Hey Everyone hope all is well, I hope you guys enjoy this video. This took me weeks to make and I really hope you guys enjoy, So please feel free to let me know your thoughts about the subject. Thank You guys so much!!!! Also I placed timestamps down below for your convenience :) 0:00 Intro 1:32 Leon Before Resident Evil 4 4:43 Leon's Mission in RE4 20:34 Prelude to Leon's Origins 21:29 Leon's Concept & Origins 24:47 Leon in Resident Evil 2 36:44 Leon's Recruitment 38:44 Operation Javier 45:46 Final Thoughts & Recap
Same I played through I think 13 or 15 times? I was obsessed lol. I love Leon so much. He’s the baddest bitch in the franchise easily. “Where’s everybody going? Bingo?” Who’s doing it like him.
I hope we see Leon again, along with Claire, Jill, and Ada; who was originally planned to be in RE village. I would love to see what the classic characters are doing these days. We already know that Chris has been fighting bows and evil organizations for the past 4 games in a row (RE 5,6,7, and village).
Leon has multiple cgi movies, and now a Netflix show. And ada is in one of those movies, Claire's in the other movie and the series. Vendetta was garbage, but had Leon, Chris, and Rebecca...I'm pretty sure that Capcom is definitely aware that Leon is a fan favorite, and see them using his character in a lot more to come. Hopefully they bring Ada and Claire into more. Revelations 2 was a pretty good game with Claire and Barry.
I was going to say I really like Chris but he’s been in like the past 4 resident evils and we haven’t seen Leon since RE6 which felt more like call of duty than Resident Evil
Leon Scott Kennedy is one of my favorite characters in the RE franchises & I appreciate this video that goes further into his character & development before the anticipated RE4 remake. Thanks.
At this point i think Leon deserves his own closure game where he leaves all this behind and lives a normal life in the end. As usual Devuh you never disappoint, amazing video brother! Keep up the good work.
They've got so much more to do with Leon, it's insane. I think the 3 CG films and 6 was enough proof that we have much more to see. I'd love to see him and Jill team up before the legacy cast retires.
After the success of the remakes, I hope they realise they have the opportunity to expand on the story with these original characters more. I'm guessing more prequels/adaptations. Those characters never got the storylines they deserved.
out of all the RE main characters I like Leon the most, he along with Jill are the first characters I ever saw when my older brother used to play the games. Him working with Crowser goes a lot deeper than I thought, I hope that rumor about Jack being removed in RE 4 remake isn't true. I would really like to know what Leon Claire and Jill are up to these days, I doubt we'll see them in Shadows of Rose so maybe another spinoff game or RE 9.
Yes that would be awesome to see what they're up to during that portion of the timeline. I'd really like to know how they've dealt with the constant B.O.W. threats and what lasting effects its done to them
Resident evil 4 is my favorite Leon in terms of Personality. And Resident evil 2 remake is my favorite Leon in terms of Design because I like his Cop uniform and so on. Shame we never got to see Leon encounter Albert Wesker, I'm sure the banter between the 2 would've been hilarious.
It was 2006 and I was 16 years old and I happened to see my brother playing this game. RE4 was the first and only time me or anyone else liked watching another person play a game. When my brother allowed me to play for myself I was literally shaking. That's how brilliant this game was and is.
The best part of the Salazar fight is when (if you have it) you point the rocket launcher at him and see his “oh sh*t no!” face when he realizes he messed up. 😂. Leon is my favorite character from the series (he’s where I started with original RE2) so it’s great to see this recap vid to simply remind me how awesome he is.
Leon is the golden child of the resident evil franchise but they over exposed him way to much with the re4 games i just wish Carlos would've had his own game based in Brazil similar to re4
I really wish they didn’t change his Voice actor, Paul Mercier is the perfect Leon Kennedy. I only liked the voice change for RE2 remake because Leon was younger in that game.
Did you know that the character designer of the original Resident Evil 1 & 2 "Isao Ohishi" has said that Leon's backstory from 1.5 is based off of the 1994 film Leon: The Professional?
Oh my god! About damn time! I miss you posting your videos. The fact that this one is about Leon (uh-gain!😁) had me so excited and pumped and I’m just obsessed even more.❤️ As always, excellent explanation. I love how you don’t miss out on Leon’s antics with the bosses of RE 4! He’s a savage! How many more days left till the release?
What an immensely enjoyable watch, it's one of the things I look forward to with the Resi 4 reimagining, seeing growth with the characters, funny thing is Claire felt like she went in Reverse with Revelations 2, she went from being great in being a mum kinda character showing genuine concern to Sherry to not knowing at all how to deal with Natalia in Revelations 2, it just put a massive solid snake "!?!" On the top of my head in the end Moira Burton told her "Down Claire!" Like a calm down sorta deal, but yeah anyway I'm being side tracked, more than anything I love seeing character growth with all the characters, and I sincerely hope Revelations 3 isn't canned, because I'd love to see more potential growth and maturity with the characters they decide to use, again thank you so much for your hard work putting this video together, love ya work 👍😎 always gives me stuff to think on
Here are a few more interesting Leon tidbits - They were originally planning for Leon to be in Code Veronica. He was going to die, but they changed their minds upon realizing how popular he was. He was replaced with Steve. - Leon's story before the final reboot in RE4's development was that he joined an underground anti-Umbrella organization, not necessarily the U.S. government. - Leon would be searching for Sherry in RE3.X, which would have tied in more with the RE3 epilogue, and a (later redacted) line in one of the Wesker reports about having her. RE4's final story was thrown together very quickly (Mikami admitted it). It'd be interesting if the RE4 remake dedicated a little more time to filling in the gaps between the years.
@@HeYDeVuH Ada doesn't get her hookshot until after the events of re2. This is playable in Umbrella Chronicles, and shows how she escapes Raccoon City (where she gets her hookshot from the Apple Inn and fights a boss from RE Outbreak). The thing is, up until re2 remake it was thought that her "death" at the hands of Mr X was the canon story as it was always used in other games that featured re2 (darkside Chronicles, Operation Raccoon City etc).
Hey how's it going, also yes it's been a while, this one definitely took me a long time to make but I have another video in the works so that should come out very very soon.
that boat scene with Ada pissed me off so bad when i was playing the game on professional difficulty but in the end i fell in love with that 'B' in the red dress lol😜😁
The fact that RE4 will have a Remake next year is honestly hyping and awsome... Not just for Fans or Hardcore fans of the Series.... But its been awhile since the latest 2 titles were FPS being RE Biohazard and Village.... RE4 deserves a Remake and even still the Game is awsome. The Narrative itself is good , the variaty of enemies even from original 2005 RE4 are well made... It's not just a generic approaching Zombies , its mixed Virus , Ganados , Aliens , Giants , Grotesque Monsters and the mechanics of the Game are still good even till now. ( From trailers alone , the RE4 Remake that'll come should atleast have a newer grim-looking for the Horror astatic , cuz original RE4 was/is mostly Actiony... That's the only part i want them to nail the Remake of RE4 Remake mostly with other newer renowned mechanics etc. ). 🔥
*I don't know how these veteran police officers just D!£ and leon who is a rookie just survived and why TF he didn't become zombie when they bite him!* 💀
I honestly love every character's evolution from the Resident Evil franchise game. The Redfields, Leon S. Kennedy, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Rebecca Chambers, and Barry Burton are the best main characters to play with. 😊
Long term booking idea for Rey/Dom: Dom wins at mania and Santos consoles and cozies up to Ray, making Dom jealous. Now Dom has to go through the entire Legado crew just to have a "dad custody battle" with Santos; calling back to Rey and Eddie! 🤣
Bro I can’t wait for the Remake, I remember when I first played RE4 on GameCube! I cannot believe they added the sheep skin leather jacket they never used😍😍
the picture that the hook man comes out of in resident evil 3.5... it's the same exact picture that's in resident evil 1.5. when you start out as Leon you find it almost immediately.
Damn your narrator and info about its was great. You deserve mush more subscriber that this. All info was solid and come with your calming voice. Make its interesting.
I want to see the characters other than Chris to gain some spotlight in the next RE. Have Chris in the back seat playing an advisory role and also settled down with Jill. The playable chatacters would be Leon, Claire, Sherry and Rebecca. The assistant role and contact would be Billy Coen. And the guide would be Jake from RE6. Their quest would be locate and save Chris and Jill's kidnapped children from Neo Umbrella in a hidden research facility in South America. This has to occur before RE Village. It would be 3rd person perspective over the shoulder style. The heroes would encounter zombies, hunters, lickers, bander snatchers, mutated spiders, snakes and plants on their way to the facility.
I know right, this video took me so long to make, just the script itself took me a couple of weeks, in the end was around 26 pages long lol. Then everything else on top like editing, voice over, and all the other stuff really took me forever lol. Anyway thank you for watching and I really hope you enjoyed the video
His backstory is a mystery we know after the Raccoon City incident he joined up with some military type pepole and got training that led to the elimination of B.O.W. But with the remake we might get how he was selected by the president
I agree. I never really cared for her character. She's extremely manipulative and uses Leon for her own personal gain. She knows full well that he has feelings for her, and she chooses to use that against him. I do believe that she's fond of him, enough that she doesn't want to see him get killed, but I don’t believe that her feelings for him are as strong as his feelings for her.
Ada Wong? Don't you mean Ada Wrong? Why would Leon choose fickle temptress Ada over angelic Claire? Think, Leon, think! (This comment was sponsored by Chris Redfield)
If you look at Leon's RPD outfit in RE2 ReMake, you'll see that his patch has Officer on it but if you look at the same outfit in RE4, it'll have Detective on it. When did he get promoted since anyone who could've promoted him was killed in Raccoon City?
heeeey devuh! gr8 work as always- and great timing! I just finished the post-vaccine half of re3 (held out getting a second copy for my series x bc my pc crapped out and i couldn't play the pc version id bought (boooo no mods) so of corpse I thought about you xD.
@@HeYDeVuH oh ive played the snot out of 4- it came out when I was...in...ahem...college... so the 2 newest remakes are the only mainline entries i was holding out on. I havent finished re4 in 3d though...im right outside of the Mendez fight and Im terrified lol
Love Leon. My favorite video game character. I was super disappointed with the “Welcome to Raccoon City” movie..made such a great character so dumb, with fuck being his only vocabulary lol
Could it be the former Umbrella researcher be Albert Wesker during the Operation Javier? He did work for Umbrella as a researcher while posing as the captain of RPD STARS.
They should make an updated resident evil instead of remakes ..would like to see how the older version of all the characters all characters except Sherry is over 40
Good video, man. I wish I had more people to game with on pc I got resident evil 5,6 want to play coop with someone. I’m super excited for resident evil 4 remake. I’m just bummed that it won’t come out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox one.
As much as i love resident evil, sometimes i get mixed feelings with how it is set up. Like normally the endings (imo at least) are good in the way where they could be the last game and although not every single detail is explained, they are still good enough... But since not every single thing is explained it also makes it to where more games feel realistically possible and feel natural. I never know if i just want it to end or keep going.
Why do a lot of people think RE4 originally came out in 05, that was the PS2 version. The actual original release date was 04 for the GameCube and I know this for a fact because I played the ever living HELL out of that game lol. RE4 is still my all time favorite RE game followed closely by RE2.
Personally (putting aside game developers) I believe Leon was infected at some point during RE2 with the T-Virus which would've enhanced his abilities, which added to experience from Raccoon City made him more capable than before the events of RE2.
Hey Everyone hope all is well, I hope you guys enjoy this video. This took me weeks to make and I really hope you guys enjoy, So please feel free to let me know your thoughts about the subject. Thank You guys so much!!!! Also I placed timestamps down below for your convenience :)
0:00 Intro
1:32 Leon Before Resident Evil 4
4:43 Leon's Mission in RE4
20:34 Prelude to Leon's Origins
21:29 Leon's Concept & Origins
24:47 Leon in Resident Evil 2
36:44 Leon's Recruitment
38:44 Operation Javier
45:46 Final Thoughts & Recap
Nice video HeY DeVuh!
@@kingshadow8782 Thank You!!!
Awesome video bro I loved every second of it Leon S Kennedy is my favorite character in the entire RE saga 🙌👏
I find playing as Leon so comforting for some reason, I guess because I played RE4 over and over again as a kid. Me and Leon go way back lol
Same I played through I think 13 or 15 times? I was obsessed lol. I love Leon so much. He’s the baddest bitch in the franchise easily. “Where’s everybody going? Bingo?” Who’s doing it like him.
Same here man! Had to play it again for the 100th time!
Same! I remember beating the game twice a day for 12,348 days using only my knife!
Yeah he’s my favorite always feel safe and in control when I’m playing him, very first game I ever played was resident evil 2 classic
I love playing as him, he’s my comfort character lol
I hope we see Leon again, along with Claire, Jill, and Ada; who was originally planned to be in RE village. I would love to see what the classic characters are doing these days. We already know that Chris has been fighting bows and evil organizations for the past 4 games in a row (RE 5,6,7, and village).
Yeah it would be awesome to see them in action and how things are doing for them at the current timeline.
Leon has multiple cgi movies, and now a Netflix show. And ada is in one of those movies, Claire's in the other movie and the series. Vendetta was garbage, but had Leon, Chris, and Rebecca...I'm pretty sure that Capcom is definitely aware that Leon is a fan favorite, and see them using his character in a lot more to come. Hopefully they bring Ada and Claire into more. Revelations 2 was a pretty good game with Claire and Barry.
For the final Resident Evil game, it would be fire if we got every single RE Hero to face the biggest evil yet
I was going to say I really like Chris but he’s been in like the past 4 resident evils and we haven’t seen Leon since RE6 which felt more like call of duty than Resident Evil
@@JustSendMeLocationPlease Plus also, Chris Redfield is like an antagonist now post RE8
Leon Scott Kennedy is one of my favorite characters in the RE franchises & I appreciate this video that goes further into his character & development before the anticipated RE4 remake. Thanks.
Same here and you're very welcome, Like you I'm excited to see how they portray him in RE4 Remake. Anyways thank you for watching!!!
Same here along with Chris and Jill
At this point i think Leon deserves his own closure game where he leaves all this behind and lives a normal life in the end. As usual Devuh you never disappoint, amazing video brother! Keep up the good work.
They've got so much more to do with Leon, it's insane. I think the 3 CG films and 6 was enough proof that we have much more to see. I'd love to see him and Jill team up before the legacy cast retires.
I think the only way Leon's story is gonna end is death whether by suicide or fighting a large BOW
I fucking love Leon Scott Kennedy. One of my favorite video game characters of all time and I can't wait to play as him again in RE4R.
Same here I can't wait to see how RE4 Remake plays out
Me too.
@@ghouldash9761 Me, too. I also love Leon. 😍
Same here.
After the success of the remakes, I hope they realise they have the opportunity to expand on the story with these original characters more. I'm guessing more prequels/adaptations. Those characters never got the storylines they deserved.
Leon trying to flirt with Hunnigan and Hunnigan shuts him down is one of the best momens right there.😂😂😂😂😂
out of all the RE main characters I like Leon the most, he along with Jill are the first characters I ever saw when my older brother used to play the games.
Him working with Crowser goes a lot deeper than I thought, I hope that rumor about Jack being removed in RE 4 remake isn't true.
I would really like to know what Leon Claire and Jill are up to these days, I doubt we'll see them in Shadows of Rose so maybe another spinoff game or RE 9.
Yes that would be awesome to see what they're up to during that portion of the timeline. I'd really like to know how they've dealt with the constant B.O.W. threats and what lasting effects its done to them
@@HeYDeVuH sharia di ko na rin po nandiyan siyaugicbvbv9vbvohvlvmbk
@@HeYDeVuH uhnbjh ubu
@@HeYDeVuH 🐶🥸🤮
@@HeYDeVuH 🤢🤮😷😔🥵🥸🤠🥴🤠🤠🥸🤠🥸🤯😎😨😕🧐😕🤢🤢🤮🤢🤕🧐🥸😎🤠😳🤮🤕🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤕😒😶😒😶😶🤨😶😷😐😐🤨😑😷😷🥳😅🥴😐😕😒🤨🤮😨🤤🤩🥵🥴🥴🤯🥴🥵🥴😐😔🐅🐏🐑🤢🤠😳🤢🤮🤠🐅🐑😔🐅😗🐒🐒🐑🐏🐏🥲🐑☺☺🤩😅😔😗😨🤯☺🤨😒🥲🤨🧱🏗🌎🌏🥝🍅🥕🍆🥭🥭🍍🍋🍊🥝🥥🍌🫒🍊🍎🥑🥥🧅🐱🦌🦊🐺🦄🐴🐆🐅🐅🐎🐕🦺🦮🦮🦮🦌🐐🐪🦝🦌🐑🐎🦄🐩🐅🐆🐷🐅🦁🐈⬛🍏🥔🍎🥭🥭🍌🥔🥭🍐🥕🌽🥜🍆🍗🥩🍗🥓🍔🥐🍟🍟🍟🍟🍔🥖🌭🍕🏜🏖🏖🏖🏜🛖🏘🏪🏬⛩🏬🕍🚙🚗🦼🚕🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚖🚓🚕🚓🚕🍉🍉🫒🧄🍍🫒🍎🫒🥔🍌🥔unimdodmxk c,c
Leon was my childhood crush. Already got one re tattoo over my heart. Re4 really shaped me as a person
Resident evil 4 is my favorite Leon in terms of Personality.
And Resident evil 2 remake is my favorite Leon in terms of Design because I like his Cop uniform and so on.
Shame we never got to see Leon encounter Albert Wesker, I'm sure the banter between the 2 would've been hilarious.
That would be interesting to see how that interactions plays out.
It was 2006 and I was 16 years old and I happened to see my brother playing this game.
RE4 was the first and only time me or anyone else liked watching another person play a game.
When my brother allowed me to play for myself I was literally shaking.
That's how brilliant this game was and is.
Dude I'm so happy someone finally explained Leon's childhood correctly! You da man!
@I Hate Lady Dimitrescu No. a priest would stand no chance against Leon. Don’tcha know that Leon was trained in the art of war by Achilles?
I don't know why, in most resident evil movies/series (non-live action), Leon is the main character.
Clicked so fast when i saw the notifications. Perfect resident evil channel. Ur a bless to the community👋
I really appreciate that, I try to do my best to make a video where you guys can enjoy
@@HeYDeVuH Ur doing Perfect Brother Thanks💜
The best part of the Salazar fight is when (if you have it) you point the rocket launcher at him and see his “oh sh*t no!” face when he realizes he messed up. 😂. Leon is my favorite character from the series (he’s where I started with original RE2) so it’s great to see this recap vid to simply remind me how awesome he is.
Great video. You can tell you spent a lot of time working on this. It's is people like you that help keep the franchise alive.
I appreciate that Thank You!!!
Leon's one of those guys that means well, but tends to be a bit dense.
Leon is the golden child of the resident evil franchise but they over exposed him way to much with the re4 games i just wish Carlos would've had his own game based in Brazil similar to re4
Yeah that's for sure because they did port Resident Evil 4 to a lot of platforms and it's understandable due to the success RE4 had
Beautiful work homie. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. As always, this video smacks.
Thank you so much and super happy you enjoyed the video!!!
my fucking boy Leon, my favorite character in the franchise 😊
I love Leon and his character deeply. I want to see him more as the games progress since the winters saga is over.
9:15 This probably wouldn't slide in he remake but boy was it hilarious
RE4 is a standalone game with hints of the franchise. Its a great game to get started with the RE Franchise. My first RE was RE4.
Thanks !
2:52 I guess they eventually used the living dolls concept for Donna in 8.
Leon been my favorite character since his debut in RE2
I really wish they didn’t change his Voice actor, Paul Mercier is the perfect Leon Kennedy. I only liked the voice change for RE2 remake because Leon was younger in that game.
Yeah it would've been cool to have him reprise his role though I think they just wanted the Remake Leon to be the same this time around
@@HeYDeVuH I think it was because of the fact that they still wanted non-union actors.
I think he's the best choice for RE4 Leon, but not remake Leon. I don't think his voice would work nearly as well for Leon's character in the remake.
After surviving the events of RE2 anyone would turn into a badass capable of dealing with any situation.
Did you know that the character designer of the original Resident Evil 1 & 2 "Isao Ohishi" has said that Leon's backstory from 1.5 is based off of the 1994 film Leon: The Professional?
Oh my god! About damn time! I miss you posting your videos. The fact that this one is about Leon (uh-gain!😁) had me so excited and pumped and I’m just obsessed even more.❤️ As always, excellent explanation. I love how you don’t miss out on Leon’s antics with the bosses of RE 4! He’s a savage! How many more days left till the release?
I know it's been a while and this video took me so long to make, Thank you for watching and yeah the release is super close.
I miss the old characters. I especially want to know what happened to Billy, Carlos, and Hunk.
HUNK lives on brotha, he never dies!
Thank you for the character breakdown, leon scott kennedy is my all time favourite hero character of the resident evil universe.
memorizing this for my state test
My favorite video game character of all time. I was 9 when RE2 dropped on the N64, changed my life.
I love how he goes all in on the owners and chefs but always stays respectful towards the wait
Leon is my number 1 favorite male character in all resident evil since his debut
Just finished watching your interview with Anthony on LTRE. Looking forward to your content brotha!
Thank You so much and I'm currently listening to it right now myself. Also again thank you!!!
Resident evil 4 village segment was literally the most addicting part of resident evil 4
What an immensely enjoyable watch, it's one of the things I look forward to with the Resi 4 reimagining, seeing growth with the characters, funny thing is Claire felt like she went in Reverse with Revelations 2, she went from being great in being a mum kinda character showing genuine concern to Sherry to not knowing at all how to deal with Natalia in Revelations 2, it just put a massive solid snake "!?!" On the top of my head in the end Moira Burton told her "Down Claire!" Like a calm down sorta deal, but yeah anyway I'm being side tracked, more than anything I love seeing character growth with all the characters, and I sincerely hope Revelations 3 isn't canned, because I'd love to see more potential growth and maturity with the characters they decide to use, again thank you so much for your hard work putting this video together, love ya work 👍😎 always gives me stuff to think on
one of the most iconic characters in video games
Here are a few more interesting Leon tidbits
- They were originally planning for Leon to be in Code Veronica. He was going to die, but they changed their minds upon realizing how popular he was. He was replaced with Steve.
- Leon's story before the final reboot in RE4's development was that he joined an underground anti-Umbrella organization, not necessarily the U.S. government.
- Leon would be searching for Sherry in RE3.X, which would have tied in more with the RE3 epilogue, and a (later redacted) line in one of the Wesker reports about having her.
RE4's final story was thrown together very quickly (Mikami admitted it). It'd be interesting if the RE4 remake dedicated a little more time to filling in the gaps between the years.
Goat, King, Fan Favorite, Leon goes by many names..
I don't mind seeing Chris, but I miss Leon, Jill, and Claire.
I would have loved to have seen what they could have done with the earlier iterations of RE4 they look like they have a lot of potential.
He and Claire are my top 2 favorites! Really enjoy this video 💙 Hopefully we can see them and Jill in the future game ✌
I was always curious how Ada survived at the end of RE2 Thanks for that.
I think that she used her grapple tool to survive the fall be even then she took on so much damage after being shot by Annette.
@@HeYDeVuH Ada doesn't get her hookshot until after the events of re2. This is playable in Umbrella Chronicles, and shows how she escapes Raccoon City (where she gets her hookshot from the Apple Inn and fights a boss from RE Outbreak).
The thing is, up until re2 remake it was thought that her "death" at the hands of Mr X was the canon story as it was always used in other games that featured re2 (darkside Chronicles, Operation Raccoon City etc).
It’s kinda hard to look at OGRE2 Leon and OGRE4 Leon and realize that it’s the same person both appearance and personality wise.
So awesome bro long time no see though Hey Devuh thank you you know.
Hey how's it going, also yes it's been a while, this one definitely took me a long time to make but I have another video in the works so that should come out very very soon.
that boat scene with Ada pissed me off so bad when i was playing the game on professional difficulty but in the end i fell in love with that 'B' in the red dress lol😜😁
Great video man
loved every second of it
Thank you so much super happy to hear you enjoyed it!!!
The fact that RE4 will have a Remake next year is honestly hyping and awsome... Not just for Fans or Hardcore fans of the Series.... But its been awhile since the latest 2 titles were FPS being RE Biohazard and Village.... RE4 deserves a Remake and even still the Game is awsome.
The Narrative itself is good , the variaty of enemies even from original 2005 RE4 are well made... It's not just a generic approaching Zombies , its mixed Virus , Ganados , Aliens , Giants , Grotesque Monsters and the mechanics of the Game are still good even till now. ( From trailers alone , the RE4 Remake that'll come should atleast have a newer grim-looking for the Horror astatic , cuz original RE4 was/is mostly Actiony... That's the only part i want them to nail the Remake of RE4 Remake mostly with other newer renowned mechanics etc. ). 🔥
Thanks for another excellent video DeVuH!😎👍
Thank you so much, lots more to come!!!
@@HeYDeVuH Awesome looking forward to it 🙂
great video My man to notch quality
Thank you so much and I really appreciate that!!!!
@@HeYDeVuH no problem my man
BTW i am bagelboyoffical12
Man this channel is great
*I don't know how these veteran police officers just D!£ and leon who is a rookie just survived and why TF he didn't become zombie when they bite him!* 💀
I just want to see Leon and Claire together again
Is that you Chris?
We need them to continue the Redfield bloodline.
Cannot wait for 23th march 2023! Re4 is my FAVOURITE and cannot wait to play re-make
I honestly love every character's evolution from the Resident Evil franchise game. The Redfields, Leon S. Kennedy, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Rebecca Chambers, and Barry Burton are the best main characters to play with. 😊
Did you get into or find out more about how they developed his character design for RE4?
Yeah I did, I knew of several designs and personality traits that changed. One was so drastic that it became Dante in DMC1.
23:09 "In his younger years, known to have been orphaned due to the death of both of his parents".
I loved your full story of leon that came out about 2 years ago. Love these style of vids.
Actually best route is a broken butterfly aim for his knees he goes down now we introduce him to senior stabby stick
Nice I love your videos
Thank You!!!!
@@HeYDeVuH no problem 😀
Long term booking idea for Rey/Dom: Dom wins at mania and Santos consoles and cozies up to Ray, making Dom jealous. Now Dom has to go through the entire Legado crew just to have a "dad custody battle" with Santos; calling back to Rey and Eddie! 🤣
Bro I can’t wait for the Remake, I remember when I first played RE4 on GameCube! I cannot believe they added the sheep skin leather jacket they never used😍😍
the picture that the hook man comes out of in resident evil 3.5...
it's the same exact picture that's in resident evil 1.5. when you start out as Leon you find it almost immediately.
I hope that they could show him in some type of Easter egg in Resident Evil 4 Remake, that'd be a great homage to these early concepts of RE4
Damn your narrator and info about its was great. You deserve mush more subscriber that this. All info was solid and come with your calming voice. Make its interesting.
Fun fact: chief irons in resident evil manga knew something about leons father
I want to see the characters other than Chris to gain some spotlight in the next RE. Have Chris in the back seat playing an advisory role and also settled down with Jill. The playable chatacters would be Leon, Claire, Sherry and Rebecca. The assistant role and contact would be Billy Coen. And the guide would be Jake from RE6.
Their quest would be locate and save Chris and Jill's kidnapped children from Neo Umbrella in a hidden research facility in South America. This has to occur before RE Village. It would be 3rd person perspective over the shoulder style.
The heroes would encounter zombies, hunters, lickers, bander snatchers, mutated spiders, snakes and plants on their way to the facility.
I wonder if a lot of the early development stuff from re4 got into re8.
Bro ! Where you been? Btw I always imagine Leon going "aw shii, here we go again" CJ style in RE4 lol
I know right, this video took me so long to make, just the script itself took me a couple of weeks, in the end was around 26 pages long lol. Then everything else on top like editing, voice over, and all the other stuff really took me forever lol. Anyway thank you for watching and I really hope you enjoyed the video
The hook man's entrance reminds me of a demon enemy from Devil May Cry where a demon comes out from the painting..It reminds me of that
His backstory is a mystery we know after the Raccoon City incident he joined up with some military type pepole and got training that led to the elimination of B.O.W. But with the remake we might get how he was selected by the president
I hope RE 4 remake is just as long and has just had much content as the original game. Unlike RE3 remake……
Leon Kennedy is a awesome character but the only thing that bothers me about him is ada Wong she is a bad influence on him.
Yeah that's true, now I'm curious on how she'll play it in RE4 Remake
@@HeYDeVuH yeah me too but most likely she going to act the same way she did before.
I agree. I never really cared for her character. She's extremely manipulative and uses Leon for her own personal gain. She knows full well that he has feelings for her, and she chooses to use that against him. I do believe that she's fond of him, enough that she doesn't want to see him get killed, but I don’t believe that her feelings for him are as strong as his feelings for her.
Ada Wong? Don't you mean Ada Wrong? Why would Leon choose fickle temptress Ada over angelic Claire? Think, Leon, think! (This comment was sponsored by Chris Redfield)
4:41 postal 1 loading screen background noise
If you look at Leon's RPD outfit in RE2 ReMake, you'll see that his patch has Officer on it but if you look at the same outfit in RE4, it'll have Detective on it. When did he get promoted since anyone who could've promoted him was killed in Raccoon City?
He promoted himself bc he solved all those puzzles in the police department 💁🏼♀️
Name of the song that plays around 1:37?
It's the Dino Crisis Save theme
heeeey devuh! gr8 work as always- and great timing! I just finished the post-vaccine half of re3 (held out getting a second copy for my series x bc my pc crapped out and i couldn't play the pc version id bought (boooo no mods) so of corpse I thought about you xD.
Really appreciate that and what are the odds lol. I hope your RE3 run ended well. Also are you planning on playing RE4 next?
@@HeYDeVuH oh ive played the snot out of 4- it came out when I was...in...ahem...college... so the 2 newest remakes are the only mainline entries i was holding out on. I havent finished re4 in 3d though...im right outside of the Mendez fight and Im terrified lol
Where's everyone going bingo!?
10:48 Saddler convinced them they were being cleansed of their sins when he infected them with Las Plagas.
I enjoyed RE4 back in the day, especially getting the bonus weapons.
Love Leon. My favorite video game character. I was super disappointed with the “Welcome to Raccoon City” movie..made such a great character so dumb, with fuck being his only vocabulary lol
Could it be the former Umbrella researcher be Albert Wesker during the Operation Javier? He did work for Umbrella as a researcher while posing as the captain of RPD STARS.
Rip to the actor of Leon s Kennedy 🙏
I'm so excited. You're the only person who makes me give a shit about resident evil
I'm glad that you enjoyed the content!!! Much more to come
@@HeYDeVuH I have my notifications on. ;)
Is that the save room music from dino crisis?!
Went from coo for one date to federal agent that's one hell of a job change
Could you do an explanation of Carla radames
They should make an updated resident evil instead of remakes ..would like to see how the older version of all the characters all characters except Sherry is over 40
Also I hope put 3.5 and 4 together
Good video, man. I wish I had more people to game with on pc I got resident evil 5,6 want to play coop with someone. I’m super excited for resident evil 4 remake. I’m just bummed that it won’t come out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox one.
I wanna see Leon back in action soon! In a newer game.
Great video! One thing this game does that bothers me is its not "The Los Illuminados" its just Los Illuminados Los means... nevermind forget it 😅
I can see why he drinks
Leon s Kennedy looks like the main man swe that plays tekken
As much as i love resident evil, sometimes i get mixed feelings with how it is set up. Like normally the endings (imo at least) are good in the way where they could be the last game and although not every single detail is explained, they are still good enough... But since not every single thing is explained it also makes it to where more games feel realistically possible and feel natural. I never know if i just want it to end or keep going.
Why do a lot of people think RE4 originally came out in 05, that was the PS2 version. The actual original release date was 04 for the GameCube and I know this for a fact because I played the ever living HELL out of that game lol. RE4 is still my all time favorite RE game followed closely by RE2.
Personally (putting aside game developers) I believe Leon was infected at some point during RE2 with the T-Virus which would've enhanced his abilities, which added to experience from Raccoon City made him more capable than before the events of RE2.
Please do a video about Sheva!!! Would love to see one of her! ♥️
"You kinda cute without thos glasses"