Hebrew 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
@@jeroneferren8196 Lovy once said, he must educate and teach the Americans because they aren't learned in what the Bible means. Someone need to tell him if he is putting a twist on the term scripture, which is written on fabric of rice or wood paper, has nothing to do with the transferred message that explicitly state we to take up the Sword ( our weapons) of the Spirit which is the Word of God written on paper in the form of scriptures, i,e,, like music notes are written on paper in the form of, staff, clef , ledger sheets, music sheets, and so forth, in notation of notes. Which doesn't mean it's not music; in such form it must be interpreted through ones sensory nerves, their information system . Lovy thinks he is smarter than Yah who used his finger to write his words on a tablet which is spirit; just like Yah wrote on the wall , or we can speak out our words in spirit like a ready writer. We are spirit and Yah is Spirit. To see the spirit realm, its composite matter is manifest physically on earth through its appropriate representation, like a book has sheets of pages written inside it, like a human being has a body with systems of organs inside but although our nature is physical, we are made to naturally see it, yet we are, and everything we see are all spirit coming from a spiritual manifestation like the Scriptures. So, No matter how Lovy sugar code it, in deceiving people, and mocking them at the same time that they are uneducated and they need him as their Father, which we have only one Father to give honor to is our Father Yah. LOVY leaves out telling them the comforter, the holy spirit, is the fuel of the Word of Yah and must be read in the spirit to understand the spirit of Yah. One that does not have the spirit transformed in them cannot understand what the spirit is saying through the content or words written in Scripture form on paper that becomes spirit in their hearts. Yah says he will write his words on our hearts and minds so the word is hidden in us. This is Yahweh's covenant to us, that identifies and mark us as his chosen ones. He spoke this to his Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:33. Lovy is the one seeking to twist the word of Yah, like Lucifer who twisted his tongue like a sly snake to influence his followers to exalts him. He has made it rich using his style, a form of manipulation and persuasion to those that are blind and walking in the flesh, of physical sin. They do not yet understand we are not under the curse of the law, that we are under Grace and have been redeemed and have become new creation who has divorced Satan's course of this world's institutions. Yah is exposing Lovy, for God is the only one to draw men unto him to save, not Lovy.
Other people are calling him out… one guy is Abednego he’s got a lot of videos and Lovy threatened to sue him and called him an idiot :-/ literally what Jesus said, if you even call your brother an idiot you are condemned.. :-/ it’s crazy out there yall.. It’s weird because they don’t all start this way, it’s subtle at first and they gain the trust and then later they twist the word like crazy.. I was part of a church that I almost went crazy in and the pastor when I told him I had to leave and stop listening because all this scary stuff was happening to me, they didn’t even care to ask anything, literally went ghost and they knew me!!! :-/
I still can't believe I was drawn in and stuck on every word. But God opened my ears to hear, and BAM, he said something crazy and I knew it. Thank you Adonai father God
And this is someone who Daniel Adams and Prophet Passion label as their 'spiritual big brother'. Smh. The wolves. Are. Everywhere. God bless you brother! Great job as usual.
I thought the title was click bait but nah! The only thing true about this man is that it confirms the enduring and merciful nature of God in the face of such folly.
@14:35 This dude said God is covered in darkness and not in light…… but 1 John 1:5 it clearly says “God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all” !!! He just keep spilling lies. And it’s unbelievable
This guy's motive seems to be shock value, finding something to say that you've never heard before and sadly his congregation hangs on his every word no matter how un-biblical they are
@@KdubtruI shouldn't have gotten rebaptize then back in sins I never did. Satan tricked me. I don't want the world I miss God gifts and talents. What to do. I need back to the place I was. I am in spiritual trouble. Please someone help me. This is bad. Esp TV vaxx. I shouldn't have looked back. He saved me. Now not even feeling Human. I think I said something bad to the holy Spirit and did horrible........CAN SOMEONE HELP.
@@TriciaPerry-ef7bi As long as you have breath in your body, you can ask our FATHER in Heaven for forgiveness🙏🏽🙏🏽Just make sure you ask with a pure heart and Soul. Plead the blood of our MESSIAH, on your life. We will always be sinners, but we can still try our best to do what our FATHER, our MESSIAH, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, to light and guide your heart, Soul, and mind on the path, that he has for you. FATHER doesn't give up on us, even though we sometimes, give up on Him. He tells us that he will never forsake us, and FATHER, our Big Brother, The MESSIAH, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, will not ever lead you astray🙏🏽. We just have to do our part. I will Pray for you, to be led on your relationship with, Our FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. You will not be disappointed when you go where FATHER, leads you🙏🏽🙏🏽
Why would anyone follow a man that looks like wallpaper?? The bouquets beside him are head and shoulders above him in glorifying God, and they aren't even trying. They're just doing what they do.
My sister that was funny however keep in mind that the outfit is intentionally worn to distract the people from actually listening to the foolish things he is saying lol. This is how witchcraft works 😵💫
I don’t love people making fun about what he’s wearing that’s just childish.. I’m sorry this is where we are off doing that… :-/ he is completely Off 💯 it’s scary how much deception.. also after my husband went to his church 1 time for a conference and he laid hands on him, I had a dream and it was with a juju lady a witch and she came in Lovys spirit it was disgusting and scary…. Run yall!! Run
I don't blame Mr. Lovy anymore.... I blame the ones who listen and believe his foolishness!!!! He can tell them anything, and they will believe him.....without the people supporting him & his flase teaching, he would have no ministry!!!! He talks to them, like they have no sense at all....I don't even feel sorry for them anymore!!!!
And the church is full of people being sent to hell every single day Witchcraft in church today is real Galatian 3:1 You foolish Galatians who has bewitched you right before your eyes
That's funny wonderfilled. I can say, that his choice of clothing has changed drastically now that he's getting older. 👏🏾In the end, He's still a man with a certain style. I try not to pay too much attention to the outward appearance of a man/woman.
Thank you for exposing this heretic! These people are putting themselves in a very dangerous scary place, one day they will stand before the Holy GOD ! As my Bible tells me which is profit not in the day of rap but righteousness delivered from death! When you stand before a Holy GOD and you've done this evil, who can stay GOD'S hand of judgment from you?
That's crazy I plead the blood of Jesus against any stupidity coming from anybody's mouth that's against the knowledge and the word of God Almighty in Jesus name I decree Amen.
If he does not understand that the Bible is God’s written Word, and that it has the authority over experiences, he should not be a preacher. I thank God that you’re not afraid to call out false teachers.
I'm all for people looking like dandies, But I was done with this guy when I heard his video about "Why Pastors get divorced" and how God will ruin your marriage if you don't give Him boundaries. ABSOLUTE NONSENSE
His coin phrase is ALWAYS "put your trust in the prophets" and people always have the deep "ahhhh" moments. This is the reason why many people can end up LOST and possibly end up in eternal damnation because they put their faith in the "prophet". This man is literally leading A LOT of people astray and they dont even realize it. Open their eyes with truth God. When i see dude i start laughing but my heart aches for those being deceived
The bible says believe in the prophets... YOu are to discern when Men of God are speaking. The Holy Spirit is to help you along with your own spirit to determine who and what to trust. He is leading people to Jesus... Don't go off of sound bites... Do you reseaarch. The bible was written by Prophets and Apostles... So we believe them that the word they have written came from God which is where are faith is to be established...
@@jeroneferren8196 how is he leading people to Jesus when in many videos he's saying things like he is the door way or the key, his video of the lady who claimed his grandmother was dead and she put a picture of his in her grandmothers face and prayed in the name of prophet lovy and the grandmother supposedly woke up yet he failed to rebuke her for praying in his name, etc. Bible warns people to beware of false prophets who come in the name of God. What prophecy has he spoken that has come true (specifics meaning date, time, name, etc)? I'll wait patiently for your response 🤔
@@jeroneferren8196 The bible does not contradict itself and a true prophet of God will not contradict the word of God. All prophets are humble and uphold the word of God as supreme and not their utterances or experiences.
@kdubtru I just found your channel and your apologetic defense to counter the nonsense Lovy is spewing is flawless.❤Thankyou for exposing the false and heretical teaching of a wolf masquerading as a sheep. God help us and especially the folks under his sway😢
This fella displays quite routinely a poor view of scriptures. If he had studied the word he would understand what David was conveying in 2nd Samuel 22: 12. In fact, to understand this vidid descriptive, one has to start from verse 1. God dwesll in unapproachable light -I Tim 6:16. But we also know that when God cComes to judge it is in thick darkness indicative of His wrath and disdain for sin.
Lord have mercy on the people including pastors that follow and listen to him… READ the Bible and You shall know the truth and truth shall set you free
This is the verse he is quoting... You are taking him way out of context and misinterpreting his points... “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” That's what Jesus says in John 5 39-40
The fact this man said " Reason you can't see GOD is because we're in the light and GOD is in darkness." Told me yeah hee has lost his mind multiple scriptures when GOD appear among in the Old Testament he's a Fire that dosen't consume or Bright entity. What's even worse is there's Christians saying amen to his ludicrously I pray for GOD to find a different church with a preacher who wants and has the Holy Spirit speak through them and restore their souls
All I have to say is sad sad sad and very dangerous doctrines wow 😮 run from this guy very dangerous what he is claiming “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2.)
Paul also taught in scriptures for us not to be so high minded of our selves, we can only boast into God. This dude thinks too highly of himself, you hear it in his conversation, idolatry is his treasure. For such blind discernment by the congregation, shows you how deceit gets rooted deeply into people who do not deny themselves daily.
I've seen a lot of foolishness and heard a lot of things. Never have I heard a preacher worse than Lovy. For many I can understand why some may fall for the trap, they are looking for things to tickle their ears, for inspiration, or simply lack care for the ways of God. But Lovy? He says downright despicable things and people just eat it up like conspiracy theorists. And it's not like people are blinded by cunning words or amazing displays, it's all deliberate... He even said (quite literally), that it is good to walk out of a sermon if people are expecting the words of God over your experience, and the people all clapped. 😧
Him saying that means his experience is above the word of God ! In other words his experiences are paramount and the word of God trash. Is he really in communion with the living God ? I seriously doubt it.
Wow...he even contridics his own explanation earlier when he said about Noah.. and that God would destroy man..then man was the human..now man is devine good Lord..pls open each persons eyes who are listening to him so that ur absolute truth falls into their understanding
Lovey is a failed musician took up a mike to preach for monetary gain.These false prophets are all preaching for the money. It seems like his making up doctrines because he don't know the bible.
For real. As soon as he speaks, red flags go off everywhere and a blinking light that says, "This is wrong - t This is wrong--This is wrong--this is wrong"
He did a live stream. Just happened to be I was up that Night. Waited till midnight and went to pray and all that came out was praise!! So at 2am I click over to his live. And I'm so glad I did. Because up untill then I'd been stuck on his every word. A whole week of teachings. Smh. Anyway 2 things he said sin is not important!!! I called him out too and got screamed at in the comments. Crazy. And the way he said he was better then someone else. No man of God would say such things
He said : when you received jesus you became spirit. Oooh. Before receiving jesus we had a spirit, a soul and a body and at salvation our spirit was regenerated. Listening to this people will believe that they are not human being but spirits. I pray God helps those listening to this man to study for themselves
False Prophets & Teachers will arise in the last days. We are seeing them right before our eyes. Unfortunately, people will follow anyone who tickles their ears. Blind guides!. This is troubling. Lord have mercy on this man and open the eyes of those who are listening to him.
Oh my goodness!! What have I just 👂 had from the so called Prophet? May God have Mercy and Redeem us from all this false prophets misleading your children from the true gospel
This conjured an indignation I've never felt before on a molecular level. I'm painting my disbelief as rationality because part of me would like to think this was satire. Maybe it's personal experience, maybe it's because I match the description as someone who is part of the "context police" or a zealot.... But this level of unrepentant deceit really grieves me. Lord bring those in the congregation to a sober and clear knowledge of who You are....
I too have found his teachings to be in error..too much of his reasoning and sayings. Just read exactly what the Bible is saying without his false opinions. Remember, A lie mixed with the truth is still a lie. We have to study the Bible ourselves so we don’t get deceived. He needs to go through deliverance.
Bible says...Carnal people will never understand the spiritual things. Thankyou God for giving Prophet Lovey to reveal deep spiritual things for spiritual people who want to go deep in spiritual things of God. Watching from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬😄🙏
Iam a changed person now, just by listening to him and applying God's word to my life. Iam a living testimony of his teachings and preachings living a complete spiritual life. Being spiritual means dead to the world, the physical things and alive in the Spirit.
I'm so glad to find this video because since my wife started listening this guy our life is getting worse because now she thinks she is free but she is getting worse even lying to me and saying she is walking in freedom you guys have no idea how his false teaching is causing division in our lives but l declare in Jesus name my wife is set free from this false preach and pray for this guy too profeta lovy so he will set free from the enemy in Jesus name
Good job for exposing this evil wolf in sheep clothing i noticed him to but Matthew 15:13 King James Version 13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Pls faith in his prophet is not the one for salvation. In christ alone we have our faith and we are saved. We have faith also in one another since we are already in christ. Stop seeing what he is saying with dislike open ur mind of understanding. If Jesus comes today still people won't believe him because he won't speak in favour of the letter. The letter is killing billions of people esp Christians
He’s actually right though, the Bible isn’t eternal life, returning to the Father by going thru Jesus is eternal life the Bible is just a book with pages that people wrote things on. “The word” is Gods words that He spoke not a book that someone wrote in, It’s something you have to think deeper than hearing it intellectually. I think he is a terrible pastor but this is true, you’re just seeing it from an earthly perspective. Scripture is “God breathed” means Gods words that he actually spoke. A book didn’t just land on the table after he said lol
@@Kdubtruhe actually is lol you’re just not seeing it. The Bible sitting on a store shelf isn’t “eternal life” it’s just a book sitting on a shelf. You’re thinking of it intellectually, just smoke on it and you’ll see.
You are 50% correct. False teachers do not operate in complete falsehoods as many Christians would like to spin it as. If so, they would be figured out by every single person and void of a deceived congregation. He is speaking some truth, but it is missing the reality that we learn about God by studying the Bible.
@@Kdubtru The Bible is polysemous, and this is actually scriptural. John 1 The Word Became Flesh 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Genesis 1 In The Beginning 3 And God said, “Let there be light...” 6 And God said, “Let there be a vault...” 9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky...” 11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation...” 14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky...” 20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures...” 24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures...” 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image...” So how does this substitute into John 1? In the beginning was the Word "LET", and the Word "LET" was with God, and the Word "LET" was God. The Word "LET" Became Flesh in verses 11/20/24/26 on Days 3/5/6. But we know the Word also became flesh as Jesus Christ. The Bible is polysemous.
It all make sense! I always wonder why every time he preach it’s always about how God calls him and always HIS experience 🥴🥴. I can’t believe I believed in him like brainwash
This guy reminds me of those “gurus” that have ads all over RUclips and they just speak in riddles and they think they’re being so deep, but they saying either something so basic or something absolutely stupid 🤦🏽♀️🥴
If you are not moving in the spirit you will not understand what a prophet is preaching, I enjoy listening to his preaching cause I am learning alot from his preaching.
Luke 4:18 the spirit of the Lord God is on me because he has anointed me to preach God has to get in the man and use it to preach the word of truth because God is the truth 💯🙏🏻 Man preaching it’s just He’s point of view of watt he thinks it’s the truth 💯🤦🏽♂️ Facts
Hebrew 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Does this reference scripture or Jesus?
@@jeroneferren8196 It references both. Jesus is the living word of God. When we follow the scriptures it points us directly to Jesus.
@@jeroneferren8196 Lovy once said, he must educate and teach the Americans because they aren't learned in what the Bible means. Someone need to tell him if he is putting a twist on the term scripture, which is written on fabric of rice or wood paper, has nothing to do with the transferred message that explicitly state we to take up the Sword ( our weapons) of the Spirit which is the Word of God written on paper in the form of scriptures, i,e,, like music notes are written on paper in the form of, staff, clef , ledger sheets, music sheets, and so forth, in notation of notes. Which doesn't mean it's not music; in such form it must be interpreted through ones sensory nerves, their information system . Lovy thinks he is smarter than Yah who used his finger to write his words on a tablet which is spirit; just like Yah wrote on the wall , or we can speak out our words in spirit like a ready writer. We are spirit and Yah is Spirit. To see the spirit realm, its composite matter is manifest physically on earth through its appropriate representation, like a book has sheets of pages written inside it, like a human being has a body with systems of organs inside but although our nature is physical, we are made to naturally see it, yet we are, and everything we see are all spirit coming from a spiritual manifestation like the Scriptures. So, No matter how Lovy sugar code it, in deceiving people, and mocking them at the same time that they are uneducated and they need him as their Father, which we have only one Father to give honor to is our Father Yah. LOVY leaves out telling them the comforter, the holy spirit, is the fuel of the Word of Yah and must be read in the spirit to understand the spirit of Yah. One that does not have the spirit transformed in them cannot understand what the spirit is saying through the content or words written in Scripture form on paper that becomes spirit in their hearts. Yah says he will write his words on our hearts and minds so the word is hidden in us. This is Yahweh's covenant to us, that identifies and mark us as his chosen ones. He spoke this to his Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:33. Lovy is the one seeking to twist the word of Yah, like Lucifer who twisted his tongue like a sly snake to influence his followers to exalts him. He has made it rich using his style, a form of manipulation and persuasion to those that are blind and walking in the flesh, of physical sin. They do not yet understand we are not under the curse of the law, that we are under Grace and have been redeemed and have become new creation who has divorced Satan's course of this world's institutions. Yah is exposing Lovy, for God is the only one to draw men unto him to save, not Lovy.
This is a man who has placed his own thoughts and self above God. He acts as if his words hold more power than the Lord’s.
It's a good thing the Prophets we read about, who were mere men, speaking on behalf of God, believed their words held the Power of God!
Yes his aunty christ
Not to mention jesus himself quoted scripture and said "it is written" s m h
I am more surprised that not ONE person called him out
Crazy smh
People don’t know their bibles so they clap along
Most of the people who follow him do not read their bibles or are under a spell that blinds their minds.
Other people are calling him out… one guy is Abednego he’s got a lot of videos and Lovy threatened to sue him and called him an idiot :-/ literally what Jesus said, if you even call your brother an idiot you are condemned.. :-/ it’s crazy out there yall..
It’s weird because they don’t all start this way, it’s subtle at first and they gain the trust and then later they twist the word like crazy..
I was part of a church that I almost went crazy in and the pastor when I told him I had to leave and stop listening because all this scary stuff was happening to me, they didn’t even care to ask anything, literally went ghost and they knew me!!! :-/
I did in the live but I got yelled outta there and most likely taken down. What man of God Brags about being Beter then the next man!???
I went to his house church 10 years ago and WALKED right on out
Went to his church years later…. Still NO
Many False prophets shall arise and deceive many
Lovy Elias needs to take the Bible out his Birkin purse and read it 40 times, slowly and in context. 😂
He never wanted to read the bible himself.
This man makes joel osteen and Kenneth Copeland seem like sound teachers
WOW! That is a good analogy but a nightmare
I still can't believe I was drawn in and stuck on every word. But God opened my ears to hear, and BAM, he said something crazy and I knew it. Thank you Adonai father God
And this is someone who Daniel Adams and Prophet Passion label as their 'spiritual big brother'. Smh. The wolves. Are. Everywhere. God bless you brother! Great job as usual.
I thought the title was click bait but nah! The only thing true about this man is that it confirms the enduring and merciful nature of God in the face of such folly.
Nope! No clickbait
@14:35 This dude said God is covered in darkness and not in light…… but 1 John 1:5 it clearly says “God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all” !!!
He just keep spilling lies. And it’s unbelievable
Literally says the opposite of what the Bible says
He’s not preaching the same Gospel ! And you know what the word says when it comes to that….
I knew he was fake when I heard people calling him papa😮
I will be praying for this brother !! He’s all over the place with this foolishness
@@MessengerofJesus7 thank you, that’s how we should be doing when we go astray🙏….
This guy's motive seems to be shock value, finding something to say that you've never heard before and sadly his congregation hangs on his every word no matter how un-biblical they are
Agree! Trying so hard to be super deep and to set himself up as so "special" and anointed that people develop a dependence on him more than God.
Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
@@KdubtruI shouldn't have gotten rebaptize then back in sins I never did. Satan tricked me. I don't want the world
I miss God gifts and talents. What to do. I need back to the place I was. I am in spiritual trouble. Please someone help me. This is bad. Esp TV vaxx. I shouldn't have looked back. He saved me. Now not even feeling Human. I think I said something bad to the holy Spirit and did horrible........CAN SOMEONE HELP.
@@TriciaPerry-ef7bi As long as you have breath in your body, you can ask our FATHER in Heaven for forgiveness🙏🏽🙏🏽Just make sure you ask with a pure heart and Soul. Plead the blood of our MESSIAH, on your life. We will always be sinners, but we can still try our best to do what our FATHER, our MESSIAH, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, to light and guide your heart, Soul, and mind on the path, that he has for you. FATHER doesn't give up on us, even though we sometimes, give up on Him. He tells us that he will never forsake us, and FATHER, our Big Brother, The MESSIAH, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, will not ever lead you astray🙏🏽. We just have to do our part. I will Pray for you, to be led on your relationship with, Our FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT. You will not be disappointed when you go where FATHER, leads you🙏🏽🙏🏽
Why would anyone follow a man that looks like wallpaper??
The bouquets beside him are head and shoulders above him in glorifying God, and they aren't even trying. They're just doing what they do.
My sister that was funny however keep in mind that the outfit is intentionally worn to distract the people from actually listening to the foolish things he is saying lol. This is how witchcraft works 😵💫
I don’t love people making fun about what he’s wearing that’s just childish.. I’m sorry this is where we are off doing that… :-/ he is completely Off 💯 it’s scary how much deception.. also after my husband went to his church 1 time for a conference and he laid hands on him, I had a dream and it was with a juju lady a witch and she came in Lovys spirit it was disgusting and scary…. Run yall!! Run
Bro if this guy doesn’t win the 2024 heretic award, I’m leaving the channel 😂
I don't blame Mr. Lovy anymore.... I blame the ones who listen and believe his foolishness!!!! He can tell them anything, and they will believe him.....without the people supporting him & his flase teaching, he would have no ministry!!!! He talks to them, like they have no sense at all....I don't even feel sorry for them anymore!!!!
Right. The people are keeping his doors open and pockets full
This is exactly how I feel. These people refuse to open their Bibles and read for themselves and ask God for discernment.
People read your Bible it'll bring you more comfort than false teachings.
And the church is full of people being sent to hell every single day
Witchcraft in church today is real
Galatian 3:1
You foolish Galatians who has bewitched you right before your eyes
The way he’s dressed I didn’t know if he was going to preach or break into a soul stirring rendition of Little Red Corvette… 😅
That's funny wonderfilled. I can say, that his choice of clothing has changed drastically now that he's getting older. 👏🏾In the end, He's still a man with a certain style. I try not to pay too much attention to the outward appearance of a man/woman.
Jesus said in the last days many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ, and shall deceive many. These people deny the divinity of Jesus.
Amen Sherry! And attribute it to themselves!
Never trust a preacher in a flamboyant suit….
He's tattooed too. Come on.
Lovy does not understand the scriptures.. but perverts them for his own Glory
WOW! I’m at a loss for words. This is blatant heresy! It’s the serpents work and strategy from the garden at its finest.
And people listen to it people who profess Christ 😳
Thank you for exposing this heretic! These people are putting themselves in a very dangerous scary place, one day they will stand before the Holy GOD ! As my Bible tells me which is profit not in the day of rap but righteousness delivered from death! When you stand before a Holy GOD and you've done this evil, who can stay GOD'S hand of judgment from you?
That's crazy I plead the blood of Jesus against any stupidity coming from anybody's mouth that's against the knowledge and the word of God Almighty in Jesus name I decree Amen.
If he does not understand that the Bible is God’s written Word, and that it has the authority over experiences, he should not be a preacher. I thank God that you’re not afraid to call out false teachers.
You’re foolish and don’t understand what’s being said
I’m embarrassed to say I use to listen to him when I just came out of spirituality.. lasted a good 2 months before Holy Spirit nudged me😂
You're not alone me too😂
What in the foolery is “Pa Pa” talking about???? 😳
Like sheep, anything these “prophets” say has a immediate applause. Not even biblical preachers have that type of Adoration
If you believe in talking donkeys you are not in position to speak on other sheep
My wife and in laws listen to him. God have mercy on us.
@@mvkfeb6 Show this to them.. So they will be delivered from evil my brother.
My Faith is in Jesus Christ Alone!!!
I'm all for people looking like dandies, But I was done with this guy when I heard his video about "Why Pastors get divorced" and how God will ruin your marriage if you don't give Him boundaries.
Omg! He went too far on that!
???????? Say what?????????
Yes he did. That is foolishness
His coin phrase is ALWAYS "put your trust in the prophets" and people always have the deep "ahhhh" moments. This is the reason why many people can end up LOST and possibly end up in eternal damnation because they put their faith in the "prophet". This man is literally leading A LOT of people astray and they dont even realize it. Open their eyes with truth God.
When i see dude i start laughing but my heart aches for those being deceived
The bible says believe in the prophets... YOu are to discern when Men of God are speaking. The Holy Spirit is to help you along with your own spirit to determine who and what to trust. He is leading people to Jesus... Don't go off of sound bites... Do you reseaarch. The bible was written by Prophets and Apostles... So we believe them that the word they have written came from God which is where are faith is to be established...
@@jeroneferren8196 how is he leading people to Jesus when in many videos he's saying things like he is the door way or the key, his video of the lady who claimed his grandmother was dead and she put a picture of his in her grandmothers face and prayed in the name of prophet lovy and the grandmother supposedly woke up yet he failed to rebuke her for praying in his name, etc. Bible warns people to beware of false prophets who come in the name of God. What prophecy has he spoken that has come true (specifics meaning date, time, name, etc)? I'll wait patiently for your response 🤔
@@jeroneferren8196 still waiting........
@@jeroneferren8196 The bible does not contradict itself and a true prophet of God will not contradict the word of God. All prophets are humble and uphold the word of God as supreme and not their utterances or experiences.
@@manwitpurpose50 he corrected that lady on the spot and gave glory to God. Did you miss that part?
@kdubtru I just found your channel and your apologetic defense to counter the nonsense Lovy is spewing is flawless.❤Thankyou for exposing the false and heretical teaching of a wolf masquerading as a sheep. God help us and especially the folks under his sway😢
Thank you Terver! 🙏
@@Kdubtru He's right bro. Wonderful exegesis. Calm, loving and balanced. Mega kudos!
This fella displays quite routinely a poor view of scriptures. If he had studied the word he would understand what David was conveying in 2nd Samuel 22: 12. In fact, to understand this vidid descriptive, one has to start from verse 1. God dwesll in unapproachable light -I Tim 6:16. But we also know that when God cComes to judge it is in thick darkness indicative of His wrath and disdain for sin.
Deceiving and being DECEIVED
The fact that those people who acknowledged what this guy said, indicates how biblically iliterate they are too.
"The Bible is not the Word but called Scripture?"😮😮
Lord have mercy on us. Keep us from false prophets.
Jesus is Lord.
He said God sent him to teach America the word, he needs to go back to Africa
We don’t want him back in Africa😂
Back to hell would be better
Keep him there we do not want him back we have. enough of them over here.
There will always be a person who doesn't have an experience with GOD TALKING CRAP 😅😅😅😅😅 about who have an experience with GOD
Bible > your experience
Huh????? 😩😣🤦🏽♀️Lovy truly makes my head ache SIGHHHHH 😩
God is in darkness?? Who is his god?
@@Kdubtru This is probably his reference: 1 Kings 8:12
Then Solomon said, “The Lord has said that he would dwell in thick darkness
People came from dust and the breath of God, Jesus is the Word which became flesh, and Him only!❤❤❤
Scripture is the word of God too.
@@Kdubtru yes most definitely, I was saying Jesus is the only man God created from flesh and His Word, which is scripture
@@Destiny22811 Jesus is not created tho
@@Kdubtru thank you
Jesus isnt created?@@Kdubtru
These preacher are money hungry preacher
It's the people!! I can see how easy it would be for him to get them to jump off a cliff.
Lord have mercy on the people including pastors that follow and listen to him… READ the Bible and You shall know the truth and truth shall set you free
This is the verse he is quoting... You are taking him way out of context and misinterpreting his points... “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.”
That's what Jesus says in John 5 39-40
Yeah Jesus said that but did NOT mean what LOVY said. That's the point.
They are not spiritually awakaned
Why is he wearing my nana's curtains as a suit?
My grandma had nicer curtains!!!😅
The fact this man said " Reason you can't see GOD is because we're in the light and GOD is in darkness." Told me yeah hee has lost his mind multiple scriptures when GOD appear among in the Old Testament he's a Fire that dosen't consume or Bright entity. What's even worse is there's Christians saying amen to his ludicrously I pray for GOD to find a different church with a preacher who wants and has the Holy Spirit speak through them and restore their souls
Lovy Elias is clearly full of himself. 🤦♀
Ro 12:3 For I say, through the 'grace given unto me,'
Alot of his followers call him Papa and have taken on his last name 😮
His outfit deets: love shack fancy 🌸🤣😂
All I have to say is sad sad sad and very dangerous doctrines wow 😮 run from this guy very dangerous what he is claiming
“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2.)
His Noah point @16:57 reminds me of Supa Hot Fire; he’ll say something super stupid and everyone goes OOOHHHH!!
“But I’m not a pastor”
@@Kdubtru 🤣🤣🤣 “But I’m not a pastor” exactly………… you got me. lol
Your commentary is out of this world😂😂😂😂 i kept laughing the whole time😂😂😂
Please keep exposing these fake Prophets
lol 🙏
Paul also taught in scriptures for us not to be so high minded of our selves, we can only boast into God. This dude thinks too highly of himself, you hear it in his conversation, idolatry is his treasure. For such blind discernment by the congregation, shows you how deceit gets rooted deeply into people who do not deny themselves daily.
I've seen a lot of foolishness and heard a lot of things. Never have I heard a preacher worse than Lovy. For many I can understand why some may fall for the trap, they are looking for things to tickle their ears, for inspiration, or simply lack care for the ways of God. But Lovy? He says downright despicable things and people just eat it up like conspiracy theorists. And it's not like people are blinded by cunning words or amazing displays, it's all deliberate... He even said (quite literally), that it is good to walk out of a sermon if people are expecting the words of God over your experience, and the people all clapped. 😧
Him saying that means his experience is above the word of God ! In other words his experiences are paramount and the word of God trash. Is he really in communion with the living God ? I seriously doubt it.
@@rogerzendong1284 He is slowly and cleverly moving people away from placing trust in the word of God and that is demonic.
Calling him papa
Wow...he even contridics his own explanation earlier when he said about Noah.. and that God would destroy man..then man was the human..now man is devine good Lord..pls open each persons eyes who are listening to him so that ur absolute truth falls into their understanding
We both know he is saying what he is saying in order for those lost people to give him their hard earned money
This guy is not saved or a pastor. He Is leading people to hell. Pray for this church🙏🏾💜✝️
Lovy man. This guy is so confused. His teaching is so all over the place.
Lovey is a failed musician took up a mike to preach for monetary gain.These false prophets are all preaching for the money.
It seems like his making up doctrines because he don't know the bible.
It's obvious that this guy is "surrounded in darkness." And those following him as well. If this wasn't so sad, it would be laughable.
To say the bible isn't the word of God is blasphemous too. The audacity has no words honestly.
Thank you for your video sir. Keep the content coming.
More to come!
Thank you for exposing this. God bless
Thanks for having a dope short intro.
K Dub Tru: "My head hurts listening to this". Me "You and me both, brother!"
HOW do people call him a pastor LIKE WhAtttt?!!!?!😡😤🤪😐
For real. As soon as he speaks, red flags go off everywhere and a blinking light that says, "This is wrong - t
This is wrong--This is wrong--this is wrong"
Idk it’s foolish ……He’s a Prophet 🔥🙏
He did a live stream. Just happened to be I was up that Night. Waited till midnight and went to pray and all that came out was praise!! So at 2am I click over to his live. And I'm so glad I did. Because up untill then I'd been stuck on his every word. A whole week of teachings. Smh. Anyway 2 things he said sin is not important!!! I called him out too and got screamed at in the comments. Crazy. And the way he said he was better then someone else. No man of God would say such things
Send it to my email my friend! Allthingstheology@gmail.com
Kdubtru sent
Did you get it?
He said : when you received jesus you became spirit. Oooh. Before receiving jesus we had a spirit, a soul and a body and at salvation our spirit was regenerated.
Listening to this people will believe that they are not human being but spirits. I pray God helps those listening to this man to study for themselves
This is bad! I have a headache too listening to this guy! He enjoys hearing himself speak like all false teachers. It’s so bad how he views the Bible
If truly a man of God can't recognize the bible 😮 . It's terrible 😞
Heresy at its finest! His disciples call this blasphemy deep! Run as fast as you can.
Thank you brother ❤
God speaks though his son Hebrews 1-1
What always amazes me is that you'll find his followers supporting him... and pledging allegiances to him, not God! Very sad for them!
Yeshua said the path to salvation is narrow, difficult, and hard to find and "FEW" would find it. So why is the path to "Christianity" so wide?
John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Witch doctor Lovy Elias, is a real commedian. Why people see him as a man of God. His is full of heresy
False Prophets & Teachers will arise in the last days. We are seeing them right before our eyes. Unfortunately, people will follow anyone who tickles their ears. Blind guides!. This is troubling. Lord have mercy on this man and open the eyes of those who are listening to him.
Oh my goodness!! What have I just 👂 had from the so called Prophet? May God have Mercy and Redeem us from all this false prophets misleading your children from the true gospel
This conjured an indignation I've never felt before on a molecular level. I'm painting my disbelief as rationality because part of me would like to think this was satire.
Maybe it's personal experience, maybe it's because I match the description as someone who is part of the "context police" or a zealot.... But this level of unrepentant deceit really grieves me.
Lord bring those in the congregation to a sober and clear knowledge of who You are....
When words fail to express your utter disgust for the misuse of Scripture use emojis! 🤦🏼♀️
I feel ya sis!
I too have found his teachings to be in error..too much of his reasoning and sayings. Just read exactly what the Bible is saying without his false opinions. Remember, A lie mixed with the truth is still a lie. We have to study the Bible ourselves so we don’t get deceived. He needs to go through deliverance.
Bible says...Carnal people will never understand the spiritual things.
Thankyou God for giving Prophet Lovey to reveal deep spiritual things for spiritual people who want to go deep in spiritual things of God.
Watching from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬😄🙏
This dude making up his own theology, this ain’t deep spiritual things. It’s unfounded in the Bible
Iam a changed person now, just by listening to him and applying God's word to my life.
Iam a living testimony of his teachings and preachings living a complete spiritual life.
Being spiritual means dead to the world, the physical things and alive in the Spirit.
Lovy Elias is a foolish twister of the gospel..He is going to hell. Pray for him so he repents and be saved
I'm so glad to find this video because since my wife started listening this guy our life is getting worse because now she thinks she is free but she is getting worse even lying to me and saying she is walking in freedom you guys have no idea how his false teaching is causing division in our lives but l declare in Jesus name my wife is set free from this false preach and pray for this guy too profeta lovy so he will set free from the enemy in Jesus name
Praying for your marriage my friend
Going through the same thing with my husband! You’re not alone!
Good job for exposing this evil wolf in sheep clothing i noticed him to but Matthew 15:13
King James Version
13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Pls faith in his prophet is not the one for salvation. In christ alone we have our faith and we are saved. We have faith also in one another since we are already in christ. Stop seeing what he is saying with dislike open ur mind of understanding. If Jesus comes today still people won't believe him because he won't speak in favour of the letter. The letter is killing billions of people esp Christians
Why would I listing to man that's not reading from the Bible he's just making up his on understanding of. God
I stopped listening at 4:25. The stuff that man was saying caused my ears to bleed. I couldn't keep listening.
He’s actually right though, the Bible isn’t eternal life, returning to the Father by going thru Jesus is eternal life the Bible is just a book with pages that people wrote things on. “The word” is Gods words that He spoke not a book that someone wrote in, It’s something you have to think deeper than hearing it intellectually. I think he is a terrible pastor but this is true, you’re just seeing it from an earthly perspective. Scripture is “God breathed” means Gods words that he actually spoke. A book didn’t just land on the table after he said lol
No he’s isn’t right.
@@Kdubtruhe actually is lol you’re just not seeing it. The Bible sitting on a store shelf isn’t “eternal life” it’s just a book sitting on a shelf. You’re thinking of it intellectually, just smoke on it and you’ll see.
You are 50% correct. False teachers do not operate in complete falsehoods as many Christians would like to spin it as. If so, they would be figured out by every single person and void of a deceived congregation. He is speaking some truth, but it is missing the reality that we learn about God by studying the Bible.
@@Kdubtru The Bible is polysemous, and this is actually scriptural.
John 1
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Genesis 1
In The Beginning
3 And God said, “Let there be light...”
6 And God said, “Let there be a vault...”
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky...”
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation...”
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky...”
20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures...”
24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures...”
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image...”
So how does this substitute into John 1?
In the beginning was the Word "LET", and the Word "LET" was with God, and the Word "LET" was God. The Word "LET" Became Flesh in verses 11/20/24/26 on Days 3/5/6. But we know the Word also became flesh as Jesus Christ. The Bible is polysemous.
The Bible is the word of God, which he denied. @@MistaJG
It all make sense! I always wonder why every time he preach it’s always about how God calls him and always HIS experience 🥴🥴. I can’t believe I believed in him like brainwash
All I can hear coming from him is his pride.
Great expose! Tyvm Oohhh...the sun dress 😂😅 The first thing I said was, "What is he wearing!?!"
What in the August Alsina mixed with bob Marley am I watching??? Dude is definitely a heretic
These false prophets our faith must put in our lord and savior Jesus Christ.My people are destroyed because of lack off knowledge
This guy reminds me of those “gurus” that have ads all over RUclips and they just speak in riddles and they think they’re being so deep, but they saying either something so basic or something absolutely stupid 🤦🏽♀️🥴
If you are not moving in the spirit you will not understand what a prophet is preaching, I enjoy listening to his preaching cause I am learning alot from his preaching.
We are to believe in Jesus and Jesus alone, lord help us. 🙏 😢😊
These are deep revelation that need people spiritual to understand
You need to he mature to understand prophet Lovy
this is deep heresy not found in scripture.
No you need to be mature to understand biblical principles.
1 COR 3: 1-4
Luke 4:18 the spirit of the Lord God is on me because he has anointed me to preach
God has to get in the man and use it to preach the word of truth because God is the truth 💯🙏🏻
Man preaching it’s just He’s point of view of watt he thinks it’s the truth 💯🤦🏽♂️ Facts
must be getting visions from the other side thinking it is from God. The other side is dark.
Exactly!! I think the same thing. He is deceived. I think demons are teaching him.
I feel sorry for the blind congregation, who are being led down the path to falsehood and destruction