerfed. More time to see how the meta will adapt to the changes. Also Im pretty sure you guys are already cooking Smolder mini-rework. Im not going to lie it seems like he's even harder to balance than Azir in his prime.
"Gold leads don't determine wins as much". Great. what does then? Champ select? Random chance?
LMFAO yeah I thought the same thing, just go casino atp
He said “not as much,” not “don’t anymore.” Item power = power of gold leads was reduced 5-10%