Are you'll from the US or what? That's undoubtedly weird to me because the us education is considered to be one of the best in the world. If you all guys are from the us, some bad news is coming either cuz it's like the lie and anything.
Guys, thank you for these movies, but you miss the point of this story. The main reason for the reformation was as you said ultimate authority of the bible, accessibility of the bible and salvation by faith alone. It was not about "every one defines his own truth or believes in whatever he wishes"
If I am born again, which I did and took a few minutes to do by the way. Why can't I now spend all my time in a Catholic Church? I am born again and saved right. So now that I am born again why is it ok for me to do NO works and spend all my time in a downtown Bar but not ok to do Good works and spend all my time in a downtown Catholic Church?
@@SomedayG I understand why you are saying this. But before you dismiss this story you must take time to understand it. And that might take some time. There has been many a day I left a church service mad. What I found was it made me mad enough to seek out my own answers. And I wouldn't put it down until I got a straight answer. Mind you this is a BIG DEAL. Study it. Read through your bible again. Good Luck to you my friend.
I'm still looking within the scriptures where the Apostles (and others who wrote the NT) provided a table of contents in the NT listing all canonical books from the OT and NT so we would know what Scripture to be Sola on.
They act like all christians of the time were Roman Catholic they dont even mention the Eastern Orthodox Church which accounted for half the Christians of the time.
@libertard snl cresent has nothing to do with peganism nor inspired by allah instead muslims uses it as a symbol for Ramadan(lunar month which Muslims fast on and it is more linked with muslim practises of faith) as it is been figured by observing the moon to see if the new month (ramadan) starts and ends and I think the star is also linked to the same meaning, thanks.
Read History to know the truth, Orthodox splitted from Catholic at 10AD when they don't accepted the leadership of voted Pope to Church(Matthew26:18)...
Higher level towards what? Because it has greatly contributed to the secularist drive of the world. Protestants have done that: protest. Most have NO IDEA of the heresies they believe. Catholicism is barely comprehensible for them. They rather believe that the Holy Spirit abandoned the Church for 1500 or a 1000 years than to consider the possibility of Luther being ACTUALLY an heretic who deserved excommunication.
@@walterdreiberg both orthodox and Catholic aren't real Christians they are call me protestant ...i am just a follower of Jesus Christ son of god...i dont believe in mary..😊😊
That was more like political split that lead to the two churches taking different sides, unlike the reformation that actually happened inside the catholic church grounds
Wait... while it's true that the word Protestant came from the word PROTEST, it also came from latin word PRO-TESTANUM or 'Back To The Testament' since latin language is always have weird ways to make acronym, then it was shorten into 'PROTESTANT' or 'The People Who Chooses To Back To The Testament'... . Btw, sorry for my bad english..
No worries, it also dos not cover all the points from the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, as to why this is heresy. It is Protestant promoting and not at all balanced.
I completely 💯 % agree. Especially the older books on history schools (especially public schools) would not have or ever bother teaching. I actually learned a lot about history through Wikipedia too, which might not be the best source but still can be pretty accurate a lot of the time 👍🏻, God bless!
I praise God for using this Martin. When I was a catholic, no one from that cult taught me to test my faith, all they say is to follow cause if you dont, youre evil. But everything change when I started to read and read, critique the teaching and what Is more amazing is, I met Jesus Christ and became my lord and savior. And I am here now, liberating my faith to God alone, not for the church I am belong, the bible is my guide and the Holy Spirit.
@@Kanal7Indonesia i knew alot of atheists and agnostic friends, they started to doubt because the catholic church doesnt give a profound explaination about the bible and doesnt cater the questions of its people. All they preach is do this do that,all religion. (I am explaning my experiences, and i dont have any idea if other catholic churces in other parts of the world are also like this). They worship mary without a biblical explanation, they say they dont worship a stone or saint, but they cant explain the context background if they cite a bible verse about it.
@@TheKimpawlee if you research more, all Catholic doctrines can be found in the Bible. I recommend you to simply Google it. May you return the holy original Catholic Church which is found by Jesus.
😂 No need, anyway, when I get to heaven Jesus will not ask me if I stay in Catholic Church during my life on earth, or if why I dint completed all the rituals. Jesus is the only way the truth anf the life, no one will come to the father except through Jesus and He didnt say through catholic church nor the church where I am now.
That is one amazing history to learn. However, you forgot to count in the Orthodox Church, it needs to be analyzed like in this video on how Protestants were formed.
Wasn't the western Christian Church and the Eastern Christian Church combined at one point, but then split and the west eventually became the Roman Catholic Church and the east was the Eastern Orthodox Church? I believe that one was Roman and the other was Greek? I could be wrong. I don't much care for religion and haven't kept up to date with reading about history.
@@TiffWaffles Yes, they where combined until 1054. When split took place. Reason of the split is authority. Christianity was ruled by patriarchs (as it is today in Eastern Orthodoxy), while patriarch of Rome and pope was first among the equal which means there was certain respect from other patriarchs towards him and when in liturgy names of patriarchs where read, he was always first one mentioned. However he wanted to have authority over others, other patriarchs refused and split happened.
Wasn't even a real reformation. Wouldn't celebrate dividing Christianity in denominations with scripture itself condemns. Plus real reformation already started with St Francis of Assisi, Theresa of Avila, etc and especially with Catholic Reformation with the Council of Trent.
@@thekingshussar1808, We are going to have to agree to disagree. The council of Trent was part of the Counter Reformation to clean up the Catholic Church. It never would have happened without Martin Luther. The Catholic Church should celebrate Luther because he was needed to set them back on the right path as a reaction to him. Personally I like some diversity in Christianity. It clear you disagree so again we shall agree to disagree. May the Lord bless you forever and ever! Amen!
Wow. As a Lutherian I didnt even know some of these things. Back then people didnt have personal bibles or ones in their native tongues.... (head explodes).
Well it is kind of not fair since the printing press was only just recently invented at the time and to create a book would have been expensive and very time consuming as it would have had to be hand written.
@@rustyshackelford3590 they still could have translated it so common folk could read it, the only reason they didn't was because the catholic church wanted to manipulate the people
@@adrianj6795 where is the proof of your accusation? How did they purposely not translate the bible to manipulate the people? Those books were hundreds of dollars back then which would be tens of thousands of dollars today. Most people in these times could not read their own language let alone other languages. It was also "chained" to the church because 1) super expensive and 2) to allow all that COULD read were able to access it. Another common protestant lie.
My question is why are people so happy about this guy Martin Luther? The guy devided the church even more. Didnt Paul talk about that if someone is trying to devide the church that you should kick the person out of the society or ignore him?
Fair point. Division and conflict within the body of Christ should be avoided. Except. The Catholic Church was not the body of Christ. Why? The Catholic Church did not place emphasis on the love, grace and forgiveness of God found in Jesus Christ. In Christ alone. By Grace alone. Through faith alone. Instead, this church emphasised that you needed works to be saved, and the church prevented everyday men and women from reading the Scriptures, and so, discouraged literacy development amongst the masses. Through the reformers’ efforts, like Luther, they broke away from the system that was not the body of Christ, encouraged people to read the Scriptures for themselves through pushing for reading development, and preached that an entirely different message to what Catholic priests had conveyed- that you need faith in Christ alone to be saved. This, the body of Christ was formed, as new Christians came together, in unity of their trust in Christ alone. The Catholic Church didn’t like that. Essentially, from a Christian’s perspective, the Catholic Church of Luther’s time prevented people from knowing their real God, who is revealed through Christ. Ultimately, what’s more important? Following God? Or following the system that prevents you from following God because you’re being taught to trust in the system and their ways, such as doing works for the sake of salvation (flawed theology), and tithing (although the money just went to fill greedy priests’ pockets and decorate the church buildings with grandeur. Ultimately, if a so-called ‘church’ doesn’t systemically operate as the body of Christ, then there’s no point trying to stay. And anyway, Luther did try to improve the Catholic Church through his protests. Why is it bad if someone raises issues with a church? No church is above reproach. If they claim to be so, then they’re not showing humility at all. Luther wasn’t trying to divide. He was trying to reveal the gospel truth. Why is that bad? How is it bad to reveal the truth one has found for themselves in the scriptures? The only people who would object to something like that are those who are trying to conceal or hide something. The Catholic priests and followers simply weren’t acting as the body of Christ. That’s essentially what ‘church’ is. The ‘body of Christ. Luther was forced out of this system that held him in contempt. What happened afterwards, was that a real body of Christ was formed outside the Catholic system. One that was still riddles with strifes and violence. But then again, we are human. No group is free of strife. But as long as they find commonality in their sole devotion to Christ, then that’s what makes them the body of Christ.
Thats what makes us different from other beliefs. Its not performance basis but faith basis. Not only that, through Jesus God's justice is not compromise.
Wasn't Europe peaceful before Reformation? Ig it became way more violent during and after the Reformation, ideas like equality and democracy has already caused revolutions, 2 world wars, etc. to get imposed upon 🙄
@@clement28300yip And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Rev 22:19
And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. rev 22:19
That’s what Islam needs , reformation, protest , power to the ppl , access to information , access to freedom of expression. … the right of general public to question ….
Capronic2 Dethroned That’s a myth. The reason people didn’t read the Bible wasn’t because the Catholic Church condemned reading scripture or was trying to keep people from reading it on their own. It was simply because literacy rates were very low in Middle Ages and renaissance and limited only to the clergy, scholars, scribes, artisans and some of the rich. And finally, because paper was very expensive, and writing an entire Bible was an incredibly time consuming process, so it was unheard of to see a Bible anywhere other than a Church. The Catholic Church wrote the books of the bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, preserved and canonized scripture, interpreted and applied it with apostolic authority and preached the gospel to its faithful for the past 2000 years. We now have literacy rates near 100% in the modern world and paper and book writing isn’t a laborious process, so we can and should read scripture on our own. It is incredibly fruitful. But we cannot interpret meaning infallibly. That’s the job of the Church, and that’s exactly what Christ wanted, Matthew 16:18, Matthew 18:18
@@michaelmarini94 nope, martin luther took out 7 books and wanted to take out james and revelation. He wanted to take out james because it proves that faith alone does not justify.
@@PrinceJes The canon of Scripture is the list of 73 books that belong to the Bible. (The word "Bible" means "the Book.") The earliest writings of the Bible were likely composed in the 10th century B.C. The writing of Scripture continued until the first century A.D., when Revelation was complete. Seven books of the Bible, all in the Old Testament, are accepted by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but are not accepted by Jews or Protestants. These include 1 and 2 Maccabees, Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Sirach, and Wisdom, and additions to the books of Esther and Daniel. These books are called Deuterocanonical by Catholics and Orthodox and Apocryphal by Jews and Protestants. These were the last books of the Old Testament written, composed in the last two centuries B.C. Their omission in Protestant Bibles leaves a chronological gap in salvation history.
Honestly, the Protestant revolution brought about the *exact* innacuracies in this video, for the record: 1. Indulgences are for sins *already forgiven* in confession, not buying forgiveness through donation. 2. The Church already allowed for theological questions and argumentation. The Western University system the Church created was known for practice of "the disputed question". 3. The printing press was invented by a German Catholic, the printing press made the Bible more accessible period. Not just the mistranslated works of Luther and other Protestants. 4. The Bible was already in multiple vernacular translations and in languages other than Latin before Luther and the rest published their translations that were imbedded with their own Protestant theologies, which didn't even have all the same books as the Church. 5. Protestantism didn't do away with the elite, it just made the elite Protestant which eventually led to John Calvin's dictatorship in Geneva, Henry VIII's asserting himself as both the head of the Church and State in England murdering those who didn't accept his new wife(s), and the 30 years war between warring factions across Europe. It's an absolute mess. On a final note, Catholicism is for everyone from the least educated to the greatest of all Educated, for Kings and rulers, even the Pope is subject to the Faith, not even he may escape the Church's authority.
@@hieyrin national geographic dedicates itself for historical educational purpose. This video technically in some sense educational because christianity played pivotal role on our modern society, especially the reformation.
Because beliefs inform actions and actions have consequences that effect others who do not believe. Faith based beliefs have a high reputation of causing harmful consequences like believing you will be rewarded in an afterlife by flying an airliner into a skyscraper killing thousands of people or following the words of a supposed prophet of God called Samuel to commit genocide of the whole population of the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:3).
Latin America was established with the same herarchy as the Catholic Church that's why they are not developed, Spain and Italy are far less developed compared with northern Europe , so you can see why USA is developed and Mexico is not... keep people ignorant and you'll rule.
KJV Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." God's words proof History wrong. It's predictions are 100% accurate. Praise to Jehovah God forever. 🙏❤
The only true Christian Church is the Eastern Orthodox Church guided by the Holy Spirit. Господе Исусе Христе, Сине и Логосе Божији, Пресветом Богородицом помилуј нас грешне ☦🕊💜
THIS LIFE therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified. -Martin Luther
National Grographic conveniently omitted to mention that the "church" that Luther was trying to reform and got out of, was the Roman Catholic "church".
this seems to be a superficial look at this Luther seems to have a lot of issues, on not only the Bible....what part was good, and what part to be well as his hatred for Jews, and his insistance that his form of interpretation, of the Bible was the only acceptable one.....
Someone needs to read about John Calvin's theocracy in Geneva and see if they think the people who lived their felt "empowered to determine their own faith". 🙄
Martin Luther makes a pertinent observation in the sixteenth chapter of his Commentary on St. John “We are obliged to yield many things to the papists [Catholics]-that they possess the Word of God which we received from them, otherwise we should have known nothing at all about it.”
lol everybody says that their history teacher brought them here while i’m here cause i searched for it cause im curious
Me too
@@onesoulwithtwofaces8685 cap
My history teacher did show me this
I am here bcz i am curious to know behind the word protestant lol
Who is here out of pure curiosity and learning?
about that...
@@paschadoudou lol same
There are 3 major Christian groups, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox not 2
I'm wondering about the Orthodox too, I hope they'll work on that one too.
Kim Landwehr You are right, but there are 2 Western Christian churches: The Roman Catholic Church, and the various Protestant denominational churches.
But trueth, about God, about Jesus, are only catholic and orthodox.
No, there are four type of Christianity:
Christiany is not a relegion by the way
who also here bc of their history teacher .-. 🤚🏼
Angie Reyes I’m here cuz it’s interesting
Are you'll from the US or what? That's undoubtedly weird to me because the us education is considered to be one of the best in the world. If you all guys are from the us, some bad news is coming either cuz it's like the lie and anything.
@@ΝικήταςΜακοπουλος Yeah bro im from EU ireland all education is the same.
who else came here from their online history teacher during quarantine?
Homie I'm doing this for history rn and im hating everything.
Purplevalen yep
Yep 😂 😂
Hello there
Guys, thank you for these movies, but you miss the point of this story. The main reason for the reformation was as you said ultimate authority of the bible, accessibility of the bible and salvation by faith alone. It was not about "every one defines his own truth or believes in whatever he wishes"
Well said
If I am born again, which I did and took a few minutes to do by the way. Why can't I now spend all my time in a Catholic Church? I am born again and saved right. So now that I am born again why is it ok for me to do NO works and spend all my time in a downtown Bar but not ok to do Good works and spend all my time in a downtown Catholic Church?
@@SomedayG I understand why you are saying this. But before you dismiss this story you must take time to understand it. And that might take some time. There has been many a day I left a church service mad. What I found was it made me mad enough to seek out my own answers. And I wouldn't put it down until I got a straight answer. Mind you this is a BIG DEAL. Study it. Read through your bible again. Good Luck to you my friend.
I'm still looking within the scriptures where the Apostles (and others who wrote the NT) provided a table of contents in the NT listing all canonical books from the OT and NT so we would know what Scripture to be Sola on.
They act like all christians of the time were Roman Catholic they dont even mention the Eastern Orthodox Church which accounted for half the Christians of the time.
I would reply but I'm sorry, I cant understand a word you just said
@libertard snl cresent has nothing to do with peganism nor inspired by allah instead muslims uses it as a symbol for Ramadan(lunar month which Muslims fast on and it is more linked with muslim practises of faith) as it is been figured by observing the moon to see if the new month (ramadan) starts and ends and I think the star is also linked to the same meaning, thanks.
Half of Christianity was Greek or Russian
The video is very clear that it is talking about religion in WESTERN EUROPE, and not discussing any religions in any other region on the planet.
Read History to know the truth, Orthodox splitted from Catholic at 10AD when they don't accepted the leadership of voted Pope to Church(Matthew26:18)...
Truly the protestant movement transformed the whole world to a much higher level in all areas of life.
Higher level towards what? Because it has greatly contributed to the secularist drive of the world. Protestants have done that: protest. Most have NO IDEA of the heresies they believe. Catholicism is barely comprehensible for them. They rather believe that the Holy Spirit abandoned the Church for 1500 or a 1000 years than to consider the possibility of Luther being ACTUALLY an heretic who deserved excommunication.
If you call religious genocide as a “much higher level” then sure!
@@lemons-zt6mi what religious genocide? And what does that have to do with the protestant reformation?
If by higher level, you mean the normalization of heresy, then yes.
@@johnsteila6049lol exactly
I can just imagine all of the Eastern Christians watching this right now, scratching their heads about why they weren't mentioned once here...
hahaha righttt.
The Orthodox Church is the True Church of Christ and His Apostles
@@walterdreiberg both orthodox and Catholic aren't real Christians they are call me protestant ...i am just a follower of Jesus Christ son of god...i dont believe in mary..😊😊
@@ionatanmacbhaididh5736 YES
@@slimebeingslimey8266 I prayed to God to lead me to the truth, and He led me to the Catholic Church. If you doubt this, then you are doubting God.
CHRISTIANITY had been split way before Luther and the protestant movement: in 1054, when the East (orthodox) - West (catholic) Schism took place.
they just give her a script and she repeats nothing she can do.
Schism is not the same as the protestant reformatio
Schism is another matter, reformation is another.
That was more like political split that lead to the two churches taking different sides, unlike the reformation that actually happened inside the catholic church grounds
What was Orthodox reason for the split back then Dorina?
Wait... while it's true that the word Protestant came from the word PROTEST, it also came from latin word PRO-TESTANUM or 'Back To The Testament' since latin language is always have weird ways to make acronym, then it was shorten into 'PROTESTANT' or 'The People Who Chooses To Back To The Testament'...
Btw, sorry for my bad english..
Back to testament, in simple words back to the word of God or the bible.
Thank you. I didn't know that.
@@mjvictoriano Translation
I admire the tenacity of the Protestants
They are protest- ant
Nah, they were laughably petulant friggin' babies. Erasmus and John Colet are where it's really at.
The protestant inquisition just in Germany were killed thousands .
In Spain about 100.
English propaganda my friends.
Happy Reformation Day!
He stood up against the Beast ✊️
nah he heretic
The Church is not the “beast.”
@@CatholicSplaining101 David vs Goliath
@@TheMarch05 What’s your point?
Who's here because this is what your history teacher wants you to watch during quarantine? Me
i just love history
Me tooo
I grew up in a Lutheran church, but at no point did anyone ever teach me this history. Why?
why would they want you to know you are following a monks word vs. the word of God?
No worries, it also dos not cover all the points from the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, as to why this is heresy. It is Protestant promoting and not at all balanced.
Shhh, just listen and nod and do what the holy people tell you.
Thank God for Luther . Everyone deserve to read the Bible not just the pope.
@@namxhuynh 👍
I am a Protestant from Mexico 🇲🇽✝️
@@pedrobarbosaduarte3704 not so hispanic, am I right?
God bless you hermano!! Stay strong. Many catholics everywhere does not change at all how obviously corrupt the catholic church was and still is.
Studying history independently is interesting 👍, than force of history teacher
I completely 💯 % agree. Especially the older books on history schools (especially public schools) would not have or ever bother teaching. I actually learned a lot about history through Wikipedia too, which might not be the best source but still can be pretty accurate a lot of the time 👍🏻, God bless!
Definitely......Its better to take interest in history than to swallow coursebooks. You r a protestant yourself.
Get set go.
I praise God for using this Martin.
When I was a catholic, no one from that cult taught me to test my faith, all they say is to follow cause if you dont, youre evil. But everything change when I started to read and read, critique the teaching and what Is more amazing is, I met Jesus Christ and became my lord and savior. And I am here now, liberating my faith to God alone, not for the church I am belong, the bible is my guide and the Holy Spirit.
Bless you brother.
@@Kanal7Indonesia i knew alot of atheists and agnostic friends, they started to doubt because the catholic church doesnt give a profound explaination about the bible and doesnt cater the questions of its people. All they preach is do this do that,all religion. (I am explaning my experiences, and i dont have any idea if other catholic churces in other parts of the world are also like this). They worship mary without a biblical explanation, they say they dont worship a stone or saint, but they cant explain the context background if they cite a bible verse about it.
@@TheKimpawlee if you research more, all Catholic doctrines can be found in the Bible. I recommend you to simply Google it. May you return the holy original Catholic Church which is found by Jesus.
😂 No need, anyway, when I get to heaven Jesus will not ask me if I stay in Catholic Church during my life on earth, or if why I dint completed all the rituals.
Jesus is the only way the truth anf the life, no one will come to the father except through Jesus and He didnt say through catholic church nor the church where I am now.
That is one amazing history to learn. However, you forgot to count in the Orthodox Church, it needs to be analyzed like in this video on how Protestants were formed.
Wasn't the western Christian Church and the Eastern Christian Church combined at one point, but then split and the west eventually became the Roman Catholic Church and the east was the Eastern Orthodox Church? I believe that one was Roman and the other was Greek? I could be wrong. I don't much care for religion and haven't kept up to date with reading about history.
@@TiffWaffles Yes, they where combined until 1054. When split took place. Reason of the split is authority. Christianity was ruled by patriarchs (as it is today in Eastern Orthodoxy), while patriarch of Rome and pope was first among the equal which means there was certain respect from other patriarchs towards him and when in liturgy names of patriarchs where read, he was always first one mentioned. However he wanted to have authority over others, other patriarchs refused and split happened.
@@TiffWaffles Yup. It was called "The Great Schism"
thanks for giving us videos to watch mr. heil, best history teacher i’ve ever had
I’m here cos Apostle Emmanuel Iren spoke about this today, talking about how printing press was a great tool for the Protestant reformation.
Luther would disagree with the title Apostle.😊
when you find the names of your classmates' RUclips channel names because your history teacher sent you here.
Amazing experience
Thank you.
Thanks to the channel for the quick summary on Protestant Reformation.
It's amazing how significant changes can partially come from people not wanting to be scammed and be able to read.
we found God in a popeless place xD
green green another man made new god
God is everywhere, mate. Not just inside the church, regardless of pope or your local bishop, He's everywhere!
green green of course
And btw NatGeo is part of the counterreformation
Nah. You lost him, actually.
I enjoyed this. Thanks.
Protestant Christians are where it’s at 👌
thanks im learning this in WH-World History
Happy Reformation Sunday 2022! ⛪️
We are truly blessed! Amen!
Wasn't even a real reformation. Wouldn't celebrate dividing Christianity in denominations with scripture itself condemns. Plus real reformation already started with St Francis of Assisi, Theresa of Avila, etc and especially with Catholic Reformation with the Council of Trent.
We are going to have to agree to disagree.
The council of Trent was part of the Counter Reformation to clean up the Catholic Church. It never would have happened without Martin Luther. The Catholic Church should celebrate Luther because he was needed to set them back on the right path as a reaction to him.
Personally I like some diversity in Christianity. It clear you disagree so again we shall agree to disagree.
May the Lord bless you forever and ever! Amen!
i may be here bc my teacher told me to watch it, but renaissance stuff is definitely a special interest 💀
Anybody here whose curiosity and interest brought them here?
Wow. As a Lutherian I didnt even know some of these things. Back then people didnt have personal bibles or ones in their native tongues.... (head explodes).
Well it is kind of not fair since the printing press was only just recently invented at the time and to create a book would have been expensive and very time consuming as it would have had to be hand written.
@@rustyshackelford3590 they still could have translated it so common folk could read it, the only reason they didn't was because the catholic church wanted to manipulate the people
@@adrianj6795 where is the proof of your accusation? How did they purposely not translate the bible to manipulate the people? Those books were hundreds of dollars back then which would be tens of thousands of dollars today. Most people in these times could not read their own language let alone other languages. It was also "chained" to the church because 1) super expensive and 2) to allow all that COULD read were able to access it. Another common protestant lie.
@@rustyshackelford3590 Prior to invention of printing press, books were handwritten by experts known as scribes.
But it was a very tedious process.
The entire Catholic Bible in English had already been produced before this time period.
2:22 I love that painting, it is so beautiful, does anybody know what it is called or where i can learn more about it?
I think it is Diet of worms
Some of the best paintings were from the Era of Renaissance.
Renaissance era of art was better than modern art
My question is why are people so happy about this guy Martin Luther? The guy devided the church even more. Didnt Paul talk about that if someone is trying to devide the church that you should kick the person out of the society or ignore him?
Hahahah nice grammar
Fair point. Division and conflict within the body of Christ should be avoided. Except. The Catholic Church was not the body of Christ. Why? The Catholic Church did not place emphasis on the love, grace and forgiveness of God found in Jesus Christ. In Christ alone. By Grace alone. Through faith alone.
Instead, this church emphasised that you needed works to be saved, and the church prevented everyday men and women from reading the Scriptures, and so, discouraged literacy development amongst the masses.
Through the reformers’ efforts, like Luther, they broke away from the system that was not the body of Christ, encouraged people to read the Scriptures for themselves through pushing for reading development, and preached that an entirely different message to what Catholic priests had conveyed- that you need faith in Christ alone to be saved. This, the body of Christ was formed, as new Christians came together, in unity of their trust in Christ alone.
The Catholic Church didn’t like that. Essentially, from a Christian’s perspective, the Catholic Church of Luther’s time prevented people from knowing their real God, who is revealed through Christ.
Ultimately, what’s more important? Following God? Or following the system that prevents you from following God because you’re being taught to trust in the system and their ways, such as doing works for the sake of salvation (flawed theology), and tithing (although the money just went to fill greedy priests’ pockets and decorate the church buildings with grandeur.
Ultimately, if a so-called ‘church’ doesn’t systemically operate as the body of Christ, then there’s no point trying to stay.
And anyway, Luther did try to improve the Catholic Church through his protests. Why is it bad if someone raises issues with a church? No church is above reproach. If they claim to be so, then they’re not showing humility at all. Luther wasn’t trying to divide. He was trying to reveal the gospel truth. Why is that bad? How is it bad to reveal the truth one has found for themselves in the scriptures? The only people who would object to something like that are those who are trying to conceal or hide something. The Catholic priests and followers simply weren’t acting as the body of Christ. That’s essentially what ‘church’ is. The ‘body of Christ. Luther was forced out of this system that held him in contempt. What happened afterwards, was that a real body of Christ was formed outside the Catholic system. One that was still riddles with strifes and violence. But then again, we are human. No group is free of strife. But as long as they find commonality in their sole devotion to Christ, then that’s what makes them the body of Christ.
Than kick the Papacy out! That's exactly what Luther did.
Even if I'm here from the teachers, I'm actually interested in renaissance stuff lol
Very nice explanation😊
no it's not
That was awesome
this is a great video
I as a devout Christian praise Martin Luther for his work,a true noble saint he is
St Martin Luther pray for us
@@Maharlikan_Federal_Empire According to Protestant doctrine, you just committed idolatry for asking your messiah to pray for you.
@@georgepierson4920 Are you a Catholic?
He broke his vows and married a nun what exactly is noble about that?
@@georgepierson4920And how about your “messiah” my friend, The pope? You worship him over Jesus
This is a good video.
Thanks Martin Luther
Same, History teacher wanted me to.
I’m a Muslim that’s here out of pure interest and not because I have homework due :DD
Never knew this awesome stuff!
Nailed it
Thanks for watching! 🤓
Go to Jesus hes saves
@@isaiah5851 one year later.
@@godaughter4044 ye kinda late
thetired christian yes go to Jesus Christ hallelujah
We are saved by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone by the Word alone for the glory of God alone.
Thats what makes us different from other beliefs. Its not performance basis but faith basis. Not only that, through Jesus God's justice is not compromise.
I'm an Hindu Tamil and I wanted to look at this because I'm SOOOO Intrested in it and I Wanted to learn about other religions.
If you live in a scoiety full of Freedom, Love and Peace: thank the Protestant Reformation
Wasn't Europe peaceful before Reformation? Ig it became way more violent during and after the Reformation, ideas like equality and democracy has already caused revolutions, 2 world wars, etc. to get imposed upon 🙄
@@indobalkanizer6557 If you take a closer look at history, post-Roman Europe is a lot more violent than the 21st Century one.
@@clement28300yip And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. Rev 22:19
@@indobalkanizer6557 still better. Helped us all and gave freedom to masses.
@@adityavats5977 read about the age of renaissance in Europe, it was way better
I’m here because I remembered my history teacher’s lesson. 🤗
did he tel you that Luther have joined Saint Augustine order to escape death penalty?
Thanks Mrs burke
I am indian... But I love Germany, because German missionary Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg Translate bible to my own language TAMIL....
Happy Protestant Reformation everyone!!!
Luther removed some books because it doesn't fit for his "faith alone" 👁️👄👁️
You mean the Deuterocanonical books? Protestants have same OT from Jewish canon and NT books.
What's your source?
And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. rev 22:19
Anyone know about Enoch?
@@jungle1776 Enoch is ethiopian Noah is great father
This stuff make me fall asleep
That’s what Islam needs , reformation, protest , power to the ppl , access to information , access to freedom of expression. … the right of general public to question ….
No they do not. We are happy like this
But we're not happy with you being like that.
@@Mavors1099 Exactly, we are not happy at all :D
Catholicism didn't emerge from Christianity alongside Protestantism, it emerged alongside Orthodoxy, Protenstantism diverged from Catholicism
the printing press - the powers of modern technology
Great Video.🤎
catholicism is not the problem, roman catholicism is
This is a good video
Came here cuz my history teacher said DO IT
Same I hate this class
@@GrayKatherine. it's not boring
My history teacher sent our class this 😂
Martin Luther understand the gospel.
like a 4 tear old
ah yes the guy that wanted to take out the book of hebrews, jude, james, and revelations.
Thank God. We now can have free access to the Bible.
Capronic2 Dethroned
That’s a myth.
The reason people didn’t read the Bible wasn’t because the Catholic Church condemned reading scripture or was trying to keep people from reading it on their own. It was simply because literacy rates were very low in Middle Ages and renaissance and limited only to the clergy, scholars, scribes, artisans and some of the rich.
And finally, because paper was very expensive, and writing an entire Bible was an incredibly time consuming process, so it was unheard of to see a Bible anywhere other than a Church.
The Catholic Church wrote the books of the bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, preserved and canonized scripture, interpreted and applied it with apostolic authority and preached the gospel to its faithful for the past 2000 years.
We now have literacy rates near 100% in the modern world and paper and book writing isn’t a laborious process, so we can and should read scripture on our own. It is incredibly fruitful. But we cannot interpret meaning infallibly. That’s the job of the Church, and that’s exactly what Christ wanted, Matthew 16:18, Matthew 18:18
You forgot that he took out some books of the Bible that didn't agree with... So much on the Bible is the only way to salvation
so true
The Catholic church added books to the original Canon and septuagint manuscripts.
@@michaelmarini94 nope, martin luther took out 7 books and wanted to take out james and revelation. He wanted to take out james because it proves that faith alone does not justify.
Radical claim, got any proof?
@@PrinceJes The canon of Scripture is the list of 73 books that belong to the Bible. (The word "Bible" means "the Book.") The earliest writings of the Bible were likely composed in the 10th century B.C. The writing of Scripture continued until the first century A.D., when Revelation was complete.
Seven books of the Bible, all in the Old Testament, are accepted by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but are not accepted by Jews or Protestants. These include 1 and 2 Maccabees, Judith, Tobit, Baruch, Sirach, and Wisdom, and additions to the books of Esther and Daniel. These books are called Deuterocanonical by Catholics and Orthodox and Apocryphal by Jews and Protestants. These were the last books of the Old Testament written, composed in the last two centuries B.C. Their omission in Protestant Bibles leaves a chronological gap in salvation history.
Thanks for watching and learning with us 🤓
Honestly, the Protestant revolution brought about the *exact* innacuracies in this video, for the record:
1. Indulgences are for sins *already forgiven* in confession, not buying forgiveness through donation.
2. The Church already allowed for theological questions and argumentation. The Western University system the Church created was known for practice of "the disputed question".
3. The printing press was invented by a German Catholic, the printing press made the Bible more accessible period. Not just the mistranslated works of Luther and other Protestants.
4. The Bible was already in multiple vernacular translations and in languages other than Latin before Luther and the rest published their translations that were imbedded with their own Protestant theologies, which didn't even have all the same books as the Church.
5. Protestantism didn't do away with the elite, it just made the elite Protestant which eventually led to John Calvin's dictatorship in Geneva, Henry VIII's asserting himself as both the head of the Church and State in England murdering those who didn't accept his new wife(s), and the 30 years war between warring factions across Europe. It's an absolute mess.
On a final note, Catholicism is for everyone from the least educated to the greatest of all Educated, for Kings and rulers, even the Pope is subject to the Faith, not even he may escape the Church's authority.
Great joke u have up your sleeves.
Should i confess to God or your priest?
@@WinterIshere-tf5id You should confess to a priest, so that God may forgive you. God gave the priests power to forgive sins.
Lutheran Christian here, just seeing if the facts are presented correctly, God bless all of you my Christian brethren and non Christian brethren
Before the Athiest comment why click this and complain? If you don't like God then don't watch or comment.
I love how you make it about not liking God. Shows your bias towards atheists.
@@hieyrin Because it's about an actual historical event that happened called the "Protestant Reformation" maybe???
Michael is right, it was an important historical event.
@@hieyrin national geographic dedicates itself for historical educational purpose. This video technically in some sense educational because christianity played pivotal role on our modern society, especially the reformation.
Because beliefs inform actions and actions have consequences that effect others who do not believe. Faith based beliefs have a high reputation of causing harmful consequences like believing you will be rewarded in an afterlife by flying an airliner into a skyscraper killing thousands of people or following the words of a supposed prophet of God called Samuel to commit genocide of the whole population of the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:3).
I guess there has been a number of prominent martin luthers
Latin America was established with the same herarchy as the Catholic Church that's why they are not developed, Spain and Italy are far less developed compared with northern Europe , so you can see why USA is developed and Mexico is not... keep people ignorant and you'll rule.
I wish they would go into more details, make a several episodes, Ken Burn's style!
Woah, i can learn something that i don't know bout that before thankss
history teacher just sent me here because i was out sick, fun fun
Useful message thankyou National geography.....
KJV Matthew 24:35
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."
God's words proof History wrong. It's predictions are 100% accurate. Praise to Jehovah God forever. 🙏❤
Class 10 history chapter.Wish me luck guys for boards.
The only true Christian Church is the Eastern Orthodox Church guided by the Holy Spirit. Господе Исусе Христе, Сине и Логосе Божији, Пресветом Богородицом помилуј нас грешне ☦🕊💜
excelente información
Shut up
therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified.
-Martin Luther
Okay, thumbs up if your actually here because you want to know more about the history of your faith ?
This is cool
National Grographic conveniently omitted to mention that the "church" that Luther was trying to reform and got out of, was the Roman Catholic "church".
Bro we have a quiz on this vid
I'm protestant ✝️
Hendra Humena Which of the thousand or so Protestant denominations do you follow?
That Guy There isn’t a thousand denominations, quit the exaggeration
@@thatguy5844 So sad of you Guy., There will be societies in protestant denomination but not so called "1000 Denominations"
@@thatguy5844 there is no thousand denomations in protestant, dont being fooled, i am Protestant myself.
Who would watch this without it being assigned from a history teacher
SoyBeanz I would
@@summer6043 that's kind of sad
I'm doing that now. I was curious about protestant Christians and wanted to know more about.
@@Toawii Haha same!!
Interesting video, unfortunately, this video needs to be longer. There's a lot of information missing. It will be more amazing if done so.
Luther, truly you're an apostle of Jesus! Thanks for blessing him in his lifetime, Lord!
Nah read James 2:14-26
He was a heretic
this seems to be a superficial look at this Luther seems to have a lot of issues, on not only the Bible....what part was good, and what part to be well as his hatred for Jews, and his insistance that his form of interpretation, of the Bible was the only acceptable one.....
Can you provide sources?
Ok and?
Excellent presentation
i thought it was a really good video !!!!
Someone needs to read about John Calvin's theocracy in Geneva and see if they think the people who lived their felt "empowered to determine their own faith". 🙄
Eastern Orthodox Church is First Christianity
they should bring this back.
Can someone make a Protestant Reformation movie from a Catholic.
Martin Luther makes a pertinent observation in the sixteenth chapter of his Commentary on St. John “We are obliged to yield many things to the papists [Catholics]-that they possess the Word of God which we received from them, otherwise we should have known nothing at all about it.”