Controlled by arguments (mostly brainless), withholding intimacy, and financially!!!! Moved out from toxicity in November 2023. Being emotional person it’s hard to stay away from my little kids….at this point clueless how I should handle things further.
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. If I bring our counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy.
Hey, how are things going a year on? My wife literally drives me crazy she is never happy and won't let me see my friends or family. I can't wait till I die
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. If I bring our counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy. Other than outright leaving . . . should I seek out a counselor first ?
They have no fear anymore because the system has removed all consequences from their actions. Women can do whatever they want now and most of them are nuts.
One thing that I find, doesn't work, is disengagement. There isn't anyway to try to stop the fighting and disengage without her finding even more hurtful ways to coax you back in to an argument. The argument only ends when she wants it to.
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. Like her father, my wife starts a conversation with a question, which then becomes an argument. What is a good exit strategy ?
@@TomlynAdvisors I think my wife has the same issue. But until SHE recognizes that fact, I'm not sure what I can do besides protect myself from the negativity.
(I commented this to someone else, but wanted to toss it up front here as well) I know this video has been up for a while but I think videos like this are So important, Ones speaking specifically to men. There are a gazillion videos, articles, studies, news reports, support groups, meetings, legal systems, etc to help women in abusive, controlling situations, to be able to get help, support, advice, a way out, etc. Men are typically just told to sit down and shut up, they have little to no way to talk about it, get help, or advice. Even counciling seemed often trained and set up to tell men it's Still their fault and they are the problem/need to change. This is a rare video giving some hope to men, maybe just to feel not alone. I appreciate the channel for bringing up these topics.
My wife controls me emotionally because no matter what I want to do or say she always argues against it and if I resist or persist with my point she throws a tantrum, Then I get upset and we get into this big arguments. We stay mad at each other for days eventually things pass but the resentment lingers for a long time . Been married for 39 yrs and she has been this one ever since. She controls out kids she controls other people even her own mother. She just wants things done her way no matter what. It’s frustrating for everyone around because we don’t have the freedom to even pick our clothes for social events. She is not even trying to change and that’s the most frustrating aspect because she feels like she doesn’t have to so I don’t know what to do😢😢
If you have been married for 39 years am I right in assuming the kids are adults? If they are and there is nothing holding you there you gotta repair your broken self and file for divorce. Get this evil sicko out of your life. Absolute no contact.
I should’ve stood firm with my no about wanting to go through with the wedding… I let her antics get to me again and now I feel like I’m in a rabbit hole because getting out of the marriage is a lot more difficult than it would’ve been getting out the relationship before marriage 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
She gives me the silent treatment does not talk to me unless she has something to say or a request she wants me to do everything seems to be her way or no way
Mine is emotional once physical and but also has a her master's in psychology and comes from an abusive family. Dad physically and emotionally mom emotionally and has severe abusive complosive disorder...double edged sword.
I tend to be very controlling and although I am very aware of this negative action, sometimes it comes from insecurity and lack of communication. When my husband began to pull away and not talk to me about things I got worse. It’s amazing how people can’t see the things they do, or helps their spouse by bringing up problems when they begin. They just give up on Everything. Now he’s been gone since June and I’m not the only one to take responsibility but I’m the only one who is trying to fix myself and work on myself. I’ve gotten help and he thinks he doesn’t need any. He’s not himself and there’s more than this involved but watching someone you love turn into a stranger is very sad. When what you’re doing is subconsciously happening, which was my case I never wanted or tried to do it, you can change. What’s sad is that many of us aren’t even given that chance
Amy, being aware is one thing, reversing it is another. There are men who want to be controlled, and there are men who don't, it's pretty much that simple. Men who don't want to be controlled first off, want to be respected. You are not showing respect for him if you are trying to control him. As a matter of fact, you are pushing him away. If it continues, he will find someone or something that doesn't want to control him. Shutting down is a form of self-preservation, but it is lonely for him too. And, as far as "not being given the chance", how much is enough? What do you expect to happen? You are not loving him when you are trying to control him and he knows it. Actions must match words...
With respect although you guys were married or together in a partnership if you are controlling that is a trait you pocess not your relationship. Even if it is to do with lack communication but if your still controlling even after fixing the communication problem the problem isn’t the communication it’s you. And I have to say when you say things like ‘I’ve gotten help and I think he needs help but he isn’t getting any help and he’s not himself’ these actions and statements are inherently a manipulative and controlling thing to say because you are determining his needs for him. I would say don’t worry about him and his needs. Although you may still love this person like a husband or partner he is not your partner anymore and the likelihood of you getting back together is very very slim. Sorry but relationships with a history of control don’t have a long shelf life.
As usual, abusers like you blame everyone else, play the victim and play the saint. And that is what you did in this comment. You are a sicko. You are an abuser and you will never change because you are just plain evil and rotten to the core. No sympathy for you. Just utter contempt.
I feel control by my wife esp on a long distance marriage cos she constantly blocks from talking to her on social networks and she knows how i love and cherish. I know she does that just to hurt my feelings
I'm curious how you know this to be true? Has your spouse specifically told you this? We often assume things based upon our own biases and past experiences. Be careful.
Resistance to control is whats causing all the stress, i've tried and it always ends up bad in the sense emotionally draining and we never reach a point to agree with each other on certain things. Mostly, trying to isolate me from my brother, controlling my mother in a non verbal way. Etc. I'm never even comfortable inviting people to my home as i dont know if she is even going to offer them even a cup of tea as a formality. Playing the victim after every argument is common and i end up guilty all the time . This is also a long distance relationship. How much more should i even compromise.? Should i decide to leave ? I have a son too, who means everything to me.
Sometimes people are 50% controlling. It's not always total control. That's the big issue for me. The descriptions usually define the extreme, but so often (especially when it's a women), the control is less obvious. Don't underestimate psychological domination by emotional manipulation. The cutting down is extremely damaging. Especially when the women brings in allies to confront the husband as a way of forcing submission of a husband who is trying to resist. The hard thing is often the women are sincere just not fair emotionally. She lives in a distorted reality, so it seems to her to be correct. Her emotions tell her it's correct and any attempt to reason with - is seen as control, gaslighting or manipulation by the husband. Fear, anxiety and emotionally cut off is a hard situation to be in. It's also hard to love someone who punishes you for it.
Absolutely! Control is so important, Marriage Helper has an entire section of the website devoted to it. Check it out at the link below. [1] In that archive, you'll find links to two of my personal favorites [2] and [3]. These two podcasts were the first I heard in 2016 that really opened my eyes to just how controlling I was. Prior to this, I would have told you that my wife was the one that was controlling, not me. Today, I have managed to get a handle on my control issues to the point where if I see it in others, it's something that is painful for me to watch. [1] [2] [3]
I want my husband to take more control, but it is not in his nature. He’s happy to let me take care of everything and he resents me for it. This has been our problem for the last 20 years of our marriage.
What if you just can't get out that easily? Does it help to give in completely? 'Cause more I resist, the more I get unhappy by her behaviours. All I think about is now giving up to her.. I may have been manipulated to think that way though, I really don't know..
All but spiritual. I’ve lost touch with my interests friends and sitting in the hospital for sixteen day and just one visit while she drives to Florida. It seems like the driving principle in our financial plan is to be sure her 35 year old son has enough money to buy his next turbo charged car.
“And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication…” Mat. 19:9 Fornication (porneia) can refer to a persistent pattern and practice of violating a very basic moral norm - sexually, criminality, rebellion, etc. (Used metaphorically in Jer. 3:9).
Mines is intellectual emotional and spiritual. My wife even told me that I was going to cause her to lose her salvation be cause Iin her mind I am not doing enough spiritually for the family for the times we live in. Eg. I'm not doing bible prophecy studies regularly.nor fasting and praying regularly. Mind u we. Go to church weekly, have sermons playing in our home do worship together as a family everyday and pray together and have spiritual discussions.
Any husbands have to ask before they eat or drink anything in the house that's not already in rhe fridge or in the cupboard? Any husbands not allowed to hold onto cash or do the grocery shopping? Any husbands not able to watch TV because the wife takes the remotes and you have to ask for them? Are any husbands the sole income for their household, but aren't allowed a say in what the money is spent on? Anyone? Just me? Okay.
Mine tries to tell me when I can and can't use my blender or my kitchen. In my house. That I bought before we even met. I shut her down real fast every time.
I have already implemented " turning the tables " on her by saying no to her. She would say that I cannot go fishing and my reply would be you wanna bet ! Lol. You are absolutely correct in that a woman will not respect you if you always give in to them. Women respect a man that does not allow them to walk all over them. I believe that they not only need a friend and a lover, but also want a type of father figure in the relationship as well. Bet they never disrespected their father while growing up. They are funny creatures but by changing my attitude and responses to her, it is definitely working. I also told her that if she doesn't like the change, then she knows where the front is and I'd help her move !
Is there any good audio book for men in this subject. I feel like this is a problem in my marriage, and it tends to be more common for men to control than women. Sometimes, I think she can be verbal abuse and aguementative to get her way. I don't know how to deal with this problem or if it's something that I should get out of the marriage for.
Literally every married man I know has been cucked by a controlling wife. Even in the church the men are so weak and they use the Bible to gaslight each other to just utterly capitulate to the woman's demands
Intellectual snd emotional control in my case. She will argue and argue to get her way until I just give up out of exhaustion. Belttles my work and exaggerates hers too. Very controlling. Textbook narcissist.
4:11 Jesus did say that as it was the law at the time and how the form of the questioning was trying to trap Him in breaking the law and how it was being taught. But didn't He lead with that only being an excuse of divorce because of the hardening of hearts... which is what He was teaching against?
Possibly explore this further. These little 'asks' to do something can build up to become lots of little 'asks' with expectations, and that can become tiring.
Great question! Since we can't control our spouses, let's focus on what we can control, ourselves. Knowing this, the question is, "Am I REALLY controlling my spouse?" To this, I would suggest watching Dr. Beam's video [1] below and taking the assessment he presents in the video. This can give you a somewhat objective view on if you are truly controlling or not. It's not uncommon for controlling people to feel like they are being controller by others. [1]
@PeGa Gonza Marriage Helper has resources on control. It can be helpful to see how your spouse perceives your asks. The bottom of this page as more help.
I was impressed by your video. Please tell me about yourselves and how you came to this calling Are you a born again believer. Is this ministry associated with a church?
Why haven't you?I'm a female. I watch this to understand why some men enable this behavior by their wives. And why some wives are so ungrateful when they have compassionate and supportive husbands. I don't know why people can't be simply kind and respectful to each other.
I am a controlling wife. I came from a controlling family and was people pleaser. I want to be perfect and I want my husband be perfect. I tell him what to do and he does and it's easy for him. Until i realised i hate the sound of my voice and I have become like my parents to me. I hate that. I want to relax I don't want to control anyone. It's just so scary . Like if I lose control over my husband I will not survive myself I am in a victim's mindset here. Being in control is addictive and its hard to stop. So lots of underlying reasons why I'm controlling, not just being ungrateful . I don't know how to stop controlling = relax
@@Silvyka99 married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. Can't take much more of the constant ordering around and criticism. If I bring up counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy. What would be a good exit strategy ?
My wife controls what social media I can use she doesn’t let me use Snapchat Instagram or even tik tok she also tries to control me by threatening a divorce! And even taking my kid from me.
My life is doing the same and life is unbearable at the point that I feel I don't want to continue to live. I don't know how to get out of this safely. I don't know if all women are like that but I want to be alone.
Well social media is not good for no one now days y’all don’t even have to get out from the house to cheat Social media is bad for couples and in general for everyone is way too much temptation there
I could be considered a controlling wife...but on my behalf my husbands WANTED a wife to taker charge, handle everything and he choose me to do just that.
Could be considered? You are or you are not. If what you’re doing is hurtful to the other and you’re just being a bully, then you need to rectify that or the other person will leave. If you have no respect for him, leave, because that isn’t love.
A husband deferring to you (letting you take charge) in some areas that you are good at...such as finances or house decorations, not a key to dominate him in everything. You emasculate and disrespect a man when you demand everything is done YOUR way.
@@misshairpassionista8378...Wait, what? It's using semantics to say "controlling is not the same as taking charge." When a woman DEMANDS to have her way (not even willing to compromise on important decisions), she is Controlling and thus does not respect her man. That will lead to a broken marriage every time.
At what point do we just say fck this and divorce…like all these techniques just to delay the inevitable. (Wife forced me to pass up on multiple six figure jobs cause she thinks i’ll leave her, and threatens me with cheating if I take off to accept a job). Sounds awesome huh? FML
Much of it is fear of the legal system as even though progress has been made the system still favors women. Personaly my own issue is no matter what I do it seems I'm always wrong. I swerve to miss a deer to just clip it but was fixed for $20...I get yelled at for being a careless driver. Tonight our dog while drying her after a bath jumped on the plug of our dryer and the plug broke as it hit the ground.....and I'm an idiot despite sometimes stuff just happens. Wife has bipolar so I know this plays a part here, but just wears on a guy when we seem to not be able to do anything right.
I’m watching this as a wife, he thinks I’m controlling. From my perspective, I’m just begging for my basic needs to be met. I admit I do raise my voice and have said some not so nice things when I feel like neglected. I wish he would just for once kiss me, hold my hand, hug me, tell me I’m pretty and the he loves me, without me asking.
I would say yes, this seems to be a western issue. And there are So Many videos, books, etc. For women with a controlling spouse. We've talked about husband's abusing wives, etc. Cause it Was more common, but in the west, man are raised to be emasculated, and women are raised as if everything they think and do is Perfect. And the roles have Majorly switched. Men also lose in divorce. So when men were the aggressors, women could leave and take half of everything and the kids. Now women are the aggressors and can Still leave and take half his stuff and his kids. It's all just very messy.
What if.this is a man..everything u described here is how i am treated by my husband. I actually thought is was me But all your words. Are Him to the T.
Yup, works both ways. I’m at that point of making a decision. Lay it out to them. If they refuse to talk and walk away then I’m afraid we have to walk away. This controlling person needs to confront the demons of their past to know why they are that way and work through it. Unfortunately, these types think the problems lay with others, not them.
For sure. I think why this video is So important, Speaking specifically to men. Is there are gazillion of videos, articles, studies, new reports, support groups, meeting, legal systems, etc to help women in abusive, controlling situations, get help, support, advice, a way out, etc. Men are typically just told to sit down and shut up, they have little to no way to talk about it and get help. Even counciling is often trained and set up to tell men it's Still their fault and they are the problem/need to change. This is a rare video giving some hope to men, maybe just to feel not alone.
My wife is disrespectful,manipulative and deceptive..and we fight most time because I resist her control over me..I really regret
marrying her..
I wholeheartedly feel the same same way! It’s very frustrating and disheartening
Leave its that simple. The problem you don't respect yourself. If you did you would not be having that problem
@@lalosalamanca8574not that simple for everyone like for me my wife threatens to take me kid from me
@@trevorarsenault8353mine too, and I know my wife will make it impossible to see my kids.
Sorry you had to go through that mate
Thank you. I thought I was the only one going through this.
Thank you for this lesson. Men MUST refuse to be controlled.
@@jefftube58 so should women
Controlled by arguments (mostly brainless), withholding intimacy, and financially!!!! Moved out from toxicity in November 2023. Being emotional person it’s hard to stay away from my little kids….at this point clueless how I should handle things further.
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. If I bring our counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy.
Hey, how are things going a year on? My wife literally drives me crazy she is never happy and won't let me see my friends or family. I can't wait till I die
It’s nice to know I’m not alone and that others are experiencing it as well. But it’s also very sad that we are experiencing this….
God scammed us all.
44yrs married, last 25 I have been controlled. I may be done.
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. If I bring our counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy.
Other than outright leaving . . . should I seek out a counselor first ?
They have no fear anymore because the system has removed all consequences from their actions. Women can do whatever they want now and most of them are nuts.
I KNOW the feeling! 😮💨
@@ohnoitisnt666 AMEM,AMEN,AMEM!
I think after a while you just check out. In my mind I think who wants to deal with this garbage.
Both of my brothers married controlling women. My sisters in law tried to control me. I would not put up with it.
What, did you dump her?
One thing that I find, doesn't work, is disengagement.
There isn't anyway to try to stop the fighting and disengage without her finding even more hurtful ways to coax you back in to an argument.
The argument only ends when she wants it to.
married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. Like her father, my wife starts a conversation with a question, which then becomes an argument.
What is a good exit strategy ?
@@AAB371 I sent her to jail.
@@TomlynAdvisors I think my wife has the same issue. But until SHE recognizes that fact, I'm not sure what I can do besides protect myself from the negativity.
(I commented this to someone else, but wanted to toss it up front here as well)
I know this video has been up for a while but I think videos like this are So important, Ones speaking specifically to men. There are a gazillion videos, articles, studies, news reports, support groups, meetings, legal systems, etc to help women in abusive, controlling situations, to be able to get help, support, advice, a way out, etc. Men are typically just told to sit down and shut up, they have little to no way to talk about it, get help, or advice. Even counciling seemed often trained and set up to tell men it's Still their fault and they are the problem/need to change. This is a rare video giving some hope to men, maybe just to feel not alone. I appreciate the channel for bringing up these topics.
Stay strong my fellow men.
Thank you for this video. I'm finally implementing this despite her actions, and it feels really good. Thank you.
My wife controls me emotionally because no matter what I want to do or say she always argues against it and if I resist or persist with my point she throws a tantrum, Then I get upset and we get into this big arguments. We stay mad at each other for days eventually things pass but the resentment lingers for a long time . Been married for 39 yrs and she has been this one ever since. She controls out kids she controls other people even her own mother. She just wants things done her way no matter what. It’s frustrating for everyone around because we don’t have the freedom to even pick our clothes for social events. She is not even trying to change and that’s the most frustrating aspect because she feels like she doesn’t have to so I don’t know what to do😢😢
@@josemartinez8835 your wife must be a sociopath.
Same here
If you have been married for 39 years am I right in assuming the kids are adults? If they are and there is nothing holding you there you gotta repair your broken self and file for divorce. Get this evil sicko out of your life. Absolute no contact.
You have not learned yet that Satan, is 100% the woman’s god
I’ve controlled out of fear.
I’m good Jane
Thank you so much. I needed this. I was so blind I couldn't even see it
Physical and emotional control in my marriage
There is hope. See my story here:видео.html
I should’ve stood firm with my no about wanting to go through with the wedding… I let her antics get to me again and now I feel like I’m in a rabbit hole because getting out of the marriage is a lot more difficult than it would’ve been getting out the relationship before marriage 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
I feel like I’m walking on eggshells when i watch a video like this
Am i a victim of control ?
I regularly delete my search history. I feel your pain friend.
Man... I can relate to this.
The answer is obvious
She gives me the silent treatment does not talk to me unless she has something to say or a request she wants me to do everything seems to be her way or no way
Sounds like my wife, do you have any kids?
@@munterboy1744 yes but grow and married
Yep, it’s her way or no way. Doesn’t like resistance but will dish it out with no problem. Pushes me to my breaking point.
I couldn't be so lucky as to get "the silent treatment".
If the kids are grown, exit post haste.
Mine is emotional once physical and but also has a her master's in psychology and comes from an abusive family. Dad physically and emotionally mom emotionally and has severe abusive complosive disorder...double edged sword.
Sounds like great advice I will look forward to more. I feel like we are in constant disagreement.
Excellent post. I can check all boxes.
Excellent advice! Thanks.
I tend to be very controlling and although I am very aware of this negative action, sometimes it comes from insecurity and lack of communication. When my husband began to pull away and not talk to me about things I got worse. It’s amazing how people can’t see the things they do, or helps their spouse by bringing up problems when they begin. They just give up on Everything. Now he’s been gone since June and I’m not the only one to take responsibility but I’m the only one who is trying to fix myself and work on myself. I’ve gotten help and he thinks he doesn’t need any. He’s not himself and there’s more than this involved but watching someone you love turn into a stranger is very sad.
When what you’re doing is subconsciously happening, which was my case I never wanted or tried to do it, you can change. What’s sad is that many of us aren’t even given that chance
Amy, being aware is one thing, reversing it is another. There are men who want to be controlled, and there are men who don't, it's pretty much that simple. Men who don't want to be controlled first off, want to be respected. You are not showing respect for him if you are trying to control him. As a matter of fact, you are pushing him away. If it continues, he will find someone or something that doesn't want to control him. Shutting down is a form of self-preservation, but it is lonely for him too. And, as far as "not being given the chance", how much is enough? What do you expect to happen? You are not loving him when you are trying to control him and he knows it. Actions must match words...
With respect although you guys were married or together in a partnership if you are controlling that is a trait you pocess not your relationship. Even if it is to do with lack communication but if your still controlling even after fixing the communication problem the problem isn’t the communication it’s you. And I have to say when you say things like ‘I’ve gotten help and I think he needs help but he isn’t getting any help and he’s not himself’ these actions and statements are inherently a manipulative and controlling thing to say because you are determining his needs for him. I would say don’t worry about him and his needs. Although you may still love this person like a husband or partner he is not your partner anymore and the likelihood of you getting back together is very very slim. Sorry but relationships with a history of control don’t have a long shelf life.
As usual, abusers like you blame everyone else, play the victim and play the saint. And that is what you did in this comment. You are a sicko. You are an abuser and you will never change because you are just plain evil and rotten to the core. No sympathy for you. Just utter contempt.
I feel control by my wife esp on a long distance marriage cos she constantly blocks from talking to her on social networks and she knows how i love and cherish. I know she does that just to hurt my feelings
I'm curious how you know this to be true? Has your spouse specifically told you this? We often assume things based upon our own biases and past experiences. Be careful.
Try this when the entire family law system is against men in all respects.
Resistance to control is whats causing all the stress, i've tried and it always ends up bad in the sense emotionally draining and we never reach a point to agree with each other on certain things. Mostly, trying to isolate me from my brother, controlling my mother in a non verbal way. Etc. I'm never even comfortable inviting people to my home as i dont know if she is even going to offer them even a cup of tea as a formality. Playing the victim after every argument is common and i end up guilty all the time . This is also a long distance relationship. How much more should i even compromise.? Should i decide to leave ? I have a son too, who means everything to me.
Sometimes people are 50% controlling. It's not always total control. That's the big issue for me. The descriptions usually define the extreme, but so often (especially when it's a women), the control is less obvious.
Don't underestimate psychological domination by emotional manipulation. The cutting down is extremely damaging. Especially when the women brings in allies to confront the husband as a way of forcing submission of a husband who is trying to resist.
The hard thing is often the women are sincere just not fair emotionally. She lives in a distorted reality, so it seems to her to be correct. Her emotions tell her it's correct and any attempt to reason with - is seen as control, gaslighting or manipulation by the husband.
Fear, anxiety and emotionally cut off is a hard situation to be in. It's also hard to love someone who punishes you for it.
Manipulation is a form of witchcraft.
Thank you for your video...
Very sound advice.
Im married to a controlling wife, and I'm absolutely crazy about her.
Excellent even for a woman to watch
Amazing video!!
Lived this. Non-reciprical relationship
Thank you!
😅 Thanks for the upload.
Well it looks like my wife has a finger in all of the “PIES” 😕
Do you have a video for the controlling person?
Absolutely! Control is so important, Marriage Helper has an entire section of the website devoted to it. Check it out at the link below. [1] In that archive, you'll find links to two of my personal favorites [2] and [3]. These two podcasts were the first I heard in 2016 that really opened my eyes to just how controlling I was. Prior to this, I would have told you that my wife was the one that was controlling, not me. Today, I have managed to get a handle on my control issues to the point where if I see it in others, it's something that is painful for me to watch.
Physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.
Story of my life.
I think I am emotionally controlled the most at this point in time.
Excellent view points!
I want my husband to take more control, but it is not in his nature. He’s happy to let me take care of everything and he resents me for it. This has been our problem for the last 20 years of our marriage.
You're putting so much pressure on him and micromanaging him and projecting your anxiety onto him. And you're beating him down and blaming him for it
What if you just can't get out that easily? Does it help to give in completely? 'Cause more I resist, the more I get unhappy by her behaviours. All I think about is now giving up to her.. I may have been manipulated to think that way though, I really don't know..
Good advice well worth watching
All but spiritual. I’ve lost touch with my interests friends and sitting in the hospital for sixteen day and just one visit while she drives to Florida. It seems like the driving principle in our financial plan is to be sure her 35 year old son has enough money to buy his next turbo charged car.
“And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication…” Mat. 19:9
Fornication (porneia) can refer to a persistent pattern and practice of violating a very basic moral norm - sexually, criminality, rebellion, etc. (Used metaphorically in Jer. 3:9).
Mine is mostly spiritual with a little emotional mixed in.
Mines is intellectual emotional and spiritual. My wife even told me that I was going to cause her to lose her salvation be cause Iin her mind I am not doing enough spiritually for the family for the times we live in. Eg. I'm not doing bible prophecy studies regularly.nor fasting and praying regularly. Mind u we. Go to church weekly, have sermons playing in our home do worship together as a family everyday and pray together and have spiritual discussions.
Any husbands have to ask before they eat or drink anything in the house that's not already in rhe fridge or in the cupboard? Any husbands not allowed to hold onto cash or do the grocery shopping? Any husbands not able to watch TV because the wife takes the remotes and you have to ask for them? Are any husbands the sole income for their household, but aren't allowed a say in what the money is spent on? Anyone? Just me? Okay.
Mine tries to tell me when I can and can't use my blender or my kitchen. In my house. That I bought before we even met. I shut her down real fast every time.
Me 😢 can't even go to office without permission.. need to work from home when she demands 😢
Why do you put up with that from your wife?
I have already implemented " turning the tables " on her by saying no to her. She would say that I cannot go fishing and my reply would be you wanna bet ! Lol. You are absolutely correct in that a woman will not respect you if you always give in to them. Women respect a man that does not allow them to walk all over them. I believe that they not only need a friend and a lover, but also want a type of father figure in the relationship as well. Bet they never disrespected their father while growing up. They are funny creatures but by changing my attitude and responses to her, it is definitely working. I also told her that if she doesn't like the change, then she knows where the front is and I'd help her move !
Is there any good audio book for men in this subject. I feel like this is a problem in my marriage, and it tends to be more common for men to control than women. Sometimes, I think she can be verbal abuse and aguementative to get her way. I don't know how to deal with this problem or if it's something that I should get out of the marriage for.
Literally every married man I know has been cucked by a controlling wife. Even in the church the men are so weak and they use the Bible to gaslight each other to just utterly capitulate to the woman's demands
Intellectual snd emotional control in my case. She will argue and argue to get her way until I just give up out of exhaustion. Belttles my work and exaggerates hers too. Very controlling. Textbook narcissist.
4:11 Jesus did say that as it was the law at the time and how the form of the questioning was trying to trap Him in breaking the law and how it was being taught. But didn't He lead with that only being an excuse of divorce because of the hardening of hearts... which is what He was teaching against?
Thank you for your help! What about when I just ask my husband to do something and he replies that I am controlling him?
Same as mine, and I get the silent treatment
Possibly explore this further. These little 'asks' to do something can build up to become lots of little 'asks' with expectations, and that can become tiring.
@@ThePowerAndControlWheel it becomes a lot because the ‘asks’ are not being honored
Great question! Since we can't control our spouses, let's focus on what we can control, ourselves. Knowing this, the question is, "Am I REALLY controlling my spouse?" To this, I would suggest watching Dr. Beam's video [1] below and taking the assessment he presents in the video. This can give you a somewhat objective view on if you are truly controlling or not. It's not uncommon for controlling people to feel like they are being controller by others.
@PeGa Gonza Marriage Helper has resources on control. It can be helpful to see how your spouse perceives your asks. The bottom of this page as more help.
I was impressed by your video. Please tell me about yourselves and how you came to this calling Are you a born again believer. Is this ministry associated with a church?
Sounds like what you describing is a Jezebel spirit !!!!
I think the Bible warns about this. Does it not?
41 and never married and no kids 😊
Why haven't you?I'm a female.
I watch this to understand why some men enable this behavior by their wives. And why some wives are so ungrateful when they have compassionate and supportive husbands. I don't know why people can't be simply kind and respectful to each other.
I am a controlling wife. I came from a controlling family and was people pleaser. I want to be perfect and I want my husband be perfect. I tell him what to do and he does and it's easy for him. Until i realised i hate the sound of my voice and I have become like my parents to me. I hate that. I want to relax I don't want to control anyone. It's just so scary . Like if I lose control over my husband I will not survive myself I am in a victim's mindset here. Being in control is addictive and its hard to stop. So lots of underlying reasons why I'm controlling, not just being ungrateful . I don't know how to stop controlling = relax
@@Silvyka99 married 38 years . . . last 15 have been controlled . . . every year it gets worse. Professionals say its' due to my wife's deeply rooted insecurities - only which she alone she can work out. Can't take much more of the constant ordering around and criticism. If I bring up counseling, it will be like hitting the beaches at Normandy. What would be a good exit strategy ?
@Silvyka99 you need serious mental health care. I'd run immediately from you.
Great advise for men from another man.
My wife controls what social media I can use she doesn’t let me use Snapchat Instagram or even tik tok she also tries to control me by threatening a divorce! And even taking my kid from me.
My life is doing the same and life is unbearable at the point that I feel I don't want to continue to live. I don't know how to get out of this safely. I don't know if all women are like that but I want to be alone.
Well social media is not good for no one now days y’all don’t even have to get out from the house to cheat
Social media is bad for couples and in general for everyone is way too much temptation there
iam being controlled cuz a liar and a cheater
I could be considered a controlling wife...but on my behalf my husbands WANTED a wife to taker charge, handle everything and he choose me to do just that.
Could be considered? You are or you are not. If what you’re doing is hurtful to the other and you’re just being a bully, then you need to rectify that or the other person will leave. If you have no respect for him, leave, because that isn’t love.
A controlling wife is different from a wife who is in charge.
A husband deferring to you (letting you take charge) in some areas that you are good at...such as finances or house decorations, not a key to dominate him in everything. You emasculate and disrespect a man when you demand everything is done YOUR way.
@@misshairpassionista8378...Wait, what? It's using semantics to say "controlling is not the same as taking charge."
When a woman DEMANDS to have her way (not even willing to compromise on important decisions), she is Controlling and thus does not respect her man. That will lead to a broken marriage every time.
He let you lead because you demanded it and he couldn’t be bothered with your arguments and belittling
At what point do we just say fck this and divorce…like all these techniques just to delay the inevitable. (Wife forced me to pass up on multiple six figure jobs cause she thinks i’ll leave her, and threatens me with cheating if I take off to accept a job). Sounds awesome huh? FML
Much of it is fear of the legal system as even though progress has been made the system still favors women. Personaly my own issue is no matter what I do it seems I'm always wrong. I swerve to miss a deer to just clip it but was fixed for $20...I get yelled at for being a careless driver. Tonight our dog while drying her after a bath jumped on the plug of our dryer and the plug broke as it hit the ground.....and I'm an idiot despite sometimes stuff just happens. Wife has bipolar so I know this plays a part here, but just wears on a guy when we seem to not be able to do anything right.
Not sure what to advise you, but threatening to cheat on you for accepting a well paying job means she isn't worth keeping.
If she's threatening to cheat it's so over
Is this also part of a wife lead marriage?
Thank you in 2024
Do you know my former wife? I wish I had better known these things several years ago. It’s too late now.
I’m watching this as a wife, he thinks I’m controlling. From my perspective, I’m just begging for my basic needs to be met. I admit I do raise my voice and have said some not so nice things when I feel like neglected.
I wish he would just for once kiss me, hold my hand, hug me, tell me I’m pretty and the he loves me, without me asking.
Careful…I started staying no. Now I’m about to lose all three my kids.
Sounds like my wife
It's not only wife is controlling but husbands are more controller in Indian marrage.and that's true
I would say yes, this seems to be a western issue. And there are So Many videos, books, etc. For women with a controlling spouse. We've talked about husband's abusing wives, etc. Cause it Was more common, but in the west, man are raised to be emasculated, and women are raised as if everything they think and do is Perfect. And the roles have Majorly switched. Men also lose in divorce. So when men were the aggressors, women could leave and take half of everything and the kids. Now women are the aggressors and can Still leave and take half his stuff and his kids. It's all just very messy.
Weak men breed hard times
What if.this is a man..everything u described here is how i am treated by my husband. I actually thought is was me
But all your words. Are Him to the T.
Yup, works both ways. I’m at that point of making a decision. Lay it out to them. If they refuse to talk and walk away then I’m afraid we have to walk away. This controlling person needs to confront the demons of their past to know why they are that way and work through it. Unfortunately, these types think the problems lay with others, not them.
For sure. I think why this video is So important, Speaking specifically to men. Is there are gazillion of videos, articles, studies, new reports, support groups, meeting, legal systems, etc to help women in abusive, controlling situations, get help, support, advice, a way out, etc. Men are typically just told to sit down and shut up, they have little to no way to talk about it and get help. Even counciling is often trained and set up to tell men it's Still their fault and they are the problem/need to change. This is a rare video giving some hope to men, maybe just to feel not alone.
This is pure comedy 🤣🤣🤣
No it really isn't... 😕😒
Sorry there is no god.
Didn't watch a lick. This dude in a stache' just screamed everything. I know he's innocent and guilty at the same time.
Lets face it. Men aren't BIGGER anymore, just stronger.