Forensics: we don't categorize bones in sexes anymore because there's too much variability between populations Transvestigators: THE SHAPE OF THE SKULL!!! This people are insane🤣🤣🤣
I love that Roly is the dictionary definition of everything that makes Conservatives cry and scream and sob. Roly is Conservative Satan and i can't think of a better compliment.
He is pretty great for that. I wish he would talk just a little slower, though, I gotta say. I'd watch him more if I could follow everything he said lol
I remember when I was in 4th Grade, I had a teacher who believed Lady GaGa was trans. She even went as far as to say during our morning prayer (I went to a special ed Catholic school) that we need to pray for Lady GaGa to "go back to *HIS* true self" and I remember everyone else had their eyes closed and my jaw hit the floor in shock in how I was the only kid to not ignore that. I then went on my computer and looked into the evidence as to why she thought that once I got home and I was dying of laughter. I remember never looking at her the same after that.
@@ohnothepossum Yeah, and that teacher was one that a reputation for kids either loving her or hating her. I didn't mind her at first but once I saw through her bigotry, I began to use that as an excuse to act up in her class and she hated my guts. I was one of the few kids who she didn't like that ended up staying until 8th Grade, usually the kids in that same situation transfer out afterwards.
I was a fully grown adult living with my then-partner when Lady Gaga was starting out. I feel so damn old right now. Off to check on burial costs, goodbye.
Well, now that you mention it, the anti-Communist witch hunts _DID_ have a strong antisemitic flavor about them. Like, similarity with the old hunts in Europe for secret Jews who only pretended to convert when they were threatened with death. Which happened with great regularity during Medieval and Renaissance history.
I love when people post pictures of famous cis men (Markiplier, MatPat, etc) saying that they’re their trans brothers and transphobes are like “so OBVIOUSLY a woman” it really shows how baseless their arguments are
Even better, showing them a picture of Rowling and they'll literally go "that's a man". Like, dude … how can you be _so_ out of touch that you don't recognise the most public transphobe?
@@rolfs2165they're like so deep in the internet brain rot that they go full circle and end up thinking she hates trans people out of projection instead of bigotry. The mental gymnastics is insanee
Jamie: Do I look British? Me and Roly at exactly the same time: Yes! And then I cracked up intensly at the absurdity of spontaneously saying something like that which usually is not the way I like to make sense out of things.
All the talk about the "female/male skull" and Roly pointing out it has to do with genetics reminds me of how an entire burial plot of Norse warriors were assumed to have male skeletons based off of their masculine skulls and height, but it was later looked at closer and all of the skeletons were female, turning out that the female skulls of the Norse were more masculine and their height taller compared to today's people of the same ethnicity, and the males were more "feminine" (also ironic considering "the vikings" are used by a lot of "alpha males" as the supposed peak of extreme western masculinity "compared to this generation").
At this point I'm suprised they don't call colorblind celebrity women trans cuz colorblindness is a bit more common in man. Let's be real, it isn't unlikely for them.... No actually it is, cuz even that makes more sense than 99% of what they say
If I remember right, the majority of skeletons at dig sites aren’t assigned a gender, and if they are, it's decided by clues around the skeleton, like tools and whatnot, rather than anything about the skeleton itself, because pelvic width just isn’t reliable enough.
The whole thing about white supremacist men using the Vikings and Nordic culture as the paragon of masculinity is so laughable to me since I started exploring Norse mythology. The myths often involve the male deities cross dressing, and Loki literally gives birth. I practice seiðr, a form of magic that bore you suspicion and stigma of unmanliness when practiced. It's always been queer.
Yeah, phrenology is the "science" of being able to discern personality traits and ablities from feeling the bumps and divets on a person's skull. (The one good thing to come about from it was that this helped put the medical community on the path to realizing that different parts of the brain were responsible for different functions.) Famously, Mark Twain figured out that the whole thing was a sham when he attended a phrenology appointment under his real name (Samuel Clemens) and was told by the phrenologist that he had little to no creativity or humor bumps. Next month he went back to that very same phrenologist, using his famous pen name, and sure enough, creativity and humor bumps were everywhere! He never let the "profession" live it down.
I remember a few months/maybe a year ago, seeing someone say that Tom Holland and Zendaya were trans and their reason for Tom Holland being trans? That he supposedly didn't have an Adam's apple. Except the picture used to say he had no Adam's apple was one where he was wearing a hoodie, so it was covered anyway. And the picture was also taken from kind of far away. Oh, they also mentioned his hips. For Zendaya, it was because she's taller than Tom and slender. lmao.
Women have Adam's apples too, they're just far less noticeable on average. These people look at diagrams from the 60s meant to tell what you the average white man or woman looks like and they use it as a set of universal rules.
@@KarmicID They act like they haven't. They act as if everyone must have the same facial structure/body type or something. They're honestly such idiots. Transphobic, of course, but also just so incredibly stupid.
As a cis woman with a rather pronounced brow ridge, I can honestly say I've never been 'accused ' of being trans. But I do use it to shelter stray cats when its raining. 😺
And the only thing a pronounced brow ridge represents is 1. Probably of Slavic origin, or 2. Has more Neanderthal DNA than most. (No shade intended) Neanderthals were way smarter than we used to give them credit for. They also took care of the disabled in their groups, including a middle aged man who couldn't hunt because he was missing half a leg and iirc part of one arm. X-rays showed the bones had time to heal completely - and he survived an amputation, so they weren't "primitive savages" either. P.S. Thanks for looking out for the stray cats, you absolute *LEGEND!* I use my boobs to shelter them.
@@jooleebillyLol no offense taken! Sounds like Neanderthals rock! 😂😂😂 and I used to be a carer so....not too far off. My gf does that with her boobs too! I just use what nature gave me 😂
Yes im the same. I definitely have more neanderthal dna if you look at the features they state about it. And im like... i can promise you im a cis woman 😂 im literally very heavily pregnant with my second child, cant really say im anything other than afab as because as far as im aware trans women cant yet gestate fetuses, but i cant wait until they can. The transvestigators will never trust anything ever again
@@jooleebilly I'm actually really proud of my Neanderthal heritage. (I have only a trace of Slavic ancestry through one Polish 7greats-grandfather who lived 300 years ago, so I think it comes from my Spanish and German sides.)
@@jooleebilly The bit about disabled neanderthals reminds me that I once heard that the reason they're often portrayed hunched over was that the first skeleton found was arthritic
I still remember the few times when they got their hands on the photo of She Who Must Not Be Named and called her a man. I never fails to make me laugh. They can't tell!
I like calling her JoJo. As in Rabbit. On a side note, I remember getting sucked into a bizarre discussion about a guy getting angry with his girlfriend for having a baby blanket with a male name on it on her bed. It was never actually explained why she had this blanket, but I was stunned by how many people, particularly women, commented saying that the boyfriend must have assumed it meant she was trans, and that he was absolutely right to be angry about it if she was. I pointed out that this line of thinking was not only unhinged but dangerous - mostly for trans people, of course, but potentially for anyone, especially people who present as women. I said something to the effect of, "You're encouraging random dudes to look at femme-presenting people and get all worked up about what they might be 'hiding'. What if some guy thinks _you're_ trans based on some stupid thing like this and flies into a rage?" Response: "That would never happen, no one would ever mistake me for a trans woman." I said, "So which is it? All men can instantly and obviously tell what someone's birth sex is, or they're right to be suspicious that they could be 'tricked' into a relationship with a trans woman?" No answer to that, of course.
Heard from a friend whose oldest (cis woman) friend got aggressively verbally abused in public by a 'trans spotter'. The shaken and tearful friend feared for her safety. She has a condition called Cherubism which causes abnormal jaw growth. So, ignorant hate towards someone with a disfigurement AND transphobia. I wouldn't be surprised if the hateful bigotry extended to other marginalised groups too.
Yep. I met a cis women who was physically pushed out of a women's bathroom **while visibly pregnant** because they knew she was a man because she was wearing sweatpants.
@@waffles3629it’s insane. “We want these people out of the bathroom because they will harass girls and women!” *proceeds to harass girls and women* It always comes down to policing the way girls and women dress and speak and carry themselves. It’s never about actually protecting anyone from assault.
@@waffles3629really, sweatpants? Thats has to be the most ridiculous way I've heard of someone being kicked out if somewhere. And especially weird because where I grew up only women wore them. It would be kinda funny to see them react to that.
transvestigators are so affirming. They point out "masculine" features in very femme people and it makes me so much less insecure for having those features too.
New affirmation therapy for people who can’t socially transition yet: post your photos to transvestigation threads like it’s someone else, and say you’re cis. Let the transphobes do the work and tell you how trans you are lol
No, because I was about to comment that as an AFAB that falls under the nonbinary umbrella, I don't think these transinvestigsting wierdos get how wrongly affirming they are haha. I'm so glad someone else feels the same way haha
Ikr, makes me feel better about not taking any medication since i've got very masc features already, people cant be fully one thing thats just not possible, especially since we were all female in the womb
I've heard "husband's disease" 😂. I, a wife, suffer from this because my husband does most of the coming and also is tall enough that he doesn't realize anything above the first two shelves is invisible.
I teach forensics, and when we go over differences in skeletons, I make a point to stress that it is all statistics, that individual differences based on your genetics, environment, and other factors can lead to an individual's skull or pelvis looking like the "wrong" sex for that person's gender even without getting into the possibility of being trans. How any identification based only on bones can only be a best guess, and while that's still valuable a scientist should always be prepared to accept that they may be wrong. Some of them get it. Some of them... not so much. (Same thing for racial differences, because a lot of my students are of Mexican descent and therefore their skulls would show mixed-race features anyway. Incidentally, it's kind of amusing to note that we are aware of statistical differences in difference races of skulls, but always default to using white skulls to demonstrate sex differences...)
But but but..but but on Bones she looked across a shadowy room at two clothed skeletons of children and guessed their ages within two weeks of their actual ages. 🤦🤦 Lol, you comment reminds me of having to spend 15 minutes of the CPR section in lifeguard classes debunking movie CPR and AED myths. Including one cocky teenager who dropped his trump card of "Well I saw it in the movie and the guy came back to life". Like my dude, do you think the actors heart was actually stopped?
There's a lovely channel called JanineThrows that started off as a way for this woman who's an absolute legend in the field of strength sports (coached multiple Olympians in the hammer throw, holds records in multiple Highland Games events, has a trophy rack rhat would be the envy of athletes in most any field) to show her stuff. Then the transvestigators attacked. These alleged people, these supposed defenders of the integrity of womens' aathletics, can't seem to comprehend the idea that a professional strength athlete who has devoted her entire life to her craft, a woman who regularly flips entire tree trunks end on end when doing the caber toss, would have a substantial amount of muscle mass. This is a heterosexual, cisgender woman who has had an entire son the old fashioned way. They still come for her and she's done everything short of getting karyotyped live on camera. She takes it all in stride. Huge LGBT ally, and more than willing to turn the endless supply of insecure and hateful people online into free content for her channel and free publicity for her sport. Y'all should drop her a follow.
And all because her body has the audacity to not be an hourglass shape. Like she's built like a fridge and that helps her compete. See also Ilona Maher. She's a rugby player
Tell me again how you can be clinically distressed about not being some non-existent 'third sex'. And if you want some surgeon to turn you into an artifical version of someone with a visible intersex condition, get therapy.
Imagine Roly collaborating with The Click because I would love to see their wholesomely cursed and delightfully unhinged humors magnified by each others presence for the pinnacle of my type of humor
3:48 “Once bigotry or self-loathing permeate a given community, it is only a matter of time before deep metaphysical significance is assigned to the shape of human skulls.” -Foppington's Law, by Natalie Wynn, ContraPoints
To me, most of it just boils down to Xenophobia. People have always been terrified and distrusting of anything remotely different from themselves. Instead of celebrating our similarities, and learning about, and from, our differences, they grab hold of the differences and use them to show they can’t be trusted, and therefore are the enemy. People like that miss out on so much of life, and the joy of having different people in their lives. I pity them their loss.
And if there is life on other planets that sounds like a major reason for them to stay the hell away from humans If humans can't accept humans that are different than themselves how the heck are they supposed to accep at neon blue glow in the dark bird beaked alien or something?
Not to mention how the ideas of what makes someone male or female that they use are based on such a narrow heritage. People of different ethnic backgrounds have different appearances. Like if you compare what is seen as masculine and feminine in one region may be totally different somewhere else. Things like face shape and bone structure vary a lot by ethnicity.
_"Reacting to Transvestigators who think they're the only cis people left..."_ ... interesting conundrum... when you become a "famous" transvestigator... does that mean you have outed yourself as being trans and having sold your soul for that fame?
That's the weird part. Someone is noticeably masculine, but they have 2 or three tiny traits that could possibly be considered androgynous or effeminate looking, and "they must be female!®️" but they don't ever consiser looking at it the other way around.
@artistdudebro no I mean, look at it the other way with the same person. As in, if this person were a woman, how many masculine traits would they have "proving" they're a man. It's just weird, especially when they're talking about people like Farrah Fawcett who had a child, or Chaz Bono who we literally saw growing up on TV.
@@cathleenc6943 I understand that, and the thing is those traits don't matter to them because it doesn't contribute to their insane theory about all celebrities/famous people (or whoever they deem part of the conspiracy) are transgender reptiles or whatever.
That's where it ties into antisemitism. Becoming trans is a way of spitting on christianity and you have to do it to be let into the rich Hollywood secret club that is secretly running the world and oppressing all the christians by making cool movies .. or something.
Yeah. And if all celebrities were trans, and did it for fame and popularity as transvestigators claim, wouldn't being trans be way WAY more accepted in society?
I'm so proud of you all, for being here, for doing your best, and just know that you're loved by many people out there even if it doesn't feel like it. Each day you're here, you make a difference in the world and I know that so many out there are happy you're still here, and will always feel that way. You all are all amazing people. You have made a positive impact on so many out there, and you're inspirational and amazing. You make the world a better place and everyone important to you is so proud of how far you've come. Keep going I and countless others out there believe in you and it will be alright in the end, you got this.
I think the transvestigation of Lady Gaga started with people misinterpreting the lyrics of Poker Face ("I'm just bluffin' with my muffin"). But hell, I remember even back in the '90s, there was a similar rumor about the lead singer of Vengaboys just because of the name of the group. This stuff was always absurdly stupid.
Whatever the reason the rumours started, they picked the wrong celebrity, because she is queer and has close trans and gender non conforming friends, so she literally didn't care less if people thought she was a trans woman or not. I think she literally put it that it wasn't an insult to her for people to think she was trans, and that her fans didn't care so why should she.
There was also an incident involving a wardrobe malfunction lady Gaga had on stage that made her look like she had a penis. Not sure if that's where it started or if it had already become a thing before that happened.
Bad Omens? Do you mean Good Omens? Or is that a parody series or something I’ve never heard of? I’m genuinely confused I’m sorry if this comes off angry or anything
It makes me giggle this topic as something as simple as makeup can give you a different looking shaped face. Or even the shadows or angles you are standing/sitting in, depending where the light is on the face or even the shape of your body. I'm so glad I'm bisexual if Henry Carvill is a woman and Anne Hathaway is a man. 😂😂😂. I'm so glad you did this video with Roly as his laugh and reaction to Henry Carvill was brilliant. ❤❤❤❤
@@itsdorianrae "I didn't thin the leopards would eat my face, said the person voting for the leopards eating peoplesfaces party" is a common phrase for ppl who vote for bigoted people, but don't realise that they are also a target of bigotry. Prime examples being terfs who side with misogynists, the people who want to get the t out of lgb, and ben shapiro, despite being one of the leading right wing conservative personalities, still getting antisemitic hate.... And in this video, that transvestigator that got transvestigated....
The "they're obsessed with sex and are constantly looking at peoples' crotches and sexualizing everything" is so on point!!! I used to follow this account on IG that shared mostly videos of pandas being silly little sillybillies. At one point, the account shared a totally different video with a cute looking blonde haired girl, sitting in a doctor's office in a sporty outfit, smiling and slightly flipping her hair, and it had the text: "What if I was your doctor? Would you get treated by me?" on top of the video. I thought she looked cute and didn't think much else of the video. But then I looked at the comments, and was shocked by the many disgusting remarks surrounding her genital area.....????!!! I hadn't even looked at that part of her body in the video, but apparently she was a pre-op transwoman and the people in the comments were vicious and gross... I was baffled... I just thought she looked cute and hadn't looked "down there". People who shame others for whatever reason are just sad and should point the finger at themselves imho.
I was raised by conspiracy theorists , I can explain the Babylon comment in the Trump section. In the book of Revelation in the bible, it talks about a place basically filled with evil at the end of everything, and we don't know where that place is exactly but we're given hints as to where it might be (putting aside that in reality, the book of Revelation was not written for our time, or about the end of the world, but conspiracy theorists don't care about that) This evil place is called "Mystery Babylon", and a lot of religious conspiracy theorists believe mystery Babylon is America.
Excuse my lack of biblical knowledge. Is this evil mystery Babylon place supposed to be connected to the tower of Babel (Babylon) which is the origin story of why we speak different languages? I mean at this point with Donald’s hatred of South Americans especially those from Mexico. Add to that the belief that British, Australian and all other dialects of English are wrong. I can see why some would suggest the US is the evil place they call Mystery Babylon.
Wait I'm a cis woman with straight collarbones and hands biggers than most men, where do I claim my man priviledges??? I have a tight gap though, so how does that work, do they cancel each other? TL;DR My bones are genderfluid.
My mom always says I (a cis-woman) have "man eyes" whenever I'm searching for something like my keys or wallet, and then she comes over and finds it right in front of me. They're actually ADHD eyes.
The "Chaz Bono was always male" argument is even dumber because Chaz appeared on the Sonny & Cher show and on Cher's specials all through the 70's. At the time, Chaz had a very slim, feminine face and build. There's video evidence, available on RUclips, that contradicts what the transvestigators are claiming. However, logic and reason don't seem to be their strong suits.
Love these! It's so crazy to me that people think like this, I swear soon they will turn on their own community and be that pointing spiderman meme like "no YOU'RE trans!"
20:31 "No" xD One time I saw a "transvestigator" post about how FRECKLES were feminine, basically saying ginger and freckled men didn't exist... Yeah, those people are definitely not okay
I love the way you guys bounce off of each other! Reminds me of me and my best friends; complete with the affectionate smiles, the race to send each other into a laughing fit, and all the delightful "Yes, and..." ing!
Playing as much online games as I do I echo the sentiment from Roly, if people are gonna be hateful to me make it funny. It's sad to say that hateful comments just aren't hurtful to me anymore but I've just heard so many. There was one guy that made me laugh in an online game where he saw my username "EnbyCatboyGF" and said "You can't be all three, you aren't head and shoulders shampoo." That made me laugh even though they were trying to be hateful like that's actually funny and creative at least.
I'd never seen Roly before now, but he is delightful, so funny! I love his high energy, it's such a contrast to Jamie's quiet type personality. Great collab!
ohhh! I can answer this one. Babylon is a religious reference. its used in revelation as a synonym of Wickedness and moral decay. "Babylon the great has fallen" is a line in that book, referring to the downfall of all the wicked people in the world, and specifically Rome.
Dude as someone who has studied facial anatomy my entire life as an artist, the idea on that skull comparison that a man's eye sockets are DOUBLE the length apart from each other than a woman's eyes is just so crazy funny. Proportions do not work like that, men would literally look like Sid from Ice Age if that was reality.
Round muscles are female? Minecraft Steve is pinnacle male body confirmed.
That's why he's able to carry the equivalent of 8 Eiffel Towers. Square muscles
and minecraft alex is TRANS! that's why she's got a gender neutral name, YOU'VE BEEN TRANSVESTIGATED ALEX! 🙃
@@dietotaku things are heating up in Minecraft LGBT community
@@dietotakuI mean “her” boobs aren’t fat enough as well
I made a Minecraft skin for my OC who is a woman so I guess she's trans
Who do these transvestigators think they are ? The Scooby-doo mystery gang ? I mean hey they must be high soooo… 😂
I firmly believe that the entire Scooby Doo gang is trans
they really aren't cool enough to do drugs though
Would like the comment but gotta keep it at 33
zoinks, the transes are coming! 😱
@@deethwarrior LMAOOOO fr plus the mystery gang is so queer coded you know they prob dropped them 💀
Forensics: we don't categorize bones in sexes anymore because there's too much variability between populations
Transvestigators: THE SHAPE OF THE SKULL!!!
This people are insane🤣🤣🤣
dont be abelist
Or "archaeologists will tell by your hip bone!"
@asuka_the_void_witch how are they being abelist?
@@transsexual_computer_faeryhow the feck is this ableist? Talking about forensics and archaeologists is not even in the same category as ableism.😂
@@transsexual_computer_faery if you keep telling people not to use the word insane, they're just going to start dropping the r bomb again
I love that Roly is the dictionary definition of everything that makes Conservatives cry and scream and sob.
Roly is Conservative Satan and i can't think of a better compliment.
Roly is awesome but the colored contacts make me squirm
Agreed. Hail Satan!!!👹👿💀
He is pretty great for that. I wish he would talk just a little slower, though, I gotta say. I'd watch him more if I could follow everything he said lol
@@Cera_01same (also the earrings aghhhh there’s so many)
Doggone it, he even has a tattoo of Flanders as the Devil on his one shoulder.
I remember when I was in 4th Grade, I had a teacher who believed Lady GaGa was trans. She even went as far as to say during our morning prayer (I went to a special ed Catholic school) that we need to pray for Lady GaGa to "go back to *HIS* true self" and I remember everyone else had their eyes closed and my jaw hit the floor in shock in how I was the only kid to not ignore that. I then went on my computer and looked into the evidence as to why she thought that once I got home and I was dying of laughter. I remember never looking at her the same after that.
oh no lmao, and we are the ones that indoctrinate kids of course lol. Great that you saw thru it tho
@@ohnothepossum Yeah, and that teacher was one that a reputation for kids either loving her or hating her. I didn't mind her at first but once I saw through her bigotry, I began to use that as an excuse to act up in her class and she hated my guts. I was one of the few kids who she didn't like that ended up staying until 8th Grade, usually the kids in that same situation transfer out afterwards.
@@flute5764I’m glad you saw through her hatred.
I was a fully grown adult living with my then-partner when Lady Gaga was starting out. I feel so damn old right now. Off to check on burial costs, goodbye.
"I never thought the leopards would eat MY face" - members of the leopards-eating-faces party
The Click!
@missing_names8001 oh I've heard others say it too! There's a gal on tiktok with an amazing song
I remember The Click featured those interactions where people would post pictures of straight men and then Transvestigators will say ‘SHE IS A WOMAN’
I saw someone bait transvestigators with a photo of MatPat and it was hilarious
have they ever determined that someone is NOT trans??
@@Bunny_Bill I was talking about that
@@dietotaku They think everyone is indoctrinated lol
@@Bunny_Bill I've seen that, and Markiplier
Has anyone else noticed the anti-semitic tendencies in transvestigation conspiracy theories?
its always like with the far right huh
It's commonly anti-black and ableist too
I'm not too educated on antisemitism. Can you tell me what parts are related?
Well, now that you mention it, the anti-Communist witch hunts _DID_ have a strong antisemitic flavor about them.
Like, similarity with the old hunts in Europe for secret Jews who only pretended to convert when they were threatened with death. Which happened with great regularity during Medieval and Renaissance history.
@Bunny_Bill it's structurally antisemitic, for sure.
Transvestigators are the more unhinged siblings of people who do pseudoscience with who’s alpha based on posture in a random photo.
oh my god i forgot about that trend
@@deethwarrior Something you can’t forget easily. It was all over my feed
Yeah!! I love how they so swiftly turned on J. K. Rowling like the head of their whole operation lmao like straw jaw? TRANS!!
Truly some "pussy facing the world" level reasoning going on
I love that trans haters made an excuse to stare deeply into Henry Cavill's eyes.
Every excuse is good to stare deeply into Henry Cavill's eyes
Henry Cavill is a total hottie
Only no-life losers need an excuse for that. 😇
Transvestigators don't hate trans people. I think you're misunderstanding
@@lightbeforethetunnel Cope harder, snowflake. We know what you are.
I love when people post pictures of famous cis men (Markiplier, MatPat, etc) saying that they’re their trans brothers and transphobes are like “so OBVIOUSLY a woman” it really shows how baseless their arguments are
"Well, tell your SISTER that SHE is clearly a female brainwashed by the WOKE American system!!!"
The best one involving MatPat was the one where the image used was him "pregnant" and being held by Springtrap
I believe a good chunk of those are bots, but I may be wrong
Even better, showing them a picture of Rowling and they'll literally go "that's a man". Like, dude … how can you be _so_ out of touch that you don't recognise the most public transphobe?
@@rolfs2165they're like so deep in the internet brain rot that they go full circle and end up thinking she hates trans people out of projection instead of bigotry. The mental gymnastics is insanee
Roly: What's the energy coming from my eyes?
Me and Jamie at exactly the same time, without missing a beat: Piss
I was momentarily worried it was jaundice lmao
Jamie: Do I look British?
Me and Roly at exactly the same time: Yes!
And then I cracked up intensly at the absurdity of spontaneously saying something like that which usually is not the way I like to make sense out of things.
All the talk about the "female/male skull" and Roly pointing out it has to do with genetics reminds me of how an entire burial plot of Norse warriors were assumed to have male skeletons based off of their masculine skulls and height, but it was later looked at closer and all of the skeletons were female, turning out that the female skulls of the Norse were more masculine and their height taller compared to today's people of the same ethnicity, and the males were more "feminine" (also ironic considering "the vikings" are used by a lot of "alpha males" as the supposed peak of extreme western masculinity "compared to this generation").
At this point I'm suprised they don't call colorblind celebrity women trans cuz colorblindness is a bit more common in man. Let's be real, it isn't unlikely for them.... No actually it is, cuz even that makes more sense than 99% of what they say
If I remember right, the majority of skeletons at dig sites aren’t assigned a gender, and if they are, it's decided by clues around the skeleton, like tools and whatnot, rather than anything about the skeleton itself, because pelvic width just isn’t reliable enough.
The whole thing about white supremacist men using the Vikings and Nordic culture as the paragon of masculinity is so laughable to me since I started exploring Norse mythology. The myths often involve the male deities cross dressing, and Loki literally gives birth. I practice seiðr, a form of magic that bore you suspicion and stigma of unmanliness when practiced. It's always been queer.
The "bones" argument has been debunked since the 70s. Anyone still arguing such is an idiot or in bad faith.
@@transmascdruid77GODS how I wish Sleipnir had come up in the MCU...
Ugh I LOVE it when Roly and Jamie collab. The brain rot is so real
my brain is growing more wrinkles at a rapid pace actually!
*LOVE too, is an acronym, it stands for Level Of Violence*
Take what this comment means in this context to whatever you think makes it the best, I don’t know what ‘brain rot’ is.
I agree, Roly and Jamie are so good at exposing the brain rot of transmiscics and other right-wing nutjobs.
Yeah, phrenology is the "science" of being able to discern personality traits and ablities from feeling the bumps and divets on a person's skull. (The one good thing to come about from it was that this helped put the medical community on the path to realizing that different parts of the brain were responsible for different functions.)
Famously, Mark Twain figured out that the whole thing was a sham when he attended a phrenology appointment under his real name (Samuel Clemens) and was told by the phrenologist that he had little to no creativity or humor bumps. Next month he went back to that very same phrenologist, using his famous pen name, and sure enough, creativity and humor bumps were everywhere! He never let the "profession" live it down.
Sweet petty justice
Honestly, the more I learn about him, the more convinced people never change, cynical sh*ts have always existed lol
I remember a few months/maybe a year ago, seeing someone say that Tom Holland and Zendaya were trans and their reason for Tom Holland being trans? That he supposedly didn't have an Adam's apple. Except the picture used to say he had no Adam's apple was one where he was wearing a hoodie, so it was covered anyway. And the picture was also taken from kind of far away. Oh, they also mentioned his hips.
For Zendaya, it was because she's taller than Tom and slender. lmao.
Women have Adam's apples too, they're just far less noticeable on average. These people look at diagrams from the 60s meant to tell what you the average white man or woman looks like and they use it as a set of universal rules.
Like have they ever seen someone else other than themselves in life??? it feels like they base their "investigations" on anime standards
@@KarmicID They act like they haven't. They act as if everyone must have the same facial structure/body type or something. They're honestly such idiots. Transphobic, of course, but also just so incredibly stupid.
Tom Holland is a dancer and a gymnast! Zendaya is... tall. She's tall. (I love them.)
"Marge Simpson, eight months on T"... Well done Jamie! ❤
Ahhhh I laughed my ass off at that one, amazing 😂
😂 that was awesome
Honestly, I nearly died laughing at this gem from Jamie 😆
As a cis woman with a rather pronounced brow ridge, I can honestly say I've never been 'accused ' of being trans. But I do use it to shelter stray cats when its raining. 😺
And the only thing a pronounced brow ridge represents is 1. Probably of Slavic origin, or 2. Has more Neanderthal DNA than most. (No shade intended) Neanderthals were way smarter than we used to give them credit for. They also took care of the disabled in their groups, including a middle aged man who couldn't hunt because he was missing half a leg and iirc part of one arm. X-rays showed the bones had time to heal completely - and he survived an amputation, so they weren't "primitive savages" either.
P.S. Thanks for looking out for the stray cats, you absolute *LEGEND!* I use my boobs to shelter them.
@@jooleebillyLol no offense taken! Sounds like Neanderthals rock! 😂😂😂 and I used to be a carer so....not too far off. My gf does that with her boobs too! I just use what nature gave me 😂
Yes im the same. I definitely have more neanderthal dna if you look at the features they state about it. And im like... i can promise you im a cis woman 😂 im literally very heavily pregnant with my second child, cant really say im anything other than afab as because as far as im aware trans women cant yet gestate fetuses, but i cant wait until they can. The transvestigators will never trust anything ever again
@@jooleebilly I'm actually really proud of my Neanderthal heritage. (I have only a trace of Slavic ancestry through one Polish 7greats-grandfather who lived 300 years ago, so I think it comes from my Spanish and German sides.)
@@jooleebilly The bit about disabled neanderthals reminds me that I once heard that the reason they're often portrayed hunched over was that the first skeleton found was arthritic
I still remember the few times when they got their hands on the photo of She Who Must Not Be Named and called her a man. I never fails to make me laugh. They can't tell!
I call her JK Umbridge
Who? R*wling?
I also call her She Who Must Not Be Named lol
I like calling her JoJo. As in Rabbit.
On a side note, I remember getting sucked into a bizarre discussion about a guy getting angry with his girlfriend for having a baby blanket with a male name on it on her bed. It was never actually explained why she had this blanket, but I was stunned by how many people, particularly women, commented saying that the boyfriend must have assumed it meant she was trans, and that he was absolutely right to be angry about it if she was. I pointed out that this line of thinking was not only unhinged but dangerous - mostly for trans people, of course, but potentially for anyone, especially people who present as women. I said something to the effect of, "You're encouraging random dudes to look at femme-presenting people and get all worked up about what they might be 'hiding'. What if some guy thinks _you're_ trans based on some stupid thing like this and flies into a rage?"
Response: "That would never happen, no one would ever mistake me for a trans woman."
I said, "So which is it? All men can instantly and obviously tell what someone's birth sex is, or they're right to be suspicious that they could be 'tricked' into a relationship with a trans woman?"
No answer to that, of course.
I love when they collab, they're such opposites of the queer spectrum and it breeds such fun chaos in videos
Even if someone is secretly transgender, if they don't want to talk about it in public it's none of the public's business.
Heard from a friend whose oldest (cis woman) friend got aggressively verbally abused in public by a 'trans spotter'. The shaken and tearful friend feared for her safety. She has a condition called Cherubism which causes abnormal jaw growth. So, ignorant hate towards someone with a disfigurement AND transphobia. I wouldn't be surprised if the hateful bigotry extended to other marginalised groups too.
Yep. I met a cis women who was physically pushed out of a women's bathroom **while visibly pregnant** because they knew she was a man because she was wearing sweatpants.
@@waffles3629it’s insane. “We want these people out of the bathroom because they will harass girls and women!” *proceeds to harass girls and women*
It always comes down to policing the way girls and women dress and speak and carry themselves. It’s never about actually protecting anyone from assault.
@@waffles3629that’s disgusting and downright sad
@@waffles3629really, sweatpants? Thats has to be the most ridiculous way I've heard of someone being kicked out if somewhere. And especially weird because where I grew up only women wore them. It would be kinda funny to see them react to that.
@@yetanotherrandomguy3157 yeah, it's just mind boggling. Like why? They're pants.
transvestigators are so affirming. They point out "masculine" features in very femme people and it makes me so much less insecure for having those features too.
New affirmation therapy for people who can’t socially transition yet: post your photos to transvestigation threads like it’s someone else, and say you’re cis. Let the transphobes do the work and tell you how trans you are lol
its almost like theyre accidentally supportive
No, because I was about to comment that as an AFAB that falls under the nonbinary umbrella, I don't think these transinvestigsting wierdos get how wrongly affirming they are haha. I'm so glad someone else feels the same way haha
Ikr, makes me feel better about not taking any medication since i've got very masc features already, people cant be fully one thing thats just not possible, especially since we were all female in the womb
@@xyredits320 r/AccidentalAllies
going to tell my hypothetical children these two are the Olsen Brothers.
You better
going to tell my hypothetical children this was the addams brothers
16:40 my family has always used “man eyes” to describe if you look in the fridge but don’t move anything and give up and ask someone else to find it
we call it "Man-Looking"! yes, the creator was the only woman in the house lmao
I've heard "husband's disease" 😂. I, a wife, suffer from this because my husband does most of the coming and also is tall enough that he doesn't realize anything above the first two shelves is invisible.
@@sarahr8311Your husband does most of… what now? 😂
@@shortcake66 oh good lord autocorrect. Cooking! 🤣
@sarahr8311 omg this whole exchange made me laugh so hard. 😂 Thank you so much. I'm glad it's cooking and not the autocorrect
The so-called female spine is called lumbar lordosis XD
I have that, so apparently I'm a woman.
If it’s really bad it can be a sign of the disease I have Stiff persons syndrome.
@@diarmuidkuhle8181 Same HAHA
The fact I have that, an adam’s apple, and square shoulders, is so nice because it confirms I am nonbinary.
Ron De Santis? They don't have an adams apple lmao
nice try, Rhonda Santis
I teach forensics, and when we go over differences in skeletons, I make a point to stress that it is all statistics, that individual differences based on your genetics, environment, and other factors can lead to an individual's skull or pelvis looking like the "wrong" sex for that person's gender even without getting into the possibility of being trans. How any identification based only on bones can only be a best guess, and while that's still valuable a scientist should always be prepared to accept that they may be wrong.
Some of them get it. Some of them... not so much.
(Same thing for racial differences, because a lot of my students are of Mexican descent and therefore their skulls would show mixed-race features anyway. Incidentally, it's kind of amusing to note that we are aware of statistical differences in difference races of skulls, but always default to using white skulls to demonstrate sex differences...)
But but but..but but on Bones she looked across a shadowy room at two clothed skeletons of children and guessed their ages within two weeks of their actual ages. 🤦🤦
Lol, you comment reminds me of having to spend 15 minutes of the CPR section in lifeguard classes debunking movie CPR and AED myths. Including one cocky teenager who dropped his trump card of "Well I saw it in the movie and the guy came back to life". Like my dude, do you think the actors heart was actually stopped?
@@waffles3629 not to be misandrist or anything but boys in health classes are annoying fr........ especially teens
There's a lovely channel called JanineThrows that started off as a way for this woman who's an absolute legend in the field of strength sports (coached multiple Olympians in the hammer throw, holds records in multiple Highland Games events, has a trophy rack rhat would be the envy of athletes in most any field) to show her stuff.
Then the transvestigators attacked. These alleged people, these supposed defenders of the integrity of womens' aathletics, can't seem to comprehend the idea that a professional strength athlete who has devoted her entire life to her craft, a woman who regularly flips entire tree trunks end on end when doing the caber toss, would have a substantial amount of muscle mass. This is a heterosexual, cisgender woman who has had an entire son the old fashioned way. They still come for her and she's done everything short of getting karyotyped live on camera.
She takes it all in stride. Huge LGBT ally, and more than willing to turn the endless supply of insecure and hateful people online into free content for her channel and free publicity for her sport. Y'all should drop her a follow.
new subscription added!
And all because her body has the audacity to not be an hourglass shape.
Like she's built like a fridge and that helps her compete.
See also Ilona Maher. She's a rugby player
I've been following her for a few years now. And it gets so bad! She is a Highland Games Beast! And a wonderful woman.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for pointing us in her direction! New subscription, absolutely ^-^
Phrenology was abandoned for a reason, a really good reason.
19:07 roly's face when he saw they transvestigated trump SENT ME 🤣🤣🤣
How I wish it translated into a dearth of votes.
Vote blue, people
Ahhh congratulations!!!
Tell me again how you can be clinically distressed about not being some non-existent 'third sex'. And if you want some surgeon to turn you into an artifical version of someone with a visible intersex condition, get therapy.
@@diarmuidkuhle8181 Learn what words mean.
Silly bigot.
*screams of joy* THAT’S AWESOME!!!!!
The name of my new memoir: Two Golf Balls and A Jumbo Sausage
Transvestigators don’t know what they’re doing. They think they’re making a revelation, but instead, they wind up being complete and utter clowns.
the only revelation they're making is showing off just how dumb they can make themselves look
@@someidiot6067 True.
Omg these collabs are absolutely fabulous! Spuds with a side of Scalding Hot Darjeeling. Excited as I saw the notification popping up.
I love how absolutely chaotic Roly is
17:09 I think Roly laughed so hard that when he tried to talk only dogs could hear him. 🤣
“I make him look like a woman” I CRIED LAUGHING SO HARD😂😂
Transvestigator: "We all know who they work for"
Jamie: "Oh do they mean god?"
No Jamie...they mean the other guy. 😆
I love when Roly makes those pterodactyl sounds
Same! I'm so glad that Jamie called it the "Muttley laugh", because I've been calling it the exact same thing 😂
Imagine Roly collaborating with The Click because I would love to see their wholesomely cursed and delightfully unhinged humors magnified by each others presence for the pinnacle of my type of humor
I think they did once forever ago. You'd have to look through Clicks videos to find it.
transvestigators deciding andrew tate is trans is the most hilarious shit I've seen in a while
ay fr. I laughed so hard😂😂
That is _delicious._
This kind of thing kinda gives me hope. Leave these people alone together for long enough and they’ll all cannibalize each other.
And their reasoning also happens to be the most harmful thing you can say to a man's man; his bulge isn't big enough XDDDDD
Made my day. Cis woman peeing myself laughing
3:48 “Once bigotry or self-loathing permeate a given community, it is only a matter of time before deep metaphysical significance is assigned to the shape of human skulls.”
-Foppington's Law, by Natalie Wynn, ContraPoints
To me, most of it just boils down to Xenophobia. People have always been terrified and distrusting of anything remotely different from themselves.
Instead of celebrating our similarities, and learning about, and from, our differences, they grab hold of the differences and use them to show they can’t be trusted, and therefore are the enemy.
People like that miss out on so much of life, and the joy of having different people in their lives. I pity them their loss.
And if there is life on other planets that sounds like a major reason for them to stay the hell away from humans
If humans can't accept humans that are different than themselves how the heck are they supposed to accep at neon blue glow in the dark bird beaked alien or something?
Not to mention how the ideas of what makes someone male or female that they use are based on such a narrow heritage. People of different ethnic backgrounds have different appearances. Like if you compare what is seen as masculine and feminine in one region may be totally different somewhere else. Things like face shape and bone structure vary a lot by ethnicity.
@@bakachan3601 Exactly! We are not ready to meet other lifeforms in this universe.
_"Reacting to Transvestigators who think they're the only cis people left..."_
... interesting conundrum... when you become a "famous" transvestigator... does that mean you have outed yourself as being trans and having sold your soul for that fame?
It seems yes
*me touching my bones: huh, **_guess I’m a girl then?_*
Ignoring everything else, which definitely is otherwise…
That's the weird part. Someone is noticeably masculine, but they have 2 or three tiny traits that could possibly be considered androgynous or effeminate looking, and "they must be female!®️" but they don't ever consiser looking at it the other way around.
@@cathleenc6943unfortunately they do look at "the other way" when looking at cis women celebs
@artistdudebro no I mean, look at it the other way with the same person. As in, if this person were a woman, how many masculine traits would they have "proving" they're a man. It's just weird, especially when they're talking about people like Farrah Fawcett who had a child, or Chaz Bono who we literally saw growing up on TV.
@@cathleenc6943 I understand that, and the thing is those traits don't matter to them because it doesn't contribute to their insane theory about all celebrities/famous people (or whoever they deem part of the conspiracy) are transgender reptiles or whatever.
Lol same for me, but i thought i was female all my life. Still hoping my peepee pops out someday.
It's so bizarre that there are people who think all celebrities are trans, because, what would be the point?
That's where it ties into antisemitism. Becoming trans is a way of spitting on christianity and you have to do it to be let into the rich Hollywood secret club that is secretly running the world and oppressing all the christians by making cool movies .. or something.
Yeah. And if all celebrities were trans, and did it for fame and popularity as transvestigators claim, wouldn't being trans be way WAY more accepted in society?
@waffles3629 good point!
I'm so proud of you all, for being here, for doing your best, and just know that you're loved by many people out there even if it doesn't feel like it. Each day you're here, you make a difference in the world and I know that so many out there are happy you're still here, and will always feel that way. You all are all amazing people. You have made a positive impact on so many out there, and you're inspirational and amazing. You make the world a better place and everyone important to you is so proud of how far you've come. Keep going I and countless others out there believe in you and it will be alright in the end, you got this.
Thank you, friend. I'm commenting so the algorithm might show this to more people.
Something, something, the leopards ate her face.
:o how could that happen!? she said that she like the leopards that eat peoples faces party :0 im shocked, shooketh!
I think the transvestigation of Lady Gaga started with people misinterpreting the lyrics of Poker Face ("I'm just bluffin' with my muffin"). But hell, I remember even back in the '90s, there was a similar rumor about the lead singer of Vengaboys just because of the name of the group. This stuff was always absurdly stupid.
Didn't the Lady Gaga thing start with people that they saw a penis poking out of her dress in a photo?
Whatever the reason the rumours started, they picked the wrong celebrity, because she is queer and has close trans and gender non conforming friends, so she literally didn't care less if people thought she was a trans woman or not. I think she literally put it that it wasn't an insult to her for people to think she was trans, and that her fans didn't care so why should she.
There was also an incident involving a wardrobe malfunction lady Gaga had on stage that made her look like she had a penis. Not sure if that's where it started or if it had already become a thing before that happened.
Roly’s wheezing laugh is my favorite thing!
Roly always reminds me of crowly from Good Omens in the best possible way
Bad Omens? Do you mean Good Omens? Or is that a parody series or something I’ve never heard of? I’m genuinely confused I’m sorry if this comes off angry or anything
@@fionnaandcakecosplay you are right, I'm very forgetful of names, sry
Roly is what Crowley was like as an Angel. Creative, friendly and sociable, likes sparkly colorful things…
Roly's voice and eyes remind me of Grell Sutcliff. Another badass character I adore as much as Crowley
@@Draconic_Whispers I’m so sorry if my earlier comment came off mean I was genuinely worried I missed something Good Omens related
It makes me giggle this topic as something as simple as makeup can give you a different looking shaped face.
Or even the shadows or angles you are standing/sitting in, depending where the light is on the face or even the shape of your body.
I'm so glad I'm bisexual if Henry Carvill is a woman and Anne Hathaway is a man. 😂😂😂.
I'm so glad you did this video with Roly as his laugh and reaction to Henry Carvill was brilliant. ❤❤❤❤
That Ned Flanders tattoo is amazing
So is the Knuckles tattoo
I'm an AFAB femme-ish presenting person with PCOS. These people would absolutely call me "a man." :\
And here's me being trans for free...
They really need to transvestigate JKR, simply because it would make her have the biggest meltdown live on twitter
they already have! One topic told Jamie that when it happened! There's a short on it on his channel.
@@itsdorianraedid she react to it? Or did she casually ignore the leopards eating her face
@@aleksabanjevic8316 hahaha i havent heard that analogy before, but truthfully i have no idea. i should do some research on that
@@itsdorianrae "I didn't thin the leopards would eat my face, said the person voting for the leopards eating peoplesfaces party" is a common phrase for ppl who vote for bigoted people, but don't realise that they are also a target of bigotry. Prime examples being terfs who side with misogynists, the people who want to get the t out of lgb, and ben shapiro, despite being one of the leading right wing conservative personalities, still getting antisemitic hate.... And in this video, that transvestigator that got transvestigated....
She looks more male than any trans women I’ve ever met ngl
The "they're obsessed with sex and are constantly looking at peoples' crotches and sexualizing everything" is so on point!!!
I used to follow this account on IG that shared mostly videos of pandas being silly little sillybillies. At one point, the account shared a totally different video with a cute looking blonde haired girl, sitting in a doctor's office in a sporty outfit, smiling and slightly flipping her hair, and it had the text: "What if I was your doctor? Would you get treated by me?" on top of the video. I thought she looked cute and didn't think much else of the video. But then I looked at the comments, and was shocked by the many disgusting remarks surrounding her genital area.....????!!! I hadn't even looked at that part of her body in the video, but apparently she was a pre-op transwoman and the people in the comments were vicious and gross... I was baffled... I just thought she looked cute and hadn't looked "down there".
People who shame others for whatever reason are just sad and should point the finger at themselves imho.
I was raised by conspiracy theorists , I can explain the Babylon comment in the Trump section.
In the book of Revelation in the bible, it talks about a place basically filled with evil at the end of everything, and we don't know where that place is exactly but we're given hints as to where it might be (putting aside that in reality, the book of Revelation was not written for our time, or about the end of the world, but conspiracy theorists don't care about that)
This evil place is called "Mystery Babylon", and a lot of religious conspiracy theorists believe mystery Babylon is America.
Tbf..... If any country is the one that's a horible influence on all others, with massive power and home of the man that will doom civilisation....
Excuse my lack of biblical knowledge. Is this evil mystery Babylon place supposed to be connected to the tower of Babel (Babylon) which is the origin story of why we speak different languages? I mean at this point with Donald’s hatred of South Americans especially those from Mexico. Add to that the belief that British, Australian and all other dialects of English are wrong. I can see why some would suggest the US is the evil place they call Mystery Babylon.
The only Babylon I know is the nightclub on Queer as Folk.
The 'feminem' reminded me of 'femme'n'ms' which is how some trans folks refer to their oestrogen HRT. There are lots more and they're hilarious
Wait I'm a cis woman with straight collarbones and hands biggers than most men, where do I claim my man priviledges???
I have a tight gap though, so how does that work, do they cancel each other?
TL;DR My bones are genderfluid.
ok, the fact that they literally think Chaz Bono and Laverne Cox are Cis just shows they know literally nothing.
My mom always says I (a cis-woman) have "man eyes" whenever I'm searching for something like my keys or wallet, and then she comes over and finds it right in front of me. They're actually ADHD eyes.
I can never see anything infront of me, i dont have any sort of perception of the world around me😂 i also have adhd
You are young enough to be my sons, and I adore you both! Keep being you!🥰
Me too! They’re delightful!
"They're about as clever as a panda." 😂
I actually said out loud to myself "don't be rude... to pandas."😂
@@KiboSanti yep, like even comparing them to soggy wonderbread would be an insult to the bread. Like soggy wonderbread is bad, but it's not that bad.
The "Chaz Bono was always male" argument is even dumber because Chaz appeared on the Sonny & Cher show and on Cher's specials all through the 70's. At the time, Chaz had a very slim, feminine face and build. There's video evidence, available on RUclips, that contradicts what the transvestigators are claiming. However, logic and reason don't seem to be their strong suits.
Some of us are old enough to have seen Chaz Bono on tv before his transition! *g*
Yes, Chaz did look like a little girl back then! I’m old, I remember.
"WOMAN! MAN!- OOh, there's a cat in here!"
Ah yeah, the third gender
I mean
Transvestigators existing is them going too far.
Love these! It's so crazy to me that people think like this, I swear soon they will turn on their own community and be that pointing spiderman meme like "no YOU'RE trans!"
I mean they have accused the founder of one group
my boyfriend's collar bone is straight gonna go tell him he's a real man (he's trans)
There is a Croatian pop trio called Feminnem and I DIED of laughter reading the "Feminem" comment.
0:02 roly just looking fabulous as ever x😂🥰
His character model wasn’t loading in.
17:09 I can’t breathe omg 😂 Jamie’s face
"Curvy female spine"
So if you've lordosis you're trans? And if you have lordosis as a woman you're just Extra Woman? Nice
In that case you're a woman²
Also not to mention that it was just Musks arm when you look closely
@@alexf225 Oh yeah but then... what to expect of these people lol
@@alexf225 arms??? Woman, only women have arms. 😂🤦
@@waffles3629yeah, why would men have arms?! To hold men?!?!
love how they leopards ate my face themselves all the time, especially with that investigation against one of their leaders
20:31 "No" xD
One time I saw a "transvestigator" post about how FRECKLES were feminine, basically saying ginger and freckled men didn't exist... Yeah, those people are definitely not okay
I love the way you guys bounce off of each other! Reminds me of me and my best friends; complete with the affectionate smiles, the race to send each other into a laughing fit, and all the delightful "Yes, and..." ing!
Is no one going to talk about how crazily still roly was in the beginning 😭
FINALLY SOMEONE NOTICED BESIDES ME! I thought he was a statue!
Skull check: Do you have yours?
Nope! Dratted gnomes swiped it while i was sleeping
(Checks under my pillow) yup I'm good.
I have no bones..
Ah crap, it keeps getting away when im distracted, thanks for reminding me to get a new one
Evil Ned Flanders and Knuckles?! Nice tattoos.
If Roly’s cat joined them, we’d have a more Globex perspective 🐈
What happens if a person has exactly 50/50 male/female "features"? Do they flip a coin?
“They’re about as clever as a panda” that’s an insult to pandas and I demand you take that back Jamie :(
I just love the energy you two have guys ! You're both awesome ! ❤
“I thought you did that anyway 👁️ 👄 👁️” 😭
I really think that the next step in evolution for Roly, is to communicate with dolphins 🤣🤣🤣
p.s. love you both! 🤍
Roly valiantly trying to talk through his wheeze laughing TOOK ME OUT 💀
Playing as much online games as I do I echo the sentiment from Roly, if people are gonna be hateful to me make it funny. It's sad to say that hateful comments just aren't hurtful to me anymore but I've just heard so many. There was one guy that made me laugh in an online game where he saw my username "EnbyCatboyGF" and said "You can't be all three, you aren't head and shoulders shampoo." That made me laugh even though they were trying to be hateful like that's actually funny and creative at least.
Head and shoulders shampoo 😅, wow, that's a new one
I'd never seen Roly before now, but he is delightful, so funny! I love his high energy, it's such a contrast to Jamie's quiet type personality. Great collab!
ohhh! I can answer this one. Babylon is a religious reference. its used in revelation as a synonym of Wickedness and moral decay. "Babylon the great has fallen" is a line in that book, referring to the downfall of all the wicked people in the world, and specifically Rome.
17:08 is an amazing laugh moment. Jamie's reaction adds icing to the cake too it's all so good
Even Andrew Tate isn't safe, that's kinda funny NGL.
It ammuses me how much they care about if someone is male or female, cis or trans, AFAB AMAB does it really make that much difference to your life?
Dude as someone who has studied facial anatomy my entire life as an artist, the idea on that skull comparison that a man's eye sockets are DOUBLE the length apart from each other than a woman's eyes is just so crazy funny. Proportions do not work like that, men would literally look like Sid from Ice Age if that was reality.
ive been rewatching all the past collabs!! glad theres a new one, love you two!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Dose anyone else find it telling that these people only go after conventionally attractive celebs mostly women
20:29 Omg Roly I've been looking for that Babylon song for like 15 years but couldn't remember any of the words!!! Thank you so much!!
I got MEGA hips from HRT, they truly have no clue lmao
Roly is an absolute gem, oh my god I love the energy.
I do love contrasting personalities to Jammie, like Roly and OneTopic and Click, and enjoy when you collab with any of them
"Well, she's dead now, so, not a very good one, is it?" Legitimately laughing out loud at that one 😂😂