Diagnostic Criteria ADHD

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @cosmicchaos9232
    @cosmicchaos9232 Месяц назад +77

    I remember getting 7 inattentive, and 5 hyperactive, officially diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD, but I was 1 score away from being diagnosed with both lmao

  • @Heathersue69
    @Heathersue69 Месяц назад +44

    I was diagnosed as hyperactive in 1974. That's what it was called then. Adult presentation is different to child presentation as we've learned to mask so well. So an adult can be hyperactive but can sit still. We learn the skill, plus most of the hyper becomes mental rather than physical. This is the problem with these tests. I can look completely normal but I've never needed more than 7 hours sleep even as a newborn baby; I hyper focus but have a watch that helps me monitor time better with reminders; my exec function is beyond dysfunctional at home but I can look normal in work. I'm good at talking to people but hate social situations and have no friends and yet I'm known in work for being friendly. Complete contradiction. I've learned how to make my ADHD not impact my life so much. So I'd probably fail the test purely cause Ive learned the skills to mask and cope.

    • @jeizdolok
      @jeizdolok Месяц назад +6

      My dad was never diagnosed, but since I was, he has realised he almost definitely is too. He has developed so many coping mechanisms over his life that his ADHD doesn't bother him, so he feels no need to be diagnosed. He doesn't mind that his body probably doesn't appreciate having 12 coffees a day, or that he can get on everyone's nerves at times 😅🤭

  • @TheWitch
    @TheWitch 29 дней назад +3

    In the Netherlands, it is different
    You can have only hyperactive or inattentive. I got my diagnosis a year ago, and the therapist who diagnosed me basically said, "You scored so in between the two that we basically just flipped a coin. Congratulations. You're hyperactive."

  • @pierocastrololi483
    @pierocastrololi483 Месяц назад +10

    Emotional dysregulation and lack of motivation are also key in adhd diagnosis

  • @SebCarro.OccPsychology
    @SebCarro.OccPsychology Месяц назад +3

    Your work is amazing. Thank you. X

  • @Huh9631
    @Huh9631 Месяц назад +14

    I’m trying to get an official diagnosis, I believe I am the inattentive type or possibly a mix of both types. Though it’s hard to tell cause I’m also autistic and both disabilities are quite similar in some aspects 😅

    • @AmethystRaven
      @AmethystRaven Месяц назад +2

      I’m literally the same it takes so long for adhd though

    • @lbear4292
      @lbear4292 Месяц назад +3

      I have been wondering lately if I might also have the inattentive type, but I have an autism diagnosis and am ... I don't know what to call it in English, like (nit wanting to sound braggish) "highly gifted". So it is nigh on impossible to get a diagnosis, and I'm not sure it will be worth the time to potentially get one

    • @YoungMorningkeeper
      @YoungMorningkeeper Месяц назад

      ​@@lbear4292you can be both ADHD autist and have high IQ. I got that diagnostic. Most autists do have an inbalance in IQ and EQ. IQ being the you can learn quick and easy and EQ being the social aspect.

    • @chriscohlmeyer4735
      @chriscohlmeyer4735 Месяц назад

      @@lbear4292 Get the diagnosis if you can. Being "gifted" is a blessing and a curse when you have ADHD let alone ASD to go along with it then add dyslexia to the mix. As a student if you have an interest in some subject you absorb the knowledge but if the subject doesn't interest you then it is a slog to not fail. A tutor identified my form of dyslexia at a young age - I generally "see" the first syllable of a word but the rest 🤷, so her suggestion was to read, read, read all kinds of different subjects to increase my vocabulary so that I could make better guesses at the probable word - I still get some wrong which makes reading interesting when a sentence makes no sense.

  • @MichaelCarlisle-Twink
    @MichaelCarlisle-Twink Месяц назад +12

    I wasn’t diagnosed on my first assessment when I was really young and I got basically denied another assessment because I didn’t meet the criteria somehow

  • @harmonicaveronica
    @harmonicaveronica Месяц назад +1

    It was actually really hard for me to get a diagnosis because I don't quite meet enough of the criteria - I meet like 3-5 of each. Fortunately, there is a secret 4th category that nobody really talks about, so I was able to be officially diagnosed with ADHD-OS (otherwise specified)

  • @christieosborne1661
    @christieosborne1661 Месяц назад

    I was recently diagnosed by my Dr. and it was like - " Finally, someone understands what is happening in my brain!! "

  • @jamlemon
    @jamlemon Месяц назад +9

    Diagnosed with mixed too.

  • @bekkacannon8704
    @bekkacannon8704 Месяц назад +4

    I ended up getting 9/9 on inattentive and hyperactive a couple of years ago, needless to say, I got diagnosed with mixed adhd 😅

  • @TheKjoy85
    @TheKjoy85 Месяц назад +2

    I was diagnosed with the inattentive type of ADHD when I was 30. I was diagnosed with autism when I was 36. My brother was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 4. He had the combined type topped off with PTSD. That combination severely affects his ability to work at this point.

  • @filelifiyo
    @filelifiyo Месяц назад +2

    This is so messed up that people still think this is a deadly disease and ignore their child's symptoms and in my country people and even some ignorant teachers (which teachers are usually are educated towards this issue) only think the children have adhd if they are so hyperactive and having impulsive thoughts and behaviors like hitting another kid and etc

  • @s4n1tydemo
    @s4n1tydemo 27 дней назад

    this wasn’t mentioned as part of my assessment (under paeds) but i for sure hit the boxes of both types, but the assessor assumed i wasn’t hyperactive at all as i think i was masking the whole time due to never meeting her before, and she based it mainly on the QB test i took a few weeks before🥴

  • @GraiXS
    @GraiXS Месяц назад +2

    I was diagnosed as an adult in 2021 and there was literally no mention of presentations. I was just diagnosed as habing ADHD. I don't know if this was just based in where I am in the UK/who diagnosed me, or if the presentations aren't diagnosed anymore cos our understanding is moving so quickly

  • @ThyCandyRuler
    @ThyCandyRuler Месяц назад +2

    Idk if this is just the us but my brother got diagnosed with impulsive adhd

  • @ausomeaspie
    @ausomeaspie Месяц назад


  • @jamiegilbert6201
    @jamiegilbert6201 Месяц назад

    Ive gotten 16/18 and 18/18 symptoms. And been denied i have it twice now.

  • @caffe1n8ed
    @caffe1n8ed Месяц назад +2

    I thought this adhd, add & combo system was outdated

    • @queer_unicorn
      @queer_unicorn Месяц назад

      Add isn't a thing anymore it's part of the ADHD spectrum

  • @matildawhittington7132
    @matildawhittington7132 Месяц назад +3

    An honest question: why is it worth for an adult to be diagnosed of ADHD?

    • @maddybertani8161
      @maddybertani8161 Месяц назад +4

      Lots of reasons. Firstly, it explains everything. You can begin to let go of the shame of having gone through your whole life believing that you are just a shit person who can't function 'normally'. In terms of education, you can get help and accomodations for your condition. Same in the workplace. ADHD is considered a disability, which I personally find offensive, because I don't consider myself disabled, just different. But the fact that it's considered a disability means that you can't just be written off as a shit person, but a person with a disability. In my case this saved my relationship because my husband learned about my condition and began to understand that I'm not flaky on purpose, I genuinely don't remember stuff etc. You can choose to take medication if you feel that's the best route for you. I hope I answered your question. There are probably bits I missed but those are the most important ones for me. 💞

  • @EastElbow
    @EastElbow Месяц назад +1

    I just got my results in. Im not sure which ADHDer i am, they never told me.
    I got diagnosed with PTSD even though i don't have flashacks and nightmares. I really feel like the PTSD was an excuse to not diagnose me with autism.. anyone had a problem with this?

  • @kaleidoscopingme
    @kaleidoscopingme Месяц назад +2

    What if you both?

  • @nonsequitor
    @nonsequitor Месяц назад +1

    😂 i just had a dude who wasn't a doctor ask my CV then say nah...prolly autistic tho 🙌 we don't have to give you meds for that 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🎯🎯🎯🤝☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️

  • @angelalovell5669
    @angelalovell5669 Месяц назад +4

    I love how they're like "it has to have a moderate impact on your life" for adults. Like, you know it would still be ADHD of whatever subtype even if this theoretical patient had the perfectly supportive upbringing and amazing life circumstances that allow them to live with ADHD only minimally impacting their life? The neurotype doesn't cease to exist when the need for a professional's intervention is no longer or not currently required. I mean, this patient is essentially a work of total fiction when you look at how ADHD is regarded and supported (or not) in the UK thus far.
    Sorry, specificity of language is really important to me, not least of all because the chosen wording of the NHS has been responsible for so much ridiculous harm and hardship, almost as much as successive decades of defunding and ableist politicians.

    • @geekychemist
      @geekychemist Месяц назад +3

      I came here to say this too, just because you worked out at a young age how to outsource your executive function enough to you know....function, and no one cared that you didn't eat properly for years because thin is great, and you had amazing housemates who always knew where you were supposed to be because they went there too so you got your degree.......doesn't mean your brain makes dopamine like a neurotypical. Or that parenthood or other life changes aren't going to derail you so completely you wonder if you are going a bit mad.
      No one knows how much someone else actually struggles in their life. This feels more like a criteria to gatekeep support rather than one to help diagnose people.

  • @veritysmart
    @veritysmart Месяц назад

    I’m pretty sure I’m a combination of both.

  • @I.m-Me
    @I.m-Me 17 дней назад
