I think the problem is singers, producers and the rest of the bunch THINK that the taste of the Eurovision viewers progressed towards that clean and slick sound, but in reality that's not the case. This is the Eurovision sound. Old school type of fun, crazy with some traditional elements. All of us might prefer something more mature for our everyday playlist, but Eurovision is something completely separate...
It's equally wrong to think that the Eurovision sound is the slick state-of-the-art produced sound as is to think that it is the old-fashioned pop-rock-folk type of sound, or a classic festival love-love-peace-peace sound. The Eurovision sound is anything and everything that a member country might send any given year. There are general tendencies, trends, but right when you think you picked up what combination of elements and the sound is the key to success, the results prove you wrong or leave you totally confused/disappointed. It's pretty unpredictable - not 100%, but rather a lot. The only tendency I picked up that proved to be predicting quite accurately the good results in recent years (starting from, say, 2014, but certainly from 2017) is not the type of sound or genre - it's the genuineness, authenticity of the artist, whatever their genre may be. The televote started to "punish" the overly produced songs and performances that look like a product designed to push the maximum amount of buttons for a good Eurovision score, and to reward the acts that feel genuine, like something the artist in question would make even without participating at ESC. Examples: the top 3 every year since 2017.
Agreed! Some of my absolute, unironic favourite Eurovision songs I would never listen to on a day-to-day basis, but I still love them as songs or within the context of Eurovision. Just imagine how dull a Eurovision final with 25 slick modern pop songs would be.
Ha! I'm sure the people of Oklahoma feel the same way about you guys! But I do feel that there's something kind of universal about this particular sound - might be worth exploring more sometime.
There's nothing wrong in comparing two genres of music from two different cultures. In fact, I think noticing such similarities is actually a beautiful thing that brings people closer together.
This is something I observed over the last few Years of Eurovision: The _Juryvotes_ go to the slick Popballads or Poprocksongs, But the _Televotes_ usually gravitate to things people find unique or interesting - which is often _not_ the same Powerballad they have heard a million times before.
Exactly. Who wants to hear the millionth pop song at Eurovision? Why would we wanna listen to songs, which we could hear on the radio the whole day. At Eurovision, we want to explore unique music.
@@Nikki.Penguin Absolutely. And I don't understand why the jury votes often don't go in that direction? Often, it's not even that these songs are worse on a musical level, and some even have great production value too. I mean, it's not like a radio friendly pop song automatically has a better quality than other more unique options!
@@xWood4000 On the other hand, didn't the jury votes keep Poland 2016 from finishing incredibly high? Sometimes, the jury is a good thing. (I actually love Poland 2016, it's one of my guilty pleasure favourite Eurovision songs. But it's not a good song)
Overthinking doesn't this song make you jump and smile ? or is it only Europe. For eastern Europe this reminds you of a village weeding and everybody is more or less drunk. Additionally the contrast when they switched was very powerful and needed in this serious atmosphere in the world.
I can say that I was in Turin at the Finals and all of the people in PalaOlimpico were hyped and excited for this song. It's one of the few songs where the majority stood up!
Moldova brought the perfect Eurovision song and number this year. I´ve been very surprised to see that so many Eurovision Channels had not caught onto it sooner.
I was thinking it was the perfect Eurovision song for 20 years ago, I didn't think it was going to work in the modern, slicker Eurovision which has a much younger audience. Clearly it worked just fine!
@@overthinkingit you dont get that in ESC you cannot vote for your own country BUT you can if you live in another european country and use their cellphone operator. Look up how many Moldovans live and work abroad... of course not as many as Ukrainians ;)
@@mihaelac2472 I don't know if that's the reason it got so many votes, tbh. I think many non-Romanians/Moldovans appreciated the fact that the song was something different, authentic.
@@overthinkingit I mean, if you look at the songs that have done well in the last few years, yes, "slicker" songs are doing well, but they actually only win once every few years despite how many of them there are now. And it's not like a younger audience can't appreciate a song like this. I hosted a Eurovision viewing party for my friends, we're culturally (or location-wise) nowhere near Moldova and we're all in our early / mid twenties. We all loved this song. Yes, some people felt it was a bit cringy, but it came after like 5 of these "modern, slicker" songs that kidn of started to blend together, so this was a breath of fresh air and woke us all up and made everyone smile. Would any of us actually listen to this regularly? Probably not, but we loved it on Saturday and I think two or three of us even voted for it.
"It sounded like a song you could have heard in a line dance in Oklahoma" is a bit like saying that Spain's song reminds you too much of Latin America. For Europeans the played instruments had a distinct Eastern European sound.
@@lr2550 Same. I will never be not angry about Terra. If RTVE said that they're gonna send Chanel as early as November, I wouldn't have minded supporting her. But no, they really had to cashgrab people first via Benidorm and made everyone fight between Terra and Ay Mamá then blindsided everyone with picking Chanel. RTVE literally hoodwinked the public. So even if Chanel landed 3rd in ESC (like she did in Benidorm), I'm still very annoyed as she didn't exactly work for her Benidorm "win"; it was already given to her before everyone competed.
It has a regional sound but I'm not convinced it's a UNIQUE regional sound. Like, this style of music is popular in a lot of places. That's not a bad thing, I'm just contrasting it with something like Ukraine which uses local instruments.
@@overthinkingit i can sort of get your point on this. But i don't think 'local' is the right word here in regards to uniqueness. For example, the same instruments are used in Romanian folk music, only that they didn't send such music to Eurovision. So i guess the bottom line is that it was unique in the sphere of Eurovision songs across the board.
@@overthinkingit Listen to some songs from No smoking Orchestra from Serbia and Dubioza kolektiv from Bosnia. Those two bands have exactly the same style like Moldova's entry this year.
@@overthinkingit No, I'm sorry but I'm Romanian & I think you didn't predict this correctly, bc you *don't* consider it an authentic folk song. You think it's something generic, with a happy violin - which is kind of insulting tbh, bc it *is* authentic regional folklore specific to South-East Europe, and *no* it's not the same as the American style. You just can't tell the difference. The same flute Ukrainians used, is also used in Romania & Moldova, they just didn't have it in this performance - and *probably* the reason why u feel Ukraine & Moldova's folk songs aren't on the same "folkoric par" (which they are), is bc u have *heard* & are used to something similar in America - where it's *not* that appreciated, yet already familiar..
2 года назад+52
Moldovan group and team were very, very smart. The official video was the pure folk version. It was catchy like a typical balkan song. But the song they presented in the contest was a revamp modern version mixing rock and folk, with a refreshing and fun rendition. The group gave everything on stage to connect with the public. In a contest where the most part of the songs were slow ballads, Moldavia brought an unique moment of fun and party ambiance that public and televoters needed.
Totally! It was much punchier with almost a rap quality in the show, I loved it!!! There is a great video of the reporters in the press room danging around!
I think Americans take the accordion and fiddle sound for granted. My initial response to this song was “classic Moldova madness”, and honestly an Oklahoma hoedown (whatever that is) would probably have stood out just as much.
The song was pretty good, yes. But the magic happened because of their super professional live performance! At the end of the day - you cannot take away their HUGE stage experience, and very successful one! They just set the whole Europe on fire! And I really respect those artists for that. Well done, Moldova! Greetings from Ukraine!
This! Look at Ireland, with a good song, but their show wasn't up to scratch. Or Serbia, which doesn't make sense to westerners without the performance. Performance is paramount
That is very true. That is what on the opposite end of the spectrum killed "Disco" for me: The song wasn't bad, but I got _nothing_ from the lead singer, and as the Camera mainly focused on him, the song left me absolutely stonecold. It felt like nice elevatormusic to me. Nothing I hate, but nothing I love either.
Well,you should also know that the song has a very strong message, it's about a train that departs from the capital city of Moldova (Chișinău) on it's way to the capital city of Romania (București) and that along the journey you can't tell the difference between Moldova and Romania and that they should be the same country,as it was before the World Wars
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf I think you are a Russian bot,so I will not explain to you the history of Romania,but I will tell you this,if I was born in the province of Moldova in Romania, what does that make me, Romanian or Moldavien?!
@@csg_XIII Este destul să citeşti balada Gruia şi fata cadiului (sec.XIV ‒ XV), actele domnitorului Petru Şchiopu (1591), Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei al lui Gr.Ureche (1635) şi biografia lui I.V.Stalin (n.1879), ca să te dumireşti cine a „născocit” limba moldovenească. Nenumărata mulţime ignorantă de alde Băsescu și alde de tine nu are însă nevoie de astfel de exerciţii intelectuale. Ea se închipuie că este dăşteaptă pentru că se cred... „rumîni”... Din această cauză, voi ați împînzit tot net.-ul cu minciunile, aberațiile și războiul informațional,, plătit de pe Dîmbovița, să nu permiteți dezvoltarea statalității moldovenilor, dezvoltarea limbii și istoriei moldovenilor. Toate porcăriile voastre noi le cunoaștem din 90, cînd ați cumpărat niște cozi de topor de la Chișinău și ați băgat pe gît, cică limba romină și drapelul cel fals, cică al moldovenilor. Cineva o să răspundă dur pentru toate crimele acestea, fiți pe pace, romine.. Cantemir scrie ca valahii secole la rând s-au folosit de alfabetul si ortografia limbii moldave "lingua moldavorum", "lingua MOLDAVICA", pe care el o descrie la cererea savanților Europei de la Academia din Berlin in tratatul "Descriptio Moldaviae" - la 1714, când încă nici îngerii din cer nu știau ca peste 164 de ani va apare pe harta un stat cu numele straniu - nu de Dacia, dar de "Rominia". Nici pomina in "Descriptio Moldaviae" de Rominia, romini si limba romina. «Faţă de săracul dialect muntean, limba moldovanului este pe o treaptă superioară. Bine observat într-un moment de echilibru, graiul moldovenesc, prin moliciunea tonurilor sale, e de la sine artistic. Un Neculce, un Creangă în Muntenia sînt mai greu aşteptat… Într-un cuvînt: sevele limbii vin din Moldova» (G.Călinescu. Istoria literaturii…,1941). ‒ Moldovenii constituie o comunitate etnică conştientizată din veacul XIII: balada Mioriţa; sînt menţionaţi în toate gramotele Moldovei, începînd cu 1392...; - atestaţi în actele curţilor regale polonă, lituaniană, maghiară, ale curiei papale; ‒ Despre moldoveni au scris în epoca medievală autori germani, francezi, poloni, italieni, maghiari, ruşi...; ‒ Despre Moldova, moldoveni, limba moldovenească a scris şi a publicat ‒ în 1551 Georg Reiherstorffer! ‒ prima, cea mai preţioasă monografie: Chorographia/ Descrierea Moldovei. Aşadar, numele Moldova, etnonimul moldoveni, glotonimul moldovenească s-a înrădăcinat în conştiinţa moldovenilor, în circuitul istoric, politic, etnolingvistic european cu 500 de ani înainte de naşterea I.V.Stalin! Termenul „rumîn” („şerb, ţăran aservit, om prost, iobag”) începe să se „etnicizeze” abia către sfîrşitul secolului XVIII. Către acest moment ‒ sfîrşitul veacului XVIII, cînd basarabii, ungrovlahii, muntenii încă nu aflaseră că ar putea fi „rumîni”,
@@csg_XIII În studiul său monumental Originea romînilor (1927) vestitul lingvist român Al.Philippide conchidea: „Moldova şi Muntenia nu au legături genetice şi istorice”. În Încă în 1908 N.Iorga se străduia să-i lumineze pe romîni: „Între Prut şi Nistru se întinde ţara, pe care ruşii au numit-o „Basarabia”, cînd au cucerit-o în 1812. Majoritatea locuitorilor de la ţară a acestui mare şi bogat ţinut se numeau şi astăzi se numesc moldoveni şi ei vorbesc limba moldovenească”. În 1937 N.Iorga încă o dată amintea romînilor: „Într-adevăr, totul este diferit între aceste două ţări ‒ Moldova şi Valahia ‒ care la început nici nu se ating”.
I didn't see them doing well before the semi-finals. But as soon as we all started just automatically dancing when the song came on in the semi-finals, I started rooting for them. A song like this might not have an exactly local sound, but it's more of a regional thing. Anyone from the Balkans hears this song and MUST dance.
I think the staging was a really important factor too. It was not even a big budget staging, yet had a simple but stunning idea behind it, which somehow managed to bring out the charms of the song to broad daylight. I think the change they made to the song was a fine touch, but I can't really pinpoint the thing that made it feel like an absolute banger during the live performances. I give this credit to Moldova in general though, they really know how to arrange some really nice stagings out of seemingly simple ideas!
@@Andrei-Marian But the lyrics aren't silly, there's actually a heartwarming message in there. This song is like a brotherly hug between the Moldovan and Romanian cultures and peoples.
"Zdob si Zdub" are super popular in Romania and Moldova, they've also been to Eurovision two times before. The rhythm of the song is something that will make all balkan people rise up and dance. It's in our blood to react to it in the most positive way possible. They did an amazing job and had a great atmosphere on the stage. Zdob si Zdub are to folkore/etno music what Chanel was to dance and choreography :))
I live in South East Asia and I loved their performance so much I danced around my house at 3am while watching it. So happy they did so well with the televote, I was rooting for them real hard.
Personally, I think context play a big part: Europe has been thorn by two years of devastating pandemic and now we are witnessing an horrifying war just inside our continent and I guess people just wanted to have fun and forget everything for a couple of hours. Maybe this is why this song caught up so much. It was silly and liberating! Idk, just my guess
and there's both the real life context and the context of the show as well. the running order had moldova go right after a bunch of ballads and toned down songs which could only help them after they drew a spot in the second half of the show and managed to be one of the few upbeat songs in there. i trust and believe they still would have got a very large amount of televotes with another running order spot but maybe not as excellent? like 3rd~5th instead of second and maybe not a number of televote points that alone was larger than the combined scores of half of the jury's top10 lmao
The song meaning is also really great - it’s basically about how Moldova and Romania are the closest of countries that when you leave one to go the other it’s like you never left home… ad everyone is just great friends… now considering that Russia just invaded a country that it usually saw as a brother, you can see how it hit harder than it usually would.
And add to that as well the amazing audience this year that really connected with every single song and a party song like Moldova's really works well. I'm Dutch but if this song would've been sent to Rotterdam last year, I don't think it would've worked that well because our audience was pretty much glued to its seats.
"[Not] uniquely regional...like a line-dance in Oklahoma" - where do you think that music comes from? It traces back mainly to the immigrants from Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and while Moldova was not part of those territories, it was adjacent, and many Serbian commenters on this page say that it sounds like it could be from there too, so is definitely part of that sound-world. Mexican accordion music sounds the way it does for the same reason. Don't forget that many "American" things are often just slight offshoots from an older European tradition.
@@overthinkingit Not meaning to criticize too much! Have enjoyed your vids, and learned some good info about the Moldovan song from your last video, so thanks for your work!
Glad you appologized. Serbia's televote gave Moldova 12 points. I liked the song when I saw the video, I checked for their national selection and their performance wasn't interesting. But with minor modification of song and wonderful staging, they did it. I am watching it every day, they lift my spirits up. Those 2 brothers are really cute with those matching outfits and those facial expressions and the way they dance. Who would guess people that age could be called 'cute'?
It is a modern take on a folkloric song! As a matter of fact, Moldova got more points from the countries that had "technical difficulties" appearing on live and more votes that apparently had missed the window of voting from the diaspora. It was a shit show, I will never support this crap ever again. I'm not Moldovan, but I don't think I need to be to realize the injustice of it all. That was an amazing performance and it should have been judged right!!!
I think it's also very important to look at what type of songs there are in the final. This year was very ballad-heavy, or at least slower-song heavy. Moldova really stuck out, especially being in the second half and especially being between Iceland and Sweden, , and made everyone wake up again.
Exactly! I think they really benefited from when they performed... I honestly was done with the show at that point cause it had been Soo ballad-y and then they came on and revived the whole thing.
@@chumchum1059 I didn't mean any harm with my comment, I really enjoyed their performance and think the song is really fun ... I just meant that I was grateful they came on when they did.
And the sad reality is, no matter how sincere, no matter how much they want to, Americans will never actually understand Eurovision. It is just culturally too different. This is why America never can join (not that they'd probably want to). Having said all this, Americans, please keep enjoying the experience that Eurovision is, and Matts, please keep making these videos. You do have a good degree of analytical insight, and have much to say that is worthwhile about the contest. It's just that you'll probably never actually get it. ... but that's OK.
@@overthinkingit Being Data is an honor! The alien looking in on humanity and commenting on our incongruities (Spock, Data, Odo, Doctor) is always the best character. :)
You guys completely missed the lyrics of this song. While Putin has his eye on this former Soviet state, they are singing how Moldova and Romenia actually are one people. This is a political statement disguised as a party song. Brilliantely done!
I kinda thought that it had a strong message of solidarity. It was clever it was fun and most importantly it was Moldovian ....and I thought it was great.
This is over thinking. I am Moldovan. Nothing like that. Please, don't relate Putin to it. This is way too much... Besides, the song was written before February 2022.
@@RoelienReinders Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
Its a perfect eurovision song that got my israeli family dancing and voting for them. It doesn't matter what the song is about , the vibe was amazing and fun.
Funny thing, I'm from Mexico, and this song actually has a lot in common with norteño and banda music. We joke that if this was released here as a single, it would probably be a hit. I'm a big fan of Eurovision, and so is my mother and brother; we liked this music alright, but we knew it was something special when my father, the most normiest of normies in terms of Eurovision, who has no idea or cares about the contest, heard the song as he was walking by, and started dancing.
Same here! My family is from Sinaloa and my parents immediately started dancing and clapping along when it played. Apparently it reminded them of that one line dance song they play a lot at parties.
There was a joke circling around Serbians on social media saying: "Serbia sent Moldova to Eurovision" 😂 This is because the sound of the song itself is VERY Serbian which you hear at celebrations etc..
@@Andutsik It is very similar with serbian folk,I thought for the first second or two that some switch hapened to my TV sound😁.P.S.I loved the Moldovan song this year🤗
@@Andutsik Of course it is Moldovan folk music. But it doesn't mean it's not exactly like some varieties of Serbian folk music, especially in the East of the country, and I'm sure many other Balkan countries. We share the themes, instruments, rhythm.
This year, everyone went for that clean look with powerful vocal and almost the same structure in presentation, and when there's a bunch of them, you can't really differentiate one from another. I really forgot the previous one after listening to the next, and it was like 5-6 songs in a row several times with rare unique ones, which even if at the core their presentation weren't unique, they sure were in that 25 finals pick. Also the end all songs medley thing pushed this feeling much further.
Actually, it's funny. Most Eurovision fans thought this was a lock to qualify... until the rehearsal pictures were published and there was no sign of the bombastic staging we're used to. Most of us thought there'd be a train on stage. Then the semi-finals happened and the crowd went crazy, and suddenly all the Eurovision fans assumed Top 5 in the televote was possible, it was just that sort of song.
I think one reason Moldova did so well is that they got to play after like 6 ballads. So they come on with this crazy energy while audience was slowly getting board and they just revived the energy of the entire show. So it stuck in everyone's mind for the rest of the night (and you get to see it every time song summary comes up again).
Serbia couldn't vote for Konstrakta, I do think we voted mostly for Moldova (I know I did). Montenegro was also not able to vote for Konstrakta (my friends from Montenegro told me that). And they might also voted for Moldova. And Moldova represented the Balkan party music.The issue is, Konstrakta made many people, who never watched Eurovision before, watch Eurovision this time, and these people don't vote like usual Eurovision fans.
Ej Sanja, aj ne seri. Srbendama nikada dosta, pa izmisljaju kako je neko nama zabranio da glasaju. Primitivizam balkanski. I zasto si uopste to napisala ovde, ispod ovog video o Moldaviji? Volim svoj narod ali ima mnogo zatucanih ljudi, bukvalno zatucanih
@@onnes608 I can see you're struggling with Serbian, so I'll answer you in English, once again: of course we were forbidden to vote for our representative, just like everyone else was. I don't see any issues with that. Why am I commenting under post about Moldova? Because it was insinuated that they got votes only because of their immigration and their neighboring countries. I wanted to point out that many people from Serbia most probably voted for Moldova (I know I did). So, they were not getting points only because they're Moldova, they got them because people liked their music. Also, I pointed out that Konstrakta attracted many people who didn't watch Eurovision earlier, people which have different taste and don't vote as typical Eurovision fans. These also might have voted for Moldova. Clear now?
It sounds really American to us! What's the style called? Curious if it's something America picked up from Europe or part of the country-western craze over there.
@@overthinkingit I think it's a mix of local styles. It has marcs of balkan turbo folk music, a bit of cajke. It's music for dancing kolo. If you want to hear other examples search uzicko kolo.
@@overthinkingit it is called ,,muzica lautareasca'' in Romania and Moldova. It is very distinctive to South Eastern Europe (very similar music can also be found in Serbia, Bulgaria and probably southern Ukraine). The reason why you find it ,,american'' is probably due to the rock elements that were inserted in the otherwise eastern european tune.
The accordion and violin recalls classic folklores sounds of that area of Europe, they are the sounds you hear at weddings and baptisms, so anyone from that culture hearing those sounds have a "nostalgia" effect (not sure of the name) that associates the song to happy moments, meanwhile those outside it's culture associate those sounds to the area, making this song feel authentic and not just another pop ballad random smear.
I understand your doubts, the amount of people who ranked Moldova 40-35 was astonishing, but as someone who had them 1st in my top since their song dropped, I have to say... nienienie my favorites got second in televotes hahaaa🤪🤪
Moldova was singing about a trein who goes from Chiainau to Bucharest (Romania). It's a song about union of this 2 countries as they used to be unitated before. It's a happy song about a sensitive subject. Romabians were trilled. We originally gave Moldova 12 points but Ebu decided to change our points and give them to Ucraine. There is a huge scandal in other countries as well because of this. Moldova originaly gave Romania 10 points and Ebu gave it 0.
@@moonpiestreak9772 The teritory of the Republic of Moldova was part of Romania between 1918-1940. Before that it was part of the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire anexed the teritory of the Republic of Moldova from the Principality of Moldova, which was one of the two states (along with Walachia) that untied and created modern Romania.
As you are talking us to read history let me quickly go over the historical facts. The Republic of Moldova is a territory stolen in 1812 from the Principality of Moldova by the Russian empire. What remained of the Principality of Moldova united in 1859 with Wallachia, forming the United Principalities, latter renamed Romania. In 1918, when the Russian empire broke up, Moldova from the tsarist empire united with Romania, but after WW2 it was taken back by the USSR. So, what about it was never united with Romania? I know you Russians write history as pure fiction to please yourselves, but there is a limit.
Actually the simplicity of this song can be deceptive. These guys have been digging into the roots of the World Music genre for 30 years, making experiments with a lot of bands, like Mali, Indian, and of course rural Moldovian. Some of their albums sound quite shaman. I guess they have found the secret magic sound which puts a dancing spell on open souls, and no surprise that it is almost universal, looking familiar to usa countrymen, balcan people, etc.
I totally agree with you. Multiple people in the comments here feel like this song sounds like traditional party music from THEIR country. I think these guys have cracked the code.
@@overthinkingit well, maybe it's about magic but I think it's about their rock-folklore vibes which you will find in all their songs. Just check it! Zdob si Zdub - Видели ночь - 2000 ruclips.net/video/uSFF0XzffYs/видео.html Zdob si Zdub - DJ Vasile (official music video) - 2003 ruclips.net/video/Ig8m5uxRvhk/видео.html Zdob si Zdub - Ciocarlia - 2006 ruclips.net/video/KeVhBChxcJA/видео.html Zdob Si Zdub - Miorita - 2007 ruclips.net/video/PHnsBuabEA0/видео.html Zdob și Zdub - Moldovenii s-au născut (official video) - 2012 ruclips.net/video/oWZ_Q2PRfWI/видео.html Loredana & Zdob si Zdub feat. Skizzo Skillz - La carciuma de la drum - 2016 ruclips.net/video/CLy1xOraw6g/видео.html
I fell in love as soon as I watched the video for the first time, because a. it made me happy b. it made me want to dance, c. I actually really liked the fact that it is somewhat political, the original video does have English subtitles. ... also the video is really really funny. I wanted them to win to be honest, and I am happy that so many people do agree with me, regarding the point. they got 10 points from German televoting, and I imagine they could have gotten 12 in another year. I do want Eurovision to be a party, and this year had so much suffering, both in the real world an in the esc songs, it was refreshing, and really important for the structure in the finally. Which I think would have profited form less Saudade and more eating veggies and .... as well as what ever san Marinos stage performance was - in general.
it stood out from all the slick but tiring ballads. Balkan music at its best. also, technically, Moldova is under attack by Russia (Transnistria) and the song was quite political (they want to belong to the west, to to Romania, the EU, but not Russia. )
Fan love artists that return. My first Eurovision was 2011, I was super excited an act from that year came back. 😎 Sometimes fans vote for the simple things that bring them joy.
I think most of Eurovision participating countries are known for their own music style that people like and vote for it for example Portugal being known and voted mostly voted when they have sad ballads or Finland for their rock-'n'-roll style. Moldova is liked when they send happy-energetic songs that hypes everyone, you can even look in the past that most of their ballads from Eurovision didn't qualified except 2015 (which wasn't a ballad but destroyed by the message of the song and running order) In 2008, 2014, 2016, 2019 ballads being placed pretty low in the semis, even in 2006 (which i think it was a weak and undeserving qualifier) still qualified. So a country known by 'its style' also does have an impact on qualifying/placement.
You gotta look at demographics though. While west europeans will see Moldova being Moldova at the top of their game, there is now a good chunk of the continent that share history with Moldova, are more familiar with the artists and maybe the culture and language too, who are proud of their traditions and appreciate them in Eurovision. That's how the eastern bloc changed the game to begin with. Nationalism is different when newly independent. And let's not forget that Moldova is high in Putin's kill list. In short, there is more in common with Ukraine's entry than meets the eye
I do not think you know what you are talking about. Georgia is on Putin's kill list as well but it had a bad song and did not even touched the final. The reason why I think you are overreaching is because you do not know how many people hated Moldova's song for reasons of xenophobia, and we know this from the romanian diaspora who had to hear nasty things about the Moldovan entry and sound not only from people around them but sometimes from the commentators of the country they were watching Eurovision in. The most benign thing we've heard is people saying this is their guilty pleasure, I've heard people say that their family thought they were weird for liking the song. But the worst things we've heard are: this is too eastern, this is rural music or brothel music, the sound is too violent, the music is for peasants, the italian commentators said they would rather jump off from the train rather than listen to this song. So Moldova's reach was despite all of these impediments and due to the fact that there were too many ballads. Ukraine's song was certainly seen as a cleaner form of folklore while we were sitting there hearing all around nasty things about how offensive our culture is to the ears of posh europeans.
@@madalinaanton3253 the Moldovan entry is specifically meant to be a commentary on the geopolitical climate (it's Chisinau to Bucharest, not to Moscow). all the Romanians in Austria I know loved it. and even "posh" westerners enjoy a fun balkan banger.
Yes, and that is genuine enjoyment. I am talking about the people who suggest that the vote for Moldova was political because somehow Europe is compassionate now. That is why I was pointing out the hypocrisy of such a claim, for us the song means very much, but the people who curl up when they hear this type of sound would never warm up to it, and the people who voted for Moldova were genuinely in love with the song or it was their "guilty pleasure". People who claim the voting for Moldova was political suggest that there was some sort of political voting that was split between Moldova and Ukraine, as if people would choose Moldova's cause over Ukraine's, they did not even know what the song was about, they thought it is a happy go lucky meaningless song about a train.
@@madalinaanton3253 Do you mean both east and west Europe? Because I agree that there is a lot of racism going on in the west, but those countries wouldn't vote for Serbia either
@@madalinaanton3253 Italian commentator is a bitter old fart who hates himself in the morning, and everyone else the rest of the day, and who is a laughing stock and the second hand embarrassment of the nation. Italian public gave Moldova 10 points (understandably, 12 points went to Ukraine), and FIVE out of 14 jury points Moldova got IN TOTAL were from the Italian jury. Not everything on the surface matters - the votes are real deal, and the commentator is just a pitiful clown long due for retirement.
That moment when you want to apologize and actually make it worse. Moldova would won in a different geopolitical situation and without ESC influencing or even switching juries votes. Romanian jury an has given 12 points to Moldova and ESC intervention gave none. That’s what’s all about.
Let's say Ukraine wasn't in the contest this year and so nobody could vote for it. I think Spain probably wins. Moldova would certainly pick up a larger share of the televote but the final results in OUR universe were UK and Spain around 460, and Moldova down at 253. That's a massive gap and even with a few of the jury votes switched (I'm not weighing in on how fair or unfair that was) I don't see how Moldova could have made up the points. Spain ALSO was really popular, and don't forget Serbia pulled away a bunch of the Balkan support that might have otherwise gone to Moldova.
If you JUST DIDN'T GET my message below....maybe you should read it again, and READ THE TRANSLATION OF THE LYRICS carefully. Remember that Moldova & Romania have the same language and almost the same flag!
Get well soon Matt Wrather!! Thank you Matt Belinkie! I had Moldova on the books for top 10 from the beginning of the season, I knew this song would kill with the public. It puts a huge smile on your face and that’s what people needed, especially in The Ballad year! I think it really does have a cultural sound, that accordion is very common in folk music around Europe but especially Eastern Europe. But you can be forgiven for not recognising their potential - the Eurofans as per usual ranked this very low on EuroScoreboard, favouring dull as dishwater Cyprus over it which ended up being pretty funny given how lacklustre the performance was. You’re doing your best!!
Overthinking makes in 80% the absolute correct and interesting videos on the ESC... and this time a 100% honest one. We LOVE your outsiders view on ESC. We NEED your perspective...
@@overthinkingit folk music has accent on audience. To make them dance and collectively to have a good time. Listening it alone is not the same. Classical music is more tuned to individual if you know what I mean. Kinda like when people run marathons instead of alone effect
Moldava was By far my favorite! It is excellent, funny, great song and with the Balkan flair that takes anyone from the floor. I was surprised with your comparison to American folk. Some instruments are the same, but Acordeon is missing and it just is not the same touch. Cheers
I don’t understand how you thought this wouldn’t qualify. The gnomes with the pixie on the unicycle are beloved, it has an accordion, and it has a few words in English that the crowd can sing along to (Hey, Ho, let’s go, folklore or rock’n’roll). But most importantly of all, it’s so joyful. I can’t be unhappy when I listen to this song. 😍🥰🙌🙃
You guys are great, love your sense of humor. And yeah, there are always surprises, I am still shocked by the low vote for France, it was a great performance.
Bruh this is a competition where some techno rave babushkas baked bread live on stage and came 2nd. Where a drag queen in silver lame screamed random numbers in German to an increasingly manic accordian and also came 2nd. Eurovision voters (the public ones anyway) DO NOT WANT an oversaturation of slick sounding radio friendly pop music, they have never wanted that and in fact many of them hate it. Those songs are a dime a dozen and unless they win they are instantly forgotten. People want things they will remember as iconic moments, which is what this song is. Discounting the Euro batshittery is to discount the pure life blood of this contest, rookie error my friend.
maybe you just have to be european to get it hahaha as soon as i heard it the first time i knew it was gonna be my favourite! and although all my friends had other favourites they still loved this song as well it's a song that just makes you get up and dance, no matter who you are, and it also includes the amazing folk elements and instruments. if you watch the press interviews with Zdob și Zdub and Advahov brothers they are so passionate about their music and bringing joy to people even when the world is going to shit. although jury votes are often predictable, whether due to politics or popularity contest, there is no formula to understand the public vote, although to me (as a person of the public hahaha) it seems obvious. the songs that really make you happy, and make you smile and laugh and get up and dance are the ones that do well :))))
The problem is Romania claims that they gave their 12 jury points to Moldova but the EBU declared a technical issue has happened so that they gave Romanian's 12 points to Ukraine :) and this happened for 6 other countries and that makes 6 countries votes are not clear now (in my opinion even others) in this case Moldova even might be winner maybe ? Because declared other votes were for UK and Spain ... Unfortunately one of great show in EU now lost reputation ... but it was always like that, just in this time they didn't hesitate to do it openly
We’ve been reading about this! Very sketchy stuff. But I don’t think there’s any mathematical way Moldova could have beaten Ukraine. It was Ukraine’s year for good reason.
@@overthinkingit unfortunately if there is some suspicious it spreads all over of the whole not just on selected part ... and again unfortunately it was really bad year for Ukraine ... however that should not make them the winner of the song contest ... if it makes then why so many people and counties efforted for it ... in this case, how Russia was disqualified at the beginning then Ukraine would be announced as a winner directly ... it would make sense ...
Nice of you to aknowledge it! The guys from wiwiblogs were also prejudiced against the song, seeing as a non-qualifier, but I left them a comment that's going to be top 10. There's more to it though... In the odds Romania for example was placed last, or closer to last, but it ended up ranked 20+ positions higher. What's also interesting is that bookies are also based in UK, so they are biased as well, I would say in similar manner as you. :-) To make things worst, Romanian jury this year gave 12 points to Moldova, which in comparison to the public vote is not that crazy afterall. However, EBU decided to cancel the Romanian vote, override the decision of the national jury and gave the 12 points to Ukraine. Three out of the five member of the Romanian jury were former participants in the contest, so they all wait from an explanation from EBU now... Good luck unpacking this!!:-)))
It's a fun song amongst the sad depresive songs this year. However it has a political message. Especially in the current situation, the train "Chisinau - Bucuresti" and having no borders , it's about unification with Romania. And yes it has a balkan sound which probably made our fellow balkaners vote for it too. Like even Greece gave us 6 points. But this years eurovision results have been clearly rigged and 6 countryies points replaced , which makes you question the validity of any results really.. Im just glad the song made people dance 😄
While I understand that some people might think this song is somehow advocating for the reunification of the two countries, I'll have to disagree. This song is about the unity that Moldova and Romania already share, unity in culture and people, and about how we feel at home in both countries.
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
I think they really lucked out in their placement in the finals lineup. There was a string of really slow ballady songs, and then boom! Moldova wakes everyone up. It made the songs that came before sound all the same and dull, and it was certainly memorable. If Norway or Finland had been in the same spot, they would have also gotten a bump up in numbers (though not as big as Moldova).
Im from the UK...I voted once for UK (which I loved) and TWICE for Moldiva cos it was Quintessential Eurovision and really believed it would be the crazy hidden gem that would win! I got up a jigged when it played- it was so much fun and so unserious! However I am glad UK did so very well in the end! Kudos to Ukraine and her people- hope the win really lifts their spirits and gives them a good sense of comradeship, love and hope that they really deserve right now 👏 🥰
I couldn't disagree more. We need fun sure but is a song contest. We need jury to give points to Portugal, Sweden, Greece, the Netherlands, etc. Brilliant songs but without televote points.
@@joelfernandes6865 while i agree with Sweden i'd say Portugal and esspecially Netherlands were kinda boring, Greece on the other hand was just so generic, i'd be mad if that won
@@joelfernandes6865 but even if i agreed that those are the "good songs" the jury has more problems, like the political votes, seriously Greece and Cyprus vote 12 for eachother whenever they can. I think what would be good is instead of the jury we could have the singers themselves vote, maybe they would each give like 20 but for only one song so they don't have to create an entire list
It's ok not to "get" it, you're trying - but really, this right here is the Eurovision bubble. Watch the video for Moldova at the grand final a few times and you might start to get it. That 3 mins is the bubble.
I think the reason why Moldova did so well with the popular vote was because it was a bright spot in this year's overall dull entries. It was in my top five.
@@MatthewWrather My 15-month old brought Covid home from kindergarten right at the start of this year's Easter holidays. My other two kids were furious that we had to isolate for the whole of their two-week break from school. You have my sympathies for the frustration, anxiety, inconvenience and (hopefully mild) symptoms associated with that Championship Season.
The same I think you guys completely messed with Eurovision song contest it's all about. Eurovision song contest is supposed to be about folk tradition something local from your own country and fun. Moldova never really won but at least in most cases I've always had fun and enjoyed their performances except for maybe one or two times but most of their performances were always just fun to enjoy and very Eurovision. Not America's got talent with the x Factor kind of got to forget about your traditional song contests when he comes to Eurovision.
yea you did pronounce Trenulețul correctly xD Tip for reading Romanian: When you see the letter Ț you can read it as TZ and you can read the letter Ș as SH ^^
@@miguellupi8709 I can't speak for others and I haven't asked around. For just myself I can say that when I fist saw the recap of all the songs a month ago I decided to vote for Moldavia.
Exactly. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT. Moldova had the best song ever.....EVER. The folk elements + the rock elements + the uniqueness of his voice + the energy on stage + THE LYRICS !!!!!! Have you read a good translation of the lyrics?! It is so true and so touching.....and you HAVE TO KNOW SOME HISTORY.... (if you don't know the history, you won't understand the lyrics....I mean, have you ever wondered why Moldova and Romania have almost the exact same flag?! And the exact same language????? )
I don't get why some people think that this song was sarcastic or self-deprecating in any way. I mean, if a song isn't depressing or super serious, it doesn't mean it's some sort of mockery. This was a fun mix of regional traditional and rock music that also had quite a heartwarming message.
I wonder if it's really got all to do with the song or if the band has a strong fanbase they've come 6th and 12th before, iirc, so always been rly strong I really loved the song tho, it's fun and sounds like party^^ my second favourite this year after serbia
Didn't have a regional sound?!?!?!Oklahoma!?!? THIS IS ALL THAT MOLDOVAN FOLKLORE IS ABOUT! In fact it represents the Balkan region so well!!! And it made the whole Europe (and Americans who were watching) dance and cheer. I'm shocked.
@@overthinkingit You're making it sound as if it all revolves around America. It doesn't. It's hurtful that some 'authorities' in culture or politics keep discrediting the small country that Moldova is, just like your channel did. If you really felt there was no 'local' uniqueness, you forgot to consider the language of the song! He sang the same way he speaks. Only words in English were Hey, let's go, folklore and Rock N Roll.
Yeah, it definitely has a very regional sound. The fast arpegiated chords on the violin are a cornerstone of music in the area. EDIT: NO ITS NOT HOWDOWN
Unrelated to this video, but the Eurovision viewing party that you guys promoted on this channel was so badly organized by Liberty. I called the day before to see if I can make a reservation, they told me it is “first come first serve”, I show there an hour before Eurovision starts, and the manager tells me that all seats that would not compromise watching Eurovision were reserved for “big parties”. So the place that organizes Eurovision viewing party still gave priority to the big parties that were not there for Eurovision. I am just glad that I had another option.
Aw, I'm sorry man. We'll think about how to make it work better next year. It was more chaotic than normal because the Chelsea-Liverpool game went long.
I always knew Moldova would qualify, because that song is pure, infectious happiness and you can't help but tap your feet to it in spite of yourself... and the performers are massively likable and don't give off a vibe that says "We're desperate to win Eurovision". I did however get France very wrong: I imagined it would be in the Top 10, or at the very least on the left-hand side of the scoreboard. I never would have imagined it would come second to last! How disappointing. So France sends a song which isn't in a stereotypically French chanson style, in Breton, impeccably performed and very original, a combination of techno and folk (but different to Go_A's entry) and it comes second to last?? I don't get it. Greetings from Italy
Zdob si Zdub were pretty popular in former ussr in early 00’s. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they succeeded. I still like their remake of Kino - Videli Noch. It’s amazing
Romanian and Moldovan diaspora comunities are huge in Europe, officially there are 3 million Romanians just in Italy, Germany and Spain, but unofficially the number is probably much higher. Both Romanians and Moldovans love Zdob si Zdup so the song was already a banger. The song was in Romanian and it was about the Chisinau-Bucharest train, linking the capitals of Romania and Moldova,so it had a strong unionist theme which went straight to heart of Romanians. Romanians were most likely voting for Moldova instead of voting for themselves. Furthermore, Moldova is bordering Ukraine, and shares the same history and wounds as its neighbour, so I understand why there was so much politcal voting from other countries as well.
@@jeboshifru The song had a strong serbian folk influence, which explains why it was popular there and Croatia. Serbian folk is popular in both Romania and Moldova.
@@hippiemuslim serbian folk influence? I dunno but I don’t think you guys have a trademark on that sound or those instruments. It sounds very authentic to the local style and I am sure there are very significant technical differences, but of course being neighbouring countries and sharing a lot of common history, there will be similarities. I just find it strange that you are so confident it was inspired by anything specifically Serbian
@@emanueldobos8452 Have you ever heard of "sârbă"? It literally means Serbian and its origins is in Serbian folk music. This genre is spread through the Balkans.
@@emanueldobos8452 I guess Emanuel isn't from Southeastern Europe :D The whole region is culturally connected, even the countries that don't speak similar languages. It wasn't hard to predict that Serbia will give 12 points to Moldova,. The guy that played accordion (for Moldova) also perfectly plays Užičko kolo (Serbian traditional dance). There is a video of him, recorded these days in Turin. It was on TV in Serbia.
I think the problem is singers, producers and the rest of the bunch THINK that the taste of the Eurovision viewers progressed towards that clean and slick sound, but in reality that's not the case. This is the Eurovision sound. Old school type of fun, crazy with some traditional elements. All of us might prefer something more mature for our everyday playlist, but Eurovision is something completely separate...
@@grgoripeck166 What?
@@grgoripeck166 it happens ☺️
It's equally wrong to think that the Eurovision sound is the slick state-of-the-art produced sound as is to think that it is the old-fashioned pop-rock-folk type of sound, or a classic festival love-love-peace-peace sound. The Eurovision sound is anything and everything that a member country might send any given year. There are general tendencies, trends, but right when you think you picked up what combination of elements and the sound is the key to success, the results prove you wrong or leave you totally confused/disappointed. It's pretty unpredictable - not 100%, but rather a lot. The only tendency I picked up that proved to be predicting quite accurately the good results in recent years (starting from, say, 2014, but certainly from 2017) is not the type of sound or genre - it's the genuineness, authenticity of the artist, whatever their genre may be. The televote started to "punish" the overly produced songs and performances that look like a product designed to push the maximum amount of buttons for a good Eurovision score, and to reward the acts that feel genuine, like something the artist in question would make even without participating at ESC. Examples: the top 3 every year since 2017.
and by "more mature" you mean...what exactly?
Agreed! Some of my absolute, unironic favourite Eurovision songs I would never listen to on a day-to-day basis, but I still love them as songs or within the context of Eurovision. Just imagine how dull a Eurovision final with 25 slick modern pop songs would be.
i think the hardest thing to forgive is the comparison of moldovan music with oklahoma music
Ha! I'm sure the people of Oklahoma feel the same way about you guys! But I do feel that there's something kind of universal about this particular sound - might be worth exploring more sometime.
There's nothing wrong in comparing two genres of music from two different cultures. In fact, I think noticing such similarities is actually a beautiful thing that brings people closer together.
This is something I observed over the last few Years of Eurovision: The _Juryvotes_ go to the slick Popballads or Poprocksongs, But the _Televotes_ usually gravitate to things people find unique or interesting - which is often _not_ the same Powerballad they have heard a million times before.
I totally agree!!
Exactly. Who wants to hear the millionth pop song at Eurovision? Why would we wanna listen to songs, which we could hear on the radio the whole day. At Eurovision, we want to explore unique music.
@@Nikki.Penguin Absolutely. And I don't understand why the jury votes often don't go in that direction? Often, it's not even that these songs are worse on a musical level, and some even have great production value too. I mean, it's not like a radio friendly pop song automatically has a better quality than other more unique options!
And that's why I'm annoyed at having jury votes at all
@@xWood4000 On the other hand, didn't the jury votes keep Poland 2016 from finishing incredibly high? Sometimes, the jury is a good thing. (I actually love Poland 2016, it's one of my guilty pleasure favourite Eurovision songs. But it's not a good song)
Overthinking doesn't this song make you jump and smile ? or is it only Europe. For eastern Europe this reminds you of a village weeding and everybody is more or less drunk. Additionally the contrast when they switched was very powerful and needed in this serious atmosphere in the world.
It DOES make us jump and smile! I guess sometimes it's just that simple.
I can say that I was in Turin at the Finals and all of the people in PalaOlimpico were hyped and excited for this song.
It's one of the few songs where the majority stood up!
@@smery_ It is uplifting and needed at current times.
@@natashakuzmanoska9656, God bless Moldova! You guys are great neighbors.
Moldova brought the perfect Eurovision song and number this year. I´ve been very surprised to see that so many Eurovision Channels had not caught onto it sooner.
I was thinking it was the perfect Eurovision song for 20 years ago, I didn't think it was going to work in the modern, slicker Eurovision which has a much younger audience. Clearly it worked just fine!
@@overthinkingit you dont get that in ESC you cannot vote for your own country BUT you can if you live in another european country and use their cellphone operator. Look up how many Moldovans live and work abroad... of course not as many as Ukrainians ;)
The Romanians voted en masse for this song, and our diaspora is massive
@@mihaelac2472 I don't know if that's the reason it got so many votes, tbh. I think many non-Romanians/Moldovans appreciated the fact that the song was something different, authentic.
@@overthinkingit I mean, if you look at the songs that have done well in the last few years, yes, "slicker" songs are doing well, but they actually only win once every few years despite how many of them there are now. And it's not like a younger audience can't appreciate a song like this. I hosted a Eurovision viewing party for my friends, we're culturally (or location-wise) nowhere near Moldova and we're all in our early / mid twenties. We all loved this song. Yes, some people felt it was a bit cringy, but it came after like 5 of these "modern, slicker" songs that kidn of started to blend together, so this was a breath of fresh air and woke us all up and made everyone smile. Would any of us actually listen to this regularly? Probably not, but we loved it on Saturday and I think two or three of us even voted for it.
"It sounded like a song you could have heard in a line dance in Oklahoma" is a bit like saying that Spain's song reminds you too much of Latin America. For Europeans the played instruments had a distinct Eastern European sound.
I mean, Spain’s song did pull influences from Latin America. Hell, even the singer is Latin American.
Well, Spain's song did sound Latin American! That's why I'm still pissed about Terra! Which was pure authentic European!
@@lr2550 Same. I will never be not angry about Terra. If RTVE said that they're gonna send Chanel as early as November, I wouldn't have minded supporting her. But no, they really had to cashgrab people first via Benidorm and made everyone fight between Terra and Ay Mamá then blindsided everyone with picking Chanel. RTVE literally hoodwinked the public. So even if Chanel landed 3rd in ESC (like she did in Benidorm), I'm still very annoyed as she didn't exactly work for her Benidorm "win"; it was already given to her before everyone competed.
It does have a unique regional sound tho?? Like, if you go to the Balkans or the area in it's immediate vecinity, you'd hear this exact type of folk.
It has a regional sound but I'm not convinced it's a UNIQUE regional sound. Like, this style of music is popular in a lot of places. That's not a bad thing, I'm just contrasting it with something like Ukraine which uses local instruments.
@@overthinkingit i can sort of get your point on this. But i don't think 'local' is the right word here in regards to uniqueness. For example, the same instruments are used in Romanian folk music, only that they didn't send such music to Eurovision. So i guess the bottom line is that it was unique in the sphere of Eurovision songs across the board.
That is definition of region of europe.
@@overthinkingit Listen to some songs from No smoking Orchestra from Serbia and Dubioza kolektiv from Bosnia. Those two bands have exactly the same style like Moldova's entry this year.
@@overthinkingit No, I'm sorry but I'm Romanian & I think you didn't predict this correctly, bc you *don't* consider it an authentic folk song. You think it's something generic, with a happy violin - which is kind of insulting tbh, bc it *is* authentic regional folklore specific to South-East Europe, and *no* it's not the same as the American style. You just can't tell the difference.
The same flute Ukrainians used, is also used in Romania & Moldova, they just didn't have it in this performance - and *probably* the reason why u feel Ukraine & Moldova's folk songs aren't on the same "folkoric par" (which they are), is bc u have *heard* & are used to something similar in America - where it's *not* that appreciated, yet already familiar..
Moldovan group and team were very, very smart. The official video was the pure folk version. It was catchy like a typical balkan song. But the song they presented in the contest was a revamp modern version mixing rock and folk, with a refreshing and fun rendition. The group gave everything on stage to connect with the public. In a contest where the most part of the songs were slow ballads, Moldavia brought an unique moment of fun and party ambiance that public and televoters needed.
Totally! It was much punchier with almost a rap quality in the show, I loved it!!! There is a great video of the reporters in the press room danging around!
I think Americans take the accordion and fiddle sound for granted. My initial response to this song was “classic Moldova madness”, and honestly an Oklahoma hoedown (whatever that is) would probably have stood out just as much.
The song was pretty good, yes. But the magic happened because of their super professional live performance! At the end of the day - you cannot take away their HUGE stage experience, and very successful one! They just set the whole Europe on fire! And I really respect those artists for that. Well done, Moldova! Greetings from Ukraine!
This! Look at Ireland, with a good song, but their show wasn't up to scratch. Or Serbia, which doesn't make sense to westerners without the performance. Performance is paramount
Yeah, the show really elevated it by a mile. I saw it live in Amsterdam without the staging and it wasn't nearly as impactful.
That is very true. That is what on the opposite end of the spectrum killed "Disco" for me: The song wasn't bad, but I got _nothing_ from the lead singer, and as the Camera mainly focused on him, the song left me absolutely stonecold. It felt like nice elevatormusic to me. Nothing I hate, but nothing I love either.
@@saiyasha848 same with Austria. Compare static artists stuck in a light circle with what chechia did
It also helped that this year is stacked with ballads.
Well,you should also know that the song has a very strong message, it's about a train that departs from the capital city of Moldova (Chișinău) on it's way to the capital city of Romania (București) and that along the journey you can't tell the difference between Moldova and Romania and that they should be the same country,as it was before the World Wars
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf I think you are a Russian bot,so I will not explain to you the history of Romania,but I will tell you this,if I was born in the province of Moldova in Romania, what does that make me, Romanian or Moldavien?!
Este destul să citeşti balada Gruia şi fata cadiului (sec.XIV ‒ XV), actele domnitorului Petru Şchiopu (1591), Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei al lui Gr.Ureche (1635) şi biografia lui I.V.Stalin (n.1879), ca să te dumireşti cine a „născocit” limba moldovenească. Nenumărata mulţime ignorantă de alde Băsescu și alde de tine nu are însă nevoie de astfel de exerciţii intelectuale. Ea se închipuie că este dăşteaptă pentru că se cred... „rumîni”...
Din această cauză, voi ați împînzit tot net.-ul cu minciunile, aberațiile și războiul informațional,, plătit de pe Dîmbovița, să nu permiteți dezvoltarea statalității moldovenilor, dezvoltarea limbii și istoriei moldovenilor. Toate porcăriile voastre noi le cunoaștem din 90, cînd ați cumpărat niște cozi de topor de la Chișinău și ați băgat pe gît, cică limba romină și drapelul cel fals, cică al moldovenilor. Cineva o să răspundă dur pentru toate crimele acestea, fiți pe pace, romine..
Cantemir scrie ca valahii secole la rând s-au folosit de alfabetul si ortografia limbii moldave "lingua moldavorum", "lingua MOLDAVICA", pe care el o descrie la cererea savanților Europei de la Academia din Berlin in tratatul "Descriptio Moldaviae" - la 1714, când încă nici îngerii din cer nu știau ca peste 164 de ani va apare pe harta un stat cu numele straniu - nu de Dacia, dar de "Rominia". Nici pomina in "Descriptio Moldaviae" de Rominia, romini si limba romina.
«Faţă de săracul dialect muntean, limba moldovanului este pe o treaptă superioară. Bine observat într-un moment de echilibru, graiul moldovenesc, prin moliciunea tonurilor sale, e de la sine artistic. Un Neculce, un Creangă în Muntenia sînt mai greu aşteptat… Într-un cuvînt: sevele limbii vin din Moldova» (G.Călinescu. Istoria literaturii…,1941).
‒ Moldovenii constituie o comunitate etnică conştientizată din veacul XIII: balada Mioriţa; sînt menţionaţi în toate gramotele Moldovei, începînd cu 1392...;
- atestaţi în actele curţilor regale polonă, lituaniană, maghiară, ale curiei papale;
‒ Despre moldoveni au scris în epoca medievală autori germani, francezi, poloni, italieni, maghiari, ruşi...;
‒ Despre Moldova, moldoveni, limba moldovenească a scris şi a publicat ‒ în 1551 Georg Reiherstorffer! ‒ prima, cea mai preţioasă monografie: Chorographia/ Descrierea Moldovei.
Aşadar, numele Moldova, etnonimul moldoveni, glotonimul moldovenească s-a înrădăcinat în conştiinţa moldovenilor, în circuitul istoric, politic, etnolingvistic european cu 500 de ani înainte de naşterea I.V.Stalin!
Termenul „rumîn” („şerb, ţăran aservit, om prost, iobag”) începe să se „etnicizeze” abia către sfîrşitul secolului XVIII. Către acest moment ‒ sfîrşitul veacului XVIII, cînd basarabii, ungrovlahii, muntenii încă nu aflaseră că ar putea fi „rumîni”,
În studiul său monumental Originea romînilor (1927) vestitul lingvist român Al.Philippide conchidea: „Moldova şi Muntenia nu au legături genetice şi istorice”. În Încă în 1908 N.Iorga se străduia să-i lumineze pe romîni: „Între Prut şi Nistru se întinde ţara, pe care ruşii au numit-o „Basarabia”, cînd au cucerit-o în 1812. Majoritatea locuitorilor de la ţară a acestui mare şi bogat ţinut se numeau şi astăzi se numesc moldoveni şi ei vorbesc limba moldovenească”.
În 1937 N.Iorga încă o dată amintea romînilor: „Într-adevăr, totul este diferit între aceste două ţări ‒ Moldova şi Valahia ‒ care la început nici nu se ating”.
Pleased to see how well Moldova and Serbia did in the televoting.
Even the UK, Spain and Romania
agreed, my two favourites, they deserved it
Serbia and Moldova were in my top five.
I didn't see them doing well before the semi-finals. But as soon as we all started just automatically dancing when the song came on in the semi-finals, I started rooting for them. A song like this might not have an exactly local sound, but it's more of a regional thing. Anyone from the Balkans hears this song and MUST dance.
I can testify, i come from the Balkans and i started dancing 😂
@@Andrei-Marian duuuude was like i was transported home!!!
I think the staging was a really important factor too. It was not even a big budget staging, yet had a simple but stunning idea behind it, which somehow managed to bring out the charms of the song to broad daylight. I think the change they made to the song was a fine touch, but I can't really pinpoint the thing that made it feel like an absolute banger during the live performances.
I give this credit to Moldova in general though, they really know how to arrange some really nice stagings out of seemingly simple ideas!
lol the Balkans and beyond! it made me start dancing and I am English!
@@Andrei-Marian But the lyrics aren't silly, there's actually a heartwarming message in there. This song is like a brotherly hug between the Moldovan and Romanian cultures and peoples.
I don't know if it's technically a good song or not. I just know that I want to be at the same party those guys are at
if you are able to drink house wine with a large cup straight from the bucket ... all night ...
It’s a song in a Balkan wedding just before all the uncles get drunk. Or when they’re already drunk.
"Zdob si Zdub" are super popular in Romania and Moldova, they've also been to Eurovision two times before. The rhythm of the song is something that will make all balkan people rise up and dance. It's in our blood to react to it in the most positive way possible. They did an amazing job and had a great atmosphere on the stage. Zdob si Zdub are to folkore/etno music what Chanel was to dance and choreography :))
I live in South East Asia and I loved their performance so much I danced around my house at 3am while watching it. So happy they did so well with the televote, I was rooting for them real hard.
You should never underestimate Moldova.
Ironically in the first Moldova video we said that nobody should underestimate Moldova, and then we underestimated Moldova ourselves.
Moldova should have came 2nd to Ukraine. The entire Europe knows it. They're tired of basic pop, mainstream, top 40 friendly songs.
It i wanted pop songs i would go and listen pop songs, i go to Eurovision for camp fun over there top music that wouldn't be mainstream otherwise
Yup, I agree. Us in Serbia loved it ❤❤That's why it got 12 from televoting and 12 from jury. We feel it. It's genuine eastern-european song
@@goranpancevo thank you to everyone from Serbia who voted for us. Much love ❤❤❤
And yet Spain is Top 3? Can never understand that.
Personally, I think context play a big part: Europe has been thorn by two years of devastating pandemic and now we are witnessing an horrifying war just inside our continent and I guess people just wanted to have fun and forget everything for a couple of hours. Maybe this is why this song caught up so much. It was silly and liberating!
Idk, just my guess
and there's both the real life context and the context of the show as well. the running order had moldova go right after a bunch of ballads and toned down songs which could only help them after they drew a spot in the second half of the show and managed to be one of the few upbeat songs in there.
i trust and believe they still would have got a very large amount of televotes with another running order spot but maybe not as excellent? like 3rd~5th instead of second and maybe not a number of televote points that alone was larger than the combined scores of half of the jury's top10 lmao
The song meaning is also really great - it’s basically about how Moldova and Romania are the closest of countries that when you leave one to go the other it’s like you never left home… ad everyone is just great friends… now considering that Russia just invaded a country that it usually saw as a brother, you can see how it hit harder than it usually would.
I think so too, this song put a smile on my face. And add to that all the rumours about Russia thinking about invading Moldova…
And add to that as well the amazing audience this year that really connected with every single song and a party song like Moldova's really works well. I'm Dutch but if this song would've been sent to Rotterdam last year, I don't think it would've worked that well because our audience was pretty much glued to its seats.
"[Not] uniquely regional...like a line-dance in Oklahoma" - where do you think that music comes from? It traces back mainly to the immigrants from Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and while Moldova was not part of those territories, it was adjacent, and many Serbian commenters on this page say that it sounds like it could be from there too, so is definitely part of that sound-world. Mexican accordion music sounds the way it does for the same reason. Don't forget that many "American" things are often just slight offshoots from an older European tradition.
Fair! We’ll do better next year.
@@overthinkingit Not meaning to criticize too much! Have enjoyed your vids, and learned some good info about the Moldovan song from your last video, so thanks for your work!
Glad you appologized. Serbia's televote gave Moldova 12 points. I liked the song when I saw the video, I checked for their national selection and their performance wasn't interesting. But with minor modification of song and wonderful staging, they did it. I am watching it every day, they lift my spirits up. Those 2 brothers are really cute with those matching outfits and those facial expressions and the way they dance. Who would guess people that age could be called 'cute'?
It is a modern take on a folkloric song!
As a matter of fact, Moldova got more points from the countries that had "technical difficulties" appearing on live and more votes that apparently had missed the window of voting from the diaspora.
It was a shit show, I will never support this crap ever again.
I'm not Moldovan, but I don't think I need to be to realize the injustice of it all. That was an amazing performance and it should have been judged right!!!
I think it's also very important to look at what type of songs there are in the final. This year was very ballad-heavy, or at least slower-song heavy. Moldova really stuck out, especially being in the second half and especially being between Iceland and Sweden, , and made everyone wake up again.
Exactly! I think they really benefited from when they performed... I honestly was done with the show at that point cause it had been Soo ballad-y and then they came on and revived the whole thing.
@@whereIstood0705 Moldova placed as high as it did in the semi-final
@@chumchum1059 I didn't mean any harm with my comment, I really enjoyed their performance and think the song is really fun ... I just meant that I was grateful they came on when they did.
@@whereIstood0705 I don't think he was offended or anything. He just pointed something out.
@@eddiemitza2544 thanks! Tensions are running super high these days so I thought I had been accidentally dismissive or something.
And the sad reality is, no matter how sincere, no matter how much they want to, Americans will never actually understand Eurovision. It is just culturally too different. This is why America never can join (not that they'd probably want to).
Having said all this, Americans, please keep enjoying the experience that Eurovision is, and Matts, please keep making these videos. You do have a good degree of analytical insight, and have much to say that is worthwhile about the contest. It's just that you'll probably never actually get it. ... but that's OK.
Thank you. I like to think our cluelessness will always be this channel's special sauce.
@@overthinkingit Being Data is an honor! The alien looking in on humanity and commenting on our incongruities (Spock, Data, Odo, Doctor) is always the best character. :)
You guys completely missed the lyrics of this song. While Putin has his eye on this former Soviet state, they are singing how Moldova and Romenia actually are one people. This is a political statement disguised as a party song. Brilliantely done!
I kinda thought that it had a strong message of solidarity. It was clever it was fun and most importantly it was Moldovian ....and I thought it was great.
This is over thinking. I am Moldovan. Nothing like that. Please, don't relate Putin to it. This is way too much... Besides, the song was written before February 2022.
Moldova and Romenia actually are not one people.
Go to school and study more, dear...
I did notice the song is in Romanian and not in Russian, @@Veaceslav-eo2gf . They are definitely not waiting to be 'freed' by the Russians 🙄
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge.
Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language.
Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
Its a perfect eurovision song that got my israeli family dancing and voting for them. It doesn't matter what the song is about , the vibe was amazing and fun.
Just pure joy. I love it. Moldova rocks the stage. I loved every second of this performance.
Funny thing, I'm from Mexico, and this song actually has a lot in common with norteño and banda music. We joke that if this was released here as a single, it would probably be a hit.
I'm a big fan of Eurovision, and so is my mother and brother; we liked this music alright, but we knew it was something special when my father, the most normiest of normies in terms of Eurovision, who has no idea or cares about the contest, heard the song as he was walking by, and started dancing.
Same here! My family is from Sinaloa and my parents immediately started dancing and clapping along when it played. Apparently it reminded them of that one line dance song they play a lot at parties.
There was a joke circling around Serbians on social media saying: "Serbia sent Moldova to Eurovision" 😂
This is because the sound of the song itself is VERY Serbian which you hear at celebrations etc..
it's literally moldovan folk music
@@Andutsik we very much like it. but politics won, and you suport NATOvision
@@Andutsik It is very similar with serbian folk,I thought for the first second or two that some switch hapened to my TV sound😁.P.S.I loved the Moldovan song this year🤗
@@Andutsik Of course it is Moldovan folk music. But it doesn't mean it's not exactly like some varieties of Serbian folk music, especially in the East of the country, and I'm sure many other Balkan countries. We share the themes, instruments, rhythm.
It's in Romanian folklore as well... I always thought of it as specific to the region. 🤷♀️ But yes, prob more so in Serbia, who knows.
This year, everyone went for that clean look with powerful vocal and almost the same structure in presentation, and when there's a bunch of them, you can't really differentiate one from another. I really forgot the previous one after listening to the next, and it was like 5-6 songs in a row several times with rare unique ones, which even if at the core their presentation weren't unique, they sure were in that 25 finals pick. Also the end all songs medley thing pushed this feeling much further.
Actually, it's funny. Most Eurovision fans thought this was a lock to qualify... until the rehearsal pictures were published and there was no sign of the bombastic staging we're used to. Most of us thought there'd be a train on stage. Then the semi-finals happened and the crowd went crazy, and suddenly all the Eurovision fans assumed Top 5 in the televote was possible, it was just that sort of song.
I as well was originally disappointed there was no train prop but those guys didn't need anything besides themselves to make it a party.
I think one reason Moldova did so well is that they got to play after like 6 ballads. So they come on with this crazy energy while audience was slowly getting board and they just revived the energy of the entire show. So it stuck in everyone's mind for the rest of the night (and you get to see it every time song summary comes up again).
Serbia couldn't vote for Konstrakta, I do think we voted mostly for Moldova (I know I did). Montenegro was also not able to vote for Konstrakta (my friends from Montenegro told me that). And they might also voted for Moldova. And Moldova represented the Balkan party music.The issue is, Konstrakta made many people, who never watched Eurovision before, watch Eurovision this time, and these people don't vote like usual Eurovision fans.
Montenegro did vote for Serbia. You got 12 points from their jury as well from televote.
Ej Sanja, aj ne seri. Srbendama nikada dosta, pa izmisljaju kako je neko nama zabranio da glasaju. Primitivizam balkanski. I zasto si uopste to napisala ovde, ispod ovog video o Moldaviji? Volim svoj narod ali ima mnogo zatucanih ljudi, bukvalno zatucanih
Hear hear. I couldn’t vote as I’m in Asia. But Konstrakta sealed this Eurovision for me. A fan and well done Serbia. Loved Moldova too!
@@onnes608 I can see you're struggling with Serbian, so I'll answer you in English, once again:
of course we were forbidden to vote for our representative, just like everyone else was. I don't see any issues with that.
Why am I commenting under post about Moldova? Because it was insinuated that they got votes only because of their immigration and their neighboring countries. I wanted to point out that many people from Serbia most probably voted for Moldova (I know I did). So, they were not getting points only because they're Moldova, they got them because people liked their music. Also, I pointed out that Konstrakta attracted many people who didn't watch Eurovision earlier, people which have different taste and don't vote as typical Eurovision fans. These also might have voted for Moldova.
Clear now?
@@jovanagiovanna7749 Ok, might be that my friend had issues with glitches :)
Not a regional sound?! Wow! That song is in a specific regional music style
It sounds really American to us! What's the style called? Curious if it's something America picked up from Europe or part of the country-western craze over there.
This is traditional Balkan music. We didn't borrow it. Most probably, it might have been borrowed from us.
@@overthinkingit I think it's a mix of local styles. It has marcs of balkan turbo folk music, a bit of cajke. It's music for dancing kolo. If you want to hear other examples search uzicko kolo.
@@overthinkingit it's a general balkan kolo music
@@overthinkingit it is called ,,muzica lautareasca'' in Romania and Moldova. It is very distinctive to South Eastern Europe (very similar music can also be found in Serbia, Bulgaria and probably southern Ukraine). The reason why you find it ,,american'' is probably due to the rock elements that were inserted in the otherwise eastern european tune.
They were my favorite in 2022, glad they made it to the top 10. They nailed the stage performance.
The accordion and violin recalls classic folklores sounds of that area of Europe, they are the sounds you hear at weddings and baptisms, so anyone from that culture hearing those sounds have a "nostalgia" effect (not sure of the name) that associates the song to happy moments, meanwhile those outside it's culture associate those sounds to the area, making this song feel authentic and not just another pop ballad random smear.
I understand your doubts, the amount of people who ranked Moldova 40-35 was astonishing, but as someone who had them 1st in my top since their song dropped, I have to say... nienienie my favorites got second in televotes hahaaa🤪🤪
Moldova was singing about a trein who goes from Chiainau to Bucharest (Romania). It's a song about union of this 2 countries as they used to be unitated before. It's a happy song about a sensitive subject. Romabians were trilled. We originally gave Moldova 12 points but Ebu decided to change our points and give them to Ucraine. There is a huge scandal in other countries as well because of this. Moldova originaly gave Romania 10 points and Ebu gave it 0.
Are you insane? Moldova and Romania were NEVER united. Stop spreading misinformation and read into the history.
@@moonpiestreak9772 The teritory of the Republic of Moldova was part of Romania between 1918-1940. Before that it was part of the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire anexed the teritory of the Republic of Moldova from the Principality of Moldova, which was one of the two states (along with Walachia) that untied and created modern Romania.
@@moonpiestreak9772 so they lied to me at the history class about our own country??? incredible.
As you are talking us to read history let me quickly go over the historical facts. The Republic of Moldova is a territory stolen in 1812 from the Principality of Moldova by the Russian empire. What remained of the Principality of Moldova united in 1859 with Wallachia, forming the United Principalities, latter renamed Romania. In 1918, when the Russian empire broke up, Moldova from the tsarist empire united with Romania, but after WW2 it was taken back by the USSR. So, what about it was never united with Romania? I know you Russians write history as pure fiction to please yourselves, but there is a limit.
@@moonpiestreak9772 actually its you who should read into history and stop embarrassing yourself.
Actually the simplicity of this song can be deceptive. These guys have been digging into the roots of the World Music genre for 30 years, making experiments with a lot of bands, like Mali, Indian, and of course rural Moldovian. Some of their albums sound quite shaman. I guess they have found the secret magic sound which puts a dancing spell on open souls, and no surprise that it is almost universal, looking familiar to usa countrymen, balcan people, etc.
I totally agree with you. Multiple people in the comments here feel like this song sounds like traditional party music from THEIR country. I think these guys have cracked the code.
@@overthinkingit well, maybe it's about magic but I think it's about their rock-folklore vibes which you will find in all their songs. Just check it!
Zdob si Zdub - Видели ночь - 2000
Zdob si Zdub - DJ Vasile (official music video) - 2003
Zdob si Zdub - Ciocarlia - 2006
Zdob Si Zdub - Miorita - 2007
Zdob și Zdub - Moldovenii s-au născut (official video) - 2012
Loredana & Zdob si Zdub feat. Skizzo Skillz - La carciuma de la drum - 2016
Nice to see a sincere apology
I fell in love as soon as I watched the video for the first time, because a. it made me happy b. it made me want to dance, c. I actually really liked the fact that it is somewhat political, the original video does have English subtitles. ... also the video is really really funny.
I wanted them to win to be honest, and I am happy that so many people do agree with me, regarding the point. they got 10 points from German televoting, and I imagine they could have gotten 12 in another year.
I do want Eurovision to be a party, and this year had so much suffering, both in the real world an in the esc songs, it was refreshing, and really important for the structure in the finally. Which I think would have profited form less Saudade and more eating veggies and .... as well as what ever san Marinos stage performance was - in general.
How could you not love Moldova's song? It was awesome! I knew it would do really well.
during first listens, this was the first song that made me go "this is one of the good ones this year"
it stood out from all the slick but tiring ballads. Balkan music at its best. also, technically, Moldova is under attack by Russia (Transnistria) and the song was quite political (they want to belong to the west, to to Romania, the EU, but not Russia. )
They always have belonged to Romania (except for the last couple hundred years or so). We speak the same language and even have almost the same flag.
This song is not about Russia, just about how we Romanians and Moldovans are technically one nation.
Fan love artists that return.
My first Eurovision was 2011,
I was super excited an act from that year came back. 😎
Sometimes fans vote for the simple things that bring them joy.
I think they did so well because of their fun live performance. I didn't think I would like it that much, but I did. It was so fun!
At first I just like the song but I started to love it when I discover it has reference of the love between moldova and romania people.
I think most of Eurovision participating countries are known for their own music style that people like and vote for it for example Portugal being known and voted mostly voted when they have sad ballads or Finland for their rock-'n'-roll style.
Moldova is liked when they send happy-energetic songs that hypes everyone, you can even look in the past that most of their ballads from Eurovision didn't qualified except 2015 (which wasn't a ballad but destroyed by the message of the song and running order)
In 2008, 2014, 2016, 2019 ballads being placed pretty low in the semis, even in 2006 (which i think it was a weak and undeserving qualifier) still qualified.
So a country known by 'its style' also does have an impact on qualifying/placement.
You gotta look at demographics though. While west europeans will see Moldova being Moldova at the top of their game, there is now a good chunk of the continent that share history with Moldova, are more familiar with the artists and maybe the culture and language too, who are proud of their traditions and appreciate them in Eurovision. That's how the eastern bloc changed the game to begin with. Nationalism is different when newly independent. And let's not forget that Moldova is high in Putin's kill list.
In short, there is more in common with Ukraine's entry than meets the eye
I do not think you know what you are talking about. Georgia is on Putin's kill list as well but it had a bad song and did not even touched the final. The reason why I think you are overreaching is because you do not know how many people hated Moldova's song for reasons of xenophobia, and we know this from the romanian diaspora who had to hear nasty things about the Moldovan entry and sound not only from people around them but sometimes from the commentators of the country they were watching Eurovision in. The most benign thing we've heard is people saying this is their guilty pleasure, I've heard people say that their family thought they were weird for liking the song. But the worst things we've heard are: this is too eastern, this is rural music or brothel music, the sound is too violent, the music is for peasants, the italian commentators said they would rather jump off from the train rather than listen to this song. So Moldova's reach was despite all of these impediments and due to the fact that there were too many ballads. Ukraine's song was certainly seen as a cleaner form of folklore while we were sitting there hearing all around nasty things about how offensive our culture is to the ears of posh europeans.
@@madalinaanton3253 the Moldovan entry is specifically meant to be a commentary on the geopolitical climate (it's Chisinau to Bucharest, not to Moscow). all the Romanians in Austria I know loved it. and even "posh" westerners enjoy a fun balkan banger.
Yes, and that is genuine enjoyment. I am talking about the people who suggest that the vote for Moldova was political because somehow Europe is compassionate now. That is why I was pointing out the hypocrisy of such a claim, for us the song means very much, but the people who curl up when they hear this type of sound would never warm up to it, and the people who voted for Moldova were genuinely in love with the song or it was their "guilty pleasure". People who claim the voting for Moldova was political suggest that there was some sort of political voting that was split between Moldova and Ukraine, as if people would choose Moldova's cause over Ukraine's, they did not even know what the song was about, they thought it is a happy go lucky meaningless song about a train.
@@madalinaanton3253 Do you mean both east and west Europe? Because I agree that there is a lot of racism going on in the west, but those countries wouldn't vote for Serbia either
@@madalinaanton3253 Italian commentator is a bitter old fart who hates himself in the morning, and everyone else the rest of the day, and who is a laughing stock and the second hand embarrassment of the nation. Italian public gave Moldova 10 points (understandably, 12 points went to Ukraine), and FIVE out of 14 jury points Moldova got IN TOTAL were from the Italian jury. Not everything on the surface matters - the votes are real deal, and the commentator is just a pitiful clown long due for retirement.
That moment when you want to apologize and actually make it worse.
Moldova would won in a different geopolitical situation and without ESC influencing or even switching juries votes.
Romanian jury an has given 12 points to Moldova and ESC intervention gave none.
That’s what’s all about.
Let's say Ukraine wasn't in the contest this year and so nobody could vote for it. I think Spain probably wins. Moldova would certainly pick up a larger share of the televote but the final results in OUR universe were UK and Spain around 460, and Moldova down at 253. That's a massive gap and even with a few of the jury votes switched (I'm not weighing in on how fair or unfair that was) I don't see how Moldova could have made up the points. Spain ALSO was really popular, and don't forget Serbia pulled away a bunch of the Balkan support that might have otherwise gone to Moldova.
If you JUST DIDN'T GET my message below....maybe you should read it again, and READ THE TRANSLATION OF THE LYRICS carefully. Remember that Moldova & Romania have the same language and almost the same flag!
Get well soon Matt Wrather!! Thank you Matt Belinkie!
I had Moldova on the books for top 10 from the beginning of the season, I knew this song would kill with the public. It puts a huge smile on your face and that’s what people needed, especially in The Ballad year! I think it really does have a cultural sound, that accordion is very common in folk music around Europe but especially Eastern Europe. But you can be forgiven for not recognising their potential - the Eurofans as per usual ranked this very low on EuroScoreboard, favouring dull as dishwater Cyprus over it which ended up being pretty funny given how lacklustre the performance was. You’re doing your best!!
We want to steal your picks next year, kewl?
Aaaaaaaand... now it's stuck in my head.
I loved it the most and just shared with my Ramones' friends. Hey Ho, Let's Go. It's a hit.
Overthinking makes in 80% the absolute correct and interesting videos on the ESC... and this time a 100% honest one. We LOVE your outsiders view on ESC. We NEED your perspective...
to be honest the "Eurovision bubble" in all the fan forums put this at the bottom in votes UNTIL the actual show. Don't listen to them.
It's always so good when not a slick pop song wins! Also, you gotta love a good surprise jump in the televote :D
Folk music is the best live in front of the audience
Weeeell... everything except the vocals was pre-taped as per Eurovision rules. They just pretend to play instruments up there. But we take your point.
@@overthinkingit folk music has accent on audience. To make them dance and collectively to have a good time. Listening it alone is not the same. Classical music is more tuned to individual if you know what I mean. Kinda like when people run marathons instead of alone effect
@@overthinkingit It cannot be pre taped. Some parts for sure because singers need to dance but not everything
Moldava was By far my favorite! It is excellent, funny, great song and with the Balkan flair that takes anyone from the floor. I was surprised with your comparison to American folk. Some instruments are the same, but Acordeon is missing and it just is not the same touch. Cheers
Well, to be fair. The running order also helped. And the revamp came alive live, it lacks some party factor as a studio version
They got 7th places in the semi-finals too, so I don't think it was because of the running order.
Loved the comparison to Oklahoma country music 😂 yeah - you got served by Moldova!!!
I don’t understand how you thought this wouldn’t qualify. The gnomes with the pixie on the unicycle are beloved, it has an accordion, and it has a few words in English that the crowd can sing along to (Hey, Ho, let’s go, folklore or rock’n’roll).
But most importantly of all, it’s so joyful. I can’t be unhappy when I listen to this song. 😍🥰🙌🙃
You guys are great, love your sense of humor. And yeah, there are always surprises, I am still shocked by the low vote for France, it was a great performance.
Bruh this is a competition where some techno rave babushkas baked bread live on stage and came 2nd. Where a drag queen in silver lame screamed random numbers in German to an increasingly manic accordian and also came 2nd. Eurovision voters (the public ones anyway) DO NOT WANT an oversaturation of slick sounding radio friendly pop music, they have never wanted that and in fact many of them hate it. Those songs are a dime a dozen and unless they win they are instantly forgotten. People want things they will remember as iconic moments, which is what this song is. Discounting the Euro batshittery is to discount the pure life blood of this contest, rookie error my friend.
maybe you just have to be european to get it hahaha
as soon as i heard it the first time i knew it was gonna be my favourite! and although all my friends had other favourites they still loved this song as well
it's a song that just makes you get up and dance, no matter who you are, and it also includes the amazing folk elements and instruments. if you watch the press interviews with Zdob și Zdub and Advahov brothers they are so passionate about their music and bringing joy to people even when the world is going to shit.
although jury votes are often predictable, whether due to politics or popularity contest, there is no formula to understand the public vote, although to me (as a person of the public hahaha) it seems obvious. the songs that really make you happy, and make you smile and laugh and get up and dance are the ones that do well :))))
This is my jam. I was hooked from the start. Netherlands, moldova and Cyprus were my favorite.
The problem is Romania claims that they gave their 12 jury points to Moldova but the EBU declared a technical issue has happened so that they gave Romanian's 12 points to Ukraine :) and this happened for 6 other countries and that makes 6 countries votes are not clear now (in my opinion even others) in this case Moldova even might be winner maybe ? Because declared other votes were for UK and Spain ... Unfortunately one of great show in EU now lost reputation ... but it was always like that, just in this time they didn't hesitate to do it openly
We’ve been reading about this! Very sketchy stuff. But I don’t think there’s any mathematical way Moldova could have beaten Ukraine. It was Ukraine’s year for good reason.
@@overthinkingit unfortunately if there is some suspicious it spreads all over of the whole not just on selected part ... and again unfortunately it was really bad year for Ukraine ... however that should not make them the winner of the song contest ... if it makes then why so many people and counties efforted for it ...
in this case, how Russia was disqualified at the beginning then Ukraine would be announced as a winner directly ... it would make sense ...
A big thanks for this material !
Nice of you to aknowledge it! The guys from wiwiblogs were also prejudiced against the song, seeing as a non-qualifier, but I left them a comment that's going to be top 10. There's more to it though... In the odds Romania for example was placed last, or closer to last, but it ended up ranked 20+ positions higher. What's also interesting is that bookies are also based in UK, so they are biased as well, I would say in similar manner as you. :-) To make things worst, Romanian jury this year gave 12 points to Moldova, which in comparison to the public vote is not that crazy afterall. However, EBU decided to cancel the Romanian vote, override the decision of the national jury and gave the 12 points to Ukraine. Three out of the five member of the Romanian jury were former participants in the contest, so they all wait from an explanation from EBU now... Good luck unpacking this!!:-)))
It's a fun song amongst the sad depresive songs this year. However it has a political message. Especially in the current situation, the train "Chisinau - Bucuresti" and having no borders , it's about unification with Romania.
And yes it has a balkan sound which probably made our fellow balkaners vote for it too. Like even Greece gave us 6 points.
But this years eurovision results have been clearly rigged and 6 countryies points replaced , which makes you question the validity of any results really.. Im just glad the song made people dance 😄
While I understand that some people might think this song is somehow advocating for the reunification of the two countries, I'll have to disagree.
This song is about the unity that Moldova and Romania already share, unity in culture and people, and about how we feel at home in both countries.
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881 It is MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ...
I hope Matt R feels better soon and doesn't have any side effects.
Thank you! I'm slowly improving!
In fact, you could say that you guys..... Overthinked it! 😎😎😎😎😎
I think they really lucked out in their placement in the finals lineup. There was a string of really slow ballady songs, and then boom! Moldova wakes everyone up. It made the songs that came before sound all the same and dull, and it was certainly memorable. If Norway or Finland had been in the same spot, they would have also gotten a bump up in numbers (though not as big as Moldova).
Im from the UK...I voted once for UK (which I loved) and TWICE for Moldiva cos it was Quintessential Eurovision and really believed it would be the crazy hidden gem that would win! I got up a jigged when it played- it was so much fun and so unserious! However I am glad UK did so very well in the end! Kudos to Ukraine and her people- hope the win really lifts their spirits and gives them a good sense of comradeship, love and hope that they really deserve right now 👏 🥰
Every Eurovision is like the first you see. It's nothing like the one before.
we should just remove the jury, i have no idea why they voted Moldova so low
I couldn't disagree more. We need fun sure but is a song contest. We need jury to give points to Portugal, Sweden, Greece, the Netherlands, etc. Brilliant songs but without televote points.
@@joelfernandes6865 while i agree with Sweden i'd say Portugal and esspecially Netherlands were kinda boring, Greece on the other hand was just so generic, i'd be mad if that won
@@joelfernandes6865 but even if i agreed that those are the "good songs" the jury has more problems, like the political votes, seriously Greece and Cyprus vote 12 for eachother whenever they can. I think what would be good is instead of the jury we could have the singers themselves vote, maybe they would each give like 20 but for only one song so they don't have to create an entire list
@@pustak7202 I agree that we have a lot of problems with the jury.
I wish they come back in 2032 and win the whole thing 😍😝 Chisinau 2033
It's ok not to "get" it, you're trying - but really, this right here is the Eurovision bubble. Watch the video for Moldova at the grand final a few times and you might start to get it. That 3 mins is the bubble.
fun eastern european party songs rarely win, but they're always big crowd pleasers. They're the stuff places 6 to 12 are made of
I think the reason why Moldova did so well with the popular vote was because it was a bright spot in this year's overall dull entries. It was in my top five.
Riding the train
Nice apology. 🙂
Missed you guys on the night itself. I hope Wrather (spg?) feels better soon.
Thanks very much! Me too :D
@@MatthewWrather My 15-month old brought Covid home from kindergarten right at the start of this year's Easter holidays. My other two kids were furious that we had to isolate for the whole of their two-week break from school. You have my sympathies for the frustration, anxiety, inconvenience and (hopefully mild) symptoms associated with that Championship Season.
The same I think you guys completely messed with Eurovision song contest it's all about. Eurovision song contest is supposed to be about folk tradition something local from your own country and fun. Moldova never really won but at least in most cases I've always had fun and enjoyed their performances except for maybe one or two times but most of their performances were always just fun to enjoy and very Eurovision. Not America's got talent with the x Factor kind of got to forget about your traditional song contests when he comes to Eurovision.
yea you did pronounce Trenulețul correctly xD
Tip for reading Romanian:
When you see the letter Ț you can read it as TZ and you can read the letter Ș as SH ^^
This result surprised even the more seasoned Europeans so...
Not really. I was watching the Eurovision song contest with Dutch commentary and these hosts also predicted massive public votes for Moldavia.
@@HenriZwols Sure....but weeks before the show... Like the ovethinking video no?
@@miguellupi8709 I can't speak for others and I haven't asked around. For just myself I can say that when I fist saw the recap of all the songs a month ago I decided to vote for Moldavia.
Exactly. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT. Moldova had the best song ever.....EVER. The folk elements + the rock elements + the uniqueness of his voice + the energy on stage + THE LYRICS !!!!!! Have you read a good translation of the lyrics?! It is so true and so touching.....and you HAVE TO KNOW SOME HISTORY.... (if you don't know the history, you won't understand the lyrics....I mean, have you ever wondered why Moldova and Romania have almost the exact same flag?! And the exact same language????? )
Sarcasm, self-deprecation and good humour. Typical Easter European attitude in this video, well done 😆
I don't get why some people think that this song was sarcastic or self-deprecating in any way. I mean, if a song isn't depressing or super serious, it doesn't mean it's some sort of mockery. This was a fun mix of regional traditional and rock music that also had quite a heartwarming message.
@@eddiemitza2544 Talking about the apology, not the song :D I know what value the song has, I'm from MD!
@@trildi Ah, scuza-ma. Am inteles gresit. Ideea e ca am vazut alti oameni care cred lucrurile alea despre melodie, for some reason.
Hey, nobody has commented on the clip from Pokemon: The First Movie where I replaced Mewtwo with Subwoolfer. That is very funny.
The thing is they were after ballads and sad sonds and the contrast made them stand out. Also it's a bop
I wonder if it's really got all to do with the song or if the band has a strong fanbase
they've come 6th and 12th before, iirc, so always been rly strong
I really loved the song tho, it's fun and sounds like party^^ my second favourite this year after serbia
Didn't have a regional sound?!?!?!Oklahoma!?!? THIS IS ALL THAT MOLDOVAN FOLKLORE IS ABOUT! In fact it represents the Balkan region so well!!! And it made the whole Europe (and Americans who were watching) dance and cheer.
I'm shocked.
Yeah okay, see revised description, we apologized for the apology. Please stop aggressively punctuating at us.
@@overthinkingit You're making it sound as if it all revolves around America. It doesn't. It's hurtful that some 'authorities' in culture or politics keep discrediting the small country that Moldova is, just like your channel did. If you really felt there was no 'local' uniqueness, you forgot to consider the language of the song! He sang the same way he speaks. Only words in English were Hey, let's go, folklore and Rock N Roll.
Eyyy I made it into the video! I told you so ;)
Your wise words have haunted us, Renske.
From now on when predicting Eurovision using logic we can easily assume it will NEVER apply to Moldova.
Yeah, it definitely has a very regional sound. The fast arpegiated chords on the violin are a cornerstone of music in the area.
Unrelated to this video, but the Eurovision viewing party that you guys promoted on this channel was so badly organized by Liberty. I called the day before to see if I can make a reservation, they told me it is “first come first serve”, I show there an hour before Eurovision starts, and the manager tells me that all seats that would not compromise watching Eurovision were reserved for “big parties”. So the place that organizes Eurovision viewing party still gave priority to the big parties that were not there for Eurovision. I am just glad that I had another option.
Aw, I'm sorry man. We'll think about how to make it work better next year. It was more chaotic than normal because the Chelsea-Liverpool game went long.
Moldova was so awesome!
I always knew Moldova would qualify, because that song is pure, infectious happiness and you can't help but tap your feet to it in spite of yourself... and the performers are massively likable and don't give off a vibe that says "We're desperate to win Eurovision". I did however get France very wrong: I imagined it would be in the Top 10, or at the very least on the left-hand side of the scoreboard. I never would have imagined it would come second to last! How disappointing. So France sends a song which isn't in a stereotypically French chanson style, in Breton, impeccably performed and very original, a combination of techno and folk (but different to Go_A's entry) and it comes second to last?? I don't get it. Greetings from Italy
Zdob si Zdub were pretty popular in former ussr in early 00’s. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they succeeded. I still like their remake of Kino - Videli Noch. It’s amazing
Could you overthink Slovenia LPS -Disko please
Romanian and Moldovan diaspora comunities are huge in Europe, officially there are 3 million Romanians just in Italy, Germany and Spain, but unofficially the number is probably much higher.
Both Romanians and Moldovans love Zdob si Zdup so the song was already a banger. The song was in Romanian and it was about the Chisinau-Bucharest train, linking the capitals of Romania and Moldova,so it had a strong unionist theme which went straight to heart of Romanians. Romanians were most likely voting for Moldova instead of voting for themselves. Furthermore, Moldova is bordering Ukraine, and shares the same history and wounds as its neighbour, so I understand why there was so much politcal voting from other countries as well.
Ukraine got political votes, votes for Modlova were genuine. I'm from Serbia and I voted for them, because I simply liked the song.
@@jeboshifru The song had a strong serbian folk influence, which explains why it was popular there and Croatia. Serbian folk is popular in both Romania and Moldova.
@@hippiemuslim serbian folk influence? I dunno but I don’t think you guys have a trademark on that sound or those instruments. It sounds very authentic to the local style and I am sure there are very significant technical differences, but of course being neighbouring countries and sharing a lot of common history, there will be similarities. I just find it strange that you are so confident it was inspired by anything specifically Serbian
@@emanueldobos8452 Have you ever heard of "sârbă"? It literally means Serbian and its origins is in Serbian folk music. This genre is spread through the Balkans.
@@emanueldobos8452 I guess Emanuel isn't from Southeastern Europe :D The whole region is culturally connected, even the countries that don't speak similar languages. It wasn't hard to predict that Serbia will give 12 points to Moldova,. The guy that played accordion (for Moldova) also perfectly plays Užičko kolo (Serbian traditional dance). There is a video of him, recorded these days in Turin. It was on TV in Serbia.