This is a very tricky case. Mambo nemachinda enyu vakangonangana nemukomana yet there are a lot of questions dzaifanira kupiwawo kumuskana. I had a very similar case whereby my then boyfriend paid lobola. During the time yekugadzirira muchato ndichiri kumba kwedu, it so happened that things didn't go well tikarambana. Tainge tisina kumbosangana nemkomana uyu so after the break up, he claimed back his money and l think it was very reasonable. Hatina kumbogara tese kana kurara tese, so why not giving him back mari yake 🤷♀️. I also feel that either mkomana aramba mskana kana kuti mskana aramba mkoma. Mkomana should get his money back. How can one get peace of mind knowing kuti vakangodya mari yemunhu zvikatorova zvakadaro? Let the family yemskana pay back.
Taura zvako iwe. Pfuma inodzoka yese. Mambo atadza kutonga apo anombotonga zvakanaka dzimwe nyaya. They must not force them kuti wambogara wese. Pfuma ngaingodzoserwe yese yakakwana
I second you, Had the same scenario but mukomana ndaitomuziva but baba demanded full amount yeRusambo 6k us vakanoromba kun'anga nayo and mukomana hatina kuzogara tese now vakuramba nemari yake zvinhu zvine mhepo huru mukati izvi. Yes, Vincent should get his money back.
(((Hugs&prayers))) Vincent Mwanangu.. I pray to God you find a better wife with relatives who have good intentions and family relations at heart.. because zva sis veku China was perhaps just for the gallery and whiling up term.. during her studies in China.
Pride inouraya that's why a lot of people don't make it til the end. I feel for both of them as well kumwe hakusikuda kwavo madzinza azara hurombwa aya vana havachagari mudzimba nekuda kwezvikwambo zvanababa.
My heart bleeds for Vincent.I feel its a blessing kuti roora iri harina kufamba zvakanaka.Mukomana ari humble with a caring brother.The most important thing is mupenyu.Hama dzemudzimai uyu dzakafumuka.Vakomana ngatidzidzei kusatenga zvinhu zvakasungirirwa musaga.Tanga waona chokwadi kuti zvandiri kutengeserwa chokwadi ndizvo here usati wabvisa pfuma especially uchiroora musikana abve zera.Usangotenga zviri musaga.Kazhinji kacho zvakatotapudzwa kare saka iwe unofanira kutesta woona kuti zvinozvifarira here kana kuti kwete.Vincent aifanira kutomboita ushamwari hwekutoshanyirana nemusikana asati anobvisa pfuma.Akamhanya.Akaonera musikana mugirazi.Appearances are deceptive.All that glitters is not gold.Real character inoonekwa nekugara muchifambidzana chaiko kwete zvepa social media izvo.
haasi good iye aizoroora munhu ari kuchina ko vari padhuze kwanga kusina here nhai 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Vincent vo futi soo ,, akomana roorai munhu aripo mobva moenda naye there and there.,,mukore uno simbi inorohwa ichapisa ,,Act while the situation is favourable.
mukoma va vinnie vanhu vakazvinipisa uuuh though hatizive nyaya iyi zvizere bt kuona kwangu babie harichadee mufacee .chiri kuvanetsa chiiko ngavape munhu mari yake even half zvayoo mumwe nemumwe aite move on ne life yake zvekumanikidzirana izvii mumwe anochema chetee
In my opinion Vincent loved his wife. He explained the reason why his wife was supposed to fly to Zim first from China. Hapana murume anobvisa pfuma oramba mukadzi wacho asina kana kumbomubata. My advice, Vinny, forget abt the lobola, move forward. Life is vry precious. No one is giving Vinny & his bro a chance to explain. This marriage is doomed.
This guy was used financially, the girl had no love. She had found a sponsor while she's down otherwise her true colors were still going to show when they start living together. Mukadzi ane spiritual husband chete🤞🏼
I see much bias by the judging panel leaving me to suggest that the elders should at the very least attend some basic arbitration education of some sort.
I feel sorry for Vincent,the inlaws feel so entitled to having an upper hand in this marriage,is it all because of degree reChinese??This guy is very gentle and anozvininipisa. Kudadira such a gentleman
Hamurevi nhema ipapo I feel like murume wasn’t being respected enough zvimwe mukadzi anevaimufurira, but eeh zvinekaviri we never really know zvevaviri zvinotinetsei kunzwisisa kana zvikasanatsotsanangurwa zvakanaka.
He is guilty. He didn't even have a olan for his wife. What stopped him from coming from South Africa to see his wife. I don't think he did even send his wife money for food and so for.
Long distance relationships are always a problem. It was not God's design for couples to stay apart, this is the reason why we are here at the Chief's court.
Long distance relationships work, you just need to set lower bar & expect less. Less on emotional support, less financial dépendance, less physical touch & less love. You can buy a sex toy but don't expect it to kiss right back. It's less
I'm very sorry to Vincent for this issue, Mwari vachamupa wake mukadzi anomuda anomupa respect because vashoma varume vanotanga varoora vasati vatora mukadzi mazuvano, she was a lucky lady but she is not a well behaved woman wekuisa mumba, Mwari vakunyaradze Vincent🙏
Amana mukanzwa munhu ati haachada anenge asisade maitiro ayo kwaku Manikidza munhu kungoti vanhu havazive zvinenge zvichiitika pavanhu Vin chingosiya zvakadaro mark these words when you lose money you lose nothing when you lose your health you lose something siya mari iyo unotanga your new life just keep quiet and pray to God ndatodzidzawo something ndisati ndaroorawo soo God bless you wangu
Honestly the woman is well groo.ed..she has excellent ettequette manners and she is very respectful..she doesnt bark or talk when others are talking. She will find Mr right straight from heaven. Ava baba vinny ava vakadyiswa negerofrend yeku SA saka zvemukadzi havachada.....aah..sis i have a brother who is also a Dr here in UK..You 2 will be a match made in heaven 🥰🥰🥰
Very sorry brother Vinny but kuteera mari is a lost cause and will leave you more harmed, bitter and toxic than ever. If you feel separation is inevitable then just go in peace. Mari inotsvagwa imwe comrade, there is more to money, internal peace matters most
The Chief has to set a high standard of zero refund on pfuma. The case has to be super weird for the refund to take place. Secondly the Chief & his team is always pushing for not divorcing or separation. Thirdly if the Chief rewards the refund how is his team gonna get paid, someone has to be at fault, I am think Vincent's Sekuru will be the scapegoat and their mealticket
I always thank my sis Philda she told me not to involve parents in my marriage issues unless otherwise and now i see vabereki contribite much mukuparara kwedzimba dzevana wawo
Everything happens for a reason guys Mwari vatori nechikonzero chakaita kuti vasazoroorane ini hangu kudya marii kwavakaita vano fanira kudzosa mari kana vasingadi ingozi simba mukaka rino sinira marii inotsvagwa imwe
As the Chief correctly quoted Mary J. Blije long distance love is stressful and challenging. I hear so much wisdom coming from the Chief and his council of Elders but is this an arranged marriage in some religious cult ? Chief Bushu has the same perspective with Winky D that "Love yevaviri haidi ma refureh."
I think you are tgreatened by her excellence. The woman is very collected, well behaved, she has excellent ettequette manners and she doesnt talk when its not her time to talk. She is very respectful...she has zambia to show she respects dare and elders DESPITE her learned stature. Munhu ari very posh but soo grounded and has repect for humanity. Its just that Mukoma Viny vane hure ravo re SA or ex vakadzoka......havachade mukadzi chete full stop
Have a similar case myself, got married traditionally and wedded mwana we vanhu came just for a week and left. Got depressed and picked myself up just |recently, tried devorcing bt zvikuramba, ndakungotarisawo. I know what he is saying but it's not worth fighting bro trust me. I realised men are always wrong panorambana vanhu and we can never be heard
The way Vincent was totally out of it was enough to let him be.The future wont be good for both of them if forced to continue and its good they aint kids involved or bota
Nyaya iyi is similar to a couple yekuChinhoyi yemukadzi aida murume aripabasa aine 2 wives iye ari wechi3 she wedded naye angosiya basa haachadi murume iye bussiness rake rakufaya akuona murume kunge rombe vakadzi tisazodaro it's bad
Nyaya iyi is similar to a couple yekuChinhoyi yemukadzi aida murume aripabasa aine 2 wives iye ari wechi3 she wedded naye angosiya basa haachadi murume iye bussiness rake rakufaya akuona murume kunge rombe vakadzi tisazodaro it's bad
Vincent is now very vulnerable.. please don’t let him breakdown by forcing him to be with this woman.. vakamuita zuze.. they must stop before regrettable things happen to him.
@@thomaskwaririma2461 I tend to disagree with you there is a difference between meddling and support.. Vincent’s brother is supporting him not meddling.. the chief and his crew are the ones meddling unfairly and not being fair and dismissing everything he did not even read the printed phone chats properly..
If he sued the father in law the father would also excuse that how can I give back the money back when the two are in love. The case is between the two. This case is complicated.
Musikana anoda kuita medicine Vincent akangomirira chete. She is not ready for marriage and full of herself that’s why she is talking of being forced into marriage. She is not young anymore and needs to settle down with her husband first and then persue her dreams. In marriage you give and take. All the best for both of them
Munhu akuda kutanga kuita medicine awana murume at 30+ years ozopedza ava kuma40+ aimbovepi why didn't she start asati awana Vin, anenge sis opportunist futi it's tricky nyaya yake
Pakaipa apa. ini ndakapotsa ndazvita izvi zvokuroora munhu distance relationship ndabatsirikana pakuti i followed the wisdom i was given by someone yekuti couples who married and has kids they are devorcing nenyaya ye distance relationship therefore what more about isu tisina vana and tisina kumbogara tese? this wisdom yakandibtsira to decided not go ahead kuroora asi ndakarwadziwa asi ndakabatsirikana till today i thank God i made right decision.
Vincent my brother Mwari ngaakunyaradze nyaya yako inorwadza huye haisi nyore. Its a complex and a very sensitive matter. Udyire hurimo muupenyu zvigamuchire. Mari inotsvagwa imwe, sekurwadza kwazvinoita pakadzika dzika pemoyo, nguva ndiyo inopodza zvese.
Waiting for part 2.but manga muchingobvunza Vincent chete ko musikana. Ko Vin ati pane audio wani makaregerei kut arinzwe. Love haimanikidzwe maybe beb rakanga tatova neumwe kuChina bcz kana mari yakanga yatobviswa mukadzi ndiye aitofanirwa kupa pressure yekuenda kumurume wake. Toda justice
Chiri kumupa kungokoshesa Mabook chii achitadza kukoshesa imba yake, iye ari kuda kuzviita murume here anotoda kuvingwa China kwaari ikoko, munhu akangwara ndeano rindira imba yke, chinongomutadzisa kuenda SA kune murume chii if you think kuti murume ari kugara negirl friend, ari kungofungidzira hke ari China kwake ikoko, munhu wese anaEX so kuziva ex yemurume ndokut vakudanana here, even nhasi ex ukaitanga inotokupindura zvekuti ubude mumba imomo, so zvemaEx maroorana ndezveyi, l think mukadzi uyo ari kutsvagira Vincent mhosva yekumuramba nayo ini, Uchamuwanepi murume akaita saVincent, education ne marriage zvnhu zvakatosiyana sister you will find it if Mwari vakazokuwanirai dzimwe nyasha dzekuroorwa my sister or you want to remain a single mother, musisachade murume dzoserai pfuma yavanhu otherwise you create fire in yr family
@Robert Tapfumaneyi. Tinodawo follow up program inonzi Where are they now. Mhuri dzabatsirwa kudzin'anga. Maproblems avo akazopera here after mahuroyi avo anzi abiswa
Ko nhaiwe Vinnny inga tizere muno musouthafrica waniko nhaiwe. Degree harichinje hunhu hwemunhu. And degree harireve you are so special zvskusaremekedza murume akakuroora chero achisuka matoilet wakabvumirei. Kana vabereki vaisada naye mwana wavo kuti haana chaakatiitira vakatambirirei pfuma.
I had a similar situation. I tried to get my wife to where I was for 4yrs but failed due to influence yanatete and my wife's parents. The moment my wife mentioned kudzosera pfuma ndakabva ndabata ipapo and they had no choice but to pay back my lobola. To you my guy list all efforts you made to try and be with your wife to the Chief. If she really loved you she would have been with you in SA at the earliest opportunity not asking kuti ngogara payi as if unogara musango. She is not worthy your life. If the wife's parents are decent people they wil do the honourable thing by returning the lobola in full. In short that would be wife of yours and her parents just needed someone to help the sponsor her for her education in China.
Too much i interference from relatives.especially anatete . Release this man .the man.knows wat he want let the man go find someone else .Vincent was used period.
Marriage is not all about forcing each other,this woman is full of pride, and classic,let the parents return the bride fee,so that to protect this lady from some African magic v horror which will damage her future life
The only problem l have with these chiefs is they don't understand depression. Zvinhu zvavo zvese ndezvekungo mbunyikidza vanhu, too much abuse yavanoita just to show their powers and they don't care about a person's mental well-being.
There is a lot to handle in this issue you can't force someone kuti agare nemunhu waasingade vincent I hear you my brother vedare musanyanye kutarisa one side
Vincent ingorova pasi wena, apa hapana nyaya. 😂 count it as an expensive mistake and move on. Seems to me like the woman is not decided on what she wants in terms of marriage and life at the moment. It seems lik she used him for something. Possibly dai iri different time it would work but it's too complicated as it stands, and after all murume haachadi so shouldn't be forced. Same if it was the woman. It's not fair.
Everyone needs a brother like Vinny's brother
This is a very tricky case. Mambo nemachinda enyu vakangonangana nemukomana yet there are a lot of questions dzaifanira kupiwawo kumuskana. I had a very similar case whereby my then boyfriend paid lobola. During the time yekugadzirira muchato ndichiri kumba kwedu, it so happened that things didn't go well tikarambana. Tainge tisina kumbosangana nemkomana uyu so after the break up, he claimed back his money and l think it was very reasonable. Hatina kumbogara tese kana kurara tese, so why not giving him back mari yake 🤷♀️.
I also feel that either mkomana aramba mskana kana kuti mskana aramba mkoma. Mkomana should get his money back. How can one get peace of mind knowing kuti vakangodya mari yemunhu zvikatorova zvakadaro? Let the family yemskana pay back.
You are so right. It makes the 2 of us.
Thank you👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿
nice kuti makasvika kurorana pasina kudya bota vashoma vari kuzvigona
Taura zvako iwe. Pfuma inodzoka yese. Mambo atadza kutonga apo anombotonga zvakanaka dzimwe nyaya. They must not force them kuti wambogara wese. Pfuma ngaingodzoserwe yese yakakwana
I second you,
Had the same scenario but mukomana ndaitomuziva but baba demanded full amount yeRusambo 6k us vakanoromba kun'anga nayo and mukomana hatina kuzogara tese now vakuramba nemari yake zvinhu zvine mhepo huru mukati izvi.
Yes, Vincent should get his money back.
Big up to the team Watching from the windows 🤣🙏
Achiri musikana here uyo
@@phillipquichine5795 🤣🤣🤣🤣 makore ake atifambeyi.
Kuda nyaya 🤣🤣
@@Nkomazi panties chikoro apa unochembera uchidzidza
Ende vakazara mumawindow
Vincents' brother is gold!!
(((Hugs&prayers))) Vincent Mwanangu.. I pray to God you find a better wife with relatives who have good intentions and family relations at heart.. because zva sis veku China was perhaps just for the gallery and whiling up term.. during her studies in China.
Dai tawana #dzake mukadzi nehama dzake matsotsi
Pride inouraya that's why a lot of people don't make it til the end. I feel for both of them as well kumwe hakusikuda kwavo madzinza azara hurombwa aya vana havachagari mudzimba nekuda kwezvikwambo zvanababa.
My heart bleeds for Vincent.I feel its a blessing kuti roora iri harina kufamba zvakanaka.Mukomana ari humble with a caring brother.The most important thing is mupenyu.Hama dzemudzimai uyu dzakafumuka.Vakomana ngatidzidzei kusatenga zvinhu zvakasungirirwa musaga.Tanga waona chokwadi kuti zvandiri kutengeserwa chokwadi ndizvo here usati wabvisa pfuma especially uchiroora musikana abve zera.Usangotenga zviri musaga.Kazhinji kacho zvakatotapudzwa kare saka iwe unofanira kutesta woona kuti zvinozvifarira here kana kuti kwete.Vincent aifanira kutomboita ushamwari hwekutoshanyirana nemusikana asati anobvisa pfuma.Akamhanya.Akaonera musikana mugirazi.Appearances are deceptive.All that glitters is not gold.Real character inoonekwa nekugara muchifambidzana chaiko kwete zvepa social media izvo.
Myb she is not virgin bcz chinoita kut achitsika tsika kudaro chii .huya kwatr isu Vincent takagara takarongeka kare 😂😂😂😂
No imba haitangwe nekunetsana ko zvakanetsa knberi munozomudzotsera pfuma yake hr
Musatsikirire mukoma uyo is a good man he is very cool mukadzi uyo akadhakwa
Vakadzi vakadzidza vakuita kunge vakumberi plus mukadzi anenge muhombe uyo
Mukadzi itsotsi
Mukadzie ahadii kuudzirwa that's the problem plus anenge munhu mukuru mkdzie uyu achashaya anomurora
haasi good iye aizoroora munhu ari kuchina ko vari padhuze kwanga kusina here nhai 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Vincent vo futi soo ,, akomana roorai munhu aripo mobva moenda naye there and there.,,mukore uno simbi inorohwa ichapisa ,,Act while the situation is favourable.
@@munyaradziusai9973 ndazvionawo,mkadzi muhombe
When the brother started to narrate the story I nearly cry sorry Vincent
It's very sad s'bo .
mukoma va vinnie vanhu vakazvinipisa uuuh though hatizive nyaya iyi zvizere bt kuona kwangu babie harichadee mufacee .chiri kuvanetsa chiiko ngavape munhu mari yake even half zvayoo mumwe nemumwe aite move on ne life yake zvekumanikidzirana izvii mumwe anochema chetee
Chief Bushu munosimbogona kutonga asi apa mukudzvanyirira mukomana uyu
Forcing him to be with someone he does not love is a foundation for future problems
In my opinion Vincent loved his wife. He explained the reason why his wife was supposed to fly to Zim first from China. Hapana murume anobvisa pfuma oramba mukadzi wacho asina kana kumbomubata. My advice, Vinny, forget abt the lobola, move forward. Life is vry precious. No one is giving Vinny & his bro a chance to explain. This marriage is doomed.
By public demand SlyMedia please record musiwa 22 January for this case. 🙏🙏🙏
Mambo varikutarisa 1side bt mukadzi uyu akangwana nefamilly yake
justice has not been served here.
Chief warikubatirira mhuri yemurume ngaidzorerwa mari vanhu awa hawana kugara wese
Vanhu wakuita basa remutsvanga Mari nekubira wachinyepera kuroodza vana
Kna mhuri dzisisina kutaudzana zvakanaka ngawaparadzane sezvo wasina kugara wese nekuti pakazoitika dambudziko musikana aenda kwaakaroorwa wanozobatirira murume futi munhu ngaadzorerwe pfuma yake zvipere
as painful as it may be, Vinie my brother, let her go. she is not sensitive to you. take a holiday and be with your brother to refresh.
Cc avo vakatowan murungu China
I want a brother like you.Continue to support you Vincent.
Chief tongai zvakanaka musatsikirire mukomana uyo
Nhai zvenyu murume uyu munhu zvenyu ende akanyorova
The chief was not fair.
The chief is taking sides he is not fair
Uyu chief agarahagone kutonga tariranyaya dzake chaanogona kutyikidxiravanhu nehudyire chte benzi racheif
This guy was used financially, the girl had no love. She had found a sponsor while she's down otherwise her true colors were still going to show when they start living together. Mukadzi ane spiritual husband chete🤞🏼
I agree with you 💯
I like this story we need part 2
I see much bias by the judging panel leaving me to suggest that the elders should at the very least attend some basic arbitration education of some sort.
You nailed it! A biased panel that one, and the man's side is already defeated 🚮
Aaaaaaa zvinhu zvacho soooooo.
Please refer this case kuna Chief Nyamaropa
Kkkkkkk mambo bushu vanogona kunge vachitsvaga humbowo ndokusaka vati nyaya yenyu iripoasi hamuna kuimisa zvakanaka
Yea I think vakaenda kuna chef asina spiritual eyes
I feel sorry for Vincent,the inlaws feel so entitled to having an upper hand in this marriage,is it all because of degree reChinese??This guy is very gentle and anozvininipisa. Kudadira such a gentleman
Hamurevi nhema ipapo I feel like murume wasn’t being respected enough zvimwe mukadzi anevaimufurira, but eeh zvinekaviri we never really know zvevaviri zvinotinetsei kunzwisisa kana zvikasanatsotsanangurwa zvakanaka.
Madzitezvara imbavha
Ah,kana iye Vincent ane rakewo reengineering pamwe rinoto bhadhara futi kupfuura raiye Tari remedicine racho.Kuda kungo dada zvisina nebasa rese mhuri kutofurirana kudya mari yemwana wevaridzi,havanyare.Kana vanga vasina mari yekuti apedzese medicine yacho vakadii kunyatsokumbira zvakanaka.Manje munhu mutema haadyiwe zvekudaro,iyi ndiyo yavanotodzosa zvavo
Degree re Chinese is a mere joke 😂😂😂. Munhu otoganza neizvozvo
I think the chief has already find the man guilty. So far on this first segment he hasn't asked the lady even one hostile question
He is guilty
@@nandimzanzi He is not guilty the China gal and her parents are guilty. Vanoda zvemahara kunge honye. Musikana haana kurarwa pfuma ngaidzoke
He is guilty. He didn't even have a olan for his wife. What stopped him from coming from South Africa to see his wife. I don't think he did even send his wife money for food and so for.
Mhuri yevasikana matsotsi ko kana asisade ngavangomupa pfuma y kumanikidzira
Long distance relationships are always a problem. It was not God's design for couples to stay apart, this is the reason why we are here at the Chief's court.
Long distance relationships work, you just need to set lower bar & expect less. Less on emotional support, less financial dépendance, less physical touch & less love.
You can buy a sex toy but don't expect it to kiss right back. It's less
Mskna waive waita luck hko mazuvano vashoma vanobvisirwa tovashuwirawo vanobvisa all the best guys
I'm very sorry to Vincent for this issue, Mwari vachamupa wake mukadzi anomuda anomupa respect because vashoma varume vanotanga varoora vasati vatora mukadzi mazuvano, she was a lucky lady but she is not a well behaved woman wekuisa mumba, Mwari vakunyaradze Vincent🙏
This Chinese degree is giving her some wings 💸. I know relatives always want to peep 🫣 into the lady's relationship becuse hanzi takamudzidzisa
Taurisai mambo ikodzero kutsvaga zviri pamunhu wawakaroorana naye
Well said 👏
The man is very polite.. the chief though should be impartial.
Munhu uyo anofa kana kuuraya vanhu apo king Solomon vakudiwa apo mwari pindirai
Amana mukanzwa munhu ati haachada anenge asisade maitiro ayo kwaku Manikidza munhu kungoti vanhu havazive zvinenge zvichiitika pavanhu Vin chingosiya zvakadaro mark these words when you lose money you lose nothing when you lose your health you lose something siya mari iyo unotanga your new life just keep quiet and pray to God ndatodzidzawo something ndisati ndaroorawo soo God bless you wangu
Kurambana kunovengwa naMwari . Vadu vodanana vorambaniswa haiwavo ngavarambane vega vozouya kudare . Pavaimbonyengana taivapo here. Thank you madzimambo murikugona basa chose.
Honestly the woman is well groo.ed..she has excellent ettequette manners and she is very respectful..she doesnt bark or talk when others are talking. She will find Mr right straight from heaven. Ava baba vinny ava vakadyiswa negerofrend yeku SA saka zvemukadzi havachada.....aah..sis i have a brother who is also a Dr here in UK..You 2 will be a match made in heaven 🥰🥰🥰
Amai iri ndiro tsotsi re mukadzi iri neukama hwake.
@@muzezuruTaura hako
cant you see kuti mkadzi uyo ihure rikutengesa pussy ku china hapana zvekudzidza apa good for what she dont have time for marriage
Munorwara amai amugoni kuona tsotsi
Iweee!! Silent asassin iyo. Nxa
Very sorry brother Vinny but kuteera mari is a lost cause and will leave you more harmed, bitter and toxic than ever. If you feel separation is inevitable then just go in peace. Mari inotsvagwa imwe comrade, there is more to money, internal peace matters most
The Chief has to set a high standard of zero refund on pfuma. The case has to be super weird for the refund to take place.
Secondly the Chief & his team is always pushing for not divorcing or separation.
Thirdly if the Chief rewards the refund how is his team gonna get paid, someone has to be at fault, I am think Vincent's Sekuru will be the scapegoat and their mealticket
I always thank my sis Philda she told me not to involve parents in my marriage issues unless otherwise and now i see vabereki contribite much mukuparara kwedzimba dzevana wawo
The moment you see relationships going before thousands in court, everything is just wrong
Vinnie huya ndikupe vatete are such a gentleman.
Nyaya iripo Vincent ave nemumwe mukadzi cause nyaya yavo hangaite kuti arambe mukadzi
Mapudzi anowira kusina Hari,murume uyu he is so humble and seems he us very quiet,we wish you to marry a good wife,
I feel sorry for Vincent, God bless him
Everything happens for a reason guys Mwari vatori nechikonzero chakaita kuti vasazoroorane ini hangu kudya marii kwavakaita vano fanira kudzosa mari kana vasingadi ingozi simba mukaka rino sinira marii inotsvagwa imwe
As the Chief correctly quoted Mary J. Blije long distance love is stressful and challenging. I hear so much wisdom coming from the Chief and his council of Elders but is this an arranged marriage in some religious cult ? Chief Bushu has the same perspective with Winky D that "Love yevaviri haidi ma refureh."
Long distance by Brandy not Marry j .
Haaa mukadzi uyo aneproblem coz murume kana awunganidza mari yekuroora haisi yekuti uchazondiroora
Thanks slymedia
Vincent mared flags wakatomarakidzwa roora mukadzi weclass yako uyo mukadzi uyo anokunetsa mangwana And anekakuzvikudza kainako anokuitisa rega aende kune veclass yake ,even mukatorana yatotanga zvisiriizvo
Taurai zvenyu ndachiti ndini ndega
I think you are tgreatened by her excellence. The woman is very collected, well behaved, she has excellent ettequette manners and she doesnt talk when its not her time to talk. She is very respectful...she has zambia to show she respects dare and elders DESPITE her learned stature. Munhu ari very posh but soo grounded and has repect for humanity. Its just that Mukoma Viny vane hure ravo re SA or ex vakadzoka......havachade mukadzi chete full stop
@@maiyeukai9346 mapedza mukadzi uyo is innocent. ko mkoma kuzopindira nyaya dzemunin'ina
Akawana mumwe wakagona dzoserwa Mari yako... kuwana kwe Mari kuno siyana madzishe tongai nyaya se nyaya
that guy is very cool and innocent. therefore, chief is fucked up
How & Where did these people meet 🤔.. Facebook??
Im so sorry for Vincent,I understand and feel for u ,u deserve better than this ,he musnt be forced to stay with this woman
Family yemurume uyu ine mazirume wena 🙊🙊🙊🙊
Kkkkkk mazirume nhayi
Kkkkkkkkkkkk mhitsa chaidzo
Kkkkkkk vanhu
Ndovarume zvee💃💃💃💃
Give the men his money back , these courts are a joke , too many people trying to judge , SHOCKING
Have a similar case myself, got married traditionally and wedded mwana we vanhu came just for a week and left. Got depressed and picked myself up just |recently, tried devorcing bt zvikuramba, ndakungotarisawo. I know what he is saying but it's not worth fighting bro trust me. I realised men are always wrong panorambana vanhu and we can never be heard
The way Vincent was totally out of it was enough to let him be.The future wont be good for both of them if forced to continue and its good they aint kids involved or bota
Calm and composed
We want a follow up on this issue please
nxaaaa vincent akashandiswa apa but move on my brother
Nyaya iyi is similar to a couple yekuChinhoyi yemukadzi aida murume aripabasa aine 2 wives iye ari wechi3 she wedded naye angosiya basa haachadi murume iye bussiness rake rakufaya akuona murume kunge rombe vakadzi tisazodaro it's bad
Nyaya iyi is similar to a couple yekuChinhoyi yemukadzi aida murume aripabasa aine 2 wives iye ari wechi3 she wedded naye angosiya basa haachadi murume iye bussiness rake rakufaya akuona murume kunge rombe vakadzi tisazodaro it's bad
This case shld go to chief mutasa
I always follow you chief ndichifarira basa renyu but nhasi matadza kutonga , mkomana ngaapihwe Mari yake
Mambo vagona pamutemo murume ndiye akaroora achida ega plus now ndiye akuti haachade mukadzi .. Soo pamutemo murume hapihwe roora back
Love haidi kumanikidxana kudai uyu mudzimai wekuisa Mumba uyu kutosiya mhosva idzo usati wadzibata zvakanaka
by experience Ini ndakasangana nazvo but problem ndakanga ndatodya bota saka iwe bhoo
This one I throw it back kune dare reroora. These guys should have made it... Pakashaya akabatsira... it's so so sad...
Mmmm depression is real and bad things can happen.
Ndipo panobva ma crime of passion apa. I hope Vincent will move on after what this woman did.
Nyaya iyi takutoda sekuru vauye,zvii zvavakange vakutaura nana tete.Vinny arikuda kutanga arapwa depression.Asi ndakutoona kunge sisi vemukadzi vakuita kanenge kajealousy nyana coz havangataureka zvekumbunyikidzwa iye Tari arikuti murume wake anomuda.Shuwa ngavambodzokera vanotaurirana vari 2 vanhu ava.Vinny anenge ane pride uyu ah,sei asiri kuda kuti vataurirane nhai.
@ the end the lady & the family showed their true colors never judge a book by it's cover u will b shocked if u open inside
Vincent is now very vulnerable.. please don’t let him breakdown by forcing him to be with this woman.. vakamuita zuze.. they must stop before regrettable things happen to him.
Nothing will happen, he's not being man enough ngaasatongerwe imba nana mkoma unless ava nemumwe mkadzi,
@@thomaskwaririma2461 I tend to disagree with you there is a difference between meddling and support.. Vincent’s brother is supporting him not meddling.. the chief and his crew are the ones meddling unfairly and not being fair and dismissing everything he did not even read the printed phone chats properly..
Mambo Musadaro,,, tongai Nyaya Please
Love you big brother
Hamuna justice MuCourt umu
If he sued the father in law the father would also excuse that how can I give back the money back when the two are in love. The case is between the two. This case is complicated.
Hushe kana humambo kunyange huri hwedzinza kana pasina wisdom pamunhu anonzi mambo humambo ihwohwo chiseko panyika idambudziko kuvatongwa ndosaka mambo Solomon vakumbira njere kunamwari kuti vagone kutaura navanhu vavo 😏
Ahhh mukadzi haana hunhu uyo. Sure ungat kuna bamkuru hamunyare kunyepa. Sure mface uyu ngaasiye mukadzi uyu yooo
Musabisa mari dzefuma kunge makabatirwa demo.
Pakashaikwavo here Hama 1 yakatsiura .
Love dzama facebk dzonetsa_unoroora or kuroorwa nemboko😆
Musikana anoda kuita medicine Vincent akangomirira chete. She is not ready for marriage and full of herself that’s why she is talking of being forced into marriage. She is not young anymore and needs to settle down with her husband first and then persue her dreams. In marriage you give and take. All the best for both of them
True the girl is being a bit calculative coz mileage iri kufamba
Munhu akuda kutanga kuita medicine awana murume at 30+ years ozopedza ava kuma40+ aimbovepi why didn't she start asati awana Vin, anenge sis opportunist futi it's tricky nyaya yake
Atori naye waanodanana naye xaar musikana uyu ipfambi imi period
@@nolainechihoko9867 Anezvinomunetsa akoroorwa ikoko achigara futi tizoyeuchidzana akasafambira zviripaari.
thats not true she is not serious about marriage,,angadai akatodzoka paakangobvisirwa mari,,,anoda basa kudarika muface wake
Pakaipa apa. ini ndakapotsa ndazvita izvi zvokuroora munhu distance relationship ndabatsirikana pakuti i followed the wisdom i was given by someone yekuti couples who married and has kids they are devorcing nenyaya ye distance relationship therefore what more about isu tisina vana and tisina kumbogara tese? this wisdom yakandibtsira to decided not go ahead kuroora asi ndakarwadziwa asi ndakabatsirikana till today i thank God i made right decision.
munoita munyama sisi udzai vabereki vadzosere pfuma fullstop hapana kana marriage apa
Ukasangana ndibate musoro
Unoziva tsika my dear
Vincent my brother Mwari ngaakunyaradze nyaya yako inorwadza huye haisi nyore. Its a complex and a very sensitive matter. Udyire hurimo muupenyu zvigamuchire. Mari inotsvagwa imwe, sekurwadza kwazvinoita pakadzika dzika pemoyo, nguva ndiyo inopodza zvese.
Love. Can never be forced apa marriage yakatopera apa
Tru chero ikaitasei zvadhakwa unless if they decided themselves
Mkomana ati hachada type dzevnhu vakadai vakati havachadi haigadzirisike
Idzoo hama idzi nenemabonzo anenge aripooo ftii
Aaah nekuzara kwekaita vakdzi hayiwavo mari inotsvagwa imwe
Kumanikidzira munhu kuroora iwe msikana iwe haunyare ...kuvaka musha upi hazvina future. Uri benzi..mucharoyiwa
Munhu haamanikidzwe kuda munhu, kana ati haachadi anenge asingachadi
Taura hako muka forcer muzive kty mucharamba muchifoseredza hupenyu hwese
Waiting for part 2.but manga muchingobvunza Vincent chete ko musikana. Ko Vin ati pane audio wani makaregerei kut arinzwe. Love haimanikidzwe maybe beb rakanga tatova neumwe kuChina bcz kana mari yakanga yatobviswa mukadzi ndiye aitofanirwa kupa pressure yekuenda kumurume wake. Toda justice
Murume uyi andinzwisa hasha, ane vanomufurira vaarinkuprotector, plus mukadzi kuzopinza vamwe vanhu kutsvaga help, of which iye murume aisafanira kutsvagirwa vanhu kuti audxirwe kuti taura nemukadzi Wako. Anogara nehure joni uyo, kutitemesa musoro, ndiyani anoita 2weeks asina kutaura nemukadzi wake. Arimunhamo mukadziuyo
Nowadays vakadzi ndivo vakutohura kupinda varume, mukadzi uyo chakumupa kuramba murume chihure, ava nechikomba mukadzi uyo
Chiri kumupa kungokoshesa Mabook chii achitadza kukoshesa imba yake, iye ari kuda kuzviita murume here anotoda kuvingwa China kwaari ikoko, munhu akangwara ndeano rindira imba yke, chinongomutadzisa kuenda SA kune murume chii if you think kuti murume ari kugara negirl friend, ari kungofungidzira hke ari China kwake ikoko, munhu wese anaEX so kuziva ex yemurume ndokut vakudanana here, even nhasi ex ukaitanga inotokupindura zvekuti ubude mumba imomo, so zvemaEx maroorana ndezveyi, l think mukadzi uyo ari kutsvagira Vincent mhosva yekumuramba nayo ini, Uchamuwanepi murume akaita saVincent, education ne marriage zvnhu zvakatosiyana sister you will find it if Mwari vakazokuwanirai dzimwe nyasha dzekuroorwa my sister or you want to remain a single mother, musisachade murume dzoserai pfuma yavanhu otherwise you create fire in yr family
@Robert Tapfumaneyi. Tinodawo follow up program inonzi Where are they now. Mhuri dzabatsirwa kudzin'anga. Maproblems avo akazopera here after mahuroyi avo anzi abiswa
Chief apa matadza kutonga zviripachena
Taura hako hama chief vakatadza kutonga nyaya iyi ndosivaziva vachigona kutonga
Ko nhaiwe Vinnny inga tizere muno musouthafrica waniko nhaiwe. Degree harichinje hunhu hwemunhu. And degree harireve you are so special zvskusaremekedza murume akakuroora chero achisuka matoilet wakabvumirei. Kana vabereki vaisada naye mwana wavo kuti haana chaakatiitira vakatambirirei pfuma.
Ndasiye mwana wevanhu pachiri paduze kana munhu ati haachanda.koo akanoitiswa vana obva arambwa futi
How and where did you guys meet ?
I had a similar situation. I tried to get my wife to where I was for 4yrs but failed due to influence yanatete and my wife's parents. The moment my wife mentioned kudzosera pfuma ndakabva ndabata ipapo and they had no choice but to pay back my lobola. To you my guy list all efforts you made to try and be with your wife to the Chief. If she really loved you she would have been with you in SA at the earliest opportunity not asking kuti ngogara payi as if unogara musango. She is not worthy your life. If the wife's parents are decent people they wil do the honourable thing by returning the lobola in full. In short that would be wife of yours and her parents just needed someone to help the sponsor her for her education in China.
A sane woman would ask all those sorts of questions. The man is in love with his x..soo obvious
Yes! They must pay him back every cent.
My thought too
Too much i interference from relatives.especially anatete . Release this man .the man.knows wat he want let the man go find someone else .Vincent was used period.
Makazoroora here?asking for a friend.
Imi ngopai vanhu mari yavo imi moda kudya mari yevanhu just like that cc musatambe imi.
I have always said these chiefs are incompetent in handling these disputes. They are biased and use emotions and lack objectivity.
Absolutely concur Tapiwa, sad, very sad. If you can't trust mambo, who then do you trust!
Haa hapana chozikanwa ne team iri
Chief Bushu l hope muri kuona side remukomana uyo mukadzi haachade murume ungashinge kuti ndorara pai hre iwe wabvisirwa
Mhepo dzasimuka chokwadi .... Mweya we anti marriage
Very very true. Mhepo chaiyo.
Chokwadi mhepo yasimuka zvisirizvo
Very true spirit of ant marriage yasimuka apa
Marriage is not all about forcing each other,this woman is full of pride, and classic,let the parents return the bride fee,so that to protect this lady from some African magic v horror which will damage her future life
mukadzi uyo inyoka shes acting kunge munhu bhoo but hapana zviripo
Haa hapana nezve mukadzi apa shuwa ndatozvionawo. Vincent ngapihwe mari yake zvake
Muri ku saidira imi . Sei musiro kuda kunzwa audio. Tongai nyaya kusiri ku dzvanyirira. Vin mari unotsvaga imwe. Hupenyu hauwanike ne mari . Siyana naye. Mwedzi mungani agere ne vabereki vake . Plz plz hakuna mutemo unomanikidza munhu .munosvota imi. Havasisina mari vaka hwinha hazvinei . Tezvara ndivo vakadya mari .
Aiwa vana Mambo, nyatsoonai nyaya iyi, munenge murikungonangana nekupomera mukomana sei. Aiwa musikana avenge asirikuda hake murume
Iiiii vanhu dare murikumanikidza mukomana uyu asi haachadi. Musha uyu hapana kwaunosvika cz mukomana haachina rudo
I really need to see part 2
You , so funny
Dzungu hakusi kungwara Mwari atibetsere sure kungoroora munhu asipo nhaimi zvakaoma Vinny ka wakaoma hako unoziva
Dzosai mari please
Lesson of the day:usaroore mkadzi usipo,ukamutsira anokuti hausi wakandiroora dedza bamnini ndovakandiroora.
The only problem l have with these chiefs is they don't understand depression. Zvinhu zvavo zvese ndezvekungo mbunyikidza vanhu, too much abuse yavanoita just to show their powers and they don't care about a person's mental well-being.
You are very correct mental illness and problems associated with mental cases tend to be ignored , depression is real
More still need to be done in most black communities about mental health. Its very sad mufunge!
True, vanotomboda kudzidziswa madzishe aya
Vana Vincent siyai tsika yenyu yokuda kuroora ma joki epa social media ayo kkk
Can"t wait for part 2
Boy child matters as well. Hazvisi kuenderana .ma suicidal awandisa mazuva ano
There is a lot to handle in this issue you can't force someone kuti agare nemunhu waasingade vincent I hear you my brother vedare musanyanye kutarisa one side
Vincent ingorova pasi wena, apa hapana nyaya. 😂 count it as an expensive mistake and move on. Seems to me like the woman is not decided on what she wants in terms of marriage and life at the moment. It seems lik she used him for something. Possibly dai iri different time it would work but it's too complicated as it stands, and after all murume haachadi so shouldn't be forced. Same if it was the woman. It's not fair.
True Mari haina basa anoshanda hake imwe pane kuzviisa murelationship isiri health kudai
Chief bhoo
Ko unogoroora mukadzi asipo asingazivi
Ndivo musengabere
Hapana musha unovakwa apa musamanikidza vanhu muchazodemba umwe azviuraya
Ko how far part 2 panapa nhai Sly Media