I missed some info! It looks like I left out some info on certain champions, the comment section here was kind enough to correct some things. Definitely give them a look! If I used your footage but forgot to credit you, please let me know, I'll make a community post dedicated to it. Ty for watching
Sivir had a rework that changed her W and E. mostly E used to be togglable. Also she used to get dodge chance with her passive. Evelynn also had 2 complete reworks
Is no one gonna mention that you used to be able to build full AP on Master YI and absolutely 1-shot the entire enemy team and heal your whole HP bar with a single W?
Old Teemo is nothing like new Teemo. His abilities are the same, but that's in a vacuum. His W was so broken they rebalanced all of move speed against it with the soft cap, the move speed softcaps are exactly on Teemo's W thresholds to nerf him. His R didn't used to have a timeout, and they were infinite. A mushroom placed at level 6 would still be there at 40 minutes if no one hit it. The timers on placed items was created to clean up mushroom spam, nerfing Teemo. The change to stealth mechanics, also Teemo shrooms were the cause. Which nerfed him again. In the first few seasons of league Teemo was the canary in the coalmine. They balanced the entire game based on how annoying Teemo was, or how he impacted it. Teemo was a monster. The power budget on his R was much much hire. I've fond memories of true oneshottting a squishy who walked over a shroom while I was on the other side of the map. Seriously, with early Teemo a single shrooms could 100% to 0% health some champions. That got nerfed too.
Wow bro thanks a lot for the giga in depth analysis, pro insight! For this video I tended to keep the reworks within a vacuum like you said, some champions had midscopes that I didn't mention for the sake of the video's pacing, but if I ever revisit this type of thing I'll try to make it less broad.
My baby sister used to LOVE playing as Teemo back in the day. Our entire mini map used to be completely lit because of her shroom placement. We had full vision before Wards and Vision became the meta. Won a lot of our games too due to all the free vision lol
@@Toshinegawa Out of all the ways to play Teemo my favorite was what it was in the early days. Bottom lane support. Blind and poison had so little of his power budget that what he really did was harassing the lane. He slowly whittled everyone down and his super high movement speed meant he was impossible to chase. He had to be locked down when he went in for the engage. He was the most fun poke champion before Riot decided league didn't need pure poke champions anymore. Sure, shrooming the entire map late game with shrooms and one shooting people was great. But most of the game wasn't spent doing that. It was slowly but surely wearing the other side down with constant ambushes from stealth and running. There wasn't so much sustain. Pure poke champions were a viable strategy. And Teemo was the best at it. I miss that version of him.
Oh man, I have so many fond memories of covering the entire enemy jungle with shrooms and then just get random kill announcements while I was distracted with something else
@@halycon404 I have great news. I main teemo support as a harasser. It still works. Mostly because players these days have forgotten. They will never stop nerfing Teemo, because that's just who he is.
Well, Sion used to be played in mid as an AP burst mage and even got some games in pro play (Reginald or Misaya). Rushing boots and 5 Doran rings was the way to go.
I did originally have in the script to talk about how Sion used to be able to basically build anything, but I ended up scrapping it because I didn't have a lot of footage
although undoubtably the new sion is a better champ 100% i will still always prefer old sion he was just so fun to run around building the most random shit killing 1 guy and instantly dying after he was just enjoyable
@@LexisVoyage shit me i prefered the ad build jsut build crit lifesteal and sicne you gained perm hp for everythign you killed i had tank hp but had the dmg of an adc and thanks to his old passive of reducing dmg and his old ult of 100% lifesteal oh naw
I can't believe you didn't mention the fact that Veigar's ultimate used to not be an execute. It just used to be a huge fuck-off blast of point-and-click magic damage. THAT SCALED WITH YOUR TARGET'S AP TOO
I remember how disgusting it was. It scaled with 100% of Veigar AP and 80% of the enemy AP. You could hit more than 2k dmg with no effort and erase any mage you had in front of you full hp. Just pointing and clicking on it. Thinking about how many years passed make me feel so old xD
@@umbertoruini5411 I main veigar pre changes. It was sick tbh. DFG + Q + meteor kills every tank and then u just flash ult enemy apc. Also his Q wasnt point and click? I dont remember. They change it. Even if u die it is allways trade 2 for 1.
the fiddlesticks fear back in the day would throw a champoin to run in a random direction instead of away from fiddle. its well noted how halarious it was to get feared and immediatly run into the enemy team
Blitzcrank Q was ALWAYS a skillshot, what may have confused you is the fact that the skillshot range was shown as circle even if it wasn't point and click.
I was told (by a friend that played since s1) by the end of s3 (when I started trying blitz) that it was quickly hot fixed away and that it was a point click on the first h after release 👀
Cho'Gath is definitely not the same exact champion today. His E used to be a toggle, his ult used to get its cooldown reduced when used on minions, he didn't scale infinitely, and he lost half of his ult stacks upon death.
And you could build Cho full attack speed and perma slow them with his Vorpal Blades using Frozen Mallet and Rylai's, back then when they stacked, lol. Oh, and Janna, her shield was so broken, that you could build her as a full ADC and Penta kill the enemy team, I know it because I used to build her like that. Riot should make a mode where some champs, are reverted to what they were, just for shit and giggles.
His E was not toggle at first IIRC. That's why some people would advise noobs not to level it up because it would spell disaster for them under a turret
@@Bourgityeah it wasn't on release it was just kinda always on. Ashe Q was like this too. Iirc teemos the other champion still with a perma toggle on his e.
@sullivanwarmonk I used to be an absolute monster with Urgot Mid lane with armor pen runes. I would rush tears and brutalizer and bully my lane. Back when league used to be fun 😭
Just to correct something, Way back Twitch use to be invisible for a whole minute, BUT Eveline use to be invisible forever once maxed out It was a strategy for a while to use multiple Sunflower Cape, turn invisible, and just follow the enemy around and let them burn, as long as you did not attack or use a skill they could not do anything
God, I forgot all about this and now the memory of Eve invisi-melting people just by standing next to them is triggering me. It would be counterplayed immediately today but back then for some reason people would just die to it repeatedly
So far, most of the champions you've said are identical are actually pretty different. Singed: His entire passive was reworked. He didn't originally have any movement speed boost at all. Pretty sure his old passive was something like HP from AP, similar to half of Vladimir's passive. Sivir: Her W and ultimate were both massively changed a little while ago. W was changed from being just her next 3 autos, to all of them within 4 seconds. Her ultimate was changed to reduce the cooldowns of all her basic abilities on-hit. And her E was changed to restore HP instead of mana. Master Yi probably changed the most out of any champion who didn't get a full VGU. His old passive was % chance to trigger on every auto, not just happened every third. His old Q was Highlander, with the same slow immunity and movement and attack speed steroid, but without the possibility to extend the duration. His old W had a really bad heal scaling. His old E was a toggle that cost mana similar to Ashe's old Q, and his old ultimate was Alpha Strike, but with a 5 minute cooldown, 300% AD ratio, and could hit up to 10 targets, but it couldn't hit targets multiple times and didn't have any cooldown refund mechanics like it does now. When he was first reworked into his current kit design, his Q had a 100% AP ratio, and his W had a 300% AP ratio, so people just built AP on him and healed to full in a single second of Meditate while dealing 1-shot damage with Alpha Strike. Annie has also had a model and animations update. The old Annie model also had something that might've been problematic if more people saw it: if she died facing towards the purple base, her skirt would flip up and you would be able to see her panties. Since I only played bots and mid lane back then, and she was one of two bots that could appear in mid lane, and the bots were coded to always run towards their base when they were low health no matter what, this is something that I saw pretty frequently. I'm glad that that animation got changed. I mean, I was like, 11 back then so I didn't really feel creepy, but now that I'm an adult, I feel creepy just knowing that it existed at one point in time and that I saw it. She hasn't changed much kit-wise, but her E had some movement speed attached to it, and Tibbers used to just die when she died. Zilean's W also used to affect his ult CD. And his ult mark for revive lasted 90 seconds. You could have 3 people on your team ulted if you didn't get into a fight long enough and had max CDR. I've heard that original Ryze's E was some sort of toggle that was similar to the old muramana: while active, his autos did bonus damage based on his mana. Other than that, here's an ability rundown: Passive: Pretty much always remained the same, his abilities scale with mana, however back in the day, it also reduced all of his spell's CDs by his Q's CD whenever he cast a spell. During his last iteration before his full VGU, you had to cast 5 spells before you could enter machine gun mode, and doing so gave you movement speed and a shield as well. Q: Was point and click. Otherwise unchanged throughout his entire existence. W: Rooted automatically without needing to combo with E. E: Bounced to other nearby enemies and possibly to Ryze as well, dealing damage with each bounce. It got changed during the last iteration before his full VGU as well to hit the initial target, bounce to all nearby enemies, and then bounce back to his initial target. R: Ultimate Power. Ryze gains movement speed, spell vamp, and his spells all damage surrounding enemies. All in all, as someone who has played Ryze all the way back to season 1, the iteration before his current one has to be my favorite. Stacking up the Runes to get the speed boost, shield, and machine gun mode was so much fun and I wish they'd bring it back. Heimerdinger: His passive was literally just health regen near turrets instead of movement speed. His turrets actually upgraded as you ranked them up. I forget the exact upgrades, but at ranks 3 and 5, they did different things. Upgrade couldn't be used to upgrade his other spells, just the turrets, and it turned all of his existing turrets into fire turrets that dealt bonus damage instead. Biggest change to Alistar outside of what was mentioned was that his Q can now be cast during his W to buffer it to cast immediately after. You used to have to cast it with the perfect timing to get the knockup, which was really hard to do. Kayle: Again, you missed the biggest changes, to her passive and E. Her old passive was that her attacks and abilities would shred the armor of their targets. Her old E was that her attacks dealt more damage, were ranged, and dealt them in AoE for 10 seconds (12 second cooldown, starts on cast). When you got 40% CDR, your E was permanent. Also should be noted about Gangplank: His old E cost him shooting and killing an allied minion with it originally. Yes, he would get the gold for killing the minion. And deny it from his opponent. That actually was a mechanic in early League as a whole that you could attack, kill, and get the gold from your own minions, but Gangplank's E continued to have him kill a minion even after this change was made.
heimer passive was that he used to give nearby turrets and towers hp regen i miss ryze v1, his Q was a relaxing point and click 650 range poke and his ult, albeit simple, felt satisfying in teamfights as it made your abilities AoE and spellvamp
I think he was more wrong than right in this video. Maybe you could understand if his bar for "different" is high, but then he said anivia was changed a lot, so idk about that one.
From what I remember Heimer ult didn't make fire turrets, that was upgrading your Q to max. His ult made all his spells, or just turrets, I forgot, become blue and slow enemies on hit.
also, annies old E did not affect tibbers at all, and did not give a shield nor movement speed. it used to give MR and armor and was only usable on annie herself and not allies.
ZIlean's old Wwas continuously useable but, more importantly, worked on the ult as well. At some point, it seemed like you could keep someone permanently alive if they stayed alive a few seconds after each ult use.
@@lolsnowball_ Yeah it was like you had your ult in URF mode while everybody else had normal cooldowns. In extended late game fights it was possible to have your ult up twice.
So a little fun fact, Master Yi was actually the first champion to ever receive a rework. Originally his Q and ult were swapped, his W costed too much for too little heal, and his E just gave him a bunch of extra AD. You'd think this sucked, but no. Because his Alpha Strike R had a 400% AD Scaling and could crit. Basically if you stacked IEs on him you'd deal 2.8k per hit.
Wow what a trip down memory lane. I’m still scratching my head thinking about the funny changes these champs had and digging up old videos, being amazed at some of this old stuff. That Eve stun from stealth is a thing of nightmares. Fun times, thanks for the video 😊
As someone who played back in season 2, I can fix few minor errors or missing stuff: Soraka - Starcall (Q): also used to reduce enemies Magic Resist by 6, stacking up to 10 times max. Infused used to cost 0 Mana meaning she was giving Mana or Silencing enemies absolutely for free Ashe - Her passive Focus was infamous for being a terrible passive for an ADC/Marksmen. Half the time it felt like she didnt even have a passive to begin with. This was why Support Ashe was actually viable because she could actually use the Passive Annie: Molten Shield (E): Used to only be able to cast on herself, and despite its name, did NOT grant a barrier shield or movement speed buff Amumu: His passive, Cursed Touch used to only be applied by his Auto attacks and instead of causing afflicted eneimes to take percent of true damage from incoming magic damage, it instead just reduced their Magic Resist by a certain amount Nasus: had a different in-game model Morgana: Her W used to be called "Tainted Soil." While functionally similar, the current "Tormented Shadow" Damage is increased by the enemies % of missing health. Tainted Soil on the other hand, reduced the enemies Magic Resist the longer they stayed in the AOE allowing her damage to rack up Dr. Mundo - his W used to be called "Burning Agony" It could be toggled on and off and when active, gave him free tenacity Tristana's Q acts the same way now as it did back then, nothing new Zilean: Rewind (W): Used to also be able to reduce the cooldown of his Ultimate by 10 seconds along with his other abilities Cho'Gath: his E used to be a toggle ability Heimerdinger: Actually, the shots from his turrets used to reduce the Magic Resist of his enemies, if they fought you around your turrets for too long. They also didnt go inactive after some time if Heimerdinger was too far away from them. On paper, his old rockets sounds underwhelming but there was a trick you could use that had zero counterplay. in the laning phase, wait until there's 1 or 2 minions left then walk up and fire. the enemy couldnt do anything about it because they auto lock. Finally, his Ultimate let him fire 5 rockets, his grenade traveled faster but the true power was to his turrets which now fired ice shots that slows the enemy Katarina: There's actually two Katarinas actually, the one on release, and the first rework before she got reworked to who she is now. Original Katarina: Had a different in-game model. Bouncing Blade (Q) Could hit up to 5 enemies *BUT* only if you level it up. it dealt full damage to main target while those hit by the bounce took slightly less damage Her original W was called Killer Instincts and passively gave attack speed if she hit the same target. when activated, it allowed her Q to do full damage to all those it hit, and also reduced healing they could get. it also increased her Dodge chance if she used Shunpo. Her Ultimate also had a small channel time BEFORE she actually started throwing daggers for the attack. / 2nd Katarina: Her Q was changed to have the max 5 Bounce regardless of level compared to now where it can only bounce two times.
Regarding Katarina: Didn't her empowered E increase flat dmg reduction by percentage? I think you could go over 100% dmg reduction with old Leviathan item and her W-E combo.
2nd katarina was broken. All her abilities reset on kills. You would build full ap, poke by throwing knife and walking up and using your w to do the spin and you could just e away at will. when they got a little low you would be able to qew really fast to finish them and if they died you could zip right out or combo someone else whos low. The ult was the blade spin and it also reset on kills. used to be a joke that her kit was just rolling your face on the keyboard, running around doing a qewr every 2 seconds.
lol I was looking for someone who pointed out that kat did have a rework before her current version. She was the first champ I bought and it took me way too long to realize she was an ability champ that didn’t need attacks speed 😂
The old league has that feeling of World of Warcraft gameplay (aka the inspiration) most of the champion is stat stick and focused on the auto attack more than using the ability. And for ability, they usually have random abilities put together which mostly enchant the user's auto attack or reflect that so-called "play style" of that champion (if they are not auto attacker or stat stick) sometimes it isn't even synergy with each other, but to be fair tho, the chaotic gameplay of chasing and hit your enemy to dead is pretty fun I miss the old league
huh? I don't think I've ever heard this opinion nor can I imagine what you mean by this. I guess I heard some boomer say something similar in the chronobreak discord, except they could only give me like 2 examples and they were complaining about modern league being this way? I understand dota 2 is like this, so I can understand it being true maybe in beta? At least as of season 1 this was not the case at all...
@@DoggyP00idk, i feel that most champs have their abilities placed in similar places. Q = spammable damage W = escape tool / engage tool / movement tool / tank tool E = CC / anti-CC / anti-damage R = teamfight tool / 1v1 tool ofc i can think of lots of counter examples, but in general this seems to be the default
Damn... kinda miss some of these old champions, i remember having super fun playing full ap nunu in urf spamming E because the enemy couldn't run away due to the slow. Also abusing evelynns stealth by buying sunfire and killing the enemy in secret was hilarious. The fact that i forgot that kayle and alistar got changed is kinda unexpected though... my memory failing me i suppose.
@@lolsnowball_ Old Nunu was hilarious because at some point at I think season 6 (?) every camp would give you a different buff. It was also amazing to keep the enemy jungler 3 levels below you and just run at him with like 5 buffs and bloodboil. His kit wasnt amazing at fighting but that didnt matter if you were 2 or 3 levels ahead
Tryndamere wasn't the exact same as before, though really similar lol. He used to not have a Fury Bar, his extra crit chance was based on how low his HP was, aaand the biggest thing was his crit damage. He used to get extra crit damage, just like Infinity Edge, depending on Q's level I think and it stacked with Infinity Edge too. Legit the craziest crits you could ever get besides Jhin. I miss old Tryn honestly
8:02 Old Tristana Q: Rapid Fire. Increased attack speed temporarily with no mana cost. Her old W slowed her movement speed but increased her range. Kind of like Blitzcrank's self-slow. 10:02 Old Alistar passive was that he would do increased damage to towers, up to 80% from memory.
Yeah a couple people let me know what trists Q was, also youre right the alistar passive I was talking about was not the original, I messed up a bit because his OG OG passive was not short lived ahah
@@daedalus6993 Crack Shot or something wasn't it? You're right about the active but it also had a passive that would make executed minions explode dealing splash damage
Alistar E-heal also scaled with ap, and it's cd would decrease every time you get hit, and everytime you used a spell your passive would go off, and it scaled with ap. I used to play Ali jungle, before he got reworked. That's was season 5 or 6, if I'm not mistaking, and there was a jungler item, that you would buy on him and every other ap jungler, which effect was like a luden's echo. That used too help with clear a lot too.
Ap tristana was the strongest Assassin. At lvl 2 your enemy lost 50% hp, if u hit W and E (point and click). At lvl 6, the enemy was a oneshot. No items needed
I remember stacking 5 sunfire capes on evelynn and staying stealth near enemies and watching their health continue to decline. If they weren’t a champion with some form of skillshot or AOE, there was nothing they could do but run towards their team/turret absent some form of stealth reveal.
I still remember the patch Evelynn lost stun on Q and got it changed to a slow and from an absolute nightmare she became a meme pick to int games. In one patch and a small change she went from "oh my god they have Eve" to "oh my god WE have Eve".
Sivir actually had a few changes but they’re kinda spiritual successors… W either was a toggle or a single auto empower, and can’t bounce to the same target. E costed mana and refunded extra mana if a spell was blocked which was a large defining part of being “skilled” with her, and her R gave attack speed to allies. I think.
@@ZWizzle the E gives health now, and R doesn’t give attack speed to allies or herself. Her attack speed buff is on her W instead. And yes I’ve just dated myself as an old man 👴
Most important, she had very low range for adc, like 400 or 450, and her passive used to be that while shes moving she has a high dodge chance. I would play her more as an supportive adc and user her ult to make other autohitters Shine. The attack speed buff used to be bigger, the movement buff smaller.
I miss my Sion build. I stacked straight crit damage runes and built 100% crit chance with 350% crit damage (after IE), healing for 100% of the damage dealt. When I ulted, I was unkillable as long as I could attack.
I ganked my toplane Yorick once(before he got reworked), I was otp Shaco back in the day, and Yorick was so rare to see, that I even didn't know, what his skills do. So I gank, and the enemy is getting away with low health under his tower. I decide to dive him, and Yorick sees it, ulting me. I die, and instantly RESSURECT with even my skills available, so I finish the job, killing an enemy, and diyng for good after. That was mindblowing. So genius and simple skill with various possible interactions. I regret almost not playing old Yorick, but his kit was very interesting with the ghouls, if I'm not mistaken, they were also naimed as a 4 knights of apocalypse: Hunger, Plague and something else. Truly the unique character. Yorick and the old halloween map are a special warm league vibe, that's gone sadly.
@@reptile1944 With offtank build I could turn 1v1 into suprise 1v2 by ulting myself when in the bush (that created a bit weaker copy of me). And even if I died during that, I was resurrected for 10 seconds so it was really difficult for the opponents to kill me without dying.
I would like to throw 2 things into the room: 1: The old taric q got more dmg the further it flew. Ap taric top was a thing with tons of burst. 2: Sion also did massiv dmg on ap stacked q and his w shield with 100% ap and together with the old deathfire grasp he oneshotted everyone except full tanks. Old league was a blast.. hope they release a patch where you can play the first season again.
That would be a nightmare for all of you. As a jax main, if that reversal patch came to be then that would turn me into godmode. Stack 6 ninja tabi and start spawn killing you all nonstop.
People now will never know how it was like to get absolutely atomized by Sion's shield when he was played full AP. Or feel the joy of atomizing the enemy team with it. It was one of the most disgusting things because his shield also scaled with AP.
Old poppy was the most busted sh*t ever 😂 Ult a enemy Janna and laugh at the enemy team while you repeatedly smash their carry’s face and they just stare 🗿
Old Malphite plus old sword of the divine (3 autos get 100% crit at 100% attack speed) so you'd ult and use that and delete them while they were airborne :D
Yeah, I remember a fed full crit GP oneshots you with his q. But that was not only GP, there were a lot of champions, who were very strong with full glasscannon crit build besided GP. Litteraly oneshotting out of nowhere Shaco, Rengar were nightmare too.
Loved the video and the info. Hope you'll grow your channel. My only take about this bro is you can literally squeeze a few more info in the esp on the reworks, whole video felt a bit rushed, still awesome nonetheless!
"Many of the players who started in the modern game, will be surprised by what the game used to be like." It used to be fun, but then season 4 happened.
There was actually a version of Jax before that. Where your Q was the current E, and you would spam it every .5 secs... way different concept, and a lot more fun!
The old Morde ult used to be a pretty long point-and-click dot(with ap scaling, i think)on the enemy champions, which summoned the enemy's ghost as your unit, which was very good, if you managed to kill some adc, bacause I think the ghost couldn't use spells. An old Yorick ult was similar in the way, but it was way funnier. But that's another story. God, I loved these mechanics.
Couple things I remember that you didn't mention. 1) Janna's passive used to just make your entire team run faster than the enemy team. No skill involved, you all were just faster. 2) Gangplank's Q used to be able to deny your own minions.
Old Warwick and Fiddlesticks used to be so busted. As Warwick all you had to do was take blue, steal red, and take dragon as it spawned which was like 3-4 mins in which would put u at lvl 6 and then start ganking. And then fiddlesticks e was a nuke that bounced and silenced
Nice video it brought back some nostalgia for me, I havent played league since 2011 so its like looking at the real game for me... To note alistair used to have INSANE ap ratios on his abilities, q w one shot, they nerfed it to oblivion in s2 I belive, or around then.
Other corrections I haven’t seen in the comments so far: Soraka Q also added a stacking MR shred, up to like 5 stacks of some amount, usually they just die if your hitting q at max stacks twice - correction, 20 stacks Malphite W used to just be an auto attack empower Blitz ult would randomly strike on a set interval, now we have the auto targeting thing Cho E used to be a toggled ability and I think the damage was different (no %?) Taric passive was… mana on every auto I think?
@5:00 you missed a teemo fact. The poison damage used to stack WAYYYY differently. Not its just a flat damage per second, it used to stack up beyond that.
Oh really? Thanks for pointing that out dude, I saw your name and I thought for a split sec you mentioned nocturne and I was like "no way I forgot an entire champ 💀"
If you noticed, Twitch's Q used to have stealth, not camouflage like Rengar's ultimate or Evelyn's passive, but stealth like Kha'Zix's ultimate or Shaco's Q. Where you won't be able to see until you're within his seeable range.
Originally Katarinas w made her next q or e gain an additional effect. If my memmory is correct then q got no dmg drop of for each bonce (cuz it used to have that) and e gave her dmg reduction for like 1 sec. The w spin that u mention (now her dagger pickup) was after her first "mini rework"
Oh really? interesting! thanks for letting me know, there are some things that are near impossible to research so a good amount of character traits are only memorable to people who played them during those time
@@lolsnowball_ found some info when I searched for it now. Was named killer instinct. Made her q do full dmg to all targets and aply 60% grevious wounds and her e to give up to 35% dmg reduction for 3 sec. And what i forgot is that it aparently passively gave her on hit magic dmg on autos and abilitys based on rank
@@lolsnowball_ yeah. Looking back at it it was a loaded ability for its time with the versetility in what choice u chose with it. But I remember that every one thoght it did nothing cuz the damage reduction and healing cut dident "feel" strong
yeah it was, lee was supposed to be in the OG 40 champions, and he looked like that. instead, they held off his release and made his original design a skin named "traditional" lee sin
Been playing off and on since season 1 (late 2010) myself, with most of my time spent from 2010-2016, pretty solid video but you missed a few points on certain champs. Morgana's old passive used to give her spellvamp, that IIRC scaled with her level, her damaging abilities also had built in spellvamp against EVERYTHING, not just champions, full spellvamp Morg was pretty much unkillable back then, since all you needed to do was puddle a creep wave to full heal. OG ryze's abilities used to scale off maximum mana, and are a big reason so many items got unique passives in season 3, Tear of the Goddess/Archangel's Staff used to stack, and you only needed to farm 1 copy, every additional tear you bought came in fully stacked out of the shop and added an additional 1000 mana for a complete AA and 3% of your max mana as AP, you could hit 2000+ AP on most mages with 5AA and Deathcap back then Singed fling used to have a 1:1 AP ratio, and could point and click 100-0 squishy champs if you built full AP; Karthus could also 1-shot squishies on their well at full build with his ult Soraka had literally infinite sustain, since she could self heal, and give herself mana, she only needed to leave lane to shop Alistar's extremely short lived original passive was bonus damage to turrets XD Full lifesteal Sion could 1 v 5 on the enemy well with his ult and survive back in S1/S2, especially if he'd stacked enough health Mundo rework really only kept the cleaver and the ult, and part of his passive, W used to be an AOE that you could toggle on to drain HP, gain tenacity, and deal magic damage around you, E powered up your next auto attack and gave you stacking MR whenever you took magic damage or paid for an ability with HP Riot's taken away almost all, non-ultimate point and click hard CC from the early days
I really appreciate the compliment, and all of the info! Also yeah, a lot of the mobility creep has been halted, and idk how I feel about that considering all the mobility in the game at this point. We need more point and click imo!
Can't forget in the earlier days twitch and eve had true invisibility vs the stealth we have today. Invis used to mean you could walk up to an enemy and not be revealed
Taric’s ult was originally a toggle that would heal you and allies every second while draining your mana bar. Later it was changed to be a hammer slam dealing aoe damage and granting an aura for allies.
I like how you said his teleport used to be E but on the gameplay you showed, you can see it on the R and you can see him press it and start teleporting.
HAHAHAH one thing ab cho is that he could only stack a max of 6 ult stacks at the beginning, forgot to mention that! but in my next vid, cho gath has his own little section :)
I stared playing league in march 2012 (I'm the oldest one I know, I even had only 1 account that I still use) and this video took me back. GP and Sion used to be my mains. GP had a disgusting critcial with that q and sion was literally the most broken with that ult. If I remember right his select+click q was around a 5 second stun with hella ap damage and his ult's lifesteal was around +%40 of his hp or something like that, making his ult best in game.
Can you please do a video about the second generation of Champions from League of Legends? For example Akali, Galio, Urgot, Yorick and many more? This video was very interesting and entertaining
12:04 old GPs E also let you kill one of your minions which resulted in denying one minion to your lane opponent at least every 2 waves. I think on lvl 4 or 5 you could use it on every wave and it not just buffed you with extra dmg but also your allies and (not 100% sure) also buffed your other minions. Btw very nice adventure down memory lane! Thank you for that! ♥
One major detail with Teemo Evelynn and Twitch that you didn’t mention is that their stealth was absolute. There was no bubble. In other words they could be standing right on top of you and you wouldn’t even know it… damn I miss those days.
Tryndamere also had huge AP scaling on his E, which oddly only a single player noticed until someone posted on reddit, "Hey look at this full AP Tryndamere with a 75% win rate"
Don't know if it was already mentioned, but old Karthus' passive worked a bit differently - you could cast your Ultimate on the last millisecond of the Zombie-mode, and it would still channel to full and cast the spell. Miss that a lot
5:40 Annie has changed!! Her shield now throw back damage even on abilities and gives move speed. I'm pretty sure it couldn't be casted on allies back then. Also you can now see her stacks for the stun. And she gets the stun up on respown.
The old stealth on twitch too, you could be literally on top of another player and they wouldn't get an outline or reveal you in any way it made escaping so much easier.
Back then like in 2010, there was a rumor that if you use your E (When playing Ashe), if you use it on enemy Swain and hit around him, you can steal his bird. XD
About Katarina: her W wasn't like the dagger on the floor now, it only became this after her first rework. OG Katarina's W empowered her autos and the nest basic ability you used (Q or E). With Q the dagger did more damage and applied grievous wounds. With E you would teleport in front of the target, instead of its back (that was the default) and you got invisibility for less than a second if I'm not mistaken
You didn't mention that back then, AP was literally meant to increase the ability damage whether a champion was AD based or not, instead of it only buffing magic dmg. Which made the AP master yi nasty af, with meditate making him invincible and one Q can nuke all squish.
Annie was slightly changed besides visual aspects. Tibbers used to die with Annie instead of enraged chase after Annie's killer, also her E granted incoming damage reduction and could be casted only on one target, now it gives shield and movement speed and is casted on Annie and pointed target.
Annie’s e used to only be on self. Sivir’s W used to be a toggle and would continuously throw out ricochets until you turned it off. It made her the fastest pusher in the game. Original Ryze was a glass cannon. 2nd Ryze was a tanky mage. Old Heimer had 3 tanky turrets so he could essentially hold any lane by himself with ease.
Taric's first ultimate wasn't even the one you described, it was a toggle buff that would quickly heal his HP but quickly drain his mana. Basically Mundo's ultimate but with no cooldown and with a huge mana cost.
I really loved old Shen's Q. I played him many years as a support, because his old Q was point and click HP based damage that marked enemy and healed anyone who would hit that enemy.
Couple big ones you missed, not going to talk about small things like Ashe E granting some gold on last hit, just big sweeping differences. Sivir's old W used to be a toggle that would permanently let her auto attacks bounce at the cost of mana and not just a few attacks. There was a point in Nunu's life where he got a rework that gave him passive buffs whenever he used Q on a neutral monster, I'll use modern monster names with brackets for the old monster names. Blue buff or Kruggs (Golems) he'd gain extra max health. If he ate Red buff, Dragon, Baron or Vilemaw (Baron for Twisted Treeline rework) he'd gain max health shred on auto attack and if he ate Raptors (Wraiths) or Wolves he'd gain movement speed for a shot while when he killed a minion or monster Jax's E used to have like a 5 second cooldown but it could only be used within 4 seconds of dodging an attack. Master Yi's activatable E used to be raw attack damage not true damage and while the ability was on cooldown he lost the passive attack damage from the ability. In addition his ultimate used to reset it's cooldown completely when he got a kill, not just extending it's duration. Janna's passive used to be global, just for having Janna on your team you got a 5% movement speed buff and it wasn't only towards her, you just got 5% free unconditional movespeed. Twitch used to have another ability instead of his current poison cask, Debilitating Poison which was another poison spender because whenever Twitch used one of his abilities he'd spend poison stacks on the target so Twitch would have to choose to get burst damage or a slow that expended his poison stacks. Tristana's Q used to literally just be an attack speed Steroid. You showcased Katarina's first rework, she had another version before that. Her 1st W was called Killer Instincts and it was a self buff that would empower her next ability. It made Q deal full damage to every single target it hit and apply Greivous Wounds and her E gave her damage reduction after teleporting. The Q also used to deal it's damage upfront, the rework put half the damage behind the mark so she'd have to actually hit the enemy to get the damage she used to have.
You missed that heimerdingers old passive would provide hp regen to every ally nearby. Turrets and inhibitors included. You could turtle near your tower and heal it.
Nasus has changed quite a lot. He no longer has a 90% attack speed and movement speed slow (both values have been nerfed) and it now ramps up to the new amounts instead of being pretty much at 90% as soon as you cast. He also has increased range while ulted and he stacks faster. Nasus used to only get 2 or 4 stacks for each Q. Nasus essentially deleted ADC's back in the day. Even if he couldn't reach them, he was able to make them useless for every team fight.
Annie didn't have a speed boost on her E, couldn't give it to someone else, it didn't copy itself on Tibbers and instead of a shield, it just granted armor and magic resist. Her Q also didn't reduce its cd by half if it killed a unit. Also there was no enrage mechanic on Tibbers, let alone the revenge mechanic. For a long time, Tibbers would just die if Annie died (although initially I think Tibbers would just stand there until they made him die whenever Annie died, I could be wrong here though) Also, Kata is pretty much well... entirely wrong. That's the second iteration of Katarina. The original had no spin attack on her W. Her W was an enhancer which could make her Q deal full damage to all targets it bounced off of (I believe 5?) and applied grievous wounds and made her shunpo increase her dodge chance. It also had a passive and something else but man it's been too long.
Was looking for this. I think it made her shunpo change where you landed. Like without you always landed behind but with W you landed in front or vice versa but i could be wrong. Also i think it gave more damage or something.
Sivir's spell shield used to give her mana instead of HP. Her bouncing blades is a toggle ability. As long as she has the mana for it, it can be used indefinitely.
I remember my old league group would run team beef. Mordekaiser top, Lee Sin jungle, I was old Sion ADC with Nunu support. I can't remember the mid though. Once I got ult, I could solo the enemy team because we had bullied them all so bad that they would all be only lvl 4 maybe 5. Plus, we would all be so tanky that we'd never die. It was always good times when we could all get together and play.
I missed some info! It looks like I left out some info on certain champions, the comment section here was kind enough to correct some things. Definitely give them a look! If I used your footage but forgot to credit you, please let me know, I'll make a community post dedicated to it. Ty for watching
Also I may have messed up blitz hook, it looks like it's point and click however the indicator may just be the point and click indicator,
Sivir had a rework that changed her W and E. mostly E used to be togglable. Also she used to get dodge chance with her passive. Evelynn also had 2 complete reworks
wheres that tf teleport ability :(
Is no one gonna mention that you used to be able to build full AP on Master YI and absolutely 1-shot the entire enemy team and heal your whole HP bar with a single W?
im potentially gonna make a vid about that
It was disgusting! If you saw an AP yi on the other team you pretty much gave up 😂
dark times..that meta drained my elo dry XD
Face roll Yi, I remember
So many games whwere yi would 1v5 and heal through full team damage
Old Teemo is nothing like new Teemo. His abilities are the same, but that's in a vacuum. His W was so broken they rebalanced all of move speed against it with the soft cap, the move speed softcaps are exactly on Teemo's W thresholds to nerf him. His R didn't used to have a timeout, and they were infinite. A mushroom placed at level 6 would still be there at 40 minutes if no one hit it. The timers on placed items was created to clean up mushroom spam, nerfing Teemo. The change to stealth mechanics, also Teemo shrooms were the cause. Which nerfed him again. In the first few seasons of league Teemo was the canary in the coalmine. They balanced the entire game based on how annoying Teemo was, or how he impacted it. Teemo was a monster. The power budget on his R was much much hire. I've fond memories of true oneshottting a squishy who walked over a shroom while I was on the other side of the map. Seriously, with early Teemo a single shrooms could 100% to 0% health some champions. That got nerfed too.
Wow bro thanks a lot for the giga in depth analysis, pro insight! For this video I tended to keep the reworks within a vacuum like you said, some champions had midscopes that I didn't mention for the sake of the video's pacing, but if I ever revisit this type of thing I'll try to make it less broad.
My baby sister used to LOVE playing as Teemo back in the day. Our entire mini map used to be completely lit because of her shroom placement. We had full vision before Wards and Vision became the meta. Won a lot of our games too due to all the free vision lol
@@Toshinegawa Out of all the ways to play Teemo my favorite was what it was in the early days. Bottom lane support. Blind and poison had so little of his power budget that what he really did was harassing the lane. He slowly whittled everyone down and his super high movement speed meant he was impossible to chase. He had to be locked down when he went in for the engage. He was the most fun poke champion before Riot decided league didn't need pure poke champions anymore. Sure, shrooming the entire map late game with shrooms and one shooting people was great. But most of the game wasn't spent doing that. It was slowly but surely wearing the other side down with constant ambushes from stealth and running. There wasn't so much sustain. Pure poke champions were a viable strategy. And Teemo was the best at it. I miss that version of him.
Oh man, I have so many fond memories of covering the entire enemy jungle with shrooms and then just get random kill announcements while I was distracted with something else
@@halycon404 I have great news. I main teemo support as a harasser. It still works. Mostly because players these days have forgotten. They will never stop nerfing Teemo, because that's just who he is.
Well, Sion used to be played in mid as an AP burst mage and even got some games in pro play (Reginald or Misaya). Rushing boots and 5 Doran rings was the way to go.
I did originally have in the script to talk about how Sion used to be able to basically build anything, but I ended up scrapping it because I didn't have a lot of footage
although undoubtably the new sion is a better champ 100% i will still always prefer old sion he was just so fun to run around building the most random shit killing 1 guy and instantly dying after he was just enjoyable
@@LexisVoyage shit me i prefered the ad build jsut build crit lifesteal and sicne you gained perm hp for everythign you killed i had tank hp but had the dmg of an adc and thanks to his old passive of reducing dmg and his old ult of 100% lifesteal oh naw
@@LexisVoyageold sion ap was one of the best old fiora counter . Q W run away in lane autowin against old fiora
@@lolsnowball_ and he had great ap ratio ( 100% on shield explosion and stun from E)
I can't believe you didn't mention the fact that Veigar's ultimate used to not be an execute. It just used to be a huge fuck-off blast of point-and-click magic damage. THAT SCALED WITH YOUR TARGET'S AP TOO
I remember how disgusting it was. It scaled with 100% of Veigar AP and 80% of the enemy AP. You could hit more than 2k dmg with no effort and erase any mage you had in front of you full hp. Just pointing and clicking on it. Thinking about how many years passed make me feel so old xD
@@umbertoruini5411 I main veigar pre changes. It was sick tbh. DFG + Q + meteor kills every tank and then u just flash ult enemy apc.
Also his Q wasnt point and click? I dont remember. They change it.
Even if u die it is allways trade 2 for 1.
@@нет-я2й yes, his Q was a point and click as shown in the video, combined with DFG and instant E veig was insane
His ultimate scaled with enemy MANA, but Mundo, Garen and Katarina were a thing so it changed to enemy ap.
the fiddlesticks fear back in the day would throw a champoin to run in a random direction instead of away from fiddle. its well noted how halarious it was to get feared and immediatly run into the enemy team
i hate fear
Wasnt Just Fiddle Q, but fear in General, so Nocturne E would also do stupid stuff sometimes
And his W wasn't slightly weaker because it was a single target spell. It had a good scaling and it was mandatory to cc him.
Fiddlesticks was a menace back then, the silence crow bouncing between two enemy heroes was just sick
And that fear lasted a century. It was comparable to a Morgana cage
Blitzcrank Q was ALWAYS a skillshot, what may have confused you is the fact that the skillshot range was shown as circle even if it wasn't point and click.
yeah a couple people mentioned that, definitely interesting though
I was told (by a friend that played since s1) by the end of s3 (when I started trying blitz) that it was quickly hot fixed away and that it was a point click on the first h after release 👀
it might seem point and click, because it went trough minions at first, but they hotfixed it :)
was wondering aswell
Cho'Gath is definitely not the same exact champion today. His E used to be a toggle, his ult used to get its cooldown reduced when used on minions, he didn't scale infinitely, and he lost half of his ult stacks upon death.
those were worth pointing out u right
And you could build Cho full attack speed and perma slow them with his Vorpal Blades using Frozen Mallet and Rylai's, back then when they stacked, lol. Oh, and Janna, her shield was so broken, that you could build her as a full ADC and Penta kill the enemy team, I know it because I used to build her like that. Riot should make a mode where some champs, are reverted to what they were, just for shit and giggles.
His E was not toggle at first IIRC. That's why some people would advise noobs not to level it up because it would spell disaster for them under a turret
That always pissed me off. Like why would you make a tank that actively gets punished for tanking for his team?
@@Bourgityeah it wasn't on release it was just kinda always on.
Ashe Q was like this too.
Iirc teemos the other champion still with a perma toggle on his e.
Old Taric was NOT a meme, those early Graves and Taric bot lane comps were a nightmare.
Used to play old Urgot with my bubby playing old Taric in the bot lane. It's was the most I had with league before they changed them.
@sullivanwarmonk I used to be an absolute monster with Urgot Mid lane with armor pen runes. I would rush tears and brutalizer and bully my lane. Back when league used to be fun 😭
Just to correct something, Way back Twitch use to be invisible for a whole minute, BUT Eveline use to be invisible forever once maxed out
It was a strategy for a while to use multiple Sunflower Cape, turn invisible, and just follow the enemy around and let them burn, as long as you did not attack or use a skill they could not do anything
i remember this haha
Sunfire Shaco. Iirc, Boots, Madreds, and four Sunfires. Copy yourself, slow somebody with auto attacks, and watch them melt.
Oracle's elixir and pink wards used to reveal stealthed enemies though.
God, I forgot all about this and now the memory of Eve invisi-melting people just by standing next to them is triggering me. It would be counterplayed immediately today but back then for some reason people would just die to it repeatedly
@@Rob712 Yea but it was honestly a waste, Imagine having to spend 500gold on a potion every time you died or it wares off
So far, most of the champions you've said are identical are actually pretty different.
Singed: His entire passive was reworked. He didn't originally have any movement speed boost at all. Pretty sure his old passive was something like HP from AP, similar to half of Vladimir's passive.
Sivir: Her W and ultimate were both massively changed a little while ago. W was changed from being just her next 3 autos, to all of them within 4 seconds. Her ultimate was changed to reduce the cooldowns of all her basic abilities on-hit. And her E was changed to restore HP instead of mana.
Master Yi probably changed the most out of any champion who didn't get a full VGU. His old passive was % chance to trigger on every auto, not just happened every third. His old Q was Highlander, with the same slow immunity and movement and attack speed steroid, but without the possibility to extend the duration. His old W had a really bad heal scaling. His old E was a toggle that cost mana similar to Ashe's old Q, and his old ultimate was Alpha Strike, but with a 5 minute cooldown, 300% AD ratio, and could hit up to 10 targets, but it couldn't hit targets multiple times and didn't have any cooldown refund mechanics like it does now. When he was first reworked into his current kit design, his Q had a 100% AP ratio, and his W had a 300% AP ratio, so people just built AP on him and healed to full in a single second of Meditate while dealing 1-shot damage with Alpha Strike.
Annie has also had a model and animations update. The old Annie model also had something that might've been problematic if more people saw it: if she died facing towards the purple base, her skirt would flip up and you would be able to see her panties. Since I only played bots and mid lane back then, and she was one of two bots that could appear in mid lane, and the bots were coded to always run towards their base when they were low health no matter what, this is something that I saw pretty frequently. I'm glad that that animation got changed. I mean, I was like, 11 back then so I didn't really feel creepy, but now that I'm an adult, I feel creepy just knowing that it existed at one point in time and that I saw it. She hasn't changed much kit-wise, but her E had some movement speed attached to it, and Tibbers used to just die when she died.
Zilean's W also used to affect his ult CD. And his ult mark for revive lasted 90 seconds. You could have 3 people on your team ulted if you didn't get into a fight long enough and had max CDR.
I've heard that original Ryze's E was some sort of toggle that was similar to the old muramana: while active, his autos did bonus damage based on his mana. Other than that, here's an ability rundown:
Passive: Pretty much always remained the same, his abilities scale with mana, however back in the day, it also reduced all of his spell's CDs by his Q's CD whenever he cast a spell. During his last iteration before his full VGU, you had to cast 5 spells before you could enter machine gun mode, and doing so gave you movement speed and a shield as well.
Q: Was point and click. Otherwise unchanged throughout his entire existence.
W: Rooted automatically without needing to combo with E.
E: Bounced to other nearby enemies and possibly to Ryze as well, dealing damage with each bounce. It got changed during the last iteration before his full VGU as well to hit the initial target, bounce to all nearby enemies, and then bounce back to his initial target.
R: Ultimate Power. Ryze gains movement speed, spell vamp, and his spells all damage surrounding enemies.
All in all, as someone who has played Ryze all the way back to season 1, the iteration before his current one has to be my favorite. Stacking up the Runes to get the speed boost, shield, and machine gun mode was so much fun and I wish they'd bring it back.
Heimerdinger: His passive was literally just health regen near turrets instead of movement speed. His turrets actually upgraded as you ranked them up. I forget the exact upgrades, but at ranks 3 and 5, they did different things. Upgrade couldn't be used to upgrade his other spells, just the turrets, and it turned all of his existing turrets into fire turrets that dealt bonus damage instead.
Biggest change to Alistar outside of what was mentioned was that his Q can now be cast during his W to buffer it to cast immediately after. You used to have to cast it with the perfect timing to get the knockup, which was really hard to do.
Kayle: Again, you missed the biggest changes, to her passive and E. Her old passive was that her attacks and abilities would shred the armor of their targets. Her old E was that her attacks dealt more damage, were ranged, and dealt them in AoE for 10 seconds (12 second cooldown, starts on cast). When you got 40% CDR, your E was permanent.
Also should be noted about Gangplank: His old E cost him shooting and killing an allied minion with it originally. Yes, he would get the gold for killing the minion. And deny it from his opponent. That actually was a mechanic in early League as a whole that you could attack, kill, and get the gold from your own minions, but Gangplank's E continued to have him kill a minion even after this change was made.
heimer passive was that he used to give nearby turrets and towers hp regen
i miss ryze v1, his Q was a relaxing point and click 650 range poke and his ult, albeit simple, felt satisfying in teamfights as it made your abilities AoE and spellvamp
old singed got HP for mana.
you could go tear and rod and passively got so much HP by stacking mana
I think he was more wrong than right in this video. Maybe you could understand if his bar for "different" is high, but then he said anivia was changed a lot, so idk about that one.
From what I remember Heimer ult didn't make fire turrets, that was upgrading your Q to max. His ult made all his spells, or just turrets, I forgot, become blue and slow enemies on hit.
also, annies old E did not affect tibbers at all, and did not give a shield nor movement speed. it used to give MR and armor and was only usable on annie herself and not allies.
ZIlean's old Wwas continuously useable but, more importantly, worked on the ult as well. At some point, it seemed like you could keep someone permanently alive if they stayed alive a few seconds after each ult use.
thats so broken haha
@@lolsnowball_ Yeah it was like you had your ult in URF mode while everybody else had normal cooldowns. In extended late game fights it was possible to have your ult up twice.
Ayo that's me! 8:04 thanks for including my old clips from season 1
woah thats really cool bro, the OG goat
So a little fun fact, Master Yi was actually the first champion to ever receive a rework. Originally his Q and ult were swapped, his W costed too much for too little heal, and his E just gave him a bunch of extra AD.
You'd think this sucked, but no. Because his Alpha Strike R had a 400% AD Scaling and could crit. Basically if you stacked IEs on him you'd deal 2.8k per hit.
oh respect for the fact bro!
Yooo I remember spamming full IE Master Yi till S4 or sth like that
Wow what a trip down memory lane. I’m still scratching my head thinking about the funny changes these champs had and digging up old videos, being amazed at some of this old stuff. That Eve stun from stealth is a thing of nightmares. Fun times, thanks for the video 😊
thanks a lot! im glad i could help you relive it
As someone who played back in season 2, I can fix few minor errors or missing stuff:
Soraka - Starcall (Q): also used to reduce enemies Magic Resist by 6, stacking up to 10 times max. Infused used to cost 0 Mana meaning she was giving Mana or Silencing enemies absolutely for free
Ashe - Her passive Focus was infamous for being a terrible passive for an ADC/Marksmen. Half the time it felt like she didnt even have a passive to begin with. This was why Support Ashe was actually viable because she could actually use the Passive
Annie: Molten Shield (E): Used to only be able to cast on herself, and despite its name, did NOT grant a barrier shield or movement speed buff
Amumu: His passive, Cursed Touch used to only be applied by his Auto attacks and instead of causing afflicted eneimes to take percent of true damage from incoming magic damage, it instead just reduced their Magic Resist by a certain amount
Nasus: had a different in-game model
Morgana: Her W used to be called "Tainted Soil." While functionally similar, the current "Tormented Shadow" Damage is increased by the enemies % of missing health. Tainted Soil on the other hand, reduced the enemies Magic Resist the longer they stayed in the AOE allowing her damage to rack up
Dr. Mundo - his W used to be called "Burning Agony" It could be toggled on and off and when active, gave him free tenacity
Tristana's Q acts the same way now as it did back then, nothing new
Zilean: Rewind (W): Used to also be able to reduce the cooldown of his Ultimate by 10 seconds along with his other abilities
Cho'Gath: his E used to be a toggle ability
Heimerdinger: Actually, the shots from his turrets used to reduce the Magic Resist of his enemies, if they fought you around your turrets for too long. They also didnt go inactive after some time if Heimerdinger was too far away from them. On paper, his old rockets sounds underwhelming but there was a trick you could use that had zero counterplay. in the laning phase, wait until there's 1 or 2 minions left then walk up and fire. the enemy couldnt do anything about it because they auto lock. Finally, his Ultimate let him fire 5 rockets, his grenade traveled faster but the true power was to his turrets which now fired ice shots that slows the enemy
Katarina: There's actually two Katarinas actually, the one on release, and the first rework before she got reworked to who she is now. Original Katarina: Had a different in-game model. Bouncing Blade (Q) Could hit up to 5 enemies *BUT* only if you level it up. it dealt full damage to main target while those hit by the bounce took slightly less damage Her original W was called Killer Instincts and passively gave attack speed if she hit the same target. when activated, it allowed her Q to do full damage to all those it hit, and also reduced healing they could get. it also increased her Dodge chance if she used Shunpo. Her Ultimate also had a small channel time BEFORE she actually started throwing daggers for the attack. / 2nd Katarina: Her Q was changed to have the max 5 Bounce regardless of level compared to now where it can only bounce two times.
i appreciate the info bro! thanks for adding to the video, based on the comments there was a good amount of technical things i missed
Regarding Katarina: Didn't her empowered E increase flat dmg reduction by percentage? I think you could go over 100% dmg reduction with old Leviathan item and her W-E combo.
@@МаркоНешковић I don't know the % but I always went Hextech, Meija's, Occult and Leviathan (I was trash lmao)
2nd katarina was broken. All her abilities reset on kills. You would build full ap, poke by throwing knife and walking up and using your w to do the spin and you could just e away at will. when they got a little low you would be able to qew really fast to finish them and if they died you could zip right out or combo someone else whos low. The ult was the blade spin and it also reset on kills. used to be a joke that her kit was just rolling your face on the keyboard, running around doing a qewr every 2 seconds.
lol I was looking for someone who pointed out that kat did have a rework before her current version. She was the first champ I bought and it took me way too long to realize she was an ability champ that didn’t need attacks speed 😂
The old league has that feeling of World of Warcraft gameplay (aka the inspiration) most of the champion is stat stick and focused on the auto attack more than using the ability. And for ability, they usually have random abilities put together which mostly enchant the user's auto attack or reflect that so-called "play style" of that champion (if they are not auto attacker or stat stick) sometimes it isn't even synergy with each other, but to be fair tho, the chaotic gameplay of chasing and hit your enemy to dead is pretty fun
I miss the old league
yeah it was pretty cookie cutter. Q = damage spell W = some sort of stat change E = CC
It's the same now.
Q=spell you spam on CD
E=ohshi- button
Ult=all in tool
huh? I don't think I've ever heard this opinion nor can I imagine what you mean by this. I guess I heard some boomer say something similar in the chronobreak discord, except they could only give me like 2 examples and they were complaining about modern league being this way? I understand dota 2 is like this, so I can understand it being true maybe in beta? At least as of season 1 this was not the case at all...
@@HighLanderPonyYT Sounds like you havent' played league in like 8 years. I remember this being a meme maybe 8 years ago.
@@DoggyP00idk, i feel that most champs have their abilities placed in similar places.
Q = spammable damage
W = escape tool / engage tool / movement tool / tank tool
E = CC / anti-CC / anti-damage
R = teamfight tool / 1v1 tool
ofc i can think of lots of counter examples, but in general this seems to be the default
Damn... kinda miss some of these old champions, i remember having super fun playing full ap nunu in urf spamming E because the enemy couldn't run away due to the slow. Also abusing evelynns stealth by buying sunfire and killing the enemy in secret was hilarious. The fact that i forgot that kayle and alistar got changed is kinda unexpected though... my memory failing me i suppose.
Duuude i miss old nunu too.. And yeah the sunfire invis tech was so broken XD hard to believe how league used to be
@@lolsnowball_ Season 4 days best days :D
Especially season 4 urf, ahh... I miss is so bad :c
@@lolsnowball_ Old Nunu was hilarious because at some point at I think season 6 (?) every camp would give you a different buff. It was also amazing to keep the enemy jungler 3 levels below you and just run at him with like 5 buffs and bloodboil. His kit wasnt amazing at fighting but that didnt matter if you were 2 or 3 levels ahead
yeah haah i mained ap nunu mid before his rework@@PotatoMussab
Tryndamere wasn't the exact same as before, though really similar lol. He used to not have a Fury Bar, his extra crit chance was based on how low his HP was, aaand the biggest thing was his crit damage. He used to get extra crit damage, just like Infinity Edge, depending on Q's level I think and it stacked with Infinity Edge too.
Legit the craziest crits you could ever get besides Jhin. I miss old Tryn honestly
thats nuts
I remember criting 900+ and just 2 hits full item ashe
Don't forget about AP tryndamere!
And also, his skills costs his life
Tryndamere's e was a point and click also, which is insane
Old yi had the possibility of playing him ap, which was extremely fun as his heals and qs were massive,paired with the resets!
I may do a vid on this :)
Yea, I remember that, it was called Meditanking.
8:02 Old Tristana Q: Rapid Fire. Increased attack speed temporarily with no mana cost.
Her old W slowed her movement speed but increased her range. Kind of like Blitzcrank's self-slow.
10:02 Old Alistar passive was that he would do increased damage to towers, up to 80% from memory.
Yeah a couple people let me know what trists Q was, also youre right the alistar passive I was talking about was not the original, I messed up a bit because his OG OG passive was not short lived ahah
Tristana E was actually a point and click ability that dealt DOT and applied grevious wounds. I don’t remember it buffing her autos?
@@daedalus6993 Crack Shot or something wasn't it? You're right about the active but it also had a passive that would make executed minions explode dealing splash damage
Alistar E-heal also scaled with ap, and it's cd would decrease every time you get hit, and everytime you used a spell your passive would go off, and it scaled with ap. I used to play Ali jungle, before he got reworked. That's was season 5 or 6, if I'm not mistaking, and there was a jungler item, that you would buy on him and every other ap jungler, which effect was like a luden's echo. That used too help with clear a lot too.
3:20 also old ashe E gave bonus gold for minions and it gave more if you maxed it
her E? or her Q? either way, ty for the addition brotha
Her E, the old hawkshot.@@lolsnowball_
@@lolsnowball_ it was on her E
guaranteed crit on passive too
money maker ashe and money maker GP.. i was there^^
Ap tristana was the strongest Assassin. At lvl 2 your enemy lost 50% hp, if u hit W and E (point and click). At lvl 6, the enemy was a oneshot. No items needed
nostalgia hits hard
Yoooo I remember doing that shit like a lotttt
I remember stacking 5 sunfire capes on evelynn and staying stealth near enemies and watching their health continue to decline. If they weren’t a champion with some form of skillshot or AOE, there was nothing they could do but run towards their team/turret absent some form of stealth reveal.
thats nuts lmao
I still remember the patch Evelynn lost stun on Q and got it changed to a slow and from an absolute nightmare she became a meme pick to int games. In one patch and a small change she went from "oh my god they have Eve" to "oh my god WE have Eve".
wasnt it like, the biggest nerf ever?
Sivir actually had a few changes but they’re kinda spiritual successors… W either was a toggle or a single auto empower, and can’t bounce to the same target. E costed mana and refunded extra mana if a spell was blocked which was a large defining part of being “skilled” with her, and her R gave attack speed to allies. I think.
Yup! I should have mentioned her mid scope for sure, thanks brother
I've never felt so old... is that not how her e and r still work?
@@ZWizzle Her E no longer costs mana, but still refunds it.
@@ZWizzle the E gives health now, and R doesn’t give attack speed to allies or herself. Her attack speed buff is on her W instead. And yes I’ve just dated myself as an old man 👴
Most important, she had very low range for adc, like 400 or 450, and her passive used to be that while shes moving she has a high dodge chance. I would play her more as an supportive adc and user her ult to make other autohitters Shine. The attack speed buff used to be bigger, the movement buff smaller.
Good old times! Dont forget super broken Mordekaiser ult and full AP master yi, money maker ashe / money maker gp, old Fiora ult and old Aatrox
I think it is worth mentioning that the dodge chance yi and jax got worked on fountain laser. There was no safe haven
yeah i def couldve mentioned how it worked on turrets!
WAIT. fountain? you could dodge fountain laser??
@@shieldgenerator7 turrets too basically anything that could do damage
I miss my Sion build. I stacked straight crit damage runes and built 100% crit chance with 350% crit damage (after IE), healing for 100% of the damage dealt. When I ulted, I was unkillable as long as I could attack.
Old sion was cool because of how versatile his build was for sure, sounds like a fun time bro
I miss the AP ratio
I got my first Pentakill with that old Sion🥲🥲🫶
I mained old Yorick, I main new Yorick... But still, I love the old Yorick more. I really wish they gave him back to me :(
The problem was old yorick is either broken or terrible :/
@@lolsnowball_ that's exactly why I love him
I ganked my toplane Yorick once(before he got reworked), I was otp Shaco back in the day, and Yorick was so rare to see, that I even didn't know, what his skills do. So I gank, and the enemy is getting away with low health under his tower. I decide to dive him, and Yorick sees it, ulting me. I die, and instantly RESSURECT with even my skills available, so I finish the job, killing an enemy, and diyng for good after. That was mindblowing. So genius and simple skill with various possible interactions. I regret almost not playing old Yorick, but his kit was very interesting with the ghouls, if I'm not mistaken, they were also naimed as a 4 knights of apocalypse: Hunger, Plague and something else. Truly the unique character. Yorick and the old halloween map are a special warm league vibe, that's gone sadly.
@@reptile1944 With offtank build I could turn 1v1 into suprise 1v2 by ulting myself when in the bush (that created a bit weaker copy of me). And even if I died during that, I was resurrected for 10 seconds so it was really difficult for the opponents to kill me without dying.
@@reptile1944 yes, his Omens. Omen of War, Hunger, Plague and Death, named after Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I would like to throw 2 things into the room:
1: The old taric q got more dmg the further it flew. Ap taric top was a thing with tons of burst.
2: Sion also did massiv dmg on ap stacked q and his w shield with 100% ap and together with the old deathfire grasp he oneshotted everyone except full tanks.
Old league was a blast.. hope they release a patch where you can play the first season again.
That would be a nightmare for all of you. As a jax main, if that reversal patch came to be then that would turn me into godmode. Stack 6 ninja tabi and start spawn killing you all nonstop.
i still remember the days of old nunu right before the rework. max E and then W and run predator so your next snowball would literally 1 shot the adc
Support nunu was a thing back then
People now will never know how it was like to get absolutely atomized by Sion's shield when he was played full AP. Or feel the joy of atomizing the enemy team with it. It was one of the most disgusting things because his shield also scaled with AP.
Old poppy was the most busted sh*t ever 😂 Ult a enemy Janna and laugh at the enemy team while you repeatedly smash their carry’s face and they just stare 🗿
i remember lkmaooo
Lmao i forgot that immune shield
Ah i remmeber lol. Full ap poppy charging in and wreakong havoc.
Poppy mid, with 3 philo stones. Bye bye lane! :)) Ungankable, unkillable. Top 5 most retarded things seasons beta to 3.
Old malphite used to have double ad scaling on his w. Old crit malphite was insane hitting 1k autos at 2 items
HEY thanks for commenting! I'm pretty sure AD scaling still works on malph W no?
I remember building tiamat on him and killing enemy champions by hitting minions nearby.
@@lolsnowball_not last I played him, w is armor scaling now IIRC
Old Malphite plus old sword of the divine (3 autos get 100% crit at 100% attack speed) so you'd ult and use that and delete them while they were airborne :D
You forgot to mention that the old Heimer ultimate made his towers shot frezzing hounds, it was so funny!!
Great video overall
Crit runes gangplank was the wildest thing ever to have happened to League
Lmao facts I missed old
Yeah, I remember a fed full crit GP oneshots you with his q. But that was not only GP, there were a lot of champions, who were very strong with full glasscannon crit build besided GP. Litteraly oneshotting out of nowhere Shaco, Rengar were nightmare too.
Loved the video and the info. Hope you'll grow your channel. My only take about this bro is you can literally squeeze a few more info in the esp on the reworks, whole video felt a bit rushed, still awesome nonetheless!
Man sees old Sion, man clicks the vid
graves was reworked to be adc but riot fked it up and he became a jungler by accident. I miss old graves
"Many of the players who started in the modern game, will be surprised by what the game used to be like." It used to be fun, but then season 4 happened.
what iddntu like ab season 4
What happened in s4? I was there but dont remember anything in particular
to me it was fun until season 8
@@nikolamarkovic-e8bTo me, it's still fun. Otherwise, there would be no point in playing it.
There was actually a version of Jax before that. Where your Q was the current E, and you would spam it every .5 secs... way different concept, and a lot more fun!
Forgot Old Mordekaiser. Using Dragon's As Raid bosses
that was old mordekaiser but not even the first version of him, that was his first rework
The old Morde ult used to be a pretty long point-and-click dot(with ap scaling, i think)on the enemy champions, which summoned the enemy's ghost as your unit, which was very good, if you managed to kill some adc, bacause I think the ghost couldn't use spells. An old Yorick ult was similar in the way, but it was way funnier. But that's another story. God, I loved these mechanics.
Great Video! I dont know if intentional or not but you left out the part that AP YI and AP Sion were played a lot and were really good !
thanks a lot! i did know those things but left them out because if i included like, scalings and stuff the vid wouldve been too tedious to make
Heimers old passive didn't just repair his little turrets but also towers.
I missed a lot of cool info about old heim
It was so much fun parking a heimerdinger next to a turret to heal it up in 3's circa 2011
Couple things I remember that you didn't mention.
1) Janna's passive used to just make your entire team run faster than the enemy team. No skill involved, you all were just faster.
2) Gangplank's Q used to be able to deny your own minions.
Old Warwick and Fiddlesticks used to be so busted. As Warwick all you had to do was take blue, steal red, and take dragon as it spawned which was like 3-4 mins in which would put u at lvl 6 and then start ganking. And then fiddlesticks e was a nuke that bounced and silenced
@@lolsnowball_supporticks...quite funny to chain Es
Old Fiddle in ARAM was the goat with his E
Dont forget the good old days of ap master yi with crazy healing and q damage
Nasus mains coping and seething at the 1.5 second cameo. Old trynd and sivir splash arts look melted 😭
HAHAH, tryns arms are so tiny for what
Nice video it brought back some nostalgia for me, I havent played league since 2011 so its like looking at the real game for me... To note alistair used to have INSANE ap ratios on his abilities, q w one shot, they nerfed it to oblivion in s2 I belive, or around then.
Other corrections I haven’t seen in the comments so far:
Soraka Q also added a stacking MR shred, up to like 5 stacks of some amount, usually they just die if your hitting q at max stacks twice - correction, 20 stacks
Malphite W used to just be an auto attack empower
Blitz ult would randomly strike on a set interval, now we have the auto targeting thing
Cho E used to be a toggled ability and I think the damage was different (no %?)
Taric passive was… mana on every auto I think?
Someone mentioned malphite, thats interesting about raka, thanks again
Er they added an AOE splash to it too not just the reset
thought it was up to 10 on the mr sheard of raka
Soraka Q once shredded magic resist up to 20 stacks. I remember soloing drake as her using the Q MR shred to set its magic resistance to NEGATIVE 120.
Q spam soraka top to shit on lowbies. literally unavoidable if you stood in her range.
damn what a time that was back then haha
I love how resilient Nasus' design is. He's pretty much always been relevant in solo, and has one of the must unchanged kits in league.
Old graphics were far superior
Knowing that there's kids that were not even born before the game came out and might be older than me when I played league for the first time is crazy
yeah it is
@5:00 you missed a teemo fact. The poison damage used to stack WAYYYY differently. Not its just a flat damage per second, it used to stack up beyond that.
Oh really? Thanks for pointing that out dude, I saw your name and I thought for a split sec you mentioned nocturne and I was like "no way I forgot an entire champ 💀"
If you noticed, Twitch's Q used to have stealth, not camouflage like Rengar's ultimate or Evelyn's passive, but stealth like Kha'Zix's ultimate or Shaco's Q. Where you won't be able to see until you're within his seeable range.
Originally Katarinas w made her next q or e gain an additional effect. If my memmory is correct then q got no dmg drop of for each bonce (cuz it used to have that) and e gave her dmg reduction for like 1 sec. The w spin that u mention (now her dagger pickup) was after her first "mini rework"
Oh really? interesting! thanks for letting me know, there are some things that are near impossible to research so a good amount of character traits are only memorable to people who played them during those time
@@lolsnowball_ found some info when I searched for it now. Was named killer instinct. Made her q do full dmg to all targets and aply 60% grevious wounds and her e to give up to 35% dmg reduction for 3 sec. And what i forgot is that it aparently passively gave her on hit magic dmg on autos and abilitys based on rank
It got changed to her spin attack with her first rework 2012. And thats when they released her champion spotlight aswell
@@FtwGrickeyFtw wow lol grievous wounds on basic ability
@@lolsnowball_ yeah. Looking back at it it was a loaded ability for its time with the versetility in what choice u chose with it. But I remember that every one thoght it did nothing cuz the damage reduction and healing cut dident "feel" strong
"old sion did most of his damage through auto attacks" lol. He was basically just a burst mage rather than an actual auto attacker.
Is that Lee Sin at 0:05 (between Jax and Teemo) being introduced as one of the original 40 characters? Might not but, but if it is, wtf?
yeah it was, lee was supposed to be in the OG 40 champions, and he looked like that. instead, they held off his release and made his original design a skin named "traditional" lee sin
thanks for watching bro!
Been playing off and on since season 1 (late 2010) myself, with most of my time spent from 2010-2016, pretty solid video but you missed a few points on certain champs.
Morgana's old passive used to give her spellvamp, that IIRC scaled with her level, her damaging abilities also had built in spellvamp against EVERYTHING, not just champions, full spellvamp Morg was pretty much unkillable back then, since all you needed to do was puddle a creep wave to full heal.
OG ryze's abilities used to scale off maximum mana, and are a big reason so many items got unique passives in season 3, Tear of the Goddess/Archangel's Staff used to stack, and you only needed to farm 1 copy, every additional tear you bought came in fully stacked out of the shop and added an additional 1000 mana for a complete AA and 3% of your max mana as AP, you could hit 2000+ AP on most mages with 5AA and Deathcap back then
Singed fling used to have a 1:1 AP ratio, and could point and click 100-0 squishy champs if you built full AP; Karthus could also 1-shot squishies on their well at full build with his ult
Soraka had literally infinite sustain, since she could self heal, and give herself mana, she only needed to leave lane to shop
Alistar's extremely short lived original passive was bonus damage to turrets XD
Full lifesteal Sion could 1 v 5 on the enemy well with his ult and survive back in S1/S2, especially if he'd stacked enough health
Mundo rework really only kept the cleaver and the ult, and part of his passive, W used to be an AOE that you could toggle on to drain HP, gain tenacity, and deal magic damage around you, E powered up your next auto attack and gave you stacking MR whenever you took magic damage or paid for an ability with HP
Riot's taken away almost all, non-ultimate point and click hard CC from the early days
I really appreciate the compliment, and all of the info! Also yeah, a lot of the mobility creep has been halted, and idk how I feel about that considering all the mobility in the game at this point. We need more point and click imo!
Can't forget in the earlier days twitch and eve had true invisibility vs the stealth we have today. Invis used to mean you could walk up to an enemy and not be revealed
This was back in the good old days
indeed brother
Ah old Ryze, when you could headbut your keyboard after activating his ult and do a pentakill.
Amazed how you managed to miss changes on almost every champion.
im also amazed that your eyes managed to glaze past my pinned comment 💀cant wait for your vid on this topic tho!
@@lolsnowball_ I saw the comment. Still amazed! :^)
Deathfire Grasp with a fully built Veigar was guaranteed death, it was beyond broken
No one ever mentions original poppy. The goat.
such an op ult
Taric’s ult was originally a toggle that would heal you and allies every second while draining your mana bar. Later it was changed to be a hammer slam dealing aoe damage and granting an aura for allies.
Tristan Q (old) was an attack speed boost
I like how you said his teleport used to be E but on the gameplay you showed, you can see it on the R and you can see him press it and start teleporting.
Me, eager to hear about my main, beautiful big boi chode'gath
"Finally we have cho'gath"
"Who is still the same character."
HAHAHAH one thing ab cho is that he could only stack a max of 6 ult stacks at the beginning, forgot to mention that! but in my next vid, cho gath has his own little section :)
You forgot to mention that Veigar's old ult used to scale with the targets AP as well as yours, which made Veigar a great Anti-mage.
thats pretty hilarious
I stared playing league in march 2012 (I'm the oldest one I know, I even had only 1 account that I still use) and this video took me back. GP and Sion used to be my mains. GP had a disgusting critcial with that q and sion was literally the most broken with that ult. If I remember right his select+click q was around a 5 second stun with hella ap damage and his ult's lifesteal was around +%40 of his hp or something like that, making his ult best in game.
+ no one remembers how horrifying AP Master Yi was. Click Q you have a pentakil, click W and you have full health. Just 2 clicks for a win.
Seeing people who were too young to play League when it launched make videos about early League and get so much information wrong warms my heart.
im glad i could give some happiness to your life man
she is far from perfect my friend
Uhh why are you telling this to the content creator?
@@NasusGamerrioters watch content too
Sounds like what doomfist players woulda been saying if they had a heads up for the rework PoroSad
Can you please do a video about the second generation of Champions from League of Legends? For example Akali, Galio, Urgot, Yorick and many more? This video was very interesting and entertaining
thanks a lot! one day I might do a season 2 video haha but itd be super long fow show
what do you consider the 2nd generation to be? just champs from 2010 or also champs from 2011 to 2012?
What about old Karma? She was REALLY different
she def was different, but she wasnt one of the original 40 champions
12:04 old GPs E also let you kill one of your minions which resulted in denying one minion to your lane opponent at least every 2 waves. I think on lvl 4 or 5 you could use it on every wave and it not just buffed you with extra dmg but also your allies and (not 100% sure) also buffed your other minions.
Btw very nice adventure down memory lane! Thank you for that! ♥
thanks for the extra bit, and im glad i could give u a blast to the past homie
One major detail with Teemo Evelynn and Twitch that you didn’t mention is that their stealth was absolute. There was no bubble. In other words they could be standing right on top of you and you wouldn’t even know it… damn I miss those days.
Tryndamere also had huge AP scaling on his E, which oddly only a single player noticed until someone posted on reddit, "Hey look at this full AP Tryndamere with a 75% win rate"
I bet thats a story that could be expanded upon! You gave me a cool idea :)
He still has 80% AP Ratio on E, which is down from the 100% it used to be.
Don't know if it was already mentioned, but old Karthus' passive worked a bit differently - you could cast your Ultimate on the last millisecond of the Zombie-mode, and it would still channel to full and cast the spell. Miss that a lot
5:40 Annie has changed!! Her shield now throw back damage even on abilities and gives move speed. I'm pretty sure it couldn't be casted on allies back then.
Also you can now see her stacks for the stun. And she gets the stun up on respown.
i wish if i could go back and do this vid again id have included details like this, honestly feel like the vid was rushed :/ thanks for commenting!
Just to add to this, once tibbers is summoned and you cast shield, he gets it as well!
The old stealth on twitch too, you could be literally on top of another player and they wouldn't get an outline or reveal you in any way it made escaping so much easier.
Back then like in 2010, there was a rumor that if you use your E (When playing Ashe), if you use it on enemy Swain and hit around him, you can steal his bird. XD
lmao shi like that is what i miss
About Katarina: her W wasn't like the dagger on the floor now, it only became this after her first rework. OG Katarina's W empowered her autos and the nest basic ability you used (Q or E). With Q the dagger did more damage and applied grievous wounds. With E you would teleport in front of the target, instead of its back (that was the default) and you got invisibility for less than a second if I'm not mistaken
You didn't mention that back then, AP was literally meant to increase the ability damage whether a champion was AD based or not, instead of it only buffing magic dmg. Which made the AP master yi nasty af, with meditate making him invincible and one Q can nuke all squish.
Annie was slightly changed besides visual aspects. Tibbers used to die with Annie instead of enraged chase after Annie's killer, also her E granted incoming damage reduction and could be casted only on one target, now it gives shield and movement speed and is casted on Annie and pointed target.
And Nasus didn't have Q cd reduction during ult back then
u right!
Annie’s e used to only be on self. Sivir’s W used to be a toggle and would continuously throw out ricochets until you turned it off. It made her the fastest pusher in the game.
Original Ryze was a glass cannon. 2nd Ryze was a tanky mage.
Old Heimer had 3 tanky turrets so he could essentially hold any lane by himself with ease.
I feel so much nostalgia watching this video (I started playing 2 years ago)
i remember the good old days when league had a soul.. before mundos rework..
Arent you the bomba guy 🐧🐢❤🫂
Taric's first ultimate wasn't even the one you described, it was a toggle buff that would quickly heal his HP but quickly drain his mana. Basically Mundo's ultimate but with no cooldown and with a huge mana cost.
I really loved old Shen's Q. I played him many years as a support, because his old Q was point and click HP based damage that marked enemy and healed anyone who would hit that enemy.
Season 0 was a legendary time, i miss it
I'm a singed main though so it's been a time seeing the rest of the game evolve
Couple big ones you missed, not going to talk about small things like Ashe E granting some gold on last hit, just big sweeping differences.
Sivir's old W used to be a toggle that would permanently let her auto attacks bounce at the cost of mana and not just a few attacks.
There was a point in Nunu's life where he got a rework that gave him passive buffs whenever he used Q on a neutral monster, I'll use modern monster names with brackets for the old monster names. Blue buff or Kruggs (Golems) he'd gain extra max health. If he ate Red buff, Dragon, Baron or Vilemaw (Baron for Twisted Treeline rework) he'd gain max health shred on auto attack and if he ate Raptors (Wraiths) or Wolves he'd gain movement speed for a shot while when he killed a minion or monster
Jax's E used to have like a 5 second cooldown but it could only be used within 4 seconds of dodging an attack.
Master Yi's activatable E used to be raw attack damage not true damage and while the ability was on cooldown he lost the passive attack damage from the ability. In addition his ultimate used to reset it's cooldown completely when he got a kill, not just extending it's duration.
Janna's passive used to be global, just for having Janna on your team you got a 5% movement speed buff and it wasn't only towards her, you just got 5% free unconditional movespeed.
Twitch used to have another ability instead of his current poison cask, Debilitating Poison which was another poison spender because whenever Twitch used one of his abilities he'd spend poison stacks on the target so Twitch would have to choose to get burst damage or a slow that expended his poison stacks.
Tristana's Q used to literally just be an attack speed Steroid.
You showcased Katarina's first rework, she had another version before that. Her 1st W was called Killer Instincts and it was a self buff that would empower her next ability. It made Q deal full damage to every single target it hit and apply Greivous Wounds and her E gave her damage reduction after teleporting. The Q also used to deal it's damage upfront, the rework put half the damage behind the mark so she'd have to actually hit the enemy to get the damage she used to have.
thanks a lot for the kind info brother
You missed that heimerdingers old passive would provide hp regen to every ally nearby. Turrets and inhibitors included. You could turtle near your tower and heal it.
"Who's yo sommona? And what does he do?" -Sion (permanent nostalgia)
Nasus has changed quite a lot. He no longer has a 90% attack speed and movement speed slow (both values have been nerfed) and it now ramps up to the new amounts instead of being pretty much at 90% as soon as you cast. He also has increased range while ulted and he stacks faster.
Nasus used to only get 2 or 4 stacks for each Q.
Nasus essentially deleted ADC's back in the day. Even if he couldn't reach them, he was able to make them useless for every team fight.
Annie didn't have a speed boost on her E, couldn't give it to someone else, it didn't copy itself on Tibbers and instead of a shield, it just granted armor and magic resist.
Her Q also didn't reduce its cd by half if it killed a unit.
Also there was no enrage mechanic on Tibbers, let alone the revenge mechanic. For a long time, Tibbers would just die if Annie died (although initially I think Tibbers would just stand there until they made him die whenever Annie died, I could be wrong here though)
Also, Kata is pretty much well... entirely wrong. That's the second iteration of Katarina. The original had no spin attack on her W. Her W was an enhancer which could make her Q deal full damage to all targets it bounced off of (I believe 5?) and applied grievous wounds and made her shunpo increase her dodge chance. It also had a passive and something else but man it's been too long.
Was looking for this. I think it made her shunpo change where you landed. Like without you always landed behind but with W you landed in front or vice versa but i could be wrong. Also i think it gave more damage or something.
Sivir's spell shield used to give her mana instead of HP. Her bouncing blades is a toggle ability. As long as she has the mana for it, it can be used indefinitely.
remember the bug where it insta killed
I remember my old league group would run team beef. Mordekaiser top, Lee Sin jungle, I was old Sion ADC with Nunu support. I can't remember the mid though. Once I got ult, I could solo the enemy team because we had bullied them all so bad that they would all be only lvl 4 maybe 5. Plus, we would all be so tanky that we'd never die. It was always good times when we could all get together and play.
i used to play old nunu full ap mid
How can you be team beef, and not include Alistair?