During her first streams, you can tell she was trying so hard to lean into the very cutesy voice but blatant crudeness for shock value. Very endearing looking back 2 years, haha.
"I hate with a passion the people - I almost called them something else..." You can tell she was holding back the Pipkin so hard in her early streams haha
Oh yes, as a long suffering Pokémon fan with actual standards, I feel this on a spiritual level! So many of their games could be vastly improved with things that would take very little effort to fix. The thing is though, it isn't just the fact that the devs don't have enough time. They're also actively making dumb decisions that have nothing to do with saving time. The biggest example of this is not letting you turn off the EXP share mechanic. You could literally do this in previous games and they actively chose to remove it. They don't want you to be able to make their games harder, for some reason, despite how much of their fanbase is made up of adults nowadays. Adding difficultly levels would require some extra effort and dev time, but porting over the mechanic to turn off the EXP share would take like 5 minutes. That's not cutting corners, that's stupid dev decisions. Giving them more time would fix some of the issues with the newer games, but it wouldn't fix the fundamental problem that Gamefreak are completely out of touch with their fanbase, and either don't know or don't care what they want. So don't let Gamefreak off the hook, because it's not all a result of unreasonable deadlines.
ESG be like: You HAVE to have minorities and make them superior to white, women can’t be sexualized, you must agree to put our radical politics into your story, minorities can’t lose to whites, men aren’t allowed to be strong, women can only be stronger than men, you must support socialism (terrible system), you can’t portray rich people as nice, you can’t make men eat food, white men aren’t allowed to breathe, white men aren’t allowed to speak, they also can’t move, minorities should break the space time continuum, you should put a message to “make autism LGBT” even if it has nothing to do with anything, autistic people must be super geniuses as well, and lastly, but most importantly, you can’t have regional culture overseas.
This is what happens when companies don't have any real competition, they don't innovate because everyone will buy their product anyway. It doesn't help that fans just keep buying every new game. Boycotts are too difficult to organize successfully, especially against something so loved as Pokemon. Actually putting effort into the development cuts into investor and executive patience and deadlines. They aren't making the next chapter in the franchise, they're making the next paycheck.
Then hope and, perhaps even, purchase games of potential rival ip's like palworld and others. Digimon has accepted their place as second fiddle so I don't think they could work evem of their games began to get legitimately better.
The thing is Gamefreak doesn't really care if old fans are bored with pokemon. They market to the new generations who eat up the cute animals and bright colors, no matter how uninspired the designs are.
The worst part is that they leave things that are already made go unused when the whole point of making the character 3D was in order to be able to reuse assets.
Look at Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Sure, that game does not have nearly as many monsters BUT every single digimon has animations specific to each one of them (idle, generic attack, signature attack 1 and 2, critical hit received, entrance animation, victory animation and a few more). On top of the fact the game is fairly voice acted throughout its entire progression as well... why can't gamefreak just invest more in their games quality? They aren't some random indie studio.
@@AzeharaCh I want to believe it's realizing just the suits going "we must ship it now" than pure lazyness but the national dex fiasco doesn't help my case. Game freak needs like 3-5 to make a new Pokémon game for the switch.
I think I know the kind of system Pippa speaks of. Monster Hunter: World uses a similar system, where monsters of similar general body types share basic animations (e.g. Dodogama & G. Jagras, Pukei-Pukei & Legiana, Anjanath & Rabodaan), while having enough unique animations of their own. This kind of skeleton/animation system is presents an intimidating effort and investment, but if the dev team goes through with it, it will MASSIVELY lessen the amount of needless drudgery of trying to animate every little thing, no matter how small. That said, I think the opportunity for Nintendo to let Game Freak develop such a system has passed. The variety of body types among Pokemon has become even wider than the likes of even Monster Hunter. With how many pokemon there are now, the aforementioned effort and investment has gone from "intimidating" to "nigh-insurmountable".
That right there!?! Your point is definitely valid and so is Pippa's. Monster Hunter World made a ALOT of money for Capcom. I guarantee, that the rest of the games that came out afterwards were funded by the money it pulled, but of course, as people often do, they forget. Ask anyone about monster hunter, let alone monster hunter world or rise. People probably today will go, "What's monster hunter?" People forget that they forget and don't do proper research.
In terms of why they didnt animate, that might come down to a lot of unforseen problems with programming and they no longer have Sataro Iwata (certainly spelled this wrong) to save them. Some of these new programmers dont even know the basics in condensing the data. In one of their games after his death, each character model of lets say a bug catcher had its own model instead of all of them drawing from the same model. Individual levels had the same problems of tiles drawing from data unique to it rather than one common source, leading to the game filling with identical repeated grass tile data etc. Iwata saved a number of the 2d pokemon games from this disaster. They also are working on Nintendo's operating system which is quite alien from Microsoft's or Apple's and most people are not as mentally agile as the programmers of old. When the last Sonic game made for Nintendo was released, The developers were apparently not informed until too late that their project was a Nintendo exclusive. This meant they had to rapidly port their work to Nintendo's operating system and adapt it to the OS and its hardware which are both quite alien to Microsoft's OS. Another thing to consider is problems can also occur in terms of bureaucratic management, leading to not enough personnel time or resources being devoted to animation and the problems that it may cause to other aspects of the game. There also could have been an attempt made at animating that became a programing disaster that had to be removed from the game, leaving them with no time to start over. Will be interesting to see what the real reason is for sure.
Boycotting on a personal or organized level is okay but it's more important to support the games that are doing better or trying something new. Even if Pokemon never improves you can enjoy other monster collecting RPGs that put in the effort Gamefreak can't / don't
@@riskvideos Not sure, it looks ambitious but I'm worried it will end up losing its appeal quickly. I've been enjoying Siralim Ultimate because you can theorycraft a lot of crazy comps.
As a lifelong Pokémon fan, it pains me to see what has happened to the series. It went from “guys, we need to rewrite Gen 2’s code so we can include Kanto. This is non-negotiable” to “yeah we didn’t include the Battle Frontier in ORAS because kids’ attention spans are too short”. That second one is actually the claim made by Masuda, by the way. I didn’t make that up. It’s probably just BS to cover up for not having enough dev time, but that’s besides the point. I consider Gen 1-5 to be true Pokémon. If you haven’t played at least one game from that group, you’re not allowed to have opinions on the series and it’s development. I know that Gen 5 was controversial, but it still mostly held to the original Pokemon “spirit” (I think BW are mid at best, but BW2 are great). Gen 6-7 is 3D Pokémon: not as good, but serviceable in spite of their flaws. XY were way too easy, but they were very fun for what they were. And I can’t dislike the games that gave us Mega Evolution! ORAS would’ve been great if Emerald didn’t exist. Emerald exists, so ORAS is decent. Gen 7 is just ok. Everything after Gen 7 (with the exception of Legends: Arceus) is an insult to what came before. No National Dex, recycled animations, boring and non-memorable characters (ScVi had a few decent characters to be fair), and such a ridiculously low difficulty that it makes XY look like Fromsoft games. Oh, and the whole not being finished thing. Such vile design practices being employed by Game Freak and TPCi in recent years. I’m praying that a game-breaking glitch occurs during the World Championship finals match to get as many eyes on it as possible. Just to utterly humiliate GF and TPCi for their unacceptable refusal to make anything worth playing for more than 5 minutes.
We all know the representative of the developers LIED specifically with the intent to dismiss questioning customers. They said that the developers can't add the rest of the pokemon because they don't have the development time or resources to make the models, but we can demonstrably show that the existing models of older Pokemon are just copies from a previous game with no attempt to do any new modelling or animating. At most, to add the missing Pokemon was simple data entry work that The Pokemon Company refused to do for any other purpose which can lead into speculation. Maybe there are legit reasons like wanting to revise the move pools of missing pokemon at a later date or introduce new forms in an upcoming DLC based on some of those missing Pokémon, but instead of saying anything like that, they decided specifically to lie about it. That's the worst god damn shit they could do.
Pretty sure they do group moves by body types, I have seen hydro pump/scald coming off some Pokemon not from their mouth, probably because they are grouped into a body type that is not fully matching with the sprite but is "close enough." But regarding the quality issues, it's unfortunate that Pokemon has to follow the current trend of releasing an almost complete game early and then fix stuff later with updates and DLC. It's just more cost effective. In scarlet and violet the online battles had one stadium for the first couple of months (just the school playground) but now it's updated to include 4-5 backgrounds I believe.
I’m sure they do that for some Pokémon, but not for the moneymakers. Pokémon like Charizard, Lucario, etc. will always have at least one special animation to incentivize their use and propel sales further.
Honestly they had some good attack animations back when they use Sprites, Roar of time looked great in Platinum, HGSS Outrage was amazing in BW2 with all the cool Flames
3-D digimon games (and survive, which is more 2.3 D) have been doing this for years now, they have no excuse at this point. Also, the reason why Sega doesn’t do cease-and-desist on sonic games, because they use sonic as a front to foster goodwill, not forget the own Atlas and I’m sure i don’t have to remind persona fans in the room the absolute moon logic that is their stream rules and their absolute blood lust for anyone who doesn’t follow them
Here I go again making another pokemon rant. It's wild to me that people actually defend the current state of the pokemon franchise. They're just as consoomer as the Call of Duty fandom at this point. If I were to "fix" the franchise, I would do this: - program every pokemon (and moves) into the game (mainly all of the final evolutions and like 1/3 of the prior evolutions for some pokemon's evolution lines) - actually have an engaging storyline throughout the entire game (pokemon games lack a plot that has something at stake, gen 5 is a good example of that kind of idea but lots of JRPGs and other story-based games handled that way better and way earlier, like Nier Automata, the Yakuza games, and older SquareEnix games) - implement back the minigames, like Pokemon Contests or the Pokeathlon from HGSS - have a side story kind of like Yakuza 0's Cabaret Club for Majima, linked to said minigames like the Pokeathlon and Pokemon Contests, and actually reward the player for playing it throughout the player's main campaign - side quests that are actually trackable and involved in the main plot, Nier Automata is a good example of how many side quests actually are connected to the main plot - actual voice acting. need I say more? - gameplay changes like having 2-3 pokemon at once during battle, more horde battles that have many various wild pokemon in one encounter (many, if not all RPGs had this, in fact it was standard), moves are interchangeable with the 4 move slots without needing a special item/npc - trainer classes that give different buffs for which one you pick, like being an ace, ranger, breeder, etc (aka final fantasy job system but for perks) There's so much TPCI could do to improve the franchise, but if people keep buying shitty games resulting in high gain with low profit, why improve? I don't blame them one bit, but that doesn't mean I would defend them for their decisions on not improving the franchise. Almost every Nintendo IP had its best selling title on the switch, why isn't pokemon doing the same thing? I bought a switch hoping that the pokemon games on it would keep me engaged, but with the switch generation being the absolute worst for pokemon games, it's literally keeping me from actually playing the damn thing and I end up playing more ps1 and ps2 games altogether (and honestly it's for the best currently)
I find it odd that almost no one ever mentions, that despite the titanic rise in sales other Nintendo IPs got on the Switch, Pokémon's sales have pretty much stayed exactly the same. What's even more strange about the sales, is when you consider that we're in a post Pokémon GO world, with millions of fans introduced, or re-introduced to the series. So what I'm saying (And what you're saying, If I read that last paragraph correctly), is that the negative buzz surrounding the games, actually has more of an impact than most people think.
Look at Iceborne. Capcom is able to add Nargacuga, Barioth, and Tigrex with the same skeleton, which means less work as they just have to tweak how the skeleton moves and make them feel different enough even if they all have the same shape, which means more monsters in the game for less development time. They're not making each similar monster from scratch because they aren't stupid like Gamefreak.
Gamefreak has become lazy and complacent with pokemon because they know it will sell and make huge profits no matter how dogshit it is. Just look at scarlet and violet.
Oh, hey it's Gen 8. I have a weird issue with that gen, in that I absolutely did not enjoy Sword and Shield or The Crown Tundra (I kinda like Isle of Armor a bit) But I have to give credit where it's due: it has my favorite gym theme and I like every single Pokemon design for this Gen. It's like the opposite of Gen 7 for me, they felt way more complete, but apart from a few standouts, I didn't like a lot of the Pokemon designs.
I agree with pippa except for the continue buying the game while still expecting Pokemon to change since yes investor has the biggest say on the franchise but the only language investors speak is money so if you want pokemon to change then speak with your wallet
The entire reason pokemon games have dropped off in quality is because GameFreak is convinced it can continue to creates its games with smaller than average teams. That said…I honestly think with how animation ai is going it probably would be possible to easily animate individual attack animations for all pokemon
@@AzeharaChyes, but you can also pick up not-vulpix and use it as a flamethrower under your arm. Also I’m pretty sure I saw at least one literal unaltered pokemon in there I don’t think it’ll last a week once Nintendo sniffs it out
Rant as epic as the music.
Zozo's a helluva town.
During her first streams, you can tell she was trying so hard to lean into the very cutesy voice but blatant crudeness for shock value. Very endearing looking back 2 years, haha.
"I hate with a passion the people - I almost called them something else..." You can tell she was holding back the Pipkin so hard in her early streams haha
That vintage cute Pippa voice.
...such bait. Proud of her.
This is golden. The real Pippa was fighting hard to get out. You can see her fighting that demon on stream. Lmfao
those "vrrrrrrrrr" are too cute for my heart x)
(p.s. lmao the wipe animation gets me, Azehara-san spoiling us with the edits :D)
Oh yes, as a long suffering Pokémon fan with actual standards, I feel this on a spiritual level! So many of their games could be vastly improved with things that would take very little effort to fix. The thing is though, it isn't just the fact that the devs don't have enough time. They're also actively making dumb decisions that have nothing to do with saving time. The biggest example of this is not letting you turn off the EXP share mechanic. You could literally do this in previous games and they actively chose to remove it. They don't want you to be able to make their games harder, for some reason, despite how much of their fanbase is made up of adults nowadays. Adding difficultly levels would require some extra effort and dev time, but porting over the mechanic to turn off the EXP share would take like 5 minutes. That's not cutting corners, that's stupid dev decisions. Giving them more time would fix some of the issues with the newer games, but it wouldn't fix the fundamental problem that Gamefreak are completely out of touch with their fanbase, and either don't know or don't care what they want. So don't let Gamefreak off the hook, because it's not all a result of unreasonable deadlines.
Such a young yabbit. Oh, how she'll grow...
You could see the gremlin starting to break free.
Can't deny what Pippa said about investors. (F**king Blackrock and their ESG credit scores)
ESG be like: You HAVE to have minorities and make them superior to white, women can’t be sexualized, you must agree to put our radical politics into your story, minorities can’t lose to whites, men aren’t allowed to be strong, women can only be stronger than men, you must support socialism (terrible system), you can’t portray rich people as nice, you can’t make men eat food, white men aren’t allowed to breathe, white men aren’t allowed to speak, they also can’t move, minorities should break the space time continuum, you should put a message to “make autism LGBT” even if it has nothing to do with anything, autistic people must be super geniuses as well, and lastly, but most importantly, you can’t have regional culture overseas.
She was redpilled even back then
This is what happens when companies don't have any real competition, they don't innovate because everyone will buy their product anyway. It doesn't help that fans just keep buying every new game. Boycotts are too difficult to organize successfully, especially against something so loved as Pokemon. Actually putting effort into the development cuts into investor and executive patience and deadlines. They aren't making the next chapter in the franchise, they're making the next paycheck.
Sometimes its hard to dethrone a game that has been around for almost 3 decades.
@@AzeharaCh The only thing I have left to say is "It is what it is."
Then hope and, perhaps even, purchase games of potential rival ip's like palworld and others. Digimon has accepted their place as second fiddle so I don't think they could work evem of their games began to get legitimately better.
The thing is Gamefreak doesn't really care if old fans are bored with pokemon. They market to the new generations who eat up the cute animals and bright colors, no matter how uninspired the designs are.
@@Rigor_v True
1. I love Pokemon Games
2. Pippa is not wrong about them and Game Freak
3. Pippa is absolutely wrong about how dumb people can be!
#3 She was still trying to be seiso
The worst part is that they leave things that are already made go unused when the whole point of making the character 3D was in order to be able to reuse assets.
Look at Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Sure, that game does not have nearly as many monsters BUT every single digimon has animations specific to each one of them (idle, generic attack, signature attack 1 and 2, critical hit received, entrance animation, victory animation and a few more). On top of the fact the game is fairly voice acted throughout its entire progression as well... why can't gamefreak just invest more in their games quality? They aren't some random indie studio.
"game freak really need to give their pokemon division actual dev time"
- every old pokemon fan for the last 2 gens
It hurts. Every game has a few good things but everything else is just lazy.
The 5 in your comment is upside-down
@@AzeharaCh I want to believe it's realizing just the suits going "we must ship it now" than pure lazyness but the national dex fiasco doesn't help my case.
Game freak needs like 3-5 to make a new Pokémon game for the switch.
I remember all the animations from Pokémon Stadium days. The Pokémon seemed way more lively back then.
oh the legendary scuffed mic of pippa, i knew about this legend on the records of pippakistan
Ah, the way Capcom handles monsters in monster hunter. That would make sense.
Pippa struggling to hide her power level
My timeline stay blessed with fresh bnuuy content
God bless this girl
Her leaning Power is so much stronger here.
They should hire Pippa as attack sound
She's really good at it
11:47 I do not consent to my chat shitposting getting highlighted! You will be hearing from my lawyers!
Fuck you james. Your lawers have no power over me.
@@AzeharaCh I'll send in detectives! I'll send in police! I'll send in everything in my power! Get everything off the Internet now now now NOW!
I think I know the kind of system Pippa speaks of. Monster Hunter: World uses a similar system, where monsters of similar general body types share basic animations (e.g. Dodogama & G. Jagras, Pukei-Pukei & Legiana, Anjanath & Rabodaan), while having enough unique animations of their own. This kind of skeleton/animation system is presents an intimidating effort and investment, but if the dev team goes through with it, it will MASSIVELY lessen the amount of needless drudgery of trying to animate every little thing, no matter how small.
That said, I think the opportunity for Nintendo to let Game Freak develop such a system has passed. The variety of body types among Pokemon has become even wider than the likes of even Monster Hunter. With how many pokemon there are now, the aforementioned effort and investment has gone from "intimidating" to "nigh-insurmountable".
That right there!?! Your point is definitely valid and so is Pippa's. Monster Hunter World made a ALOT of money for Capcom.
I guarantee, that the rest of the games that came out afterwards were funded by the money it pulled, but of course, as people often do, they forget. Ask anyone about monster hunter, let alone monster hunter world or rise. People probably today will go, "What's monster hunter?" People forget that they forget and don't do proper research.
In terms of why they didnt animate, that might come down to a lot of unforseen problems with programming and they no longer have Sataro Iwata (certainly spelled this wrong) to save them. Some of these new programmers dont even know the basics in condensing the data. In one of their games after his death, each character model of lets say a bug catcher had its own model instead of all of them drawing from the same model. Individual levels had the same problems of tiles drawing from data unique to it rather than one common source, leading to the game filling with identical repeated grass tile data etc. Iwata saved a number of the 2d pokemon games from this disaster.
They also are working on Nintendo's operating system which is quite alien from Microsoft's or Apple's and most people are not as mentally agile as the programmers of old. When the last Sonic game made for Nintendo was released, The developers were apparently not informed until too late that their project was a Nintendo exclusive. This meant they had to rapidly port their work to Nintendo's operating system and adapt it to the OS and its hardware which are both quite alien to Microsoft's OS.
Another thing to consider is problems can also occur in terms of bureaucratic management, leading to not enough personnel time or resources being devoted to animation and the problems that it may cause to other aspects of the game. There also could have been an attempt made at animating that became a programing disaster that had to be removed from the game, leaving them with no time to start over. Will be interesting to see what the real reason is for sure.
Boycotting on a personal or organized level is okay but it's more important to support the games that are doing better or trying something new. Even if Pokemon never improves you can enjoy other monster collecting RPGs that put in the effort Gamefreak can't / don't
You down for PalWorld?
@@riskvideos Not sure, it looks ambitious but I'm worried it will end up losing its appeal quickly. I've been enjoying Siralim Ultimate because you can theorycraft a lot of crazy comps.
Oh my gosh she was based from the start!?
This is the middle ground Pippa between debut and today's Pippa lol
This was 3 weeks in.
@@AzeharaCh Woah, the mask lasted quite a bit.
@@BananaHoardX The gremlin was yearning for blood.
As a lifelong Pokémon fan, it pains me to see what has happened to the series. It went from “guys, we need to rewrite Gen 2’s code so we can include Kanto. This is non-negotiable” to “yeah we didn’t include the Battle Frontier in ORAS because kids’ attention spans are too short”. That second one is actually the claim made by Masuda, by the way. I didn’t make that up. It’s probably just BS to cover up for not having enough dev time, but that’s besides the point.
I consider Gen 1-5 to be true Pokémon. If you haven’t played at least one game from that group, you’re not allowed to have opinions on the series and it’s development. I know that Gen 5 was controversial, but it still mostly held to the original Pokemon “spirit” (I think BW are mid at best, but BW2 are great).
Gen 6-7 is 3D Pokémon: not as good, but serviceable in spite of their flaws. XY were way too easy, but they were very fun for what they were. And I can’t dislike the games that gave us Mega Evolution! ORAS would’ve been great if Emerald didn’t exist. Emerald exists, so ORAS is decent. Gen 7 is just ok.
Everything after Gen 7 (with the exception of Legends: Arceus) is an insult to what came before. No National Dex, recycled animations, boring and non-memorable characters (ScVi had a few decent characters to be fair), and such a ridiculously low difficulty that it makes XY look like Fromsoft games. Oh, and the whole not being finished thing. Such vile design practices being employed by Game Freak and TPCi in recent years. I’m praying that a game-breaking glitch occurs during the World Championship finals match to get as many eyes on it as possible. Just to utterly humiliate GF and TPCi for their unacceptable refusal to make anything worth playing for more than 5 minutes.
I wish Pippa would do a stream with her old mic. This voice is super cute.
The voice finally died when she lost her front tooth
personally i want the mcdonalds' bathroom mic from the it takes two stream
@@AzeharaChJesus. The first missing front tooth stream was legendary.
@@Scruffy72whistling missing tooth Pippa age.
She has that filter that makes her sound like she's talking shit on Xbox live lol
Wow she sounds so wholesome. I should watch for wholesome content and nothing else...
Never forget what Yabai pipkin took from us 😔
We all know the representative of the developers LIED specifically with the intent to dismiss questioning customers. They said that the developers can't add the rest of the pokemon because they don't have the development time or resources to make the models, but we can demonstrably show that the existing models of older Pokemon are just copies from a previous game with no attempt to do any new modelling or animating.
At most, to add the missing Pokemon was simple data entry work that The Pokemon Company refused to do for any other purpose which can lead into speculation. Maybe there are legit reasons like wanting to revise the move pools of missing pokemon at a later date or introduce new forms in an upcoming DLC based on some of those missing Pokémon, but instead of saying anything like that, they decided specifically to lie about it. That's the worst god damn shit they could do.
I believe it was a mistranslation and worded in a way that could be misconstrued
Ah, the bad audio quality and the fake cutesy voice, truly a blast from the past. She was entertaining back then, but she's even better now.
Pretty sure they do group moves by body types, I have seen hydro pump/scald coming off some Pokemon not from their mouth, probably because they are grouped into a body type that is not fully matching with the sprite but is "close enough." But regarding the quality issues, it's unfortunate that Pokemon has to follow the current trend of releasing an almost complete game early and then fix stuff later with updates and DLC. It's just more cost effective. In scarlet and violet the online battles had one stadium for the first couple of months (just the school playground) but now it's updated to include 4-5 backgrounds I believe.
I’m sure they do that for some Pokémon, but not for the moneymakers. Pokémon like Charizard, Lucario, etc. will always have at least one special animation to incentivize their use and propel sales further.
last pippa stream was so long we are doing memorial videos of her with old content
Squeegee edit on point 😂
5:31 You missed an "oof". 😁
This will be the new game to play with my clips. Find all of the OOFs i miss.
Honestly they had some good attack animations back when they use Sprites, Roar of time looked great in Platinum, HGSS
Outrage was amazing in BW2 with all the cool Flames
I mean stadium had decent animations.
@@AzeharaCh I love Venasaur’s blood shot eyes after using solar beam
Battle revolution is by far the best game graphically. And pokepark was creative, but now those are relics of a forgotten age. Never to be revisited
I love her sound effects so much
3-D digimon games (and survive, which is more 2.3 D) have been doing this for years now, they have no excuse at this point.
Also, the reason why Sega doesn’t do cease-and-desist on sonic games, because they use sonic as a front to foster goodwill, not forget the own Atlas and I’m sure i don’t have to remind persona fans in the room the absolute moon logic that is their stream rules and their absolute blood lust for anyone who doesn’t follow them
Here I go again making another pokemon rant. It's wild to me that people actually defend the current state of the pokemon franchise. They're just as consoomer as the Call of Duty fandom at this point.
If I were to "fix" the franchise, I would do this:
- program every pokemon (and moves) into the game (mainly all of the final evolutions and like 1/3 of the prior evolutions for some pokemon's evolution lines)
- actually have an engaging storyline throughout the entire game (pokemon games lack a plot that has something at stake, gen 5 is a good example of that kind of idea but lots of JRPGs and other story-based games handled that way better and way earlier, like Nier Automata, the Yakuza games, and older SquareEnix games)
- implement back the minigames, like Pokemon Contests or the Pokeathlon from HGSS
- have a side story kind of like Yakuza 0's Cabaret Club for Majima, linked to said minigames like the Pokeathlon and Pokemon Contests, and actually reward the player for playing it throughout the player's main campaign
- side quests that are actually trackable and involved in the main plot, Nier Automata is a good example of how many side quests actually are connected to the main plot
- actual voice acting. need I say more?
- gameplay changes like having 2-3 pokemon at once during battle, more horde battles that have many various wild pokemon in one encounter (many, if not all RPGs had this, in fact it was standard), moves are interchangeable with the 4 move slots without needing a special item/npc
- trainer classes that give different buffs for which one you pick, like being an ace, ranger, breeder, etc (aka final fantasy job system but for perks)
There's so much TPCI could do to improve the franchise, but if people keep buying shitty games resulting in high gain with low profit, why improve? I don't blame them one bit, but that doesn't mean I would defend them for their decisions on not improving the franchise. Almost every Nintendo IP had its best selling title on the switch, why isn't pokemon doing the same thing? I bought a switch hoping that the pokemon games on it would keep me engaged, but with the switch generation being the absolute worst for pokemon games, it's literally keeping me from actually playing the damn thing and I end up playing more ps1 and ps2 games altogether (and honestly it's for the best currently)
I find it odd that almost no one ever mentions, that despite the titanic rise in sales other Nintendo IPs got on the Switch, Pokémon's sales have pretty much stayed exactly the same.
What's even more strange about the sales, is when you consider that we're in a post Pokémon GO world, with millions of fans introduced, or re-introduced to the series.
So what I'm saying (And what you're saying, If I read that last paragraph correctly), is that the negative buzz surrounding the games, actually has more of an impact than most people think.
@@Mechadeuce werster actually talked about that topic too, and you and I are thinking the same thing as well
This stream was a riot
Smol Indy compuny, plz understand.
july 9, 2021.
youtube: "1y ago"
you can see the pippa we know and love today come out now and then
Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 proves this, the animations is those games were great
was gonna mention stadium, troo
Look at Iceborne. Capcom is able to add Nargacuga, Barioth, and Tigrex with the same skeleton, which means less work as they just have to tweak how the skeleton moves and make them feel different enough even if they all have the same shape, which means more monsters in the game for less development time. They're not making each similar monster from scratch because they aren't stupid like Gamefreak.
Seiso pippa is so cute
Wait till she plays Monster Hunter
Thank you Pippa for not bending over for GameFreak like every other useless streamer/youtuber
Gotta use the Great Balls for catching the stronkest PiPimons!
Based classic Pips
Peeba continues to play a game she doesn't enjoy and blames the devs. 🗿
Back when Pippa hated Phase. I'm happy Pippa us herself now.
I bet this rabbit will never get put on any FBI watchlists.
Gamefreak has become lazy and complacent with pokemon because they know it will sell and make huge profits no matter how dogshit it is. Just look at scarlet and violet.
She sounds so young I want to make fun of her 😭😭😭
Pippa no! The Pokemon Fans don't like facts and logic.
Just hire more people, have one group animate bipedal pokemon, and another group flying pokemon etc. They're such cheapskates
You're saying this was her third stream? Lmao
What was she going to call the "people"?
Oh, hey it's Gen 8. I have a weird issue with that gen, in that I absolutely did not enjoy Sword and Shield or The Crown Tundra (I kinda like Isle of Armor a bit)
But I have to give credit where it's due: it has my favorite gym theme and I like every single Pokemon design for this Gen.
It's like the opposite of Gen 7 for me, they felt way more complete, but apart from a few standouts, I didn't like a lot of the Pokemon designs.
I agree with pippa except for the continue buying the game while still expecting Pokemon to change since yes investor has the biggest say on the franchise but the only language investors speak is money so if you want pokemon to change then speak with your wallet
Pretty sure showdown does what she’s talking about
The voice throws me off
Baby pippa
all you need to do is look at the fuckin animations from back in pokemon stadium and compare to now
The entire reason pokemon games have dropped off in quality is because GameFreak is convinced it can continue to creates its games with smaller than average teams.
That said…I honestly think with how animation ai is going it probably would be possible to easily animate individual attack animations for all pokemon
I cannot wait to see Palworld BTFO Lamefreak.
Just like every other “Pokémon killer”?
Is that the one where you can shoot pokemon and put them to work on a assault rifle assembly line?
I'm sure THIS ripoff will finally do it! We totally don't see one of these imitators pop up and fail every couple years.
@@AzeharaChyes, but you can also pick up not-vulpix and use it as a flamethrower under your arm.
Also I’m pretty sure I saw at least one literal unaltered pokemon in there I don’t think it’ll last a week once Nintendo sniffs it out
6 months late, the wait is over.
Pokémon died after ORAS. 🤷♂️