Look at his face, he is pissed. Also his jokes go from cheeky and sassy to really, truly sharp tongued in word and tone, he outright insults people straight out instead of more veiled criticism. Hes just angry in a more eloquent way than most of us.
Does any one remember how trump would "inspect" the dressing rooms of miss teen USA? Maybe that's how the secret service got trump down to the bunker by saying it was actually a dressing room!
Definitely applicable to the steaming pile of Trump, much like these: cheezburger.com/9388999168 fav.me/daawprx So much use out of a photoshop layer...
That's what makes them so funny and yet heart breakingly unfunny at the same time, which coincidentally makes them even more funny because ironic jokes are the most hilarious.
Omg those soldiers in front of the Lincoln Memorial looked like a scene from the handmaids tale. A nightmare of a dystopian future not our present reality.
@@someguynamedelan unfortunately, current US president is a coward. I can only hope that he won't be as lucky as Hitler when he gets bombed by his generals. Edit: if he gets self inflicted bullet, it will be in the head, multiple times.
nice try buddy when Hi tler retreated to the bunker...didn't the Russians get there like the next day? What I'm saying is he's still President for 5 months at least. I WISH it was quick as Hi tler after he went in the bunker
Ehhh personally I much prefer the one that goes: "Why did the chicken cross the road? So he could teargas a bunch of peaceful protesters in order to get a photo-op where he awkwardly holds up a book he's never read."
Am I the only one who loves all of these "At Home Talk Shows" more than the fancy studio shows? Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon. It's just so great, personal and casual. We get to see their families and homes. It's amazing.
Trump is a walking talking bad joke . You quote what he says ..... exactly and it’s a bad joke . Everything he says ! Nothing he says would stop me from smacking him 75 years 💀
That just makes people want to protest even more . As a matter of fact , count me in for tomorrow . I'm bringing friends and family too . They don't know it yet ...lol but we will be there . Please join the protests ..... Our democracy and freedoms depend on it
While your at it don't forget the innocent people who's lost their businesses and others their lives at the hands of your so called "peaceful" protesters. Coz THAT is worth remembering
Don’t forget those clowns diamond and silk. I can’t remember him actually speaking their names, but they’re always on the list when he needs black faces for the cameras.
#KudosGermany Remember when the bast*rd hijacked they’re PPE they were sending New York (USA) they screamed PIRACY n that No Good Jared Azzner has PPE stockpiles of it in South Jersey where he bought up all this property with the American Ppl’s damn money 💰💵💰to resale to highest bidders!!! Their Judgment Day will be sooner than they imagine🙏🏾🙏🏾
@dolofonos I'm Dutch, we support the protests. And then right winged people laugh about this, even here. Do you know that upsets us? Where did the desperation begin? You just watch right wing media, pointing fingers at some violent pictures (most being peaceful protesters scream because of tear gas) and forget all about the institutionalized robbery by your officials. Why do people loot during protests? Was it the breakdown of the social infrastructure? Ages of racism? Trump giving huge bailouts to the rich, while the poor must be happy if the 1200 arrives? Is it the many whites who loot, and might be (poor) Trumpists for all we know, so the blame goes elsewhere? Is it that people loot, because they feel, the rich do it too, so hey, this is how it goes? I'm Dutch, looting here is very very very rare. Why, because our government cares for its people, and makes a positive difference happen. Yours broke down the infrastructure, education, made care unaffordable for the poor. What did you expect would happen? Applause for the dumbster pretending he can lead? The world laughs about that guy. But your right wing North Korean level propaganda tells you he's a genius, and you believe it. Just watch him cluelessly hold a bible. So yes, many white Europeans support the anti racism rallies in the USA. And your future relations with the world depend on your maturity to deal with your issues at home. You might be the strongest country (until China takes over) but you are nothing when the world doesn't want your leadership anymore. And that point is very close. While your country is also deep in debt. Very deep in debt. Imagine countries demanding those be paid right now? Your leaders get rich, trample people and you will suffer the consequences. So in a way, we protest for you trolls too. Think about that.
dolofonos Seems like you didn’t pay attention in history class mate. Now why don’t you describe the difference between a social democratic governmental system and communism for me? I’m willing to bet you have no clue whatsoever.
You can tell that Stephen's heart is breaking, to see the possible beginning of totalitarianism. His father fought for civil rights and equality in the south, and it must be heartbreaking for Stephen to see the gestapo tactics employed by our government elected by the people, for the people.
GESTAPO Tactics? Boy I am from Germany and I can tell you what you expreience right now is a piece of cake. Dont you dare compare this ridiculous Moment to the Horrors of the 2nd World War. Educate yourself!
Trump's dream day ... I find interesting that these protests finally prove that a racist society isn't just a problem for whoever is just designated as the "lesser race". It's a problem for everybody. The police brutality I saw on the clips didn't distinguish by gender or skin tone. Racists are as merciless with those of their own who 'break rank' as with those they discriminate. Love & respect to those protesters. Walking out there when they know the risk they take? Those are citizens that the US can and should be proud of.
No no. Lol. Huge mostly white crowds. The rest are Latinos who feel if they don’t kiss his ass he will deport them and take their children and a very small and diminishing African American following. His base supporters are racist whites who apparently don’t mind militarizing the police for protesters but will allow whites with automatic weapons to storm capital buildings for their right to contract and effectively spread COVID-19 to the rest of us. There’s a difference between protesters and the rioting and looters. Fox News would have you think they’re one and the same. They would also have you believe that radical left wing groups are responsible when in fact the only radicals found causing trouble are racist radical right wing extremists bent on racial inequality and support the oppression of communities of color. Some one said to me I hope I enjoy the gulags that are coming because, we’ll I’m not sure. I draw your attention to the word Ghetto. The word ghetto doesn’t belong to the black community. Ghettos are the camps nazis put the Jewish people in to put it simply. The fact that we have “ghettos” in America is an outrage. Tell me more how the African communities aren’t suppressed into modern ghettos and oppressed by racism to make sure they stay there. Trump is done and while I’m not sure Biden is the man for the job either it’s a step forward. Reality is Daffy Duck would make a better president that donald trump so anyone is a step up. We need national leader ship not just do what’s best for your isle. That’s what makes a leader a leader. The ability to sympathize and empathize with those whom he or she is charged to lead. Not just the ability to appeal to one set group of people. Donal trump, America isn’t racist, some of us are. I say “us” because they may be undesirables but they are still American. And that’s the difference. And it’s that difference, the ability to love thy neighbor even If thy neighbor has hate for you. Just because someone is into white supremacy doesn’t mean I’m not going to save them from choking or drowning. I can not, even as a white person, see pride in hatred. Be proud of who you are no matter what color. There is one cold hard fact that runs deeper than skin. We are all Humans. One race, the Human race.
You know, Stephen Colbert's talent for mime and character change among many other things is really quite remarkable, even without a present audience. He can make all this direly bad news palpable while making very strong statements that need to be said.
Remember what is like to listen to the entire talk rather the soundbite the media shoved down your throat? Nah, you probably like things shoved down your throat.
Esper “I didn’t know where I was going...”. Right. So he is a liar or stupid? Maybe both? This is the type of person in charge of our military forces? God help us.
You cannot work for Trump if you are not a liar, not necessarily stupid, just Fascist -Notice how All of the people in the Original Trump Adm. have either called him a stupid motherf@cker (Tillerson) or have accused him of dividing the country (Mattis) Every one of his minionS is a total PO$
@ At this point if you are an American citizen who is not a fascist or a racist, you cannot be a Trump supporter -especially if you claim to be a Chiristian. Trump is the problem, not the do nothing Democrats.
We are trying I'm hoping we get that opportunity because I believe Trump knows he will lose and he is pulling all the stops to dominate now :/ hell he has gotten away with so much and hasn't been punished for any of his unlawful actions so he just continues to do so with no repercussions. I hope we don't have a civil war but if we do bring it! I will stand up for both mine and my wife's rights! This is disgusting and must stop HE must be stopped and held accountable to the highest degree for his irresponsibility and actions. Trump is no president of mine and it is sickening to see how fellow Americans are being treated.
You should be concerned. Everything south of your border is showing signs of becoming a failed-state banana republic. (Just kidding, at least about that "republic" part.)
@@lizardog girl! You are the only other person that I know of that refers to trump as the squatter in the Oval Office. Damn, here I thought I was being original!
What gets me is when I was watching the live coverage here in Aus of what was going down in DC the other day is that they are literally covering protests against police brutality... then are beat by police... so the president can have a photo.... like, what?????????
That's not the only thing. He didn't just take a photo he shot an entire video from his walk to the white house all the way to the church and he couldn't even hold a bible correctly mind you. His ego was bruised cuz everybody made fun of him for running to the bunker and turning off all the lights in the white House so he felt the need to make a propaganda video to show everybody that he wasn't scared.
@@gavinburnes6344 They threw grenades at the protesters. Just flash bang grenades and tear gas grenades. Smoke grenades are also grenades. there is also signal grenades with colored smoke. Those are also grenades. So no it isn't misleading, if the audience is educated enough to know there is dozens of different of types of grenades. Audience most likely also is educated enough to guess, speaker would freaking point out incase it was fragmentation grenade or concussion grenade meant and designed to maim and kill people. Since that would be hell of an escalation.
the only reason i can imagine behind kettling 1000 protesters on a bridge in close quarters during a pandemic is... well. Horrifying is the right word for it.
Joshua Sweetvale OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT SONG! It so prophetic!!!! Those who died are justified For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
“... joke: Why did the Defense Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs cross the road? Because the President is a chicken.” Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahahah
But unfortunately the police offices was just doing his job. So the questions will be, how far did he deviate from SOP? Why did the office think it was OK to treat him like they did? Is this an issue of systemic racism or systemic police brutality? And what will be done to make sure this never happens again?
I have to say that the beginnings of these really is some of the stuff i look forward to the most. You interacting with your family...the dog....all of it is really comforting and I REALLY ENJOY IT.. Thank you for all the work you ALL put in to bring joy and laughter to break up the crap
@@RTC1655 - "Untimely deaths"? How coy! You mean "cold-blooded execution in the street by a policeman while other policemen stand around and watch." Nah, we don't get that quite so much as the USA.
It's absolute bullshit. Trying to create division in London where racism is minimal. The only racism is seen in London since the 80s is when i got called a white c*nt over a minor parking dispute. Lucky the police took it seriously
Ann Other minimal racism is still racism bro.... UK isn't only London and ppl are still allowed to protest bad shit in other countries and everyone in London gets called c***, you aren't special
gatheringoflight There was a lot of resistance in the beginning years (until 1933). After Hitler’s seize of power all opposition was killed or locked up, you only had the enthusiastic crowds left. Trump has up to 30% of the population armed to the teeth and just waiting for an opportunity to destroy „liberals“. That‘s a big advantage in comparison to the Nazi SA.
Stompa Fast forward, we are a leader of the EU, with a strong economy, wealth, great opportunities, we are respected and trusted all over the world. Not everything perfect here, but a lot better than the US in so many aspects.
gatheringoflight you describe the situation after the dictatorship was finally in place. Massive propaganda and blaming minorities for everything helped to achieve this goal. But there was a long was to reach it. inform yourself about the prewar history. You will recognize a lot in comparison to the last three years Not only in the USA. Right from fascist/populist playbook.
gatheringoflight learn some freaking history, dude. There was plenty of opposition to far-right government before 1933 in the Weimar Republic, but Hitler was still able to become chancellor due to a number of reasons (such as a great ability for rabble-rousing, an incredibly competent propagandist by his side, and an ignorant and divided government who thought they’d be able to control the “Small Private” like a puppet). In its early years, the republic was actually very progressive for its time... After all, it’s not a coincidence that Berlin was the hotspot of the roaring 20s. Despite that, the government was weak to continuous abuse of power by those at the very top, exacerbated by the parties eventually not being able to cooperate on anything and the efforts of Göbbels’ propaganda machine. Starting to sound familiar?
Cause gun toting conservatives are more civilized. They already have the means for destruction, but everyone knows they won't be used for havoc. Put bricks next to Liberals, and all heLL breaks loose.
Yeah, when those assault-rifle-open-carry patriots wanted to enter legislature chambers in Lansing, they just wanted to talk. (j/k) Michigan State Police didn't feel really talkative: "No, leave now."
Just found out about these videos. Very good to have this alternative coverage on the situation. It's always fun to watch Stephen Colbert. Greetings from the Netherlands.
I don't know about too soon to make jokes about Lincoln's assassination, but you've got people in your country that don't think that they lost the Civil War, like some ancient Japanese guy on a Pacific Island.
Troops standing guard at the Lincoln Memorial is one of the most obscene image in my 72 year memory. It ranks right up there with the the troops guarding the Pentagon in the 1969 March on the Pentagon protest. Yes, I was there. No, I wasn't on guard duty. Yes, I have clear memories of flowers stuck in rifle barrels. All of that, bizarre as it was, was humorous in a way. Use of military to quell civilian unrest will only result in more organized (and hardened) protests. Don't take my word - IT'S ALL ON FILM!!! Last time, we dealt with a President who was a crook. This time, we dealing with a monster!
Don't forget the reason Tillerson called tRump a "fucking moron"... It was because tRump wanted to use nukes, which is also his favourite of the 5 military words he knows...😳
"They're violent people in many cases. You know, bad people, okay? A lot of bad people..." Now, now, Donnie. I'm sure there are very fine people, on both sides.
@barb rarick Don't worry. There won't be any Grandpas left to say that. They will all have eaten a Soylent Orange Corona-Cookie for the "good" of the economy. Trumpster Youth only...
A democracy is a form of government where people VOTE. Yet for decades the largest party in US has been the "party of non voters". Nothing is going change unless YOU VOTE.
@@annother3350 No need. Trump spews it on regular basis. Its just , some realized, and disgusted by it, and some just need help (or a LOT) to see it bro
@omg I know. They single out some people and make stupid ridiculous comments like. Oh no not my Trump... "Did you see what Obama did .. He rejected my friend request for the hundredth time so he's gotta be bad ". Let me talk able OTHER PEOPLE like a caddy obnoxious teenage girl who can't handle not being center of attention LoL 😂. If a Trump Troll even comment to defend him- go back under the bridge where you belong .
"Hiding in a bunker". What can you expect for someone who weaseled out of serving his country in Vietnam. If Trump were British, his coat-of-arms would be a weasel.
Unless it's the Mega Cult Hat, Fox News and Friends, Moscow Mitch, GOP licking Dear Leaders booty, and so on.. especially Putin loving his puppet Trump.
@@br0wn640 Youre probably a Russian bot.. but go ahead and watch the full video and then find real data to back up these claims and you will probably switch face. Trump will be out in 2020, we will be rejoicing in the streets.
@Pipe Down Oh that's almost guaranteed where the bricks are coming from. People have seen law enforcement planting them around to try and tempt people into throwing them so the cops have an excuse to start shooting and gassing them. Same reason why cops are trapping protesters trying to leave before curfew, so they have an excuse to beat them.
milkamilla. Trump: My friend came over and really wanted to see the bunker. It’s soooo cool. Plus it’s where I have my copy of Panzer Dragoon. We both really wanted to play it. So we were in the bunker playing my Sega Saturn. Had nothing to do with the riots outside. FAKE NEWS. Sega is better than Sony, you’d know that if you weren’t Fake News.
"Noooo.. I wasn't hiding under the bed! I was doing an inspection! Counting to make sure my old Playboys, and Hustlers were still there. And the tears, you hear about the tears... but there was dust down there. A lot of dust. And for a while I couldn't find the stash of Ivanka's old modeling pictures. Perfectly normal, ordinary inspection. I only brought my Blankie because I didn't want IT to feel scared." -Donald J Trump, during his iconic "I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!" press briefing.
I'm not American and EVEN I know what a huge juxtaposition it is to have masked soldiers (which also gives them impunity to carry out any action) on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. What the hell has happened to the "Land of the Free"!!!!!
The land of the free, only if your white and stand on the steps of government buildings armed to the teeth with powerful guns to intimidate and scare local government and citizens into allowing them the freedom to get a haircut or tattoo. Trump didn’t send the military in. They’re very fine (white) people.
Well, Donnie won the electoral college but lost the popular vote leading to an unhinged megalomaniac who has never heard a no he didn’t intend to ignore becoming President. Then at the beginning of the biggest dumpster fire of a year on record the Republican run Senate refused to hold Tiny Hands McGee accountable for his abuse of power and made him think he is completely untouchable.
@@Chipotleadvisory yup. this is just as much the fault of the grifters that run the GoP, and the zombie fanbase they have created as a powerbase for themselves over 3 generations. will they ever see justice for what they have done to america? to the world? I hope so. I really do.
"That story was fake." "It was a false report." Why does he think that lying about everything will work out for him? He needs to stop deflecting. Trump is not capable of any critical thinking... or thinking in general.
Because lying about everything has worked out for him so far? He's literally lied throughout his entire life, yet he's a billionaire (reportedly) and the president of the most powerful country on the planet while escaping dozen lawsuits It's not his lies that are the problem, it's those ass kissers enabling his compulsive lying.
@@adib3011 Except that "like" isn't every other word. Actually he sounds like someone who is in a stage of dementia. He's also probably on a bunch of drugs.
One of the best monologues from Colbert in a long while.. It just makes me sad that you can tell he is obviously very upset after every joke. It is good because he is so passionately against Trump. This president is taking his toll on everyone, for better and for worse. I'm ready for this insanity to end, we can't have this be our new normal...
He is also in a position I don't want to see anyone. It's like this joke: “Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.” ― Alan Moore, Watchmen
Since when was letting rioting and looting go uncontested with damage to public and private property a sign of freedom? Or do you think the government should let them?
Tianamen wasn't quashing a protest. It was an all out bloody massacre - hundreds (or thousands) slaughtered in one day. We haven't come close to that yet, but seems like Trump would love to try.
@@teerificbitch You're repeating the rightwing Fake News that Trump loves so much. The fact is that the majority of the violence was committed by the police! They attacked peaceful protesters and then LIED about them being "rioters" and "looters". I saw a lot of police and the white supremacist group the Proud Pajamaboys breaking windows and looting. Not so much the peaceful American protesters.
Yeeeaaaahhh... maybe you guys should read more about the Tiananmen massacre. I'm not saying what's happening in the US is not fucked up, but Tiananmen square is next level fucked up.
Anti1- he literally asked about using tanks. We are dangerously close to Tiananmen Square. Much more close than I thought America would ever be capable of.
"...they moved them out." Yes, but how did they move them out? And why? They were there within their rights. Where's the outrage the Right always showed when it's about the constitution?
“A lot of bad people” - Trump talking about Civil Rights protesters. “Good people on both sides” - Trump talking about Nazis marching with their tiki torches
@@bendover8689 That's freightening thought. Germany in the 30' was - while ramping up it's industry for their war effort - a comparible weak country. Compared to industrial powerhouses like the US. They still managed to kill millions of people and wage war on the whole European continent, parts of Africa and Asia as well. And it took the combined effort of the US, Great Britain, French, Russia and a lot of other countries affiliated with them to stop them after 6 years of bloody war. The US will start in this race with one of the highest developed industries and the largest military by far exceeding the combined miliatries of the rest of the world nearly twice... plus a nuclear stockpile, that could glass over the world about 30 times over. I really don't want them to become the next Nazi Germany.
I admire how you can hide your anger and disgust behind the jokes.
I couldn't.
you don't have to hide your anger.
If I try to hide my anger in jokes I sound like a crazy person
Look at his face, he is pissed. Also his jokes go from cheeky and sassy to really, truly sharp tongued in word and tone, he outright insults people straight out instead of more veiled criticism. Hes just angry in a more eloquent way than most of us.
Sometimes I think the time for jokes is over...
#BunkerBaby is mad that more people protested in DC than attended his inauguration.
This is so true.
you spelled bitch wrong. it's itch after the b
bobmatzke I was thinking about posting the same remark. Glad you did ☺️
Yes!! That’s not ona great statement, it’s dam@ TRUE! Thanks 😊 I needed that!!
Ha ha ha because of the cold war 😜
General Mattis just slapped down Bunker Boy. Let's hope more military leaders step up.
Bunker boy 😂😂😂😂
Brian Garrow Can’t wait to hear what Stephen has to say about that tomorrow.
Brian Garrow Gen Mark Milley sure did!
It's amazing what Trump lapdogs can do when they manage to grow a spine or two after being thrown under the bus
rasmie That is what it means to be Trumped. Best friend, smartest guy to ... I don't even know that fellow. You've been Trumped!
I'm trying to complete the 7 stages of grief, but it keeps resetting to zero every night.
There are no stages, it is a continuum.
I've been stuck on anger indefinitely. And I think my first d in dabda is for either deep depression or dumbstruck, or maybe drinking.
It's an infinite loop, the other stages go by in a nano second...
It's called Trump derangement syndrome. You got four more years of that coming.
woot! I am Canadian and am watching this in simutaneous horror and sadness. I so hope that the American public remembers this in November.
Ummm I’m Canadian and live outside DC how do you think I feel? Praying everyone votes....
Sheri Kwasnik hopefully we flush this turd November 3rd!
you and me both
Sheri Kwasnik Yeah, if we make it to November.
I remember now. I voted yesterday. #VoteTrumpOut.
When I first read that he said he only went down to the bunker for an inspection, I laughed so hard for about a minute. I literally couldn’t stop.
Does any one remember how trump would "inspect" the dressing rooms of miss teen USA? Maybe that's how the secret service got trump down to the bunker by saying it was actually a dressing room!
Methinks he doth protest too much.
I want the person who let him out of the bunker, fired!
@Angel McLeod. Must have been for a "bone spur inspection ".
And a “tiny, little, short” one. That sounds about right when it comes to Trump...😉
Maybe best line ever..."I just ran diagnostics on my boxers to see if they were load bearing". Love it lol.
Definitely applicable to the steaming pile of Trump, much like these:
So much use out of a photoshop layer...
A good one, but I really peg Trump as a Depends kind of guy.
John Galt Well, Trump is morbidly obese, so Colbert is certainly less massive.
I was drinking coffee when he said that. The coffee went everywhere🤣 That is priceless!
"We have a lot of proof and information and proof"
How very... Eloquent. I am mesmerized....
LMAO! Awesome comment, you made me giggle.
That just means he has double the proof.
And we all know what the double of Zero is...
Lots of proof. E.g proof of police placing pallets of stones in strategic places. to be later used by the state-funded rioters.
I'm cackling 😂😂
MrJamezk ...explain it to the trumpees please.
"Tiny Man Square" is beyond excellent!
I had a dog that used to “inspect” the space under the bed ever time she heard thunder. She was a Bunker Beagle.
You should write for Colbert! Hilarious 😂🤣
Gary, Trump is a dog in the Chinese horoscope 😂I was always wondering what kind of dog he was!?😂😂 lets call him chicken beaver..
"Trying to remember where he last saw his integrity." I'm dying, lmao!
You can't see something that never existed.
The same day he saw a unicorn fucking a gryphon
3:34. "I didn't poop my pants. I just ran diagnostics on my boxers to see if they were load bearing." OMG - so witty.
This is one of the best-written Colbert monologues I've heard in years.
“I started drinking and some day I plan to stop.” Mood.
*Alcoholics Unanimous* is a tax exempt charitable Belief System, or B.S.
Every joke was straight from the heart of the truth.
..and also straight from hell
That's what makes them so funny and yet heart breakingly unfunny at the same time, which coincidentally makes them even more funny because ironic jokes are the most hilarious.
@Shae Tallent 🤦♂️ ok Epstein
Wouldn't it be great if the troops could stand up and say "no, we are not going to fire on innocent protesters we are with you!
They can. They just don't.
10,000 thumbs up, Mira Long!!!! Great point!!!! Thanks.
They have started to, have you not seen the one-knee cops?
It's not a war so they can't be charged with war crimes.
They have been.
Omg those soldiers in front of the Lincoln Memorial looked like a scene from the handmaids tale. A nightmare of a dystopian future not our present reality.
I was thinking the same thing. SCARY
"Welcome to Gilead!"
@sgbobsg you can bet that disgusting human is rubbing his hands in glee at how all the machinations of he and his ilk are progressing so well.
@@argosz8046 Betsy DeVos made a million over her usual haul in 2019.
as a german i can say, that if leaders starts to inspect their bunkers, its the beginning of the End...
@@someguynamedelan either that or a one way ticket to Argentina.. ;)
Should have also inspected the cyanide and gun while he was down there. Making sure they work properly.
@@someguynamedelan unfortunately, current US president is a coward. I can only hope that he won't be as lucky as Hitler when he gets bombed by his generals.
Edit: if he gets self inflicted bullet, it will be in the head, multiple times.
nice try buddy when Hi tler retreated to the bunker...didn't the Russians get there like the next day? What I'm saying is he's still President for 5 months at least. I WISH it was quick as Hi tler after he went in the bunker
From Australia oh do not tease ,one can only hope he goes to a bunker near him and bomb that site ASAP!
I volunteer to stand in front of a Trump tank, however at 80 I need to do it with a cane. Please keep on with the good fight.
I join you ! See you at DC😘
Yep. I’m 61 and I’m right there with ya. I’m volunteering to be cannon fodder when citizens finally storm the people’s house.
I'll stand with you. I'm 70 and nothing to lose.
It's like he's actively trying to recreate Tiananmen Square
@@littleflower8915 who says he didn't?
Ehhh personally I much prefer the one that goes:
"Why did the chicken cross the road?
So he could teargas a bunch of peaceful protesters in order to get a photo-op where he awkwardly holds up a book he's never read."
Wait, There was that one time he was reading from “two Corinthians.”🙄
@@piratedawggaming9404 he was reading Moby Dick.
You sir nailed it.
peaceful protesters my azz . BLM AND ANTI-FA TO GITMO , NOW .
I am a youtube-r from China. I am inspired by the compassionate and brave American people like Colbert.
China Bill hello🙏💕
We have freedom of speech. 🙂
So far
Where's the Tank Man? We need his bravery!
Are you in China, China Bill? RUclips is blocked in that country.
Am I the only one who loves all of these "At Home Talk Shows" more than the fancy studio shows? Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon. It's just so great, personal and casual. We get to see their families and homes. It's amazing.
Every day they are becoming more and more like RUclipsrs. I'll be happy when they can go back, but Imma miss this.
Seth Myers show is so much better since he's been doing in from home.
Yeah, I've definitely grown to like them MORE than the way the show was before.
So agree with you! Maybe now shows will focus on good content instead of excessive bells and whistles
Add Trevor Noah’s show too.
Can we just give a round of applause to Stephen and his whole team for actually being able to write jokes in these times?
Trump is a walking talking bad joke . You quote what he says ..... exactly and it’s a bad joke . Everything he says ! Nothing he says would stop me from smacking him 75 years 💀
He is the joke.
Domen Bremec ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
@@rationalmindriot7762 if we are talking about how he molested his daughter, he is not pedo, he is a southern hillbilly
Yea, because he and his team don't give a fuck obout those people.
“The night Donald Trump was elected...I started drinking, and some day I plan to stop.”
Ha! best statement ever 😅
Paul Muggins What did you do with the winnings?
November 4th will be that date.LOL.
Imagine how much scientists or intelligent World Leaders need to drink before dealing with this arsehole
That just makes people want to protest even more . As a matter of fact , count me in for tomorrow . I'm bringing friends and family too . They don't know it yet ...lol but we will be there .
Please join the protests ..... Our democracy and freedoms depend on it
It's about dang time. It never made sense to me how the richest country on paper can treat so many of its own people so badly.
@Don Hardcastle these aren't the rioters. Please try to keep up to date.
Little Miss Muffet One of the lawless thugs eh, there’s plenty of em.
That was brilliantly written and delivered.
We will never forget the raid on peaceful protesters in Tiny Man Square.
While your at it don't forget the innocent people who's lost their businesses and others their lives at the hands of your so called "peaceful" protesters. Coz THAT is worth remembering
"...I'm doing very well with African Americans."
Yeah, Kanye doesn't count.
"...I'm doing very well with my African American."
There. It's fixed. :^D
Kanye is the perfect trumpet of color. He's just as wackadoo as trump is. Does anyone else think they might he brothers from different mothers?
@@yapdog Thank you! You made me laugh out loud. First time I've laughed in days.
Steve Hickman I call bs from #45
Don’t forget those clowns diamond and silk. I can’t remember him actually speaking their names, but they’re always on the list when he needs black faces for the cameras.
It’s never been easier to see how hitler came into power..
hitler is rolling in his grave caues he prob had to strategize to get this far along. trump is 3rd grade level and got this far.
your statement is a disrespect to hitler bruv..
@john smith yup, that sounds about right, ever heard of the night of broken glass?
We are reliving all bad things tht happened in last century in 1 yr like some bad recap.
"We can unite without him"..General Jim Mattis. Good words. Pay attention people.
Trump has the cops and bikers, we have the generals. They harder he pushes, the dumber it gets.
“I didn’t poop my pants. I just ran diagnostics on my boxers, to see if they were load bearing. They are.” - All-time Great Stephen Colbert joke
Of course they are, he’s been spewing out shit for 70+ years now
Trump is the biggest coward!
I rarely truly laugh at jokes staff makes but this is a good one :)
@@NocturnalRecords7 &
Stephen and the 2 Jimmy's are hilarious 😂 😃 😄 😁 🤣.
One of his best monologues ever, "It rhymes with Yahtzee."
Also, "it's a short walk, more of a goose-step really".
Truly one of the best as you said!!!
"but it's less family-friendly"
D.R. Arriaza ...🙏🙏🙏
Great line!
We've had protests in The Netherlands and Germany as well!
Remember when the bast*rd hijacked they’re PPE they were sending New York (USA) they screamed PIRACY n that No Good Jared Azzner has PPE stockpiles of it in South Jersey where he bought up all this property with the American Ppl’s damn money 💰💵💰to resale to highest bidders!!! Their Judgment Day will be sooner than they imagine🙏🏾🙏🏾
@dolofonos I'm Dutch, we support the protests. And then right winged people laugh about this, even here. Do you know that upsets us? Where did the desperation begin? You just watch right wing media, pointing fingers at some violent pictures (most being peaceful protesters scream because of tear gas) and forget all about the institutionalized robbery by your officials. Why do people loot during protests? Was it the breakdown of the social infrastructure? Ages of racism? Trump giving huge bailouts to the rich, while the poor must be happy if the 1200 arrives? Is it the many whites who loot, and might be (poor) Trumpists for all we know, so the blame goes elsewhere? Is it that people loot, because they feel, the rich do it too, so hey, this is how it goes? I'm Dutch, looting here is very very very rare. Why, because our government cares for its people, and makes a positive difference happen. Yours broke down the infrastructure, education, made care unaffordable for the poor. What did you expect would happen? Applause for the dumbster pretending he can lead? The world laughs about that guy. But your right wing North Korean level propaganda tells you he's a genius, and you believe it. Just watch him cluelessly hold a bible. So yes, many white Europeans support the anti racism rallies in the USA. And your future relations with the world depend on your maturity to deal with your issues at home. You might be the strongest country (until China takes over) but you are nothing when the world doesn't want your leadership anymore. And that point is very close. While your country is also deep in debt. Very deep in debt. Imagine countries demanding those be paid right now? Your leaders get rich, trample people and you will suffer the consequences. So in a way, we protest for you trolls too. Think about that.
In your countries, there is not even a black minister in the government, and you talk to me about racism This is absurd
Dani Don’t be so ignorant, the Netherlands is one of the most democratic countries in the world.
dolofonos Seems like you didn’t pay attention in history class mate. Now why don’t you describe the difference between a social democratic governmental system and communism for me? I’m willing to bet you have no clue whatsoever.
You can tell that Stephen's heart is breaking, to see the possible beginning of totalitarianism. His father fought for civil rights and equality in the south, and it must be heartbreaking for Stephen to see the gestapo tactics employed by our government elected by the people, for the people.
"Beginning"... you cant be serious, JFK was assassinated for telling us to was already well underway in his day
GESTAPO Tactics? Boy I am from Germany and I can tell you what you expreience right now is a piece of cake. Dont you dare compare this ridiculous Moment to the Horrors of the 2nd World War. Educate yourself!
He lost the popular vote by 3 million, the electoral collage put him in power not the people
It's heartbreaking and infuriating for all of us!
@@JesterSyxe As an historian, I can tell you that there are similarities to the rise of Trump and the rise of Hitler.
They didn't just attack protestors, but reporters. That should weigh heavily on us all.
Worse than reporters, they attacked medics
Trump's dream day ... I find interesting that these protests finally prove that a racist society isn't just a problem for whoever is just designated as the "lesser race". It's a problem for everybody. The police brutality I saw on the clips didn't distinguish by gender or skin tone. Racists are as merciless with those of their own who 'break rank' as with those they discriminate.
Love & respect to those protesters. Walking out there when they know the risk they take? Those are citizens that the US can and should be proud of.
What the hell, I thought Trump liked huge crowds?
Only if they're chanting his name. Aside from that, Trump has little use for the people he allegedly 'serves'.
No no. Lol. Huge mostly white crowds. The rest are Latinos who feel if they don’t kiss his ass he will deport them and take their children and a very small and diminishing African American following. His base supporters are racist whites who apparently don’t mind militarizing the police for protesters but will allow whites with automatic weapons to storm capital buildings for their right to contract and effectively spread COVID-19 to the rest of us. There’s a difference between protesters and the rioting and looters. Fox News would have you think they’re one and the same. They would also have you believe that radical left wing groups are responsible when in fact the only radicals found causing trouble are racist radical right wing extremists bent on racial inequality and support the oppression of communities of color. Some one said to me I hope I enjoy the gulags that are coming because, we’ll I’m not sure. I draw your attention to the word Ghetto. The word ghetto doesn’t belong to the black community. Ghettos are the camps nazis put the Jewish people in to put it simply. The fact that we have “ghettos” in America is an outrage. Tell me more how the African communities aren’t suppressed into modern ghettos and oppressed by racism to make sure they stay there. Trump is done and while I’m not sure Biden is the man for the job either it’s a step forward. Reality is Daffy Duck would make a better president that donald trump so anyone is a step up. We need national leader ship not just do what’s best for your isle. That’s what makes a leader a leader. The ability to sympathize and empathize with those whom he or she is charged to lead. Not just the ability to appeal to one set group of people. Donal trump, America isn’t racist, some of us are. I say “us” because they may be undesirables but they are still American. And that’s the difference. And it’s that difference, the ability to love thy neighbor even If thy neighbor has hate for you. Just because someone is into white supremacy doesn’t mean I’m not going to save them from choking or drowning. I can not, even as a white person, see pride in hatred. Be proud of who you are no matter what color. There is one cold hard fact that runs deeper than skin. We are all Humans. One race, the Human race.
You know, Stephen Colbert's talent for mime and character change among many other things is really quite remarkable, even without a present audience. He can make all this direly bad news palpable while making very strong statements that need to be said.
He is palpably angry.
Remember those „good people“ in Charlotteville? Good times...
Remember what is like to listen to the entire talk rather the soundbite the media shoved down your throat? Nah, you probably like things shoved down your throat.
@@timmiet47321 I see someone is triggered.
@@timmiet47321 Actually read the transcript my friend, then we talk about getting things shoved down the throat :)
@@rumo893 I watched and read the event. You probably still believe in Russiagate. It's only been a 3 year plus lie.
@@timmiet47321 still airing your sexual fantasies in the comment section? Sad.
Have I said lately how much I love Stephen Colbert?
Esper “I didn’t know where I was going...”. Right. So he is a liar or stupid? Maybe both? This is the type of person in charge of our military forces? God help us.
Yes. Esper is grossly conniving in his weaselly-ness.
He initially said he thought they were going to inspect a bathroom. I mean-- a f'ing bathroom???? Who makes that shit up as their excuse????
You cannot work for Trump if you are not a liar, not necessarily stupid, just Fascist -Notice how All of the people in the Original Trump Adm. have either called him a stupid motherf@cker (Tillerson) or have accused him of dividing the country (Mattis)
Every one of his minionS is a total PO$
@ At this point if you are an American citizen who is not a fascist or a racist, you cannot be a Trump supporter -especially if you claim to be a Chiristian. Trump is the problem, not the do nothing Democrats.
God I love Stephen. Also, all this gets me quite upset and I’m Canadian. Just know that many others are watching and hoping for the best America
Tyler Dunk I to am a Canadian and and agree wholeheartedly. Please America get out and vote in November!!
We are trying I'm hoping we get that opportunity because I believe Trump knows he will lose and he is pulling all the stops to dominate now :/ hell he has gotten away with so much and hasn't been punished for any of his unlawful actions so he just continues to do so with no repercussions. I hope we don't have a civil war but if we do bring it! I will stand up for both mine and my wife's rights! This is disgusting and must stop HE must be stopped and held accountable to the highest degree for his irresponsibility and actions. Trump is no president of mine and it is sickening to see how fellow Americans are being treated.
You should be concerned. Everything south of your border is showing signs of becoming a failed-state banana republic. (Just kidding, at least about that "republic" part.)
@@houndgirl7365 I think he knows that when leaves office, people will hunt him down in the streets
thank you Canadian. Love from Chicago
Tiny Man Square is what I'm always calling that event!
The UK supports you America we know know everyone is not like your dictator trump...
Thanks :-)
Thanks for not judging all U.S. citizens by the squatter in the Oval Office.
@@lizardog girl! You are the only other person that I know of that refers to trump as the squatter in the Oval Office. Damn, here I thought I was being original!
@@lizardog Great minds think alike
@@MFranklinstein-vw2tn goodness! What a sad little man you are!
What gets me is when I was watching the live coverage here in Aus of what was going down in DC the other day is that they are literally covering protests against police brutality... then are beat by police... so the president can have a photo.... like, what?????????
Well who are you gonna believe, our stable genius or your lying eyeballs?!😏
Now you have an inkling of what most Americans are thinking.
Can I come live with you i only need45 says to find job 30 days to get my first paycheck and 30 to find my own place. .....Just planning my escape....
That's not the only thing. He didn't just take a photo he shot an entire video from his walk to the white house all the way to the church and he couldn't even hold a bible correctly mind you. His ego was bruised cuz everybody made fun of him for running to the bunker and turning off all the lights in the white House so he felt the need to make a propaganda video to show everybody that he wasn't scared.
Yuep this is AmeriKKKa for you!
You can actually hear the grenades go off while Trump "speaks" at the rose garden.
Pedro Correia I mean they were flash-bangs not fucking grenades but yeah
@@gavinburnes6344 flashbangs are categorise as grenades
Gidi to say that they threw grenades at protesters is a bit misleading tho
@@gavinburnes6344 They threw grenades at the protesters. Just flash bang grenades and tear gas grenades. Smoke grenades are also grenades. there is also signal grenades with colored smoke. Those are also grenades. So no it isn't misleading, if the audience is educated enough to know there is dozens of different of types of grenades. Audience most likely also is educated enough to guess, speaker would freaking point out incase it was fragmentation grenade or concussion grenade meant and designed to maim and kill people. Since that would be hell of an escalation.
Gavin Burnes they are classified as “concussion grenades”
"Why did the defense secretary and the chairman of the joint chiefs cross the road? Because Trump is a chicken." Best chicken joke ever.
Why did Spartacus cross the road?
Because being tortured to death is the same thing as slavery.
Max Johnson ?
haaaaaaaaaaa thanks
@@teresas8929 it's a very, very funny joke.
the only reason i can imagine behind kettling 1000 protesters on a bridge in close quarters during a pandemic is... well. Horrifying is the right word for it.
Some of those that run forces are the same that burn crosses.
@@JoshSweetvale ...I think I heard a shot...
Joshua Sweetvale OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT SONG! It so prophetic!!!!
Those who died are justified
For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died
By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
“I just ran diagnostics on my boxers, to see if they are load bearing” 😂😂
"He looks like a Jenga tower about twelve moves in", Colbert was on fire last night!
VOTE!!...please, can't take this again.
@ Rich N - I'll vote, but I'm not sure it'll do any good...I'm petrified the Electoral College will just hand trump another victory.
I wish I could but I gotta wait 4 years. Which means if he gets re ellected I’ll be spend my last three years of high school with him in office 😬😬😬
@@priscillamoore5736 Trump even took away our votes. What greedy old men will do for attention.
@@Anonymous_hipp0 You're already on the right path from what I just read.
"Tiny-man square..." HILARIOUS
“... joke: Why did the Defense Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs cross the road? Because the President is a chicken.” Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahahahah
But first, a joke
What do you get when you cross an owl and a bunjee chord?
My ass
Haa haha ha
I giggled lol
LMAO 😂😂😂😂
Irene Max 😂🤣😂
Haha yeah the so called alpha male was last seen running for the basement when the “nasty shouting” started!!!
"Justice is possible." I'll believe it when I see a conviction.
Kinda like: "Sure you can dance!" -Voldka
But unfortunately the police offices was just doing his job. So the questions will be, how far did he deviate from SOP? Why did the office think it was OK to treat him like they did? Is this an issue of systemic racism or systemic police brutality? And what will be done to make sure this never happens again?
Omg, Stephen was killing it tonight!!!!!!😄😄😄😄
I have to say that the beginnings of these really is some of the stuff i look forward to the most. You interacting with your family...the dog....all of it is really comforting and I REALLY ENJOY IT.. Thank you for all the work you ALL put in to bring joy and laughter to break up the crap
They were protesting in Ireland and Britain yesterday for mr floyd this is around the world
They're protesting around Australia on the weekend - and many already have/are, especially regarding Australian Indigenous deaths in custody 😔
Well, that's pretty corny; both countries' got their share of untimely deaths.
@@RTC1655 - "Untimely deaths"? How coy!
You mean "cold-blooded execution in the street by a policeman while other policemen stand around and watch."
Nah, we don't get that quite so much as the USA.
It's absolute bullshit. Trying to create division in London where racism is minimal. The only racism is seen in London since the 80s is when i got called a white c*nt over a minor parking dispute. Lucky the police took it seriously
Ann Other minimal racism is still racism bro.... UK isn't only London and ppl are still allowed to protest bad shit in other countries and everyone in London gets called c***, you aren't special
Take a tip from a German. We had a similar situation around 70 years ago. Think about where that brought us.....
gatheringoflight There was a lot of resistance in the beginning years (until 1933). After Hitler’s seize of power all opposition was killed or locked up, you only had the enthusiastic crowds left.
Trump has up to 30% of the population armed to the teeth and just waiting for an opportunity to destroy „liberals“. That‘s a big advantage in comparison to the Nazi SA.
Stompa Fast forward, we are a leader of the EU, with a strong economy, wealth, great opportunities, we are respected and trusted all over the world. Not everything perfect here, but a lot better than the US in so many aspects.
gatheringoflight you describe the situation after the dictatorship was finally in place. Massive propaganda and blaming minorities for everything helped to achieve this goal. But there was a long was to reach it. inform yourself about the prewar history. You will recognize a lot in comparison to the last three years Not only in the USA. Right from fascist/populist playbook.
gatheringoflight learn some freaking history, dude. There was plenty of opposition to far-right government before 1933 in the Weimar Republic, but Hitler was still able to become chancellor due to a number of reasons (such as a great ability for rabble-rousing, an incredibly competent propagandist by his side, and an ignorant and divided government who thought they’d be able to control the “Small Private” like a puppet). In its early years, the republic was actually very progressive for its time... After all, it’s not a coincidence that Berlin was the hotspot of the roaring 20s. Despite that, the government was weak to continuous abuse of power by those at the very top, exacerbated by the parties eventually not being able to cooperate on anything and the efforts of Göbbels’ propaganda machine. Starting to sound familiar?
@Eli Spell it out!
Where was the show of military force when machine gun wielding mobs were threatening State governors and refusing to follow state orders????
Cause gun toting conservatives are more civilized. They already have the means for destruction, but everyone knows they won't be used for havoc. Put bricks next to Liberals, and all heLL breaks loose.
echo 5 what??
In fairness those machine gun wielding mobs broke no laws, the BLM protests are burning down buildings and looting.
Yeah, when those assault-rifle-open-carry patriots wanted to enter legislature chambers in Lansing, they just wanted to talk. (j/k) Michigan State Police didn't feel really talkative: "No, leave now."
echo 5 No they’re not. I question what you deem “civilized.”
Just found out about these videos. Very good to have this alternative coverage on the situation. It's always fun to watch Stephen Colbert. Greetings from the Netherlands.
"Tank is just one of the military words he knows" lolol omg what planet am I on?
More like "what country am I on?"
I don't know about too soon to make jokes about Lincoln's assassination, but you've got people in your country that don't think that they lost the Civil War, like some ancient Japanese guy on a Pacific Island.
You are right. I think I didn't lose the civil war.
Troops standing guard at the Lincoln Memorial is one of the most obscene image in my 72 year memory. It ranks right up there with the the troops guarding the Pentagon in the 1969 March on the Pentagon protest. Yes, I was there. No, I wasn't on guard duty. Yes, I have clear memories of flowers stuck in rifle barrels. All of that, bizarre as it was, was humorous in a way. Use of military to quell civilian unrest will only result in more organized (and hardened) protests. Don't take my word - IT'S ALL ON FILM!!! Last time, we dealt with a President who was a crook. This time, we dealing with a monster!
I love Stephen Colbert. He's the kind of elder we all need
bunker boy has finally got his parade of the military. Despicable
We're waiting for the final parade:
He got a wall too
Boston tea party Boston uprising what's the difference wrongdoing is wrongdoing pot calling the kettle black
Don't forget the reason Tillerson called tRump a "fucking moron"...
It was because tRump wanted to use nukes, which is also his favourite of the 5 military words he knows...😳
"They're violent people in many cases. You know, bad people, okay? A lot of bad people..."
Now, now, Donnie. I'm sure there are very fine people, on both sides.
- Grandpa, what was Democracy like?
- Quiet boy! We are not allowed to talk about it!
@barb rarick Don't worry. There won't be any Grandpas left to say that. They will all have eaten a Soylent Orange Corona-Cookie for the "good" of the economy. Trumpster Youth only...
@@darkmadder9897 You do know that jokes aren't funny when they're true?
A democracy is a form of government where people VOTE. Yet for decades the largest party in US has been the "party of non voters". Nothing is going change unless YOU VOTE.
Since Trump got the office, this is one mess after another,how much longer Americans have to suffer that clown?
Looks like a big shit show to me.
How long do we have to suffer that clown? Just until November when we vote him out of office.
Jesus Motherloving Christ, Stephen was so on fire in this one, dropped a whole tanker of napalm on the Donald
Is napalm slang for absolute horse shit?!
@@annother3350 No need. Trump spews it on regular basis. Its just , some realized, and disgusted by it, and some just need help (or a LOT) to see it bro
@omg I know. They single out some people and make stupid ridiculous comments like. Oh no not my Trump... "Did you see what Obama did .. He rejected my friend request for the hundredth time so he's gotta be bad ". Let me talk able OTHER PEOPLE like a caddy obnoxious teenage girl who can't handle not being center of attention LoL 😂. If a Trump Troll even comment to defend him- go back under the bridge where you belong .
“The” donald lol
You know what would help in this situation? An actual tanker of napalm dumped on Trump
YOU, Stephen, are a National Treasure (and, Comically, a Voice of Reason n these jaw-dropping, scary times)🤪‼️
"Trump looks like a Jenga tower about 12 moves in." hahahaha
"Hiding in a bunker". What can you expect for someone who weaseled out of serving his country in Vietnam. If Trump were British, his coat-of-arms would be a weasel.
Hey, don't insult the weasel.
Trump's going full dictator and you never go full dictator.
Yeah the military will back him and everyone will want it. News stations will be the first to be shutdown.
Tropic Thunder 😆
Unless it's the Mega Cult Hat, Fox News and Friends, Moscow Mitch, GOP licking Dear Leaders booty, and so on.. especially Putin loving his puppet Trump.
It works in two ways
@Genta I have said the exact same thing for months already. Scratch that, I meant years!
This is what we see before a collapse. Those words are important.
@@br0wn640 Youre probably a Russian bot.. but go ahead and watch the full video and then find real data to back up these claims and you will probably switch face. Trump will be out in 2020, we will be rejoicing in the streets.
br0wn Yes they are...uniting against Trump.
@@br0wn640 you can't mention gas lighting when you're trying to gas light someone, it makes it too obvious what you're trying to do
Oh he left, how about that...
@Pipe Down Oh that's almost guaranteed where the bricks are coming from. People have seen law enforcement planting them around to try and tempt people into throwing them so the cops have an excuse to start shooting and gassing them. Same reason why cops are trapping protesters trying to leave before curfew, so they have an excuse to beat them.
"I was only in the bunker for a tiny bit"
Whatever you say, bunker boy.
Ok, bunker
That's Trump's brain, tiny bit.
He just wanted to make sure the bunker is still there
milkamilla. Trump: My friend came over and really wanted to see the bunker. It’s soooo cool. Plus it’s where I have my copy of Panzer Dragoon. We both really wanted to play it. So we were in the bunker playing my Sega Saturn. Had nothing to do with the riots outside. FAKE NEWS. Sega is better than Sony, you’d know that if you weren’t Fake News.
THAT image looks like what i would expect in a newsclip about a middle eastern dictatorship.
At least they're better-equipped.
'its one of the words he knows' - isn't that what parents say about their toddlers...
Nice to know the President is too stupid to be able to know all the words.
he's supposed to be the commander of chief. the supposed head of the military. smfh
Scary thing is that his favourite military word is "nuke"...
Its pretty insane that they actually have to remind us what words he knows.
"Noooo.. I wasn't hiding under the bed! I was doing an inspection! Counting to make sure my old Playboys, and Hustlers were still there. And the tears, you hear about the tears... but there was dust down there. A lot of dust. And for a while I couldn't find the stash of Ivanka's old modeling pictures. Perfectly normal, ordinary inspection. I only brought my Blankie because I didn't want IT to feel scared."
-Donald J Trump, during his iconic "I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!" press briefing.
❤ 😂😂😂😂😂
I'm not American and EVEN I know what a huge juxtaposition it is to have masked soldiers (which also gives them impunity to carry out any action) on the steps of Lincoln Memorial. What the hell has happened to the "Land of the Free"!!!!!
Oh, didn't you know that was a Typo that went unnoticed?
It was supposed to say "Land of the Feer".
(um yeah, they couldn't spell for nuts either)
The land of the free, only if your white and stand on the steps of government buildings armed to the teeth with powerful guns to intimidate and scare local government and citizens into allowing them the freedom to get a haircut or tattoo. Trump didn’t send the military in. They’re very fine (white) people.
Well, Donnie won the electoral college but lost the popular vote leading to an unhinged megalomaniac who has never heard a no he didn’t intend to ignore becoming President. Then at the beginning of the biggest dumpster fire of a year on record the Republican run Senate refused to hold Tiny Hands McGee accountable for his abuse of power and made him think he is completely untouchable.
@@Chipotleadvisory yup. this is just as much the fault of the grifters that run the GoP, and the zombie fanbase they have created as a powerbase for themselves over 3 generations.
will they ever see justice for what they have done to america? to the world? I hope so. I really do.
This is what happens when people vote "as a joke". Who's laughing now
Well said. Your words were needed to be said. Keep saying what needs to be said. America listens to you.
"This is what happens in a country before a collapse." That's what I'm afraid of. It's going to be a long, hot summer.
And quite possible a very long cold winter following closely behind.
There will be too much of everything from now on.
"Standin' with the fury that they had in '66" .... though awesome music aside, I suppose you were referring to 67.
@@timbeaton5045 Brace yourselves. Winter is coming.
Just one more step in the collapse of the US empire
I KNEW something like this would happen when Trump got elected. It was only a matter of time before America became an authoritarian country
Only because he is actually a fascist, was bullying, appealing to authoritarianism from the start.
"That story was fake." "It was a false report." Why does he think that lying about everything will work out for him? He needs to stop deflecting. Trump is not capable of any critical thinking... or thinking in general.
Because lying about everything has worked out for him so far? He's literally lied throughout his entire life, yet he's a billionaire (reportedly) and the president of the most powerful country on the planet while escaping dozen lawsuits
It's not his lies that are the problem, it's those ass kissers enabling his compulsive lying.
Because his base believes his lies, or just doesn't care, and that's all that matters to him.
Unfortunately, it seems he only thinks in Generals now, like any fascist.
His base only watches Fox News, so it does work. If you know a Trump supporter talk to them.
I wish he could. He is an NPD. NOT POSSIBLE.
I've heard him say "nukes," too, so that's another word he could just throw out regarding the protests.
"We have a lot of proof and information and proof." Sounds legit.
If you can dodge a tear gas cannister you can dodge a ball dodge duck dip dive and dodge!
He talks like a kid.
Like how he blames China, I saw lots of evidence.
@Eileen Farrar Hey, they're gonna surround us!
@@adib3011 Except that "like" isn't every other word. Actually he sounds like someone who is in a stage of dementia. He's also probably on a bunch of drugs.
You know Bunker Boy is lying when he starts his sentence with "So many people..."
Do you know bunker boys lying when he says anything
Or when he starts a sentence...
Bunker boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
One of the best monologues from Colbert in a long while.. It just makes me sad that you can tell he is obviously very upset after every joke. It is good because he is so passionately against Trump. This president is taking his toll on everyone, for better and for worse. I'm ready for this insanity to end, we can't have this be our new normal...
He is also in a position I don't want to see anyone. It's like this joke:
“Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”
― Alan Moore, Watchmen
Thank you for the comedy relief during these dire times. You're appreciated more than you'll ever know.
America's outrage with Tianmen Square has lasted decades, how do America's citizens feel about the government quashing American protests?
Since when was letting rioting and looting go uncontested with damage to public and private property a sign of freedom? Or do you think the government should let them?
Quashing murder,destruction and theft.Like during the LA riots.
Oh! that would be 'protecting democracy' aka White supremacy and of course it's OK because Donald was waving a a signed KKK Bible.
Tianamen wasn't quashing a protest. It was an all out bloody massacre - hundreds (or thousands) slaughtered in one day. We haven't come close to that yet, but seems like Trump would love to try.
@@teerificbitch You're repeating the rightwing Fake News that Trump loves so much. The fact is that the majority of the violence was committed by the police! They attacked peaceful protesters and then LIED about them being "rioters" and "looters". I saw a lot of police and the white supremacist group the Proud Pajamaboys breaking windows and looting. Not so much the peaceful American protesters.
The Tiananmen Square Incident happened June 4 in 1989. The resemblance of state violence in the US right now is telling.
Looking for social credit from the CCP? 😂
Yeeeaaaahhh... maybe you guys should read more about the Tiananmen massacre. I'm not saying what's happening in the US is not fucked up, but Tiananmen square is next level fucked up.
@@antifascist1 Considering all that Trump does is bringing things to the next level? I hope you are prepared. Good luck. The USA are going to need it.
Anti1- he literally asked about using tanks. We are dangerously close to Tiananmen Square. Much more close than I thought America would ever be capable of.
@@antifascist1 its a matter of time. We are in the early stages, only time can tell.
"...they moved them out." Yes, but how did they move them out? And why? They were there within their rights. Where's the outrage the Right always showed when it's about the constitution?
To them it’s not OUR constitution but rather it’s Their constitution.
@delna Yelan Have you tried making sense?
Ya next when they call in Tanks it'll be: We Moved them out!
Hilariously savage. Loved the Spiderman song 🤣
“A lot of bad people” - Trump talking about Civil Rights protesters. “Good people on both sides” - Trump talking about Nazis marching with their tiki torches
US becoming the new Nazi Germany.
@@bendover8689 That's freightening thought.
Germany in the 30' was - while ramping up it's industry for their war effort - a comparible weak country. Compared to industrial powerhouses like the US. They still managed to kill millions of people and wage war on the whole European continent, parts of Africa and Asia as well.
And it took the combined effort of the US, Great Britain, French, Russia and a lot of other countries affiliated with them to stop them after 6 years of bloody war.
The US will start in this race with one of the highest developed industries and the largest military by far exceeding the combined miliatries of the rest of the world nearly twice... plus a nuclear stockpile, that could glass over the world about 30 times over.
I really don't want them to become the next Nazi Germany.
Big Daddy And Germany has become a very nice place now. I have studied it and thought of moving there
@@kellykerr5225 Come! We welcome you! 💖
He said, “All sides,” which is even more idiotic.
Not too soon! I'm here in Illinois and can feel the thumping as Lincoln rolls over and over in his grave. Call it 45 rpm!
That's nothing, if you walk by Richard Nixon's grave you can hear muffled hysterical laughter.
Couldn't even try to hold back your sarcasm! Thank you for sorting out all the bullshit lately! I love you, Stephen!
Just imagine a column of abrams tank in the street, and a man with two shopping bags in his hands standing in front of them...
*violent protestors running in the street jumping on cars*
*violent Protestor get hit by car*
Violent protestor: "I'm the victim"
You can tell by Stephen's tone, he's really had enough.
Ciarán Donelan Yeah, he looks kinda shagged out don’t he he also looks like he’s having a seizure.
Him and the rest of the country
Enough of having no audience who laughs at a flick of a switch?
Haven't we all?
That “load bearing” bit was genius.
My kid happened to walk in during that joke , we both cracked up 😆
Has Colbert actually gotten funnier since he started filming at home?? He's on fire in this video lol
🔥"When fascism comes to America, it will arrive wrapped in a flag, and clutching a bible."--Sinclair Lewis.🔥
Sinclair at least thought the bible would be held the way a human with a passing familiarity with books would, not like a confused gibbon.
Well that's how it arrives everywhere else. Not exactly a hard guess.
@@Poldovico actually the Soviets and Chinese were never cool with religion.
@@mikebronicki6978 Yes. Bibles for them were a red flag.