I was a porn addict for more than 15 years. I couldn't quit, I tried very hard. But this year, I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and I no longer watch porn ever agian. Only Christ can change our life
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Hits the nail on the head. I was heavily addicted to porn for over 20 years. Eventually came back to Jesus and quit porn and started to turn my life around. I'm now married and have a kid and could not be happier, I'm no longer a black hole. Praise Jesus Christ.
Porn is harder for others, for example, through medical reasons some wives can't have sex any longer... It's a good thing then, us miserable sinners have a savior and all we need to do is trust, and believe in him, and his blood sacrifice for us. Otherwise we might slip into perpetual guilt, when we give into our flesh, and we most assuredly do... (don't tell me you don't notice other women, bible says that's as good as the real deed!) so it's lucky for us we have the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS. now this message isn't telling people to go out and start sinning it up, rather it's reminding others that we are saved by his GIFT TO US ALONE, nothing we do, will save us, lest any man should boast! So make sure we all remember this lesson hmmm? Store up treasure in heaven, not on Earth, deny yourself, and be rewarded. But your salvation is a GIFT from God.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton He did sweetie. You need to leave theology to the smarter people, and instead find a man, get married and raise Christian children.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton from Adam's rib came Eve... Adam in Hebrew is mankind. Like starfish and worms, mankind was single sex. Like cells divide, mankind became 2 sexes. The Bible is more complex and you need true translation to get it. The Strong's Dictionary helps. Why attack this man and Christianity? Seek with patience, not with indoctrinated judgments.
Lust of women is the hardest to deal with... I used to sleep around with alot of women before I was saved. It's been about a year and I haven't slept with any women at all that in itself is a true knowledge of knowing I have the holy spirit GOD has blessed me. Now I'm just waiting for my godly woman..
Happy for you! I know this is such a hard road. God is incontrol even on your toughest days. That is what carried me trough my journey. I had been with my girlfriend for 9 years living and we have a daughter. After I found Jesus we spent 9 months not having any sexual act or even sleeping together. I can honestly say it was hard but every day, but Jesus was there I felt the holy spirit giding me. After we got married I got baptized and everything changed in my life. No more sexual desiree and no more porno. Now it is just intimacy with my wife and happy living. All glory to God.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@justynak7644 Hello Justyna! For me it has been that all my life all I wanted was to have sex. I held sex as the solution to me and my then girlfriends problems. I put so much weight on it, even if we fighting all I knew was it we were having sex than everything was good. If we weren't than that was a big problem. I used to idolize it. So if my wife wouldn't provide it then I would satisfy my self by masturbation and satisfaction of knowing other woman wanting me and that I knew I looked good. I played that game for a while .. I was brought up by the music I used to listen to to think this way. One of the first things I asked God to do in my life was to help me find music I could listen to without having it to do with getting woman. He provided the good music for me by learning about Lecrea, Andy Mineo and Whatuprg first. I saw a way out, now I can stop idolizing sex and lust trough music that worshiped God and making myself better. So after that I asked God to remove from me the wanting of have sex all the time and he did. Once me and my wife got married I knew that sex was not needed in my realationship for us to succed God was in control all along. Now we actually have a what I feel is a healthy mental, spiritual and intimate relationship driven by God completely. I will not lie to you I have been weak sometimes but God is always there to remind me that I am.strong with him and I have nothing to fear. God is sooo good. Sorry for this msg being so long and trust I vould have made it longer but that is a broef summary of what God has done in my intimacy.
This came up as recommended at night when I couldn’t sleep & was thinking about everything this video is talking about. Blessed. Gotta start making some changes in my life. Always knew this moment would come, but didn’t knew when. Well it’s today! 28/12/2020
Now comes the hard part. I love you my brother. You can do this through Jesus Christ. Find a group of men who are willing to be real about this so you and other men can grow to be like Christ and live our lives like the first two pages of the Bible.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
I'm pure for almost two months and I have never felt better, healthier and just peaceful. I stopped watching porn, smoking and drinking and I really fell like my body temple is remaking itself in the way it was supposed to be! Thanks to Jesus ❣💘💘
@@barryisland5942 Because it is destructive of self in the deepest levels of the heart & how it objectifies (rather than honors) another person. If your post, Barry, is sincerely seeking an answer (I'm going to assume it is and not simply to poke fun at the former's post), here's one illustration to ponder: If you are a parent (maybe you are) & your child is on the screen being viewed by others, how do you have peace with the abuse occurring to your child through the endless objectification (coming from anyone partaking in the debauchery, the debauchery being inflicted on your child)? Can you accept and be at peace with this (hypothetically, let's say we're talking about your 17 year old daughter, and no offense, I have two daughters in their 20's)? My hope & prayer is that we all would ponder our own character (all of us) with such examples & seek to lead our lives in Jesus's model.
@@barryisland5942 Help me understand then from your point of view where the standard that determined that child pornography (or pornography in general) to be despicable and wrong originated from? With "deepest level of the heart", is there a different reason why then, as another example, why a woman who is raped takes years (if ever) for recovery. Is it not that sex is so sacred, so personal, that the abuse of it is incredibly, foundationally devastating? Yet when our sexual behavior honors God within the covenant union of a man and a woman, it is appropriately sacred, beautiful, and fulfilling as was designed.
No one is suggesting that anyone will choose to agree with the above biblical standards. If a person claims to be a Christian though, the Bible is the standard they should do their best to follow. Unfortunately, in a fallen world, sin will happen, we all will fail. It's why we need a Savior. Jesus loves us all, gives us the model, and the choice to accept him or not.. Again, a person can choose to disagree with all of this, many do. Anyone commenting within the video or notvmust have some kind of interest of the content. The Gospel of John is always recommended as a good place to start for further study if a person chooses to do so. I appreciate your comments Barry, as they too help me learn better ways to respond.
@@barryisland5942 Barry, Well, here's what I've discovered most. Social media is helpful in some ways and in some ways not. Easy to misinterpret. This and the many unknowns of digital formats is probably why I've avoided them for the most part (never had a Facebook account either). Unless people are willing to take the time to personally get to know someone (not virtually) beforehand, more often than not, ideas, opinions, explanations potentially may simply continue back and forth endlessly. Wars of disagreement may only escalate. This wasn't my intent and yet honest discussion quickly can begin (and quickly end for that matter) with the misjudgment of another. Which it seems like I have done from the start. For that, my apologies. Although there still is disagreement with certain beliefs (I was planning to answer your questions), the greater importance is the respect first to you as a person (possibly not the experience you've had from sone from what you have described? And that's not the character of a person I want to be). So again, thanks. I appreciate your replies/questions and best wishes to you. John
I am from Perú, I am a translator and I wish I could do the Spanish subtitles for these sermons! So many people would benefit from these messages explained so thoroughly, especially with so much machismo, sexual abuse and murders due to sexual sin going on in Spanish speaking countries. We need a message of hope of Jesus and many times we do not have scholars yet who can explain all the delicate y profound layers exposed in these sermons.
So well-explained! But objectification takes many forms, not just sexual. Old Disney stories tell girls that other people (men, Prince Charming, Knight in Shining Armor) are The Solution, when only God is. New Disney stories tell us that *I* am The Solution. School tells us good grades & academics are The Solution. Work tells us accomplishments are The Solution. Ads tell us Product or Service X is The solution. Only relationship with God is The Solution.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton If you would like to know the solution, then I highly encourage you to watch Truthunedited for much better understanding/explanation. God bless you 🙏🏾📖🙏.
Susan, to objectify means to degrade to the status of an object. It is usually sexual. What you are describing here may be forms of idolatry which is putting other things in the place of God.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton Just because you're not religious, that doesn't mean no one else should be allowed to be. Your obsession with your own preferences and desire to infringe on the rights of others is a good reason to seek counseling.
I'm really tired of comments like this permeating our modern society. The writers of the original Disney movies have a MUCH more sophisticated grasp of gender roles and the human condition then you have any idea about. Throw away their historic messages with extreme caution.
Carol Ann Pinkerton: Oh my ..... Why are u even here. If this is the MOST ridiculous video you've ever seen why did u click on it. You aren't even bringing arguments to prove that God doesn't exist. You are just saying that he doesnt exist which proves nothing. At least take the time and write ,I mean steal, an actual argument from some random atheist astronaut that "proves" God's inexistence. And I want to say that Christians have nothing against sex. We believe that sex is a gift from God. And this gift is heavenly. It is the ultimate way of saying "I love You". But this gift given by God was meant to be for married couples ONLY. People started to forget about the only rule that came with this heavenly gift. This people have sex to pleasure themselves, not their partner. You Carol are one of them. You seem like a grown up woman from the outside but inside ur still a child that tries to please herself with anything possible. And keep in mind that when Im writeing this Im only 16 of age and i never experienced sex and dont even want to. I dont need sexual experience in order to satisfy my future partner. And also , if You don't want religion in your life that doesnt mean that other people don't want either. Good luck taking that from a 16 years old. LOL.
He's dope and I really like him. But if we're not taking ourselves to serious, he talks like there's a snowflake on his tongue and he doesn't want it to melt. 😂 great preacher though
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
I grew up in Churches that convinced me I was going to "go to hell" if I had sex (before I got married). So I didn't. But I was never told how beautiful it was meant to be inside marriage and for the first couple years of my marriage, my patient husband paid the price for that void. Thank you and thank God for this. Truly. I wish every young person could hear this and understand that Jesus wasn't limiting us, he was teaching us the best way.
Just like that fire, a smartphone can be used for good and/or evil. I watched you today on my phone... and I was blessed. Wonderful sermon. Thank you. I would have loved to hear your prayer at the end.
I pray for all of that struggle in lust that we give over our pain to him. I believe we dive into sin because of unresolved pain we don’t give over to Jesus. It may be insecurity, it may be a lack of trust in God, or it may be that we have desensitized ourselves to the point where we don’t even view people as human. The enemy would love to keep us here, but a beautiful thing to remember is that Jesus can reveal things you didn’t know were there, and nothing we go through cannot be overcome by the cross of Christ Jesus! I ask that Jesus would reveal the heart issue inside of all of us, and that we cast all of our issues and sin on Jesus because of his priceless payment on the cross.
No its pain caused by our actions that we don't take responsibility for. Stop giving all your problems to Jesus. You fucked up and need to find a solution to your problems. You will forever be blindly stuck in a cycle of pain and psuedo-relief until you do.
A brilliantly handled teaching on sexual desire, I found this deeply moving, inspirational and informative. Tim is so eloquent and personable delivering Jesus's words and dragging this huge elephant in the room into sharp focus. Praise God Almighty in Jesus name.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Tim this is the most brilliant message I gave heard on the subject that communicates to our modern day society the very real issues and root problems thereof of lust and healing thereof for healthy relationships. God bless you you and your lovely family. Please don't get discouraged when you see our current societal status. Our Lord Jesus is greater than this!!! As his servant. When you might think you are not making any progress for his kingdom.........trust me, you are!!!!!!!!!For a young man who still has so many years of enduring and perseverance to go, please don't give up! Stop and rest a little and then continue moving forward toward the goal in which Christ Jesus has called us heavenward🌈🌈🌈✝️✝️. Take it from an old lady who has been listening to pastors for many years; you have addressed this issue better than any pastor I've heard!!!! Many blessings my brother!!!!!!
I have NEVER heard this before. Women in the Kingdom of God are to be protected. I have heard too many men teach on this scripture. Not one of them however, broke it down like Tim.
As a Messianic Follower of Yeshua, I would say this is one of the best teachings I have heard on this passage that so many people misunderstand. Well done. Thank you Tim
@@maliamoore3955 I lapsed in spirit and in truth turns out he made me different. I live a life where I've both moon and (saw the sun red and the clouds turned to art) plus a lot has been revealed as it is from that time to this ....I'm starting to think I'm or however this life was given its jus extraordinary ....I've seen so much miracles its jus that smoking that messes with my guilt I'm on top of it though with God
Remember God is always with you. You guys can make it through as long as you look to God because he will give you strength and he will take away the bad desires. Remember you can't have a testimony, to help someone else, unless you have a test. God bless.
This world has been deceived with this “jesus”, allow me to explain YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and HERE IS THE PROOF From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Musa (Moses) wrote in Exodus 3 (Shemot), IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad "Hand" He "Breath" Vav "NAIL"
@@Praise___YaHD.M *Blaspheming God?* *and tell me howYahh* *Came to be alive on* *If Jesus/Yeshua* */Salvation is His* *name on earth where* *did Yahh come from* *if Not being born of* *the Holy Spirit of a* *virgin and many* *other prophecies of* *the Tanakh/Old* *Testament* *Jesus said* *(John14:1)* *(John**17:21**)* *Not Blasphemy but* *Truth is it Jesus is* *One GOD/YHVH and* *Created**All things* *in the Beginning*
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
1JOHN5:12 I think it’s ironic you’d comment something like this when the whole message is build from Matthew 5:27. You should look up a paragraph at Matthew 5:22. “But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.” Matthew 5:22 ESV Good for you, Kelly.
I need prayer 🙏, I let go of my pride. I don't want to be that black whole anymore Jesus, thank you for changing my Heart posture and Giving me strength to fight.
I strongly agree with you. It was so well understood and explained by Tim. As someone who struggles with this issue, this teaching has been very nourishing.
I have struggled with sexual sin for a long time. I have only recently gotten a grasp of it by submitting to the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It’s still a battle but the Holy Spirit is leading me to victory. But after watching this, i feel so much different. I feel strengthened and passionate about the purity of my life. This was such a beautiful sermon
How grateful I am to have listened to this particular message! My prayer is for God to be honored in the lives of those who name the name of Jesus. So thankful He has made the way… I pray for all those struggling, especially in this area of life. It breaks my heart to know that something God intended for good has been so distorted in our culture. Thank you so much for teaching that is super important and clear!
when i decided to turn away from porn, the hardest part i struggled to cross was permanently deleting my 'prized and treasured' collection. Previously i had them stored somewhere on my hard drive incase i stumbled. But this time i knew i had to completely erase and turn away from it if i was to succeed in my fight to come back to the fold of Christ. I'm glad God gave me the strength to turn away from my addictive sin and seek a righteous path. I have not looked back since.
@@FlipTheScript93 Thats great. Stay strong, bro. Its been about 6 weeks since i walked away from porn and masturbation and still feeling great and closer to God. I've had to stay constant in prayer and also fasting every few weeks which has helped immensely. i dont miss that sinful life even one bit. I pray he blesses and protects you in your journey.
@@truthseeker9440 i am still going strong by the grace of God. Not once have i felt the urge to look at porn or masturbate. my mindset is that they don't exist in my life. Period. and i also still stay away from viewing sexual imagery in social media.
I've never heard this verse with an analysis of staring which women do experience ALL THE TIME and it totally impacts how free and safe we feel in the world. It determines where we can and want to go and dodge and take extra roads around groups of men, but of course if we say 'please stop staring at me, it's very rude' or even try to say it in an even more discreet and respectful way, you will almost always be reacted to with aggression and hostility. Thank you so much, Tim.
Early in this sermon Mr Mackie nails it when he says it all starts with getting to know Jesus because once that happens and He abided in you then and only then do the fruits of the Spirit begin to grow....like the mustard seed, and the problems created from the previously evil heart begin to go away. They have to because now you have a new heart that is NOT evil.....praise be to God!
@Carol Ann Pinkerton Research ,, don't take anyone's word for who He was or what He did, look for yourself. That's how Him abiding in me now, began...it's amazing and supernatural - you won't regret it!
@Carol Ann Pinkerton you may be right about that, but I don't know so I can cannot testify to that. What I can testify to because I know it IS true is what has happened to me. I was an atheist and then a curiosity grew within me about who this Jesus guy was and I started researching. Somewhere in that digging He changed my heart and a love that i never knew existed filled me, transforming me into truly a new creation. I was once an inward looking professional athlete's and now I'm a caregiver in a nursing facility. This I KNOW to be true....all the rest of this world and what it has to offer is up for debate, which I'm not interested in doing any longer. Maybe a curiosity is growing in you? Otherwise why would you be asking me q.s? I hope so because as I said b4, it's nothing short of supernatural and you WON'T regret the change that He can do for you. And so I pray that you continue your quest for the truth...in Jesus name amen.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton And well it should. To have meaning in what would have been an objectively meaningless, hopeless, and miserable world is a burden off the back. But at the same time its a sobering thought, because what we do now matters. While there are many good philosophical, historical, and scientific arguments t o infer Gods existence, nothing can truly replace experience. Even if the arguments leave you undecided, I cant understand why a person would choose an objectively hopeless worldview if the alternative is just as likely to be true
@@Tommy-es4hp I love your story. God bless you and your beautiful new heart😊 And yes - supernatural is right! I'm blown away every day by the supernatural way in which He showed up in my room, rescued, healed (I literally felt His hands on my head), and baptized me with Ruach HaKodesh. Previously I was being attacked by demons (which I use to not believe in - unbearably terrifying), and physically dying from physical manefestations from horrific psychological abuse from a Narcissist. I told Him that I could not live like this anymore, and that I felt I would be more help to humanity on the other side. He said "Yes, you would, but you still have a purpose here, then proceeded to work miracles on me. I did not believe in Yeshua HaMashiach as Savior of the World up until that day, 9 months ago. He eminated a supernatural Love so powerful beyond explaination, and told me who He is - The Son of God, THE one and only Truth (I used to be furious when people said that), that He truly did die for us on the cross and resurrected (which I used to think sounded totally insane), and HE IS ALIVE. NO ONE and no thing could have convinced me of any of that for forty years. I broke down in contrition, so humbled, cried like I never have, and kept repeating "I am so sorry for mocking you, and forgive me for my ignorance." When He gave me the vision of Him being crucified, I kept saying "You did that for us?! You did that for us?!" Crying so loud, with my hand over my mouth in awe. It took me 5 months to be able to emotionally handle seeing any image of Him on the cross, and now everyday I look at it, cry, contemplate, and meditate on it. I am so in love with our sweet Shepard. He never once shamed me. He said "This is what I mean by sin - you gave those wicked men your whole heart, and see how much I love you?" He also said "This is not about religion - it's about having a personal relationship with Me." There is so much more to what He did and said that day, so I am praying and waiting to hear if it is His will that I serve Him by writing a book about it. I'm still kind of in shock. Btw, I've never written this in any comment section, but for some reason Ruach-HaKodesh moved me. Wow guys. We are IN CHRIST! What a trip. If anyone reads this, God bless you, and I love you. - Lisa (Hebrew meaning Concecrated to God. Go figure😃)
I can tell Tim wrestles with the Bible and its meanings. Im so amazed in the way The Holy Spirit gives us the seed of perseverance to wait and struggle with the Bibles hidden meanings or even the revealed easily received meanings that we really just don't want to obey.
Hiram Serna it’s for everyone. There’s a difference between healthy attraction in youth dating and lust. Anyone can commit the sin of lust which is lusting over women, married and unmarried, old men and the young men and including the youth.
@@varany95 what I'm saying is, sex before marriage is sin and that wasn't stated. So I'm unsure if he is some new age Christian where "sex is good but only if you do in good grounds, no matter your age"
@@varany95 verses cited are about 'adultery' -right? You can only admit adultery if you're married. The aspect of degrading someone else with their thoughts & later deeds applies to anybody: even to the billionaire who gets a thrill out of cutting folks' healthcare and then mocking them over their poverty. The principle of getting off about exerting physical power over another being and not seeing them as equal. No, Jesus is not a dildo or orgasm machine- no matter how many songs we sing.
This is profound. We must recognize how when we give into these types of temptations, we are just feeding our own selfish egos and distancing ourselves from the light. No one benefits and everyone loses.
I realise I’ve never asked myself why God didn’t want us to look lustfully at others. I don’t know why I didn’t look deeper. Thankyou for explaining that it’s to keep natural law so that humans and their relationships can thrive, makes sense.
My whole life I've thought following the teachings of Jesus and obeying God would be unexciting, boring, repressive... But how wrong I was and I learned the hard way through experience; so much pain, so many wasted years of broken hearts, mine and theirs, essentially living in hell. And deep down I've always known I was going wrong, and took me so long to finally accept that, be conscious of it. And then I decided to pay attention to Jesus, because the only people in my life that never made me feel pain where Christians and I knew this for a long time but still felt that it would be boring. But I started paying attention to Jesus and go to church and commit myself to it and like a flood the word made all my deep instincts totally obvious and explicit and undoubtable. And then I began learning even more and more that blew my mind and opened my heart, that again I couldn't deny to be true, and I truely feel saved
Cart before the horse... so true!! We judge others based off of our teachings from Christ even though 1) we have no right to judge others, only God does (because he’s perfect) and 2) when we share these teachings with people who don’t know Christ and his teachings and his heart and his intentions and his love; then all they hear is a heavy load, a cart. But if we first show the horse aka who Jesus is and what he’s about, then they’ll be able to hear and receive the life giving truth that Christ is trying to give us here. Let’s leave the Truth up to Christ and love our neighbors with Grace and Compassion. Beautifully done Tim, Thank you so very much for picking apart such a heavy issue within our humanity.
The struggle to quench the fire of sexual desire has plaqued me since I was 13. Since giving my life to Christ I have tried to the best of my knowledge to reframe, but God. 34 years of frustration and today I feel great because I got understanding of how to move forward out of this black hole.
So puberty? When its perfectly normal and natural to have intense sexual desires? It really sucks something so loving as Christianity has caused people to misunderstand their own bodys so much that they become ashamed and over taken by our natural God given processes.
Yes! It is not women’s job to dress “modestly” for men, they are responsible for their own desire. I love how Tim Mackie made it clear that by sexualizing someone else you are making the statement that they are there for your pleasure.
@ Simply Valour. It is a Christian woman's "job" as you put it, to dress modestly. She may not be responsible for my thoughts or actions, but as Christians we are told that we should not entice others to stumble. Paul gave us an excellent example of this truth in 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 8:13 (NASB) Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble.
You're trying to measure the teachings of Jesus against the world's teaching of feminism when you should be measuring feminism against Jesus' teachings.
@@noelcox1726 Stumble was used in the context of Jewish food laws. Jesus has always made it clear that if your “right hand causes you to sin” or your eye, cut it off/dig it out. It’s metaphorical, and if your heart covets these verses make it clear its on you. Not women.
Amazing amazing I love listening to these messages. The reason we see Jesus so so so stern about sexual desire and the misdirection of it is because he knew it would be the most difficult issue we deal with as human, the one most able to destroy us! Like a good father he warns us against this, as stubborn children we question and question it! But our Father is always firm and his guidance is pure! Thank you Jesus for guiding us with your amazing Grace as we sin and fall short you continue to guide and remind us of your truths when we seek them!
WOW! What powerful insight of this verses. The fire analogy is so very very appropriate. And making a safe environment for women is so awesomely powerful. As a woman who have been in a violent relationship, it is so very very important to feel safe and love and needed in a relationship. Thank you Lord Jesus for this faithful servant of yours, Pastor Mackie.
Literally, God's Words whispering out in this video, changing/renewing my mind over and over again. It's tough to walk on the Narrow road but worth it. To whoever is suffering as a man with Lust (me included), remember Jesus is the Answer and let's protect women (God's daughters). Lord prune and purify our minds and hearts for your Will.
I really like the way you bring the topic of conversation about, I’ve been born into a Christian family, but I’m I’ve reached a age where I have questioned and still am questioning , yet I choose to worship the great I AM WHO I AM 🙏, that in itself says enough, and through your teachings I’m finding my way to live my life in accordance with the almighty 🙏
We Need more Mackie Archives ! His insight into the TaNaK and way of bringing The Word to the lay people give so much light on the world of Christianity. There’s a lot against our beliefs, I think Tim’s voice can show the world what faith in humility yet great knowledge brings to a people. Love and wisdom, truth with great discernment. Tim is real, his understanding of the Bible is true and calls forth for a look at one’s self, what Yahweh has been pointing at all this time, what’s in your heart.
This! I was so blessed by this! My journey of healing has revealed the objectification of self, others & sex. & being a sex addict that was was playing "church" but never wanted to give up sex or seduction until this year. The pain of all these broken relationships & feeling empty afterwards was so heavy! I repented & declared that i wanted to align my desires with the truth from the word of God. So I've chosen to walk in purity! Seriously thank you for this and the Bible Project! This was so freeing! The Love of God is what i seek to truly truly KNOW! You blessed my socks off!
Praise be to God. Thank you Father for your guidance to protect the hearts of women and men from piercing ourselves. God's people perish for this lack of knowledge.
The passion with which you spoke and displayed really moved something my heart to repent and to desire true love, which is not lust.........it is Jesus love.
I really appreciate how you put the main focus not on us directly, but on our roles as image bearers and ambassadors for the gospel in light of who Jesus is. I think it really made me assess and seek the Lord in how I interact with my thoughts and actions in regards to lust. I found it so eye opening that you mentioned how the passage is primarily addressing men (although women were present too). It made me think and realize something: although both men and women are guilty of the same issues here, in that time period, who would create that "kingdom of heaven" in that current period and time frame and lead by example, and show other nations what it means to love each other and restore humanity to others? Men - because they had the power to change that perception and culture at the time. I know you basically said that, but I just wanted to note that I appreciated it. You always make me consider Jesus in new ways, and force me to go back to my bible and really tease out what I am reading. Thanks for your teaching, and thanks for making me focus on Jesus more and more. :)
I watched another video that really emphasized what it means to be an ambassador for Christ and was blown away. It was done by the AoC Network on youtube but it's basically (poorly worded) that we are here to represent His Kingdom. This world is not our world, we are only citizens of it until we return to our true home; country; Kingdom. And until that day comes, we must represent our Kingdom with honor and love so that those who see us in the holy spirit are interested in our home; country; Kingdom. Again, he goes way deeper and says it way better than I but it truly made me think and gain a new perspective on how to represent and be an ambassador for Christ.
Such clear and provoking teaching:thanks Tim! Society makes Jesus out to be the 'abnormal' ' social being whereas the lies of sin bind and blind us to the point where we suffocate and are swamped in error . Jesus is only interested in His precious people and is consumed with righteous anger against those who violate innocent and vulnerable people: in whatever shape or form. For young people especially to walk freely in moral safety and trust is a daily challenge in our modern world . The spiritual 'armour of God' and the protection of the Holy Spirit is essential for any person to experience true personal freedom - from their own sin and the sin of others 🙏🌻
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Wow. That is the most refreshing speak I have ever heard and so clear and understandable. Thank you so much for your insight honesty and love to share in humility.
I don't understand how almost every person I see on here says the same thing. "Have been porn free" or "lust free" since they were saved. I'm having trouble believing that. I am a true born again believer and I am battling for my life consistently to resist those temptations. I felt the stronghold break when I was saved and I immediately felt different and repentant about it with no desire to do it anymore, but I still get attacked and fall to it (especially in my sleep when I'm on a good run of resisting it) Its just on a less frequent basis and the desire to not do it anymore is what is different now. So whatever it is that is different for some of you I would sure love to know. I need help.
I've gone through exactly what you're describing. I began to pay very close attention to the things I would allow myself to feel, think, say, see, and hear. Temptation will always come - we have an enemy after all. I chose to cut off everything that included anything that was even slightly inappropriate. I also kept very close with God. However, I got too cocky, because I had gone so long and it felt so easy, and began to allow certain thoughts to stew instead of putting it out of my mind like my life depends on it If I got lazy and didn't pray or read the bible or spend time seeking God, I could feel myself become more vulnerable to temptation. It made me understand why the path to salvation is so narrow. Why so many won't make it. RyFidelity, you must treat this more seriously than you think you should. Flirting with any inappropriate thoughts, listening to music that doesn't glorify God, watching anything you have no business allowing your eyes see, even hanging around with certain people. Its war. Treat it as such. Put on the full armor of God and go at it hard. Be like a child clinging to its father. I pray this blesses you somehow, and I pray He reveals to you where the problem lies. God Bless you.
I was in your EXACT same boat. Right when I got saved I had no desire what so ever to sin, but that was for only a short while. I fell back into my sexual desires and for 2 years I was utterly depressed, genuinely believing God had left me. But over this passed year God finally revealed something to me. Your works and good deeds DO NOT save you or make you more lovable in the eyes of God. Jesus does that. Jesus is all you need. Stop using your own strength resisting the sin, because you cannot do it. Just run to Christ everyday like he is your Dad eagerly waiting to forgive you. He loves you sooooooooo much. If He came back to find me in the wilderness, he will do so (if not more) for you. :)
@@seeker4569 I fail to understand how ˝having trouble with sin˝ has to do with a path of Salvation. Once saved always saved, salvation is obtained once for a human and never lost.
@@Navii-05 and @Nuldra I don't believe in "once saved, always saved" based salvation. I believe people greatly misunderstand the difference between casually sinning with disregard to the Holy Spirit's conviction, and a sin caused by failure to resist, human error, basically failing because we are not perfect and in the flesh. However, the distinct difference is submitting to the Holy Spirit's conviction for committing that sin, and pray for mercy and forgiveness. You won't lose your salvation for being a weak human in that instance, but you can certainly try to correct the areas in your life that may be encouraging sin. Then of course the rest is going to the Lord and praying for help and guidance. While our works cannot save us, I do believe with persistent abandon and disregard of the pursuit of living Holy lives as best we can through Christ, our "works" can disqualify us from inheriting eternal salvation. When Jesus healed/saved a sinner, he told them to go and SIN NO MORE. That is an instruction of taking action against something, in this case the action of sinning. I feel the bible is clear in regards to losing ones salvation. "The Bible warns Christians that they can "fall from grace" (Gal. 5:1-5), be "cut off" from salvation (Rom. 11:18-22), have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 22:19), by committing certain sins and not repenting of them (cf. Eph. 5: 3-5; 1Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19, Rev. 21:6-8)." One last thing is, I believe God is very simple and clear when it comes to the message of salvation and sin. There are no hidden riddles that only a clever mind who studies for days and years can unravel when it comes to these two matters. God bless you and your family. Please stay safe.
@@seeker4569 "our "works" can disqualify us from inheriting eternal Salvation." I understand that you misunderstand this. We never were qualified to inherit eternal Salvation. It is a free GIFT from God. "When Jesus healed/saved a sinner, he told them to go and SIN NO MORE. What does this have to do with losing Salvation? It is absolutely True that we should strive to sin as less as possible and every True Christian naturally IS like that. It seems that you greatly misunderstand Salvation and the aftermath. After a person is saved they get a New heart that naturally doesn't want to sin. On the Cross, Jesus took the punishment for ALL past, future and present sins of ALL existing, past or future people. Please, read this: Question: Do you think you are a good person? If so, have you ever stolen anything, lied, looked lustfully, or used God’s name in vain? (Oh God, Jesus Christ, etc.) If you have done this, you have violated God’s moral law, you are a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart. So, if God gave you justice right away, would you be innocent or guilty? Obviously guilty. Heaven or hell? Obviously hell because you are a criminal in God’s eyes. Don’t try asking for forgiveness, what if you tried that in court: "Judge, I raped a woman and killed her, but I’m so sorry and I won’t do it again"?You would still go to jail because you shouldn’t do it again and you should be sorry. So is there any hope? Yes, there is! Out of love and mercy, God became a human being, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life and finally died on the cross to bear the punishment we deserve, we deserve to be punished because we have sinned. The reason why blood must be spilled for remission of sins is because the life of the flesh is in the blood, in the Old Testament Jews sacrificed animals for sins but the sacrifice of animals was enough for remission of some sins, not all. It wasn't infinite, unlike Jesus's. Jesus is the Lamb of God, the ultimate sacrifice for sins which is enough for all sins that have been done, are done and will be done. The Old Testament sacrifice of animals, the spilled blood of those animals could cleanse people from some sins but not ALL, unlike Jesus's. He was buried and rose again. His resurrection proved that His death was enough to pay our penalty, the penalty for our sins. When someone pays your fine, the judge can leave you, dismiss your case, it’s the same with God. Jesus paid our penalty and in order to accept the free gift of salvation from God, we must trust in Jesus's spilled Blood, His finished work on the Cross for our Salvation. And then your sins will be forgiven because of what Christ did, you will be saved!
Remember this. After struggling for years I learned this to be true regarding this topic and of course the bible tells us. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. -Galatians 5:16 If you wrestle the flesh in the flesh you will only be tired and worn out and will give into temptation.
Really appreciate the effort he puts into his talk. Worth noting in making the kingdom safe for women it is within the context of the day that Jesus was speaking in.
Tim Mackie's teaching that the message of Jesus is to make the world safe for women in the first century applies equally to the need for women to be safe in the 21st century
"In the history of the human race, which gender has turned sexual desire into a tool of violence, subjugation and oppression of the other gender? Do we need to take a vote... on that, right?" I stood up and clapped, Tim.
Thanks for having the courage to address this subject. Very balanced and challenging. I think it needs to be said that even the people who have failed in this can be forgiven and be a real force in helping others to overcome this issue. God uses broken people to bring His message to others. If God can use King David, who failed in this area, he can use others. There is hope.
A very detailed and welcoming exploration that brings clarity to thoughts and meaning around the words and teachings of Jesus Christ - our savior. May GOD bless you.
thank you mr.mackey! you have helped me in ways i can not explain.. thank you for your interpretation of the bible and jesus. you are a very good person.. i wish i could meet you in person just to shake your hand and buy you coffee and a croissant. i hope you will teach us about bible for years to come.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
What an original manner to treat this topic! A clever and accurate commentary in my view. Great analysis! May God bless you for such a wonderful sermon!
The reason why he’s so extreme about it is because all humans can sense the lust whether we acknowledge it or not. Similar to how we can sense if someone is looking at us, or spirit knows and Jesus wanted to help protect us and them. It’s a double win if we don’t lust.
@@gastonlaberge2119 Read from the Bible, I believe that we should let God deal with all things. if you want a wife, pray to God for a wife and she will eventually come into your life. You have to do things God’s way, not your way.
@@amyrenee1361 Hey Amy, The first thing I will say with regard to those lawyers is that because we live in a fallen world, we will never be perfect like our Heavenly Father is by knowing all things, but the closer we get to understanding God and learning about His wisdom instead of the wisdom of man by fearing Him (pleasing good through reading the scriptures/praying and loving fellow man with all our heart) the closer our answer would be to the truth as humanly possible for each individual person. The answer is not important, but really how you came to the conclusion. What thought process did you have and who was your authority as you reached the conclusion. This leads into my next point that this process of coming to know Truth can only be done with an objective moral authority to Jesus as Lord. And lastly, a true Christian, having chosen their authority in life to be Christ instead of themselves, will actively turn from their wicked and evil ways in repentance to the old flesh and put on a new spirit in Christ. Some people might say “yes” to Christ out loud, but they may not have actually said, “yes” to Christ in their hearts otherwise they would slowly stop sinning by holding themselves accountable to becoming perfect as their Heavenly Father is in preparation and adoration for the coming Kingdom. This is what Jesus means when he says, “you will know them by their fruit”. Those who repent will love their God and their neighbors more than their selfish desires. God, bless you, and I pray you open the door to Jesus Christ in your heart. Give the Bible a read through and understand that if it is true to you and not corrupted, but really the words of Jesus, who is the words in the Bible become flesh, as the creator of all things, He is the way, the truth, and the life. You personally get to decide if He is and participate in the light of His love, or stay in the dark and not. That’s the beauty of free will.
TIM M. You are a beautiful soul and I feel your deeply rooted emotional heartbreak and it is a beautiful thing that you got up there and said everything that you have and that you whole heartily felt and meant every word .... You are a beautiful soul and our Creator is shining down with tears of joy for all that you do and the beautiful way you share his word. I want to show thanks to him for allowing such a wonderful and strong soul such as yours to extend your heart to us. I will keep all those whom are effected by these dark battles in my prayers and I pray that your heart is lifted of all the pains from others in which you feel even though they have no idea how much you truly understand and feel them ...
I am really touched by your true emotions, its great videos, Tim! at last, your voice was shaking , I can feel your true empathy to those who use sex desire in the wrong way.
I’ve always had trouble in discerning the line but when he describes playing the movie... wow, he really just named the thing. Inappropriate sexual fantasies plague my dreams more than my waking decisions, but it’s because I leave the gates of my mind open too much and stoke the temptation in subtle ways. Definitely inspired to be more prudent 🙌
I have been a lustful person for a very long time. I have given up listening to dark music, I have removed occult items from my life, I pray daily and seek the word almost every minute im awake and I am making further changes in my life so I can be a servant of God. I want to reside in His Kingdom for eternity and i want to bring as many other people that I can. I struggle with adult related things I.e videos and the like. I broke down crying and prayed and prayed for strength and for forgiveness. I have also rid myself of mind altering things I smoked pot for a very long time. Today i am sober even if it's only day 1. I love Jesus and I love God I am here to ask those who read this for prayers to help me stay strong and to stay away from temptations not just for me but for everyone here also. Lord Jesus, I repent of all of my sins and I ask that you come into to heart I make You my Lord and Savior father forgive me of my sins and recreate me as your instrument for good. In Jesus name, Amen.
Praying for you! Remember, ““But the gate that opens the way to true life is narrow. And the road that leads there is hard to follow. Only a few people find it.” Matthew 7:14 ERV You have found it, so keep strong in Jesus Christ! ☺️
I so get this, my brother . Don't quit. You can overcome evil with good, but it's not a quick battle often. The Holy Spirit used Celebrate Recovery to finally help me quit these habits. From 9 yrs old to 39 I fought this thing. Cult abuse was there. Many stops and starts. It was complicated. Forgiving my perpetrator and my parents as part of my 12 step program finally set me free. Some things are so advanced that the only way to deal with them is to write off the debt. Matthew 18. Don't give up my friend. Just keep starting over, right.? I remember the time when I could not imagine living even one day without this activity. Seriously. And now I'm celebrating year 11 of total abstinence except for my husband. Just keep swimming 🏊♀️ right?
Wow 🔥 you’ve just successfully taught me about sex education like nobody has ever been able to. This format needs to be introduced to sex Ed programs nationwide dude, this is it 🔥🔥 flame on!
Tbh this changed my heart I didn’t watch this video at first but then my friend bring it back to my attention due to our daily Bible study at night and truly I have dug into a black hole but every time I turn to Jesus I feel happy because I use to be on and off about things but this opened my eyes when he said Jesus loves us and knows we can become more than of that stuff it made me smile and just know I love Jesus God so much I am willing to surrender to my Lord everyday and that I refuse to be in the black hole anymore and that I’ve seen the light a few times but now it’s heavily out n shining I give all the glory to you God thank you for your patience and time and love and kindness and understanding and the helping hands you gave out to me through this process in Jesus name
Many thanks Tim for opening up the scriptures the way you did on this video. I really appreciate your dealing of the passage and its implications in our lives. It was the first time I had heard someone using this text to so explicitly talk about the kingdom being a place of safety for women and children. Thanks.
so true the battle is in the heart. takes a lot of conscious energy sometimes but it is better than opening yourself to the dark hole that exists when lust is left unchecked. Thank you Tim for illuminating the multiple layers that underlie these teachings of Jesus
Amazing teaching, so much truth, very powerful, thank you and bless you Tim for being obedient to God in your calling. God will help many people through you!
I was a porn addict for more than 15 years. I couldn't quit, I tried very hard. But this year, I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and I no longer watch porn ever agian. Only Christ can change our life
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Praise the Lord for taking over and fulfilling that space with love.
Yep. Once I accepted Jesus it was so easy not to sin in that way again. Now all I look forward to is to strengten my faith and to desire Him more.
May God bless you strengthen your faith even stronger. Living for God is the best thing ever! Hallelujah
@@fatmanjstyle5306 same its hard bro
I have not watched adult material for almost a month now.
May God strengthen you! ☺️ He loves you
Keep going, my friend. Hope it helps to know that a stranger, who struggles himself, is praying for you.
Well done. Stay strong in jesus
I'm in the same boat. Don't give up I know it's hard. Pray to God to deliver you.
That’s awesome! First month of any abstaining anything is the toughest IMO cause you’re having to break a habit. To God be the Glory!
Hits the nail on the head. I was heavily addicted to porn for over 20 years. Eventually came back to Jesus and quit porn and started to turn my life around.
I'm now married and have a kid and could not be happier, I'm no longer a black hole. Praise Jesus Christ.
Porn is harder for others, for example, through medical reasons some wives can't have sex any longer...
It's a good thing then, us miserable sinners have a savior and all we need to do is trust, and believe in him, and his blood sacrifice for us. Otherwise we might slip into perpetual guilt, when we give into our flesh, and we most assuredly do... (don't tell me you don't notice other women, bible says that's as good as the real deed!) so it's lucky for us we have the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS.
now this message isn't telling people to go out and start sinning it up, rather it's reminding others that we are saved by his GIFT TO US ALONE, nothing we do, will save us, lest any man should boast! So make sure we all remember this lesson hmmm? Store up treasure in heaven, not on Earth, deny yourself, and be rewarded. But your salvation is a GIFT from God.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton Accept him as God and follow his teachings and his example.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton He did sweetie. You need to leave theology to the smarter people, and instead find a man, get married and raise Christian children.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton from Adam's rib came Eve... Adam in Hebrew is mankind. Like starfish and worms, mankind was single sex. Like cells divide, mankind became 2 sexes. The Bible is more complex and you need true translation to get it. The Strong's Dictionary helps. Why attack this man and Christianity? Seek with patience, not with indoctrinated judgments.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton the only person hurting anyone here that I can see here is you.
Lust of women is the hardest to deal with... I used to sleep around with alot of women before I was saved. It's been about a year and I haven't slept with any women at all that in itself is a true knowledge of knowing I have the holy spirit GOD has blessed me. Now I'm just waiting for my godly woman..
Happy for you! I know this is such a hard road. God is incontrol even on your toughest days. That is what carried me trough my journey. I had been with my girlfriend for 9 years living and we have a daughter. After I found Jesus we spent 9 months not having any sexual act or even sleeping together. I can honestly say it was hard but every day, but Jesus was there I felt the holy spirit giding me. After we got married I got baptized and everything changed in my life. No more sexual desiree and no more porno. Now it is just intimacy with my wife and happy living. All glory to God.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@marlonm.2820 hi, can you clairfy the difference between intimacy with wife and sexual desire? Happy for the happy living testimony.
@@justynak7644 Hello Justyna! For me it has been that all my life all I wanted was to have sex. I held sex as the solution to me and my then girlfriends problems. I put so much weight on it, even if we fighting all I knew was it we were having sex than everything was good. If we weren't than that was a big problem. I used to idolize it. So if my wife wouldn't provide it then I would satisfy my self by masturbation and satisfaction of knowing other woman wanting me and that I knew I looked good. I played that game for a while .. I was brought up by the music I used to listen to to think this way. One of the first things I asked God to do in my life was to help me find music I could listen to without having it to do with getting woman. He provided the good music for me by learning about Lecrea, Andy Mineo and Whatuprg first. I saw a way out, now I can stop idolizing sex and lust trough music that worshiped God and making myself better. So after that I asked God to remove from me the wanting of have sex all the time and he did. Once me and my wife got married I knew that sex was not needed in my realationship for us to succed God was in control all along. Now we actually have a what I feel is a healthy mental, spiritual and intimate relationship driven by God completely. I will not lie to you I have been weak sometimes but God is always there to remind me that I am.strong with him and I have nothing to fear. God is sooo good. Sorry for this msg being so long and trust I vould have made it longer but that is a broef summary of what God has done in my intimacy.
This came up as recommended at night when I couldn’t sleep & was thinking about everything this video is talking about. Blessed. Gotta start making some changes in my life. Always knew this moment would come, but didn’t knew when. Well it’s today! 28/12/2020
Now comes the hard part. I love you my brother. You can do this through Jesus Christ. Find a group of men who are willing to be real about this so you and other men can grow to be like Christ and live our lives like the first two pages of the Bible.
Yes bro!
Welcome bro don’t stop find a community at a local church with good biblical teaching!
Ayy, in the same boat, I pray GOD convict and comfort you through this trial bro
Good luck dude, stay blessed
The part about Jesus protecting women in the kingdom 🤯🙌🏼🙌🏼
It's bullshit. Look into Karen Straughan. That's just feminism which is Marxism-Leninism.
@@einarabelc5 bruh. Feminism isn't Marxist-leninism wtf are you on
@@princessofpentacles776 Depends if you are talking about modern feminism or traditional.
I loved that part!
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
I'm pure for almost two months and I have never felt better, healthier and just peaceful. I stopped watching porn, smoking and drinking and I really fell like my body temple is remaking itself in the way it was supposed to be! Thanks to Jesus ❣💘💘
Keep it up!!!! Gods got u
@@barryisland5942 Because it is destructive of self in the deepest levels of the heart & how it objectifies (rather than honors) another person. If your post, Barry, is sincerely seeking an answer (I'm going to assume it is and not simply to poke fun at the former's post), here's one illustration to ponder: If you are a parent (maybe you are) & your child is on the screen being viewed by others, how do you have peace with the abuse occurring to your child through the endless objectification (coming from anyone partaking in the debauchery, the debauchery being inflicted on your child)? Can you accept and be at peace with this (hypothetically, let's say we're talking about your 17 year old daughter, and no offense, I have two daughters in their 20's)? My hope & prayer is that we all would ponder our own character (all of us) with such examples & seek to lead our lives in Jesus's model.
@@barryisland5942 Help me understand then from your point of view where the standard that determined that child pornography (or pornography in general) to be despicable and wrong originated from?
With "deepest level of the heart", is there a different reason why then, as another example, why a woman who is raped takes years (if ever) for recovery. Is it not that sex is so sacred, so personal, that the abuse of it is incredibly, foundationally devastating? Yet when our sexual behavior honors God within the covenant union of a man and a woman, it is appropriately sacred, beautiful, and fulfilling as was designed.
No one is suggesting that anyone will choose to agree with the above biblical standards. If a person claims to be a Christian though, the Bible is the standard they should do their best to follow. Unfortunately, in a fallen world, sin will happen, we all will fail. It's why we need a Savior. Jesus loves us all, gives us the model, and the choice to accept him or not.. Again, a person can choose to disagree with all of this, many do. Anyone commenting within the video or notvmust have some kind of interest of the content. The Gospel of John is always recommended as a good place to start for further study if a person chooses to do so. I appreciate your comments Barry, as they too help me learn better ways to respond.
Well, here's what I've discovered most. Social media is helpful in some ways and in some ways not. Easy to misinterpret. This and the many unknowns of digital formats is probably why I've avoided them for the most part (never had a Facebook account either). Unless people are willing to take the time to personally get to know someone (not virtually) beforehand, more often than not, ideas, opinions, explanations potentially may simply continue back and forth endlessly. Wars of disagreement may only escalate. This wasn't my intent and yet honest discussion quickly can begin (and quickly end for that matter) with the misjudgment of another. Which it seems like I have done from the start. For that, my apologies. Although there still is disagreement with certain beliefs (I was planning to answer your questions), the greater importance is the respect first to you as a person (possibly not the experience you've had from sone from what you have described? And that's not the character of a person I want to be). So again, thanks. I appreciate your replies/questions and best wishes to you.
I am from Perú, I am a translator and I wish I could do the Spanish subtitles for these sermons! So many people would benefit from these messages explained so thoroughly, especially with so much machismo, sexual abuse and murders due to sexual sin going on in Spanish speaking countries. We need a message of hope of Jesus and many times we do not have scholars yet who can explain all the delicate y profound layers exposed in these sermons.
That would be amazing and would reach so many how it could help
More than happy to collaborate.
We would need the admin to change the settings to allow others to collaborate adding subtitles :)
@@luleonlu yup.
@@luleonlu Forget it, I'm not translating Marxists Propaganda.
So well-explained! But objectification takes many forms, not just sexual. Old Disney stories tell girls that other people (men, Prince Charming, Knight in Shining Armor) are The Solution, when only God is. New Disney stories tell us that *I* am The Solution. School tells us good grades & academics are The Solution. Work tells us accomplishments are The Solution. Ads tell us Product or Service X is The solution. Only relationship with God is The Solution.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton If you would like to know the solution, then I highly encourage you to watch Truthunedited for much better understanding/explanation. God bless you 🙏🏾📖🙏.
Susan, to objectify means to degrade to the status of an object. It is usually sexual. What you are describing here may be forms of idolatry which is putting other things in the place of God.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton Just because you're not religious, that doesn't mean no one else should be allowed to be. Your obsession with your own preferences and desire to infringe on the rights of others is a good reason to seek counseling.
I'm really tired of comments like this permeating our modern society. The writers of the original Disney movies have a MUCH more sophisticated grasp of gender roles and the human condition then you have any idea about. Throw away their historic messages with extreme caution.
Carol Ann Pinkerton:
Oh my ..... Why are u even here. If this is the MOST ridiculous video you've ever seen why did u click on it. You aren't even bringing arguments to prove that God doesn't exist. You are just saying that he doesnt exist which proves nothing. At least take the time and write ,I mean steal, an actual argument from some random atheist astronaut that "proves" God's inexistence. And I want to say that Christians have nothing against sex. We believe that sex is a gift from God. And this gift is heavenly. It is the ultimate way of saying "I love You". But this gift given by God was meant to be for married couples ONLY. People started to forget about the only rule that came with this heavenly gift. This people have sex to pleasure themselves, not their partner. You Carol are one of them.
You seem like a grown up woman from the outside but inside ur still a child that tries to please herself with anything possible.
And keep in mind that when Im writeing this Im only 16 of age and i never experienced sex and dont even want to. I dont need sexual experience in order to satisfy my future partner.
And also , if You don't want religion in your life that doesnt mean that other people don't want either.
Good luck taking that from a 16 years old.
Man, I love this guy's voice.
He's dope and I really like him. But if we're not taking ourselves to serious, he talks like there's a snowflake on his tongue and he doesn't want it to melt. 😂 great preacher though
He has such an unusual candor and voice, very elegant. I like it
He narrates many videos on the Bible Project.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Same he reminds me of the Bible project
I'm watching in 2024.. It's awesome information.. It's really meant lots to me.
Thank you Mackie❤
I grew up in Churches that convinced me I was going to "go to hell" if I had sex (before I got married). So I didn't. But I was never told how beautiful it was meant to be inside marriage and for the first couple years of my marriage, my patient husband paid the price for that void. Thank you and thank God for this. Truly. I wish every young person could hear this and understand that Jesus wasn't limiting us, he was teaching us the best way.
Just like that fire, a smartphone can be used for good and/or evil.
I watched you today on my phone... and I was blessed.
Wonderful sermon.
Thank you.
I would have loved to hear your prayer at the end.
I pray for all of that struggle in lust that we give over our pain to him. I believe we dive into sin because of unresolved pain we don’t give over to Jesus. It may be insecurity, it may be a lack of trust in God, or it may be that we have desensitized ourselves to the point where we don’t even view people as human.
The enemy would love to keep us here, but a beautiful thing to remember is that Jesus can reveal things you didn’t know were there, and nothing we go through cannot be overcome by the cross of Christ Jesus! I ask that Jesus would reveal the heart issue inside of all of us, and that we cast all of our issues and sin on Jesus because of his priceless payment on the cross.
No its pain caused by our actions that we don't take responsibility for. Stop giving all your problems to Jesus. You fucked up and need to find a solution to your problems. You will forever be blindly stuck in a cycle of pain and psuedo-relief until you do.
Thank you, Tim. Excellent teaching, reminding us that the selfish desire can rule and destroy us.
A brilliantly handled teaching on sexual desire, I found this deeply moving, inspirational and informative. Tim is so eloquent and personable delivering Jesus's words and dragging this huge elephant in the room into sharp focus. Praise God Almighty in Jesus name.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Tim this is the most brilliant message I gave heard on the subject that communicates to our modern day society the very real issues and root problems thereof of lust and healing thereof for healthy relationships. God bless you you and your lovely family. Please don't get discouraged when you see our current societal status. Our Lord Jesus is greater than this!!! As his servant. When you might think you are not making any progress for his kingdom.........trust me, you are!!!!!!!!!For a young man who still has so many years of enduring and perseverance to go, please don't give up! Stop and rest a little and then continue moving forward toward the goal in which Christ Jesus has called us heavenward🌈🌈🌈✝️✝️. Take it from an old lady who has been listening to pastors for many years; you have addressed this issue better than any pastor I've heard!!!! Many blessings my brother!!!!!!
A wonderful delivery of Jesus's word. Learning is so exciting. I've avoided this subject. Now I will have more heart.
I have NEVER heard this before. Women in the Kingdom of God are to be protected. I have heard too many men teach on this scripture. Not one of them however, broke it down like Tim.
As a Messianic Follower of Yeshua, I would say this is one of the best teachings I have heard on this passage that so many people misunderstand. Well done. Thank you Tim
2 days of no smoking. Feels like a miracle lol. I'm finally using the strength which was given by Lord
@@savinglives3873 thank God and thank u
1 year of no smoking here bro. Jesus will give you strenght to get over it. Dont worry.
@@ranillodelosreyes4404 idk I think I'm too much of a Jamaica
Plus I saw the sun RED which made me satisfied
Keep going and stay in your Bible nothing is impossible with God
@@maliamoore3955 I lapsed in spirit and in truth turns out he made me different. I live a life where I've both moon and (saw the sun red and the clouds turned to art) plus a lot has been revealed as it is from that time to this ....I'm starting to think I'm or however this life was given its jus extraordinary ....I've seen so much miracles its jus that smoking that messes with my guilt I'm on top of it though with God
What impacts me about this man is his humility when he teaches the word. It's so precious.
The deceiver comes in the most unwittingly loveable forms.
@@draxgut1671very well put.
Wow! Tim really made you realize how sacred we are as humans in the eyes of Jesus! Life changing.
exactly, which is why porno, blasphemy, in movies, music, etc. are peddled by those who do not respect you as sacred in any way. why allow it?
Wow! No not at all for critical thinkers who were able to move passed these conclusions as children.
I too have started my journey. To a better and brighter life. Pray for me.
I just prayed for you Matthew. I've struggled for years and I'm on the same road as you. May the Lord bless us both.
Remember God is always with you. You guys can make it through as long as you look to God because he will give you strength and he will take away the bad desires. Remember you can't have a testimony, to help someone else, unless you have a test. God bless.
Just said a big prayer for you! Keep going strong, and when you falter, get back up by the grace of God! ✝️🙏🏼
*lf the Spirit does*
*not turn you away*
*from evil desires*
*keep seeking the*
* power of God* *never *stop praying*
*For **the.help** God has*
This world has been deceived with this “jesus”, allow me to explain
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and HERE IS THE PROOF
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Musa (Moses) wrote in Exodus 3 (Shemot), IN HIS OWN HANDWRITING
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad "Hand"
He "Breath"
Vav "NAIL"
*Blaspheming God?*
*and tell me howYahh*
*Came to be alive on*
*If Jesus/Yeshua*
*/Salvation is His* *name on earth where*
*did Yahh come from*
*if Not being born of*
*the Holy Spirit of a* *virgin and many* *other prophecies of*
*the Tanakh/Old* *Testament*
*Jesus said* *(John14:1)*
*Not Blasphemy but*
*Truth is it Jesus is* *One GOD/YHVH and* *Created**All things*
*in the Beginning*
"Churchianity". LOL! So true. This guy is so refreshing. Thank you Lord! God Bless all who are watching!
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
The deceiver comes in the most unwittingly loveable forms.
I can't say how powerful this is. I'm so humbled as a man. 😔
1JOHN5:12 I think it’s ironic you’d comment something like this when the whole message is build from Matthew 5:27. You should look up a paragraph at Matthew 5:22.
“But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”
Matthew 5:22 ESV
Good for you, Kelly.
@@Mike-1127 don't force your judgements on what you yourself think to be correct.
Your mind is blind !!!
It is powerful. We shall push through with God , brother
Was just about to comment this word: Powerful
I need prayer 🙏, I let go of my pride. I don't want to be that black whole anymore Jesus, thank you for changing my Heart posture and Giving me strength to fight.
Prayed for you!
I believe this is one of the best lessons I have EVER heard on this subject. Thank you very VERY much. Well done.
I strongly agree with you. It was so well understood and explained by Tim. As someone who struggles with this issue, this teaching has been very nourishing.
I have struggled with sexual sin for a long time. I have only recently gotten a grasp of it by submitting to the Lord and the Holy Spirit. It’s still a battle but the Holy Spirit is leading me to victory. But after watching this, i feel so much different. I feel strengthened and passionate about the purity of my life. This was such a beautiful sermon
How grateful I am to have listened to this particular message! My prayer is for God to be honored in the lives of those who name the name of Jesus. So thankful He has made the way… I pray for all those struggling, especially in this area of life. It breaks my heart to know that something God intended for good has been so distorted in our culture. Thank you so much for teaching that is super important and clear!
when i decided to turn away from porn, the hardest part i struggled to cross was permanently deleting my 'prized and treasured' collection. Previously i had them stored somewhere on my hard drive incase i stumbled. But this time i knew i had to completely erase and turn away from it if i was to succeed in my fight to come back to the fold of Christ. I'm glad God gave me the strength to turn away from my addictive sin and seek a righteous path. I have not looked back since.
Did the same today 🙏🏾
@@FlipTheScript93 Thats great. Stay strong, bro. Its been about 6 weeks since i walked away from porn and masturbation and still feeling great and closer to God. I've had to stay constant in prayer and also fasting every few weeks which has helped immensely. i dont miss that sinful life even one bit. I pray he blesses and protects you in your journey.
Praise God!
How are you doing now?
@@truthseeker9440 i am still going strong by the grace of God. Not once have i felt the urge to look at porn or masturbate. my mindset is that they don't exist in my life. Period. and i also still stay away from viewing sexual imagery in social media.
One of the best sermons I’ve heard on this topic yet🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
I've never heard this verse with an analysis of staring which women do experience ALL THE TIME and it totally impacts how free and safe we feel in the world. It determines where we can and want to go and dodge and take extra roads around groups of men, but of course if we say 'please stop staring at me, it's very rude' or even try to say it in an even more discreet and respectful way, you will almost always be reacted to with aggression and hostility. Thank you so much, Tim.
Oh man. I feel like I found a treasure chest. Thank you Mr Mackie for teaching the word.
Early in this sermon Mr Mackie nails it when he says it all starts with getting to know Jesus because once that happens and He abided in you then and only then do the fruits of the Spirit begin to grow....like the mustard seed, and the problems created from the previously evil heart begin to go away.
They have to because now you have a new heart that is NOT evil.....praise be to God!
@Carol Ann Pinkerton
Research ,, don't take anyone's word for who He was or what He did, look for yourself.
That's how Him abiding in me now, began...it's amazing and supernatural - you won't regret it!
@Carol Ann Pinkerton
you may be right about that, but I don't know so I can cannot testify to that. What I can testify to because I know it IS true is what has happened to me. I was an atheist and then a curiosity grew within me about who this Jesus guy was and I started researching.
Somewhere in that digging He changed my heart and a love that i never knew existed filled me, transforming me into truly a new creation. I was once an inward looking professional athlete's and now I'm a caregiver in a nursing facility.
This I KNOW to be true....all the rest of this world and what it has to offer is up for debate, which I'm not interested in doing any longer.
Maybe a curiosity is growing in you?
Otherwise why would you be asking me q.s?
I hope so because as I said b4, it's nothing short of supernatural and you WON'T regret the change that He can do for you.
And so I pray that you continue your quest for the truth...in Jesus name amen.
@Carol Ann Pinkerton And well it should. To have meaning in what would have been an objectively meaningless, hopeless, and miserable world is a burden off the back. But at the same time its a sobering thought, because what we do now matters. While there are many good philosophical, historical, and scientific arguments t o infer Gods existence, nothing can truly replace experience. Even if the arguments leave you undecided, I cant understand why a person would choose an objectively hopeless worldview if the alternative is just as likely to be true
@@Tommy-es4hp I love your story. God bless you and your beautiful new heart😊 And yes - supernatural is right! I'm blown away every day by the supernatural way in which He showed up in my room, rescued, healed (I literally felt His hands on my head), and baptized me with Ruach HaKodesh. Previously I was being attacked by demons (which I use to not believe in - unbearably terrifying), and physically dying from physical manefestations from horrific psychological abuse from a Narcissist. I told Him that I could not live like this anymore, and that I felt I would be more help to humanity on the other side. He said "Yes, you would, but you still have a purpose here, then proceeded to work miracles on me. I did not believe in Yeshua HaMashiach as Savior of the World up until that day, 9 months ago. He eminated a supernatural Love so powerful beyond explaination, and told me who He is - The Son of God, THE one and only Truth (I used to be furious when people said that), that He truly did die for us on the cross and resurrected (which I used to think sounded totally insane), and HE IS ALIVE. NO ONE and no thing could have convinced me of any of that for forty years. I broke down in contrition, so humbled, cried like I never have, and kept repeating "I am so sorry for mocking you, and forgive me for my ignorance." When He gave me the vision of Him being crucified, I kept saying "You did that for us?! You did that for us?!" Crying so loud, with my hand over my mouth in awe. It took me 5 months to be able to emotionally handle seeing any image of Him on the cross, and now everyday I look at it, cry, contemplate, and meditate on it. I am so in love with our sweet Shepard. He never once shamed me. He said "This is what I mean by sin - you gave those wicked men your whole heart, and see how much I love you?" He also said "This is not about religion - it's about having a personal relationship with Me." There is so much more to what He did and said that day, so I am praying and waiting to hear if it is His will that I serve Him by writing a book about it. I'm still kind of in shock. Btw, I've never written this in any comment section, but for some reason Ruach-HaKodesh moved me. Wow guys. We are IN CHRIST! What a trip. If anyone reads this, God bless you, and I love you.
- Lisa (Hebrew meaning Concecrated to God. Go figure😃)
EXCEPTIONALLY brilliant teachings!! Thank you Tim for allowing yourself to be a vessel for our LORD's teachings and Word.
I can tell Tim wrestles with the Bible and its meanings. Im so amazed in the way The Holy Spirit gives us the seed of perseverance to wait and struggle with the Bibles hidden meanings or even the revealed easily received meanings that we really just don't want to obey.
This guy is a remarkable teacher. Truly amazing!
This needs to preached to the youth. A lot of young people need to hear this.
It’s for everyone. Everyone needs to hear this.
But this is for the married correct? Don't tell me that all of this argument was also for the youth dating. Because that would be un- biblical.
Hiram Serna it’s for everyone. There’s a difference between healthy attraction in youth dating and lust. Anyone can commit the sin of lust which is lusting over women, married and unmarried, old men and the young men and including the youth.
@@varany95 what I'm saying is, sex before marriage is sin and that wasn't stated. So I'm unsure if he is some new age Christian where "sex is good but only if you do in good grounds, no matter your age"
@@varany95 verses cited are about 'adultery' -right?
You can only admit adultery if you're married.
The aspect of degrading someone else with their thoughts & later deeds applies to anybody: even to the billionaire who gets a thrill out of cutting folks' healthcare and then mocking them over their poverty.
The principle of getting off about exerting physical power over another being and not seeing them as equal.
No, Jesus is not a dildo or orgasm machine- no matter how many songs we sing.
This is profound. We must recognize how when we give into these types of temptations, we are just feeding our own selfish egos and distancing ourselves from the light. No one benefits and everyone loses.
Wow. Where have you been all my life mr Mackey.? Your teaching is amazing.
Florence Edouard The Bible Project
The Holy Spirit is your teacher💕
Couldn't be a better teacher to bring this to the young people of today's world... Praise Jesus, Tim is up to the task💞
I realise I’ve never asked myself why God didn’t want us to look lustfully at others. I don’t know why I didn’t look deeper. Thankyou for explaining that it’s to keep natural law so that humans and their relationships can thrive, makes sense.
My whole life I've thought following the teachings of Jesus and obeying God would be unexciting, boring, repressive... But how wrong I was and I learned the hard way through experience; so much pain, so many wasted years of broken hearts, mine and theirs, essentially living in hell. And deep down I've always known I was going wrong, and took me so long to finally accept that, be conscious of it. And then I decided to pay attention to Jesus, because the only people in my life that never made me feel pain where Christians and I knew this for a long time but still felt that it would be boring. But I started paying attention to Jesus and go to church and commit myself to it and like a flood the word made all my deep instincts totally obvious and explicit and undoubtable. And then I began learning even more and more that blew my mind and opened my heart, that again I couldn't deny to be true, and I truely feel saved
And it's the most exciting thing I've ever felt!
Cart before the horse... so true!! We judge others based off of our teachings from Christ even though 1) we have no right to judge others, only God does (because he’s perfect) and 2) when we share these teachings with people who don’t know Christ and his teachings and his heart and his intentions and his love; then all they hear is a heavy load, a cart. But if we first show the horse aka who Jesus is and what he’s about, then they’ll be able to hear and receive the life giving truth that Christ is trying to give us here. Let’s leave the Truth up to Christ and love our neighbors with Grace and Compassion. Beautifully done Tim, Thank you so very much for picking apart such a heavy issue within our humanity.
Oh my. I'm so blown away by this. There aren't any words to describe the power i feel from this message
The struggle to quench the fire of sexual desire has plaqued me since I was 13. Since giving my life to Christ I have tried to the best of my knowledge to reframe, but God. 34 years of frustration and today I feel great because I got understanding of how to move forward out of this black hole.
So puberty? When its perfectly normal and natural to have intense sexual desires?
It really sucks something so loving as Christianity has caused people to misunderstand their own bodys so much that they become ashamed and over taken by our natural God given processes.
Perhaps the greatest sermon / teaching (call it what you want) on this subject ever (other than the original).
Yes! It is not women’s job to dress “modestly” for men, they are responsible for their own desire. I love how Tim Mackie made it clear that by sexualizing someone else you are making the statement that they are there for your pleasure.
@ Simply Valour. It is a Christian woman's "job" as you put it, to dress modestly. She may not be responsible for my thoughts or actions, but as Christians we are told that we should not entice others to stumble. Paul gave us an excellent example of this truth in 1 Corinthians.
1 Corinthians 8:13 (NASB) Therefore, if food causes my brother to stumble, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to stumble.
You've completely missed the point and are bringing up a different topic
You're trying to measure the teachings of Jesus against the world's teaching of feminism when you should be measuring feminism against Jesus' teachings.
I agree! =) The fact that women's bodies are automatically sexualized just because they reveal some skin is ridiculous.
@@noelcox1726 Stumble was used in the context of Jewish food laws. Jesus has always made it clear that if your “right hand causes you to sin” or your eye, cut it off/dig it out. It’s metaphorical, and if your heart covets these verses make it clear its on you. Not women.
Amazing amazing I love listening to these messages. The reason we see Jesus so so so stern about sexual desire and the misdirection of it is because he knew it would be the most difficult issue we deal with as human, the one most able to destroy us! Like a good father he warns us against this, as stubborn children we question and question it! But our Father is always firm and his guidance is pure! Thank you Jesus for guiding us with your amazing Grace as we sin and fall short you continue to guide and remind us of your truths when we seek them!
WOW! What powerful insight of this verses. The fire analogy is so very very appropriate. And making a safe environment for women is so awesomely powerful. As a woman who have been in a violent relationship, it is so very very important to feel safe and love and needed in a relationship. Thank you Lord Jesus for this faithful servant of yours, Pastor Mackie.
Literally, God's Words whispering out in this video, changing/renewing my mind over and over again. It's tough to walk on the Narrow road but worth it. To whoever is suffering as a man with Lust (me included), remember Jesus is the Answer and let's protect women (God's daughters). Lord prune and purify our minds and hearts for your Will.
Wow the best teaching I have heard on this subject and verse.
I really like the way you bring the topic of conversation about, I’ve been born into a Christian family, but I’m I’ve reached a age where I have questioned and still am questioning , yet I choose to worship the great I AM WHO I AM 🙏, that in itself says enough, and through your teachings I’m finding my way to live my life in accordance with the almighty 🙏
One of the best teachings on this I've heard.
We Need more Mackie Archives ! His insight into the TaNaK and way of bringing The Word to the lay people give so much light on the world of Christianity. There’s a lot against our beliefs, I think Tim’s voice can show the world what faith in humility yet great knowledge brings to a people. Love and wisdom, truth with great discernment. Tim is real, his understanding of the Bible is true and calls forth for a look at one’s self, what Yahweh has been pointing at all this time, what’s in your heart.
This! I was so blessed by this! My journey of healing has revealed the objectification of self, others & sex. & being a sex addict that was was playing "church" but never wanted to give up sex or seduction until this year. The pain of all these broken relationships & feeling empty afterwards was so heavy! I repented & declared that i wanted to align my desires with the truth from the word of God. So I've chosen to walk in purity! Seriously thank you for this and the Bible Project! This was so freeing! The Love of God is what i seek to truly truly KNOW! You blessed my socks off!
Praise be to God. Thank you Father for your guidance to protect the hearts of women and men from piercing ourselves. God's people perish for this lack of knowledge.
Thank God that there is HOPE in Jesus! HaleluYahhhh! The BLOOD of JESUS clenses us from all sin! Oh Lord thank You, may Your Holy Name Be Blessed!
I appreciate his honesty and lack of fear to talk about hell yet offering Jesus solutions and hope.
"Blight" perfect word to describe it. It is a blight.
The passion with which you spoke and displayed really moved something my heart to repent and to desire true love, which is not lust.........it is Jesus love.
I really appreciate how you put the main focus not on us directly, but on our roles as image bearers and ambassadors for the gospel in light of who Jesus is. I think it really made me assess and seek the Lord in how I interact with my thoughts and actions in regards to lust. I found it so eye opening that you mentioned how the passage is primarily addressing men (although women were present too). It made me think and realize something: although both men and women are guilty of the same issues here, in that time period, who would create that "kingdom of heaven" in that current period and time frame and lead by example, and show other nations what it means to love each other and restore humanity to others? Men - because they had the power to change that perception and culture at the time. I know you basically said that, but I just wanted to note that I appreciated it. You always make me consider Jesus in new ways, and force me to go back to my bible and really tease out what I am reading. Thanks for your teaching, and thanks for making me focus on Jesus more and more. :)
I watched another video that really emphasized what it means to be an ambassador for Christ and was blown away. It was done by the AoC Network on youtube but it's basically (poorly worded) that we are here to represent His Kingdom. This world is not our world, we are only citizens of it until we return to our true home; country; Kingdom. And until that day comes, we must represent our Kingdom with honor and love so that those who see us in the holy spirit are interested in our home; country; Kingdom.
Again, he goes way deeper and says it way better than I but it truly made me think and gain a new perspective on how to represent and be an ambassador for Christ.
"It's the most saddest degradation of our own image-bearing humanity in the view of the scriptures... and Jesus goes right towards it" 33:48
I love this teaching. I was taught along the lines of sexual desire=bad/sin. And that as a woman it was doubly wrong
U should hear Muslims
Ricci Hardow Loving relationships are oppressive? Secular culture sure is weird!
@@katrinapullella6178 ugly reply....
Such clear and provoking teaching:thanks Tim! Society makes Jesus out to be the 'abnormal' ' social being whereas the lies of sin bind and blind us to the point where we suffocate and are swamped in error . Jesus is only interested in His precious people and is consumed with righteous anger against those who violate innocent and vulnerable people: in whatever shape or form. For young people especially to walk freely in moral safety and trust is a daily challenge in our modern world . The spiritual 'armour of God' and the protection of the Holy Spirit is essential for any person to experience true personal freedom - from their own sin and the sin of others 🙏🌻
Lord is taken my gaze , preparing me for marriage one woman one love to reflect my saviors will . You guys are awesome very smart
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Wow. That is the most refreshing speak I have ever heard and so clear and understandable. Thank you so much for your insight honesty and love to share in humility.
I don't understand how almost every person I see on here says the same thing. "Have been porn free" or "lust free" since they were saved. I'm having trouble believing that. I am a true born again believer and I am battling for my life consistently to resist those temptations. I felt the stronghold break when I was saved and I immediately felt different and repentant about it with no desire to do it anymore, but I still get attacked and fall to it (especially in my sleep when I'm on a good run of resisting it) Its just on a less frequent basis and the desire to not do it anymore is what is different now. So whatever it is that is different for some of you I would sure love to know. I need help.
I've gone through exactly what you're describing. I began to pay very close attention to the things I would allow myself to feel, think, say, see, and hear. Temptation will always come - we have an enemy after all. I chose to cut off everything that included anything that was even slightly inappropriate. I also kept very close with God. However, I got too cocky, because I had gone so long and it felt so easy, and began to allow certain thoughts to stew instead of putting it out of my mind like my life depends on it If I got lazy and didn't pray or read the bible or spend time seeking God, I could feel myself become more vulnerable to temptation. It made me understand why the path to salvation is so narrow. Why so many won't make it. RyFidelity, you must treat this more seriously than you think you should. Flirting with any inappropriate thoughts, listening to music that doesn't glorify God, watching anything you have no business allowing your eyes see, even hanging around with certain people. Its war. Treat it as such. Put on the full armor of God and go at it hard. Be like a child clinging to its father. I pray this blesses you somehow, and I pray He reveals to you where the problem lies. God Bless you.
I was in your EXACT same boat. Right when I got saved I had no desire what so ever to sin, but that was for only a short while. I fell back into my sexual desires and for 2 years I was utterly depressed, genuinely believing God had left me. But over this passed year God finally revealed something to me. Your works and good deeds DO NOT save you or make you more lovable in the eyes of God. Jesus does that. Jesus is all you need. Stop using your own strength resisting the sin, because you cannot do it. Just run to Christ everyday like he is your Dad eagerly waiting to forgive you. He loves you sooooooooo much. If He came back to find me in the wilderness, he will do so (if not more) for you. :)
@@seeker4569 I fail to understand how ˝having trouble with sin˝ has to do with a path of Salvation. Once saved always saved, salvation is obtained once for a human and never lost.
@@Navii-05 and @Nuldra I don't believe in "once saved, always saved" based salvation. I believe people greatly misunderstand the difference between casually sinning with disregard to the Holy Spirit's conviction, and a sin caused by failure to resist, human error, basically failing because we are not perfect and in the flesh. However, the distinct difference is submitting to the Holy Spirit's conviction for committing that sin, and pray for mercy and forgiveness. You won't lose your salvation for being a weak human in that instance, but you can certainly try to correct the areas in your life that may be encouraging sin. Then of course the rest is going to the Lord and praying for help and guidance. While our works cannot save us, I do believe with persistent abandon and disregard of the pursuit of living Holy lives as best we can through Christ, our "works" can disqualify us from inheriting eternal salvation. When Jesus healed/saved a sinner, he told them to go and SIN NO MORE. That is an instruction of taking action against something, in this case the action of sinning.
I feel the bible is clear in regards to losing ones salvation. "The Bible warns Christians that they can "fall from grace" (Gal. 5:1-5), be "cut off" from salvation (Rom. 11:18-22), have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. 22:19), by committing certain sins and not repenting of them (cf. Eph. 5: 3-5; 1Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19, Rev. 21:6-8)."
One last thing is, I believe God is very simple and clear when it comes to the message of salvation and sin. There are no hidden riddles that only a clever mind who studies for days and years can unravel when it comes to these two matters.
God bless you and your family. Please stay safe.
@@seeker4569 "our "works" can disqualify us from inheriting eternal Salvation." I understand that you misunderstand this. We never were qualified to inherit eternal Salvation. It is a free GIFT from God. "When Jesus healed/saved a sinner, he told them to go and SIN NO MORE. What does this have to do with losing Salvation? It is absolutely True that we should strive to sin as less as possible and every True Christian naturally IS like that. It seems that you greatly misunderstand Salvation and the aftermath. After a person is saved they get a New heart that naturally doesn't want to sin. On the Cross, Jesus took the punishment for ALL past, future and present sins of ALL existing, past or future people. Please, read this: Question: Do you think you are a good person? If so, have you ever stolen anything, lied, looked lustfully, or used God’s name in vain? (Oh God, Jesus Christ, etc.) If you have done this, you have violated God’s moral law, you are a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart. So, if God gave you justice right away, would you be innocent or guilty? Obviously guilty. Heaven or hell? Obviously hell because you are a criminal in God’s eyes. Don’t try asking for forgiveness, what if you tried that in court: "Judge, I raped a woman and killed her, but I’m so sorry and I won’t do it again"?You would still go to jail because you shouldn’t do it again and you should be sorry. So is there any hope? Yes, there is! Out of love and mercy, God became a human being, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a sinless life and finally died on the cross to bear the punishment we deserve, we deserve to be punished because we have sinned. The reason why blood must be spilled for remission of sins is because the life of the flesh is in the blood, in the Old Testament Jews sacrificed animals for sins but the sacrifice of animals was enough for remission of some sins, not all. It wasn't infinite, unlike Jesus's. Jesus is the Lamb of God, the ultimate sacrifice for sins which is enough for all sins that have been done, are done and will be done. The Old Testament sacrifice of animals, the spilled blood of those animals could cleanse people from some sins but not ALL, unlike Jesus's. He was buried and rose again. His resurrection proved that His death was enough to pay our penalty, the penalty for our sins. When someone pays your fine, the judge can leave you, dismiss your case, it’s the same with God. Jesus paid our penalty and in order to accept the free gift of salvation from God, we must trust in Jesus's spilled Blood, His finished work on the Cross for our Salvation. And then your sins will be forgiven because of what Christ did, you will be saved!
Thank you Tim for this series of teaching,, God bless you, your family and the ministry that God has put you into.
Remember this. After struggling for years I learned this to be true regarding this topic and of course the bible tells us.
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
-Galatians 5:16
If you wrestle the flesh in the flesh you will only be tired and worn out and will give into temptation.
Really appreciate the effort he puts into his talk. Worth noting in making the kingdom safe for women it is within the context of the day that Jesus was speaking in.
Tim Mackie's teaching that the message of Jesus is to make the world safe for women in the first century applies equally to the need for women to be safe in the 21st century
"In the history of the human race, which gender has turned sexual desire into a tool of violence, subjugation and oppression of the other gender? Do we need to take a vote... on that, right?" I stood up and clapped, Tim.
Thanks for having the courage to address this subject. Very balanced and challenging. I think it needs to be said that even the people who have failed in this can be forgiven and be a real force in helping others to overcome this issue. God uses broken people to bring His message to others. If God can use King David, who failed in this area, he can use others. There is hope.
@18:57 "I cannot keep a bird from flying over my head, but I can certainly keep it from making a nest in my hair, or from biting off my nose."
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for he gave me the strength to overcome my gambling addiction (18 years clean).
A very detailed and welcoming exploration that brings clarity to thoughts and meaning around the words and teachings of Jesus Christ - our savior. May GOD bless you.
These videos are just so good. I absolutely love the way he explains this stuff.
Amen Tim Mackie 🙏🏻
How well you have explained this issue is beyond me. Thank you .
thank you mr.mackey! you have helped me in ways i can not explain.. thank you for your interpretation of the bible and jesus. you are a very good person.. i wish i could meet you in person just to shake your hand and buy you coffee and a croissant. i hope you will teach us about bible for years to come.
Can't wait to meet him in heaven 😭😭
Thank you Tim Mackie
Thank you for emphasizing that the core of all this is Jesus.
HERE is the Original Semitic Text, You NEED to READ this
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
What an original manner to treat this topic! A clever and accurate commentary in my view. Great analysis! May God bless you for such a wonderful sermon!
The reason why he’s so extreme about it is because all humans can sense the lust whether we acknowledge it or not. Similar to how we can sense if someone is looking at us, or spirit knows and Jesus wanted to help protect us and them. It’s a double win if we don’t lust.
Just asking....what's wrong with desire or even lust. Surely it's acting on it in an unwelcome fashion that's the problem.
@@gastonlaberge2119 Read from the Bible, I believe that we should let God deal with all things. if you want a wife, pray to God for a wife and she will eventually come into your life. You have to do things God’s way, not your way.
@@amyrenee1361 Hey Amy,
The first thing I will say with regard to those lawyers is that because we live in a fallen world, we will never be perfect like our Heavenly Father is by knowing all things, but the closer we get to understanding God and learning about His wisdom instead of the wisdom of man by fearing Him (pleasing good through reading the scriptures/praying and loving fellow man with all our heart) the closer our answer would be to the truth as humanly possible for each individual person. The answer is not important, but really how you came to the conclusion. What thought process did you have and who was your authority as you reached the conclusion. This leads into my next point that this process of coming to know Truth can only be done with an objective moral authority to Jesus as Lord. And lastly, a true Christian, having chosen their authority in life to be Christ instead of themselves, will actively turn from their wicked and evil ways in repentance to the old flesh and put on a new spirit in Christ. Some people might say “yes” to Christ out loud, but they may not have actually said, “yes” to Christ in their hearts otherwise they would slowly stop sinning by holding themselves accountable to becoming perfect as their Heavenly Father is in preparation and adoration for the coming Kingdom. This is what Jesus means when he says, “you will know them by their fruit”. Those who repent will love their God and their neighbors more than their selfish desires. God, bless you, and I pray you open the door to Jesus Christ in your heart. Give the Bible a read through and understand that if it is true to you and not corrupted, but really the words of Jesus, who is the words in the Bible become flesh, as the creator of all things, He is the way, the truth, and the life. You personally get to decide if He is and participate in the light of His love, or stay in the dark and not. That’s the beauty of free will.
TIM M. You are a beautiful soul and I feel your deeply rooted emotional heartbreak and it is a beautiful thing that you got up there and said everything that you have and that you whole heartily felt and meant every word .... You are a beautiful soul and our Creator is shining down with tears of joy for all that you do and the beautiful way you share his word. I want to show thanks to him for allowing such a wonderful and strong soul such as yours to extend your heart to us. I will keep all those whom are effected by these dark battles in my prayers and I pray that your heart is lifted of all the pains from others in which you feel even though they have no idea how much you truly understand and feel them ...
I am really touched by your true emotions, its great videos, Tim! at last, your voice was shaking , I can feel your true empathy to those who use sex desire in the wrong way.
One of the greatest sermons I've ever heard. Bravo. God bless Tim Mackie ❤
Covers contemporary analysis on this issue clearly, thouroughly and persuasively. Good.
I’ve always had trouble in discerning the line but when he describes playing the movie... wow, he really just named the thing. Inappropriate sexual fantasies plague my dreams more than my waking decisions, but it’s because I leave the gates of my mind open too much and stoke the temptation in subtle ways. Definitely inspired to be more prudent 🙌
I have been a lustful person for a very long time. I have given up listening to dark music, I have removed occult items from my life, I pray daily and seek the word almost every minute im awake and I am making further changes in my life so I can be a servant of God. I want to reside in His Kingdom for eternity and i want to bring as many other people that I can. I struggle with adult related things I.e videos and the like. I broke down crying and prayed and prayed for strength and for forgiveness. I have also rid myself of mind altering things I smoked pot for a very long time. Today i am sober even if it's only day 1. I love Jesus and I love God I am here to ask those who read this for prayers to help me stay strong and to stay away from temptations not just for me but for everyone here also. Lord Jesus, I repent of all of my sins and I ask that you come into to heart I make You my Lord and Savior father forgive me of my sins and recreate me as your instrument for good. In Jesus name, Amen.
Praying for you! Remember, ““But the gate that opens the way to true life is narrow. And the road that leads there is hard to follow. Only a few people find it.”
Matthew 7:14 ERV
You have found it, so keep strong in Jesus Christ! ☺️
I so get this, my brother . Don't quit. You can overcome evil with good, but it's not a quick battle often. The Holy Spirit used Celebrate Recovery to finally help me quit these habits. From 9 yrs old to 39 I fought this thing. Cult abuse was there. Many stops and starts. It was complicated.
Forgiving my perpetrator and my parents as part of my 12 step program finally set me free. Some things are so advanced that the only way to deal with them is to write off the debt. Matthew 18.
Don't give up my friend. Just keep starting over, right.?
I remember the time when I could not imagine living even one day without this activity. Seriously. And now I'm celebrating year 11 of total abstinence except for my husband.
Just keep swimming 🏊♀️ right?
and he shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
Thank you so much! The Bible project changed my Life 💜 God Bless you 🙏✝️
It also changed my life
This preach answer all of my old question. All clear as crystal
Wow 🔥 you’ve just successfully taught me about sex education like nobody has ever been able to. This format needs to be introduced to sex Ed programs nationwide dude, this is it 🔥🔥 flame on!
Tbh this changed my heart I didn’t watch this video at first but then my friend bring it back to my attention due to our daily Bible study at night and truly I have dug into a black hole but every time I turn to Jesus I feel happy because I use to be on and off about things but this opened my eyes when he said Jesus loves us and knows we can become more than of that stuff it made me smile and just know I love Jesus God so much I am willing to surrender to my Lord everyday and that I refuse to be in the black hole anymore and that I’ve seen the light a few times but now it’s heavily out n shining I give all the glory to you God thank you for your patience and time and love and kindness and understanding and the helping hands you gave out to me through this process in Jesus name
I can say this was a big problem in my life because of this lesson I stand corrected has of now 🙏
Praise the Lord still not happening 100% the more I tried the more it happened glory to God
Many thanks Tim for opening up the scriptures the way you did on this video. I really appreciate your dealing of the passage and its implications in our lives. It was the first time I had heard someone using this text to so explicitly talk about the kingdom being a place of safety for women and children. Thanks.
Thank you Jesus for the message thru' you, thank you Tim for being an obedient vessel of honor.
so true the battle is in the heart. takes a lot of conscious energy sometimes but it is better than opening yourself to the dark hole that exists when lust is left unchecked. Thank you Tim for illuminating the multiple layers that underlie these teachings of Jesus
God bless you Tim!
Amazing teaching, so much truth, very powerful, thank you and bless you Tim for being obedient to God in your calling. God will help many people through you!