i read the Gossip Girl book series so you don't have to

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 203

  • @MiaCosco
    @MiaCosco Год назад +868

    Blair was always the main character for me. Her and Chuck carried GG by the end

  • @mckenziestaley9063
    @mckenziestaley9063 Год назад +900

    The one constant with the show and the books for me is that Serena only ever wants what Blair has, and will purposely take it, and then have a victim mentality when Blair reacts.
    Blair isn't great either, but I almost can't blame he, after a while anyway.

    • @honeyful1667
      @honeyful1667 Год назад +74

      I disagree. Blair is so deep into self sabotage she's always blaming everything on everyone else.

    • @goldsworttthy
      @goldsworttthy Год назад +53

      blair is deeply insecure thats her real problem

    • @depgabby
      @depgabby Год назад +11

      That’s not really true in the show 😊

    • @serenitysubs933
      @serenitysubs933 Год назад +14

      it's the other way round one hundred percent.

    • @stanqueenb9550
      @stanqueenb9550 Год назад +28

      No...blair was insecure of serena despite them both having the same opportunities and would constantlytry to sabotage serena, there was like one or two times out of spite serena decided to actually see her power and take what she wanted and she still didn't to make blair happy.

  • @xThePinkApple
    @xThePinkApple Год назад +765

    wow i didn't think the books would be SO different from the show! the show would've been Such a mess if they'd followed the characterisations to a tee lmao

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +21

      Hahahaha so true

    • @TheEmmaHouli
      @TheEmmaHouli Год назад +51

      The first episodes is a pretty good adaptation of the first book, and then it just goes off the rails! As a book fan it was really weird to see Chuck become so central in the TV show cos he is mostly known in the first few books for S.A.

  • @Missmagazinebura
    @Missmagazinebura Год назад +363

    Chuck is a loner in the series too but he mostly hangs out with Nate

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +8

      True true

    • @R_S747
      @R_S747 Год назад +76

      Yeah chuck in the show kinda has an aura of popularity but no one *really* wants to hang out or be friends with him imo

    • @JadoreLulu
      @JadoreLulu Год назад +18

      If I remember correctly, Nate also hung out with a different group of friends that were not in the show, and Nate went to St Judes, while Chuck and Dan went to another school.

    • @R_S747
      @R_S747 Год назад +4

      @@JadoreLulu they went to the same school, it's two old schools combined into one (an all boys and an all girls school, constance is the old girls school st Jude's is the old boys school)

    • @JadoreLulu
      @JadoreLulu Год назад +7

      @@R_S747 I was talking about the books. In the books they were separate schools. Nate went to St Jude’s (which was not merged with Constance). Chuck and Dan went to another school, but I forgot the name.

  • @WinterWind
    @WinterWind Год назад +359

    The it girl books with jenny are actually really good. I enjoyed them more than the gossip girl books when I read them. I have a soft spot for the boarding school setting 😅

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +33

      Good to know! This is making me want to read Jenny’s series

    • @blem__
      @blem__ Год назад +41

      THE IT GIRL SERIES WAS MY LIFE!!! i read it right after finishing the clique! i was like 12 and i felt like i stepped into a whole new world of rich mature trashy high schoolers reading about Jenny- its also its hilarious that i was completely unaware it was a spin off of gossip girl 😭 i mustve lived under a rock

    • @kajamiletic3223
      @kajamiletic3223 Год назад +5

      Agreed! I had several and I randomly picked one up a couple of years ago, at like age 26, and thought, woah, this kind of has decent characterizations and character arcs.
      The original GG books, OTOH, were trash

    • @massiecure8422
      @massiecure8422 Год назад

      does it actually have a plot or is it also like gossip girl where the main characters just got mix and matched with each other? cause if not I'm considering reading it as well 👀

    • @mekaylaowo1928
      @mekaylaowo1928 Год назад


  • @DA-yy8rs
    @DA-yy8rs Год назад +257

    The first time an adaptation was better than the books for me! I read these when I was 8 cause I stole them from my older sister & this was definitely one of the weakest series of that time period. The spin-off that followed Jenny in the books, The It Girl Series, was so much better.

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +13

      Good to know! Your comment makes me want to read It Girl

    • @WhoElseWillIHaveIceCreamWith
      @WhoElseWillIHaveIceCreamWith 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@urfashionistafriend I LOVE THE IT GIRL SERIES!!!! I always pictured Ariel Winter as Jenny. I also think that it would be a cool if they turned it into an anime.

  • @neivilde.1242
    @neivilde.1242 Год назад +703

    still sad about chuck and dan not being queer in the show, although not sure it would've been handled any better lmao

    • @heuuka
      @heuuka Год назад +106

      I dont remember this clearly but... in the show there was a scene in which Blair wanted to blackmail some professor into giving her a speech. so to do that she had Chuck kiss him. and when she asked him about it he responded with something like "you think I haven't kissed a man before?" so that's what we get ig

    • @bumblebee7384
      @bumblebee7384 Год назад +27

      Exactly. Penn Badgley even said he’s down for that if the writers chose to go for that route.

    • @user-ci4qq1om4o
      @user-ci4qq1om4o Год назад +4

      @@bumblebee7384 because they had eric got through that instead.

    • @stanqueenb9550
      @stanqueenb9550 Год назад +2


    • @felipe-zm8yd
      @felipe-zm8yd Год назад

      stop calling gay men queer, its a literal sluw

  • @gh0ulgirl
    @gh0ulgirl Год назад +208

    i did not know that the books never revealed who gossip girl is. that would piss me off if i read all those books and just never found out

    • @caitlingill
      @caitlingill Год назад +8

      I thought it was revealed in the last book that it was Nate?

    • @v.xien.
      @v.xien. Год назад +11

      @@caitlingill really??

    • @deoui5807
      @deoui5807 Год назад +8

      it wasnt eric??? like personally i j think eric or dorota would’ve made more sense

    • @depgabby
      @depgabby Год назад +34

      I feel like that makes sense tho like the story is really not centered around GG’s identity. She works much better in the form of a looming entity

    • @user-ci4qq1om4o
      @user-ci4qq1om4o Год назад +2

      @@deoui5807 so you just copied what they said in the episode it was revealed lol how original

  • @mm.mmmmmmm
    @mm.mmmmmmm Год назад +70

    wow, I remember reading the entire series when I was in middle school and it really messed with my expectations for relationships and high school. Watching you recap everything made me realize I barely remember anything of the plot, like Nate, Blair, and Serena were breaking up and getting together so often it ended up blurring everything in my memory. This video was such a nostalgic experience

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +3

      I relate to your comment. I watched the show summer after 7th grade and it gave a false perception of high school and relationships.
      Also yea the love triangle between them is so messy 😅

  • @mangoliys
    @mangoliys Год назад +56

    chuck being the most respectful character in the books 😨

  • @Shay416
    @Shay416 Год назад +54

    Perfect summer time or vacay book. Thicker than a magazine and a dictionary of NY luxury

  • @dizzydee6362
    @dizzydee6362 Год назад +92

    I forgot how crazy this book series was, I think I stopped reading it around when Vanessa and Blair became roommates. I meant to come back to it and just never did. And the It Girl series, I had no idea that was a spin off with Jenny! I also tried reading that and I don't think I got past the 2nd or 3rd book, but it was still a very fun read. The series that had my soul in its grip, where I read the whole series cover to cover multiple times, were the Clique books. Debauchery but for middle schoolers. If you ever did a video on the Clique I'd watch it twice over!

  • @FifthAveAtFive
    @FifthAveAtFive Год назад +13

    The algorithms knows me too well sometimes. I reread the books recently and I thought GG was Jenny. She always wanted to be in the it group at school, be famous like Serena, and part of that was she desperately wanted to go to boarding school. So it made sense to expose all her drama on GG to potentially force her dad’s hand in sending her away. Also I did reread the It Girl series recently and it was overall better than GG by quite a bit

  • @jennifernguyen8919
    @jennifernguyen8919 3 месяца назад +6

    9:37 in the show it will be Nate confession letter to Jenny and Vanessa hides it from Jenny

  • @benji0099
    @benji0099 Год назад +30

    Did anyone ever read the Private series by Kate Brian? I know I see a lot of ppl talking about Gossip Girl and Clique.....but I always thought Private was one of the best out the teen, private school genre at the time.

    • @Justafox305
      @Justafox305 Год назад +5

      It was so good. Private and privilege (the spin-off) no one talks about them but it was soo good

    • @keayannadavis9836
      @keayannadavis9836 3 месяца назад +1

      i loved those books and the it girl series (gossip girl spinoff) which i think is better than the og gossip girl books

  • @jjjjssss6368
    @jjjjssss6368 3 месяца назад +10

    I suddenly remember why I never liked Serena in the TV show. Because she was the worst in the books.
    There was a really cute scene in the books just after Blair’s baby sister is born, between her and Nate. I was always bummed their relationship was so short lived in the TV show.

  • @JadoreLulu
    @JadoreLulu Год назад +22

    The first book came out when I was a junior in HS, and read it up to when Blair leaves for Yale, didn’t bother getting the next book where they are all in college. At that point I was in college myself, and was over it. I will say I did watch the show and I think they did a way better job, which is surprising cause usually that’s never the case.

  • @annettemarie9716
    @annettemarie9716 Год назад +2

    the way you're narrating is captivating somehow skskskks thank you for the recap

  • @joelypowell2522
    @joelypowell2522 Год назад +50

    I just watched your first video right before this one and the difference in your confidence is crazy! You seem a lot more comfortable on camera and you're really engaging to watch. I've never seen gossip girl but learning about random tea I know nothing about is v fun haha

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +8

      Thank you so much that means a lot 🥹 I’m happy to hear you’re liking the videos 💗

  • @adwoaadu-parko4329
    @adwoaadu-parko4329 Год назад +21

    I started reading these books in university but I couldn't deal with the characters attitudes. So thank you for doing this ❤

  • @clamagi04_ofc
    @clamagi04_ofc 4 дня назад +2

    Girl the patience you must have, I tried to read them but stoped after the third book because I just couldn't take it anymore.

  • @opheliaretardanta8348
    @opheliaretardanta8348 Год назад +25

    I’m glad the show made some creative differences because the amount of teens that were watching this show to be like what the characters were in the books would be a disaster 😂❤

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +6

      Agreed! Men would be even worse if they looked up to Nate. And the books normalize being a home-wrecker and cheating

  • @lake1389
    @lake1389 Год назад +17

    I’ve read the prequel to the series and oh my gosh that book is so good I can’t wait to read the rest of the series

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +6

      Yay! Yes I recommend reading it. You can read/listen them online for free on the Internet Archive. If you have a kindle you can also download the EPUB files from there. Happy reading! 🤩📚💗

  • @pearlstella
    @pearlstella Год назад +33

    to me Blair and Chuck 100% carried the gossip girl TV series so I'm so sad they're not really a thing in the books 😔 also Nate sounds like such a douchebag in the books!! thank you so much for this video tho -- I've always been curious about what the books were like!💓

  • @Justafox305
    @Justafox305 Год назад +6

    They just announced cruel intentions is getting a tv series. It inspires the book writer of gossip girl and there are some episodes of gossip girl in the 1 & 2 season that is direct from cruel intentions.
    Plot: two wealthy teens in Manhattan plot on unsuspecting classmates.
    The main characters are more like Chuck and Georgina sparks.

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      ooooo interesting! is Cruel Intentions a movie or a book? I'm interested in learning more about it. if it's a book is the author Siobhan Davis? also thank u for sharing :)

    • @Justafox305
      @Justafox305 Год назад

      @@urfashionistafriend cruel intentions is a movie that came out in the 90s (Reese Witherspoon, Sarah Michelle Gellar, etc) but it’s based on a French book that came out in the 1800s called dangerous Liaisons.
      Dangerous liaisons was about ppl on the Royal court of france, but cruel intentions switched the setting to Manhattan teens at a prep school.
      Plot: sweet to their face, but cruel behind their back, wealthy teens are secretly orchestrating their classmates lives just for fun.

  • @KaiayaRules
    @KaiayaRules Год назад +10

    And here I thought the show was all over the place. Also, just FYI, the University of Oxford is not in London it's in.... Oxford.

  • @Juststudiothings
    @Juststudiothings Год назад +10

    Oh man! I was OBSESSED with these when I was in middle school- I was definitely too young for it but MAN what a read. I was a big reader overall and this was definitely escapism. Problematic escapism.
    The show was not even close tbh it was way more tame.

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      Hahaha i feel. I watched the show in middle school and looking back I can’t believe I did I was too young 😅

  • @Amsayy
    @Amsayy Год назад +24

    I used to read these as they came out and I'm so excited so many more people are covering them. I'm hoping it causes them to redo them all on audible because the quality of the original audiobooks is meh lol

  • @magarolando1603
    @magarolando1603 Год назад +9

    only nate is able to go to college without a high school diploma

  • @Kurooganeko
    @Kurooganeko Год назад +2

    OMG! Thank you ♥ I so needed this! You have no idea! Thank you!

  • @dxctr_master
    @dxctr_master 10 месяцев назад +5

    Watching u talk whilst Blair on the left stares into my soul hahddhdhshshdh 😭😭

  • @Julsii
    @Julsii Год назад +6

    I enjoyed watching this video so much, thank you for sharing!! You are seriously so underrated the video was very entertaining

  • @LennyPepper
    @LennyPepper Год назад +2

    I read these books when I was in high school (2008) and this was such a fun walk down memory lane!
    Subscribed, happily!

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Glad I got to bring you some nostalgia! Thank you for your support 🥹💗

  • @berfin1740
    @berfin1740 Год назад +3

    i read the it girl series as a teenager and it felt more engaging than gg for sure. i guess the teenagers staying in the campus premise is more fun and somehow more realistic? i sometimes reread them in my childhood room when I'm visiting my parents still to this day 😭

  • @massiecure8422
    @massiecure8422 Год назад +8

    i was really into reading the series because the writing is so snappy and it wasn't prude at all like everyone is snarky. my 8th grade ass was eating that uppp but then i got really bored at the end of the 3rd book cause it's starting to feel like it doesn't have one story? like it's just messy mix and match of the characters which is cool i guess but i was hoping for a conclusive story idk. i still adore the writing style tho

    • @massiecure8422
      @massiecure8422 Год назад

      and btw i really enjoy this video and your narration, I'm hoping for similar videos from you it's very enjoyable to listen to while playing games 😁

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Glad u enjoyed the video! Thank u for the support 😊💗

  • @ViperliciousOG
    @ViperliciousOG Год назад +14

    thanks for going through each character and breaking it down! I listened while I cleaned up and enjoyed your style (: give this woman more likes/subs 😇

  • @caitlingill
    @caitlingill Год назад +7

    Do this with The Clique series and Poseur series

  • @Dee_TC
    @Dee_TC Год назад +3

    The video I didn't know I needed. Thank you!

  • @tylahbazzi
    @tylahbazzi Год назад +6

    I love the novels, major nostalgia!! You should definitely read the it girl series, I’d love to hear your take on it 😝

  • @t4ngy
    @t4ngy Год назад +4

    i think the first season of the show is a lot like the first book, but the creators decided to change the story according to the fans' opinions and ships, etc. i guess people weren't so interested in the love triangle thing because chuck and blair had so much chemistry and nate was always a bit flat as a character.

  • @c_louie670
    @c_louie670 Год назад +5

    What a great video!! I think I started the first book years ago but I didn't finish it but I always was curious how the books where vs the tv show. Thank you so much for the video

  • @Angel-ts8rc
    @Angel-ts8rc Год назад +10

    The books are a satire loosely inspired by the author’s experiences I really wish the show would have kept that tone instead of going full melodrama

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +11

      Yesss I’m tempted to research the real people gossip girl is inspired by and make a video about it 🫢☕️

    • @Juhi_Agrawal
      @Juhi_Agrawal Год назад +2

      ​@@urfashionistafriend DO ITTTTTTTT

    • @crystaljefferphetamine
      @crystaljefferphetamine Год назад

      @@urfashionistafriend DOOO IT that sounds amazing

  • @Ana-yh8ek
    @Ana-yh8ek Год назад +3

    It's an honor to find this channel!

  • @LifewithAlelee
    @LifewithAlelee 14 дней назад

    I LOVE evergreen state college’s campus! It is sooo beautiful!

  • @kmelatabor
    @kmelatabor Год назад +2

    OMG this is the best video book reviewing i have ever seen, idk why it has a small view ur so underrated, hope u could make more videos, lobe watching it🫶

  • @Missmagazinebura
    @Missmagazinebura Год назад +6

    I wish Nate got with Jenny for real and not break up but I also wish Serena married Nate

  • @malehainnocent6124
    @malehainnocent6124 5 дней назад +1

    This was such a juicy video 10/10!!
    On another note, would you ever read the vampire diaries book series? 33:44

  • @justjoannak
    @justjoannak Год назад +11

    Chuck was *SO* gross in the show imo. But I do wanna read the books at some point though. Thank you for this video 🧡

  • @maksimnikiforovski2034
    @maksimnikiforovski2034 Год назад +4

    Didn't Jenny have her own book series at one point? Or she returns to the main series at some point? Also was the 'Georgie' you mentioned Georgina Sparks?

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      yesss I am reading Jenny's series rn called The It Girl! stay tuned for a video on that series. also i am not certain if Georgie is Georgina from the show

  • @user-em8bw1rq4y
    @user-em8bw1rq4y Год назад +2

    Knowing the storyline from the novels I don't think I wanted to read it. In my opinion the TV show had done well so far. Although I must admit, I like that "Bisexual" and "Gay" story arcs of Chuck and Dan from the books which I find really intriguing.

  • @emmaskapetis7603
    @emmaskapetis7603 День назад

    I've only read the first four books but I had to know more about this series. I haven't enjoyed any of the books but they're so addictive 😂. I can't believe Nate cheats on Blair with Serena again though. What a betrayal.

  • @charleythemush
    @charleythemush Год назад +8

    So I'm reading that Vanessa had more depth in the series cos she was white... Huh. Honestly I always liked Vanessa in the show cos she did do things reasonably I just think the fans were blind due to being caught up in the classist fantasy and racism. Vanessa was cool and I wish we'd seen more or her especially her being portrayed positively but I guess the show and Jess szhor gave up after seeing the fan reaction

    • @mrfilmreviewcriticman4110
      @mrfilmreviewcriticman4110 4 месяца назад +1

      I know this is a year old but the whole show just follow fan reception I mean chucks whole redemption is from people loving him in first season. So Jenny and Venessa turning in to scheming moustache twirling villains was because fans just hated them.

  • @SimonDavidson
    @SimonDavidson Год назад +3

    how did the books somehow make the show counterparts to these characters seem like somewhat good people?

  • @ems5454
    @ems5454 Год назад +5

    i never read the books but i do remember one of my friends read the first 2 during that time and she did say it was soooo different it was crazy so i didn't even try to read it, just watched the show!!

  • @v.xien.
    @v.xien. Год назад +4

    After my spring break trip I’m gonna order them all and read them lol. Oh to live the gossip girl life (tv one the book one is somehow messier than that 💀)

    • @v.xien.
      @v.xien. Год назад +1

      Also how tf do you only have 600+ subs? Girl you need more. This is the content we need

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      Yesss i recommend eBay or if u have kindle check out internet Archive

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      Thank you so much! I appreciate your support 🥹💗

    • @v.xien.
      @v.xien. Год назад

      @@urfashionistafriend yw! I love these types of channels and I saw GG in ur thumbnail and title and I’m a sucker for anything GG related lol. It’s like our own little book club but for middle class ppl who are miles apart 💀😭

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Hahaha true! Yes book club for us all miles apart love that 📚💗🥹

  • @siobhanhayes-keane9731
    @siobhanhayes-keane9731 Год назад +4

    since the characterizations are are all so different book to show, is georgina meant to be georgie?

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      I was wondering the same thing about Georgina! I have a feeling her character was based on Georgie from the book

  • @ems5454
    @ems5454 Год назад +1

    thakn you for the video, i was always curious to know what happened in the entire saga

  • @KaynatZehra-n6j
    @KaynatZehra-n6j 17 дней назад +1

    Blair was the main character even in the show!!
    They tried a lot to make Sarena the main character but failed terribly!!!!

  • @elafila6883
    @elafila6883 Год назад +2

    the pet monkey is sending me😭

  • @EllieDickens-cp9jk
    @EllieDickens-cp9jk Год назад +2

    Hun, Oxford Uni is in Oxford… not London

  • @mekaylaowo1928
    @mekaylaowo1928 Год назад +1

    ive never seen the show but i adored the books in middle school

    • @mekaylaowo1928
      @mekaylaowo1928 Год назад

      vanessa is also SUCH a queen and like we’ve gotta stan chuck and that’s why i refuse to watch the show

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Yes we Stan Chuck and his amazing character growth! 🐒💗 The thing about Vanessa for me is that she’s a cheater and let Dan walk all over her 😢

  • @Generic246
    @Generic246 Год назад

    loved this video!!

  • @k00hki3c
    @k00hki3c Год назад

    Not to be weird but i was really confused when i saw jenny in the show because she specifically had a curvier bidy, which was why chuck cornered her at the party

  • @Jorja_47
    @Jorja_47 Год назад +2

    didn’t blair and serena kiss in the book

  • @gabriellebolt
    @gabriellebolt Год назад +2

    Aaron and serena dated in the show too!

  • @nnennayaihejirikah
    @nnennayaihejirikah Год назад +2

    so why do I want to read them now...

  • @meh58291
    @meh58291 Год назад +5

    I never read the book but Blair ending there is much better than the show like she found herself after all that toxicity with Nate. On the show Dan was her only healthy relationship but the writers went for the Chair fans so yeah we lost Blair happiness either way

  • @bernarditarosas1931
    @bernarditarosas1931 6 дней назад

    Have you read the pretty little liars series? I remember it being quite good though I was in the eighth grade hahaa

  • @mariecatanho2508
    @mariecatanho2508 Год назад

    i remember reading the entire series in middle school and i can't really remember anything that happened in the books 😂 usually I prefer books towards a show but in this case the show was def better

  • @missesdimplez
    @missesdimplez Год назад

    I bought almost all the books years ago but I never read them 😭 I donated them last year. thank you for this video haha

  • @luanam1552
    @luanam1552 7 месяцев назад +1

    Please read the it girl series

  • @KenMasters.
    @KenMasters. Месяц назад

    The biggest mistake ever made in CW's Gossip Girl:
    Not casting Kat Dennings as Jenny.
    Unlike Taylor Momsen, Kat closely
    resembles the character in the books.

  • @Yeti-g4v
    @Yeti-g4v 28 дней назад

    They should’ve made another season but in Blair’s head. And that is actually like the books.

  • @luanam1552
    @luanam1552 Год назад +1

    Please do a review about " it girl " pleaseee

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +2

      I’m on it! Currently reading the final book in the It Girl series rn. Stay tuned 💗📚

    • @luanam1552
      @luanam1552 7 месяцев назад +1

      Hey. You did?

  • @akidaUzumaki2004
    @akidaUzumaki2004 7 месяцев назад

    Could someone name books when chuck appears? I really wanna read them

  • @Curiousphy
    @Curiousphy Год назад +3

    I’m so angry Chuck didn’t have a monkey in the tv show now 🧍🏽‍♀️

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Same! 😂

    • @RosyStarAJ
      @RosyStarAJ Год назад +5

      He has a dog called Monkey, I think? Not the same thing but maybe it’s a little reference :0

  • @melissaadj8811
    @melissaadj8811 Год назад

    Plz can u do pretty little liars book series

  • @serenitysubs933
    @serenitysubs933 Год назад

    I know this is random, but am I the only person who thinks that serena and Vanessa literally look so similar minus the skin tones? like Dan obviously has a type.

  • @blacklavoux
    @blacklavoux Год назад +1

    It’s not healthy that blair keep hanging out with serena in the first place with everything that happend 😂

  • @AnaFitzgerald1996
    @AnaFitzgerald1996 Год назад

    AMAZING! Thanks 4 everytging

  • @elesalesperance4889
    @elesalesperance4889 Год назад

    Can you do a video on pretty little liars comparing the books to tv show

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      oooo that is a great idea but i tried watching the show years ago when it was releasing new episodes on ABC family but the show dragged on sooo much i gave up on it

  • @zeve
    @zeve 3 месяца назад

    21:52 sorry just had to say that Oxford University is not in London. IT IS IN OXFORD!!! lol anyway great vid

  • @MzShonuff123
    @MzShonuff123 3 месяца назад

    The books sound better than the show. I love all these storylines

  • @Punktlandung
    @Punktlandung 12 дней назад

    Totally forgot that i read the Books. But immediately you mentioned chuck I had this image of a weirdo with a monkey in mind 😅

  • @caitlintamla7586
    @caitlintamla7586 Год назад +1

    Could you please read and review the It Girl series please :)

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +2

      Yesss! I’m reading The It Girl series rn and am planning on making a video about it. I’m on the 7th book rn. Stay tuned! 😊📚💗

    • @caitlintamla7586
      @caitlintamla7586 Год назад +1

      @@urfashionistafriend yay I’m so excited. I’ve heard it’s better than the GG series x

  • @bluebrdsfly7988
    @bluebrdsfly7988 Год назад

    Is damien dalgaard really in the book? Please spoil for me

  • @OnNth
    @OnNth 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks am glad I didn’t read books they sound boring. Imagine Blair and Chuck not being the it couple I will pass

  • @Jm.96
    @Jm.96 Год назад

    Watching this makes me want to reread the whole series again ahahhaa but let me finish It girl first

  • @lindsaydeviveiros5533
    @lindsaydeviveiros5533 Год назад

    I really want to get the books but they’re so hard to find . Where did you buy them?

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад

      Agreed they are hard to find in libraries and stuff. I bought the series on EBay for about $30 :)

  • @brendagomez8656
    @brendagomez8656 Месяц назад

    What are you even talking about? Blaire is the mc in the series too

  • @meermal222
    @meermal222 Месяц назад

    you look so adorable

  • @lisa.222
    @lisa.222 Год назад +3

    You totally look like u are the main character

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      Awwww thank you you’re too kind 💗💗💗

    • @lisa.222
      @lisa.222 Год назад

      @@urfashionistafriend 🥰🥰🥰

  • @babya9929
    @babya9929 Год назад +1

    Have u read the clique series? Thats a real throwback hehe

    • @urfashionistafriend
      @urfashionistafriend  Год назад +1

      No I haven’t but I just started reading The It Girl series :)

  • @FashionChaletNET
    @FashionChaletNET Год назад +1

    Books > Show 😇🤩

  • @someonee8250
    @someonee8250 Год назад

    What the fuss about nate??

  • @jjjjssss6368
    @jjjjssss6368 3 месяца назад

    Oxford University is not in London. It’s in Oxford. There is more to the UK than London.
    That’s like me saying you live in Washington DC when you live in literally any other town or city in the US. It makes no sense.

  • @meh58291
    @meh58291 Год назад

    Girl first time I'm hearing your voice and boy did I thought it was Miss Gigi Hadid.

  • @hey_youwill748
    @hey_youwill748 Год назад +3

    LEST THAN 50 VIEWS?? understand smh

  • @piyusarkar3065
    @piyusarkar3065 7 дней назад

    This is the real plot of the book? I feel like you're trolling us.. are you though?

  • @willischambers8417
    @willischambers8417 Год назад

    😜 P R O M O S M