I am a devout Catholic but I fully expect to spend time being purified in Purgatory. I pray for the conversion of the whole world and I do know many fallen away Catholics and people who are Jewish and practice other religions who are much holier than I am. It’s not a competition but I still pray for all to come home to the Catholic Church. It’s all ultimately in Gods capable hands. 🥰🙏
As Saint Therese from Lisieux said, we shouldn't expect to go through purgatory, but pray for God's mercy and through His graces we will be freed from having to go through it. She said God is very sad when someone says they expect to go through purgatory
Wow! Excellent video! The Holy Catholic Church teaches that there is no salvation outside of her! I have struggled with this, and one day, I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, I asked the Lord for clarification. He spoke to me and stated this true; however, he is the judge of the living in the dead, and only he will determine who is in his church and who is not. As Catholics, much is given to us, and we will have a stricter judgment. That is why we must pray for the souls in Purgatory, for the conversion of sinners and fallen away Catholics. Also, our Lord states in Mark 9 how the other apostles will not lose their reward. We also need to pray for the conversion of other religions to the Catholic faith.
Yes you are right. I was also of the opinion that only christians can go to heaven. But to my surprise, God spoke to me in my thoughts and said , will judge every one based on deeds. He also cautioned me to be fair, for every one knows what is fair and what is not.
@@DrChristineBacon Uh, you realise that makes Maria a false visionary, right? She's saying here that people make it to heaven just by having clear consciences
@@rachaelsmith6930 Jesus takes the people and bring them to the Father. If we ask Holy Maria the mother of god, she is only praying to her Son Jesus to listen to us. Because Maria was his human mother, he listens very likely to her. You can humble yourself.
Practicing roman catholic availing the sacraments is the normal/standard way of salvation. If someone who is not a roman catholic is saved then they were saved by extraordinary means.
Let us also not forget that Catholicism is incomparably advantageous for both salvation and sanctification. It is true that God is not limited by the visible powers of the Church, however, the likelihood of salvation is far higher among Catholics simply because we have received everything Christ willed for our salvation and sanctification.
I had a vision in mass one Sunday at the foot of the cross of my mother Mary appeared at the throne of our lord god and intercede on my behalf all i could do was stand there in a tearful mess ,pray pray the rosery mother Mary hears and answers ,Jesus bless you all
From my point of view one of the major consequence of this teaching is the killing of the missionary spirit. All that's needed is to teach people to be good and God will save them extraordinarily through invincible means of grace.
@mufuasisugu no. It doesn't. We all need to convert them for the sake of their souls and the graces they'd receive. This conversation is much too deep for a simple post but God knows their hearts and also the scams and lies going on now that prevent good people from joining the church.
One of the greatest consoling thought in my Christian life has always been that God thought us worthy to belong to his flock, and for this very reason sent us his servants to bring us the good news of salvation though we're in the middle of nowhere. Most of the missionaries died trying to reach us having never stepped foot on this side of the Sahara, strange diseases ravaged them hostile tribes assailed them and still they persevered. If for a moment they thought that God could save us through extraordinary means outside the walls of the Church, this would have been a fools errand.
I admit I am a simple man and I could be completely out of my depth here but the final consequences of this teaching I find very troubling; -if it's not the quenching of the missionary spirit, then it's the limiting of God's power to reach those he finds deserving with his Gospel ,and if not these it's the disillusionment of the converts who have been made outcasts from their communities by adopting a new religion while the old one would have sufficed for their salvation.
This subject have been discussed many times, it's an idea and not dogma. God knows if someone was expose to the truth if they would have believe or not.
this is great... this is in line with what I always felt, but listening to so many "fundies" has hurt me.. made me feel like I was wrong, then made me fell badly about God... anyway, thank you for reading this to us
If one lives with a clear conscience and a good heart towards one's neighbour, that in itself is not sufficiënt to be admitted into Heaven, but it is a good preparation for the graces that God will give to such a person, the grace to know him more intimately, and the grace to receive baptism, or at least to meet with a christian teacher. The sacrament of Baptism is required, to make the soul suitable for Heaven.
Love this! Thank you. Catholics are NOT better... they are nothing of themselves and if neglecting their responsibility as the chosen by the Grace of God, they become worse! Humility... humility. Lord have Mercy+
Church teaching definitely supports this position. Holiness is subjective, while the Catholic Church (as Christine read) is still the objective highest path. This is a teaching lesson, for those in true love and humility and not a blind state of fear and hate. Those who recoil at this must examine their own hearts for although Catholic in name, they will be held to a high standard and not automatically granted Grace for saying Lord Lord.... but for doing His Will, which is love. Virtuous pagans can indeed out love bad Catholic. Happens every day. The comment section of this video being example A
That's not true. There is a difference between "not believing in" and consciously rejecting Jesus. Muslims dont "reject Jesus." They dont believe he is God, obviously. But beyond that, He IS the Muslim messiah and they do believe he was born of a virgin. How one can believe someone has God as their father and no earthly man and not believe they too are God, Im not entirely sure...But at any rate, Muslims who study and should know better will be held accountable for not believing in Jesus' divinity. But there are plenty in the world who will not be aware until they enter Heaven because of invincible ignorance and can still receive grace accordingly.
@@michaelcummings8744holiness is absolutely not subjective. Please, inform yourself on all the virtues one objectively must have be holy. I recommend listening to fr. Ripperger.
Inventor Knight... they are saved by the invisible walls of the Church. Christ provides His Graces through other means and they are still saved through Christ and the invisible Church with its outflow of Grace. But these misguided people still subjectively with this grace and exception made for their lesser path were able to attain genuine holiness. And thanks be to God! But by the Grace of God, therego I!
God is interested in our learning forgiveness and letting bitterness go. We look at our lives experiences as I have and have resented some of the evil which was done to me, which also drove me into the arms of Jesus. I have to see His Grace was always greater and let the unforgiveness go. So now I look at these things more as Christ’s permissive love as these drove me to Him. I am not Catholic, and find that some of Catholic teachings as unbiblical. I have met both hard hearted Catholics but also those who love Jesus like I do. No matter if we are Catholic or Protestant, we need to repent and to forgive and to love as Jesus taught us. I do consider prayer as a form of worship in that how can one hear me if they are not in the Trinity? The Bible does not teach prayer to saints but to be inspired by them and their devotion to our Lord Jesus. Our Lord and St. John the Baptist called us to repentance and to live holy lives. Penance is not repentance but we are called to cease from sin. It is not a church which saves, it is from the beginning and still is, that we receive Jesus and love others like He did and live our lives in service to Him and to others.
But Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through Me.” How could other religions who do not even recognize Jesus be saved? But with God all things are possible.
@@InventorKnight they're still getting there through Jesus... just like Moses and the prophets did. They never uttered the name Jesus but got to heaven through Him. It's the same premise.
The key lies in Romans 2. There is recognizing Jesus in a formal sense and recognizing him in a substantive sense. It's not the former who are saved (if that's the only way they "recognize" him), it's the latter.
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not get into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
@DrChristineBacon That was the old covenant. There was no need to utter the name Jesus, as you say, because Jesus is God the word made flesh. So, during the time of Moses and the other prophets, God hadn't revealed Himself as a man yet.
Christina507... none of this contradicts traditional Catholic Church teaching. Your fear is misguided based on some erroneous misunderstanding or misinterpretation. The facts definitely support what is being read here by Christine, and is a key teaching of Christ in our Church!
Wow, reading the comments... so many of your viewers are ignorant of true Catholic teaching in both the letter and Spirit of the law. They speak in fear, while guising it as virtue and wisdom. Nay... it is true that holiness is subjective and virtuous pagans can out love us despite our objectively supreme religion granted us. Don't fool yourselves. Many have become holy outside the visible walls of the church... and being in love they are inside the invisible walls! Many inside are outside! Let those who have ears hear!
You better re read scripture! If what you say is true, what is the point of attending Mass if you can go it alone outside the Church? NO, you cannot, Jesus says that “No comes to Father except through Me.” Jesus instituted the Catholic Church made St Peter the first Pope. Someone drawn to Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit REALLY seeking the truth will find themselves in the Catholic Church eventually!
@@KaylynMyName-e5cyou believe this because you were taught this, what do you think God does for people who have not received His words? What about people who have grown up sincerely believing in the false doctrines they have been brought up with? When they die, at their personal judgement, they will be given the chance to accept Jesus, if they choose Him they will be saved... There have been mystic s who have said this... therefore it is true that a very devoted Muslim who believes that they are worshiping the true God can be saved if they accept the truth upon their death...
No it isn't. Do you understand the doctrine of no salvation outside of the church? It doesn't mean you have to be a card carrying catholic to obtain salvation- this is actually heresy called feeyneyism. There's 3 types of baptisms: by water, blood or desire. Secondly, invincible ignorance is attached to this doctrine which means not everyone has access to the complete truth which will be taken into judgement. The third point is no salvation outside the church means those who are technically outside of the church only obtain salvation by the grace that comes from the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
@@camillaway2884 Pages 312-313 of Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma delve into the Catholic Church's teaching on the necessity of the Church for salvation, encapsulated in the doctrine Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus ("Outside the Church, there is no salvation"). Ott discusses the Church's understanding of this doctrine, including the recognition of "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as means by which individuals not formally within the Church can attain salvation. This perspective contrasts with the rigid interpretation known as Feeneyism, which denies the efficacy of these forms of baptism.
I don’t know how to love people I don’t know well. I’m supposed to love my neighbors but how do I do that when we’re just friendly in passing. Like am I supposed to knock on their door and be like you want any help? Am I supposed to bake stuff and give them some as well? I don’t wish anyone ill, but it’s hard to love people who aren’t close friends or family
Love is not a "warm, fuzzy feeling", it's a firm disposition to seek the true good of others. Turn your heart in that direction for the people around you you do know and this will start to "spill over" into your attitude toward total strangers eventually.
Pamela, I don't know the answer. I know we're called to pray for them; I believe the Holy Spirit will lead you. I live in the boonies in my state & have neighbors who have struggles drug use etc. Aside from sometimes being concerned for my safety I knew I needed to keep praying & we need discernment. I've been led to give one neighbor a meal at Christmas & I know it wasn't inspired by me. That's when I prayed for guidance. Another neighbor who seemed like a very grumpy old man who would pound on my window or door to ask me what day it was led to an unexpected change in my usual routine. Last year he asked me to call an ambulance for him which I did; he never made it back home but he was hospitalized for awhile. In my concern I found out what hospital he was in & visited. He was very surprised. Later as he was moved to a nursing home for hospice care I continued to visit for over 8 months. This his elderly man wasn't much older than me in his 80s & it was a challenge some days to go. I shared with my priest how I knew I was supposed to visit but I really didn't want to at times, he said to pray a Hail Mary everyday I planned to go. I started looking forward to going even began visiting with others there. I was the only visitor of my neighbor as he never married & had a nephew out of state. My neighbor passed away on a day I was bringing his favorite treats. I cried. I've been visiting other residents there & shed more tears along the way but am so grateful to be blessed by praying with them & just being present. Our Lady found a way for me to be blessed & look for ways to be a blessing. Pray & ask. 💕🙏
Actually, you are loving them with your greeting. I wish my neighbors would greet me. Someone greater than me said, “We need not do great things, but rather small things with great love.”
Prayer for strangers, helping someone with directions to get to someplace, helping an old woman across the street, sharing your lunch with a stranger are all acts of love and charity.
Im pretty sure there is video whete Christine talks about thevfollowing case of two souls that Maria Simma learned about by request of some people trying to test her: One soul was a woman who was sinful and died when being hit by a train. The other one was a priest that everybody in his parish considered holy. The priest was in purgatory for a long time (not sure if till the end of times and deep in purgatory) because he refused to say a mass for the woman hit by tbe train as she was sinful or was not catholic, dont remember but so.ething like that. The woman went straight to heaven (no purgatory at all) because, and i can't stress this enough, she said when she realized she was being hit by the train "at least I will not offend you more", not because she repented but because she said that. Let's assumed that she repented when saying that; however, does that not contradict the teaching of the Church that we have to pay in purgatory for our sins anyways? I mean, she did not die in state of grace. That raised my doubts on Maria Simma although it may have been that it was not actual souls purgatory talking to her about that specific case.
No one but God knows the state of her soul upon death. Perfect contrition eliminates all need for Purgatory. She may have been given that grace (presumably due to the prayers of others) in the final moments of her life.
@gregchrysostom2193 CCC 1452 does not even mention purgatory, so it does not support your statement that perfect contrition eliminates the need of purgatory. Regarding the good thief (Luke 23:39-43), his case is what Protestants use to refute the existence of purgatory. Therefore, t is important to clarify what "paradise" means, so I am pasting here a text from a website called catholicexchange regarding the good thief (they have a broader explanation regarding how Protestants use this case to refute Catholic doctrine, but this part addresses your claim): As it is said, the Bible must be read as a whole not fragmented in order to understand meanings. That is why Catholic Bibles have references and comments. So, the good thief case neither address your statement.
What happens if our brother and sisters don’t believe in Purgatory so they don’t pray for their love ones ? What happens to the Protestant soul in Purgatory?
There has never been any credible evidence to prove there is an after life or locations like heaven. It's all supernatural nonsense. Good luck my friend.
@@DrChristineBacon Im just curious... Over the past many months, Ive seen several posts (my own and others) spontaneously disappear after posting - under multiple videos, not just yours. I was just curious if content creators were able to delete comments in the first place or if this was strictly RUclips's prerogative.
@@DrChristineBacon Ok. I havent suspected that you've deleted any of the posts that have disappeared here. Its just that they're disappearing for no good reason (and at suspicious moments). Rather than blindly point fingers, Im just doing some investigating; trying to figure out who ACTUALLY has the power to delete posts (or highlight them) in the first place...
@@DrChristineBacon Quick update. It appears that, at least in some instances, posts are not being "deleted", they're being reported. (For absolutely no reason other than to harass.) I think RUclips later reviews them and a lot of them pop back up eventually...Just annoying to have to sit there and wonder when your perfectly acceptable post disappears for a bit....
Wow! The folks talking to Maria Simms were followers of the Vatican II religion! Too bad that doesn't make sense. God won't violate His own First Commandment.
Just arguing from the other point of view, according to this book, if it is so much harder for Catholics to get to heaven, for the sake of logic, why would anyone become Catholic? Why did Our Lord give us the Sacraments? For us to just have something to do? And why did all the Apostles except one die a martyr's death as well as thousands of other Saints so they could convert people to the One True Faith? There is such a thing as Baptism by desire but it is harder to have that than it seems. People don't bother trashing me in the comments. This book contradicts Catholic dogmatic teaching. Let's go back to St. Frances of Rome or St. Catherine of Genoa.
@kathleenprice662 I think something is misunderstood here. We become Catholic because it's the truest path to Christ, and He calls us to it. But what makes it harder is Jesus' words "To whom much is given, much will be expected." Many so-called Catholics have no idea what their faith teaches and live according to their own desires. Think of those so-called Catholic politicians (like that guy who sits in our presidential office) who are rabidly pro-abortion. They will be judged more harshly than peo-aborts from other religions or those who'd never heard the truths of the Catholic faith. Take advantage of all the graces the Catholic Church has to offer, and it's EASIER for you to get to heaven!
Reginaz8w.... belief means nothing without Love. That's Corinthians, but also look at Satan who quoted scripture and demons who knew Jesus was Lord and he told them to shut up! He points to His Sacred Heart... not a pulled open forehead with a "sacred brain"
Why the Lady is always on the side of Muslims ? She was also with Vitka (Medjugorje seer). Islam is an ANTI-CHRISTIAN religion see their Apocalypse version. Then how can we believe this visions are Holy ??
@Nola-2000 it's presumptive of you to say she's always "on the side" of Muslims. She loves all of her children and just because she says anything living about them does not negate the truth of Catholicism and her Son.
@@DrChristineBacon And what does it says about our confessions ? Aren't we made pure and holy after each one ? So how is a non catholic holier when a practicing catholic cleanse himself through reconcilation ?
It's really not. To say that all religions are equal is heresy. (And not what Maria was saying.) To say that non-Catholics can receive a lot of God's grace too is not. Read your catechism, my friend. (And Romans 2.)
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me. They still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven not one.
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
I was brought up Catholic and this book and Medjugorie are making me question the Church. We are all saved! Why am I breaking my neck getting to Mass every Sunday? It’s crazy. The Protestants don’t have to go and they are saved not believing in the Eucharist.
@francescaderimini2931 Nothing in this video came close to implying that we are all saved! How did you even get that? If anything, she keeps talking about how we have to work our backsides off in order to gain our salvation that Jesus won for us. Yes, we have to choose Jesus, but then we have to work to constantly stay in His will. We can not judge how or why the Lord allows someone from another religion into heaven. But you also have no idea if when the Lord called him or her home, they didn't see Jesus on the way there and choose Him. These blanket assumptions that people can worship in another religion and then nonchalantly know that they'll have their salvation is what's troubling. This video doesn't imply any of that. It just makes us understand that God is mysterious, but we must still work to get as many people as we can into the Catholic church, where one hundred percent of truth lies.
@mlg9024 she NEVER said other religions are "Ok". You need to listen with discerning ears. She said there will be people there FROM other religions but you have ZERO idea if they accepted Jesus when they meet Him as they were dying or what other graces the Lord granted. The ONLY way to heaven is THROUGH Jesus. Your scope is too narrow. Don't limit God.
True. I always understood that , when Catholics pray the divine mercy chaplet, fast and do penance and other prayers for the whole world , God applies that to whoever he sees fit whatever religion they may be following. Look at the structure of the Divine Mercy Chaplet .
@amymargesonia9228 Devine mercy was placed on the forbidden index by PiusXII. Do not expect it to work what so even. It is bound in heaven also. The false church of Vatican II is not the Catholic church. JPII did HAVE THE POWER TO not have the power to unbind the devotion.
The litmus test of any private revelation (to test the spirit - good spirit, bad spirit, human spirit): does it contradict Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium? These so call revelations from purgatory sound like that are revelations from hell. Woe is me!
They dont contradict Scripture or the Magisterium. "No salvation outside the Church" means outside union with Christ. What does Romans 2 suggest about union with Christ?
@@gregchrysostom2193 If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
@@johnknight2012 Where does Church teaching suggest there is a theology test to get into Heaven? Why do we think it's ultimately about belief, rather than charity? What does Romans 2 tell us about belief?
@@teresa19716 THAT'S nonsense! That's induced ignorance. The bible itself says that we should do that, which he spoke of in writing and orally. He did not intend for us to learn only that which was in the bible.
1. the bible says that once you die, you can't come back. hebrews 9:27. 2. jesus said " I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the father but by me. john 14:6. therefore catholicism is a false religion. 3. the devil comes as an angel of light to deceive people. 2 corinthians 11:14. the visions of mary are demonic or just made up. 4. people are never saved by works. ephesians 2:8-10. 5. everyone already knows what's right and wrong internally. romans 1 :18-20, romans 2: 14-16. 5. there is no purgatory. it was invented by the catholic church in 1274 in lyon. 6. transubstantiation was invented by the catholic church in 1215 at the 4th lateran council. 7. the office of pope was invented by the catholic church. there is nothing in the bible that says that the apostle peter had a successer. the only authority is the bible, not the made up nonsense of catholicism.
You sound like Pope Francis. "All religions are a means to God." We should listen to the authentic magisterium of the church not to a soul from the land of the dead! Discern! Discern!! Discern!!!
I am a devout Catholic but I fully expect to spend time being purified in Purgatory. I pray for the conversion of the whole world and I do know many fallen away Catholics and people who are Jewish and practice other religions who are much holier than I am. It’s not a competition but I still pray for all to come home to the Catholic Church. It’s all ultimately in Gods capable hands. 🥰🙏
What makes you think that there is a purgatory? What is your evidence? Thanks and good luck.
@@TboneWTFGod's Mercy :)
@@TboneWTFIt’s in The Book of Macabees which was taken out of the King James Bible along with several other books.
@@maryannpepe5200 "It’s in The Book of..." So do you always believe everything written in books? That means you believe hobbits are real, correct?
As Saint Therese from Lisieux said, we shouldn't expect to go through purgatory, but pray for God's mercy and through His graces we will be freed from having to go through it. She said God is very sad when someone says they expect to go through purgatory
Wow! Excellent video! The Holy Catholic Church teaches that there is no salvation outside of her! I have struggled with this, and one day, I prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, I asked the Lord for clarification. He spoke to me and stated this true; however, he is the judge of the living in the dead, and only he will determine who is in his church and who is not. As Catholics, much is given to us, and we will have a stricter judgment. That is why we must pray for the souls in Purgatory, for the conversion of sinners and fallen away Catholics. Also, our Lord states in Mark 9 how the other apostles will not lose their reward. We also need to pray for the conversion of other religions to the Catholic faith.
Yes you are right. I was also of the opinion that only christians can go to heaven. But to my surprise, God spoke to me in my thoughts and said , will judge every one based on deeds. He also cautioned me to be fair, for every one knows what is fair and what is not.
Nobody can come to the father but through Jesus Christ
@@Froglicker777 agreed!
@@DrChristineBacon Uh, you realise that makes Maria a false visionary, right? She's saying here that people make it to heaven just by having clear consciences
@@stevewilliams5497did you read the entire book?
@@rachaelsmith6930 Jesus takes the people and bring them to the Father. If we ask Holy Maria the mother of god, she is only praying to her Son Jesus to listen to us. Because Maria was his human mother, he listens very likely to her.
You can humble yourself.
@AS-np3yq no. jesus never gave mary any authority. that's just your imagination.
Practicing roman catholic availing the sacraments is the normal/standard way of salvation. If someone who is not a roman catholic is saved then they were saved by extraordinary means.
Let us also not forget that Catholicism is incomparably advantageous for both salvation and sanctification. It is true that God is not limited by the visible powers of the Church, however, the likelihood of salvation is far higher among Catholics simply because we have received everything Christ willed for our salvation and sanctification.
I had a vision in mass one Sunday at the foot of the cross of my mother Mary appeared at the throne of our lord god and intercede on my behalf all i could do was stand there in a tearful mess ,pray pray the rosery mother Mary hears and answers ,Jesus bless you all
Dear Doctor Christine God Bless you, this was enlightening!
Great book, I enjoyed reading it, learned so much from this book
God bless you and your beautiful family ❤thank you so very much for this! Please don’t stop talking about Jesus Christ ❤❤❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Believable message from a very interesting and credible source
From my point of view one of the major consequence of this teaching is the killing of the missionary spirit. All that's needed is to teach people to be good and God will save them extraordinarily through invincible means of grace.
@mufuasisugu no. It doesn't. We all need to convert them for the sake of their souls and the graces they'd receive. This conversation is much too deep for a simple post but God knows their hearts and also the scams and lies going on now that prevent good people from joining the church.
One of the greatest consoling thought in my Christian life has always been that God thought us worthy to belong to his flock, and for this very reason sent us his servants to bring us the good news of salvation though we're in the middle of nowhere.
Most of the missionaries died trying to reach us having never stepped foot on this side of the Sahara, strange diseases ravaged them hostile tribes assailed them and still they persevered.
If for a moment they thought that God could save us through extraordinary means outside the walls of the Church, this would have been a fools errand.
I admit I am a simple man and I could be completely out of my depth here but the final consequences of this teaching I find very troubling; -if it's not the quenching of the missionary spirit, then it's the limiting of God's power to reach those he finds deserving with his Gospel ,and if not these it's the disillusionment of the converts who have been made outcasts from their communities by adopting a new religion while the old one would have sufficed for their salvation.
Yep. It’s heresy. Christ died a Martyr and the heresy promoted here tries to invalidate every martyrdom!
Thanks for your great work. These are good answers to the questions that many Christians ask.
Thank You Christine. I really enjoyed this episode, and it really helped me to understand alot more clearly. 🕊️
Thanks again Christine! 😊✋🤗💖
Thank you so much Christine
Thank you
It was not news to me, but I think it was very helpful for the Church at large, yes. Love it. Thank you for posting.
This subject have been discussed many times, it's an idea and not dogma. God knows if someone was expose to the truth if they would have believe or not.
this is great... this is in line with what I always felt, but listening to so many "fundies" has hurt me.. made me feel like I was wrong, then made me fell badly about God... anyway, thank you for reading this to us
If one lives with a clear conscience and a good heart towards one's neighbour, that in itself is not sufficiënt to be admitted into Heaven, but it is a good preparation for the graces that God will give to such a person, the grace to know him more intimately, and the grace to receive baptism, or at least to meet with a christian teacher. The sacrament of Baptism is required, to make the soul suitable for Heaven.
Love this! Thank you. Catholics are NOT better... they are nothing of themselves and if neglecting their responsibility as the chosen by the Grace of God, they become worse! Humility... humility. Lord have Mercy+
Oh this is not about that Catholics are better😅
Whoa. "Our Lady" says a NON BELIEVER who does not believe in Her SON is the holiest. Yes. Believe this and you are NOT a Roman Catholic.
Church teaching definitely supports this position. Holiness is subjective, while the Catholic Church (as Christine read) is still the objective highest path. This is a teaching lesson, for those in true love and humility and not a blind state of fear and hate. Those who recoil at this must examine their own hearts for although Catholic in name, they will be held to a high standard and not automatically granted Grace for saying Lord Lord.... but for doing His Will, which is love. Virtuous pagans can indeed out love bad Catholic. Happens every day. The comment section of this video being example A
That's not true. There is a difference between "not believing in" and consciously rejecting Jesus. Muslims dont "reject Jesus." They dont believe he is God, obviously. But beyond that, He IS the Muslim messiah and they do believe he was born of a virgin. How one can believe someone has God as their father and no earthly man and not believe they too are God, Im not entirely sure...But at any rate, Muslims who study and should know better will be held accountable for not believing in Jesus' divinity. But there are plenty in the world who will not be aware until they enter Heaven because of invincible ignorance and can still receive grace accordingly.
I have known loving and loyal Muslims better than most Christians I’ve met, actually
Muslims don't accept Jesus as their savior. How can they be saved, or holy?!
@@michaelcummings8744holiness is absolutely not subjective. Please, inform yourself on all the virtues one objectively must have be holy. I recommend listening to fr. Ripperger.
Inventor Knight... they are saved by the invisible walls of the Church. Christ provides His Graces through other means and they are still saved through Christ and the invisible Church with its outflow of Grace. But these misguided people still subjectively with this grace and exception made for their lesser path were able to attain genuine holiness. And thanks be to God! But by the Grace of God, therego I!
Thank you 🙏✝️
God is interested in our learning forgiveness and letting bitterness go. We look at our lives experiences as I have and have resented some of the evil which was done to me, which also drove me into the arms of Jesus. I have to see His Grace was always greater and let the unforgiveness go.
So now I look at these things more as Christ’s permissive love as these drove me to Him.
I am not Catholic, and find that some of Catholic teachings as unbiblical. I have met both hard hearted Catholics but also those who love Jesus like I do. No matter if we are Catholic or Protestant, we need to repent and to forgive and to love as Jesus taught us.
I do consider prayer as a form of worship in that how can one hear me if they are not in the Trinity? The Bible does not teach prayer to saints but to be inspired by them and their devotion to our Lord Jesus.
Our Lord and St. John the Baptist called us to repentance and to live holy lives. Penance is not repentance but we are called to cease from sin.
It is not a church which saves, it is from the beginning and still is, that we receive Jesus and love others like He did and live our lives in service to Him and to others.
Christine Happy thanksgiving 🦃🦃.
@@erniesandoval9669 thank you so much. Enjoying the day with Jesus.
But Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one goes to the Father except through Me.” How could other religions who do not even recognize Jesus be saved?
But with God all things are possible.
@@InventorKnight they're still getting there through Jesus... just like Moses and the prophets did. They never uttered the name Jesus but got to heaven through Him. It's the same premise.
The key lies in Romans 2. There is recognizing Jesus in a formal sense and recognizing him in a substantive sense. It's not the former who are saved (if that's the only way they "recognize" him), it's the latter.
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not get into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
@DrChristineBacon That was the old covenant. There was no need to utter the name Jesus, as you say, because Jesus is God the word made flesh. So, during the time of Moses and the other prophets, God hadn't revealed Himself as a man yet.
1 Peter 4:6 is the answer to that
Happy Thanksgiving day to you Christine from Oz down under 🇦🇺🙏✝️♥️
@marieclairemaiden7573 thank you! That means a lot to me.
Benedictus Deus. Deo gratias. Admirabilis Nomen Dei 🙏
Christina507... none of this contradicts traditional Catholic Church teaching. Your fear is misguided based on some erroneous misunderstanding or misinterpretation. The facts definitely support what is being read here by Christine, and is a key teaching of Christ in our Church!
I could only guess that this women's writings were banned by the holy office prior to the second vatican council. Rightfully so.
@joshuaMcshamus6722 her writings were not and have not been banned. She has two bishops' approval.
How nice from you😅
Wow, reading the comments... so many of your viewers are ignorant of true Catholic teaching in both the letter and Spirit of the law. They speak in fear, while guising it as virtue and wisdom. Nay... it is true that holiness is subjective and virtuous pagans can out love us despite our objectively supreme religion granted us. Don't fool yourselves. Many have become holy outside the visible walls of the church... and being in love they are inside the invisible walls! Many inside are outside! Let those who have ears hear!
So, no need to "proselytise"?
You better re read scripture! If what you say is true, what is the point of attending Mass if you can go it alone outside the Church? NO, you cannot, Jesus says that “No comes to Father except through Me.” Jesus instituted the Catholic Church made St Peter the first Pope. Someone drawn to Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit REALLY seeking the truth will find themselves in the Catholic Church eventually!
@@KaylynMyName-e5cyou believe this because you were taught this, what do you think God does for people who have not received His words? What about people who have grown up sincerely believing in the false doctrines they have been brought up with? When they die, at their personal judgement, they will be given the chance to accept Jesus, if they choose Him they will be saved... There have been mystic s who have said this... therefore it is true that a very devoted Muslim who believes that they are worshiping the true God can be saved if they accept the truth upon their death...
Doesn't this part contradict the Catholic Dogma of "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"?
Yes. What she said is complete blasphemy
No it isn't. Do you understand the doctrine of no salvation outside of the church? It doesn't mean you have to be a card carrying catholic to obtain salvation- this is actually heresy called feeyneyism. There's 3 types of baptisms: by water, blood or desire. Secondly, invincible ignorance is attached to this doctrine which means not everyone has access to the complete truth which will be taken into judgement. The third point is no salvation outside the church means those who are technically outside of the church only obtain salvation by the grace that comes from the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.
@@camillaway2884 Pages 312-313 of Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma delve into the Catholic Church's teaching on the necessity of the Church for salvation, encapsulated in the doctrine Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus ("Outside the Church, there is no salvation"). Ott discusses the Church's understanding of this doctrine, including the recognition of "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as means by which individuals not formally within the Church can attain salvation. This perspective contrasts with the rigid interpretation known as Feeneyism, which denies the efficacy of these forms of baptism.
@@DarkKnight-bi7cr God can extend his mercy to anyone and the Catechism (and St Paul) warn that only God can judge the heart.
@@DarkKnight-bi7cr It's not. See the catechism. And my additional comment below.
I don’t know how to love people I don’t know well. I’m supposed to love my neighbors but how do I do that when we’re just friendly in passing. Like am I supposed to knock on their door and be like you want any help? Am I supposed to bake stuff and give them some as well? I don’t wish anyone ill, but it’s hard to love people who aren’t close friends or family
Love is not a "warm, fuzzy feeling", it's a firm disposition to seek the true good of others. Turn your heart in that direction for the people around you you do know and this will start to "spill over" into your attitude toward total strangers eventually.
Pamela, I don't know the answer.
I know we're called to pray for them; I believe the Holy Spirit will lead you.
I live in the boonies in my state & have neighbors who have struggles drug use etc. Aside from sometimes being concerned for my safety I knew I needed to keep praying & we need discernment.
I've been led to give one neighbor a meal at Christmas & I know it wasn't inspired by me. That's when I prayed for guidance. Another neighbor who seemed like a very grumpy old man who would pound on my window or door to ask me what day it was led to an unexpected change in my usual routine. Last year he asked me to call an ambulance for him which I did; he never made it back home but he was hospitalized for awhile. In my concern I found out what hospital he was in & visited.
He was very surprised. Later as he was moved to a nursing home for hospice care I continued to visit for over 8 months. This his elderly man wasn't much older than me in his 80s & it was a challenge some days to go. I shared with my priest how I knew I was supposed to visit but I really didn't want to at times, he said to pray a Hail Mary everyday I planned to go. I started looking forward to going even began visiting with others there. I was the only visitor of my neighbor as he never married & had a nephew out of state. My neighbor passed away on a day I was bringing his favorite treats. I cried. I've been visiting other residents there & shed more tears along the way but am so grateful to be blessed by praying with them & just being present. Our Lady found a way for me to be blessed & look for ways to be a blessing. Pray & ask. 💕🙏
Actually, you are loving them with your greeting.
I wish my neighbors would greet me.
Someone greater than me said, “We need not do great things, but rather small things with great love.”
@@dloveofgod8269 BEAUTIFUL....And, yes, you do know the answer. You just detailed it for us. :)
Prayer for strangers, helping someone with directions to get to someplace, helping an old woman across the street, sharing your lunch with a stranger are all acts of love and charity.
The truth of the matter is, anyone can claim to be Catholic mystic and can write a book. We as Catholic should be careful whom to believe.
Simma mentions "threats", what does that have to do with recovering catholics though?
I strongly believe that all holy souls become our one family automatically. Full stop☘️
Im pretty sure there is video whete Christine talks about thevfollowing case of two souls that Maria Simma learned about by request of some people trying to test her:
One soul was a woman who was sinful and died when being hit by a train.
The other one was a priest that everybody in his parish considered holy.
The priest was in purgatory for a long time (not sure if till the end of times and deep in purgatory) because he refused to say a mass for the woman hit by tbe train as she was sinful or was not catholic, dont remember but so.ething like that.
The woman went straight to heaven (no purgatory at all) because, and i can't stress this enough, she said when she realized she was being hit by the train "at least I will not offend you more", not because she repented but because she said that.
Let's assumed that she repented when saying that; however, does that not contradict the teaching of the Church that we have to pay in purgatory for our sins anyways?
I mean, she did not die in state of grace. That raised my doubts on Maria Simma although it may have been that it was not actual souls purgatory talking to her about that specific case.
No one but God knows the state of her soul upon death. Perfect contrition eliminates all need for Purgatory. She may have been given that grace (presumably due to the prayers of others) in the final moments of her life.
Which document of the Church or where in Scripture says that perfect contrition eliminates all need of purgatory?
@@jaime101sv CCC 1452 and Luke 23:39-43.
CCC 1452 does not even mention purgatory, so it does not support your statement that perfect contrition eliminates the need of purgatory.
Regarding the good thief (Luke 23:39-43), his case is what Protestants use to refute the existence of purgatory. Therefore, t is important to clarify what "paradise" means, so I am pasting here a text from a website called catholicexchange regarding the good thief (they have a broader explanation regarding how Protestants use this case to refute Catholic doctrine, but this part addresses your claim):
As it is said, the Bible must be read as a whole not fragmented in order to understand meanings. That is why Catholic Bibles have references and comments.
So, the good thief case neither address your statement.
What happens if our brother and sisters don’t believe in Purgatory so they don’t pray for their love ones ? What happens to the Protestant soul in Purgatory?
There has never been any credible evidence to prove there is an after life or locations like heaven. It's all supernatural nonsense. Good luck my friend.
@@glendanikolakakos7431 that's why WE need to pray for them! Too many will languish there without our assistance.
Most of the people in hell did not believe in hell: (Mama Mary to the children at Fatima.)
Protestants, Jews and Muslims go straight to heaven. Catholics spend years in Purgatory! It’s our belief. Read the book!
Christine, are you able to delete posts under your videos?
@@gregchrysostom2193 i can. Why?
@@DrChristineBacon Im just curious... Over the past many months, Ive seen several posts (my own and others) spontaneously disappear after posting - under multiple videos, not just yours. I was just curious if content creators were able to delete comments in the first place or if this was strictly RUclips's prerogative.
@gregchrysostom2193 we are able to, but I only delete comments from salespeople and bots.
@@DrChristineBacon Ok. I havent suspected that you've deleted any of the posts that have disappeared here. Its just that they're disappearing for no good reason (and at suspicious moments). Rather than blindly point fingers, Im just doing some investigating; trying to figure out who ACTUALLY has the power to delete posts (or highlight them) in the first place...
@@DrChristineBacon Quick update. It appears that, at least in some instances, posts are not being "deleted", they're being reported. (For absolutely no reason other than to harass.) I think RUclips later reviews them and a lot of them pop back up eventually...Just annoying to have to sit there and wonder when your perfectly acceptable post disappears for a bit....
Wow! The folks talking to Maria Simms were followers of the Vatican II religion! Too bad that doesn't make sense. God won't violate His own First Commandment.
Maria simma was a witch don’t believe all the hype
Just arguing from the other point of view, according to this book, if it is so much harder for Catholics to get to heaven, for the sake of logic, why would anyone become Catholic? Why did Our Lord give us the Sacraments? For us to just have something to do? And why did all the Apostles except one die a martyr's death as well as thousands of other Saints so they could convert people to the One True Faith? There is such a thing as Baptism by desire but it is harder to have that than it seems. People don't bother trashing me in the comments. This book contradicts Catholic dogmatic teaching. Let's go back to St. Frances of Rome or St. Catherine of Genoa.
@kathleenprice662 I think something is misunderstood here. We become Catholic because it's the truest path to Christ, and He calls us to it. But what makes it harder is Jesus' words "To whom much is given, much will be expected." Many so-called Catholics have no idea what their faith teaches and live according to their own desires. Think of those so-called Catholic politicians (like that guy who sits in our presidential office) who are rabidly pro-abortion. They will be judged more harshly than peo-aborts from other religions or those who'd never heard the truths of the Catholic faith. Take advantage of all the graces the Catholic Church has to offer, and it's EASIER for you to get to heaven!
Reginaz8w.... belief means nothing without Love. That's Corinthians, but also look at Satan who quoted scripture and demons who knew Jesus was Lord and he told them to shut up! He points to His Sacred Heart... not a pulled open forehead with a "sacred brain"
Where is Jesus and all this when he says I am the way the life and the truth and uncle father except through me
Read Romans 2 (and 3:1-3) and tell me?
You are correct. Rejection of Jesus as God is a violation of the first commandment.
What happened to Jesus saying.... "no one comes to the Father but through me" ?
God… show us if this woman is from the enemy..
@Janet_sky but since she has the approval of three bishops...
Why the Lady is always on the side of Muslims ? She was also with Vitka (Medjugorje seer). Islam is an ANTI-CHRISTIAN religion see their Apocalypse version. Then how can we believe this visions are Holy ??
@Nola-2000 it's presumptive of you to say she's always "on the side" of Muslims. She loves all of her children and just because she says anything living about them does not negate the truth of Catholicism and her Son.
@DrChristineBacon Ok but maybe doing our rosaries everyday don't make us holier.
@@DrChristineBacon And how to explain the bible verses about salvation through Christ alone ? Have they been misinterpreted ?
@@DrChristineBacon And what does it says about our confessions ? Aren't we made pure and holy after each one ? So how is a non catholic holier when a practicing catholic cleanse himself through reconcilation ?
@Nola-2000 I don't believe they are. You must be misinterpreting this.
It's really not. To say that all religions are equal is heresy. (And not what Maria was saying.) To say that non-Catholics can receive a lot of God's grace too is not. Read your catechism, my friend. (And Romans 2.)
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me. They still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven not one.
Rad trad ?
Heretic modernist??
Now, this doesn't sound real after all
Why do you say that?
If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
I was brought up Catholic and this book and Medjugorie are making me question the Church. We are all saved! Why am I breaking my neck getting to Mass every Sunday? It’s crazy. The Protestants don’t have to go and they are saved not believing in the Eucharist.
@francescaderimini2931 Nothing in this video came close to implying that we are all saved! How did you even get that? If anything, she keeps talking about how we have to work our backsides off in order to gain our salvation that Jesus won for us. Yes, we have to choose Jesus, but then we have to work to constantly stay in His will. We can not judge how or why the Lord allows someone from another religion into heaven. But you also have no idea if when the Lord called him or her home, they didn't see Jesus on the way there and choose Him. These blanket assumptions that people can worship in another religion and then nonchalantly know that they'll have their salvation is what's troubling. This video doesn't imply any of that. It just makes us understand that God is mysterious, but we must still work to get as many people as we can into the Catholic church, where one hundred percent of truth lies.
No way. Poor Maria is being deceived by Satan's minions.
Medjugorje is a false apparition. Simma may not have known that.
@clarekuehn4372 not according to the Vatican and all the fruit is produced. The Vatican gave or the nihil obstacles in 2024 so Maria is spot on.
The Church just recently fully approved Medjugorje.
Well now I know not to buy this book or listen to this series anymore! Mary saying some other religions are ok!?!? Are you crazy??? Tsk tsk Christine!
@mlg9024 she NEVER said other religions are "Ok". You need to listen with discerning ears. She said there will be people there FROM other religions but you have ZERO idea if they accepted Jesus when they meet Him as they were dying or what other graces the Lord granted. The ONLY way to heaven is THROUGH Jesus. Your scope is too narrow. Don't limit God.
There is no salvationtion outside the Catholic church. That is an infallible dogma..
True. I always understood that , when Catholics pray the divine mercy chaplet, fast and do penance and other prayers for the whole world , God applies that to whoever he sees fit whatever religion they may be following.
Look at the structure of the Divine Mercy Chaplet .
@amymargesonia9228 Devine mercy was placed on the forbidden index by PiusXII. Do not expect it to work what so even. It is bound in heaven also. The false church of Vatican II is not the Catholic church. JPII did HAVE THE POWER TO not have the power to unbind the devotion.
That’s rediculous
Y r u putting gods mercy in a box? Sad. My comment will not change ur mind.
@@AlanThomas-hp3fn invincible ignorance is not a new teaching.
The litmus test of any private revelation (to test the spirit - good spirit, bad spirit, human spirit): does it contradict Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium? These so call revelations from purgatory sound like that are revelations from hell. Woe is me!
@christina507 This does not contradict scripture.
They dont contradict Scripture or the Magisterium. "No salvation outside the Church" means outside union with Christ. What does Romans 2 suggest about union with Christ?
@@gregchrysostom2193 If God Chooses, he can reveal himself at the hour of death if they truly tried to love God. Still, they're not getting into heaven unless they accept Jesus fully as God and receives remission of sins and drop their pagan religions in other words, they become Christian fully. You are correct: No one goes to the Father except through Me they still have to be converted by Jesus directly. There's no Hindu, Muslim, bundist or new ager in heaven.
Our best bet is to hold fast to what the scripture and catechism teaches. We live in deceitful times. Be careful.
@@johnknight2012 Where does Church teaching suggest there is a theology test to get into Heaven? Why do we think it's ultimately about belief, rather than charity? What does Romans 2 tell us about belief?
The only book you should be reading is the Bible. This book is nonsense.
@@teresa19716 THAT'S nonsense! That's induced ignorance. The bible itself says that we should do that, which he spoke of in writing and orally. He did not intend for us to learn only that which was in the bible.
Does the Bible say the only book we should be reading is the Bible?
Its called "knowledge" - the Apostle Peter said to you to add your faith with knowledge ( 2 Peter 1:5 )
1. the bible says that once you die, you can't come back. hebrews 9:27. 2. jesus said " I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the father but by me. john 14:6. therefore catholicism is a false religion. 3. the devil comes as an angel of light to deceive people. 2 corinthians 11:14. the visions of mary are demonic or just made up. 4. people are never saved by works. ephesians 2:8-10. 5. everyone already knows what's right and wrong internally. romans 1 :18-20, romans 2: 14-16. 5. there is no purgatory. it was invented by the catholic church in 1274 in lyon. 6. transubstantiation was invented by the catholic church in 1215 at the 4th lateran council. 7. the office of pope was invented by the catholic church. there is nothing in the bible that says that the apostle peter had a successer. the only authority is the bible, not the made up nonsense of catholicism.
You sound like Pope Francis. "All religions are a means to God." We should listen to the authentic magisterium of the church not to a soul from the land of the dead! Discern! Discern!! Discern!!!
Where did this 'Purgatory' thing came from?
Not the Bible.
I will also Share with Family and Friends too.🕊️💖🙏🪔🕯️🕯️🕯️