Notice how some people who live in the most tolerant countries with the least discrimination are the ones who are constantly complaining about being victims and oppressed.
bugbeemaine it’s because they haven’t heard the voices of the real oppressed, because those people can’t speak out, because those people will die and suffer if they do. So they believe their small issues are the pinnacle of oppression and the only thing wrong with the world. Feminists these days think their personal comfortability should be catered to, that offence is the worst thing in the world, that disagreement is the upmost evil, and that offending religion is okay unless it’s a ‘brown people religion’. whilst many women all across the world want to finish school, be treated equal to a man and do the same things men do with out fear, do freely let their hair down and be seen. Many women want to choose their husband, many people want to love who the love, many people want to live in a world in which they can move up. But so many places won’t do these things to make things beautiful, and fair and equal because they prescribe to both a religious view of the world and also a misogynistic view. Western women don’t understand honour systems, and stoning and just how good we’ve got it. Women of the west remember that you are the most free, the most able to do and to be. We are not oppressed, we are liberated women.
I am not completely sure about that. What about all the African Americans that are born into ghettos and destroyed towns/cities that look more like third world countries than what we have been conditioned to believe America is.
Underfireman still nothing compared to the real shit holes. Imagine being born into a caste in India where your job is to literally clean the literal shit holes, you can’t climb your way out of that system. In US ghettos, you still have the tools to escape same as everyone else, namely education, and if they would stop with the drugs and shooting each other for living on the wrong street, it wouldn’t be that bad at all.
u think u know what fear is try to live in an invasion of ur country and then have radicals take part of ur lands while sending thousands of suicide bombers killing hundreds of thousands of ur people until there is no place u walk through hasn't been bombed, thats what fear it, u r now feeling it after America destroyed an entire country and make it the playground for terrirosts
+GN0MEz iraq was far more better than it is nowdays, I don't deny it had problems but it got nothing to do with 9/11 this war between civilization it was just sitting on loads of oil and dick chiney wanted it,, as long for Islam this hatred u carry is out of fear from the different yes u r right there were lots of killed in the name of Islam but that happened in every religion, ideology when people want work it to their benifit people who killed indigious people of America and Australia where Christians and used Bible verse to justify their acts should I say all Christianity and white people r bad and evil just becoz im different from?,, please notice im responding to what u to reach some where not just exchange accusations of who did the worst deed but the fact this is fuled by ur fear from the Paris attacks
A phobia is AN EXTREME or irrational fear by some definitions. I see no need for extreme fear of it; it won't take over the world. Fouling things up, particularly itself, is one of its traits.
+Kvin Cast "Reasonable." As in, I'm a reasonable person, meaning I find dogmatic adherence to myths a frightening proposition because of what can/has been/will be done in the name of those myths.
I agree. However, I also think that this response is sometimes used by atheists on the Left who are trying to avoid offending Muslims. The problem of extremist violence and terrorism gets abstracted as a problem of religion generally, rather than primarily a problem of Islam specifically. Reasonable people should be able to acknowledge differences in trends and frequency. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali says in the video: one doesn't need to be a Christian in order to acknowledge the fact that all religions are not being practiced equally peacefully in the world today.
Chimfish I think muslims are just particulary vulnerable to radicalization due to many factors- some from the scripture, some outside of the religion aswell. Not so clear cut but it's a trend hard to miss indeed.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
Ayaan always makes me think that there must be more, almost certainly thousands of intelligent women desperate to break free from oppressive religiosity. I wish them all well and hope they find the courage and opportunity to do so, because the world needs more women like Ayaan, and probably more men like her too.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
wishcraft4u2 Forget the Muslim Brotherhood statement. That is less conclusive than I had previously thought. HOWEVER the term is still rubbish. It's definition makes no logical, consistent sense.
wishcraft4u2 My problem is with the definition of the word. Go read it and tell me what you think is wrong with it. Let's see if you can spot the problem.
I think everyone, on some level, wants to feel like the underdog, because so many of us grew up watching movies and hearing stories where the underdog is the hero, and subconsciously, we convince ourselves that the world is against us, but we will eventually show them all. This applies to Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, gays, blacks, whites, Latinos, nerds, jocks, men, women, young, old... anything that lets you say, "WE are having a hard time living in THEIR world." I can't count how many times I've heard from people in the Wiccan community saying that Wiccans are being persecuted by people who in reality probably have never even heard of us. The truth is that in Western countries, the only people genuinely repressed are poor people.
+Shawn Ravenfire That's something I have noticed. I once used the word, "Scandihoovian" to an older Danish man in Montreal. He told me not to use the word, because it is an ethnic slur. That white, middle class man had to really stretch to feel oppressed.
+Joel Lauri Actually, I was quoting my Swedish father. I asked how it was an ethnic slur. When he immigrated to Canada approx 40 years earlier, he would say he was Scandinavian and people would reply "Scandihoovian?", because a lot of people hadn't heard of Scandinavia. Not an ethnic slur; not even rude; just puzzlement and humour.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
ayan tells it like it is. I don't see many Muslims in the comment section because she knows what's shes talking about we need more somali women and men like her.
+Charles Belton She's a foreign black woman. According to them, the only person who has more authority in their world would be a gay foreign black woman. I think she will be ok. Hopefully they don't come out with the she doesn't even know she's being victimized BS.
Charles Belton Tassadarky ...Who can't point out to a single fucking thing that could possibly be misconstruded as... "projection"... because... reasons... like "it's projection because I say so."
@@jonjonboi3701 I disagree. When a person believes in something without any evidence to validate its existance? that in my eyes is NOT an 'intelligent' way to think. Its as basic and simple as that.
@@jonjonboi3701 Well, believing in something without a grain of proof/evidence sure as hell is NOT an intelligent way to behave or think, thats for sure. So I'm gonna stand by my original comment.
I've noticed that MANY younger white women tend to glamorize many aspects of Islam, such as the hijab. It's very strange...modern "feminism" has twisted itself inside and out, in my opinion.
Even as a self-identifying anti-theist, I would say there is an hostility towards muslims. And when people (including me) look at a woman in a niquab we look partly because of the curiosity of it, like she said, but also because we see it as sad that a culture would treat women like precious property lika that.
+Tobias Hagström There's hostility to anyone who's different. There's hostility to Mormon missionaries and to Jehovah Witnesses who go around knocking on doors. I'm not saying it's the same thing but in a country that is very religious, and has a religion that is evangelical, there is bound to be hostility to people many Americans see has heretics. Yes, Muslims experience hostility and religion has a lot to do with that hostility. Not just theirs, ours.
***** Funny how mostly women in conservative, patriarchical homes, cultures and societies seem to "choose" to wear really "modest" clothes", such as headscarfs, long dresses, niquab, burka, etc. If covering yourself up was such a dignified solution to the problems of objectification, you'd figrue more women would have caught up to it, or at least women in different societies. It's almost as if this whole "modesty" idea is forced on them/has been made a part of their antiquated traditions and thus identity, making them rationalize that is really what they want to tdo.
+Tobias Hagström For the record, I'm not one of these people who think that those kinds of clothes should be banned, although I don't think you necessarily have right wear them on your job if your job involves dealing with other people in such a way that not having a visible face makes everything awkward, or if you need to have your face identified by the police or something important like that.
+Liberty4ever niqab objectifies women as property. its justification is that women are like pieces of meat and so they must be hidden from the world. it's stupid 6th century mentality of an insecure psychopath.
She's right. Like she always is. I have been teaching for 33 years and I have seen an odd shift in society to this "defensive" position in the face of an "offensive" situation and the truth has now become hate-speech. A portion of anxiety in children comes from being surrounded by adults who aren't calling a spade a spade. This not only skews a child's inner compass between right and wrong....they are teaching them to LIE. They aren't saying the truth! Consequently, it becomes stressful for young people to navigate the world if anything other than womb-like situations are given to them. The Muslim world is built on this from the very first chapter of the Quran. What is a kuffar? We are the "liars" and the "deceivers" but really, we are the ones pointing out the truth about Islam and they literally cannot tolerate it. This babying of the human mind has got to go. Islam is particularly bad for this but we have it to a smaller degree as well. Because our society is more evolved, we need to set the example and be the proper adults first. This Hijra they are doing into our country needs to be met with a massive WAVE of knowledge/education, logic, critical thinking, resiliency and self-empowerment. If people who are marginalized, side with Islam (which teaches not only victimization but goes one further and places blame of one's actions on other people) then our entire progress will be too slow; worst case scenario, Islam wins. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is opening the door for critical thinking, empowerment, conversation, the truth and the only way to truly fix this. If we all say "send them back" what's going to happen is that Islam is going to continue to fester in human society (just elsewhere) and continually break its confines of the Middle East when they feel strong enough and they will continue to try to establish a global caliphate, forever. It is time to rid humanity of this ideology that is Islam and the only way to do it, is to fight it with the truth. Point out the hypocrisy, dualism, inaccuracies etc. and never back down. Ms. Ali is leading the way. We have to do it too.
"بدأ الإسلام غريباً وسيعود غريباً كما بدأ، فطوبى للغرباء" اللهم صل وسلم على محمد "Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began so give glad tidings to the strangers" Hadith from our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The idea that Muslim women cover their bodies to avoid attracting attention is rooted in the principle of modesty in Islam. However, when they live in societies where such attire is uncommon, the hijab or full-body covering can indeed draw more attention than intended. This apparent contradiction highlights the complex interplay between cultural norms and religious practices. It's important to understand that for many Muslim women, covering is a deeply personal and spiritual choice, not merely a social one. In Islam, both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly, but the expectations differ based on cultural, social, and religious interpretations. Men are generally required to cover from the navel to the knees, and they are also encouraged to dress modestly, avoiding overly tight or revealing clothing. The reason women cover more extensively, including the head and sometimes the entire body, is tied to interpretations of modesty specific to women. These interpretations are based on Islamic teachings that emphasize safeguarding a woman's modesty and dignity, which some believe requires more extensive covering. Cultural and historical factors have also shaped these practices, where different expectations for men and women have evolved. However, it's important to note that interpretations and practices of modesty can vary widely among Muslim communities, and not all Muslim women cover in the same way. Similarly, some Muslim men may adopt more modest dress depending on their cultural or religious context. In every culture, there are specific dress codes and etiquette that dictate what is considered appropriate attire for different genders and situations. In Islam, the practice of women covering their bodies is part of a broader cultural and religious framework that emphasizes modesty for both men and women. While men and women have different expectations, this is not unique to Islam-most cultures have different dress codes for men and women, often shaped by historical, social, and religious influences.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a brave strong woman we need way more people standing up against the dark and racists and sexists thoughts of millions of muslims world wide .
3:30 If you're victimized in America, then how would you survive the rest of the world?? Well said and I'm not saying there aren't real problems in the US but the fact that here all citizens are the true global 1% can't be avoided.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
Ayaan has lived in The Netherlands and has seen Dutch Muslim women; only a small minority is covered head to toe in black. And I don't understand what victimhood of Muslims in the west has to do with victimhood of Christians in Muslim countries. Are we comparing suffering now? And why should a Western Muslim be made to suffer for the ordeals of the Christians in the east? Muslims are constantly being blamed for whatever shit other Muslims do in countries thousands of miles away. When the Paris bombings occurred, Muslims in America and Canada received death threats. Isn't the creation of 'muslim free zones' in the US a form of victimization of American Muslims?
+Afghan S It's not about victimhood, the point is you don't go to a country that oppresses you and people like you. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but for most people its not acceptable to discriminate someone based off looks or religion. Thing about it tho is you also have to remember how easy it is to interpret islam and the koran in a way that promotes violence. I haven't read much but both passages I did read from different parts essentially said 'those who go against islam and the laws of allah should be left alone as allah will deal with it in his own way. Now I know that goes against my point but the important thing to show is how much of a grey area this is but facts are facts and non-muslims don't join isis. People are scared and think avoiding muslims is the answer but as this video is pointing out the issue is with islam itself and some of it's core beliefs. How can normal people living in countrys like England, France and the US run away to Syria without some strong words of encouragement from the belief system that they wear raised with and think they're going to fight for? We need to look at this for what it is. Of course not all muslims are terrorists, but you have to look at why one would choose to be one.
wishcraft4u2 If you would read the whole interview you would see that she actually has a point. Islam has only one premise and goal- being the only and final religion. Try weasel around that. Everyone must and will submit to will of Allah. But thanks for the link, that was interesting read. I do not support military action, but the west have been fighting with their hands tied behind their backs for so long now. There's so many hidden plots and organizations funded by muslim countries in the west you can't even count them.
wishcraft4u2 I'm an atheist, why would any other religion be better? They just happen to be less prone to radicalization more tamed at this point. She doesn't want WW3, she wants Western world to recognize the problem not dig their heads in sand. Read the whole interview you linked, i tell you again. You think there isn't a real problem and threat in Europe right now? One day it might be too late and it will come to actual millitary conflict, if that hasn't happened already, since France, Russia etc. are already bombing Syria... Disclamer: I do not hate muslims or any group particulary, we are all humans on the same planet. But i sure as hell dislike religions Islam included. I am free to criticize ideology i find repulsive, buddy.
wishcraft4u2 Ok, tell me about those alternatives then, i'm listening. I did not know Bush has said such a thing, but it's very delusional or a very good PR stunt for US public... If people with mental health issues can't sign certain legal papers for themselves, why are they allowed to be the president of worlds largest military? "Every tyrant claimed they were just on the defense"- Come on, ancient nomads did not attack for defense. :D But ok, in newer era this is the case, i agree. Anyway as an european i have little to do with US foreign policy, but much to do with the threat of terrorism and mass imigration of people from who many think violence in defense of Islam is on many cases justified. Well, could never support a total war on muslims or anybody, but she does have a point in them being a threat does she not?
The problem is the fact that the Prophet decreed that he was to be the last prophet and that he said innovation is a sin. Meaning that in that moment the Koran could and can never change as the religions in the west had by bringing out the new testament. The Prophet in an instant forever froze his religion in that period of time
i agree with what she said about looking at someone dressed like that here in America. I look at women who are covered like that because its different and interesting. I would love to talk to them about where they are from because i have never been there. When i do make eye contact with someone, i smile so they hopefully feel at ease.
"They're not fair to everyone in islamic countries, so racism/discrimination in the US is not real." Great argument. Why expect better from and for ourselves when other countries are worse. -_-
I have Muslim friends in the states who had the police break into their houses at night, and had people spray paint 'go home, terrorists', etc., on their doors. This woman is on a completely different planet. This is like a video on victim-blaming 101.
'Faggy SJW'? Gawd, who abused you as a child? LOL, your page says you're a 'cis-gender, white male'. Oh, it all makes sense; you're just an angry, white teenager (or adult who hasn't grown up) who misdirects his anger towards the wrong things.
+Alex Wilson Well the thing is I could very well be everything you've said but I'm clearly not angry in the comment I wrote to you so you're obviously throwing me a red herring in hopes that I'll lose my shit and you can say "Look, you've just proven my point" but you don't have a point, you just took a shot in the dark and quote mined the shit joke on my page (Which is a creepy tactic. Do you do that with girls on facebook?) :D
I hovered over your name. That was all. :/ I'm not looking for you to lose your shit; I don't care about you, as much as you probably would like me to. Sorry.
well im a Muslim but i don't think Muslims are being discriminated or anything like that of course sometimes u encounter ignorant ppl who offend u but those ignorant f***s exist in every country i travel a lot because of business the friendliest and the most beautiful cuntry I have visited is Germany ♡
Some time with Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Alex Jones, and A Voice for Men would probably change her optimism about how people in the west view people from Muslim nations.
I'd be inclined to agree, however, for Ayaan, who saw people beheaded in the streets as a child, her father imprisoned by a dictator and various other horrible things she experienced in Somalia and Kenya, a group of vocal (however *mostly* non violent) individuals probably doesn't phase her. I think it's great that the west is open to different cultures and help them as human beings and not merely the culture they come from, but at the same time, I don't think it's helpful that some muslim immigrants have quite anti-western values yet at the same time wish to get the privileges of living in the West.
Brilliant rational thinking again Ayaan, I simply cannot feel any sympathy for people who intend to be different then complain because people look at them differently. Muslims need to understand times have changed, the west knows a lot more about Islam now and the two sets of claims, one of peace the other to attack those who are not Muslims do not wash anymore.
To whatever country I went for longer time, my first task was to learn about nation’s culture and customs. Second I have strive to adapt to that culture and customs and third I have showed respect to the host nation. If I wouldn’t do so I would be soon or later marginalized and spited.
I considered my father to be an islamophobe, then again he visited quitte a few of those islamic countries. Lot's of my friends sounds like they're islamophobic, which is wierd cause compared to other parts of the country, there are almost no muslims here...
This amounts to "it's worse elsewhere, therefore it is not happening here"; i'm surprised more people haven't noticed. I doubt she seriously thinks no one is victimised in the US either.
I feel that we were being taught as children to be accepting of different cultures just to have people from some of those cultures be unaccepting towards us. Really outright incredibly rude. I am referring to a Muslim woman with her daughter watching her behavior. How does someone come to another persons homeland and be rude to them without being provoked in any way? I can't imagine going to another country and being rude to the citizens that have families that have resided in that country for hundreds of years.
Her opinionology is truly meaningless. Who cares if atheist/Christians/Jews have it worst than Muslims here - didn't her mother teach her that pointing fingers to the other doesn't get you out of your trouble? I heard this story from a Danish cop in one radioshow: he stopped a brown young guy, and the guy was looking real angry at him. He asked him, why so much hate? And the guy told him, that this his 9th police stop today. The cop checked, and it really was. They got to talking, and the young guy was thinking about joining ISIS, because he felt as an alien in Europe, and he thought that he could be more okay there. What this lady was saying has nothing to do with any of this, and she's not helping by saying: "Well this guy should not feel so bad, otherwise why are muslims flocking here bla bla bla and the Jews have it worse in Iran or whatever blah".
As an Exmuslim, I have agreed with Ayan up till this point. One does not have to be the target of a massive conspiracy to be a victim, of the conspiracy of sorts where, let's say, Muslims are made to believe that the Jews are out to defeat them. You could be a victim in everyday life in the littlest of things, when someone asks you to "go back to your country" or to "stop speaking in Arabic" or "take that thing off your face, ninja". You might not be a victim of Islamophobia per se (what's so wrong with being afraid of Islam?) but you might just have been a victim of "anti-muslim bigotry". That is no "imaginary" victim-hood, Ayan; it is real discrimination and abuse at the hands of bigots and we would be ideologically blinded or emotionally invested (and usually both). However, that is no reason to live in perpetual fear of the threat of a conspiracy against you because of your creed, and then to subscribe to groups and group identities that affirm and prey on that vulnerability of yours, because then you have essentially victimized yourself, knowingly or otherwise, and that sense of victim-hood can be harnessed by others to control you, so that now you have truly become a victim... to ideology.
At first I thought this woman was not biased, but when she said christians are fleeing muslim countries I realized she doesn't know what she is talking about. Christians come to Egypt, Morocco, Dubai for vacations.
+maak Christians visit Muslim countries? That's your evidence that Christians are _not_ fleeing Muslim countries.? Would you accept _Americans visit Mexico, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico_ as evidence that millions of Latin Americans are _not_ migrating to the United States?
Your visual cortex is wired specifically to pay more attention to things that are out of the ordinary. It is therefore a salient observation and far from naive.
I kind of agree, I'm not going to say it doesn't happen like the lady said but it's not like seeing a lady dressed in all back is a new thing. In London that's common and I'd question someone who was staring. To compare the outfit to a cosplay outfit is bananas. Even at comicon a darth Vader costume is common and I'm sure after you have seen one it becomes normal. I believe the only way to move forward is to listen to the voices of people feeling like they are being oppressed to help discover the truth and not focus on the lies that helps people better off keep their heads in the sand.
I was going to point out that a woman in black hijab dresses looks like Vader comment is insensitive and childish but then I remembered referring the same type of women "ninjas" so, yeah...
She's right that people capitalise on the victim narrative, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of people _are_ prejudiced against muslims, or even just dark skinned people in general. Yes, as she says, muslims in the west are treated _way_ better than Christians in the middle east, but that's not a very high bar, to be honest.
+Joseph Carson Understandably, yes, she fears for her own life from Islamists who wish to silence anyone who voices the truth, especially from experience, about Islam.
I do not discount her observations from her own experiences, however, how can she suggest that Muslims in the west are not victimized? Following every jihadist terror attack there will be dozens of incidents in " the US alone - beatings, vandalism, fires, etc. (even in "nice guy" Canada!) - crimes are committed against Muslims who have nothing to do with an incident in Europe but simply because their religious affiliation is visible due to their dress or because they're seen leaving a Mosque. I agree that the Muslim world is much harsher to non-Muslims compared to how Muslims are treated in the west in general, but to ignore bad behavior committed against Muslims in the West or to suggest it's nothing seems patently WRONG.
What a ridiculous argument: "It's worse in other places, therefore nothing is wrong here." I've listened to and read Ayaan Hirsi Ali enough to know this is about 2/3 of any given argument she makes. Why people still listen to her is beyond me.
you don't have to be a genius to realize that this woman is very one sides and I have also noticed that big think only posts negative videos about Muslims which is quite disappointing considering the fact that it is supposed to be a neutral scientific channel but unfortunately it is far from that and is not different from any other channel that promotes religions phobia.
I am so disappointed by this video. I really like Ayaan, and her life-story is inspiring to all of us. However, this video is filled with non-arguments. "Muslims flock towards Christian states", I don't think this has as much to do with religion or ideology alone. Explaining mass migration is not that simple, and reducing it to states being Christian or Muslim is highly dishonest, especially coming from a figure such Ayaan Hirsi Ali. "If you can't survive victimization in Amercia you can't survive it anywhere else in the world", oh, well, I guess that makes it OK then. Sad stuff.
kobee See that's the problem. People that don't know the first thing about the philosophers, writers, poets, thinkers, political theorists, of the Muslim World allow themselves to make statements like yours. The thing is, like any religion, the literature on Islam is very vast, at times some of this literature is more widespread than the rest. There were Muslim feminist theorists in the late 19th century, why did that stop in the 70? War, Propaganda, deteriorating living standards, political humiliation, and oppression. These conditions and others lead to the popularity of Islamic literature that is not necessarily in the best interests of Muslims. That is what I am saying, Islam has a long, complex history. You can't lump all Muslims, and all Islamic literature into one group and say they cause something. And you certainly cannot use blanket statements such as "Islam hasn't evolved".
Liberal Pharaoh That all stopped in the 70's because of the Islamic revolution. They decided to take their religion more seriously. Islam devolved, so dramatically so quickly. And it fucked over promising nations like Iran and Afghanistan.
kobee Well first I don't know what "Islamic Revolution" you're speaking of, is it the Iranian Revolution? Is it the surge of islamists in Egypt (organized by Sadat) to fight the communists popularity? Anyway, it sounds like a symptom more than a cause. In addition, you cannot say "Islam has devolved quickly" after an event that happened in a specific country or geographic area. Running the risk of being a dualist here. there is a difference between Islam as practiced in different ways by different people and the concept of Islam as a religion, you can't confuse one with the other. The practices and beliefs of Muslims worldwide don't change at the same time either, of course you have an exchange of ideas, and influence from one geographical area to the other (I am thinking of the returning Mujahideen in the 90s from Afghanistan for instance)., but the general development of the different Islamic practices and beliefs will be dependent on regional developments. Which is why Islamic practices in Malaysia are different from those in KSA, and Islamic practices in Pakistan are different from those in Tunisia.
I agree with Ayann's comments about Muslim woman attracting attention. There is a Halah market where I live, frequented by both western people and Muslim women and men. Last summer the men looked just like western men with short sleeve shirts, shorts and sandels. The women were covered from head to toe. Many of them were sweating as this particular store was not air conditioned. The women certainly did attract lots of attention but it was negative. The underlying comments, made by western shoppers, ranged from pity for them to their stupidity for wearing such hot coverups in the heat. This is not modesty in any form nor is it in the Quran. Both sexes are only to dress modestly, yet I observed a great contrast between the men and women. If Western culture is so disgusting why are the men flocking there and blending in while setting their women and girls up for ridicule and speculation? I have heard it said that this is one way the men isolate their women from western women 's "disgusting" influences. If I had the opportunity to speak with a Muslim woman I would her ask who is causing prejudice against you? Who or what is behind this agenda? Let's be honest, it 's the Muslim women getting the negative attention and scrutiny not the men. Of course it frightens these women and keeps them more isolated.
Very interesting about the idea of victim-mongering. I'm not inclined to dismiss Islamophobia, but I'll not dismiss the objections entirely either. I think it is possible for discrimination and over-victimizing to both exist.
Methinks all the spoiled, whining teenagers on U.S. college campuses today claiming victim status need to watch this video & really take in the last statement: "In the freest society in the world, if you are victimized in America, goodness me. (smiles, then laughs) How would you survive in the rest of the world (still laughing, even harder at the embarrassing whiners)?
"If your victimized in America, goodness me, how would you survive the rest of the world?"
Beautifully put. Absolutely beautiful.
Notice how some people who live in the most tolerant countries with the least discrimination are the ones who are constantly complaining about being victims and oppressed.
bugbeemaine it’s because they haven’t heard the voices of the real oppressed, because those people can’t speak out, because those people will die and suffer if they do. So they believe their small issues are the pinnacle of oppression and the only thing wrong with the world.
Feminists these days think their personal comfortability should be catered to, that offence is the worst thing in the world, that disagreement is the upmost evil, and that offending religion is okay unless it’s a ‘brown people religion’. whilst many women all across the world want to finish school, be treated equal to a man and do the same things men do with out fear, do freely let their hair down and be seen. Many women want to choose their husband, many people want to love who the love, many people want to live in a world in which they can move up. But so many places won’t do these things to make things beautiful, and fair and equal because they prescribe to both a religious view of the world and also a misogynistic view. Western women don’t understand honour systems, and stoning and just how good we’ve got it. Women of the west remember that you are the most free, the most able to do and to be. We are not oppressed, we are liberated women.
I am not completely sure about that. What about all the African Americans that are born into ghettos and destroyed towns/cities that look more like third world countries than what we have been conditioned to believe America is.
@@woodman2855 America is a shocking place to be poor in
Underfireman still nothing compared to the real shit holes. Imagine being born into a caste in India where your job is to literally clean the literal shit holes, you can’t climb your way out of that system. In US ghettos, you still have the tools to escape same as everyone else, namely education, and if they would stop with the drugs and shooting each other for living on the wrong street, it wouldn’t be that bad at all.
Phobia is an irrational fear....fearing Islam is not irrational.
u think u know what fear is try to live in an invasion of ur country and then have radicals take part of ur lands while sending thousands of suicide bombers killing hundreds of thousands of ur people until there is no place u walk through hasn't been bombed, thats what fear it, u r now feeling it after America destroyed an entire country and make it the playground for terrirosts
+Karam M Islam has been ruining the world 1000 years before the USA even existed! Stop trying to make excuses for a terrible ideology.
+GN0MEz iraq was far more better than it is nowdays, I don't deny it had problems but it got nothing to do with 9/11 this war between civilization it was just sitting on loads of oil and dick chiney wanted it,, as long for Islam this hatred u carry is out of fear from the different yes u r right there were lots of killed in the name of Islam but that happened in every religion, ideology when people want work it to their benifit people who killed indigious people of America and Australia where Christians and used Bible verse to justify their acts should I say all Christianity and white people r bad and evil just becoz im different from?,, please notice im responding to what u to reach some where not just exchange accusations of who did the worst deed but the fact this is fuled by ur fear from the Paris attacks
A phobia is AN EXTREME or irrational fear by some definitions.
I see no need for extreme fear of it; it won't take over the world. Fouling things up, particularly itself, is one of its traits.
***** Well I don't want to live in a society with Muslims. Why is that inherently wrong?
I'm religionophobic.
me to, even if that words sounds awfull to say
try looking for a better word
+scheven architect I bet you're an ignorant bigot aswell! How dare you to stand against our Lord FSM!
+Kvin Cast "Reasonable." As in, I'm a reasonable person, meaning I find dogmatic adherence to myths a frightening proposition because of what can/has been/will be done in the name of those myths.
I agree. However, I also think that this response is sometimes used by atheists on the Left who are trying to avoid offending Muslims. The problem of extremist violence and terrorism gets abstracted as a problem of religion generally, rather than primarily a problem of Islam specifically. Reasonable people should be able to acknowledge differences in trends and frequency. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali says in the video: one doesn't need to be a Christian in order to acknowledge the fact that all religions are not being practiced equally peacefully in the world today.
Chimfish I think muslims are just particulary vulnerable to radicalization due to many factors- some from the scripture, some outside of the religion aswell. Not so clear cut but it's a trend hard to miss indeed.
Darth Vader fuckin' everything up AGAIN.
They dress their women that way in order to suppress them, and to make them into a form of PROPERTY.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words
You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth
It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways
We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level
My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
Ayaan always makes me think that there must be more, almost certainly thousands of intelligent women desperate to break free from oppressive religiosity. I wish them all well and hope they find the courage and opportunity to do so, because the world needs more women like Ayaan, and probably more men like her too.
As song born and brought up in a muslim country , there are millions of women who possess high intellectual capabilities .
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words
You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth
It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways
We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level
My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
"islamophobia" isn't a reality anywhere. It's definition is contradictory and inconsistent. It was a term made up by the Muslim Brotherhood.
+LeeboProductions Nice tin foil hat you have there.
Tassadarky The word "Islamophobia" is contradictory and inconsistent in it's definition. This is an empirical fact. No conspiracy theory needed.
Ps... I don't fear ideas. The definition conflates ideas and people. Go read it! It's shit.
wishcraft4u2 Forget the Muslim Brotherhood statement. That is less conclusive than I had previously thought. HOWEVER the term is still rubbish. It's definition makes no logical, consistent sense.
wishcraft4u2 My problem is with the definition of the word. Go read it and tell me what you think is wrong with it. Let's see if you can spot the problem.
I think everyone, on some level, wants to feel like the underdog, because so many of us grew up watching movies and hearing stories where the underdog is the hero, and subconsciously, we convince ourselves that the world is against us, but we will eventually show them all. This applies to Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists, gays, blacks, whites, Latinos, nerds, jocks, men, women, young, old... anything that lets you say, "WE are having a hard time living in THEIR world." I can't count how many times I've heard from people in the Wiccan community saying that Wiccans are being persecuted by people who in reality probably have never even heard of us. The truth is that in Western countries, the only people genuinely repressed are poor people.
True if you can convince yourself you are oppressed, then all your failures and charcter flaws are no longer your fault, in your own mind.
+Shawn Ravenfire That's something I have noticed. I once used the word, "Scandihoovian" to an older Danish man in Montreal. He told me not to use the word, because it is an ethnic slur. That white, middle class man had to really stretch to feel oppressed.
+Joel Lauri Actually, I was quoting my Swedish father. I asked how it was an ethnic slur. When he immigrated to Canada approx 40 years earlier, he would say he was Scandinavian and people would reply "Scandihoovian?", because a lot of people hadn't heard of Scandinavia. Not an ethnic slur; not even rude; just puzzlement and humour.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words
You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth
It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways
We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level
My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
Coming from someone who spent their life on the inside, and is viewing the larger context from that, we need to listen closely.
"Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted when I am contracted. "
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words
You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth
It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways
We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level
My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
So many dislikes from so many ignorant
+Liberty4ever what are you talking about?
+Liberty4ever but you are right i lack knowledge about her but still she made some great points
+Liberty4ever that muslim play the victim card
+Liberty4ever ad hominem?
+Liberty4ever what is the point to have more freedom when i have plenty enough?
Ayann, you a brave,smart woman. Keep up the excellent work by speaking the truth.I wish I could hear you debate Linda Sarsour.
ayan tells it like it is. I don't see many Muslims in the comment section because she knows what's shes talking about we need more somali women and men like her.
***** im talking in terms of what she knows about islam.
Wow, I never thought I would hear a message like that on this channel, ten points and a thumbs up.
Nail on the head
+Charles Belton She's a foreign black woman. According to them, the only person who has more authority in their world would be a gay foreign black woman. I think she will be ok. Hopefully they don't come out with the she doesn't even know she's being victimized BS.
+Gotwired You forgot that those cunts are the very embodiment of hypocrisy: Only a foreign black woman *that agrees with them on everything* counts.
+Charles Belton +Gotwired +TheMiracleMatter Nice projection.
Charles Belton Tassadarky
...Who can't point out to a single fucking thing that could possibly be misconstruded as... "projection"... because... reasons... like "it's projection because I say so."
+Tassadarky U PC Brah?
Very interesting points
you look like you walked of a darth vader set....thats brilliant!
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a hero of humanity. God bless her ... Wait ...
'I'm not a christian. I'm an Athiest'. THAT tells you AND proves just how 'intelligent' Ayaan is.
Atheism doesn’t automatically make someone intelligent or smarter
@@jonjonboi3701 I disagree. When a person believes in something without any evidence to validate its existance? that in my eyes is NOT an 'intelligent' way to think. Its as basic and simple as that.
@@jonjonboi3701 Well, believing in something without a grain of proof/evidence sure as hell is NOT an intelligent way to behave or think, thats for sure. So I'm gonna stand by my original comment.
Thank you for posting this, Big Think! 😀
carlos duarte 😂
I've noticed that MANY younger white women tend to glamorize many aspects of Islam, such as the hijab. It's very strange...modern "feminism" has twisted itself inside and out, in my opinion.
I have to admit that every time I see a woman walk by in the full black burka, The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) begins playing in my mind.
What a Woman. She is very brave I think she should get the 'Nobel Prize' respect to her.
Even as a self-identifying anti-theist, I would say there is an hostility towards muslims. And when people (including me) look at a woman in a niquab we look partly because of the curiosity of it, like she said, but also because we see it as sad that a culture would treat women like precious property lika that.
+Tobias Hagström There's hostility to anyone who's different. There's hostility to Mormon missionaries and to Jehovah Witnesses who go around knocking on doors. I'm not saying it's the same thing but in a country that is very religious, and has a religion that is evangelical, there is bound to be hostility to people many Americans see has heretics. Yes, Muslims experience hostility and religion has a lot to do with that hostility. Not just theirs, ours.
Funny how mostly women in conservative, patriarchical homes, cultures and societies seem to "choose" to wear really "modest" clothes", such as headscarfs, long dresses, niquab, burka, etc. If covering yourself up was such a dignified solution to the problems of objectification, you'd figrue more women would have caught up to it, or at least women in different societies. It's almost as if this whole "modesty" idea is forced on them/has been made a part of their antiquated traditions and thus identity, making them rationalize that is really what they want to tdo.
+Liberty4ever The purpose of the niqab is to hide your body from other men, objectified they already are.
+Tobias Hagström For the record, I'm not one of these people who think that those kinds of clothes should be banned, although I don't think you necessarily have right wear them on your job if your job involves dealing with other people in such a way that not having a visible face makes everything awkward, or if you need to have your face identified by the police or something important like that.
+Liberty4ever niqab objectifies women as property. its justification is that women are like pieces of meat and so they must be hidden from the world. it's stupid 6th century mentality of an insecure psychopath.
"You look like you came off a darts Vader set" hahaha that was great
She's right. Like she always is. I have been teaching for 33 years and I have seen an odd shift in society to this "defensive" position in the face of an "offensive" situation and the truth has now become hate-speech. A portion of anxiety in children comes from being surrounded by adults who aren't calling a spade a spade. This not only skews a child's inner compass between right and wrong....they are teaching them to LIE. They aren't saying the truth! Consequently, it becomes stressful for young people to navigate the world if anything other than womb-like situations are given to them. The Muslim world is built on this from the very first chapter of the Quran. What is a kuffar? We are the "liars" and the "deceivers" but really, we are the ones pointing out the truth about Islam and they literally cannot tolerate it. This babying of the human mind has got to go. Islam is particularly bad for this but we have it to a smaller degree as well. Because our society is more evolved, we need to set the example and be the proper adults first. This Hijra they are doing into our country needs to be met with a massive WAVE of knowledge/education, logic, critical thinking, resiliency and self-empowerment. If people who are marginalized, side with Islam (which teaches not only victimization but goes one further and places blame of one's actions on other people) then our entire progress will be too slow; worst case scenario, Islam wins. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is opening the door for critical thinking, empowerment, conversation, the truth and the only way to truly fix this. If we all say "send them back" what's going to happen is that Islam is going to continue to fester in human society (just elsewhere) and continually break its confines of the Middle East when they feel strong enough and they will continue to try to establish a global caliphate, forever. It is time to rid humanity of this ideology that is Islam and the only way to do it, is to fight it with the truth. Point out the hypocrisy, dualism, inaccuracies etc. and never back down. Ms. Ali is leading the way. We have to do it too.
She said”look like u came off a darts Vader set I’m dead 🤣
This is such an important message. Really well stated.
+Liberty4ever Exactly.
"بدأ الإسلام غريباً وسيعود غريباً كما بدأ، فطوبى للغرباء"
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد
"Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began so give glad tidings to the strangers"
Hadith from our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
+MohaAlraed fuck islam
Big Think has uploaded 2 consecutive videos containing good, rational points. Never thought I'd see the day... O.O
I just love this woman! Just proud so see a somali woman this much awake!!!!🙏❤❤❤
You have no idea what i have been through for being an atheist in Yemen.
You ma'am are an inspiration
Ayaan is so brilliant. I'm in awe each time I hear her speak.
The idea that Muslim women cover their bodies to avoid attracting attention is rooted in the principle of modesty in Islam. However, when they live in societies where such attire is uncommon, the hijab or full-body covering can indeed draw more attention than intended. This apparent contradiction highlights the complex interplay between cultural norms and religious practices. It's important to understand that for many Muslim women, covering is a deeply personal and spiritual choice, not merely a social one.
In Islam, both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly, but the expectations differ based on cultural, social, and religious interpretations. Men are generally required to cover from the navel to the knees, and they are also encouraged to dress modestly, avoiding overly tight or revealing clothing.
The reason women cover more extensively, including the head and sometimes the entire body, is tied to interpretations of modesty specific to women. These interpretations are based on Islamic teachings that emphasize safeguarding a woman's modesty and dignity, which some believe requires more extensive covering.
Cultural and historical factors have also shaped these practices, where different expectations for men and women have evolved. However, it's important to note that interpretations and practices of modesty can vary widely among Muslim communities, and not all Muslim women cover in the same way. Similarly, some Muslim men may adopt more modest dress depending on their cultural or religious context.
In every culture, there are specific dress codes and etiquette that dictate what is considered appropriate attire for different genders and situations. In Islam, the practice of women covering their bodies is part of a broader cultural and religious framework that emphasizes modesty for both men and women. While men and women have different expectations, this is not unique to Islam-most cultures have different dress codes for men and women, often shaped by historical, social, and religious influences.
All that comes to mind is a warm thank you for bringing this topic up.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a brave strong woman we need way more people standing up against the dark and racists and sexists thoughts of millions of muslims world wide .
3:30 If you're victimized in America, then how would you survive the rest of the world?? Well said and I'm not saying there aren't real problems in the US but the fact that here all citizens are the true global 1% can't be avoided.
As Muslim women I shocked how far she is lie , I know people want to believe her as person who act as victim go away to western cultures and countries but she is lair even about her past , and I read a lot of lie about Islam she said as that Islam force Muslim women to marry and she even act as she runaway from forced marriage and she fired from Netherland because of this lie , so who in his brain will believe a person who actually lair if they are not blind from heat ?! And anyone with real sense will know even her talk about Muslims are too over and completely from heat , so she is extremist herself and use her real nationality as a way to make Muslim haters love her and believe her words
You can lie to yourself and believe everything she said because you love it but who really search in all sides will find the truth
It’s sad that people as her find a chance to look as hero by this ways
We Muslims whatever you love our or not never need you or your accept the hate actually hurt you more when you choose to believe in hate or attack anyone to this level
My Allah help all honest searcher for right to find the way
Ayaan has lived in The Netherlands and has seen Dutch Muslim women; only a small minority is covered head to toe in black. And I don't understand what victimhood of Muslims in the west has to do with victimhood of Christians in Muslim countries. Are we comparing suffering now? And why should a Western Muslim be made to suffer for the ordeals of the Christians in the east? Muslims are constantly being blamed for whatever shit other Muslims do in countries thousands of miles away. When the Paris bombings occurred, Muslims in America and Canada received death threats. Isn't the creation of 'muslim free zones' in the US a form of victimization of American Muslims?
+Afghan You clearly did not watch the video close enough, try again. You are doing exaclty what Ayaan talked about...
+Afghan S It's not about victimhood, the point is you don't go to a country that oppresses you and people like you. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but for most people its not acceptable to discriminate someone based off looks or religion.
Thing about it tho is you also have to remember how easy it is to interpret islam and the koran in a way that promotes violence. I haven't read much but both passages I did read from different parts essentially said 'those who go against islam and the laws of allah should be left alone as allah will deal with it in his own way. Now I know that goes against my point but the important thing to show is how much of a grey area this is but facts are facts and non-muslims don't join isis. People are scared and think avoiding muslims is the answer but as this video is pointing out the issue is with islam itself and some of it's core beliefs. How can normal people living in countrys like England, France and the US run away to Syria without some strong words of encouragement from the belief system that they wear raised with and think they're going to fight for?
We need to look at this for what it is. Of course not all muslims are terrorists, but you have to look at why one would choose to be one.
wishcraft4u2 If you would read the whole interview you would see that she actually has a point. Islam has only one premise and goal- being the only and final religion. Try weasel around that. Everyone must and will submit to will of Allah.
But thanks for the link, that was interesting read. I do not support military action, but the west have been fighting with their hands tied behind their backs for so long now. There's so many hidden plots and organizations funded by muslim countries in the west you can't even count them.
wishcraft4u2 I'm an atheist, why would any other religion be better? They just happen to be less prone to radicalization more tamed at this point.
She doesn't want WW3, she wants Western world to recognize the problem not dig their heads in sand. Read the whole interview you linked, i tell you again. You think there isn't a real problem and threat in Europe right now? One day it might be too late and it will come to actual millitary conflict, if that hasn't happened already, since France, Russia etc. are already bombing Syria...
Disclamer: I do not hate muslims or any group particulary, we are all humans on the same planet. But i sure as hell dislike religions Islam included. I am free to criticize ideology i find repulsive, buddy.
wishcraft4u2 Ok, tell me about those alternatives then, i'm listening.
I did not know Bush has said such a thing, but it's very delusional or a very good PR stunt for US public... If people with mental health issues can't sign certain legal papers for themselves, why are they allowed to be the president of worlds largest military?
"Every tyrant claimed they were just on the defense"- Come on, ancient nomads did not attack for defense. :D But ok, in newer era this is the case, i agree.
Anyway as an european i have little to do with US foreign policy, but much to do with the threat of terrorism and mass imigration of people from who many think violence in defense of Islam is on many cases justified.
Well, could never support a total war on muslims or anybody, but she does have a point in them being a threat does she not?
The problem is the fact that the Prophet decreed that he was to be the last prophet and that he said innovation is a sin. Meaning that in that moment the Koran could and can never change as the religions in the west had by bringing out the new testament. The Prophet in an instant forever froze his religion in that period of time
She is a genius . Perpetual victim mindset. It just shows how ones beliefs truly shape the world they live in .
I'm Islamophobic. I'm also Christianity-phobic, Judaismo-phobic, Dogmatismophobic and Fascismophobic.
I guess I'm just extremely bigotted.
One of my high school's English class actually makes students to read an autobiography of how difficult and oppressing a muslim's life is in USA.
i agree with what she said about looking at someone dressed like that here in America. I look at women who are covered like that because its different and interesting. I would love to talk to them about where they are from because i have never been there. When i do make eye contact with someone, i smile so they hopefully feel at ease.
I highly appreciate your views,
I wish we could all accept a society that is based on rationality, objective observation and equality.
"They're not fair to everyone in islamic countries, so racism/discrimination in the US is not real." Great argument. Why expect better from and for ourselves when other countries are worse. -_-
I have Muslim friends in the states who had the police break into their houses at night, and had people spray paint 'go home, terrorists', etc., on their doors. This woman is on a completely different planet. This is like a video on victim-blaming 101.
'Faggy SJW'? Gawd, who abused you as a child? LOL, your page says you're a 'cis-gender, white male'. Oh, it all makes sense; you're just an angry, white teenager (or adult who hasn't grown up) who misdirects his anger towards the wrong things.
+Alex Wilson Well the thing is I could very well be everything you've said but I'm clearly not angry in the comment I wrote to you so you're obviously throwing me a red herring in hopes that I'll lose my shit and you can say "Look, you've just proven my point" but you don't have a point, you just took a shot in the dark and quote mined the shit joke on my page (Which is a creepy tactic. Do you do that with girls on facebook?) :D
I hovered over your name. That was all. :/ I'm not looking for you to lose your shit; I don't care about you, as much as you probably would like me to. Sorry.
Alex Wilson Of course you care. Look at you trying to portray me as wanting for you to care. :D
*Rubs temples*
any other chanells like this? this channel is great i love it
well im a Muslim but i don't think Muslims are being discriminated or anything like that of course sometimes u encounter ignorant ppl who offend u but those ignorant f***s exist in every country
i travel a lot because of business the friendliest and the most beautiful cuntry I have visited is Germany ♡
Some time with Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Alex Jones, and A Voice for Men would probably change her optimism about how people in the west view people from Muslim nations.
I'd be inclined to agree, however, for Ayaan, who saw people beheaded in the streets as a child, her father imprisoned by a dictator and various other horrible things she experienced in Somalia and Kenya, a group of vocal (however *mostly* non violent) individuals probably doesn't phase her. I think it's great that the west is open to different cultures and help them as human beings and not merely the culture they come from, but at the same time, I don't think it's helpful that some muslim immigrants have quite anti-western values yet at the same time wish to get the privileges of living in the West.
Brilliant rational thinking again Ayaan, I simply cannot feel any sympathy for people who intend to be different then complain because people look at them differently. Muslims need to understand times have changed, the west knows a lot more about Islam now and the two sets of claims, one of peace the other to attack those who are not Muslims do not wash anymore.
To whatever country I went for longer time, my first task was to learn about nation’s culture and customs. Second I have strive to adapt to that culture and customs and third I have showed respect to the host nation.
If I wouldn’t do so I would be soon or later marginalized and spited.
I considered my father to be an islamophobe, then again he visited quitte a few of those islamic countries. Lot's of my friends sounds like they're islamophobic, which is wierd cause compared to other parts of the country, there are almost no muslims here...
She's absolutely brillant ,every word is truth because she knows what's she's taking about.
@Fatima Aziz yeah right ...
She is right, this is a strong woman.
This amounts to "it's worse elsewhere, therefore it is not happening here"; i'm surprised more people haven't noticed. I doubt she seriously thinks no one is victimised in the US either.
I feel that we were being taught as children to be accepting of different cultures just to have people from some of those cultures be unaccepting towards us. Really outright incredibly rude. I am referring to a Muslim woman with her daughter watching her behavior. How does someone come to another persons homeland and be rude to them without being provoked in any way? I can't imagine going to another country and being rude to the citizens that have families that have resided in that country for hundreds of years.
If saying they resemble Darth Vader isn't villainizing . I don't know what is.
Ayan Hirsi Ali is one of my favorite heroes of humanity.
Her opinionology is truly meaningless. Who cares if atheist/Christians/Jews have it worst than Muslims here - didn't her mother teach her that pointing fingers to the other doesn't get you out of your trouble? I heard this story from a Danish cop in one radioshow: he stopped a brown young guy, and the guy was looking real angry at him. He asked him, why so much hate? And the guy told him, that this his 9th police stop today. The cop checked, and it really was. They got to talking, and the young guy was thinking about joining ISIS, because he felt as an alien in Europe, and he thought that he could be more okay there. What this lady was saying has nothing to do with any of this, and she's not helping by saying: "Well this guy should not feel so bad, otherwise why are muslims flocking here bla bla bla and the Jews have it worse in Iran or whatever blah".
Her last sentence was GOLDEN.
As an Exmuslim, I have agreed with Ayan up till this point. One does not have to be the target of a massive conspiracy to be a victim, of the conspiracy of sorts where, let's say, Muslims are made to believe that the Jews are out to defeat them. You could be a victim in everyday life in the littlest of things, when someone asks you to "go back to your country" or to "stop speaking in Arabic" or "take that thing off your face, ninja". You might not be a victim of Islamophobia per se (what's so wrong with being afraid of Islam?) but you might just have been a victim of "anti-muslim bigotry". That is no "imaginary" victim-hood, Ayan; it is real discrimination and abuse at the hands of bigots and we would be ideologically blinded or emotionally invested (and usually both). However, that is no reason to live in perpetual fear of the threat of a conspiracy against you because of your creed, and then to subscribe to groups and group identities that affirm and prey on that vulnerability of yours, because then you have essentially victimized yourself, knowingly or otherwise, and that sense of victim-hood can be harnessed by others to control you, so that now you have truly become a victim... to ideology.
The most beautiful lady in the world ❤️❤️❤️
My hero, every woman's hero
At first I thought this woman was not biased, but when she said christians are fleeing muslim countries I realized she doesn't know what she is talking about. Christians come to Egypt, Morocco, Dubai for vacations.
+maak Christians visit Muslim countries? That's your evidence that Christians are _not_ fleeing Muslim countries.? Would you accept _Americans visit Mexico, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico_ as evidence that millions of Latin Americans are _not_ migrating to the United States?
Saying that people look at them because they might be interesting is naive.
+vitto IF it is different it is interesting or at least catches your attention. So it not naive it is true.
Your visual cortex is wired specifically to pay more attention to things that are out of the ordinary. It is therefore a salient observation and far from naive.
I kind of agree, I'm not going to say it doesn't happen like the lady said but it's not like seeing a lady dressed in all back is a new thing. In London that's common and I'd question someone who was staring.
To compare the outfit to a cosplay outfit is bananas. Even at comicon a darth Vader costume is common and I'm sure after you have seen one it becomes normal.
I believe the only way to move forward is to listen to the voices of people feeling like they are being oppressed to help discover the truth and not focus on the lies that helps people better off keep their heads in the sand.
That's London though she talking about the US where it is fairly rare.
Brett Palmer is it really rare? if so fair enough.
I'm an islamophobe and I'm damn proud.
+capitan Turbo Ners Be better.
At least she has some common sense and honesty--regarding the social and political factors.
I do not have an irrational fear of Islam. My fear is very much justified
"You are dressed as if you have walked off a Darth Vader set." Ayaan: spot on as usual!
I was going to point out that a woman in black hijab dresses looks like Vader comment is insensitive and childish but then I remembered referring the same type of women "ninjas" so, yeah...
Thanks big think for being one of the only media outlets publishing something like this
I absolutely love this woman, well said Ayan.
She's right that people capitalise on the victim narrative, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of people _are_ prejudiced against muslims, or even just dark skinned people in general. Yes, as she says, muslims in the west are treated _way_ better than Christians in the middle east, but that's not a very high bar, to be honest.
"Darth Vader", I love it! Maybe Islam is the like the death star.
I sometimes wonder if a small amount of fear is showing in her voice. She is smart, courageous and strong.
+Joseph Carson Understandably, yes, she fears for her own life from Islamists who wish to silence anyone who voices the truth, especially from experience, about Islam.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a great person and and awsome mind!
Hooray! Aayan is back!!!
I do not discount her observations from her own experiences, however, how can she suggest that Muslims in the west are not victimized? Following every jihadist terror attack there will be dozens of incidents in " the US alone - beatings, vandalism, fires, etc. (even in "nice guy" Canada!) - crimes are committed against Muslims who have nothing to do with an incident in Europe but simply because their religious affiliation is visible due to their dress or because they're seen leaving a Mosque.
I agree that the Muslim world is much harsher to non-Muslims compared to how Muslims are treated in the west in general, but to ignore bad behavior committed against Muslims in the West or to suggest it's nothing seems patently WRONG.
I think to measure the reality of islamophobia worldwide, checkin'the comments under a video that talks about islam will give any of us enough insight
looks like people didn't go through the whole video.
What a ridiculous argument: "It's worse in other places, therefore nothing is wrong here." I've listened to and read Ayaan Hirsi Ali enough to know this is about 2/3 of any given argument she makes. Why people still listen to her is beyond me.
For every church or synagogue that the Saudis allow to be built in Saudi Arabia we will allow a mosque to be built in the UK.
you don't have to be a genius to realize that this woman is very one sides and I have also noticed that big think only posts negative videos about Muslims which is quite disappointing considering the fact that it is supposed to be a neutral scientific channel but unfortunately it is far from that and is not different from any other channel that promotes religions phobia.
I am so disappointed by this video. I really like Ayaan, and her life-story is inspiring to all of us. However, this video is filled with non-arguments. "Muslims flock towards Christian states", I don't think this has as much to do with religion or ideology alone. Explaining mass migration is not that simple, and reducing it to states being Christian or Muslim is highly dishonest, especially coming from a figure such Ayaan Hirsi Ali. "If you can't survive victimization in Amercia you can't survive it anywhere else in the world", oh, well, I guess that makes it OK then. Sad stuff.
+Liberal Pharaoh Yes it does. Christianity has evolved. Islam hasn't. That's why she is for the reformation of Islam.
kobee See that's the problem. People that don't know the first thing about the philosophers, writers, poets, thinkers, political theorists, of the Muslim World allow themselves to make statements like yours. The thing is, like any religion, the literature on Islam is very vast, at times some of this literature is more widespread than the rest. There were Muslim feminist theorists in the late 19th century, why did that stop in the 70? War, Propaganda, deteriorating living standards, political humiliation, and oppression. These conditions and others lead to the popularity of Islamic literature that is not necessarily in the best interests of Muslims. That is what I am saying, Islam has a long, complex history. You can't lump all Muslims, and all Islamic literature into one group and say they cause something. And you certainly cannot use blanket statements such as "Islam hasn't evolved".
Liberal Pharaoh That all stopped in the 70's because of the Islamic revolution. They decided to take their religion more seriously. Islam devolved, so dramatically so quickly. And it fucked over promising nations like Iran and Afghanistan.
kobee Well first I don't know what "Islamic Revolution" you're speaking of, is it the Iranian Revolution? Is it the surge of islamists in Egypt (organized by Sadat) to fight the communists popularity?
Anyway, it sounds like a symptom more than a cause. In addition, you cannot say "Islam has devolved quickly" after an event that happened in a specific country or geographic area. Running the risk of being a dualist here. there is a difference between Islam as practiced in different ways by different people and the concept of Islam as a religion, you can't confuse one with the other.
The practices and beliefs of Muslims worldwide don't change at the same time either, of course you have an exchange of ideas, and influence from one geographical area to the other (I am thinking of the returning Mujahideen in the 90s from Afghanistan for instance)., but the general development of the different Islamic practices and beliefs will be dependent on regional developments. Which is why Islamic practices in Malaysia are different from those in KSA, and Islamic practices in Pakistan are different from those in Tunisia.
This is what a real feminist looks like
I agree with Ayann's comments about Muslim woman attracting attention. There is a Halah market where I live, frequented by both western people and Muslim women and men. Last summer the men looked just like western men with short sleeve shirts, shorts and sandels. The women were covered from head to toe. Many of them were sweating as this particular store was not air conditioned. The women certainly did attract lots of attention but it was negative. The underlying comments, made by western shoppers, ranged from pity for them to their stupidity for wearing such hot coverups in the heat. This is not modesty in any form nor is it in the Quran. Both sexes are only to dress modestly, yet I observed a great contrast between the men and women. If Western culture is so disgusting why are the men flocking there and blending in while setting their women and girls up for ridicule and speculation? I have heard it said that this is one way the men isolate their women from western women 's "disgusting" influences. If I had the opportunity to speak with a Muslim woman I would her ask who is causing prejudice against you? Who or what is behind this agenda? Let's be honest, it 's the Muslim women getting the negative attention and scrutiny not the men. Of course it frightens these women and keeps them more isolated.
Very interesting about the idea of victim-mongering. I'm not inclined to dismiss Islamophobia, but I'll not dismiss the objections entirely either. I think it is possible for discrimination and over-victimizing to both exist.
Also, the way I see it, if you worship the god of Abraham, then you have no right to call yourself a religious minority in America.
Methinks all the spoiled, whining teenagers on U.S. college campuses today claiming victim status need to watch this video & really take in the last statement: "In the freest society in the world, if you are victimized in America, goodness me. (smiles, then laughs) How would you survive in the rest of the world (still laughing, even harder at the embarrassing whiners)?
perfectly articulated
Everywhere and anywhere anyone is being victimized.
2 terms "attractive" and "sexually attractive". if you can't differentiate the 2, you don't understand the purpose of veil at 1st place
+m famen Please enlighten us....
What a great strong woman. Listen up people.
I already loved her but now she's referencing Star Wars I'm head over heels.
She is my favorite Feminist. The last line had me chuckling.
Walked off a Darth Vader set lol!
When I muslim women I do jokingly ask the person I'm with if they're filming the new episode of Star Wars here :)
smartest person i hav ever listened 2. this shud b the test. show em this vid, if they agree, citizenship, if they dont, bullet
The World Would Be A Better Place Without Religion
Sorry Silicon. Didn't intend to steal that from you...
Well this is a particularly percipient author. Excellent.