Your interest in Quality of Life-ing champions is super appreciated. Stuff like the Warwick changes ended up making him OP, sure, but you can fix numbers to balance that afterwards. There's a dearth of champions with various clunky mechanics that should be cleaned up and would probably have better playrates if they were.
@@jorgbrunner6530 it means to rewrite the algorithm that make the abilities work. The objective is not to change the abilities themselves, which would remain the same, but to improve how they interact with other game systems. Renekton abilities currently have sometimes strange behaviours and most importantly some consistent bugs, which apparently are due to their old scripting. For example, W does not apply Spear of Sojin correctly, or a very ancient bug is that if you ult during W you do not gain fury
i think adding heat stacks below the turrets hp bar (so you can see them without clicking on them, like annie stacks or jhin charges) would be great. I think many (esp. low elo) players don't even know turret heat exists and this would be a great way (and low effort, i think?) to visualize it and make people curious on what those stacks mean.
Oh yeah, I wonder if they could just reuse that UI element, or if they would have to change it so it can actually be used for turrets. Having that UI element on turrets would also be great for teaching new players what that UI element means, so that if they ever see it on a champ they have a rough idea about what it's doing there. Maybe health bars would get too noisy though. hmmmm.
I literally watched thebaus stream the part of the video that brought up "heat" and he asked chat what heat was because he didn't know that this was the term and nobody in chat knew it either including myself, we knew about the mechanic but not the name of it
@@danii7584 It's skill expression, but not the good kind. Not all skill expression is good skill expression. You shouldn't have to do mental math before a fight to know how many spears you need before you kill someone
any chance u could add a number tracking on darius's passive icon? it's kinda hard sometimes to see how many stacks by counting visual stacks on enemy champion. that would be really helpful for new players too!
Even if there are sometimes changes I might not like, I still really appreciate that you take the time to explain the thought process for patch changes!
Hi Phreak, would towers giving champions a temporary shield if they are surrounded by more enemies help counter lane swaps? - Towers can have a new passive: Gives shields to allied champions if there are more enemies in range - Shield strength scales with tower plates - Passive deactivates after X time - Alternatively this passive can be linked to all Dorans items and stay as long as you don't sell starter item
That sounds like a less extreme version of what he already explained won't happen. A random mid laner or support roaming top (assuming jgl has some kind of exception) will screw top lane over and less knowledgeable players will get hurt by this.
Still have to follow along the video but thanks for everything Phreak, hoping next year is good for LoL as this one was x) Happy holidays (if you don't post more before the new year) ^^
I like the direction somewhat, but what about the interaction of wave management and avoiding gank timers? Now it seems to me, that you will be forced to wait until the 4th wave if you want to fully recall and get back soon enough with a cheater recall. (A melee tanks 3, cannon 7/8). This means you can no longer avoid a junglers 3:10-3:45 gank timer, isnt this an issue? Or can you still cheater recall depending on the enemy wave clear on 3rd wave?
What if towers did more damage based on how many enemy champions are nearby? Currently 3v1 or 4v2 dives at lv2/3 are very easy to pull off for pro players. If tower damage scales with number of enemy champions nearby it would make these dives much harder to pull off while not affecting solo laner's ability to 1v1 dive their enemy laner
Hello, can you please look into fixing vladimir please. Maybe look into buffing his base ms, everything in this game nowadays has a way to juice their movement speed through steroids in their kits or items. Some people will bring up cosmic drive but this item got gutted with the most recent item adjustments, item is just expensive for the stats it provides and the ms stats you get from it got nerfed. Vladimir's current ms steroid is just so underwhelming from the fact that it decays over .5 sec, couple this with his 330 base ms and low range, it just makes vladimir a hard character to function in the current state of league. The game has evolved to a new high in terms of what makes a character good, vladimir is no longer this ap assassin like character or a battlemage. People bring up the fact that he gets a lot of hp from passive, but nowadays this just works against him with how much % hp dmg there is in the game. His regular q is base 160 + .6 ratio and e is 180 + 6% max hp + .8 ratio, these low base damages are no longer justified. Perhaps, give him a small base damage buff on his q and e, or small base buff on q and revert the ratio nerf that was done in season 8, buffing his ultimate could also be an option, currently you max e first before you even start putting a second point into ult. (would be chill too if his auto range wasn't 450)
I really like the changes to address laneswapping. Mechanics that feel like penalties or rules (i.e. the bad minion exp lockout you mentioned) rub me the wrong way in game design.
Address alt accounts that lead to toxic players who have been banned multiple times ruining the game for 9 people. or smurfs who are "practicing" ruining the game for 9 people. Even by riots own statistics you will encounter one of these situations guaranteed 1 out of 10 games, and this isn't saying it couldn't happen for more frequently. Just that you are guaranteed to have a miserable experience every 1 in 10 games.
OOORRRRRR just allow 3 accounts per person and link them all by phone number or some other info that vanguard already has. In Korea I had to put my "SSN" in to play the game. Phone number isn't a big deal.
Yes but that's like saying there's crime in cities and there always will be, so why stop it? The reality is that there NEEDS to be a system to filter bad actors, and moderation is the best solution. That's why we have laws and the police, systems to stop bad actors from commiting crimes.
On Kalista, how is sideways / backwards determined? Is it a percentage of the degrees of a circle, or is it a cutoff point, where if I'm just shy of diagonal, it'll either categorize it as sideways or backwards?
I'm pretty sure that with the extra 20g, AD jungle assassins will be able to very reliably reset on a dirk after a full clear plus crab no potion. Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like that might be the case or at the very least it's very close.
"there are very few slam dunks" well, only if your company has varying degrees of competency. if idiots like you had less of a say, these things would never become a problem in the first place.
Did you ever try having heat stacks fall off one by one? Seems like the most intuitive and would make the exact tuning of falloff timing a smaller concern.
While we are working on minions can you make them deal actual damage to champions? Since the durability update minions deal no damage and every champ can just proxy at level 3, also i feel like having a wave should be an advantage, like it was for over 10 years.
Phreak, are you guys planning on doing anything to Diana? She's cool in theory, (Q for wave control/jungle mobility, E to leapfrog off of minion or dive carries) but her ult is so easy to escape out of, and she also essentially does very little for her own defenses, and she even has mana problems. In my experience, she's merely a vessel that carries around good AP items, not a champ with a profoundly interesting kit for most players. One change I'd personally love to see is for her W to be a Morgana black shield that eats CC, just something at all that makes her feel less defenseless and naked if you aren't really far ahead.
Hi, what is your opinion on Sion's Q resetting immediately if he gets stunned during charge. His Q has already enough counterplay, him needing to wait 2s every time his Q gets interrupted by a 0,25s knockup or 0,5s Stun is too much in my Opinion, it breaks his gameplay flow and feels horrible. Also no new mechanic would be introduced (like the grounding on E idea), so it should not be an issue for the enemy.
An "easy" fix IMO would be to make top turret give damage resistance to champions if it detects many enemies nearby, these laneswaps are predecated on these 3-4 man dives with 0 counterplay. So if you have 3 enemies and you are under turret in the first 5 minutes of the game, you get let's say 40% damage resistance. I think this would only affect laneswaps without hurting the rest of the game.
Not a good idea. Think outside the vacuum, what will stop a smolder jinx or any hypercarry go top after lvl 4 and afk under tower with barrier and the enemy has to fight a bruiser on botlane, it is already very messy with the fact that bot tower does not have resistances so champs like heimer and ziggs will always love that place of the map
@@diegostecca7319 I mean, this change would specifically target dives that shouldn't happen, I can't think of any dive that we want in the game that this change would affect.
lane swap is to avoid bad matchups in bot or just try to get even gold with the other botlane. Why would a Jinx for example care about no being able to dive a ksante if the only goal for her is to scale and stall the game?
Hello Phreak, is there any chance to fix Reksai bugs in the near future? Her manual W knock up has a bigger range than right clicking although it was supposed to be fixed, and her E tunnel is still bugged, sometimes you don't go through the tunnel after clicking E. Thanks.
can you please make any comment on why there's a bug difference between using A click and right clicking on kalista??... please help fix this. Also why doing this makes her bug and do little 90 degree turns..
I don't even play the game anymore, (haven't played in months), but I still love watching the patch previews, especially the broader more system level ones rather than the individual champion tuning.
ngl I agree with just relearning how to last hit minions, did you test how fast it is to drill and adjust to the new last hits? How did the new 3 or 4 wave crash affect champions like caitlyn in your testing? How does the new canon wave timer affect level ups early game? (I haven't finished the video yet just thinking)
What are your thoughts on adding something to the item system that embraces lane swaps if they do happen? My immediate thought upon seeing lane swaps was to compare it to dota and how they have items like Poor Man’s Shield. It would be cool to have something like “if you are in a 2v1 Doran’s shield blocks 5% of ranged damage” (idk I’m not a designer for a reason)
I’m super curious to see how minion wave changes effect the game bc it’s something so seemingly small but i already know this could have genuinely MASSIVE ramifications on the game
Hey there Phreak are there any plans for Kog'Maw? You mentioned him having very frontloaded numbers, which might be wrong for Kog. Kog mains complaining about him losing his late-game identity over the years but it's very apparent now. His shift from Trinity build from early League to very early game-based on-hit builds now contributed to that, but his stats are also sticks out with bad ratios with high base damages. I'm curious now that we are doing changes for Kalista, Ashe and Varus, Kog might also be a target for these.
@phreak quick dumb thought to kill laneswaps, with little other impact. Make the turret do far more dmg early based on how many people are there. So much to basically exicute people if you try to 3 man dive pre 5 min.
Assuming the cannon minion wave change is going to come with external buffs for supports who rely on level 2 power spikes, since a lot of the Leona/Alistar gameplay right now is incredibly reliant on the ability to pressure cannon before other supports have their full toolkit
Hey phreak, a large amount of freezes in my experience come from that update that made sidelane faster. Everyones crash timers are fucked. They will try to shove but the next wave xomes too fast because of the update. This leads to all their shoved wave of 9 minions to be barged right in front of tower. Then the enemy laner arrives and freezes it
What if turret fortification was different between plates and the rest of the tower? Either you could make it rewarding to take plates and make it safer for laners after plates, or you can make plates harder to take but accelerate the game state beyond that. You could also recalibrate tower dmg reduction and/or heat and/or retargeting with the number of champions to negate early 4 man dive + plates/first turret while emphasizing lanes' agency in accruing rewards for their individual efforts. For example in terms of retargeting, it seems too easy right now to execute dives with champs with untargetable (looking at you, Elise) or high mobility.
TLDR...We don't like pro players lane swapping so we decided to destroy any early game champion that is balanced around slow push into tower dives and bot lane is not allowed to have lane dominant champions.. Can't wait for early game champions to be unplayable into buffed late, into low elo adcs crying there is too much burst late game .. One tower dive on wave three is generating more advantage for early game champions than three tower dives later even if later is also early game. Btw, Pro players lane swap because the meta is cross map heavy. I give grubs ,I take first dragon. Jungler ganks bot I cross map take something top. If you play for top side it makes sense for your adc to be top and your weakside laner (top) to be bot. The enemy team plays for bot so they want their adc to be bot and weakside laner to be on opposite side. If the meta is weakside versus strong side it makes sense for the toplaner to be weaksided and the adc to always be with the 4 members that strong side. It's not just a strategy to avoid bad match ups. Asymmetrical 2vs1 and 4vs1 lane assignments benefit cross map play. The reason grubs were high priority at worlds is that after you take 6 the enemy team can no longer cross map against you because you will push towers way faster than them. Marksmen and supports went bot lane 15 years ago because both teams wanted to play for the dragon. Now, you calculate whether you are stronger or weaker than the opponent and if you are weaker you hug the opposite side of them with the important members(anyone but tank top laners).
You are the GOAT Phreak, the best thing that has ever happened to league. Your spreadsheet game balancing finally made the game boring so I'm truly thankful for finally making me quit and uninstall it. Thankful forever
Any chance Pykes melee Q could at least slow every champ in range? Happens very rarely, but it feels so incredibly bad when you Q stab the enemy adc, but it hits the tank support instead because their hitbox is 2x bigger. Could be compensated by lowering the damage slightly or something. Might not even need compensation as this happens once every 50 games at most anyways
how did you get into working with riot? Any tips for someone who does not have technicals skills (i.e software dev/engineering) but wants to work in the video game industry? Currently at big 4 accounting firm doing lots of PMO stuff but I couldnt give 2 craps about any of the work that I am doing :D
if i understood right lanes clear each other earlier which means you cant stack up a lot of minions for a dive (i did not understand if this evens out to the current rate later or the champion/turret dmg does) cause if it does not i would assume lane dominant champs on top like croc and darius irelia cannot make as large of a gold+xp gap to the enemy top if they are ahead than the current version since they cant deny as much creep from the enemy laner.
making last hitting hardee is probably the best idea because thats probably one of the most important fundamentals in the game and that is not clear enough in low elo. An emphasis on farming could be a really good idea.
phreak youre absolutely goated as one of the 15 remaining kalista mains I fucking love this change so godamned much the passive changes sound so good, the only gripe I have is the nerfs will shift her away from lethality and towards on hit again, is there any chance you could remove the 1 second long auto lockout after she rends? or maybe make how long she stuns herself scale with attack speed like lucian q cast time?
About tower particles, as much as possible, the game should communicate to you what to expect without having to read any text. That vfx change is a big win.
26:30 Now that Talon is a troll pick in jungle again can you make him feel better too? UwU Like fixing his E bugs or giving him a more smooth kit like in Wild Rift? Thank you
to preserve solo diving i'd suggest only increasing the heat / duration when there are 2 or more ppl around (maybe even increasingly per person, so when a top gets 4 man dove the heat is even stronger!
@Noctis-lg7xp shorter roaming timers are expected, but which champs do you expect to run away on toplane? tanks that build immolate items would be popular I imagine.
I think it'd be cool if towers had like, a defensive bubble around them when multiple enemy champions are nearby. Attacks and spells that originate outside the bubble (i.e., not triggering tower aggro) deal reduced damage, and all enemy champions inside the bubble take a magic damage burn. This would do multiple things: - Multi-man dives are harder in general. - Posturing for a dive is less effective. Shoving them under and poking deals less damage if there's multiple people waiting to jump on them. Dives should still be possible, but this mechanic would help weed out the "bad dives." You should be fast and deliberate, not standing around choking them out from playing the game.
@@ganumba11 I think the size of the bubble would be pretty important, part of the intention is to encourage enemies to commit - if you're not willing to take a tower shot, you deal reduced damage to someone under the tower. The burn would be relatively minor, just a bit of damage that can't be tanked, so there's extra risk to anybody trying to dive.
what are the chances of getting Yuntal to drop the BF sword? i thought we agreed that BF sword was a terrible first item component. the item still isn’t really used by any ADCs mainstream. it’s so close to being good but it’s so so hard to reliably build making it incredibly frustrating
For turrets and jungle changes, you could take a look at the S5 situation, that season was a masterpiece, probably the most balanced season we had so far.
Phreak's goated for going with patch 15.1 instead of the new name.
What's the new name
@Maxbraini dont even remember but its very long
@Maxbrain 25.S1.1
League is blessed to have its lead designer explain everything consistently so passionately.
Uhhh he’s not the lead
Your interest in Quality of Life-ing champions is super appreciated. Stuff like the Warwick changes ended up making him OP, sure, but you can fix numbers to balance that afterwards. There's a dearth of champions with various clunky mechanics that should be cleaned up and would probably have better playrates if they were.
phreak is just adhd jncarnated. in every video this guy is turned up to 11 and i honestly love it. the energy is always there lol
what energy
How quickly they're talking at 1am. The depth of what they're talking about.
Maybe thats why i completely understand and track his line of reasoning so easily. Maybe most league players have adhd and thats the target audience.
"Mini-Preview" *talks for 47 minutes straight*
@@JustBlameEntropy Dude made a 1h video to procrastinate going to bed
Reminder for your self-reminder about rescripting Renekton's abilities!
+1 push this
Scripting?!? 🤬
What does rescripting the abilities mean?
@@jorgbrunner6530 it means to rewrite the algorithm that make the abilities work. The objective is not to change the abilities themselves, which would remain the same, but to improve how they interact with other game systems.
Renekton abilities currently have sometimes strange behaviours and most importantly some consistent bugs, which apparently are due to their old scripting. For example, W does not apply Spear of Sojin correctly, or a very ancient bug is that if you ult during W you do not gain fury
@jorgbrunner6530 Coding them again to function better. Make less bugs
i think adding heat stacks below the turrets hp bar (so you can see them without clicking on them, like annie stacks or jhin charges) would be great. I think many (esp. low elo) players don't even know turret heat exists and this would be a great way (and low effort, i think?) to visualize it and make people curious on what those stacks mean.
I literally just found out about this mechanic from this video so I can corroborate your statement
Oh yeah, I wonder if they could just reuse that UI element, or if they would have to change it so it can actually be used for turrets. Having that UI element on turrets would also be great for teaching new players what that UI element means, so that if they ever see it on a champ they have a rough idea about what it's doing there.
Maybe health bars would get too noisy though. hmmmm.
I literally watched thebaus stream the part of the video that brought up "heat" and he asked chat what heat was because he didn't know that this was the term and nobody in chat knew it either including myself, we knew about the mechanic but not the name of it
Make the turrets particle grow/have vfx or change color or both to signify (visually/intuitively) it is gaining strength/power
Thank god they're finally giving Kallista some love, she's been starved for so long
with slow resistance this might be a toplane kalista buff?
CAN she please get an E execute indicator like she does on wild rift.... this is all I want
@@ANilahAtion nah, that's skill expression
@@danii7584 quality of life ❌
skill expression ✅
@@danii7584 It's skill expression, but not the good kind. Not all skill expression is good skill expression. You shouldn't have to do mental math before a fight to know how many spears you need before you kill someone
need a phreak fancam starting with 11:03 "we're choosing to be really cute"
real someone get on this
Every midlane Matchup have to be rethinked because of Cannon change, this is so significant its craazy change.
Add heat charges to the health bar of the turrets. Kinda like Irelia attack speed.
any chance u could add a number tracking on darius's passive icon? it's kinda hard sometimes to see how many stacks by counting visual stacks on enemy champion. that would be really helpful for new players too!
Will Kalista's attack speed still be reduced by A-Clicking? Will she still sometimes randomly hop forward instead of backwards?
yeah I hope he changes this as well.
ty for video phreak
Even if there are sometimes changes I might not like, I still really appreciate that you take the time to explain the thought process for patch changes!
Hi Phreak, would towers giving champions a temporary shield if they are surrounded by more enemies help counter lane swaps?
- Towers can have a new passive: Gives shields to allied champions if there are more enemies in range
- Shield strength scales with tower plates
- Passive deactivates after X time
- Alternatively this passive can be linked to all Dorans items and stay as long as you don't sell starter item
That sounds like a less extreme version of what he already explained won't happen. A random mid laner or support roaming top (assuming jgl has some kind of exception) will screw top lane over and less knowledgeable players will get hurt by this.
That's the length of "mini"-sized videos we missed
Thank you Phreak for attempting to fix Kalista, I am super excited for the new feel
Still have to follow along the video but thanks for everything Phreak, hoping next year is good for LoL as this one was x) Happy holidays (if you don't post more before the new year) ^^
I like the direction somewhat, but what about the interaction of wave management and avoiding gank timers? Now it seems to me, that you will be forced to wait until the 4th wave if you want to fully recall and get back soon enough with a cheater recall. (A melee tanks 3, cannon 7/8). This means you can no longer avoid a junglers 3:10-3:45 gank timer, isnt this an issue? Or can you still cheater recall depending on the enemy wave clear on 3rd wave?
Phreak, you the best. Love you lots
Qiyana R sometimes pushes champions in another direction than the one cast, would be awesome if a small fix to this is possible
What if towers did more damage based on how many enemy champions are nearby? Currently 3v1 or 4v2 dives at lv2/3 are very easy to pull off for pro players. If tower damage scales with number of enemy champions nearby it would make these dives much harder to pull off while not affecting solo laner's ability to 1v1 dive their enemy laner
Hello, can you please look into fixing vladimir please. Maybe look into buffing his base ms, everything in this game nowadays has a way to juice their movement speed through steroids in their kits or items. Some people will bring up cosmic drive but this item got gutted with the most recent item adjustments, item is just expensive for the stats it provides and the ms stats you get from it got nerfed. Vladimir's current ms steroid is just so underwhelming from the fact that it decays over .5 sec, couple this with his 330 base ms and low range, it just makes vladimir a hard character to function in the current state of league. The game has evolved to a new high in terms of what makes a character good, vladimir is no longer this ap assassin like character or a battlemage. People bring up the fact that he gets a lot of hp from passive, but nowadays this just works against him with how much % hp dmg there is in the game. His regular q is base 160 + .6 ratio and e is 180 + 6% max hp + .8 ratio, these low base damages are no longer justified. Perhaps, give him a small base damage buff on his q and e, or small base buff on q and revert the ratio nerf that was done in season 8, buffing his ultimate could also be an option, currently you max e first before you even start putting a second point into ult. (would be chill too if his auto range wasn't 450)
I really like the changes to address laneswapping. Mechanics that feel like penalties or rules (i.e. the bad minion exp lockout you mentioned) rub me the wrong way in game design.
"no budget for small artistic changes to turrets" he says as they hawk multi hundred dollar skins and Riot had 1.5 billion dollars in revenue in 2023.
Address alt accounts that lead to toxic players who have been banned multiple times ruining the game for 9 people. or smurfs who are "practicing" ruining the game for 9 people. Even by riots own statistics you will encounter one of these situations guaranteed 1 out of 10 games, and this isn't saying it couldn't happen for more frequently. Just that you are guaranteed to have a miserable experience every 1 in 10 games.
this kinda has already been addressed. people not being able to buy level 30 accounts for $2 greatly curved this.
What can they do against this, IP ban? But even that there’s ways around it. Basically every competitive multiplayer game has this problem.
OOORRRRRR just allow 3 accounts per person and link them all by phone number or some other info that vanguard already has. In Korea I had to put my "SSN" in to play the game. Phone number isn't a big deal.
@@JacTicTac this definitely works but trust me westerners will cry about freedoms / data harvesting bla bla bla
Yes but that's like saying there's crime in cities and there always will be, so why stop it? The reality is that there NEEDS to be a system to filter bad actors, and moderation is the best solution. That's why we have laws and the police, systems to stop bad actors from commiting crimes.
Ive wanted these changes for so long. IM SO GLAD towers are being buffed
Thank you for making these. Maybe upload the audio as podcast?! Would love to listen on Spotify
Firstly: thank you. Secondly: these changes are great. Thirdly: embracing the bald looks good
On Kalista, how is sideways / backwards determined? Is it a percentage of the degrees of a circle, or is it a cutoff point, where if I'm just shy of diagonal, it'll either categorize it as sideways or backwards?
Thank you Phreak
I'm pretty sure that with the extra 20g, AD jungle assassins will be able to very reliably reset on a dirk after a full clear plus crab no potion. Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like that might be the case or at the very least it's very close.
full clear + steal 1 melee from laner for dirk new meta
"there are very few slam dunks" well, only if your company has varying degrees of competency. if idiots like you had less of a say, these things would never become a problem in the first place.
Based on the “Why” section it sounds pretty nice as an ADC in terms of not having the avengers assemble bot
Did you ever try having heat stacks fall off one by one? Seems like the most intuitive and would make the exact tuning of falloff timing a smaller concern.
Didn't you talk about exploring how melee vs ranged matchups play out? When is that happening?
While we are working on minions can you make them deal actual damage to champions? Since the durability update minions deal no damage and every champ can just proxy at level 3, also i feel like having a wave should be an advantage, like it was for over 10 years.
The gold generation starting earlier, while probably not gonna be noticed in 90% of games, is such an amazing QOL
Phreak, are you guys planning on doing anything to Diana? She's cool in theory, (Q for wave control/jungle mobility, E to leapfrog off of minion or dive carries) but her ult is so easy to escape out of, and she also essentially does very little for her own defenses, and she even has mana problems. In my experience, she's merely a vessel that carries around good AP items, not a champ with a profoundly interesting kit for most players. One change I'd personally love to see is for her W to be a Morgana black shield that eats CC, just something at all that makes her feel less defenseless and naked if you aren't really far ahead.
Hi, what is your opinion on Sion's Q resetting immediately if he gets stunned during charge. His Q has already enough counterplay, him needing to wait 2s every time his Q gets interrupted by a 0,25s knockup or 0,5s Stun is too much in my Opinion, it breaks his gameplay flow and feels horrible. Also no new mechanic would be introduced (like the grounding on E idea), so it should not be an issue for the enemy.
Ty for making league fun again
thank you
hey phreak I think you forgot about twitch
@Phreak does pushing the cannon minion a wave back also not kill the "cheater recall" strategy?
An "easy" fix IMO would be to make top turret give damage resistance to champions if it detects many enemies nearby, these laneswaps are predecated on these 3-4 man dives with 0 counterplay. So if you have 3 enemies and you are under turret in the first 5 minutes of the game, you get let's say 40% damage resistance. I think this would only affect laneswaps without hurting the rest of the game.
Dives are integral to the game experience. Stop removing skillful tactics just because people can't adapt
I think it's be cool if turrets could hit multiple targets at once. Maybe tie that to plates?
Not a good idea. Think outside the vacuum, what will stop a smolder jinx or any hypercarry go top after lvl 4 and afk under tower with barrier and the enemy has to fight a bruiser on botlane, it is already very messy with the fact that bot tower does not have resistances so champs like heimer and ziggs will always love that place of the map
@@diegostecca7319 I mean, this change would specifically target dives that shouldn't happen, I can't think of any dive that we want in the game that this change would affect.
lane swap is to avoid bad matchups in bot or just try to get even gold with the other botlane. Why would a Jinx for example care about no being able to dive a ksante if the only goal for her is to scale and stall the game?
I've become kalista main this split and holy i love to see these changes
Hello Phreak, is there any chance to fix Reksai bugs in the near future? Her manual W knock up has a bigger range than right clicking although it was supposed to be fixed, and her E tunnel is still bugged, sometimes you don't go through the tunnel after clicking E. Thanks.
you could change the terrain on toplane or introduce some sort of plant, to give the person swapped on a safe spot to soak xp
Phreak giving us an agadmator "pause the video to see if you can figure it out" mid kalista conversation lol
can you please make any comment on why there's a bug difference between using A click and right clicking on kalista??... please help fix this. Also why doing this makes her bug and do little 90 degree turns..
I don't even play the game anymore, (haven't played in months), but I still love watching the patch previews, especially the broader more system level ones rather than the individual champion tuning.
ngl I agree with just relearning how to last hit minions, did you test how fast it is to drill and adjust to the new last hits?
How did the new 3 or 4 wave crash affect champions like caitlyn in your testing?
How does the new canon wave timer affect level ups early game?
(I haven't finished the video yet just thinking)
the full build ashe part is so hilarious
@23:15 ? Malphites counter-pick me as Teemo top all the time. Do you mean it's unplayable for Teemo?
Please make movement speed slows affect Kalista's dash distance and not her dash speed/attack speed
love this
What are your thoughts on adding something to the item system that embraces lane swaps if they do happen?
My immediate thought upon seeing lane swaps was to compare it to dota and how they have items like Poor Man’s Shield. It would be cool to have something like “if you are in a 2v1 Doran’s shield blocks 5% of ranged damage” (idk I’m not a designer for a reason)
I’m super curious to see how minion wave changes effect the game bc it’s something so seemingly small but i already know this could have genuinely MASSIVE ramifications on the game
Hey there Phreak are there any plans for Kog'Maw? You mentioned him having very frontloaded numbers, which might be wrong for Kog. Kog mains complaining about him losing his late-game identity over the years but it's very apparent now. His shift from Trinity build from early League to very early game-based on-hit builds now contributed to that, but his stats are also sticks out with bad ratios with high base damages. I'm curious now that we are doing changes for Kalista, Ashe and Varus, Kog might also be a target for these.
@phreak quick dumb thought to kill laneswaps, with little other impact. Make the turret do far more dmg early based on how many people are there. So much to basically exicute people if you try to 3 man dive pre 5 min.
Can you do smth abt the hp/armor etc stacking everywhere? Its so boring to play in a hp/armor stacking everywhere meta.
Assuming the cannon minion wave change is going to come with external buffs for supports who rely on level 2 power spikes, since a lot of the Leona/Alistar gameplay right now is incredibly reliant on the ability to pressure cannon before other supports have their full toolkit
What's up Phreak, fellow gamer here
Hey phreak, a large amount of freezes in my experience come from that update that made sidelane faster. Everyones crash timers are fucked. They will try to shove but the next wave xomes too fast because of the update. This leads to all their shoved wave of 9 minions to be barged right in front of tower. Then the enemy laner arrives and freezes it
What if turret fortification was different between plates and the rest of the tower? Either you could make it rewarding to take plates and make it safer for laners after plates, or you can make plates harder to take but accelerate the game state beyond that. You could also recalibrate tower dmg reduction and/or heat and/or retargeting with the number of champions to negate early 4 man dive + plates/first turret while emphasizing lanes' agency in accruing rewards for their individual efforts. For example in terms of retargeting, it seems too easy right now to execute dives with champs with untargetable (looking at you, Elise) or high mobility.
Is there a reason every champs auto attack range has to be end in a 0 or a 5? what would happen if ranges were weird specific numbers?
Minion to miniion damage changes sound like a huge Malzahar buff
TLDR...We don't like pro players lane swapping so we decided to destroy any early game champion that is balanced around slow push into tower dives
and bot lane is not allowed to have lane dominant champions..
Can't wait for early game champions to be unplayable into buffed late, into low elo adcs crying there is too much burst late game ..
One tower dive on wave three is generating more advantage for early game champions than three tower dives later
even if later is also early game.
Btw, Pro players lane swap because the meta is cross map heavy.
I give grubs ,I take first dragon.
Jungler ganks bot I cross map take something top.
If you play for top side it makes sense for your adc to be top and your weakside laner (top) to be bot.
The enemy team plays for bot so they want their adc to be bot and weakside laner to be on opposite side.
If the meta is weakside versus strong side it makes sense for the toplaner to be weaksided and the adc to always be with the 4 members that strong side.
It's not just a strategy to avoid bad match ups.
Asymmetrical 2vs1 and 4vs1 lane assignments benefit cross map play.
The reason grubs were high priority at worlds is that after you take 6 the enemy team can no longer cross map against you
because you will push towers way faster than them.
Marksmen and supports went bot lane 15 years ago because both teams wanted to play for the dragon.
Now, you calculate whether you are stronger or weaker than the opponent and if you are weaker you hug the opposite side of them with the important members(anyone but tank top laners).
You are the GOAT Phreak, the best thing that has ever happened to league. Your spreadsheet game balancing finally made the game boring so I'm truly thankful for finally making me quit and uninstall it. Thankful forever
What do you think about making Varus restore 5 or 10 mana per blight stack popped to help with the mana nerf?
Please tel me minion wave bouncing in mid game has been reverted so tempo and side lane super wave plays can be made again !!!
When implement items changes to HS, unending despair and warmoggus?
Any chance Pykes melee Q could at least slow every champ in range? Happens very rarely, but it feels so incredibly bad when you Q stab the enemy adc, but it hits the tank support instead because their hitbox is 2x bigger. Could be compensated by lowering the damage slightly or something. Might not even need compensation as this happens once every 50 games at most anyways
how did you get into working with riot? Any tips for someone who does not have technicals skills (i.e software dev/engineering) but wants to work in the video game industry? Currently at big 4 accounting firm doing lots of PMO stuff but I couldnt give 2 craps about any of the work that I am doing :D
Hi Mr. Phreak, could you please revert the Corki rework?
47 mins of gold
if i understood right lanes clear each other earlier which means you cant stack up a lot of minions for a dive (i did not understand if this evens out to the current rate later or the champion/turret dmg does) cause if it does not i would assume lane dominant champs on top like croc and darius irelia cannot make as large of a gold+xp gap to the enemy top if they are ahead than the current version since they cant deny as much creep from the enemy laner.
making last hitting hardee is probably the best idea because thats probably one of the most important fundamentals in the game and that is not clear enough in low elo. An emphasis on farming could be a really good idea.
phreak youre absolutely goated as one of the 15 remaining kalista mains I fucking love this change so godamned much the passive changes sound so good, the only gripe I have is the nerfs will shift her away from lethality and towards on hit again, is there any chance you could remove the 1 second long auto lockout after she rends? or maybe make how long she stuns herself scale with attack speed like lucian q cast time?
I honestly love the thought behind these minion and turret changes. Very very well thought through.
I wonder if they took out the kalista bug where attack move reduced her attack speed
quick question, why do u guys not like laneswaps?
About tower particles, as much as possible, the game should communicate to you what to expect without having to read any text. That vfx change is a big win.
So is kalista now immune to attack speed slow? Or is she still affected by attack speed slow, but the dash speed is unaffected?
Now that Talon is a troll pick in jungle again can you make him feel better too? UwU
Like fixing his E bugs or giving him a more smooth kit like in Wild Rift?
Thank you
He madding probably against the talon ( only good players with that) mid talon now Is 90% in counter lanes
Where video about warwick hotfix?
to preserve solo diving i'd suggest only increasing the heat / duration when there are 2 or more ppl around (maybe even increasingly per person, so when a top gets 4 man dove the heat is even stronger!
--What part of 47min reads as "mini"?
What a crazy way to say malzahar clear is getting buffed!
Promoting pdf Champ
@blipbloup7168 You have not seen top lane.
@Noctis-lg7xp shorter roaming timers are expected, but which champs do you expect to run away on toplane? tanks that build immolate items would be popular I imagine.
@@danii7584That pig mundo ofc will run away.
Ok, but what build are you doin in PoE 2?
Edit: Oh, shit, Endstep also made a vid? Brb, gotta go ask about his PoE 2 build as well
So, wave freezing+ the new teleport is even more punishing.
Okay but can we have a rotating fun mode where "shepherd in a wave of canons to win" is the default wincon?
What's the problem with lane swaps?
I think it'd be cool if towers had like, a defensive bubble around them when multiple enemy champions are nearby. Attacks and spells that originate outside the bubble (i.e., not triggering tower aggro) deal reduced damage, and all enemy champions inside the bubble take a magic damage burn.
This would do multiple things:
- Multi-man dives are harder in general.
- Posturing for a dive is less effective. Shoving them under and poking deals less damage if there's multiple people waiting to jump on them.
Dives should still be possible, but this mechanic would help weed out the "bad dives." You should be fast and deliberate, not standing around choking them out from playing the game.
Bubble burn sounds insane otherwise it sounds good.
Maybe bubble slowly shrinks?
@@ganumba11 I think the size of the bubble would be pretty important, part of the intention is to encourage enemies to commit - if you're not willing to take a tower shot, you deal reduced damage to someone under the tower.
The burn would be relatively minor, just a bit of damage that can't be tanked, so there's extra risk to anybody trying to dive.
what are the chances of getting Yuntal to drop the BF sword? i thought we agreed that BF sword was a terrible first item component. the item still isn’t really used by any ADCs mainstream. it’s so close to being good but it’s so so hard to reliably build making it incredibly frustrating
I think it would be a good idea to also make Warwick's W passive AS duration 1.25 - 3s proportional to level.
"We have a finite number of artist"
Yeah we know, Riot announced the layoffs
Very excited for the new season
Phreak hair got a rework for season 15?
For turrets and jungle changes, you could take a look at the S5 situation, that season was a masterpiece, probably the most balanced season we had so far.
As much as I love season 5, it had its flaws (Righteous Glory R meta, AD Jungler/Cinderhulk meta).
To be fair I actually enjoy adc meta and that’s coming from a top main
When will you rework the way health works on kled. Every item and new champ counters him