I'm Director and you're Fired ! My Boss Thinks Otherwise I Expect your Apology r/IDontWorkHereLady

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 94

  • @nemo227
    @nemo227 4 года назад +35

    "Don't lie to me. I'm not stupid."
    In these stories, people say that when they really ARE stupid.

  • @nightdweller6446
    @nightdweller6446 4 года назад +21

    Can't be too smart if you think the students hired to do the campus tours have any influence on your admission

    • @geraldgrenier8132
      @geraldgrenier8132 3 года назад +1

      Well, it not too far-fetched to assume any guides file red flag reports. If admission is competitive someone unable to behave on best behavior tour conceivably be a disqualifying straw.
      But that far from saying they have any decision power but technically it would qualify as an influence on an on the cusp application

    • @enlightendbel
      @enlightendbel 2 года назад

      Being the reason she was rejected. The stupid was obvious just looking at the application.

  • @d.carpenter7519
    @d.carpenter7519 4 года назад +20

    I personally know a millionaire that shops at Goodwill and Dollar Tree and lives in a modest house. Having money doesnt mean spending it.

    • @Scioneer
      @Scioneer 4 года назад +2

      I heard that Bill Gates is often seen at the local Wendy's in the town he lives in. Not all rich people flaunt it.

    • @d.carpenter7519
      @d.carpenter7519 4 года назад +2

      @@Scioneer Absolutely. I heard he is a very humble guy.

    • @carlbruschnigjr1757
      @carlbruschnigjr1757 4 года назад +2

      Former baseball commissioner Bud Selig used to have hot dogs at a small drive in place called "Gilles" in Milwaukee every day.

    • @MarLin.-
      @MarLin.- 4 года назад +3

      Better change that to a snooty millionaire so far up herself the pole won’t come out, wouldn’t shop there.

    • @christopherstark2474
      @christopherstark2474 4 года назад

      Truth. My uncle is a millionaire and he treated my mom and I to a Sacramento Kings game for Christmas but had us buy the beer. I was cool with that. I asked him tho how he stays rich and he replied, I don't spend it.

  • @OynxWolf11
    @OynxWolf11 4 года назад +4

    1: OP could have had them fired due to how "Professional" they behaved, but having a written Apology is the best victory ever.
    2: "Points at Staff member" Staff. "Points at self while shaking head" Not Staff. Best advice ever XD
    3: "I'm a Millionaire". Honey, being a guest on "Who want's to be a Millionaire" doesn't make you a bonafide Millionaire.

  • @SandraNelson063
    @SandraNelson063 4 года назад +4

    Oldies. That first story has another version; the "company 2" guy is a heritage site specialist in creating medieval stonework, tiles and masonry. He is one of a handful of people in the country who can do this properly, and they are ALL in constant demand. Booked years in advance. There is a great site manager who has done the management job well for years as well. They are working a job site, and the "owner" of the company that hired the specialist comes on site, gets into an argument with the specialist, insults him and "fires" him. As well, the owner insults and fires the site manager. The specialist, knowing that HE will never come back to work on that site unless the owner apologizes to him AND the site manager, and rehires the manager, goes home and lets his specialist colleagues know what's happened. They all agree to not work for that owner.
    The original specialist is contacted by smarter managers of the company, begging him to return. He says sure, as long as the owner apologizes to him, the site manager and that the site manager will be rehired. The other company members say that the owner would never agree. So the specialist refuses to work the site, and THEN finds another company to hire on the fired site manager. The true revenge is that the specialist and site manager are experts in their field of work, and have both been treated shabbily for no good reason by an entitled, stupid owner. The two have CONNECTIONS in their lines of work, and can put out the word of what really happened. The owner, too stupid to admit he was in the wrong , will never understand why his company can't book a stone work specialist for ANY amount of money, and won't understand why his job sites aren't being run at the same level of top efficiency they had been before. He has cut off his face to spite his nose.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 4 года назад +1

      I recall that one. It was a revenge story I think. Quite detailed, but one of my favourites. :-)

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 4 года назад +2

      If it's the same story I was thinking of, that's not quite how it went down, although close.
      The "owner" was actually one of a few joint owners. He did insult and fire the specialist (a specialist in doing restoration work on Grade 1 Listed buildings) and he did fire the site manager but that was later, after the specialist had demanded an apology before he'd return to work. The joint-owner then doubled down on his stupidity by firing the site manager for "not warning him" about how important the specialist was (no reason to have informed him of course).
      Then since the company couldn't get the specialist to come back, and there were no more specialists available to do the work, they hired an overseas specialist to come in and do the work. The trouble is, the specialist from overseas knew a related but wrong method for that particular type of work, so of course he did it all wrong (not having been told any better).
      Meanwhile the original specialist has been keeping track of events through contacts still at the work site. He informs the appropriate authorities that the work hasn't been done properly. After an investigation, it's discovered that not only is that part wrong and has to be torn out and replaced, but the idiot part-owner has ordered a portion of the supporting structure of the building to be torn out and replaced, which is hugely illegal to do to a Grade 1 Listed building without approval.
      The company is now almost certainly up for multiple millions in fines, on top of the huge costs of fixing everything to approval grade and the time delays due to there being no proper specialist available now.
      Oh, and the former site manager is suing the company for wrongful dismissal.
      There are rumours that the part-owner has been pretty much dumped by the other owners. I guess they probably bought him out, and I'd also guess that it was for a discount rate. Regardless, he's deep in the doo-doo since he's personally liable for the damages along with the company.

  • @jcespiritu1497
    @jcespiritu1497 4 года назад +10

    If that girl said they had better scores than me to me,I would’ve came back with and look who got in and who didnt🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @NimbZephyr
      @NimbZephyr 3 года назад

      If the act score was the only factor I’d say affirmative action, but in the context of this story I highly doubt it.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 года назад

      If they were super entitled and called me a whore: "sorry, I don't give out my number like 3rd grade Valentine's cards."

  • @raeishimura
    @raeishimura 4 года назад +8

    Is it bad that, in the first story, my mind was blown by the 1mm tolerance for like half the story? For brickwork, a 1mm tolerance is utterly insane.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 4 года назад +2

      I know, right?

    • @carlbruschnigjr1757
      @carlbruschnigjr1757 4 года назад

      Be great if they laid that in cold weather. Temperature goes up, bricks start shattering.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 3 года назад

      Here for framers it is from 6.35mm to 12.7mm. going down to a 1mm will just end up making the house too rigid that the sway and inflation of the wood in winter will lead to cracks and breaks.

  • @godslaw75
    @godslaw75 4 года назад +5

    That first story I highly doubt the bigwigs even wrote that letter. I'm sure they had their secretary write that letter and all they did was sign it that's how lazy they are.

    • @geraldgrenier8132
      @geraldgrenier8132 3 года назад +1

      well that SOP, but as long as they sign it, legally it is them enforcing the statement in the letter is true

  • @mbyerly9680
    @mbyerly9680 4 года назад +10

    The last story reminds me of a story about a Hollywood starlet who so stupid she slept with the screenwriter for a bigger part.

    • @ewaleokadia76
      @ewaleokadia76 4 года назад

      Tell us more😉.

    • @baddog711
      @baddog711 4 года назад

      @BlueJayRobin Oh he gave her a 'part' but not what she wanted?

  • @tonyblake7569
    @tonyblake7569 4 года назад +1

    First story, I'd ask for the apology in person. An asshole like that probably just had someone else write it.

  • @VivaToddVegas
    @VivaToddVegas 4 года назад +8


  • @MedOKC
    @MedOKC 8 месяцев назад

    The "apologies" should have been IN PERSON . . . .THAT would have knocked them down a peg or two!

  • @timberwolfdtproductions3890
    @timberwolfdtproductions3890 4 года назад +1

    4:54 - “Suffice to say, I gave myself a proper spannering;”... That’s golden! Not sure what it means, but it’s a ridiculously silly word made cool in a way only the Brits can do.

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 4 года назад +1

      I'd guess that it's related to the old saying "to throw a spanner in the works"

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 4 года назад +1

      It's British for: "I Really Fucked myself up"...

  • @bunnyslippers191
    @bunnyslippers191 4 года назад +2

    "May she burn in hell." Loved it!

  • @trollunderbridge2292
    @trollunderbridge2292 4 года назад +1

    My ears perked up when the first story mentioned block work and stories. That kind of shit was literally my dad's job for 20 years. So yes, I'm interested.

  • @PanduPoluan
    @PanduPoluan 3 года назад +1

    OMGLOL .. The OP's boss actually _framed_ the apology letter?? That's rich 🤣

  • @stephanginther9051
    @stephanginther9051 4 года назад

    RedWheel can use this if you want though I'm not sure what subreddit it would fit into. So I lived in China for many years, my dad mostly teaching English but occasionally teaching other subjects like math and computer science. Dad had gotten a really really good offer to work at a college that had a connected middle/high school (those aren't separate in China like they are in the States). They offered a bunch of perks and since me and my brother were nearing adulthood they said they would give us free college classes and a few other things. However when we got there, they handed dad a contract that had _much_ lower pay, asked us to pay for things we were told would be free and said absolutely nothing about classes for me and my brother. Well, my dad refused to sign it asking why it changed. The secretary smugly grinned at us and said, "you moved several thousand kilometers here, its too late to back out so you will sign what we say you'll sign." She went on to say that what the director of foreign affairs promised us meant nothing. Did we even have the emails saying those things? (we didn't) Well, my dad said, "well I'm not signing that." This made the secretary and her boss angry but they held their ground.
    Ok, so a little context is needed in this next part. In China there are many languages other than Mandarin and *no* I do not mean dialects. There are dialects *also.* Cantonese for example is its own language apart from Mandarin. The area we were in was a Cantonese speaking area. Anyone under 50 who had an education could speak Mandarin but some older people did not and still others (also usually over 50) _refused_ to speak Mandarin unless forced to even if they could speak it well. A second bit of context, when we first went to China, my dad worked at a super big name university. We left because me and my brother couldn't handle the polution in the area and were getting sick all the time. The university was extremely vocal about how they hated seeing my dad go though they understood why he had to. They gave him a _glowing_ reference letter. This was already about 6 years before this story happened, but it is important in a bit.
    That night the university had a welcome diner for the new teachers, especially the foreign teachers including us. We went and about 20 minutes into the dinner, the president of the university came to shake my dads hand. Speaking Cantonese and a little drunk, he had a translator tell my dad that he had heard of him from a friend in Tianjing (a sister city to Beijing, where the aforementioned big name university is). He said that it was a privilege to have him on the team. My dad then thanked him and said, "unfortunately I won't be able to join you." The translator turned pale and hesitantly translated. After a little back and forth, my dad explaining the situation, the president turned purple, called over the 'foreign affairs manager', the guy we dealt with before, his secretary sitting nearby. Made him stand up and proceeded to scream at him, in front of _everyone_ for several minutes. Then he came back, the translator stopped translating and basically begged my dad to revisit the contract. (I think the translator was afraid that if my dad refused, *he* would be blamed too). The new contract had the previous rate of pay and many of the perks promised. Unfortunately the 'foreign affairs' guy didn't have the authority to promise a lot of what he did, so those things weren't delivered. The next day when my dad signed the new contract, he and his secretary spoke as little as possible while giving us hate filled glares. They tried to pull a few other stunts over the year and a half my dad worked there but they were....not smart people and their schemes either fell flat or backfired without us really doing anything. In case anyone wonders, on the classes thing they met us halfway. Me and my brother taught a few classes at the middle/high school in return for cheap classes. It was a strange arrangement as I was barely 2 years older than my students....I was a terrible teacher but it was a great experience.
    One more thing as the cherry on top. In Asia, appearances are extremely important. In Japan and Korea there have been people that killed themselves over getting yelled at by a superior in public. It is not quite THAT serious in China, but its still pretty bad. His 'guanxi' could take _years_ to recover from such an event. So, he got what was coming to him.

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 2 года назад +1


  • @theresahall8206
    @theresahall8206 4 года назад +4

    You think companies could learn the meaning of the phrase too many cooks in the kitchen.

  • @jantruitt9241
    @jantruitt9241 4 года назад +6

    I love the writer of the second story!
    They have a wonderful sense of humor!
    Thank you for the giggles!
    I appreciate your writing!
    I always found you get more from humor than anger.
    I once got a refund back from a cruise package that No One gets a refund from!
    Just because of humor! 😂

    • @melissaupton2097
      @melissaupton2097 4 года назад +1

      I was thinking the same thing... what a wonderful way with words!

  • @wessexdruid5290
    @wessexdruid5290 3 года назад

    Pretext (meaning): A pretext is an excuse to do something or say something that is not accurate. Pretexts may be based on a half-truth or developed in the context of a misleading fabrication. Pretexts have been used to conceal the true purpose or rationale behind actions and words.

  • @moonbeam7702
    @moonbeam7702 4 года назад +2

    The last story should have had an ending to it - i.e., what happened when the “millionaire lady” called the tour guide’s “boss” ☹️

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 4 года назад

      @Wes Prang Actually, she's right...she isn't an Idiot...
      She's FAR, FAR too Stupid to qualify as an Idiot...

  • @duketha5286
    @duketha5286 2 года назад

    The girl in the last story probably wasn't accepted into University Because this probably isn't the 1st time she's followed a random person in public and harassed them and the University caught wind

  • @florian8599
    @florian8599 4 года назад +3

    The first one reminds me of the story where they threw the historical building conservation and renovation specialist off site on a comparable premise, and it backfired spectacularily, because the other specialists in the region already where booked and had long waiting periods because of their full calendars.

  • @kevinjnalepa2259
    @kevinjnalepa2259 3 года назад

    ‘May all burn in Hell” Absolutely great and spot on

  • @StrangeChickandPuppo
    @StrangeChickandPuppo Год назад

    I doubt the bigwigs even wrote the apology, and just had some "incompetent labourer" write it for them to sign off on.

  • @Haltech007
    @Haltech007 4 года назад +12

    Karen proclaims, "I am a millionaire!" as she climbs into her tan 1998 Buick.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 4 года назад +3

      The only way she's a Millionaire is if she thinks she's getting $1.00 for every person she's Royally Pissed Off...
      (If she gets $0.01 for every person she slightly irritates, she'd be a Multi-Trillionaire)...

    • @KonradZielinski
      @KonradZielinski 4 года назад

      You'd be surprised at what some of the worlds richest people drive: www.businessinsider.com.au/bill-gates-jeff-bezos-cars-of-top-tech-moguls-2019-7

    • @NimbZephyr
      @NimbZephyr 3 года назад

      @@KonradZielinski I was coming here to say something similar. A decent amount of millionaires get that way by being frugal.

    • @RVREVO
      @RVREVO 2 года назад

      I know several millionaires who own old cars... Jay Leno for example

    • @Haltech007
      @Haltech007 2 года назад

      and most of the millionaires I k ow drive newer F-150s. Of the 150 cars Jay Leno has, none of them are in the same class as a tan 1998 Buick. Stop trying to sound clever. It just makes you sound petty.

  • @ericbommarito5483
    @ericbommarito5483 4 года назад +3

    I've heard the 1st story b4, with a totally different ending. By you, I think.

  • @navigatorofnone
    @navigatorofnone 4 года назад +9

    Last story, dumb people pretending to be rich and smart. My god!!!!

    • @patryder8923
      @patryder8923 4 года назад +3

      Her partner or ex-partner may have had a good income, lived below his means for a few decades, and invested carefully before (hopefully) getting her out of his life. Having one million in assets (before the crash) does not mean you are rich. It means you _might_ be able to pay tuition and fees without going into debt, if you contribute a quarter of your assets. One million gets you some security, unless you pretend you are rich.

  • @Frogmommyiester
    @Frogmommyiester 4 года назад

    Hahaha I need dudes shirt 👕 with the praying girl!! That killed me!!
    I listen to these during work and they make it so much better!! Thank you!!

  • @melissaupton2097
    @melissaupton2097 3 года назад

    11:37 "Now I'm NOT a small guy..." not, "I'm a small guy."

  • @dreamfired
    @dreamfired 4 года назад

  • @MarLin.-
    @MarLin.- 4 года назад +1

    *scours the internet looking for Burn in Hell shirt*

  • @LunarisArts
    @LunarisArts 4 года назад +1

    I would love to have the "may they burn in hell" shirt.

    • @LunarisArts
      @LunarisArts 4 года назад

      Oooh! Thank you!

  • @skydivekrazy76
    @skydivekrazy76 4 года назад

    Oh. My. Stars. And. Garters. You expect an apology?...

  • @machendave
    @machendave 3 года назад

    "Ahole bigwigs" just tell some peon to write the apology

  • @Sienisota
    @Sienisota 4 года назад

    "May she burn in hell"😂😂😂

  • @kevinjnalepa2259
    @kevinjnalepa2259 3 года назад

    Should have told her that you didn’t like the way that she picked her noogers

  • @hayreddinbarbarossa661
    @hayreddinbarbarossa661 4 года назад

    Redwheel why did I hear you voicing a video on a US army channel? I ain't mad but why you cheating on me? Haha.

  • @itjustmemanning8441
    @itjustmemanning8441 4 года назад

    Enjoyed all the stories : ) Thanks

  • @kenshinflyer
    @kenshinflyer 3 года назад

    Third story: Millionaire, my ass. The only thing she can't buy is good breeding.

  • @carnigeghost88
    @carnigeghost88 4 года назад

    Is this the same guy from food wishes

  • @midnights2631
    @midnights2631 4 года назад +1

    What's poc?

    • @DoctorRobertNeville
      @DoctorRobertNeville 4 года назад +1

      People/person of color.

    • @midnights2631
      @midnights2631 4 года назад +1

      @@DoctorRobertNeville Ooooh thank you.

    • @bunnyslippers191
      @bunnyslippers191 4 года назад +1

      Person/People of Color. Basically the white girl is accusing the college tour guide of torpedoing the white girl's admission to the college because the college tour girl hates white people. That could have gotten nastier *really* fast. It was also a supremely stupid and bigoted thing to say, or even think.

  • @rexochroy2
    @rexochroy2 4 года назад

    Dear god ,,,nr2 so well worded,,,,,,funny as H&M£#@ll. Tickles me pink ,,