I loved being part of this. I hope it helps. Ive been in a job part time for 6 months now as an office cleaner and i love it. small steps in time can mean progress i promise. just seek the help when you feel you need it. dont be embaressed or scared to seek help through samaritans or mind or other charities
So glad your life is getting that much better with that much more time.I dealt with Mind-or is that vice-versa(?!)-in my early 20's(i'm 35 now)-and the helped me a lot-as did another mental health charity called Mood Swings-and yet another attached to the NHS.I've only done voluntary work-a few stints in various charity shops,over the span of 10 years-and i did try to become a help-line worker-but that was too demanding,in terms of hours.Thankfully i have never been sectioned-but since the age of 8 my life has been monitored by psychiatrists/psychologists(i have been on disability living allowance for the past 17 years)social workers-and more.Self medicated with drink and drugs in my late teens and early 20's-and the past 10 years i have been a regular gym attender and outdoor exercise enthusiast-walking,running and cycling.Vigorous exercise literally exorcises your demons!Fab little documentary,by the way.xxx
I live with my daughter and my grand babies. My daughters husband is in the military. I LOVE BEING AROUND MY GRAND BABIES!!! They are the ones that keeps me alive💗💗💗💗💗 My daughter understands me a lot. When I go in my room she knows I need rest and when I need to alone. I am VERY VERY BLESSED. She prays for me and talked to me about Jesus.
I loved being part of this. I hope it helps. Ive been in a job part time for 6 months now as an office cleaner and i love it. small steps in time can mean progress i promise. just seek the help when you feel you need it. dont be embaressed or scared to seek help through samaritans or mind or other charities
So glad your life is getting that much better with that much more time.I dealt with Mind-or is that vice-versa(?!)-in my early 20's(i'm 35 now)-and the helped me a lot-as did another mental health charity called Mood Swings-and yet another attached to the NHS.I've only done voluntary work-a few stints in various charity shops,over the span of 10 years-and i did try to become a help-line worker-but that was too demanding,in terms of hours.Thankfully i have never been sectioned-but since the age of 8 my life has been monitored by psychiatrists/psychologists(i have been on disability living allowance for the past 17 years)social workers-and more.Self medicated with drink and drugs in my late teens and early 20's-and the past 10 years i have been a regular gym attender and outdoor exercise enthusiast-walking,running and cycling.Vigorous exercise literally exorcises your demons!Fab little documentary,by the way.xxx
Had me in tears. This is very true to living with a mental illness.
I live with my daughter and my grand babies. My daughters husband is in the military. I LOVE BEING AROUND MY GRAND BABIES!!! They are the ones that keeps me alive💗💗💗💗💗 My daughter understands me a lot. When I go in my room she knows I need rest and when I need to alone. I am VERY VERY BLESSED. She prays for me and talked to me about Jesus.
This video is a such a important find! No one tell you about this stuff
Love this type of video!
this is brill.
this is brill.