Walter Veith’s STRONG Warning to Adventists

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 224

  • @john_sichone
    @john_sichone 2 месяца назад +18

    Please Myles make a separate video about all failed prophecies of EW….

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +7

      Were there any that turned out to be the truth?

  • @deborahoostendorp7319
    @deborahoostendorp7319 2 месяца назад +10

    It just blows my mind that Walter Veith has the audacity to say that a prophet must be tested, when Ironically they have not used the same conditional prophecies to test EGW. I have never seen a church so hypocritical of other protestant churches like the SDA church, like they are only ones to go to heaven.

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist 2 месяца назад +18

    Also, Myles, good rapid-fire debunkery. One of the many reasons I like watching/listening to you. You have this stuff down. 👏😊

    • @FraeDen
      @FraeDen 2 месяца назад +1

      Rapid-fire debunkery? I think this is unholy fire. “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:” (Jas 1:19, KJV) “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” (Jas 1:20, KJV)

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@FraeDen "Come to terms QUICKLY with your accuser while you are still with him on the way to court."
      ~ Matthew 5 : 25
      "When the disciples saw this, they were astonished and said, 'How did the fig tree wither away so QUICKLY?'"
      ~ Matthew 21 : 20 (re: barren tree that Jesus cursed for being so)
      "Go QUICKLY and tell his disciples that he has been raised from the dead."
      ~ Matthew 28 : 7
      "Then the master of the house was angry and said to his servant, 'Go out QUICKLY into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring in here the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.'"
      ~ Luke 14 : 21
      "For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for GOD DOES NOT GIVE THE SPIRIT IN A LIMITED MEASURE."
      ~ John 3:34
      "And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants with all BOLDNESS TO SPEAK YOUR WORD."
      ~ Acts 4 : 29
      "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD WITH BOLDNESS."
      ~ Acts 4 : 31
      "Having gained confidence in the Lord by my imprisonment, DARE MORE THAN EVER TO SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD WITHOUT FEAR."
      ~ Philippians 1 : 14
      "AND WITH MANY OTHER WORDS HE GAVE THEM WARNING AND PLEADED with them, saying, 'Escape from this corrupt generation.'"
      ~ Acts 2 : 40
      "Even from among your own group will men arise, speaking distortions of the truth, to draw the disciples away after them. Therefore be alert, remembering that FOR THREE YEARS, NIGHT OR DAY, I DID NOT CEASE WARNING EACH ONE OF YOU WITH TEARS."
      ~ Acts 20 : 30ff
      ~ 1 Timothy 1 : 3
      "They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-and that for the sake of dishonest gain."
      ~ Titus 1 : 11

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад

      @@FraeDen So, quit workething not the righteousness of God. Except, the SDA kryptonite is when their Ellie gets caught in a corner. Answering Adventism was established to try to get you, and those that think similarly to you away from the unholy fire of Ellen Gould Harmon White. We (or most of us) have Been There. Think with your own brain cells. Don't parrot back what has been tattooed onto your brain.

    • @andrewthomas8536
      @andrewthomas8536 2 месяца назад +2

      @@kimartist Rapid fire dubunkery? That is laughable. Myles won't answer any Biblical challenge he has been given.

  • @EmiFromMars
    @EmiFromMars 2 месяца назад +9

    Hey. I'm in the UK... Today on my way to work there was a group of people hanging on out this book called "the great controversy" for free...the title intrigued me some and it was free so I accepted it. After research I learned it's a Christian denomination called 7 day Adventism ... And then I found your channel. I was raised Christian but dont identify as such now... Are they trying to indoctrinate people into a cult by handing this out for free at a very difficult time in our world?! I'm intrigued to know more as this stuff fascinates me

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +6

      @@EmiFromMars most certainly. They are seeking to hand out 1 billion copies digitally and physically in their “Great Controversy 2.0 project.”
      The Great Controversy is a fictional retelling of history that adapt actual historical events and figures but twists those things to formulate a narrative centered upon the SDA movement being Gods last day people here to warn the world of what is allegedly coming.
      Check out this article on our site which talks about how the great controversy is more than just that book but actually the worldview of seventh day Adventism:
      Adventism alleges to be Christian by using Christian terms and appealing to the Bible but it isn’t. It’s in the cult category. It deviates from orthodox Christian teaching but claims to uphold such.

    • @ghponygirl
      @ghponygirl 2 месяца назад

      Please read it and decide for yourself. This channel's sole purpose is to poison the well, that is to keep people from exploring what Adventists believe and deciding for themselves if they agree or not. You have free will and a mind, use it.

    • @ghponygirl
      @ghponygirl 2 месяца назад +3

      Read the book for yourself and decide

    • @19818456
      @19818456 2 месяца назад +6

      It's a book compiled from plagiarised historical, devotional and prophetical writings written long before her and claimed it all came from divine revelation 😂

    • @EmiFromMars
      @EmiFromMars 2 месяца назад +3

      @@answeringadventism thank you so much, it's all much clearer now. Was trying to seek answers on their principles etc cos what was written on the back of the book peaked my interest for obvious reasons.. they are really maximizing on how bad things are getting etc and alot of people (including myself) just seeking answers etc.... but thankfully I looked into it before jumping in head first and reading it, possibly getting indoctrinated lol so thank you!

  • @chrislucastheprotestantview
    @chrislucastheprotestantview 2 месяца назад +20

    Everything that Walter is saying in the beginning of this video is why I told you that I think Seventh-Day adventism is one of the hardest religions to escape from because they seem to be against the very thing they are and you wouldn't expect people to speak against what they actually are.
    Like even with the Seventh-Day Sabbath they're actually against the Sabbath even though they make a billion videos about it. But they will fully choose to break it every single week by promoting a false prophet and a false prophet is an idol because this false prophet claims that their words are actually the words of God. Which is no different than the pope or no different than a wooden or metal Idol

    • @FraeDen
      @FraeDen 2 месяца назад +1

      Do you choose to break the sabbath by keeping sunday? Then to which false prophet are you listening?

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +5

      Be careful for the day you wake up, it might come as a shocker.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +3

      @@FraeDen Do you choose to reject the Church that Our Lord Jesus Christ Established with his own Lips? Do you Chose to cherry pick what you think you like best from the Old Covenant (Judaism) vs The New Covenant, comprised of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ. The System Jesus put in place has a blessed human leader, The Vicar of Christ, The Pope. If Jesus prompted the New, Post-Resurrection Church to "Remember" and venerate The Resurrection Day as more important to remember to prepare for the events to come, then simply just shush up, and choose Judaism or Christianity - Choose. And leave the rest of us who have chosen alone, so that we may have time to pray that your stubborn souls get sorted out and ready for heaven.

    • @chrislucastheprotestantview
      @chrislucastheprotestantview 2 месяца назад +5

      @@FraeDen why do you think Sunday is so special?I'm really confused by your comment. Or are you the typical Seventh-day Adventist who is just making a bunch of presumptions like assuming I'm not observing The Seventh-Day Sabbath just because I exposed how The Seventh-Day Adventist Church breaks it?

    • @chrislucastheprotestantview
      @chrislucastheprotestantview 2 месяца назад +5

      @@FraeDen I don't know if you're a Seventh-Day Adventist or not or if you're a Catholic. If you're Seventh-day Adventist you break the Sabbath by breaking commandment 1 which is idolatry. And commandment one is the only reason why you would keep the other nine. So if you break the first one all the other ones become pointless because you're supposed to be keeping the other nine out of observing commandment 1

  • @alongcamejones309
    @alongcamejones309 2 месяца назад +2

    And yet again, another brilliant Vid courtesy of Myles. 😊

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist 2 месяца назад +2

    Is it wrong that I see Veith in the thumbnail & say internally: "Oof. Buckle up kids. It's going to be a wild one!" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @MarkWinklerok
    @MarkWinklerok 2 месяца назад +3

    Myles, could you list the six or seven times EGW says she was shown the day and the hour of Christ return. I am praying that God would open the eyes of my wonderful SDA neighbor. I plan to use the test of a prophet in Deut. 13 & 18 thanks

    • @R1rippin
      @R1rippin 2 месяца назад

      @MarkWinklerok: Search for this "Test the prophet" You will notice the speaker only shows his hands, he has to because they would be violent against him if they found out who he was!

  • @FlyingGentile
    @FlyingGentile 2 месяца назад +5, I forgot my tin foil hat

  • @Alaska_MD
    @Alaska_MD Месяц назад

    Nice reference to Jeremiah 23. I think EW fits the definition of an oracle, not a prophet, and forbidden in Jer-23. What are your thoughts on that.

  • @gregorypilau3530
    @gregorypilau3530 2 месяца назад +4

    These people are so deceptive.

  • @cindiloowhoo1166
    @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +9

    I tried Ellie - Sorry Wally Veith - She flunked,

  • @BeYeSeparate
    @BeYeSeparate 2 месяца назад

    I love the one where you and Sam Shamoun got together, and read that prophetic quote by EGW, that ironically predicts "Protestants" and Catholics getting together (GC 588.1). That was a trip. If Calvin had an immortal soul I'm sure he would get a kick out of that one also.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  18 дней назад

      @@BeYeSeparate oh man! Ellen Whites a prophet because…gasp…a Protestant and a Catholic…had a discussion together! 😂
      You guys are ridiculous. John Calvin literally dialogued with numerous Catholics publicly in all sorts of public discourse.

  • @jimbob1644
    @jimbob1644 2 месяца назад +7

    Oh no Myles.!. he just said the second beast of Revelation 13 (is America ) and you and I both live in America ...I do believe.. and in Revelation 19:20... It says there.. that Jesus Christ sends the (second beast the false prophet)..( to to hell) so he's going to send all of America. to Hell ! based on what he said!..

    • @FraeDen
      @FraeDen 2 месяца назад

      The false prophet is protestantism allied with Rome described as the Whore with her daughters. Look at the teachings of protestantism, are they not the teachings of Rome? Sunday keeping, immortal soul, eternaly burning hell, oecumenism, millenial kingdom etc.

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +6

      Give scripture or admit it that your statement was sucked out of your back side.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@FraeDen Apparently you're not aware that the "seven mountains" (or "hills" depending on translation) "on which the woman sits" are interpreted by the RCC to be Rome itself & they have a prophecy that the last Pope will be an evil one, so basically SDAs are just recycling what Rome itself says is true.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +3

      @Jimbob1644 if they really believed that they'd all move out of America stat... but nah 😅

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +1

      OK then - Bible Book, Chapter, Verse, even throw in the Apocrypha, where exactly is "America" in the Bible.

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 2 месяца назад +4

    ls this the video where you said that the people in the 80's said ''The locusts in Revelation were Apache helicopters'' Crack me up! xD l remember that! lol

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +2

      @@theresa42213 correct

    • @fboettcher
      @fboettcher 2 месяца назад

      Oh man I forgot about that. I remember them saying that in church along with other nonsense.

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 Месяц назад

    How does the SDA differ from the mother of harlots, Rome?
    They both preach a false gospel of observance to the law given to Israel. A gospel of salvation by works of observing the law. Instead of the gospel of resting, which is faith, in the salvation brought through Christ's work of redemption by his sacrifice, by which they have been made fully, wholy, completely clean.
    They both proclaim that they are the only one true church. Despite the fact that scriptures describe the true church, being all who believe on Jesus the Christ for their salvation.
    What a blasphemous entity, that is the SDA.

  • @dallyjacobson2146
    @dallyjacobson2146 2 месяца назад +9

    I get thoroughly sick of this constantly pathetic finger pointing. I couldn't be a SDA.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +3

      Yup - I left -

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      @Vincent-gc3cu Let Me clarify - Gnarly hand phalanges pointing consistently. Rather rude and most annoying. SDA IS a falsehood. .

    • @19818456
      @19818456 2 месяца назад +2

      All EGW writing are of finger-pointing in nature, for both within and without, especially to the pope and Catholics. Adventists are good at it 😂

    • @jolenebillie5431
      @jolenebillie5431 2 месяца назад

      Same here very stupid man!

    • @andrewthomas8536
      @andrewthomas8536 2 месяца назад

      @@19818456 Have you ever read the book of Revelation? Have you ever read the book of Daniel?
      Chtistian reformers have all recognized the Papacy as the beast.
      Did you know the Papacy killed up to 100 million Christians during the Dark Ages?
      Finger pointing?...

  • @davidmarham9272
    @davidmarham9272 2 месяца назад +1

    Did you notice 3 of his fingers are pointing back at him?

  • @andrewthomas8536
    @andrewthomas8536 2 месяца назад +2

    Least in the kingdom, Myles

  • @19818456
    @19818456 2 месяца назад +1

    I wonder why some of my important comments are not showing up!?

  • @yvettevandorp5508
    @yvettevandorp5508 Месяц назад

    Why have they not had another prophet besides White????

  • @FranciscoBaybayan
    @FranciscoBaybayan 2 месяца назад +2


    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +3

      OOPS!! It did hit a nerve and the SDA pharisees can't handlè it. LOL

  • @shikundikoedward8617
    @shikundikoedward8617 2 месяца назад +3

    If you are the best bible reading please explain to everyone what the prophecy of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 said please start the prophetic of this two books

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      Why are you directing someone else to explain the convoluted rabbit holes you choose to follow? YOU explain it. Second thought, don't, I'm tired of hearing it.

  • @herbertshezi5640
    @herbertshezi5640 2 месяца назад +4

    I'm challenging you guy's can someone explain Daniel 8 verse 14 now because you people you understand the Bible better than sda people

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +4

      So according to you the SDA knows best as they are apparently the blue eye children of God?
      Very very strong stuff you smoke kiddo, be careful as this cool-aid will cause you to enď up in hell.

    • @ronmey7500
      @ronmey7500 2 месяца назад

      2300 years from Alexander's conquest of Jerusalem in 333BC until the city's liberation from Gentiles forces in the 1967 Six Day War.

    • @fboettcher
      @fboettcher 2 месяца назад

      It’s literally 2300 days not years and has nothing to do with 1844. And nothing happened in 1844.

  • @mathewwansanso2653
    @mathewwansanso2653 2 месяца назад

    Stop attacking the apple of The Lord's eye please you are just burning your energy and calories, in vain, kicking on the prick, Christ is lovingly calling you, stop the hardening of the heart, many things you can't explain in the Bible, many scriptures you will never ever understand until you will admit that the SDA church is the remnant. Ask the Lord pray to Him for eyesalve because it seems you are fighting what you don't understand.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +3

      @@mathewwansanso2653 completely delusional

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 Месяц назад

      How does the SDA differ from the mother of harlots, Rome?
      They both preach a false gospel of observance to the law given to Israel. A gospel of salvation by works of observing the law. Instead of the gospel of resting, which is faith, in the salvation brought through Christ's work of redemption by his sacrifice, by which they have been made fully, wholy, completely clean.
      They both proclaim that they are the only one true church. Despite the fact that scriptures describe the true church, being all who believe on Jesus the Christ for their salvation.
      What a blasphemous entity, that is the SDA.

    • @Donatello-b4x
      @Donatello-b4x 7 дней назад

      This is why I left your cult. So glad I was fully entrenched and indoctrinated. You don't live in reality.

  • @robertbaker231
    @robertbaker231 2 месяца назад +4

    Miles is the perfect explanation of what it means to be drunken with the wine of Babylon

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      His name is "Myles." Your angel just wrote in your book that you are being nasty.

    • @robertbaker231
      @robertbaker231 2 месяца назад

      @@cindiloowhoo1166 the truth hurts

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      @@robertbaker231 ~ So do lies of both omission and commission. That is why l left SDA. Which lie is Oct 22, 1844?

    • @robertbaker231
      @robertbaker231 2 месяца назад

      @@cindiloowhoo1166 your loss not mine

    • @robertbaker231
      @robertbaker231 2 месяца назад

      @@cindiloowhoo1166 many will leave it was prophecied your just fulfilling prophecy it's called the falling away

  • @davidfabien7220
    @davidfabien7220 2 месяца назад +1

    The Old Testament prophets always referred to ancient Jerusalem as Babylon, the harlot, the whore, the unfaithful wife. Even Jesus said her house would be left desolate, she who stoned and killed the prophets and had shed much blood on the earth. He called the Pharisees adulterers and a brood of vipers. When St John wrote down his vision in the first century BC the Catholic Church was not even in existence. In the book of Revelation John related things that would happen soon (in the forthcoming forty years/within a generation when the Romans would invade and destroy the temple in Jerusalem). The apostle John did not expect his audience to know who the beast would be two thousand odd years in the future. The numerical value of emperor Nero's name in Hebrew and Aramaic adds up to 666. For fear of persecution of Christians John had to hide the true identity of emperor Nero. Some translations anyway have 616 and not 666 as the number of the beast. Nowadays people should be more concerned with the war in Ukraine and the Israel/Gaza war and their prophetic place in God's calendar rather than having an unhealthy, hateful obsession with slandering the true Catholic and apostolic church; his own church on earth that Christ himself founded on the apostle Peter.

  • @AaronNgwira-rx1vn
    @AaronNgwira-rx1vn 2 месяца назад +1

    And the dragon was wrath with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of jesus. (which is the spirit of prophecy manifested through the prophets) Revelation 12 vs 17, chapter 19 vs 10 and chapter 22 vs 8-9. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +3

      @@AaronNgwira-rx1vn right, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Adventism and Ellen White.

  • @herbertshezi5640
    @herbertshezi5640 2 месяца назад +4

    Brother you will wake up only when is late, like pharisees, truth is always been rejected, even the time of Jesus

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +3

      Said the real pharisee.
      "Look at us, we keep the law"
      "We are the only righteousness people on earth, the rest are all Babylonians"
      You and your cult are a joke, and not even a good one.

  • @herbertshezi5640
    @herbertshezi5640 2 месяца назад +2

    What is truth then ? You can't just condem without telling us what is truth you are just blind your self you are very ignorant brother, take us to the study of daniel and revelation we are waiting don't dissappear

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +3

      Your Bible only contains Daniel and Revelation? Interesting
      This is a clip from a presentation with a very clear thesis. Believe it or not every video doesn’t have the exact same purpose. This stream was about testing Walter Veith’s claims about PROTESTANTS and it was plainly showed throughout that he has no clue what he’s talking about and is just a parroting salesman for the SDA system.
      I’ve done what you claimed numerous times in hours and hours and hours of presentation on various topics across the board. It isn’t our fault if you didn’t bother to look any further.
      We have a website that gets millions of page views with hundreds of written articles on all sorts of topics regarding the truth-even on eschatology.
      Grow up and get past these silly passer by comments that do nothing but soothe your own conscience.
      I’m deceived, blind and ignorant but im your brother? Lol 😂

  • @shikundikoedward8617
    @shikundikoedward8617 2 месяца назад +1

    You focus only to SDA church those who teaching the true massage of the bible and you are coward to stop those who teaching like mostly the nowadays prophet Gino Jennings

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      Read the Title of The You Tube Channel.
      Hint: It is Not "Answering Gino Jennings."
      I never heard of him.

  • @shikundikoedward8617
    @shikundikoedward8617 2 месяца назад

    If you fail you drink also the blood of the dragon

  • @garytraversy5231
    @garytraversy5231 2 месяца назад +1

    "Failed Chicago vision"?? It is false declarations like this that prove to me that your bias is so fierce and strong that it has sabotaged your ability to read and properly understand things. There was a "reason" for this vision. All you can fixate on is that it didn't happen, therefore it is false, and thus did not come from the Lord. If you read and understood things properly you would not come to such false conclusions.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      Okaaay ~ I'll bite ~ What was the reason for that "vision."

    • @garytraversy5231
      @garytraversy5231 2 месяца назад

      @@cindiloowhoo1166 Read the Testimonies dealing with this vision and retrieve the answer plainly revealed.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +5

      @@garytraversy5231 Chuckles.... Threw my set out a long time ago. If it is "so plainly revealed," why are you playing games. If it is so critical that people know this thing, you should just say it and quit annoying people.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@cindiloowhoo1166 WHY do they always play coy like this? Are they all socially awkward & don't know how to have a normal conversation?

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +4

      @@kimartist SDA version of "GOTCHA!" Oooops, except they didn't. They are not very good at spotting escapees....

  • @shikundikoedward8617
    @shikundikoedward8617 2 месяца назад

    The beast is working in you and the devil 😈 working and using you you will never understand this true teaching of the beast because the devil 😈 using you better to stop this false devil 😈 debate about Adventist church teaching what inspired by God

  • @wangjohn3201
    @wangjohn3201 2 месяца назад

    immagine scenario:
    all big shoots:Vine,Weight,Bor,Bechelor,Nelly,Ashrick+ another 10000sda pastors are leading man astray but Miles is right,proving them wrong...
    everybody makes mistakes,nobody is prffect,but to give your self a crown seating above those servants....?

  • @FraeDen
    @FraeDen 2 месяца назад

    Prophets have always been misunderstood and misinterpreted for all kind of reasons. Their writings and wording must be put in the right context, the culture of their time and the purpose of the prophecy. Protestants today should first work on their understanding of biblical,prophecy because they are very confused in this matter. Ellen White was not only a prophet, she was also a counselor and an educator. You can not expect here to be perfect in this. She saw herself never as the highest authority but always pointed to the Bible.
    So you might consider the words of Jesus: “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Mat 7:3, KJV)

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +5

      Hmmm - What about all the Ellie-Mitzvahs that are not in the bible?
      October 22, 1844 ~ What more do you think you need to know???

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +5

      I suggest you get rid of your stone glasses, it makes you more than just spiritual blind.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 месяца назад +3

      WHO said Ellen was the end and be all of prophets??? My eyes are just fine, thank you very much! SDAs need to put away their pointy fingers. That habit is quite rude and annoying. I went thru the brainwashing and decades later still plucking out the spores of PTSDA. That Woman Again, is a Fluffin' Menace!

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +2

      I expect my BIBLICAL PROPHETS to be PERFECT, FLAWLESS, INFALLIBLE, uttering the very words of God Himself, not the rambling inconsistent rantings of a 19th century snake oil salesman & conartist living off the backs of the sheep she fleeced & you will be held accountable for promoting such.

    • @bradleyhite3476
      @bradleyhite3476 2 месяца назад +9

      I used to jump through the same mental hoops to defend Ellen White in order to remain SDA. When I was finally tasked with having to defend Ellen White I decided to see if she passed the biblical test for a prophet, and of course she failed that test miserably.
      After finding this I decided to put Ellen White to the side and see if I could defend what the SDA church believed from the Bible alone. After a few years of studying the Bible regularly without assuming the SDA church was right, slowly one minor doctrine would fall at a time until finally the big SDA doctrines started to fall and I realized I could no longer defend the SDA beliefs from the Bible alone. At that point could not remain an SDA no longer.

  • @delyntadeb3260
    @delyntadeb3260 2 месяца назад

    Myles you're wrong again. I bet if you get a live session with Walter Veith you would be found pants down with your wrong views. You are not Christian enough to invite our Adventist apologetics to your live session because you are unable to provide proof for your rants. Grow up bro. Pray for you too

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +4

      Lol. Great assertions with zero substantive engagement.
      Yeah, totally afraid. Get it set up hotshot. Get Walter Veith to come on to AA and discuss. I'd be glad to. It will never happen. We did open mics and none of you guys wanted to show up. But yeah, totally scared. Just shaking with fear.

  • @richardwalters8585
    @richardwalters8585 2 месяца назад +1


  • @Robin-wm3hv
    @Robin-wm3hv 2 месяца назад

    Yet you follow the pagan Sunday ..

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 месяца назад +4

      Said he who have ZERO scriptures for his claim.

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 месяца назад +5

      @@Robin-wm3hv entirely irrelevant to the irony of warning against false prophets when you uphold one yourself.
      But inspiring as myths tend to be Adventist commonplace.

    • @LoCoWi
      @LoCoWi 2 месяца назад +2

      I've been going around in circles discussing this with @ashersian2563 on Answering Adventism presentation titled "Jesus Changed the Sabbath; here proof..." With the picture of Doug Batch o'lies
      Click onto NEWEST and there should be 34ish replies of me and ashersian . Its a fascinating read into the mindset of a SDA.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 месяца назад +4

      Still trying to figure out how the Lord of Heaven & Earth made a "pagan" day of the week? 🤔

    • @Robin-wm3hv
      @Robin-wm3hv 2 месяца назад

      @@kimartist He never you did..