5 Things you should know about stem cell research

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • Michigan voters soon will decide whether to change a Michigan law that currently restricts research using embryonic stem cells. And U-M scientists want to make sure voters are well-informed on this issue before heading to the polls on Nov. 4.

Комментарии • 55

  • @jkwon761
    @jkwon761 13 лет назад +18

    I have been working on a persuasion speech about supporting stem cell research for the past 6 days and this helped me so much! thank you for posting this^^

  • @SnakeSalmon8izback
    @SnakeSalmon8izback 13 лет назад +14

    dude build an underground lab and when you discover immortality, good for you, the jerks who forced you to do it hiding don't deserve the knowledge

    • @bornfree8073
      @bornfree8073 5 лет назад +1

      Who wants to live for ever? Also, how would the world function that way.

    • @joegiusti528
      @joegiusti528 4 года назад

      Yeah but what about us who weren't jerks

    • @Salesman40mm
      @Salesman40mm 2 года назад +2

      @@bornfree8073 it would work by the stem cells replacing the dead cells or injured cells, thereby allowing for the body to continue living even after day losing an arm. If the person who lost the arm receives proper treatment, then afterwards stem cells could be applied to drastically increase the speed of the regrowing of the arm as our bodies can theoretically regrow limbs if given enough time.
      Also, I would love to live forever with stem cells as the reason as that would allow for me not to worry when I might die of disease. It would allow me to do so many things in my “prime”, as the stem cells would have to of stopped the aging process in order to allow me to live forever.
      Note: I got no damn clue if what I have said about stem cells would MOST LIKELY happen but it seems plausible to me, at least.

  • @milekrizman
    @milekrizman 2 года назад +3

    I went through surgery on my L5S1 disc. I had disc herniation. Now I have artificial disc made of titanium and L5 and S1 discs are fused. I hope that someday stem cells would regenerate new discs, so I could have my own disc.

  • @theedittingjoke
    @theedittingjoke 4 года назад +2

    Nobody bring in the bigger picture, Spider-Potato is watching over this!

  • @Thundralight
    @Thundralight 12 лет назад +12

    they wanted to stop galileo's evil to suggest the earth was not the center of the universe where would we be today if they succeded

    • @tank3143
      @tank3143 5 лет назад +4

      We'd still be in the stone age. These religious nuts think the illnesses go away by praying to their invisible sky wizard.

    • @shayaandanish5831
      @shayaandanish5831 4 года назад

      @@tank3143 We'd be in the same place. The earth has not drastically moved you know that right.

    • @manilabry8
      @manilabry8 4 года назад

      @@tank3143 im not religious at all but you must be one of those people that believe we came from rocks💀

    • @manilabry8
      @manilabry8 4 года назад

      @CODE92818 How about, there is such thing as ABSOLUTE TRUTH and you not believing there is, doesn't change it one bit.🙏💓✌

  • @PacoOtis
    @PacoOtis 2 года назад +2

    Bravo! Excellent! However, here in the States ignorance among the masses is treated as a virtue! The outlook is not good!

  • @angiet7380
    @angiet7380 3 года назад +3

    Why is that guy not blinking

    • @MVK123
      @MVK123 2 года назад


  • @ALporpoise
    @ALporpoise 12 лет назад +6

    Troll Science:
    Grab 2 stem cells,
    Stick them together
    More stem cells,
    Dumbasses, you jelly?

  • @anna-pj3oz
    @anna-pj3oz 4 года назад +1

    The way he says research though 😂😂👌

  • @Dim4323
    @Dim4323 7 месяцев назад

    Why aren't we funding this

  • @davidblass9808
    @davidblass9808 9 месяцев назад

    100 word essay on the advancements of bioengineering in 2023 - and medical advancements and research

  • @jeanious2009
    @jeanious2009 Год назад

    Nothing should go to waste let’s use all embryos

  • @gamorris7646
    @gamorris7646 Год назад

    I'm pro embryonic stem cell research

  • @mickelodiansurname9578
    @mickelodiansurname9578 3 года назад

    This probably predates IPS. Not that Americans could distinguish IPS from a new hole in their head, or knew what it was!

  • @lucius5600
    @lucius5600 3 года назад +1

    Still dont get it, someone pls explain

    • @mickelodiansurname9578
      @mickelodiansurname9578 3 года назад +2

      There are basically two types of stem cell research. Well several in fact but lets stick to two.
      First there is Embryonic Stem Cell research which is now obsolete technology. It died out before we had smart phones.
      It used a line of stem cells which were designated to be destroyed back in the 1970's... and all cells were derived from this one cell in the 70's.
      The reason its controversial (in the US but nowhere else) is that the cells they chose were cells removed from a blastocyst after an early stage abortion (Under 14 days of pregnancy, after that the cells would be useless) . These cells would normally just be destroyed. They cannot become a human anyway. They are missing a mother, a womb and of course cannot become a human embryo anyway.
      The second type is called IPS or Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. These are stem cell that are made in a laboratory from say a cell from your finger or more often extracted from your spine. They are better becasue they are genetically compatible with the donor! They are after all from the actual patient they will later be used on, so there can't be any rejection issues.
      IPS uses a method of telling a cell... (eg. your skin cell or a heart cell or a bone cell.) to revert back to the stem cell it was before you were born. Cells can in fact revert back to the original cells you were made of a few days after conception. Although this is not controversial at all the problem is that the people who disagree with it don't even know what it is. Like you, have no clue what stem cell research is... but unlike you they make sure never to look it up!
      They just think scientists kill babies or some crazy stuff their priests and religious people tell them... mostly misinformation, and of course the religious in America are outright fucking crazy and rather uneducated. They probably think there are scientists following pregnant women around with a scalpel! lol
      This video is obviously old becasue science has moved on from the former type of stem cell research to IPS.
      Rather ironically when the US seen the research move to China and realized the applications of the research was worth trillions in the future they tried to bring it back an unbanned it. But by then it was too late and now most stem cell research is carried out in China and Europe. Even if the US wanted to take this up again its way too late now. The EU and China are too far ahead.
      IPS is cheaper, better, faster, and can actaully be applied to cure diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, and perhaps diabetes, heart disease, and even, theoretically, could grow new hearts and lungs, kidneys etc. for patients. etc. However it could be a further decade before this is a reality. Just that when it is a reality it likely will be very expensive for Americans since all the patents are now owned by foreign businesses.

  • @venkatn1349
    @venkatn1349 5 лет назад

    MR. advocate, is there no possibility for negativity, of failure to disorder in cells.?

  • @danielmartin1389
    @danielmartin1389 5 лет назад +2

    I like how he says weapon. 😂 Also I definitely feel he limited his insight into what exactly stem cell research could change. Lots of potential for messing up,altering DNA,RNA and using viruses and Nanotech. Lots of information on the web that shouldn't be.

    • @inTruthbyGrace
      @inTruthbyGrace 4 года назад +2

      "Lots of information on the web that shouldn't be." *_GREAT observation_* Let's establish an elite standard of academic truth and use their ministry as the benchmark to limit what is permitted in an open market of ideas and we can use big businesses like youtube and google to silence discussion, dissent, and rebellion against that academic standard!

    • @Luke_Z31
      @Luke_Z31 6 месяцев назад

      You watched too much science fictions

  • @nenengquetoriano2108
    @nenengquetoriano2108 3 года назад

    How to buy steamcell? I want

    • @mahmoodali2437
      @mahmoodali2437 3 года назад

      Well you just have to go to valves steam game shop and look for it but if you want stem cells I don’t know

    • @allyzatuyor1511
      @allyzatuyor1511 3 года назад

      Hi, we could help you.

    • @mickelodiansurname9578
      @mickelodiansurname9578 3 года назад

      You have several trillion in your spinal cord... If you give me lots of money I'll drill them out with a corkscrew and put them in a petri dish for you.

    • @mickelodiansurname9578
      @mickelodiansurname9578 Год назад

      @AdamS I think they idea is they grow new organs from your stem cells, so zero rejection, on a skeleton framework and its grown in a lab. I suppose that helps if you know you need a new kidney.... but it doesn't work if your in an accident and need that part pronto.
      Not so sure about full arms and legs sprouting like branches from folks torso's... there's nothing I know that says its not possible but I think that's a bit or a ways off.

  • @monaiannucci7831
    @monaiannucci7831 3 года назад

    I saw the sperm bank

  • @1234yersiman
    @1234yersiman 13 лет назад

    @GodIsReal101 Nobody cares man. Let people be whothey want to.

  • @donaldlegerski
    @donaldlegerski 4 года назад

    ..."there are thousands of embryos that are routinely discarded by fertility clinics in this state and the country"...a decade later, only GOD knows how many thousands upon thousands of children have been sacrificed unaware for the advancement of science, and that's only in the land of the free. Sin is Sin. Let Yeshua Hamashiach into your heart while there is yet time.

    • @mickelodiansurname9578
      @mickelodiansurname9578 3 года назад

      Actually whether there is a god or not .... well YOU do not know... but I do. So perhaps God then... and for some magical reason me too.
      Why ... cos unlike you my friend I read a book! You might like to look that technology up too.
      The answer to this is ONE blastocyst that was already scheduled for destruction had one stem cell removed... this is done every day of the week in fertility clinics when they take a cell sample to test for downes syndrome or other genetic defects... the mother still goes on to have a perfectly healthy baby. You didn't know that though did you? Thats cos you get your medical information from the fucking pulpit! FERTILITY CLINIC... not FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC...(and you even retyped that sentence without understanding what a fucking fertility clinic is!)
      FERTILITY clinics are used by couples who find it difficult to conceive... you realise this now right? And after impregnation samples are often taken.
      in the 1970's one of these cells, which can never become a baby, was used pretty much for all ESC research worldwide. Just one. Now, as you heard stem cells can supply an unlimited number of cells. So only one cell was ever needed. Its not possible for that cell to ever become a baby. Stem cells are not embryos any more than a single cell from the tip of your finger is a person.
      You were just told that was the case by a priest or shamen, who probably told you not to bother your little head with science... in case you found out probably.
      Now you didn't know that... and I notice never bothered to look it up either! Cos if you did you wouldn't have made such a stupid remark.
      Either way ESC is obsolete anyway, its gone, over a decade now. he methodology in 2021 is called IPS. ...and I'm sure you do not know, only god knows how many skin cells were killed when you washed your hands. (rolls eyes at another example of completely uneducated people having no clues at all, but a lot to say about shit they know nothing about)
      You are arguing over something that literally never took place... Isn't Exodus 20:16 also a sin... one you are happy above to engage in?

  • @StevenAndTraceyJiles
    @StevenAndTraceyJiles 4 года назад


    • @mickelodiansurname9578
      @mickelodiansurname9578 3 года назад

      Stem cells have nothing to do with abortion... that's just a myth put about by priests and misinformation in the US. But only in the US of course....
      A cell from your finger or eyelash cannot turn into a baby.