Final Fantasy Theories - Rinoa is Ultimecia [Follow-up]

  • Опубликовано: 23 июл 2009
  • Since the last video got so much attention, I thought another video was nescessary.
    Some of the arguments and comments got my brain thinking. I decided to put my thoughts on a video once again.
    And REMEMBER - There are plenty of good pieces of evidence that point to this theory being true, and plenty that point the opposite way. Just think of it as a fun topic to discuss. You can choose to believe it simply to make the story of FF8 a little more interesting, and to give the final boss a motive, something that I think was lacking in this game. It's still a great game nontheless.

Комментарии • 388

  • @AmbientJoe
    @AmbientJoe 8 лет назад +19

    rinoa being ultimecia would of been a wicked plot twist for a FF8 - 2. They could of done that, they still can. I'd buy it!

  • @slithered
    @slithered 10 лет назад +15

    For me, SE just added more fuel to the fire by making Ultimecia say "Shall we dance" just before she fights Squall in Dissidia: Final Fantasy. I think the theory is true also. I mean, Rinoa could survive after Squall's death because she's a witch, and that could have driven her mad from grief. And like you mentioned, if she summoned Griever, that means she had it junctioned beforehand so it wouldn't make sense if she hadn't known it (i.e. she knows that is a powerful being as Squall states).

  • @acoruna5421
    @acoruna5421 6 лет назад +3

    Final Fantasy VIII is just a dream Ultimecia keeps re-living over and over because it was her happiest moments with Squall, her friends from Balamb Garden, and her friends from Timber Owls. The End.

  • @nucarius
    @nucarius 12 лет назад +3

    i got a good one for all of you SKEPTICS. Check squall vs Ultimecia in Destiny Odyssey , squall mentioned "i only came to fulfill my promise" and Ultimecia said " Shall we Dance?" do you all remember who said that ? yes. ladies and gentlemen, Rinoa

  • @DeathToDrugUsers21
    @DeathToDrugUsers21 10 лет назад +4

    I was a kid when I played this game. I never thought about this theory and squall's dead theory. I'm probably in the super minority here but I actually loved this game. I loved it so much that I liked it more than FF7. Looking back the story did suck, even back then I knew the story was very strange. And these theories I feel enhance this game and makes it 10x more interesting. I will have to wait until they re-release this on PC to play again.

  • @ronneemazukin
    @ronneemazukin 9 лет назад +8

    I always thought Ultamecia was Rinoa and Squall Descendent. That Pendant was passed on and somehow became a Guardian Force because of some reason or another.

  • @NJelBoi
    @NJelBoi 11 лет назад +2

    To be honest, the U=R theory makes the game's story MUCH more intriguing. It pretty much makes the love story between Rinoa and Squall very tragic; you know, Squall knowing that in order to save the time realms he has to destroy the very person he swore to defend. Garland was another villain that was the first to experiment with the time loop. Perhaps Rinoa forgetting who Squall and company were via GF junction for x amount of time was the breaking point in the time loop.

  • @AsteriaRiselta
    @AsteriaRiselta 11 лет назад +3

    I believe that Rinoa is Ultimecia; it makes perfect sense. She said in disc 3 "Squall's sword would pierce my heart," so perhaps that is her goal of eventually meeting Squall in the future. I mean, that's clearly what she wanted, it's not like she was doing all of this to destroy all SeeDs or anything like that and finally kill Squall, aka the "legendary SeeD." And hell, come to think of it, most people who are alone for so long develop Russian accents, being cooped up for so long.

  • @Kydos37
    @Kydos37 14 лет назад +2

    Let's not forget Seifer, he had an interest in Rinoa which was reciprocated until his death. There was chemistry between the two and lo and behold, who becomes the Sorceress' knight? Mr Almasy himself, because of his old feelings for Rinoa

  • @DarknessInside0
    @DarknessInside0 14 лет назад +2

    Ultimecia lives many generations in the future, at the time where the heroes can technically exist, but Ultimecia is a sorceress specialize in Time/Space magic (like Edea specializes in Ice Magic), so it would be possible for her to extend her lifespan. And in the final battle, Ultimecia says "Time...It will not wait...No hard you hold on. It escapes you...And...I...can't...disappear yet.", which means she lost something/someone precious to her in the past (interesting)

  • @efknight
    @efknight 9 лет назад +17

    There are tons of clues throughout the game that point towards Rinoa being Ultemicia. After playing through the game at least eight times I noticed some interesting things.

  • @BrokenYamato
    @BrokenYamato 8 лет назад +5

    One big flaw in the reasoning of those who criticize the Rinoa-Ultimecia theory is that they say there is no way Rinoa could have lived "that long", assuming that a lot of time has passed between Squall's and Ultimecia's time.

  • @Alam0052
    @Alam0052 12 лет назад +4

    Interesting theory and nice video. I played FFVIII many times in my youth so I can appreciate the spirited discussions. Here's my two cents: sorceresses live longer lifespans than mortals. Eventually Squall grows old and is near death. Using magic, Rinoa turns him into Griever and junctions him. Thousands of years later, due to GF Memory loss, she has become evil and no longer remembers Squall, having only a lasting hatred for SeeD.

  • @myasshole69
    @myasshole69 10 лет назад +7

    TVTRopes Wild Mass Guessing.

  • @JameboHayabusa
    @JameboHayabusa 10 лет назад +2

    Gotcha. Been a few years since I played the game, but that does sound right. Damn, now you really got me thinking about this theory. Can't believe this has been on the internet for so long.

  • @TheNin-Jedi
    @TheNin-Jedi 10 лет назад +2

    Its also possible that the reason she attempted to kill squall and party is because she knew somewhere in her mind that they would kill her and ultimately free her from her insane and twisted reality.

  • @madcatgr9701
    @madcatgr9701 8 лет назад +7

    1.Sorceresses have a loooong timespan (look at cid and edea) also Ultimecia already controls space and time magic. she doesn't need to control ellone to use them, she just needs her for time compression. that could very well mean she went to to

  • @LordZachael
    @LordZachael 10 лет назад +8

    People can speculate and over think the basic plot all they want it still doesn't change the fact that the party beats Ultimecia and after the credits you see Zell, Selphie, Quistis, Irvine, Cid. and Edea together at a celebration. Then Rinoa is seen alone on a balcony gazing into the night sky. She turns and smiles to see Squall, who gives ones of his rare smiles back. They all are real and alive in the final scene. The war is over, love conquers all.

  • @skyfall9466
    @skyfall9466 9 лет назад +8

    as FF8 die hard fans,i demand SE release FF8 sequel..

  • @KitanaAsh
    @KitanaAsh 11 лет назад +1

    I was told that once you gain so many Hyne Fragments, your body and mind become distorted. That's why Ultimecia looks the way that she does. She's probably the closest to Hyne anyone is ever going to get. I really love this theory and support it. I think I've also heard that Square wanted people to make up their own theories with this game and they were never going to reveal anything. I don't think she compressed time yet when everyone got there. She hasn't taken care of it yet...