I am not a Catholic but I feel obliged to thank the Catholic Church because it is she, i.e. the Catholic Church that kept, treasured and passed the Christian belief down to these days. I also believe in some Catholic teachings, mainly the Eucharist, because I find it very Biblical.
That is awesome! But, if I may, if you truly believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist how come you don’t become Catholic and receive him in this way? Just curious 😊
narminagasimova1952 - No offense to the RCC but Catholicism didn’t exist until around 1054ad Prior to that is was the Church of Rome that was in communion with all the other Churches. (Mostly) If anything we should first that Orthodoxy for preserving Truth since around 33ad The Roman Catholic Church has added a few things over the years. Then again, us Protestants have taken away many things since leaving the RCC.
my 6 year old was given this book and study guide to learn about the Eucharist for her First Holy Communion. Quite a challenge, but we are pushing through!
Greg Cornelson... May i ask you if i can have a copy of the book and study guide by duplicating it. Plspls. ... I really want to know also about this.... I can use this for my material for the youth ministry i am handling.... If i may pls.
I literally just got this book in the mail 2day lol, I turn on RUclips and here is a video about this book , even though I should be reading the book, I gotta watch this video 1st, maybe ill miss something in the book, so by watching this video maybe ill catch something to look out for. But I think the Lord is telling me to go read this now lol. I'm a ex-protestant so I pray I can learn more about Jesus being the new Passover, so I can bring my family in the holy apostolic Catholic church that Jesus Christ started. God bless you all
@onlylove556 I hope everything went well in your incorporation to the Catholic Church. I pray you can be an instrument of our Faith for the benefit of your family. God bless.
@@janettedavis6627 It is the book mentioned in the video. It's called JESUS and the JEWISH ROOTS of the EUCHARIST. UNLOCKING THE SECRETS OF THE LAST SUPPER BY BRANT PITRE.
@po18guy Saved believers have the presence of Christ in them he does not leave the throne and appear in the pagan ritual of the eucharist which is not scriptural .
@@stephenpaulwilson What am I ignorant of ? Not the fact that there is no more sacrifice of the Catholic Mass or the pagan ritual of the eucharist . there are no more sacrifices and there are no more priest in the New Testament Church it is a catholic tradition . Not biblical . there is no forgiveness of sins in the rituals of the Mass or the Eucharist . there is no Mass or Eucharist in the scriptures , saved believers have the Lords supper or communion . and there is no forgiveness of sin in any of it Prove me wrong by the scriptures .
@@stephenpaulwilson "The truth reveals😢 itself God bless you and Pope Francis." Where in _your_ Bible has the truth been revealed that Christian should practice the ritual of cannibalism?
It is a 10-part series. You can watch it in the streaming platform called Formed. Worth the subscription even just for this series alone. You will also be able to download the study guides. Pax!
Since I always attend the Traditional Latin Mass instead of Pope Paul VI's rite, I should have known that "Itae Missa est" means "It is the Mass." So I'll never forget that the congregation says, "Thanks be to God" when the priest dismisses it from the Mass. When I replied, "Thanks be to God," I might have meant to thank God because the Mass had ended. Years ago, I waited for an English Mass to end and stayed near the church door with the pastor. Then, while other parishioners returned to their pews at Holy Communion time, a man spoke to the pastor. "Father," he said, "I need to leave for a golf date." At the chapel I attend now, most parishioners pray in the pews for five or 10 minutes to thank God for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where they've been privileged to receive Our Lord physically. But in the other church, the golfer didn't even wait long enough to hear the priest tell everyone to leave. No offense to anyone who goes to the new Mass. But I boycott it because my conscience tells me to do that. Now I wonder whether the priests say, "Go, the Mass is ended," because "Itae Missa est" stresses the importance of the Mass. If the clergy deemphasize the importance and the sacredness of the Mass, it's no wonder some people leave early to play golf. You won't hear me say, "See ya next week, Jesus. I have to tee off in half an hour." It's one thing to say, "Thank God. It's the Mass," and it's another to thank God because the Mass is over."
I go to a Mass in Spanish in my country and nobody have rush to leave, that isn't a problem of the type of Mass but the faith of the people. The new rite is beautiful for whom lives it properly.
@@joselongo1601 Years ago, when my brother attended Episcopalian liturgies, he said, "Mom, they're just like ours." Michael Matt, the Remnant Newspaper's editor, describes when an Anglican woman told him that her priests use the Novus Ordo because it's compatible with Anglican theology. But, of course, high Anglican liturgies can be much more beautiful than a Novus Ordo Mass. But don't let the beauty fool you. Anglican liturgies aren't Catholic. And if the Novus Ordo is compatible with Anglican theology, the Novus Ordo isn't fully Catholic.
@@williammcenaney1331 too simplistic your analysis. And so wrong. But nobody can persuade you ( the traditionalists) are wrong, since you consider yourself more inspired than the Council Vatican Il
@@joselongo1601 What do you mean by "inspired?" Whatever you mean by it, I don't believe I'm inspired in any sense of that word. But here's a link to the Ottaviani Intervention published in 1969. During Vatican II, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani headed the Holy Office. So please read the Introduction to it because His Eminence is an expert who says that the Novus Ordo is a major break with tradition and that it doesn't present the Council of Trent's theology about the Mass. You're welcome to attend the Novus Ordo if you want to. But I won't do that, since I think I shouldn't do that, lms.org.uk/ottaviani-intervention
@@williammcenaney1331 and why the opinion of one cardinal could be more valid than what ia said in a whole council of the Holy Catholic Church ?? I talked of inspiration because that's what the Holy Spirit do in every council, like the Trent one.
I really don't like how the title is "In the Bible" but the section specifically talking about it in the Bible is less than a minute long. The title of this video should be "What is the eucharist according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church"
Is there a reason the Catholic Church only allows a specific person such as the priest to give communion, and why does the body and blood have to be kept in the tabernacle?
Because it is literally the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ, and must be treated as such. Only consecrated hands should touch Him, unfortunately many Catholics receive the eucharist on the hand instead of the tongue. If they realized who they were receiving that would change, many Catholics are poorly catechised these days.
@@mikejames303 wow!!!! May God bless you. I understand this isn’t a new post however, your answer was perfect. I just hope to find the rest of the lecture lol.
@@mikejames303 In the early church the Eucharist was given in the hand. The Syriac Orthodox church, the church descended from Antioch, still gives communion in the hand.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian faith. It may be a stumbling block to protestants, but not to Christians. The words we use matter. Simply because someone claims to believe in Jesus Christ does not make them a proper practicing Christian.
Thanks for such Nailed statement... we're exhausted by the assault of those "born again" out there who abide only by the Bible... they don't even have a clue of the history behind and harassing the the Christians with their failed doctrine.
@@md12318 those souls are either in heaven, hell or purgatory. When you said Judgment day, you must mean the last and final judgment that will take place with Jesus’ Second Coming? When that time comes, all of us, those who have died and those who are still alive will face God and we will know how our thoughts, words, actions, both good and bad affected others. We will see the grand scheme of things, so to speak. Those who are still alive will know where they’ll spend eternity. Those who have received their individual judgment prior to the Second Coming will continue to be where they were unless they were in purgatory. God might deem their purification completed then so he’ll take them up to heaven. If not, they’ll stay in purgatory until the cleansing process is complete. There will also be a reunification of bodies and souls.
It all depends on “you” Did you believe and follow Jesus’s steps, HIS TEACHINGS. Then HE WILL say Welcome Home. If you abandoned HIM, you may not make it to HEAVEN, unless sometime before your last breath you repent of your mistakes. You may end up in “jail” for a specific time. Jail/Purgatory is temporary. Hell, complete lack of GOD is eternal, infinite, forevermore. So, keep your eyes on Jesus and you will reach HIM. Remember when Peter left the boat and tried to walk to Jesus on the water. He took his eyes off of Jesus and started to sink. Jesus reached out to him. HE WANTS ALL HUMANITY, sadly some refuse😢
"And hence that true Mediator, in so far as, by assuming the form of a servant, He became the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, though in the form of God He received sacrifice together with the Father, with whom He is one God, yet in the form of a servant He chose rather to be than to receive a sacrifice, that not even by this instance any one might have occasion to suppose that sacrifice should be rendered to any creature. Thus He is both the Priest who offers and the Sacrifice offered. And He designed that there should be a daily sign of this in the sacrifice of the Church, which, being His body, learns to offer herself through Him. Of this true Sacrifice the ancient sacrifices of the saints were the various and numerous signs; and it was thus variously figured, just as one thing is signified by a variety of words, that there may be less weariness when we speak of it much. To this supreme and true sacrifice all false sacrifices have given place.", Saint Augustine, X, 20
It's coz rc believe in transubstantiation...The 1st point that says d eu is the source n summit n this transubstantiation theory goes round n round in a circle, with one explaining d other n on n on only.
Jesus said He’s the living bread, the bread He gives is His FLESH, unless we eat His Flesh & drink His Blood, WE WILL HAVE NO LIFE IN US.If we eat & drink of Him, He will raise us up on the last day, but if we do so UNWORTHILY, WE WILL BE LIABLE & BRING A SENTENCE AGAINST OURSELVES FOR NOT DISCERNING IT TO BE THE BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR GOD & SAVIOR. Jn6:51-59, 1Cor 11:23-29 Unworthily means if we have Mortal Sins that have to be forgiven first, if we aren’t Catholic or haven’t made our First Communion Sacrament yet.
I'm not a Catholic, but would like to know where in the Bible can we know that the Eucharist needs to bless through a priest/Bishop before Christians can partake of it? Thanks
As in St. John's gospel, the word jew and jews are used (arguably) 70 out of 71 times in the context of rejector of Christ, I would tend to change your context to the (anti-Logos) type 28 jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews who followed the faithful prophets and priests. In Rom 2.28, 29 St. Paul gives the key via, distinction/negation to un-spin the two group type conflation of "jews" (biological identifying v spiritual, circumcised heart, identifying. When exemplified throughout cannon it's talmudic v biblical, majority v remnant, anti-Logos v Logos-centric, OT true prophet murders v OT true prophet followers, children of the devil v children of (spiritual) Abraham, contrary to all humanity v lovers of all humanity, synagogue of satan v church of God, pro-abortion Moloc worshipers v anti-abortion Christ worshipers, etc). "Judaism" IS the religion of type 28 (anti-Logos) jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews (originally) and later were called Christ-followers then Christians, then Catholics in recognition of unifoity in doctrine and practice over expanding areas. - Why do you keep it conflated? A. Ignorance? B. Modernists UND education. or C. Subversion?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and it is paramount that we understand the real presence of our lord and savior in the Eucharist. It is blasphemous that our Protestant brethren have reduced it to being only symbolic, when it is there very clearly in scripture. I believe that the belief in the very literal presence of our lord and savior is what separates Christians and Protestants.
The New Catholic Encyclopedia cautions: "We should not rely too heavily on the LITERALNESS of the words 'This IS my body' or 'This IS my blood'..For in phrases such as 'the harvest IS the end of the world' (Matthew 13:39) or 'I AM the true vine' (John 15:1) the [verb "to be"] means only to signify or represent." This enycyclopedia admits that the wording of Matthew 26:26-28 DOES NOT PROVE that the bread and wine were changed into Jesus' literal body and blood at the Last Supper!
I understand. Jesus is giving His own body and blood to be consumed while he is alive. I am neither Protestant or Catholic-- only Christian. Jesus says you have no life if you do not consume His Last Supper. And remembrance is more than a thought. What does that mean? Our body is going to be ressurected. This is a mystery.
We know that. There are other factors which are considered. For one thing, the Eucharist was another miracle which Jesus performed at the Last Supper. And "is" does mean literally "is" very often. (For example, tuna IS a fish. It isn't metaphor. And Jesus did not say this is as if it were my body and like my blood. No simile. He said, Truly, truly, I say to you... and a load of disciples left Him right away.). He told the woman at the well-- I am the Messiah. I am the One of whom you speak. That meant He literally was the Messiah. Not just any Messiah. THE one for whom they had been waiting. There are a plethora of other things which Christ said which could indicate that He was actually transforming the bread and wine into His body and blood at the Last Supper. Google every single passage concerning His Body and His Blood. How is it that Jesus in not present in Communion? Even as a Protestant, I believed in the Real Presence of Christ's Body and Blood in Communion. I am not here to convince you in this comment section. Decide for yourself but be very thorough in your research. One or two citings is pathetic scholarship.
And the enemies of Christ are trying to suppress the Source and Summit of Our Christian Life. Look at this past year. We Catholics as a whole responded terribly.
Imagine if a person could know within themselves always where the eucharist has ever been not only in the written text in a book we often read called the bible. Do you know who he is? I doubt he would be the type to show up in his red short shorts to teach us 'the facts of life' - Including how according to him it is human nature for men to fight with one another and so no one person can change that. Since we are all called to protect first what a moral dilemma that would be when we are trying to decide if we should say something while being expected to remain silent there at his feet like only a grey rock there or to say something to him in the flesh in order to help avoid later hearing that he has died while fighting with someone else - Which would mean that we and he would have his blood on our hands since we never said a word to him against that kind of gnostic philosophy. Perhaps inviting him to see where Jesus is among us too would help? I don't know. Would sure be a lot harder to do during all of those COVID-19 rules at their highest numbers while some ministers for the same only COVID-19 reasons were getting escorted to jail without any fight on the way there to his jail cell. I am so grateful to have beat all of the odds and survived the pandemic too. How would I feel when sitting in jail only because the majority of people I was trying to teach were insisting on not following the COVID-19 rules? I am sure saint Peter would have been proud of him there while having no choice about acting like a grey rock most of the time there no matter what kind of disrespect was being offered him instead of the Eucharist on the Sabbath day maybe offered to give through his jail cell bars if all of the jail guards there did not allow the Eucharist administered to him while being in his jail cell with him because we are not a priest. Which is maybe why now we do not have to be a priest when being trained properly on how to do that too in only the worship sanctuary where we are told by the Catholic church that is to be. I once met a minister in a Protestant church which didn't identify itself as Catholic however they did on Saturday which is the Sabbath day for them when all there give thanks while the minister says those same words on what all church goers there are feeling thankful for. That minister told us later during bible study after a snack and then after bible study then a potluck supper instead on Sunday that he often visits people in jail too. Yes he wore a suit on Sunday too. Where his wife sat on the first pew always. What if she had to take over his role on both Saturday and Sunday while trying to hold down a full time job in the secular world too while in jail for no reason other than allowing the poor to enjoy the same 2 meals they grew accustomed to receiving for years there. Like for example say an accident victim working as a Gardener part time while caring for his elderly mother with barely enough money to pay for their food and utility bills and the growing number more than one kind of taxes too. Well good thing in Canada and in the U.S. our border is not a place for droves of soldiers to pour into our nation here instead of rescuing the overworked ministers and their wives and children who are willing to offer their helping hands too. Grammarly bots only would argue that both this priest here and that minister just mentioned too about sacrifice.
It's good that you asked Protestants to help with this. I'm not exactly a Protestant per se (not "mainline"), but I'm an ex-Catholic who went through Catholic school and church in the 50s and 60s. Back then, the priest would stand at the altar during mass, and drink all of the wine from the chalice. Then, he and the altar boy would come along at the altar railing to give ONLY THE BREAD (in the form of a wafer) to the communicants. That is all I EVER had from communion as a Catholic in those years. The shape of the Roman wafer is the sign of its origin: small, thin and round. The pagan Egyptian religion also required a round wafer as the unbloody sacrifice on Egyptian altars. The Egyptian round disk symbolized the sun; i.e., the Catholic "monstrance" and other accoutrements. This round wafer is entirely different from the bread that was eaten at the Lord's Supper in commemoration of the Passover. Now you can take it from there and do the necessary research. Learn how the Vatican is an ancient Pagan site, filled with astrological and zodiacal symbols to the max. It is a combined religion of true Christianity and much Paganism, formed in order for Constantine to bring in one state religion that would be attractive to almost everyone. Hence, the Pagan celebrations of Christmas and Easter, except for changing the Pagan names and events to that of Christianity. There is so much more to learn, and I've been at it for over 20 years.
@@doriesse824 There was no Egyptian Eucharist, totally wrong. Also, you’re saying that Christians died rather than burn a bit of incense to the Emperor for hundreds of years, and then when an Emperor who was sympathetic to them came along they forgot about all that and let him inject paganism into their religion? Really?
Jesus Christ established His One True Apostolic Catholic Church & Doctrine with His apostles, in 33AD, before His Passion. He appointed them leaders, Peter as Head, gave THEM His authority, power & Sacraments (The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven). He taught everyone is to be His One True Church, receiving His Sacraments, Doctrine & Teaching or you DO NOT HAVE GOD. ALL 44,000 other Christian Churches, without Gods authority, broke away from the only Church, Doctrine & Sacraments that Jesus Christ established, to start their own version of Gods Church, like the Pharisees and Scribes did and God rebuked them for doing so. Mt 23:1-39, Lk 11:37-54, Jn 1:42, 21:15-17, Mt 16:18-19, 10:1-4, Mk3:14-19, Eph 2:19-22, 1 Cor 12:28, Acts 20:28, Lk 22:28-32, 1 Pet 2:6-9 Remain in His Catholic Church, Doctrine & Gospel-Jn 10:16, 17:20-26, Eph 4:4-6, 2 JN1:9, 2 Thess3:6-16, Rom16:17, Heb 13:9, Gal 1:6-9, 2 Cor 11:3-4 Sacraments-Jn 3:5, Act 22:16, 2 Cor 5:18-20, Jn 20:21-23, Mt 18:17-18, Jn 6:51-59, 1 Cor 11:23-29, Eph 1:13, 2 Cor 1:21-22, Mt 19:4-6, Col 3:17-19, 2 Cor 5:20, 1:25-29, Lk 22:28-32, Jm 5:16, Lk 10:34 are a few pertinent verses.
Ye are saved by Grace through Faith GEACE : The Communion, entirely of him FAITH : The Communion received through Faith, consecreated & admistrated by the priest , but the transubstantion depends on the faith of the one who receives the Communion For Satanits & those unworthy to receive the Communion , it will remain only as a piece of bread & not Transubstanciate cause they receive it not in Faith Nevertheless Faith has its works within , is but to know what specifically constitute the Faith Give unto God what is to God -- FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God, but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only The only reason for the 2nd temple was for the Messiah to enter it, & finding it Corrupted made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles)।l unto his warning " Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees & Herod, The leaven of the LAW/FAITH resp, ----
Remember the symbolic pascal Lamb had to be without spot or wrinkle. It was the time of Jewish Passover and Jesus and His Apostles attended the Temple in Jerusalem The Jewish Passover prayers that were said in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed are in the Tridentine Mass and are Perpetual and can't be changed. The Passover in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed is about His Death. Jews had true worship they worshipped the Messiah in advance. The Apostles passed over the Jewish Passover Prayers to the Gentiles. The Offatory prayer in Tridentine "I offer thee this Host , This Perfect Host, may it be without blemish, spot or wrinkle"
Catholic celebrate one sacrifice of Christ. When we celebrate The Sacrafice of the Mass, we are brought back to the original sacrifice when Christ was on the cross. It is because of the ascension we are able to do this. Jesus went back to God out of space and time. In this way, Jesus can come down and be present in the Eucharistic at each Mass.
Catholicism is not a denomination; even though denominations are against Scripture. As for the CCC of JPII, no thank you. I'll sray with the CCC of Trent.
the eucharist was not even practiced until the 12th century or later. so brandt, the old testament is kinda out of context isn't it? the eucharist rejects the sufficiency of Christ's death on the cross. the eucharist tries to pre-suppose that the roman catholic priests (not established until the 12th century), can transubstantiate (not established until about 60 years later) can "create Christ (blasphemy!) through a bread tablet and a shot of grape juice. brandt, how many more roman catholic lies do you want to present?
i don't really get why you and many today keep talking about vatican 2 as church didn't existed for 1960 or whatever this vatican was., it did destroy faith and beautiful Mass and music
the eucharist is not in the bible. it is an unholy ritual which is a re-sacrifice of Christ. Christ's death on the cross was the final sacrifice, yet the roman catholic church deems it needed to re-sacrifice Christ over and over again through the mass.
Ok, you obviously don't know Catholic doctrine, and you're just here to divide. Depart Satan........“Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2-7:1 [A.D. 110]) - Ignatius of Antioch.
Where is the eucharist in the bible? When you find it let me know. The last supper as Christ celebrated is nothing like the eucharist of catholicism. First of all I have yet to read in scripture where it says that only a priest has the power to bring Christ down onto the altar. Where does it even say in scripture that the last supper even involves bringing Christ down onto the altar?
through the eyes of unbelief, you will never see reason in this comprehensive lecture... by your comment.. so much disdain for us Catholics... keep reading keep searching... the Holy Spirit will open your eyes... i keep praying for you that you may finally see the truth... that the Cathokic theology is the one true apostolic deposit of faith!!!
@@sgodbacolod5407 no it's not unbelief. It's actually belief in what the bible says and not what Rome says. Before you throw John chapter 6 at me, first show me where any scripture says that ONLY the priest has the power to bring the Almighty down onto the altar? Not able to prove that biblically just destroys the hocus pocus catholic eucharist to pieces. The next is that scripture says NO MAN can or NO MAN has seen God at anytime and lived. So i don't know who Catholics think they see on the altar but it surely isn't who they think. No it's not disdain for catholics, it's for your false beliefs and how Satan has deceived billions worldwide. Truth is your eternity is at stake and YOU don't see it .
@H Cho Jesus does not need to be present in the eucharist to be here. Jesus is already here, he is omnipresent. He is not here in the physical as Catholics claim. Scripture says he dwells in a light which no man HAS seen or CAN see. Scripture says NO MAN has ever seen God and lived. Scripture gives the account of Moses being afraid to look up at God. So afraid, scripture says that Moses trembled. Most important, he is spirit and those who worship him must worship him IN SPIRIT and truth. I guess this should have been my first question instead of now. But where does scripture say that ONLY a priest can bring Christ down onto the altar? The other question is if this is really the body and blood of Christ, why are the wafers made by nuns in some factory. I guess nobody has ever dropped a grain of flour on the floor, have they? So this is nothing but Satan and some Hocus pocus from the church. The eucharist is not celebrated or described in scripture as your church does. But then again, what church teachings agree with scripture.
The Holy Trinity is a man made word and something theologians use to explain the nature of God. But we shouldn't have to do it. The Bible is clear about the divinity of Jesus and we should simply quote verses from Holy Scripture.
@po18guy The Bible is a book of books Christian theology is built on New Testament All books are revelations pointing to Gods plan of salvation of Jews first and then mankind. God is merciful and just. His mercy triumphs over Judgement.
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs It's always righteousness in Christ...Christians are called to be priests, prophets and Kings.. clothed IN the righteousness of Christ.
This gnostic video is so shamelessly blasphemous against the living God of Israel, no wonder Jesus said the broadway to Perdition was so crowded. There is only ONE God, not a corporation of three demigods, exactly like the Hindu trinity that make up an All-Seeing Eye godhead.
Even though I like Dr pitre he serves the false church vatican II and venerates a false prophet as a saint, john Paul II ! Why God keeps Catholics like Dr pitre in a slumber from the truth is beyond me.perhaps they're to smart for they're own good and are too proud and stray far from the meekness and humbleness of our Lord.i pray he wakes up.🙏👆
Mary cannot pray for us sinners! She is awaiting her resurrection, as are all the dead in Christ. Also Purgatory is not anywhere in any part of the Bible... I think it is part of the "Broad Gate"... And Lent is evolved from pagan worship. (40 days of weeping for Tammuz.) Beware of Idol worship; they (ROMAN Catholics) took this commandment out of their version of the Bible... BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS.
@@chinitapink8074 Thanks Chinita, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 " For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air...." Mary, nor the Apostles have risen until Jesus comes to take his sheep before the Great Tribulation... The Romans killed the Apostles; and it was in Constantine's time, 300 years after Lord Jesus was Butchered and crucified that he figured that he could not kill the growing Church, so he mingled the Christian faith with several pagan "religions" and formed "the Roman Catholic Church". Don't be blinded, look at history, it shows that what I write is true. Pray in Jesus' name alone, Read your bible and learn Jesus is the Word of God. Strive for Heaven, there is NO PURGATORY, that was invented in the 10th century... Go for the narrow gate. May God bless you and keep you and lead you to understanding so you can be a watchman for thosearoundyou in these last days... In Jesus name I pray for you, Amen.
@@tonysynnott9875 Thank you for praying for me. What denomination you belong to so i can understand what culture you believe in? You said : “look at history it shows that what i write is true” Which History you are looking at? Do you start from Jesus or from Constantine?
@@chinitapink8074Hi Chinita, I am in Australia. Read the book of Acts, that gives the real history of the Christian Church. Then look up Nero, who was the Emperor of Rome; then follow the Roman Emperos for 300 years until Constantine, you will see that they all wanted to exterminate all Christian people and beliefs. I am Catholic, not Roman Catholic (Christian) read what Jesus said to Nicodemus " Truly Truly I say to you that you must be born again"... that's what St. PETER and ALL Apostles taught. All were captured and killed. St Peter was crucified upside down... I will look up a good reference for you and send it. Peace and love to you and yours...
I mean no disrespect but the Bible says “In remembrance” which is symbolically, not literally. Catholicism teaches that at every mass the bread is literally “ Christ in body” physically there at that moment, and that just doesn’t make sense to me. I believe that If it’s Not in the Bible it’s created by religion. Again, no disrespect intended. I’m searching for truth. Pope John Paul II consecration of Russia in 1984 which ended the growth of communism was inspired by the third secret of Fatima revelation to The three children in Portugal and Sister Lucia. I feel called to prayer but I find that it’s to pray the rosary that God is asking of me, but I am Christian. I attended catholic school as a child and mass and confession were a weekly part of the educational system of course , but as I grew into adulthood I couldn’t get past the idolatry and the catholic representation of the meaning of the Eucharist. But here I am again because I’ve promised God to pray for Russia for the next 21 days and i feel that God wants me to pray the rosary. Maybe it’s obedient that I must be and stop questioning the ways of our God almighty. Thank you and Gods peace be with all of you. 21 days of prayers for Russia is what God has placed in my heart.
@po18guy nothing you sad was honest. The NT is in Greek, however the Sabbath, Remember, is in Hebrew. 2000 years? So you're a Jewish-Christian (Messianic Jew)??? Of course not, so cut that out. The Eucharist is antisemitism at its finest.
Marlene, I would suggest that you study Transubstantiation which explains how the body of Christ makes its presence in the bread. Look for the video here in YT entitled "What Transubstantiation actually is (w/ Dr. Brett Salkeld)" from Gospel Simplicity Channel.
Hi, because Jesus has spoken of it many times. Not just to remember, He says "Do this in memory of me". "I am the bread of life" "Whoever eats my flesh and drink my blood" Before Jesus come back to the Father, He ask Peter about 3 times if Peter loved Him and ask to Feed the lambs, tend them and feed the sheep. Its is also what the Apostle is doing "breaking of bread" And many more if you really is seeking the truth.. Rosary is a very powerful prayer and meditation.. May you find the truth that you are seeking🙏🏻
Why do you conflate judaism as being of the Old Testament when it's based definitively on the Talmud? I don't appreciate your judaio-masonic (conflation) deception.
As in St. John's gospel, the word jew and jews are used (arguably) 70 out of 71 times in the context of rejector of Christ, I would tend to change your context to the (anti-Logos) type 28 jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews who followed the faithful prophets and priests. In Rom 2.28, 29 St. Paul gives the key via, distinction/negation to un-spin the two group type conflation of "jews" (biological identifying v spiritual, circumcised heart, identifying. When exemplified throughout cannon it's talmudic v biblical, majority v remnant, anti-Logos v Logos-centric, OT true prophet murders v OT true prophet followers, children of the devil v children of (spiritual) Abraham, contrary to all humanity v lovers of all humanity, synagogue of satan v church of God, pro-abortion Moloc worshipers v anti-abortion Christ worshipers, etc). "Judaism" IS the religion of type 28 (anti-Logos) jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews (originally) and later were called Christ-followers then Christians, then Catholics in recognition of unifoity in doctrine and practice over expanding areas. - Why do you keep it conflated? A. Ignorance? B. Modernists UND education. or C. Subversion?
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The Catholic dont take as the Lord said both the body and blood.only orthodox do that allways to all.
@@ΓραικοςΕλληνας Why do you think that, please?
@@cindiloowhoo1166 the Lord said to take both orthodox always take both flesh and blood
I'm looking for a study or explanation of the blessed sacrament you know the one in adoration...where is that in the Bible or how did that become?
I am not a Catholic but I feel obliged to thank the Catholic Church because it is she, i.e. the Catholic Church that kept, treasured and passed the Christian belief down to these days. I also believe in some Catholic teachings, mainly the Eucharist, because I find it very Biblical.
You need to be Catholic then 🙏🙏
Assuming your protestant i think its refreshing to see a protestant agree with the clear evidence of the real presence in the Eucharist, God bless you
That is awesome! But, if I may, if you truly believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist how come you don’t become Catholic and receive him in this way? Just curious 😊
Why not convert then?
narminagasimova1952 - No offense to the RCC but Catholicism didn’t exist until around 1054ad
Prior to that is was the Church of Rome that was in communion with all the other Churches. (Mostly)
If anything we should first that Orthodoxy for preserving Truth since around 33ad
The Roman Catholic Church has added a few things over the years. Then again, us Protestants have taken away many things since leaving the RCC.
my 6 year old was given this book and study guide to learn about the Eucharist for her First Holy Communion. Quite a challenge, but we are pushing through!
How wonderful! Keep going!! My prayers to your son and family!
Hope i can have one too.... I am want to learn more about the Eucharist..
Greg Cornelson... May i ask you if i can have a copy of the book and study guide by duplicating it. Plspls. ... I really want to know also about this.... I can use this for my material for the youth ministry i am handling.... If i may pls.
@@MultiKathy67 I managed to download "the Jewish root of the Eucharist" on the internet
Oh geez
Dr. Pitre, I look forward to one day attending one of your live speaking events. Your presentation style and language is extremely easy to understand.
I literally just got this book in the mail 2day lol, I turn on RUclips and here is a video about this book , even though I should be reading the book, I gotta watch this video 1st, maybe ill miss something in the book, so by watching this video maybe ill catch something to look out for. But I think the Lord is telling me to go read this now lol. I'm a ex-protestant so I pray I can learn more about Jesus being the new Passover, so I can bring my family in the holy apostolic Catholic church that Jesus Christ started.
God bless you all
I hope everything went well in your incorporation to the Catholic Church. I pray you can be an instrument of our Faith for the benefit of your family.
God bless.
God works in wondrous ways! God bless you!
Thank you Jesus ❤️
This is such a beautiful & meaningful presentation. It blessed me with new knowledge. Thank you & God bless you.
Thank you Dr. pitre for the magnificent presentation.
Amen ❤️
I Love this TEACHING that's so clear & easy to grasp-at! More POWER TO YOU THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT!
I must be so blessed because I have this book!! I bought it during the feast of St Anne in Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia sometime in 2014.
Anna James what book are you talking about please give me the name and where I can get it. Thank you.
@@janettedavis6627 It is the book mentioned in the video. It's called JESUS and the JEWISH ROOTS of the EUCHARIST. UNLOCKING THE SECRETS OF THE LAST SUPPER BY BRANT PITRE.
I too have this book. It’s so good and makes things clearly come together.
God blessed you Dr. 🙏 🙌 ❤
This is by far my most favorite lecture. I've listened to it many times.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ...Amen!!!
This is brilliant...
Thank you. Looking forward to more teachings.
Very important!
Thank you for this important teaching. God bless. 🙏🕊✝️🔥💗
I am not of catholic faith, but I found the lecture very informative. Thanks for your lecture.
Jesus first establish it being the High Priest. You may find in these verses:
Matthew 26:26-28
Mark 14:22-24
Luke 22:17-20
Thank you for this talk.
This is gems!
This most precious pearl
@Apollo Tony Yup, I have been using flixzone} for months myself :)
@@fletcherjax5078 scammer
It's sad to know that a great number of Catholics do no believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist.
@po18guy Saved believers have the presence of Christ in them he does not leave the throne and appear in the pagan ritual of the eucharist which is not scriptural .
@@donaldcooley897 🙄 how ignorant God bless
@@stephenpaulwilson What am I ignorant of ? Not the fact that there is no more sacrifice of the Catholic Mass or the pagan ritual of the eucharist . there are no more sacrifices and there are no more priest in the New Testament Church it is a catholic tradition . Not biblical . there is no forgiveness of sins in the rituals of the Mass or the Eucharist . there is no Mass or Eucharist in the scriptures , saved believers have the Lords supper or communion . and there is no forgiveness of sin in any of it
Prove me wrong by the scriptures .
I would love to hear Dr. Pitre address the crisis in the church particularly the discrepancies put forth by traditionalists regarding the new "mass"
Excellent explanation.
More Bible studies!
BRILLIANT Teachings GOD BLESS you Dr.Petrie
We don't have to explain ourselves to others. Just hope and pray they join us someday.
@@cbooth151 the truth reveals😢 itself God bless you and Pope Francis 🙏
@@stephenpaulwilson "The truth reveals😢 itself God bless you and Pope Francis."
Where in _your_ Bible has the truth been revealed that Christian should practice the ritual of cannibalism?
Divino. Eternas palavras
Thank you Father God the gift your Son Jesus Christ our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen
Thank you , so wonderful. Will there be a lable i.e. #2.
What is the title of the next video following this one about the Eucharist. Is it in sequence?
Presence 🙏
It is a 10-part series. You can watch it in the streaming platform called Formed. Worth the subscription even just for this series alone. You will also be able to download the study guides. Pax!
So beautiful 😍
I was reading a book explaining the Eucharist just last night and thought, Judaism and Catholicims are very similar.
Thank you
Can you post the follow up video that Dr. Brant Pitre is talking at the end??????
Since I always attend the Traditional Latin Mass instead of Pope Paul VI's rite, I should have known that "Itae Missa est" means "It is the Mass." So I'll never forget that the congregation says, "Thanks be to God" when the priest dismisses it from the Mass. When I replied, "Thanks be to God," I might have meant to thank God because the Mass had ended.
Years ago, I waited for an English Mass to end and stayed near the church door with the pastor. Then, while other parishioners returned to their pews at Holy Communion time, a man spoke to the pastor. "Father," he said, "I need to leave for a golf date." At the chapel I attend now, most parishioners pray in the pews for five or 10 minutes to thank God for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where they've been privileged to receive Our Lord physically. But in the other church, the golfer didn't even wait long enough to hear the priest tell everyone to leave.
No offense to anyone who goes to the new Mass. But I boycott it because my conscience tells me to do that. Now I wonder whether the priests say, "Go, the Mass is ended," because "Itae Missa est" stresses the importance of the Mass. If the clergy deemphasize the importance and the sacredness of the Mass, it's no wonder some people leave early to play golf. You won't hear me say, "See ya next week, Jesus. I have to tee off in half an hour."
It's one thing to say, "Thank God. It's the Mass," and it's another to thank God because the Mass is over."
I go to a Mass in Spanish in my country and nobody have rush to leave, that isn't a problem of the type of Mass but the faith of the people. The new rite is beautiful for whom lives it properly.
@@joselongo1601 Years ago, when my brother attended Episcopalian liturgies, he said, "Mom, they're just like ours." Michael Matt, the Remnant Newspaper's editor, describes when an Anglican woman told him that her priests use the Novus Ordo because it's compatible with Anglican theology. But, of course, high Anglican liturgies can be much more beautiful than a Novus Ordo Mass. But don't let the beauty fool you. Anglican liturgies aren't Catholic. And if the Novus Ordo is compatible with Anglican theology, the Novus Ordo isn't fully Catholic.
@@williammcenaney1331 too simplistic your analysis. And so wrong. But nobody can persuade you ( the traditionalists) are wrong, since you consider yourself more inspired than the Council Vatican Il
@@joselongo1601 What do you mean by "inspired?" Whatever you mean by it, I don't believe I'm inspired in any sense of that word. But here's a link to the Ottaviani Intervention published in 1969. During Vatican II, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani headed the Holy Office. So please read the Introduction to it because His Eminence is an expert who says that the Novus Ordo is a major break with tradition and that it doesn't present the Council of Trent's theology about the Mass. You're welcome to attend the Novus Ordo if you want to. But I won't do that, since I think I shouldn't do that,
@@williammcenaney1331 and why the opinion of one cardinal could be more valid than what ia said in a whole council of the Holy Catholic Church ?? I talked of inspiration because that's what the Holy Spirit do in every council, like the Trent one.
Take all of these programs of my phone please thank you
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I really don't like how the title is "In the Bible" but the section specifically talking about it in the Bible is less than a minute long. The title of this video should be "What is the eucharist according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church"
Is there a reason the Catholic Church only allows a specific person such as the priest to give communion, and why does the body and blood have to be kept in the tabernacle?
Because it is literally the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ, and must be treated as such. Only consecrated hands should touch Him, unfortunately many Catholics receive the eucharist on the hand instead of the tongue. If they realized who they were receiving that would change, many Catholics are poorly catechised these days.
@@mikejames303 wow!!!! May God bless you. I understand this isn’t a new post however, your answer was perfect. I just hope to find the rest of the lecture lol.
@@mikejames303 In the early church the Eucharist was given in the hand. The Syriac Orthodox church, the church descended from Antioch, still gives communion in the hand.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian faith. It may be a stumbling block to protestants, but not to Christians.
The words we use matter.
Simply because someone claims to believe in Jesus Christ does not make them a proper practicing Christian.
Thanks for such Nailed statement... we're exhausted by the assault of those "born again" out there who abide only by the Bible... they don't even have a clue of the history behind and harassing the the Christians with their failed doctrine.
Since Judgement day has not come yet. Where are the souls of the dead right now?
@@md12318 those souls are either in heaven, hell or purgatory. When you said Judgment day, you must mean the last and final judgment that will take place with Jesus’ Second Coming? When that time comes, all of us, those who have died and those who are still alive will face God and we will know how our thoughts, words, actions, both good and bad affected others. We will see the grand scheme of things, so to speak. Those who are still alive will know where they’ll spend eternity. Those who have received their individual judgment prior to the Second Coming will continue to be where they were unless they were in purgatory. God might deem their purification completed then so he’ll take them up to heaven. If not, they’ll stay in purgatory until the cleansing process is complete. There will also be a reunification of bodies and souls.
After our natural death we will all gain eternal life. The problem is if it will be in the presence of God or away from him. Please clarify.
It all depends on “you” Did you believe and follow Jesus’s steps, HIS TEACHINGS. Then HE WILL say Welcome Home. If you abandoned HIM, you may not make it to HEAVEN, unless sometime before your last breath you repent of your mistakes. You may end up in “jail” for a specific time. Jail/Purgatory is temporary. Hell, complete lack of GOD is eternal, infinite, forevermore. So, keep your eyes on Jesus and you will reach HIM. Remember when Peter left the boat and tried to walk to Jesus on the water. He took his eyes off of Jesus and started to sink. Jesus reached out to him. HE WANTS ALL HUMANITY, sadly some refuse😢
God alone knows who will go to Heaven.
The Word Bethlehem means House of Bread.
@Janette Davis
No coincidence. Our Bible is full of typology. That one is a powerful tool to engage protestants.
God bless.
@@joecastillo8798 Thank You.
"And hence that true Mediator, in so far as, by assuming the form of a servant, He became the Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, though in the form of God He received sacrifice together with the Father, with whom He is one God, yet in the form of a servant He chose rather to be than to receive a sacrifice, that not even by this instance any one might have occasion to suppose that sacrifice should be rendered to any creature. Thus He is both the Priest who offers and the Sacrifice offered. And He designed that there should be a daily sign of this in the sacrifice of the Church, which, being His body, learns to offer herself through Him. Of this true Sacrifice the ancient sacrifices of the saints were the various and numerous signs; and it was thus variously figured, just as one thing is signified by a variety of words, that there may be less weariness when we speak of it much. To this supreme and true sacrifice all false sacrifices have given place.", Saint Augustine, X, 20
Non Catholics are not Christians. Without the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar there is nothing that can be called Christian.
It's coz rc believe in transubstantiation...The 1st point that says d eu is the source n summit n this transubstantiation theory goes round n round in a circle, with one explaining d other n on n on only.
Jesus said He’s the living bread, the bread He gives is His FLESH, unless we eat His Flesh & drink His Blood, WE WILL HAVE NO LIFE IN US.If we eat & drink of Him, He will raise us up on the last day, but if we do so UNWORTHILY, WE WILL BE LIABLE & BRING A SENTENCE AGAINST OURSELVES FOR NOT DISCERNING IT TO BE THE BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR GOD & SAVIOR. Jn6:51-59, 1Cor 11:23-29
Unworthily means if we have Mortal Sins that have to be forgiven first, if we aren’t Catholic or haven’t made our First Communion Sacrament yet.
I don,t think the apostolic church said mass more than the zwingllia! Just a memorial version.
I'm not a Catholic, but would like to know where in the Bible can we know that the Eucharist needs to bless through a priest/Bishop before Christians can partake of it? Thanks
Jesus Christ breathes on them 🙄
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs Thx for brief answer. When Jesus said 'do this' does it mean all disciples should be doing this?
qoute un qoute: The Eucharist is the making presen in our time of the one sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary.
As in St. John's gospel, the word jew and jews are used (arguably) 70 out of 71 times in the context of rejector of Christ, I would tend to change your context to the (anti-Logos) type 28 jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews who followed the faithful prophets and priests.
In Rom 2.28, 29 St. Paul gives the key via, distinction/negation to un-spin the two group type conflation of "jews" (biological identifying v spiritual, circumcised heart, identifying.
When exemplified throughout cannon it's talmudic v biblical, majority v remnant, anti-Logos v Logos-centric, OT true prophet murders v OT true prophet followers, children of the devil v children of (spiritual) Abraham, contrary to all humanity v lovers of all humanity, synagogue of satan v church of God, pro-abortion Moloc worshipers v anti-abortion Christ worshipers, etc).
"Judaism" IS the religion of type 28 (anti-Logos) jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews (originally) and later were called Christ-followers then Christians, then Catholics in recognition of unifoity in doctrine and practice over expanding areas.
- Why do you keep it conflated?
A. Ignorance?
B. Modernists UND education.
C. Subversion?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and it is paramount that we understand the real presence of our lord and savior in the Eucharist.
It is blasphemous that our Protestant brethren have reduced it to being only symbolic, when it is there very clearly in scripture.
I believe that the belief in the very literal presence of our lord and savior is what separates Christians and Protestants.
The New Catholic Encyclopedia cautions: "We should not rely too heavily on the LITERALNESS of the words 'This IS my body' or 'This IS my blood'..For in phrases such as 'the harvest IS the end of the world' (Matthew 13:39) or 'I AM the true vine' (John 15:1) the [verb "to be"] means only to signify or represent." This enycyclopedia admits that the wording of Matthew 26:26-28 DOES NOT PROVE that the bread and wine were changed into Jesus' literal body and blood at the Last Supper!
Look for Eucharistic miracles like blessed Carlo Acutis presented them and stop the heresy.
I understand. Jesus is giving His own body and blood to be consumed while he is alive. I am neither Protestant or Catholic-- only Christian. Jesus says you have no life if you do not consume His Last Supper. And remembrance is more than a thought. What does that mean? Our body is going to be ressurected. This is a mystery.
Pls.mind your own belief! None of your business men...
We know that. There are other factors which are considered. For one thing, the Eucharist was another miracle which Jesus performed at the Last Supper. And "is" does mean literally "is" very often. (For example, tuna IS a fish. It isn't metaphor. And Jesus did not say this is as if it were my body and like my blood. No simile. He said, Truly, truly, I say to you... and a load of disciples left Him right away.).
He told the woman at the well-- I am the Messiah. I am the One of whom you speak. That meant He literally was the Messiah. Not just any Messiah. THE one for whom they had been waiting.
There are a plethora of other things which Christ said which could indicate that He was actually transforming the bread and wine into His body and blood at the Last Supper.
Google every single passage concerning His Body and His Blood. How is it that Jesus in not present in Communion?
Even as a Protestant, I believed in the Real Presence of Christ's Body and Blood in Communion.
I am not here to convince you in this comment section. Decide for yourself but be very thorough in your research. One or two citings is pathetic scholarship.
@@nathaliedube2913 The devil is also capable of miracles...😁
And the enemies of Christ are trying to suppress the Source and Summit of Our Christian Life. Look at this past year. We Catholics as a whole responded terribly.
Imagine if a person could know within themselves always where the eucharist has ever been not only in the written text in a book we often read called the bible. Do you know who he is? I doubt he would be the type to show up in his red short shorts to teach us 'the facts of life' - Including how according to him it is human nature for men to fight with one another and so no one person can change that. Since we are all called to protect first what a moral dilemma that would be when we are trying to decide if we should say something while being expected to remain silent there at his feet like only a grey rock there or to say something to him in the flesh in order to help avoid later hearing that he has died while fighting with someone else - Which would mean that we and he would have his blood on our hands since we never said a word to him against that kind of gnostic philosophy. Perhaps inviting him to see where Jesus is among us too would help? I don't know. Would sure be a lot harder to do during all of those COVID-19 rules at their highest numbers while some ministers for the same only COVID-19 reasons were getting escorted to jail without any fight on the way there to his jail cell. I am so grateful to have beat all of the odds and survived the pandemic too. How would I feel when sitting in jail only because the majority of people I was trying to teach were insisting on not following the COVID-19 rules? I am sure saint Peter would have been proud of him there while having no choice about acting like a grey rock most of the time there no matter what kind of disrespect was being offered him instead of the Eucharist on the Sabbath day maybe offered to give through his jail cell bars if all of the jail guards there did not allow the Eucharist administered to him while being in his jail cell with him because we are not a priest. Which is maybe why now we do not have to be a priest when being trained properly on how to do that too in only the worship sanctuary where we are told by the Catholic church that is to be. I once met a minister in a Protestant church which didn't identify itself as Catholic however they did on Saturday which is the Sabbath day for them when all there give thanks while the minister says those same words on what all church goers there are feeling thankful for. That minister told us later during bible study after a snack and then after bible study then a potluck supper instead on Sunday that he often visits people in jail too. Yes he wore a suit on Sunday too. Where his wife sat on the first pew always. What if she had to take over his role on both Saturday and Sunday while trying to hold down a full time job in the secular world too while in jail for no reason other than allowing the poor to enjoy the same 2 meals they grew accustomed to receiving for years there. Like for example say an accident victim working as a Gardener part time while caring for his elderly mother with barely enough money to pay for their food and utility bills and the growing number more than one kind of taxes too. Well good thing in Canada and in the U.S. our border is not a place for droves of soldiers to pour into our nation here instead of rescuing the overworked ministers and their wives and children who are willing to offer their helping hands too. Grammarly bots only would argue that both this priest here and that minister just mentioned too about sacrifice.
All up in there. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17. Protestants, please tell me what those verses mean. 😏
It's good that you asked Protestants to help with this. I'm not exactly a Protestant per se (not "mainline"), but I'm an ex-Catholic who went through Catholic school and church in the 50s and 60s. Back then, the priest would stand at the altar during mass, and drink all of the wine from the chalice. Then, he and the altar boy would come along at the altar railing to give ONLY THE BREAD (in the form of a wafer) to the communicants. That is all I EVER had from communion as a Catholic in those years.
The shape of the Roman wafer is the sign of its origin: small, thin and round. The pagan Egyptian religion also required a round wafer as the unbloody sacrifice on Egyptian altars. The Egyptian round disk symbolized the sun; i.e., the Catholic "monstrance" and other accoutrements. This round wafer is entirely different from the bread that was eaten at the Lord's Supper in commemoration of the Passover.
Now you can take it from there and do the necessary research. Learn how the Vatican is an ancient Pagan site, filled with astrological and zodiacal symbols to the max. It is a combined religion of true Christianity and much Paganism, formed in order for Constantine to bring in one state religion that would be attractive to almost everyone. Hence, the Pagan celebrations of Christmas and Easter, except for changing the Pagan names and events to that of Christianity. There is so much more to learn, and I've been at it for over 20 years.
@@doriesse824 There was no Egyptian Eucharist, totally wrong. Also, you’re saying that Christians died rather than burn a bit of incense to the Emperor for hundreds of years, and then when an Emperor who was sympathetic to them came along they forgot about all that and let him inject paganism into their religion? Really?
It means read the first part of chapter where he talks about spiritual food so it can put it in proper context. Spiritual not physical
@@Sabbathforman What’s the stuff about the body of Christ? That’s spiritual?
@@jlouis4407 yes spiritual. Read John 6:63 where he explains it
Jesus Christ established His One True Apostolic Catholic Church & Doctrine with His apostles, in 33AD, before His Passion. He appointed them leaders, Peter as Head, gave THEM His authority, power & Sacraments (The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven). He taught everyone is to be His One True Church, receiving His Sacraments, Doctrine & Teaching or you DO NOT HAVE GOD. ALL 44,000 other Christian Churches, without Gods authority, broke away from the only Church, Doctrine & Sacraments that Jesus Christ established, to start their own version of Gods Church, like the Pharisees and Scribes did and God rebuked them for doing so.
Mt 23:1-39, Lk 11:37-54, Jn 1:42, 21:15-17, Mt 16:18-19, 10:1-4, Mk3:14-19, Eph 2:19-22, 1 Cor 12:28, Acts 20:28, Lk 22:28-32, 1 Pet 2:6-9
Remain in His Catholic Church, Doctrine & Gospel-Jn 10:16, 17:20-26, Eph 4:4-6,
2 JN1:9, 2 Thess3:6-16, Rom16:17, Heb 13:9, Gal 1:6-9, 2 Cor 11:3-4
Sacraments-Jn 3:5, Act 22:16, 2 Cor 5:18-20, Jn 20:21-23, Mt 18:17-18, Jn 6:51-59, 1 Cor 11:23-29, Eph 1:13, 2 Cor 1:21-22, Mt 19:4-6, Col 3:17-19, 2 Cor 5:20, 1:25-29, Lk 22:28-32, Jm 5:16, Lk 10:34 are a few pertinent verses.
All Eucharist means is “thanksgiving.”
Eucharist is NOT the communion emblems!!
He references church traditions but where is the biblical verses
That circle filled with me screw the rituals
Ye are saved by Grace through Faith
GEACE : The Communion, entirely of him
FAITH : The Communion received through Faith, consecreated & admistrated by the priest , but the transubstantion depends on the faith of the one who receives the Communion For Satanits & those unworthy to receive the Communion , it will remain only as a piece of bread & not Transubstanciate cause they receive it not in Faith
Nevertheless Faith has its works within , is but to know what specifically constitute the Faith
Give unto God what is to God -- FAITH, without which it is not possible to please God, but surely not a Leavened/Corrupted Faith as in Protestantism's Faith Only
The only reason for the 2nd temple was for the Messiah to enter it, & finding it Corrupted made & used a whip to overturn the TABLES, the tables of the leavens of the Pharisees (Jews) & Herod (Gentiles)।l unto his warning " Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees & Herod, The leaven of the LAW/FAITH resp, ----
Remember the symbolic pascal Lamb had to be without spot or wrinkle.
It was the time of Jewish Passover and Jesus and His Apostles attended the Temple in Jerusalem The Jewish Passover prayers that were said in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed are in the Tridentine Mass and are Perpetual and can't be changed.
The Passover in the Temple in Jerusalem that Jesus attended with His Apostles on the night He was betrayed is about His Death. Jews had true worship they worshipped the Messiah in advance. The Apostles passed over the Jewish Passover Prayers to the Gentiles.
The Offatory prayer in Tridentine "I offer thee this Host , This Perfect Host, may it be without blemish, spot or wrinkle"
Jesus died, SACRIFICING himself, once n for all...no repetitive sacrifice at the command of rc clergy...Such a mockery... as if man can COMMAND God!
Because RC is not a man made religion. The Mass is to fulfill what Jesus said. "I am the bread of life"
Catholic celebrate one sacrifice of Christ. When we celebrate The Sacrafice of the Mass, we are brought back to the original sacrifice when Christ was on the cross. It is because of the ascension we are able to do this. Jesus went back to God out of space and time. In this way, Jesus can come down and be present in the Eucharistic at each Mass.
Catholicism is not a denomination; even though denominations are against Scripture. As for the CCC of JPII, no thank you. I'll sray with the CCC of Trent.
Luther may have the nearest version of the last supper.
the eucharist was not even practiced until the 12th century or later. so brandt, the old testament is kinda out of context isn't it? the eucharist rejects the sufficiency of Christ's death on the cross. the eucharist tries to pre-suppose that the roman catholic priests (not established until the 12th century), can transubstantiate (not established until about 60 years later) can "create Christ (blasphemy!) through a bread tablet and a shot of grape juice. brandt, how many more roman catholic lies do you want to present?
i don't really get why you and many today keep talking about vatican 2 as church didn't existed for 1960 or whatever this vatican was., it did destroy faith and beautiful Mass and music
the eucharist is not in the bible. it is an unholy ritual which is a re-sacrifice of Christ. Christ's death on the cross was the final sacrifice, yet the roman catholic church deems it needed to re-sacrifice Christ over and over again through the mass.
Ok, you obviously don't know Catholic doctrine, and you're just here to divide. Depart Satan........“Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God. . . . They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes” (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2-7:1 [A.D. 110]) - Ignatius of Antioch.
Where is the eucharist in the bible? When you find it let me know. The last supper as Christ celebrated is nothing like the eucharist of catholicism. First of all I have yet to read in scripture where it says that only a priest has the power to bring Christ down onto the altar. Where does it even say in scripture that the last supper even involves bringing Christ down onto the altar?
through the eyes of unbelief, you will never see reason in this comprehensive lecture... by your comment.. so much disdain for us Catholics... keep reading keep searching... the Holy Spirit will open your eyes... i keep praying for you that you may finally see the truth... that the Cathokic theology is the one true apostolic deposit of faith!!!
@@sgodbacolod5407 no it's not unbelief. It's actually belief in what the bible says and not what Rome says. Before you throw John chapter 6 at me, first show me where any scripture says that ONLY the priest has the power to bring the Almighty down onto the altar? Not able to prove that biblically just destroys the hocus pocus catholic eucharist to pieces. The next is that scripture says NO MAN can or NO MAN has seen God at anytime and lived. So i don't know who Catholics think they see on the altar but it surely isn't who they think. No it's not disdain for catholics, it's for your false beliefs and how Satan has deceived billions worldwide. Truth is your eternity is at stake and YOU don't see it .
@H Cho Jesus does not need to be present in the eucharist to be here. Jesus is already here, he is omnipresent. He is not here in the physical as Catholics claim. Scripture says he dwells in a light which no man HAS seen or CAN see. Scripture says NO MAN has ever seen God and lived. Scripture gives the account of Moses being afraid to look up at God. So afraid, scripture says that Moses trembled. Most important, he is spirit and those who worship him must worship him IN SPIRIT and truth. I guess this should have been my first question instead of now. But where does scripture say that ONLY a priest can bring Christ down onto the altar? The other question is if this is really the body and blood of Christ, why are the wafers made by nuns in some factory. I guess nobody has ever dropped a grain of flour on the floor, have they? So this is nothing but Satan and some Hocus pocus from the church. The eucharist is not celebrated or described in scripture as your church does. But then again, what church teachings agree with scripture.
@H Cho I can't find most of the things Catholics believe in the bible. Therefore they are not the words of Jesus.
@H Cho sure.
The Holy Trinity is a man made word and something theologians use to explain the nature of God. But we shouldn't have to do it. The Bible is clear about the divinity of Jesus and we should simply quote verses from Holy Scripture.
@@alhilford2345 Just to keep it simple.
@po18guy The Bible is a book of books Christian theology is built on New Testament
All books are revelations pointing to Gods plan of salvation of Jews first and then mankind. God is merciful and just. His mercy triumphs over Judgement.
@weaponofchoice-tc7qs It's always righteousness in Christ...Christians are called to be priests, prophets and Kings.. clothed IN the righteousness of Christ.
This gnostic video is so shamelessly blasphemous against the living God of Israel, no wonder Jesus said the broadway to Perdition was so crowded.
There is only ONE God, not a corporation of three demigods, exactly like the Hindu trinity that make up an All-Seeing Eye godhead.
No ad orientum - novos ordo - ban it
Even though I like Dr pitre he serves the false church vatican II and venerates a false prophet as a saint, john Paul II ! Why God keeps Catholics like Dr pitre in a slumber from the truth is beyond me.perhaps they're to smart for they're own good and are too proud and stray far from the meekness and humbleness of our Lord.i pray he wakes up.🙏👆
Mary cannot pray for us sinners! She is awaiting her resurrection, as are all the dead in Christ. Also Purgatory is not anywhere in any part of the Bible... I think it is part of the "Broad Gate"... And Lent is evolved from pagan worship. (40 days of weeping for Tammuz.) Beware of Idol worship; they (ROMAN Catholics) took this commandment out of their version of the Bible... BEWARE OF FALSE TEACHERS.
Mary is alive in heaven. Jesus speaks of that!!
She is assume body and soul..
If you aren't Catholic you perhaps is a pagan or a believing heresy..
@@chinitapink8074 Thanks Chinita, 1 Thessalonians 4:16 " For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.
And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air...."
Mary, nor the Apostles have risen until Jesus comes to take his sheep before the Great Tribulation...
The Romans killed the Apostles; and it was in Constantine's time, 300 years after Lord Jesus was Butchered and crucified that he figured that he could not kill the growing Church, so he mingled the Christian faith with several pagan "religions" and formed "the Roman Catholic Church".
Don't be blinded, look at history, it shows that what I write is true.
Pray in Jesus' name alone,
Read your bible and learn Jesus is the Word of God.
Strive for Heaven, there is NO PURGATORY, that was invented in the 10th century... Go for the narrow gate.
May God bless you and keep you and lead you to understanding so you can be a watchman for thosearoundyou in these last days... In Jesus name I pray for you, Amen.
@@tonysynnott9875 Thank you for praying for me. What denomination you belong to so i can understand what culture you believe in?
You said : “look at history it shows that what i write is true”
Which History you are looking at? Do you start from Jesus or from Constantine?
@@chinitapink8074Hi Chinita, I am in Australia. Read the book of Acts, that gives the real history of the Christian Church.
Then look up Nero, who was the Emperor of Rome; then follow the Roman Emperos for 300 years until Constantine, you will see that they all wanted to exterminate all Christian people and beliefs.
I am Catholic, not Roman Catholic (Christian) read what Jesus said to Nicodemus " Truly Truly I say to you that you must be born again"... that's what St. PETER and ALL Apostles taught. All were captured and killed. St Peter was crucified upside down... I will look up a good reference for you and send it. Peace and love to you and yours...
@@tonysynnott9875 How can you be Catholic without understanding the Dogma?
I mean no disrespect but the Bible says “In remembrance” which is symbolically, not literally. Catholicism teaches that at every mass the bread is literally “ Christ in body” physically there at that moment, and that just doesn’t make sense to me. I believe that If it’s Not in the Bible it’s created by religion. Again, no disrespect intended. I’m searching for truth.
Pope John Paul II consecration of Russia in 1984 which ended the growth of communism was inspired by the third secret of Fatima revelation to The three children in Portugal and Sister Lucia. I feel called to prayer but I find that it’s to pray the rosary that God is asking of me, but I am Christian. I attended catholic school as a child and mass and confession were a weekly part of the educational system of course , but as I grew into adulthood I couldn’t get past the idolatry and the catholic representation of the meaning of the Eucharist. But here I am again because I’ve promised God to pray for Russia for the next 21 days and i feel that God wants me to pray the rosary. Maybe it’s obedient that I must be and stop questioning the ways of our God almighty. Thank you and Gods peace be with all of you. 21 days of prayers for Russia is what God has placed in my heart.
@po18guy nothing you sad was honest. The NT is in Greek, however the Sabbath, Remember, is in Hebrew. 2000 years? So you're a Jewish-Christian (Messianic Jew)??? Of course not, so cut that out. The Eucharist is antisemitism at its finest.
@po18guy the irony of you telling me to read a Greek written OT book. Hilarious
Marlene, I would suggest that you study Transubstantiation which explains how the body of Christ makes its presence in the bread. Look for the video here in YT entitled "What Transubstantiation actually is (w/ Dr. Brett Salkeld)" from Gospel Simplicity Channel.
@@maxellton ...so there is a methodology to it...d eu?
Hi, because Jesus has spoken of it many times. Not just to remember, He says "Do this in memory of me".
"I am the bread of life"
"Whoever eats my flesh and drink my blood"
Before Jesus come back to the Father, He ask Peter about 3 times if Peter loved Him and ask to Feed the lambs, tend them and feed the sheep.
Its is also what the Apostle is doing "breaking of bread"
And many more if you really is seeking the truth..
Rosary is a very powerful prayer and meditation.. May you find the truth that you are seeking🙏🏻
Why do you conflate judaism as being of the Old Testament when it's based definitively on the Talmud? I don't appreciate your judaio-masonic (conflation) deception.
As in St. John's gospel, the word jew and jews are used (arguably) 70 out of 71 times in the context of rejector of Christ, I would tend to change your context to the (anti-Logos) type 28 jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews who followed the faithful prophets and priests.
In Rom 2.28, 29 St. Paul gives the key via, distinction/negation to un-spin the two group type conflation of "jews" (biological identifying v spiritual, circumcised heart, identifying.
When exemplified throughout cannon it's talmudic v biblical, majority v remnant, anti-Logos v Logos-centric, OT true prophet murders v OT true prophet followers, children of the devil v children of (spiritual) Abraham, contrary to all humanity v lovers of all humanity, synagogue of satan v church of God, pro-abortion Moloc worshipers v anti-abortion Christ worshipers, etc).
"Judaism" IS the religion of type 28 (anti-Logos) jews as-opposed-to (Logos-centric) type 29 jews (originally) and later were called Christ-followers then Christians, then Catholics in recognition of unifoity in doctrine and practice over expanding areas.
- Why do you keep it conflated?
A. Ignorance?
B. Modernists UND education.
C. Subversion?
@po18guy Why can't u handle valid criticism of this rc eu DECEPTION???
Eucharistic is not in our Torah stop corrupting the Bible.
The bread of presence 🙄
John 6
6:63 he explains what he means