Heya! Charging does also provide an advantage in turn based combat, but not as much as if you weave in real time with pause. In turn based you would get a single character to charge the enemy and your party would get a surprise round where everyone other than the charging character would get a single action. This action can be a charge if there is a path to an enemy, but frequently there will not be a path so you'll have to relegate it to a move action for melee characters to get them into the fray. Archer characters will get a single attack (not a full round attack, but 1 attack) and casters will be able to cast a spell or use an ability that doesn't take more than a standard action to do. So in summary, charging in turn based combat still provides an advantage, but as overwhelming of an advantage. It would probably work better if your party had a heavier focus on casters than melee to make the most out of the surprise round with a damaging, debuff, or cc spell.
hey guy from the future here. how does this work in turn based?
Heya! Charging does also provide an advantage in turn based combat, but not as much as if you weave in real time with pause. In turn based you would get a single character to charge the enemy and your party would get a surprise round where everyone other than the charging character would get a single action. This action can be a charge if there is a path to an enemy, but frequently there will not be a path so you'll have to relegate it to a move action for melee characters to get them into the fray. Archer characters will get a single attack (not a full round attack, but 1 attack) and casters will be able to cast a spell or use an ability that doesn't take more than a standard action to do.
So in summary, charging in turn based combat still provides an advantage, but as overwhelming of an advantage. It would probably work better if your party had a heavier focus on casters than melee to make the most out of the surprise round with a damaging, debuff, or cc spell.