Judy, that's kinda a rude thing to comment. She work countless hours to get this video up for the pleasure of us that can use it as a tutorial. I couldn't imagine doing a TUTORIAL. Which is to help people along. As a new sewer I appreciate all the repetitive instructions because it helps me. On the other hand I look forward for to your tutorial for this bag. Where you don't repeat a single thing, JUDY.
I really appreciate the detailed tutorial. I'm a visual learner so a video tutorial is perfect for me. I love that your video angles allow us to see every step unobstructed and clearly and I learnt some new techniques. My only suggestion for a tiny improvement is the use of the filler words "going to go ahead". I grew up bilingual and at times I listen to every word to process the meaning. Filler words are very distracting and for me personally can overwhelm me so I have to read the transcript, rewatch segments several times or leave my sewing for another day or week and try again. Otherwise, a professional and informative video. Thank you!
Thanks for explaining the wrong and right side of the wpc because I was a little confused.
Amazing tutorial! I love how you presented the information!!
Judy, that's kinda a rude thing to comment. She work countless hours to get this video up for the pleasure of us that can use it as a tutorial. I couldn't imagine doing a TUTORIAL. Which is to help people along. As a new sewer I appreciate all the repetitive instructions because it helps me. On the other hand
I look forward for to your tutorial for this bag. Where you don't repeat a single thing, JUDY.
Awesome tutorial very well presented looking forward to more of them.🙂
Thanks for the kind words.
I am so glad you made another turorial. I love all of them and I learn so much.
I really appreciate the detailed tutorial. I'm a visual learner so a video tutorial is perfect for me. I love that your video angles allow us to see every step unobstructed and clearly and I learnt some new techniques. My only suggestion for a tiny improvement is the use of the filler words "going to go ahead". I grew up bilingual and at times I listen to every word to process the meaning. Filler words are very distracting and for me personally can overwhelm me so I have to read the transcript, rewatch segments several times or leave my sewing for another day or week and try again. Otherwise, a professional and informative video. Thank you!
Yes a tutorial! The bloopers always make me laugh. RIP to the needle.
Where did you get the Disney dogs vinyl?
This vinyl came from Oh So Pretty fabrics. They have perpetual reorder services for past prints.
what sewing machine are you using. nice tutorial
I am sewing on a Husqvarna Viking opal 650.