Never come across my mind that we have no translation for 孝順. Filial piety is not the term I would use to explain to my non Asian friends. 😅 And it is true they think 孝順 mindset is weird. By the way, I never heard that filial piety story before. First time hearing it and I also think it's a joke. 😂
Never come across my mind that we have no translation for 孝順. Filial piety is not the term I would use to explain to my non Asian friends. 😅 And it is true they think 孝順 mindset is weird. By the way, I never heard that filial piety story before. First time hearing it and I also think it's a joke. 😂
This segment is so insightful. Keep 'em coming!
Thank you, we are working on this!
24孝這麼多故事為何要選這麼極端的? 雖然選這個可能很有文化衝擊的效果,但真的不是每個台灣小朋友小時候都聽過這個故事阿!! 這一點都不common,大家都知道的是臥冰求鯉或是養蚊子的吧!!
@@meetupformosa 我其實覺得選最基本的臥冰求鯉就很有文化衝擊了, 或是講現代普遍會有的造句"爸媽養你很辛苦,長大要孝順爸爸媽媽。"就很可以討論這個議題了XDD 孝順翻成英文真的很難有好意思,不管是非對錯,對一個人順從只因為他們是父母,對重視獨立個體、想法的歪國人來說,基本上就是很奇怪的事情阿!