UFOs and spiritual truths

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 4:31 PM 17/07/2024 -- time and date of recording video
    11:39 PM 4/07/2024
    • The Spirit Realm: Ange...
    the bad guys (the non-human spiritual entities, let's say the devil and his minions) want humans to fight each other so they get detroyed; you could say, the devil is envious of God's creation (humans).. and by getting ourselves to harm and destroy one another, he is getting back at God..
    God created humans; the devil rebelled against God and is an enemy of God; the devil wants to hurt God by hurting us and by deceiving and manipulating us to walk away from God (thereby hurting God, who loves us and sees us as His creation).. we, humans, are caught in this spiritual war between God and the devil.. this is an age-old ancient story, it makes a lot of sense when you see how humans treat each other and are warring with one another in this present age.. there are spiritual forces at place compelling and motivating people (or manipulating them) to work against the interests of humanity as a whole..
    "powers and principalities".. I feel like the Bible is literally true.
    the devil employs the age old divide and conquer tactic to cause misery and harm to humanity
    3:22 PM 5/07/2024
    I struggle with fear and anxiety, some would say crippling anxiety.. I have to learn to develop my inner strength; I can use these episodes of debilitating fear and crippling anxiety as triggers to develop my inner strength; I need to stop seeking for validation from the outside, and learn to rely on my own inner intuition, I need to trust myself and my own inner judgment.. I am a good person; I may not be perfect, and nor am I expected to be, but I am on the side of the good.. this is important to me, for some reason.. I don't know why but it is important for me to be good and be perceived as good.. but perhaps I should stop worrying about being perceived as good and focus more on being good, I should stop putting so much energy into how the world and other people perceive me.. their judgment is not as important as my own when it comes to these inner moral values.. I know who I am.. I know I am a good person.
    here are some videos that talk about anxiety, which I found helpful:
    • The enemy does NOT wan...
    • From anxiety & intrusi...
    7:05 PM 5/07/2024
    this is a good video: • THE HISTORY OF HUMANIT...
    some perspective on religion, and Christianity in particular, from an ET contactee
    3:36 PM 7/07/2024
    • Alex Collier - Earth T...
    I was watching this video, where it was mentioned that we are souls first, and how we reincarnate through many life times and bodies..
    it just occured to me that I am meant to be here.. that there is nothing wrong with me or my life, or the life of other people.. that we are meant to have these experiences.. it brought with it a kind of peace.. that I didn't have to be in constant conflict with myself and the world.. everyone is here to learn and grow through these experiences.. this recognition brings about compassion for myself and everyone around me.. I am not going to pretend to say I understand everything or that it makes complete sense.. I guess I have to accept this with humility, that in my present state of existence I may never know it all.. that being made to forget or not know is a kind of blessing, that allows me to experience what it is I am here to experience
    4:26 PM 7/07/2024
    it's been suggested that some of these ET spaceships are like self-enclosed planets, with their own biospheres, which are created using holographic technology; some people say the universe itself is holographic.. what if planet Earth is a spaceship?
    not sure what the implcations are of this realization? does it change anything?
    we are souls incarnating into these materialistic holographic bodies and densities to learn spiritual truths..
    this could be what's going on here.
    10:12 PM 7/07/2024
    the Love I generate comes from God
    there is a battle between love and fear
    fear wants to take, love gives
    I notice this, in myself as well
    I can choose to live in fear, looking for love from outside
    or I can choose love, and receive it from the divine source, God
    this may sound Christian, but it may also be true
    6:02 PM 8/07/2024
    faith is a gift
    what do I mean by that?
    there is a difference between knowing something to be true for certain, and having faith in something based on signs and wonders but uncertain knowledge
    faith is a type of experience that is very different from certain knowledge.. it is a wonderful experience; to believe is to open oneself up to possibilities.. which is not possible to do when you have certainty
    faith is a gift, and it is through faith that you come to know God, because God is opening oneself up to possibilities and realms of knowing that is continually being created.. God is not a fact, a dead end.. God is an encounter, a life, "living breathing" knowing

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