This is Bulerias by Sabicas. Pepe is incredible! I sat 15 feet away from him,front row dead center at La Guitarra 07 in Santa Maria. Ive been to many classical guitar concerts and they usually last about 2 hrs. As much as Id hate to say it they unfortunately drag on. But with Pepe they were the most exhilarating and quickest 2 hours of my life! He got 6 standing ovations that night, two before intermission! He played this piece for his second of 3 encores!
Los hispano hablantes deberiamos de comentar siempre en español para que nuestro idioma tenga mas presncia en la red, sobre todo en videos de como este que desborda la cultura de España a flor de piel. Grande el maestro Pepe Romero.
un guitarrista completo,que se mueve perfectamente en el flamenco,el cual conoce desde chico por supuesto,y tambien con una perfeccion notable en el mundo clasico,especialmente con los autores españoles,joaquin rodrigo,turina,falla,etc.los comentarios en contra solo reflejan desconocimiento,porque solo unos pocos privilegiados lograron tocar con autoridad los dos generos,y sin ninguna discusion,pepe romero es uno de esos pocos.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,. How great to hear and what a spectacle to watch. I'm amazed by the speed and the co-ordination of this Man. Looks effortless too. Bravo
Tem gente que nunca saberá apreciar a Arte. Mas a quem percebe o divino da música Pepe traduz o sentimento do autor e suas mãos sentem com ele. Magnífico. Ele é reconhecidamente o melhor solista de guitarra espanhola. Para desespero dos incautos que deixam suas incompreensões expressas aqui. Soberano. Pepe Romero!
WOW! What can I say? I'm no flamenco player, but I've seen people on youtube criticise Pepé saying that he has no idea how to play flamenco. WATCH THIS VID THEN! Fast, rhythmical, INSANELY difficult and technical, PLUS the most amazing touch, control and tone. Surely a lesson to all in how it should be done!
Je ne connaissais pas cette version. Pepe Romero est vraiment un guitariste qui me prend aux tripes. Merci du partage. Si vous pouvez écoutez le duo avec son frère Vitalidad d'un inconnu : Antonio Siñopoli. Flamenco para siempre !
I like this very much and yes I find it has a real flamenco feeling in the old style of Sabicas and he has a very Spanish sound. This is a perfectly acceptable way to understand the Buleria, very traditional.
Couldn't agree more. I can't imagine anyone saying this man has no idea how to lay flamenco. But then I don't understand negative criticism anyway. I learn something from them all, accomplished and beginners. I've always said it basically gets down either have something to say or you don't. Thanks for your great comment. ET
¿No pueden simplemente disfrutar de la música sin clasificarla? ¿O acaso venimos al mundo para criticar a los de 'una casta' distinta a la nuestra? Relax people ! Life is short, enjoy it !
A un flamenco no le faltan tecnicas para tocar clasico...a lo mejor le faltara saber leer parituras pero tecnica no le falta ni ejecucion...pero a un clasico si le faltan muchas tecnicas para tocar flamenco como por ejemplo si os fijais Pepe Romero no da ningun golpe ni los rasgueos son como tinen q ser....simplemente es una pieza con aires de buleria pero buleria no lo es....pero no quita q Pepe sea un guitarrista escepcional porq sin ninguna duda lo es......
I've also heard some guitarists say that Pepe Romero is a "poor guitar player," but these were amateur classical guitarists who don't know and can't appreciate the differences between classical guitar and flamenco ("they don't even use the right knee!"). One was taught in conservatories, the other around the campfire. One is the music of the rich and is accompanied by an orchestra, the other is the music of the poor accompanied by a man sitting on a cajon. Viva la gente Gitana!
This is great about these artists: Russell has beautiful tone geared toward chordal and contrapuntal pieces. Pepe has the punchiest single lines (the bass and treble just kill you) and rasgueados, even though anyone who can do the Aranjuez can do anything. I think Angel may be a good synthesis between the styles (listen to his Bach and, especially his Elogio de la Guitarra by Rodrigo...absolutely brilliant. We´re blessed to hear these players.
+Magdalena de Oña Cots Y efectivamente, no saben. Ni las diferentes técnicas les suenan bien ni le dan la rítmica y sonoridad. Probablemente porque rara vez un clásico se pone con un metrónomo.
+norjart creo que si estudian con metrónomo indiscutiblemente, pero es cierto que un clásico por lo general no es dkestrl en el flamenco porque las técnicas son distintas igual la rítmica y esas particularidades se desarrollan en un buen tiempo, así que creo que cada arte es respetable y pues zapatero a sus zapatos.
@earltroach Bulerias isn't 'by' Sabicas. It isn't a single piece. It's one of about 20 traditional styles of Flamenco. It's an expansion of the Solea style, and one of the most popular. This performance is in the 'old-school', traditional Gypsy style. More modern Bulerias have a much different feel and syncopation(but in the same compas)
Reminds me of comments on martial arts tutorials. Everyone is Connor Mcgregor on text and a black belt in BJJ. All the keyboard warriors claim to do it better and yet I see little to no videos, CDs, publications, tours nor anything that indicates a contribution to the field. Yes, Pepe is a classical guitar player. What is wrong with delving outside of one’s pond to grow? Bulería is a flamenco palo but guess what it is also part of Andalusian Spanish culture and he is in fact from Malaga, an autonomous community of Andalucia. Now the hater clan will tell me I can’t play Cuban son because I am not Cuban? Come on! Lets get real, if you can do it better than the man post your own video playing the piece. Now for all the puritans, si ustedes los más papistas que el Papa...The guitar has colors, and while flamenco players predominantly favor playing close to the bridge they also use other timbres. It is not all happening in the bridge! “No está tocando dentro de Compás”, well he is playing inside the Compás but bear in mind he is not comping for cante, this is a classical guitar recital and he is bringing some of that elasticity to it. In the end I am not surprised about the hating. People hated on Paco because back in the day a lot folks back in the mother land hated on flamenco musicians, specially gypsies. A lot of other folk hated on Paco when he incorporated the Peruvian cajón, expanded his ensemble to include bass guitar and sax or when he became the leading voice of his ensembles instead playing for cante. Now tell me who is talking nonsense about Paco? So stop hating on Pepe and let him do his thing.
the comments written above a brilliant , great to see excellent comments , not some soaying oh he is not thta good etc.... great .. WOW ! pepe just plays this from somewhere else, does anyone know the exact name of the bulerias by sabicas , as id like to order the music im sure alain faucher has arranged it . best wishes
@Stealthanugrah So, correct me if I'm wrong but, Rhythmical basically means Metronomic? I remember John Williams and Paco Pena discussing "classical guitarists' bad performances of Sevilla, by Albéniz" and saying that they played it "all wrong" because they pulled the timing around too much; as though there was some "idea" way it should be played. They completely missed the point that is was NOT written for guitar, in the first place. But it made me think, does it have to be metronomic?
Well this man has fabulous technique, incredibly ferocious attack and a melodic feel to his playing (Something not always apparent in flamenco players.) And if it makes folk exclaim 'Wow!', then so be it. In the presence of talent like this we should be awestruck.. And we are!
Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con lo que has expuesto. Para empezar, cualquier guitarrista flamenco, incluso un nivel avanzado ( ya no digo semiprofesional, profesional o top .... ) debe tener un mínimo de técnica. Yo aquí lo que veo es a un señor tocando por bulerías. Y hay que reconocer que toca bien. Pero los hay mejores incluso avanzados o semiprofesionales. Demasiadas escalas, aunque es cierto que los rasgueos están muy trabajados. También es cierto que son bulerías con falsetas de corte clásico y por supuesto con un compás demasiado rápido para esta época. Técnicamente está bien tocado, pero no me transmite, sencillamente. Aún así respeto tu opinión aunque no la comparta. Un saludo
Im not sure I understand why people say he is not following compas. I counted along and his falsetas all follow the bulerias compas. I think he has little trouble to get the tip-top perfect timing in sometimes, but still a dancer will be able to follow along. The only thing thats missing is the raspy and loud sound that a flamenco guitar should have. but thats understandable because he a classical guitarist.
@mentevisualizadora talvez porque esta usando una guitarra de flamenco...... Tambien me gusta mucho esta interpretacion...saludos de Los Angeles..P.s. por favor disculpa mi falta de ( ' ) ...mi computadora no los usa... : /
Su interpretación es genial, con esa brillantez con que resuelve los picados y las escalas y el comenzó con el flamenco y, posiblemente no se le ha reconocido todo lo que debiera, los clásicos le atacaban por flamenco y los flamencos por clásico. Que cuide, lo digo en broma, no se le caigan las gafas encima de la guitarra y que no se duerma sobre su brazo derecho cada vez que rasguea.
There are many guitarists, classical and flamenco, can play very fast. Pepe Romero can play fast, yet ,, very clear. His way in flamenco guitar music compensates the weak point of some flamenco players who go for speed, but forget the tonality. I view it some kind of improvement.
@skingaz He's a great guitarist, he's just not a flamenco guitarist, there's a humongous difference. Yes fast, yes insanely difficult, but not rhythmical which is what most of these people are complaining about. Rhythm in Spanish Music as well as Flamenco is the most important element of the whole scene, which is why he isn't considered a great flamenco guitarist. Technique is perfect, just giving insight on why these people say no.
there is a definite difference in what the two genres emphasize. thumbwork is more emphasized in flamenco; you don't see alzapua in classical works. rasgueado technique between the two types of guitarists is very different; most classical guitarists simply don't need it as its not something they see in the repertoire. also, golpes are not often seen in classical guitar. in addition, flamencos produce picado within the context of a flamenco tone leading to a difference in how they do picado.
@Stealthanugrah Yes, I'd be very interested indeed in having a chat to you about the differences in feel and technique between Classical and Flamenco. What I REALLY want though, is to be pointed to a flamenco recording of this, so I can compare the rhythm for myself. I just don't imagine Pepé being prepared to concert ANY piece that he was going to murder. He even says how wrong doing that is, in his 1980 technique book. Can you, or anyone, show us how it SHOULD be?
Please if you are going to post a comment, at least have some videos in your profile, that way you can show your taste of music, otherwise don't post those kinds of comments about a great guitar player. When Pepe plays flamenco, his playing sounds more clean because he has been trained as a classical guitarist. And if you listen to his Flamenco! recording tell me if that doesn't sound flamenco.
Apart from the rasgueado (rapid strumming) and tapping the soundboard, there is no difference in technique between classical and flamenco. Flamenco players usually use a lighter guitar with wooden pegs; Pepe is playing a classical guitar in this clip.
@skingaz Sure I'll give you links and w/e you need, but you will need to learn about flamenco as a whole. What Pepe is playing here is a Bulerias, which is a form based on a 12 count beat. There are accents on 3, 6,8,10,12 and sometimes 7 instead of 6, if you listen to flamenco, they must play in time. They play perfectly and beautifully, but in time. Sometimes they go out of time, but some "falsetas" call for that. The thing is no one plays the same thing twice, I'll message you.
Wrong-- he recorded a flamenco album when he was in his late teens early 20's---- mainly know as a classical player--- but always includes flamecon in his concerts
@skingaz he's amazing, but I still like Paco more when it comes to Flamenco. I can't quite put my finger on it... maybe it's just that he seems more... relaxed... like he's just playing music at a party for fun or something.
@skingaz if you just want videos just search for sabicas himself playing his own buleria sabicas should be a little bit easier to hear the compas with as his music doesn't have as much syncopation as say gerardo nunez's.
I just like listening to flamenco casually and think that's where it belongs with classical guitar and a duet I can never listen to it on it's own or in a concert it sounds kinda dull like that
@skingaz Not really, metronomic means robotic as in they never get out of the timing and it's tooo timed. sometimes people are like that. but the majority of classical guitarists are often out of the metronome and have wayy too many pauses. The thing is, in Spanish music, and FLAMENCO especially, rhythm is very very very important. Especially the beat he's learning here. I should message you, because pepe played this piece well, like a classical player, but he slaughtered the rhythm :(
Thanh Huynh are compases of 12 times each one, but guitarrist of flamenco have it so interioriced, is not hard to them because is like this music were a part of them, but this is not really bulerias in compas but has buleria tones, sorry for my english hahahaha
This is Bulerias by Sabicas. Pepe is incredible! I sat 15 feet away from him,front row dead center at La Guitarra 07 in Santa Maria.
Ive been to many classical guitar concerts and they usually last about 2 hrs. As much as Id hate to say it they unfortunately drag on. But with Pepe they were the most exhilarating and quickest 2 hours of my life!
He got 6 standing ovations that night, two before intermission!
He played this piece for his second of 3 encores!
Los hispano hablantes deberiamos de comentar siempre en español para que nuestro idioma tenga mas presncia en la red, sobre todo en videos de como este que desborda la cultura de España a flor de piel.
Grande el maestro Pepe Romero.
un guitarrista completo,que se mueve perfectamente en el flamenco,el cual conoce desde chico por supuesto,y tambien con una perfeccion notable en el mundo clasico,especialmente con los autores españoles,joaquin rodrigo,turina,falla,etc.los comentarios en contra solo reflejan desconocimiento,porque solo unos pocos privilegiados lograron tocar con autoridad los dos generos,y sin ninguna discusion,pepe romero es uno de esos pocos.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,. How great to hear and what a spectacle to watch. I'm amazed by the speed and the co-ordination of this Man. Looks effortless too. Bravo
Tem gente que nunca saberá apreciar a Arte. Mas a quem percebe o divino da música Pepe traduz o sentimento do autor e suas mãos sentem com ele. Magnífico. Ele é reconhecidamente o melhor solista de guitarra espanhola. Para desespero dos incautos que deixam suas incompreensões expressas aqui. Soberano. Pepe Romero!
WOW! What can I say? I'm no flamenco player, but I've seen people on youtube criticise Pepé saying that he has no idea how to play flamenco. WATCH THIS VID THEN! Fast, rhythmical, INSANELY difficult and technical, PLUS the most amazing touch, control and tone. Surely a lesson to all in how it should be done!
Bravo Pepe! Fantastico! Ole!
Je ne connaissais pas cette version. Pepe Romero est vraiment un guitariste qui me prend aux tripes. Merci du partage. Si vous pouvez écoutez le duo avec son frère Vitalidad d'un inconnu : Antonio Siñopoli.
Flamenco para siempre !
Rates with all of the greats including Paco !
I like this very much and yes I find it has a real flamenco feeling in the old style of Sabicas and he has a very Spanish sound.
This is a perfectly acceptable way to understand the Buleria, very traditional.
The most classical flamenco gutiar ever. Love it
No encuentro palabras!!!!!
Freedom of expression. He plays exactly how HE interprets. Brilliant!
Wirklich wunderbares Stück und ganz wunderbar vorgetragen!
Oleeee los grandes Maestros de la guitarra
Ok I'm blown away my jaw dropped I don't have words
Couldn't agree more. I can't imagine anyone saying this man has no idea how to lay flamenco. But then I don't understand negative criticism anyway. I learn something from them all, accomplished and beginners. I've always said it basically gets down either have something to say or you don't.
Thanks for your great comment. ET
Pepe is my favorite
Esto es nada mas que terible!!!
madre mia que maravilla
이 연주를 직접 보고 flamenco의 매력에 더욱 빠지게 되었죠!!!!^^
This guy is Gooooooood!!!!!!!
Thanks for your input. I will update information. I was not at this concert but very amazed by the performance.
Thanks, ET
Pepe in classic or flamenco is perfect!!!
He's one complete guitarrist!!!
Wow! That is all I can say! not matter the style correctness. I could careless for correct style. I simply appreciate raw talent when I see it.
Jim Rodgers This is performed in the 'old-school', traditional gypsy style. So it actually is correct. :)
¿No pueden simplemente disfrutar de la música sin clasificarla? ¿O acaso venimos al mundo para criticar a los de 'una casta' distinta a la nuestra? Relax people ! Life is short, enjoy it !
¡Eres tan correcto mi amigo!
Un señoron de la guitarra...
A un flamenco no le faltan tecnicas para tocar clasico...a lo mejor le faltara saber leer parituras pero tecnica no le falta ni ejecucion...pero a un clasico si le faltan muchas tecnicas para tocar flamenco como por ejemplo si os fijais Pepe Romero no da ningun golpe ni los rasgueos son como tinen q ser....simplemente es una pieza con aires de buleria pero buleria no lo es....pero no quita q Pepe sea un guitarrista escepcional porq sin ninguna duda lo es......
Muy objetivo el comentario, y totlamente de acuerdo
La dificultad de esta cancion impresionante y como la interpreta al alcance de muy pocos
No es una canción, pero bueno....
I've also heard some guitarists say that Pepe Romero is a "poor guitar player," but these were amateur classical guitarists who don't know and can't appreciate the differences between classical guitar and flamenco ("they don't even use the right knee!"). One was taught in conservatories, the other around the campfire. One is the music of the rich and is accompanied by an orchestra, the other is the music of the poor accompanied by a man sitting on a cajon.
Viva la gente Gitana!
This is great about these artists: Russell has beautiful tone geared toward chordal and contrapuntal pieces. Pepe has the punchiest single lines (the bass and treble just kill you) and rasgueados, even though anyone who can do the Aranjuez can do anything. I think Angel may be a good synthesis between the styles (listen to his Bach and, especially his Elogio de la Guitarra by Rodrigo...absolutely brilliant. We´re blessed to hear these players.
Que pocos genios ay ahora como este don pepe
He is the standard to emulate...
Para que luego digan que los clásicos no saben tocar flamenco. Toma! Enhorabuena maestro.
+Magdalena de Oña Cots Y efectivamente, no saben. Ni las diferentes técnicas les suenan bien ni le dan la rítmica y sonoridad. Probablemente porque rara vez un clásico se pone con un metrónomo.
+norjart creo que si estudian con metrónomo indiscutiblemente, pero es cierto que un clásico por lo general no es dkestrl en el flamenco porque las técnicas son distintas igual la rítmica y esas particularidades se desarrollan en un buen tiempo, así que creo que cada arte es respetable y pues zapatero a sus zapatos.
Hes one of the kings of flamenco
the gratesguitar player ever..........
very outstanding rest stroke
@earltroach Bulerias isn't 'by' Sabicas. It isn't a single piece. It's one of about 20 traditional styles of Flamenco. It's an expansion of the Solea style, and one of the most popular. This performance is in the 'old-school', traditional Gypsy style. More modern Bulerias have a much different feel and syncopation(but in the same compas)
musashidanmcgrath Thanks for the corrrection....etr
musashidanmcgrath That particular piece following the bulerías style IS of Sabicas.
idiot trying to be clever... this IS sabicas's buleria
That´s a false correction! This Bulería is definitely by Sabicas. It is taken from his album "Flamenco Puro"
Reminds me of comments on martial arts tutorials. Everyone is Connor Mcgregor on text and a black belt in BJJ. All the keyboard warriors claim to do it better and yet I see little to no videos, CDs, publications, tours nor anything that indicates a contribution to the field.
Yes, Pepe is a classical guitar player. What is wrong with delving outside of one’s pond to grow? Bulería is a flamenco palo but guess what it is also part of Andalusian Spanish culture and he is in fact from Malaga, an autonomous community of Andalucia. Now the hater clan will tell me I can’t play Cuban son because I am not Cuban? Come on! Lets get real, if you can do it better than the man post your own video playing the piece.
Now for all the puritans, si ustedes los más papistas que el Papa...The guitar has colors, and while flamenco players predominantly favor playing close to the bridge they also use other timbres. It is not all happening in the bridge! “No está tocando dentro de Compás”, well he is playing inside the Compás but bear in mind he is not comping for cante, this is a classical guitar recital and he is bringing some of that elasticity to it.
In the end I am not surprised about the hating. People hated on Paco because back in the day a lot folks back in the mother land hated on flamenco musicians, specially gypsies. A lot of other folk hated on Paco when he incorporated the Peruvian cajón, expanded his ensemble to include bass guitar and sax or when he became the leading voice of his ensembles instead playing for cante. Now tell me who is talking nonsense about Paco? So stop hating on Pepe and let him do his thing.
Well said!!!!!!!!!
Highly agreed! None of the people commenting can even play half as good as him. His compas may not be good but his technique is amazing.
There is no neccesity to have Pepe Romero's technique to say that he is not playing Flamenco Correctly.
Like a boss.
can't touch this!
the comments written above a brilliant , great to see excellent comments , not some soaying oh he is not thta good etc.... great .. WOW ! pepe just plays this from somewhere else, does anyone know the exact name of the bulerias by sabicas , as id like to order the music im sure alain faucher has arranged it . best wishes
My guitar god.
Do you have the rest of it? Post anything else you got of him!
@Stealthanugrah So, correct me if I'm wrong but, Rhythmical basically means Metronomic? I remember John Williams and Paco Pena discussing "classical guitarists' bad performances of Sevilla, by Albéniz" and saying that they played it "all wrong" because they pulled the timing around too much; as though there was some "idea" way it should be played. They completely missed the point that is was NOT written for guitar, in the first place. But it made me think, does it have to be metronomic?
montoya is great guitarst i love his way but romero broght tears in my eyes,he tutched my feelings.
I know Sabicas is the godfather of flamenco... but pepe looks so much more badass when he plays. Such stage presence, it's inspiring.
No words
Well this man has fabulous technique, incredibly ferocious attack and a melodic feel to his playing (Something not always apparent in flamenco players.) And if it makes folk exclaim 'Wow!', then so be it. In the presence of talent like this we should be awestruck.. And we are!
Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con lo que has expuesto. Para empezar, cualquier guitarrista flamenco, incluso un nivel avanzado ( ya no digo semiprofesional, profesional o top .... ) debe tener un mínimo de técnica.
Yo aquí lo que veo es a un señor tocando por bulerías. Y hay que reconocer que toca bien. Pero los hay mejores incluso avanzados o semiprofesionales. Demasiadas escalas, aunque es cierto que los rasgueos están muy trabajados. También es cierto que son bulerías con falsetas de corte clásico y por supuesto con un compás demasiado rápido para esta época. Técnicamente está bien tocado, pero no me transmite, sencillamente.
Aún así respeto tu opinión aunque no la comparta. Un saludo
Bright. Snappy...
Im not sure I understand why people say he is not following compas. I counted along and his falsetas all follow the bulerias compas. I think he has little trouble to get the tip-top perfect timing in sometimes, but still a dancer will be able to follow along.
The only thing thats missing is the raspy and loud sound that a flamenco guitar should have. but thats understandable because he a classical guitarist.
@mentevisualizadora talvez porque esta usando una guitarra de flamenco...... Tambien me gusta mucho esta interpretacion...saludos de Los Angeles..P.s. por favor disculpa mi falta de ( ' ) ...mi computadora no los usa... : /
@skingaz i havent seen any critisicm of his flamenco. whered u hear or see that
Su interpretación es genial, con esa brillantez con que resuelve los picados y las escalas y el comenzó con el flamenco y, posiblemente no se le ha reconocido todo lo que debiera, los clásicos le atacaban por flamenco y los flamencos por clásico. Que cuide, lo digo en broma, no se le caigan las gafas encima de la guitarra y que no se duerma sobre su brazo derecho cada vez que rasguea.
the reason why people say that he doesn't play flamenco well is due to the fact he doesn't follow compas
hahahaha. = ). Good energy
Classical guitar with aire of bulerias
Como não gostar de tão apurada técnica.
in Indonesian language we said "NGERI"..... also mean speechless
There are many guitarists, classical and flamenco, can play very fast.
Pepe Romero can play fast, yet ,, very clear.
His way in flamenco guitar music compensates the weak point of some flamenco players who go for speed, but forget the tonality.
I view it some kind of improvement.
@skingaz He's a great guitarist, he's just not a flamenco guitarist, there's a humongous difference. Yes fast, yes insanely difficult, but not rhythmical which is what most of these people are complaining about. Rhythm in Spanish Music as well as Flamenco is the most important element of the whole scene, which is why he isn't considered a great flamenco guitarist. Technique is perfect, just giving insight on why these people say no.
Charles Williams: Lo tuyo se llama... ENVIDIA !!! jajajajaj
Does someone know if he uses classical tecnique or flamenco tecnique??? = )
O.O rivediamolo! (let's see it again!) 0:00
flamenco technique is purely the right had strumming techniques, which are widely utilized here. but pepe plays both, beautifully
there is a definite difference in what the two genres emphasize. thumbwork is more emphasized in flamenco; you don't see alzapua in classical works. rasgueado technique between the two types of guitarists is very different; most classical guitarists simply don't need it as its not something they see in the repertoire. also, golpes are not often seen in classical guitar. in addition, flamencos produce picado within the context of a flamenco tone leading to a difference in how they do picado.
@Stealthanugrah Yes, I'd be very interested indeed in having a chat to you about the differences in feel and technique between Classical and Flamenco. What I REALLY want though, is to be pointed to a flamenco recording of this, so I can compare the rhythm for myself. I just don't imagine Pepé being prepared to concert ANY piece that he was going to murder. He even says how wrong doing that is, in his 1980 technique book. Can you, or anyone, show us how it SHOULD be?
Wow... Does anybody have the scores / tabs of this? I'd really like to get them :)
Please if you are going to post a comment, at least have some videos in your profile, that way you can show your taste of music, otherwise don't post those kinds of comments about a great guitar player. When Pepe plays flamenco, his playing sounds more clean because he has been trained as a classical guitarist. And if you listen to his Flamenco! recording tell me if that doesn't sound flamenco.
Apart from the rasgueado (rapid strumming) and tapping the soundboard, there is no difference in technique between classical and flamenco. Flamenco players usually use a lighter guitar with wooden pegs; Pepe is playing a classical guitar in this clip.
@skingaz Sure I'll give you links and w/e you need, but you will need to learn about flamenco as a whole. What Pepe is playing here is a Bulerias, which is a form based on a 12 count beat. There are accents on 3, 6,8,10,12 and sometimes 7 instead of 6, if you listen to flamenco, they must play in time. They play perfectly and beautifully, but in time. Sometimes they go out of time, but some "falsetas" call for that.
The thing is no one plays the same thing twice, I'll message you.
Wrong-- he recorded a flamenco album when he was in his late teens early 20's---- mainly know as a classical player--- but always includes flamecon in his concerts
@earltroach agreed! KS
I think the piece starts as Bulerias, ends as Alegrias :)
Yes, and also change the tonality
no it is played as a complete Bulerias Palo conforming to the rhyhm of Bulerias in differnet keys. Listen again
@@nicoangel690 I didn't know the difference 2 years ago, thanks for remind :)
@juanm429 Amen.
No ha usado ni una sola vez el pulgar al estilo flamenco y le resta fuerza en el toque en esas partes. Un flamenco al estilo clásico, pero bien tocao.
very impressive!!! he's kickin some major tail...... and most of the time he's not even looking at his hand/finger placement. very impressed.
Yes, you see him place his fingers off a bit and readjust a few times, but he never actually misses the note.
he uses a mixture of the two
@skingaz he's amazing, but I still like Paco more when it comes to Flamenco. I can't quite put my finger on it... maybe it's just that he seems more... relaxed... like he's just playing music at a party for fun or something.
if you just want videos just search for sabicas himself playing his own buleria
sabicas should be a little bit easier to hear the compas with as his music doesn't have as much syncopation as say gerardo nunez's.
I just like listening to flamenco casually and think that's where it belongs with classical guitar and a duet I can never listen to it on it's own or in a concert it sounds kinda dull like that
@HotRodGuitarJet why incredible?
Antonio Torres guitar...
41 dislikes? Why?
I press like, even when I thought Pepe's Flamenco playing was not good
until i watched/listened to this paco deLucia was the man for me, i feel a little ill right now and im considering burning my guitars
indeed. he does not follow compas very well. bulerias is supposed to be played with a mastery of compas.
@skingaz Not really, metronomic means robotic as in they never get out of the timing and it's tooo timed. sometimes people are like that. but the majority of classical guitarists are often out of the metronome and have wayy too many pauses.
The thing is, in Spanish music, and FLAMENCO especially, rhythm is very very very important. Especially the beat he's learning here. I should message you, because pepe played this piece well, like a classical player, but he slaughtered the rhythm :(
what compas?!
Thanh Huynh are compases of 12 times each one, but guitarrist of flamenco have it so interioriced, is not hard to them because is like this music were a part of them, but this is not really bulerias in compas but has buleria tones, sorry for my english hahahaha
yes, that's why I said RIP compass, Pepe Romero has amazing techniques and tones but none Bulerias compass.
This piece is inspired by Bulerias elements. Above all Pepe Romero is a classical guitarist.
Not really. He grew up in the flamenco tradition in Málaga.
What would a FLAMECO guitarist say about this performance?
with those nails he was it would turn fatal :0
Awesomely out of compas dont you mean?
I think the style is quite robust, and any technical flaws are more than made up for by virtuosity and enthusiasm.