Min. 0.45 In the same uniform, my grandmother came to my hometown on April 7th, 1945 at the age of 20 by chance and the chaos of war. She was a "Flakwaffenhelferin" and didn't know where to go. She couldn't go back to Breslau. 5 days later the American came. In September my grandfather came back from being a prisoner of war, they got to know each other and fell in love. 39 years later I emerged from it. My granny will be 98 in March 😘 She is the best granny in the world for me!
Bon, écoutez nos "amis" allemand, ça commence à devenir pénible , vous estimez qu'au bout de 80 ans vous pouvez vous faire passer pour des victimes. Seulement, il y a des peuples européens qui ne sont pas de votre avis, ils n'ont pas oublié que l'allemagne à tué 40 MILLIONS d'européens entre 1939 et 1945. Et voilà !
I live in Marburg Biedenkopf my grandfather told me about the day the Americans came through his town he told me he watched the tanks and military vehicles drive by his house he said he felt relieved and scared at the same time
I attended the Uni in Marburg, and my father was one of those men who went through. My German friend's father was also there in 1940 mustering for the invasion of France. Quite a coincidence.
Could you imagine tanks, men with guns, destroyed buildings, no home to go to no food or medicine in your town. No family left or you don't know where they are. Prayers for them.
Germany was a field of full ruins in 45. But their armies did same too often in rest of europe. This was the price they had to pay for the madness of their industrial and financial elites... And not all but too many low class people starving in the streets during 20ties and 30ties who believed in Adolf 's promises of renovation of german independance. It works during a few years even a lot resisted to his false dreams. They inaugured their jails were tortured.. Killed... Or sent to first camps right after 33. My Oma (gran ma)' s family were opponents to nazis and all adults dispeared very soon. His eldest brother was arrested in 33... And got out of Dachau camp in 45. 12 years he spent there. He was tortured and became mad. Dead in 46. 2 other brothers were in stqlingrad and tve youngest disapeared in Karelie finland on russland front in 41. All the adults were killed women and men. In 45 they were only a whole bunch of orphans nobody cared about in this destroyed country. The oldest was only 11 y. o. Sad period... For sure. Memories are the best vaccin against such madness.
POWs from the Soviet Union. Heading home, most ended up dead or in gulags for having failed to fight to the death, and allowing themselves to be captured. Stalin was afraid that the rot of capitalism/democracy might have infected them.
When the horrors of the camps were discovered the attitude of the liberating armies to the german population changed .They realised they were in an alien dehumanised world. Very scary.
There is one story where, after the mayor and his wife were forced to walk through a camp at the edge of their town, to see just what had been going on, they returned home and committed suicide. Reportedly, several times the adults of a town near a concentration camp were forced to walk through the camp by the liberating armies. Probably a seriously decent object lesson.
Yes, Marburg is a bigger city then Biedenkopf and many other smaller towns are „attached“ to it. And even attached to Biedenkopf there are villages called Like Biedenkopf-Eckelshausen. Hard to explain with broken english I am sorry.
Далеко не все. В немецких концлагерях действительно был конвейер смерти. До сих пор у нас внуков советских солдат по спине пробегает не хороший холод при упоминании концлагерей смерти Освенцима, Треблинки, Бухенвальда, а сколько ещё было менее известных но не менее бесчеловечных концлагерей.
Nein keineswegs, sie wurden zeitweise interniert, manche bekamen einen Prozess, es gab sogar sowas wie Schutzhaft, das heißt Haft für Nsdap Funktionäre zum Schutz vor Racheakten, diese wurden dann eingeteilt in minder oder weniger minder eventuell schwerer belastet ecet. Demnach wurden sie später abgehandelt. Dann kam der kalte Krieg, unddas meiste wurde über den Haufen geworfen, da man gerade viele der sogenannten Belasteten brauchte um diese eventuell irgendwie gegen den neuen Gegner, den früheren verbündeten einsetzen zu können. Ausserdem wurden alle, besondersdie gut ausgebildeten zum Aufbau des neuen Staates dringen und unverzichtbar gebraucht . Daran denkt heute in dem allgemeinem Geschimpfe keiner mehr.
Germany had no clue that the victors had broken their enigma code and therefore were able to read their most secret messages. When Dönitz was told in 1980 that their code was broken, he said, I always ad my doubts but after an investigation I was told that it was impossible but I decided to add an additional 3 more wheels to the Kriegsmarine enigma machine. But finally he said: “IT WAS A BITTER PILL TO SALLOW”
@@mikecain3134 so how then did the Germans did the Germans not when or where the invasion at Normandy would take place even weeks after the landing they still didn’t know that it was the main landing.
Priwjet . Der 1. Weltkrieg, da waren schon viele 'schuld '. Österreich- Ungarn , der Zar auch... Und Stalin ist 2 Wochen nach Hitler auch in Polen einmarschiert. Hoffen wir trotzdem auf Frieden. MIR.
my father in law fought in US Army from D-Day through to German surrender. He said they were all amazed at how much German army relied on horse-drawn logistics, just as you said.
Horses were an effective form of transport and for hauling heavy equipment; they are all terrain capable, fuel to run them is all around, they are low maintenance & rarely break down, and if needed can be eaten.
@@АлександрНазаров-в7н Mechanized forces never made up more than a third of German units during the war. Most of Germany's supply logistics were heavily horse based from the beginning of the war in 39 to the end of the war in 45.
@@wymple09 That 's impossible because the entire western German border was simultaneously attacked by three different American armies, Ninth, First and Third US armies.
Das ist schrecklich zu sehen. Wohne in der Nähe von biedenkopf.. bedrückende Bilder. Warum diese Stadt zerstört wurde? Ich dachte mehr die grossen Städte
@@jule5234 ich hatte über 60 Jahre an das Gute im Menschen geglaubt und es für selbstverständlich gehalten. Die Menschheit auf dem Weg...Das war eine Illusion.
It seems Hitler was right about alot i was told by a woman who was there who was in stalins camps and hitlers camps this is what she said hitler was a good man he just went to far meaning the crimes against humanity if you were jewish services were cheap if you werent jewish it cost alot more this is what she said i also spoke with polish men i worked with who said the same . So hitler started iy for the right reasons but obvisouly lost it and went crazy . She said stalin was a animal and was on the death march . Kind of makes you wonder are we being told the truth i highly doubt it
Nein, denn die Täter sind jedes mal die, die den Krieg verloren haben. Auf der Richterbank sitzen und unsere Geschichtsbücher diktieren tun die anderen.
@@andantecomodo1767 "No, because the perpetrators are always the ones who lost the war. Sitting on the bench and dictating our history books is what the others do."
Die Frage sollte an dieser Stelle eigentlich lauten: Wer bitte hat mit dem Krieg begonnen? Wer hat ab 5:45 Uhr ganz offiziell damit begonnen Polen, in Schutt und Asche zu bombardieren? Der überwiegende Teil der Toten und Opfer war unter den Zivilisten zu finden. So war es schon immer und LEIDER gehört das zu jedem Krieg dazu. Wollte das dt. Volk nicht den totalen Krieg? Nun, zum Schluss haben sie davon ganz viel bekommen.. Krieg ist nie gerecht.
@@ericasenen2664 Hat hier irgend jemand die Kriegsgreuel der Nazis relativiert?? Es geht darum, dass die Krieggreuel der anderen nicht nur ungesühnt geblieben sind (weil die Täter den Krieg gewonnen haben), sondern auch noch tabuisiert werden, während die Untaten der Nazis noch unseren Urenkeln Tag und Nacht um die Ohren gehauen werden. Und zwar, um diesen, unseren Urenkeln einen potentiellen, unterschwelligen oder tatsächlichen Nachteil zu verschaffen! Einfach, weil sie als Deutsche geboren wurden!
@@andantecomodo1767 Well,according to you ,who else should have been sitting on the judge’s bench and dictating your history books?Freisler andGoebbels were dead,so there goes your jurist and historian.
I wasted over an hour constructing a rather lengthy dissertation explaining the genetic causes of Nazi barbarism from 1871 to the end of the Holocaust. RUclips decided you were not adult enough to face up to the truth of what happened in France in 1871, German West Africa 1906-1908, France and Belgium in the fall of 1914, Armenians in 1915, Nuremberg in 1936 and the Holocaust which actually started not in February 1942 but on the first day of the invasion of Poland, Sept 1, 1939. Shame on RUclips and shame on Google.
@@chucknapier5108 Which would be read by the author’s family and friends. It indeed telling that RUclips )and other similar platform) do not think that not even 100 years old history is unsuitable for contemporary youth. Young people who otherwise educate themselves by playing computer games loosely based on historical conflicts. Maybe RUclips forgot that all totalitarian systems thrived on manipulation and suppression of history. Or simply within 100 years humanity turned whole circle and thus century will be a replay of previous century?
@pawelpap9 - Yes u-tube does throw a lot at anyone who observed, history is in the context, how it is perceived is on the viewer and many different views can be taken unfortunately. Sadly, even now, events unfold with sometimes similar likeness' as did within Nazi Germany but at least in much smaller scales. Our younger generations appear to hang around the video games and I do feel these take a enormous fact from fiction from history. It would be nice if people could all see these historical notes ad they really were, sometimes a book provides a stimulus that no video could provide, but hopefully video games never overdue the book.
What barbarisim in 1871? Your confused with King Leopold of Belgium who killed 10 million central Africans. Poor little Belgium. Not Democratic like France and England during their Cololnialisim. Huh! To bad Stalin, Beria and NKVD were not hanged for Great Terror, Gulag Archipelago and Stalinist Famine of the Ukraine or signing Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
The Germans were treated better than they deserved. A lot of them have smirks on their faces in the other films. There were very few Japanese prisoners of war compared to Europe.
Die Deutschen wurden besser Behandelt, wie sie es verdient hatten? Wo kommst Du denn her? Hast mal etwas von "der goldenen Meile" bei Remagen gehört? Da starben über 1 Millionen Deutsche gefangene Soldaten, in US-Gefangenen Lager. Kein US Soldat wurde von den deutschen so miess Behandelt.
@@KG-li7kg com certeza e uma guerra infelizmente, mas com os judeus , ciganos, Tchecoslováquia e poloneses matando 9 milhões não tem problema. Acho que o ditador foi muito infeliz e tomar certas atitudes!
@@steffenrosmus9177 Nun bekommst Du eben mal Geschichtlichen Nachhilfe-Unterricht: Die Amis haben mit voller Überlegung die gefangenen Deutschen Soldaten, Buchstäblich verrecken lassen. Angeblich hatten die Amis einen "Engpass" in der Versorgung der gefangenenlager. Hier wollte das Rote Kreuz, die die Ernährung und die medizinische Versorgung übernehmen. Auch deutsche Städte und Gemeinden wollten helfen, diese gefangenen zu ernähren, was der Ami aber abgelehnt hat. Als dem General Eisenhower gemeldet wurde, das es in den Gefangenenlagern schon über 1 Millionen Tote gegeben habe, fragte dieser lakonisch: "Na, und warum nicht mehr?" Man Beklagt immer, das es bei den Russen viel schlimmer war, das ist aber nur die halbe Wahrheit. ganz im gegensatz zu den Amis, hatten die Russen selbst nicht mehr an Verpflegung und mussten diese faktisch mit den Gefangenen teilen
E lembrar que os brasileiros também estiveram lá na Itália tomando o monte castelo. Muitos morreram. Dois parentes meus foram e voltaram. Os dois chegaram a alto posto do generalato. Já morrerá. .
For the targeted murdering of six million people of one faith and nationality and then murdering prisoners of war by the hundreds of thousands, hope not. A entire society was to blame for such a belief that women, children, elderly, unarmed men, all could be summarily put to death by ideology alone. Every city had to feel the wrath of the world.
@@chucknapier5108 Could yu express such gently appreciation about what happened in... The list is very ling indeed... Let s say "viet-nam" does it ring a bell in yur brain and memories ? I lose 2 cousins there... Alan and Robert... 3 and 4 years older than me. Very proud of their country usa. Land of my ancestors too. Easy to give lessons 80 years after. By the way who helped Adolf to get the power hum? And don t tell me the myth of tbe "97% of germans who voted for him" pls... There was never such an approbation by german people. Ok?! By the way did yu ever heard of the aborted attempt of a fuckin genetal a butcher named Butler who organised a plot to kill Th Roosevelt? He was inspired and supported by US big bosses. Rockefeller was a nice partisan of nazi system... Disney too... And so many others in usa or GB or France... German people weren t the sole responsible of what happened during 2d WW.
@J-ch. I am sorry you lost two cousins in that war. I have a uncle who returned and still isn't who he was before he was sent, my mom and others told me of his extreme differences in certain situations. He was a linesman, nothing like presenting yourself as a target. People can have a horrible outlook of the world around them. Adolf Hitler a prime example, his ambition to conquer the world, allowing his subordinate officer corps to decide how to try and eliminate a entire religious group from the planet. Or was this his own plan? No one may never know. Vietnam, was our mistake I think. There was obviously not enough foresight or intelligence to see that a truly battle hardened people who weren't giving up without a fight. We sent advisors to build something within a country already overrun and no one could see it. The French lost to those people, so, they took their lessons learned and used them against what little we had over there. Then, we sent a army, too late. We should have stayed out with such a failed Intel failure. We lost too many good people and returned home hearts and minds seriously harmed, such as my uncle. Korea, pretty sad. Great, a peace was won through several decades of a ceasefire between the North and South. In my time there, peaceful times of course. But, our political leaders decided at one point a tree was in the way of observing a building in the North across the DMZ. A series of pictures hang inside a large glass frame. It depicts a truck load of U.S. soldiers sent across the DMZ, across a bridge, having nothing more than axes and shovels. So, the pictures depict the soldiers dismounting the truck to be met by North Korean soldiers carrying nothing more, than axes and shovels. American soldiers desperately ran for their lives picture by picture as each was butchered. All for a stupid tree which still remains, grown much larger by now of course. The ideology supporting those North Korean soldiers remains fully intact today. Now, China is showing off its new found muscle, the North Korean soldiers are a taste of what is out there. Let's hope the world never has to see such a mess. But, I'm pretty confident our soldiers will be able to be prepared to meet such a ordeal.
@@chucknapier5108 I agree with yur post. Tks for yur witness. My dad was CEO of all US army basis in east of france till 1962. He was engaged in 2d WW and met His uncle in Bastogne. Was born in germany and refugee in france in 39 with my gd parents. Then he participated to end of war in berlin 45. Then as he knew perfect german... American and french he spent 2 years in innsbruck tirol. His family (originately settled in virginia near richmond since 1637) as many irish families gave lot of US soldiers. Some were high graduated (general Mc Cluskey and Mc Auliffe). My youngest bro just retired from Us Army... (Ex Seal living both in Texas and Virginia). He made lot of missions in central america then some in south Am. Africa... Mid east and finish in last Iraki war. I heard about wars my life long even if I hate that. Never spent any journey in america. My bros often invited me but I have no real link with this country. Just my ancestors ' country. I worked in a diplomatic mission here (with a guy a vice consul named David Ostroff who was the chief of US delegation during the signature of end of first conflict with Saddam Hussein) and I worked... recently, for US and Brits or German funds of pension (was a gech and financial real estate expert in Paris). I would like we ll stand in peaceful world next future but am doubtful. I gonna renove my property in normandy not far from where they landed on omaha and utah beaches the 82d and tbe 101 AB my dad was member too (but after the war) ... But i will remove myself in a lonely place with prairies river grass and flowers... Lot of buildings I ll have to renove and "embeauty" them. Lot of job to finish gently my life with this enterprise. Far from this agitated and mad world. Then i will give the keys to my son in order he will be be able to protect his family in case of a big "economico-climatic" clash next future. I will begin again my handy skills as a cabinet maker and restorator of nice old french furnitures (very expensive) and some other manual activities or crafts I practiced before.( Plus building bio climatic architectures) ... "Last call" in a way before i ll quit this world. Enjoying simple life... Beauty... Looking at sun every morning and listening rain flowing on the house. Reading and listening music facing wood burning in my stove or chemney. What else? We should all purchase this dream. I hope yu can do same. [By the way I saw yur name is so "frenchy" probably comin from south usa...and as far as i know a protestant one from south west france region. Funny how people move all over the planet to get better conditions of life. Have a nice day Chuck. Bye !]
Waren das, zwei getarnte ss Scherginnen, von einem ehemaligen Konzentrationslager ??? Oder wirkliche Rotkreuzschwestern ??? Falls es Schwestern waren, so bitte ich um Vergebung 🙏. Denn diese , erleben in all den Kriegen , auch in der Vergangenheit , viel Leid und Schrecken 👹💀💀💀👎!!!
Min. 0.45
In the same uniform, my grandmother came to my hometown on April 7th, 1945 at the age of 20 by chance and the chaos of war. She was a "Flakwaffenhelferin" and didn't know where to go. She couldn't go back to Breslau. 5 days later the American came. In September my grandfather came back from being a prisoner of war, they got to know each other and fell in love. 39 years later I emerged from it. My granny will be 98 in March 😘 She is the best granny in the world for me!
Hébin, sacré parcours.
Et avec un peu de retard bonne anniversaire à mamie.
God bless her and your family
Bon, écoutez nos "amis" allemand, ça commence à devenir pénible , vous estimez qu'au bout de 80 ans vous pouvez vous faire passer pour des victimes. Seulement, il y a des peuples européens qui ne sont pas de votre avis, ils n'ont pas oublié que l'allemagne à tué 40 MILLIONS d'européens entre 1939 et 1945.
Et voilà !
I live in Marburg Biedenkopf my grandfather told me about the day the Americans came through his town he told me he watched the tanks and military vehicles drive by his house he said he felt relieved and scared at the same time
Kennt man sich?😂 bin auch aus biedenkopf. Krasse Geschichte von deinem Großvater..
I attended the Uni in Marburg, and my father was one of those men who went through. My German friend's father was also there in 1940 mustering for the invasion of France. Quite a coincidence.
Could you imagine tanks, men with guns, destroyed buildings, no home to go to no food or medicine in your town. No family left or you don't know where they are. Prayers for them.
Germany was a field of full ruins in 45. But their armies did same too often in rest of europe. This was the price they had to pay for the madness of their industrial and financial elites... And not all but too many low class people starving in the streets during 20ties and 30ties who believed in Adolf 's promises of renovation of german independance. It works during a few years even a lot resisted to his false dreams. They inaugured their jails were tortured.. Killed... Or sent to first camps right after 33. My Oma (gran ma)' s family were opponents to nazis and all adults dispeared very soon. His eldest brother was arrested in 33... And got out of Dachau camp in 45. 12 years he spent there. He was tortured and became mad. Dead in 46. 2 other brothers were in stqlingrad and tve youngest disapeared in Karelie finland on russland front in 41. All the adults were killed women and men. In 45 they were only a whole bunch of orphans nobody cared about in this destroyed country. The oldest was only 11 y. o.
Sad period... For sure.
Memories are the best vaccin against such madness.
Yes it was awful.
Now add being Jewish to that.
@@wymple09 it breaks my heart to think what the Jews lived thru.
@@shafur3 it was worse for jews sure .very sad.
The sound of the 16mm camera is a nice touch.
Lebe in Biedenkopf schon mein ganzes Leben. Erkenne keinen einzigen Ort wieder.. krass was passiert ist😢
Those dames are sure lucky they were captured by Americans and not the Soviets. 😢
Es gibt Bücher, die über das Leid berichten.Einige hatten Glück. Die Amerikaner sind keine Unschuldslämmer.
@@Andreas-wm6ut Viele haben auch frauen sexuell misbraucht.
В Советском Союзе на освобождённой от гитлеровцев территории и молиться было зачастую некому, один пепел и смерть кругом.
E voi cosa avete fatto a Berlino a donne e bambini? Violentati e uccisi? Maledetti comunisti. 🇮🇹🖤
Liberated. That's an interesting word.
Это наши, деды, прадеды.
Priwjet, Ja , da
Все ушло.сколь живём столь и воеем.за расу за деньги за идеологию.а конец один.крышка всем...
Anyone know what group this is 1:29? S U on their caps?
POWs from the Soviet Union. Heading home, most ended up dead or in gulags for having failed to fight to the death, and allowing themselves to be captured. Stalin was afraid that the rot of capitalism/democracy might have infected them.
Die Rheinwiesenlager grüssen
Great historic films of a defeated nation as the old saying goes "War is Futile"!
When the horrors of the camps were discovered the attitude of the liberating armies to the german population changed .They realised they were in an alien dehumanised world. Very scary.
There is one story where, after the mayor and his wife were forced to walk through a camp at the edge of their town, to see just what had been going on, they returned home and committed suicide. Reportedly, several times the adults of a town near a concentration camp were forced to walk through the camp by the liberating armies. Probably a seriously decent object lesson.
What exactly could civilians actually do about camps anyway? nothing. Or Jews being hauled away?@@josepherhardt164
Does anyone know why the two names for the towns??
Yes, Marburg is a bigger city then Biedenkopf and many other smaller towns are „attached“ to it.
And even attached to Biedenkopf there are villages called Like Biedenkopf-Eckelshausen.
Hard to explain with broken english I am sorry.
@@gunerkaya2905 you sound perfect Guner.
@@boscodog4358thank you✌🏽
Because they are two different towns. Both used to be county seats but the two counties were merged in the 1970s.
Amazing how pretty her hair is in all this mayhem
@0:50 minutes into the vid
...Muito bela mesmo....😊😊
I rather would say that at 1:56 this is the station of Niederscheld close to Dillenburg, isn't it?
Looks Like it. I made a musicvideo there recently.
those men sent to the internment camp more than likely were sentenced to death for war crimes!!!
Далеко не все. В немецких концлагерях действительно был конвейер смерти. До сих пор у нас внуков советских солдат по спине пробегает не хороший холод при упоминании концлагерей смерти Освенцима, Треблинки, Бухенвальда, а сколько ещё было менее известных но не менее бесчеловечных концлагерей.
Nein keineswegs, sie wurden zeitweise interniert, manche bekamen einen Prozess, es gab sogar sowas wie Schutzhaft, das heißt Haft für Nsdap Funktionäre zum Schutz vor Racheakten, diese wurden dann eingeteilt in minder oder weniger minder eventuell schwerer belastet ecet. Demnach wurden sie später abgehandelt.
Dann kam der kalte Krieg, unddas meiste wurde über den Haufen geworfen, da man gerade viele der sogenannten Belasteten brauchte um diese eventuell irgendwie gegen den neuen Gegner, den früheren verbündeten einsetzen zu können.
Ausserdem wurden alle, besondersdie gut ausgebildeten zum Aufbau des neuen Staates dringen und unverzichtbar gebraucht .
Daran denkt heute in dem allgemeinem Geschimpfe keiner mehr.
Germany had no clue that the victors had broken their enigma code and therefore were able to read their most secret messages. When Dönitz was told in 1980 that their code was broken, he said, I always ad my doubts but after an investigation I was told that it was impossible but I decided to add an additional 3 more wheels to the Kriegsmarine enigma machine.
But finally he said: “IT WAS A BITTER PILL TO SALLOW”
The Germans had broken England's naval codes in 1939 and read their messages for the whole war. It didn't help.
@@mikecain3134 so how then did the Germans did the Germans not when or where the invasion at Normandy would take place even weeks after the landing they still didn’t know that it was the main landing.
Keine 20 km von meinem Dorf entfernt.
Muy triste!!!😭
Война это отвратительно. Но Германия сама виновата, что развязала в 20 веке 2 мировые войны, в которых погибли десятки миллионов людей разных стран.
Very true. They never learn I guess. Hope they don't cause another third world war otherwise it will be the end if Thier country this time around.
Priwjet . Der 1. Weltkrieg, da waren schon viele 'schuld '. Österreich- Ungarn , der Zar auch... Und Stalin ist 2 Wochen nach Hitler auch in Polen einmarschiert. Hoffen wir trotzdem auf Frieden. MIR.
Must’ve been a shock to see the fully mechanized US Army compared to the German army which still used horse drawn logistics.
Вы не правы. Вермахт был неплохо механизирован, только оставил свою технику на полях России.
my father in law fought in US Army from D-Day through to German surrender. He said they were all amazed at how much German army relied on horse-drawn logistics, just as you said.
Horses were an effective form of transport and for hauling heavy equipment; they are all terrain capable, fuel to run them is all around, they are low maintenance & rarely break down, and if needed can be eaten.
@@АлександрНазаров-в7н Mechanized forces never made up more than a third of German units during the war. Most of Germany's supply logistics were heavily horse based from the beginning of the war in 39 to the end of the war in 45.
Faces of the Defeated.
Жостко, но, как-то так.
what american division attacked these towns???
I have noticed marks of the 3rd armored division on the vehicles.
The Spearhead
All of them
@@wymple09 That 's impossible because the entire western German border was simultaneously attacked by three different American armies, Ninth, First and Third US armies.
@@TMG_75CH It was tongue in cheek
dramat ludzkosci przez skutki grzechow
1.40 SU-Soviet Union
Das ist schrecklich zu sehen. Wohne in der Nähe von biedenkopf.. bedrückende Bilder. Warum diese Stadt zerstört wurde? Ich dachte mehr die grossen Städte
das ist schnell gesagt. Der Mensch ist eine Bestie. Eugen Drewermann predigt leeren Hirnen....Mir wird das immer klarer.
@@KoenigFranz ja nur so kann man das erklären
@@jule5234 ich hatte über 60 Jahre an das Gute im Menschen geglaubt und es für selbstverständlich gehalten. Die Menschheit auf dem Weg...Das war eine Illusion.
Ganz schlimm, so was
Mbe pensa a Dresda, tutto bruciato come un:
atomica.... Bombe amerikane, come a Milano🇮🇹😢
Many comments are quite trite and unnecessary.
WAr is brutal. War is terrible.
Да,война-ерунда,а вот последствия:до сих пор разхлёбываем.
Это Война.
Это не Россия, у которой в это время в деревнях крыши соломой покрыты.
И грязь непролазная.
И что ты этим хочешь заказать дятел!?
It’s Germany, film shot my American military.
У нас в это время и домов то не было, одни печные трубы торчали на пепелищах.
" All lies " won and today the world is worst than before.
It seems Hitler was right about alot i was told by a woman who was there who was in stalins camps and hitlers camps this is what she said hitler was a good man he just went to far meaning the crimes against humanity if you were jewish services were cheap if you werent jewish it cost alot more this is what she said i also spoke with polish men i worked with who said the same . So hitler started iy for the right reasons but obvisouly lost it and went crazy . She said stalin was a animal and was on the death march . Kind of makes you wonder are we being told the truth i highly doubt it
You are very false. The world is far much better and peaceful than it was with Nazism. Don't be ridiculous. Nazism was a dangerous cult.
Impressive quality on that footage. Can anyone mame me the music theme used in those videos?
7:40 Haben sich dort die Amerikaner für ihre Kriegsverbrechen, die Zivilbevölkerung zu bombardieren, selbst verurteilt?
Nein, denn die Täter sind jedes mal die, die den Krieg verloren haben. Auf der Richterbank sitzen und unsere Geschichtsbücher diktieren tun die anderen.
@@andantecomodo1767 "No, because the perpetrators are always the ones who lost the war. Sitting on the bench and dictating our history books is what the others do."
Die Frage sollte an dieser Stelle eigentlich lauten: Wer bitte hat mit dem Krieg begonnen? Wer hat ab 5:45 Uhr ganz offiziell damit begonnen Polen, in Schutt und Asche zu bombardieren? Der überwiegende Teil der Toten und Opfer war unter den Zivilisten zu finden. So war es schon immer und LEIDER gehört das zu jedem Krieg dazu. Wollte das dt. Volk nicht den totalen Krieg? Nun, zum Schluss haben sie davon ganz viel bekommen.. Krieg ist nie gerecht.
@@ericasenen2664 Hat hier irgend jemand die Kriegsgreuel der Nazis relativiert?? Es geht darum, dass die Krieggreuel der anderen nicht nur ungesühnt geblieben sind (weil die Täter den Krieg gewonnen haben), sondern auch noch tabuisiert werden, während die Untaten der Nazis noch unseren Urenkeln Tag und Nacht um die Ohren gehauen werden. Und zwar, um diesen, unseren Urenkeln einen potentiellen, unterschwelligen oder tatsächlichen Nachteil zu verschaffen! Einfach, weil sie als Deutsche geboren wurden!
@@andantecomodo1767 Well,according to you ,who else should have been sitting on the judge’s bench and dictating your history books?Freisler andGoebbels were dead,so there goes your jurist and historian.
Надо .!
Женщины недолжны,воевать,!
Männer auch nicht. Dann wäre Frieden. MIR
Everybody hungry.
I wasted over an hour constructing a rather lengthy dissertation explaining the genetic causes of Nazi barbarism from 1871 to the end of the Holocaust. RUclips decided you were not adult enough to face up to the truth of what happened in France in 1871, German West Africa 1906-1908, France and Belgium in the fall of 1914, Armenians in 1915, Nuremberg in 1936 and the Holocaust which actually started not in February 1942 but on the first day of the invasion of Poland, Sept 1, 1939.
Shame on RUclips and shame on Google.
Perhaps a published book would do?
@@chucknapier5108 Which would be read by the author’s family and friends. It indeed telling that RUclips )and other similar platform) do not think that not even 100 years old history is unsuitable for contemporary youth. Young people who otherwise educate themselves by playing computer games loosely based on historical conflicts. Maybe RUclips forgot that all totalitarian systems thrived on manipulation and suppression of history. Or simply within 100 years humanity turned whole circle and thus century will be a replay of previous century?
@pawelpap9 - Yes u-tube does throw a lot at anyone who observed, history is in the context, how it is perceived is on the viewer and many different views can be taken unfortunately. Sadly, even now, events unfold with sometimes similar likeness' as did within Nazi Germany but at least in much smaller scales. Our younger generations appear to hang around the video games and I do feel these take a enormous fact from fiction from history. It would be nice if people could all see these historical notes ad they really were, sometimes a book provides a stimulus that no video could provide, but hopefully video games never overdue the book.
What barbarisim in 1871? Your confused with King Leopold of Belgium who killed 10 million central Africans. Poor little Belgium. Not Democratic like France and England during their Cololnialisim. Huh! To bad Stalin, Beria and NKVD were not hanged for Great Terror, Gulag Archipelago and Stalinist Famine of the Ukraine or signing Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
@@deutschpanzergrenadier7990 He probably refers to Paris Commune. They didn’t teach history in your school?
The Germans were treated better than they deserved. A lot of them have smirks on their faces in the other films. There were very few Japanese prisoners of war compared to Europe.
Die Deutschen wurden besser Behandelt, wie sie es verdient hatten? Wo kommst Du denn her? Hast mal etwas von "der goldenen Meile" bei Remagen gehört? Da starben über 1 Millionen Deutsche gefangene Soldaten, in US-Gefangenen Lager. Kein US Soldat wurde von den deutschen so miess Behandelt.
@@KG-li7kg com certeza e uma guerra infelizmente, mas com os judeus , ciganos, Tchecoslováquia e poloneses matando 9 milhões não tem problema. Acho que o ditador foi muito infeliz e tomar certas atitudes!
@@KG-li7kg 1 Million? Woher sind die Zahlen? Quellen bitte!
@@steffenrosmus9177 Dazu gibt es genug Material, so daß der dümmliche Standard-Text aller Trolle "Quellen bitte" hier gänzlich überflüssig ist.
@@steffenrosmus9177 Nun bekommst Du eben mal Geschichtlichen Nachhilfe-Unterricht: Die Amis haben mit voller Überlegung die gefangenen Deutschen Soldaten, Buchstäblich verrecken lassen. Angeblich hatten die Amis einen "Engpass" in der Versorgung der gefangenenlager. Hier wollte das Rote Kreuz, die die Ernährung und die medizinische Versorgung übernehmen. Auch deutsche Städte und Gemeinden wollten helfen, diese gefangenen zu ernähren, was der Ami aber abgelehnt hat. Als dem General Eisenhower gemeldet wurde, das es in den Gefangenenlagern schon über 1 Millionen Tote gegeben habe, fragte dieser lakonisch: "Na, und warum nicht mehr?"
Man Beklagt immer, das es bei den Russen viel schlimmer war, das ist aber nur die halbe Wahrheit. ganz im gegensatz zu den Amis, hatten die Russen selbst nicht mehr an Verpflegung und mussten diese faktisch mit den Gefangenen teilen
Do que essas mulheres alemãs estão rindo?
E lembrar que os brasileiros também estiveram lá na Itália tomando o monte castelo. Muitos morreram. Dois parentes meus foram e voltaram. Os dois chegaram a alto posto do generalato. Já morrerá. .
Sono crepati? Ora sono all'inferno. 🇮🇹🖤
Moscow капитуляция
Как это американцы мешки у санитарок не отобрали на сувениры...
RESPECT is what I’m thinking! IMO!
Because they were Americans,if you know what I mean..
And they were not raped either by the “Western Allies”
Perhaps because they were nurses.
За них это сделал мясник жуков, отправив домой два эшелона награбленных трофеев.
Ну зачем крохобору понадобился вагон только одних ковров, не знаю.
Дурацкая музыка.
Джек-пот 777 карты сброшены Paris сдает5тесь или продолжение следует
Какую красоту разрушали и не жалко было ?
А людей не жалко миллионы погибшие.
@@Валентина-й8ч3б imagine Germans are asking about the building forgetting the people they gassed for no reason in their stupid camps.
Ruhm 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Is there one freaking city that we didn't bomb to hell? Jesus H. Christ
I sincerely hope there wasn't. I'd be very upset if they missed one.
For the targeted murdering of six million people of one faith and nationality and then murdering prisoners of war by the hundreds of thousands, hope not. A entire society was to blame for such a belief that women, children, elderly, unarmed men, all could be summarily put to death by ideology alone. Every city had to feel the wrath of the world.
Could yu express such gently appreciation about what happened in... The list is very ling indeed... Let s say "viet-nam" does it ring a bell in yur brain and memories ? I lose 2 cousins there... Alan and Robert... 3 and 4 years older than me. Very proud of their country usa. Land of my ancestors too.
Easy to give lessons 80 years after.
By the way who helped Adolf to get the power hum? And don t tell me the myth of tbe "97% of germans who voted for him" pls... There was never such an approbation by german people. Ok?!
By the way did yu ever heard of the aborted attempt of a fuckin genetal a butcher named Butler who organised a plot to kill Th Roosevelt? He was inspired and supported by US big bosses. Rockefeller was a nice partisan of nazi system... Disney too... And so many others in usa or GB or France...
German people weren t the sole responsible of what happened during 2d WW.
@J-ch. I am sorry you lost two cousins in that war. I have a uncle who returned and still isn't who he was before he was sent, my mom and others told me of his extreme differences in certain situations. He was a linesman, nothing like presenting yourself as a target. People can have a horrible outlook of the world around them. Adolf Hitler a prime example, his ambition to conquer the world, allowing his subordinate officer corps to decide how to try and eliminate a entire religious group from the planet. Or was this his own plan? No one may never know. Vietnam, was our mistake I think. There was obviously not enough foresight or intelligence to see that a truly battle hardened people who weren't giving up without a fight. We sent advisors to build something within a country already overrun and no one could see it. The French lost to those people, so, they took their lessons learned and used them against what little we had over there. Then, we sent a army, too late. We should have stayed out with such a failed Intel failure. We lost too many good people and returned home hearts and minds seriously harmed, such as my uncle. Korea, pretty sad. Great, a peace was won through several decades of a ceasefire between the North and South. In my time there, peaceful times of course. But, our political leaders decided at one point a tree was in the way of observing a building in the North across the DMZ. A series of pictures hang inside a large glass frame. It depicts a truck load of U.S. soldiers sent across the DMZ, across a bridge, having nothing more than axes and shovels. So, the pictures depict the soldiers dismounting the truck to be met by North Korean soldiers carrying nothing more, than axes and shovels. American soldiers desperately ran for their lives picture by picture as each was butchered. All for a stupid tree which still remains, grown much larger by now of course. The ideology supporting those North Korean soldiers remains fully intact today. Now, China is showing off its new found muscle, the North Korean soldiers are a taste of what is out there. Let's hope the world never has to see such a mess. But, I'm pretty confident our soldiers will be able to be prepared to meet such a ordeal.
I agree with yur post. Tks for yur witness.
My dad was CEO of all US army basis in east of france till 1962. He was engaged in 2d WW and met His uncle in Bastogne. Was born in germany and refugee in france in 39 with my gd parents. Then he participated to end of war in berlin 45. Then as he knew perfect german... American and french he spent 2 years in innsbruck tirol.
His family (originately settled in virginia near richmond since 1637) as many irish families gave lot of US soldiers. Some were high graduated (general Mc Cluskey and Mc Auliffe). My youngest bro just retired from Us Army... (Ex Seal living both in Texas and Virginia). He made lot of missions in central america then some in south Am. Africa... Mid east and finish in last Iraki war.
I heard about wars my life long even if I hate that. Never spent any journey in america. My bros often invited me but I have no real link with this country. Just my ancestors ' country. I worked in a diplomatic mission here (with a guy a vice consul named David Ostroff who was the chief of US delegation during the signature of end of first conflict with Saddam Hussein) and I worked... recently, for US and Brits or German funds of pension (was a gech and financial real estate expert in Paris).
I would like we ll stand in peaceful world next future but am doubtful.
I gonna renove my property in normandy not far from where they landed on omaha and utah beaches the 82d and tbe 101 AB my dad was member too (but after the war) ... But i will remove myself in a lonely place with prairies river grass and flowers... Lot of buildings I ll have to renove and "embeauty" them. Lot of job to finish gently my life with this enterprise. Far from this agitated and mad world. Then i will give the keys to my son in order he will be be able to protect his family in case of a big "economico-climatic" clash next future.
I will begin again my handy skills as a cabinet maker and restorator of nice old french furnitures (very expensive) and some other manual activities or crafts I practiced before.( Plus building bio climatic architectures) ...
"Last call" in a way before i ll quit this world. Enjoying simple life... Beauty... Looking at sun every morning and listening rain flowing on the house. Reading and listening music facing wood burning in my stove or chemney.
What else?
We should all purchase this dream.
I hope yu can do same.
[By the way I saw yur name is so "frenchy" probably comin from south usa...and as far as i know a protestant one from south west france region. Funny how people move all over the planet to get better conditions of life.
Have a nice day Chuck. Bye !]
Waren das, zwei getarnte ss Scherginnen, von einem ehemaligen Konzentrationslager ??? Oder wirkliche Rotkreuzschwestern ??? Falls es Schwestern waren, so bitte ich um Vergebung 🙏. Denn diese , erleben in all den Kriegen , auch in der Vergangenheit , viel Leid und Schrecken 👹💀💀💀👎!!!
Wo im Kreis Mrbg.-Biedk. oder in der Nähe gab es ein KZ ?
Wer vor dem Posten seinen Brägen einschaltet muss nachher nicht um Vergebung bitten.
@@heinzkarlheinz5774 , Nordhessen. 100 km nördlich von Frankfurt/Main. Marburg war u. a. wegen den Behring Werken ein militärisches Ziel
Für die amerik. Jabo-Piloten war jeder Landwirt auf dem Feld ein militärisches Ziel
@@steffenrosmus9177 Aber so etwas von . Ich kenne kein Volk, welches xxxx.
Немцы перед американцами по стойке смирно, хорошо стоят.
Но есть исключение.
Ils ne savaient pas ??? Personne ne savaient ?????
The Americans were to easy on them
They all took their NAZI emblems off. I doubt they were American. They were well fed too.
Немки довольны, что проиграла их страна.
Они довольны, что война кончилась.
А почему нигде нет хроники боёв реальных боёв американцев?
посмотри бомбардировки германских городов и объекты не военной инфраструктуры.
это и есть их реальные бои.