@@L0calLEGEND Honestly, Valve is just shit now a days. A shame too, considering the Orange Box is what got me interested in their games back in High School.
@Leonardo Hernandez Jimmy Dean Jimbo I think its mostly a square thing since FF13 and FF15 happened. KH3 is a good game but It was made by a different team (Osaka made BBS, DDD and Tokyo made 1&2) so changes were to be expected yet I hoped it would be more balanced like KH1 and 2.
Yeah, it kinda' simply comes out to "This was worse than KH2" Which is enough of a reason to get annoyed at it, really. It's not as good as a previous entry in the series with a shorter development cycle on a console two generations ago.
@@yuwu585 yea he is definitely genuine, he just speaks so vaguely about the positives and good "feel" of having the game, it's not rly worthy of his usual youtube essay treatment when he doesn't do in-depth critical analysis and instead just says "i like this"
@@purelizardmilk6598 I mean to be fair Kingdom Hearts has always been like this, if you're ever so slightly critical and objective about a KH game you would tear it apart for hours. Whether you enjoy a KH game or not mostly comes down to how emotionally invested you are in the series and therefore willing to suspend disbelif and enjoy the games for what they are
I kinda think KH2's ending felt more like an ending than this game. It was a simpler time, even with nobodies and the organization being introduced. It just wrapped up very nicely. Sora and friends are reunited on the Destiny Islands at last, they're back, roll credits. But.... Nomura had a whole new can of worms he just couldn't wait to open. Oh well. Still got some good to great payoffs in this game.
i couldn't agree anymore. From all the buzz i heard, the ending of this game felt kinda loose and it's understandable. BirthBySleep, 358/2 Days, RECoded, DreamDropDistance and KHUnionX kept overcomplicate stuffs
@@BasedVegeta agree, they should have completely stopped at KH2. No spinoffs, no BBS and KHUX stuffs, just stops and focus on Nova Crystalis (which is supposedly another Nomura's ambitious project involving FFXIII, FF Type-0, and supposedly FF Versus XIII)
@@ShatteredGlass916 I think Birth By Sleep is acceptable for the most part. The idea of a third major game being a prequel that shows the villain before he became a heartless and a nobody an' all that, with heroes who fell tragically in battle, Sora and the others as little kids, the organization members before they became nobodies and were just normal people, fleshing out the backstory of the world, the unversed being a unique new enemy type that gave the game more of its own identity (similar to heartless for 1 and nobodies for 2), the then relatively simple method for forging the "X-Blade" and opening Kingdom Hearts that way, all of that is fine and dandy. If that was where they left it, I'd be fine with that too. But of course... I think Dream Drop Distance is where it REEEEEALLY got out of hand. It took all of the themes of KH2 and everything we knew about Nobodies, and spat on that, and the whole "When you destroy a heartless and a nobody, the original person comes back to life!" bit was just a clear excuse to bring Xeha-whazzit back. And time travel, uuuggghhh.
FYI, Yoko Shimomura wasn't the only composer on KH3. It was also composed by Takeharu Ishimoto and Tsuyoshi Sekito, who composed tons of songs for the game (and even other songs in the series).
The pacing was one of the worst parts, for me. There's nothing for most of the game and then the end comes and it just vomits all of this stuff. I'd rather have each story rapped up in each world.
plus there is not the good old exploration part of 1 or 2 final mysterious worlds.The last 3 endgame worlds were basically on rails unlike Hollow bastion , End of the World and The World than Never Was
It would have been cool if you see the events slowly unfold as you go through each world , fighting the main antagonists In some of those worlds, who said you cant fight them more than once? you dont have to just make them a one time thing towards the end.
Just wished Mickey didn't smile when he's unhappy at some points. It makes some cutscenes with him harder to take seriously because he's smiling at sad or negative moments.
Prime 4 got delayed for a good reason, and if I'm not mistaken Retro is going to be developing it. That's a really good sign since they made the other Primes.
@@cometmoon4485 how do you know that was her? Rumor has it that it was Luxord who saved Sora with that card he game him since everyone in the organization kept telling Sora that his fate was already sealed if he unlocks Waking
This game was fun but majorly dissapointing. There's a lot to talk about but my main issues are: Lack of content Game play is way too easy And sequel teasing is so disrespectful from a game we waited so long for.
@@FranK-tg7ou There's a difference between an open ending and a cliffhanger. KH, KHII, and BbS had open endings. Every other game has had a cliffhanger.
@@shockzz1234 because instead of getting a resolution with the Destiny Island trio we get baited for a sequel we will have to wait a few more years. It makes it feel like they only want our money. Not only that but entire world's have the organization or malifacent looking for the black box so for to them to just say yeah that isn't going to be resolved is a waste of time. I love the epilogue and if the entire story wrapped up and not focused on the box I would have loved the ending to this game. Keep in mind that kh2 wrapped up most loose ends before teasing us with a secret cutscene.
@@MrBassem95 I mean, Of COURSE they were going to focus on several things besides the Destiny Island trio because the oher games set them up. SE have ALWAYS said that 3 was the conclusion of the Xehanort Saga, but that KH would continue beyond that. They never said anything with the Destiny Island trio would be resolved, that's your own expectations. Everyone looking for the black box was a waste of time just because it wasn't brought up and resolved in the same game? Hard disagree there, that's called setup. Setup for the next saga. That everyone knew was coming. And then it paid dividends right at the very end with the Foretellers coming back, who are obviously going to be the next bad guys and the box will be hugely important then in the next saga. Sorry for the rant, but i really can't wrap my head around how setting plot stuff up for the next game is "disrespectful" lol. Evey KH game has done it till now, only difference is KH3 had to set up for a whole new saga, not just the next game in the same saga. Imo they did a very good job of setting stuff up for the future whilst also wrapping mostly everything up for the existing characters and plot-lines, even opening up new ones like Axel and Isa's search for Girl X, or the black box stuff, or whatever happened to Sora. You getting baited was your own fault, because personally, it went exactly how i expected it to go.
jaatown23 agreed, but same could be said for every dynasty warriors spinoff. Doesn't change that there's an audience for it and radically changing that would make those players uncomfortable with the new one.
@@koboltcatalyzer Wouldn't you want something to change after 6 games that played roughly the same? I say that as someone who played and liked all of the OG God of Wars and the new one.
Weird how much I disagree, especially on the final world. Boy, as someone who played almost all spin offs, that was an unforgivable fuck up only Nomura could pull off. Imagine a moment in a story that is being prepared for 10 or so entries, just to turn out to be a 3 hour long boss rush with recycled old content and EXTREMELY unsatisfying, way too short conclusions for pretty much every single character in the series. It's a mess. If they had spread all of the characters evenly throughout the story, the game would've been so, sooo much better. Instead we get an epic moment like the Union x attack, just after killing the same boss 7 or so times and before we get the lame ass edgy anime boss rush.
Did we really need each boss fight to drag out for hours though? We already seen these bosses and what they want. Why waste more time just pissing about with things we already know. It's almost as if this is the final chapter or something.
@@whoneedsskittles Fighting 13 piss easy bosses in groups of 2-3 all one after the other doesn't exactly give you an appreciation for the bosses or really capitalize on the emotional investment we have with the conflict between the bosses and the main characters associated with them. And don't goddamn talk to me about wasting time when the entirety of the disney worlds have had their importance to the main plot severed and served as essentially filler for the entire game leading up to that point.
@Cameron Douglas In KHII, they reduced the filter factor by having Organization members play active roles in those worlds, even to the extent of you fighting and defeating them. As you proceed through these worlds, you feel like you're actually doing something worthwhile, with the added plus that the stories Nomura crafted for those worlds felt more thought-out and integrated Sora much better. In KH, the worlds feel like filler, but they contextualize it with the fact that Sora and co. are looking for people - it's only natural they'd spend some time in each world to see if the people they're looking for are there. In KHIII, the context they give for Sora going out to new worlds is to regain his strength and regain his power of waking. However, in these worlds, Sora makes NO attempt at all to find more about this power of waking he supposedly lost, nor does he actually feel like he's growing stronger - it doesn't help that they give you all of Sora's powers from the very beginning (shotlock, formchanges, attraction flow, flow motion, grand magic, etc.), making Sora's rompt through the worlds feel even more inconsequential.
@@StarMiners0416 I think the biggest problem is that there really was just no compelling mystery in the plot. In KH1 you're discovering the KH world, looking for your friends, figuring out about Ansem, and you dont know where going it's going. In 2 youre still looking for Riku and Mickey and Mickey wont tell you what's going on with Riku, then you have the Organization around and waiting for Sora to find out about Roxas, and you still don't really know where the story is going. With KH3 though we know everything, we know what everybody is doing and why they're doing it and worst of all thanks to DDD we know exactly where this story is going and what the final battle has to be and the story throws like zero curveballs into it. Even things some people may call a surprise super arent surprises if you've seen the endings to any long running shounen ever.
Lucky emblems that are only important if you really give a shit about the blatant sequel-begging that should have been left out altogether-- at least until the epilogue-- ingredients for food that you don't really even need, and ship battles which mostly end when you press triangle, or hit them in the right spot. It's fucking empty busy-work, man.
Of all the KH3 reviews I've seen, yours has come the closest to expressing my own feelings on the game, and it's the closest to my personal experience with the series as a whole (as a fellow 20-something Brit who didn't really follow the post-2 spin-offs). I don't think it matches the raw brilliance of KH2 (Final Mix), but it's beautiful, ambitious and, most importantly, unapologetic about what it is. And, honestly, I was just so happy to see Donald and Goofy in the final stretch - there to the very end - that all the bad Nomura storytelling in the world fades into the background and you're left with the core of what made this stupid, unwieldy series so fucking magical in the first place.
@@DrWiley-fm3ik Imagine literally waiting so long for KH3 that you literally graduate both literally high school and literally college just for it to literally be worse than K literally H literally 2
I've seen the finale praised alot, the meat of the game though....Absolutely terrible is putting it lightly. I haven't played KHIII myself nor do I care to. Maybe when its 70% off 5 years from now.
@@SunlitSonata14272 Please stop spreading this bullshit about high expectations, dont try to downplay people's criticisms of the game with the same tired and recycled lines of putting blame on the people. Instead, actually have dialogue with them and see where they are coming from.
@@DarkSpyro707 I agree with you man kh3 was so mediocre it's the only game I've played that lacks a beginning segment and a mid segment yet people keep saying it's a complete game when clearly it's not
@@SunlitSonata14272 So then no matter what it will always be the people's fault, any sort of expectation they have no matter what is somehow always too high when they start giving criticisms, so their opinions and criticisms just simply dont matter. Thats basically what you're trying to make out? Well I call bullshit shit on every single word of it. This game has some very obvious problems storywise, gameplay wise, and content wise. But nah, my expectations were just too high, silly me.
I feel like, on its own merits, this is a really great game, if lacking in some areas. The wait and the buildup is really what hurt it the most. Here's hoping Nomura has learned his lesson about spreading stories too thin and forcing tons of interim stories down our throats in between main games.
@@cyberninjazero5659 Meaning, he's comparing waiting over a decade for a game, and waiting over a decade for a game that will never release. Understand the difference?
narratively, i think KH3's problem is that its missing a second act. Its like the whole world-travelling part is the first act or prologue, and then it jumps straight into a nice but somewhat rushed finale. Makes it feel somehow short even though its actually about the same length as 1 and 2
Surprised you didn't mention any of the glaring flaws, considering how systematically you take apart some titles. This feels somewhat dishonest, especially since you played (and loved) KH2.
@@SweisPlays because most of the people who love 3 have nothing but bad things to say about 2. most of us who loved 1 and 2 are extremely disappointed with 3.
I liked it, it was better than the spin-offs for sure but it's just so underwhelming compared to the mainline games and the writing was specially bad in this one
There’s no spinoffs, every game is intertwined, just because the title didn’t have a number doesn’t mean it’s not main story, this isn’t assassins creed
Matthew Rubenstein But that’s entirely the problem the original kingdom hearts aspect took a major back seat to the Disney aspect . Instead of being 50/50 it’s more like 60/40
I can't believe you found the final hours the best in any recent game. Spoilers There are so many reasons why I find it horrible. 1:when characters die in these hours it happens too abruptly which feels unearned. 2: the final battles don't feel like a long string of difficult fights. They instead feel like small skirmishes between friends because every single villain needs to be redeemed in the end. 3: too much happens too quickly without the proper build up. Rescuing Aqua should have been a mid game objective. 4: the box takes way too much time out of the already beginning and mid game story which is already lacking just to be setting up for a sequel. 5: setting up a sequel for a game we've waited for to have resolution is disrespectful.
1. They fight, they die. How is it unearned? 2. Everyone is essentially being stung along by Xehanort and their "redemption" goes to show how far gone he actually is. It's no coincidence the two who have the least remorse is a literal embodiment of negative emotions and a younger Xehanort. 3. Play DDD and Fragmentary passage. That isa major part in the lead-up to the climax in three. Sure having it in separate games sucks but that's clearly how Nomura meant the pacing to be. 4 and 5. There is resolution to every game released after 2 in 3. How you can say it's disrespectful is laughable. They have been very upfront in interviews that 3 was not the end of the series by a longshot and you can't fault a game for setting up a future iteration of the franchise.
I'm sorry but I find the "sequel bait = disrespectful" funny as hell because the games ending wraps up the ending for 3's story, the teaser for the next game (or DLC did you even think of that) is a completely unrelated event from 3, if the game ended with Xeahnort escaping and plotting his next plan *THEN* it's genuine sequel bait but for 3 that's clearly not what happened
@@Diakyu 1. Everybody dies when facing the Demon Tower in the Keyblade graveyard, only Riku makes an attempt to fight it off while everyone just gasps and runs away - even Sora doesn't even try to fight it, behavior that's unbecoming of someone like Sora. Later, Organization members start dying but we've seen so little of them throughout the game that you question why they're even there. In the end, Sora "has" to die because he overuses the power of waking, a power they never contextualize, never explain fully what it does, and never fully explain the limitations of. It feels like an ass-pull, because they never explain anything, then pull the rug under us by saying that Sora will die if he uses the power again? 2. This would be a fair point... if only we actually see these characters for more than a few cutscenes. Why should we feel sorry for Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, Xemnas, Ansem, etc. if all that they've done to Sora is literally abuse his power and his memories? Redemption doesn't feel earned at all. Yeah, Nomura may have intended these characters to have some redemption to show how far gone Xehanort is, but the execution leaves much to be desired. 3. Don't defend Nomura for practices that were clearly not very smart. Who thinks it's a good idea to put crucial, and I mean CRUCIAL, plot details in games that would traditionally be treated as "side" games? That'd be like if JK Rowling presented Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince as a side story and then expected everyone to understand what the balls was going on in The Deadly Hollows... it wouldn't be very smart for her to do that, and it wasn't very smart of Nomura either. 4 and 5. Just because there WAS a resolution, doesn't mean it was a GOOD resolution. By your argument's logic, then KHIII isn't a resolution to anything KHII established, it resolves stuff that happens in "SIDE" GAMES (or main games disguised as side games). That means that KHIII isn't a sequel to KHII but a sequel to KH side games, yet they decided to slap "3" onto the title, implying that it's a sequel to KHII that ironically undoes the resolution achieved by KHII's ending. Furthermore, Nomura clearly stated that KHIII would be the end of the Xehanort (or Dark Seeker) Saga, meaning that KHIII has the responsibility to clean all remaining plot details created by the previous games (that's what the END of a SAGA means). Yet, they instead spend much of the midgame setting things up for a sequel instead of fleshing out the current story. They set up the new Princess of Light, they never explain the contents of the box, they never explain Maleficient and Pete's intentions with the Book of Prophecy and the box, they create a new mysterious "girl" that Lea and Isa happened to meet but never mentioned until KHIII, they never explain why Ansem also wanted that mysterious girl, I can keep this list going on and on. Why did Nomura set up all these details yet leave them for a sequel? It's like he's never heard the concept of Chekov's Gun. In a game that we've waited 13+ years for, we expect the game to focus on cleaning things up rather than setting stuff up for the future - yet the game spends most of its time setting up a sequel, leaving the last 3 hours to clean things up. That's just plain infuriating, and makes it look like Nomura was more focused on the horizon than the path in front of him.
The serious boss fights were made laughing stocks when you were able to take them out with a carousel, or a rollercoaster, or tea cups, like come on. I missed the drive forms.
@@justsomeguy727 I'm with you! A lot of people forget that KH2 was just as bad as they make KH3 look like, the one that's better is KH2 Final Mix which is the F I X E D KH2
I find it funny how the people that were so obsessed with KH for all these years ended up the most disappointed by 3, i kinda checked out of the series a long time ago and had my expectations low for 3 and by the end of it i came out pleasantly surprised with a few criticisms here and there.
I found kingdom hearts 3 a bit unsatisfying, they focused too much on the on the future with that box that had NOTHING to do with this games plot, and Pete and malificent had nothing real to do but was building for the future
@@fakebird000 They haven't been making this game for 13 years; it was in developement for about 5 years from what I recall. Also it's really no different than the other numbered titles and Birth by Sleep getting a Final Mix versions. Now they just don't have to rerelease the whole game for an update like that.
Biggest issue with Japanese developers is their sporadic adhd. The reason highly desired /hyped games go through a decade long development cycle is because every two years they get so discouraged by innovations or realizations by other game producers that they keep scrapping their product and starting all over again , adding unnecessary stuff or taking out beloved nuances that they feel are overdone. Hence why ff15 and kh3 took a decade to finish, not make . Both games went through 10 overhauls graphically /story wise/physics wise/and combat and game mechanic wise in that decade plus development cycle. Hence why these games feel like they were developed in a standard 2 years , adding nothing profoundly ground breaking or clever
Dylan Fagundes Hence my similar reasoning to how the Japanese gaming industry have become mere copiers instead of innovators. I’m gonna get a groan for citing the obvious but that one game...Dark Spirits I think it was called,(s/) has been one of the only true innovative titles to come out of the east...with the exception maybe being the Nier titles (if you look past the smaller scaled presentation value).
@@Thederpyguide how do you figure? The development of the game started in early 2011 with the first teasers shown at E3 2013 with the titian boss then it was dead silence til 2015 where they spilled the beans and pretty much teased a mostly complete game and then went silent til E3 2018 when they announced the release date an all that jazz. So from start to finish it was about 7 years in development.
I got the exact same feelings of KH3 from start to finish that you personally seemed to have gotten from the remake of Ratchet and Clank. That's the best way I can really explain it despite my overwhelming enjoyment of KH2. What a disappointment really.
The secret ending, the cliffhanger at the end of KH2, and the other loose ends and unresolved plot points (e.g. the Chamber of Repose and Waking, who was the Lingering Will, etc.)
17:31 On the topic of post-game content. When they first released this was what they had: Kingdom Hearts 1: One "superboss", the Phantom thing in Neverland. Other content - Basically nothing, you couldn't even save after the end. Kingdom Hearts 2: One "superboss", Sephiroth. Other content: Challenges, like battle ones, kinda like the ones in KH3. That was it basically. Birth By Sleep: Two "superbosses", the heartless in Mirage Arena, Iron Imprisoner or whatever. And Lingering Spirit Vanitas. Kingdom Hearts 3: One "superboss", Dark Inferno. Other content: The challenges, those battle gates. -- If anything, KH3 doesn't lag behind in comparison. The versions referred to here, are rereleases a long time later.
Absolutely 100% agree with you. Even had a small tear in my eye again when you brought up certain moments again from the game and the franchise. Great video, it was very well expressed and amazing.
And I'm certain KH3 isn't the only game you've waited more than a decade for TGB :) This year really has been quite eventful for gaming, with us getting new installments in franchises that have been anticipated for some time.
Only thing I disagree on is that I love things post 2 so seeing these characters I've grown to love finally get their happy ending almost like how 2s ending was a roundabout for the characters in the first game. It's just a personal preference though this game also hyped me up to what's to come. But disagreements on the actual story aside you do really capture what makes this so popular and why I love it for that emotional and feel good value even through the layers of plot KH is cheesy but it really does have some of the most Heart I've ever seen from a video game series
Also I felt like one of the few fans who actually loved the ending and after reading a fucking super long ass theory today and this video I really appreciate a lot of this game and yeah I have my issues but fuck I still love this series
It sucks to say this but this is the worst of the numbered titles, hell I'd argue that it's worse than some of the spinoffs. There's just so much they did wrong. -Too little keyblades, many of them look awful or recycle forms -Toy Story and Monstropolis are the only good Disney worlds; Hercules again? Ugh. Don't even get me started on how awful Frozen's world was -Proud mode is no different than easy mode -No post game content at all -Attractions are awful -The Instagram posts are very cringey -Tons of awkward dialouge, again -That incredibly rushed ending in hopes of pushing Unchained down our throats even harder, this was so bad that I'd dare say it was straight up offensive - NO FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS And now Nomura is planning to make paid DLC. For fuck's sake.
Whoa! You absolutely echo my thoughts about PS2 or Pre-PS2 game design versus todays. An RPG back in the day felt brimming with content, huge worlds, tons of characters, an epic story, fantastic combat, captivating writing and more. Nowadays, you can seemingly only have a couple or few of those things while the rest have to be scoped down most likely due to the development costs. So I immediately knew what you meant when you were making comparisons to PS2 era games. In some ways, KH3 isn't immune to these problems, but it certainly holds up far more than other modern games these days.
Wow, I was sure you would dislike this game but you liked it a lot, I think this is the first time I disagree with a lot of points you made, because I got disappointed in a lot of ways with KH3
most disappointing game i've ever played and i wasn't expecting it to be great but passable, and to me it's far from passable. i knew it wouldn't compare to kh1, re chain, or kh2 for me, but i actually had more fun playing bbs and ddd than i did 3, no joke. 3 is the only one kh game i never once had fun playing and had to really force myself to finish. also the only kh game that never made me feel the slightest emotion because every part that was supposed to make you feel any emotion felt hollow and forced. one of the most boring games i've ever played.
This seems decidedly glowing for a game that has so much, I'm not sure if this is the right word, but, dead air in it's cut scenes in both a lacking of words, action, and even ambient sound in far too many cut scenes. Not that the combat isn't pretty awesome, but all the same, the cut scenes show us the story, the thing that makes the combat mean anything, so I feel like it should color the scoring of the game to some noticeable degree.
I have NO IDEA how more people aren’t vocally disappointed with he cutscenes, it’s downright dumbfounding to me how much they fucked up the feeling that the games had before, was the change in engines really that big of a hindrance that they also happened to not notice that all it’s characters sound like their soul departed before the events of the game? Maybe some scenes are better than others but holy shit, who edited this, you could speed up the dialogue by 1.25x speed and it might start to sound enthusiastic and natural by comparison. And the dead stares and mannequin-esque body language in most scenes drives me fucking nuts, everyone was soooo animated back in KH2 that this just fails at selling this grand finale, having the ending do it all is so damn cheap.
I only have 3 complaints about KH3: 1) The game isn't necessarily easy, the enemies and boss fights are well designed, but Sora has just so many options and so many lifelines that getting a game over is almost as hard as in FFXV. Because of how broken Sora is, I don't know if it's even possible for them to make DLC postgame content (if they do) that is challenging. 2) For a game with such a humongous baggage of KH story to unravel way too much time is spent on making me watch Frozen and Tangled. Just let me play the fucking game, it's fun, I don't want to hear Let it Go for the 100billionth time Nomura. 3) What the fuck is Big Hero 6?
An amazing video. I love hearing that you loved the game like I did yet can still see its flaws. I feel like i've been seeing more negative than positive reactions to KH3 and i've been feeling left out with how much i enjoyed it and this video was so refreshing.
The Aqua prologue WAS intended to originally be the opening to KH3, as I understand it. Though I'm kind of glad it got chopped off and made its own thing. As much narrative value as the Roxas segment had, it kind of undercuts the momentum in repeat playthroughs and I'm glad KH3 more or less just lets you get on with it. But yeah. The Aqua prologue ends on the opening cutscenes of KH3, literally. You can see the ripped seam where it was torn off, almost literally. - Lewis
A weird Positive look at KH3, while blindly not understanding why the game get's the hate, or dislike compared to KH2. While I don't think you lying per se about that you like it. However, I think you are in it just for enjoying the gameplay and the cinematic experience. After having played the game myself, and even replaying some of KH2, I can personally say, that the amount of content between the beginning and end of the game, as well as per area is more considerable per. As well, the fact that the game took a long time to make, and the team had to learn new program to us, vs the release date, definitely hurt the overall experience, and you can literally feel it in the way that the game controls and handles. While I thought the ideas in KH3 were interesting, the overall game suffers from cut corners, everywhere. Your run time is slower, you start off in a sort of sprint before hitting full run which is fairly slow compared to the size of the levels, on top of that combat has been slowed down and scaled back considerably, where now Attractions are the main focus, and you don't get to really choose which special ability you want to or get to use. Music has also taken a hit, and really is just off. Not many tracks if at all any really stand out to me, and the fact that He's a Pirate doesn't play in a Pirate's of the Caribbean world when out on the waters, or battling on land, is just insulting, especially when the track made/used is just some generic sailor noises, drums, and what not that just feel bland and uninspired. The worlds themselves are also now mediocre, as you don't get to leave and then have to go back to each world, you're just stuck on that world untill you complete the objective necessary, and that's it. There's no alt danger or anything that seems to crop up and cause havoc for a second, or even third time, and the worlds themselves are just short, bland and uninteresting. Not going to give praise to KH2 on that one either, but at least you had to go back to previously explored areas to stop something from happening, or explore some plot relevant thing, which may or may not lead to another world. Also while we're at it, can we please talk about how bad the characters are in KH3? Now I'm not going to say that the characters in KH2 were masterpieces, but like what is up with Donald always egging Sora, for no real reason in the game? Almost every time you get to a new location, Donald has some wise crack joke, or instigating comment ready to hit Sora with. On top of just have really lazy and sloppy writing all around. Characters act really out of character, some even straight up just act like they don't know or care little about Sora and the gang, even though they already know them. These are just some of the issues I had with the game, and for me personally really dropped the quality considerably, and I feel the game could have use another year in the oven.
luckily for square there are many blind fans that will support any crap they put out there. kh3 literally could have been 100 times worse than it already is and all these people defending it now would still be defending. it's like a mental disorder, they're so blindly loyal they are unable to the flaws no matter how extreme they are.
@@Jack_80 same and it's honestly the same issue with ff15 the entire game and story felt completely rushed and the combat felt so damn average and clunky at most times at this point I'm actually scared for the final fantasy seven remake
@@jman8194 i feel like i'm the only one who could care less about ff7 remake or anything else led by nomura. with the absurd hype ff7 is getting, it could be 100 times worse than kh3 and it'll still get more praise and defenders than kh3 has. people are seriously brainwashed by hype.
@@Jack_80 and that's exactly the problem with gaming nowadays is that people are now getting way to caught up in there delusional fan hype to even recognize any sort of flaw in a new product produced by there most favored company they just refuse to see their greed and laziness hell even I thought that the original final fantasy 7 was overrated as hell I just couldn't feel attached to any of the characters at all some were just plain forgettable
@@jman8194 yeah but in the original ff7 at least you got your $s worth with a huge, complete game, they weren't trying to scam you even if you didn't like it much. now they are breaking it into 4 or more games and every one of them will have plenty of dlc. they are just gonna use this hype to milk it as much as possible. ff9 was probably my favorite. i felt like it had more complex characters that i actually cared about. well except for the retarded, frog eating thing, lol.
As much as I’m disappointed with this game I’m glad you could enjoyed it and offered a new perspective that makes me appreciate the game more. It’s flaws certainly made me appreciate KH2 even more like damn they really made an almost perfect game with that one
i can't stand kh3. i had a lot of fun playing kh1, re chain, and kh2, played them all a few times and never got bored. played kh3 and was so bored i could barely bring myself to finish it once, and now that i have, i never want to look at it again.
The core difference between KH2's "flashy things" and KH3's "flashy things" is that everything in KH2 carries an actual cost to use it (although Reflega is priced far too cheaply). Nothing in KH3 really costs anything at all to use and instead either has overtuned damage or total invulnerability for a very long time.
@@lunasperidot8760 This is why I hope they work on the situation commands for crit mode and add a cost for each command, excluding transformations imo. As well as some rebalancing to links and a clear activation system for team attacks. Nomura did state they're working on more than just some damage numbers for crit mode so I'm hoping they change things up significantly.
This is probably my biggest gripe about the combat system to be honest. If Keyblade Transformations and Attraction flow cost MP to use then choosing to use them over magic could probably become a lot more strategic (although they REALLY need to nerf magic a bit, Firaga is fucking ridiculous).
I'm pretty sure it was a crossover between Disney characters and Square Enix characters. Not specifically Final Fantasy. Don't get me wrong it is sort of a bummer, but I can't help but feel there's a serious misconception going on here. The only thing SE had at the time was Final Fantasy, yes there were other properties just like how Disney owns many other properties too. This is not to mention how in KH they had such an insiginificant role 80% of the time most of their parts would be too easy to forget. If you ask me, I would much rather put up with the KH stuff than have yet another FF thing go "Hey. . . . .I'm cool and. . . . .here. That is all" for pretty much almost the whole game every time. Not even a part of any of their worlds are in the game for how insignificant they are. It's cool that KH reached that status to be its own SE thing and there's TWEWY even though even less coverage than FF did in KH3.
That was not a video about games needing to be hard. It was, as I recall, more aimed at the designer trend that sees difficulty as a sales barrier rather than an element of fun. The "games should all have boss skip buttons" movement, if you want to get smartalecky about it. So the point was less "games need to be hard" and more "games don't need to be easy."
@@OneTrueNobody " So the point was less "games need to be hard" and more "games don't need to be easy."" So wait. KH3 wasn't easy? wasn't the easiest game in the franchise? that it didn't have 'skip buttons.' >.> ... enjoy your Disney rides.
@@OneTrueNobody "Games don't need to be easy" But KH3, even on Critical, is pretty easy. The only deaths you should ever face is an enemy sniping you or charging at you from off-screen, which is unreactable. :/ (cough Water Cores cough)
Way to miss the point of what I said completely. Did you even read my post...? "Games don't need to be easy" is not the same statement as "easy games bad." There are plenty of fantastically fun, easy games. Moreover, there are different aspects of challenge that can engage players even when the threat of defeat in a particular game or situation is not particularly notable. It is not necessary to hate easy games in order to enjoy hard ones. Nor is it necessary for one to hate easier games, just to earn the "cred" to step up and speak out against a gaming press trend that basically says we should hamstring game difficulty to make games accessible to "everyone."
@@TheLPRnetwork While I'm "enjoying my Disney rides," you could perhaps learn a bit of reading comprehension. Enough to know the difference between "easy games are bad" and "games don't need to be easy," at least.
@@GustavoJua15 honestly... i think the game just felt too short and way to easy and took to long to actually get to the story... but i also think it was a satifying ending to the xehanort sega... and the ending/epilouge made me really excited for the next game. Its also good that they are adding dlc and critical... i hope its more secret bosses and maybe some data battles
A very fair review. KH3 stumbles around in some areas that games before it didn’t, but it also delivers in the Kingdom Hearts experience masterfully. It’s the “higher highs, lower lows” deal all over again.
Unfortunately I have to disagree on this game being “Kingdom Hearts 3”. As you mentioned the numbered entries before this one were... complete. This game puts more effort in setting up future titles than its own plot. The most egregious example being how Larxene, Marluxia, Demyx, and Luxord were recruited for a potential that is never realized. A reason that exists solely for a less than nebulous future rather than the villains who supposedly seek to capitalize on it. KH3 behaves much more like a titled entry than a numbered one. Serving to resolve the immediate situation sure, but more importantly set up... well... every game before worked towards KH3, and every numbered entry a titled one (EDIT: Correction. Every numbered entry left a nebulous future that was realized by a titled entry. Each secret ending was expected to hint towards the next numbered entry, and BBS for example was a subversion of our expectations). All of these plot points we see set up... we can’t even know how important they are. As far as we can tell none of the set ups. The girl, the potential Keyblade Wielders, the Foretellers, the box, Yozora. Absolutely none of it could matter by KH4. This might be the official start of a cycle of numbered entries existing to promote titled entries existing to promote numbered entries.
My exact thoughts. Why should I play your game if you’re just going to bait me into playing the next game, which will bait me into playing the next, and so on? Give me a complete, satisfying experience. Or at least don’t neglect your current game because you’re so busy setting up the next one. No one wants an endless cycle of cliffhangers.
I honestly expected 3 to be what it was , call it cynicism but after BBS and 3d it was clear that 3 was going to be a mess in terms of combat design and writing.
It's a nice game. Tbh people who thought this would be the last entry were setting themselves up for disapointment. Nomura had to wrap it up so he could start the next saga and he did it the Best he could i guess. The pacing was really off though. We should've rescued aqua at 60%, letras her recover and bond with kairi and have castle oblivion be a dungeon where you could take aqua, riku and kairi or Lea to recover the land of departure. Difficulty is also an issue but hey, critical is confirmed in the future. Just hope its well balanced
Sora having a smartphone is "inspired"? Pretty much every single player AAA release has a smartphone allegory with a selfie-mode to pull in teens and kids these days.
Problem KH3 is it felt like they put more attention into the graphics than the actual story not only that but there really isnt much to do in the game aside from watch 5 hours worth of cutscene and play 3 hours of game.
This game felt more like it was supposed to be part of someone's portfolio. It was less a game, and a conclusion to a saga, and more "So, as you can see, I am well-versed in using the Unreal engine to make things look big and shiny. So, do I have the job?"
@@MrNickPresley yeah also most of the original KH crew was working on FF15, so I'm sure they outsourced or used the clearly high out of their mind writers from DDD. But yeah like Funky said it felt like all flash and no substance. Also the fact that there are no FF characters is complete blasphemy.
I feel like I lack that strong consumer attachment to this game that makes people love it. When I played through the game, all I could see was Disney's aggressive choke hold on their IPs, and alot of resources going into mechanics that I honestly Ignored for the majority of the game. Also the final boss DIDN'T TURN UNTO A GIANT BOAT!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME NOMURA!!!
How exactly? And no don't tell me that the story is better, I skip cutscenes when I'm re-playing a video game (at least some of KH3's cutscenes are funny so I watch them anyway). KH1 and 2 also suffer from that by giving very long tutorials. KH3 has better combat (I agree KH3 is super easy but there are more options for combat so I found myself mashing X less), better bosses (the organization fights and very few of the Disney bosses, like Scar and MCP, were great but the other bosses are just "press X and hope for good"), better mini-games (I'll take the dancing mini-game in Corona any day over Atlantica in KH2 and the flash tracer in San Fransokyo over the light sycle in Space Paranoids) and obviously more fun worlds to travel through. Sure, KH2FM added a lot of PGC but base game only had Sephiroth, which was super easy compared to his KH1 fight, and the olympus tournaments, which I don't care about because they don't give you anything besides a trophy (at least the battle gates reward you for beating them). Playing both KH2 and KH3 on proud, without using the revive token, I only lost twice to Sephiroth before beating him on level 50 and I lost 6 times to Dark Inferno before beating him on level 53.
@@roiitzkovich4545 KH3 combat was piss easy. That alone makes all the "options" youre given redundant. Better bosses? What? All the bosses are huge fucking monsters who never recoil. There are barely any humanoids except the final bosses which again, are so easy that your teammates alone can SOLO on proud mode. Minigames I agree with, but worlds? What about the smaller selection of worlds did you like? Arrendele? A bland and samey world with 0 variety. BH6? One sort of big city that you can't do anything in. Etc. Etc. Not to mention how we didn't have ANY original KH world. Even Twilight Town was just Twilight Street. Also, Olympus does give you rewards? You get Keyblades, Armor, Accessories and Weapons for the rest of ur party. It's way more rewarding than Battlegates. Also, I find it incredibly hard to belive u lost only twice to Sephiroth and 6 times to Dark Inferno. He's objectively the easiest Superboss in the series due to how OP your abillities are and how he only has 4 different moves.
@@edelric321 seems like SOMEONE understands. Im not saying kh3 was leaps and bounds above 3 but there are many things 2 did better. Many things 3 shouldve killed 2 in
You liked that awful final 5 hours? It was a terrible ride up until that part and only got worse with its checklist boss style of "we forgot to tell a story the whole game, time to play catch up"
@@Matthew-so8fh Not even close, there was always context to why you were there, some details being divulged. This game felt like filler because it was. The second game wrapped up things perfectly. The side games were made to milk the franchise. Nomura was creatively empty so he just tied up the side games.
2sallads Did you even play the side games? Nomura wasn’t going to make Kh3 until after versus 13 came out so he made the side games to build up the story. Also their was context to be their???
well then you weren't paying attention. for a few years before III released, they've been saying over and over that there will be a big final battle with 13 vs 7 in the graveyard. you'd have to be dumb to think they hype that repeatedly only to not follow through with it by killing off players on either side before that point.
Yes! Positives about this game I so much loved. RUclips is finally giving that to me! (They chose to adapt the third pirates movie because it’s releavent to the plot of this game)
I clocked a solid 40 hours into this game collecting shit and beating it at level 49 on proud mode without dying is kinda boring and the game did feel super empty it’s literally a children’s game for fan service
@@valini6652 if you had any idea of how combat should work you would know this game was terrible. Jesus dude, you must think fanfiction is great if you think the story is this game is good.
KH 3 made me realize that there are some games I wish would get sequals, but I'm probably better off never having them. Because it's better to be left wanting more, than to end up being dissapointed by how everything ended. At least in my opinion. You either end on a high note, or you continue long enough to become trash
Can’t argue with your opinion but this game was ass. Pacing was the fucking , story was beyond boring . Also the last part of the game was a straight let down. Seven Keyblade wielders just stand right their and get attacked. Blew my mind with how bad it was, they don’t even let you use other characters. They fucked up making this trash, Aqua was weak so was ventus. It felt like they didn’t even matter to the story for real it was just all about Sora.
I just wish that Aqua could have at least got redemption against Vanitas before waking up Ven. It make no sense to me that she says “I’m ending this” and after us being very OP throughout the fight. She gets cast aside so Sora can get the power of Waking. Which also, defeats the point of us exploring the Disney worlds up to that point. Just by wishing it he had it. But, anyways I still think that Aqua should have defeated Vanitas and get redemption for her and her friends and then someone from the organization come out of nowhere and attack her knocking her out which then could have given Sora the power to wake Ven. Just my thoughts. I just feel as tho Aqua, Ven, Roxas, Kairi, just about everyone was sidelined for the Goku effect cuz Sora has to do everything.
not really. by exploring the disney worlds, he regained most of his lost abilities and gained some new ones. without them, he'd be too weak to save aqua even if he could still just find the power of waking within himself.
MrHandss I meant for The Power Of Awakening itself. Yes I know they were important to level Sora back up. The game would be way too short without them. I still wish that they could have added in worlds like The Incredibles, Jungle Book(which was made for bbs but, never finished) :( and Brave maybe. But, it was still a good game.
Yes, Aqua's 0.2 was at some point intended to be KH3's first part! Nomura confirmed this in one of the myriad interviews leading up to KH3. I think even the whole of DDD's story was going to be part of KH3 before it was detached (and probably expanded). I wonder how KH3's pacing would feel like if DDD and 0.2 were part of KH3 in some form.
A video I didn't even know I wanted to see. I've had many mixed feelings about this game, but I'm glad to know that Sora, Donald, and Goofy can still make for a fun and charming journey together even today. The way you talk about the first two titles is also very reflective of how I feel and my connections to those games as well. This game may be getting a lot of criticism and disappointed responses from some people, and I won't argue it isn't all warranted on some level, but overall I feel this game is just a nice, comfortable reminder that Kingdom Hearts can still charm me and be a joy to play, even if many of the story bits that have been added since the last major release don't have the same effect on me. ^^' Looking forward to the DMC 5 video too! I'm ready to slay demons and get SSStylish with Dante and Nero again.
I had to pause this @11:32 Kingdom Hearts is dear to me, and the amount of consideration and care Uve invested makes me emotional. Its Christmas 2k21, and Ive yet to play it, or any other game since God of War 4 FIRST came out. Even now, watching, Ive feel like Ive experienced it, and was severed of the memories with the feeling of it still present. Wow. Wow. Okay, lets continue.
Dylan Kilpatrick Or the flaws will still be picked apart because they’re objectively, recurring flaws? And this is coming from someone who loves the game.
Honestly, I love how KH2 ended but as I've played through the series, again and again, I've come to realize the ending of 2 was the ending of a chapter in this saga. With 3 being the end of a saga with a tease of what's to come.
yeah me too. i think many people wanted to love it so badly that they were going to no matter how bad it turned out. i can't do that, when i'm bored every minute during both gameplay and story. if it were one or the other maybe, but nothing about this game kept me slightly interested. i had to force myself just to reach the hollow, rushed, forced ending.
Just a game, just have fun, americans... Yozora best boss fight ever. "hur dur, silly, dumb, goofy videogame, it doesn't even make me question my sexuality" what a shit, complaining people
Man can I come in and say I love how you put series endings in context of release cus that's things a lot of reviewers completely ignore . Cringe withheld , you're a gamers gamer
Spoilers: I need to make a video where vent about how this game was the final nail in the coffin for me. Honestly you and anyone else who werent interested in or invested in the endless side games that came out after 2 are better off with your ignorance. However as someone who didnt just wait 13 years for this game, but SUFFERED buying every single side game at launch, investing yourself in the lore and characters of those stories and their meanings. Having them ALL just taken of care in a completely counter productive way to what those original stories were going for (seemingly at the time anyway) in a bloated awfully paced finale- (It has you fight a mob that plays itself thanks to the train removing half it's life, then one old ass boss one character has beaten before shows and and everyone just stands around and jobs until Donald "dies?", only for Sora to give up way too quickly, everyone "dies", the game then reminds you of the shitty mobile game and it's genuinely awful characters, you save everyone's jobbing hearts by chasing this shitty heartless just teleports away every second in reused assets, then something that shouldve happened the first time happens when LW shows up, THEN a repeat boss fight from 0.2 with a mobile referencing shmup which was kinda cute but is undermined by the real final fights starting AFTER that. All for the thematic solution to winning that chess game just being "I fucking cheated") -was far more than just disappointing. Some characters who did get appropriate ends like Repliku felt unnecessary and like an emotional repeat. In fact all of the supposed to be emotional moments with the main trio are just repeats of 1 as you yourself mentioned (Sora "dying" , Kairi saying goodbye, etc.). To me that came off as cheaply retreading territory due to lack of any other ideas. Stuff we've been waiting years for like all these characters finally meeting up is lifeless, stiff, and plain awkward some times. it's the biggest sign these stories are made up as they go. All their dialogue is just regurgitating their tangential relationships instead of saying anything new or personal. Even worse is the jobbing. Literally every character that isnt Sora just jobs, endlessly, in this game. You play as Riku twice and both times he loses against a shitty resued boss from 0.2. Aqua you play as once as she brags about finally not getting to job, only to job. Axel and Kairi are built up since DDD to becoming wielders and training literally as long as they need to in some Dragonball shit. When they finally get to show off in 3, they get a collective count of 1 fucking heartless on screen (less than Kairi's 2 heartless count in KH2). When you get them in your party they are the worst party members in the whole game. Despite her speech, Kairi gets captured again, and Axel loses his keyblade. Like Nomura regretted that decision in DDD completely. Kairi in general gets completely shit on in this game due to that ending. It came off really mean spirited. Especially once I saw the epilogue and secret ending revealing to me that he just wanted Sora to fuck off with his new shitty characters I hate for the sequel and thats why Kairi's character is treated with such disdain. Characters that are so bad they keep revealing the old ones to be retroactively related to them so people will care and spend money on his shitty gacha game. This all comes off very cynical but thats how the game made me feel. This all could've been forgiven if the game at least played good like 1 or 2, but it dosent. It has worse animations, game feel, camera, balance, and boss design than both 1 and 2 like every piece of shit that came after them. I played and beat all those games with faith that it was building up to something greater than the some of it's parts. It ended up being less. I was crushed by this game and there was nothing more depressing to me than that. I gotta work on that video and go more into it. I know there must be others who feel the same. Regardless again Im glad some people got some joy out of this game. I genuinely envy you.
I generally agree with this. Kh3 made me realize that none of the games after 2 are even above average. I no longer care about this franchise and if I had to recommend kingdom hearts to someone I would just say to play 1, com and then stop at 2 since that has the most satisfying conclusion
You pretty much summarized the way I've felt about Kingdom Hearts 3. The way 1 and 2 were played out, there was always a halfway point in the game when you would be asked to revisit the worlds, something that during my whole playthrough of 3 I was waiting for but which never came. The amount of content in this one is ridiculous : 8 worlds in total, not counting Winnie the Pooh's world since it's a minigame world, and quite honestly I should also not even count Twilight Town because the amount of time you spend here is beyond short. So in total, that's 8 worlds with one optional world, VS 13 worlds and 2 optional worlds in KH2, that were filled to the brim with things in them. Every world felt so huge, so big in 3, but so god damn empty. Just thinking of all the walking and running I would have to do to 100% complete the game, it put me off instantly and for once I didn't do it. Also, where the hell were the Square Enix characters ? The most we see from Final Fantasy is at the very start when Hades talks about his previous acts, we see 3D models of Auron, Cloud and Zack and that's it. The worst was when I was nearing the end of the game, I started to feel a dread. That dread when I was starting to realize that this really looked like the end game, that the game was this short and this lackluster in terms of content, and that I was in absolute denial. *Spoiler* When Sora and the crew get to fight the heartless at the end and all get Thano's out of existence, and Sora dies... When the game speaks of "going back" I was thinking "yeah! that's how they do it, they make us go back to previous worlds for a second time, except this time we keep the XP and Sora knows about what will happen!" but noup. This segment here, where you get your bodyparts back and go back to the past... Is the single most useless thing that happened by far in the whole series of games. There was nothing to be gained from this for anybody, the one and only thing that it did, was pull the weirdest writing they could on Sora, making him give up in less than 15 seconds like it's Kingdom Hearts 1 all over again. The game wasn't BAD per se, it was just so, so very underwhelming and I can't believe I'm even prefering KH BBS and possibly DDD over KH3. Also why did they get rid of the fusions ? Using two keyblades was the thing I was most excited about in this game and what I loved the most about KH2's gameplay...
@squeaky KH3 wasn’t supposed to be a conclusion though. It was a conclusion to Xehanort, NOT the entire series. Hell, even KH2 was like that. Many things were left unanswered in KH2 that needed to be answered.
While I enjoyed the game, I SUPER have to disagree with the pacing. Like, oof, was that pacing bad. 90% of the game is just Sora wandering aimlessly and without purpose through various Disney worlds, then suddenly the last couple hours is jam packed full of nearly ALL of the plot. It reminds me of the issues with FF15 where they crammed most of the story into the latter half of the game making the pacing suddenly ramp up to 100mph. I also felt like this game's conclusion made all of the previous games feel totally inconsequential. It felt less like a satisfying ending to Sora's story and more just a push to transition into the "real" story. Like, the way it ended was basically them saying "everything involving Sora, his friends, the chiblade, and all that didn't really mean anything because THESE are the REAL bad guys and THIS is the REAL evil plot". It also didn't help that things were wrapped up almost too nicely. Characters who should be dead/long-gone are suddenly re-appearing, doing the whole "you get recompleted when your nobodies and heartless get destroyed" was unnecessarily done just for the sake of keeping familiar-faced villains, everyone ends up re-united and happy and unscathed, etc. It lacked any semblance of consequence. And I'm kinda salty they tried to replicate the amazing shmup sequence from Nier Automata. It was a pretty shameless rip that completely missed the point and impact of Nier's sequence. Also, HOW IS KAIRI STILL SO GODDAMN USELESS AFTER ALL THIS TIME AND AFTER GOING THROUGH KEYBLADE TRAINING? She still has the personality of cardboard, too.
"Waiting 13 Years For a Video Game"
I thought that was the standard Square Enix development cycle.
mariokarter13 shit it is now
Thats the ff7 remake's one at least
*Looks at Valve...
Looks like not giving a crap is their standard thing.
@@sonickhable FFVII remake was announced just a little over 3 years ago. Which is pretty normal for AAA games by now.
@@L0calLEGEND Honestly, Valve is just shit now a days. A shame too, considering the Orange Box is what got me interested in their games back in High School.
You know Brit loved a game when he doesn't feel the need to make a DMC reference.
I thought he did at his closing comment
Welp expect DMC 5 in 4 days as of this comment.
and when he doesn't reface us his hate towards the games that:
1) is recent.
2) is a remake.
@@samtemdo8 *7 days
I wasn't expecting you of all people to make a positive video on the game.
Yeah especially with how disappointing it really was. There where some cool moments but I did feel really forced.
@Leonardo Hernandez Jimmy Dean Jimbo it only feels like we've waited a decade because the game was announced in 2013.
@Leonardo Hernandez Jimmy Dean Jimbo I think its mostly a square thing since FF13 and FF15 happened. KH3 is a good game but It was made by a different team (Osaka made BBS, DDD and Tokyo made 1&2) so changes were to be expected yet I hoped it would be more balanced like KH1 and 2.
Nick Graham If there's ever been a game I've wanted him to absolutely thrash it's been kh3 wtf even was this review?
Yeah, it kinda' simply comes out to "This was worse than KH2"
Which is enough of a reason to get annoyed at it, really.
It's not as good as a previous entry in the series with a shorter development cycle on a console two generations ago.
"Story pacing feels a bit off here and there"
WOW did you ever understate that
The story barely has any pacing, things just happen whenever the writer wanted them to.
hes surprisingly unspecific and un-critical about kh3
@@purelizardmilk6598 I guess you can say he's genuine.
@@yuwu585 yea he is definitely genuine, he just speaks so vaguely about the positives and good "feel" of having the game, it's not rly worthy of his usual youtube essay treatment when he doesn't do in-depth critical analysis and instead just says "i like this"
@@purelizardmilk6598 I mean to be fair Kingdom Hearts has always been like this, if you're ever so slightly critical and objective about a KH game you would tear it apart for hours. Whether you enjoy a KH game or not mostly comes down to how emotionally invested you are in the series and therefore willing to suspend disbelif and enjoy the games for what they are
I kinda think KH2's ending felt more like an ending than this game. It was a simpler time, even with nobodies and the organization being introduced. It just wrapped up very nicely. Sora and friends are reunited on the Destiny Islands at last, they're back, roll credits. But.... Nomura had a whole new can of worms he just couldn't wait to open. Oh well. Still got some good to great payoffs in this game.
i couldn't agree anymore. From all the buzz i heard, the ending of this game felt kinda loose and it's understandable. BirthBySleep, 358/2 Days, RECoded, DreamDropDistance and KHUnionX kept overcomplicate stuffs
@@BasedVegeta agree, they should have completely stopped at KH2. No spinoffs, no BBS and KHUX stuffs, just stops and focus on Nova Crystalis (which is supposedly another Nomura's ambitious project involving FFXIII, FF Type-0, and supposedly FF Versus XIII)
@@ShatteredGlass916 I think Birth By Sleep is acceptable for the most part. The idea of a third major game being a prequel that shows the villain before he became a heartless and a nobody an' all that, with heroes who fell tragically in battle, Sora and the others as little kids, the organization members before they became nobodies and were just normal people, fleshing out the backstory of the world, the unversed being a unique new enemy type that gave the game more of its own identity (similar to heartless for 1 and nobodies for 2), the then relatively simple method for forging the "X-Blade" and opening Kingdom Hearts that way, all of that is fine and dandy. If that was where they left it, I'd be fine with that too. But of course... I think Dream Drop Distance is where it REEEEEALLY got out of hand. It took all of the themes of KH2 and everything we knew about Nobodies, and spat on that, and the whole "When you destroy a heartless and a nobody, the original person comes back to life!" bit was just a clear excuse to bring Xeha-whazzit back. And time travel, uuuggghhh.
@@NickonPlanetRipple oyeah the time travel........ great addition indeed
Xehanort: "ImMa S3nD MeS3Lf t0 VaR10us T1m3LiNe & SpLiT iT iNTo 13"
Nomura's a bit like George Lucas in gaming imo. He likes to go deep into himself a bit too much.
FYI, Yoko Shimomura wasn't the only composer on KH3. It was also composed by Takeharu Ishimoto and Tsuyoshi Sekito, who composed tons of songs for the game (and even other songs in the series).
Takeharu did Crisis Core FF7. Whom I want to be the FF7 remake after Nobuo.
I can definitely tell some of these tracks aren’t made by her
And if you ask me almost every song not composed by Yoko is kinda underwhelming
The arguments you presented seem believable
I waited 10 years for dmc5
I waited 20 for Sonic Mania
PurgeX where have you been
@@petwisk2012 Yeah but at least you had Mighty N.9 to tide you off. /s
@@M7S4I5L8V2A ew
15 years for hl3
The pacing was one of the worst parts, for me. There's nothing for most of the game and then the end comes and it just vomits all of this stuff. I'd rather have each story rapped up in each world.
I feel you. Still a good game though! And great ending
plus there is not the good old exploration part of 1 or 2 final mysterious worlds.The last 3 endgame worlds were basically on rails unlike Hollow bastion , End of the World and The World than Never Was
It would have been cool if you see the events slowly unfold as you go through each world , fighting the main antagonists In some of those worlds, who said you cant fight them more than once? you dont have to just make them a one time thing towards the end.
@juan Yeah, I can agree with that
It's because Square is looking to milk the game like they did with FFXV.
Just wished Mickey didn't smile when he's unhappy at some points. It makes some cutscenes with him harder to take seriously because he's smiling at sad or negative moments.
:) Smile through the pain (:
All throughout KH2 I had that feeling. At least the GBA Chain of Memories has....portraits. Better than nothing lol
One of my favorite moments was Woody telling Younng Xehanort that he’s so messed up because someone didn’t love him enough
Christ, lol
NMH, KH3, REmake2 and now the wait for DMCV is getting shorter.
We just need a Metroid to close this as your year, too bad Prime 4 got delayed.
Aringtorulethemall no good thing it got delayed it only means we get a better game overall
Still though, would've been exciting to have a new metroid game.
what's NMH?
@@TheAlchemistHome Delays dont always mean better game overall. Look at FFXV.
Prime 4 got delayed for a good reason, and if I'm not mistaken Retro is going to be developing it. That's a really good sign since they made the other Primes.
Can't wait for him to say something about DMC in this video
he actually didn't what the hell
KillerSpring what a waste of time watching this honestly
Emmett H I know right? It’s not a TGBS video without it.
Pssh, let him prepare. He’s gonna be all over the place with DMC once next Friday comes.
I love that Kairi literally does *NOTHING* in 3
At least she died
She's done more shit in KH 1 and 2 than in 3. Un-fucking-believable.
and she had a WHOLE FUCKING GAME TO CREATE HER CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT... boils down to being princess peach... and dies...
She used her magic to stop Sora from dying, instead sending him to the final world. Sora then goes on to bring everyone back.
@@cometmoon4485 how do you know that was her? Rumor has it that it was Luxord who saved Sora with that card he game him since everyone in the organization kept telling Sora that his fate was already sealed if he unlocks Waking
I'm a fan of F-Zero and Advance Wars. Feels bad.
I like Advance Wars more than Fire Emblem and it hurts when it gets ignored for FE.
At least we got Wargroove.
Captain Falcon lives in a shitty aparment infested with bed bugs, and needs food, pls Nintendo.
Wargroove is a spiritual sequel at least!
F-Zero hits hard for me. The last time Nintendo even acknowledged it's existence is when they added Mute City in Mario Kart 8
This game was fun but majorly dissapointing. There's a lot to talk about but my main issues are:
Lack of content
Game play is way too easy
And sequel teasing is so disrespectful from a game we waited so long for.
Bassem Elmehdawi lol but it's story arc was concluded they just kept it open for a lot of stuff
I agree with you for the first two points but how is sequel teasing disrespectful? Lmao.
@@FranK-tg7ou There's a difference between an open ending and a cliffhanger. KH, KHII, and BbS had open endings. Every other game has had a cliffhanger.
@@shockzz1234 because instead of getting a resolution with the Destiny Island trio we get baited for a sequel we will have to wait a few more years. It makes it feel like they only want our money. Not only that but entire world's have the organization or malifacent looking for the black box so for to them to just say yeah that isn't going to be resolved is a waste of time. I love the epilogue and if the entire story wrapped up and not focused on the box I would have loved the ending to this game. Keep in mind that kh2 wrapped up most loose ends before teasing us with a secret cutscene.
@@MrBassem95 I mean, Of COURSE they were going to focus on several things besides the Destiny Island trio because the oher games set them up. SE have ALWAYS said that 3 was the conclusion of the Xehanort Saga, but that KH would continue beyond that. They never said anything with the Destiny Island trio would be resolved, that's your own expectations. Everyone looking for the black box was a waste of time just because it wasn't brought up and resolved in the same game? Hard disagree there, that's called setup. Setup for the next saga. That everyone knew was coming. And then it paid dividends right at the very end with the Foretellers coming back, who are obviously going to be the next bad guys and the box will be hugely important then in the next saga.
Sorry for the rant, but i really can't wrap my head around how setting plot stuff up for the next game is "disrespectful" lol. Evey KH game has done it till now, only difference is KH3 had to set up for a whole new saga, not just the next game in the same saga. Imo they did a very good job of setting stuff up for the future whilst also wrapping mostly everything up for the existing characters and plot-lines, even opening up new ones like Axel and Isa's search for Girl X, or the black box stuff, or whatever happened to Sora. You getting baited was your own fault, because personally, it went exactly how i expected it to go.
Who's here stalking the channel just waiting for the DMC 5 video?
Me. Found his channel when he shit all over God of War. Totally disagreed with him at first but boy. How right he was.
Me. Everyday.
He porbably still busy recording gameplay get dante's ass beaten by Vergil...
That would be me
Brit hates Nu-GOW people get angry.
Brit likes KH3, people get angry.
Can he ever win?
God of war is amazing tho
sir cartman It was good at the cost of sacrificing nearly every old gameplay element it had, making it god of war in namesake only.
Joe P. They made like 6 games that play the same...
jaatown23 agreed, but same could be said for every dynasty warriors spinoff. Doesn't change that there's an audience for it and radically changing that would make those players uncomfortable with the new one.
@@koboltcatalyzer Wouldn't you want something to change after 6 games that played roughly the same? I say that as someone who played and liked all of the OG God of Wars and the new one.
Weird how much I disagree, especially on the final world.
Boy, as someone who played almost all spin offs, that was an unforgivable fuck up only Nomura could pull off. Imagine a moment in a story that is being prepared for 10 or so entries, just to turn out to be a 3 hour long boss rush with recycled old content and EXTREMELY unsatisfying, way too short conclusions for pretty much every single character in the series. It's a mess.
If they had spread all of the characters evenly throughout the story, the game would've been so, sooo much better. Instead we get an epic moment like the Union x attack, just after killing the same boss 7 or so times and before we get the lame ass edgy anime boss rush.
Did we really need each boss fight to drag out for hours though? We already seen these bosses and what they want. Why waste more time just pissing about with things we already know. It's almost as if this is the final chapter or something.
@@whoneedsskittles because, as it is now, it makes the pacing of the story horrible and rushed.
Fighting 13 piss easy bosses in groups of 2-3 all one after the other doesn't exactly give you an appreciation for the bosses or really capitalize on the emotional investment we have with the conflict between the bosses and the main characters associated with them.
And don't goddamn talk to me about wasting time when the entirety of the disney worlds have had their importance to the main plot severed and served as essentially filler for the entire game leading up to that point.
@Cameron Douglas In KHII, they reduced the filter factor by having Organization members play active roles in those worlds, even to the extent of you fighting and defeating them. As you proceed through these worlds, you feel like you're actually doing something worthwhile, with the added plus that the stories Nomura crafted for those worlds felt more thought-out and integrated Sora much better. In KH, the worlds feel like filler, but they contextualize it with the fact that Sora and co. are looking for people - it's only natural they'd spend some time in each world to see if the people they're looking for are there.
In KHIII, the context they give for Sora going out to new worlds is to regain his strength and regain his power of waking. However, in these worlds, Sora makes NO attempt at all to find more about this power of waking he supposedly lost, nor does he actually feel like he's growing stronger - it doesn't help that they give you all of Sora's powers from the very beginning (shotlock, formchanges, attraction flow, flow motion, grand magic, etc.), making Sora's rompt through the worlds feel even more inconsequential.
@@StarMiners0416 I think the biggest problem is that there really was just no compelling mystery in the plot. In KH1 you're discovering the KH world, looking for your friends, figuring out about Ansem, and you dont know where going it's going. In 2 youre still looking for Riku and Mickey and Mickey wont tell you what's going on with Riku, then you have the Organization around and waiting for Sora to find out about Roxas, and you still don't really know where the story is going. With KH3 though we know everything, we know what everybody is doing and why they're doing it and worst of all thanks to DDD we know exactly where this story is going and what the final battle has to be and the story throws like zero curveballs into it. Even things some people may call a surprise super arent surprises if you've seen the endings to any long running shounen ever.
9:19 "Cuts down on busy work for crazy fast paced action"
One word - C R A B S
@@SunlitSonata14272 You mean all the detail to put into a place that you wouldn't have had anything to do in if it wasn't for collecting crabs? lol
Lucky emblems that are only important if you really give a shit about the blatant sequel-begging that should have been left out altogether-- at least until the epilogue-- ingredients for food that you don't really even need, and ship battles which mostly end when you press triangle, or hit them in the right spot.
It's fucking empty busy-work, man.
I don't get how he missed the blatant padding of that world which is extremely hurtful considering the fact that there's pretty much no story in it
@@SunlitSonata14272 And Classic Games to find, and the Flan minigame. Both of which you need to do to get some of the best weapons in the game.
@@PANICBLADE Why get good weapons if there's no fights worth using them on?
Of all the KH3 reviews I've seen, yours has come the closest to expressing my own feelings on the game, and it's the closest to my personal experience with the series as a whole (as a fellow 20-something Brit who didn't really follow the post-2 spin-offs).
I don't think it matches the raw brilliance of KH2 (Final Mix), but it's beautiful, ambitious and, most importantly, unapologetic about what it is. And, honestly, I was just so happy to see Donald and Goofy in the final stretch - there to the very end - that all the bad Nomura storytelling in the world fades into the background and you're left with the core of what made this stupid, unwieldy series so fucking magical in the first place.
Imagine waiting so long for KH3 that you graduate both high school and college just for it to be worse than KH2
Well this is awkward.
@@DrWiley-fm3ik Yeah, both.
@@DrWiley-fm3ik Imagine literally waiting so long for KH3 that you literally graduate both literally high school and literally college just for it to literally be worse than K literally H literally 2
@@Largentina. lol are you mad or something?
@@DrWiley-fm3ik So furious, I can't even see straight. Who's replying to me right now?! You guys are lucky I'm blind with rage right now!
This is the only video I’ve seen that talked about this game in a good light
ive seen a few others
I've seen the finale praised alot, the meat of the game though....Absolutely terrible is putting it lightly.
I haven't played KHIII myself nor do I care to. Maybe when its 70% off 5 years from now.
@@SunlitSonata14272 Please stop spreading this bullshit about high expectations, dont try to downplay people's criticisms of the game with the same tired and recycled lines of putting blame on the people. Instead, actually have dialogue with them and see where they are coming from.
@@DarkSpyro707 I agree with you man kh3 was so mediocre it's the only game I've played that lacks a beginning segment and a mid segment yet people keep saying it's a complete game when clearly it's not
@@SunlitSonata14272 So then no matter what it will always be the people's fault, any sort of expectation they have no matter what is somehow always too high when they start giving criticisms, so their opinions and criticisms just simply dont matter. Thats basically what you're trying to make out? Well I call bullshit shit on every single word of it. This game has some very obvious problems storywise, gameplay wise, and content wise. But nah, my expectations were just too high, silly me.
I feel like, on its own merits, this is a really great game, if lacking in some areas. The wait and the buildup is really what hurt it the most. Here's hoping Nomura has learned his lesson about spreading stories too thin and forcing tons of interim stories down our throats in between main games.
Still better then waiting for a game for over a decade that will never happen "COUGH COUGH ,HALF LIFE 3"
>13 years
>Not over a decade
@@cyberninjazero5659 what?
@@Largentina. "Still better than waiting a game for over a decade"
As we have demonstrated 13 years is in fact over a decade
@@cyberninjazero5659 You forgot the rest of that comment. "Better than waiting over a decade for a game that will never happen."
@@cyberninjazero5659 Meaning, he's comparing waiting over a decade for a game, and waiting over a decade for a game that will never release. Understand the difference?
narratively, i think KH3's problem is that its missing a second act. Its like the whole world-travelling part is the first act or prologue, and then it jumps straight into a nice but somewhat rushed finale. Makes it feel somehow short even though its actually about the same length as 1 and 2
God I wish this game was better. It's great, but jeez I feel like it could have been a lot better.
Surprised you didn't mention any of the glaring flaws, considering how systematically you take apart some titles. This feels somewhat dishonest, especially since you played (and loved) KH2.
... did you watch the video? Why is it so hard to believe he loved the damn game
Lol why cuz your opinion of the game is the right here? Maybe he just loved the game cuz it’s amazing
@@SweisPlays because most of the people who love 3 have nothing but bad things to say about 2. most of us who loved 1 and 2 are extremely disappointed with 3.
@@Jack_80 do you want to give actual statistic figures on that, or youre just going off anecdotally
@@zaqareemalcolm What do you want him to do? Do a damn poll on how many people said they liked it vs didn't?
I liked it, it was better than the spin-offs for sure but it's just so underwhelming compared to the mainline games and the writing was specially bad in this one
I agree that it was underwhelming.
@@SunlitSonata14272 I agree, but by Carry i assume you mean Kairi? Or was that Just a Pancake reference :P ?
There’s no spinoffs, every game is intertwined, just because the title didn’t have a number doesn’t mean it’s not main story, this isn’t assassins creed
Matthew Rubenstein But that’s entirely the problem the original kingdom hearts aspect took a major back seat to the Disney aspect . Instead of being 50/50 it’s more like 60/40
I can't believe you found the final hours the best in any recent game.
There are so many reasons why I find it horrible.
1:when characters die in these hours it happens too abruptly which feels unearned.
2: the final battles don't feel like a long string of difficult fights. They instead feel like small skirmishes between friends because every single villain needs to be redeemed in the end.
3: too much happens too quickly without the proper build up. Rescuing Aqua should have been a mid game objective.
4: the box takes way too much time out of the already beginning and mid game story which is already lacking just to be setting up for a sequel.
5: setting up a sequel for a game we've waited for to have resolution is disrespectful.
1. They fight, they die. How is it unearned?
2. Everyone is essentially being stung along by Xehanort and their "redemption" goes to show how far gone he actually is. It's no coincidence the two who have the least remorse is a literal embodiment of negative emotions and a younger Xehanort.
3. Play DDD and Fragmentary passage. That isa major part in the lead-up to the climax in three. Sure having it in separate games sucks but that's clearly how Nomura meant the pacing to be.
4 and 5. There is resolution to every game released after 2 in 3. How you can say it's disrespectful is laughable. They have been very upfront in interviews that 3 was not the end of the series by a longshot and you can't fault a game for setting up a future iteration of the franchise.
I'm sorry but I find the "sequel bait = disrespectful" funny as hell because the games ending wraps up the ending for 3's story, the teaser for the next game (or DLC did you even think of that) is a completely unrelated event from 3, if the game ended with Xeahnort escaping and plotting his next plan *THEN* it's genuine sequel bait but for 3 that's clearly not what happened
@@Diakyu 1. Everybody dies when facing the Demon Tower in the Keyblade graveyard, only Riku makes an attempt to fight it off while everyone just gasps and runs away - even Sora doesn't even try to fight it, behavior that's unbecoming of someone like Sora. Later, Organization members start dying but we've seen so little of them throughout the game that you question why they're even there. In the end, Sora "has" to die because he overuses the power of waking, a power they never contextualize, never explain fully what it does, and never fully explain the limitations of. It feels like an ass-pull, because they never explain anything, then pull the rug under us by saying that Sora will die if he uses the power again?
2. This would be a fair point... if only we actually see these characters for more than a few cutscenes. Why should we feel sorry for Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, Xemnas, Ansem, etc. if all that they've done to Sora is literally abuse his power and his memories? Redemption doesn't feel earned at all. Yeah, Nomura may have intended these characters to have some redemption to show how far gone Xehanort is, but the execution leaves much to be desired.
3. Don't defend Nomura for practices that were clearly not very smart. Who thinks it's a good idea to put crucial, and I mean CRUCIAL, plot details in games that would traditionally be treated as "side" games? That'd be like if JK Rowling presented Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince as a side story and then expected everyone to understand what the balls was going on in The Deadly Hollows... it wouldn't be very smart for her to do that, and it wasn't very smart of Nomura either.
4 and 5. Just because there WAS a resolution, doesn't mean it was a GOOD resolution. By your argument's logic, then KHIII isn't a resolution to anything KHII established, it resolves stuff that happens in "SIDE" GAMES (or main games disguised as side games). That means that KHIII isn't a sequel to KHII but a sequel to KH side games, yet they decided to slap "3" onto the title, implying that it's a sequel to KHII that ironically undoes the resolution achieved by KHII's ending. Furthermore, Nomura clearly stated that KHIII would be the end of the Xehanort (or Dark Seeker) Saga, meaning that KHIII has the responsibility to clean all remaining plot details created by the previous games (that's what the END of a SAGA means). Yet, they instead spend much of the midgame setting things up for a sequel instead of fleshing out the current story. They set up the new Princess of Light, they never explain the contents of the box, they never explain Maleficient and Pete's intentions with the Book of Prophecy and the box, they create a new mysterious "girl" that Lea and Isa happened to meet but never mentioned until KHIII, they never explain why Ansem also wanted that mysterious girl, I can keep this list going on and on. Why did Nomura set up all these details yet leave them for a sequel? It's like he's never heard the concept of Chekov's Gun. In a game that we've waited 13+ years for, we expect the game to focus on cleaning things up rather than setting stuff up for the future - yet the game spends most of its time setting up a sequel, leaving the last 3 hours to clean things up. That's just plain infuriating, and makes it look like Nomura was more focused on the horizon than the path in front of him.
@@Diakyu um all 7 die in one cutscene and it was in the trailers as if they would be something more serious.
@@Diakyu XEMNAS AND ANSEM GET REDEMPTION TOO. Xehenort as well. Please ignore the caps my phone changed all the words into caps for some reason
The combat is much more dumbed down and boring to me without the triangle counter from KH 2, wasn't worth trading for Disney Ride attacks
The serious boss fights were made laughing stocks when you were able to take them out with a carousel, or a rollercoaster, or tea cups, like come on. I missed the drive forms.
The one who created kh2 combat is working for ff7 remake
The disney rides were the worst part of the game. Good idea, badly executed
Back in 2006 people said the same exact things about kh2. This is just 2006-2.
@@justsomeguy727 I'm with you! A lot of people forget that KH2 was just as bad as they make KH3 look like, the one that's better is KH2 Final Mix which is the F I X E D KH2
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is one of the greatest games of all time. I didn't expect KH3 to be up to par. It's hard to follow up a masterpiece.
I find it funny how the people that were so obsessed with KH for all these years ended up the most disappointed by 3, i kinda checked out of the series a long time ago and had my expectations low for 3 and by the end of it i came out pleasantly surprised with a few criticisms here and there.
I am fan since day 1 and I love kingdom hearts 3 but I do have some criticism. Not every thing is perfect especially kingdom hearts
I found kingdom hearts 3 a bit unsatisfying, they focused too much on the on the future with that box that had NOTHING to do with this games plot, and Pete and malificent had nothing real to do but was building for the future
KH3's highs are higher than KH2's but its lows are sort of lower. I think DLC will help it a lot.
I don't agree. The only High in KH3 that I consider better is the union X attack.
There are a few things kh3 does better than kh2 apart from the obvious graphics and how it runs, but kh2 is just better overall
@Unstoppable Plays! Brit Boiz
Bassem Elmehdawi I can think of more higher highs. For one, the level design and Disney worlds are much better.
@@fakebird000 They haven't been making this game for 13 years; it was in developement for about 5 years from what I recall.
Also it's really no different than the other numbered titles and Birth by Sleep getting a Final Mix versions. Now they just don't have to rerelease the whole game for an update like that.
“Waiting 13 years”
Try near 20 years for Shenmue III
It's not a competition Daniel
Anton Duroj Bidstrup i know, i’m just saying :)
@@danmann861 i know, it was my "amazing" attempt at comedy. Anyways i think he has played those games and is probably going to play the third.
What did you SAAAAAAAAAAY?
Try waiting for half life 3
Biggest issue with Japanese developers is their sporadic adhd. The reason highly desired /hyped games go through a decade long development cycle is because every two years they get so discouraged by innovations or realizations by other game producers that they keep scrapping their product and starting all over again , adding unnecessary stuff or taking out beloved nuances that they feel are overdone. Hence why ff15 and kh3 took a decade to finish, not make . Both games went through 10 overhauls graphically /story wise/physics wise/and combat and game mechanic wise in that decade plus development cycle. Hence why these games feel like they were developed in a standard 2 years , adding nothing profoundly ground breaking or clever
Dylan Fagundes Hence my similar reasoning to how the Japanese gaming industry have become mere copiers instead of innovators. I’m gonna get a groan for citing the obvious but that one game...Dark Spirits I think it was called,(s/) has been one of the only true innovative titles to come out of the east...with the exception maybe being the Nier titles (if you look past the smaller scaled presentation value).
Honestly i feel like this game was finished in 2015 and they straight up forgot about it for the next 3 years.
@@Thederpyguide how do you figure? The development of the game started in early 2011 with the first teasers shown at E3 2013 with the titian boss then it was dead silence til 2015 where they spilled the beans and pretty much teased a mostly complete game and then went silent til E3 2018 when they announced the release date an all that jazz. So from start to finish it was about 7 years in development.
Nick Graham How do you know that the game started in 2011? Do you have any source or link of this?
@@nemisous83 KH3 was teased unofficially in a DDD secret report so it couldn't have started developement in 2011.
Only thing that makes me sad is the complete lack of Final Fantasy characters.
I can feel it radiating from you Charlie, some sort of deteremination, a kind of stimulation, no... a certain MOTIVATION!
I got the exact same feelings of KH3 from start to finish that you personally seemed to have gotten from the remake of Ratchet and Clank. That's the best way I can really explain it despite my overwhelming enjoyment of KH2. What a disappointment really.
I still don’t understand why people were saying they were waiting for KH3 since 2006 when KH2 ended on such a definitive note
Sjono Because of the secret ending
☝️ facts
BorneGamer Z
That eventually was revealed to be BBS as opposed to KH1’s ending basically showing KH2
The secret ending, the cliffhanger at the end of KH2, and the other loose ends and unresolved plot points (e.g. the Chamber of Repose and Waking, who was the Lingering Will, etc.)
Guys let's be honest. This is a video game franchise, marketed to capitalist economy for the sake of profit. Kh3 was always going to happen.
17:31 On the topic of post-game content.
When they first released this was what they had:
Kingdom Hearts 1: One "superboss", the Phantom thing in Neverland.
Other content - Basically nothing, you couldn't even save after the end.
Kingdom Hearts 2: One "superboss", Sephiroth. Other content: Challenges, like battle ones, kinda like the ones in KH3. That was it basically.
Birth By Sleep: Two "superbosses", the heartless in Mirage Arena, Iron Imprisoner or whatever. And Lingering Spirit Vanitas.
Kingdom Hearts 3: One "superboss", Dark Inferno. Other content: The challenges, those battle gates.
If anything, KH3 doesn't lag behind in comparison. The versions referred to here, are rereleases a long time later.
Vanilla KH1 had 2 superboss heartless, the Ice Titan, and Sephiroth.
@@jamesalexander5559 the US release had extra shit that wasnt in the original japanese release like what you mentioned
Absolutely 100% agree with you.
Even had a small tear in my eye again when you brought up certain moments again from the game and the franchise.
Great video, it was very well expressed and amazing.
Waiting forever for the mgs 3 remake
Mgs games dont need a remake...
The only one that aged not that well is the first one
They only need a porting
@@stylesheetra9411Have to disagree with you there, MGS 1 is still highly playable.
Konami: What's that? You want to play MGS3 again? OK, here's MGS HD Collection on PS NOW, enjoy your input lag!
And I'm certain KH3 isn't the only game you've waited more than a decade for TGB :)
This year really has been quite eventful for gaming, with us getting new installments in franchises that have been anticipated for some time.
DiD yOu KnOw he only started playing dmc3/4 back in 2013/2014?
Only thing I disagree on is that I love things post 2 so seeing these characters I've grown to love finally get their happy ending almost like how 2s ending was a roundabout for the characters in the first game.
It's just a personal preference though this game also hyped me up to what's to come.
But disagreements on the actual story aside you do really capture what makes this so popular and why I love it for that emotional and feel good value even through the layers of plot KH is cheesy but it really does have some of the most Heart I've ever seen from a video game series
Also I felt like one of the few fans who actually loved the ending and after reading a fucking super long ass theory today and this video I really appreciate a lot of this game and yeah I have my issues but fuck I still love this series
It sucks to say this but this is the worst of the numbered titles, hell I'd argue that it's worse than some of the spinoffs. There's just so much they did wrong.
-Too little keyblades, many of them look awful or recycle forms
-Toy Story and Monstropolis are the only good Disney worlds; Hercules again? Ugh. Don't even get me started on how awful Frozen's world was
-Proud mode is no different than easy mode
-No post game content at all
-Attractions are awful
-The Instagram posts are very cringey
-Tons of awkward dialouge, again
-That incredibly rushed ending in hopes of pushing Unchained down our throats even harder, this was so bad that I'd dare say it was straight up offensive
And now Nomura is planning to make paid DLC. For fuck's sake.
I'm depressed, games don't usually get me down like this but I love KH.
You're just talking in code about the wait and expectations for DMC 5 in this video right?
I was trying to decode them but i couldn't make it out.
It's almost as if he was just talking about KH3.
Whoa! You absolutely echo my thoughts about PS2 or Pre-PS2 game design versus todays. An RPG back in the day felt brimming with content, huge worlds, tons of characters, an epic story, fantastic combat, captivating writing and more. Nowadays, you can seemingly only have a couple or few of those things while the rest have to be scoped down most likely due to the development costs. So I immediately knew what you meant when you were making comparisons to PS2 era games. In some ways, KH3 isn't immune to these problems, but it certainly holds up far more than other modern games these days.
Wow, I was sure you would dislike this game but you liked it a lot, I think this is the first time I disagree with a lot of points you made, because I got disappointed in a lot of ways with KH3
Same here. Very disappointed how KH3 turned out.
most disappointing game i've ever played and i wasn't expecting it to be great but passable, and to me it's far from passable. i knew it wouldn't compare to kh1, re chain, or kh2 for me, but i actually had more fun playing bbs and ddd than i did 3, no joke. 3 is the only one kh game i never once had fun playing and had to really force myself to finish. also the only kh game that never made me feel the slightest emotion because every part that was supposed to make you feel any emotion felt hollow and forced. one of the most boring games i've ever played.
Still waiting for a Kh3 sephiroth boss fight......
It never came
This seems decidedly glowing for a game that has so much, I'm not sure if this is the right word, but, dead air in it's cut scenes in both a lacking of words, action, and even ambient sound in far too many cut scenes. Not that the combat isn't pretty awesome, but all the same, the cut scenes show us the story, the thing that makes the combat mean anything, so I feel like it should color the scoring of the game to some noticeable degree.
I have NO IDEA how more people aren’t vocally disappointed with he cutscenes, it’s downright dumbfounding to me how much they fucked up the feeling that the games had before, was the change in engines really that big of a hindrance that they also happened to not notice that all it’s characters sound like their soul departed before the events of the game? Maybe some scenes are better than others but holy shit, who edited this, you could speed up the dialogue by 1.25x speed and it might start to sound enthusiastic and natural by comparison. And the dead stares and mannequin-esque body language in most scenes drives me fucking nuts, everyone was soooo animated back in KH2 that this just fails at selling this grand finale, having the ending do it all is so damn cheap.
I only have 3 complaints about KH3:
1) The game isn't necessarily easy, the enemies and boss fights are well designed, but Sora has just so many options and so many lifelines that getting a game over is almost as hard as in FFXV. Because of how broken Sora is, I don't know if it's even possible for them to make DLC postgame content (if they do) that is challenging.
2) For a game with such a humongous baggage of KH story to unravel way too much time is spent on making me watch Frozen and Tangled. Just let me play the fucking game, it's fun, I don't want to hear Let it Go for the 100billionth time Nomura.
3) What the fuck is Big Hero 6?
A Disney Movie based on a Marvel Comic xD Thats Big Hero 6
An amazing video. I love hearing that you loved the game like I did yet can still see its flaws. I feel like i've been seeing more negative than positive reactions to KH3 and i've been feeling left out with how much i enjoyed it and this video was so refreshing.
Still waiting on the "KH Mechanics Dissection" video.
The Aqua prologue WAS intended to originally be the opening to KH3, as I understand it. Though I'm kind of glad it got chopped off and made its own thing. As much narrative value as the Roxas segment had, it kind of undercuts the momentum in repeat playthroughs and I'm glad KH3 more or less just lets you get on with it. But yeah. The Aqua prologue ends on the opening cutscenes of KH3, literally. You can see the ripped seam where it was torn off, almost literally.
- Lewis
A weird Positive look at KH3, while blindly not understanding why the game get's the hate, or dislike compared to KH2.
While I don't think you lying per se about that you like it.
However, I think you are in it just for enjoying the gameplay and the cinematic experience.
After having played the game myself, and even replaying some of KH2, I can personally say, that the amount of content between the beginning and end of the game, as well as per area is more considerable per.
As well, the fact that the game took a long time to make, and the team had to learn new program to us, vs the release date, definitely hurt the overall experience, and you can literally feel it in the way that the game controls and handles.
While I thought the ideas in KH3 were interesting, the overall game suffers from cut corners, everywhere.
Your run time is slower, you start off in a sort of sprint before hitting full run which is fairly slow compared to the size of the levels, on top of that combat has been slowed down and scaled back considerably, where now Attractions are the main focus, and you don't get to really choose which special ability you want to or get to use.
Music has also taken a hit, and really is just off.
Not many tracks if at all any really stand out to me, and the fact that He's a Pirate doesn't play in a Pirate's of the Caribbean world when out on the waters, or battling on land, is just insulting, especially when the track made/used is just some generic sailor noises, drums, and what not that just feel bland and uninspired.
The worlds themselves are also now mediocre, as you don't get to leave and then have to go back to each world, you're just stuck on that world untill you complete the objective necessary, and that's it.
There's no alt danger or anything that seems to crop up and cause havoc for a second, or even third time, and the worlds themselves are just short, bland and uninteresting.
Not going to give praise to KH2 on that one either, but at least you had to go back to previously explored areas to stop something from happening, or explore some plot relevant thing, which may or may not lead to another world.
Also while we're at it, can we please talk about how bad the characters are in KH3?
Now I'm not going to say that the characters in KH2 were masterpieces, but like what is up with Donald always egging Sora, for no real reason in the game?
Almost every time you get to a new location, Donald has some wise crack joke, or instigating comment ready to hit Sora with.
On top of just have really lazy and sloppy writing all around.
Characters act really out of character, some even straight up just act like they don't know or care little about Sora and the gang, even though they already know them.
These are just some of the issues I had with the game, and for me personally really dropped the quality considerably, and I feel the game could have use another year in the oven.
We waited 13 years just for nothing but an enormous major step backs that would disappoint millions of fans
luckily for square there are many blind fans that will support any crap they put out there. kh3 literally could have been 100 times worse than it already is and all these people defending it now would still be defending. it's like a mental disorder, they're so blindly loyal they are unable to the flaws no matter how extreme they are.
@@Jack_80 same and it's honestly the same issue with ff15 the entire game and story felt completely rushed and the combat felt so damn average and clunky at most times at this point I'm actually scared for the final fantasy seven remake
@@jman8194 i feel like i'm the only one who could care less about ff7 remake or anything else led by nomura. with the absurd hype ff7 is getting, it could be 100 times worse than kh3 and it'll still get more praise and defenders than kh3 has. people are seriously brainwashed by hype.
@@Jack_80 and that's exactly the problem with gaming nowadays is that people are now getting way to caught up in there delusional fan hype to even recognize any sort of flaw in a new product produced by there most favored company they just refuse to see their greed and laziness hell even I thought that the original final fantasy 7 was overrated as hell I just couldn't feel attached to any of the characters at all some were just plain forgettable
@@jman8194 yeah but in the original ff7 at least you got your $s worth with a huge, complete game, they weren't trying to scam you even if you didn't like it much. now they are breaking it into 4 or more games and every one of them will have plenty of dlc. they are just gonna use this hype to milk it as much as possible.
ff9 was probably my favorite. i felt like it had more complex characters that i actually cared about. well except for the retarded, frog eating thing, lol.
As much as I’m disappointed with this game I’m glad you could enjoyed it and offered a new perspective that makes me appreciate the game more. It’s flaws certainly made me appreciate KH2 even more like damn they really made an almost perfect game with that one
i can't stand kh3. i had a lot of fun playing kh1, re chain, and kh2, played them all a few times and never got bored. played kh3 and was so bored i could barely bring myself to finish it once, and now that i have, i never want to look at it again.
The core difference between KH2's "flashy things" and KH3's "flashy things" is that everything in KH2 carries an actual cost to use it (although Reflega is priced far too cheaply). Nothing in KH3 really costs anything at all to use and instead either has overtuned damage or total invulnerability for a very long time.
Sure everything has a cost in kh2 but you'd be just fine not using those. The game is fairly easy
@@lunasperidot8760 This is why I hope they work on the situation commands for crit mode and add a cost for each command, excluding transformations imo.
As well as some rebalancing to links and a clear activation system for team attacks.
Nomura did state they're working on more than just some damage numbers for crit mode so I'm hoping they change things up significantly.
This is probably my biggest gripe about the combat system to be honest. If Keyblade Transformations and Attraction flow cost MP to use then choosing to use them over magic could probably become a lot more strategic (although they REALLY need to nerf magic a bit, Firaga is fucking ridiculous).
I'm pretty sure it was a crossover between Disney characters and Square Enix characters. Not specifically Final Fantasy. Don't get me wrong it is sort of a bummer, but I can't help but feel there's a serious misconception going on here. The only thing SE had at the time was Final Fantasy, yes there were other properties just like how Disney owns many other properties too. This is not to mention how in KH they had such an insiginificant role 80% of the time most of their parts would be too easy to forget. If you ask me, I would much rather put up with the KH stuff than have yet another FF thing go "Hey. . . . .I'm cool and. . . . .here. That is all" for pretty much almost the whole game every time. Not even a part of any of their worlds are in the game for how insignificant they are. It's cool that KH reached that status to be its own SE thing and there's TWEWY even though even less coverage than FF did in KH3.
From someone who has a video named "Challenge is the Core of Video Games" I don't get how you can like this game.
That was not a video about games needing to be hard. It was, as I recall, more aimed at the designer trend that sees difficulty as a sales barrier rather than an element of fun. The "games should all have boss skip buttons" movement, if you want to get smartalecky about it. So the point was less "games need to be hard" and more "games don't need to be easy."
" So the point was less "games need to be hard" and more "games don't need to be easy.""
So wait. KH3 wasn't easy? wasn't the easiest game in the franchise? that it didn't have 'skip buttons.' >.>
enjoy your Disney rides.
@@OneTrueNobody "Games don't need to be easy"
But KH3, even on Critical, is pretty easy. The only deaths you should ever face is an enemy sniping you or charging at you from off-screen, which is unreactable. :/ (cough Water Cores cough)
Way to miss the point of what I said completely. Did you even read my post...? "Games don't need to be easy" is not the same statement as "easy games bad." There are plenty of fantastically fun, easy games. Moreover, there are different aspects of challenge that can engage players even when the threat of defeat in a particular game or situation is not particularly notable.
It is not necessary to hate easy games in order to enjoy hard ones. Nor is it necessary for one to hate easier games, just to earn the "cred" to step up and speak out against a gaming press trend that basically says we should hamstring game difficulty to make games accessible to "everyone."
@@TheLPRnetwork While I'm "enjoying my Disney rides," you could perhaps learn a bit of reading comprehension. Enough to know the difference between "easy games are bad" and "games don't need to be easy," at least.
Kh3 was more of a prequel to kh4 than it was a end to the xehanort sega
EXACTLY! When Nomura was developing this game he admitted he was thinking more about what occurs AFTER KH3 rather than KH3 itself.
@@ReverofEnola Yeah. Feel that 3 suffered because of it.
@@GustavoJua15 honestly... i think the game just felt too short and way to easy and took to long to actually get to the story... but i also think it was a satifying ending to the xehanort sega... and the ending/epilouge made me really excited for the next game.
Its also good that they are adding dlc and critical... i hope its more secret bosses and maybe some data battles
A very fair review. KH3 stumbles around in some areas that games before it didn’t, but it also delivers in the Kingdom Hearts experience masterfully. It’s the “higher highs, lower lows” deal all over again.
Unfortunately I have to disagree on this game being “Kingdom Hearts 3”. As you mentioned the numbered entries before this one were... complete. This game puts more effort in setting up future titles than its own plot.
The most egregious example being how Larxene, Marluxia, Demyx, and Luxord were recruited for a potential that is never realized. A reason that exists solely for a less than nebulous future rather than the villains who supposedly seek to capitalize on it.
KH3 behaves much more like a titled entry than a numbered one. Serving to resolve the immediate situation sure, but more importantly set up... well... every game before worked towards KH3, and every numbered entry a titled one (EDIT: Correction. Every numbered entry left a nebulous future that was realized by a titled entry. Each secret ending was expected to hint towards the next numbered entry, and BBS for example was a subversion of our expectations).
All of these plot points we see set up... we can’t even know how important they are. As far as we can tell none of the set ups. The girl, the potential Keyblade Wielders, the Foretellers, the box, Yozora. Absolutely none of it could matter by KH4. This might be the official start of a cycle of numbered entries existing to promote titled entries existing to promote numbered entries.
Vadan Drumist thats all it became after 2
Just more ways to milk the series
My exact thoughts. Why should I play your game if you’re just going to bait me into playing the next game, which will bait me into playing the next, and so on?
Give me a complete, satisfying experience. Or at least don’t neglect your current game because you’re so busy setting up the next one.
No one wants an endless cycle of cliffhangers.
It’s Nomura!!! He needs to hand over the job of writing to someone else!!!
kh3 ending was disappointing to me as a kh fan but i could see why a casual gamer would . this felt a high budget spin off then an actual main line
...a casual gamer... ok
I was disappointed st first, but it’s got me hyped for the future honestly
What do you mean casual gamer it’s all about opinion just because of his opinion on one thing doesn’t label anyone as a casual gamer
Na you just too immature to handle a sad ending.
As a longtime KH fan, this game was fantastic.
I honestly expected 3 to be what it was , call it cynicism but after BBS and 3d it was clear that 3 was going to be a mess in terms of combat design and writing.
ImASillyName this game needs a new protagonist and new story.
@tristan nah
It's a nice game. Tbh people who thought this would be the last entry were setting themselves up for disapointment. Nomura had to wrap it up so he could start the next saga and he did it the Best he could i guess. The pacing was really off though. We should've rescued aqua at 60%, letras her recover and bond with kairi and have castle oblivion be a dungeon where you could take aqua, riku and kairi or Lea to recover the land of departure. Difficulty is also an issue but hey, critical is confirmed in the future. Just hope its well balanced
Sora having a smartphone is "inspired"? Pretty much every single player AAA release has a smartphone allegory with a selfie-mode to pull in teens and kids these days.
Josh Gribben with Kh it makes more sense though seeing as this world is usually super modern
3:52 how ironic what you said there actually happened that aqua segment was scrapped out of kh3 due to memory restriction
This is the only KH3 review that I feel aged well. Even more recent reviews run on outdated arguments
Wants to avoid spoilers as much as possible
*shows the game's secret boss without warning*
Problem KH3 is it felt like they put more attention into the graphics than the actual story not only that but there really isnt much to do in the game aside from watch 5 hours worth of cutscene and play 3 hours of game.
This game felt more like it was supposed to be part of someone's portfolio. It was less a game, and a conclusion to a saga, and more "So, as you can see, I am well-versed in using the Unreal engine to make things look big and shiny. So, do I have the job?"
@@MrNickPresley yeah also most of the original KH crew was working on FF15, so I'm sure they outsourced or used the clearly high out of their mind writers from DDD. But yeah like Funky said it felt like all flash and no substance. Also the fact that there are no FF characters is complete blasphemy.
I feel like I lack that strong consumer attachment to this game that makes people love it. When I played through the game, all I could see was Disney's aggressive choke hold on their IPs, and alot of resources going into mechanics that I honestly Ignored for the majority of the game.
The game was good but it definitely wasnt worth the painful wait. Kh2 was better
No. Kh 2 was better and wasnt thrash specially when considering the fact that kh 2 only took 4 years to develop. So fuck off
This is a dumb argument kh2 was just as much base game people always compare it to kh2 fm so its not a fair comparison
How exactly? And no don't tell me that the story is better, I skip cutscenes when I'm re-playing a video game (at least some of KH3's cutscenes are funny so I watch them anyway). KH1 and 2 also suffer from that by giving very long tutorials. KH3 has better combat (I agree KH3 is super easy but there are more options for combat so I found myself mashing X less), better bosses (the organization fights and very few of the Disney bosses, like Scar and MCP, were great but the other bosses are just "press X and hope for good"), better mini-games (I'll take the dancing mini-game in Corona any day over Atlantica in KH2 and the flash tracer in San Fransokyo over the light sycle in Space Paranoids) and obviously more fun worlds to travel through. Sure, KH2FM added a lot of PGC but base game only had Sephiroth, which was super easy compared to his KH1 fight, and the olympus tournaments, which I don't care about because they don't give you anything besides a trophy (at least the battle gates reward you for beating them). Playing both KH2 and KH3 on proud, without using the revive token, I only lost twice to Sephiroth before beating him on level 50 and I lost 6 times to Dark Inferno before beating him on level 53.
@@roiitzkovich4545 KH3 combat was piss easy. That alone makes all the "options" youre given redundant.
Better bosses? What? All the bosses are huge fucking monsters who never recoil. There are barely any humanoids except the final bosses which again, are so easy that your teammates alone can SOLO on proud mode.
Minigames I agree with, but worlds? What about the smaller selection of worlds did you like? Arrendele? A bland and samey world with 0 variety. BH6? One sort of big city that you can't do anything in. Etc. Etc. Not to mention how we didn't have ANY original KH world. Even Twilight Town was just Twilight Street.
Also, Olympus does give you rewards? You get Keyblades, Armor, Accessories and Weapons for the rest of ur party. It's way more rewarding than Battlegates.
Also, I find it incredibly hard to belive u lost only twice to Sephiroth and 6 times to Dark Inferno. He's objectively the easiest Superboss in the series due to how OP your abillities are and how he only has 4 different moves.
@@edelric321 seems like SOMEONE understands. Im not saying kh3 was leaps and bounds above 3 but there are many things 2 did better. Many things 3 shouldve killed 2 in
To HELL with this sequel and its "Finale". All that shit and Xehnort got off so damn easy. He quickly became a underwhelming presence.
My friend absolutily loves Kingdome Hearts but hates this game, says they have ruined it
You liked that awful final 5 hours? It was a terrible ride up until that part and only got worse with its checklist boss style of "we forgot to tell a story the whole game, time to play catch up"
2sallads That’s literally how kh1 and Kh2 are, go to the Disney worlds and all the major plot happens at the end with back to back bosses.
@@Matthew-so8fh Not even close, there was always context to why you were there, some details being divulged. This game felt like filler because it was. The second game wrapped up things perfectly. The side games were made to milk the franchise. Nomura was creatively empty so he just tied up the side games.
2sallads Did you even play the side games? Nomura wasn’t going to make Kh3 until after versus 13 came out so he made the side games to build up the story. Also their was context to be their???
@@Matthew-so8fh Yes and the all sucked aside from Chain Of Memories.
well then you weren't paying attention. for a few years before III released, they've been saying over and over that there will be a big final battle with 13 vs 7 in the graveyard. you'd have to be dumb to think they hype that repeatedly only to not follow through with it by killing off players on either side before that point.
*Waiting almost 2 months for a new video*
Yes! Positives about this game I so much loved. RUclips is finally giving that to me!
(They chose to adapt the third pirates movie because it’s releavent to the plot of this game)
I wish i liked this game i really do i want to but i just can't. It just felt empty and rushed
Well, that’s your opinion. Nothing wrong with that
That's unfortunate for you.
Your opinion is valued so much. Thanks for telling us something you could’ve just thought to yourself.
I clocked a solid 40 hours into this game collecting shit and beating it at level 49 on proud mode without dying is kinda boring and the game did feel super empty it’s literally a children’s game for fan service
@@GaaraFPS Play on critical dammit.
So MGSV gets shit on and called rushed, but this one gets a pass?
Did you actually play the game? It's FAR from rushed.
I mean, you could think it was if you have no idea of how gaming development works.
@@valini6652 if you had any idea of how combat should work you would know this game was terrible. Jesus dude, you must think fanfiction is great if you think the story is this game is good.
KH 3 made me realize that there are some games I wish would get sequals, but I'm probably better off never having them. Because it's better to be left wanting more, than to end up being dissapointed by how everything ended. At least in my opinion.
You either end on a high note, or you continue long enough to become trash
Truer words have never spoken. MGSV is a perfect example, or hell even MGS4
a lot of people praise and defend kh3, so there will be plenty more garbage to come.
Baroque Chevalier I don’t know man mgs4 felt pretty good as is
Can’t argue with your opinion but this game was ass. Pacing was the fucking , story was beyond boring . Also the last part of the game was a straight let down. Seven Keyblade wielders just stand right their and get attacked. Blew my mind with how bad it was, they don’t even let you use other characters. They fucked up making this trash, Aqua was weak so was ventus. It felt like they didn’t even matter to the story for real it was just all about Sora.
No food, no drinks and the only babe just left...
I just wish that Aqua could have at least got redemption against Vanitas before waking up Ven. It make no sense to me that she says “I’m ending this” and after us being very OP throughout the fight. She gets cast aside so Sora can get the power of Waking. Which also, defeats the point of us exploring the Disney worlds up to that point. Just by wishing it he had it. But, anyways I still think that Aqua should have defeated Vanitas and get redemption for her and her friends and then someone from the organization come out of nowhere and attack her knocking her out which then could have given Sora the power to wake Ven. Just my thoughts. I just feel as tho Aqua, Ven, Roxas, Kairi, just about everyone was sidelined for the Goku effect cuz Sora has to do everything.
not really. by exploring the disney worlds, he regained most of his lost abilities and gained some new ones. without them, he'd be too weak to save aqua even if he could still just find the power of waking within himself.
MrHandss I meant for The Power Of Awakening itself. Yes I know they were important to level Sora back up. The game would be way too short without them. I still wish that they could have added in worlds like The Incredibles, Jungle Book(which was made for bbs but, never finished) :( and Brave maybe. But, it was still a good game.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my 13 years waiting is ruined.
Completely agree
Yes, Aqua's 0.2 was at some point intended to be KH3's first part! Nomura confirmed this in one of the myriad interviews leading up to KH3. I think even the whole of DDD's story was going to be part of KH3 before it was detached (and probably expanded). I wonder how KH3's pacing would feel like if DDD and 0.2 were part of KH3 in some form.
Try waiting 18 years for a game (shenmue3) and 20 years for a movie (alita battle angel)
Try waiting 21 years for Blood 3
And then you get Dororo, 50 years waiting
I'm just glad I already own Half Life 3 and don't have to wait for that anymore.
Well it took Kid Icarus 21 years for a sequel!
Waiting on FF7 remake still
A video I didn't even know I wanted to see. I've had many mixed feelings about this game, but I'm glad to know that Sora, Donald, and Goofy can still make for a fun and charming journey together even today. The way you talk about the first two titles is also very reflective of how I feel and my connections to those games as well. This game may be getting a lot of criticism and disappointed responses from some people, and I won't argue it isn't all warranted on some level, but overall I feel this game is just a nice, comfortable reminder that Kingdom Hearts can still charm me and be a joy to play, even if many of the story bits that have been added since the last major release don't have the same effect on me. ^^' Looking forward to the DMC 5 video too! I'm ready to slay demons and get SSStylish with Dante and Nero again.
Waiting 13 years for a DMC 5 review.
I had to pause this @11:32
Kingdom Hearts is dear to me, and the amount of consideration and care Uve invested makes me emotional. Its Christmas 2k21, and Ive yet to play it, or any other game since God of War 4 FIRST came out.
Even now, watching, Ive feel like Ive experienced it, and was severed of the memories with the feeling of it still present.
Okay, lets continue.
People are going to talk shit about this game until the next game comes out, then people will realize that this game was a very good game
Dylan Kilpatrick
Or the flaws will still be picked apart because they’re objectively, recurring flaws?
And this is coming from someone who loves the game.
many of us have no interest in another kh game after 3 turned out to be the worst one, besides maybe recoded.
Jack M that has to be the biggest exaggeration I heard
Honestly, I love how KH2 ended but as I've played through the series, again and again, I've come to realize the ending of 2 was the ending of a chapter in this saga. With 3 being the end of a saga with a tease of what's to come.
I wanted to love this game so badly, but it really just broke my heart.
yeah me too. i think many people wanted to love it so badly that they were going to no matter how bad it turned out. i can't do that, when i'm bored every minute during both gameplay and story. if it were one or the other maybe, but nothing about this game kept me slightly interested. i had to force myself just to reach the hollow, rushed, forced ending.
Just a game, just have fun, americans... Yozora best boss fight ever. "hur dur, silly, dumb, goofy videogame, it doesn't even make me question my sexuality" what a shit, complaining people
Man can I come in and say I love how you put series endings in context of release cus that's things a lot of reviewers completely ignore . Cringe withheld , you're a gamers gamer
I need to make a video where vent about how this game was the final nail in the coffin for me. Honestly you and anyone else who werent interested in or invested in the endless side games that came out after 2 are better off with your ignorance.
However as someone who didnt just wait 13 years for this game, but SUFFERED buying every single side game at launch, investing yourself in the lore and characters of those stories and their meanings. Having them ALL just taken of care in a completely counter productive way to what those original stories were going for (seemingly at the time anyway) in a bloated awfully paced finale-
(It has you fight a mob that plays itself thanks to the train removing half it's life, then one old ass boss one character has beaten before shows and and everyone just stands around and jobs until Donald "dies?", only for Sora to give up way too quickly, everyone "dies", the game then reminds you of the shitty mobile game and it's genuinely awful characters, you save everyone's jobbing hearts by chasing this shitty heartless just teleports away every second in reused assets, then something that shouldve happened the first time happens when LW shows up, THEN a repeat boss fight from 0.2 with a mobile referencing shmup which was kinda cute but is undermined by the real final fights starting AFTER that. All for the thematic solution to winning that chess game just being "I fucking cheated")
-was far more than just disappointing.
Some characters who did get appropriate ends like Repliku felt unnecessary and like an emotional repeat. In fact all of the supposed to be emotional moments with the main trio are just repeats of 1 as you yourself mentioned (Sora "dying" , Kairi saying goodbye, etc.). To me that came off as cheaply retreading territory due to lack of any other ideas.
Stuff we've been waiting years for like all these characters finally meeting up is lifeless, stiff, and plain awkward some times. it's the biggest sign these stories are made up as they go. All their dialogue is just regurgitating their tangential relationships instead of saying anything new or personal.
Even worse is the jobbing. Literally every character that isnt Sora just jobs, endlessly, in this game. You play as Riku twice and both times he loses against a shitty resued boss from 0.2. Aqua you play as once as she brags about finally not getting to job, only to job. Axel and Kairi are built up since DDD to becoming wielders and training literally as long as they need to in some Dragonball shit. When they finally get to show off in 3, they get a collective count of 1 fucking heartless on screen (less than Kairi's 2 heartless count in KH2). When you get them in your party they are the worst party members in the whole game. Despite her speech, Kairi gets captured again, and Axel loses his keyblade. Like Nomura regretted that decision in DDD completely.
Kairi in general gets completely shit on in this game due to that ending. It came off really mean spirited. Especially once I saw the epilogue and secret ending revealing to me that he just wanted Sora to fuck off with his new shitty characters I hate for the sequel and thats why Kairi's character is treated with such disdain. Characters that are so bad they keep revealing the old ones to be retroactively related to them so people will care and spend money on his shitty gacha game.
This all comes off very cynical but thats how the game made me feel. This all could've been forgiven if the game at least played good like 1 or 2, but it dosent. It has worse animations, game feel, camera, balance, and boss design than both 1 and 2 like every piece of shit that came after them. I played and beat all those games with faith that it was building up to something greater than the some of it's parts. It ended up being less.
I was crushed by this game and there was nothing more depressing to me than that. I gotta work on that video and go more into it. I know there must be others who feel the same. Regardless again Im glad some people got some joy out of this game. I genuinely envy you.
I generally agree with this. Kh3 made me realize that none of the games after 2 are even above average. I no longer care about this franchise and if I had to recommend kingdom hearts to someone I would just say to play 1, com and then stop at 2 since that has the most satisfying conclusion
Squeaky I completely agree. I feel bad to shilling this series to people for so long.
Damn, this was lowkey heartbreaking to read, feelshellabad bro.
You pretty much summarized the way I've felt about Kingdom Hearts 3.
The way 1 and 2 were played out, there was always a halfway point in the game when you would be asked to revisit the worlds, something that during my whole playthrough of 3 I was waiting for but which never came.
The amount of content in this one is ridiculous : 8 worlds in total, not counting Winnie the Pooh's world since it's a minigame world, and quite honestly I should also not even count Twilight Town because the amount of time you spend here is beyond short. So in total, that's 8 worlds with one optional world, VS 13 worlds and 2 optional worlds in KH2, that were filled to the brim with things in them.
Every world felt so huge, so big in 3, but so god damn empty. Just thinking of all the walking and running I would have to do to 100% complete the game, it put me off instantly and for once I didn't do it.
Also, where the hell were the Square Enix characters ? The most we see from Final Fantasy is at the very start when Hades talks about his previous acts, we see 3D models of Auron, Cloud and Zack and that's it.
The worst was when I was nearing the end of the game, I started to feel a dread. That dread when I was starting to realize that this really looked like the end game, that the game was this short and this lackluster in terms of content, and that I was in absolute denial.
When Sora and the crew get to fight the heartless at the end and all get Thano's out of existence, and Sora dies... When the game speaks of "going back" I was thinking "yeah! that's how they do it, they make us go back to previous worlds for a second time, except this time we keep the XP and Sora knows about what will happen!" but noup. This segment here, where you get your bodyparts back and go back to the past... Is the single most useless thing that happened by far in the whole series of games. There was nothing to be gained from this for anybody, the one and only thing that it did, was pull the weirdest writing they could on Sora, making him give up in less than 15 seconds like it's Kingdom Hearts 1 all over again.
The game wasn't BAD per se, it was just so, so very underwhelming and I can't believe I'm even prefering KH BBS and possibly DDD over KH3.
Also why did they get rid of the fusions ? Using two keyblades was the thing I was most excited about in this game and what I loved the most about KH2's gameplay...
@squeaky KH3 wasn’t supposed to be a conclusion though. It was a conclusion to Xehanort, NOT the entire series. Hell, even KH2 was like that. Many things were left unanswered in KH2 that needed to be answered.
9:20 Black Flag if it gets glitchy enough...
I managed to front flip over a ship in that game...
With my own ship
I remember the good ol days when the game was announced near semi completion.
While I enjoyed the game, I SUPER have to disagree with the pacing. Like, oof, was that pacing bad. 90% of the game is just Sora wandering aimlessly and without purpose through various Disney worlds, then suddenly the last couple hours is jam packed full of nearly ALL of the plot. It reminds me of the issues with FF15 where they crammed most of the story into the latter half of the game making the pacing suddenly ramp up to 100mph.
I also felt like this game's conclusion made all of the previous games feel totally inconsequential. It felt less like a satisfying ending to Sora's story and more just a push to transition into the "real" story. Like, the way it ended was basically them saying "everything involving Sora, his friends, the chiblade, and all that didn't really mean anything because THESE are the REAL bad guys and THIS is the REAL evil plot". It also didn't help that things were wrapped up almost too nicely. Characters who should be dead/long-gone are suddenly re-appearing, doing the whole "you get recompleted when your nobodies and heartless get destroyed" was unnecessarily done just for the sake of keeping familiar-faced villains, everyone ends up re-united and happy and unscathed, etc. It lacked any semblance of consequence.
And I'm kinda salty they tried to replicate the amazing shmup sequence from Nier Automata. It was a pretty shameless rip that completely missed the point and impact of Nier's sequence.