Slav Outlaw KR b5 is just a bunch of dishonorable nubs who are a disgrace to their family (something like that) KR silver+ is where they start developing a lead on other regions hard af
Got from bronze 4 to Gold 5 by playing support. Its possible, just control the monkeys on your team with pings and wheelchair your adc to each objective, whilst cleaning the dribble off his chin.
@@blank3764 you can carry with support but only certain champs in my opinion. I just hit plat maining nautilus support , started silver 3 , about 100 games played in ranked w/ 65% winrate. However some games are unwinnable and there is nothing you can do to win regardless of how well you do bot lane
If you are stuck in bronze or iron blame yourself. This is the fourth time I have climbed out of the lowest tier to silver. And I don't even play that much. Just stop tower diving and chasing for kills. And mute everyone when the game when it starts.
@@johnvega5501 "I don't play much" arbitrary statement. Do you many times only have time for 1-2 games per week? What about when you get lucky with a good week once or twice per month and the max you can play are 10 per week? When I was younger and unemployed I would play a minimum of 5 games per day and that was nothing compared to most people I knew. How much you play DOES matter and how are you going to say blame yourself? If you look at the handy stats Riot has instilled in your profile you can compare yourself to stats of average players of other levels. I've just started paying attention to this (after I was carrying my gold-level friends repeatedly) and the system is wack when you can be stuck in bottom bronze and have most-similar stats to grandmaster and challenger.
This is still, 6 years later, despite 100s of other videos trying to 1-up this, the best video out there to climb in each rank. I still find this advice VERY relevant today and it is something you can be proud of. Very well done with this video, I've watched it too many times to count and still come back to it whenever I get stuck.
It's still pretty much the same basics. Iron is only like the bottom five percent of players in your region. pretend this is bronze 5 and rewatch the video. Gold is top 30% ish
Brian sorry thats not completely crap. It might be for you but different people have different mindsets. There are somedays that's when i lose i leave or i try to win One game atleast Depends on person 😉
You can learn to control your emotions easily in cases like these and play as much as you want, same stuff as having toxic people on your team, just ignore them. The only real problem with lose streaks is that weird butterfly type of feeling in my chest and neck when I happen to lose a few unlucky games on promos or stuff, but it goes away after a 20 minute break. But yeah, considering for the majority its better to take your time when you get in the losing streak and play something chill to calm down, like I do with dark souls 3 kek
I think muting everyone is good advice if what people say gets to you in a negative way. Otherwise getting higher isn't that simple. Communicating with pings works, sure, but you also miss out on positive feedback and actual advice from others. I tend to type a lot, mostly about what I'm going to do and what we should do as a team. I reckon it really helps the team to be more organized and on the same page. I also compliment tons. In _some_ matches it is the best option, though.
Everything said about Platinum is 100% true. Literally EVERYTHING. EVERYONE IS a keyboard warrior and beyond toxic. It is the absolute worst elo to play in. Platinum WILL bring out the worst in you and test your limits of BM. It is truly a shit fest lol
I mean... Half the time it is the team, if I'm playing support its not fault the top laner goes 0-5 in 7 minutes and when you tell them to farm and play safe and wait you get the classic "stfu" then they'll be 0-10 by 10, it's all well and good getting the adc to 3-0 but a riven on 10 kills ult flashing on their arse isn't my fault
As a support main its always very lovely to see the game being completely lost after you've gotten your adc to 12/3~ stats while top and mid lane have completely lost their lanes resulting in a buttfuck 5v2 in bot lane and then having your own lane lost completely while the others dont even manage to push while this buttfuck'ening is happening.
if you are thinking like this you wont improve and wont climb. Don't think about the mistakes your team did even though they did. Think what you could've done better and improve like this. There always will be games in that you have 0 chance to carry but there are also games in that you get heavily carried. The other games are the ones that matter. Minimize the mistakes you do and do the maximum for your team. Even if you die try get the best out of it, like get a good ult off with which your team maybe can win the teamfight and with that win the game.
The cluelessness in silver is truly horrible. And im fitting right in there. It doesnt matter for shite if our Jhin is 20/3/6 and our Yas is 17/5/4, in the phases where no objektive is up, where no lane is pushed, people just split up, cluelessly farm scuttle or get caught by the enemy. Im doing this aswell :///
i know this master tier adc who tilted hardcore, went back to plat 2 and stopped playing about 3 months, went on a holiday to india and came back and just rekt everybody and is now in the top 25 challenger players.
Funny, I always gave up playing my main champs once I reached plat v and I always wondered why i couldn't climb out further. I'd climb from silver to plat with kassadin sitting on a 60% w/r and 7 mastery, to never touching him again and randomly playing champs like orianna, getting destroyed because I'm not familiar with the playstyle. I assume sticking to my OTP(s) will get me to diamond atleast.
I mean I would like to be more positive about being Gold but people in plat+ treat us like we are the same level as silver and bronze so it isn't exactly very positive.
Yep. This month makes 2 years since i've started playing league and this is my 2nd ranked season. Last season i finished Silver and this season im probably gonna finish Gold. Sure i might be glad im getting a border and skin but as you've said. Gold is often looked down upon and is actually considered as Low Elo. So i'm far from happy with my accomplishment.
i went from bronze to gold and well i still dislike this elo but people start having more teamplay and thats the only thing that keeps me motivated for climbing xD
i think you should rather go with the mindset of like "im gonna play ranked because i want to prove my skill and look neutral at it, if i get to climb to diamond this season or drop back to bronze doesn't matter" because what others think of u mostly fucks your head and that actually kept me from playing solo q when i started with league
play like me I carry these kind of people it ain't izi it ain't simple and alot of the times I will fail to carry them but after the match making update where plat players play with silver if they're mmr is high I got extremely good at the game
Im in Diamond 5, got demoted from d4, this is a total clown fiesta, some games i believe players are only boosted golds/low plats (even my enemies, no rage), this elo sucks. anyway thanks for replying, and thx for advices, i need to abuse from the "bad players" cf not trying, tilting, boosteds, but for that i need to stop ADC and go in the jungle i guess :)
Ladies and gentleman, anyone who is solely interested in climbing needs to hear my top 3 tips. 1) Pick a champion and one trick it 2) do not engage with negatitive conversations in chat 3) learn to assist your team by giving them as much knowledge as possible e.g wards, summoner spell timers, if they can dive a turret, TP advtange, first drake/turret rotation etc. I have climbed from D5 0LP -> Masters 150 LP this season playing Ivern only 300+ games. I started my climb in Bronze 5 in Season 3. I stream daily so if you got any questions and want to know more feel free to come by soon or just comment below. Best of luck and have fun!
Mattheos hey man... can you tell me how to escape from silver???i climbed from b4 to s5 any advices?? so i can improve my skills and my gameplay?? btw im having a really bad time climbing on silver looks like in silver is even worse than bronze...i would like to get some good tips that will make me better etc what to do in early/mid/late game and what not do...(play safe,not feeding enemy team and play carefully) thanks
RayVitoles im always focused on cs in 10m i have around 70-90 farm... but im not watching the bushes sometimes cause i keep forgeting it... same goes for minimap,but i can say im a decent player most times in my ranked games i have very good score much kills low deaths and some assists... but thx for the tips man.. they helped
the difference between each division is the ability to capitilize on the enemy mistakes.that means that the higher elo you are,the more punished you get for even the slightest mistake
Gen Syko gold is even worse! the people in there think they are actually good in the game and flame the shit out of you if you dont do things just like they want them -.-
or even better, abuse op picks. I played braum support with my friend as kogmaw adc to get out of "elohell". then i realised that theese people suck and played elise support. in conclusion A be a metaslave like pants B abuse op picks that snowball, theese people are bad so you can get kills of off them C play champions with good pick potensial, they are mispositioning allot and get tilted when dying so pick comps work out perfectly
Bro....I Climbed from Bronze 5 to Silver 2 in like 1 month of gameplay playing ap tryndamere... ''La Baguette69'' EUW... ''unpredictable'' is realy not an excuse lol
Story time , get some popcorn . Ok .. climbing is hard , we all know It alright ? I started playing ranked when I reached level 30 .. when people noticed I was unranked they were like “ok gg well played , we might as well give up “ they could and could have not been right .. as bronze players if they were good they would have been able to climb by having a good lead . At the time , my main was Yasuo .. I wasn’t really good at him .. eventually I would make enough blue essence to buy more champs, until I bought Jhin. By this time I was already bronze 5 . I played Jhin and omfg he was so op . He wasn’t in the meta , but I just loved him , so I started maining him and became a one trick . I stayed in bronze 5 for 70 games I think, then climbed to bronze 4. By the time the season ended I was bronze 2 . Once it restarted I got placed in bronze 4 (thank you riot , for believing in me and not placing me in bronze 5 ... sensei) I started to climb super fast and got to silver 5 . Here I stayed silver 5 and 4 for 2 entire months . Then my computer broke and I took 1 month of break . When I came back my mechanics died down but I kept winning games . Eventually in 2 weeks I managed to get to silver 2 , I got stuck there for 2 days .. and I watched the leaguecraft series . When I watched it , I felt like my ego died , and I admitted to myself that I was the reason I lost , I realised I was not part of the wood league , but in fact , the leader of it . Accepting this and taking in stuff from the leaguecraft series , I climbed to silver 1 and today after a hard grind , I am in gold 5. Climbing out of bronze and silver as adc is not impossible , it’s hard , but not impossible and if you genuinely love the role or the champion that is your main in that role , you will climb . PS. I know gold 5 isn’t big , but it’s a big achievement so far for me :P.
Gold 5 where it's at mang, I was high plat for awhile but being able to lulz it up in G5 and have fun is more entertaining. Everyone in gold is so much nicer too, and a cooler border.
Ahhh fellow adc main, i climb from bronze using adc too. Good trick to climb is start maining Twitch or Kai'sa, adcs main concern is support, in silver to gold there are no support main, so support is always the guys who got autofilled for it and they can't be trusted. Now with Twitch and Kai'sa you don't care about them anymore because now you are part assassin, if your support is bad learn to roam more, push the bot lane then leave the lane to mid or enemy jungle, easy with Twitch invisibility and Kai'sa high ms and ult. Got to gold 1 for it, haven't reach platinum yet but i think its only a matter of time as i only play about 5-6 hours a week
high five? yep i havent seen so much flaming trolling and feeding even when i was in bronze ... its stupid :/ best thing you can do is mute all at the start of the game
Hot to get out of bronze and silver 2017 tutorial: Prepare to 1v5 80% of your games and even if you do really well, you still lose 30% of your games. if you cant 1v5 well good luck with that mate.
you can 1 vs 9 in bronze very easily so dont lie, I win in gold 2 - plat 3 with teemo bot trolling and i also boosted some friends bronze v account playing trynda and rengar going 30-0 in 15 minutes diving them at the nexus turrets.
it really is that bad though, so many games where i won my lane, had all the cs, got 5 kills before 15 mins, it meant nothing. ive also had the gift of seeing my team throw a+25 kill game by refusing to group up and getting caught one by one until they caught up. I got myself an ulcer that night.
especially the plat V 0lp who cant drop division and has the mmr of low gold with 48% win rate and 1000 games as a single champion and 3000 games total.
Erick Valente As support main. no matter how good u are since u aren't carry, and ur carries are usually passive in game. It's still difficult to climb.
It's funny to me how the gold bracket is humble but the plat is filled with egomaniacs. It's almost like the humble guys from gold get way too over themselves when they finally reach plat...
happened to me bruv, when i reached plat 4 i felt like a god, and that i will soon be diamond, and then losing streak hit me like a brick and now im gold 4
frickzjee happened to a friend of mine as well, he got plat after his promos one season after finishing gold iv (we have absolutely no idea how that happened) and his ego just grew massively, he finished that season in plat but has been gold in every season since and doesn't even play anymore kek
yeah from my experience it is true my elo is somewhere between gold and plat atm and I keep getting people from both leagues and golds are reasonable people, while most of the dickheads I meet are plats...
Manthin I'm gold, I actually kinda enjoy playing in this elo, although I don't play ranked anymore because I'm really afraid of being demoted back to silver and being unable to climb back up kek
i have like 3 friends in of them is a rager...was, at least, apparently he's reformed now and only plays smurfs and studies like a good college student hahahaha...i kid you not tho, some of his ego spills out from time to time
Made my 'smurf' account while my main account was in g3 but banned from being hacked. Got from unranked to G2 in 2 weeks but struggled to get to G1 due to constant losing streaks and bad champ pools Demoted back and forth from G2 to G3 Eventually begun one tricking lux mid as it was pretty easy to play her and even carry games as her (although I didn't know at the time that my truly best lane was in the jungle) Lost some games and won some games but wasn't getting anywhere and decided to switch to jungle and spam cheesy champs like Yi and Jarvan Went on a huge win streak and made it from G2 to Plat 4 overnight Moral of the story - If you feel like you aren't performing well enough, never be afraid to experiment on things you feel like you'd do better on, since you might just find a new great position to main!
Thats a true story. I was playing on MID lane and I was like average player in bronze. But when I switched to TOP lane and that was a huge difference for me in my games. I started main Malphite and I was a really badass, specially if I were playing with a good Jungler who is roaming at the good timing. Currently in silver 4 with 180 games in total for solo/duo.
i dissagree with bronze. its more important to pick late champs. reason? simple they have 0 clue how to end games. so games take longer. which means the fed 14/3 lucian will rage eventually loose vs the 3/12 vayne.
This is focused for people climbing. If you know what to do but can't carry to climb, pick someone early game, stomp your lane, roam/ push objectives yourself. Works very easy in bronze
nah something like Kog'maw for example is really good choice for bronze imo, since people will not punish you in lane hard and you can just farm up until you can 1v5 late game.
Kog maw is abysmal for bronze because even if people are not gonna punish you as much as they should you won't be able to snowball out of them either(well not as easily anyways) picking late game champions can work but at this point of the ladder getting a lead early is easier and safer . Just don't pick something that falls flat at a stage of the game unless you are good at it tho .
Ocarino how are you not gonna snowball of bronze players? Also Kog does not need to snowball to become a monster by MID GAME all he needs is to be even or at least SLIGHTLY ahead (like +10-20 farm). If anything, from my experience Kog excels at carrying shitty teamates.
Im silver III when I was placed. In ranks I got 6 wins and 9 losses and my main is Gragas. My only problem is communication when I play with random teammates. I like to play smart and I almost never feed. I wish I have a 4 friends to party up with me who have the knowledge when to push and when to not do.
I remember when I first started playing league, I mained teemo, still do. No one was there to teach me anything, I just had my friends there to tell me what I should be doing. I may end the game with one or two kills that I stole, and a massive amount of deaths. One night, however, I had a dream that I WAS teemo, going against kled (who I always lost horribly to). I have no idea how the dream went, but the next day I was so much better at league, the difference was night and day.
i watched this midway into season 7 and in 4 months i improved from a silver player to a diamond player. THank you so much for this video it helped me and showed me the secret to climbing
I've started to climb out of bronze after just over half a year. Used to play super casually years ago. Just got back into it this year and had to actually learn the game. Shooting for silver/gold by the end of season 8. I'm improving rapidly now, after being stagnant for the past few months. This video was super helpful. Thank you. Wish me luck! :D
空白Rıdvan i have never been in bronze but most of the plat players(euw) are disgusting. They think they are all lcs players and if they don't enjoy the game they go afk and int . You can't simply just carry them.
well i guess its fair to say i belong in diamond not bronze 4. My mechanics are amazing, i have excellent game knowledge. If only my team would stop feeding.
i dont get why people hate bronze elo so much, from what i've experienced it was a pretty fun time playing there. it was like when a bronzie flamed you it sounded so immature and cute like an 12 year old barely knowing any english trying to fight you over the internet :D you just could laugh about it while in silver it was already "solid shittalk" that brought you nowhere and just pissed everyone off
***** noone cares about those people.i just play ranked because most people there are tryhards and its fun to beat them there, normals are just boring i think if every elo would do the same we would already made a progress
I think if I have any advice to add, it would be to do as much ARAM as possible and just try new builds, learn all the champion abilities and combos, and team fighting tactics and tells. Knowing what to pick a fight with and not to pick a fight with will give you a lot of confidence.
yeah, confidence is a huge problem, I really often think of a play and then not do it because I'm not 100% sure that it will work out.. then the opportunity passes and never comes back :/ and this leads to a habit: if you ever encounter a similar situation your brain will remember what you did (nothing) and will do it again because it's "used to" it.. this is why a lot of people say that in order to master a champion you have to "feed to win", meaning that you should do everything because only this way you 100% will learn if something works out or not :)
I actually think this video is bang on - I'm Gold at the moment and have really found myself not taking risks even though I know it's probably the right decision (when to dive, Baron calls, when to TP). I'm so brainwashed from getting out of Silver that I have I play safe every second. People definitely don't flame as much and most of my losses end with no one really saying anything (don't get me wrong, you'll still get toxicity but it's more when you get an afk or a jungler who refuses to gank because you didn't want to dive with 10% hp). So thanks for this! It's easy to feel like you're the worst player because I've been trapped in mid gold for a while now but I really think it's just a mix of being too nervous to take risks Another think I've really found that you might wanna consider is that in Gold I constantly find people who get bloodlust and will chase halfway across the map. It's a highway to a throw! I'm guilty of it too. You're so right in saying that games are way easier to throw in gold - id never noticed! Thanks again and good work
This actually seems to have shifted down a notch now that we're in S8. What he explains is common for gold, seems to be common for silver, and so on. I feel like in gold people will try to look at everything to get a lead, and some people will track your summoners very well, to make plays when they are down
Watched it all, and I must say. This is a phenomenal video. The ideas are spot on, and I feel more fresh going into each game when I think back to this video.
Please notice me senpai!! Been stuck at plat, have positive mentality and I dont blame my team for the defeats.I realise sometimes that i am playing like a robot during the game,not exactly thinking everything and just gowing with the flow.Before the game I have a pretty good idea about how the game is going to unfold but i struggle to apply my game knowledge.What am I doing wrong? Best of wishes from a desperate pleb :P
You probably just need to get used to carrying a bit harder, it'll come with practice and learning your champions better. Most people get stuck in plat for a little while so don't worry :)
Right, but in my opinion you have to squeeze the orange a little bit harder. Punish every single mistake to the max. You kill them, but it doesnt have to stop there. You can make them lose a wave or two and you really, really have to gank a lot. Unless you're ADC you should never find yourself stuck in lane for a lot of games in a row.
Im finding that lane bullies work a lot against plat (plat 2), and actually abuse the dynamic que find good ppl in and add them, especially 1 trick ponies so that you can secure their role and champ. try to play 2-3 champs in your main role and 1-2 in your off. GL!
The description of the different tiers is so accurate, especially gold and plat. I picked up the game again this season and on my climb (currently plat 1) I noticed a huge difference in attitude between gold/plat players. I enjoyed the game much more when I was playing in gold a month ago then right now. I'm just hoping I can get to diamond 4 again and hopefully play with more pleasant people.
So this sound like a dumb question, but why is it people tend to lump bronze, silver, and gold together and say that's the bad/lower elo? I see it a lot on youtube comments and never really understood why gold was in there, because, as a bronze scrublord, I always thought "whoa, you're in gold? WHOOAAAAAAA" so is it just something that plat+ players say so they look cool? I only ask because in the video it said gold is actually pretty gud
im silver 1 and on my way to gold,honestly gold is nothing special..around gold 2 players start to get good below its pretty simmilar to silver imo...i am matched up with gold 4/5 and they are probably on almost the same level so IS low elo below gold 2
+DjSlime i i stuck 3 Weeks in Gold 1 it was so tilting.... everytime iwas in my promos i got Trolls an After That a loosing streak to Gold 2. now i finally Made it into plat5 and the games Are a Lot easyer now
I think it is because even in gold they do really dumb and obvious bronze mistakes like wrong build/skill order/skill combo or stupid trades in lane or they just get caught up for no reason at 40+ min. That's not really common in platinum+ and even though you will lose about 10% of your platinum games because someone is doing these obvious mistakes, you will get really angry and report them because that's not what a platinum player is supposed to do. I climbed from silver to platinum and then played some bronze smurf games and honestly i felt like gold 2 games were more similar to bronze 3 games than to platinum 5...
+tenblueberry I assume you didnt flame him acfter that one death saying something on the lines of "plat smurf, yeah right", you dont understand that if someone is smurfing he doesnt care too much for the outcome of one game since they ussualy have high winrates, so for them its better to just end the flame train in 20 mins than having to carry toxic players.
+tenblueberry I assume you didnt flame him acfter that one death saying something on the lines of "plat smurf, yeah right", you dont understand that if someone is smurfing he doesnt care too much for the outcome of one game since they ussualy have high winrates, so for them its better to just end the flame train in 20 mins than having to carry toxic players.
i did my placements this season, (my first season playing league) right after getting level 30 (big mistake lol i had only been playing league for maybe a month or so, and got placed into bronze 1), anyway i climbed a bit and eventually i was 1 win away from getting promoted to silver 5, and then boom, i went on a 12 game losing streak, demoted to bronze 2, after that i decided to stop doing ranked, and just did alot of normals and arams, learning more champs, and trying to improve my csing buying better runes and fixing up my masteries and unerstanding items and what they do, i still dont think im ready for ranked, but im considering trying it again, i can definitely tell i've improved though but idk if im good enough to carry games yet.
thank youso much for this guide it helped me get out of bronze i decided to always keep calm keep one eye on the map and practiced csing on normal games
So i was winning my lane 75 percent of the time less than 50 percent of games, than i found a duo in a day we went on like a 10 game winstreak today i went from silver 5 to silver 3,...1 good duo partner helps also discord if you can get more than your duo in discord, communication wins games
I played in silver in a while and there was still raging but I don't think they lack knowledge. They just make very back decisions that's are really greedy
Sad to say this but 99.99% of all Silvers leak game knowlege. - They dont know when they have to push their lane or in generell when/ how to push //When to do Objects // how to rotate and so on.
I just got back into LoL after 2 years, and I placed in bronze 3 about a month ago. Since then, I’ve climbed to Silver 4 and I’m just slowly getting better. Thanks for the video my dude 👍🏼
I know the pain in being stuck in bronze. Teammates are actually trash and so ive been stuck in bronze for a whole season then this season i got out of bronze and got from silver 5 to silver 2 in like 2 weeks. Silvers so much more better cause you don't need to carry everygame to win. Bronze is EloHell
Silver is much worse because this is the land of agressive players and flamers who think they're always better at the game than everyone around, basically last season I went from bronze 4 to gold 5 in 3 weeks by playing shyvana or fiddle jungle and /mute all every game, it was such a relief to mute those 14 years old angry kids :') Now I'm plat and I can finally play support and expect good adcs in solo queue haha
Sehyun Kim silver is the biggest pain... I got from B3 to S2 quite easily and very fast but I think Rito now thinks I should carry every game and I am currently stuck in S3 for over a month.
You're right, your bronze teammates were trash and so were you, now you are silver and youre playing better, its just that. Im only gold and i bring a friends account from Bronze 4 to Silver with 80% winrate in my games. In bronze or any elo, the reason you dont climb is you, not your teammates, enemy teams have feeders and trolls also...
Ye same duod with my brother as sion sup and he went mf, we went on a 27 game winstreak and i went from silver 3 to gold 4, he made it to plat 5. To be fair this was during the massive adc meta, so there would be games where our entire team was actually inting and we would be able to carry.
MAX If you win that many games you‘re MMR would be way higher so you would‘ve climbed more. Plus bot is usually the worst to play to get out of Silver. And I say that even though I‘m an Adc/Sup Main haha
Jassy Geilfus I’ve been an adc main since i started ranked . I’ve paid a little visit to bronze V let’s say.. and stuck there for an half a year .. by the time the new season started I got placed in bronze 4 .. and my climb started again . In 4 months , I was out of bronze (by maining ADC). Silver 5 and 4 were so painful , I stayed there for 2 months .. and then I stopped playing cause my computer broke .. I came back after an entire month . I thought I would fall down , but the opposite happened .. no matter how bad my support was I would carry soo hard . I started climbing so damn fast , that from silver 4 I got to gold 5 in a month . I just reached gold 5 .. so I’ll see how things go down here . All of this while maining adc .. it’s possible .. and I played Jhin a HEAVY team reliant champ .
Can somebody help me with getting out of silver, and what should I do to get out of silver, I'm not saying I'm good at all, and I could use help from high elo
ltzz mee hi I'm challenger and I think the easiest way to go up the early tiers are to just play champs that are either able to carry the game really hard (if playing adc, mid or top) or to just try to set up things with the team, talk to them a lot and all of that. If u need any help going up you can add me as a friend on this username DREADYZILLA that's my unranked accnt I will progress with you. Another thing u should try to play top amend mid they are just the easiest lanes
This season I got from Bronze 3 1 LP all the way to Platinum 4 0 LP also I was only Silver 4/5 last season 8 lol also I just started playing on May 2018 hehe..... GLHF in Solo Q!
Lolking is pretty decent. I strongly suggest you take a few minutes and learn at least about masteries (there are surely tutorials on youtube) and customize a page for each game.
I just got to Gold this season and here's what I've noticed about Gold players... 1.) You're a god 2.) You're absolute trash or 3.) You had real lucky promos Like tbh I wouldn't say were lazy as much as, we've had SO MANY feeders in our games that we gave up and joined the bandwagon :p
A video like this is/would have been very useful, its exactly what ppl looking to climb needs. The problem is that this kind of discussion is something you as a lol player hear about alot, from everyone! Everyone got their opinions, their ideas. And here you pop up with a fancy video doing the same thing as all my buddies. So basically the problem is that we cant really be sure how accurate this information really is, all we know is that it took you 2 weeks making this video. And dont get me wrong, by this Im not saying I doubt your lol general knowledge or skills etc, for example Faker would be crap at identifying the problems ppl have in silver, he got very little experience and knowledge about what goes on in silver.
Bronze: /mute all Silver: /mute all Gold: meh Platinum: /mute all Diamond 5: flame at boosted people Diamond 4 to 1: /mute all Master: D out for Harambe
then you dont deserve challenger if you cant carry, you cant just blame ur loses on other people, you have to admit that you also took a big toll on it and should've punished them when they messed up.
it's actually the opposite. People in bronze/silver have no idea how counter picks work and often pick a champion just because they think it counters another, but has no idea as to how it counters. in higher elo while it's true people know how to play against a counter, the people who tend to play counters also know how one champion counters another and will know how to abuse that much, much, harder.
ok guys correct me if im wrong, You're placements depend on how well you did in your 10 games and also your previous elo right? I was previously silver 4 or 5, and i won 8/10 placements and got bronze 4, is this normal? :(*************
I just started playing ranked for the first time a few days ago and now have been placed, I got silver 4 which i'm really happy about :D i expected bronze 5 or 4, and was really putting off doing ranked as i didnt think I could do it. There's a lot of terms I still dont get yet and I dont know all the champs great, but I hope I climb fast as I keep going :)
How to win more games, play on weekdays between 7 am to 3 pm when all the children are at school
ItsOrval exactly, it's how I managed to reach plat 4
Jacky YK you can't hide from me during summer :)
And all the jobless nerds are playing. Got it!
Most true thing i have ever heard.
Can someone tell me how to escape master elo and climb to korean bronze V?
Random Critique keep dying and lose every game
Random Critique XDDDDDD
Taylor Irving you didn't get it =)))
Have you seen korean bronze V ? Its maeby 10% better than EU and NA but nothing much
Slav Outlaw KR b5 is just a bunch of dishonorable nubs who are a disgrace to their family (something like that) KR silver+ is where they start developing a lead on other regions hard af
took me 2 years to climb from bronze 5 to bronze 5 50LP
lol.. teach me senpai
Nam Phuong it took me a year to climb from bronze 5 to silver only playing supp
i know the pain im stuck in bronze and i know its going to sound egotistical but its not me it really isnt
Nam Phuong just try your best
Got from bronze 4 to Gold 5 by playing support. Its possible, just control the monkeys on your team with pings and wheelchair your adc to each objective, whilst cleaning the dribble off his chin.
JustJakeTV know its late but that cracked me up
Quite hard tbh ive been thr and it was hell as a sp in bronze and even in silver. I commend u for doing that well in sp from bronze to gold
@@blank3764 you can carry with support but only certain champs in my opinion. I just hit plat maining nautilus support , started silver 3 , about 100 games played in ranked w/ 65% winrate. However some games are unwinnable and there is nothing you can do to win regardless of how well you do bot lane
JustJakeTV sure you did
oh wow gold 5 AMAZING can you carry me? /s
Phy: "This will be relevant every season"
Riot: *Adds two additional ranks*
Phy: ...
How do I escape challenger? I just can't seem to gain any ranks...
And omg the plat thing is so damn true...
just lose a lot of games youll be in masters in no time
just lose a lot of games youll be in masters in no time
Create a Korean account and play yourself to bronze.
pants are dragon?
"How to escape Iron"
Solution: Pray that the enemy team int or AFK
Play Nasus, stack, and then keep killing the top laner and jungler that keep walking into you.
If you are stuck in bronze or iron blame yourself. This is the fourth time I have climbed out of the lowest tier to silver. And I don't even play that much. Just stop tower diving and chasing for kills. And mute everyone when the game when it starts.
@@johnvega5501 eh silver?..
@@darkvoid8512 Yes I know I'm not good but I don't blame my teammates
@@johnvega5501 "I don't play much" arbitrary statement. Do you many times only have time for 1-2 games per week? What about when you get lucky with a good week once or twice per month and the max you can play are 10 per week? When I was younger and unemployed I would play a minimum of 5 games per day and that was nothing compared to most people I knew. How much you play DOES matter and how are you going to say blame yourself? If you look at the handy stats Riot has instilled in your profile you can compare yourself to stats of average players of other levels. I've just started paying attention to this (after I was carrying my gold-level friends repeatedly) and the system is wack when you can be stuck in bottom bronze and have most-similar stats to grandmaster and challenger.
This is still, 6 years later, despite 100s of other videos trying to 1-up this, the best video out there to climb in each rank. I still find this advice VERY relevant today and it is something you can be proud of. Very well done with this video, I've watched it too many times to count and still come back to it whenever I get stuck.
I suggest you do another video like this since ELOs and general game structure have changed a lot since then.
It's still pretty much the same basics. Iron is only like the bottom five percent of players in your region. pretend this is bronze 5 and rewatch the video. Gold is top 30% ish
@@travisgeorge2809 nah it change dude everyone start in iron then start slowly proccessing to bronze. You know why because smurf high emo players.
@@PoohDaddy This changes nothing. There have always been smurfs trolling the low elo players.
@@travisgeorge2809 yeah but by time you'll get better and be bronze or silver by now
@@travisgeorge2809 look at my match history tiers my ign: Pooh123king
stop playing while u lose more than 3 games , because at that time u wont be at a good mood to play ,quit for sometimes .
xingfu 86314119 thats completely crap. I lost 5 In a row still played and then won 10.
Brian sorry thats not completely crap. It might be for you but different people have different mindsets. There are somedays that's when i lose i leave or i try to win One game atleast
Depends on person 😉
Rafael Carmo so you're weak minded, that let some loses effect lol
xingfu 86314119 qtiepie in a nutshell lmao
You can learn to control your emotions easily in cases like these and play as much as you want, same stuff as having toxic people on your team, just ignore them. The only real problem with lose streaks is that weird butterfly type of feeling in my chest and neck when I happen to lose a few unlucky games on promos or stuff, but it goes away after a 20 minute break. But yeah, considering for the majority its better to take your time when you get in the losing streak and play something chill to calm down, like I do with dark souls 3 kek
Best tip from bronze to plat is to mute everyone.
Bronze - Diamond 4 *
thats how i ranked up from silver to gold. and i was in silver for 2 years. then i just muted all and play the game. god i wish i knew this earlier
I think muting everyone is good advice if what people say gets to you in a negative way. Otherwise getting higher isn't that simple. Communicating with pings works, sure, but you also miss out on positive feedback and actual advice from others. I tend to type a lot, mostly about what I'm going to do and what we should do as a team. I reckon it really helps the team to be more organized and on the same page. I also compliment tons. In _some_ matches it is the best option, though.
totally agree with you 👍
once I told someone to calm down, they relied by shouting "CALM YOUR MUM!!!!!!!"
this is the best community =P
Everything said about Platinum is 100% true. Literally EVERYTHING. EVERYONE IS a keyboard warrior and beyond toxic. It is the absolute worst elo to play in. Platinum WILL bring out the worst in you and test your limits of BM. It is truly a shit fest lol
plat elo hell confirmed
lol i just got to plat xD thx for the nice motivation haha :D
Plat V isn't so bad, its 3 and beyond where hell begins.
I was like that I was a piece of shit because I was stuck in Plat but then tried to change myself and got the Diamond in no time
plat 1-2 for 4 months now playing league for 1 year and this elo is making me sad
And here's me happy i finally got lvl30
gl&hf in bronze
+Dimitris Sfoundouris thx
i am not trying to be mean, its just the sad truth. Thats where everyone started :/
i got straight to gold V :)
+Dimitris Sfoundouris i didn't get offended i like to play and have fun ..elo isn't that important to me
I mean... Half the time it is the team, if I'm playing support its not fault the top laner goes 0-5 in 7 minutes and when you tell them to farm and play safe and wait you get the classic "stfu" then they'll be 0-10 by 10, it's all well and good getting the adc to 3-0 but a riven on 10 kills ult flashing on their arse isn't my fault
As a support main its always very lovely to see the game being completely lost after you've gotten your adc to 12/3~ stats while top and mid lane have completely lost their lanes resulting in a buttfuck 5v2 in bot lane and then having your own lane lost completely while the others dont even manage to push while this buttfuck'ening is happening.
add me on euw : sudhanshu
we can play together
I feel your pain, an adc main, I feel your pain!
if you are thinking like this you wont improve and wont climb.
Don't think about the mistakes your team did even though they did. Think what you could've done better and improve like this.
There always will be games in that you have 0 chance to carry but there are also games in that you get heavily carried. The other games are the ones that matter. Minimize the mistakes you do and do the maximum for your team. Even if you die try get the best out of it, like get a good ult off with which your team maybe can win the teamfight and with that win the game.
***** in silver most of the time they dont know, they think if they lost the first 10 1v1's theyll win the 11th
The cluelessness in silver is truly horrible. And im fitting right in there.
It doesnt matter for shite if our Jhin is 20/3/6 and our Yas is 17/5/4, in the phases where no objektive is up, where no lane is pushed, people just split up, cluelessly farm scuttle or get caught by the enemy. Im doing this aswell :///
Necrom bruh very true
i know this master tier adc who tilted hardcore, went back to plat 2 and stopped playing about 3 months, went on a holiday to india and came back and just rekt everybody and is now in the top 25 challenger players.
hehe xd
who is that ?
maybe I should go to india...
come soon .....will be waitng XD
Lmfao all these bronze players skipping to "how to get from Plat-Diamond" because they think the should be there.
let us dream
Not really if I get good enough to be in gold I'm happy
I watched the whole thing...
Sum up: Bronze players tilt - Win early game - Pick a carry
Alright, I think I got this.
Funny, I always gave up playing my main champs once I reached plat v and I always wondered why i couldn't climb out further. I'd climb from silver to plat with kassadin sitting on a 60% w/r and 7 mastery, to never touching him again and randomly playing champs like orianna, getting destroyed because I'm not familiar with the playstyle. I assume sticking to my OTP(s) will get me to diamond atleast.
Idk but im just not proud to say im Gold. I pretty much still consider myself as trash.
that is why most gold players are humble
I mean I would like to be more positive about being Gold but people in plat+ treat us like we are the same level as silver and bronze so it isn't exactly very positive.
Yep. This month makes 2 years since i've started playing league and this is my 2nd ranked season. Last season i finished Silver and this season im probably gonna finish Gold. Sure i might be glad im getting a border and skin but as you've said. Gold is often looked down upon and is actually considered as Low Elo. So i'm far from happy with my accomplishment.
i went from bronze to gold and well i still dislike this elo but people start having more teamplay and thats the only thing that keeps me motivated for climbing xD
i think you should rather go with the mindset of like "im gonna play ranked because i want to prove my skill and look neutral at it, if i get to climb to diamond this season or drop back to bronze doesn't matter" because what others think of u mostly fucks your head and that actually kept me from playing solo q when i started with league
Once an guy from my team tried to attack me ,-,
Skiller Adna a*
Skiller Adna ones*
LoliLover 69 no.. once is correct
LoliLover 69 once is proper grammar here
i love these kind of video, because after i watch this i'll go into a game and will lose it cos of my 0/20 mid, but i need more game vision kappa
What elo r u?
Don't worry there's no bullshit advice like that in this vid :) tho yes wards do help when placed in the right place!
play like me I carry these kind of people it ain't izi it ain't simple and alot of the times I will fail to carry them but after the match making update where plat players play with silver if they're mmr is high I got extremely good at the game
Im in Diamond 5, got demoted from d4, this is a total clown fiesta, some games i believe players are only boosted golds/low plats (even my enemies, no rage), this elo sucks. anyway thanks for replying, and thx for advices, i need to abuse from the "bad players" cf not trying, tilting, boosteds, but for that i need to stop ADC and go in the jungle i guess :)
Boosted Golds and low Plats would demote out of Diamond in no time. They would not be able to do anything in Dia.
Ladies and gentleman, anyone who is solely interested in climbing needs to hear my top 3 tips. 1) Pick a champion and one trick it 2) do not engage with negatitive conversations in chat 3) learn to assist your team by giving them as much knowledge as possible e.g wards, summoner spell timers, if they can dive a turret, TP advtange, first drake/turret rotation etc. I have climbed from D5 0LP -> Masters 150 LP this season playing Ivern only 300+ games. I started my climb in Bronze 5 in Season 3. I stream daily so if you got any questions and want to know more feel free to come by soon or just comment below. Best of luck and have fun!
Mattheos So whats your Name on twitch?
Walter Sepp RaidBossMattheos, you can find the link through my YT channel. Or on twitter @MattheosLoL. Thanks for reading and replying to my post :)
Mattheos hey man... can you tell me how to escape from silver???i climbed from b4 to s5 any advices?? so i can improve my skills and my gameplay?? btw im having a really bad time climbing on silver looks like in silver is even worse than bronze...i would like to get some good tips that will make me better etc what to do in early/mid/late game and what not do...(play safe,not feeding enemy team and play carefully) thanks
RayVitoles im always focused on cs in 10m i have around 70-90 farm... but im not watching the bushes sometimes cause i keep forgeting it... same goes for minimap,but i can say im a decent player most times in my ranked games i have very good score much kills low deaths and some assists... but thx for the tips man.. they helped
the difference between each division is the ability to capitilize on the enemy mistakes.that means that the higher elo you are,the more punished you get for even the slightest mistake
i swear the ppl i get paired with are from the darkest pit of bronze...
Gen Syko Silver isn't any better.
Gen Syko gold is even worse! the people in there think they are actually good in the game and flame the shit out of you if you dont do things just like they want them -.-
Players are matched with a similar skill rating soooooo
Evy but not with similar brain, most people rage and do shit
Evy you can't put actual skill into numbers though. It's an estimate. And sometimes it's so frustrating.
Anyone who's stuck in silver, playing norms etc, it's much easier to make a new account and rank up than it is to chug the old one - in my experience
How to actually get out of bronze:
- Become at least gold level to carry yourself out because bronze is too unpredictable to slowly progress in
or even better, abuse op picks. I played braum support with my friend as kogmaw adc to get out of "elohell". then i realised that theese people suck and played elise support. in conclusion A be a metaslave like pants B abuse op picks that snowball, theese people are bad so you can get kills of off them C play champions with good pick potensial, they are mispositioning allot and get tilted when dying so pick comps work out perfectly
I abused Lux for get out ^-^
Bro....I Climbed from Bronze 5 to Silver 2 in like 1 month of gameplay playing ap tryndamere... ''La Baguette69'' EUW... ''unpredictable'' is realy not an excuse lol
Well i cant even get out off silver 5 cuse i get super bad trams often that feed
Best way to get out of Bronze. Play Fizz. Got out of Bronze in a week. Easy to abuse mistakes with him and easy to tilt people with him. Win win.
That is like telling me your going on a run out side the house and take a step outside and went back inside
What did you accomplished?
I'd say nothing
Kawhi Leonard oof ya I know
Best tip! Dont try to climb in te weekend! Dont try to climb between 6 and 11 pm! gl all
Wait why
That true. I never play weekends because kids and retarded adults have time to play.
Best tip on here
So basically play when most people work or are studying :D.
Actualy look for something that tells you your win days. For me saturday has my highest wins.
Story time , get some popcorn . Ok .. climbing is hard , we all know It alright ?
I started playing ranked when I reached level 30 .. when people noticed I was unranked they were like “ok gg well played , we might as well give up “ they could and could have not been right .. as bronze players if they were good they would have been able to climb by having a good lead . At the time , my main was Yasuo .. I wasn’t really good at him .. eventually I would make enough blue essence to buy more champs, until I bought Jhin. By this time I was already bronze 5 . I played Jhin and omfg he was so op . He wasn’t in the meta , but I just loved him , so I started maining him and became a one trick . I stayed in bronze 5 for 70 games I think, then climbed to bronze 4. By the time the season ended I was bronze 2 . Once it restarted I got placed in bronze 4 (thank you riot , for believing in me and not placing me in bronze 5 ... sensei) I started to climb super fast and got to silver 5 . Here I stayed silver 5 and 4 for 2 entire months . Then my computer broke and I took 1 month of break . When I came back my mechanics died down but I kept winning games . Eventually in 2 weeks I managed to get to silver 2 , I got stuck there for 2 days .. and I watched the leaguecraft series . When I watched it , I felt like my ego died , and I admitted to myself that I was the reason I lost , I realised I was not part of the wood league , but in fact , the leader of it . Accepting this and taking in stuff from the leaguecraft series , I climbed to silver 1 and today after a hard grind , I am in gold 5. Climbing out of bronze and silver as adc is not impossible , it’s hard , but not impossible and if you genuinely love the role or the champion that is your main in that role , you will climb .
PS. I know gold 5 isn’t big , but it’s a big achievement so far for me :P.
Gold 5 where it's at mang, I was high plat for awhile but being able to lulz it up in G5 and have fun is more entertaining. Everyone in gold is so much nicer too, and a cooler border.
Primal Animator Studios / PAI pretty sure blue essence didn’t even exist S7 lol.. might be wrong tho idk
Carrot 2 No , I’m pretty sure In s7 there was blue essence.
Tip to climb until u hit dia get duo q with support u know he is good.
Ahhh fellow adc main, i climb from bronze using adc too. Good trick to climb is start maining Twitch or Kai'sa, adcs main concern is support, in silver to gold there are no support main, so support is always the guys who got autofilled for it and they can't be trusted. Now with Twitch and Kai'sa you don't care about them anymore because now you are part assassin, if your support is bad learn to roam more, push the bot lane then leave the lane to mid or enemy jungle, easy with Twitch invisibility and Kai'sa high ms and ult. Got to gold 1 for it, haven't reach platinum yet but i think its only a matter of time as i only play about 5-6 hours a week
plat is by far the worst elo ever ... the flaming is much more than lowers tiers :( dunno how it is in other regions but euw plat is elo hell for me
plat is the bronze of high elo
high five? yep i havent seen so much flaming trolling and feeding even when i was in bronze ... its stupid :/ best thing you can do is mute all at the start of the game
well in bronze everybody knows they suck so they keep their mouths shut.
Bronze is cancer srsly, everyone complaining how their teammates are holding them back and then feeding like horses
+high five? From my experience it was different lol. But then again last time i was in bronze was season 2 lol.
11:57 Is this NA Diamond?
It is actually hahah
I didnt think you would actually reply :D
Btw i wanted to thank you for your videos , they helped me to get 4 divisions higher in 2 weeks :)
Hot to get out of bronze and silver 2017 tutorial:
Prepare to 1v5 80% of your games and even if you do really well, you still lose 30% of your games.
if you cant 1v5 well good luck with that mate.
you can 1 vs 9 in bronze very easily so dont lie, I win in gold 2 - plat 3 with teemo bot trolling and i also boosted some friends bronze v account playing trynda and rengar going 30-0 in 15 minutes diving them at the nexus turrets.
ur noob played in bronze from b4 to silver 4 in a week
in gold 3 and up its hard to climb bronze silver ez especially bronze .
it really is that bad though, so many games where i won my lane, had all the cs, got 5 kills before 15 mins, it meant nothing. ive also had the gift of seeing my team throw a+25 kill game by refusing to group up and getting caught one by one until they caught up. I got myself an ulcer that night.
cuz its about pushing objectives not the 5 kills u got b4 15 minutes in
Its been 2 years, game changed, people didnt
Not gonna lie I didn't notice any change until plat and in plat everyone thinks they are fucking challenger
especially the plat V 0lp who cant drop division and has the mmr of low gold with 48% win rate and 1000 games as a single champion and 3000 games total.
+Eemil Riutta i was playing with plat as god 3 player, and they are like "Wow how you noob get a chance to play with us Gods" -.-
How to escape each elo?
Git gud.
Erick Valente #coreanprom8
Erick Valente As support main. no matter how good u are since u aren't carry, and ur carries are usually passive in game. It's still difficult to climb.
Jefrey amen to that
Jefrey yeah, unless ur brand/zillean and actually have a front line
It's funny to me how the gold bracket is humble but the plat is filled with egomaniacs. It's almost like the humble guys from gold get way too over themselves when they finally reach plat...
happened to me bruv, when i reached plat 4 i felt like a god, and that i will soon be diamond, and then losing streak hit me like a brick and now im gold 4
frickzjee happened to a friend of mine as well, he got plat after his promos one season after finishing gold iv (we have absolutely no idea how that happened) and his ego just grew massively, he finished that season in plat but has been gold in every season since and doesn't even play anymore kek
yeah from my experience it is true my elo is somewhere between gold and plat atm and I keep getting people from both leagues and golds are reasonable people, while most of the dickheads I meet are plats...
Manthin I'm gold, I actually kinda enjoy playing in this elo, although I don't play ranked anymore because I'm really afraid of being demoted back to silver and being unable to climb back up kek
i have like 3 friends in of them is a rager...was, at least, apparently he's reformed now and only plays smurfs and studies like a good college student hahahaha...i kid you not tho, some of his ego spills out from time to time
Made my 'smurf' account while my main account was in g3 but banned from being hacked.
Got from unranked to G2 in 2 weeks but struggled to get to G1 due to constant losing streaks and bad champ pools
Demoted back and forth from G2 to G3
Eventually begun one tricking lux mid as it was pretty easy to play her and even carry games as her (although I didn't know at the time that my truly best lane was in the jungle)
Lost some games and won some games but wasn't getting anywhere and decided to switch to jungle and spam cheesy champs like Yi and Jarvan
Went on a huge win streak and made it from G2 to Plat 4 overnight
Moral of the story - If you feel like you aren't performing well enough, never be afraid to experiment on things you feel like you'd do better on, since you might just find a new great position to main!
Thats a true story. I was playing on MID lane and I was like average player in bronze. But when I switched to TOP lane and that was a huge difference for me in my games. I started main Malphite and I was a really badass, specially if I were playing with a good Jungler who is roaming at the good timing. Currently in silver 4 with 180 games in total for solo/duo.
i dissagree with bronze. its more important to pick late champs. reason? simple they have 0 clue how to end games. so games take longer. which means the fed 14/3 lucian will rage eventually loose vs the 3/12 vayne.
This is focused for people climbing. If you know what to do but can't carry to climb, pick someone early game, stomp your lane, roam/ push objectives yourself. Works very easy in bronze
nah something like Kog'maw for example is really good choice for bronze imo, since people will not punish you in lane hard and you can just farm up until you can 1v5 late game.
Kog maw is abysmal for bronze because even if people are not gonna punish you as much as they should you won't be able to snowball out of them either(well not as easily anyways) picking late game champions can work but at this point of the ladder getting a lead early is easier and safer . Just don't pick something that falls flat at a stage of the game unless you are good at it tho .
Ocarino how are you not gonna snowball of bronze players? Also Kog does not need to snowball to become a monster by MID GAME all he needs is to be even or at least SLIGHTLY ahead (like +10-20 farm).
If anything, from my experience Kog excels at carrying shitty teamates.
yal acting like kog doesnt need a comp... and doesnt get fucked up by assasins
Im silver III when I was placed. In ranks I got 6 wins and 9 losses and my main is Gragas. My only problem is communication when I play with random teammates. I like to play smart and I almost never feed. I wish I have a 4 friends to party up with me who have the knowledge when to push and when to not do.
how to climb out of elo?
its true
Na no only in dia or plat
/fullmute all you don't need to hear their useless pings pings either
Ty man thanks you helped me getting out of Bonze 2 years ago and now you are helping me get out of Plat I hope you enjoy making these vids.
I remember when I first started playing league, I mained teemo, still do. No one was there to teach me anything, I just had my friends there to tell me what I should be doing. I may end the game with one or two kills that I stole, and a massive amount of deaths. One night, however, I had a dream that I WAS teemo, going against kled (who I always lost horribly to). I have no idea how the dream went, but the next day I was so much better at league, the difference was night and day.
Thanks. A good story though
i watched this midway into season 7 and in 4 months i improved from a silver player to a diamond player. THank you so much for this video it helped me and showed me the secret to climbing
you're not good at every single champion, you're good at what got you here... that was smooth
I've started to climb out of bronze after just over half a year. Used to play super casually years ago. Just got back into it this year and had to actually learn the game. Shooting for silver/gold by the end of season 8. I'm improving rapidly now, after being stagnant for the past few months. This video was super helpful. Thank you.
Wish me luck! :D
Tfw Plat and Bronz players are same (ego, my teams faulth, rage -) lol
plats r like the bronzies in top elo
Rıdvan 空白 plat is the bronze with better mechanics
True la. Season 3 I was Plat then I got tired of kids raging so season 4 and so on I just get to gold V only and play normal games.
空白Rıdvan i have never been in bronze but most of the plat players(euw) are disgusting. They think they are all lcs players and if they don't enjoy the game they go afk and int . You can't simply just carry them.
well it is a team game hahaha silly ppl
well i guess its fair to say i belong in diamond not bronze 4. My mechanics are amazing, i have excellent game knowledge. If only my team would stop feeding.
***** whats sarcasm ;)
i dont get why people hate bronze elo so much, from what i've experienced it was a pretty fun time playing there. it was like when a bronzie flamed you it sounded so immature and cute like an 12 year old barely knowing any english trying to fight you over the internet :D
you just could laugh about it while in silver it was already "solid shittalk" that brought you nowhere and just pissed everyone off
noone cares about those people.i just play ranked because most people there are tryhards and its fun to beat them there, normals are just boring i think if every elo would do the same we would already made a progress
The post is funny, but the ppl who don't understand its sarcasm are hilarious.
u still think so?
no master or challenger?
he probably hasnt been there yet to evaluate and share what he thinks.
I was almost challenger in season 3 + 4 but a lot has changed since then, I honestly don't know if it's still the same or not
Phylol ahh ok, I see! Sorry, of course I should have thought of that. Thanks for the honest reply!
illmarauder 1 Seems you were right!
The title is "How to Escape" Why the hell would you escape challenger elo?
I think if I have any advice to add, it would be to do as much ARAM as possible and just try new builds, learn all the champion abilities and combos, and team fighting tactics and tells. Knowing what to pick a fight with and not to pick a fight with will give you a lot of confidence.
yeah, confidence is a huge problem, I really often think of a play and then not do it because I'm not 100% sure that it will work out.. then the opportunity passes and never comes back :/
and this leads to a habit: if you ever encounter a similar situation your brain will remember what you did (nothing) and will do it again because it's "used to" it..
this is why a lot of people say that in order to master a champion you have to "feed to win", meaning that you should do everything because only this way you 100% will learn if something works out or not :)
finding a decent duo buddy can really make the climb a whole lot easier
So far, I'm Plat 5 just by playing Gnar. the one trick champ pool is actually correct! xD
Worst Gnar NA Just got plat 5 today with zac onetricking
actually won my last promo game with heca but hey
Martin van Marwijk Nice! good luck with your future games, mate
Martin van Marwijk im stuck in bronze 1 i main gnar as well and i got adc zilean last game
Shit replyed the wrong guy xd
just played ~700 games on Shaco onetrick and get plat 5 in pre season and Season 8
I actually think this video is bang on - I'm Gold at the moment and have really found myself not taking risks even though I know it's probably the right decision (when to dive, Baron calls, when to TP). I'm so brainwashed from getting out of Silver that I have I play safe every second.
People definitely don't flame as much and most of my losses end with no one really saying anything (don't get me wrong, you'll still get toxicity but it's more when you get an afk or a jungler who refuses to gank because you didn't want to dive with 10% hp).
So thanks for this! It's easy to feel like you're the worst player because I've been trapped in mid gold for a while now but I really think it's just a mix of being too nervous to take risks
Another think I've really found that you might wanna consider is that in Gold I constantly find people who get bloodlust and will chase halfway across the map. It's a highway to a throw! I'm guilty of it too. You're so right in saying that games are way easier to throw in gold - id never noticed!
Thanks again and good work
This actually seems to have shifted down a notch now that we're in S8. What he explains is common for gold, seems to be common for silver, and so on. I feel like in gold people will try to look at everything to get a lead, and some people will track your summoners very well, to make plays when they are down
this video really help I come from bronze 5 to silver 3
so true in every region plat is basically elo hell where players are keyboard warriors and pro at criticizing people.
Watched it all, and I must say. This is a phenomenal video. The ideas are spot on, and I feel more fresh going into each game when I think back to this video.
Never Forget
"Make ur winrate to 50%" - Faker
how can i escape from unranked to bronze? it just seems so difficult...
Same problem dude, we need some help
@@dosbeats but somethings stopping me from doing that
A level 30 required entrance pass
@@youknowihadtodoittoem3579 Ikr
should i just send this video to my team everytime im in champ select
... i think i should
This video was released when I was still bronze. I just hit gold and I keep coming back to it. Amazing video!
"gold players are good at the game and they are too humble." HAHAHAHA
half of the people watching will never see it ;-;
i have a dream
want an advice reset
In other words make a new account because unranked has the mmr of sil 5 and practice normals untill u get good
Or just farm those bronzies
is it rly that hard lul
I don't think so, people watching vids are trying harder
Please notice me senpai!! Been stuck at plat, have positive mentality and I dont blame my team for the defeats.I realise sometimes that i am playing like a robot during the game,not exactly thinking everything and just gowing with the flow.Before the game I have a pretty good idea about how the game is going to unfold but i struggle to apply my game knowledge.What am I doing wrong? Best of wishes from a desperate pleb :P
You probably just need to get used to carrying a bit harder, it'll come with practice and learning your champions better. Most people get stuck in plat for a little while so don't worry :)
WOW!!!OMG!!!The senpai answered :O What do I do now? *runs away in panic*
Right, but in my opinion you have to squeeze the orange a little bit harder. Punish every single mistake to the max. You kill them, but it doesnt have to stop there. You can make them lose a wave or two and you really, really have to gank a lot. Unless you're ADC you should never find yourself stuck in lane for a lot of games in a row.
Im finding that lane bullies work a lot against plat (plat 2), and actually abuse the dynamic que find good ppl in and add them, especially 1 trick ponies so that you can secure their role and champ. try to play 2-3 champs in your main role and 1-2 in your off. GL!
You must see everything without moving your eyeballs. You must practice well.
- tips from master samurai, Miyamoto Musashi
The description of the different tiers is so accurate, especially gold and plat. I picked up the game again this season and on my climb (currently plat 1) I noticed a huge difference in attitude between gold/plat players. I enjoyed the game much more when I was playing in gold a month ago then right now. I'm just hoping I can get to diamond 4 again and hopefully play with more pleasant people.
it gets better but worse in diamond. Fewer plat rejects, but the ones that have a bad mental have a REALLY bad mental.
When D5 to D4 was a struggle.
Now all D5 are masters or grandmasters.
So this sound like a dumb question, but why is it people tend to lump bronze, silver, and gold together and say that's the bad/lower elo? I see it a lot on youtube comments and never really understood why gold was in there, because, as a bronze scrublord, I always thought "whoa, you're in gold? WHOOAAAAAAA" so is it just something that plat+ players say so they look cool? I only ask because in the video it said gold is actually pretty gud
im silver 1 and on my way to gold,honestly gold is nothing special..around gold 2 players start to get good below its pretty simmilar to silver imo...i am matched up with gold 4/5 and they are probably on almost the same level so IS low elo below gold 2
+DjSlime i i stuck 3 Weeks in Gold 1 it was so tilting.... everytime iwas in my promos i got Trolls an After That a loosing streak to Gold 2. now i finally Made it into plat5 and the games Are a Lot easyer now
I think it is because even in gold they do really dumb and obvious bronze mistakes like wrong build/skill order/skill combo or stupid trades in lane or they just get caught up for no reason at 40+ min. That's not really common in platinum+ and even though you will lose about 10% of your platinum games because someone is doing these obvious mistakes, you will get really angry and report them because that's not what a platinum player is supposed to do. I climbed from silver to platinum and then played some bronze smurf games and honestly i felt like gold 2 games were more similar to bronze 3 games than to platinum 5...
+tenblueberry I assume you didnt flame him acfter that one death saying something on the lines of "plat smurf, yeah right", you dont understand that if someone is smurfing he doesnt care too much for the outcome of one game since they ussualy have high winrates, so for them its better to just end the flame train in 20 mins than having to carry toxic players.
+tenblueberry I assume you didnt flame him acfter that one death saying something on the lines of "plat smurf, yeah right", you dont understand that if someone is smurfing he doesnt care too much for the outcome of one game since they ussualy have high winrates, so for them its better to just end the flame train in 20 mins than having to carry toxic players.
i did my placements this season, (my first season playing league) right after getting level 30 (big mistake lol i had only been playing league for maybe a month or so, and got placed into bronze 1), anyway i climbed a bit and eventually i was 1 win away from getting promoted to silver 5, and then boom, i went on a 12 game losing streak, demoted to bronze 2, after that i decided to stop doing ranked, and just did alot of normals and arams, learning more champs, and trying to improve my csing buying better runes and fixing up my masteries and unerstanding items and what they do, i still dont think im ready for ranked, but im considering trying it again, i can definitely tell i've improved though but idk if im good enough to carry games yet.
Takes guts to admit your flaws, but its the best way to improve imo
WAIT WAIT WAIT... That's what happened to me as well WTF?
Any update? How did it go? Hope u got silver or better!
This is still one of the most useful videos I've ever seen regarding climbing through ranked.
i took me 1 year to climb to silver from bronze4
i never been in bronze 5 luckily ;)
It took me 7 months to climb from B5 to B2
First placement silver V
Skills_Hub got bronze 3 to gold 4this season
Skills_Hub Nailed placements 9-1, got placed in gold 1...
Is it just me, or did Zac miss his flash?
I saw that as well... Paintfull to watch.
I had to rewind to watch it twice... oh boy
_O lol._
_Rewatch the video._
How to climb in LOL :
1: Learn how to farm
2:Buy Nasus and Veigar
3:Play them
4:Welcome Diamond
5:Don't be like a boss, be the BOSS
Ljupka Jakim Juric veigar and nasus are just OP im bronze tho..
thank youso much for this guide it helped me get out of bronze i decided to always keep calm keep one eye on the map and practiced csing on normal games
So i was winning my lane 75 percent of the time less than 50 percent of games, than i found a duo in a day we went on like a 10 game winstreak today i went from silver 5 to silver 3,...1 good duo partner helps also discord if you can get more than your duo in discord, communication wins games
I said my teammates were the reason I was stuck in bronze and I still got to gold. Just asked rito for a non inting botlane and it worked :0
I played in silver in a while and there was still raging but I don't think they lack knowledge. They just make very back decisions that's are really greedy
Absolutely this. Silver people pretty much have one mode which is go ham.
Sad to say this but 99.99% of all Silvers leak game knowlege.
- They dont know when they have to push their lane or in generell when/ how to push //When to do Objects // how to rotate and so on.
silver players have little knowledge aboutthe game. they always overstay there are no wards on the map and everyone tries to go balls deep xD
when you get better in the game you realize how much knowledge you were missing in silver trust me
Making bad decisions and beeing greedy means they lack the knowledge to NOT do that stuff lol.
I just got back into LoL after 2 years, and I placed in bronze 3 about a month ago. Since then, I’ve climbed to Silver 4 and I’m just slowly getting better. Thanks for the video my dude 👍🏼
I'm in Plat and it's so toxic!! Oh my goodness.
AY :p
I just got to gold, Ayy!
Should i just play cancer champs in bronze to tilt people?
that's how i escaped bronze lol
spam leblanc
just play click to win champs xD
Try Syndra and thank me later
This video is so up to date; thanks man for the good content!
lemme think of a joke
you are gold, you are actually good at the game now lol
I know the pain in being stuck in bronze. Teammates are actually trash and so ive been stuck in bronze for a whole season then this season i got out of bronze and got from silver 5 to silver 2 in like 2 weeks. Silvers so much more better cause you don't need to carry everygame to win. Bronze is EloHell
Silver is much worse because this is the land of agressive players and flamers who think they're always better at the game than everyone around, basically last season I went from bronze 4 to gold 5 in 3 weeks by playing shyvana or fiddle jungle and /mute all every game, it was such a relief to mute those 14 years old angry kids :') Now I'm plat and I can finally play support and expect good adcs in solo queue haha
Sehyun Kim silver is the biggest pain... I got from B3 to S2 quite easily and very fast but I think Rito now thinks I should carry every game and I am currently stuck in S3 for over a month.
Wrong, D5 is elohell
You're right, your bronze teammates were trash and so were you, now you are silver and youre playing better, its just that. Im only gold and i bring a friends account from Bronze 4 to Silver with 80% winrate in my games. In bronze or any elo, the reason you dont climb is you, not your teammates, enemy teams have feeders and trolls also...
My tip to get out of silver, is duoing bot a lot, me, as a supp karma main i got out of silver very quickly, i just found a pretty good ADC main.
Ye same duod with my brother as sion sup and he went mf, we went on a 27 game winstreak and i went from silver 3 to gold 4, he made it to plat 5. To be fair this was during the massive adc meta, so there would be games where our entire team was actually inting and we would be able to carry.
420NoScope if u won 27 games in row ur mmr will be play and in promos u will move to gold 1- stop lieing
Mohammad Benkirane pls explain your statement... I dont understand that
MAX If you win that many games you‘re MMR would be way higher so you would‘ve climbed more. Plus bot is usually the worst to play to get out of Silver. And I say that even though I‘m an Adc/Sup Main haha
Jassy Geilfus I’ve been an adc main since i started ranked . I’ve paid a little visit to bronze V let’s say.. and stuck there for an half a year .. by the time the new season started I got placed in bronze 4 .. and my climb started again . In 4 months , I was out of bronze (by maining ADC). Silver 5 and 4 were so painful , I stayed there for 2 months .. and then I stopped playing cause my computer broke .. I came back after an entire month . I thought I would fall down , but the opposite happened .. no matter how bad my support was I would carry soo hard . I started climbing so damn fast , that from silver 4 I got to gold 5 in a month . I just reached gold 5 .. so I’ll see how things go down here . All of this while maining adc .. it’s possible .. and I played Jhin a HEAVY team reliant champ .
I hope these tips are gonna help me :) I recently found the channel and enjoying it keep the good work bro
Can somebody help me with getting out of silver, and what should I do to get out of silver, I'm not saying I'm good at all, and I could use help from high elo
ltzz mee hi I'm challenger and I think the easiest way to go up the early tiers are to just play champs that are either able to carry the game really hard (if playing adc, mid or top) or to just try to set up things with the team, talk to them a lot and all of that. If u need any help going up you can add me as a friend on this username DREADYZILLA that's my unranked accnt I will progress with you. Another thing u should try to play top amend mid they are just the easiest lanes
Mr DreadMaan alright thanks bro, I'll add you
ltzz mee I'm on holiday at the moment so I can't play but in like 2 weeks I will be with u
I would play with you too. silver iv atm trying to improve at the game.
if its on EUW
This season I got from Bronze 3 1 LP all the way to Platinum 4 0 LP also I was only Silver 4/5 last season 8 lol also I just started playing on May 2018 hehe..... GLHF in Solo Q!
Can u suggest some websites for me to check the masteries and runes? (i am a mid laner) is what I use
mobafire is good
don't use mobafire, it's a joke lol, use lolking or watch streamers who play your main often
Lolking is pretty decent. I strongly suggest you take a few minutes and learn at least about masteries (there are surely tutorials on youtube) and customize a page for each game.
I have liked a lot of RUclipsrs, I have watched a lot as well... Dude you are by far my favorite! keep it up bro! :)
I just got to Gold this season and here's what I've noticed about Gold players...
1.) You're a god
2.) You're absolute trash
3.) You had real lucky promos
Like tbh I wouldn't say were lazy as much as, we've had SO MANY feeders in our games that we gave up and joined the bandwagon :p
Because they added the free win when you lose promos shit, so you can climb with slightly below 50% winrate until plat.
no one in gold is a god tho
im in plat 1 please help me im so close to diamond.
Zino VGator stay there man, d5 is hell
Zino VGator same destiny for me man, feelsbad
What did I get from this video? Die less... Thanks phy, helped a lot :D
A video like this is/would have been very useful, its exactly what ppl looking to climb needs. The problem is that this kind of discussion is something you as a lol player hear about alot, from everyone! Everyone got their opinions, their ideas. And here you pop up with a fancy video doing the same thing as all my buddies. So basically the problem is that we cant really be sure how accurate this information really is, all we know is that it took you 2 weeks making this video. And dont get me wrong, by this Im not saying I doubt your lol general knowledge or skills etc, for example Faker would be crap at identifying the problems ppl have in silver, he got very little experience and knowledge about what goes on in silver.
How I escaped Elo Hell?
Full AP Tankmo
I'll sum this up, how to get out of bronze-gold, suck up your pride and don't be brain dead.
not a good summary
If you're in diamond you'd understand.
being in diamond has nothing to do with how you summarize this video, but yeah i know what you mean by egos though
Yes it does, just don't be brain dead. Bronze-gold players are brain dead, bronze especially.
what do u mean by brain dead? tryna get out of bronze :D
Bronze: /mute all
Silver: /mute all
Gold: meh
Platinum: /mute all
Diamond 5: flame at boosted people
Diamond 4 to 1: /mute all
Master: D out for Harambe
This was helpful watch this every month from silver 4 to plat 1
BlitzyRPG you're jokin right lol
nope he's fucking serious
then you dont deserve challenger if you cant carry, you cant just blame ur loses on other people, you have to admit that you also took a big toll on it and should've punished them when they messed up.
you forgot 1 key fact.... counter picks
counterpicking is pretty much only relevant in bronze and maybe low silver. any rank higher and people will know how to play against a counter
how ? counter a counter ? lol
it's actually the opposite. People in bronze/silver have no idea how counter picks work and often pick a champion just because they think it counters another, but has no idea as to how it counters.
in higher elo while it's true people know how to play against a counter, the people who tend to play counters also know how one champion counters another and will know how to abuse that much, much, harder.
yeah i see ur point. i just think counterpicking in low elo is much more effective because I used to do it all the time
counterpicks isn't as effective as before now it all comes to op picks.
ok guys correct me if im wrong, You're placements depend on how well you did in your 10 games and also your previous elo right?
I was previously silver 4 or 5, and i won 8/10 placements and got bronze 4, is this normal? :(*************
Wen Ricky last season I won 2/8 placements I get placed in gold V, this season I win 8/2 placements bronze IV
Wen Ricky yeah
I just started playing ranked for the first time a few days ago and now have been placed, I got silver 4 which i'm really happy about :D i expected bronze 5 or 4, and was really putting off doing ranked as i didnt think I could do it. There's a lot of terms I still dont get yet and I dont know all the champs great, but I hope I climb fast as I keep going :)